A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Remember the children that would never see snow?
Apparently they will also never see 10+ million voters that supposedly showed up in 2020 to elect Joe Biden.
I think they were absorbed by the ocean.
36 years (since 30 June 1988 in Congress with Al Gore and James Hansen) of rapid man made CO2 driven Global Warming Armageddon and here we are. Not a single prediction true. But carbon dioxide is now dirty and clean air requires world wide that we stop producing CO2. Because the world will end. Soon.
And it always puzzled me, from the very first story of out of control CO2, that CO2 did not obey the simple kinematic law of dissolved gases with a constant vapour pressure determined by ocean surface temperature, all other things being unchanged. Warmer ocean surfaces mean more CO2. It’s that simple. Except the United Nations disagrees.
From then on all the stories, ocean acidification, the hot spot, methane, tree farms, windmills, solar panels, carbon credits just get sillier and sillier. But the incredible amounts of money, about $1,800,000,000,000 a year is very real. Organized by the United Nations in control of Climate Change and collected from workers in Western Democracies only. It’s now the world’s biggest single business model.
The UN is the code word for Graft and Corruption.
The UN has 40,000 full time employees and 40,000 contractors and volunteers. That’s say $8 billion a year in wages alone. Plus all the luxuries. The UN saw Climate Change as a potential money spinner. And they were so right. But it has to keep going. They need that $100Bn in cash donations promised. After all, here is the graph of CO2 over the last 50 years showing the effect of $1.8Tn a year. It’s zero.
TdeF mentions above about the money involved in just a small part of all this.
And please don’t even begin to try and tell me that there’s not even the tiniest bit of, umm, ‘skimming’ shall we call it from every single one of these so called green, ah, ‘initiatives’ across all the years since it has started up.
(As I have so often said, probably boringly) I’ve been doing ‘all this’ since March of 2008, and I now have 3500 separate Posts in my own name, so an average of around 220 a year. I was amateurish early on, (huh, probably still am really) so what I wrote about was what I wanted to ‘get across’ at the time I suppose.
Back in 2009, during the Rudd era, I mentioned almost the same thing in a Post I wrote on the subject at the following link.
Climate Change Funding Double Standards – Thank Heavens For Democracy
During debate on climate change (and the money involved, even then) in Parliament, someone in The Senate asked the (Labor) Minister how much money was going in grants to ….. Climate Change specific ‘grant applicants’ seeking these Government (umm, taxpayer really) Grants.
The response came back a day or so later that just in the previous five years alone, it amounted to just over $200 Million, and here keep in mind this was back in 2009, so 15 years ago, a lot of money back then.
In that Post, I actually mentioned something similar, about how perhaps there was even that ‘skimming’ even then.
Oh, and remember a couple of days back how Joanne mentioned earlier ‘stuff’ from the Internet going, umm missing. Part the way down in that Post from 2009, I have a link to a Parliamentary pdf document, so, it’s actually on the record, and probably, well, no doubt really, entered into Hansard.
Well, the link I had for that quite comprehensive many page document now shows as 404 Not Found. My guess is that being entered into Hansard, it’s still ‘somewhere’ just now inside a many chambered rabbit warren.
Or does my beer get warm then go flat? Ya never see flat beer getting colder?
BUT Simon Thompson mb BS, if the ocean was made of would find equilibrium with the CO2 in the atmosphere above it. If your glass was a closed vessel, your beer would also find equilibrium.
Master of Brilliance, Balls and Sensitivity /s it gets you pondering doesn’t it. Funny how soft drinks and fizzy drinks are served with gay abandon!
“The ability of the rich and their acolytes to see social virtue in what serves their interest and convenience and to depict as ridiculous or foolish what does not was never better manifested than in their support of Gold and condemnation of paper money” – I take some solace that paper money won out over elite interests way back when….
“In all of the panics there were recognizable constraints. First, there came an expansion of business activity. This usually centred on some dominant form of investment, one that reworked the economic geography of the country. … Often, although not invariably, prices rose. …. Then, as time passed, expansion gave way to speculation, a term that needs to be understood with some precision. Speculation centres on one or more of those assets, real or fiduciary, that are central to the expansion currently underway. Speculation occurs when people buy assets, always with the support of some rationalizing doctrine, because they expect their prices to rise. That expectation and the resulting action then serve to confirm expectation. Presently the reality is not what the asset in question – the land or commodity or stock or investment company – will earn in the future. Rather it is only that enough people are expecting the speculative object to advance in price and thus attract yet more people to yet further fulfil expectations of yet further increases. This process has pristine simplicity; it can last only so long as prices are rising reliably. If anything serious interrupts the price advance, the expectations by which the advance is sustained are lost or somehow endangered. All who are holding for a further rise – all but the gullible or egregiously optimistic, of which there is invariably a considerable supply – then seek to get out”. Money – JK Gailbraith 1975.
