A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I posted this Daily Mail link a few days ago showing a house in Florida very firmly strapped down to the ground to stop it being blown away by Hurricane Milton
Here is the follow up to show how it fared and its cost
Good idea. Real engineering at work, rare these days as it doesn’t follow the Official Narrative to let your house be destroyed.
It’s interesting that the Florida man is an “amateur” and this is not the idea of a “professional” engineer who may not have thought of the idea or who wouldn’t want to be seen implementing such a “radical” idea.
Back in the day I went to a primary school where they actually taught useful things, nothing woke. I remember a teacher talking about a Queensland cyclone and how an inventor then in the early 1970’s had invented a system to cyclone proof homes in a similiar manner by running a cable or cables over the roofs (presumably at right angles to the battens). They didn’t have synthetic straps back then as with the Florida home owner.
Sadly, I can’t find a reference to the 1970’s Queensland inventor on Trove or elsewhere.
Every day of my life I appreciate the fact I went to schools with wonderful teachers. I went to school at a time just before the Marxists took over the education system and started dumbing it down.
This technique of securing the roof has been in use in Western Australia for years. There’s one small town of Exmouth about 400 km north of Perth where many houses have have roof securing cables set in concrete as part of their design. In addition sides of the houses have steel louvres built in. The louvres are used for air flow in hoy weather & also yo allow for pressure equalisation in cyclonic conditions. Not sure if current designs have kept these features.
FYI…. Exmouth is 1200+ km north of Perth !
I sometimes have finger coordination trouble at 5.00 am
Stayed in a house in Derby WA that had louvres on the outside and inside walls, so you could open up the entire house and let the cool breezes pass through. Also built on stilts to catch the breezes. A lot of work though when the dust storms swept through.
Saw an article this morning about a large croc being seen in Exmouth. Locals not impressed.
Sounds like they are working their way down the coast. That’s a worry, as Coral Bay, a popular tourist destination where folks go to dive on Ningaloo Reef or to follow whale sharks, is just around the corner.
All the caravan parks in the NW of WA require tie down points for the vans. Works very well! 😁
When I lived in Pt Hedland, our house was steel framed and bolted to the concrete, the roof was bolted down, and we had cyclone screens on the windows. Never had a problem in cyclones.
Cyclone prone areas of Australia require houses to to have internal tension rods. The house I owned in Mackay was originally built and occupied as his family home by a local house builder and had 20mm steel rods from the foundation through to the roof rafters. The regulation required smaller diameter rods but same arrangement.
The houses built by the mining companies in the iron ore regions in the 1960s had the same tension rods secured to the foundation then going up to angle iron over the roof above the brick walls. All houses had expanded aluminium mesh screens that were put up to protect windows from flying debris. If flying debris breaks a window then much more likely to lose the roof.
All the open car ports had ties down points to in-ground concrete blocks for securing cars and boats. As did caravan parks.
This image shows the cyclonic wind strength zones around the Australian coast line. I lived in Dampier for 3 years, which is in the middle of the only Region”D”.
Dampier could get a handful of cyclones a year that stopped shipping but the number appears to be decreasing.
This is a short video on the JCU cyclone testing facility for building systems:
I can recall seeing galvanised iron roofs on sheds in Carnarvon WA that were secured to the steel rafters with lots of bolts, not screws, a lot more than the normal screw spacing.
“expanded aluminium mesh screens”
I had those in Cairns, was not to stop flying objects but rather the walking ones. I think they called them security screens.
THe cyclone screens were removed for each dry season then fitted for the wet season. No need for security screens in a company owned town. Anyone who misbehaved lost their job and accommodation so has to leave.
Is this supposed to show the before and after photos as well? I only as as all the blossom/flowers on the bushes are still there and the roof on the house next door is still on (and not strapped down). And that pottery thing on the ground (pathway) has not moved an inch. Not much rubbish on the ground either.
Is this really in Florida?
$25K for a couple of handfuls of concrete that would not secure a fence post and a couple of extra-long ratchet straps that cost me $60au for two 15 meters long rated to 3.5 tonne. Why custom make (in advance?) when you just daisy chain multiples, like the rest of the world.
Garden shed not strapped down, still there, pot plants not strapped down, still there, neighbors not strapped down, still there, Tarp loosely thrown over truck, still there. Lieutenant Dan not strapped down, still there.
That was what we call an east coast low, or Claytons cyclone, a cyclone you have when you haven’t got a cyclone.
Fear porn for the gullible masses.
Just a few leaves and twigs scattered about. Still, that is what a Category 6 is all about. Spare us these doom merchants and their prognostications.
