A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Some previous relevant Cairns News articles on fake food and junk climate science:
UN, Crop Life, CSIRO working to wipe out most farmers and feed us food grown in vats
CSIRO researching synthetic biology to replace real food
CSIRO should be defunded over its purposely altered climate change data
Scientist slams CSIRO for fraudulently receiving research funds over CO2
Remember the wise saying “Man is the only creature smart enough to create artificial food and dumb enough to eat it”?
And, of course, because not even the CSIRO can conjure something from nothing, artificial food will still require feed stock (no pun intended) and massive amounts of energy to produce.
Where will this come from? Equally, as with all things touched by government, if something is simple cheap and easy ( think sunlight, photosynthesis, animal conversion ) they will find a way to complicate it, make things hideously expensive, add many levels of bureaucracy and then control who has access.
AI = Artificial Indigestion?
Dr Larry Marshall is no longer running CSIRO, his term finished last year.
I won’t comment because he, along with Chief Scientist Dr Cathy Foley were my PhD student colleagues back in the day. We were all working in the same university department at the same time but on different research projects.
Incidentally, we were all working on real science, there was no climate change BS “science” then, at least not to any damaging degree like now.
In our sector, (Agriculture) the CSIRO held the rank of Fairy Godmother? Many were the problems the CSIRO solved for us.
I expect the same applied for other sectors of the economy.
So it alarmed me when Hawke in, from memory December 1986 changed the management of the CSIRO, appointing a new board of management with Neville Wran as chairman. He put his own brand of “social scientists” in charge-of the real scientists.
The CSIRO then became the source of the monstrous methane lie, which for want of proper research stood for years and was taught in our schools and academics.
When somebody did the research Agriculture, including “cows”, dropped down the list of “emitters”.
However OxBridge have in recent times regurgitated that lie unopposed.
The headline says it all
But can it be true? The smartphone is now the main device and it is very often used for entertainment and social media but are teenagers really so uninterested in the world around them that they don’t ask things any more?
Why learn for its own sake and build a broad base of knowledge? Whenever you really want to know something, THEN, you just google it specifically or engage your favourite AI assistant. Then its back to cat videos/porn/sportsball.
Last summer we had a nothing burger cyclone [to my knowledge there was no structural damage] but the city’s power grid was largely destroyed. Large areas were without power for three days. Our Premier promised that there would be compensation paid to [non]consumers but neither money nor explanation were forthcoming.
The damage was not obvious, ie with the poles and wires, so must have been in the subs and transformers. It was said that those on Magnetic Is. [8km out in the bay] could see the transformers exploding.
Unlike hitech companies switching over to modular nuclear reactors to power their energy intensive data centres, supermarkets and oil companies still seem keen on burnishing their green credentials
England doesn’t have a lot of farmland considering it’s growing population so rendering large tracts of it useless by building inefficient solar seems absurd and treacherous. I would hope that Tesco provides their own backup and leaves the grid completely just to satisfy their green claim. Of course they won’t just as Canberra refuses to cut the extension lead from NSW.
Successive UK governments over three or four decades have slowly sacrificed domestic manufacturing to the globalist gods. Most of the remaining manufacturing is in fact simply final assembly using components made elsewhere (China, India, etc).
Food production will go the same way and the nation will become more or less totally dependent on overseas growers – an enormous risk. If the once-productive farmland has disappeared under more and more concrete, it will be almost impossible to convert it back to useful farmland should imports be disrupted.
For a look in time try
Tristran Beresford (1975). “We plough the fields: British farming today” Penguin.
” In March 2019, the Mail on Sunday, published by Associated Newspapers Ltd, launched a campaign to root out ‘medical misinformation and disinformation’. A five-page article in their Good Health supplement focused on endorsing statin drugs that are prescribed by doctors to reduce cholesterol.”
Doctors win a battle against the Daily Mail who had accused them of peddling misinformation and it reached such a height that the Doctors good names were at risk.
I think there are several interesting things about this story, not only that Doctors were prepared to fight a 5 year long legal battle, but that like so much else in Food, medicine, (climate change?) what is believed can radically alter over time. In this instance that cholesterol is not the killer it was thought to be, but is needed and is benign.
