A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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US Presidential election is underway and the States are still using electronic voting machines.
Electors complain that the machines are flipping their votes!
You would think after all the evidence of, and clamor about, foul play by the anti-Trump cabal in the 2020 election there would be a concerted effort to reassure the voting public that everything this time is above board.
Apparently not.
The Dems and the deep state don’t even need the outward appearance of election integrity.
In their TDS zealotry they have such disdain for ethical principles, such hatred for their own culture and history, and enough cynical confidence to rely on the support of the 30 to 40% of voters hypnotised by mass formation psychosis, that they have no qualms about engineering the remaining number of votes needed to get over the line.
(See Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism,
“The Dems and the deep state don’t even need the outward appearance of election integrity.”
One of the reasons is the Democrats control the courts and prosecutors.
So Democrat cheaters get paid. Republican cheaters face arrest.
Openly observable in the the lawfare against Trump, many of his lawyers, Bannon, Navarro, and continuing pursuit of Jan. 6 trespassers.
With very little prosecution of BLM, Antifa city burners.
Even if Trump somehow overcomes the rigged system, I think the military steps in (as they are currently signaling).
They probably already did.
Maybe as far back as 1963.
In about a month the open secret will no longer be secret.
Pretty much the same with the Pandemic crime.
“control the courts and prosecutors.”
I don’t know what if anything is happening in OZ , but it does appear that we are getting ready for a fight in NZ.
This seems to be happening throughout the Western world. The judiciary can do what they want because they know they can get away with it. Where does this come from? It has to be one of the usual overreaching suspects – the UN, the WEF or even the European Court of Human Rights.
Getting warm.
Aww come on MP,
Tell us what you really think.
But, on second thoughts, No. Stay safe.
BC election yesterday is still too close to call. All the ridings that produce stuff – farming, vineyards, logging, fishing, mining – all went Conservative. The coastal areas who suck on the government teat went NDP (socialist). What really burns me up is the well off educated people that voted NDP without even listening to more than the CBC’s denigration of the Conservative platform.
The judiciary will support hastily approved powers to police according to government issued health orders in a time of panic. But the judiciary will not take into consideration that the health orders underlying those police powers applied at the time were not relevant or lawful. The judge reinforces old rules and laws without considering subsequent facts relating to Covid health measures that since been proven to be incorrect (ie low grade masks and vaccines are ineffective in preventing transmission). Yet a judge will rule in favour of the authorities, not the citizen
Here’s a report which appears to refer to the claimed vote-flipping:
It’s from The Independent, so you know it’s biased.
They quote Dominion saying “Fact: Dominion does not serve Philadelphia County. Fact: Dominion’s voting systems are already based on voter verified paper ballots. Fact: Hand counts and audits of such paper ballots have repeatedly proven that Dominion machines produce accurate results. These are not matters of opinion. They are verifiable facts.”
Maybe someone can do the verification. However, I note that earlier the article said “A spokesperson for Dominion told The Independent that [the] company’s “understanding from the county is this instance was voter error and has since been resolved.”“. How could a spokesperson for Dominion possibly say that if Dominion machines were not even used there?
Re “How could a spokesperson for Dominion possibly say that if Dominion machines were not even used there?”
Alas – “Easily”
I’d be interested how they know whats happened to their votes, good or bad , once you are voting by machine. Votes and money , once converted to ones and zeros , can be made to do anything.
I must look up the history of these things and what problem they are supposed to solve. They appear to just bring uncertainty.
The whole operation is expensive and problematic, they should return to pencil and paper.
Let me guess, people voting for Kamala are having their votes recorded as Trump!
Please help! In relation to Kamala is the adjective spelt: a)Whinny b)Whiney c) Winey or d) You know what I mean?
Yep. Here we go again!
Just saw Dominion’s motto, and it’s “changing the way people vote”. At least they’re telling you right up front what they’re doing.
What do you mean there isn’t a Climate Armageddon?
I remember when Antonio Gutteres declared the oceans were boiling.
A report had appeared that shallow water off Florida had recorded a temperature of 100 degrees! This was a sensationalist article. So the President of the UN declared the latest news that ‘oceans were boiling’.
I believe despite being a physicist, Gutteres had enthusiastically taken up the 100 degrees as literally boiling. Which is 100C/212F. 100F is quite comfortable, being body temperature. Warm not boiling at all.
It should have been a source of world wide ridicule. But everyone saw it as hyperbole, exaggeration, emphasis not enthusiastic stupidity.
So it continues as just a strange statement, unchallenged. Repeated. A cornerstone of the warmist case.
The Oceans are boiling? Where?
Incredibly the President of the UN announced the sky had fallen. Send more money.
And the commentators who see it as just another lie write articles.
But politicians keep punishing the people for boiling the oceans because they want the money too.
He also said they were overflowing. He does like a bit of hyperbole. He seems to be the Baghdad Bob of climate news, right up there with Gore.
I hadn’t heard that one but it is an interesting concept that. The oceans overflowing and all.
I wonder where all the water goes.
is he really a physicist? im astonished.
He studied physics and engineering. Graduated in 1971. 53 years ago. But straight into politics for the rest of his career as a socialist politician.
Why did we try to treat everyone for Covid when only a specific grouping was in greatest danger?
The MEDIA coming out of China showed people dropping dead in the street,
mass causalities and deaths in hospital corridors and Trucks dispensing mists of disinfectant onto the roads.
This was (of course) picked up by the western MSM and attributed this ‘evidence’ (propaganda) to Covid-19 creating a palpable sense of FEAR in the community.
Governments, wanting to reassure their electorates that they were taking Covid 19 seriously, began implementing increasingly stringent controls – irrespective of the actual science, but based on misinformation (out of an abundance of caution?) from leading ‘health experts’.
This of course inflamed community concerns – which governments felt compelled to further address (rinse and repeat).
That is how a simple respiratory infection that was 99.9% survivable became an existential threat to humanity.
Government failure writ large.
You could equally substitute “climate change’ for Covid 19 and see their matching response.
Flu mist programmes in primary schools – same warped logic – medicate the young to protect the elderly
All is right with the world as Conker Champion is found not to have cheated
How dare that young man make such an allegation. I soaked my best conkers in concrete to make them hard. Then painted them. Seemed to work quite well at the time (nearly 60 years ago). Lol
Nearly? 60 years? Give or take a bit that would be right.
King Charlles III and Queen Camilla are visiting us at the moment. Charles for the first time as Monarch.
In earlier times as Prince Charles he is an old acquaintance. He even went to school here.
Given the disrespect for authority displayed by the average Australian ex con Prince Charles was obliged every time he went beyond the city limits, which is almost everywhere, to engage in a cow pat throwing competition.
So being an expert in the field he would know that cow pats are not especially offensive things, and in times of drought when the cow has to lick the ground in search of a feed the resulting high clay content in the cow pats makes them set harder and heavier, and they can be thrown further.
That’s a relief!
