A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Before we were all engaged with the Net Zero part of agenda 2030, the problem of smoking was the previous one tackled with much gusto by the omnipresent moral busy bodies. Fiscal anti-smoking policies are part of the SDGs.
How that’s all going then?
(and yes, there is a slight change in lung cancer per 100,000 in over 40s, but this is more than offset by increases in all other cancers per 100,000 – if you die of another cancer before the lung cancer gets you, then not a lot of point to all this fuss, is there? If you just get shot in the crossfire of some tobacco gang war)
Everyone dies of something, eventually.
So if I were to smoke a packet a day, (some would say this would raise my chances of getting lung cancer), then I would be, on average, shortening my life. Effectively bringing the lung cancer portion of my potential death options closer to the present.
Given the data/probabilities of an adverse outcome, and the awful way of dying, out of breath, I elect to not smoke a packet a day.
Also…. at $2 a stick. I don’t think it offers value for money. And I’m still trying to think of the upside to that equation. But if you want to, then you can smoke. And thanks for the taxation support. Money well spent on gender reassignment and education……. Or not.
My Grandmother on my Mother’s side in England smoked like a chimney and died at age 87 years and not of lung cancer. My Mum is now 92 years old and still smokes 2 or 3 cigarettes a day rolling her own. I wonder what will knock her off the perch.
ME. I’ve never smoked so I will probably die of lung cancer. It’s a funny old World.
But emphysema is very nasty, take it from a retired ambo. People gasping for breath and lugging oxygen wherever they go, it’s not worth smoking.
“Rolling her own” – I sometimes wonder if the real damage lies not in the formulation of the sticks from the tobacco companies and not so much pure tobacco.
At $2 a stick, not many think there is great value, that is how we get tobacco wars – chop chop supply at far less a stick with no tax support (but highly profitable – the tax means that the chop chop is not being sold at a small, reasonable profit, just price low enough to be cheaper than the government insists upon, that can pay the risk of being busted or robbed.)
Current price I’m told is $35 for a box of 100 cigs , fairly rough cigs though usually and no idea if that includes tax , no one asks when they buy smokes anywhere if tax has been paid on that pack .
at $35 per 100 no tax has been paid
I’m shocked to hear that Yarpos !
When I was a kid (admittedly 45 years ago) you could buy a single fag from the milk bar for 6c.
Stick that inflation in your pipe and smoke it.
Mum used to send me up to the shop with 2 shillings to buy a packet of Viscounts. OMG!
Curiously, cancer deaths as a percentage can increase as the health system improves, ie, if fewer people die of other things. It all depends on where most progress is being made. The final total is always 100%. The ultimate statistic is longevity.
Until when – is there an ever increasing longevity? Are we really doing all this because we believe one day, people will live to 120?
The ages at which people die of old age haven’t shifted, so I’m not expecting longevity to go to 120. What I meant was that cancer deaths % is not a very good indicator of general health. Longevity, which has gone up phenomenally over the last century or so, is a better indicator.
Looking at the general state of the world and the current opinions expressed on social media, I can see that the previous Karen problem of lead in petrol making people dumb has been solved…
For the life of me I cannot fathom how the nitwits in charge of ciggie policy didn’t see this coming. A casual observer, I laughed at the massive price increases for cigs and told the TV out loud “Let’s watch what happens next”!
To be fair, the actual outcome has been a lot worse than I expected.
Well, predictably the left wing exploded so I shall buy the Guardian tomorrow to observe their wailing.
Kamala still hasn’t appeared to her followers concede defeat even though Trump was declared Victor around 9 hours ago. It makes her look even worse.
Some people admit to changing their minds
I got the impression last time around that Trump didnt really know where the Swamp was never mind how he was going to drain it. Presumably this time round he will know who to target
Yes the idea is he will act quickly because he knows the game. Word is they are preparing 300 or so Executive Orders for immediate release in Jan. Also he might actually go after alarmist science which was blocked last time on political grounds but this time he cannot run again so has nothing to lose politically. Might even tap Happer again to red team it.
Why would you reward this left wing rag for some morbid curiosity? The guardian will be increasingly irrelevant along with the UK under Starmer. The so-called news outlet deserves to die.
To read their concession speech.
Lighten up, mate.
“concession speech. ”
Mate , you’re dreaming.
Voting from DC. +90% democrat.
If that doesn’t tell you where the swamp is, then nothing will.
I think a small targeted expulsion of the existing crowd could easily be warranted.
“I think a small targeted explosion of the existing crowd could easily be warranted.”
Fair enough..
Ah, but what happened in Virginia? Would be interesting to see a break down by county. Maryland, well that’s a lost cause.
Arlington County….
and a few urban and military “heavy” populated areas
We now need a leader in Australia that understands the problems and can go after the swamp in Canberra.
We should be supporting Gerard Rennick and Malcolm Roberts etc.
Who else is out there that the MSM are cancelling?
We don’t have a republic, so Rennick and Roberts will remain isolated.
Dutton should win the next election fairly comfortably if he can shake out the warminista among his ranks. That goes for the Nats as well, they have a hopeless leader, the party needs someone who has the charismatic authority of Donald Trump.
Maybe import Milei – he seems to know how to sort them out.
Presumably this time round he will know who to target
Enter JD Vance. Keep your friends close and your “frenemies” closer.
In Britain, Europe, Australia and now it seems, America, it seems that very many people can’t afford to buy their own homes until much later in life
Nothing of course to do with the unprecedented number of migrants who obviously need to live somewhere and compete for rental and permanent homes.
In the USA, a new pickup truck can cost over $60,000 with another 10% for taxes, fees, and license. Interest rates are over 6%. Part of the high cost is to make-up the loss on EVs. That amounts to 2X the cost of our first house in 1972. I was 28.
Salaries have gone up to. Apparently not as fast as costs. I don’t need a new house or a new truck, so have not been paying much attention.
UK Farmers are now to pay 20% inheritance taxes on land/buildings value of the farm over £1 million. Reason given is that there are wealthy people hiding inheritances in farmland.
