A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Many here can not be expected to know too much about European history, when even Europeans do not.
To put this into context the Ottomans overwhelmed Constantinople in 1453-the last outpost of the Eastern Roman Empire. It was the start of a considerable expansion of an Ottoman empire that lasted 600 years and in which Aussies played a part in ending during the first Word war.
That Western Europe kept the Ottomans at bay was due to an epic battle literally at the gates of Vienna which turned the tide.
This article relates to that event and that modern day authorities do not wish to cause offence to newer residents
Can’t recall the exact quote but it went something like “if you seek to discover who exactly has power, find out who it is you cannot criticise” .
The Ottomans won – to all intents and purposes you can’t say a word against the religion of peace.
I think this was the quote.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize”. ~ Voltaire
It gets a bit more complicated: The quote is now attributed to Kevin Strom, who is identified as a neo-Nazi and child pornographer, not to Voltaire. What this means is that they have now managed to prevent the quote from being used, or at least rendered it unusable because if you use it they will accuse you of being a neo-Nazi or child pornography sympathiser. Who are ‘they’ in this case? They are the people you are not allowed to criticise. They will always turn everything they can to their own advantage, often accusing others of doing what they themselves do. NB. I am not saying they support child pornography.
Those who don’t want you to discuss a truth that exposes their selfish behavior, turn it into a petty ad hominem attack.
I’m sure many people in history have talked about the sacred elite power mongers who can’t be criticized. We don’t need to quote anyone.
The censors are never the good guys.
If the Ottomans had invented Islamaphobia thing would have gone much better, earlier in Europe.
“Many here can not be expected to know too much about European history …”
I used to know a lot about European history, before it got reinvented. I tried to learn the ‘new’ history too, but found it’s like trying to keep on top of how many genders there are. Just when you think, “OK, got it.”, they change it again.
Being of English birth and having come to Australia when I was 23, we did learn a little bit about European History at School.
However, I have learnt far, far more over the years by my own efforts.
One of the (few) things i miss about the UK is the history, which is everywhere. Within 100m of my front door, there was a remnant of Roman road, part of a 1hr walking trail. I would pick Hazelnuts there in Autumn. Our village post office building was over 300yrs old.
The previous and equally scary siege of Vienna was 1529 as part of the Hungarian war of succession. It was a near thing with Suleiman’s army at the walls for two weeks with a massive 100,000 men. The sappers were defeated at great cost as they tried to blow up the walls with mines. An all out final assault was defeated by the Viennese arquebuses, a long gun.
which is why islam is a colonial power.
I do wonder what these climate protestors do in order to earn a living as yet more block roads in Melbourne.
A few packs of large cable ties are an essential part of a modern ‘car-kit’.
Just a matter of time before a self driving autonomous EV mows a group of them down and bursts into flames.
Jail is appropriate. They happily and randomly and carelessly deprive others of their time and should not care if they lose the same thing.
Yes, they dont care if they are blocking someones chemotherapy visit, or getting to an operation they have waited a year for, or getting someones miscarrying wife to hospital or any emergency vehicles. Its all about them and their imaginary cause and looking good in each others eyes.
Toxic narcissists.
Surely there’s an island, cold & windswept, just offshore from your mainland, where you could send these *agents of conviction* for a few months – or years – to do hard labour?
* or as La Frogs say: agents provocateur.
When you are saving the world, sacrifices have to be made. The Inca knew this, 500yrs ago …
10minutes blocking the road?? Pfftt.. traffic was blocked through the Blue Mountains for an hour and a half! road works! Every truck delivering to the interior was 90minutes late, plus what it takes to sort out the nose-to-tail queue that forms.
Of course in the interests or saaafety they blocked far more road than they had to, for longer. Its like seeing the road works signs up, the 40kph, the guys with lollipops, everyone in high-viz clothes… and then you find out their not FIXING the road, they’re painting new white lines over the potholes, patches, broken bits of road..
I must say going on a cruise has never appealed to me quite without the fears of being hit by a violent storm
I have never experienced 45 degrees which sounds like a wild exaggeration. That would be terrifying for the modern very wide and even taller ships which 17-22 decks. The photographs show 20 degrees at most, which is awful. These ships would run for shelter if they had warning.
The same in aircraft, your only alternative. And it would be very advisable to sit down and strap in. As for traditional sailing ships, it was common enough, which explains a lot of the fittings and furniture, especially in the galley. Yachts can get closer to 80 degrees and the keel rights the ship.
The further a ship lists, the more stable it becomes…
(goes by the cube)
Until it capsizes.
That is true for sailing ships with a keel. They are built to roll.
Massive modern ships keep the centre of gravity low , but can lower it further with ballast tanks, even emptying the swimming pools to assist. They are also very wide. The upper decks at least are aluminum/ium, not steel which dramatically lowers the weight at height. This was adopted for modern Navy vessels but as was discovered in the Falklands war, aluminium burns once alight. HMS Sheffield took a hit from a British/French Exocet which did not explode, but set a fire throughout the wiring ducts. The ship had to be scuttled.
The only real ocean liner today is the Queen Mary at 130,000 tons, an all Steel ship built for fast crossing of the North Sea at 32 knots. The others are lighter but bigger and higher profile, Cruise ships with a limit of 22 knots. And they avoid storms.
The hull profile on a sailing yacht determines the stability. Traditional wine-glass shaped hulls, although initially tender, became more stable but the modern flat and wide hulls built to accommodate the modern sailing concept of a caravan on water have a initially more stable hull but are unable to right themselves once passed a certain degree of heel.
North Sea? Or north Atlantic?
North Atlantic. New York to London, the most famous route on the planet for ocean liners. And the quest for speed, which is why the Titanic risked everything for the Blue Riband on the dangerous Great Circle route. This all fell apart after WWII with commercial aircraft.
These fast giant ships were used as troop carriers in WWII because at 32 knots the submarines could not catch the big liners. And sailed solo. Submarines could only do 14 knots on the surface and 8 knots under the water.
It was also the idea behind Concorde. The sheer volume of traffic. This I took from London to New York and on another trip, the reverse flight. However they could not make a profit and took the first opportunity to cancel the whole idea. Which is a shame.