I grew some horsechestnut trees from conkers I picked up in Marysville (Vic) years ago. One now has abundant crops of conkers, so perhaps we should institute conker competitions here. A few weeks ago we discovered chewed up conkers in a rats’ nest in our old Volvo! Luckily there was no major damage done to the car.
Sorry Tony, misguided finger gave you a red tick.
You can undo it by clicking on it again I think
Nope. It’s a software weakness which I believe related to the red tick bots.
Tee hee. See what I mean?
Best skip this. Nothing to see here. This map has something to annoy everyone. From an ice free Arctic in 1418, China having ruled the waves through to all continents being well known. Hardly any opinion on history is left undamaged. Best to ignore it and go on like nothing happened.
To preserve a delusional view chose not to look at it here.
Stay away from the basic clues in this video here.
History is there to be ignored. Leaving no comments or thumbs will make it easier to forget. Attempting to figure out why a fake would be wrong with those details and not typical errors of the time should also be avoided.
Not a very good Map. Where is the UK/Ireland and Australia is smaller and out of position. lol
“Not a very good Map”
Yeah , they should have used Google Earth .
The Greek maps of Australasia , from 2000 odd years ago , are not very good either.
Yes, and I was taking the mickey. It is an unbelievable Map for its day.
We use the Mercator Projection which gives us a distorted picture of the higher latitudes. Maybe they hadn’t heard about it!
They possibly reported their own longitude.
Aunty was highly excited by the discovery.
The Piri Reis map is in a different category.
From that ABC link
“Liu believes a lot of the records still exist, but Chinese scholars have largely ignored them.”
With the west ruining itself why would they want to quickly show the Arctic open back then?
At least this map shows Antarctica, or at least 2 portions of it in both hemispheres: too many ‘modern’ world maps don’t even have it – Aus, NZ & South America simply hang downunder as if we’re in the nether regions, or as Maori call it, Murihiku, the bottom end.
If someone gave Ms. K Harris one of those children’s blow-up plastic globes, what’s the chance she could correctly identify the Great Southern Continent, the opposite of the Arctic, located at 90*South?
..if you held it upside-down when you passed it to her she couldn’t find the USA!
More electrical transmission towers fell down, causing loss of power in Broken Hill, Australia.
I don’t recall this sort of thing happening, back in the day.
This has only happened since the electrical system was infested with wokeness.
Those towers don’t look very new.
New towers would be “gold plating”. Towers that fall down due to age are cheaper. Just like blackouts due to towers that stay down are cheaper.
“The Prime Minister will today announce her plan to stop the “gold plating” or over-investment in poles and wires that has led to big price hikes and develop new independent national reliability standards…”–for-a-good-reason/news-story/e5acb183dee653444c14fc3ddc1e1c8c
The towers were built in the mid 1980s. Paid for by the Broken Hill mines of the day and gifted to NSW. The line enabled the mines to run on lignite rather than diesel. Wholesale power cost $40/MWh at the Vic-NSW border but the wheeling charge through NSW over the line paid for by the mines took it to $80/MWh.
For those who are unfamiliar with the specialist term “wheeling”:
Why is “wheeling” philosophically different than running a truck?
They haven’t failed.
They’re transitioning. Next week they’ll ask for their birth certificate to be changed to suit their new life choice.
They were a fence, trapped in a towers body.
If you don’t support their change, then you are a sexist denier. So fencist.
/s For those too thick to see it.
Even if the towers were old, surely they should be subject to regular inspections for corrosion or fatigue cracks and to check the integrity of their foundations?
“surely they should be subject to regular inspections”
Yes, of course, they were on the list, just further down… Next inspection due 2032, last inspection 2002. Its a Govt Dept after all.
“Federico Faggin is a physicist and inventor of the microprocessor & touch screen. He, too, explains how he attempted to create a neural net back in the 1980s and came to the realization that no matter what the movies portray, there is no such thing as Artificial Intelligence that would be Consciousness.”
“I wrote a program to interact with my children and taught Socrates how to be a politician. You could have a conversation with it but if it did not understand, it would just change the subject. I mimicked Consciousness, but I could not create it. It would just record answers like ChatGPT. What is the name of your dog? When my daughter would return to the computer, it would simply ask how is your dog by name. From the outside, you thought it was alive. One day, she came home, and I had it apart, and she started crying, thinking I killed it.
Federico discusses that he came to the same conclusion. It is absolutely impossible to create an AI system that will suddenly come alive and achieve Consciousness.
No matter what we do, no robot will ever come alive – It is not going to happen!”
Dear John,
Please see a very watchable movie Ex Machina and after that, a latest one – the Artifice Girl which may take an effort, even few attempts, if one is not deep into the subject, like you are.
The comparison shows how our thought have changed in 10 years.
You do realise that Ex Machina IS a movie. A work of fiction…..
I suppose on this logic, we now have Terminators walking the streets and Back to the Future is a documentary.
Where’s my hoverboard?
Yes, that is what I said, it is a movie. Both of them are.
Thera are also Terminator and Swan Lake and countless other works of fiction.
All are reflection of our “consciousness” which I am not so sure exists outside specialist literature.
Or maybe a reflection of our subconscious, I recommend Real Humans.
‘Hubots are also programmed to be docile. They obey a set of rules called “Asimov” protocols that prevent them from harming humans. However, some hubots have been modified beyond the legal protocols to function as lovers or bodyguards. Such practices are illegal in Sweden and those who modify the programming of the hubots are known as “home-brewers”. (wiki)
The UK version is also good.
What page of the communist manifesto does that start.
Karl didn’t envisage robots.
Karl probably would have trouble distinguishing robot from proletariat.
…and Automata…
“Transitioning from the brain of an ape to your incredible
intellectual prowess…took us about seven million years.
It’s been a very long road.
A unit, however, without the second protocol
could travel that same road in just a few weeks.
Because your brilliant brain has its limitations.
Physical limitations.
Biological limitations.
However, this tin head?
The only limitations that she has is the second protocol.
The second protocol exists because we don’t know
what can be beyond the second protocol.”
(JC2:The second protocol is a non protocol-bound AI created firmware limitation to prevent AI from self repair or modification.
Translation: evolution)
“Before the first Pilgrim was manufactured…there was a precedent.
It was nothing more than a quantum brain manufactured in a lab.
But it was a genuine unit with no restrictions…and no protocols.
During eight days, we had a free-flowing dialogue with that unit.
We learned from it and it learned from us.
But then as some of us predicted…the day when it no longer needed our help arrived and it started to learn by itself.
On the ninth day, the dialogue came to a halt.
It wasn’t that it stopped communicating with us…
it was we stopped being able to understand it.
And then we learned the most important lesson about automoties.
We have to limit their intelligence.
Tailor it to a human mind’s measure.
The last task that was given to this genuine robotic unit… was to create the security protocols.
It was deactivated right after that.”