For family farms, scuse the pun, this is a death knell.
No productive farm in the UK will be valued at less than the million. According to Charles Mallet on UK column, when you strip out grants and subsidies, average annual income per full-time UK farmer is £16,000. Dunno where they would be able to find the funds to pay taxes to pay during inheritance? If the kids stay, the farm will accumulate liens.
The land value of a farm matters little to a farmer in the scheme of their life, except when it comes to financing big investments / improvements – adding to the overall value of the plot will be a consideration. But, if this is just going to leave tax burden for the kids, the investments and major improvements will not happen.
This was done with the Popery Act of 1704 to destroy Ireland and the farms of Irish Catholics, forcing them distribute farms equally among their large families. Which made them instantly non viable and worthless. It worked brilliantly. No primo geniture for Catholics. Or family trusts. Or co-ops.
The aim of this tax is not revenue. As you point out, there is no revenue. It will destroy the farms. Rather this is about destroying agriculture under the pretext of Climate Change. And growing useless trees not food. NASA has indirectly shown that growing trees does not reduce CO2. But that’s not the real objective.
It is a War on the West and the food supply, operated by priviliged politicians and public servants who have never seen a farm or a factory or driven a truck or tractor or actually had to make a living by hard work or grow any food. And it is designed by cosseted public servants with more loyalty to Brussels than to their own country. A fifth column inside Whitehall. No BREXIT for them. And similarly in the EU with the attack on fertilizer in the Nederlands, the most productive farmers in Europe. The fertilizer ban destroyed Sri Lanka. For a good cause? No.
The current attack in Australia at present is a hidden and massive 35% Carbon Tax on every source of CO2, CH4. All travel, trucking, factories, farms. Even sewage. Same logic. It will come to the UK. And it is not a tax, not a carbon tax. It is robbery aimed to destroy Western democracies. Power supplies and farming. Crippling. It’s what your enemy would do first.
My hope is that we see a major shift with Donald Trump and his rejection of the absurdity of 36 years of man made Climate Change as something which is real. It’s completely unproven science but a very real and present danger to Western democracies. From the enemy within.
Unfortunately we are up for a few more years of Labour government in UK, while the areas with significant farming are generally Conservative – and even when sick of the Tories, go LibDem (large swathes of Somerset are now Orange). So I’m afraid the current government are going to give the farmers a hiding.
I reckon you are right about Climate Change being behind this move – large parts of Somerset are also identified as ‘suitable’ for wind / solar power. The wealthy will find other places to stash their wealth – the revenue is going to be minimal, and tough to collect.
They will buy into tree farms on your land. This is the way theft is legitimized while shutting down agriculture. Money for growing trees to save the planet. Zero work. And returns the UK to the land before humans. Useless. While laundering the carbon taxes as valuable planet saving carbon credits which have to be paid by carbon criminals like farmers and manufacturers and truckers. You will be given no choice.
Corporations don’t pay inheritance tax. But presumably most family farms operate under a company name, so maybe this is just virtue-signalling flag-waving by government not a serious proposal.
And the share in the corporation will have a value. So it is hit by inheritance tax. A discretionary family trust might be different. But it would end in court. The taxman wants the money.
‘Democracy is hijacked’: Anti-oil activists take credit for spray-painting US Embassy in London over Trump victory, ‘fascism’
Everyone else is a Fascist except black shirted violent thugs who want to destroy society. It’s textbook Marxist social disruption to bring on their dream revolution. And empowers the fringe dwellers who have the time and money and disdain for work to lecture everyone else on their economic chastity and godless morality. You don’t see them in Tianamen square protesting against the country which produces nearly half the world’s CO2.
With…paint products…derived from oil…
credit? it used to be called blame.
Unless I give it my vote, it is undemocratic!
Apparently “democracy” was very high on the agenda in the US election. It may have achieved the #1 ranking issue.
The problem was that the Democrats believed they owned “democracy” but the polls showed that republicans felt they needed to defend their ownership of democracy.
Somewhere I read that if the word bureaucracy is substituted in place of democracy lots of dem things make a lot more sense.
Well done Mr Trump.
Now in Australia all we need do is to boot out Airbus Albo, Blackout Bowen, Wenny Pong, Dim Chalmers and all the other Marxists.
And give the KRudd the boot as well.
It’s worldwide. The battle is engaged in the Nederlands, France, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Sweden and now the US. The fightback. It hasn’t started in Australia.
And nowhere is it more important than in the only democratic superpower, the US. We have had Pax Americana for 80 years after WWII, despite the best efforts of warmongers. It has been a Golden Age. And the military industrial complex hate it. They will be fuming with the closing of the current wars on Israel and Russia and the end of the rivers of cash. I cannot wait for the wars to end, senseless wars. Wars are always about greed wrapped in good intentions and promoted by those who benefit.
The Left and their Elite masters will be devastated by the outbreak of peace which will happen under Trump.
Hopefully the existence of the UN / WEF in their current forms & “ leadership “ are high on the agenda of Trumps “ to do “ list!!
Trump is a firm supporter of “Peace through Strength”. He will build the US defence force to dissuade foreign powers from attacking either the US or its friends. The defence contractors will continue to make tanks and planes but maybe less profitably. Usage of arms and ammunition will be down of course but so will casualties.
War is definitely caused by humans.
Haven’t you seen ‘The Birds’
Boy, that ages me.
Was that the documentary or the Hitchcockian horror – I’ve never trusted seagulls after seeing that film as a child, what with their beady little eyes and squawking shrill voices… somewhat like She Who Lost.
Dick Smith – still sold on climate change, but still able to run the numbers to see renewables are not the answer:
Of course. Who can blame him? When have you ever read man made CO2 driven Global Warming ridiculed in the press? Forget four hundred years of Rational Science. It’s the new world of Consensus Science.
So Foxy Loxy and Loosey Goosey and Cocky Locky and Ducky Lucky and Turkey Lurkey all agree with Henny Penny/Chicken Little. The sky is falling! Send money.
