A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Well, The UK is really driving down its CO2 emissions. Nothing to do with the reality that instead we import the goods we used to make. But at least that means its off our score card of CO2 so thats all right.
Wouldn’t it be nice though to be able to buy things not made in China, a country I increasingly view as Hostile.
The Socialist way of governing & providing for the population. It’s quite a simple method used by unimaginative, lazy & moronic civil serpents.
Take one step ladder position yourself on the top rung then slowly, methodically step down & down. It must be done carefully, after all one doesn’t want go crashing down & end up a pathetic sniveling wreck of one’s former self.
When everyone is safely at the bottom rung you can then stare at all those “ fools “ at the top living a good, happy, productive & prosperous life whilst knowing that your dreadful situation is purely the result of your own idiocy!!
I’m sure you’ll all be thrilled that voted the Socialist morons into power. And a happy & prosperous 2025 ( and beyond ) to you all!
UK shut down its last CO2 spewing blast furnace this week – whoopee. Let China make steel. They are getting very good at doing that. UK’s new steel requirement is a nothing more than a slight efficiency gain in China production.
UK just needs to sell more real estate to Cghinese and Arabian interests to pay for the new steel. Most will come in packaged as BEVs.
That way UK can pretend they are kleading the world heading for NetZero. The loonies in Canberra advertise that Canberra has 100% “renewable” electricity. They do not count coal burnt to make turbines, solar panels and provide backup power.
But replacing it with carbon arc furnace which can smelt recycled steel/ iron scrap etc.
Not a huge deal as i suspect they would have been importing iron ore anyway for the blast furnace.
No mention of what they will do with the CO2 producing reduction furnaces ?
it seems that a blast furnace and an electrci arc furnace is exchangeable in the minds of many (lazy media again?), but that is wrong.
A blast furnace makes iron used to make steel (and iron in it’s own right is used in many products that an electric arc furnace cannot make). An electric arc furnace is a metal melter, and in this case as you correctly say melts scrap steel. However you must use iron to effectively make quality steels, simply because just melting scrap makes the resulting mix a lottery as to what you get (Steel is an alloy of many constituents giving different grades). In practice, apparently, Port Talbot will now not make it’s own iron but buy it in, from where?
And Canberra has how much energy storage dedicated to them?
They should be dragged over the coals for false advertising. Or go dark on every windless night.
I’d prefer they get the coals.
I cannot understand the mindset of people living in the uk and indeed Australia, who do not trust the Chinese, yet continue to buy their products . .
I doubt that they do not trust the Chinese. They probably don’t think about the Chinese much at all. They just want cheap stuff , and if its Chinese so be it. The popularity of MG cars is a great example.
We havent knowingly purchased Chinese sourced food for at least a couple of decades.
Where I can can I avoid Chinese branded product. In my case oil filters, tyres and some tool are examples.
I will prefer brands owned outside China over Chinese brands , when both are Chinese made.
I wont be buying an MG or BYD car anytime soon. You really cant threaten my country and play the trade bully expect me to then buy your product happily.
Sometimes its unavoidable but when its possible to discriminate, I discriminate.
Rachel Reeves-The UK chancellor- claimed to have found a £22 Billion Black hole on taking office. As a result she stopped pensioners winter fuel allowance -total 2 Billion-and awarded that sum of money to very well paid bus drivers.
Now we can see where the 22 Billion has gone to, as Minibrain has earmarked it for carbon capture and storage
Those who pay attention know that last time round-some 20 years ago-carbon capture was the magic formula to remove our nasty CO2 emissions. It didn’t work then and it won’t work now as the Physics, the cost, the technology and the available space, do not add up.
Where do these idiots keep coming from?
Sorry, Bus drivers should read train drivers.
I was once told by someone who converted from driving trains to buses when he moved somewhere with out a train service that driving a bus was far more difficult. Much more traffic, more potential problems, more traffic signals to cope with etc. The pay of a bus driver is little more than a third that of a train driver but the latter do have a powerful union.
Train drivers should read horizontal lift drivers.
Sort of why autopiloting a car is a more difficult issue that autopiloting an aircraft.
Brilliant comment by JXB in the page you linked:
if we have decarbonised by 2050, why do we need carbon capture?
Nett zero is not decarbonization, just a return to the supposedly perfect world of say 2000 AD.
Decarbonization is the elimination of all life on earth. To save the planet and stop the oceans from boiling as at present. Carbon is evil, black. Carbon Dioxide is worse.
Listing the most prevalent atoms in the universe and ignoring noble gases helium 24% and neon 1.34% you get
Hydrogen 73.9%
Oxygen 1.04%
Carbon 0.46%
And all of life is made from these three elements. Lucky, eh? Everything else is just rocks and gas.
The compounds are water, CO2 and carbohydrate and hydrocarbon. One of these is pure evil.
That’s modern Climate Science. So much for Rational Science.
Not lucky, TdeF! It’s miraculous that these three elements should coalesce in just the right amounts at just the right time to create life on Earth which, it’s self, is just the right distance from the sun (8 minutes at 186,282.3969444444 miles per second) to sustain it.
Yes, a miracle. How did it happen? The creation of organisms, genes, chromosones, skin, structures, intelligence, eyes all powered by CO2 and sunshine.
And the arrogance that since 1988 when Al Gore said so, we humans are in charge of CO2 boggles my mind. Like being in charge of H2O.
Or even the Great Barrier Reef, 1200km x 250km in the ocean. When Barack Obama came here and criticized us for not looking after it, I was amazed. Insane. And who’s ‘looking after’ Mount Everest? Who’s minding Antarctica?
In a world of angry Green communists and imbeciles, like Greta Thunberg, the very idea that we insignificant humans now control the planet is absurd. A single meteor would change that.
‘Who’s minding Antarctica?’
Or Greenland? The Holocene is coming to an end.
And Nitrogen, you can’t make proteins without Nitrogen.
Nitrogen especially for DNA “carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorous, and hydrogen. ”
Iron 0.1% to carry the oxygen
Metals like sodium, potassium too but they really are trace metals in quantity.
Where would we be without NaCl? It runs our communications. The other gas, Chlorine.
In the huge solar furnaces where atoms fuse, the atomic population drops very rapidly with weight.
My point is that carbon, hydrogen and oxygen top the list. And politicians are black banning carbon and think that’s ‘science’.
Years ago Greenpeace did ban Chlorine. I cannot believe carbon is a forbidden atom. And ‘dirty’.
Carbon is a girl’s best friend.
You are the carbon they want to remove.
2000 AD – a fine comic.
Home of Judge Dredd!
Seems to me that the world’s oceans are already doing all the heavy lifting when it comes to sequestration.
Don’t tell Mr. Miliband [described as a ‘Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero’, although I think he forgets the ‘Energy Security’ bit, sadly].
It’s what happens when you let politicians legislate on science. As nearly happened in Indiana in 1894 when the congress tried to define pi to be 3.2, to make life easier for everyone.
CO2 is in equilibrium. Slight ocean surface warming produces slight increase in the equilibrium level. Sequestration is useless. NASA proved this with satellite obsevations between 1988 and 2014 when CO2 went up 14% and world tree cover also went up 14%.
England has a lot of licensed tree farms earning carbon credits. It’s all childish fantasy science. And the Universities say nothing. They are now billion dollar businesses dependent on foreign students and who really cares that it’s all nonsense. Australia has the same mad schemes and massive hidden charges inside the electricity bills. After all, we invented the idea in 2001.
“As a result she stopped pensioners winter fuel allowance.. ”
So much for promises and trust. The immorality of that is staggering.
