A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Very amusing satirical piece on Lammy-the UK’s idiotic Foreign minister- and how his past foolish utterances about Trump might be rewritten before he meets the President elect
I think Orwell would approve. After all the latter day Winston Smiths are working from the playbook he established.
Like an Ebay seller rating
Meanwhile, can anyone guide me to Mr Putin taking cheap shots at Mr Trump? The last quote I read was how Putin saw Trump acting in a manly fashion after he was shot in the ear. Note this is respecting his actual behaviour rather than puerile character critique. I would love Trump to invite both Ukraine AND Russia into NATO. “Special military operation” over!
NATO and the USA had the chance to invite Russia into NATO when the Soviet Union broke down in the late 1980s/early 1990s.
Why would Russia trust the West now?
Mr Trump would need to eliminate the US Neocons and WEF first IMHO.
“If we don’t have free speech” – A speech by Mr Trump –
It goes for 6 minutes or so
Tennis Elbow/Upgrade Albo, please take note.
Thanks Johnny. My friends will enjoy the Donald’s speech but Albo’s minders will try to keep it from him. Wouldn’t want to embarrass the dummy would they?
Very few (three max) of our Australian Uniparty politicians have any understanding or respect for free speech or freedom more generally and absolutely none in the Green Labor faction.
And don’t forget that the censorship bill and the e Safety Kommisar were the work of the fake conservative Liberal faction of the Uniparty.
They won’t fight this hard, if at all.
The censorship legislation has passed in the House. As one commentator said on Sky News today ‘I doubt it will go any further !’. Both Labor and Liberal Parties, after Trump’s remarks (God bless larrikins), will be trying to work together to bury it. With Trump in full flight at the time of our next election I doubt this legislation will ever be heard of again.
It should in fact be heard of forever. It’s a warning to the nation this sort of legislation can be brought down by any government at anytime the voters lose interest in what is going on in our Parliaments ie it’s political class warfare munitions against the public. It’s the poison pill of Human Rights legislation that empowers every attempt by government to change public values using faux moral argument eg race, gender, colour, in all their postulated variations. Every censoring move that supports the narrative of the activists and governments that support them for their votes is a restriction on the freedom of speech of the dissenting majority. We are silenced by the threat of the HRC powers to impose huge fines. Remember the Commissioner who said she wished she had the power to control what was discussed across the kitchen table? That’s the vicious mentation lying in wait to punish those that dare to speak. That statement should never be forgotten. It reflects the power politicians will allocate to those they choose to regiment us. The HRC is an extremist construct, erected in the name of ‘fairness’ but functions in the name of severe repression.
There will be many government officials trying to hide what they have done. But that can only happen if their buddies at the social media giants agree.
Elon Musk probably has a vast file of requests from government officials to take down lawful content that did not fit the globalist agenda. I doubt he will be reluctant to offer it up to the prosecutors chasing down those officials who have no regard for the first amendment.
The Guardian has launched a scheme to overcome their staffs acute mental distress at Trump winning the Presidency. The UK Govt is to spend millions counselling people worried about the effects of climate on their mental health. Many say they don’t want to have families as a result of their fear of the climate.
Years ago I gave a Climate talk to pupils at a small local private school. The Children were already highly indoctrinated by the media and parents and some teachers and were generally quite nihilistic in their views that the world would end before they reached adulthood. None of this helped by the media and smartphones and idiotic politicians
I mentioned the Guardian support scheme to support its employees over their distress at Trumps win, here it is in all its daftness
What is daft is the distress which is likely real.
About as real as the wailers at funerals in many cultures, even the Chinese.. “Professional wailers, or funeral mourners, are performers paid to present the eulogy at a funeral and lament the deceased through weeping and singing. Surprisingly, this seemingly out-of-no-where career has a history dating back 2000 years to the Han dynasty and is deeply rooted in traditional Chinese culture.”
Nothing which could not be fixed by a cup of tea and good lie down. And I did not red tick your comment. No idea why anyone would?
They may as well put out an all staff email “Management thinks you are all fragile idiots unable to handle normal events in an adult world, so ……….”
There is always an upside. Those gullible and illiterate fools who believe the climate change hoax will not be breeding similar gullible children and hence the Greta cohort will die out. The only problem is the length of time it will take.
Grumpy Greta is now 21. Her childhood has been stolen. And she has traveled the world incessantly, addressed many august bodies including the US Congress and the UN. If only all children could have such a stolen childhood and world celebrity. And the climate will change, with the election of Donald Trump. Greta has moved onto hating Israel.
Hartnett: Trump 2.0
“Was so weird Wednesday morning. Everyone coming out of the building who lives here seemed so sad, and yet all the workers going in to clean and fix stuff in the apartments seemed really happy,” NYC Tribeca co-op superintendent.
And you are paying good money for this useless rag!
The legacy press is in decline because they are hiring journalist straight out of university; indoctrinated by far left academics. They have no notion of reality and no reasoning ability.
Modern reporting is based on regurgitating the press releases mostly from government. There is no assessment of whether the press release is fact or fiction.
I used to consider 7 news was reasonably balanced but Tim Lester did a good job of turning me off. He relished anything that was negative on Trump:
Australian’s who only watch legacy media are dished up an incredibly jaundiced view of Trump.
I used to watch Jane on the 7news weather but she now never misses an opportunity to counter cool day reports with the average temperature is still trending up and blowing up any warm days.
Joe Rogan has probably done the best out of the recent elections. His Trump interview has already had 47M views – just behind the 2018 Musk interview that is now at 67M.
I had to mute the 7news when they were discussing the U.S. election. Couldn’t believe that they had joined the ranks of the Trump haters.
I had already switched away from Channel 9 because of their bias.
I found a website that updated the counts regularly. Good entertainment.
Georgetown Students
At the McCourt School of Public Policy, officials are offering ‘mindfulness’ options to cope with the election. The only thing missing is a blankie.
By Frannie Block, ‘The Free Press’
On Wednesday, the day after the election, most of us are going to roll out of bed, have our breakfast, and get on with our day—no matter which presidential candidate wins. But students at Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy—where diplomats and policymakers are molded—have another option: They can play with Legos. Seriously.
In an email to McCourt students, Jaclyn Clevenger, the school’s director of student engagement, introduced the school’s post-election “Self-Care Suite.”
“In recognition of these stressful times,” she wrote, “all McCourt community members are welcome to gather. . . in the 3rd floor Commons to take a much needed break, joining us for mindfulness activities and snacks throughout the day.”
Here’s the agenda (and no, you can’t make this up):
10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.: Tea, Cocoa, and Self-Care
11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.: Legos Station
12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.: Healthy Treats and Healthy Habits
1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.: Coloring and Mindfulness Exercises
2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.: Milk and Cookies
4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.: Legos and Coloring
5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.: Snacks and Self-Guided Meditation
Great news – President Trump’s plan to clean out the Deep State.
A 3 minute video.
Maybe 4 years in the “wilderness” has been beneficial. Donald Trump has a very clear picture of what he wants to achieve now.
And how to go about it.
Editor in Chief of Scientific American has unleashed a hysterical hate filled tirade against Trumps supports
A little way down the article its worth clicking on another link to a Scientific American article further bemoaning the results of a free and fair democratic election.
The hysteria, gnashing of teeth and wailing over Trump, has lots of similarities to those doing the same about climate and who are prepared to take action to “stop” it. Whether that is throwing soup over great masterpieces or gluing themselves to a road.
We are truly breeding a generation of intolerant people who believe the only correct opinion is the one they hold and refuses to look at the viewpoints of others.
Social movements are like that. This one is extreme, as is the threat.
It is astonishing the impact this man has on people.
Everyone should calm down.
Once we complete the female birthing camps, arrest the college professors, release every last molecule of sequestered CO2 from its’ fossil prison, reconstitute the Confederacy, establish the Fourth Reich, and unleash the Viking long ships …
everything will be fine.