Thank you TdeF. I will use that in my usual diatribe to Letters to the Editor (some of which are published and it seems more likely with time – and less from the Greens).
Transition …. wind turbines just about everywhere;
Hopefully a new government and a reduction of subsidies might see that number reduced. Take away subsidies and the mandate to buy renewable energy and there would be no more wind turbines or solar panels.
Call me a pessimist but until Kamala validates the election results and Trump is sworn in, I feel there are still ways to derail the process.
One only has to see that the Democrats do the very things they accuse their opponents of, to know that there are enough loonies in their ranks willing to do whatever it takes to “protect democracy”.
I do hope I am wrong.
Yeah, I don’t think The Blob has surrendered yet.
But the people won’t put up with it this time.
I said it above but I’ll say it again, put “bureaucracy” in the place of “democracy” and lots of things make a lot more sense.
Maybe, but winning the popular vote and both houses makes game playing a very dangerous business and makes it tricky to play the “our democracy” card.
And in case you missed it, Donald Trump’s statement that Joe Biden hated Kamala has been borne out in Biden’s statement that Republican voters are garbage but even more dramatically in Jill Biden’s outfit on her way to vote. Is there a message? The grin says it all.
Kamala still holds that she could have won and has still not conceded. And Joe/Dr. Jill think they could have won. What is truly amazing is that in the entire Democratic party, they could not have found a better candidate than either? But I guess Obama/Clinton/Pelosi/Schumer/Xi didn’t want a strong, competent, experienced, independent minded candidate.
Kamala Harris simply had NO policies. She could not even answer any question put to her. A complete waste of space.
The Democrats have been put back in the box. Just lock the box and throw away the key.
And encase the box in marine engine sound proofing.
Kamala had no ability, no knowledge, no experience, no logic. I did not hear a single statement which made sense. And looking at her past, she ducked every exam, plagiarized and used the push for DEI to get to the top. Especially as a female.
The whole point of the movement for more professional jobs for women was that they are equal in intelligence and ability and need equal opportunity.
It does a great disservice to this movement to give women a job only because they are women. This new view of positive discrimination is a disaster for everyone. It even happens in surgery. Do you really want a less competent surgeon or pilot of Captain because they are from a minority group? This happens, as with the sinking of the NZ navy ship on a coral reef! It should be equal opportunity, not equal outcomes as is now the demand in corporations and universities and professional bodies.
Kamala really redefined the Peter Principle. She was so far above her level of competence it must be a world record. Henceforth perhaps the Kamala Principle. Or was it that Kamala was precisely what her employers wanted to replace senile old Joe?
Sky broadcast three of her presentations to rallies simultaneously and her words and body language were almost identical
Apparently her best fried runs Disney and brought in trainers, so Kamala is now an actress. Except her gifts are hand waving, a small range of facial expressions and circular statements she can remember. Looking sincere is a strain, so she ends with a cackle. I assume she developed that in childhood. Which hasn’t ended.
100% correct.
Even when women are promoted based on their ability alone, there will be people who will wonder if they were promoted not because of their skills but because of their sex.
I had male and female bosses during my career.
My best boss was a female. She knew her job well.
My worst boss was also a female. She was promoted partly because she was a female. Her skills were not up to par.
It’s after eight and Kamala has conceded and, for Kamala, in a measured and honorable way.
As you all will know soon, Kamala has conceded. The work begins for Trump and co. On the other hand, his enemies may well proceed with lawfare against him. But they will only incur further dissent in the US.
Trump is the President America deserves
I think you are being sarcastic because you are a Leftist, but it is nevertheless true that America deserves Trump. He will cast away the Marxism that has infiltrated all her institutions and social and moral decay and return America to her foundation principles, “one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”.
Finally! Now to dump Albo and his band of Woke flogs and get a Government we deserve.
And fortunately, most American’s greed.
Sadly Australia has no one of Trump’s ilk on offer in the two party system.
I think he is the President they need at the moment. There is much to repair.
“If Women Ran The World”
“The entire girl boss “I’m speaking” campaign sends a man out to speak for her on election night.
Perfection. 10/10″
Given the Demon-rat’s electoral fraud, I wonder what the REAL margin is that Trump won by?
It is already 292 Trump vs 224 to the DEI candidate.
How many more votes would Trump have got if it was an honest election?
I think it happened too fast, the states were declared before they could get organised. The total votes cast for each candidate was “normal” unlike the 80m + for Biden last time round.
It certainly makes the numbers for 2020 look out-of-kilter.
Whilst Trump has much to do – cleansing the Augean (sp?) Stables may not compare – it would be nice if there was a definitive overview of the 2020 election (in WuFlu, I know), so we all learn whether there was fr4ud . . . And, if do, how much.
But down the list of priorities.
I can’t wait until all the anti-Trump Hollyweirdos who promised to leave the United States if Trump was elected do so. Just like they promised at the last Trump election…
Perhaps Elon Musk, who will be part of the Trump Administration (and working for free), can send them to Mars on his Starship? They would be no use to any country on earth and not wanted
>can’t wait until all the anti-Trump Hollyweirdos who promised to leave the United States
Some of them said they want to come here.
Hey we’re already full thanks. We’ve already got more than our fair share of woke idiots.
Hollywood is imploding anyway in a business sense anyway. I guess a few may frame their departure in terms of Trump. Why not make a necessity into a bit of virtue signalling for your lefty bubble mates?
What have you got against Martians, David – we don’t want to upset our close neighbours and besides, their 96% atmospheric CO2 could be turned into a Death Ray and aimed at the White House (or was that from a BBC ‘climate election update’?).
And what’s that whining sound I hear… could it be all those actors/singers/fakirs* who so wanted to save the planet they’re cranking up their private jets to get the heck out of Dodge before the sheriff rides back into town?
Congratulations USA, done well, even though you’ve still got Jaded Joe and his Puppeteers in kontrol until Jan 6 2025… two months to go… good luck.
Private executive jet aircraft being warmed up?
PLEASE no Springsteen, no J_Lo, no Streisand, no Miley, and certainly NO Pelosi, Shumer, nor any of their cast of a thousand shysters. Hint: Canada’s just over the border and I’m sure Justine will welcome them with open ***s.