There is a lot of money to be made from Statins Tony. That is why statins are prescribed so readily to remove the “bad” cholesterol. Some rolled oats seems to work just as well.
I think you are referring to the struggle of Dr. Malcolm Kendrick and his colleague. I have been following his research for years – much of which is published in his books , “The Great Cholesterol Con” & “The Clot Thickens”. We owe him a great debt is courageously publishing his research in spite of the fierce opposition of the medical profession and, of course, Big Pharma.
A very interesting book was :
“The Queen of Fats”.
About hdl and ldl.
Just voted for Trump for the fifth time yesterday. Polls show Trump surge. Hope springs eternal!
Thank you. Trump can have a world-wide impact for good.
Five times in one Day? That is a dank strategy!
No! That would be Democrat Party Strategy. Try the general election in 2016, the primary and general election in 2020, and the primary and general election in 2024. Just a hint….Trump voters do not generally cheat…they do not have to!!
The American voting systems seem to beyond the comprehension of many here in Oz. A major difference is in Oz we have a media blackout of political advertising and polling trends 2 weeks before election date so not to influence people with “other” peoples ideas. i.e. If candidate A is leading and you don’t like them rush out and vote for candidate B.
The idea being that people should make up their own minds rather than be influenced by media personalities, charismatic individuals or polling trends .
No offence, but from afar, it doesn’t appear to be working out all that well.
At least we got Trump once.
Additional no offence, but seems to me Oz, and all the English speaking nations, need a Trump victory as much as we do.
You are so right there Honk. He will lead and others hopefully will follow. I fear the Democrats will do something horrific to prevent his win. They have so much to hide that he will expose and so much to lose when he changes direction. If he doesn’t win the US will become a communist state unless the mob rise up. It may cause red states to leave the union.
I have the same feeling about the election as I had when I first heard “two weeks to flatten the curve”.
I could see the lie.
Honestly, I see the same fraud coming from the same people.
Harris is turning out to be such a bad candidate, they are going to have trouble manufacturing enough votes without it being obvious.
Much of the Pandemic stuff was so blatantly laughable.
Yet authoritarian forces forced it down the throat of the World.
Funny how Pandemic revealed their true nature.
A perhaps unintended outcome freeing them from pretense.
It will be a laughable Harris naked emperor electoral victory or the Deep State Blob just takes fascistic control, because they are and can.
I see it as clear as I saw the “two weeks to flatten the curve” lie.
But even cynical TFH wearing me, never imagined it would be nearly two years.
No curve was flattened.
Just untold millions of people.
Can’t tell you how I much I hope my Pandemic inspired psychic powers fail me this time around.
seems to me Oz, and all the English speaking nations, need a Trump victory as much as we do.
Amen to that.
‘… 2 weeks before election date …’
Its actually a two day blackout period.
Good on you Glen L.
You are adhering to the modern adage – Vote early; vote often.
In Australia, we are crossed off the electoral roll when we attend to vote. Those who vote often by visiting multiple voting stations ineveiitably get caught out and there are jail sentences of 6 to 12 months.
Each election, there are a few thousand people found out for casting multiple votes but almost impossible to prove it was not an error, particularly if it is a common name where there could be hundreds of the same name in tiny text. I do not know if anyone has actually been convicted for voter fraud in Australia.
FWIW – latest Chiefio
“Roots Of War In Animated Graphs: BRICS Growth”
It is difficult to find a single measure for economic might but total energy consumption is a better indicator than gold reserves.
There is a delusion in the west that countries can decouple economic might from energy.
‘It is my opinion that this explains the present fervor in the EU for “war with Russia” and the US Desire to start a war with China. Along with the use of Israel as a proxy in the Middle East.’
Russia and China have failing economies and they are the head honchos in BRICS.
The EU didn’t want war with Russia, but now that its drawing to a close they fancy using frozen Russian assets to reconstruct Ukraine after hostilities.
Did you know the Donbas holds a small fortune in oil, gas, gold, lithium and other rare metals?