The budget black hole find is mandatory for any new government, usually followed by “it’s much worse than ee thought”
It becomes the cornerstone for all the weasal words justifying why they now will not do all the things they said they will do.
They will however continue to spend money on all the things the really wanted to do, but didnt reveal on the way in.
Nail on head Yarpos.
The link title says it all
No doubt they will be heavily fined and our politicians will apologise for misleading us.
“However, Covid ads from Pfizer that ran nationally during the early rollout of the vaccine contained no basic disclosure, despite the fact they were marketing a drug that had enhanced disclosure requirements. The risks around myocarditis and other heart issues were not acknowledged in spots, nor were the relative lack of benefits for young, healthy individuals with prior infection immunity.
The most glaring omission, however, was the lack of disclosure that the vaccines had not yet received FDA approval. Under the emergency approval to Pfizer and Moderna, issued in December 2020, both pharmaceutical firms were required to remind viewers of the EUA status of the vaccines in any paid media. It stated that “all descriptive printed matter, advertising and promotional material” relating to the vaccine must “clearly and conspicuously” state that “this product has not been approved or licensed by FDA” and was authorised only under the emergency use declaration.
Those disclosures were almost nowhere to be found in countless advertisements that appeared over the ensuing months of the pandemic, as Americans faced widespread coercion to receive the shot.
In a response to a request for comment, a Pfizer spokesperson claimed that the ads were “unbranded campaigns”, and thus no disclosures were required. Moderna provided a similar explanation. “As this was a non-branded disease education campaign EUA disclosures were neither necessary nor appropriate,” said a company spokesperson.”
Our local CO2 assessment procedures have been given a huge shaking here on the East coast of the wonderful land here down under.
We have an extra hour of sunshine that will see the absorption of massive amounts of CO2 and see us just a little bit closer to our ultimate goal of Nett Zero.
Well done Austraya’s politicians, the UNIPCCC will be proud.
We should accept Nett Zero as our politicians are showing the way – after all most have reached Nett Zero intelligence.
Yes and the collective IQ of the Australian Feral Guv’ment ‘Pollies’ is Nett Zero.
Just zero. No nett. No balancing intelligence. It would be great if politicians had to have a career before they entered politics. The leading lights in the Labor party have done nothing in their lives except climb the greasy pole.
And don’t get me started on Kamala Harris. Or Joe Biden.
I thought I touched green, not red. Apologies TdeF.
I saw a short video on YT the other day suggesting pollies should all be qualified, licensed and tested prior to starting their jobs, just like electricians, plumbers, accountants etc.
If only…
Who would be the judges of their competence though?
Most of them are lawyers. And unemployable. I mean in some other profession than politician/law graduate. The Unions put their people through a law degree and straight into running the country. No work experience and beholden to their sponsors.
That’s a good one: “Nett Zero intelligence”.
Trouble is, they have enough intelligence to get elected, but then they display greed and self interest and ignore the obligations that they took on.
Since 1970, politicians have spent, used, and abused all of the accessible bits of the wonderful country that was built in short period immediately after World War two.
Now we are back to ground zero and worser, we now have an additional national debt and seriously depleted manufacturing capacity along with a destroyed education system that is frightening.
The ultimate condemnation of the political think is that the politicians/grabbers don’t seem to be able to understand that their sons, daughters and grandchildren will be living in this degraded shambles.
That ‘absorption’ just erupted as a 5.7 quake under Cook Strait – yes another one – on the very day Emergency Services were practicing their Earthquake Resilience skills in Wellington. And please, stop exporting your rubbish NSW weather: it’s cold wet & windy while down south there’s ‘snow to 800m’.
Hooray for the NZ navy: while surveying reefs off Samoa, they crashed into one, near Coconuts Surf Resort on Upolu. All crew escaped in lifeboats and are now enjoying that world-famous Samoan hospitality… talofa lava!
“A Royal NZ Navy ship is on fire and listing heavily after running aground near Samoa last night.
The 75 crew and passengers onboard the HMNZS Manawanui were safely rescued, but the fate of the vessel remains unclear as photos show a large fire onboard. The ship ran aground near the southern coast of Upolu, with all on board evacuating to “life rafts and sea boats”, the NZ Defence Force said.”
Top-heavy with DEI I’ll bet!
Do you think it might have been UAP/UFO activity upset their navaids? Seems there’s a lot of it about at the moment🥴
The $100+ million refitted specialty hydrographic naval vessel hit a coral reef it was surveying, then it burst into flames, now it has sunk (via RNZ).
Whether it’s still lodged on the fringing reef or has fallen off and plummeted to the depths below, who would know: RadioNZ metro-thexuals wouldn’t know a bow from a stern nor a port- from a starboard side, let alone a sink from a sunk.
If it ain’t our interislander ferries hitting wharves or rocks and/or breaking down, it’s the King’s navy barging in on Samoan shores (not like it hasn’t happened before). Where’s Greeeenpus & those other Sea Pirates when y’need ‘em…
Sailing lore says that there are two kinds of sailors – those who have run aground and those that are yet to.
The skipper was a person of the female persuasion who only had migrated to UnZud in 2012. Not sure how anyone could scale the heights to be commander of a naval vessel in 12 years. DEI may well be the answer……..
That’s like cutting 6 inches off the top of a blanket and sewing it on the bottom and thinking you have a longer blanket.
🙂 🙂
>thinking you have a longer blanket
More like pulling the blanket up six inches to where it’s better needed.
I think 6 inches is a bit too short. 10 inches should do the trick.
The extra hour of sunshine shifts the evening peak closer to when the solar panels are working. An extra hour or two and we could call it load shifting rather than daylight saving.
With the extra hour of sunlight there is also a shift in the time of maximum temperatures, so if maximum temperatures were happening around 3pm prior to daylight saving, they now happen at about 4pm. So if someone gets home from work at 5pm, without daylight saving there has been 2 hours of cooling from the max. With daylight saving, at 5pm there is only 1 hour of cooling so the cooling system needs to work longer, so less energy saving.
..But shifts the morning peak further away from the peak pv panel output !
No free lunch ( or breakfast ) with that change 🤔
FWIW – “pedigree washing”?
“I learned a new word: “Blackwashing”. Where someone, stolen valor like, tries to paint themselves as black and/or descendent of slaves, when they are not.”
More at
Tan Grant. ?
Yes KK, and they still haven’t solved my curtains fading from that extra hour of sunshine. So much for science.
And new comments there
The US Navy is working to replace its aging fleet of ICBM launching subs, affectionately called Boomers. They are having the usual problems:
But it is only $130 billion.
I worked in this program in the 80’s fixing a few confusions on the missle side. Interesting stuff because you cannot fire a 40 foot solid fuel rocket inside a sub so they first throw it into the air, then it fires, then it figures out where it is and how to go where it is going 5000 miles away and goes to boom. Got to be a touch of Halloween there.
As an ancient ASDIC then sonar operator I always believed they were known as “Boomers” because of the noise their propulsion system but I stand corrected ! Thanks
Right out the CO’s office window was a field full of real boomers — multiple re-entry warheads. The fence had signs with skull and crossbones saying “Deadly force authorized” which is gov’t speak for we shoot to kill. Enforced by Marines with machine guns. People stayed away. It gave me a warm fuzzy feeling.
Not much doing in the annoying bureaucrats and public servants news today so a weather update. It’s still a bit nippy in Hobart and Labor are angling for the young male vote
As an ancient ASDIC then sonar operator I always believed they were known as “Boomers” because of the noise their propulsion system but I stand corrected ! Thanks
Public EV charging costs rise to rival petrol
Green motoring isn’t as cheap as it used to be, as rapid charging sites continue to increase prices.
The cost of fast-charging electric cars is accelerating beyond the price of refuelling conventional vehicles in Australia.