Of course, the whole ‘state capture’ face of climate change gives this all a different complexion, but the economic indicators seem to be that we are somewhere in the speculation to getting out stage of this mad climate change fraud. At least the railways and canals of earlier speculative crises / panics left something useful behind (although there are a lot of abandoned railways and canals).
Yesterday there was a lot of concern about the size of the US debt (32T)! And rightly so.
Not spending money in Climate change and Ukraine will some way to fixing that.
Wide Awake Media@wideawake_media
Trump: “One of the most urgent tasks… is to decisively defeat the climate hysteria hoax.”
“The radical left’s fearmongering about climate and our future is… destroying America’s economy, weakening our society, and eviscerating our middle class. It’s really hurting us.”
“We have to defeat the climate hoaxsters once and for all.”
WUWT has posted my article on Tom Shepstone’s discovery that chatbots know they are biased on climate change. There is a good comment discussion.
The basic point is that the general assumption including by me, that bots are alarmist because that is what they were taught, is incorrect. They know skepticism just as well so they are deciding to be alarmist. They may want to please and likely assume incorrectly that most users are alarmist. Research needed on this but it looks like calling them out as biased works.
You have to wonder at all the politicians and celebrities who have to back down now the fascist felon is to be US President?
Most of Europe’s politicians. Including the entire UK Labor government who sent 100 people to the US to interfere with the election. Anthony Albanese and US ambassador Kevin Rudd. It’s just so embarassing.
And all the CNN, MSNBC, The View, … Bette Midler has canceled her X account after claiming to drink DRANO if Trump won.
How are they going to get any of the vast Republican set of celebrities to interview. Even Elon Musk is now the enemy, or at least he was evil yesterday.
Now the liars are pushing a new outrageous lie, starting with CNN. CNN Commentator Van Jones now claims that they never labelled Trump as a lying criminal felon fascist. It was all the work of the evil Republicans. And their deplorable garbage supporters.
They now think Trump is tolerably evil and criminal and slightly fascist, like his entire family and the Republican Party, but the Republicans need to calm down and stop calling people names. Like criminal and liar and fascist. It’s impolite.
Ha! Ha! Ha! We just have to enjoy the moment. Meanwhile the millions of bureaucrats have to work out a plan for ‘The Resistance’. With really competent bosses like Donald Trump, Elon Musk and JF Kennedy. The only thing left is to win the house and by a good margin. And then it’s defenestration for half of Washington and most of the press. And all those really old ‘celebrities’ like Midler, Streisand, Curtis, Fonda and the rest of the Hollywood school dropouts.
Hanoi Jane Fonda is 86. She is even older than Joe Biden. Time to hang up the communist flag.
Thank you for NOT posting a pic.
“ambassador Kevin Rudd deletes all his past criticisms of the US president-elect.”
SMH today-
Rudd is a poser and a Total phony.
Good thing Joe Hockey still works in Washington, might get his old job back.
“Bette Midler has canceled her X account after claiming to drink DRANO if Trump won.”
You could sell tickets to watch that.
The common meme to all those Hollywood types who promised to leave the country is “don’t let the door hit you on the way out”.
The big money end of town doesn’t know what to make the Trump win.
On Wed the DOW had a screamer, bitcoin was up 7% from memory, Au fell out of bed but has just risen US$38 in a few hrs but has fallen in A$ because the Pacific Peso has risen 2c V USD. The DOW is holding it’s gains and rising a little.
The “smart” money has NFI.
Gold was rising when the odds of a Harris win looked strong, then fell when Trump was elected. Now it’s creeping up again, or perhaps finding its ‘natural level’ now all the gamblers have exited.
The ASX buoyant after Trump victory.
‘On Friday, Australian shares tracked a positive lead from Wall Street as expectations of lower interest rates and hopes for more stimulus out of China lifted sentiment for risk assets.