The US doesn’t want a war with China, neither does Xi, his country is sliding into economic depression. Should he unload some gold for US dollars?
No need to start a war with China, the country is on a slippery slope.
‘If China’s fertility rate remains on its downward trajectory, for every newborn in the future, six people would die – a trend that threatens to intensify the nation’s demographic crisis, a demographer has cautioned.
“With the current half-hearted incentive policies, not only is it impossible to raise the fertility rate, but even maintaining it at 1.0 seems out of reach,” warned a recent report published by the YuWa Population Research Institute.
“Anti-marriage and anti-childbearing sentiments are intensifying, and the pro-birth policies aren’t even enough to counter this downward trend.” (SCMP)
Local council elections here in Godzone at the moment. In my area there are 3 candidates, one is interested in diversity and inclusion, one interested in treaty and reparations and one is interested in roads, rates and rubbish. How do I choose?
Spoke with a family member from the City of Casey, they received their “how to vote” leaflet in the mail and the really interesting point was the only page printed in English, the language of the country, was the face page. This only says “How to Vote” and a link to a vic gov language support service. The entire document was then printed in 49 (forty nine) other languages!
That is how to create division. It is impossible to have a community if there is no common language. Remember the Tower of Babel story. The enemy within is far more dangerous than the enemy without and we have the former in abundance. And they are winning.
And of course it employs lots of bureaucrats.
You start with 1 (one) to design the How to Vote card, followed by 4-5 to approve it. 12 to claim it needs more languages, which means about 49 to agree on the included languages.
Of course, nothing has changed.. You rise to the top of the heap by climbing over those beneath you and stamping on their faces. Those at the top need a scared divided dis-armed population clamouring for Govt protection.
At a management training course and the lecturer had just finished explaining “The Pyramid Principle.
A voice from the audience spoke up –
“So that is how it is supposed to work then.
I thought it was more like a vegetarian’s dunny – the turds float to the top”
There are about 7,000 presently spoken languages in the world. And there are only instructions in 49?
How long before Leftists scream “racism” (sic) and demand instructions in all 7,000 languages?
Or how long before they ban voting altogether once they are full entrenched in power?
The guy in charge of the Lebanese Muslim Association complained that in relation to Lebanese who are (technically) Australian but choose to live in Lebanon and don’t speak English, and who are or were being offered free tax payer funded flights back to Australia, that the required forms were not printed in Arabic which made it hard for the Lebanese who hold Australian passports to get a tax payer funded flight. What, there are no friends, relatives or their community members who can help?
Apart from that, why should my taxes pay for their travel arrangements? They are the ones who chose to live in a terrrorist-infested excrement hole. They had a safe place in Australia.
Diversity and inclusion are such good sounding words. I suggest you go for the one offering those as priority.
My local ward has 9 candidates and only one will become a councillor. Tow hopefuls in their 20s both put priority on the fixing potholes. collecting rubbish and mowing lawns. But what would they know. An older person also placed priority roads, rates and rubbish but went on to mention inclusivity so was dropped down the list.
Another mentioned corporate governance so went down the list. Another was into rates, roads, footpaths and parks but lost me when bringing up trust.
As it happens the two young fellows who mentioned their connection to the area and their priorities on what councils should do were at the top of my list.
It is encouraging to see young people with focus without the unneeded waffle.
The Green Circus – do they intentionally set out to be this hilarious or is it simply part of their emissions budgetary problem?
Fired Green MP, Darleen Tana (whose husband is charged with alleged immigration shenanigans) who went ‘independent’ then claimed to be a them/they, has had papers served against her by the Greens (a 100% consensus vote) to be ousted from Parliament under the ‘waka jumping’ (party swapping) law which the Greens originally voted vehemently against. Ah yes, morals.
Her replacement is Benji Doyle, a 30-something takatapui (rainbow) whaikaha (disabled person) who, according to RNZ, “they describe themself as … a progressive … for bold climate and social action”. As Benji will be standing (?) in the Hamilton City electorate – think dairy farming and transport hub and old king coal country – he them they those may be pushing the proverbial uphill.