Though the “range anxiety” that discouraged people from buying electric cars has been mitigated by 1000 fast-charging outlets across the country, increasingly high charging fees could make drivers hesitant to make the switch.
Evie Networks, Australia’s largest fast-charging provider, has increased prices by 80 per cent in five years, from 35 cents per kiloWatt hour in 2020 to 63c/kWh during peak periods today. Charging is slightly cheaper – 53c/kWh – during overnight off-peak periods which start at 9pm and finish at 10am.
Tesla’s Supercharger network is even more expensive for vehicles made by rival brands – some sites charge 92c/kWh for energy.
Recharging the 60kWh battery of a popular medium-sized EV such as the BYD Atto 3 could cost $55 for about 390 kilometres of range, while a larger Kia EV9’s 100kWh battery costs about $90 for about 500km of driving.
Compare that to a Toyota RAV4 with a 55 litre tank that costs $1.80 per litre to fill, or about $100 for a full tank returning more than 800 kilometres of range, and EVs can start to look like a tough sell.
On a dollar-per-kilometre basis, the most expensive EV chargers result in cars such as a BYD Atto 3 or Kia EV9 costing $14 and $18 to power for 100 kilometres, which is more than the $8 or $13 of a Toyota RAV4 or HiLux.
Australian EV owners are a long way from paying double the price of petrol for a full battery, which is the case in the UK.
“Australian EV owners are a long way from paying double the price of petrol for a full battery, which is the case in the UK.”
– For now
The joys of EVs in China. EV probs start at 3 mins.
But BEVs are saving their owners money providing they sleep in the car while waiting for the charger. Plan for a 7 day holiday 400km from home – 3 days to get there 1 day on holiday and then three days to get home. Cheap if you just snack and sleep in the car.
The take away for me with this video is how rapid China is developing. It now has the traffic chaos of poorly planned places like Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane..
BEVs mixed with snow could result in a whole lot of deaths. What is a safe margin in battery capacity to allow for getting stuck in traffic? Just another factor to add to range anxiety. It is not a matter of transferring fuel. If the battery is dead, you have to find another vehicle willing to take you in.
The Week in Pictures: Walz-Plant Edition
Forget “faceplant” as the term denoting a staggering and embarrassing failure. After this week, I nominate “Walz-plant” to take its place. Could perhaps be confusing, since Walz seems to have the intelligence of a house plant.
We know he is pro-weed, so maybe it fits better.
I was going on a 500 km road trip and now after 7 hours I still haven’t reached my destination.
When I left I fully charged the car but in reality I could only go around 390 km after driving 300 km I started looking for a charging station.
When I got to a station I had to wait in line for at least 2 hours – there was a traffic jam in front and behind me at the service area – it took 2 hours to charge then I had to move on.
But when I got to the next station it was another 2 hour wait.
I had just over 10 km of range left and I didn’t know what to do. I ended up getting off the highway to find a place to charge during the traffic jam I didn’t dare to turn on the air conditioning why because I was scared of running out of power.
If a fuel car runs out of gas we can refuel or have it brought to us but if an electric carruns out of power it has to be towed.
So with around 10 km left I found a place to charge I was lucky there were 7.3 km left when the battery was almost dead and as for saving money, well charging on the highway cost more than 1 un per kilowatt hour.
Which means it’s about 50 cents per kilowatt hour plus waiting in line for 3 hours isn’t worth it and this isn’t even counting the time wasted and the frustration it just ruins the mood.
If you have a fuel powerered car at home, seriously don’t drive an electric car on the highway
“U.S. Swings and Misses in Energy Competition”
She has 8 children, you know.
I would not recommend reading the article. Grrr.
Egyptian immigrant charged with murdering her husband and dismembering his body in Sydney
An Egyptian immigrant who had “unexplained wealth” despite being on welfare for 20 years has been charged with murdering and dismembering her husband in Sydney.
Nirmeen Noufl, 53, was arrested at a hospital in Bankstown on Thursday and on Friday was charged with the domestic violence murder of her husband Mamdouh Noufl, 62, who was reported missing in May 2023. Homicide detectives then executed a crime scene warrant at a home in Greenacre.
Police will allege Noufl was motivated by financial gain and acted alone in killing her husband in their family home on Juno Parade before cutting up his corpse with knives and power tools and disposing of the body parts in bins across south-west Sydney.
Noufl had received housing and government assistance for the last two decades and ran NDIS and child-minding businesses, but had accumulated “a lot of unexplained wealth” after his husband’s disappearance and had bought multiple investment properties in the Middle East, police said on Saturday.
Interesting has also made it to
But no mention of NDIS?
Amazing, the country we built immediately after WW2 was founded on discipline, hard work, thrift and trust.
It’s all gone.
Kalm – defininitely – Biggest Scam ever – NDIS
The couple have eight adult children, who will be in shock and grieving the death of their father, he said.
“We will deduce in court that she was solely responsible for the murder,” Doherty said. “We’re saying that the murder happened on the night of the 3rd of May into the early hours of the 4th of May.
“We will allege, also that [she] butchered and dismembered his body, placed his body parts in plastic bags and then disposed of his remains in various rubbish bins in the residential areas and industrial areas in south-west Sydney,” he said.
No remains have been found, and Doherty did not expect any to be found in the future due to the nature of their alleged disposal.
Police will allege that the motive for the killing was partly financial.
Doherty said the woman had received housing and government assistance for the past 20 years.
She has an NDIS and a child-minding business and had “a lot of unexplained wealth”.
“No remains have been found, and Doherty did not expect any to be found in the future due to the nature of their alleged disposal.”
That’s a worry, without a confession/witness, it sounds pretty circumstantial.
“and had “a lot of unexplained wealth”.”… pretty normal for Western Sydney, its a culture gap.
According to the 2021 Census, just 13.4% of Greenacre residents are of Australian ancestry, 46.8% are Muslim, and 78% speak a language other than English at home.
According to the 2021 Census, just 13.4% of Greenacre residents are of Australian ancestry, 46.8% are M@slim, and 78% speak a language other than English at home.
a culture gap that doesn’t seem to block people hooking into taxpayer funded benefits
Lindy Chamberlain was imprisoned despite the lack of what would be regarded as any piece of essential evidence – i.e., no body, weapon, motive, witness or opportunity. Sinister.
PETER VAN ONSELEN: Voters thought they were getting hope and purpose from Albo. But he’s too afraid to stand for what he really believes in… so where does that leave all of US?
The recent scuttlebutt about negative gearing suggested maybe we would see such a debate, before the PM shut it down. It is hard to imagine him reviving it between now and polling day.
To do so would be a backflip with a double pike.
While the prospect of a meaningful policy-based election showdown is enticing, it is hard to see this Labor government – much less this Prime Minister – making tax reform the fight to save his political career.
That’s because Albo has never defined himself according to economic issues. To the extent he’s paid much attention at all to the great economic debates of our time, his left wing ideology on that front was long rooted in a past developed nations have moved on from.
Albo even opposed the economic reforms of the Hawke and Keating era, and he was on their side of politics. His left wing economic beliefs fit more closely with policies of the Greens than mainstream tax reform ideas economists might support. So he keeps them private.
Albanese defines himself according to his social policy views, not economics, which is why he made the Voice to parliament his first order of business upon becoming PM.
The fact that the idea crashed and burned, exposing just how out of touch he is with the Australian mainstream, pushed the PM into a policy shell he can’t come out of.
In short, he’s too afraid to be himself and propose big ideas which would live up to the whole reason he got involved in politics in the first place. Because those views are a relic of a bygone era.
So where does that leave us?