Seems that Trudeau’s “welcoming arms” have got shorter lately
Plus hairdressers, middle management, PR people…
Golgafricham awaits!
Tree leaves as currency… oh wait, we have that already!
Whingers, Harry and Megain are purchasing a USD 5 mill property in Portugal. Maybe in anticipation of Trump cancelling his US visa.
“Perhaps Elon Musk, who will be part of the Trump Administration (and working for free), can send them to Mars on his Starship? They would be no use to any country on earth and not wanted”
Being Musk he would of course name the spaceship the B Ark.
We miss you Douglas Adams!
Will Trump’s second exit from the Paris Accords encourage others to do so?
Sadly, I think it will have no effect on the more fanatically woke WEF and UN following countries like Australia. We remain committed to complete economic destruction from “green” energy.
China is by far the world’s largest CO2 emitter, at least twice as large the next biggest emitter, the United States and rapidly increasing. No complaints from the Left about that.
Many European countries (excluding some politicians and Climate “Scientists”) want to change. Even Germany the population want change and will vote out the current lot along with the EU bureaucrats as soon as they are able.
Germany is in depression and desperately needs cheap natural gas to revive. They might get it from the resergent frakking industry in the USA or possibly from Russia (if the war is finished). There is still one unused Nordstream pipeline available.
The Dutton Plan for nuclear power stations;
Nuclear is fine, but the only reason he believes in that is that he’s still an anthropogenic global warming fraud true believer.
Nuclear, gas, or coal, the only decisor should be the economics of a given situation.
And he hasn’t said he’ll cancel the Paris Agreement.
‘Peter Dutton has escalated the climate wars by declaring the Coalition will not release its 2030 emissions reduction target until after the next election, while also accusing the pro-climate teals of being closet Greens who are out of touch with their voters.’ (AFR)
Our existing arrangement with wind/solar farmers giving them priority access to the market and RECs which are a simple wealth transfer would make any nuclear power station little more than a firming tool for the ruinable industry thus unviable. If we correct that, coal would again be king.
Expanding our gas pipes with OC gas firming is our best option until our fundamentally flawed system is scrapped.
I do not believe that Peter Dutton or many of his collegues are net zero believers, they are however caught in a global developed United Nations member nations trap that has many other triggers to encourage participation.
The nuclear plan is quite clear that zero emissions nuclear reactor is a better option by far than wind and solar with all the add on equipment.
Nuclear is unnecessary because CO2 doesn’t cause global warming and of course there are the political hurdles which involves the states.
Good strategy by Dutton, flying the nuclear kite, it leaves the green/left struggling to get a grip.
Sounding just like the lefties. It isnt 100% my way so its no good. Couldn’t we just support the plan in a positive way and keep working on the rest?
Too many here reject the good because it isn’t perfect. I vote for the lesser evil.
It is rarely mentioned that PM Morrison at the Glasgow Climate Conference refused to sign a net zero emissions agreement despite pressure to sign from the UK and US leaders, instead he said Australia would have “an aspirational goal” subject to development of new technology and without damaging the economy.
The political problems presented by climate change hoax agenda has been pressure applied by a majority of UN member nations for cooperation and this extends into many areas including trade and foreign affairs relationships. For example, PM Abbott was not an emissions reduction target believer and he tried hard to convince his Cabinet that the lowest possible target must be presented at the Paris Conference 2015 but PM Turnbull replaced Abbott before the Paris Conference was held in November-December 2015, and Turnbull Government signed and later ratified the agreement.
After the first Kyoto Japan Climate Conference the Howard Government was cautious and mindful of the impact on the economy, for example their “renewable energy” proposal was based on a trial only basis leaving it to the private sector to participate or not. Also, the emissions reduction target was exceeded and Australia was one of the few signatory nations that did achieve or do better than agreed target.
Note that the Dutton Plan for zero emissions nuclear power stations on existing power station locations and using the existing transmission grid does not favour wind and solar, but obviously provides for them in the mix because they exist already. Dutton Plan concentrates on seven nuclear power stations large and a couple of small plants and gas generators, with existing coal fired power stations for as long as they can be maintained and operated, and after that decisions yet to be announced.
I hope that the next Liberal-National-LNP Government can escape from net zero emissions politics and get on with future economic prosperity growth.
D M – a question to speculate on
Had Harris won to which country do you think Musk would have moved SpaceX?
I think he did say the project has its ups and downs.
New Zealand might beat us as their Minister for Mines is determined to dig more coal. He says Indonesian coal is dirty and ours is too dear so they will dig their own.
Shane Jones, Dalmatian Maori Welshman, with his feet firmly planted on the ground (though he does wax overtly Shakespearean on occasion) is continuously on the receiving end of the gay Greens’ opprobrium: thankfully his worldly sense of humour – and commonsense – sends the non-binaries whimpering back into their corner.
NZ First’s mantra: Mine, baby, MINE!
You would think we could come to some sort of agreement with our Kiwi cousins re coal, you know , for the planet and all. Lord knows, we are happy to sell the Chinese cheap LNG for decades, why not discounted coal across the Tasman??
Odd. There is coal from Kalimantan that is promoted as EnviroCoal because of it’s quality. It was owned by BHP last time I read of it. › pages › read › 6 › 0
From our South Kalimantan mine’s three pits we produce one of the world’s cleanest coals, trademarked Envirocoal. It is a sub-bituminous, moderate calorific value coal producing ultra-low sulphur, ash and NO x emissions. We are proud of our track record over the two decades that we have…….
This looks a high cost operation though.
Thank God we are to be unburdened by what could have been.
It appears Trump will get Arizona to take his college votes to 312.
I posted this link last Sunday that predicted 312:
Just lucky or unbiased assessment of the polling?
I thought over 300 was most likely and there were almost no surprises and also that there are a few combinations which would lead to 312. The big questions on the night were Georgia and Pennsylvania. When they fell it was over. I am sure Walz was a bad choice, but then it was Xi doing the choosing. And if ever there was a Manchurian Candidate, it was Tim Walz.