But the Queen Mary now sails the world. I took it from Sydney around New Zealand, just to travel on it. And the sister ships Elizabeth and Victoria, but they are really aluminium cruise ships, even if near identical from the passengers point of view. The real sailors and shipwrights know the difference.
Caused by Climate Change of course:
Meh, that’s nothing – back in the 80s we used to dance on the ceiling! Today’s revellers are so so soft. Onwards and upwards and sideways…
As one of the commentators in the article said, the tilt wasn’t 45 degrees, it was 14.5 degrees, which surely would be closer to the truth.
It just seemed like 45 degrees. It’s a bit like any shark or croc you see in the wild is always at least 3 metres/10ft long!
Is Sweden completely ruined by socialism?
“Yes it is broken beyond belief. It has a huge homeless population. It has people working for such low wages they get welfare and a food supplement program. It has people begging for donations so they can get medical care in a broken system. It has school teachers and other people working in college educated jobs living in tents and cars because they cant afford to rent or own a home.
The highways around their major cities either go into gridlock or just miss everyday. They have a public railroad and commuting system that belongs in a third world country. Only the wealthy can really afford to go to college.They have children going to bed hungry and the schools take trays of food from them in school because they cant pay for it. They are taking kids from their parents and putting them in cages.
They have a public school system underfunded trying to turn it into private religious indoctrination. They have people in government who deny science because of what the bible says. They keep spending millions and fighting senseless wars and bombing people. They have a small population of billionaires that run the system to benefit themselves and screw the rest of the country.”
Oh wait that’s the USA Sweden doesn’t have those problems.
Mr Trump. Go fix it. You have 4 years to make a good start. Then someone else can take over. Oh, and please fix Australia as well.
I would give him two months and let him get through inauguration first.
And it is a Federation!
Trump does not have direct power over Education, Health, Police and much more. In a Federation your job is defence, customs, immigration, exchange and international relations. You only have those areas deeded in the Constitution. And at the time it was written health and education was not the responsibility of any Federal government. As in Australia’s constitution.
He is going to cancel Jimmy Carter’s 45 year old Department of Education, which is illegal. And much else like 50 years of environmental laws which are also illegal. As for National abortion laws, they are not and never have been the legal province of the Federal Government, which is what the Supreme Court finally ruled.
And there are taxes at city, state and national levels. Trump only controls one of these and the City and State will fight him with everything they have. When you pay taxes in the US, the one taxation officer inspects for all three groups. And what is not taxed by one is often taxed by the other.
It’s why cities like Chicago and Los Angeles and New York and even London have so much power vested in the Mayors. These are cities with half the population of Australia. Trump has a long way to go to restore Democracy to the United states as his enemies pack the inner city. Even the black populations now realise the threat to their established political power from millions of illegal migrants in the Sanctuary Cities. In New York the City is spending more than $1Bn a year of taxpayer cash to house and feed people who are there illegally in major hotels. Plus the medical and social services. It is bankrupting the city. And Biden/Harris policy.
But Trump can go a long way to expose and remove the communists (aka socialists) and especially their high crime and high violence dictatorships especially in the US ‘Sanctuary’ cities. It is why deportation of illegal aliens is absolutely necessary. And that is the job of the Federal government.
I also believe in Australia a real Conservative party could undo all the damage done by the Federal government with terrible hidden environmental UN based laws which are not supported under our Constitution.
The minions of Canberra too have no direct ability to bring in environmental, energy and education and social rules, laws and taxes and charges. Canberra has simply passed the laws and no one knows they are illegal. Even politicians.
Each year Federally billions are stolen to pay for windmills and solar panels and endless useless government departments, all illegally. Just as in the US. Electricity prices would halve the day that stopped, as in America. China does not want Australia as a manufacturing country. And Wong and Albanese agree. You wonder who their real bosses are? Not Australians. And Daniel Andrews suddenly jumped ship, leaving Victoria bankrupt. And he is entitled to a bronze statue where Captain Cook is not?
You are right about the cities – the vast majority of “Liberals” live there and are divorced from the real world . They live in a bubble of fantasy and don’t understand the realities of the world outside as almost everything is imported. If the cities were isolated from the surrounding country they would turn into a desperate dystopias in days . The true enemy isn’t China (they are taking advantage ) but the people who are pushing the policies and controlling the narratives . China would not be in the position that its in if governments and big business had not sent all their operations there . The enemy is within not without .
Agreed. But I am more cynical. The Chinese, like Soros, are taking advantage of the situation. Their endless supply of Fentanyl is killing 100,000 young men a year, as much as WWII. And their control of specific politicians, like Tampon Tim Walz is obvious. And McConnell’s wife, a younger billionaire Chinese. The infiltration of every part of US society is obvious enough. It’s the Art of War in practice in a nuclear world.
” Their endless supply of Fentanyl is killing 100,000 young men a year, ”
Its called disinfecting the gene pool when voluntary, and medicine when Doctors kill you with it.
Its been obvious for all of my life that once the Sleeping Dragon awoke it would shake the world. The Asians will take over the world, it is their era and the West have had their time. Look at us, we can’t even reproduce ourselves, never mind expand our population, we no longer deserve the world.
Unfortunately Sweden has been destroyed.
At least Sweden won’t sink beneath the waves of the Baltic as sea levels are dropping due to isostatic rebound – not sure if any clueless activist children know what that is, probably too many syllables to get their heads around. Besides, ‘history’ only began in 1979!
These are the blessed of times,
those were the blorst of times.
(apologies to The Simpsons).
Wormwood – Artemisinin vs Cancer (and tea, onions red wine…)”
“A study of artemisinin & derivatives: it killed cancer cells
It interferes with glutathione pathways. Cancer needs either sugar or glutamine to live.”
More at
Cyanide, when applied above the lethal dose, will ensure that the patient never dies of cancer.
I wouldn’t call that a cure though.
And to say….Cancer needs either sugar or glutamine to live.
What do you think a normal cell uses?
PS… To make sure that this is not classed as disinformation, the links for lethal doses of cyanide can be found in multiple locations, ask a librarian, or Google for help if you need it.
And it may seem obvious to some, dying quickly from cyanide will exclude other causes of death, (excepting covid of course).
/s or not /s, you chose.
Pass the Absinthe Caruthers!
Ian – ketogenic diets (ie a diet without sugar) are being used with huge success in conjunction with cancer treatments.
