A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Truly funny:
In a recent report by Babylon Sea, (commonly known as BS) scientists have sounded the alarm about the catastrophic calamitous effects of climate change. According to Alfred E. Neumann, Chief Consultant to BS, if global temperatures rise by just 0.0000001 degrees Celsius, we could see catastrophic impacts, including windmill blades spinning in reverse and sucking whatever electricity is left in the grid back into the air, causing massive lightning strikes in a cloudless sky. Lions and hyenas will stop attacking prey, leaving southern Africa overrun by wildebeest, and giant flies, known to only inhabit sheep farms in New Zealand, will mass and relentlessly attack Australia.
Gerry, ‘climate change’ to the rescue!
Friday 15 Nov, South Island, NZ,
Snow to 800 metres.
Saturday 16 Nov (ditto),
Snow to 800 metres.
Everywhere else, cold rain, which rhymes with Spain. Is it carbon or is it cosmic: Friday is the moon’s 6th-closest perigee and Saturday it’s full – can you feeeeeel the difference?
Hopefully Maori protesters walking to Wellington (with a little help from buses & vans & motorbikes) don’t catch a cold or pneumonia or sumpfink worserer – it certainly won’t be heat-stroke.
Experts Warn: Sea rise Could Lead to refilling the DC swamp by 2040.
Experts Warn: Climate Crisis Could Lead to wind turbines running backwards and draining power from the grid by 2030. (h/t Gerry)
Experts Warn: Climate Crisis Could Lead to solar farms reflecting too much heat and burning off Earth’s atmosphere by 2100.
Experts Warn: Climate Crisis Could Lead to Labor getting voted in again by 2026.
Experts Warn: Climate Crisis Could Lead to scientists being baffled as to why scientists are baffled.
Experts Warn: Climate Crisis Could Lead to record high numbers of politicians getting filthy rich by the time the lie is fully exposed.
Takes me back to my school days when Alfred was on the cover of a magazine I used to read. He has come a long way to be a leading expert.
The issue that had a front cover that looked like a relevant technical reference, but was upside down…
Or the issue that had stickers for cars. I used to get around with one saying “Please don’t PRESS on this window”, with text each side in very small print. My brother was pulled over and told to remove the POLICE sticker.
The top Republican who single handedly frustrated Trump’s Presidency last time was Paul Ryan, former speaker of the House. Donald Trump is ‘unfit for office’ and unelectable. And he is still on the board of Fox.
And spectacularly about how to win, not a single word about policy! It’s all about personalities and polling. Just like Turnbull whose strategy was to ride public sentiment which by definition is policy as driven by the legacy media, including Fox.
So in Paul Ryan’s view, while not said explicitly, politicians are just popular actors on the stage, liars without policies. Empty suits. You want the most popular, presentable, young, dynamic, and presumably good looking in the right suit, matching tie and good hair. Great image. You can see why Hollywood think they should have an actor like George Clooney in the White House. (Alec Baldwin has been too busy after the disaster with his disastrous film Rust.)
I just rewatched the both incredibly funny and appalling South park film, Team America and the control of the world by actors, members of FAG, the Film Actors Guild led by Alec Baldwin. You have to watch through your fingers. But in hindsight it is an amazingly accurate parody of America and world politics led by Hollywood and image actors like Paul Ryan and John Kerry and George Clooney. When Ryan talks about younger strong image people to run for President, he means himself. Or another member of FAG like George Clooney. Hair is very important too for image. Ask John Kerry, a complete hair head.
Donald Trump on Socialism.
Speaking of Turnbull and those with their snouts in the trough, he stood up and said we have to stick by Rudd, for what would he do in a cold heartless world without a high-paid sinecure amongst his mates. Obviously Rupert Murdoch has criticised Turnbull somewhere along the way..
“Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull urged Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to stand by Rudd, arguing the push against the ambassador was driven by News Corporation’s desire to gain revenge against Rudd for his past criticisms of Rupert Murdoch and his media empire.
““I didn’t have success with Trump as prime minister because I kissed his arse. You have to be tough.” ..said the lapdog poodle talking to the other dogs in the alley.. Everyone knows Australia has absolutely no bargaining power with America, our politicians do as they are told, hoping to become an ambassador after they get booted out of office. Others standing shoulder to shoulder in support of sinecures are-
“Former prime minister Scott Morrison has backed Rudd, as have previous US ambassadors Joe Hockey, Arthur Sinodinos and Kim Beazley….Former prime minister Tony Abbott…Foreign Minister Penny Wong has insisted Rudd was “absolutely” the right person to represent Australia in Washington ”
The Trump Team said- ““Obviously, [Rudd’s criticism] is a little bit tough to take, and maybe we would want to choose someone else.””