Is Carbon capture and storage safe (lets forget about the cost and lunacy of doing it in the first place)
Just let the World’s Oceans do the CO2 capture work for free. Not that an increasing level of CO2 in the Atmosphere is a problem.
However, the results of a recent NASA supported study in 2021 show this –
“The new study, published in Science, used aircraft observations of CO2 to show that the Southern Ocean is a stronger carbon (CO2) sink than previously thought, playing a significant role in lessening some of the impacts of greenhouse gases. Aircraft observations were collected over nearly a decade from 2009 to 2018 during three field experiments, including from NASA’s Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom) in 2016.”
Blackout Bowen of OZ and Ed Sillyband of the UK please note.
More studies using actual science please.
This whole story of man controlled CO2 is past ridiculous. It is an evil story created by Al Gore and a very willing UN/WMO in 1988 with the IPCC. It was Al Gore’s first attempt at the US Presidency and he needed a story. So they made it up. Humans control CO2.
Now CO2 capture in reducing atmospheric CO2 is insane and completely pointless. Like bottling water to stop rainfall.
CO2 continually goes into and out of the water just like H2O and in vast quantities. As does oxygen. It’s called breathing. We cannot control CO2 levels!
What sets the CO2 level? It’s not random. It’s a non stop balance between absorption and evaporation across the vast deep oceans which cover 72% of the planet. So just CO2 concentration, pressure and surface temperature. In a laboratory at STP, Henry’s Law.
Oceans set the CO2 level. Just like the H2O levels. All water comes from the oceans and all CO2. There is nothing we can do to change that. Build lakes? Drain the oceans? Grow trees?
CO2 in the air is the vapour pressure of a dissolved gas. Simple physical chemistry. And given CO2 is 30x more soluble than O2, there is 50x as much CO2 in the oceans as in the atmosphere. And our tiny fossil fuel CO2 output has only just reached a level of 1% of what is in the atmosphere, so 0.02% of the total.
This was proven by NASA.
Simply CO2 increased 14% between 1988 and 2014 and NASA found that tree cover increased by 14%. That’s a vast number of trees. And growing trees did not decrease CO2. Rather more CO2 means more trees.
The very idea that we humans could bottle up and control CO2 lacks any understanding.
Consider all the new trees reported by NASA. Trillions of tons of CO2 now in trees which are made only from CO2 and H2O. Like all living things. Why hasn’t CO2 gone down between 1988 and 2024 with all those new trees? Because more CO2 is immediately replaced from the ocean.
Here’s the graph of CO2 for the period. See if you can see the explosive growth of China. Bushfires. Volcanoes. Motor cars, trucks, planes, ships? Doubling of ’emission’?
This whole insanity is based on the idea that most people have no idea of rapid equilibrium. You internal processes CO2 and H2O and O2 all the time, but it’s all automatic. Bank balances do not have equilibrium. And you have to fill your car. And eat. To conscious humans, equilibrium does not exist. You do not see the cycle of life, the balances.
The science question is why all CO2 gas would not be in continuous world wide equilibrium. Equilibrium is the natural state of all things. CO2 gas existed in vast quantities before life on earth. We have zero impact on it.
And the people of China with each breath output more CO2 than all of Australia emissions. But within 1% they have the same CO2 levels. CO2 does not ‘build up’ in the air with human activity. That’s an unproven wild and ignorant conjecture to suit the IPCC narrative. And C14 and C13 show categorically it’s not true.
So I remain amazed that anyone still believes it. And without man made CO2, there is no man made anything including Global Warming because even if it was true, there is nothing we can do about CO2. Just free CO2 gas dissolved in the ocean weighs much more than all the oil, gas, coal, trees and humans in the world. No, you can’t see it.
Never fear. The Australian Parliament has passed a law stating that we can grow trees and save the planet.
The Carbon Credits(Carbon Farming) initiative. The good lawyers of Canberra have devised a cunning plan. And now a 35% CO2 tax on every big company ( THe Safeguard Mechanism) which will go straight on your cost of living. For your own good of course. And to save the planet as well. Too bad it is science rubbish, evil fantasy, a grab for more billions for Canberra and the purveyors of International Carbon Credits.
Actually, UN official Maurice Strong started it. Al Gore just jumped on board the gravy train.
Did anyone get to see the new movie of Gores life story that was being shown in the major cities this week ? details how Gore used global Warming as a political agender based on false references and plagerised materials.
Strong was a con merchant and was eventually fired from the UN. Also a strong socialist and involved in the Montreal Protocol. Along with Bert Bolin, he setup the organisation that became the IPCC, making sure at the first conference that many of the activist groups were invited.