FWIW on that-
“‘We Vote For Palestine’ – What a disgrace for Victoria’s council elections.”
Honestly, all of them must be forced to watch (as postwar Germans were…) a YouTube video or a wiki text on the 1934 Congress of the Victors.
1108 out of 1966 delegates and 98 out of 139 Central Committee Members were arrested as contra-revolutionaries.
How many “Victors” survived ?
I am aware of five, repeat – 5 out of nearly 2000 : Сталин — Маленков — Берия — Хрущёв — Булганин.
Note. Congress CPSU, the highest ruling organ of the USSR, like a Parliament but it sat for a week or so every few years.
FWIW – “Vitamin I”
“There’s an ocean of difference between the two cases. Mainly, that no democratically-elected legislature anywhere ever voted to outlaw ivermectin. Ivermectin was never banned by law, not even for covid treatment.
In fact, the only authority anti-ivermectin state medical boards could rely on was a single horsey tweet by the jackasses at the FDA — a tweet the Fifth Circuit later ruled was illegal medical advice the FDA wasn’t allowed to give in the first place.”
And other things
But,but, but, growing crops, fruit trees,etc, will also suck up nasty climate changing C02 ?
Yes, but those foods are then eaten by humans and turned into methane, another ‘pollutant’, apparently. Bottom burps are a leading cause of climate change, you know.
On that note, one thing I have learned as I age is that, once past 65yo, one can never completely trust a fart.
FWIW – a look at the US presidential election
“Heh – Guess Who’s Growing on People?”
This what on your link but near the very end – Jesus is Lord
It could prove telling in a US election. Lots of mixed emotions about abortion but I do not think those opposing abortion should be mocked. Abortion is an important matter for those involved and is not fodder for a joke – distasteful at best but truly demeaning for Harris.
“Gmail Users Warned About New Account Takeover Scam: Here’s What To Look For”
When Big Tech Needs Power, They Turn to Nuclear and Not ‘Renewables’
The transnational elite keeps trying to force proles to use unreliable wind and solar power.
But as their own power needs escalate, the “net zero” Big Tech companies that brag about their use of renewable power are turning to reliable nuclear power to ensure their data centers stay up.
“‘Dark Fleet Oil Tanker Train’ Hauling Russian Crude To Indian Refineries Shows Ineffectiveness Of G7 Sanctions”
Think the monarchy is bad? Just imagine a Kevin Rudd-led republic
The alternative to a constitutional monarchy in Australia – involving a Italian-style president who likely served as a politician and now regularly interjects on political matters – is a recipe for disaster, writes Rocco Loiacono. Sky News
FWIW – the latest Kunstler
“The Three Layers of Culpability”
” The Great Fright among the elite of the party ruling our country steals across the land chillingly now from sea to shining sea — as if all those ghouls, werewolves, zombies, and tormented wraiths assembled in the front yard Halloween displays send up one mighty wail of despair: Donald Trump will seek revenge against his enemies if you elect him! they scream into the pale moonlight.”
Conclusion –
“Speaking of hands, on the other hand, remember that the signal weakness of Julius Caesar was pardoning his enemies. Since Mr. Trump is best known as a deal-maker, I believe he will seek to make a deal with the blob. The deal will be for them to cooperate in the prosecution of certain key figures in exchange for not demolishing their agencies altogether. Some of these people — Garland, Mayorkas, Fauci, Brennan, and Wray, for examples — really do need to do some ‘splainin’ in front of juries. That may be sufficient to clarify for history some of the damage the Woke insanity did to our country. We can’t pretend that nothing happened. Most of all, Mr. Trump has to defeat the sick belief that anything goes and nothing matters.”
Although I am a great fan of Kunstler, he really doesn’t understand Roman politics or history. The famous “clementia”, which Julius Caesar spoke often about in his “commentarii” was applied to those non Romans that he conquered during his proconsular commands. Although he reconciled with his political enemies after the Civil War, it was not of the same nature as his official relationships with the non Romans that he conquered in battle.