And lest we forget: all must face Mar-A-Lago six times a day and prostrate themselves upon the ground to worship His Most Orange Holiness (Roman-style salutes are optional, however they may earn servants an extra bowl of gruel). Forward! To the Bright Future®️.
The Francis Bellamy salute.
Never heard of it.
‘Bellamy promoted the salute and it came to be associated with his name. Both the Pledge and its salute originated in 1892.
‘Later, during the 1920s and 1930s, Italian fascists and Nazi Germans adopted a salute which was very similar, attributed to the Roman salute, a gesture that was popularly believed to have been used in ancient Rome. This resulted in controversy over the use of the Bellamy salute in the United States.
‘It was officially replaced by the hand-over-heart salute when Congress amended the Flag Code on December 22, 1942.’ (wiki)
Francis Bellamy Salute
The Francis Bellamy salute, also known as the “Bellamy salute” or “flag salute,” was a palm-out salute created by James B. Upham, editor of The Youth’s Companion, in 1892.
It was designed to accompany the Pledge of Allegiance, written by Francis Bellamy, a socialist minister, that same year.
Francis Bellamy wrote the Pledge of Allegiance to promote a campaign to sell and raise US flags above public schools. The original text, published on September 8, 1892, read: “I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
The Salute
According to Bellamy’s instructions, the salute began with a traditional military salute as the first words of the pledge were spoken. The right hand was then extended, palm downward, toward the flag, and remained in this position until the end of the affirmation.
This unique gesture was meant to evoke an ancient Roman salute.
Controversy and Discontinuation
In the 1920s and 1930s, Italian fascists and Nazi Germans adopted similar salutes, sparking controversy in the United States. Critics argued that the Bellamy salute resembled the fascist and Nazi salutes too closely. In response, school boards and organizations revised the salute to avoid this similarity.
On December 22, 1942, Congress passed Public Law 77-829, codifying the etiquette for displaying and pledging allegiance to the flag. The law specified that the pledge be rendered by standing with the right hand over the heart, effectively replacing the Bellamy salute.
Today, the Bellamy salute is largely forgotten, replaced by the modern hand-over-heart gesture. However, its historical significance serves as a reminder of the evolution of American patriotism and the importance of adapting symbols to changing cultural and political contexts.
Thank you Double-O and Tel, ain’t history a queer thing.
My first job in the States was at a summer camp a few hours north of NYC, looking after kids from the Projects who’d had absolutely no upbringing (abused mentally and physically), the lowest tier of the American Dream… yet every morning they’d stand in front of the flag, hand on heart, and recite the Pledge of Allegiance word-perfect.
As a legal alien and a foreigner, standing there with my group of kids, I did not participate in their patriotic fervour – incongruous as it was seeing battered children honour a flag which provided them little-to-no succour. After a few days, the supervisor called me into her office, suggesting I ‘go through the motions’ of pledging as it would be a ‘good example’ for the children.
Needless to say, she terminated my contract, along with an Australian guy who’d also declined to honour a foreign flag, and back to New York City we were sent, farewelled by the little nippers who lined the roadway, some crying as, yet again, their world was ripped apart. God bless America – they need it.
I think that he is the type of guy that, as the old saying goes, they couldn’t root’ shoot or electrocute.
Maybe Laura can get over her grief and hatred with her favorite toy.
Back in the day Scientific American used to be a scholarly journal.
It has had several phases of dumbing down starting in 1986 with its purchase by the German family-owned Holtzbrinck Publishing Group and most recently with going fully woke, anti-Trump and anti-energy.
Like all great things, it was destroyed by Leftist infiltration under the auspices of the German communist Rudi Dutschke’s 1967 plan of “the Long March Through the Institutions” (der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen).
It looks like the Scientific American editor, Laura Helmuth, is a DEI gender-based placement.
And she has this to say, from her Wikipedia entry.
Scientific American? A subsidiary of the CIA paperclip operation. Would anyone really believe the US would share valuable information for the sake of scientific integrity? They are the “Time” magazine of the science world sans the free watch given upon subscription. The old editor back in the naughties was a first cousin of the FEMA director and he published the “Jenga” theory of the collapse of building seven. Completely ignoring Jane’s 30 minute prophesy of total collapse. Oops. BTW Building 7 had many federal agencies that were investigating dot com malfeasance until alas all the evidence papers were dustified!
That is the democracy that Harris was out to defend.
“We are truly breeding a generation of intolerant people who believe the only correct opinion is the one they hold and refuses to look at the viewpoints of others.”
Totally agree.
She has evidently “apologised” but I am at the point that I no longer accept apologies from Leftists. They know exactly what they are doing and always pushing the limits and exploring the boundaries. Sometimes they exceed the limits and when the backlash is too great they issue a disingenuous apology, then they just keep pushing boundaries further.
Never, ever accept an apology from a Leftist or believe anything they say.
Paul D. Thacker Tweeted:
She’s also filled the magazine with gender bending ideological nonsense.
The current accusation of attempted assination of Trump by Iran, should be treated with extreme caution.
It stinks of a diversionary tactic to kill off any suggestions of Democrat involvement in the attempts on Trump’s life!!
I wouldn’t put it past the Iranian regime to make such an attempt, neither would I believe that the Democrats were not somehow involved. Investigate the homegrown suspects more rigorously now!
I doubt the secret service would do that. However they could ignore a clear and present threat. Like a shooter in plain sight on the roof who was stopped by a Butler sniper who shot his rifle after eight shots. Only then did the secret service shoot him dead, when it was all over. It’s a tradition in the US. The assassin is always murdered in police custody. Dead man tell no tales. I would include Jeffrey Epstein. The camera facing his cell was broken on the day he killed himself. Sure.
Jeffrey is alive and well. He is a CIA/Mossad honeypot operator in witness protection. Unlike the poor schmuck who was his stand in for the asphyxiation. Notice the pollies slinking off into the sunset without even being unseated? Enough money thrown at a person can make “Anything” happen. The Epstein and Diddy recordings explain the VERY unenthusiastic endorsements Kamala pulled at the last minute to cover the inconvenient truth that she was an absolutely incompetent DEI ring in.
As a meme on Powerline today jokes (in reference to SWAT teams taking out P’nut the rabies-free squirrel):
They’ve arrested more squirrels than Epstein clients.
Their morals have not changed – just like Earth’s numerous climates.
An important analysis.
Proposed Battery Law Costs Billions and Does Nothing
By Laurie Belsito, policy director at Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance
The beginning: “The Massachusetts legislature is considering proposed bill S2967 — “An Act promoting a clean energy grid, advancing equity and protecting ratepayers.” The Senate addressed the bill first and it has since been delayed in the House. During the Senate debate, the chairman of the committee that helped draft the bill mentioned, “building out an entirely new electric grid is expensive…real expensive.” He further elaborated “so now you’ve got the electric grid, offshore wind, storage, lots of costs being brought to bare.”
However, no monetary value was ever mentioned. How expensive will this self-imposed transition actually be? We decided to break it down and look at a single measurable part of this bill that mandates the utility purchase of a huge amount of grid scale batteries by 2030, beginning in 2025. These batteries will cost many billions of dollars while they serve no useful purpose. This is explained briefly below.
The amount of batteries is somewhat unclear. The Bill specifies that 5,000 Megawatts (MW) of batteries be bought but this is the discharge capacity, that is how fast the batteries can be emptied. The storage capacity is what counts and that is measured in Megawatt-hours (MWh). Specifying MW is like buying juice based on how fast it pours not how much the bottle holds.
The Bill does include a range of storage capacities which bounds the cost somewhat. Most of the batteries are what is called mid-duration which means they can provide full discharge for from four to 10 hours. Almost all grid scale battery systems these days are four hour duration so for simplicity we will start by assuming the whole 5,000 MW buy is four hour batteries.
