A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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GOP Lawmakers Press Biden-Harris Admin Over Alleged Cover-Up Behind Major Fossil Fuel Crackdown
Forty-five GOP lawmakers are demanding answers from the Department of Energy (DOE) after a government watchdog group accused the agency of covering up a key study that would have interfered with one of the Biden-Harris administration’s most aggressive crackdowns on fossil fuels.
The lawmakers wrote to Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm on Thursday to address a watchdog’s allegations that her agency conducted or drafted — and then quietly buried — a study on the emissions impacts of liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports in 2023 before pausing approvals for certain LNG export terminals in January on the grounds that the agency needed to conduct such a review. Government Accountability and Oversight (GAO), the watchdog making the allegations, is suing the agency under public records law to obtain the thousands of pages DOE concedes may fit GAO’s specific request searching for the 2023 study that the agency allegedly buried because it was producing politically inconvenient conclusions, as first reported by the Daily Caller News Foundation.
With a lot of EV fires you sigh and think the battery was probably not well made, especially when they occur on Scooters, bikes or mass produced Chinese vehicles. So this is worrying as it happened to a Mercedes.
Researchers are making progress on battery components that will not have the characteristic of going up in flames. Expect these will appear in 5 to 7 years, likely in high-end autos first. Unfortunatily, millions of e-bikes**, scooters, and other small e-mobility devices will haunt the world for years to come. Think Thalidomide.
**I’m told in the smaller devices the components often are poorly made. One should stick with the “top-of-the-line” companies. I own a couple of power tools and a cell phone with only minor worry.
If Green Energy is the Future, Bring a Fire Extinguisher
By Steve Goreham
Even with a price tag, our renewables future is already broken
Broken Hill has been in a semi-permanent state of blackout since a storm brought down a transmission line. Its plight exposes the gap between the promise of renewable energy and what it actually delivers.
NICK CATER Columnist
The Silverton Wind Farm and Broken Hill Solar plant were supposed to produce enough electricity to power 117,000 homes. They’re supported by AGL’s 50MWh battery facility at Pinnacles Place, one of the largest in Australia. Yet Broken Hill, population 19,000, has been in a semi-permanent state of blackout since a storm brought down the transmission line connecting the town to the east coast grid.
Broken Hill’s plight exposes the gap between the promise of renewable energy and what it actually delivers. AGL claimed its battery would ensure a reliable electricity supply to the town if the transmission lines went down. The combination of wind, solar and storage would allow Broken Hill to operate on a renewable microgrid until its connection to the outside world was restored.
Yet the battery wasn’t switched on until Friday. Diesel generators are being used to recharge it because the wind and solar generators are disconnected from the rest of the grid.
Broken Hill: Powerless and left to live like mushrooms
This wouldn’t happen in Melbourne or any part of Sydney. If the power went out in Parliament House, Canberra, they’d use all the power in Broken Hill within an hour, ‘cos they’d say it was worth it.
I’m writing this on my phone. I’ve never done that before. I always write on a keyboard – old school, as my kids would say. But necessity is the mother of invention – and its sibling, lunacy.
My phone has 14 per cent of power left. I can’t charge it. The reason is because the town in which I live, Broken Hill, has been in blackout for five days.
A storm came through last week that was so ferocious it crushed the towers that ferry the lines to town, those metal monsters that march across the horizon like aliens from War of the Worlds.
I have seen somewhere that Mercedes use Chinese batteries.
There seems to be two distinct streams of Chinese manufacture.
The first involves highly specified products with external quality control. Companies like Apple have great success manufacturing in China.
The second involves neither the high specs nor external quality control. The best of these are things like solar panels where Chinese manufacturing is generally but not universally high quality. The worst brings to mind Jap Crap for those of us old enough to remember the days when Japanese manufacturing produced laughably poor quality. Chinese software and user documentation for Chinese tech products is beyond woeful.
The problem of course is knowing which stream you are buying or which stream other manufacturers are incorporating into their products.
And of course those old enough to remember Jap Crap will remember the next phase where they got their act together and many feared Japanese ingenuity was going to lead to world domination.
LEDs were my secret passion since 1979 so as they appeared on the lighting market I played with various types, naturally cheap ones from eBay.
Regretfully I have to report nearly 90% failure within few weeks – instead of many years claimed by Chinese sellers!
I’m old enough to remember when LED was an oxymoron because there was precious little light emitted.
Using appropriate terminally helps convey the risk. Battery melt-downs are not fires initially. Fire is combustion of some fuel in air. The combustion reaction proceeds by consuming the oxygen in the atmosphere. A battery meltdown is the result of an uncontrolled chemical reaction consuming the chemicals within the battery. A battery becomes a chemical bomb during melt-down. The melt-down inevitably involves combustible materials due to the heat release resulting in subsequent fire.
Battery protection is achieved through some form of Battery Management System (BMS). High current electronics work as the “fuse” and low current electronics operate to balance the cells and to prevent cell overvoltage.
I completely reworked a 50V/25Ah battery I bought from China. The BMS wiring was incorrect – two wires were switched so the BMS was not seeing the cells in the correct series. The battery could not be charged so it was a safe condition but lead to the BMS discharging some cells below their safe lower limit so the cells were damaged and suffered high leakage. It meant that the battery as supplied was useless and some cells were unusable..
It would not be hard to make a BMS that could initiate a catastrophic battery melt-down. Remember what was initially thought to have caused the pager explosions in the Middle East. Any internet enabled BEV could be a chemical bomb awaiting detonation.
Its expensive for electricity consumers when the sun shines in Germany.
The covid vaccine should be banned. Damage caused by the vaccine to those who survived it may possibly be reversed.
I am sure someone on this blog a couple of weeks ago mentioned they were suffering dire effects from long covid. Perhaps something can be done about it if you push the medical establishment enough.
Vaccines helped reduce the incidence of long COVID:,greater%20risk%20of%20Long%20COVID.
Are you up to your 27th booster yet, Simon?
Simon appears to have found a paper here that has some credibility, at least at first glance.
I looked through and noticed that the initial mortality rate (delta) of less than 0.4% among US veterans.
A problem is that the paper claims a rate of Long Covid of 5-10%. That does not match my experience.
C’mon, how does your experience of long covid refute this?
Is long Covid real or a convenient label for mrna damage?
Long covid is a real thing. It was occurring in 2020 before vaccines were available.