Pack your bags, you were useless here and you’re useless over there! We’ll find you a spot as a director in our new Ministry of Censorship, we’ll need hundreds of bureaurats in there!
But you do have to admire the deep irony of (“rat effing”) Rudd being called a diplomat.
Incidentally, thanks for your reply in yesterday’s. I have responded there.
“Robert Swan
November 14, 2024 at 8:44 am · Reply
Thanks for answering KP.
That thought has occurred to me too, and does have some appeal, but it wouldn’t be enough.
To me, the political side is only the public face of “the swamp”. The far larger part is the permanent bureaucracy: local, state and federal. I fear a jury-selected team of MPs/ministers would be babes in the woods trying to command the permanent bureaucrats. When you need to deal with Sir Humphrey, a Jim Hacker, weak as he is, is probably better than a Basil Fawlty. (sorry, rather stretched Britcom analogy)
I don’t think the bureaucrats could convince a couple of hundred ordinary Aussies to vote for something crooked, there are always people smart enough to spot a shyster in a crowd. The main thing is, you have diluted the politicians out of power, the sort of people with their incentives to make other people pay for their life don’t get traction outside the special system of politics. The people who stood up in Covid and said ‘this is bullshit’ would be in there.
In exchange for your idea, I’ll offer another, much smaller (though not simpler) change:
1. MP expense claims will be automatically approved as long as the receipts are attached.
2. All such claims are published on a website easily viewable by constituents, newspapers, opponents.
3. (tentative) At elections, a new tick box is included for electors to approve/disapprove the incumbent’s expense claims over the term.
I think just #1 and #2 would have quite a beneficial effect on ministers’ urges to take overseas trips, charter flights, etc. #3 could do with more thought, but I have in mind the feedback that shareholders get on director remuneration. Quite like the idea of recouping an extravagant MP’s expenses from his pension entitlement.
The reasoning behind #1 is that it’s a bad thing to give power of approval to some unaccountable person. Just publish, and let the electors know.”
Yes, but the cost of politicians is small bikkies compared to the harm they do. You could give them all a million bucks a year plus free travel on private jets and it wouldn’t cost anywhere near renewables, or the Pfizer/Moderna bills, or even just one payout to the Barrier Reef ‘scientists’… These days you don’t have to buy meany people to get control, 95% of politicians just do as they are told by the PM & his inner circle, whereas that’s much harder with a couple of hundred people from all walks of life.
I’d publish the bank accounts of everyone who gets paid by the public, its our money and we should see where its going. THAT would certainly put paid to any ideas of getting rid of cash!
Not for something *obviously* crooked, no, but the Sir Humphreys can still get crooked things passed using flattery and “think of the children” arguments to hoodwink the representatives.
In any case, how would we get to the jury-selected alternative? Seems that our current MPs voting themselves out of a job is even less likely than the ordinary Aussies voting for something crooked.
I’m a computer programmer. When I was young I was able to look at an existing software system and grizzle about the “unnecessary complexity”, etc., and that the whole thing should be rewritten. I seldom got my way. Now, with quite a few years under my belt, I know that it’s rare that the best path for a mostly-working system is a complete rewrite. It does sometimes work out, but it sometimes ends up with a system just as messy as the one it replaced, if not worse (UK Post Office (failed), UK NHS (abandoned)).
I’m sure it can be argued either way whether or not Australia’s governments are “mostly-working”. I think they are — though fast heading down the tubes — and so favour an incremental approach. Those hoping for a fresh start might like to look at the Russian experience since the wall came down. Thirty-five years, and it was turblent for quite a while. It’s more stable now, but rather a long way from the hopes of those people tearing down the wall.
Fresh start in Iraq doesn’t seem to have been a barrel of laughs either.
And, in once-great Britain:
It somewhat hypocritical that people in the UK complain about the stuff they voted for. Clearly the meeting inside the church was at odds with the majority of the people outside protesting the meeting inside.
UK is now offering reparations for the crusades a few centuries ago by rehoming the descendents of the then enemy.
Geoff S posted this image on WUWT:
This is UK’s future. All those women complaining about adolescent male refugees leering at their young daughters need to be pulled into line. Their primary school daughters are all prospective brides.
Does anyone have an account and would care to save the following Web page before it’s “disappeared”?
Or otherwise preserve this page.
It needs preservation because someone mentioned to me that they had no idea that the fake conservative Liberal Party were responsible for the censorship bill.