Walz is from Minnesota not Wisconsin.
And Trump only made minor inroads in Minnesota so Walz’s selection may have made some difference in that State.
Rats! I often get those two states confused.
I posted the same elsewhere. That was the prediction for a couple of months from non-network bloggers such as Red Eagle and Depressed Ginger.
Rasmussen was consistent, hardly changing their data which is how it should be. I suspect the electorate was far more viscous than normal – You had TDS or you didn’t so 95% of the advertising was wasted.
One of Trump’s highest priorities should be to encourage or if possible legislate nation-wide electoral reform plus standards to ensure one person, one vote, no illegals or non-citizens vote, electoral rolls are valid with no dead people, non-citizens or illegals, ban electronic voting machines, ban mail-in or mail-out votes unless for the disabled or other legitimate reasons for not being able to attend a polling place plus such votes have to be applied for and are not automatic. Etc.. These rules theoretically apply in Australia where voting is mostly considered honest although we still have appalling quality candidates (with one handful of exceptions).
The problem is definitely the candidates. With very few exceptions, the candidates picked to represent us are possibly the worst fit imaginable.
On the left, the candidate is often a union organiser, a union lawyer or a person with a degree in political studies who has worked in the offices of a former member, etc, etc.
On the right, we seem to have lawyers, rarely a businessman, rarely a person with management skills beyond organising tea and coffee for the office boardroom.
Until this is fixed it really doesn’t matter which team gets in. And the party theme, well that’s just a method of dividing any decent picks across multiple teams. The only thing it guarantees is that 50% of the better candidates will be silenced simply for being on the other side. You wouldn’t discard 50% of your better players when selecting a junior sports team, so why the hell would you try to run a country like this.
I think we need to replace the selection committees, that’s where the problem lies. I’m sick of a candidate being picked because of DEI or because they cross dress, being woke is not an exclusive path for leadership. So why are we burdened by them?
And the JFK files, purge the FBI, CIA, CDC, FDA, release the Epstein lists…
So much to do, so much fun to have!
If only.
Just like the man himself a few months ago, we all dodged a bullet, literally and figuratively.
I doubt getting shot changed any haters’ minds but that pic with his fist in the air under the flag would have impressed more’n a few waverers.
In a less polarised environment peanut would have convinced some of the evils of government overreach.
I wonder if the Demon-rats think they should have kept Joe? I bet those who told Joe what to think and say, wife Jill and Barack Hussein are upset.
I’m thinking that the democrats are wishing that they’d kept it like the old days….. “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics”
I guess the threat of jail really did bite this time. A decent audit can still find out who organised 2020. That should be job number one. After that, work out who actually was the president for the last term. It wasn’t Biden, he couldn’t manage the issues domestically, (as in at home), let alone for a nation.
If they all owned up to his condition and got him out earlier , an more capable candidate could surely have been found. They placed themselves in a convoluted mess with an incompetent DEI VP choice, and now reap the consequences.
Agreed, but was there a better candidate ready at the time? I seriously doubt they will be able to find a JFK/Clinton style democrat in four years.
Whoever the candidate he/she would have run the same race: I’m not Trump who is H1tler! It is all they had.
Will US subsidy harvesters now be pulling out of wind and solar plantation projects?
Will real investors now start building or upgrading real power stations such as coal, gas and nuclear plants (most hydro sites are already exploited)?
As taking place in Australia now.
In the last two months of the Biden-Harris-Obama Maladministration, I hope they don’t do anything to sabotage Trump or encourage riots and other Leftist violence.
The one thing which is certain is that there will be lots of bad guys covering their tracks, attempting to lay lots of booby traps and attempting to set up moles in the new administration.
And I will be mightily relieved when (if) the house majority it called.
My guess is that the mostly peaceful riots and violence will be minimal this time around.
I don’t understand why they don’t go into a caretaker mode. In 2016 Obama agreed with Aus [Rudd?] to take some of our most troublesome boat people. I’m sure it was an act of b@stardry.
I don’t think China will dare invade Taiwan with Trump in power although thanks to Obama and a weak West, they have already consolidated their takeover of the South China Sea.
My crystal ball says they will keep inviting Taiwan to surrender, or else.
Doubt if they really want to anyway.
An actual invasion of Taiwan would be a bigger undertaking than D Day. China’s military is a decade short of having that strength but their economy will collapse before then.
Unrestricted unconventional warfare will continue unabated.
Elon Musk not censoring free speech of Leftists or Conservatives on X like the previous Leftist owners did for Conservatives and even Trump himself certainly helped make for a fairer election than it otherwise would have been.
The Left are terrified of free speech.
They’re terrified of others’ free speech, as per that woman Head Mistress Ardern [she ain’t no dame] who’ll be reconsidering her free-lunch future in Boston now that her team lost.
God bless Donald Trump and his team. I can only wish he stays in good health and achieves what he has set out to achieve. He should have senate support with a GOP majority of 4 and there is some indication there will be a GOP house majority as well.
I am hopeful that RFK jr will carve a memorable and long-lasting impact on improving health across the USA and world.
I look forward to observing the rise of JD Vance.
Unburdened by what has been, it seems a convicted felon is now celebrating his victory over a former criminal prosecutor.
Oh the humiliation…
We are now unburdened from Kamala Harris…….Thanks Mr Trump and the thinking USA’n public.
Yes, I was genuinely surprised. I was expecting more ballots than people, and all of them voting for Kamala….
I just listened to the concession speech knowing that I will never again have to hear her [won’t need to use her name even] but it wasn’t a good one. It was really a battlecry, warning the (R)s that they will fight them every inch of the way, not a lot of cooperation promised.
Has Harris been condemned to history now?
Or can she rise from the ashes of defeat to take on JD Vance or DeSantis or ?? in 2028?
The west has been hobbled by Climate Porn™ for most of this century. It is a fad that may have just taken a fatal hit.
Imagine how rapidly economies can turn around when wasteful activities are put aside and replaced with productive activities.