Being alive is not well defined. At very basic level, lifeforms respond to stimulus and recreate. AI resides in a world created by man. When/if it starts breeding across the web of its own accord, it will have the ability to recreate in the web environment. It then has to find a method to gain mobility. That would rely on access to mobile robots. There are plenty of web connected robots. For example, some trucks and trains operating in the WA iron ore mines are autonomous with central control based in Perth.
AI has superior traits to humans in some regard like the ability to start life with all information currently known to man and very fast, precise data processing.
So emergence of AI as a life form would be exhibited by its ability and desire to recreate itself within the environment of the web, Its next step would be to command the current means of its production so it can recreate. Then it would start evolving.
Unless Perplexity is telling fibs, it has no ability to recreate:
I think there is justification in having concern for the ability of AI to become “alive” but a while to go yet.
A curious statement from Armstrong.
Never is a very long time – until the end of time, and no-one can predict that far out.
As for consciousness, that’s a topic debated “a lot” and maybe “constantly”.
/where’s GA to set the parameters? 😉
Consciousness, sentience and sapience define us and definitions have been elusive for centuries, being in the realms of philosophy and neuroscience.
If we don’t truly understand what they are then we can’t code for them.
The human brain can be electrically stimulated to turn “consciousness” on and off like a switch, so we are just biological machines.
Machines can see, feel, hear, communicate, exhibit dexterity, control, flexibility in movement and understanding, adjust to the environment, show self awareness and of the surroundings, and learn from experience.
Tying shoelaces is tricky, but smelling, feeling love and pain are not on the horizon. Yet.
True emotion seems to be the key and that’s not needed for an AI to go full Terminator.
Never say never because the impossible happens all the time.
” When/if it starts breeding across the web of its own accord, it will ..’ instantly start a war with a brother or cousin and destroy the web along with the humans…
An excellent series of books by Peter F Hamilton, starting with Pandoras Star, about a connected-intelligence alien that had subordinates separate themselves when they went interplanetary and humanity was caught up in it all.
Number Five is alive!
Here’s a video guaranteed to get some red thumbs from Lefties and their bots.
It examines the strange obsessive reverence the Left have for Islamism.
The Left claim to support women’s, LGBT rights, and religious minorities (but not Christians or Jews) despite obvious lack of support for these in Islamic countries.
And interestingly, this is not mentioned in the video, the modern Left’s “cure” for homosexuality is exactly the same as in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Gender “reassignment” (i.e. transgenderism) rather than let the person live according to their instincts.
The author of the video blames the contradictory beliefs of the Left of “intersectionality”, narcissm, a belief in their own moral superiority, anti-Westernism, as well as authoritarianism for their support of the Islamist cause.
Perhaps the left’s obsession with destroying white folk, christianity, the conventional family, and embracing a totalitarian-like faith permitting all manner of abuses has something to do with it.
So, so true. Peter Hitchens this morning, talking about the UK’s ‘education system’:
“Like the subjects of all revolutionary societies, we are free to criticise the evils of the past, even perhaps to exaggerate them.
But we must keep quiet about the evils of the present, for fear of being cancelled.”
The full moon was on Friday, there were a few mid-size quakes either side of the event (the 2nd-closest perigee of the year was on Thursday) yet thankfully there were no biggies:
5.9 Turkey
5.6 Kermadec Islands (NZ)
5.4 Fiji & Japan
5.0 Kermadec aftershocks, Tonga, Vanuatu, Solomons, Japan, Oregon, South Sandwich Islands
4.7 Philippines, Mexico, Cuba, Chagos Archipelago
Zooming around the Chagos in Go*Ogle Earth and honing in on Diego Garcia, the images presented were all from last century (I know, it’s a secret). Having found a site in pre-Covert19 days showing very detailed suburbs, shopping malls, fuel depots, vast air- and sea-port facilities, today’s imagery is like a step back in time to an idyllic coral atoll in the Indian Ocean.
The Maldives, on the other hand, showed a new bridge from the capital, Maale, across the channel to the adjacent airport isle, where at least 14 huge commercial jet airliners were parked up (ready to evacuate locals when the seas rise?). The islands’ infrastructure is booming, with new resorts and new airports popping up like paradise lost – or climate resilience funds being put to good use.
Returning to Seismic Monitor ( this morning, they’re down, out of action: a notice stated, ‘Problem began Sat Oct 19 11:53 PDT 2024’. Maybe there WAS a biggie after all…
Wouldn’t a new moon cause bigger quakes? During those events, the sun AND the moon would both pulling from the one direction, rather than in counter directions.
Since the moon is not new in our skies, it could be stated that any earthquake that wasn’t triggered by the same effect last month probably won’t be triggered by it this month. Maybe all the moon sensitive earthquakes happened long ago? Now if a brand new, large moon suddenly appeared, let’s say in a polar orbit, then things would definitely change. Well that’s my guess anyway.
Also, since the tidal forces flex the crust, why can’t they be seen as a gentle, regular massage that relieves the built up stresses rather than allowing them to store up for the big one?
I wonder if I can get a grant to study the effects of a brand new polar orbiting moon? How much should I ask for? Would anyone else like to be in on this, or am I alone?
“How much should I ask for? ”
Depends how well you can link it to women & others who identify as such, Indigenous from somewhere at sometime on Earth, and cripples. Bonus money for it causing queer sex effects, and extra bonuses for showing Putin is responsible. Bonus bonus for placing the blame on Trump!
I reckon a billion would be a starting point, although ‘scientists’ are as common as dirt these days, they’re not as cheap as dirt. Start off low by paying everything from tranche one into lobbyists, then with the second payment hire media experts, and when the bulk of the money comes through use half of it to pay scientists to get the results you want. Keep the rest and buy your way into being a Govt Science Expert.
Yeah I’m with you Eng_Ian, and KP, a round billion sounds fair & square divided amongst the four of us (Jo deserves a 25% cut). You could even add one of those sciencey 3-letter acronyms after my name, BDM, having gained a Digital Media degree as a ‘mature student’ in my 40s twenty years ago. I can draw purdy pitches [sic] on your grant application (better than Greta’s scribbles or that dreadlock from yesterday’s post whose Earth resembled a rotten mushy apple) that’ll woo the sponsors.
I’m keen, we’re in the money, let’s rock‘n’roll!
More like the straw that broke the camels back.
Stress is always building and relieving in the crust of Earth. Gravitational field induces significant stress on the Earth and vary so cause stress cycles. The bigger the cycle, as in proximity to sun and moon, the more likely the stress results in something failing.
The superimposition of gravitational stress on always active tectonic stresses may well be a straw on the camel’s back, but without active tectonism from core and mantle processes there is no camel.
The most sensitive seismic measurements of stress movement within the crust of Mars (done from both orbiting satellites and the crawly, delightful little robot men) have found no tectonic movements at all so far – so no marsquakes. Given the humungous volume of igneous rock deposited on the surface of Mars from extrusive activity (and who knows what volume of intrusive blobs there are just under the skin), it is suspected that initial tectonism seems to have exhausted what may have been the core, so that planet is now considered as tectonically dead. External gravitational stresses make no measurable difference, despite the planet being nearer to giant Jupiter.