Glutamine is not an essential amino acid.
The Onion has purchased Infowars, the rightwing media platform run by Alex Jones, at a court-ordered auction.
PF the real news is they did not accept the highest bid. It was a ridiculous amount of money which raises suspicion. Why the over-the-top fine for hurting feelings? Compare and contrast the Hunter Biden Laptop from hell that would get a Quadrillion dollar fine if there was a Justice system that didn’t actually select who to go after. If the court wanted to compensate the alleged grieving families, why did they select a low ball bid from a lefty site? Alex Jones would make a great press secretary for Trump. The stress of this action helped him lose weight and become stronger.
Oh A sensible Judge has called out the sham Auction- so the Onion boys are in tears right now.
It will be intetesting to see what they do with it and if it develops a following. It sounds like it will stay in the parody satire line. Not sure how that fits with The Onion.Beating up on Jones will only be funny for so long.
The perfect place for Jo to continue her blend of info and satire…
And like all Leftists Peter, I suppose you relish the destruction of someone’s life and life’s work just because you disagree with them and they hurt someone’s feelings. I don’t agree with everything Jones says either, but I wish him no harm. Hurting people’s feelings and even saying wrong things is sadly a part of life, which we should all try to avoid, but it happens.
a personal attack – David, All I did was post a headline – why are you so venal
[Venal means capable of being bought or obtained for money or other valuable consideration, especially open to corrupt influence and bribery. Are you suggesting David has been bribed? – LVA]
yes, and this comment is against the guidelines that are enforced most scrupulosity on people not liked on this platform
Given your history Peter, anyone would assume you are pleased and want to share the news of the state crushing a commenter popular with the workers. Or are you a new man? All David wrote was “I suppose”, and asked a question. Yet you come out guns blazing, raising the temperature to “venal”.
Your 5,000 comment history matters. You don’t get to say “all I did was post a headline”. How disingenuous. You are transparently baiting the crowd so you can return to launch your own attack. This is why I permanently moderated you. It’s as if you are paid to induce anger, and wind up the crowd. It’s like a vandal on the conversation.
And I remind you, in order to comment here you must be able to moderate yourself, a rule you are clearly in breach of.
And he broadcast to 1 million this morning.
Kennedy Exposes the Swamp – Vivek and Musk Appointed to DOGE –
“Government corruption is not isolated to Washington. The media, academics, lobbyists, think-tanks, pharmaceutical companies, big tech, and perhaps every organization with ties to federal agencies compromises the corrupt system. It is finally time to drain the swamp.
I often speak on how bankers simply never serve time in prison because they hire the people from the agencies who are supposed to regulate them. Goldman Sachs, for example, may pay a fine but they never send their own to jail. Any fee paid is never even close to the money they actually made, rather, it is just a pay-off. We see the same system throughout every organization or university that government has tarnished. They have become above the law.
A study entitled “Lobbyists into Government” (Benjamin C. K. Egerod and Joshua McCrain (2023)) examines what occurs when a lobbyist transitions into a role in government. Lobbyists are trained to influence and persuade government officials to act on behalf of their corporation. Lobbying firms often hire men and women with prior government experience to gain access to their connections. There are no laws preventing these individuals from entering the government, as both sides of the aisle are drenched in corruption. It has become one giant revolving door. As they say, “It’s one big club and you’re not in it.”
Another very accurate post from data analyst Willis Eschenbach and I think he is far too kind to the Starmer loony. IOW how to waste trillions of $ and achieve nothing.
Keir Starmer’s Climate Madness – Watts Up With That?
“Since some folks are allergic to math, I’ve put the actual calculations as an appendix. But the results are as follows:
“The difference in CO2 emissions between the blue scenario and the red scenario is about 5.5 fewer gigatonnes (Gt) of CO2 emitted by 2050”.
“At 17.3 Gt of CO2 emissions per ppmv of atmospheric CO2 change, that’s a change of 0.32 ppmv of CO2”.
“So IF (and it’s a big if) the IPCC estimates of the effects of CO2 on temperature are accurate, then all of the time and effort and stacks of money expended by UK taxpayers will result in the earth being cooler in 2050 by …
… wait for it …
… a whopping 0.0007°C”.
“Seriously. All that wealth and human effort, all the government regulations and interference, all the suffering of the poor from skyrocketing energy costs, to MAYBE cool the world by seven ten-thousandths of a degree in 2050”.
“Call me crazy, but I think if everyone in the UK knew that all that Net-Zero 2050 would achieve is a POSSIBLE cooling of 0.0007°C by 2050, that idea would die instantly”.
“At a UK cost of $408 billion to make our lovely planet cooler in 2050 by 0.0007°C, making it 1°C cooler would cost $580 TRILLION dollars”.
“By comparison, the total of all the revenue collected (and often wasted or trousered) by all of the governments on this marvelous earth is about $15 trillion dollars per year … so even if every government everywhere spent every dime of their taxpayer’s money on the insane war against CO2 from today until 2050, we still wouldn’t cool it by 1° C”.
“And if Mad Keir thinks China, India, Russia, Brazil, or their like will sign on to that insanity, well, that’s why he’s Mad Keir. He likely thinks of it as insurance against disaster, but that’s like paying $2000 per year for years on an insurance policy that in case of catastrophe pays you $750 … just to pick a random payout number …”
Sorry here’s the link to the Eschenbach article.
Hopefully the conference room where the parties are being held have adequate air ventilation and/or AC – wouldn’t want these bottom-dwellers and fellow travellers choking & turning green on their own exhaled carbon pollution, now would we…
Same applies to Kalifornia. Gavin Nonsense wants to isolate Kalifornia from the rest of the US so he can continue to turn Kalifornia into East Germany.
Probably an excellent idea that Trump and DOGE can do much to facilitate. Wont happen but would make a great movie.
If Poms don’t like it a little warmer, why do they fly to Spain?
Very well observed H.
“NSW is set to miss all its emission reduction targets for 2030, 2035 and 2050 due to a rise in energy demand and the need to introduce policy reforms in energy pricing, planning and construction… (but) energy demand has increased more than expected and the construction of new renewables has not progressed as quickly as projected, according to the NSW Productivity and Equality Commission…
costs could be driven down if households were given access to smart meters, allowing them to use electricity when it was most abundant and cheap. “While rolling out smart meters is the responsibility of energy retailers, I support governments looking at the costs and benefits of policies that could accelerate their uptake in cost-effective ways.”