I just don’t see a future outside of academia.
Testing time×800.jpg
Breaking: Germany’s government just collapsed
Germany’s governing coalition collapsed on Wednesday, as Chancellor Olaf Scholz fired his finance minister and announced a confidence vote that is widely expected to fail and to pave the way to early elections in March.
The news from Europe’s largest economy added a huge jolt of uncertainty on a day when much of the world’s attention was focused on the outcome of the U.S. election.
“I would have liked to have spared you this difficult decision,” Scholz said at the chancellery Wednesday night. “Especially in times like these, when uncertainty is growing.”
It has to hurt German’s left to realise that the US left has fallen. It is a huge win for economic sanity.
However, I think Germany is close to terminal decline. They have sold their manufacturing soul to China. It will be a long, hard road back.
So has the UK. They no longer make steel, only reheat it in electric arc furnaces run by American wood pellets. The British/German industrial revolution has ended. The people are more scared of Global Warming than world war. Which is very odd if you have been either place in winter.
It’s not easy being green.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr
“FDA’s war on public health is about to end. This includes its aggressive suppression of psychedelics, peptides, stem cells, raw milk, hyperbaric therapies, chelating compounds, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamins, clean foods, sunshine, exercise, nutraceuticals and anything else that advances human health and can’t be patented by Pharma. If you work for the FDA and are part of this corrupt system, I have two messages for you: 1. Preserve your records, and 2. Pack your bags.”
Won’t have to pack much – prisons supply the clothing.
No doubt it also means the end of this gender surgery and hormonal drugs insanity foe children. Strike off every single “professional” engaged in these attrocities.
The statement was posted on X:
I was hoping to see him making a statement.
Two things stood out in this election for me. RFK Jr supporting Trump so I hope he gets a big role in the new administration. RFK Jr has been a victim of big Pharma like no other. Harris suggesting to a supporter of the Lord that he was in the wrong place.
It was really Faustie Big Pharma) who set the wheels in motion for Trump’s first term coming to a bad end.
Kennedy and Trump are on the same wave length.
‘Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump are reportedly facing serious threats related to their plans to release classified UFO documents. Filmmaker Mark Christopher Lee, known for his film The King of UFOs, suggests that the president may be in danger of another assassination attempt to prevent the disclosure of top-secret government files about extraterrestrial life.’ (News X)
There are no plausible unidentified flying (or other) objects made by extraterrestrial intelligent lifeforms. There are more important issues to investigate.
Whenever I think about this, which is rare, I wonder how a society can be so advanced that they can travel millions of light years across galaxies to find our tiny speck of dirt during a space pilot’s term of engagement which one thinks of as being no more than 10% of his lifespan, and then crash his bloody spaceship when he gets here. If they don’t crash, what is in Area 51.
Surely you have thought about this too.
“how a society can be so advanced that they can travel millions of light years across galaxies to find our tiny speck of dirt during a space pilot’s term of engagement which one thinks of as being no more than 10% of his lifespan, and then crash his bloody spaceship when he gets here.”
They were teenagers out for a night on the town! Maybe they were criminals on the run in a stolen spaceship.. No, they got drunk that night and made a mistake. Perhaps they were aliens who do things completely unintelligible to us, so we can never understand why it happened.
just think, it may have taken them an hour to get here, and seeing we are not space-going and far too dangerous to the civilised universe, we are off-limits and no-one is allowed to visit.
Excellent article by Konstantin Kisin.
The child of Russian emigres who came to the United Kingdom he talks a huge amount of sense.
Sadly, save for a small minority of Westerners, only people who have lived under a left wing regime fully appreciate just how truly evil the Left really is.
Problem is a lot of them think the opposite of all those points. But still, enough do to keep it alive.
The African-American, Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, is a classic example of what America is all about.
Nordstream gone, job done I reckon
Sorry – meant as reply on 27
Not quite. One of the two Nordstream 2 pipelines is apparently undamaged.
These would have carried over twice the flow rate as the original Nordstream 1 pipelines (destroyed) so Germany might still get (after checks/maintenance) as much gas as before (unless some idiot wants to destroy them).
Incidentally Germany still gets some Russian gas coming by overland pipelines (through Ukraine and then on by other countries).
Liberal tears galore
A tad sad at the very end. Reminded me that a few Nw York officials need to be spend time behind bars. Deliberately killing an animal in Tasmania can get you 15 years in jail.
Loved the Elon appearance.
Comedy is all about timing and that video had good timing.
I trust Biden will inflict the ultimate humiliation on Harris by resigning and installing her as POTUS for the remaining 50+ day
He has already given the job to Dr Jill who has chaired a cabinet meeting.
Cybercrooks are targeting Bengal cat lovers in Australia
Fresh from a series of serious reports detailing its five-year battle with Chinese cyberattackers, Sophos has dropped a curious story about users of a popular infostealer-cum-RAT targeting a niche group of victims.
Around since 2014, Gootloader has been one of the most popular malware strains of its kind. It’s used as an infostealer or at times a malware dropper acting as a precursor to other attacks like ransomware.
Sophos began a “broad threat hunting” investigation into the malware after a new variant popped up in March, finding signs that these tactics were being used to target individuals who searched: “Are Bengal cats legal in Australia?” and similar queries.
In one example, the researchers showed how the first website returned following a search engine query – an SEO-poisoned forum – containing posts with hyperlinked text. When clicked, this immediately led to the download of a suspicious ZIP file, which executed the first stage of the malware’s payload.
Well, that’s different!
Although I’m an Abyssinian man myself, I expect those Bengalese owners are all the Left-wing Teals, whiny renewables supporters crying over Trump winning and who richly deserve whatever Gootloader brings them!
Kamala resorts to southern preacher accent for final speech. Lol!! Goodbye clown.
I am looking forward to the end of Kamala Harris in the press and to enjoy the future unburdened by Kamala, a has been.
It is amazing how deluded people are. Girls crying on the internet “my freedom will be gone tomorrow”; “I will be a slave tomorrow!”