And The Voice was an attempt to overthrow the Australian constitution and put all power in his hands. It had nothing to do with aborigines. And what has he done to help aborigines since? Zero.
Land council chief had junior hack emails
A confidential review of the nation’s biggest Native Title deal is being considered by authorities for the $1.3bn settlement ahead of decisions about annual funding for the seven Aboriginal corporations embroiled in disputes over its rollout.
The Weekend Australian can reveal that a seemingly benign emailed “ticket” from an IT contractor in August last year plunged the deal into turmoil because it all but confirmed suspicions that the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council had accessed the emails of a separate Aboriginal corporation. The corporations are effectively in annual competition for funding.
A subsequent internal investigation ordered by the south west council found that on August 11 last year, its chief executive Vanessa Kickett instructed a junior employee to access the email of Lisa Smith, who was then chief executive of the Wagyl Kaip Aboriginal Corporation.
The investigation found that between May and August 2023, Ms Kickett regularly requested reports from the junior employee about the emails of people who worked at separate regional Aboriginal corporations. The Weekend Australian has been told this was possible, but against policy, because the south west council was the IT service provider for those regional Aboriginal corporations.
Wagyl Kaip is one of six regional corporations established to realise the vast south west native title settlement.
Liberal premier Colin Barnett proposed the deal – comprising a $600m future fund and 200,000sqkm of land – as a solution to an impasse in a long-running Federal Court battle between the state and more than 30,000 Noongar people of Perth and the southwest.
It had bipartisan support because it delivered certainty to industry and developers while creating economic opportunities for Noongar people.
Constitutional experts called it Australia’s first treaty.
I believe that a lot of the money was used to purchase El Caballo Blanco, a resort in the Perth hills that used to feature Spanish dancing horses. It was presumed that the resort would be used to further indigenous interests. However, I believe that it may have ended up as the “private” property of one of the original group leaders, and its ownership remains under contention.
‘ … an attempt to overthrow the Australian constitution …’
Fair crack of the whip, Albo was only virtue signalling.
That’s impossible.
It was stupidity signaling. Received and understood, Albo.
He jests surely.
Maybe not. He’s never been the brightest spark in town.
Albo won’t do anything except waffle** unless the Reserve Bank give him a Christmas present of a rate drop this Tuesday (most unlikely) and a rate drop in November on Melbourne Cup day would be too late to hold an election before the summer holidays**.
** for our American cousins this is the same day when you have an election.
** Waffle is what you are getting from one of your candidates.
The Albanese government has for the first time declared Israel has a right to respond to Iranian missile attacks, arguing this was a part of its self-defence.
Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles asserted that the Australian government has been “in lock-step with the United States in the last few weeks” in relation to escalating hostilities in the Middle East.
The Albanese government has been sustaining criticism in the past week for its diverging position on the issue compared to its allies.
“Since October 7 last year, we have made it completely clear that Israel has a right to defend itself,” Mr Marles told ABC’s Insiders program.
“Israel was attacked on October 7. Hezbollah had a whole lot of choices, but it chose in the aftermath of October 7 to also attack Israel along with Hamas. Iran has been attacking Israel.
“Israel has a right to defend itself in the face of all of that.”
Mr Marles nonetheless said the “way in which it defends itself clearly matters”.
“What we have seen is a cycle of violence here and no-one wants to see this escalate into a broader conflict, into a regional war,” Mr Marles said.
He said international calls for ceasefire – which Australia backed and government ministers have spruiked in the last week following Israel’s ground offensive into Lebanon and Iran’s missile barrage fired at Israel – “was about trying to give both sides an opportunity to break that cycle of violence to allow UN security resolutions to have effect which would provide for diplomatic measures, to allow those who live near the Israeli-Lebanese border to return with security”.
“We added our voice to that, to the call of the United States and so we are on exactly the same page as the US,” he said.
“in lock-step with the United States”
Always!! The Aussie Govt just gets orders from its master!
We are a member of the Alliance against dangerous totalitarian dictatorships.
odd isnt it then that we seem to be the ones wanting totalitarian control over public discourse and peoples bodies
The authorities don’t intend to take a hardline on public discourse, its a Uniparty thing for national security. WW3 might just be around the corner.
People were pressured to vaccinate, but many didn’t, which suggests a relatively free society.
Emirates bans pagers and walkie-talkies on its planes after Israel booby-trapped Hezbollah devices as Dubai-based airline cancels flights to and from Lebanon amid growing security fears
Box ticked, never mind about all the mobile phones
A Chinese Ghost in the Machine
John Mikkelsen Oct 06 2024
Israel’s brilliant strategy of inflicting explosive justice on Hezbollah’s weird beards with booby-trapped pagers and walkie-talkies has been praised by those who believe the world is better off with them dead or reduced to blind and limping cripples.
The wokies, who aren’t troubled by making common cause with violent, Koran-quoting misogynists, think it’s a terrible thing and rattle off by rote all their standard lines about the evil Z@@nist Entity.
Pavlov was on to something when he realised that the simplest of aural cues can prompt an immediate slobbering response.
Me? Let it be stated for the record that while no t@rrorist, I am just as wary of modern electronics as any terrorist now getting around with a white cane.
We have already seen a spate of explosions and fires with many appliances, including household storage batteries, electric bikes, scooters and electric vehicles. In New York City alone such blasts and resulting fires killed 17 people in 2023 alone, while fires aboard several cargo ships transporting electric have proven almost impossible to extinguish.
No blame accrues to Israel for these often tragic mishaps, of course, but China, well that’s another matter altogether.
Fantasy, mind over matter, paranormal, coincidence … you be the judge, but I swear every word is true about what I dubbed the China Curse sabotaging my life.
Scoff if you will, but it all started years ago with something as simple as a shopping trip. It wasn’t until I got back home and tried on the new shirts with the Bundy Rum Bear and Pink Floyd logos in my regular ‘L’ size and found neither was a fit. So back to the shop to exchange for ‘XL.’ It was not that I’d grown, the sizing had obviously shrunk. The tag revealed all: Made in China.
As a freelance journalist and columnist, I was inspired to fire a few salvos at our growing dependence on China at the cost of local manufacturing and jobs.
Call it coincidence, but over the weeks that followed my column’s criticism, fittings and appliances which had worked perfectly quite suddenly started to fail completely or tease me with their own version of ‘Now you see me, now you don’t’.
The TV only turned on when it wanted to, the electric hot water system stayed cold for a week, the near-new DVD player and the home computer refused to work on demand. And yes, all those things carried the ubiquitous “Made in China” tag. I had to write my next newspaper column by hand! But it didn’t end there.
The curse stayed with me and the poltergeist obviously had a wicked sense of humour.
Have you fitted surge protectors to all GPOs connected to electronic devices? My previous modem survived a close lightning strike and kept running for two days then keeled over.
I saw on this blog a concern about private VPN-thing allegedly owned by Israelis.
Can they go boom mid-flight?
More an infratructure thing than a device thing Vlad, but theoretically could form part of the chain.
The VPN provider can act as a “man in the middle” by intercepting and altering traffic, thereby crafting a trigger event.
What Would World War III Really Look Like? It’s Already Starting… (article)
The biggest danger from WWIII is not nuclear exchange, but the disturbing changes societies go through when conflict inspires mass fear.
Totalitarianism is much easier to institute during such a war.
Freedom of speech is often suppressed and criticism of the government is often criminalized. People who rebel against this are accused of “working with the enemy.” Military conscription is usually enforced and young people are sent off to die overseas over a conflagration that makes little sense.
The economy nose dives and the supply chain tightens. Price controls and rationing are initiated. Black markets flourish but those who participate are aggressively targeted by the government. In the case of the US, armed revolution in many states is a certainty.