I would even go for Rudd ahead of the English monarchy. Australia’s head of State would have no authority. That is a good place for Rudd. Like a figure head on a Viking boat – Useless other than presenting a scary image.
“Australia’s head of State would have no authority. ”
How long for, I wonder… Every single person on the public tit spends their time plotting how to increase their empire.
I pointed this out during the Republic referendum.
Under the current system
If the PM tries to be a dictator the GG sacks him and lets the Monachy know.
If the GG tries to be a dictatorl the PM complains to the Monarchy and they sack the GG.
If the Monarch tries to be a dictator the Palace sends him off to a country estate for a “rest cure” and his successor takes over.
Under the proposed scheme we would get a nonentity as Head of State and a Dictator.
You might think that might work but try substituting Chris Bowen, Dan Andrews or Albonese for those positions.
In my mind, our useless Monarch doesn’t prove we need a President, rather it begs the question whether we need a head of state at all. Until that Q is asked, I’ll stick with Charlie.
If our parliament went rogue no Head of State without a Praetorian Guard could bring it back to the straight and narrow. Can we trust a HoS WITH a Praetorian Guard?
” rather it begs the question whether we need a head of state at all. ”
Of course not! I can’t believe that Aussies would want even MORE Govt above them, this country is sinking under too many layers of Govt now! Get rid of either the Canberra mob or the useless State Govts, they just duplicate each other.
Elon would sort it out, how to run a large organisation and make it work!
Why “Of course not!”? The answer is not obvious to me.
I am unaware of any nation without a HoS. Are they ALL over-governed?
No. I love the monarchy. It is our history and represents the very existence of our people and society. I don’t care if Charlie is a raving green, woke or whatever. People forget his father was exactly the opposite.
People don’t understand what the constitutional monarchy does or how it works. Especially Americans. And I’d include myself in that. But it does work and works brilliantly.
Get rid of it and people start worshipping something else. And that would be, money, movie stars and pop culture.
From a well known west country comedian..
“Some are Empires, ruled by Emperors..
Some are Kingdoms, ruled by Kings..
Bur we are just a Country ruled by c***ts…… (politicians !)”
Surprise workers who own the most rental homes
(with no. professionals who own properties)
General manager 66,559
Teachers 64,529
CEO/managing director 60,800
Registered nurse 55,519
Accountant 49,203
Office administrator 41,144
Advertising and sales manager 40,686
Admin assistant 40,509
Project administrator 25,296
Software and applications programmer 25,024
IT manager 22,379
Electrician 21,397
Sales rep 19,114
Construction manager 18,725
Real estate sales agent 17,587
Finance manager 17,431
Sales assistant-general 17,272
Truck driver 15,738
Solicitor 15,475
Accounting clerk 15,416
Police 15,412
Call centre/customer service manager 15,040
Civil engineer 14,318
Bank teller/officer 14,316
Aged/disabled carer 14,004
Retail manager 13,969
Management and organisation analyst 13,431
Source: Australian Taxation Office
Whilst i am surprised by the Teachers and Nurses in the top 5 on the list,….the General Managers, CEOs, etc wwould all have a good understanding of accounting and Tax systems to explain their proliferation in the investors ranks..
…so not as much of a surprise there !
When I did a few nightime courses years ago my instructor mentioned he had 23 houses, acquired over decades!
Makes Albo look like an amateur.
Local radio interviewed a 30 yr old guy who has accumulated 110 inv estment properties, valued at $90+ million, in under 10 yrs.
He admits that borrowed money of $30million is owed to banks etc, but that stll means he has accrued $60 mil in 10 yrs !
One smart guy !
Cuba suffers a complete collapse of their electricity grid.
.. Fuel shortages ( oil fired generation), from embargos and government debt seem to be the primary cause.
Interesting to see how they recover power supply from a total grid blackout ?
A pity they cannot afford solar panels.
And here I was anticipating UK to be the First Nation to go dark. Does Cuba count?
Even the BBC has that.
“Prime Minister Manuel Marrero addressed the public in a televised message on Thursday, blaming deteriorating infrastructure, fuel shortages and rising demand for the electricity failures. “The fuel shortage is the biggest factor,” he said.”