Just an idle thought but if the southern ocean is soaking up more CO2 than previously, could this mean that the ocean is getting colder?
And try no tricks zone EIKE Dismisses Spectacular Climate Claims About Hurricane Milton Made By Stefan Rahmstorf
Why does the Southern Ocean soak up more CO2 is the Austral summer?
You are correct that cooler oceans can store more CO2 but unfortunately ocean heat in increasing. Uptake of CO2 by the ocean is determined by the difference between the partial pressures of CO2 in the air and in surface waters of the ocean. The hydrosphere is probably still a net sink but that will change as temperature increases.
How are the oceans increasing in heat?
The skies are becoming less cloudy, also blocking high pressure creates hot spots, and let us not forget relatively dormant submarine volcanos.
The first item I would question is the measurement method, compared to previous ocean temperature measurement methods. In the past they measured the ocean temps by dropping buckets over the side of ships and placing a thermometer in the bucket – not exactly a reliable and repeatable measurement method as no allowance was made for measurement depth. Then they measured the temperature in the ship’s water inlet – again, not a reliable method. Now with the Argus float system, we finally have a more accurate method, but what do we compare the current measurements to? With only about 20 years of Argus data, surely it’s far too recent to make these sort of claims.
Who sayss the ocean is soaking up more CO2 ?
Atmospheric CO2 is increasing , so either that extra CO2 is a result of the oceans warming and releasing CO2 ,..or slowing their rate of adsorbtion of the CO2 being released from other natural sources ( decaying flora, plants, etc)
refer to the original article but I’ve changed my mind since Simon (sort of) supported me.
The quote from the article was..
“soaking up More CO2 than previously thought..”
..which is very different to soaking up more than previously measured !
..As G4 said ,..question the measurement methods..! ( estimates ?)
Yes, the ocean surface temperatures will all drop rapidly with the end of the current 65 year AMO/PDO cycle. This was all predicted in 2015. It’s the best known and largest predictable ocean temperature cycle.
All the shellfish, mollusks, and corrals didn’t order their homes on Amazon.
Same as they always have…but it doesnt mean there is More CO2 !
Now that Kamala is being exposed to media that actually ask her proper questions, her campaign seems to be faltering
I suspect over the next month that she will be kept on a tighter leash and only allowed to eat at the table of friendly journalists.
As has been shown, Kamala even with a friendly journalist cannot answer a question. So CBS spliced other answers into her interview. This is a huge scandal, as it should be. Donald Trump has been demanding their licence is cancelled. The CBS interview record is a lie. And they have been caught red handed.
The bias and editing has been obvious in every debate. And editing rights have been demanded by Kamala’s team. However editing is not splicing different answers onto a live interview. Kamala is running for President of the United States and clearly she is agreeable to having an editing team answer the question when she did not.
It’s past a mistake, an overreach. This is fraud both by CBS and by Kamala Harris. Kamala’s teams call it a ‘production decision’ by CBS. Ha! What happened to the ‘live’ part of ‘live’ interview. The new answer was different to the answer she gave. Who gave a Television station the right to change answers by the Presidential aspirant? No one has that ‘right’.
And Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has ridiculed Catholic communion with a friend, making a video using a Dorrito chip. Such a move in the last weeks of a Presidential election is dynamite, presenting the Democrats as the Anti Catholic party. Wow! As if they don’t have enough problems with the muslim vote!
The Democrats under the leadership of the Kennedies since Joseph Kennedy and his sons and even alleged Irishman Joe Biden was the party of (Irish) Catholics. There are 71 million Catholics in the United States. 20% of the population. Wait for the backlash! The video has been condemned by Catholic Bishops.
The question is why she did it? This will hit the House of Congress hard too. Republicans are looking to secure the Presidency but also the House and Senate. Why would one of the highest profile Democratic Governors in America ridicule Catholics now? Or at all?
Catholics vote 44% Democrat and 19% undecided and 37% Republican. As 20% of the population this is 8%, 1%, 7%. This high profile ridicule alone could produce a national swing of 1-5% to Republicans. What was she thinking? Jill Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama are out trying to build up the vote and Governor Gretchen kicks out the stool.
We have seen Joe Biden openly sabotaging Kamala with the simple device of forcing her to take all responsibility for his decisions. But the frustration of hopefuls like Whitmer and Newsom may just have spilled into open warfare. She stole their best chance at the Presidency. So frustrated Democrats may be sinking the boot into Kamala as her campaign collapses.
The punters have Trump to win by half a head.