I have a family member who developed long covid in 2020. Still has some effects from it.
Jo also blogged about medical staff who had developed it in 2020, before the vaccines.
Government hospitals and most US hospitals are very reluctant to label many diverse immune failure reactions, “Long Covid”
A broad failure to make the diagnoses, makes all studies suspect.
October 27, 2024
The ‘Pfizer Papers’: Proof of COVID medical wrongdoing
By James Stansbury
Some hard evidence of medical wrongdoing during the pandemic is now available in a new book titled The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes against Humanity that became available just a few days ago.
I haven’t received my copy yet, but I learned that the U.S., the U.K., and Australia have all tried to suppress its publication.
Following are a few noteworthy findings from the introduction by Dr. Naomi Wolf:
“The story of how [this book] came to be is extraordinary — 3250 highly credentialed doctors and scientists under the leadership of one extraordinary woman, Amy Kelly, worked for two years on the 450,000 internal Pfizer documents released under court order by a successful lawsuit by attorney Aaron Siri. In the process these volunteers confirmed the greatest crime against humanity of all time.”
“The story began when lawyer Aaron Siri successfully sued the Food and Drug Administration, to compel them to release “The Pfizer Documents.” These are Pfizer’s internal documents — as noted above, 450,000 pages in number — that detail the clinical trials Pfizer conducted in relation to its COVID mRNA injection.”
“We learned that Pfizer knew within three months after rollout in December 2020, that the vaccines did not work to stop COVID. Pfizer’s language was “vaccine failure” and “failure of efficacy.”
“Many people who took this injection, as it was launched in 2020–2021–2022 and to the present, did not realize that normal testing for safety of a new vaccine — testing that typically takes ten to twelve years — had simply been bypassed via the mechanisms of a “state of emergency” and the FDA’s “Emergency Use Authorization.”
“Pfizer knew that the vaccine materials — lipid nanoparticles, an industrial fat, coated in polyethylene glycol, a petroleum byproduct; mRNA; and spike protein — did not remain in the deltoid muscle, as claimed by all spokespeople. Rather, it dispersed throughout the body in forty-eight hours “like a shotgun blast,” as one of the authors, Dr. Robert Chandler, put it; it crossed every membrane in the human body — including the blood-brain barrier — and accumulated in the liver, adrenals, spleen, brain, and, if one is a woman, in the ovaries.”
“These side effects included: death (which Pfizer does list as a “serious adverse event”). Indeed, over 1,233 deaths in first three months of the drug being publicly available.”
“Severe COVID-19; liver injury; neurological adverse events; facial paralysis; kidney injury; autoimmune diseases; chilblains (a localized form of vasculitis that affects the fingers and toes); multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (when more than one organ system is failing at once); the activation of dormant herpes zoster infections; skin and mucus membrane lesions; respiratory issues; damaged lung structure; respiratory failure; acute respiratory distress syndrome…”
“Babies suffered and died. In one section of the documents, over 80 percent of the pregnancies followed resulted in miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. In another section of the documents, two newborn babies died, and Pfizer described the cause of death as “maternal exposure” to the vaccine.”
“By the time Pfizer’s vaccine rolled out to the public, the pharmaceutical giant knew that they would be killing babies and significantly harming women and men’s reproduction.”
“Substantial” birth rate drops happened across thirteen countries: countries in Europe, as well as Britain, Australia, and Taiwan, within nine months of public vaccine rollout.”
“Approximately 70 percent of Pfizer vaccine-related adverse events occur in women.”
Wolf’s introduction describes only a small fraction of the crimes against humanity carried out by Pfizer and our health care industrial complex that likely apply equally to the other vax suppliers as well.
Is “long covid” not from covid itself but from damage due to the covid “vaccine” itself?
No. People with no vac but have had Covid still can suffer long-covid.
Getting red thumbs for a very basic observation – one that is true for a range of viral infections.
That could be true, but if the risk of covid itself to an individual is not severe, is it worth taking a chance on getting jabbed with an offensive booster? Fit young adults, for example.
According to Prof. Robert Clancy (IIRC) both COVID and vacc injury are in part caused by the toxic spike protein. But the FLCCC maintain there are effective treatment….
Long covid is a real thing. It was occurring in 2020 before vaccines were available.
I have a family member who developed long covid in 2020. Still has some effects from it.
Jo also blogged about Doctors who had developed long covid or long something in 2020, before the vaccines.
Strop is correct. My wife has Long Covid and was not vaccinated. However it is very poorly diagnosed.
I watched the Joe Rogan interview with Trump. That caiused me to take a look at his interview with RFK Jr:
The mercury issue was news to me. The fact checkers tell us that there is no mercury in Covid shots but WHO is paying the fact checkers!
Thiomersol is used as a preservative in vaccines.
I read this from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP).
Can they be believed? Not sure!
This from the link:
Note the use of the word “unfounded”. RFK Jr provides the evidence that it is well founded. This is the Brubacker paper he refers to:
Vaccines in the USA are not supposed to have mercury but WHO would know.
I look forward to RFK Jr challenging the Climate Science™ cabal as he has done with the medical cabal.
Rick, considering he wrote a book fully supporting the climate change crisis, you may be waiting awhile.
By the way the cabal for each, are the same people.
A healthy active elderly suddenly had a necrotic appendix, three forty year old healthy mothers have had breasts removed in a small community. I could go on but you may be more usefully informed about the immune suppression that Professor Bhakdi warned us of from the beginning.
This surgeon saw what happened first hand.
In my opinion, only a fool would waffle on about long covid.
Generalised immunosuppression?
Isn’t that part of how the mRNA injections work? Suppressing natural immunity so that the experimental injection can do its thing and then in theory the natural immune system recovers?
What could possibly go wrong?
Review: :N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ): Friend or foe of cancer?
“Additionally, it has been discovered that the mRNA vaccines inhibit essential immunological pathways, thus impairing early interferon signaling. Within the framework of COVID-19 vaccination, this inhibition ensures an appropriate spike protein synthesis and a reduced immune activation. Evidence is provided that adding 100 % of N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ) to the mRNA vaccine in a melanoma model stimulated cancer growth and metastasis, while non-modified mRNA vaccines induced opposite results, thus suggesting that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines could aid cancer development. Based on this compelling evidence, we suggest that future clinical trials for cancers or infectious diseases should not use mRNA vaccines with a 100 % m1Ψ modification, but rather ones with the lower percentage of m1Ψ modification to avoid immune suppression.”