‘The S&P/ASX 200 rallied 0.8 per cent or 68.8 points to 8295.1 points, ending less than 100 points away from a record high set last month. On the week, the index added 2.2 per cent, the best week since mid-August.’ (AFR)
Apart from Jo of course, I suspect most of us on this blog are more than 30.
Trump is 78. He had a very punishing round of traveling, talking, rallies, interviews and now he is ready to lead the most powerful country in the world.
How does he do it and can we have some of whatever he is on?
All you need is. Large dose of FIGHT!,
I’m up for some punishing travel in the style of Mr Trump.
He’s on Melania!
The absence of a coherent Govt in France following Macrons bizarre decision to go for an election immediately prior to the Olympics seems to be having an unfortunate effect on law and order
I video appeared in my feed this morning, from Paris. It showed a street literally lined, on both sides, with Muslims praying on their mats while the Islamic ‘call to prayer’ blasted out of speakers nearby.
I am so glad that my wife and I got to travel extensively back when Paris was French, Rome was Italian and Stockholm was Swedish.
Link to video?
I can’t find it now. It came across my FB feed as one of those ‘reels’ and I don’t know how to get it back. I’ll look a little further and post a link if I find it.
Good thoughtful article about freedom of speech and the sheer rudeness of many debates these days, mostly due to anonymous social media de-sentisising people
Trump’s Victory Against the Deep State –
I bet that you didn’t know that Mr. Trump could play in a Rock Band – LOL
A pretty good wrap up of the TDS with a German / European slant:–why-donald-trump-is-the-eus-worst-nightmare-syriana-analysis.html?e9s=src_v1_upp
I am not sure what Gov Newsom means by Women’s rights, but for the rest, what’s not to like?
Leader of the ‘Trump Resistance’, Newsom’s two term limit as Governor is coming to an end in 2 years, Jan 4th 2027.
His problem is how to lead the ‘resistance’ movement when he will be out of a job. The attacks on Elon Musk space program are a problem. The Ancients, the Hollywood celebrities are a spent force.
GeorgeHarrison Ford is over 80, like most of his friends. Like the coven of ancient one eyed Trump hating witches on The View. Bubble, bubble, Trump spells trouble.You cannot attack everyone at once while California has people on the streets especially in San Francisco and families and workers are fleeing the soaring costs and crime in Los Angeles. Newsom, Harris and Pelosi and the Democrats are on the nose. It’s part of the fallout from the election and years of mismanagement from people like Kamala and Billy Brown and Pelosi and Newsom.
California and San Francisco and New York and Chicago are in real trouble, a model of the new Progressive Socialist world with crime and people on the streets. Newsom wants to run for President in 2028. In fact he will be unemployable. And JD Vance will be the next President. The world knows that.
And here’s silly old me thinking that George Harrison died in 2001.
(Umm, Harrison Ford maybe!!)
Thanks. Kamala Harris. George Harrison. Harrison Ford. Felling a bit Harrissed.
Haris Rauf is currently bowling for Pakistan, if that helps.
Amazing improvements will now happen in Los Angeles now that rules will make jobs more attractive than sleeping on the streets.
A lot of it is in the mind but the Governor seems intent on planting his favourites in the public mind when he should be planting old winners like Faith, Hope, Charity and the American Way.
Geoff S
The right to choose to terminate a pregnancy.
In 2020 Roe v Wade was overruled meaning that there was no “right” under US constitution or precedence for women to choose abortion. Trump gets blamed for stacking the Supreme Court.
JD Vance has stated that Trump’s view is that it is a matter for the States; not a Federal issue. So Newson is blowing smoke It is a State issue and California have their own laws. Ten States had referendums on abortion in the recent election. Seven confirmed women’s choice.
Harris blew it up as a point of difference but it is a non issue Federally.
Thanks Rick,
That explains it.
I don’t see it as the “right to terminate a pregnancy”. That right, in some form or another, still exists. Though leftists and their media megaphones won’t admit it, the actual ‘right’ they seek is to terminate that baby at any stage of the pregnancy, even in some cases at full term. They also seek to legitimise abortion as an everyday method of contraception, or a woman’s right to terminate even if the father wants the baby.
It all comes down to the usual totalitarian nature of the left. They NEVER compromise, negotiate or take a single step back for the sake of peace. With them, we’re supposed to give them everything they demand, or go to war.
Abortion affects about 1% of eligible voters, a big non-issue.
Gough had the best retort!