‘Former President Donald Trump vaulted past Vice President Kamala Harris to become the bookmaker’s favorite to win next month’s presidential election, following a surge in bets in his favor this week, which he appeared to tout as a sign of momentum for his campaign.’ (Forbes)
Well tonyb and TdeF, I will have you know …
if you are real men, as I presume you are, and “eat carburetors for breakfast” and you “aren’t afraid of women”…
you will be voting for VP Harris for POTUS after seeing this ad for her campaign directed an manly men.
Being British or Australian is not a problem … just request a mail-in overseas ballot.
No ID or proof of citizenship required.
(Defending Democracy requires votes, and we can’t be fussy about where we get them.)
Please note, I am no longer able to digest carburetors, and am deathly afraid of women as result of decades of personal experience.
That can’t be a real advert. Say it ain’t so.
I was amazed at the advertisement. It was utterly unbelievable. The actors did not believe a word they said.
And no man ‘eats carburetors for breakfast’. It is a line written by a woman who imagines that it is what men would say.
What man, woman, child is not scared of aggressive women? Small animals run and hide.
But if the idea is that all men should vote for a woman just because she is a woman (including transvestites and people identifying as women), that is not democracy. What happened to being qualified for the job?
There has never been a person so unqualified for high office than Kamala Harris. There is no record of her ever personally prosecuting a case as a prosecutor. She has been promoted entirely through a chain without achieving a single thing in public life personally or professionally. Her only qualification is that she is Barack Hussein Obama’s Vice President’s Vice President. She has never answered a single quesition. Because she cannot. And all her responses are edited, a novel form of Artificial Intelligence.
And that to preserve Obama’s rule into a fourth term. Nothing else. She did not even receive one delegate vote. There is no democracy. She represents no one except a rulinq clique of Obama/Clinton/Pelosi. The only unanswered question is why Biden is not running a second term from his beach house? And as Trump said, Biden hates her. Everyone does.
“There has never been a person so unqualified for high office than Kamala Harris”
I dunno about that.. How about all Ministers in Canberra undergo the same scrutiny as Harris & Trump, then see what they look like. I’d say people would realise none of them are worth employing!
I thought they had banned the word ‘woman?’ Aren’t you
supposed to say ‘person?’
Maybe Trump could decide to identify as a woman.
Then he could be the first Trans POTUS.
This would trump (see what I did there) Kamala’s ‘first’ claim.
My understanding of the oppression hierarchy is that Trans is the current most fashionable.
‘Trans POTUS’ … kinda has a nice ring to it.
A ‘Trans Am Pontiac Firebird’ sounds much more lyrical.
“Eastbound and down…”
uh oh you used a banned word. The correct word (until they change it again) is perchild.
Wow! That was a very amateurish advert. Surely no one would do anything than laugh out loud at that nonsense. I hope no one would be influenced by it
I attended a public lecture last night featuring international anti Covid Vax experts; Professor Angus Dalgleish and Dr Paul Marik. The event was the last of a National tour organised by the Australian Medical Professionals Society (AMPS).
Prof Dalgleish spoke mainly about the origins of the virus (Wuhan Inst ofVirology), the reasons why the vaccines are ineffective and the vaccine harms , including oncogenesis (cancer induction). Oncology is his special field. He also mentioned the apparent co-ordinated efforts to censor publications about the vaccine failures, which seem to involve all the major medical journals.
Dr Marik talked about early treatment of Covid, failures of mandated treatments, especially in hospitals, misinformation and disinformation by Health Authorities and preliminary methods for detoxifying the body after getting the vaccines!
We were also treated to a talk by Prof Ian Brighthorpe ( holistic medicine practitioner) and an update by video from Dr Mellissa McCann. Mellissa has organised a class action for people with vaccine injures against the Australian Government and Drs Murphy and Skerrit and Greg Hunt personally. I hope she is spectacularly successful.
Excellent. The first and best signs so far of a fight back by ethical medical professionals against a takeover of the profession by politicians and pharmaceutical companies. If only the same could be said for science generally. Dr Peter Ridd’s crucifixion was a lesson to all scientists in what happens if you dare disagree with the money people and politicians who now control science and education.
Will Dr. McCann be able to continue her fight when she is in jail?
Good point.
The regulator AHPRA has required that she be counselled about the Covid vaccine. Dr McCann is resisting so far.
In fact she is not running the case and nor is she a member of the case but she had agreed to under write the cost on a no profit basis. Even if the case wins and gets costs she will likely be out of pocket.
A shame that the tour wasn’t more widely publicised. Even so, the AMPS has fought valiantly for the truth to be told. However, many in the medical profession – let alone public servants in the medical arena – will continue to block open discussion of the vaccination debacle. But the loss of public trust is already growing and I don’t think will ever be recovered.