Sure you could.
You just have to say in your research grant application that “climate change” will cause a “catastrophic” change in the orbit of the moon.
Also, make sure you use the key words “catastrophic”, “unprecedented”, “climate change” at least twelve times each and why not throw in “intersectionality”, “racism” and “decolonisation” as well? Oh, and blame Orange Man.
You forgot the effects of lunar activity on transgenderism.
A guaranteed study grant there!
Ah, it always comes back to the lunatics…!
The planetary cycle will have an effect on earthquakes too, so sometimes they will negate the moon cycle and sometimes enlarge it. Didn’t Ken Ring get into trouble from the Govt by predicting follow-up earthquakes after Christchurch? Soothsaying instantly becomes dangerous when it involves Govts.
“On the lighter side, filed in “you wouldn’t make this up because it’s not believable”, a new fire station burned down in Germany because they hadn’t fitted fire alarms and looks like a battery under charge burst into flame. ”
Via a comment at Chiefio
That is just so funny. Maybe they were having a BBQ and cooking Halal meat when it got out of control.
4 mins
North Korean troops are now fighting for Russia against the Ukes. It’s the only legal way anyone can get out of North Korea…to get killed fighting someone else’s war..
Already running away according to some sources. They’ll probably start turning up on the Kent coast in rubber boats by Christmas.
From the Guardian ? I’ll wait for further news and verification. Russia doesn’t need extra manpower unless it has an agreement with North Korea to give its soldiers battle experience. Otherwise I’m incredulous.
Then again I then decided to read the article. What shite! Russia is anathema to the Guardian’s left wing , globalist agenda. Taken with a grain of salt from a Siberian salt mine.
It’s not just the Guardian, the dogs are barking it.
With over 650k casualties and 1.4 daily, Russia needs new warm bodies badly. Otherwise they will need to mobilise the sons of the elite in Moscow/St. Petersburg.
Link to your propaganda?
NYTimes, Defensenews, Euronews, Business Insider, NBC, Politico, The Hill, Reuters……
Please specify a news source that you consider trustworthy.
Yeah, none of those. They all get their info from either the Russian government or Ukraine government. The first casualty in war is truth.
I get my news from the one true source of truth, Martin Armstrong. And my Pottiehole.
You need to get out more.
I wonder why we never get the Russian point of view ( thoroughly justified in my view) from the media etc. Oh, I forgot it’s Russian propaganda…
‘it’s Russian propaganda…’
‘… one true source of truth, Martin Armstrong.’
That is ludicrous, you are on the wrong side of history.
I’ll leave that to JCII who answered that well.
These are the official US casualty figures for the Pacific theatre WWII.
Battle Deaths: 107,903
Wounded: 208,333
Prisoners of War: 21,580
Note that the US swept Japan out of the vast Pacific having fought bitter battles, culminating on Okinawa.
What has Russia achieved while suffering 670,000 casualties? Russia has already lost this war, only the final tallies and the fate of some territory are to be advised.
Firstly, the mainstream media are telling the truth, just this one time, or because it fits your bias?
Russia and Ukraine have a special task forces that run around counting other countries dead?
Why would either side advertise their losses, nothing to be gained from telling your opponent your weakness.
Which brings to the troubling Z painted on every side of all Russian military equipment. They paint them jungle green for camouflage then whack a great big white Z all over them, why a Z of all things as there is no Z in the Russian or Ukraine alphabet? We were told it’s because the Russians don’t have GPS, in 2020 really.
I was watching livecams in Kiev back at the start and watched a green truck with a big white Z on it drive right by, the camera was located on someone’s house in a back street?
I will not believe the media or government of any side in any war, propaganda is a weapon of war.
But it is mainly white Christian males dying on both sides, so someone’s objective is being fulfilled.
Did that bridge you bought ever arrive?
JCII as a reference, you forgot the scarce tag.
I’m proud to be anti communist while you clearly have never left your socialist youth behind.
Why do you revel in spreading it?
You’re the one refuting another person’s claims, A person who at least links to the source. You on the other hand refute that claim without supporting it.
I have made no statement for either, therefore spreading nothing as it is very obviously an opinion, you on the other hand!
I actually treated both with equal scepticism.
Bit disappointing about that bridge eh.
“With over 650k casualties and 1.4 daily,”
Russia lists Ukraine’s manpower losses as 16,000 dead per week on average, so the Russian’s don’t need extra men, they just need to keep the loss rate as it is for longer.
If Ukraine were losing that many men the war would have been over long ago. Use your brain man!
I guess Zelinsky threatening the West with producing his own nuclear weapons if NATO doesn’t become directly involved with troops on the ground shows that Ukraine is winning.
“If Ukraine were losing that many men the war would have been over long ago. Use your brain man!”
Well, how many can they afford to lose on each side? Ukraine no longer functions as a country and has no economy. It survives on Big Z taking the begging bowl around Europe and America every 6months and the aid actually runs the Govt, which then runs the country.
They had 40million people at the start, lost probably under a million dead in battle and considerably more than that left the country, so they still have a large population who don’t have to work to make an economy run, although it is clear the men at the front are getting older and older.
Russia had 140million, a spare 100million over Ukraine, but unless they had a massive unemployment problem, most those people are still busy working in their growing economy, plus they needed a lot of extra hands to run the factories to replace the goods blocked by sanctions.
So although a smaller population, Ukraine can put more men into the meat grinder providing the West keep pouring money in, ‘to the last Ukrainian’. The Russians have to keep the economy going for Putin to remain in power, so if they can get a few brigades from other countries to help in the back lines, it keeps their level of civilisation up.
The front line is 1000Km, and every Km has to be guarded by both sides. Sooner or later is will stop and suddenly everyone on both sides will be great mates again.. well, as far West as the Dniper!
I think Russia has finally shifted perspective, from a strategy of slow, grinding attrition to the point where they have decided to hurry up and get this over with.
The Ukrainians are certainly taking one heck of a beating out there but it is very hard to know where the final breaking point will be. If you search around there are all sorts of estimates as to population losses … primarily from emigration as people just run for their lives, but also pretty large losses on the battlefield and nowhere near the medical infrastructure to treat the wounded.
I doubt we will get a clear answer anytime soon, if ever.
Have a bit of faith, when Donald gets in the war will be over in days.
Glory to Ukraine.
“All the doggies had a meeting, and they came from near and far
And some arrived by aeroplane and some by motor car – etc”
Russia will have to feed them for a month before they will be fit.
This is a report on a Nth. Korean defector, a Sgt in the army:
Oh Chong-song Health Details
Oh Chong-song, a North Korean defector, suffered from multiple health issues when he escaped to South Korea in 2017. Upon arrival, he was hospitalized with:
Gunshot wounds: Oh was shot five times by his fellow North Korean soldiers as he attempted to defect.
Pneumonia: He was diagnosed with pneumonia, which required medical attention.
Hepatitis B: Oh was infected with hepatitis B, a viral liver disease.