As we all know, the Pfizer jab used m1Ψ.
Food for thought
Another healthy OBE (over Bloody Eighty) ex Navy medic who lined up as ordered for every shot has melanomas on his esophagus.
He is not whingeing though would like to have a beer pass through his lips at some stage in the future. They don’t make them like they use to!
What does your comment have to do with long Covid?
The ‘Pfizer Papers’: Proof of COVID medical wrongdoing
By James Stansbury
Ummm…it’s the medical establishment that so willingly pushed that great lie in the first place, or did you miss that?
Sudden remorse, compassion and corrective action seem as likely as an honest win for Kamala.
But for those that died suddenly and needlessly from medical malfeasance, hey – it could have been worse, you could have caught Covid.
I went for a bushwalk (hike) at Lake Mountain near Marysville, outside of Melbournistan, Australia, on Sunday.
At the small country town of Marysville (where people choose to live in a bushfire danger zone) I stopped for three small snacks, a pie, a vanilla slice and another sweet the vendor called a “banana boat” (yes, I went off my keto diet momentarily).
These cost about $27 which was quite ridiculous for the small amount of food delivered.
It shows you how prices of everything have become ridiculously high in Australia.
These high prices can be attributed to inflation which the Government lies about saying it’s only 3.8% when most people I know agree it’s more like 25%-30%; some of the world’s most expensive property prices due to the Government importing people (mostly uneducated, violent and anti-Western) far faster than houses can be built; feral unions and excessive wage demands; and some of the world’s most expensive electricity due to a fanatical commitment to unreliables.
Another thing I noticed is that many shops now charge an extra surcharge for weekends or public holidays (due to penalty labour rates) and also an additional charge for a credit card fee.
Inflation is the silent killer! It squeezes the people at the bottom of the chain first and hardest! I notice that Qantas recently gave their employees a $1000 bonus in order to quell their disquiet about ridiculous bonuses paid to Board Members. even ex CEOs. Shareholders will be the looser, initially, but the flying public will pay with increased fares, eventually. This whole charade will last about 12-18 months then another will begin a new seesaw cycle. Even in my little rural Tasmanian town the News Agent has been applying a 1% charge on cards. Even cash cards. They blamed the Banks and reject complaints with ridicule but even paying an additional six cents for a magazine is dumb economics when card sales drop off and they still have to count cash
We went to the Tasmanian Arboretum today and intended to pay cash, which they would accept. However, we ended up paying by card for once as the place is staffed by volunteers, of which there is a shortage and the card payment makes it easier for them. I hoped to walk on a favourite beach this evening but we are both a bit too tired. G and T time instead!
” the Government lies about saying it’s only 3.8%”
In the USA the gov states the most recent month or similar. Since Biden-Harris took the helm, the compounding is 20% to 40% depending on the good, say groceries or house or car …
Use cash.
There is one person speaking on the subject of why houses are so expensive and how family structure was destroyed by the high mortgages.
No wonder the Uni Party acted to rid themselves of the mirror exposing who they are really representing in our Parliaments and Councils.
Read Rennick’s speech on what is happening to your Superannuation.
My wife and I married in 1975. It took two incomes to buy our first home, which was a shoebox alongside a busy railway line, with views across the tracks to a large industrial estate.
Sounds like an interesting view.
Did you find enough info on dosage for Ivermectin cancer treatment?
Dr Malik suggested 1mg/kg body weight per day for Ivermectin.
I have a friend who is taking it for stage 4 breast cancer. She found that was too much and caused visual symptoms; blurring of vision and objects seeming to move. She reduced the dose to 0.4mg/kg. That is two12mg tablets per day.
She is also taking Fenbendazole (440mg/day). She has one day off the meds each week.
After 2 months her first tests came back showing an improvement. A cancer marker which was mildly elevated has returned to normal and Hb is back up to 120.
Case reports are difficult to come by and I am not aware of any trials yet so it is a matter of try it and see.
Unsatisfactory. Maybe more info coming in.
We haven’t found anything ‘concrete’ yet Peter, nor does there seem to be consistency. The FLCCC recommends 12-18mg per day, so she’s taking 12mg, being petite. However, she’s experiencing low blood pressure and that is said to be a possible side effect, so she wants to reduce the dose. I would prefer that she maintains that dose but reduces her beta blocker, but she’s extremely reluctant to go against the advice of her specialists, which is fair enough.
I would like to raise the issue of Ivermectin use at her next consult but, once again, she’s scared to potentially put them offside. I understand her point given that Ivermectin is now 50% medicine, 50% political explosive.
Was Malik’s dosage recommendation for cancer treatment? That’s a comparatively huge dose.
Yes, Dr Malik did advise 1mg/kg for cancer treatment. Like you I thought it was a huge dose. I suggested she keep below the symptom level, which in her case is 0.4mg/lg. (ie24mg/day).
12mg/day could be fine as well. We need others to report their results.
She has not told her oncologist about this yet and prefers not to, at least until positive results are confirmed.
Steve – have a look at this –
“The Ivermectin Human Dose Guide”
Thanks ever so much Ian. I followed the link and just started going through all the info on Brightwork. It seems to be what we need. I note though that the dosage calculator can only be accessed with a paid subscription of $35/mo. I’m more than happy to do that but first want to be sure Brightwork is legit. Do you (or anybody else in here) have views on them?
“After 2 months her first tests came back showing an improvement. A cancer marker which was mildly elevated has returned to normal and Hb is back up to 120.”
Is that the CA125 test?
It’s only day five/six of Ivermectin for my wife yet she tentatively feels there has been a positive change already. She wouldn’t tell me what it was at first, for fear of being wrong, but this morning she says her breathing has improved.
As part of her massive surgery in December, they partially resected her diaphragm, which had cancerous lesions. Since then, she’s found it impossible to fill her lungs and can only take shallow breaths, say 70% of normal. This was affecting her ability to exercise. Today though, she says she’s fairly certain that she’s able to take deeper breaths. That would of course be fantastic but I can’t see any reason why that might happen, especially so soon.