So, we are still demanding more electricity rather than banning immigrants the use of it, and the answer is a policy to make smart meters compulsory and turn power off for selected customers at certain time. How’s your social credit score??
“costs could be driven down if households were given access to smart meters, allowing them to use electricity when it was most abundant and cheap”
Sure, use Victoria as an example of how smart meters “drive down costs”
When is electricity ever “cheap” to the consumer these days?
Funny how they only talk about how the smart meters “let you use” as if somehow the normal meter would stop you. They dont talk about peak charging or ease of disconnection aka “demand management ”
Just this short para is so chock full of BS and the dreaded misinformation it is sickening.
What do you do when Gonski and NAPLAN deliver 1 in 3 illiterate kids? Why, you give them the answers, of course.
Presumably the people who did this are also previous “victims” of the Victorian education system…
They don’t give them the answers YYY Guy they send notes to the less smarter kids parents asking them to keep their kids home that day , using a variety of excuses of course .
70 years ago [that hurts just typing it] 13/14 yr olds in Qld did a scholarship test. This was a serious exam, a pass necessary to entitle the student to progress to high school.
We never met again to compare results but I suspect a high percentage passed. I also suspect our basic skills were above that of many modern muddlers after a few years of high school.
I know there are STILL bright youngsters achieving more than I did. Just not as many as there should be.
There are kids in year 12 with year 4 level of maths and English , the amount of kids going from primary school to secondary school that can’t do simple addition and subtraction using the fingers on both hands (eg hold up 10 fingers then take away 3 how many fingers do you have left ) is a disgrace .
..and I don’t know or care who owns which newspaper, but SMH is blaming News Corp for all of the trouble over Rudd. I figure they are competitors.
“Turnbull is right. News Corp has been running hard on this for months, ramping up a sense of crisis to the point where it has created one. Media campaigns can be a force for good. This one by News Corp is a disgrace.”
“Others (world leaders) are just as trapped as the prime minister …all of them wondering how to survive the demands of a dealmaker president. Do they hold their ground or run for cover? Or, more to the point in the vengeful world of the Trump family and its acolytes, do they risk offending the president or cosy up to him instead?…So who will assert a collective view to counter Trump? Chinese President Xi Jinping is the rising power at these summits…the knives are out for Rudd in the conservative bunkers where Trump has his strongest Australian following. The result is a bizarre irony: some of those who talk loudest about national security and the national interest are the very ones who want to appease a foreign leader by sacrificing the ambassador. ”
That tells you more about how far left the Sydney Morning Herald is than anything about Trump!
Ah Ruddy. Makes totally inappropriate remarks about a future president of the country he is the Ambassador. Someone has suggested he would be a good pick for the Chinese Ambassador role. He speaks Mandarin after all. One problem – he called the Chinese a bunch of “rat f*****s” after one unsuccessful COP meeting where the Chinese refused to agree to emissions reductions. If he wants to stay in the US I would suggest 2 things- (1) dont speak unless spoken to (2) take up golf.
or (3) fly to Alaska: I hear polar bears are starving and need professional help up there (except they’ll be snoozing til next spring).
I thought Polar Bears were extinct?
In the Antarctic, yes.
Extinct? Nahh, they transmogrified into penguins.
I thought they had boiled to death?
Making Rudd who has overt Asperger’s a “Diplomat”? What could possibly go right with that selection?
Dont fuss Malcom, as long as they dont focus on where the $444 million went and what was achieved, you are looking good.
It is extraordinary is it not that China asks for the 1.8 Trillion. They know this is all a scam and they know westerners are stupid enough to fall for it. They’re rather cleverly playing the game. And with the likes of Blackout Bowen in charge, you can hardly blame them. I’d do the same.
Meh, why not ask? The round eyes may be stupid enough to pay.
We should ask too. A small population country , struggling to do our bit and keep up. Surely those more mature , richer countries could help us southern bumpkins?
Disturbing article about the Orwellian State Once Great Britain has become.
Highly recommended but very sad.
This is what the Left want for all of us. At least it won’t now happen in America under TRUMP. Who will save the rest of us?
Trump won the “election” but it’s still 2 months until inauguration day and the deep state are pi$$ed.
Biden could resign tomorrow making Kamala president, or congress could try and block Trump via the 14th amendment, or Sen Thune will block him and anything he tries to do.
Crazy times…
It’ll be fine, Donald is on the warpath and will start by getting rid of the Inflation Reduction Act, saving $80 billion.
If the margins were slim, I would agree. If they try to swim against the red tide they would be on very dangerous ground. Some are possibly the stupid, but i hope saner heads prevail and they go away and work on what they are and what the can offer the people.
‘Donald Trump is not just rewriting American history, he is ripping it to shreds by nominating the most radical assembly of outsiders ever seen in a presidential administration.’ (Oz)
RFK jr gets Health.
And that was very publicly announced before the voting.
Trump is a man of his word, an honest politician, will wonders never cease.
Remember remember Campbell Newman. I cant get it to rhyme, but it is something to think about! Mr C… Newman took over the Queensland Parliament from a torpid labour party, back when? Did Labour have 4 members returned? Newman scoured the public service, and was swept out of power at the next election. Just saying, there is going to have to be some balance. Going after Big Government in the US is lovely, but who is the dominant power over there? Is it Big Gov, or Big Business?
This whole kerfuffle started with ‘Occupy Wall Street’. A few weeks in, suddenly the university gates were thrown open, and the hounds of Wokeness were released. “You are all racist, white privileged, evil colonialists”. Oh what lovely distractions. And Wall Street has been allowed to play monopoly with Main Street ever since. Amazon, ‘private’ real estate, even trailer parks, are now on the board, because these financial fws, dont have the expertise, or ticker, to actually create real wealth, off of the Monopoly Board. Is there only one engineer in the USA?