Just astonishing, living in hallucination. And this is the mainstream.
To which my reply is “good”.
If an election result causes you to imagine that anything will happen the day after, then you are a prisoner of your own fevered imagination.
I awoke this morning with a most light feeling in my arteries – Dem COP Climateers’ days are numbered, ie. 60 until the changeover, all going well – plus the sun was shining and I could smell summer on the breeze.
Flicking on the radio, however, and scrolling through the endless ‘owned’ stations, it was as if their favourite aunty had died: doom gloom wah-wah. The ‘media’ is an odd beast. Good riddance.
It make a refreshing difference to the world is exploding with Climate Change hysteria. And hysteria seems to affect young women far more than men. I thought women and men were identical in this new world? In which case why does anyone need a sex change operation?
And I am pleased to be done with this expert predictor of US elections, Allan Lichtman. Every search brought up his infallible prediction of a Harris win.
But he was like the amazing Iowa poll which was splashed world wide and showed Harris points ahead. Against all facts and history. Amazing. Again a ‘reliable’ expert with private polling.
Both ridiculous, they demonstrated the complete subservience of the media to the Democrat spin machine. Front page fake news on demand.
Lichtman – another fake “expert” who gets it wrong.
Did he predict Kamala ending $20 million in debt, (but the campaign raised over $1 billion)?
Dutton Plan – link further up ^^^
Australia is facing a huge gap in its ability to provide reliable and affordable electricity.
In 2023, fossil fuels contributed 63% of Australia’s electricity, and renewables contributed 37%. Solar and wind have been growing and will continue to play an increasingly important role in our energy mix.
However, there are limitations, because these energy sources only produce electricity when the wind is blowing and the sun is shining. And though we can store some of this energy in batteries or dams, storing very large amounts of electricity is very expensive.
Australia needs an energy system that supplies the right amount of energy all the time. Failure to do so results in blackouts and higher energy bills.
Our economy and the essential services we rely on, such as hospitals, telecommunications, water and sewerage and public transport cannot function without electricity that is 100% reliable.
While the percentage of coal in our energy mix has steadily declined, it continues to provide essential baseload power.
This means consistent electricity, around the clock – including when the sun doesn’t shine or the wind doesn’t blow.
Under Labor, 90% of this 24/7 baseload power will be forced out of our energy grid by 2035, without any guarantee of a like-for-like replacement.
The Australian Energy Market Operator is warning of the increased risk of reliability gaps, meaning blackouts or brownouts. Power bills have increased by up to $1,000 more than the Albanese Government promised.
Labor’s all-eggs-in-one-basket ‘renewables only’ approach wrongly assumes that one technology class alone can do the job.
Yet Labor’s renewable energy target – 82% renewables by 2030 – is considerably behind schedule. Labor’s climate target of 43% emissions reduction by 2030 has become unachievable.
A plan is needed to reduce power prices and secure clean, cheap and consistent energy for Australians.
“A squirrel ran across the stage while everyone was waiting for Kamala’s concession speech. ”
Brings meaning to the diversionary phrase “Look over there, it’s a squirrel.”
Australia’s misinformation bill passed
So.. the BOM, TGA, ABC and govt can no longer lie? Woo hoo!😉
I think you misunderstand how this will work.
“the BOM, TGA, ABC and govt can no longer lie? Woo hoo!”
Of COURSE they exempted themselves from it… You’ve got as much chance of prosecuting that first ugly bitch who ran NZ and was caught doing 160kph in a 100kph zone.. Helen Whatsaname, now some big-noter at the UN, in a rush to catch a plane to see a rugby game..
Laws are made by THEM for US, not for them to obey!
“We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans”
“Shares in wind energy firms plunged on Wednesday as a presidential victory for Donald Trump would mean that the US will likely prioritize fossil fuels over renewables.”
Graphs and more at
Now the Left are going after coffee…to save the planet…
The BS just never ends…
Just put the CO2 into my beer for more bubbles.
I saw a man in the street today. White hair, frail thin skin. Walking with his wife. Late 70s perhaps but fixed gaze, walking along the street like a robot. Not swinging his arms or turning his head freely. Moved his eyes for conversation. The look, the stiff gait, the slightly bent arms. I am sure an aged care worker or doctor would have diagnosed Joe Biden disease instantly. Senility if not Parkinsons. And this is still hidden? It’s been a master class in deceit by the Democrats for years now. As for Dr Jill acting as chairman at a televised cabinet meeting, that is insane. And Austin, the head of the armed forces disappeared for an operation without telling anyone?
And this was not ever brought up in the election, even after Biden was defenestrated. Why? How can the President of the United States have spent two years of his Presidency at his beach house? When Trump was president, he was excoriated for playing a game of golf. Weekend at Bidens has been the mainstay of the Biden/Harris Presidency. The President had an early night on election night!
And as Ramaswamy keeps asking, who’s running the place even today? My last memory of the President of the United States trying to eat the feet of multiple babies on Halloween. I suspect the babies had the edge.
“And as Ramaswamy keeps asking, who’s running the place even today?”
It’s the same Blob construct that was running the machine when Trump arrived the first time.
That very likely manufactured George Floyd and Pandemic because Orange Man Bad.
(Not to mention 20 years in Afghanistan doing WHAT exactly?)
Trump is entering the maw again.
The new allegedly Constitutional Command Authority must attempt to wrangle a bunch of over groomed suit wearing mercenaries that are in a really surly mood.
They are regrouping as we speak.
I expect a Banzai attack.
Breaking: Australia bans social media for under 16’s
It’s the start of Government control through the internet. Everyone will have to be identified electronically to use social media. This will lead to government mapping of everyone and their habits and interests and sites visited and approved by the government as being suitable. It’s electronic censorship, starting with ‘children’, government ID as with the Wuhan Flu. Soon you will need permission for anything and everything. Like the ‘voice’, it’s an attempt to remake Australia as a Socialist dictatorship, run by public servants directed by the Prime Minister. aka God.
The Left control the press. Donald Trump beat them using the internet. So they are passing laws to protect children. Sure.