Her blood pressure remains low however. She has agreed to reduce the beta blocker and hasn’t taken any for the past two days, so it’s beginning to look like it’s the Ivermectin lowering her BP. That would be OK, within reason, but her pulse rate (which always used to be high, even pre-cancer) has jumped up, so she might need the beta blocker for that. We really need medical advice but our GP is very anti-Ivermectin and we don’t anticipate a favourable response to Ivermectin from her oncologist, leaving us in the dark. Personally, I think she ought to bring it up at the next consult, especially if her CA125 marker stabilises or goes down (it has been slowly rising).
People today think the past life was really easy. I bought my first house, a small cottage, in 2001 for $120K. The vendor said she paid it off with her husband’s near last pay cheque before retirement. And he died 12 months later.
Thanks for your great post.
You may have already been across the first quarter 2006 article in the Journal of Business Case Studies:
Corporate Governance Failure And Its Impact On National Australia Bank’s Performance
By Dianne Thomson and Ameeta Jain.
Back then the NAB was the largest financial services institution listed on the ASX and was numbered within the 30 most profitable financial services organisations in the world.
The gloss wore off a bit in January 2004 when the bank announced it was looking at potential losses of up to $A360million relating to unauthorised trading in foreign currency options. This came a short 3 years after they had been forced to eat a $A4.1billion write-off slice of humble pie served up by the HomeSide loan crisis.
It is a great paper, and as far as corporate (which should include government) governance leaves you wondering what if anything has been changed/tightened in the intervening years. Certainly, as far as Qantas painting Yes on its jets, Albanese throwing hundreds of millions to generate a racial divide and that banks are still very much into real estate you would be left thinking probably zilch.
Those in the know, know.😁
‘In the know’ in relation to what exactly JC 11?
Tourist town, Sunday, high prices shouldnt be a big surprise.
Trump’s 3 hour interview with Rogan is making waves. For example:
Trump often says things that seem odd but turn out to mean a lot. Whale harassment is the issue and being harassed is an adverse mental condition, which like many such can induce deadly behavior. The pro-wind folks keep talking about autopsy results which misses the mental point entirely, possibly purposefully. But then refusing to understand is also a mental condition.
Mental health and psychiatry are exactly right for whales. It is all about stress.
Animal rights campaigners already acknowledge that animals can suffer mental stress and anguish, but only when it suits their agenda. They will, for instance, say that chickens kept in battery cages or overcrowded barns are stressed, and that abattoirs use methods that increase the mental stress on animals killed there.
But, because these people are, first and foremost, leftist types, the whole mental stress thing is ignored where it applies to animals affected by low frequency noise from windmills, onshore and offshore.
This is essentially just another example of the left’s game of ‘top trumps’.
Very true, except we are talking about repetitive deafening pile driving and sonar surveys. Being deafened when you navigate using sound has to be terrifying.
Top Surgeon Warns ‘Extremely Aggressive’ Cancers Are Mutating in Covid-Vaxxed
And the news keeps an getting worse for the jabbed
From The Jerusalem Post:
Tony Burke? I didn’t realize he was still in parliament.
And Candace Owen? I’ve heard her speak on youtube on several occasions. She is highly articulate.
I note with interest she is currently doing a series on Kamala Harris and her relatively recent claim to be black.
So I went to Candace’s wikipedia page. There’s enough character assassination in there to convince me she’s worth listening to.
Henry Ford was an avowed anti… how do I put it mildly? Anyway you know what I mean.., but he was also a rational, very pragmatic person.
So he picked up Albert Kahn to build his plants and he won.
End of story.
PS. No, not the end, this blog proves it.
Xenophobia is a normal body reaction to “foreigners”, being on cellular of animal or homo sapiens level but unless its host keeps it in control it will kill the host.
Meet the Energy Realists of Australia, a collective of senior engineers and others, dedicated to rational energy policy which means no intermittent inputs to the grid from the unreliable.
These are the briefing notes that we distributed to politicians and journalists through 2000-2022.
A word from Lars Schernikau “The energy transition in its current form, as a grid-scale build-out of wind and solar with the goal to replace oil, coal and gas, is probably one of the greatest mistakes that humanity has ever made.”
From this speech.
Good one Lars, the Energy Realists of Australia have been saying for years that ignoring the wind droughts documented by our local wind-watchers, Anton Lang and the Miskelly team, has led to the greatest public policy blunder in our peacetime history. They got a platform on Jo Nova’s blog but not enough people got the message.
I’m no fan of Trump’s economic protectionism but still want him to win. The economy is not all at stake. But it’s odd because when in conversation with anti-Trump or non-political people – who mostly believe the fed propaganda that Trump is evil – the one point I use is that he did make the economy good. America can afford some protectionism; it has a big enough market to do so.
The problem with Free Trade is that it isn’t practiced by anyone, except Australia (kind of). You cannot sell American cars in Japan or China. It’s not a level playing field and the west ends up getting ripped off – Trump’s main motivation for entering politics.
One of the products of American protectionism is playing out on our Australian roads right now, where we are seeing American cars entering the market, for the first time ever. And American made cars, are rubbish. Big, don’t turn corners and unreliable. Everyone knows this. Ask any mechanic, they will tell you to buy Japanese or Korean. Same with American motorbikes – Harley Davidsons are all image and a rubbish bike.
American utes are a direct result of the chicken tax, protectionist tariffs to stop the Mitsubishi Triton being sold in America. Americans loved them when they appeared, lighter and cheaper. But instead of competing with them, Americans banned them. Lack of competition delivers poor and expensive products.
Oddly, it’s also American environmental regulation that stops them building smaller engines. Apparently if you build smaller engines they have to comply to very tough standards whereas bigger engines its easier to make the standard. Sounds extremely illogical, but I read that somewhere, and apparently that’s why these big tanks still exist. Add government bureaucracy to protectionism and….
But protectionism is rather popular these days, but I ask, from the Australian perspective, would you like to return to only being able to buy Ford and Holden cars or pay the huge taxes to get a Mercedes? The Australian market spoke loudly on this with their wallets, and everyone stopped buying them, voluntarily, and even more oddly, by the end of its reign, the Commodore was the best sedan in the world (once forced to compete in a free market, it got much better).
You would have to be talking about a century or so ago for that statement to be true. Ford was assembling Model-A kits in Australia in 1925. US sourced cars were common in Australia in the post WW2 era. My father owned a Customline V8 ute that was probably built in Canada for the right hand drive market. Large “acreage” cars were a common sight in Australia in the 1960s. My brother owned a ford Galaxie with V8 that wallowed over the road like it was a magic carpet and as detached from the road surface. There was no difficulty sitting 4 people across the back seat in that monster. In fact you could make a bed for three people in the boot.