This gives 20,000 MWh of storage. Battery systems today run around $500,000 per MWh. That gives a total cost of $10,000,000,000 or ten billion dollars which equals roughly 17% of the current state budget. If 10 hour batteries are purchased the cost jumps to $25,000,000,000 or twenty-five billion dollars. The Bill actually calls for a good bit of longer duration batteries as well which makes the cost even higher.
These hugely expensive mandatory purchases will do little by way of supporting the transition to a grid run on solar, wind and batteries.
The average total electricity usage in Massachusetts is about 5,700 MWh per hour. In a solar, wind and battery world 20,000 MWh of batteries lasts just three and a half hours on average windless nights. On deadly cold nights this is more like just two hours, then you freeze in the dark. If we also electrify home heat and cars it is more like a mere one hour.”
Lots more in the article. Fun stuff.
Boeing 737 Freighter “Destroyed” By Cargo Fire
A Total Linhas Aereas 737-400 freighter was destroyed on Saturday morning after a fire ripped through the aircraft’s cargo hold. The freighter was forced to make an emergency landing at Sao Paulo Guarulhos International Airport in Brazil.
X user Breaking Aviation News & Videos reported the incident earlier this morning. Footage shows the 737-400 freighter was a total loss.
Here’s more from the aviation news outlet:
Total Linhas Aereas 737-400 freighter destroyed by a cargo hold fire after making an emergency landing at Sao Paulo Guarulhos International Airport in Brazil.
Three vehicles from the airport’s own fire brigade and another five from the Fire Department worked to fight the flames on the airport runway. At around 7 am, firefighters were already doing the rescue work and removing the cargo from the plane.
The Center for Investigation and Prevention of Aeronautical Accidents (Cenipa) said it will investigate the causes of the fire and forced landing. No injuries reported during the accident.
Given the location of the fire in the cargo hold, one can only speculate about the potential for an electronic device to have malfunctioned, especially if it was equipped with lithium-ion batteries.
Still, without a proper investigation, it’s only speculation.
I am so glad this ended without injury. Like many things in life, we may never be certain as to what caused the fire. Is it possible to demand all lithium batteries be discharged as much as possible before transport?
Establishing the actual cost of a storage battery facility over its short lifetime is very difficult, as the owners are provided with many subsidy arrangements, including cost increases over the facility’s lifetime. I would suggest that the actual final cost is closer to double your figure, at $1bn/GWh.
All storage systems need two figures – one being the storage capacity in either MWh or GWh, and the storage’s ability to continually deliver energy in either MW or GW.
I would further argue that to provide the expected electricity reliability of 99.998% in Australia, any storage system has to be able to reliably and continuously supply power to cover the longest expected grid power outage due to unreliable renewables.
I tried doing that sum a few years back when Bowen first advanced his Green dream. To replace the Liddell power station I estimated would cost $200 billion over the expected life of a new coal fired plant. With the big fans being replaced every 20 years, the panels about the same and batteries every ten years one could compare the tonnages of materials needed for green energy against the fraction required for a new coal fired station. Bowen and his boosters are completely mad but some are just greedy with you picking up the tab. BTW we have had nation wide wind droughts lasting not hours but days. Maybe the ALP could invest in some giant water storage in Northern Australia where it rains a lot. Then again that is redneck territory with not a greeny in sight so no votes there.
Unless localities are going to island themselves every time wind and solar energy vanishes from the grid, surely grid storage has to be grid-wide. On that basis, that’s around 25GWh every hour, 600 GWh for a day. If batteries cost $1bn/GWh over their lifetimes, that’s a lot of money and is totally unrealistic, even for one day. And we know that wind energy can vanish for at least 48 hours, with many calculating that a lot more storage is required, such as one week or even a month.
As yet I haven’t seen anything from Tony to show any Australian grid-wide wind outage over 48 hours. Of course Europe and the UK have experienced an entire week without wind.
According to Sky News this morning, Mr Trump is expected to pull the US out of COP29. He is the Man and the Real Deal.
My reply is inadvertently at #12 below.
Since Biden is still Pres it is hard to see how Trump can do that but fun to watch him try.
Maybe they meant COP30 especially if it even goes ahead. I hear that “Tennis/Upgrade Albo” is hoping to host the ‘Con Flab’ in Australia. Hopefully, he will be long gone by then.
President Cabbage is asleep and Trump is raging post election, it might happen, but as you say, good theatre.
Obama contributed $500M to the UN climate fund as he was walking out the door. Biden (or minders) has the same opportunity.
But COP29 is essentially a wake and all the participants know that. It is the last hurrah. With a climate denier (their words) in control in the USA the scam is dead.
Almost no so-called “renewable” project are economic without subsidies. Any country that continues to subsidise these massive waste of resources will become increasingly irrelevant. The UK has already accepted that and Germany is fighting against the odds to avoid it.
Germany has spent over A$820bn in supporting useless renewables since 2010. And since then, their use of fossil fuel energy has dropped from 79.6% to 79.3%, a drop of only 0.3%. What has happened is that their industrial production peaked in November 2017 and has declined steadily ever since, down 14% in the last six years.
Australia hasn’t accepted it yet.
In fact Australia is fanatically committed to the anthropogenic global warming scam and is throwing away more money than ever on it.
It won’t end well.
” is throwing away more money than ever on it.”
The oh-so-clever NZ National Party in government is using this scam to justify the introduction of GE into Food Production/Agriculture.
Clever eh?
Australia is so far into the decimation of manufacturing that it can never return. Economic manufacturing in Australia is dead. Any remaining manufacturing is on life support – all subsidised. UK is still pretending it has a manufacturing industry while Germany is fighting to retain the last bits of industry that it has left.
In 2023, UK and Australia produced 5.5Mt of crude steel. Remaining production is on life support. China produced 1019Mt, seven times more than second place India at 140Mt. If a country cannot make steel it is a tourist resort.
Good point.
But not even that applies to Australia because tourism is so ridiculously expensive here, even for Australians who find it much cheaper to travel overseas due to ridiculous union demands for double and triple time pay at times when tourists are most active, like after 5pm and weekends and public holidays.
And many places like Ayers Rock, Lake Eyre and Mt Warning and others (and an increasing number of areas) now have apartheid access laws.
In addition, many Asian tourists like Japanese are smokers. They won’t be attracted by Nanny State laws forcing them to pay $50+ for a packet of cigs or ridiculously expensive alcohol by world standards.
So Australia can’t even run a tourist industry properly.
Penny Wong, Labor/Greens/Teals will all be in favour of this measure.
Muslim savages in Iraq’s parliament voting to lower girls age of consent – to 9.
Thanks to reader Charlotte for the tip, here’s the story from the UK’s Telegraph:
Iraq is poised to slash the legal age of consent from 18 to to nine, allowing men to marry young children.
The proposed legal change also deprives women of rights to divorce, child custody and inheritance.
Iraq’s parliament, which is dominated by a coalition of conservative Shia Muslim parties, is preparing to vote through an amendment that would overturn the country’s “personal status law”.
The legislation, also known as Law 188, was heralded as one of the most progressive in the Middle East when it was introduced in 1959 and provides an overarching set of rules governing the affairs of Iraqi families, regardless of their religious sect.
As well as bringing down the legal marriage age, the amendment would also remove women’s rights to divorce, child custody and inheritance.
The governing coalition says the move aligns with a strict interpretation of Islamic law and is intended to protect young girls from “immoral relationships”.
From the Comments
– I look forward the Green’s outrage.
– Iraqi 1: “Things are grim at home, my missus is going through the change of life.”
Iraqi 2: “Yeah, menopause can be a torrid time.”
Iraqi 1: “Menopause? I’m talking puberty.”
Mo consummated his second marriage (to Aisha) when she was 9. Married her at 6. QED.
Mo is the exemplar prophet so having set consent at 18 this creates cognitive dissonance.