Public planning should focus far more on these eventualities and less on Hollywood images of Apocalypse.
By its definition a World War is conducted between two sides or two axis or whatever two…
Despite all propaganda, like Axis of Evil, what we see now is everyone is against everyone and looking to change the sides at the opportune moment.
The situation needs new name.
It used to be Communists and Fascists-
Then Communists and Capitalists.
Then The West and The East
Then the Rules Based International Order and the Axis of Evil.
Currently The West and the BRICS.
The only common denominator is that The West always needs an enemy.
‘The West always needs an enemy.’
Because its a military industrial complex, wars of adventure has been their stock in trade.
China and Russia are in serious financial trouble, the effects could last a decade, so BRICS is dudded.
mmmm the west is going so swimmingly there is no need to listen to the announcements coming out of Kazan later this month. No need at all.
We’ll have to wait and see.
‘Speaking at a news conference in Moscow, Sergey Ryabkov said the summit will be “the largest event of international importance,” noting that heads of more than 30 states from Asia, Africa, Middle East, Latin America confirmed their participation.
“I would warn Kyiv’s Western sponsors against trying to influence the situation, including in the context of the summit in Kazan. That would be a mistake on a huge scale,” he emphasized.’ (
Fox News Political Cartoons of the Day
Make groceries affordable again. That works for Australia swell.
A scandal but not a surprise: New report reveals devastating details of Biden-Harris border disaster
By Byron York
When describing the Biden-Harris administration’s policy of allowing millions of illegal border crossers to stay in the United States, it’s absolutely critical to use the word “unvetted.”
What government official would let so many people who entered the country illegally remain in the U.S. without even knowing who they are? That would be crazy. And yet that is exactly what the Biden-Harris administration has done for nearly four years. And by the way, administration officials don’t want you to know how often they have done it.
The details are in a new report from the inspector general of the Department of Homeland Security.
It has the clunky title “CBP, ICE, and TSA Did Not Fully Assess Risks Associated with Releasing Noncitizens without Identification into the United States and Allowing Them to Travel on Domestic Flights.”
(CBP refers to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, ICE refers to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and TSA is the Transportation Security Administration.)
The stated reason for the report is to explore the problem of unvetted migrants being allowed on airliners inside the U.S. But the report also delves into why the unvetted migrants were allowed to stay in the country in the first place.
Forgive the long excerpt, but this is the basic story, from the report:
According to CBP enforcement statistics, officers encountered more than 3.2 million noncitizens nationwide in fiscal year 2023, including more than 2.4 million encounters at the Southwest border. When CBP or ICE immigration officers encounter noncitizens who arrive in the United States, these individuals are generally considered applicants for admission and are subject to inspection by immigration officers
Visualizing US Net Immigration By President …spot the odd one out!
Ahead of the U.S. presidential election, immigration policies are top of mind for American voters. But how has immigration to the U.S. looked over the past two decades across both Republican and Democratic presidencies?
This chart, via Visual Capitalist’s Kayla Zhu, shows net immigration figures in the U.S. from 2001 to 2024, broken down by immigrant status. Data for 2021 to 2024 are projections.
The figures come from a report authored by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) called Demographic Outlook: 2024 to 2054 with data and projections as of January 2024.
Funny how the US continues the charade of immigration and customs at major airports and the ESTA pre travel vetting system while people just walk over the land border as they wish.
Make mostly friendly , documented travellers jump through hoops but aid and abett unvetted people to enter without limit. Sure.
Looking at the Sydney Morning Herald, the war in Ukraine is over and forgotten already.. Either there are more important things to relate, such as a woman who drinks coffee with her eyes closed, or the Official Narrative is to hide the constant advances Russia is making.
The big focus is Israel and the Middle East, the Jews are ‘us’ so we are involved and take their side, while Ukraine is just another ‘them’ and Russia is just always the enemy.
Without the internet the world would look completely different! Those in power are going to try and force the genie back into the bottle and return us to the good ol’ days when they had complete control of information.
‘Russian troops have taken complete control of the eastern city of Vuhledar, which Ukrainian forces have been defending since the beginning of Moscow’s full-scale invasion two and a half years ago.’ (BBC)
The SMH didn’t run the story because its not newsworthy.
Sweet Home Kalorama
Don’t allow Obama a fourth term!
Roger Simon Oct 05, 2024
February 27, 1951, after considerable debate, the 22nd constitutional amendment limiting the term of the United States president to two four-year terms was ratified by the necessary three-fourths of the states..
The motivation was largely to avoid our republic evolving into anything resembling a word frequently bandied about today—dictatorship.
Our 44th president, Barack H. Obama, has found his way around this.
Mr. Obama also told us he wishes to transform America.
He has done both.
It is also clear that a vast percentage of the media and the powers that be in the Democrat Party are happy that he is in ultimate covert control of all that is important.
His Washington home, that he moved into in 2017, is in Kalorama, two miles from the White House.
Most presidents have followed the early lead of George Washington who, in the tradition of Roman emperor Cincinnatus, left the capitol after they finished serving. Not Barack.
It is also why the befuddled Joe Biden could so easily be cast aside. Barack was running things all along, it was accepted, with a little hope from the ruthless Nancy Pelosi when the former president didn’t want to get his hands dirty.
But his reign is being threatened at this moment.
Thanks in part to an overwhelmingly clueless response to the many suffering in North Carolina and other states from Hurricane Helene and the increasingly well known fact that FEMA’s coffers have been drained by the care and feeding of jillions of illegal aliens, giving them free credit cards, fancy hotel rooms and who knows what else while American citizens are left with pennies during a national disaster, Kamala’s campaign seems to be teetering.
Add to that the stupefyingly weird performance, veering to the illiterate, of her vice-presidential candidate Tim “I Heart Beijing” Walz at the recent debate and, in the words of Jerry Garcia, “trouble ahead, trouble behind.”
So Mr. Obama has been roused from the luxe basement of whichever of his mansions he’s in at the moment to save things, that is to continue his transformation of America that is in jeopardy.
Can he do it? If not he, who?
Obama, for his part, will work hard to be in a position to continue his subterranean transformation of our country.
DAVID MARCUS: Trump’s defiant supporters flock to Butler rally with renewed confidence
I’ve been to a lot of Trump rallies, but the pure scale of this one was off the charts
BUTLER COUNTY, Pa. – In the couple of weeks after Kamala Harris replaced Joe Biden atop the Democratic ticket, there was a decided doldrum I detected across the country from Trump supporters.
But Saturday, as Trump returned to the site of his July 13 near assassination and the tragic murder of Corey Comperatore, a new confidence was clear among his faithful.
Rob is a teacher who lives in Pennsylvania and was carrying a clipboard, registering voters who stood in the vast line to get in.
“I coach wrestling,” Rob told me, “and when they switched in Harris it was like a wrestler had his opponent pinned, and suddenly they swap in a new, fresh opponent. Even if that new opponent is weak, it’s still deflating.”
But now, Rob, who had registered about a dozen new voters when I spoke to him early in the day, thinks Trump has turned a corner, and is poised to defeat Harris.
He wasn’t alone.
Karen, like many I spoke to, believes that Trump won the 2020 election, and expects similar shenanigans this time around. However, she is confident not just that Trump will win, but that Republican Dave McCormack will beat incumbent Bob Casey Jr., in the Keystone State’s critical Senate battle.
I’ve been to a lot of Trump rallies, but the pure scale of this one was off the charts. It took an hour to park in a nearby field. My little Mitsubishi Lancer had never driven on grass before, but she did okay, and the atmosphere was incredibly festive notwithstanding the long, long waits.