The Fords Rangers (Australia’s top selling vehicle) now coming into Australia are being built in Thailand or China. I think it important that countries maintain manufacturing capability but that is incomp[atible with demonising coal.
Back in pre-Covert19 days, one of my jobs was as a wedding chauffeur, driving the happy couple in a 1967 soft-top 2-door lefthand-drive Ford Galaxie V8 – it was a beast of a machine, always a pleasure to drive, yet every time I returned it, parked up, and walked away ALIVE, was a good day at work.
NB. I don’t drive professionally anymore, too many jabbed-out loopies on the road.
That would be considered a new car in New Zealand wouldn’t it?
I was going to include that technicality but edited it out for brevity. Indeed my town brags that it was the first dealership for the Model T, not sure if that is true but it says so on the sign.
But I grew up in the 70s and watching American movies I wondered why we couldn’t buy the cars like the ones on the screen. You could not go to town and by a Cadillac, a Pontiac, a Chev, an Oldsmobile, a Mustang, not even a Ford Bronco. They were American. All of these cars were not available here, and that is now changing for the first time in my life. I could go to town and by a Jeep (if I was stupid enough).
Back then you bought a Ford Falcon, Cortina or Escort. A Holden Kingswood, Torana or Gemini. Or of course the Aussie made Valiant. You could by a Mercedes if you were rich. And the 4 cylinder Japanese Datsun’s and Toyota, Mazda were also available, though only poor people wanted them back then or parents got them second hand for their daughter when she got her P plates. No American cars though.
I’ve owned enough Fords to never buy another. Rust bucket pieces of rubbish they were, though I do miss the V8 (with american engine, that was actually extremely reliable). Beautiful thing, but she rusted out.
Haven’t you noticed all the Rams, Ford F150’s, Chev Silverado and Mustangs.
“except Australia.”
Lol! Funny of the week!!
This country!! The one that banned car imports from Japan, or anywhere really! I could bring ONE car with me to Aussie, providing I’d owned it for years, and if it cost more than $X, I would have to pay luxury tax to get it over the wharf!!
Meanwhile, NZ was flooding in used Jap imports that reduced the average age of the country’s fleet to WAY below Australia’s! When I arrived here I was amazed at all the old cars still on the road. How many people here have seen a 4WD Honda Civic? A turbo Toyota Starlet? So many astounding cars that never appeared here turned up in NZ.
What does Aussie get? Holden and Ford give up and … and .. NOTHING! THIS is the time you should be bringing in Japanese used cars, modernising the fleet, lowering fuel usage and making cars safer, but NO, the Govt is so protectionist it just cannot go against the bureaucracy.
Even “Australian-made” cars were pale imitations of what Japan really made. Lowest level of trim, cheapest, nastiest engines, no sports models..
FWIW – more of it
“The Sound Of Settled Science”
“From the tribe of 1k-10k modern humans who killed off all the other human species 70,000 years ago, to the Yamnaya steppe nomads 5,000 who killed off 90+% of (then) Europeans and also destroyed the Indus Valley Civilization.
So much of what we thought we knew about human history is turning out to be wrong, from the ‘Out of Africa’ theory to the evolution of language, and this is all thanks to the research from David Reich’s lab.”
Since the Indus Valley Civilisation seems to have lasted to 1800 BC I feel a certain scepticism.
Yes indeed, its common knowledge that the Indus Civilisation collapsed because of climate change. Very droughty conditions prevailed and everyone deserted the valley.
Of course they ended up in Australia and brought the dingo with them for protection.
Could well be – the Skara Brae/Ring of Brodgar peoples seem to have dispersed about 22-2400BC.
Stonehenge (which seems to be connected) wasn’t built on for hundreds of years about the same time and only by others.
The Egyprian Old Kingdom collapsed about the same time.
The Akkadian Empire collapsed about the same time.
And there was a Chinese collapse also.
I thought that the dingo arrived earlier.
They may have picked the dingo up along the way.
‘When did dingoes first come to Australia? The Dingo is Australia’s wild dog. It is an ancient breed of domestic dog that was introduced to Australia, probably by Asian seafarers, about 4,000 years ago. Its origins have been traced back to early breeds of domestic dogs in south east Asia.’ (Australian Museum)
Is this a promo for the new Cook Documentary by the Stan Grant, the bloke who apparently follows Trump’s tanning routine. The message appears to be ‘We always was and always will be a Muslim country.’
History is often rewritten, an example being the attempt to disappear the pygmies in Australia
Fascinating, Denisovam genes can be found in Cape York, but the Murrayians require further investigation.
Even with a price tag, our renewables future is already broken
Broken Hill has been in a semi-permanent state of blackout since a storm brought down a transmission line. Its plight exposes the gap between the promise of renewable energy and what it actually delivers.
NICK CATER Columnist
The Silverton Wind Farm and Broken Hill Solar plant were supposed to produce enough electricity to power 117,000 homes. They’re supported by AGL’s 50MWh battery facility at Pinnacles Place, one of the largest in Australia. Yet Broken Hill, population 19,000, has been in a semi-permanent state of blackout since a storm brought down the transmission line connecting the town to the east coast grid.
Broken Hill’s plight exposes the gap between the promise of renewable energy and what it actually delivers. AGL claimed its battery would ensure a reliable electricity supply to the town if the transmission lines went down. The combination of wind, solar and storage would allow Broken Hill to operate on a renewable microgrid until its connection to the outside world was restored.
Yet the battery wasn’t switched on until Friday. Diesel generators are being used to recharge it because the wind and solar generators are disconnected from the rest of the grid.
Broken Hill: Powerless and left to live like mushrooms
This wouldn’t happen in Melbourne or any part of Sydney. If the power went out in Parliament House, Canberra, they’d use all the power in Broken Hill within an hour, ‘cos they’d say it was worth it.
I’m writing this on my phone. I’ve never done that before. I always write on a keyboard – old school, as my kids would say. But necessity is the mother of invention – and its sibling, lunacy.
My phone has 14 per cent of power left. I can’t charge it. The reason is because the town in which I live, Broken Hill, has been in blackout for five days.