The goats are gleefully scampering though. /s
Shackled and whipped with canes: Israel uncovers ‘thousands of hours’ of sickening footage showing Hamas interrogators torturing innocent Palestinians
Israel’s military says it has discovered thousands of hours of sickening footage showing Hamas interrogators torturing innocent Palestinian civilians in Gaza.
The harrowing videos show male prisoners with sacks over their heads, chained to floors and ceilings in painful positions.
Men writhe in agony as they are beaten with sticks on the soles of their feet.
In one distressing clip, a hooded man appears to be screaming and remonstrating with his captor.
The horrifying incidents appear to have been filmed inadvertently by CCTV cameras inside a Hamas military base in northern Gaza raided by Israeli troops earlier this year.
The footage was said to have been discovered on computers seized from the abandoned compound inside the Jabalia refugee camp. It is unclear why the men were being held.
But human rights experts have previously warned that innocent Palestinians have been kidnapped from their homes and tortured by Hamas thugs who have ruled Gaza with an iron rod since 2007.
Gay men and adulterers are among those who have been tortured by Hamas, along with political opponents and anyone accused of collaborating with Israel.
Calling Penny Wong, Australian Labor Party, Greens & Teals!
I doubt that there is any consent there. It was more that decrepit old men could marry them. Again not consensual.
There was to be a ‘Test & Tune’ event at a nearby drag strip yesterday. Road-going cars were allowed, as usual, including electric vehicles. However, following advice from the sport’s governing body, the participation of EVs was cancelled. The reason given was safety concerns including:
1. The battery may release toxic and flammable gas after a collision.
2. First responders may not be able to confirm that the car is “off”.
3. Doors may not unlock from the outside after a collision.
4. If the driver is unconscious after an incident (including a medical incident), there is a chance that the chassis is live and removing the driver would put the responders at risk.
5. The car may not roll with the power disconnected and towing the car with our current equipment would be impossible.
6. Electric vehicles require specific fire suppression systems such as water baths.
All the above will not be news to Jo or most of her contributors. I do note however, that all of these concerns apply equally to the public roads, where the risks mentioned are faced by members of the public who might try to help following an EV crash, and of course ‘public’ first responders.
The wheels really are coming off the whole EV thing.
Some rational thoughts about the way forward from here , and the part each of us has to play :-
Excellent news. One of the first, most obvious and simplest steps to stop the economic destruction of America.
It’s too bad Australia doesn’t similarly have someone who is prepared to do this. Even Dutton remains a True Believer in the anthropogenic global warming scam, hence his support of nuclear power stations and not coal. And in today’s highly over-regulated Australia, just how many years or decades would it take to build just one nuclear power station, let alone the proposed six? (I have no issue with nuclear power however, the choice between nuclear, gas or coal should be based on the economics of a given situation.)
Admittedly Dutton, of the fake conservative Liberal Party, is somewhat less bad then Labor.
(Posting from Kathmandu.)
Sorry, that was meant to be a reply to Johnny Rotten, #8.
Scroll down and look at the Photo of the NSW Policewoman – I think it is a Woman!
Reminds me of ‘Fat Ba@tard’ in the Austin Powers films.
“Get in ma belly”.
Back in the day, to qualify as a police officer you had to be a certain height and weight and capable of certain physical feats. The ability chase and apprehend criminals was the objective of these requirements. I guess it doesn’t matter now as there is rarely an attempt to catch criminals or prosecute them.
Now due to wokeness and DEI anyone can join the police, as long as you support the woke agenda and wave “Pride” flags and wear related paraphanalia and attend Pride marches in uniform on work time.
Love Janet Albrechtson’s definition of DEI in The Weekend Australian: “Didn’t Earn It”.
Them’s Police Commissioner curves, them is.
Are you sure it’s a Them? You could be misgendering him/her/they/it.
That is a serious amount of lard, I thought police had to meet a minimum standard of fitness, how far do we reckon she could run flat out in pursuit of a murderer.
Looks like she would run out of puff in nanoseconds and nip into the nearest MacDonald’s for a Coke and Big Mac to recover.
Maybe a tad further with a murderer in pursuit?
Elon Musk trolls Hags on “The View”
HILARIOUS! Elon Musk Trolls Hags on ‘The View’ With “Grok Generated” Image: “Screeeecchh”
The Left and other anti-energy lobbyists like to count hydro among so-called “renewables”.
But unlike wind and solar “renewables” hydro is a properly engineered system capable of delivering inexpensive, reliable power 24/7 when properly managed.
It also long predates the time when the virtue signalers and destroyers of our Civilisation started promoting wind and solar.
In fact, you will recall that the Left were always against building more dams. That was when the Left pretended to care for the environment, now they actively advocate for its destruction with wind and solar plantations.
They should not be able to take “ownership” of hydro as one of their mix of “renewables”.
Just as long as ‘they’ don’t count pumped hydro as renewable, it won’t be until the last coal or gas fired generator is gone for good.
A second Trump administration – And what it means for energy and natural resources
The US has a President-elect with power to wield. A likely Republican trifecta would strengthen President-elect Donald Trump’s new administration across domestic and global affairs. Along with the White House, the GOP will have control of the Senate and (probably) the House of Representatives.
Power and renewables and decarbonisation:
The US will backtrack on net zero.
Bipartisan support for measures in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) means that a full repeal is unlikely, but the expiration of tax cuts passed in President Trump’s first term will force Congress to re-examine incentives for low-carbon energy.
Near-term growth expectations for wind, solar, battery storage and EVs rely on IRA incentives, including 10-plus years of eligibility for production and investment tax credits. Even if Congress doesn’t end those credits, various elements of the IRA – including tax credit timelines, financing mechanisms or bonus adders – are likely to be removed or modified.
If those tax credits are phased out, tariffs put on equipment imports and restrictions on permitting, then we estimate renewable deployments could be reduced by a third. The Biden administration’s emissions standards for thermal power plants will be scrapped, although the rules are likely to be the subject of further legal battles.
Prospects for new data centres and factories seeking an electricity supply look better under a Republican administration and Congress, especially if corporate buyers relent on meeting emission reduction goals. We have identified over 51 GW of new data centre announcements since 2023, and manufacturing is set to add at least 15 GW of new demand.
Broad permitting reform to expedite infrastructure development has the best chance in decades. Construction of new gas pipelines, electricity transmission and power plants should be able to respond faster to market load growth.
Support for domestic renewable energy manufacturing is one part of the IRA policy framework that is likely to be relatively resilient. And there’s potential upside for US manufacturers from increased protectionist measures. But if renewables deployment is lower, then that will mean a smaller market for US manufacturers. Plus, tariffs will raise the cost of low-carbon technologies for US consumers, dampening penetration rates.
For vehicles, the new administration is expected to revise tailpipe emission standards from 2027, easing the pressures that were pushing manufacturers towards EVs.
May be a concern for Australia’s gas exports if the U.S. decides to export gas from its west coast, a lot closer to Asia than the current export terminals on the east coast.
I think California would resist pipelines as polluting.
I believe that’s why it hasn’t occurred so far. Same for Canada – the west coast states don’t want pipelines from the Alberta oil fields.
The most ridiculous is U.S. northern east coast states refusing gas pipelines from the cheap southern gas fields, instead importing gas from overseas.
Senior Climate Change Conference Official Caught Promoting Fossil Fuels
The thing about these weirdos is that they don’t have the slightest concept of self-consciousness or hypocrisy.
Its Orwellian Doublethink, common among the Left.
Mmmm also at
In the result of (nearly) calm and proper Democrats reaction to their loss, I came to conclusion that Trump was wrong 4 years ago about electoral fraud.
Of course, Socialism is a fraud on a global scale, but it is unlikely Democrats won then because somebody threw in false ballots in the middle of night.
And yet …
Despite the overwhelming tidal turnout (on both sides they say), queues at voting station going thrice round the block and vosters casing early ballots in unprecedented numbers, we’re told that millions FEWER votes were cast this time around, compared with 2020. If that’s true you have to wonder where all those MILLIONS of votes came from last time.