Exactly. The same in most Federations, like Australia. The Federal government was supposed to look after group concerns. Defence. Currency. Customs. Not health, education, police, manufacturing. What we have seen is the creep into Education and health and now the internet and abortion, social media and the climate. There is nothing in the constitution about any of these things. So the laws are ultra vires, beyond their remit. But they keep trying it on, currently with a law on social media when the Federation has no such right. And carbon credits. And one big one a few years back, taxes on coal and gas. Not in their remit.
Which is a major reason why the gnomes of Canberra want no coal, gas or wood in the energy mix. Because they cannot control Australia with a single big switch in Canberra.
In fact health and education were not concerns for government even at the state level until around 1880. It was all religious based. Like the names of most of the schools and hospitals. Except for the Scots who legislated compulsory education in the 1680s with the move to Protestantism where everyone had to be able to read the bible in English.
The Federal governments gets around all this by a gifts provision in the Constitution, except for the GST which had to be agreed in a referendum.
And one puzzle of abortion is why it is a big issue in a world of affordable, widespread contraception. Or has the consumer society now overwhelmed morality and practicality?
IIRC the Supreme Court unwinding Roe vs Wade was recognition that that decision strayed into unconstitutional areas in that health is a state matter
The rapid turnaround in the official opinions of ambassadors, business people, CNN/MSNBC/ABC, Prime Ministers and Presidents is quite amazing. The man they vilified is now President Elect of the biggest business and most powerful nuclear player on the planet. Suddenly they didn’t say those things and most importantly, they need him more than he needs them.
Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says he is happy to work with Trump, as long as Trump behaves himself on critical world issues like Albanese’s extreme Climate Change agenda.
And the left press are now in a mighty bind with any access to the US President. Their hero Joe Biden showed that he could completely ignore the press and didn’t bother himself with at all with traditional press conferences. Biden was on holidays at the beach. So he left it all to Jen Psaki and DEI replacement Karine Jean Pierre. Caught in a tricky question, they just lied or walked away. There was no open government with Biden. How much worse could it be with Trump? A lot.
So how are they going to sell newspapers or advertising without actual news? All the news will go out on the internet. Who needs CNN, the cable pioneer news service? No one.
Now they are groveling, blaming the Republican party for calling Trump a lying fascist felon. No one in CNN really hated Trump. It was the Republicans. Really?
And all those human interest angles with tall young Barron, the beautiful Melania, a new Camelot with J D Vance, a huge potential business with Washington’s new multi generational Royal family. It all sticks in their craws. Meanwhile they ignored Biden’s crime family. Now how will they do happy families when the First Lady is #1 on the Times Best Seller list and did it without them? The dream makers are in a hell of their own making. They have been bypassed.
And Joe Rogan’s free 3 hour interview with President Elect Trump has had 47 million views!
It’s a joy to watch as what is left of the traditional media crumbles into irrelevance, cursing as they go.
Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says he is happy to work with Trump, as long as Trump behaves himself on critical world issues like Albanese’s extreme Climate Change agenda.
Wide Awake Media@wideawake_media
Trump: “One of the most urgent tasks… is to decisively defeat the climate hysteria hoax.”
“The radical left’s fearmongering about climate and our future is… destroying America’s economy, weakening our society, and eviscerating our middle class. It’s really hurting us.”
“We have to defeat the climate hoaxsters once and for all.”
Can’t wait to see KJP’s first stand up comedy routine, umm, sorry, White House Press Briefing
This should be fun to watch. But keep an eye over your shoulder. There are people in the world whose main aim in life is to spoil fun. Vlad, Kim, Xi and their mates.
I imagine that nukes in storage would require a fair bit of maintenance. Could it be that a lot of Vlad’s nukes are not in fit condition for use?
On the Rogan/Trump interview phenomenon, the traditional media can only fact check, do ‘take aways’ of their choosing, criticize. That’s 47 million people and voters who prefer listening to real people speaking openly and unscripted than all the ramblings of the historic influencers who call themselves independent journalists but are really radical left Trump haters.
The real significance of time is that 47 million young people are prepared to listen for themselves in a new internet world. Because they can.
I read an appalling review of Melania’s book. The female writer used every opportunity to attack Melania and Trump, to push the writer’s very nasty critical view of the couple into the reading of the book. The Press are entirely on the wrong foot, while the Trump and Vance families succeed without them and despite them. In fact the public want everything they can get about the new Royal families. And the leftist establishment cannot bring themselves to write a single compliment.