Because leftists, wherever they might be, always put their politics before ANYTHING else. Therefore, any role, any movie, any media article, any university course and any workplace controlled by a lefty, whatever its supposed objective, WILL be politically hijacked.
NOTHING is allowed to obstruct or contradict their wishes and no price is too high to achieve their aims (so long as that price is paid by others).
The pharma-media house of cards is starting to fall:
The Mail on Sunday apologises to Drs for saying that they were killing people by saying that the cholesterol/Statins story was another big ol snake oil scam.
Next please….(as I butter my toast thick and watch)
Thanks for those links.
That is an interesting site!
FWIW – on the covid scene
” Moderna’s financial woes continued this week as the stock kept sagging. Simply Wall Street ran a story yesterday headlined, “The Market Doesn’t Like What It Sees From Moderna, Inc.’s Revenues Yet As Shares Tumble 28%.” Uh oh.”
“Last week, Moderna depressed investors after appearing in the UK Daily Telegraph under the headline, “Moderna under fire after children offered cash to test Covid vaccine.” The sub-headline added, “Company targeted 12 to 18 year-olds through WhatsApp with payments of £1,500.” That’s about $2,000.”
No doubt Rishi divested himself of his Moderna holdings before this collapse.
The use of swear words and foul language on this site is thankfully discouraged, yet sometimes they have to be said. Here’s two examples, which I have simplified down to their basic 3-letter acronyms: ABC & BOM.
Whilst brewing my first Sunday morning coffee, thought I’d peruse the Australian Government’s propaganda pages to see what non-science was being pushed today. As Talking Heads once droned: ‘Same as it ever was’. Only worserer.
This summer for Australians will include “simmering oceans … sweltering [and] oppressive weather”. OK, so far so stock-standard. “Warm oceans directly heat the air just above the surface”. Basic knowledge, to be sure, yet a slight turnaround from previous claims of man-made heat cooking the oceans, ie. descending heat now apparently rises. A minor quibble, yet here’s the doozy –
“The reduction in cyclones this century [24 years so far] is due to climate change”.
As ever with dodgy gambling addicts, there’s always a get out of jail card clause: “confidence in the forecast is only moderate”. Wet dry hot cold windy calm with a chance of frogs. Good luck!
Yes, and I like it when the ABC Weather person says “Frogs and Fosts” instead of “Fogs and Frosts.” As for the BOM, well they are the “Bunch of Muppets” and don’t always seem to get the weather forecasts anywhere near right.
No swearing needed. Just laughter will do it.
BoM is hedging its bets with a ‘likely and very likely’ seasonal forecast.
Was reading a BOM driven summer panic piece on News this morning. I thought this quote was very sciency:
“Bureau of Meteorology senior meteorologist Angus Hines said the forecast of above average temperatures isn’t “super uncommon” anymore.”
Relates nicely to #9 below
Meh the #9 I was refering to was about a false history of temperature rise, it apears to have evaporated in the heat.
Just a few leaves and twigs scattered about. Still, that is what a Category 6 is all about. Spare us these doom merchants and their prognostications.
When the BOM makes an accurate forecast:
“The reduction in cyclones this century [24 years so far] is due to climate change”.
So … changes in climate are due to the climate changing?
Who knew?
Is US VPOTUS Kamala Harris now working for the Oz government?
‘Today is day followed by a tomorrow which will be another day as we must unburden our tomorrow with our today … holistically … and I grew up in a middle class family.’
90 mins of Trump hangin’ out with the boys. Mostly off script. Here we have it. ‘Evil personified’!
I have only watched the first 16 minutes so far and it is “Brillo”. I’ll watch the rest later on. Thanks for posting.
Interesting comment at the 38 minute mark, where he states that global warming isn’t the greatest threat, where “… oceans are only rising one eighth of an inch in 500 years”.
Thanks so much for the link. It is a sensational interview with Trump. He is much more personable, relaxed and very very funny – than in political interviews. Actually, a really important interview to see in its entirety.
And for some balance, a 2hr Tucker interview, with a woman, who it seems has been on Kamala’s case, since they first met in 2003! She was in private practice, looking at Kamala in public office.
Very interesting and I have only watched around 27 minutes so far. Harris is a Political Animal. Trump is not and I like him as he is not a Career Politician. Harris just like AlboSleazy here in OZ has never worked in Private Enterprise so in my world has never had a proper job.
Go Trump IMHO.
Ahhh, the penny has dropped. I had been puzzled by Kackala’s support at high levels, but that interview has lifted the veil. She is basically corrupt, not just politically, not just morally, but out and out bent.