MSNBC: We should note, we did not find a single person who audibly would tell us that they voted for Kamala Harris. These were Trump supporters getting out to vote early in the all-important Mojave County. Take a listen to some of our conversations.
VOTER: Well, the difference is gonna be that we’re — everybody’s coming out early.
MSNBC: Why did you vote early this year?
VOTER #2: Honestly, because Donald Trump told me to.
MSNBC: We went one man who did not vote in 2020, but he said he was horrified by the state of the country, so he’s voting here in 2024.
WATTERS: The Harris campaign’s running into reality. That’s how Walter Samuel puts it. Harris finds herself burdened by Biden’s legacy and with a pointless running made in October.
At the very moment, she’s triangulated her credibility into the dustbin. Half the Harris ticket’s in a sling. Walls is useless.
And she’s out there basically saying the last four years was a failure and never touts any of their so-called accomplishments.
The only thing she talks about is this.
HARRIS: And Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump’s administration, Donald Trump, Donald Trump’s administration, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, from Donald Trump and Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, about Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump and Donald Trump is… …talking to President Biden at a fundraiser… …on the debate stage… Donald Trump, Donald Trump, let’s go back to Donald Trump… …oil profits… …during Donald Trump’s… …and Donald Trump… …Madam Vice President… …how Donald Trump…
WATTERS: Usually when a person acts like that, you get a restraining order.
And she won’t take any responsibility for anything. She had the chance yesterday with Bret to say what she’d do differently, and she flunked.
And yet a report I read just this morning claimed that 76% of votes cast and counted so far allegedly went to Kackala Harris. Weird, eh?
Probably just another one of those mysterious ‘discrepancies’.
As it is here, early votes are not COUNTED before polling day, although they can get an idea via voter registration.
Try THIS from Liberal Hivemind.
I checked, and some jurisdictions in the USA permit release of early counting results:,_2024
If you insist, but I have never heard them quoted and I follow US politics closely. Greatest Show on Earth!
Why did you do that? Did you actually read it?
Most states don’t allow tabulation until election day but none allowed release of the results until close of voting.
It does not specifically state that for all jurisdictions. For example:
Every time I switch to Fox they are talking about Delaware and Connecticut. lol
I don’t see any statement at all about releasing the counts in the link you provided.
Not many States allow counting information to be released before the polls close. I would like to see the data that makes up the 76%.
The irony is strong in this one
Knocking US military competence is a popular pastime of a few regulars here. Can you imagine anyone else doing this?
Having unloaded they could then fly home the short way, but that was still a round the world trip. I have no idea if the juice was worth the squeeze but what a show of strength.
Nothing the Russians couldn’t do, although the Yanks have an advantage with so many military bases all over the world.
Once you let them in they never leave..
These bombers never landed, bases not needed. It’s not my fault Russia’s friends don’t own a tanker between them.
Perhaps they dont fèel the need to bomb people on the other side of the planet and/or would rather spend their military money on nuclear powered ice breakers and working supply replenishment ships.
August 24
July 22
6 this year
The Yanks “Red Sea Fleet” sounds like they wouldn’t mind borrowing a tanker at the moment
“IF It Starts”
“…. the average jackass who turns his phone OFF and maintains absolute silence with regard to what he or she is doing, where they’re going and what they’re after may well get caught but they will also almost-certainly succeed.
How do I know this?
Because of the fact that we can’t even run an oiler to make sure our Naval vessels have fuel for their planes and choppers without the asshole at the helm running it hard aground and worse the command structure above said captain has only one such vessel in the area so there is no redundancy AND someone on that ship (a crew member, obviously) videoed the damage with a cellphone and uploaded it to social media so every douche-nozzle in the world that might want to shoot at us knows its literal open season on said fleet as at present we can’t refuel!”
Much more at
Lots of Australians are very anti Yank. It’s existed here since ww2 and probably before – loud brash Yankees and their money stealing the local women left its enduring mark.