Just another anomaly?
The total number of votes is unknown. California is estimated at 69% of their count.
What is taking so long? What are they hiding?
Exactly! Have a look at this graph Vlad and tell us there was no cheating
There seemed to be a lot of “coincidences” that have never been fully explained. I was also surprised to hear that in some cases, vote counting continued without scrutineers being present. And I will always believe that voting machines should never be connected to the internet – as an example, a company’s internal security key system is never connected.
Something you should read at New Catallaxy on the vote totals.
If after reading that article you still think it unlikely that there was any voting “anomalies” by the democrats in 2020 then I think your indoctrination by the lying media is complete.
I will always wonder how voter count number can reduce. There were numerous times during the 2020 count when the number of votes went backwards. It was mostly a Trump phenomena and often corresponded with a jump in Biden votes.
The difference in 2024 was the placement of 100,000 republican observers throughout the polling and tabulation points.
The linked chart is too coarse to show the negative counts but you can see the big jumps Biden managed late in the night and the a day or so after the count started.
This year Georgia was done and dusted by midnight on the day of voting. This year it would only require shifting 60,000 votes from Trump to Harris to change the result. There was a similar difference at midnight in 2020 on poling day but they just kept finding Biden votes for the next two days.
Democrats were not game to try their hand and pullout a second rigged win with all the close scrutiny.
I have not actually got any live data stream this year but I watched quite closely and the count only appeared to go up as any reasonable person would expect.
If Trum wanted to waste the effort, I believe he could get to the bottom of the 2020 fraud but why bother
The late surge in Joe Biden votes in 2020 was “expected” as a natural Democrat voting pattern. I watched the 2022 midterms with interest to see if it repeated. It didn’t. In 2024? Nope. I also came across a published paper (peer-reviewed, how good is that!) which analysed the 2020 results statistically. It explained that fraudulent votes were extremely difficult to detect statistically, but identified 200,000 to 300,000 almost-certainly fraudulent votes in electorates that Joe Biden won by 90,000. Unfortunately I have lost the link to the paper.
There is one argument that the Democrats can use to explain the late surge in 2020 only, and that is that Democrats were urged only in that election to use postal votes. While it was very odd that most of the increase in Joe Biden votes came from postal votes and weren’t replaced by in-person votes in subsequent elections, it was also very odd that the Democrats should urge postal voting so strongly in 2020 – not all voting methods – unless they knew that postal voting fraud was planned.
The bottom line is that the issue won’t get resolved unless Donald Trump sets up a proper enquiry. As someone else has commented here, why bother now. There is also the fact that it would be a serious distraction when there are so many other priorities.
I fear that we will never know for sure. And thus the Democrats will get away with their fraud. If there was a fraud, that is.
Why bother now? Because crimes that are ignored get repeated.
There is nothing more fundamental to a democracy than a fair election.
And so say most of us.
Remember the wuflu?
They don’t want the public to know the truth.
“The (Un)Scientific American Meltdown”
“One of the primary reasons this descent into madness has accelerated is that the editor-in-chief, Laura Helmuth, has allowed pseudoscience and narratives to flow unfiltered with little if any restraint.
Flush with power after the apparent success of endorsing Biden in 2020, Helmuth and the team at Scientific American endorsed Harris in this election cycle. Their faulty reasoning and inanity-filled platitudes were met with mocking. But I am sure Helmuth and her crew were sure they positioned Harris for success.”
More at
Remember this if you meet a quote!
The Scientific American is anything but Scientific these days. It’s a shame as it was a good read in ancient times. Just another thing the left has destroyed.
Same with National Geographic and its Climate Alarmism. Great photography though.
Man that is one ugly unkempt cat lady, looks like she woke up under a bridge.
To serve and protect (and deliver groceries)
How sad is that, I suppose she’s on her ‘P’s’ at 40 because she wouldn’t have had much driving experience where she came from.
Victorian police at their finest, what’s wrong with Deliveroo or Doordash.
When its horrific the official policy is to kick it down the road for six months and quietly put it through when the outrage has died down, be it laws, policies or criminal ‘justice’.
“The woman, who was arrested and released after the crash and has been in hiding ever since, was attempting a U-turn before veering off the road and crashing through the fence, and that the investigation could take weeks or months.”
So it was bad enough that a person who should not have had a driving licence had to be put in the witness protection regime, hidden away and kept under semi-house arrest, for their own safety and that of the Police who gave her a licence. The investigation should take a day, the write-up of a report another day, and into Court the next day!
The investigation can be done in about 10 minutes.
The woman could not drive and yet had a driver’s licence … someone tested her and the details of this driving test are on the record. In addition, she must had submitted a logbook documenting all the practice she did and this logbook is also on the record, signed off with various people’s licence numbers. All concerned should be penalized and I bet that logbook would not stand up to close scrutiny given that a U-turn is pretty darn easy.
There … I’ve just done half the investigation … all they need to do is go back and grab the documents and job’s done.
Court may take a bit longer, but the record is right there. I don’t see how any court can doubt it.
The police have a responsibility for the welfare of the immigrant. I do not find this act of kindness offensive.
The problem is a Federal one bringing in more immigrants than the country can assimilate safely.
It is not an act of kindness … those police are getting paid you know.
Tax is not voluntary, it is taken by force.
There is a GAB post (no link) doing the rounds which lists Trump’s accomplishments in the first two days.
He is also going to need a rest by the seventh
There is a list in here that gives the idea –
Plus other things
Nice hobby
Another sight
an other view
Hmmm – Speak to Labor here in Australia, especially Victoria Labor under Dan Andrew & Queensland under Labor PalaChook!
The CDC Planned Quarantine Camps Nationwide
“What kind of deep institutional pathology exists that enabled this to be contemplated?”
No matter how bad you think Covid policies were, they were intended to be worse.
Consider the vaccine passports alone.
Six cities were locked down to include only the vaccinated in public indoor places. They were New York City, Boston, Chicago, New Orleans, Washington, D.C., and Seattle. The plan was to enforce this with a vaccine passport. It broke. Once the news leaked that the shot didn’t stop infection or transmission, the planners lost public support and the scheme collapsed.
It was undoubtedly planned to be permanent and nationwide if not worldwide. Instead, the scheme had to be dialed back.
Features of the CDC’s edicts did incredible damage.
It imposed the rent moratorium. It decreed the ridiculous “six feet of distance” and mask mandates. It forced Plexiglas as the interface for commercial transactions. It implied that mail-in balloting must be the norm, which probably flipped the election. It delayed the reopening as long as possible.
It was sadistic.
Even with all that, worse was planned.
On July 26, 2020, with the George Floyd riots having finally settled down, the CDC issued a plan for establishing nationwide quarantine camps. People were to be isolated, given only food and some cleaning supplies. They would be banned from participating in any religious services.
The plan included contingencies for preventing suicide. There were no provisions made for any legal appeals or even the right to legal counsel.
$600m ghost town amid housing crisis
The $600m Covid-19 quarantine centre in Melbourne has become a ghost town despite 1000 new beds potentially available for emergency housing.
The $600m quarantine hub built for Melbourne during the pandemic has turned into a ghost town as the Albanese government struggles to find a use for the mini-city that housed just 2168 people during the global crisis.
Just one workman and five cars could be seen at the site when The Weekend Australian visited this week, where skeleton staff are maintaining the former quarantine centre amid the hum of the nearby Hume Freeway in the city’s outer north.
No one could be seen walking down the alleys where the near-new centre’s accommodation held the Covid-19 travellers and others before the Victorian government shut it in 2022, and ownership of the centre then handed to Canberra.
There are about 500 security cameras on the site once used for contact tracing but no one confronted The Weekend Australian when an unofficial tour of the precinct was conducted.
The Department of Finance said the centre was last used by the state government during the aftermath of the October 2022 Victorian flood crisis.
It opened in February 2022 and closed as a pandemic venue eight months later, housing international travellers, frontline workers and others who needed to isolate.