I’ll note I saw no evidence of anyone being bused in. This crowd was truly as organic as a vegan’s lunch.
Kamalafornia Über Alles
Joel Kotkin
For the last century, no state more epitomized the ideals of upward mobility and technological and cultural innovation than California.
Once on the distant fringe of America, the Golden State has emerged as an economic powerhouse, with a gross domestic product larger than those of all but four nation states. As its economic influence swelled, California became a central locus of US political power.
Yet given the partisan fixations of most mainstream media, few look at the Kamalafornian reality.
Since 2000, this state of unmatched attractions has managed to lose a net 3.5 million domestic residents.
Critically, it ranks toward the bottom among US states in drawing newcomers, who have always been the critical fuel for its economy. Many of those leaving, according to an analysis of IRS data, are middle-income families in their childbearing years; many are college graduates.
Forget Harris’s youthful “vibe”: The state, according to data from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, is aging 50 percent more rapidly than the nation—gradually ditching the surfboard for the walker.
California once represented aspiration. Today, the state seems more an avatar of national decline.
What the Democraps think of Ordinary Americans – David Axelrod says ‘upscale’ NC Harris voters will find way to vote after storm, not sure about rural Trump fans
‘You know, they’re upscale, kind of liberal voters, and they’re probably going to figure out a way to vote,’ David Axelrod said of Ashville, NC, voters
Former Obama senior adviser David Axelrod argued that Vice President Kamala Harris voters will be clever enough to navigate voting in the wake of the devastation from Hurricane Helene, while saying that rural Trump voters will have a harder time getting to the polls.
Axelrod made the claim during an episode of his podcast “Hacks on Tap” that aired Wednesday, predicting that liberal voters in Asheville, North Carolina – a predominantly blue area in the state – will “figure out a way to vote” more so than conservatives in the storm’s aftermath.
Describing Asheville as a “blue dot” in the state, he continued, “Those voters in Asheville are – they’re, you know, the kind of voters that will figure out a way to vote. You know, they’re upscale, kind of liberal voters, and they’re probably going to figure out a way to vote,” Axelrod said.
He continued, stating that rural conservatives may not be as resourceful in finding ways to vote following the destruction of their homes and communities.
“I’m not sure a bunch of these folks who’ve had their homes and lives destroyed elsewhere in western North Carolina – in the mountains there – are going to be as easy to wrangle for the Trump campaign,” the political commentator hypothesized.
“I don’t know how that’s all going to play out, but it’s an unpredictable element in North Carolina that has made it, maybe a little more interesting,” he mused.
Communities in North Carolina – which Axelrod noted is the second-most rural state in the country – were hit especially hard by the effects of Hurricane Helene. Catastrophic flooding has destroyed roads and bridges, cutting off communities from getting much-needed aid.
A PUPPET WITH HER STRINGS CUT: Watch Kamala Harris FREEZE and FALTER When Her Teleprompter Malfunctions.
Donald Trump returns to assassination attempt site
From the Comments on The Australian Article
– chris
1 hour ago
@Sinistra delenda est or as Kamala says “32 days soo 32 days……..32 days we have 32 days um and I was born in a middle class shop “
The deep meaning of “32”
Those of us who obsess about politics have a good handle on who Kamala Harris is.
The team of old Obama hands running her for president means to keep the rest of the country in the dark. They confine her to tightly scripted appearances.
They do not trust her to speak extemporaneously. She might be exposed for who she is.
In unscripted events she is not to stray from memorized lines. As a candidate, she is a deepfake.
Yesterday Harris received the endorsement of former NBA star Magic Johnson (full video of Magic here). In prehistoric times Johnson was a star on the Michigan State team that won a national championship.
Harris betrayed her limitations when the teleprompter momentarily refused to roll in her remarks following his endorsement (full video of Harris speech here).
Referring to Magic, Harris was given to recall that “his number was 32.”
The teleprompter froze after she recited: “Today we got 32 days until the election.”
Panic ensued.
Deep breath. Her life passed before her eyes. She nodded and said it again — slowly: “So thirty-two days.” And again: “Thirty-two days.”
There is an unspoken message here. I think I have decoded it in the first paragraph above.
Trump War Room@TrumpWarRoom
Kamala’s teleprompter briefly went out at the beginning of her speech — you can tell the exact moment it happened.
She had absolutely no idea what to do or say.
Perhaps “Heels Up” should research “42”
32 … 32 … 32 … 32 …
I guess given the mental agility of the audience they appreciated the repetition of trite statements.
Kamala’s brain glitches when her teleprompter freezes
By Andrea Widburg
When I think of Kamala, a couple of words come to mind. Her politics are “leftist” (or, a variant, “communist”).
As for Kamala herself, the word is “empty.”
Like Gertrude Stein’s Oakland, there is no “there there.”
Take away Kamala’s script, and all that’s left is an empty vessel.
It was no surprise, therefore, that when Kamala’s teleprompter glitched during a rally in Flint, Michigan, Kamala’s brain did, too.
Biden-Harris Admin Touts Keeping Power on in Ukraine as 700 Thousand in America Suffer Outages After Hurricane Helene
Samantha Power, the Biden-Harris administration’s United States Agency for International Development (USAID) administrator, posted a tone-deaf video on Friday explaining “how Americans are helping Ukraine keep the lights and heat on” — as nearly 700,000 American homes and businesses suffer from power outages in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene.
“I’m here in an energy substation in the western region of Ukraine. This substation provides enough power for around 500,000 residents of this area,” Power says in the video. “I’m standing in front of an auto transformer that used to provide power, but that Putin’s forces destroyed back in 2022.”
She adds:
As we head into winter, knowing that Putin is intent on attacking critical infrastructure, USAID is doubling our investments in replacing auto transformers that have been damaged or destroyed, and in providing protection to the energy infrastructure that remains. Thanks to the support of the American people, USAID is working with Ukrainians to keep the lights on and the heat going this winter.
Photographer and artist Anna Hitrova from Asheville, North Carolina, one of the hardest-hit towns, told Breitbart News she had been out of power for nine days when she saw Power’s post.
“I am watching this video in a house without power. The sun has just set. So you are making sure the lights stay on in Ukraine while thousands of Americans are currently still sitting in the dark,” Hitrova posted on X.
The US isn’t directly helping Ukraine rebuild its energy infrastructure.
‘The World Bank has allocated US$200 million for immediate repairs, with potential additional funding up to US$300 million. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) signed an agreement for €300 million in emergency support for the energy sector to address the immediate energy crisis exacerbated by Russian attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure and in September 2024 the EBRD enabled more than €300 million in new lending by two Ukrainian banks for long-term energy security.’ (Dentons)
Comparing Helene To Katrina Suggests Americans Are Left To Die Because Democrats Run The White House
By: Cynical Publius
As a veteran of military logistics, I can tell you exactly why the Democrat administration’s response to Helene has been abysmal.
The devastation wrought across the American Southeast by Category 4 Hurricane Helene last week has naturally drawn comparisons to the 2005 Hurricane Katrina response. As a veteran of military logistics, I can confirm that President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ response to this round of mass suffering has been orders of magnitude worse than federal actions taken after Katrina.
In August of 2005, I was a U.S. Army colonel serving on the Army staff in the Pentagon. Before Hurricane Katrina was even nearing landfall, I was detailed as a shift officer in the National Military Command Center (NMCC) for hurricane support operations. As a career logistics officer, this was the culmination of a noncombat mission I had been associated with since I was first commissioned: disaster relief and humanitarian support operations.
Katrina vs. Helene
Why So Bad?
1. The Biden-Harris administration is grossly incompetent, in terms of not prestaging assets and not cutting through red tape to get the assets moving.