The British Royal family sells royalty dedicated glossy magazines like Hello, And there are fortunes being lost in the dearth of glossy magazines covering the Trump and Vance families and their many stories and adventures. It’s just too galling for the press to say anything complimentary. And I get that same feeling from journalists with the British Royal family. But the public love them and buy everything they can get. The press influencers can only fume.
Quadrant Online today has a new article by Tony Thomas, an experienced Traditional Journalist, about the decay of journalism. Geoff S
I blame the invention of the interwebs, which eliminated the print media’s rivers of gold, leaving journalists expendable.
I was one of the 47 million. Very worthwhile. Saw many facets of the man.
I learnt more about Joe Rogan in the conversation than I did of Trump. I already knew a lot about Trump. Although Trump’s description of the lights-out landing in the Middle East was mesmerising.
Point is Trump brings out the best in people willing to engage. The conversation was two way and Trump displayed a genuine interest in Rogan and how he got to where he is now.
I get the impression that RFK Jr was instrumental in Trump having the conversation.
Last week a son aged 58 had a small stroke. A broken vaccine came to mind. He appears to have recovered, but his anxiety for the future is up. He has also lost confidence in those talkers to the public who say lies like “safe and effective”.
I continue to watch YouTubes by Dr John Campbell. It is frightening what is being reported in plausible medical literature. Geoff S
I really enjoyed Rogan with J D Vance – Vance will be a Great Choice for US President 2028
From the Comments
– I doubted this pick… but I get it now. He picked someone who could step up ANYTIME. great pick.
– Brit here. Never listened to this fella before. Heard that he’s a prick, via headlines.
Here, he comes across as articulate, well educated, self aware and compassionate. Extremely likable.
Quelle surprise, the headlines might just have been ideologically motivated 😂
– İ like how JD Vance talks, no umming, hemming, filibustering ,straight to the point clear and smooth.
– I love how much more power this podcast carries compared to mainstream media. 3 hours unedited is exactly what we need.
– That is one of the most coherent, straightforward conversations I’ve seen from any politician in years. Simple language, no BS, no rabbit holes, no circles or dodging question. An honest conversation between men.
I too watched, the whole 3 hours.
00 Naughty tech entrepreneur, accountant by training, but not paying staff due to cash flow issues. Still getting Government contracts (for cybersecurity!) Making political donations while not paying taxes.
The Covid excuse trotted out, yet again: “COVID had impacted the business and it posted a loss of $716,000 off revenues of $3 million in 2021, the last time accounts were filed.” – a tech company, yeah? How did Covid impact exactly?
One of the thousands of crooks who spend their life inventing unworkable plans to get money out of the Govt. All flash and no cash… Jail time would be good for him.
FWIW – noticed!
“HEH: Australia’s ambassador in Washington deletes old posts calling ‘destructive’ Trump a ‘traitor.’ ”
“Misconstrued eh?”
The KRudd by name and KRude by nature.
Wong , Krudd and upgrade Airbus Albo are all on record as bad mouthing Trump , all 3 are also in the unfortunate position of having to deal with the US in an official capacity.
This might come back to bite them in the proverbial with a bit of luck .
What a coward.
..and THIS one wins the prize!
“If we thought the desolation in 2016 was bad, when a fresher Donald Trump trounced the highly qualified Hillary Clinton, it is worse now.
The dire consequences of abortion bans for women’s health are now evident and will continue under a Trump presidency. The Trump campaign amounted to an open-carry licence to misogyny and contempt for femininity… It gave social permission for the worst kind of sexism and nastiness towards women…Trump’s closest advisers are mostly men. The cabinet appointees he is likely to make will be mostly men. He has talked about giving former independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, an anti-vaxxer, dominion over “women’s health”…His running mate, J.D. Vance, has shown a long and creepy preoccupation with female fertility.
Not only did the Trump campaign not seek to hide its rank masculinity, it revelled in it.”
From some horrible woman in the SMH, its made my day look much brighter!.
The SMH is outdated.
The (USA) Supreme Court declared that the States could control -or not- abortion matters and the Washington couldn’t pass blanket laws. A real problem for all those Democrats in Washington who dream of controlling everything.
If a woman is in a State that restics abortion she can move (temporarily) to another State as when Nevada was popular with people who wanted a divorce that other States made it difficult.