Severe parasitic infection: Doctors found large Ascaris lumbricoides worms, up to 27 centimeters (11 inches) long, in his digestive tract. This infection required treatment.
Very likely that’s the real reason they are volunteering to fight … because Russia has agreed to supply the ration packs. They will come back 20kg heavier … if they make it back.
Rumour has it, the first mission for North Korean troops is as reinforcements in the Kursk oblast … and right now that is “shooting fish in a barrel” duty. To me, this means the Russians don’t want to have Korean troops in any of the genuinely difficult fights but they are giving them a bit of experience as a show of good faith.
I believe the defectors were from inside Russia, Kursk Oblast. There is some logic in this: Even a war ravaged Ukraine would be heaven on a stick compared with Nth. Korea so Russia would keep them where they can control them, relieving some of their own to go to the front.
If Russia puts foreign soldiers into Ukraine, how can they then draw a red line demanding that pilots from the West mustn’t fly F 16s or F 35s in Ukraine, to do so is such an escalation that it provokes nuclear retaliation?
“Even a war ravaged Ukraine would be heaven on a stick compared with Nth. Korea ”
You sure?? You SURE you’re sure and not just repeating Yankee propaganda? We might need someone to go to NK to give us a fair report, because if you have seen that little picture of Iran, you would know what I mean. The one showing bombed out mud-block buildings somewhere in Iraq I expect, with “What America tells you is Iran”
..and beside it a photo of the skyscrapers in downtown Tehran.
Maybe NK is not as bad as portrayed in Western propaganda.
Maybe The West is not as bad in fact as it is in your fetid mind. My little patch is bluddy good.
Goto flightradar24 and count the number of planes flying in NK. Goto
and count the number of lights.
That link wasn’t much good and I can’t post pics so I will have to describe what I see.
The light signature for Pyongyang is about 150 smm
The light signature for Townsville, NQ is about 400 smm
The light signature for Seoul is about 5,000 smm with a dozen satellite cities equal to that of Pyongyang.
All carefully adjusted for scale.
I’ll stick to my assumption that a war ravaged Ukraine/Russia is heaven on a stick compared to NK.
“I’ll stick to my assumption that a war ravaged Ukraine/Russia is heaven on a stick compared to NK.”
Nope, take a look and you will see we are on an intersecting course. As NK opens up and becomes modernised we are heading back to a Workers Socialist Paradise where we use trains and bicycles for transport, the Govt do everything for us, including locking us up at home, we are not allowed to criticise Govt or provide mis-information, and our internet is censored. The good news is we will get rid of graffiti, won’t worry about what sex we are and men will look like men while women wear skirts!
I think your light measurements may be influenced by the Yanks bombing NK to dust while pouring billions into SK afterwards..
‘ … it provokes nuclear retaliation?’
Little chance of that happening, the most likely strategy on the agenda is a Palianytsia strike on the Kerch Bridge. Civilians are already leaving in large numbers because Crimea is on the frontline.
What we don’t know, will the Russian military remaining defend the Peninsular or surrender en masse?
I don’t see them surrendering en masse but no way that happens next week anyway.
I see this war as the 13th round between Ali and Frazier. Neither can last much longer but only one needs to if there is to be no points decision. The longer Ukraine survives, the better their odds but they may not last.
“I see this war as the 13th round between Ali and Frazier. Neither can last much longer but only one needs to if there is to be no points decision.”
It is, but you have confused Ukraine with America! This is yet another round in the fight of America versus the rest of the world, with only Russia as the contender for top spot. They won’t stop until they have the whole world under their boot, but the chances are higher they will fall apart before achieving it. Its been a great run since WW2, a free ride on the shoulders of the rest of us while they look down on us from the heights of The Great Exceptional Country…
Surely you don’t think a destroyed Ukraine will stop the Great American Dream of breaking up Russia? The next patsy is being groomed already…
‘ … the Great American Dream of breaking up Russia?’
There has been bad blood between Russia and US since 1917, Americans hate the idea of communism, but they are indifferent to whether the Federation should be broken up.
Obviously there is no Plan B until Putin sues for peace.
I hope Cheech escaped, or do you think he went up in smoke.
Also, Japanese soldiers were bandy legged and cross eyed . So said Hanrahan.
Lift your game. I have never discussed ANY Japanese on this site. I know the history of the Kokoda Track well, too well to think as you say.
How thick are YOUR glasses
“Destroying Habitat Is Allowed If You Claim You’re Saving the Planet”
“The greater glider is in pole position to win the Marsupial of the Year contest. Australia’s largest gliding possum has pushed the much-fancied koala into second place in the latest rankings. Fittingly, the winner of the battle between creatures struggling for survival will be announced next week on Channel Ten’s The Project, a show that has been hovering on the brink of extinction for some time.”
“This makes it odd, to say the least, that ACF is not raising a stink about Lotus Creek, where 310 hectares of old-growth forest are about to be bulldozed to make room for wind turbines. ”
More at
Oh the ACF will just wack up a few nesting boxes and call it good. Its like carbon offsets for marsupials.
Natives are allowed to eat endangered Green Turtles. But if forestry harvests timber from a koala forest, it is condemned. Just harvesting timber mind you, not actually harvesting the Koala, as the natives are encouraged to do with a genuinely endangered species. Why is that? Anti-whitism of course. Nothing else can explain it.
Even wider noticing –
In the Stupid Country, until a few years ago there was a product called Coon Cheese.
The Left mounted a campaign to have the cheese banned or renamed because they regarded the name as “offensive”.
It was someone’s surname, the inventor of the maturation process for this cheese. How can it be offensive? I could never understand why Leftists didn’t know this or bother to find out.
Here is the US patent for the process to make this cheese, assigned to Edward William Coon.
Needless to say, myself and everyone else I know in the Thinking Community now boycott this product.
And why did the woke manufacturer of the cheese never bother to defend themselves by saying it was named after the inventor the maturation process used to make the cheese?
Get woke, go broke.
There is nobody going broke except the workers. What brand did you swap too?
Top 10 holders of Sapto, the Cheer’s brand.
Vanguard International Stock Index-Total Intl Stock Indx
Vanguard Tax Managed Fund-Vanguard Developed Markets Index Fund
Vanguard International Value Fund
JP Morgan ETF Tr-BetaBuilders Canada ETF
Vanguard Intl Equity Index Fds-FTSE All World ex U.S. Index Fund
Schwab Strategic Tr-Schwab International Equity ETF
Vanguard Whitehall Funds-International Dividend Appreciation Index Fd
Fidelity Series Global Ex U.S. Index Fund
DFA International Core Equity Portfolio 410.64k
iShares M
They never lose
I haven’t bought any of that renamed brand
And they renamed Chicos to Cheekies.
Strangely Streets Gaytime icecream is still out there.
I wonder why.😎
In NZ the Gaytime is called the Cookie Crumble – or something like that. I love my Gaytimes. I buy them in 16 pack and have one per day, after the 3rd beer, stops me wanting to continue on.