Her career and rise through the ranks has been thanks primarily to Willie Brown, that much I knew, but it’s now clear that she was surrounded by – and part of – a very corrupt machine. So much so that she simply MUST be corrupt herself. Her White House campaign is probably being run the same way that she won races in California, with secret promises, bending rules and calling in favours. Should she win, some very rich, powerful people will have a massive pay day.
“New Study: Systematic Error In 1880-2020 Global Temperature Measurements Inflates Warming By 42%”
“Trump NY Case: Done”
“Trump appealed his “criminal” conviction in NY.
Notice that the actual hearing got basically zero coverage in the media.
Want to know why?
Because the justices on the court blew the case up during argument, leaving the prosecution now trying to argue not to keep the conviction but rather trying to argue they shouldn’t be sanctioned for bringing it in the first place.”
Something reasonable from the NY system!! Not at all expected by me.
May those prosecutors now find the inside of some NY cells.
Carbon dioxide let off the hook for the heat spike. They don’t mention water vapour in the stratosphere, but otherwise its good news for those who believe in the power of natural variability models.
‘Global-mean surface temperature rapidly increased 0.29 ± 0.04 K from 2022 to 2023. Such a large interannual global warming spike is not unprecedented in the observational record, with a previous instance occurring in 1976–1977. However, why such large global warming spikes occur is unknown, and the rapid global warming of 2023 has led to concerns that it could have been externally driven.
‘Here we show that climate models that are subject only to internal variability can generate such spikes, but they are an uncommon occurrence (p = 1.6 % ± 0.1 %). However, when a prolonged La Niña immediately precedes an El Niño in the simulations, as occurred in nature in 1976–1977 and 2022–2023, such spikes become much more common (p = 10.3 % ± 0.4 %). Furthermore, we find that nearly all simulated spikes (p = 88.5 % ± 0.3 %) are associated with El Niño occurring that year.
‘Thus, our results underscore the importance of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation in driving the occurrence of global warming spikes such as the one in 2023, without needing to invoke anthropogenic forcing, such as changes in atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases or aerosols, as an explanation.’ (EGU 2024)
“They”.. are a bit slow in not yet blaming Human Carbon emissions on the unusual El Nino/ La Nina activity !
But just wait !
NOAA is under the impression that we have experienced greater iENSO instability since the early 1960s.
Be very very careful with this study – it’s all about models. Basically, it’s meaningless because you have no idea what’s in the models other than a whole lot of stuff that doesn’t work. Remember, in science, the right result for the wrong reason is still bad science.
Totalitarian dictionary
1. Information we would really prefer that you miss.
Good to see the blog back after yesterdays db issue and general weirdness…
1,000-Person Matchmaking Event Sees Zero Men, Leaving China’s Leftover Women in an Awkward Spot
No-one wants modern women, or costly relationships, or kids…
Even in a country heavily male weighted.
Economic depression is gathering pace, the men are lying down flat waiting for the CCP to collapse. A silent non violent revolution.
24 Popular Chocolate Brands Whose Products Contain Heavy Metals Lead and Cadmium
While there are many benefits associated with eating chocolate, it’s hard to say whether you’d be getting the same benefits if your chocolate was tainted with toxic heavy metals lead and cadmium.
Unfortunately, this is the case for many popular brands we see on the market today (even “organic” brands). In fact, a great deal of the chocolate consumed around the world contains lead and cadmium, two heavy metals that are toxic to the body.
In a study conducted by As You Sow, levels of cadmium and lead in 45 of 70 chocolate bar samples (including some organic brands) tested were found to be higher than what is considered safe in drinking water.
While manufacturers claim that lead and cadmium are absorbed by the cacao plant in trace amounts and come from naturally-occurring sources, research claims otherwise.
An article published in Environmental Health Perspectives looked at the studies done by American, Nigerian, British, and Australian researchers. They concluded that only a small percentage of contamination is coming from the soil itself. The big contributor? The shipping and processing of cocoa products.
Cadbury, Hershey, Kraft, Lindt, Mars, and many more.
Safe brands? None.
Cadmium you say? Yet another reason to have a biweekly
chelation therapy with lifeblood, who are running a
campaign asking the reason people donate.
“Free chelation therapy” doesn’t make it past
the social media managers.