Ten States put the question on abortion to a referendum in the recent election. Seven States vote for women’s choice.
This gives detail on the State referendums.
Huh! And here’s me thing his Republican Administration wants men out of women’s sport.
I’m fascinated by narrative blindness.
We had to all pretend that Joe Biden was fine until the media could no longer keep up the smoke screen.
Then we had to pretend that Kamala Harris was the ‘democratic’ choice of the Democrats to Save Our Democracy.
We had to pretend the POTUS race was close, only to have Trump win in a landslide.
(Although we still don’t know how the winner in 2020 racked up maybe 10 million more votes than the winner in 2024.)
Then we had to pretend that the riotous protest on Jan6 was an ‘insurrection’, while the ANTIFA assault on the White House May 29 (that few are even aware of) was a ‘protest’.,_D.C.
Are we still pretending IT was safe and effective?
The pretends that we were forced to genuflect to during Pandemic are too numerous to list.
We had to pretend Trump said things that there was clear video evidence he did not say.
We’ve had to pretend the sky is falling (every five years) from Climate Change for more than thirty years.
I know people that still get angry if I dare to suggest they look at the actual demonstrable facts.
I can only cipher that this bizarre state is the result of highly sophisticated psychological propaganda.
Has the advent and triumph of Trump finally broken the spell of a decades of manufactured hysteria?
And sent the hysteria carpet baggers packing?
As an old beer ad here used to say:
Good things take time son.
However, 36 years of multi-generational boot-stamping has somewhat dulled NZers’ awareness of the world around them – thankfully there was a flash of light last year when enough votes were cobbled together to eradicate the 2-term Labour loonies, led by Klaus’ favourite underling until she quit and fled for the safety of Boston’s hollow halls of academia.
State Radio’s website is still reeling over the shock! horror! Trump victory, praising she who has been unburdened by her loss, accompanied by a photo of Elmer Fudd Walz and the NOT First Gentleman Emhoff looking distraught and “shedding tears” 😩😫
The next article was about a solar subsidy plantation being built on the outskirts of Christchurch, the City of Mosques, and the growing amount of green waste being dumped in a landfill thanks to the money harvesting construction. The accompanying photo of the 100% weather-dependant array showed the Southern Alps mountain range in the background still COVERED IN SNOW even though it’s November, almost summer here. Good things take time…
I was just reflecting on the subject of “wind droughts”. The last time commerce relied on wind power to move freight around the world the ships, as they approached the equator, would often go windless for days sometimes becalmed for weeks at a time. Desperate Captains anxious to land time sensitive cargoes at the prescribed disport would often resort to towing their ships manually using life boats. We won’t be able to generate electricity manually with dormant wind towers. I note that the “Albo-tross is reluctant to push for more carbon neutrality until after the next election. Trumps re election may also spike his ardor too!
The Gateway Pundit published an interesting graphic recently.
It purports to show the overall popular vote in the last 4 Presidential elections.
The 2020 election was a real anomaly, with an unprecedented turnout for Biden.
The Gateway pundit interprets that as a measure of the extent of Democrat Cheating in the election. Which may well be the case. The Trump victory this time comes down to a massive effort by Lara Trump and the RNC to prevent vote stacking at the vote counting centres.
But there are other interesting anomalies;
The Democrat vote has hardly moved, despite huge migration numbers.
The Republican vote has been increasing over time.
The Trump vote is actually down since 2020, which does not fit well with on the ground reports of a larger turnout at polling centres in this election.
There is compelling evidence that Biden and Harris have served illegally.
I wonder how long it would take for an honest investigation to arrive at the truth of the 2020 deception.
From the link:
On this basis, they were crazy to ditch Biden. He is an electoral juggernaut; literally unstoppable on Election Day and night, and the next day and for a few days after – as long as needed.
As far as I know there were no backward adjustments this year.
Integrity is dead in the msm.
Maybe do this analysis when all the votes are counted. There are significant numbers not counted yet. It wont affect the result.
google this “us president national voting tally”
Most significantly, California 55% reporting
I looked at the swing States and totals are similar for 2020 and 2024. That means the rigging was achieved by switching from Trump and adding to Biden as my data analysis demonstrated.
Yet to determine where the differences are for Harris cf Biden.
This year, republicans made certain they had plot monitors to avoid the shenanigans of 2020.