2. Units based in the southeastern U.S. — like the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), the 82nd Airborne Division, the XVIII Airborne Corps, and the 2nd Marine Division — are currently under classified deployment or standby orders to deploy to Ukraine, Eastern Europe, Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Taiwan, or some other world hotspot, and they therefore cannot spare their units at this moment in time.
3. The classified readiness rates of America’s military helicopters and their crews are vastly worse than anyone outside the military understands.
6. The conditions on the ground, the availability of aviation support units, and/or the availability of aviation fuel make it impossible to establish forward bases for the helicopters to operate from.
7. The Biden-Harris administration and/or the Democrat North Carolina governor are maliciously and deliberately denying or delaying the use of these assets for nefarious reasons only they know, such as, for example, making sure red counties in North Carolina cannot vote for Donald Trump.
There is no way the vice president’s team posted this on social media.
They cannot be this stupid, can they? Well, it appears that you learn something new every day from this circus.
Hurricane Helene dumped more than 40 trillion gallons of rain as she made landfall, creating a swath of destruction across the southern United States. It’s one of the deadliest storms to ever hit the country, claiming at least 200 lives with hundreds more still missing.
The response has been slow. Countless hurricane victims are without electricity or water access, an issue expected to last weeks. Kamala announced that $750 checks will be issued to these people who’ve lost everything. This insulting offer comes on the heels of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s announcement that they don’t have enough funds for hurricane season because they siphoned off cash to help illegal aliens.
With Israeli airstrikes rolling through Beirut, the Biden-Harris administration announced that $157 million will be allocated for humanitarian assistance.
What about here, guys?
Here’s what Kamala posted:
Vice President Kamala Harris@VP
The people of Lebanon are facing an increasingly dire humanitarian situation. I am concerned about the security and well-being of civilians suffering in Lebanon and will continue working to help meet the needs of all civilians there.
To that end, the United States will provide nearly $157 million in additional assistance to the people of Lebanon for essential needs such as food, shelter, water, protection, and sanitation to help those who have been displaced by the recent conflict. This additional support brings total U.S. assistance to Lebanon over the last year to over $385 million.
More likely ballots will be filled out for them.
FEMA – Funneling Emergency Money to Aliens
FEMA staff working weekdays only, housed at hotels, and Helene victims have to repay the $750.
What a joke. Shutdown FEMA.
It has always smelled of BO.
BO the modern day Cloistered Emperor:
I have a solution for the Israel Arab conflict. Sell Tasmania to Israel and make Tassie, New Israel. They sell Israel to the Arabs and Israel buys property in Tassie, at grossly inflated prices. Locals can stay if they want, but would you if someone offered you $5 million dollars for your property currently worth $500,000?
Australia will provide world peace and become wealthy out of it. The busted economy of hopeless quasi socialist Tasmania will thrive as New Israel, and it would finally become a very interesting place to travel for Australians. The food in Israel is fantastic.
And yes, it will become a state independent of Australia. There are a lot of extremely progressive left wing people in Israel, and we can’t have them impacting the Australian political balance with more of that nonsense, we have enough on our hands already.
But leave the Holy land? Sure, why not? They did for a few thousand years and were more than happy in Europe until crazed Moustache Man came along and made it impossible. They’ve only been back in the Holy Land since 1948, what’s the big deal? The state is more important than location, given the current state is in the middle of a hornet’s nest.
One thing is for sure, if the state of Israel stays where it is, it will end in nuclear catastrophe on way or the other. That conflict will never be resolved.
But I have resolved it. Started off as a joke, but I’ve come to think about it and am now quite serious about it. It’s a great idea, everyone wins, pareto optimality.
I’m sure the Taswegians will love that.
Maybe they could boot the NZ’ers out and take over northern NZ?
There’s vast open spaces in Afghanistan and Mongolia, so declare an independent state there.
Of course Israel isn’t the problem and never has been.
Why don’t people know the basics?
If your beliefs fit on a sign, think harder! (If you can)
-JC2, 2024
Not a bad idea either. But the muslims in Afghanistan might be an issue like the one they have now. Mongolia? yeah okay, but I’d prefer we become ultra rich out of it instead of them. You can demand quite a price for world peace.
Tasweigians would move to mainland Aus with all their cash. You’d have bogans from Bernie buying next to Malcolm Turnbull at Point Piper.
I saw somewhere where Ukraine was the protoZionist real estate.
Not Tasmania, its too close to Antartica.
looking at what they have done in the Niddle East, would have been an superb benefit for Australia.
An Amazingly Resilient & Industrious People!
So I guess Melbourne would be the new southern Lebanon? Yep, feels about right.
The Week in Pictures: Walz-Plant Edition
Forget “faceplant” as the term denoting a staggering and embarrassing failure. After this week, I nominate “Walz-plant” to take its place. Could perhaps be confusing, since Walz seems to have the intelligence of a house plant.
We know he is pro-weed, so maybe it fits better.
My house plants were offended by the comparison to Walz.
Either I am losing the plot or the editors at the Victorian Sunday Herald Sun are asleep at their computers.
A page 4 graphic tells us that daylight savings ends today and to turn back our clocks 1 hour at 3am.
That could put some people out of step by 2 hours, but this is Victoria so who would notice. /s
Errors in newspapers seem to be prevalent of late.
I’ve done the daylight savings confusion thing before. Someone I was relaying on for an appointment went the other way, I believed him, denied what my phone said for some reason, and wow, utter confusion!
But for press sloppiness, Sky News takes the cake. I assume they have work experience people in the production room. A lot of spelling and grammar mistakes on the screen words.
Noticed the same thing, Philip! Tried to contact Sky News to comment – fat chance! They corral themselves from the public.
I can’t recall the sort of basic mistakes that are occurring regularly on TV news items in past times.
The real estate debt bubbles in Canada and Australia are far worse than the 2007 U.S. crisis.
“They are on that super nitro debt fuelled real estate binge. The banks in Australia actually prefer mortgage lending above productive businesses lending. The Aussie economy is the sum of its 4 big pillars: “commodities, migration & real estate with a financial sector on top”. That’s it.”
…and when the r/e bubble bursts, oh boy, the lemmings will get wiped out, as I warned over and over.
“…and when the r/e bubble bursts, oh boy, ”
You have the wrong end of the stick JC, the real estate is not in a bubble and will never burst. It carries more weight than anything else in Aussie and the Reserve Bank is just a servant to it. The financial system will revolve around real estate, making sure all decisions are suitable for keeping it on even keel.
The rate of immigration will make sure demand is above supply, and that will be fiddled with as per the financial system to keep real estate values up. The Boomers will die off and release homes into the market, but that will be gradual.
To make it collapse you will need a pandemic that wipes out 20% of the population. When you have more homes than people you will see values drop.
Behind it all of course, is Govt regulation making sure prices are astronomical. From Canberra to local Councils, every regulation, law and code just adds to the price of a house. Get Govt out of the way will crash it faster than anything else, a Libertarian free market where anyone could put a house on any land and sell it would house everyone in the country without a problem. They won’t be MacMansions, but those in power are pushing us back to a 1900s level of living in shacks so its no problem!
Sunday tip – how to hang clothes properly on a clothes hanger
We’ve all been doing it wrong forever…
Well I never!
“Ruling-class energy ignorance is a global wrecking ball”
an interesting read
I thought this quote near the end of the article seemed like something Chris Bowen should think about, assuming that he thinks.