The following needs preservation as well.
Or Adobe Acrobat, or Hypersnap scrolling capture or print to pdf or browser extensions or lots more.
I saved ’em…
Just click on “Media Release” and you’ll have a .pdf copy.
Did anyone expect anything else?
Top men onto it –
I am an experienced police executive with a demonstrated history in law enforcement and a focus on leadership and diversity.
Traitors the lot of them
I notice Krissy loves the Gates Foundation as well. Lovely people.
While we’re (me) talking about the AFP…
My son was telling me about a contractor he knows who contracts to maintain certain local council property. He was called to a meeting in the council offices to discuss pronouns and gender labelling. The meeting opened with the usual welcome to country and then proceeded to discuss the wording in numerous documents and signage that were not gender neutral.
The contractor estimates the rate payer bill for the time of the people involved in the 4 hour meeting was $6,000. This waste is going on in government departments and businesses throughout the country.
I know of a small country school,about 35kids, that is getting a petting zoo. Kangaroos roam through town every hour of the day and night, deer wander through after dark, area has sheep,cattle,goats, dogs,cats, but hey, the kids need a petting zoo
If only we had someone like Trump and Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy from Trump’s soon-to-be Department of Government Efficiency who actually cared about curtailing Government waste and woke nonsense.
In Australia, the Government waste and wokeness just keeps getting worse, without any restrictions whatsoever.
I think the Misinformation bill is distraction. It is so draconian it will probably be defeated but in the background the over 16 years for social media is being pushed. This will give the government unprecedented information on every person using the media as everyone will have to prove their age.
This is maybe another step on the road to digital ID. What’s next bank accounts, social credit score, travel?
“What’s next bank accounts, social credit score, travel?”
Travel?? That’s NOW! To keep a driving licence I have to get a medical report. As I don’t see Doctors, I’m fit and healthy, but to continue my 80Km a day drive I MUST enter the medical system and be reported on.
Why do I need a medical history?? I’m not ill so I can drive, very simple. If I was the sort of person who gets ill, I’d be seeing Quacks and would have a medical history, and my medicines would supposedly make me fit to drive. Why test a healthy person, and I can see they will test and test and test again until they find SOMETHING to medicate me for, when I don’t need any treatment.
This is all just a way to take control of my travel. It was the first thing mentioned, ‘its not compulsory, but if I didn’t do what I was told to I wouldn’t be allowed to drive…’ Just like the vax.
Of course they will control travel, the moment any organisation tries to set up a protest in Canberra, those who have their online names associated with that organisation will not be allowed near Canberra! Your credit cards will suddenly not work at petrol stations or motels, the Highwaymen Patrol will have cameras searching for your number plates, plus the overhead cameras now used for average speed tickets, and Covid showed us they will seal a border and to hell with the public waiting to get through.
The work the Trump teams did to get out the vote, and protect the count was phenomenal, and possibly difficult for someone else to repeat. (Easier for the Dems with their love of organising committees, and talk fests.) Non voters in swing states got 3 home visits, and follow up texts. If an abusive text came back, it was replied to civilly. And after the election was called, everyone on their lists was texted, asking what issues they wanted to most have addressed. After the result!
Charlie Kirk got tictok to have him back on tictok, allowing him to build up to an audience to 60 million hits a day, of collage tour questions and answers.
Their election integrity committee had 500 volunteer lawyers in each swing state (5000 for the whole country) and 230 000 scrutineers, watching every vote counted.
They put in the ground work.
New Google Pixel AI feature analyzes phone conversations for scams
Google is adding a new AI-powered scam protection feature that monitors phone call conversations on Google Pixel devices to detect patterns that warn when the caller may be a scammer.
Google has also added a new real-time protection feature to Google Play Protect that detects when unsafe apps are found on Google Play.
The features have been made available to Google Pixel 6 devices and newer models of the series, but more Android devices from other OEMs are expected to receive them in the coming months.
Save time and just record all conversations by the NSA. Oh, they already do…
Contemplating the emotional abuse the Democrats have put their own voters through (as well as the rest of us).
“He’s Hitler … and a Russian agent”.
(Excuse my history nerd chuckle over that one.)
“He will end Our Democracy!”
“Women will die”.
“He will use the military against his opponents”.
Then Joe Biden welcomes him to the White House to celebrate the ‘peaceful transition’?
Oh, it was just electioneering?
There should be a committee, a report, and a strongly worded letter.
(As soon as the one on the Pandemic response is finished.)