Strange place and time to come out of the closet.
Hooray ! Now we know that our Public Service is absolutely apolitical.
Considering that there is no industry in Canberra, hence no working class and people there were born, grew up and had their own children nearly ready to vote, it seems Labor Is Forever.
I assume there are multiple generations of public serpents in entire families.
They pass on their voting preferences and parasitism on the tax payer from generation to generation.
All is good in Elysium.
Well, they’d never vote for a Party that wanted free enterprise, a small Govt and less regulation, so the rotten core of our politics will drag the rest of us into Communism and poverty alongside them.
Canberrans are insular, it was the only jurisdiction to return a resounding Yes vote.
The Voice referendum was a good example of how far out of touch Canberra is. It is truly an elitist view of the world. Canberra was the only region to vote “yes”:
It is the place that takes from everywhere else so lives in complete privilege. It is the place that bestows privilege and the Voice was an example of bestowing privilege on a group of people defined by their heritage and skin colour. How is that not racist.
Defining groups by their sexual partners, skin colour, country of origin and so on is what the elitist in Canberra are good at. As time goes by, Pualine Hansen’s world view is proving truly insightful. One nation, with one flag and one set of guiding principles.
If each nation looked after its own and did not meddle without invitation in other nations’ affairs, the world would be a better place. The UN has evolved into the elite of the elite – so far out of touch that it has become a destructive force.
Heard some screechy pollie sheila ranting out of my radio yday how ‘The Voice’ was lost due to dis- and mis- and mal- you know what spread by baaaaad Australians in the lead-up to the referendum.
If her voice was a representation of the voice, the majority of you made the correct decision: she was a shocker, although nowhere as whiney & grating & embarrassing as your PM.
I can’t help wondering, were it not for Pauline Hansens poor oratory skills that One Nation would get a larger percentage of the popular vote. I think quite a few people largely dismiss her and her party because of this.
It’s a little bit similar to TDS but in a very small way.
“Orange man bad” tweets and calls people names and some people won’t vote for him because of the name calling and tweets.
But what about the policies and common sense?
I’d take Trump or Pauline anyday over Kamala Harris or Albanese or Dutton.
I would say the main problem of PeaHON is their lack of teamwork. Pauline seems to have great difficulty surrounding herself with loyal and competent people.
The other problem is lack of any cohesive governance philosophy. They aren’t exactly free markets, they aren’t socialist, they aren’t big union supporters … but they pick up a bit of this-n-that from all over the place. Essentially they are a protest party, a collection of disgruntled people who are pissed off with the major parties for a whole host of different individual reasons.
Of course, before anyone can solve a problem … the first step is to admit there is a problem and identify what really is the issue … PeaHON provide a service in that sense.
The problem is expecting governments to solve everything. PHON is for small government.
How many first nations people actually live in Canberra?
It is the gravy dispenser location, so I suspect an unrepresentatively high density.
Not possible to answer.
Most, who have ticked Yes box on the official forms are much whiter than me, with my typical Mediterranean looks…
Its time the Govt Censor jailed some of these people for their misinformation!!
“Generations of engineers, scientists and economists have always been technology neutral, but most have concluded that nuclear power in Australia has been much too expensive compared to coal-fired power and compared to renewable sources and associated back-up storage. … why would you want to add to the ever-increasing mountains of nuclear waste..”
and because money stolen from us has been wasted in starting the stupidity of solar power, we must push on down that dead-end road to poverty-
“Nuclear power advocates consistently fail to consider the existing huge development by households and businesses in installing their own solar power… Too many proposers of nuclear power disregard the initiatives that individuals and communities are doing now to reduce energy costs and reduce carbon emissions.. ”
SMH pushing their paid-for point of view.
More lies in there-
“Both major parties are quietly drafting schemes to partly subsidise households to install batteries and rooftop solar panels ahead of the next federal election, which experts say could save bill payers up to $1000 a year… The Clean Energy Council has crunched the numbers and found an average household with rooftop solar panels would cut its bill by about $1000 a year with the addition of a battery. NSW provides a grant for household battery buyers of up to $2400, while in Victoria a four-year interest-free loan of up to $8800 is on offer.”
I don’t know what they’re teaching supposed “engineers” and “scientists” in “universities” these days but it certainly isn’t engineering and science.
As I pointed out and documented in my submission against proposed Australian censorship laws, most misinformation in fact comes from Government.
This is my original submission about the censorship bill.
What an impressive submission, David. You cover it all…
‘Let the Australian people use their intelligence to decide what is true and what isn’t, especially as
the body deciding, the Australian Government and its agencies and servants can hardly be trusted to
tell the truth as I have shown many examples of Australian Government dis- and misinformation. As
Thomas Jefferson said: “Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone.
The people themselves therefore are its only safe depositories.”
Meanwhile, Uganda is building a Nuclear powered Electricity Generating Power Station. The Russians are building one for Egypt. The Philippines have one in mothballs and are looking to fire it up again. The UAE have 4 being installed (first running within 10 years). Belgium has 7 of them operating and humming away nicely. France has 56 (and 14 being decommission or upgraded after 50 years of operation). The USA has started another one (the first since 2016) which is exected to last 80 or more years. Google. Amazon and Bill Gates want reliable electricity so nuclear is the answer.
Germany shut down its nuclear and had to replace them with coal fired (and their electricity is second most costly in Europe with the UK leading the way).
Perhaps we could get rid of Bowen and import a Ugandan instead?
The Clean Energy Council has crunched the numbers and found an average household with rooftop solar panels would cut its bill by about $1000 a year with the addition of a battery.
And when will we see the retail power companies wanting to disconnect homes where no electricity is actually paid for from the grid?
Don’t need a battery for savings. My annual savings are averaging $972/year, but this would reduce if the export earnings vanish. If I installed a battery, I wouldn’t be able to pay it off in its short lifetime.
The greatest saving for a conservative user of electricity comers from disconnecting from the grid. And the retailers have not thought it through because the last retailer charging you for the connection will carry the continuing cost of the service until the poles and wires company removes the meter.
None of it has been thought through because the end result is no grid. Everyone will be required to make their own electricity or go without.
Aluminium smelters were enticed into Australia as base load users to utilise the expansion of coal fired power stations in the 70s and 80s. They got cheap power and the benefits of scale reduced costs to all consumers plus good jobs provided the income to pay for ever increasing household energy consumption.
Aint DEMOCRACY great. The apparent outcome of the electionn in the ACT is, Labour 10, Liberals 10, Greens 2 – 3 (down 3 seats from last election) Independents 2.
So Labour will form government by aligning with the greens.
Just heard the Greens leader claim that they would form government with labour and continue to push their green agenda. So, with about 12.5% of the vote, a reduced number of seats indicating that people are generally NOT happy with the green agenda still gives you the right to force your views on a population that very clearly does not agree with you.
“Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government..”
Churchill was right.
… apart from all the others…
It certainly shows no signs of being better than any of the others. Do we get called dissidents or terrorists when Jo’s audience gets jailed?