At one stage EDTA was supposed to be the answer to sulphation of lead acid batteries but I haven’t heard of that in a while
Streisand effect
Phenomenon in which an attempt to censor, hide, or otherwise draw attention away from something only serves to attract more attention to it. The name derives from American singer and actress Barbra Streisand’s lawsuit against a photographer in 2003, which drew attention to the photo she was suing to have taken off the Internet…
Scholars have noted that censorship often backfires when the public perceives an attempt by a powerful person or organization to repress free speech. It can incite public outrage, especially if the story involves an underdog. Moreover, attempted censorship can spur curiosity. The banning of books and websites, for instance, often drives further interest in them. People tend to want to judge for themselves what is objectionable about something that has been singled out for suppression.”
WHO Admits Monkeypox Is ‘Side Effect’ of Covid ‘Vaccine’
The United Nations’ (UN) World Health Organization (WHO) has admitted that “monkeypox” is actually a “side effect” of Covid mRNA “vaccines.”
The admission is buried on the WHO’s VigiAccess website.
The website contains a database that lists all known side effects of all drugs and vaccines that have been approved for public use.
Under “potential side effects” for the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, the WHO lists “monkeypox,” “smallpox,” and “cow pox” among hundreds of other disorders.
They are listed under “infections and infestations” that emerge as “side effects” of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine.
Aussies are a clever lot – a history of inventions
These are the more prosaic popular and obvious and even local inventions.
My favorite Australian invention was the turning of pencillin into a useful drug by Howard Florey. He shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945 with Ernst Chain and Sir Alexander Fleming for his role in the development of penicillin.
And I would add Ernest Rutherford, although a New Zealander. He discovered the half life and was the first person to split an atom. And there are many more inventions in medical research where Australians are very well funded, unlike the physical sciences.
Everyone knows Einstein was the first to split an atom.
Moving away from the individual to a collective.
Australian companies AMSL Aero, Boresight and Grabba Technologies for their drone technology which has changed the course of history.
I once met the bloke who invented the Cornetto ice cream. He was Australian. Who woulda thunk?
Sunday funny: The 2024 state of the climate report: Perilous times on planet Earth
Do Americans want an American President?
The last President whose both parents were born in America was George Bush.
Barack Hussein Obama’s father was Kenyan. 2 terms. Luckily and allegedly Barack was born in Hawaii and his mother was American.
Donald Trump’s mother was Scottish, which few seem to know. Thus the passion for golf.
But proposed ‘black’ American Kamala Harris has no American born parents!
And it is looking obvious that black Americans do not think she is ‘black’ American either. Or that they want her to represent ‘black’ non Hindu Americans. And as for working class, as she calls it ‘middle class’, there is no way she worked at McDonalds on the chip fryer. She was not qualified let alone on the cash register. Now that she has abandoned being the first Hindu President, she has nothing. And her Jamaican father, who is still alive, is invisible.
78% of Black Americans want a Democrat President. That is a decline, 90% of Black Americans who voted, voted Democrat in the 2020 election.
And another fact simply stated Simon,
100% of dead people voted Democrat in 2020 and due to the actions of the US State Attorneys and the DOJ etc their rights to vote Democrat again in this election will be protected.
According to the NY times eh…
A walk back in history then:
Oh, that’s right – we’re supposed to ignore such posters.😉
In post 8 Furiously Curious linked to a Tucker interview of her long time nemesis in Kalifornia, who is also of South Asian heritage. It’s pretty revealing.
Kamala Chameleon. Whatever it takes. An utterly ruthless tyrant in the making. And Barack Obama has no idea.
Sort of named after a Boy George song and very appropriate.
So, Boeing has announced mass layoffs of 15,000+ people.
Having clearly stuffed up on most aspects of management, I wonder if they will be brave enough to use the opportunity to clean house? I doubt it.
I’m guessing that stay or go decisions wont be made on competency and adding value, but on genitals, skin colour and who you sleep with.
I assume it is a unionised workplace with some sort of workplace agreement, in which case the most common practice is to offer voluntary redundancy followed by last in, first out. Subject of course to business-driven closures such as complete cessation of product lines or factories. If this is the case, they won’t be able to use incompetence or similar criteria.
Should Boeing have wriggle room however, to select on the basis of ‘special’ criteria, I seriously wouldn’t be shocked if they used this opportunity to INCREASE representation of DEI hires. Other large corporations facing problems due to woke business decisions have actually doubled-down, i.e. Disney.
A block of Ukranian bread could bring down the already damaged Crimea Bridge, fortunately the Russians have decided its better to send military hardware via the inland route.
This allows for a safe exit for civilians to flee the Peninsula before its too late.
Never underestimate the Russians. Telling them something’s impossible just spurs them on. I saw them build the giant Zolotoy (Golden) bridge in Vladivostok. Unbelievable. And in the most difficult area.