How about instead of adding a pink ribbon to their products, companies actually remove the ingredients from their products that CAUSE cancer.
remove the ingredients from their products that CAUSE cancer.
Given sufficient input quantities are there any that do not cause cancer?
Democrats set to ban new motorhomes in 6 states starting January 2025
You won’t believe this: starting January 1, 2025, new motorhomes will be banned in several states, all in the name of an extreme environmental agenda. California, Oregon, Washington, New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts are set to enforce regulations that will drastically limit the sale of new motorhomes with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) over 8,500 pounds.
The reason behind this shift? The Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) regulation, which requires vehicle manufacturers to progressively sell a larger percentage of zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs). While the rule does not outright ban motorhomes, it effectively makes the sale of new traditional motorhomes with internal combustion engines unfeasible, as manufacturers are forced to pivot toward electric vehicles to meet the ZEV sales targets.
An electric motorhome?
Someone hold me up, I’m laughing so hard.😆
On a sidenote, there’s a youtube channel called Liz Amazing that exposes the motorhome market and shonkies.
An eye opener. Well worth checking out.
They learned nothing from the Trump victory?
I wonder if Trump has the authority to stop that insanity or is it strictly a state’s issue?
New published study showing a massive up tic in cerebral thrombosis (probably from a pretty low base line?) with well over 5000 cases world wide, in covid vaccinated people. Short, from 4.00 mins.
Thursday funny: DOGE
Totally accurate! 😆
Elon Musk:
All actions of the Department of Government Efficiency will be posted online for maximum transparency.
Anytime the public thinks we are cutting something important or not cutting something wasteful, just let us know!
We will also have a leaderboard for most insanely dumb spending of your tax dollars. This will be both extremely tragic and extremely entertaining.
Oh for DOGE here too.
If I was an American, my simple (but not easy) suggestion would be to start by enforcing truly independent and accurate annual financial audits of government organisations, at every level. These would have to include properly detailed records of spending, i.e where the money REALLY goes. They would also have show how each and every dollar spent aligns with their official objectives and role.
Step Two would be to tag every dollar spent on items that fall OUTSIDE of their remit, on things that aren’t mission critical or are politically motivated – those dollars to be cut from the following year’s funding.
I believe this would open a very smelly can of worms in terms of waste, corruption and political hijacking of public services.
They tried auditing the Pentagon in 2017 and they established a system of yearly audits from then on.
The Pentagon has successfully failed six audits to date … which is quite amazing because Biden was happy to keep the same regular failures based on Trump’s initiative. I believe there have been no audit results for Pentagon 2024 but they should be due soon.
How to save web pages for posterity
Contrary to the popular belief that anything online stays online, the internet doesn’t remember everything. In a previous post in this series, we examined no fewer than nine scenarios in which you could lose access to online content. We also provided a detailed guide to what information you absolutely must (and preferably quickly) back up to your computer and how to do it. Today, we’ll discuss how to easily save web pages to your computer, how to organize these archives, and what to do if your favorite site has gone AWOL.
Want to reminisce about music news and gossip from 2005? Good luck with that — the MTV News site shut down and all its articles and interviews are no longer available. Check references in Wikipedia articles? 11% of them lead nowhere, even though they were working when the article was published. This phenomenon of “link rot” — the gradual deletion or relocation of online content — is rapidly becoming a major problem. 38% of pages that existed ten years ago are no longer accessible today.
You think is big?
Hold my beer.
Nothing on your computer is out of their reach. Apple took away my music collection – years of bought and paid for vinyl and CD’s transferred to my hard drive disappeared when I bought a new Apple Mac. Initially it was the occasional piece on the old computer that they claimed was pirated, but on transfer to the new it was the whole lot. I regret ever having bought Apple.
What stuff are you after ……??
Belts and braces. A bit late now, but I always recommend using an auto backup program that constantly backs up new material to an external drive. Has saved my bacon many times.
“About That Hegseth Guy and the Pentagon He’s Walking Into”
FWIW via The Bee
“Dems Warn: Eliminating Ed Dept Could Make Kids Too Smart to Vote Democrat”
Just when you thought children will never know what snow was…
YUGE bitterly cold Arctic blast to slam the UK and other North Sea countries this weekend as Santa comes prematurely. Expert Scientists™️ say it’s so hot at the North Pole that Santa and his little helpers need to escape to cooler climes in Europe 😱
Your BoM is also predicting snow for Tasmania today and again on Monday – in November.