Sure they are going to go after Big Pharma, and try to lease the Military Industrial complex, for good reasons, other than they are too big to bother about people. I would have hope if the present Commerce Dept was kept on, as they are driving the monopolists mad. There is regulation, and there is trickle down economics, which is hopefully not where we are heading. Wall Street loves gov/private partnerships – privatise the profits, the public takes the losses. The US sold it’s manufacturing overseas. Wall St was left with a wad of cash; is the best they can do with it is to take over trailer parks, where they can double the rent, and do no maintenance. If this sort of thing has no focus, Bernie is storming back in 4 years. Is Big Ag going to be tackled? Hopefully tangentially from a focus on bad food. How much of a resource boom will trickle down to consumers. Hopefully at least a little.
Tom MacDonald’s song ‘The System’ is still questioning, how much has actually changed? He needs to be reminded.
Friday funny: man crawls home drunk to wife
Here in Nepal, at the start of my trek, I noticed large convoys of brand new EVs being driven from the Chinese border to Kathmandu along the Pasang Lhamu “Highway”.
This road is an extremely rough, mostly dirt road full of huge potholes and so rough that the 122km drive from Kathmandu to the start of my walk took around 6 hours. It is the only route from China, I believe.
Normally, in the West, new cars are delivered by a specialised car transporting truck but this road would be unnavigable by such a vehicle so the cars are driven individually. The road is so rough, however, that there must be significant wear and tear plus infiltration of dirt into these new vehicles and after delivery they could hardly be classified as new and unused.
Exactly what the market is for these EVs is not clear because people here are struggling to own even a small petrol/gasoline motorcycle as their basic means if transport. Most people walk or take a bus or just stay confined to their village (just like in a “15 Minute City”).
This is probably how it’ll work:
It’s disappointing to discover that Nepal has “climate targets” as per the article, JC II.
Surely it should be exempt like other Third World countries or even advanced military, space and nuclear superpowers like China?
What a certain way to maintain Nepal as a Third World country. (Or turn a First World country like Australia into a Third World one.)
Like Australia- – big dose of FOMO.
Its the unprecedented sea level rise that has them scared David.
They are worried that rising sea level might send half of Bangladesh up to resettle on higher ground.
Probably ‘dumping’ unsold EVs into neighbouring countries.
This road is an extremely rough, mostly dirt road full of huge potholes and so rough that the 122km drive from Kathmandu to the start of my walk took around 6 hours. It is the only route from China, I believe.
Somewhere in an old cancelled passport I have a Nepal entry stamp at Kodari, Nepal. This is the connecting land route from Lhasa through Shigatse to the Nepalese border and in Tibet the route connecting to Mt Everest base camp. And in 2003 was the main truck route.
And the Chinese/Tibetan roads were far better installed and maintained than the Nepalese.
As best I can tell the Chinese/Tibetan roads connecting to the Pasang Lhamu are seriously “less developed”.
Autumn 1986 this intrepid young NZer travelled by an assortment of Chinese buses from Lhasa across, through, then down a gorge of National Geographic proportions of the Himaaalayan upthrust to the Chinese/Nepali border where, with other stunned-as-mullet passengers walking down the final zig-zag no man’s land road into the Kingdom of Nepal, we all climbed on top of the last bus to Kathmandu to enjoy a 1960s-style ride down that same rough potholed 122km ‘road’ to civilisation and a decent cuppa tea.
The passport’s long gone, the memories are like yesterday: those Chinese road engineers and bus drivers were legend (if not somewhat crazy). It’s no surprise there’s no 4-lane highway with electric charging stations every 50km… definitely not Tesla territory. Toyota yes, Tesla no. Namaste.
It should have been leash the military…..
Great news, their ABC and Renew economy are still telling us that Net Zero for Aussies will only be about 2.4 trillion $, but the window for a safe climate is closing fast. SARC.
And all for a zero change for climate or weather or all the extreme weather events.
But deaths from all extreme weather events have dropped by 98% since 1920.
Only 1.8 billion at risk then , but 8.1 billion today. Could we be any safer today when only one fiftieth of the population lose their lives to extreme weather events in 2024?
Yet there are 6.3 billion more people at risk in 2024.
Something doesn’t make sense. So let’s save the 2.4 trillion and have reliable base-load energy and be happy that we now live in the safest world in Human history.
Evolution happens fast, nature adapts quickly, nothing to fear, move along.
Let me get this right. $2.4tr. That is $2.4E12. Now there are say 24M people(excluding this months immigration). So for a mere 2.4E12/24E6 we can get to net zero. Or in per capita term, $100,000/head. Got it.
My wife and I will take the $200k and just go off-grid. The most expensive component for us would be fire proofing the connected car garage to house the EVs.
All existing and new houses are going to need fire isolated car parking facilities. I wonder if that is included in the $2.4tr.
The worst part is that the $2.4tr buys stuff that lasts about 20 years so the capital maintenance is around $120bn per year.
Another way is to calculate the money required per household. There are 9.275 million households, so that’s nearly $260,000 per household. And a significant part of this amount would be required again every 15 years. Surely somebody in govt must have realised that this amount is impossible to service.
Government terms are three years so no, they don’t care what will happen fifteen years from now. They will be warmly wrapped in a gold-plated pension, immune from the chaos they created for the rest of us.
Or so they think. The reality is that way more wealth than an Australian PM or minister is likely to accrue will be required to insulate them from green deprivation. For that, only the Soros, Bezos and Gates club might be properly insulated.
Our new ruling class, sans castles.
Neville, like all pre-costed Government projects- just expect that price to probably double. Think Snowy Hydro II, any major railway tunnel built in Victoria, submarines……..
Friday satire: Escape Trump’s second term with Don’t cry Cryo
If only! 😆
That is perfection.
I am thinking of buying the book Melania for someone I know who suffers from TDS. Has anyone here read it?
Talking to somebody yesterday – not only was he suffering from deep TDS, he wrote an article for the local newspaper about his feelings, and was urging everybody at the table to read his article. What do you say to people like that?
How many times did he say convicted felon?
Or ‘unpredictable’ or d!ctator or Nasty…
Since nobody commented on his statements around the table, he didn’t have a chance to expand on his initial statement. And I could see that quite a few were discomfited with his political statements at a time we were discussing old times in general. Luckily he moved on to another table.
Trump could never get elected here, the TDS river is wide and deep.
We are a nation from convicts, why so puritanical with a guy with money and who enjoys it? Tall poppy syndrome?
Just ‘Leftism’. Its symptoms are consistent whether the sufferer is in America, Canada, the UK or Australia – and common.
Not so common however in Sudan, Iran, China, etc.