PS an example how Bing & Google have become useless in Searches vs Brave Leo AI
Google –
Bing –
Toowoomba COVID Quarantine Status
Based on the provided search results, here’s a summary of what has happened to the COVID-19 quarantine facility in Toowoomba, Queensland:
1. Initial construction and operation: The facility was built on privately-owned land at Toowoomba Wellcamp Airport, operated by the Wagner family, at a cost of over $220 million. It was intended to accommodate 1000 people, but only about 730 people ever stayed there.
2. Government decision: In March 2023, the Queensland government announced that it would not renew the lease of the Wellcamp quarantine facility when it expires next month. This decision was made despite the facility being used for other purposes, such as housing Ukrainian migrants and flood victims.
3. Mothballing: In July 2022, the Queensland government confirmed that the Wellcamp quarantine facility would be placed in care and maintenance, ceasing to host guests from August 1, 2022. The facility was initially intended to operate until the pandemic response settings changed.
4. Gift to Wagner Corporation: In April 2023, Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk gifted the Wellcamp facility to the Wagner Corporation, reportedly worth $220 million, after it went largely unused during the pandemic.
5. Current status: As of July 2022, the facility was scheduled to stop accepting guests, and by March 2023, the government had officially ended its lease and would not renew it.
In summary, the COVID-19 quarantine facility in Toowoomba, Queensland, was initially constructed and operated, but ultimately underutilized and mothballed due to changes in pandemic response settings.
The facility was later gifted to the Wagner Corporation, marking the end of its use as a quarantine site.
After nearly two decades of rock bottom interest rates, Australia should have an excess of housing, not quarantine facilities….
There are many things that Trump has indicated need fixing.
We can live in hope but the Australian Government is keen to lock up proper discussion forever.
‘Their days are numbered’: Federal bureaucrats are panicking over Trump win — especially at DOJ and FBI
Trump is set to clean house with the help of Elon Musk.
Employees at the Biden-Harris Department of Justice and their fellow travelers at the FBI are apparently “shell-shocked” and updating their resumes following President-elect Donald Trump’s landslide electoral victory.
Federal bureaucrats’ apparent fears of a thorough housecleaning are justified, as Trump has made no secret of his plan to “shatter the Deep State and restore government that is controlled by the People.”
In March 2023, Trump announced that on day one, he would reissue his 2020 executive order establishing the Schedule F employment category for federal employees, making it easier to remove insubordinate and poorly performing bureaucrats from an estimated pool of 50,000 eligible candidates.
“I will wield that power aggressively,” Trump vowed.
President Joe Biden revoked Trump’s Schedule F in January 2021 and announced a rule earlier this year aimed at further shielding federal bureaucrats from accountability and from being ousted under a framework resembling Schedule F.
Reversing this rule might take months and involve legal challenges. Nevertheless, Trump appears committed to ensuring that America’s democratically elected president will once again “have appropriate management oversight regarding this select cadre of professionals.”
Trump also vowed in his 10-point plan to “clean out all of the corrupt actors in our national security and intelligence apparatus.”
“The departments and agencies that have been weaponized will be completely overhauled so that faceless bureaucrats will never again be able to target and persecute conservatives, Christians, or the left’s political enemies, which they’re doing now at a level that nobody can believe even possible,” said Trump.
Since detailing his cleanup program last year, Trump has brought on Elon Musk to lead a federal efficiency initiative, which might reinforce the cleanup of deadwood at the Justice Department and its well-armed offshoot.
Reaping the whirlwind
FBI employees are apparently also wary about Musk’s efficiency commission.
One source told the Times, “When [Musk] tries to do efficiency at headquarters, the place is going to have five people.”
“Try to find a person that’s actually working,” continued the source. “That may be the biggest problem there — that there’s no efficiency. So that’s actually the bigger threat. If you’re going to try to make the government efficient, you would start with the FBI, because if you do politics all the time, you’re probably bloated.”
Another source suggested to the Times that some FBI employees who have grown tired of the Jan. 6 witch hunt are amused over the prospect that Trump will liberally issue pardons, nullifying their efforts.
While the promise of pardons has apparently amused some bureaucrats, it hasn’t slowed down Democratic elements of the judiciary.
In Australia, the following could describe any Government Department in Canberra, any Sate Government Department and any Local Goernment Department – Just look a the the Picture of the Policewoman in the above Thread Article
One source told the Times, “When [Musk] tries to do efficiency at headquarters, the place is going to have five people.”
Brisbane ratepayers slugged with insane $135,000 Welcome to Country bill – and there’s nothing they can do about it
Welcome to Country ceremonies costing hundreds of thousands
Ratepayers foot the bill, though many of them oppose the events
Brisbane City Council has shelled out $135,000…
[ Snip]
‘It’s a ceremony we’ve been doing for 250,000 years BC – and the BC stands for Before Cook,’ he told the crowd, referring to Captain James Cook’s arrival in Australia in 1770.
But the ceremony’s modern form was invented less than 50 years ago by TV personality Ernie Dingo’s dance troupe.
[ Snip]
Almost 50 years on, it has reached a point where a surf club was told it would have to pay $2,000 to an Aboriginal corporation for the rights to hold surf events and a fundraising swim at a public beach.
I just read an article about the declining Australian life expectancy, Aust Bureau of Statistics head of demography Beidar Cho. She works in the ACT. I mean GCT
You can read all about it here
and, having scrolled down, it seems it’s pretty entrenched
Following a link –
That’d be right
That link is a search page result that’s just floss for the suburb on my computer, nothing about life expectancy. Can you check it YYY?
“How to Cut $2 Trillion From the Federal Budget Without Really Trying”
“The best way to cut $2 trillion out of the budget is to ax everything the federal government does that it shouldn’t be doing in the first place. It’s time we rediscovered the exercise of thinking critically about government and the role it should or shouldn’t play in our lives. Questions like, “Is that the role of government?” or “Should the federal government pay for that?” haven’t been seriously considered in years. The muscle of fighting for first principles has atrophied among Republicans as it’s no longer in style to call for small government.”
More at
Guidelines for a close look at our Federal budget
We deserve smaller Feral and State/Territory Guv’ments in Australia. So no one over 5 foot 5 inches tall. Hobbits please apply.
Musk Says “Time Is Up For The Warmonger Profiteers” In Nod To Trump Ukraine Peace Plan
The Wall Street Journal this week reported that President-Elect Donald Trump is being presented with an array of competing proposals from advisers related to his campaign promise to immediately end the war in Ukraine upon entering the White House.
While he’s reportedly yet to approve a specific plan, and much might also depend on his team identifying who will fill the top national security and foreign policy posts in the administration, what’s clear is the Zelensky government will feel the pressure to immediately sit at the negotiating table with Moscow.
The WSJ has revealed that the current options being considered all involve imposing a ‘freeze’ on the war, which to Kiev’s dismay would involve “cementing Russia’s seizure of roughly 20 percent of Ukraine” while imposing a 20-year suspension on Ukraine pursuing NATO membership.
The front lines in the east “would essentially lock in place” according to the proposed plan which is reportedly attracting most attention within Trump’s team, and this freeze would be enforced by European peacekeepers along an 800-mile demilitarized zone.
Trump officials have told the WSJ that the president-elect is committed to seeing that no American troops are deployed as part of policing this buffer zone; instead the Europeans should shoulder the burden:
Musk made money supplying comms equipment to Ukraine, paid for by the US taxpayers. Musk has also been working on “SpaceX Starshield” which is the military wing of StarLink … therefore he is one of those Warmonger Profiteers … just in case you were confused.
Bit of a long stretch Tel , Starlink itself is just a satellite communication entity and yeah might be used by military but also used by the public .
Hundreds of companies sell products to the military that are also non lethal such as rations , repair equipment etc , etc are these companies also warmonger profiteers ?