I myself am loyal to British culture and have many troubles with US foreign policy and the degeneracy promoted by its hyper pop culture. The US has historically loathed Britain, and did its best to destroy the British Empire, more than prepared to see it rot in WW2, forcing Britain to hand over its gold, business and technology for its eventual support – of which it did a fine job. Little moves me more than tales of those B17 crews and what those brave young men did and how many died horrifying deaths (available on youtube if interested)
I recently came across a plaque on an impressive ornate Brisbane building, where General MacArthur was based and planned the fight against the Imperial Japanese, and I marveled at the enormity of it all.
America saved Australia when it comes down to it, and still the only thing stopping the modern world falling to evil proper is the might of the US military and its extraordinary technology, and long may it continue and long may we assist.
I was born just before the Coral Sea Battle, on it’s shores, in a city overrun by Yanks. Apart from being over paid, over sexed and over here they were RACIST at the time. The blacks were terribly treated and mutinied, the MPs set up a machine gun on the bridge into the city enforcing segregation. I have no rose coloured glasses.
Forgive me if don’t spit on our rescuers however. MacArthur is my least favourite Yank.
My father was a WWII infantry platoon Sergeant, twice wounded, Sicily, Italy. France.
I don’t remember much vibe about having pride about rescuing anything.
More of a resignation about the reality of a job that had to be done and being the most capable of doing it.
My father didn’t like MacArthur either.
(I remember, upon a mention of MacArthur’s “I have returned” quote, my father muttering under his breath “yeah … with 10,000 other guys”.)
My impression growing up, was that Australians, Brits, and French, NZ, many islanders did what they could.
Which is what my father would say about the people he fought with.
We just by fate, had more to bring.
It was either an Ozzie or Kiwi, plus islanders that saved John Kennedy and the crew of PT109.
Not to mention countless other US sailors and soldiers.
I’ve never thought, or even heard, that Australians hesitated or failed to step up.
Yes – I have always thought it part of a pompous British tradition that Aussies are “standoffish” towards Americans.
We have travelled all over the USA by car and have mostly found its citizens to be welcoming and interested in us Aussies. The land itself is exquisitely beautiful – especially the lakes and forested areas. No wonder “the world” has always wanted to live there! We regularly watch the “9Life” TV Channel which features house hunting across the breadth of America & is an interesting insight into the quality of their housing (excellent) and the diversity of the country.
We have some US friends from Seattle who are (conversely) wanting to emigrate to Oz, but can’t – because in their 50s they are considered too old! But then they are Democrats and maybe foresee a republican future!
? Lots of?? Based on what? you seem to have to go back more than half a century to illustrate the point.
I havent noticed animus towards Americans especially. Most people dont confuse the people with the government. God knows what the world makes of us (the tiny % of time Oz may reach their consciousness) with the clown show we have representing us.
Isn’t Diego Garcia just a short shuttle down the road a bit?
A good place to top up the batteries after crossing the two oceans.
This operation has the blessing of the free world and was planned well in advance.
‘Stealth bombers from the US Air Force (USAF) landed in Australia on 16 August following unannounced flights from North America.’ (FlightGlobal”
“This operation has the blessing of the free world ”
‘the free world’… A term used by those involved in making sure the free world ISN’T free, our self-described leaders! The majority of the world, as population, number of countries, or economy, will disagree.
“Little moves me more than tales of those B17 crews and what those brave young men did and how many died horrifying deaths”
Yep, all those volunteers racing off to fight the Germans in 1939 as America joined its ally Britain in WW2… Oh wait, no, they hung Britain out to dry for three years before being forced into the war by Japan! Once the Russians had crushed the German army and Europe was at peace, Britain was turning their attention to Japan, so Australia would still be here without America.
Seems war suited the Yanks so fine they’ve been at it ever since!
I must disagree with your last bit KP,
If the US hadn’t opposed the Japanese in 1942 I reckon we’d have been occupied as soon as the end of 1942.
The sea battles of the Coral Sea and Midway, followed by those on the islands to our north saved us, at great cost.
I doubt we would have had enough men or material to hold long enough to wait for Brits who were still heavily engaged at home.