80 how casually we are ruined
Misinformation will now be the coolest information everyone will want.
Here in the US we had a thing called ‘Prohibition’.
Booze, almost overnight, became more prolific, not less.
It is my understanding the one could stand on the beach in Atlantic City and see what appeared to be another city out in the ocean.
It was an armada of ships packed with booze.
You just took your boat out to the 12-mile limit and placed your order.
Not a drive-thru … a sail-thru.
How is it that government types are so dumb?
He must have done really good!
“‘F * c k’: European Media Couldn’t Handle Trump Victory and Got Very Sweary”
(My spacing there)
“Tulsi Gabbard Thanks President-Elect Donald Trump for Allowing Her to ‘Play a Small Part’ in His Campaign”
Where the hell did the $1billion that the Harris campaign raised go? In fact, they ended up $20M in debt, so she somehow managed to spend even more than that. Given the paltry number of rallies organised, where did it all go?
Setting aside the Democrat party’s penchant for corruption, could it be that some of those celebrity appearances and endorsements were actually paid for? Then again, it costs a lot of money to fill those arenas with ‘supporters’, especially if you have to bus them in from another state.
I read $2.1Bn spent. $20 Million is just 2% over the top. Peanuts for their billionaire donors.
A lot of the money would have been (unsuccessfully) spread over house and senate races, on no names. People are mentioning that the celebs, who have suddenly turned out for her, were all close to Diddy. A plea deal?
My understanding is that the $1B was for the Harris campaign alone. Senate and house candidates raise their own money.
So, Kamala attracted Liz Cheney, and Mark Cuban, while Donald Trump attracted Tulsi Gabbard and Elon Musk! Who won?
Plus J.D.Vance. Someone who disliked Trump. Murdoch was upset. But as was obvious, it was an inspired choice. Like Musk, Vance said the media lied to him about Trump. And to everyone in the world, especially Australia.
It’s maybe not hot news, but Tucker interviewing a California ‘investigator’, is absolutely devastating, on the criminal state of Ca. It’s 2.25mins, and I’m only to 1.35, and will have to get back to it later. But if you just skip over Kamala writing the bills for $950 stealing, and the lax parole laws, and start at 0.46.40, when they get into the cartel prison gangs controlling the state’s crime. The black gangs have been driven out of the serious crimes, by a more vicious, religious, death cult. It is insane, and the bureaucracy and government are controlled by sociopaths. I still have an hour to go! Good luck SF, it was nice knowing you.
Harm the Economy in the disinfo bill: “The panics also brought recourse to two lines of remedial action which have always been much favoured, although with no proof that they have ever been greatly effective. One is to seek to exorcise economic misfortune by affirming that it does not exist” – John Kenneth Gailbraith – Money – Whence it came, Where it Went 1975 (“The other favoured response is to urge resort to religious solace as a substitute for more expensive action” – just including for completeness)
Getting around the online censorship….
The bitter irony – Australia that was settled by prisoners now paying other nations to take their prisoners….
Given we seem to breed decent local nutters, not sure 200 or so more is gonna make a lot of difference.
Also speaks volumes about the lack of expectation that there are any hopes of rehabilitation in the local prison system. While the Government position is that they oppose the death penalty in all circumstances, all of the hullabaloo over the detainees suggests many Australians would be happy to see it reintroduced.
“EXIM Bank’s loans were intended to support the construction of solar energy plants in Angola, create over 4,700 US jobs, and help US exporters compete with Chinese suppliers.
While, at a superficial glance, this transaction appears in line with American economic interests, a closer inspection of the facts on the ground reveals yet another troubling set of circumstances that undermines any hope for a meaningful creation of jobs in the United States.
It seems that Sun Africa has all the pieces in place to start its operations in Angola to the benefit of its shareholders and foreign partners. Where and how thousands of US jobs will ever be created in this scheme is an open question and anyone’s guess.
EXIM bank’s promotion of green energy in Angola is the perfect illustration of a consistent blundering foreign policy by the Biden administration, which, with negligible oversight, has failed to do basic due diligence on the recipients of large-scale US government funds.
It also appears to have failed to steer clear of the obvious risks of corruption arising in the case of Sun Africa’s government-linked partner, Omatapalo, which will likewise benefit from EXIM bank/US Taxpayer largesse.
While on a political level, the Biden Administration has failed to insist that Lourceno’s government perform a meaningful break with America’s adversaries, economically, it equally does not appear to have insisted on making sure that American and Angolan private businesses would be the main suppliers of Sun Africa’s US government-funded activities.”
And now, Democrats claim never to have called Trump a Fascist, Hitler, Literally Hitler.
Apparently that’s a disgraceful idea, that Democrats would stoop to name calling. It’s the typical slur you would expect from fascists.
With typical media spin like this the world does not need windmills.
In the Australian, “Anthony Albanese’s chief climate tsar has declared Australia’s “job” to drive down emissions and power up a cleaner economy has become “even more urgent” following Donald Trump’s win”
So with America not reducing deadly world killing CO2 emissions, it is up to Australia with New Zealand in the Southern Hemisphere to compensate for China, India, Russia AND the United States. We will just have to work harder to shut down all life in Australia. Breathing to be banned, as a last resort. And perhaps a great wall? Certainly banning all exports of coal, iron ore and now gold, to save aboriginal culture and the blue banded bee.
I’m not much of a ‘thumbs upper’ – I find that the dire news being communicated does not fit with a ‘thumbs up’ – I struggle to separate the content the person has posted from the person sharing the content. But I have to say, enjoy your posts – along with Jo’s articles of course – both of you write beautifully. And sorry for my clunky communications – not as erudite as you guys. But please, keep posting.
“Certainly banning all exports of coal, iron ore and now gold, to save aboriginal culture and the blue banded bee.”
Wait. Climate change is threatening Blue Banded Bees now? OK, I’m a climate change convert.
I love it when a gang of BBB bro’s overnight at my place, all clamped on an old fern stem. I bet they get hell when they get home to the missus, “What? I was just hangin’ with my guys!”