“..and who enjoys it”
That’s it Hanrahan, Trump enjoys life far too much for the Leftists! He’s loud, brash, clever, sneaky and fast-witted, confident and used to ruling… everything they are not and never will be. They hate him, end of story, TDS is just jealousy mixed with fear.
Friday sarcasm
Lefty crazy chick: “I’m going to do everything I can to make myself unattractive to men and Trump fans”
Normal men: “I thought that’s what you’ve been doing all along”.
Yeah but now they really really really truly literally mean it! Like Covert, keep yer distance, at least 6 feet and preferably more, for your own well-being.
Mostly, they put on 100kg, dye their hair purple, wear multiple piercings and shriek a LOT. Especially the shrieking.
It’s like a uniform.
Boob Mayhem & The Wailers?
Tulsi Gabbard the incoming Director of National Inteligence.
Now THAT one really is the Poisoned Chalice.
I don’t sense she is type who wants an easy job.
I am backing Trump on this selection. Time will tell if Tulsi is up to the task. It may well be the toughest position in the USA if you are trying to avoid wars.
I just shrug and hope Donald knows what he’s doing. I’m pretty sure there will be no DEI hires so he starts well ahead of Biden.
Let’s help it along on X: Alex Jones for press secretary. What a hoot!
The interview with Dr Phil gives a brief insight into Tulsi Gabbard and why she is a good selection for DNI:
I bet she asks some searching question about how she came to be on the terrorists watch list!
Not sure if this NEWS reached the furthest most-outer reaches of the Commonwealth [sic] but the natives are getting restless Jeeves…
NZ’s parliamentary debating house was stood-down for an hour yesterday after members of Te Part Maori party broke into a war chant, complete with hand-waving and poking tongues and other rude rowdy gestures, started by ‘indigenous’ MP Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke:
Meanwhile, other social security beneficiaries are not even halfway on their journey / march / bus ride / Harley-Davidson hog hikoi to the capital, somewhat delayed by the inclement weather (climate?): rain, more rain, heavy rain, then tomorrow snow to 1,500 metres even for the ‘tropical’ North Island.
NIWA©️ have updated their Yellow Warnings for the South Island with snow forecast down to 700 metres (was only 800 yesterday). Oh the Hugh Manatee!
Extraordinary parliamentary behaviour.
BoM is back peddling on La Nina.
‘If a La Niña were to develop, it is likely to be relatively weak (in terms of the strength of the SST anomaly) and short-lived, with all models forecasting neutral values by March. A La Niña Watch does not guarantee that a La Niña will develop.’
Yes, they’re always peddling one sort of climate garbage or another. Wish they’d go back to divining the weather.
Or did you mean backpedalling?
Thanks Robert, back-pedalling.
I believe that the methodology the BOM uses to predict La Niñas and El Niños is very basic and at odds with alternative prediction methods used by other countries. Might explain why they get it wrong almost every time.
Use the Aussie tried and true “long walk ” model and just get an OPM powered tax from half way
Tax = Taxi
Thou BoM is calling for Liawenee (?) Central Plateau of Tassie this weekend: snow to 1,300 metres then freezing then frost on Monday… those poor climate refugees!
Shirley there’s a spot for them on Tuvalu or Fiji or Samoa or Guam (before it tips over)?
” not even halfway on their journey / march / bus ride / Harley-Davidson hog hikoi to the capital, ”
Their usual method of the Bosses in gang-coloured Valiants and the peasants being bussed to the front of the marchers by a fleet of vans picking up those at the back. Maybe they’ve modernised it in 50years, but its all the same old, same old with the Horis.
Such endless wonderful news coming from America.
TRUMP and his team really will Make America Great Again for all of her people, regardless of race, religion or star sign. (And hopefully there’ll be spin-offs for the rest of the West as well.)
And seeing the Left and Deep State in full meltdown is something that’s been overdue for decades. Let their evil be banished forever.
Saw a story this morning about Eva Longoria relocating her family from the US after Trumps election because:
Its Dystopian : 8 of the last 12 years with a Dem President
California high taxes and homelessness: Democrat Governor for the last 14 years , Dem controlled govt for longer
But yeah, Trump. They are relocating to Mexico and Spain. I’m guessing such a move has been long planned and she is playing for some liberal look at me points. Once she realizes Hollywood has died the Mexico place will probably go on
“TRUMP and his team really will Make America Great Again ”
I doubt it DM, the best he could do would be to get it functioning on a decent level like Australia, but it has nothing to finance greatness any more. They’ve had a free ride on the rest of the world through their petro-dollar for 70years, but now they have to work for a living again.
How can they get rich? Their wages will never come down enough to match Asia or SE Asia, so like the rest of the West they will spend their capital as they slide into genteel poverty, following the Brits, the Spanish before them, the Portuguese.. What will they have to export? What can they make cheaper and better than Korea, who are now pushing Japan out of the way.
Its the normal cycle of economies at a country level, same with business cycles.
Amazing how much safer we are today and death rates from fires and burns have seen a big global drop since 1980.
And Australia is much safer than nearly every country in the world at only 0.2 deaths per 100,000 people.
Aussies are safer than other wealthy countries in Europe, Nth America etc, even a much cooler wealthy country like NZ.
So why do we want to waste trillions of $ on their clueless CC lunacy?
And tell us why we’re much safer today at co2 levels of 422 ppm than we were when co2 levels were just 280 ppm?
Anyone have any answers?
BTW even the third coldest country like Canada has twice the death rate of Australia and the USA has 3 times the death rate from fires and burns today.
Again Aussie’s average temperature is a high 22 c , Canada minus -4.3 C and NZ at 0.3 death rate is about 10.4 c.
Can anyone explain this puzzle or paradox? Just asking?
Don’t ask any medical doctors- they’ll be baffled too, no doubt.
Yeah but it will be a hellhole in 100 years, with waves lapping against a small survivor encampment on Mt Kosciuszko, unless we act now with solar panels , rotating blades and only eat crickets and mung beans. Just ask anyone.
I reckon that it would help if we got away from planting “native” [read eucalyptus] trees. I know it’s the Aussie thing to do but the thought of a crown fire in native bush is terrifying to me. I’ll stick with the cyclones thank you, I know what to expect.