I understand starlink has a military association but Musk isn’t exactly selling explosive ordinance or WMD’s !
“Russian Forces Storm Major Donetsk Town Kurakhovo, as MSM Breaks With the Narrative and Starts Using Reporting by Military Bloggers To Try To Get Stories Right”
SITREP 11/8/24: Trump’s Arrival Throws Things Askew
Simplicius – Nov 09, 2024
Bloggers seem to have better info but there are dodgy ones from both sides , I would imagine there is a push to grab as much ground as possible by Putin before Trump takes office in January.
Trump will no doubt push both sides into a settlement although that might not be an easy task I hope he succeeds.
“Friday Funny: Scientists No Longer Concerned about “Climate Change” ”
“Ed Miliband’s Heating Bill Fairy Tale: A Cautionary Comedy of Leftist Delusion”
In comments there re the UK Labour Party
“They don’t seem like a real political party. They seem to be a civil service trade union political arm. The mechanism is, the party awards pay to the unions who then bung it back, or some of it, in the form of campaign contributions. Its old fashioned machine politics with British characteristics.
And with a sort of lunatic fringe of far-left activists, in this case with an obsession with getting to net zero because climate, though they never explain what the UK getting to net zero in generation is going to do for the climate. Liberal arts graduates grabbing at every crazed woke fashion out of America.”
Remind you of something else?
The Left’s obsession with race, ethnicity and religion is demonstrated with their commentary about JD Vance’s wife whom they refer to as an Indian-American even though she was born in San Diego.
I don’t think I have seen any conservative commentators care what race, ethnicity or religion she is.
One day she may be First Lady of the United States. Expect even greater Leftist racism and ethnicism by them about her then.
Here is a typical article.
There are grave doubts being muttered that Donald cannot end this war in 24 hours.
‘But in his plan to end the war, Trump suggested that Ukraine might have to cede territory to Russia to reach a peace deal, something Ukraine has rejected and US President Joe Biden never suggested.
‘Speaking to European leaders at a summit in Hungary, Zelenskyy blasted those urging him to give in to some of Putin’s hardline demands and urged Europe and the US not to loosen ties following the election of Trump.’ (Aljazeera)
Just follow the Minsk Agreements and let those people in the Eastern UKR vote and decide their own future. Then make Z the Clown have an Election for the rest of the UKR (he has currently suspended elections making him a Dictator).
Easy peasy.
It’s way too late to go back to the Minsk agreements.
The Russian negotiating strategy is never put back on the table anything that is equal to or better than something already rejected in the past. Given how they were burnt over Minsk I & II, with Merkel saying out in public this was never and agreement and only a delaying strategy … that’s it from the Russian perspective. Not going back.
I’m sure this is against some UN diktat about allowing communication between people, as well as a ban on talking to your friends not being good for childrens development.
“The agreement throws state support behind the federal government’s bid to impose the restrictions on as many social media platforms as possible, as well as YouTube…. The government is yet to publish the draft law but said it would be put to parliament in the fortnight beginning November 18, with plans to take up to a year to finalise the details. Key features of the regime will be imposed by regulation, which means parliament could vote to strike down the rules if there was any dispute about the details.”
So it will all be decided by the famous faceless bureaucrats, to make it impossible for any protesters to find out who is responsible. That how tyranny rolls these days..
“key details of the plan, including how to treat online gaming platforms that include chat features.” Yep, that could really screw them up!
“waiting for consultations with the tech companies… before deciding how to check the age of customers without breaching personal privacy.” Uh-huh.. We all know EVERYONE will need biometric ID before being allowed to use the net, just grow some balls and say it!
““We need to make sure that young people still have access to educational, to health needs.. mental health services,” and 100% pure Govt propaganda!
Well, it will make it much easier for the paedophiles to find the kids, they will only be allowed on a few sites!
You can bet that will include plenty of LGB and transgender, “climate change”, mRNA “vaccine” and anti-Trump, anti-Australian and anti-Western propaganda.
Albo=Sleazy called POTUS Elect Trump to congratulate the Republican on his victory, saying he “looked forward” to working with the president-elect on bilateral relations.
Did anyone else detect the hint of slime in the “on bilateral relations”? With albo at the helm and Kevin 07 on the rudder is a little “problematic”. If Rudderman had a shred of decency he would have resigned and been on his way to his other home in The UK by now to commiserate with legerdemain Heir Starmer by now!
Trump as President has the legal authority to expel diplomats.
If the $500,000 per year (+perks) Australian Ambassador to the US KRudd hasn’t done the honourable thing and resigned or the Australian PM has sacked (fired) him by the time Trump becomes President, I would love to see Trump expel him. So would most thinking Australians.
“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system that has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
“Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, and no secret is revealed.”
– John F Kennedy, Speech April 27, 1961
Let’s hope Trump doesn’t meet the same fate.
Let’s also hope the has-been “celebrities” that moved to the UK away from Trump have a good time under Starmer and looming Sharia law. 😆
As a young boy I recall many instances of ministers having to resign for naughty acts. In the current world every government action is done by hive mind and there is no individual responsibility. Simply restoring accountability would go a long way in establishing trust in governments. For example, look at the debacle of mandating “safe and effective” which turns out to be a complete waste in every respect. The Govt says “We follow ATAGI”,and sure as hell no-one hauls any of the ATAGI committee members past the keel. Pretending data exists when it doesn’t is overt malfeasance. So 99% of the Govt and 99% of the AHPRA registered medicos are DANGEROUS! (Welcome to the club, by the way!).
…and in the “good old days”, drugs were withdrawn if remotely suspect of being dangerous, not forced onto billions by spineless politicians, who threaten those daring to expose the truth.
Barry O’Farrell
43rd Premier of New South Wales and Minister for Western Sydney 2011–2014
On April 16, 2014, Barry O’Farrell, the 43rd Premier of New South Wales, Australia, resigned from his position amidst a corruption inquiry.
The catalyst for his resignation was a handwritten note, tendered as evidence, which revealed that he had accepted a $3000 bottle of red wine as a gift from the head of a company linked to the Obeid family. This contradicted his earlier testimony, where he denied receiving the wine.
Key Facts
. The wine was a 2002 Penfolds Grange, a rare and expensive bottle of red wine.
. O’Farrell had initially denied receiving the wine, claiming he did not recall it.
. The handwritten note, dated November 2011, thanked the wine’s donor for the gift.
. The corruption inquiry, led by the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), was investigating allegations of political donations and influence peddling.
. O’Farrell’s resignation marked the end of his tenure as Premier, effective immediately.
. His Deputy, Andrew Stoner, took over as Acting Premier until a new Premier was appointed.
The scandal led to widespread criticism of O’Farrell’s leadership and integrity.
The ICAC inquiry continued, with several other politicians and officials being investigated and charged in relation to the corruption allegations.
. O’Farrell’s resignation served as a reminder of the importance of transparency and honesty in public office.
. The scandal highlighted the need for stricter regulations on political donations and gifts in New South Wales.
. The incident also underscored the scrutiny and accountability that comes with holding public office, particularly in a corruption-prone environment.
??? Does the Australian Labor Party & AlboSleezy understand?
All that needs to be said at this stage: ‘We acknowledge the great loss of life, liberty, and happiness caused by Covid-19 and the response to it. We strongly recommend a Royal Commission of Inquiry to establish the division of causal responsibility between the disease and government policies, so that the perpetrators of mass public harms may be held accountable.’ But instead, we get misinfo legislation, MRNA factories and gongs on the chests of those who led the debacle
Yawn…7am in Antarctica
2000+ pages leaked form German CDC, Robert Koch Institute containing meeting minutes on covid from 2020-2023
A whistleblower obtained 10GB from Robert-Koch-Institute, the German CDC. This so-called RKI-Leak reveals that Covid was a scam from start to finish. The presentation took place in the second largest room of the German Bundestag, which is actually intended for committees of inquiry.