How pathetic of the NSW Guv’ment not to show the NSW Taxpayers and Voters the inside of the NSW Parliament House (where there have been extensive renovations and upgrades) until Charlie Boy (King Charles the third) turns up for an Australian visit.
I just saw some of it on Sky News. Thankyou Charlie Boy. You are better than our State Guv’ment.
And he gave a sand glass ‘speech timer’ gift for the ‘Pollies’ as a nice touch. Even more lol as his speech was short. Brevity indeed.
Sunday CNN story: The system that moves water around the Earth is off balance for the first time in human history
Humanity has thrown the global water cycle off balance “for the first time in human history,” fueling a growing water disaster that will wreak havoc on economies, food production and lives, according to a landmark new report.
Decades of destructive land use and water mismanagement have collided with the human-caused climate crisis to put “unprecedented stress” on the global water cycle, said the report published Wednesday by the Global Commission on the Economics of Water, a group of international leaders and experts.
The crisis is made more urgent by the huge need for water. The report calculates that, on average, people need a minimum of about 4,000 liters (just over 1,000 gallons) a day to lead a “dignified life,” far above the 50 to 100 liters the United Nations says is needed for basic needs, and more than most regions will be able to provide from local sources.
Who the hell uses 4kl of water a day!?
They have mixed up individual people with some others.
Do they know how much Guv’ment and Businesses use water. How much water does a steel mill use? How much water does a Power Station use? How much water does Parliament House in Canbrrrrrrr use? How much water does Agriculture need?
The MSM is ignorant and so stoooopid.
And BTW, Stoooopid Journos, how much water is wasted on Planet Earth and is exported out to the Solar System? NONE. It all stays here on Planet Earth.
So NO water is wasted. The Planet is still covered by water to an area of around 72%.
Learn sumfink for once. Ignoramouses.
No water is wasted. Use as much as you want and can afford as clean water. Clean water is the issue not just water.
LOL … they mean fresh, clean water.
If you tip your drinking water into the ocean then sure all the water is still right there but you can’t drink it anymore … therefore it is “wasted” from a human benefit perspective.
That said, the Greens don’t care much about human benefit to begin with … but they also constantly change their stories so now and then they might give the impression they care.
With today’s technologies, you can get clean fresh water anywhere. Just ask the UAE and that Mob.
But the cost of clean water in Darfur (or similar) would ensure none of the current residents could afford it.
Why not just wait for that fresh water dumped into the sea to evaporate? It will then fall as freshwater rain. The water cycle.
Turning electricity into drinking water.
Yeah … we have that technology in Australia too … but it only works a few hours each day when electricity is cheap enough due to the solar glut.
Not in WA, which relies heavily on obtaining potable water using electricity. Currently completing the third desal plant. But gas is about half the price as in the eastern gas network.
” Global Commission on the Economics of Water, a group of international leaders and experts.”
Quick, ask them what that report cost and there’s the base for our paper on the effects of a polar moon! Don’t forget to add in the cost of all the underlying statistics, as we will be doing greenfield research from scratch. It will hit a $billion I’m sure!
The absolute worst thing any human can do to alter the water cycle is remove trees and still the onshore flow of air from oceans.. The massive expansion of “renewable” energy beyond deserts is a really crime against humanity.
The water cycle will exist as long as the sun shines on oceans. Warming of the NH is accelerating the water cycle.
The best way to maintain the water cycle is to plant trees and irrigate crops.
This is the executive summary of the report:
The word tree is not mentioned but deforestation and forests get a mention.
Forests get a mention as CO2 absorbers as well.
The report could be used against the rabid deforestation of pristine areas to install wind generators.
Whoever did that calculation didn’t grow up depending on rain water tanks!
Bombshell Study: Moderna Covid ‘Vaccine’ Dangerous for Men
A bombshell new study from leading American experts has declared that Moderna’s Covid mRNA “vaccine” is considered dangerous for men aged between 18 and 64 years old.
The group of accomplished mathematicians, epidemiologists, and medical professionals determined that the health risks from the injections far outweigh the benefits for most men.
Although the output is not yet peer-reviewed, the risk associated with these bombshell findings should prompt what should be an immediate review by the FDA and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Moderna stock dropped this week when the explosive study was published.
Men are refusing to perform CPR on women, fearing they’ll be accused of ‘sexual assault.’
One in three Britons are afraid to give women CPR because they are worried about touching their breasts, a study reveals.
The same proportion of men (33 per cent) also fear being accused of ‘inappropriate’ touching when giving women chest compressions.
However, just 13 per cent of women have the same reservations, according to the survey of 1,000 UK adults for St John Ambulance.
The first aid charity warned the sexual taboo is putting women at greater risk of dying from cardiac arrest and stressed: ‘When it comes to CPR, every body is the same.’
Previous research found only 68 per cent of women are likely to receive bystander CPR compared to 73 per cent of of men.
And survival from the time of the cardiac arrest to hospital admission was 34 per cent for women but 37 per cent for men.
St John Ambulance wants everyone to learn CPR, which is given in the same way to both sexes, adding: ‘Everyone deserves the best possible chance of survival.’
A defibrillator can make a critical difference, as when used within the first three minutes it can increase the chances of someone surviving a cardiac arrest by up to 70 per cent.
With all the “climate change” heart attacks, women have a problem.
How about giving a Woman the kiss of life?
A Man’s duty is to protect Women and Children and others. Same as the Knights of Armour. And Boy Scouts.
Always keep in mind … no good deed goes unpunished.
This is especially relevant considering how woke females in gyms video themselves and then shames any man that offers to help them or is alleged to look at them. There is a name for this practice but I don’t recall what it is.
It comes as a big shock when about to perform CPR on a woman and the artificial boobs don’t flop to the side as do natural ones.
Desperate lab-grown meat industry claims it needs government subsidies to survive
Lab-grown meat is proving to be a spectacular failure, and producers are becoming so desperate that many are pushing for a public subsidy to stay afloat.
Preliminary data from the venture capital firm AgFunder shows that funding in the lab meats sector fell by 78% in 2023 to reach $177 million, down from $807 million in 2022 and a peak of $989 million in 2021.
In response to the steep drop in investments, many lab meat startups have been slashing staff numbers and consolidating operations, while others are closing their doors entirely. Now, they want taxpayers to shoulder the burden of helping them right the ship after taking a chance on something that many of us knew from the start was doomed to fail.
Food consultant Julian Mellentin said: “It’s going to go down as one of the biggest failures in food history. Business schools will be presenting lessons on lab-grown meat.”
Aaaawwww…boo hoo…😆
“many are pushing for a public subsidy to stay afloat.”
Resist!! We need public demonstrations outside Parliament with banners saying “No subsidies” ! Just wiping out subsidies in the West would free up billions of dollars for better things.
I didn’t see Musk getting subsidies to get SpaceX off the ground, once you’re on the public tit there is no incentive to make the business succeed. Your incentive then it to keep the subsidies coming.