Under TRUMP, America will again shine and unless the rest of the West follows America’s lead, they will continue to decline, including Australia.
(Posting from Briddhim, Nepal.)
I suppose there’s a reasonable supply of renewable energy for heating around Briddhim. As long as the Yak doesn’t get constipated.
Enjoy your trip and leave the internet for a day …. or ten. 🙂
Yes. They use wood (or dung) for cooking. No heating. Solar hot water for a primitive shower, which you pay for (if the water hasn’t run out). I’ve just had breakfast so won’t describe the toilet facilities.
It depends on his approach to deficit spending and trade wars, they already have the advantage of holding the Reserve currency. A golden age sounds positive.
” A golden age sounds positive. ”
..but extremely unlikely to happen EG. Just as that article states, the USA debt ( & repayments) are eye-watering, and tariffs will make goods more expensive for consumers, adding to the cost of living, while also pissing off the trading partners who will look to BRICS and drop the petro-dollar.
Still, give him a go, like all politicians, long on talk, short on results.
I saw an ad from Coal Australia that said:
I wonder how many politicians, greens, other Leftists and the deliberately dunbed-down masses know that?
When Sydney siders travel across the Sydney Harbour Bridge, they should be very thankful for steel. It’s been there since 1932.
They probably sook and complain its to narrow
“It’s funny that there’s all this fake concern about Musk’s undue influence on Trump when we have no idea who has been making actual presidential decisions for the past 3 years.”
Via Instapundit
It’s fun to contemplate The Blob.
I’m assuming that Biden/Harris were The Blob spokesmodels.
Also the The Blob holds the keys and blueprints to The Machine.
(And the usurpers barely know which keys or blueprints to ask for.)
Did The Machine create The Blob or did the Blob create The Machine?
I imagine Trumps appointees will wander the halls of the various agencies like Captain Picard in the Borg Cube.
Ignored up until the Trump appointee takes action to interrupt the functioning of the Collective.
I’m really curious if there is a Borg King or Queen.
If it’s Nancy Pelosi, then this is conformation we live in a simulation.
Think about it …
the orange TV celebrity challenges The Blob.
The Blob tries to destroy the Orange Avenger.
Trials, tribulations and assassination attempts later, the Orange Avenger defeats defeats the Blue Haired Face Pierced Berserker Army and takes The Ring of Power.
The Blob must re-arise for the comic book sequel.
Another week, another driver with a medical episode and coincidentally involving school/day care pick up.
Shell won their case against an environmental group, but it doesn’t look good for climate change science.
The future of European competitiveness: Report by Mario Draghi
The report looks at the challenges faced by the industry and companies in the Single Market.
The findings of the report will contribute to the Commission’s work on a new plan for Europe’s sustainable prosperity and competitiveness. And in particular, to the development of the new Clean Industrial Deal for competitive industries and quality jobs, which will be presented in the first 100 days of the new Commission mandate.
“The future of European competitiveness,” a report by former Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi published by the European Commission on September 9 “to save the European economy,” has been unanimously welcomed by the European media, as likely to propel the European Union out of the nasty rut it has been in for 20 years.
Let us humbly offer a dissenting opinion: it does not seem that Draghi’s report, even if implemented — which is doubtful — will solve anything on a European macroeconomic scale.
The problem seems that Draghi refuses to take leave of the Germano-environmentalist myth of a zero-carbon Europe.
Let us start by pointing out that here was a set of objective diagnoses and figures on the European economic disaster, which was typically likely to fuel the democratic debate preceding the European elections on June 6-9, 2024, but also the reappointment of one of the main architects of this European economic catastrophe: European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.
Energy prices in Europe have exploded since 2022 due to the end of cheap Russian gas, but first and foremost due to the “energy transition”– wanted by… von der Leyen. According to Prof. Samuele Furfari:
“Wind and solar power are inherently intermittent and variable sources of energy — two words absent from the [Draghi] report — which heavily penalize the cost of electricity due to the need for sub-optimal operation of the power system. Far from providing ‘safe and inexpensive’ energy, a power system dominated by renewables requires costly infrastructure for back-up generation, storage and transmission, which in turn increases system costs.”
If we stick to the findings of Draghi’s report, however, getting the EU out of its rut is possible, but presupposes the following measures:
1) a drastic reduction in the overall tax burden on businesses (and households),
2) a drastic simplification of European law, which ultimately paralyses and kills initiative,
3) abandoning the authoritarian energy transition in favor of voluntary diversification of the energy mix, and
4) giving innovative entrepreneurs enticing incentives: fighting not their national neighbors but their global competitors.
On the whole, Draghi’s report seems worth more for the accuracy of its findings than for the practicality of its recommendations.
It seems to me, based on your excerpts, that the arguments all point in one direction, toward the only real solution: dismantle the European Union.
“1) a drastic reduction in the overall tax burden on businesses (and households),
2) a drastic simplification of European law, which ultimately paralyses and kills initiative,
3) abandoning the authoritarian energy transition in favor of voluntary diversification of the energy mix, and
4) giving innovative entrepreneurs enticing incentives: fighting not their national neighbors but their global competitors.”
Lol!! None of those will happen, save giving well-lobbied selected companies incentives, ie read, bribe me and I’ll subsidise you..
Lower taxes, less laws, voluntary actions… Man I’d like some of what he’s on!
This bloke was the President of the European Central Bank and brought in negative interest rates I do believe. What an idiot.
Probably the World’s worst Economist ever. Not a very good Italian Prime Minister either. Do not believe anything he writes about IMHO.
Something different.
We live in a regional area blessed (some say) with an abundance of birdlife. Mrs Y likes birds and feeds them. This leads to smarter ones haging around. They often perch on our patio furniture and as birds are wont to do cr@p on it. This leads to a frequent cleaning chore.
Mrs Y thought she would protect the head rests at least and clipped some small towels over them. That was three weeks ago and we have not see a bird land on them and certainly no poops. They are all still around feeding etc.
Operation big success so far. Very odd.
Soon after moving here to QLD, we thought it would be a terrific wheeze to feed the Rainbow Lorikeets, encouraging them onto our deck. Amusing things they are.
That is until you witness their fondness for projectile pooping. My God it’s filthy – and copious – stuff. We started with three or four birds but that rapidly turned into fifty or sixty. All pooping, all the time.
End of feeding.