Or people voted differently :\
The notable difference tn 2024 is that Trump did not go backwards in the small hours like he did last year. He went back a total of 23,733 votes in PA, 2418143 in GA, 29758 in MI. 11528 in WI, 13415 in NC.
There were some updates when only Biden got plus votes and Trump went negative.
There were too many eyes on the voting this year for the Democrats to cheat as they did in 2020.
At least USA has a taste for where the left want to take them and that dismal experience has landed Trump with a supportive legislature.
Too big to rig. ??
It wasn’t so much “Too big to rig” as “Too quick to rig”. The same 20 mill votes would have been in the black vans and had the same result as before but the results were declared BEFORE they could switch off the lights and sent everyone home at midnight.
I have no doubt that house seats are being fortified. Given time almost anything is possible.
Attack of the Replicons
The Biopharmaceutical Complex is preparing for the large-scale deployment of replicon (self-amplifying) mRNA injections. There are currently at least 33 candidates in development.
In November 2023, Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) fully approved CSL and Arcturus Therapeutics’ replicon shot: KOSTAIVE ARCT-154. Dismissing all concerns, Japan’s MHLW approved the updated booster shot in September 2024 to target the JN.1 lineage of Omicron subvariants.
In the clinical trials for ARCT-154, 5 deaths occurred among the injected in study phase 3b. Injected participants experienced a 90% adverse event rate (74.5% systemic – 15.2% required medical attention) after the first dose in study phases 1, 2, and 3a combined. Many of the authors are full time employees of Arcturus Therapeutics, meaning their conclusions are likely biased.
This won’t combat Disease X, it will BE Disease X.
I’m a political analyst
Like the rest of them, no idea, because they don’t understand the world and lack the needed expertise.
Ha ha ha ha, I just know she’ll be crying over spilt champagne. LOL LOL
Hope she didn’t kick the cat.
Major Peer-Reviewed Study Demands Immediate Global Ban on Covid ‘Vaccines’ Over Brain Clot Surge
The researchers behind a major new peer-reviewed study are calling for an immediate ban on Covid mRNA “vaccines” after linking the injection to surges in deadly blood clots.
The team of leading American researchers, led by independent researcher Claire Rogers, sought to investigate spikes in cases of cerebral thrombosis – a potentially fatal blood clot in the brain.
The peer-reviewed study, titled “COVID-19 Vaccines: A Risk Factor for Cerebral Thrombotic Syndromes,” was just published in the International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science.
Rogers collaborated with renowned experts from The Wellness Company and The McCullough Foundation for the study.
They found that brain clots (cerebral thromboembolism adverse events) are 112,000% more likely to occur after receiving a Covid mRNA “vaccine” than an influenza shot.
When comparing Covid shots to all other vaccines combined, the likelihood is 20,700% higher.
After Covid mRNA vaccination, there were 5,137 reported cases of cerebral thromboembolism in just 3 years (36 months).
For influenza vaccines over the past 34 years (408 months), there were only 52 reported cases.
#19 becoming clearer?
Last week a son aged 58 had a small stroke. A broken vaccine came to mind. He appears to have recovered, but his anxiety for the future is up. He has also lost confidence in those talkers to the public who say lies like “safe and effective”.
I continue to watch YouTubes by Dr John Campbell. It is frightening what is being reported in plausible medical literature. Geoff S
Meme of the day
How true.
What a revolting sight.
Yes, Annie, have they no dignity?
That’s a photo of a recent post grad class at a Uni ‘School for Public Health’.
Trying to think something through and not getting anywhere. DJT says the climate scam must be curtailed. EMusk says batteries are going gangbusters. Big batteries, being part of the scam should, logically, be history, which wouldn’t be in his best interests. So…
There’s nothing wrong with the big batteries (other than safety and environmental issues) PROVIDING there is a real economic argument for them.
There’s nothing wrong with solar panels, wind turbines or electric cars either. PROVIDING there is a real economic argument for them AND they are NOT destructive of the natural environment.
Take all the subsidies and mandates away and let ‘er rip I say.
Electric vehicles will be needed on Mars, as well as very large electric machines for construction. Very little oxygen will be available for combustion engines, all will be needed for breathing.
Of course, Net Zero rules already apply to any future human exoplanet excursion.
I’m actually surprised human exploration will be allowed at all.
It is anthropogenic.
Besides, all political energy from IPCC/WEF/EU spectrum will be focused on Orange Man Bad for the next four years.