A storm came through last week that was so ferocious it crushed the towers that ferry the lines to town, those metal monsters that march across the horizon like aliens from War of the Worlds.
Sunday, 27 October 2024
Greens in Queensland announce their new pronouns:
— George Szabo (@szabosolicitors) October 27, 2024
As one commenter noted:
Congratulations! They’ve reached their net zero target.
Please close the door behind you when you leave…
Any household in Broken Hill could easily be self-sufficient for their electricity. It is one of the sunniest places on Earth. I expect more locals will be thinking about it given the current experience.
Broken Hill is an early indicator of where Australia is headed. Few people appreciate that the guaranteed output of any wind or solar farm is ZERO.
Don’t kid yourself that it could only happen in Broken Hill and not Sydney or Melbourne.
Sure,….IF they each had a spare $20,000 !,
That is the whole point of a utility power supply that is a PAYG service for normal residents .
The opportunity arose at Broken Hill for the green true believers to deliver the long dreamt of ‘demonstration project’ for sunbeams and breezes.
They have failed utterly, exposing the frailties of such a system and the folly of binning two and a half centuries of progress.
And of course there is always my favourite
As I type wind power is providing -14 kW of power (yes negative 14) and the stated output of the system is 907kW compared to customer demand of 2243kW.
The good news for intermittent energy fans (no pun intended) is that solar is producing around the same as diesel.
The place runs on diesel despite the enormous expense of the windmills. All it can do is save a few litres of diesel here and there.
Did you know you can charge your phone in your car if it has USB port, my 14 year old Hyundai has one or you can buy a cheap adapter that plugs into the cigar lighter.
Joey Mannarino@JoeyMannarinoUS
This is the Kamala campaign in a nutshell.
She brought up all these doctors to say how much they love and support abortion.
Someone in the crowd had a medical emergency and called for medics.
Not one of the abortion doctors helped them.
Spot on.
Elon Musk@elonmusk
Until the Joe Rogan talk session with Trump, I had not realised that Biden had undergone two brain operations.
There is not much happening behind Joe’s beady eyes.×720/match/image.jpg
Oh well. Third time lucky?
Yes, exploratory operations to find some grey matter…
Maybe use a better magnifying glass next time !
Well I had a brain scan recently. They didn’t find anything. Boom, tish!
Biden-Harris Administration
‘Full-Blown Scandal’: Biden-Harris Admin Hid Documents To Justify Fossil Fuel Crackdown, Oversight Committee Says
Oversight Committee GOP accelerates probe into Biden-Harris admin’s fossil fuel moratorium
The Biden-Harris administration is allegedly covering up an internal study conducted in 2023 that would have rendered its moratorium on natural gas projects unnecessary, according to leaders on the House Oversight and Accountability Committee.
The White House and the Department of Energy paused permitting for liquefied natural gas export projects in January—a policy critics said would cost the U.S. economy billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of jobs—to allow time for a federal study on those projects’ environmental, economic, and national security impacts. That study, according to federal officials, wouldn’t be completed until early 2025, effectively throwing the brakes on dozens of major fossil fuel projects.
According to a letter that Republican leaders on the House Oversight Committee sent to Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm on Wednesday, however, there is evidence the Department of Energy already conducted such a study months before announcing the policy. And, the lawmakers added, the agency has sought to stonewall information requests to obtain that study.
The saga is the latest instance of the Biden-Harris administration facing accusations of playing fast and loose with federal rules to push its anti-fossil-fuel agenda. The administration’s efforts to phase out gas-powered cars in favor of electric vehicles, limit fossil fuel leasing, and crack down on traditional power plants, for example, have all faced legal challenges from states and businesses.
Media Now Claims No One ‘Actually’ Said Beyoncé Would Perform at Rally
RedState’s Bonchie: “Watching this campaign operate is like watching a naked man smear himself in honey and run through a bear cage.”
He’s not wrong!
Scrambling for a way to restore their credibility, they’re now claiming that no one actually said Beyonce was going to perform at the rally, which is categorically false.
Murtaugh noted the new messaging and cried “foul” in a Sunday morning post on X. He wrote: “It’s not disputable that the Harris campaign lied about Beyoncé’s appearance at the Texas event to build a crowd. Yet, the Media now says: ACTUALLY, NO ONE SAID BEYONCÉ WAS GOING TO PERFORM AT THE HARRIS RALLY!”
But perhaps the most disturbing aspect of this story is how representative it is of the whole Harris campaign, which itself has been one big bait and switch.
Despite its stated themes of joy and good vibes, turning the page, and forging a new way forward, the Harris campaign has been based on one dishonest talking point: Trump is a fascist who will destroy our democracy. No matter what question Harris is asked, she reverts to the same message. Following her disastrous CNN Town Hall last week, even Democrats were forced to admit the truth.
Three weeks ago, the Harris campaign’s momentum came to a standstill. Since then, her national lead over former President Donald Trump has evaporated and he has taken the lead in all seven battleground states. Well aware of the new reality, the campaign has shifted from strategic mode into desperation mode.
Desperation doesn’t look good on anyone. Especially on a weak candidate who never should have been placed at the top of the ticket in the first place.
Absolute NUTTER Gwen Walz Says Tampons in Boys’ Bathrooms Help Students Learn to Read
Gwen Walz may be one of the most unhinged and downright weird women we’ve ever seen.
She’s got the crazy eyes, and she talks down to people like they’re brain-damaged toddlers.
We should’ve known something was off about her when she said she liked the smell of Minneapolis burning during the BLM riots of 2020.
In a word, she’s a lunatic.
She’s also profoundly idiotic.
UNHINGED: Gwen Walz says public schools stocking tampons in boys’ bathrooms is about “learning to read and closing gaps”
This writer did a quick search and 36% of Minneapolis public school students are proficient in reading, and 22% are proficient in math.
The tampons ain’t working Gwen.
CRINGE: A Desperate Kamala Harris Visits Barbershop in Philly and Breaks Out Her Fake Accent in Last-Minute Pitch to Black Voters (VIDEO)
Where did this accent come from? Kamala Harris was raised in Canada.
Kamala in a Philly barbershop: “That’s where the truth gets spoken. That’s where the news gets shared — Uh huh! … It’s not my first time ha ha ha!”
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 27, 2024
President Trump visited a barbershop in Bronx, New York last week.