Even Zelensky is now saying the war will end next year. The Ukranians are raiding bars for recruits. It’s a slaughterhouse and utterly tragic for both sides, like all civil wars.
I know correlation isn’t causation but the more comments like that are posted the closer the Russians seem to get to the Dnieper River
“This allows for a safe exit for civilians to flee the Peninsula before its too late.”
Lol! NATO has tried its best and failed miserably! The Western propaganda is now turning to “making gains before peace talks with Russia”… Germany has said it will not supply any more heavy equipment.
Go check out the Ukie Commander telling it like it is, Ukraine is lost and the Russians are the world leaders in electronic warfare these days. A couple of hours ago I watched a drone fly past a Ukie truck covered in drone-jamming aerials and fly into the tank in front.
The Ukie 72nd brigade filmed themselves with a couple of soldiers from the 123rd brigade, tied up and apologising for not doing what they were meant to. The collapse of military discipline that causes this sort of infighting smacks of desperation at the front and means insurrection is not far away.
The Russians won’t be leaving Crimea, and the Yanks won’t stop sacrificing the Eastern European/Asian countries to bring Russia down. Lets see what the BRICS meeting results in later this month.
The Donbas is rich in lithium, gold, oil and gas, Ukraine has to recapture it and also Crimea. All lands must be returned and Putin to be dethroned through civil war and economic collapse.
Sunday sarcasm
Climate Change will continue to strike attractive locations that the State wishes to purchase at a discount, warn scientists.
And the next Climate Change summit will be in another Oil rich state, Azerbaijan. In 1900, 95% of all the world’s oil came from this area. Perfectly logical after utterly unsustainable oil cities in Dubai and Qatar.
The whole world is being played. The only problem facing the oil states is pushing the buy price up by restricting supply. Climate Change? These places run on endless free power. Even the bus stops in Dubai and train platforms are air conditioned.
What is amazing is that Australia has endless free power too. But we are committing Hari Kari. For the greater good of China. And we are begging them to buy our lobsters but it seems there are conditions. The contractual problem is in the claws at the end.
It will also mostly affect coastal towns with a high number of expensive mansions facing the ocean, such as those that the Obamas, Clintons etc wish to buy for a good price.
The next three months promise to be interesting .Two wars heating up and the election in the USA turning into the third . No matter who wins the result will be contested and civil conflict is quite possible as inflation creates desperation . Many countries that are in massive debt and are still spending and that’s going to bite when the interest rate rises due to downgrading of credit ratings . When the oligarchs are building shelters you know somethings coming . Climate change has largely been exposed as a boondoggle and it funding is drying up .
“Peter Sweden: BOMBSHELL: Slovakia Could BAN mRNA Vaccines”
“But there’s more!
The report also recommends Slovakia to refuse to sign the WHO pandemic treaty as well as updated WHO regulations.
Oh my goodness!! I just cannot believe this..You will be SHOCKED!!!
“Drug studies sponsored by drug manufacturers tend to report higher drug efficacy than studies not sponsored by the drug company, a new report published in the Journal of Political Economy on Oct. 7 finds.
The report found a “sponsorship effect” that tends to bias sponsored studies toward reporting higher drug efficacies. The author could not find differences in study design between those funded by drug companies and those not. She said that the difference in results between sponsored and unsponsored trials may be that “manufacturers are running multiple trials and selectively publishing those that are more favorable towards their drug.””
The attractiveness of turning years of massive parallel studies into a few seconds of high-powered computing is obvious. However, being completely dependent on both the design of the program and the input parameters the program is instructed to compute, the outputs of models are more akin to a picture painted by humans than a cinematic record of a natural phenomenon.
Two major oversights lead to these outcomes. First, the model overlooks changes in society and medicine over the past several hundred years that have seen average global life expectancy rise from below 30 years to over 70, and over 80 years in some wealthier countries (see below). Thus, bacterial infections such as the Plague (Y. pestis), and diseases such as cholera and typhus associated with poor hygiene are assumed to have a recurrence rate and magnitude relevant to massive historic outbreaks. Spanish influenza in 1918-19 resulted in considerable mortality due to secondary bacterial infections, which are far less likely to recur since the advent of modern antibiotics.
Second, the model fails to account for the advent of modern diagnostics such as PCR, point-of-care antigen and serology testing and genetic sequencing, and the improved ability to record and transmit such information. Thus, it is assumed that the increase in reporting reflects a real increase in outbreak frequency rather than largely reflecting improved ability to detect. The model then assumes a continuation of this increase in future years.
Australians have the highest gambling losses in the world, with the best estimates of around $20 billion lost in 2019.
For perspective, South Australia’s total state budget in 2019-20 was $20 billion!