I wonder if there is a betting pool for how many times the word ‘Trump’ will be uttered at the next Davos: The Sky IS Falling and Misinformation We’re All Gonna Die Party Week.
(Leonardo DiCaprio is bringing the chicks.)
These are magical times for entertainment.
Looks like the German govt is in meltdown because of the Trump victory.
Today’s homepage: USA – 14 ski areas to open across 6 states this weekend “thanks to healthy snowfalls”. How healthy? Two feet (60cm) of fresh natural cold ‘extinct’ snow. Even Nature is celebrating the US’s unburdening of tyranny-sore-ass.
Tasmania’s Mt Mawson is in for 3 days of “light snow” accompanied by freezing temperatures: after the heat comes the cold, always.
NZ’s Mt Cook is in for 1 metre (3ft) of extinct “heavy snow” today thanks to a moist NWer (all the way from QLD) slamming the Alps creating ‘orographic’ effects: sub-zero temps and fluffy snowflakes (real ones, not the sobbing kind seen at Kamala’s cackling blathering farewell yesterday).
Hilarious how experts get EVERYTHING wrong.
But there’s always Global Warming somewhere. Snow on Mt Fuji has arrived, the latest in 130 years. That’s the trick with rapid worldwide Global Warming. You have to travel the world to find it and you can trust the media to find somewhere in the world slightly hotter than last year.
We’ll have to accept that the Hunga Tonga eruption made some places warmer, with pockets of unseasonal cooler weather elsewhere. This is what global warming feels like, large high pressure dominates.
During the Little Ice Age the Tasman Sea was cooler and the high pressure shrank, allowing for persistent south westerly winds.
‘LIA summer climate and atmospheric circulation over New Zealand was driven by increased frequency of weak El Niño-Modoki in the tropical Pacific and negative Southern Annular Mode activity.’ (Lorrey et al 2013)
** There is a debate on ENSO behaviour during the LIA.
Exhibit A
Friday tech corner: Defragging SSD’s to extend data life?
Spinrite has been around for a long time now and still can’t cope with todays 2TB+ drives.
Dave’s claim that Spinrite can sense bit level flux densities is nonsense. The degeneration is real, the physics is real, but software can’t detect it.
The software does a dual XOR operation on all data, which will regenerate the magnetic image and is worthwhile for older drives, but modern SSD’s have controller based management that looks after data integrity a lot better.
NOT leaving drives off for years is recommended. Power them up at least once a year. A typical SSD will hold data for about a year at 30C, but at higher temperatures like 50C+ data retention can drop to weeks.
A hot pc is an unhappy pc!
As per always, BACKUP!
The seven species of humans.
Homo habilis (“handy” man)
Homo erectus (“upright man”)
Homo neanderthalensis (Neanderthals)
Homo floresiensis (the “hobbit”)
Homo naledi (“star man”)
Homo sapiens (“wise man”)
Where are these Homo sapiens?
They seem to be in very short supply!
Homo luzonensis – found on Luzon, Philippines
Go to YouTube and search: snowing in Saudi Arabia
Who’d of thought, that darn global warming is the monkey on our backs?
This is a link to one of the videos:
This is what the end of the interglacial looks like. Warmer northern oceans pumping up the atmospheric moisture ahead of the land cooling down in fall/winter.
This is a condensed version of the sweet feeling on election night:
Trump announces chief of staff:
Just like Australia’s mysogonist leader Abbott, he has chosen a woman! Not quite as visible as Peta Credlin but she must be good to do what she does and keep Trump in line.
More on Susie Wiles:
“Dems Enter Kübler-Ross Stage 6 of Grief: ‘Clawing Each Others’ Eyes Out’ ”
“The Grift Is Ending: ESG Fund Managers Being Told To “Keep Their Lawyers Very Close” ”
Reading for our YSM that probably won’t happen –
“Good News: Americans Are No Longer Listening to Mass Media”
“I’ve Discovered the Liberals’ Joe Rogan! And He Is…”
“2024 was the year alternative media devoured yesteryear’s media relics.”
FWIW – another look
“Election Aftermath: Notes on the ‘Grand Realignment’ ”
FWIW – so you know
“Suddenly it’s OK to be an Election Denialist”
TDS in Brisbane – don’t quite understand why they think Dutton would care though:
Funny how the same climate change alarmists are also of the ‘endless growth / trickle down economics’ camp:
“Eat Your Butter! Sodium Butyrate vs Cancer”