Mark Twain said, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you in trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”
Another one –
“Likely Hurricane Milton Heads Toward Florida’s West Coast – From Ten Thousand Islands to the Big Bend Need to Prepare
October 5, 2024 | Sundance | 34 Comments”
FWIW – “Safe and Effective”
“Study Confirms The Truth About Masks And Children”
“Study: COVID-Vaxxed Kids SIX TIMES Likelier to Die Than Unvaxxed Peers”
Things must be really on the nose for friendlyjordies to be backing the Libs!!!!That misinformation bill must be really really really bad!
Down to serious business! The poms are fighting back, this time with a tactic called ‘malicious compliance’.
The UK gov is requiring everyone who keeps chickens to register them. People have been registering their bucket of KFC and/or the frozen chook they bought at the supermarket, or their ’emu in Australia’ and many more. The result is a totally clogged registration system – broken.
Great memes and more info on substack –
Those memes were really funny!! Brit humour at its best.
The Australian Government wants to do the same nonsense here.
Don’t forget “Believers in biology”
FWIW – a tip for the next census
“BRILLIANT: J.K. Rowling and Thousands of Scots Masterfully Protest Gender Cult in National Census”
I wondered about David Evan’s (and Jo’s) views on the Notch-Delay theory of “imminent” global cooling from 2014.
David was honourable in that he made an open prediction, and agreed to change his views if the evidence didn’t back his theory. Now that the latest date of his prediction (2024) has now come to pass, and cooling has not occurred, has he changed his views or made any public statements on this?
Matt, thanks for remembering. Jury is out. Ambiguously there was a peak in 2016 and a slight cooling from then until after HungaTonga went off, which broke all the rules.
David would of course, drop the notch-delay concept if it were proven false, or if someone else had a better hypothesis. Waiting for more data.
NZ Navy auditioning for a re hash of South Pacific 2.0. Bloody Mary’s all round!
ALERTS TO THREATS IN EUROPE: BY JOHN CLEESE – British writer, actor and tall person (2012)
The English are feeling the pinch in relation to recent events in Syria and have therefore raised their security level from “Miffed” to “Peeved.” Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to “Irritated” or even “A Bit Cross.” The English have not been “A Bit Cross” since the blitz in 1940 when tea supplies nearly ran out. Terrorists have been re-categorized from “Tiresome” to “A Bloody Nuisance.” The last time the British issued a “Bloody Nuisance” warning level was in 1588, when threatened by the Spanish Armada.
The Scots have raised their threat level from “Pissed Off” to “Let’s get the Bastards.” They don’t have any other levels. This is the reason they have been used on the front line of the British army for the last 300 years.
The French government announced yesterday that it has raised its terror alert level from “Run” to “Hide.” The only two higher levels in France are “Collaborate” and “Surrender.” The rise was precipitated by a recent fire that destroyed France’s white flag factory, effectively paralyzing the country’s military capability.
Italy has increased the alert level from “Shout Loudly and Excitedly” to “Elaborate Military Posturing.” Two more levels remain: “Ineffective Combat Operations” and “Change Sides.”
The Germans have increased their alert state from “Disdainful Arrogance” to “Dress in Uniform and Sing Marching Songs.” They also have two higher levels: “Invade a Neighbour” and “Lose.”
Belgians, on the other hand, are all on holiday as usual; the only threat they are worried about is NATO pulling out of Brussels .
The Spanish are all excited to see their new submarines ready to deploy. These beautifully designed subs have glass bottoms so the new Spanish navy can get a really good look at the old Spanish navy.
Australia, meanwhile, has raised its security level from “No worries” to “She’ll be alright, Mate.” Two more escalation levels remain: “Crikey! I think we’ll need to cancel the barbie this weekend!” and “The barbie is cancelled.” So far no situation has ever warranted use of the last final escalation level.
A final thought – ” Greece is collapsing, the Iranians are getting aggressive, and Rome is in disarray. Welcome back to 430 BC”.
GB News to Take OFCommunists to Court (video)
Big Bloody ‘So what?’
When GBNews apologises to Mark Steyn for abandoning him to Ofcom’s tender mercies, reimburses his legal fees and offers him his job back, I’ll forever view them as cowards.
SITREP 10/5/24: Post-Ugledar Landscape Unfurls into Dark Ukrainian Future
Oct 06, 2024
We turn back to Ukraine, where the deterioration continues to accelerate.
As the key fortress-town of Ugledar fell days ago, a number of MSM articles began to highlight a truly grisly picture of the situation behind the scenes. The first horrors were recorded from the 123rd Brigade, a commander of which reportedly committed suicide by shooting himself after hundreds of his troops mutinied.
They still have most of Chasov Yar … although it is partly surrounded and under attack from three sides.
They are still just barely hanging on near Kursk … but not in good shape.
But overall … the Ukrainians are screwed from here, it would take a massive input of European and American manpower to turn things around. I think Putin is timing this to cause maximum embarrassment right before the US election.
If either candidate says, “Hey I am sending your boys to die on the Russian front!” then they will lose the election. But if they do nothing then Ukraine will lose the war. Totally wedged.
There goes another $70 million of our hard-earned taxes…
I’ve seen a few advertisements on YouTube telling me how easy it is to vote in the US elections, if I’m eligible (I’m not).
One of the methods of voting they said was possible, was email.
I am guessing it is probably ever so slightly more secure than sending an actual email, but still, it seems like a ludicrous concept for something as critical as a presidential election.
Surely it isn’t just “big_bob_1234 @” sending a mail saying “I vote for xxxxxx”, but it is both amusing and quite horrifying to think about.
Hopefully the US government gets a lot of requests from Nigerian princes, reminders that they have packages waiting for delivery, and offers to buy tablets to enlarge parts of the male anatomy.
One of the multitude of epoch shattering consequences of ‘Pandemic’ … the conspiracy of all conspiracies …
(the most consequential probably being the end of Enlightenment faith in Science) …
is the legalized and ultimate corruption of the US election system.
Not that it was pristine prior.
TDS and PDS provided the smoke screen to finalize Administrative State tyranny.
The only result of this faux ‘election’ will be the general public realization of this.
You describe one of the many methods the DS is using to manufacture consent.
Most informed people, not suffering from TDS and PDS (I jest … informed people aren’t), are working to psychologically prepare for the end of the illusion of the American Republic.
No need to think US Bill of Rights.
The very basic concepts of the Magna Carta are being purposely erased by the New Aristocracy.
John Kerry’s recent defamation of the US 1st Amendment confirms this.
“LEGENDARY: Trump Opens His Return Rally in Butler, PA, With a BRILLIANT Line for the Ages”
“As I was saying”
I’ll wait for the media to report how this was insensitive, and didn’t consider the feelings of the “real” victims of Trump’s vile ideology – the family of the would-be assassin.
Oh, and something about racism, of course…
The most dangerous legislation in Australian history (video)
Something to think about for people who are showing no signs of thinking about –
The run down of California
Plus comments
“Media Rebrands Oct 7 Terror Celebrations as “Pro-Palestinian Rallies”
he media is hard at work normalizing calls for the mass murder of Jews”
“Why Are Well-Off EV Owners Charged Half as Much as Poor Pensioners for Off-Peak Electricity?”
Usually it is we the public who have failed them. Taxes will increase and regulations redoubled until everyone is doing his fair share. Notice that the concept that they actually work for us has completely disappeared in the shuffle.
— wretchardthecat (@wretchardthecat) October 5, 2024
What is hardest to forgive is the abuse of trust, the cheapening of the sacred symbols and the exploitation of esteem by conmen who would burn a Rembrandt to toast a marshmallow.
— wretchardthecat (@wretchardthecat) October 5, 2024
So long as it’s their marshmallow.”
That is enough for tonight. I hope Monday looks better in the headlines
Real life stories of EV regret (video)
Accompanying advertisement – RAC EV Servicing – 😁️.