Spot the difference:
President @realDonaldTrump visits Javiel’s Barbershop in Bronx, NY
— Margo Martin (@margommartin) October 17, 2024
Trump’s secret weapon may tip the election
Is he describing Albosleezy & All the Australian Labor Party?
In my estimation, much of the reasoning comes down to an example of “life imitating art.” In this case, such “art” being the 1986 movie “Back to School,” starring Rodney Dangerfield.
Why? There is a scene in the film where Dangerfield — who plays a tough New York City-based CEO enrolling in an elite college to keep an eye on his son — takes issue with a liberal, never-worked-in-the-real-world economics professor, and explains to him the actual process of starting a business. Almost instantly, every student in the class turns their back on the know-nothing professor, faces Dangerfield’s character and begins taking copious notes.
Trump is the real-life version of that fictional CEO. Back in 2016, tens of millions of Americans turned away from the elites and toward him to jot down notes.
The “academic,” the “theoretical,” the “hoped for” and the forcefully “mandated” stood no chance against such experience.
Real-world business experience mattered in 2016 and it matters even more now.
While Trump established one of the most iconic business empires in the world — employing tens of thousands of Americans over the years, while supporting hundreds of small businesses —
Biden became a career politician who has been on the government dole for over a half century.
Americans are very bright, and they can understand why that vast disparity in real-world experience matters. Most especially when the last few years of their lives have gotten worse under the guy who has lived off the tax-payer dime since 1972.
These Americans are aware that Biden created no companies, hired no employees and met no payrolls.
Next, we come to Harris. Since 1990, she has either lived off the money of California taxpayers or of federal taxpayers.
Like Biden, she has created no companies, hired no employees and met no payrolls.
In addition the MSM is pushing a fear narrative that starts “If Trump becomes president, X, Y, and Z bad will happen.” They forget-intentionally- that Trump has already been president and X, Y, and Z bad didn’t happen. Everything was better during Trump’s interruption of Uni-party rule, and everything has got much, much, worse during Obama’s third term.
Trump is the incumbent. Kamala has never been the actual president. Kamala has never done anything on her own. A true puppet. She claims that she was a player in the Afghanistan fiasco as if that was something to be proud of, though.
Jewish People Attend Trump ‘Nazi’ Rally at Madison Square Garden. Didn’t They Get the Memo?
While Kamala PAC Drops Masturbation Video, Trump Airs Epic Ad During NFL Game Showing What Really Matters
Wankers of the World, Unite! Pro-Harris PAC Goes Hard After the Key Wanker-American Demographic
A Kamala Harris-affiliated group is running an ad featuring a young man masturbating while watching porn on his phone.
The ad, part of a $2.5 million ad buy in seven battleground states — Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada — by Progress Action Fund and Defend the Vote, is titled ‘Republicans Rubbing You the Wrong Way.’
The ad features a young man whiling away the empty hours lending himself a helping hand when, suddenly, his mellow is harshed by an elderly Republican Congressman stomping about his nasty bedroom in his parents’ basement. This ad allegedly supports the theme pushed by the two sponsoring groups that the GOP is out to interfere in people’s personal lives. If you consider what the Democrats were willing to do during COVID, it is clear proof that irony is dead and taxidermied.
If you are offended by (hopefully) simulated masturbation, you probably don’t want to watch the video.
After locking people in their houses for years, they now stand up and defend the rights of these people to be extremely lonely.
Sheesh … and they think that’s a winning strategy.
They only know how to violently end life, not preserve it.
27 Oct
KAMALA brings 10 abortion “doctors ” on stage to praise abortion.
Someone in audience has a medical emergency and all the “doctors” heads start spinning looking for someone else who can help.
“I think someone needs some medical assistance over here.”
“‘Climate Extremism’: Biden-Harris Admin’s Own Data Undermines Its Fav Selling Point In Push To ‘Electrify Everything’ ”
“The Biden-Harris administration released data on Oct. 17 suggesting its push to electrify everything will ratchet up costs for American households, contradicting one of the White House’s favorite selling points for its green agenda, experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
The Biden-Harris administration has made a crackdown on residential fossil fuel consumption a key aspect of its environmental strategy, justifying the push in part on the grounds electrification will lower energy costs. Now, Oct. 17 residential energy price data from the Department of Energy (DOE) shows electricity was roughly four times as expensive as natural gas in 2024, with experts telling the DCNF the White House’s electrification push is an example of extremist climate policy hurting everyday Americans.”
More at
“Emotionally Unstable “Climate Scientists” Don’t Like Being Criticized, Run to Daddy (Nature)”
That font of all wisdom again
“The Guardian article titled ‘We have emotions too’: Climate scientists respond to attacks on objectivity is a remarkable exercise in self-pity, featuring climate scientists venting about the supposedly unjust criticism they face. This is in reaction to the pushback received after publication of an idiotic survey by the Guardian last May”.
More at
Scientists Hermann Harde and Michael Schnell published a paper in 2021. The study purported to experimentally determine that the atmospheric CO2 greenhouse effect not only exists, but functions in concert with physical laws.
“To our knowledge we present the first demonstration of the atmospheric greenhouse effect in a laboratory experiment, which also allows quantitative measurements under conditions as in the lower troposphere. We use an experimental set-up consisting of two plates in a closed housing, one plate in the upper position heated to 30°C, the other at the bottom and cooled to -11.4°C.”
Thorstein Seim and Borgar Olsen (2023) have analyzed their experimental setup in further detail.when the CO2 is increased 500-fold, or from 0.04% (400 ppm) to 20% (200,000 ppm), the plate temperature increases by just 1.18°C. Further, raising CO2 from 20% to 100% (1,000,000 ppm) adds just 0.4°C additional warming (1.6°C).
Beer’s Law justified. Although We will have people like Simon screaming about about the coming heat doom unless we pay NonScientists lots of money.
The link has been buried already.. Too may people mocking it!
“It Is Time Folks”
“If you argue that any non-Asian nation has some obligation to, or “should” reduce carbon emissions you are an agent of said Asian nations.”
Check the graph
Coerced into watching the final of the Voice last night by a rabid fan. Pick the winner began. We both picked the Injun miner fella but for different reasons, she because “he had the best voice” me because of the “inter-racial couple narrative (she white, very pregnant, tightest of tight dresses and a nose ring) as per all the other ads on TV” which she had never noticed but now has. Rabid lefty of course but has asked a couple of pertinent questions this morning, especially with the daily increase in multi-culti persons in her large prison, sorry, large block of units.