My live and let live attitude included scrub turkeys but they have outlived their welcome. I no longer toss my compstables under the mulberry tree. The hens and juveniles can be discouraged by trapping and releasing but that doesn’t work for the gobbler. I’ve got to get a number of mirrors so he is constantly confronted by ANOTHER gobbler. Those Bs destroy the yard.
I’ve seen a kookaburra ‘projectile’ pooping from our clothes line…uck.
At this time of the year we always get a large family of magpies pooping all over our verandahs and I have a major job with scrubbing brush and a bucket of cloudy ammonia solution cleaning up their many and varied outputs.
I will try some extra towels over things!
You mob don’t know what bird poop is until you have been exposed to a bombing raid from a flock of gastric pelicans.
It sounds like ‘s..t island’ on the approach to Alderney Airport!
How’s the rat population going?
Nothing noticeable as yet (a few years in) the main issue is Cockatoos, which are noisy, destructive and capable of Pelican scale poopage.
We’ve had rats attack our old Volvo under the bonnet, shredding the noise barrier lining. Had to resort to rat poison, which we hate using.
The cockatoos are the worst plague of all; the damage they do to trees and especially young apple crops has to be seen to be believed. The only good thing they ever do is pull up some flatweeds in the paddocks in winter.
A long gone acquaintance of mine worked on the principle that the cockies ate the fruit and in turn he ate the cockies, apparently a sort of win win situation.
Re – Misinformation Disinformation Bill
Just received reply from Senator Pocock – some text from it –
“Dear Alan
Thank you for writing to me and for letting me know your thoughts on the Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill.
I wanted to let you know that, as it currently stands, I will be opposing the Bill.
I’ve engaged with this Bill as I do others – by seeking to understand it, participating in the Senate Inquiry, hearing from experts and listening to what people in the ACT have to say about it. Having done so I believe this Bill has taken the wrong approach to dealing with mis/disinformation on social media platforms.
While misinformation and disinformation does pose a real risk to our society, people have a right to hold and express their opinion, even if others don’t agree with it. So we need to find a solution that doesn’t threaten freedom of expression.”
At least Senator Pocock is opposing the Bill as it stands, but that is not enough really.
However Senator Pocock does not go as far as saying he wants the whole Bill to be scrapped.
He has a Youtube channel that has a 3 minute video where he addresses the Bill – but he still seems to not want to dismiss the Bill completely.
At least you got a reply. I have never received a reply from any Victorian politician that I have contacted. What I have received is an endless load of spam declaring how good these somewhat useless individuals are. While they all list a “do not receive ” button they are certainly difficult to stop !
China tells other world leaders and urges them be like Albanese Beijing has nominated Anthony Albanese as the leader other American allies should emulate.
Pauline Hanson is appealing the recent case brought by a Pakistan Born Senator Mehreen Faruqi who objected to a straight from the shoulder and typical Australian response to Faruqi in an online text exchange Pauline Hanson issued a BRUTAL message to Greens senator telling her to ‘p*** off back to Pakistan’ after she attacked the Queen and ranted about colonialism and ‘racist empires’ just hours after Her Majesty’s death
Offence cuts both was Faruqi if you can’t take it don’t dish it up
Exactly. Some people are just too easily offended and then play the race card.
I’m English born and have happily lived here for 48 years. And I have been called a “Pommy Bar Steward” many, many times along with “P*ss off back to Pomgolia.” Have I ever taken anyone to Court? NO as it would have been laughed out of Court. But then again I’m WHITE.
But for a WHITE to allegedly offend a BROWN/BLACK that appears to be different. Why I don’t know.
“China tells other world leaders and urges them be like Albanese Beijing has nominated Anthony Albanese as the leader other American allies should emulate.”
In current circumstances they’re expecting a new prime minister then?
Vienna recently canceled plans for a statue honoring Polish King Jan III Sobieski; who led the 1683 defense against the Ottoman siege of Vienna, citing concerns about potential Islamophobic & xenophobic sentiments. City officials chose instead to pursue a memorial for “peace and alliance.” This decision has sparked criticism from some Austrian & Polish groups, who view it as dismissive of historical acknowledgment. The statue had previously faced delays and controversy, with the site remaining vacant since initial preparations in 2013.
love the inability of this site to hold to its won standards
And after you consistently breach the rules, yet we bother to publish you, you just pour more vague baseless mud into the conversation. No specific quotes. This is not even worthy of target practice.
The next step if you continue with disingenuous hypocritical vandalism is the Auto-Spam bin.
I see NetZero analyst and critic, Dr. Simon Michaux has published 2 papers on the subject, formalizing many of his internet videos and presentations :
1) Estimation of the quantity of metals to phase out fossil fuels in
a full system replacement, compared to mineral resources,
2) Scope of the replacement system to globally phase out fossil fuels;
published here at Geological Survey of Finland, Special Bulletin 416
There are many great graphs and tables (many he shows in his internet videos and presentations) within the pdf download.
Watts Up With That has a concise summary of these results here:
Renewable Transition Raw Materials Challenge
Note: as far as I know, Simon has never discussed his reason for his belief that there is a problem with the global climate. But he is more a hard rock mining geologist, unlike myself, who is a Sedimentary Basin analyst, where we see the results of continual climate change throughout the geological record.
He has produced several very good graphs that are worth saving.
For the scifi buffs, Silo season 2 ep 1 is now out!
One for 1984 style fans.
The Aussie bush is NOT the place for EVs.
I got a phone call from Mrs H’s sister, she is in town for a few days and “Would I take her to visit Joy?”
Nothing remarkable in that except that it is a 5 hr drive from Clermont and her friend did the trip to attend her grandson’s graduation/formal. I did the reverse going to Clermont for her wedding. The trip there was OK, arrived with plenty of petrol but on the trip home I sank the wellie, cruising at 150. Might have made it home but filled up at Woodstock.
That trip would be impossible, at any speed, in an EV but country folk drive long distances, socially.
Sil’s grandson is heading to Alberta, Canada on a contract as a welder. With the incoming President’s “Drill baby, drill” attitude, he won’t need to hurry home.
Certainly when oil rich Alberta tosses out the prancing socialist ponce Trudeau. Twin to the other airhead, Gavin Newsom. They make John Kerry seem intelligent.
“A Radical and Absurd Agenda”