And remember that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the events that ended that war, with US technologies and manpower.
Were we not so keen to send the boys off to North Africa… I wish Australia would consider being third world – non-aligned
Our forces were deployed – Tobruk and El Alamein come to mind – and were withdrawn to Australia against British wishes after Pearl Harbour.
After their return to Oz they were redeployed to New Guinea to relieve the militia regiment which had held Milne Bay and Kokoda.
Reckon they were pretty exhausted / depleted by that stage. Keep em at home.
How are you peaceniks doing preventing WWIII? Not too good from where I stand.
Well H, it depends who wins, Kamala or Trump. Can Trump hold back the Pentagon and the MIC?? You can be sure Kamala won’t even know what they are!
A better question might be what is consistent thread stirring up and fueling these major conflicts. The threat of WW3 or even WW3 is good for business
“Once the Russians had crushed the German army and Europe was at peace,”
I could have laughed but for my late dad, as most other soviet males of that era.., anyway as late as Summer 1944 the WWII could still turn the other way.
Red Army only regained the land they left at the start.
I strongly advise all “historians” here to pay attention to documents dug out by an amateur Mark Solonin.
He classifies British Empire war (alone !) against Germany supported by Russia + Europe as the 1st Front, with the 2nd Front only coming to existence on 22/06/1941.
By the way about Japan, Stalin supplied them with coal during the war – openly.
Pariah states attacking free trade shipping needs to be dealt a heavy blow, they are bandits.
Anarchism has no future.
Depends who says they are pariah States and if the rest of the world cares. A bit like the “rules based order” people like to trot out as long as they own the rules.
Bombing Yemen is not such a challenge when they don’t have an air force to defend themselves. They do have a small number of air-defence missiles … but nothing which could stop a B2.
To answer your question … no other country would be doing exactly the same thing … but Russia has been hitting with Kh-47M2 Kinzhal for the past two years … an air launched missile with far less explosive force, but far more penetration depth.
Arguable about which one is more useful, but mostly the challenge is finding a high value target.
China have some roughly equivalent knock-off missile (check DF-ZF, which is a similar shape and size) but never really been tested. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.
Bombing Yemen is not such a challenge when they don’t have an air force to defend themselves.
But they have missiles. No use against stealth bombers. You can’t defend against planes you can’t see.
Whinge all you want about how America is unfair, but given three months to plan, the rest of the world couldn’t pull off such a stunt if they all worked together.
“Science™ Update: ‘Tis the Season to Never Mention Seasons Again”
FWIW – more covid “Safe and Effective”
“Did CDC Officials Mislead The Public About COVID Vaccine Efficacy? Rep. Massie Says “Yes”
30 “At 7.05pm this evening, a Tele-handler in the Works Yard on the 97-acre Westpoint site self-combusted.” – robots on fire these days are so common. the kids keep lining up to go in for a gig
“You Will Not Believe What James O’Keefe Found”
“James O’Keefe has a documentary coming out this month, and the clips we see are harrowing.
Line in the Sand focuses on the ins and outs of the migrant crisis and, in particular, (as far as I can tell) the corruption that lies at the heart of the matter. ”
More at
“Which College Degrees Have The Best Return On Investment?”
Natural resources thing in top LHS corner of the chart –
There’s nothing very noble or ‘free’ about bribing people to dob in their neighbours so you can kill them just because you disagree with their speech..
“The Rewards for Justice (RFJ) Foundation, which operates under the US State Department, announced a reward of $ 10 million for information about the Russian media project “Rybar”. This money is promised for information that will lead to the identification or whereabouts of employees of the Russian telegram channel. The State Department considers them involved in foreign interference in the US elections.”
More bribes..
“Ursula Von der Leyen has invited Moldova into her parlour with a tempting 1.8 billions Euros. The offer was made just five days before the country is due to vote on joining the EU (Oct 20th) – and the West has a cheek to accuse Russia and China of meddling in elections!”
More electrical transmission towers fall down.
I don’t recall this sort of thing happening, back in the day.
This has only happened since the electrical system was infested with wokeness.