Back to the program, how does anybody watch this garbage? “What would it mean to you to win $100,000?” everyone was asked by some plastic person, possibly called Barbie, no, Sonia. Winner should have said “I work in the mines so I’ll be taking a pay cut”, but didn’t.
All the judges and mentors had the same script – “true to yourself, your journey, you sing with such passion, I closed my eyes and I was there with you.” Puke. If the contestant was very bad they got to sing a duet with their “famous” judge where their efforts were completely overshadowed. And the interminable wait for the prearranged result.
Some years ago I saw an excellent Neil Diamond interpreter, his backup singer one of the early winners. Boy she could sing but the promises of stardom reduced to the hard slog of tours, low wages, life on the road, contract to fulfill and fame and fortune disappearing into the distance. Not sure any of last night’ contestants would last more than a month doing pub gigs and weddings. Grist to the mill.
Rock singer contestant described as “legend, one of the greats” and so on. She was 16.
4 singers, 2 wymmins, 1 indeterminate, 1 fella. Fella wins. Misogyny I reckon.
I’ve already forgotten their names this morning, might take rabid fans a bit longer.
It sounds utterly puke worthy!
Top riser on the ASX Friday was Connected Minerals, up 1178%!!! What do they do?
Focus Minerals must have some good news. No.
How very complex. Someone knows something.
I noticed recently that there is a growing number of employment offer scams on FB marketplace, so I decided to use FB’s ‘report scams’ feature. I think, over the past couple of weeks, I might have submitted fifty or so reports. Keeping you all safe and maintaining the site’s security, or so I thought.
FB promises to let reporters of such scams know what action was taken, and those consequences have started to arrive in my message box. So far, they are all exactly the same:
“We use technology to help prioritise reports for review.
As our review team is focused on the most severe cases with potential for real world harm, we’re not able to review your report.
We understand that this might be frustrating, so we recommend exploring the options available to control what you see.”
So it appears that Facebook is content to allow ‘minor’ scams on its platform. Be warned.
They are saying they care about the election.
According to Stefan Rahmstorf who never considers any other possibility than we’re doomed due to climate change.
“The Atlantic Ocean’s most vital ocean current is showing troubling signs of reaching a disastrous tipping point. Oceanographer Stefan Rahmstorf tells Live Science what the impacts could be.”
Oh no, the ocean’s reached a ‘tipping’ point – as in the edge of the known world, where everything falls off… the edge… of the square flat Earth…
I can’t get Live Science, but here is the Guardian story.
Xpert tells a yarn and everyone takes it as gospel.
There are saner heads around.
‘I don’t know whether the AMOC is near a tipping point or not. The AMOC has a lot of variability, it changes from year to year and from decade to decade, and a lot of that change is related to natural climate variability.
‘If AMOC variability this year is less than last year, it’s probably not due to the AMOC slowing down but rather might be year-to-year change. If there is variability along a longer time scale, perhaps 30 or 50 years, that could indicate a slowdown.
‘The AMOC is a complex system with many processes that can affect it. For instance, we need to understand how bathymetry affects the AMOC’s response to the atmosphere so that we can predict future AMOC changes.’ (Jiayan Yang 2023)
I’m realizing that Climate Change is Hitler.
9 Ways Trump Is Exactly Like Hitler
They both wore pants:Not a coincidence.
Hitler had a mustache, and Trump probably could have a mustache if he didn’t shave for a few days: Uncanny.
If you rearrange the letters in “Trump” (while eliminating the U, M, and P and adding H, I, L, and E), it spells “Hitler”: OK, this is just getting scary…
Both reportedly breathed air: Wow.
Both most likely ate food to survive: Coincidentally, so did SADAM HUSSEIN.
Did we mention they both breathed air? Amazing.
Hitler ordered his armies to invade Poland, while Trump ordered his armies to walk around the Capitol taking selfies on January 6: The exact. Same. Thing.
Hitler was an artist attempting to paint masterpieces, and Trump was in the masterpiece work of art… Home Alone 2: Lost in New York: This is no accident.
The media constantly refers to both of them as Hitler: Case closed.
/proof for lefties, The Babylon Bee
Bill Maher spat out the same line that the 30s Hitler was not the same as the 40s Hitler to justify the little evidence for any comparison, except;
The Nazi’s published an antisemitic (and anti capitalist) manifesto in 1920 and formed a paramilitary wing (Storm Troopers) in 1921. They had 150 000 political prisoners by 1933 and imprisoned then executed 200 party members in 1934.
Where is the historical equivalence?
Socialists like UK PM David Lloyd George and George Bernard Shaw were praising Hitler in 1936, while Conservative Party leader Churchill ranted against Hitler.
Where is the historical equivalence?
“The US has no functional president and has not had one for months, and it’s barely noticeable and barely matters because there’s a permanent unelected machine that runs the government.”
– Thomas Massie
Real Kamala approval rating around 7% according to an economic crackpot no-one trusts but somehow gets called in for every crisis in the past 30 years…
TDS on steroids in 10 days.
Sciencey stuff Monday: a comparison of our solar system planets rotation and tilt
/warning: science is not liberal safe!
A blast from the past –
“I was reminded last week of one of Noel Coward’s classic British comedy songs. The reason for their success was not just their biting wit, but the fact that they were so often all too true – uncomfortably so, for those lampooned in and by them.”
Did Noel ever try his hand at jokes about Puerto Ricans?
FWIW – Re the Trump New York rally –
“Never seen a nazi rally with jews, blacks, and hindus as speakers ”
Via Instapundit
Monday funny: Halloween
Always be sure to mention Optimus Prime. 😆
Strange weather effect in Oz
Anyone know any more on this one?
HAARP going awry.
Re “The mystery of a thousand dead whales and dolphins”
What happened to “The Precautionary Principle”?
A plot like that around – say fossil fuel – would lead to instant banishing
Sounds like a good question
An upgrade for Hanrahan
“Elbow’s controller discovered”!
Mayor Tom Kennedy said state and federal governments “needed to learn” from the experience, and how wind and solar energy are “almost useless” in a crisis without baseload power.
I don’t expect state and Federal governments to learn from somebody else’s experience. They have to be prodded.