And as noted up-thread, NZ’s in for 2 days of snow on the Alps. Talk about “1.5 to stay alive” – anything above freezing is good! All we need is one little dusting of snow next month, December, and that’ll be 12 months (one whole year!) of snowfalls, despite despicable delusional claims of ‘hottest year EVAAAH!’
COP is CR@P.
LIA weather.
‘It wasn’t until the first week of January 1788 that the majority of the First Fleet sailed past the south-eastern corner of Van Diemen’s Land, modern-day Tasmania. As his boat navigated the coast, surgeon John White noted: ‘We were surprised to see, at this season of the year, some small patches of snow’. (Gergis)
FWIW – more “didn’t earn it”
“Schoolhouse Limbo: How Low Will Educators Go To ‘Better’ Grades?”
Worth a read and a look
Blocking high pressure causes wind slump in Germany.
American ingenuity to the forefront in the space race.
‘Tech mogul Elon Musk’s potential weight in the second Donald Trump administration is likely to accelerate the US space programme and pose a “huge test” to China’s extraterrestrial ambitions, Chinese observers said.’ (SCMP)
But hang on!! The American Govt is concerned that using Musk’s rockets is putting all their “eggs in his increasingly conspiratorial and far-right basket.”
I kid you not, that what clowns in some Govt agency worry about! Not that he is by far the most advanced space program on Earth, that its him or no-one for the Yanks, AND he is cheapest, fastest and most efficient… Oh no, its just that he’s Far-Right, AND talks to Putin!!
“Pentagon officials and consultants who work with the space industry say that there are those within the Department of Defense concerned about the secretive spy crafts, especially in the wake of revelations that Elon Musk has been having cozy phone chats with Vladimir Putin.”
…and I’d love to see Musk being ‘stagnant and anticompetitive”
“the Pentagon’s Defense Science Board warned that the “emergence of vendor lock, or dependence upon a sole vendor, has the potential to negate the strengths of the market by stifling innovation and inflating prices.” “This can culminate in a de facto monopoly,” the report continued, “cementing a stagnant and wasteful anticompetitive paradigm.””
Maybe he’s not a genius really, its just that the Govt people he has to deal with are so fking dumb!
Positive SAM is back–heres-what-it-means-for-australian-weather/1890082
A good explanation. Thanks.
FWIW – US environmental regulations
“Major court decision could invalidate many federal environmental regulations”
“In what could be a major legal ruling [pdf], a two-judge decision this week in the DC Circuit Court ruled that the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), which has for years imposed environmental rules on other federal agencies based on the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), does not have the statutory authority to do so, thus invalidating every regulation so imposed.”
Thanks a i:
I particularly like this sentence:
” As that authority was never given it by Congress, CEQ exceeded its authority by making its rulings mandatory. ”
Dave B
“Australia has voted for “permanent sovereignty for “Palestinians” over Judea-Samaria… Show more”
Highly successful!
“How One Leftist Superintendent Destroyed America’s Formerly No. 1 High School”
FWIW – summing up
Jut in case you think Russia and China are ruled by dictators who torture their citizens, try leaving the USA !!
“Roger Ver decided in 2014 to renounce his US citizenship, later becoming a citizen of St. Kitts and Nevis. US citizens who expatriate and are worth more than $2 million must report their worldwide assets to the IRS, and pay an exit tax based on their asset sales….The IRS used blockchain analysis to determine that by early 2014, Ver and his companies owned about 131,000 Bitcoin trading between $782 and $960, according to the indictment — more than he reported in tax filings. He’s accused of tax evasion, wire fraud, and filing a false tax return.”
So, not only will they steal your assets if you try to move out of the country, they will tax those assets on a non-existent belief. There is no such thing as a Bitcoin, so its even worse than some printed piece of plastic the Govt calls money. Like the mass delusion belief system involving bits of plastic, you have to believe the figures someone gave you represent wealth. …and if you pay someone for some figures representing nothing at all, they will have to pay tax at 20%, even if they sold you a nothing..
Sooo … there is a big election here in the US won by The Great Orange Democracy Destroyer …
and Congress has immediate hearings on the UAP threat.
BREAKING NEWS: Boebert Asks Witnesses If DoD Is Creating ‘Hybrids’ Of Human & Non-Human Genetics
Do we now have an explanation for DNA contaminates in the vax?
Also …
I’m curious about why the aliens are able to travel across space and time, but crash when they get here?
It’s like parallel parking was not included in the UAP pilot’s license exam.
We may have the very worst Climate Change in the Universe, and their space ships were unprepared.
Have we been saved from alien invasion by divine carbon kamikaze?
“Horse-racing identity” still code for “corrupt”: