A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Jo, you might look at the 2024 Nobel Prize in medicine. The research was on aging. For an overview see the following link:
It includes links to the relevant papers.
The research shows that aging is not a matter of the body wearing out, but that it is genetically pre-programmed – and that it can be hacked in lower animals.
Definitely worth a read. . .
On the subject of ageing, the role of nicotine in promoting longevity certainly needs further investigation.
See video:
Links to references in description of that video.
Smoking is not good but the addictive drug in cigarettes, nicotine, appears not to be harmful in small quantities and might be beneficial for a variety of reasons.
“The science is settled” (sic) is certainly not the case here although it is politically contentious so is unlikely to be well funded or accepted research.
References from video:
Not long after the start of Covid in France it was being reported that smokers were significantly rare among the afflicted. I read an academic paper which confirmed the reports were real, but the story was quickly buried.
Can you provide evidence for its burial?
Thanks Leaf, my bad, there was a lot of discussion at the time.
I mean its burial. You just showed me an easily accessible article that is not buried.
At the end of Covid the MSM buried the story, but academia and big pharma continued research.
err… ok
Straight up, smokers were always going to be better at protection against airborne viruses. All that smoke in their nasal passages and excess mucous probably had a great repellent effect. Plus, smokers generally have to go outside to have a smoke. Which means they probably received way more Vitamin D from sunshine than other people. Hence, their immune system was in better shape. Same as asthmatics or anyone on puffers/inhalers. That extra ingested corticosteroids was again, defence against virus infection, and if infected reduced the cytokine storm effect. Again, this was discussed during the early COVID bollocks, but don’t ask me for a reference.
A rather nice article on the Anzacs and their defeat of the Ottomans in first world war
Nowadays, the Left strongly support the successors of the Ottomans and the ummah more generally. Thus they would be opposed to Australians fighting the Ottomans in Gallipoli or Be’er Sheva, two battles that made the ANZAC legend and which are deeply embedded into Australian identity. At least they were until the Left started erasing our identity.
My view of the Ottomans is that the vast empire had multiple groups with different cultural views and religions and history. The Persians, the many semitic peoples, the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Arabs, the Berbers and more. Even the religion was fragmented seriously and remains so with the powerful invading Shiite Arabs occupying Persia and the Sunnis from Turkey to Morocco. The Christians worlds had the Great Schism between Greek/Russian orthodox, the Reformation and the endless wars between Catholics with their empire and the many Protestant city states until the creation of Germany. Then you throw in the rapid industrialization of the 19th century with steel cannons, bombs, rifles, trains for supply and troops and finally aircraft and tanks by 1922 and the of the Ottoman empire.
It is tempting to view all this as Christian democracies vs Arab empires because that is how we see the Ottomans today. It was all in flux at the turn of the 20th century. And in a way Turkey’s Erdogan and Saudi’s Bin Laden and Irans’ mullahs are throwbacks to a time which never really existed. The old empires are gone and Ataturk’s secular empire is nothing like Egypt’s faded glory or Iran buckling under the weight of a 1200 year old Arab theocracy plus the emergence of the super wealthy but helpless petro dollar Arab states.
The new conflict is between nuclear Israel and potential Sunni allies and the hated Mullahs of Shiite Iran. And in the mix the nuclear missile states of extremist impoverished Pakistan and Hindu India. The days when a horse charge at Beersheeba could make a difference are long gone. Australia has to deal with a MAD nuclear missile world. And we are shutting down our own means of production and even our basic energy generation on orders from China.
As for Albanese (Trotsky) and Bandt (Phd in Communism/Lenin as a hero), they only see international communism as a means to power, which for them has worked out personally. But they are completely lost in a world where international communism, socialism and its derivative Fascism caused the greatest disasters of the 20th century. And Keir Starmer is equally completely lost in the UK. They have political power but no answers at all. Idiots lost without a clue.
The only true powers on the international stage are Donald Trump and President Xi. The US election will decide the future of everyone as Trump battles Xi and the near nuclear Mullahs of Iran who are potentially vastly more dangerous than Gadaffi/Bin Laden/Saddam. Nothing is more dangerous than a religious zealot with a nuclear missile.
And if Trump loses, Taiwan and even South Korea will be gone in the blink of an eye.
Trump and Xi are astrological twins, so they are in tandem.
If elected Donald would pull out of Ukraine and leave the Europeans fend for themselves, this is a good move. Russia is heading towards hyperinflation and China can’t do anything to save their economy from collapsing.
My gut feeling is that Putin will sue for peace if Trump doesn’t get in.
Thanks for that great outline.
I’ve been slowly working through a book called Jerusalem by S.S. Montefiore.
It’s a tale of constant warring with seemingly a new conflict every couple of years and it covers many thousands of years.
It’s hard to understand why joe average puts up with being conscripted to fight their leaders new war, but nevertheless there’s constant war.
Even now, Africa is seething, the middle east boils and Ukraine is seeing a huge turnover of US Dollars while South America suffers while the top dogs fight for the country’s wealth, what’s left of it.
What’s the solution to war.
On a strange note; I wonder why I can’t understand why that old movie from about 1956 worries me, where does it fit in to the picture?
Exodus, Yul Brynner, victory, proper gander?
It appears that religious zealots for the Climate Cause™ are doing a fair job of endangering civilisation as we know it. And very few a fighting back against the zealots.
Defeat of the Ottomans lead to the British occupation of Palestine, which lead to the Balfour declaration, which lead ultimately to the situation in the Midfle East which we see now.
Who owned what land ages ago…
Harking into the past could be laughable had it not already brought senseless kilodeaths into 21st Century…
The idea (notion, movement…) must be killed or it will kill us all; we have the means to do both.
Personally and as an Australian I’d like to stop at the day when ANZACs freed Jerusalem, at which point Georg V declared Phoenicia-Israel Federation as an integral part of British Commonwealth, with all privileges and obligations, etc.., etc..,
Also, current inhabitants of Island Crimea would be ecstatic to come back under wise & merciful Papal rule – previous site developers, the Venetians were catholics, weren’t they?
Peter C,
You can regress that kind reasoning back to blaming everything on Adam and Eve.
If we caught a time machine back to WW1 and managed to convince the Allies to let the Central Powers take the win, *maybe* there’d be no trouble in Palestine (maybe no Palestine at all), but I bet there would be people in 2024 cursing those time travellers for all the bad outcomes their intervention led to.
“If we caught a time machine back to “1949 and said ‘No’ to Israel being given Palestinian land, and said instead- “Go and buy the land you want” then there’s be no trouble in Palestine…
If you want to stop wars you will have to get rid of Govts, its really very simple! If someone wants to have a war everyone else just has to say “Off you go, we will get out the popcorn…”
Hopefully the world-encompassing internet has reduced the number of young men stupid enough to want to die for some old Boomer in power.
Remember when ‘42’ was the answer to life? Now we’re being relentlessly told that ‘0.042%’ is the existential meaning of death.
Even the mayoress of Tampa has raised her white flag: ‘If you stay, you’re going to die’. Now where did I put my lost shaker of salt…
The definition of Hurricane is winds of >78mph (cat 1) with a clearly defined eye.
Milton achieved this yesterday for a short period.
This is, the menu bar on the right has wind, radar and satellite. Click on the area of interest and a flag will popup, click on the flag and present and predicted wind speeds and gusts will pop up at the bottom.
Live cam
this will no doubt soon be banned as hate speech.
Did anybody watch the Kamala Harris interview where for a change she wasn’t fed soft questions?
I will be attending a presentation by Drs Dalgleish and Marik on Saturday night.
I expect I will hear a lot more from them about vaccine harms, esp cancers,
AMPS has put on another session on Saturday afternoon in Melbourne and I think tickets are still available.
It will be interesting to hear from you Peter about what you learn from the presentation.
The evidence seems to be mounting of the harm covid vaccines can do
It is still a train wreck if the wreck is so slow the passengers never know?
And it’s too late to get the strongbox back from the robbers?
And the Lone Ranger is preoccupied chasing Trump the Insurrectionist … because Trump joked that he and Tonto spend way too much time together to just be friends?
More evidence here;
Italy deports the pro-Hamas imam Zulfiqar Khan for reasons of national security
The Bologna-based hate preacher has been living in Italy since 1995
In November Khan said “In Italy, thanks to Allah, we are safe, we have the right to speak.” Meloni wasn’t having it…”
See Peter C’s comment at 3.1.1
See Peter C’s comment at 3.1.1
More on Dinglun flywheel storage.
I cannot find any literature on the actual energy storage in engineering terms. What has been commonly quoted is that the facility can power 2000 houses for a year. That works out at 7300MWh. Meaning 243 hours at the rated 30MW. That would be truly impressive if real.
The technology developers in the US has more detail on plants it has built. The flywheels are typically designed to deliver rated power for 15 minutes. So a 30MW plant could store 7.5MWh. It appears that some journalist has sat down and worked out that 7.5MWh could supply 2000 houses for a year. But they do not quite understand the difference between their Ms and ks or MWs and kWs or MWhs and kWhs.
In reality, I suspect there is enough energy stored in the Dinglun flywheels to supply 2 houses for a year if the flywheels did not lose speed due to inherent losses.
In recognised units, Dinglun has up to 27GJ of stored energy. Equivalent to 1 tonne of coal if electricity used for heating or 2 tonne of coal in terms of electricity produced from burning coal in a USC boiler supplying a steam turbine.
Hi Rick,
Could you clarify the detail in these last two paragraphs.
“In reality, I suspect there is enough energy stored in the Dinglun flywheels to supply 2 houses for a year if the flywheels did not lose speed due to inherent losses.
In recognised units, Dinglun has up to 27GJ of stored energy. Equivalent to 1 tonne of coal if electricity used for heating or 2 tonne of coal in terms of electricity produced from burning coal in a USC boiler supplying a steam turbine. ”
Initially I was happy to see the mention of USC but on second reading there seems to be some confusion there.
FWIW – “Safe and Effective®”
“Daily Sceptic- The Hidden Pfizer Report That Shows Up to 40% More Heart Conditions in the Vaccinated”
“Paul D. Thacker- Long Before COVID Scandals, Investigative Journalists Revealed Pharma Corruption in University Research and Federal Agencies”
Study of 1.7 Million Children: Heart Damage Only Found in Covid-Vaxxed Kids
A major study involving 1.7 million children has found that heart damage only appeared in children who had received Covid mRNA vaccines.
Not a single unvaccinated child in the group suffered from heart-related problems.
In addition, the researchers note zero children from the entire group, vaccinated or unvaccinated, died from COVID-19.
Can’t wait for the WHO medical mafia madness coming with the next crisis.
Why on earth do these websites/outlets plaster their pages with absurd advertisements and rubbish??!!
It just makes the item difficult to read, and you have to wonder how many people just give up and don’t bother with that website again.
Ublock origin is your friend. Site was fine for me running with that extension, turned it off and refreshed, OH MY GAWD!
only 3 cases of pericarditis, hardly a crisis. there were over 3000 broken bones, can we say the vax causes broken bones???
and I am against the vax but this cant be used.
Microbes Found Alive Sealed in Rock For 2 Billion Years
This find of living microbes in 2 billion-year-old rock absolutely smashes the previous record of 100 million years.
“So this is a very exciting discovery,” says geomicrobiologist Yohey Suzuki of the University of Tokyo.
And it’s a significant one: microbes in isolated underground pockets like these tend to evolve more slowly, since they’re detached from many of the pressures that drive evolution in more populated habitats.
This means that the microbe community can tell us things we might not have known about microbe evolution here on Earth. But it also suggests that there might be underground microbe communities still alive on Mars, surviving long after the water on the surface dried out.
“We didn’t know if 2-billion-year-old rocks were habitable,” explains Suzuki.
Still not as old as Keith Richards…
First Nation microbes, with more claim to the rocks than present day microbes that have only been around 10s of thousands of years.
..and to think of all the trouble the moon rocks had to go through so they wouldn’t unleash a fatal pandemic here.. You could just dig down in your backyard to find bacteria that died out millions of years ago and kill us all!
Mars is popping up in the media a lot these days, I wonder what we re being softened up for?
Apparently, eBay has banned the sale of ebikes by private sellers, citing fire risks arising from poorly-made bikes, batteries and chargers. Only “eligible business sellers” will be allowed to sell their bikes on the platform:
An excerpt:
“eBay is to block the private sale of electric bikes on its platforms amid concerns over a rise in battery fires.
The online auction site will only allow “eligible business sellers” to market e-bikes from Oct 31.
The popularity of battery-assisted pedal bikes has boomed in recent years. However, safety campaigners have raised concerns over a spate of fires from their lithium-ion batteries.
Fire chiefs warned that e-bike fires had climbed more than 70pc in 2023. The London Fire Brigade reported around 150 incidents, which resulted in three deaths and 60 injuries.
There have been warnings about bikes with faulty batteries and chargers being sold online as well as illegal models with more powerful motors being offered for sale. Victims have also included those buying online conversion kits that do not comply with the same standards as factory-made e-bikes.”
Global warming is working wonders in the Sahara.
How fast is Mach 100?
How does Mach compare with g forces? Looking at UAP.
‘Estimated accelerations range from almost 100g to 1000s of gs with no observed air disturbance, no sonic booms, and no evidence of excessive heat commensurate with even the minimal estimated energies.
‘The observed flight characteristics of these craft are consistent with the flight characteristics required for interstellar travel, i.e., if these observed accelerations were sustainable in space, then these craft could easily reach relativistic speeds within a matter of minutes to hours and cover interstellar distances in a matter of days to weeks, proper time.’ (Knuth et al 2019)
Afternoon all,
A surprise from Albo and Co:
Shows some promise, but:
Dave B
The Uniparty will agree that the people need to be consulted before government launches its advertising blitz. The conclusion of the inquiry has to be finalised by April, which should take it off the political agenda until then.
Its a political stunt to take the wind out of Dutton’s sails in the run up to the election.
“Its a political stunt to take the wind out of Dutton’s sails in the run up to the election”
Yes, “its before a committee and we can’t comment until the report is released..”
An interesting comment about the contribution of batteries to the NEM in The Australian yesterday: “Energy delivered to the NEM by batteries is stuck on 0.25% in the last 12 months. …The contribution of batteries is so small as to be immeasurable.”
If they think batteries are there as source of baseload then yes I guess so, but this is measuring them against a target they arent intended to address.
Battery contribution to network stability would be measurable but is in the taken for granted bucket that the MSM cant understand, so never talks about it.
Of course you have to set aside that this contribution is only required due to the problems we have created ourselves due to our delusional putzing around with wind and solar.
The hurricane that passed over Florida was strong as the cloud tops remained in the tropopause. The temperature of the top of the hurricane radiated at -80 C.