It’d be a terrible shame if this went public. 😆
The question is, which was/is the bigger and more profitable scam for the Elites (and economically and socially destructive for the rest of us), covid or anthropogenic global warming?
(Posted from Kathmandu.)
Are you in the queue for Mt Everest? Or something less challenging? I did EBC some 40 years ago. Exhilarating!
Can we do a voting with the thumbs up and down – maybe tomorrow? I’m for global warming – Covid was some short-term big bucks, but Climate Finance = All other Overseas Development Assistance back in 2010 – it’s longer-term and overall bigger bucks
It’s interesting that YouTube is still attaching WHO propaganda to videos about covid, even ones demonstrating that the “vaccines” were a scam.
This is the propaganda link they attach.
To the video in JC II’s first link.
This comment at The Real Slog seems to cover the situation :_
Australia Divided
‘These extreme conditions between the north and south occur because Heatwave conditions are spreading across the north of Western Australia, Northern Territory, and north-central Queensland.
‘On the order hand, cooler southerly winds leave the beginning of Sunday with temperatures below average in Tasmania, Victoria, southeast South Australia, and southwest Western Australia.’ (Weatherzone)
Fancy that.
Australia, the sixth largest country in the world, can have some parts which are hot, others which are cool.
I’m shocked! It must be (drum roll) “climate change”…
Scurrilous “limerickism” at ZH
Doctor Donald’s Amazing Ointment
Dear snowflakes, there’s no need to cry
just because you didn’t vote for that guy.
Although a nice thing to have –
is some good butt- hurt salve…
and be ‘liberal’ when you apply!
With transgenderism such a widespread cultic practice these days, what do you suppose the effect on babies of women who take male hormones and become pregnant is?
While some responsible ones stop taking testosterone if wanting to get pregnant, this is not always the case and pregnancy can still occur while taking testosterone.
It appears that research in this “sensitive” area is verboten judging from the lack of publications on the topic.
Poor babies!
I’m pretty sure we covered that in 300 level Psych. paper 50 years ago – Animal Behaviour/ Ethology.
Freemartinism comes to mind, as a similar phenomenon, in the case of a female embryo.
But clearly the behavioural system would not be developing in its expected hormonal environment.
Donald is considering his options.
‘A Republican operative said in an interview broadcast on Saturday that the Trump administration’s priority in Ukraine would be establishing peace and not restoring lost territory, including Crimea, though the US president-elect’s team later sought to distance him from the remarks.
‘Bryan Lanza, a long-time Republican strategist who was a contractor on Donald’s Trump’s 2024 campaign, told the BBC that the new administration would be asking Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for a “realistic vision for peace”. (SCMP)
Meh.. Trump has no leverage over Putin, the Yanks have tried everything to cripple Russia and it has all backfired. Any more stupid moves will just turn the rest of the world further against the Western power clique.
The best to hope for is allow the Ukies to vote if they want to be Russian or Ukrainian, disarm the whole place and never allow it an army or NATO presence, and get someone like Turkey to patrol it. Basically make it into a disarmed Switzerland. Russia keeps the Russian bits, the rest can integrate with the European economy and the West gets the hell out of it with their militaries.
Otherwise, Putin will just keep grinding on until he reaches Poland. The Ukies are short 10,000 draftees every month, so they cannot replace people being killed at the front, and the quality of the replacements they do have is falling all the time. Any bets on UK, German and American soldiers stepping in to replace them? Would we like to send a few thousand Aussie soldiers over there to die?
Global warning was supposed to push up wave heights around the world, massive fail.
BoM under pressure for squandering monies on a computer and bad seasonal forecasting which cost graziers income.
The Chief is wilfully being obstructive.
“We’ve got better and more reliable data and better forecasts and warnings we can provide to the community. ”
Lol! Promises.. promises…
The Silent MAJORITY Comes out of Hiding
“We were led to believe that conservative voices were the fringe minority across the United States. Trudeau in Canada used “fringe minority” to ostracize those who disagreed with him, and other nations will soon see that their people have also lost all confidence in their governments and will demand change.
Over 73 million Americans spoke with their vote this November and shocked the establishment by proving they disagree with their agenda. The media would like us to believe that Trump supporters are “deplorable,” “Nazis,” and “fascists” who are full of hate. They used divisive political rhetoric to make us see our neighbors as the problem rather than the government.
Trump supporters were demonized alongside him and forced into hiding for the past four years. People were genuinely worried about openly supporting Donald Trump. Look at the map above. There are not many indeed BLUE states, but rather, a bunch of big cities that want to tell the rest of America how to live. Americans are rejecting woke ideology, endless wars, endless government spending, and taxation, and yes, we noticed that our current president was mentally unfit for the job. Again, for the past four years, most Americans have secretly been questioning the direction of this nation and the Build Back Better agenda. Conservatives may now come out of hiding.”
The Silent MAJORITY Comes out of Hiding
“We were led to believe that conservative voices were the fringe minority across the United States. Trudeau in Canada used “fringe minority” to ostracize those who disagreed with him, and other nations will soon see that their people have also lost all confidence in their governments and will demand change.
Over 73 million Americans spoke with their vote this November and shocked the establishment by proving they disagree with their agenda. The media would like us to believe that Trump supporters are “deplorable,” “Na@is,” and “fascists” who are full of hate. They used divisive political rhetoric to make us see our neighbors as the problem rather than the government.
Trump supporters were demonized alongside him and forced into hiding for the past four years. People were genuinely worried about openly supporting Donald Trump. Look at the map above. There are not many indeed BLUE states, but rather, a bunch of big cities that want to tell the rest of America how to live. Americans are rejecting woke ideology, endless wars, endless government spending, and taxation, and yes, we noticed that our current president was mentally unfit for the job. Again, for the past four years, most Americans have secretly been questioning the direction of this nation and the Build Back Better agenda. Conservatives may now come out of hiding.”
“Over 73 million Americans spoke with their vote this November …”
I have no reason to doubt that the Democrats suppressed Republican votes and boosted their own by dodgy means, the wins across the board notwithstanding. That being the case, I now believe that Americans have been conned for quite some time, led to believe that conservatism and right wing values were on the decline when in fact they were as strong as ever. Now that they have glimpsed reality and feel the same ‘safety in numbers’ that lefties have enjoyed, they will be emboldened to point out that the emperor is butt naked.
“that the chairperson of the central committee of the People’s Party is a practising naturist”.
Donald Trump announcing new policies on free speech and misinformation regs. [video 6:36]
A dizzying array of changes being announced.
Jump to 1:25 in the video to hear the bit about mis- and dis-information.
Jump to 2:50 in the video to hear the part about changes to U.S. FCC Section 230 to demand high standards of neutrality in exchange for immunity as publishers.
I expect this will have a knock-on effect for Australian users of American services.
Unfortunately I can’t see Australian ACMA and eSafety commissioners being inspired to implement similar reforms here.
I’m not enjoying Twitter. Started back on it earlier this year. Very rare but I found something worth reading.
Lol! Its bad enough feeding out from the back of a farm truck in Walcha on a day like that, but at least the snow is only inches deep!
“Blue Norther (weather)”
“A Blue Norther, also known as a Texas Norther, is a fast moving cold front marked by a rapid drop in temperature, strong winds, and dark blue or “black” skies. The cold front originates from the north, hence the “norther”, and can send temperatures plummeting by 20 or 30 degrees in merely minutes.”
More at
That’s obviously Global Warming on the border with Mexico. Where is that methane? People in Australia have no idea of the extreme winters in America. You can get 1″ to 2″ of ice on the roads even in Texas!
Net zero watch have a new video on rumble
10 – they got oil to sell….
As well as the COP delegations – this going on too:
Germany’s coalition government is falling apart.
Yet they cannot have an early election to elect a stable government because of a shortage of paper to print ballot papers in Germany.
Wasn’t Kafka German?
Poland has offered to help out with paper, etc.
(P.S. I’m using a new email address)
Also a different avatar!