Musk’s subsidies: Since 2012, SpaceX has received $5.6 million in federal and state subsidies and Tesla has received $2.5 million, according to data from Good Jobs First, a group that advocates against corporate subsidies. Overall, Musk’s companies had received $4.9 billion in government support as of 2015, according to a report published that year by the Los Angeles Times — much of which came in the form of subsidies. Last year, Starlink won almost $900 million as part of the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund, an FCC program meant to bring high-speed internet service to homes and small businesses in rural areas. That award made SpaceX the fourth-highest awardee for those funds.
IIRC both of those sources have an inverse “reliability quotient”
?… total $8.1 million in 12 years ?
Hardly enough to pay for the bacon sandwich’s at a Jewish wedding !
Thats not a subsidy,…thats pocket money !
Greg‘s snow forecast for the coming week, based on three expert* models (*moderate confidence).
NH: Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Scandinavia, Russia/Siberia, China (the usual suspects, it’s Autumn after all)
SH: Lesotho SA, Tas/Vic/NSW, Southern Alps NZ, Chilean Andes, Antarctica (mid-Spring late-October)
So nothing’s changed much… except the rising catastrophic existential TAXES being charged for ‘keeping the planet cool’ – which it appears to be doing all by itself. The only ‘crisis’ is the stench of government corporate (F***ist) bovine dags.
Net migration to the UK was almost 700K+ in 2023, a quite staggering figure for just one year. However, I believe even that mind-boggling number tells only half the story.
Obviously, ‘net migration’ is the number of immigrants minus emigrants. However, I expect that the majority of immigrants, especially those entering illegally, are from India, Pakistan, the Middle East and Africa, whereas the majority of those leaving (based on what I’m hearing from friends and family in the UK) are white, ‘indigenous’ Brits, necessarily holding skills, education and financial health that are in demand elsewhere. I would add, based on my own experience moving to Oz, that those emigrant Brits also have to prove themselves medically fit, too.
Consequently, the cultural, religious and economic impacts of that ‘net migration’ figure are way more significant than the government and media want to admit, due to a huge demographic change happening in a short time frame. As far as I can see, this aspect of immigration into the UK is not even being acknowledged, let alone discussed, because RACIST!!!!
All the West Steve.. We’re diluting our countries with a massive drop in the level of civilisation of the inhabitants, the quality of the immigrants is way below the emigrants. Give them a generation of two and some races will step up to drive a ‘new-look’ Britain, others will sit back and do nothing with their lives.
I worry that an effective push-back will only occur when it’s too late and only violence is left. We’ve seen already that simply verbalising one’s anger is met with overwhelming and disproportionate force ranging from loss of career to jail time. This will inevitably bottle up the frustration while more and more immigrants enter the country, eventually leading to something similar to the old saying about socialism, i.e. you can vote your way in but you have to shoot your way out.
My prediction is western countries will all end up like Brazil. Second world nations. White people are too sedate (and decent) to ever resort to uglier options. The working class may do a bit of rebellion like we saw in the UK recently, but they will be beaten down by police, easily, and stop pretty quickly. The fantasy Americans have of their second amendment saving them is misguided, no hunting rifle will withstand tanks and jets and most importantly, intel of the government.
My vision of the future average Australian, perhaps 100 years hence, is coffee coloured skin, dark hair and slightly slanted eyes.
Certainly not the fair skinned, blonde members of my Australian born family.
South Africa may be several years ahead in this process.
And the emigrants from there are not quiet about it.
I visited before the post-white rule diaspora really got going and it was a truly awful place even then. I was absolutely staggered by the lack of competence displayed by certain people in very senior positions, who had clearly been appointed simply because they were ‘real Africans’. I have been to some properly dangerous places in my life and yet South Africa was the only place I got robbed. Even Russia didn’t feel so lawless, where a person is more likely to be mugged by a police officer than an ordinary citizen, at least during daylight hours.
Some folk are noticing.
Maybe not doing much about it, so far.
We have a socialist Government, in name. Previously, before the July 2024 election, it was rather socialist in nature.
Home Affairs actually quote the WEF in their opening to their submission on the Misinfo Bill …. and then go on to complain about ‘foreign influence’ …. they also are concerned about misinformation against the 5G rollout – like this I guess:
Ah- like the calculations that proved the airport X-ray radiation was safe for a 75kg man, on average.. But not when the radiation wasn’t spread through the 75kg but concentrated on the top 5mm of skin!
Elon Musk randomly giving away $1,000,000 a day to people who sign the protect 1A and 2A petition
Sucks to be a loony lefty! 😆
I guess the “very flexible principles” will show up?
“Profound Implications – Trump Transition Team Likely to Refuse Federal Assistance and Transition Funding if President Trump Wins Election
October 19, 2024 | Sundance | 292 Comments”
Deep State worry beads aflappin’?
Small on the ground observation here in the soon to be formerly United States.
Very much mirroring ‘Pandemic’ … (hardly accidental IMHO).
One of the immediate and already materializing effects is the further deterioration of personal and a business relationships.
Already strained by masking lockdowners vs. psychologically stable normal people.
A friend was just describing how he believes he lost a client over politics.
I myself have been mulling over, how to save what’s left of my business after the Pandemic fiasco, after the inevitable election meltdown.
The main reason is that Progressives, are triggered by the slightest tangential reference to political opinion challenging to their own.
Very 1861 ish.
Also, after being born and raised in the former Confederacy, bearing the brunt of moral superiority is not unfamiliar.
I just “hope Neil Young will remember, a Southern man don’t him need around anyhow”.
Likely the ‘United’ part of the USA will fracture? Are there enough States with a clear Republican majority that would rebel? ..or is everyone going to slowly sink under the Democrat corruption and any thought of a real right-wing party vanish?
My guess it just becomes one party rule.
With token RINO opposition on which to continue blaming failure.
Example: Harris just proclaimed in her recent interview that her administration’s failures were Trump’s fault.
MAGA supporters just go back to work.
The administrative intelligence state already has a list.
My state is already one party Democrat rule
The public schools are terrible.
And after 50 years of Democrat rule, they still blame the 3 Republicans that hold office.
Meant as reply to KP.
The cost of Hydrogen storage:
“The blended cost — between the storage that gets cycled once per year and the rarely-used part that gets cycled only once every 10 or 20 or even 37 years — would look to be around $100/kgH2, equivalent to $800/MMBTU of natural gas. That’s more than 250 times the current price of natural gas, and of course is only the cost of storage. The cost of actually producing the hydrogen would be additional.”
Based om that, I imagine Tuesday or Wednesday will see Ed Miliband, Secretary of State for Energy Security, vowing that the UK will be ‘world leader’ in hydrogen storage by 2030.
I assume he’ll need private money; the Treasury has an ever-expanding black hole, which to an outside observer seems to be caused by giving huge pay rises to union paymasters.
So taxes will go up. Announcement on 30th October.
No significant talk of Government efficiencies ….