A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Misinformation Bill
The misinformation and Disinformation (MAD) bill looks like it will fail in the Senate and will likely be withdrawn,
I signed petitions, wrote emails and made phone calls to the independent Senators.
It seems that Senators Payne, Van and Thorpe have heeded the many calls they got and have changed their votes to NO!
It’s not over until the “ fat lady “ sings.
Never forget “ The Voice “ was rejected by 60% in the referendum & the communists are still trying, desperately, to inflict the madness on the country! These devious, immoral, liars are never to be trusted.
Thank you for your work Peter.
It is not too late to add more pressure to these pollies!
The vote is on Monday, if it goes ahead.
I will send more emails today, one to each independent MP, thanking them in advance for voting NO.
I don’t send a long message. A sentence is enough. It is the numbers of messages that count.
It’s just wrong that it comes down to a few questionable votes in the Senate.
A bill like this should never have been introduced in the first place.
“Our” politicians hate us (with less than a handful of notable exceptions).
And don’t forget it waa the fake conservative faction of the Uniparty that first introduced the bill, along with the e Safety Kommisar.
Women fought to invade men’s spaces like clubs and bars, now it’s men invading women’s spaces by getting into their costumes, sports, and toilets.
Vive la différence!
And feisty MJT has Nancy Mace’s back:
Language is so important. Using the accurate term “male” is to be encouraged in place of the amorphous and propagandistic term “transgender woman”.
And what is the big pity of this is that as soon as Greene references McBride as a male, or uses the he/him pronouns, she’ll be sued into oblivion.
Congressional immunity when speaking on the floor?
Denmark bureaucrats destroying 10% of productive farmland by growing billions of trees.
This is insane. The very idea that CO2 is NOT in constant rapid equilibrium as the vapour pressure of a dissolved gas is just ridiculous.
As NASA proved a decade ago, trees cover is growing quickly with CO2. By my calculations, NASA’s result was that 14% more CO2 between 1988 and 2014 meant 14% more trees, proving that growing trees does not reduce CO2!
Of course now the activists who want to destroy the food supply now talk about fertilizer or methane, it’s all the same story. Mankind controlling a vast gas which existed before life on earth.
Since Al Gore and James Hansen announced man made CO2 driven RAPID Global Warming in June 1988, the world has never seriously examined the truth of the matter. But the rule by human hating Green activists and vote seeking ignorant politicians has been devastating.
All life is made from CO2 gas, all trees. All living things burn, unlike rocks.
And our total CO2 output today is a tiny 1% of the CO2 which is already in the air and that is only 2% of what is in the ocean. Besides the CO2 Greenhouse effect is saturated, as proven by Prof Will Happer at 16:34. You could double CO2 with no effect.
The residence time of all CO2 is agreed to be only 10 years. And that of human generated fossil fuel CO2 much closer to 2 years because it is emitted at low altitude near the water which covers 72% of the planet.
It shows what human hating activists can do.
After 36 years of this science nonsense, I would love Donald Trump to order the examination of the NASA results and debunk the whole story of man controlled CO2.
Humans do not and cannot control CO2 levels.
Vast numbers of self grown new trees have not reduced CO2 but have obviously sequestered trillions of tons of CO2 without reducing CO2 levels. Which proves CO2 is a constant from pole to pole, albeit very slowly growing with rising sea surface temperature. Every part of the CO2 and now CH4 and fertilizer myths is rubbish science. Supported by a whole generation of symbiotic Green ‘climate scientists’.
It should be obvious too that oil company sponsored booming COP29 is now a landmark event for fossil fuel companies and hordes of government symbiotes. “Just outside the top 10 is the UK in 11th (470), as well as the US (405) in 16th and Australia (394) in 19th.” All presumably dining on nearly extinct Caspian Sea black caviar at our expense.
I look foward to the trip report, which will describe in great detail what our 394 representatives achieved at the latest COP and what benefits will flow (and of course the total cost). There will of course be full disclosure of any sidetrips and little holiday extensions added on to the conference.
$5-$10 Mill well spent, to be sure.
Last night’s Bolt Report showed the COP delegates ignoring the vegan/vegetarian food outlet for the normal food outlets.
Hi TdeF. German Researcher: Doubling Of Atmospheric CO2 Causes Only 0.24°C Of Warming …Practically Insignificant.
Net Isotopic Signature of Atmospheric CO2 Sources and Sinks: No Change since the Little Ice Age. Human contribution to the rise in atmospheric CO2 is around 4%
But hey, if you are screwing $1.8 trillion a year out of the likes of you and me, why give up the greatest cash cow in history. They have achieved the holy grail of all scams, making boat loads of cash from fresh air. We shall see what comes out of the Chicanery Of the Perfidious 29 (COP 29) meeting other than an enormous CO2 contribution and lots of the rich and powerful telling us how to live our lives, whilst they enjoy all those finer things in life that they tell us we can no longer have.
Thanks. And that’s C13. My calculations on C14 show 3%. Besides, we have direct evidence of the rapid disappearance of C14 since 1965, 7 years half life.
It’s categoric. Since my first observation. But no one has EVER proven their statements, even though laws everywhere presume it is all true. They are greed driven.
I recall that figure in a paper published right here at this site several years ago.
I do enjoy your rants TdeF. Please keep doing them.
A minor point however. They say the residence time (aka Turnover time) is 10 years but The IPCC say, on page 8 of the First Assessment Report, it is “about 4 years”. The turnover time is the inverse of the proportion of the gas that cycles through the atmosphere each year.
The turnover time used by the IPCC can be calculated by dividing the amount of the gas in the atmosphere, at the time the report was published, by the total emissions at that time.
I calculated the value used by the IPCC in the different reports as being between 3.5 years and 3.9 years.
It is a little hard to be sure as the calculation depends on the value for the atmospheric content and we can only guess at the value they used.
The inverse of 3.9 years is 0.26 per year or 26% per year.
The inverse of 10 years is 0.1 per year or 10% per year.
This is important because it is used to calculate total emissions and so changes what we say is the proportion of total emissions that are attributed to humans.
The smaller the turnover time, the larger the total emissions and so the smaller the proportion that comes from humans.
If the turnover time is 10 years, total emissions are 420ppm times 2.13 ppm/GtC divided by 10 years = 89.46GtC
Anthropogenic emissions are now about 10 GtC/yr so this would make the anthropogenic portion of emissions as 10/89 = about 11% of total emissions.
If the turnover time for CO2 is 3.9 years, total emissions are 420ppm times 2.13 ppm/GtC divided by 3.9 years = 229GtC
10/229 = means if the turnover time is 3.9 years, the anthropogenic portions of emissions is about 4%.
If they can convince people that the turnover time is 10 years, they will be able to claim that the human component is much larger than previously believed.
And the flood gates on the jabby jab keep on opening.
Ex-CDC Director Blows Whistle on Covid & mRNA ‘Vaccines,’ Blames Fauci for 20 Million Deaths
I feel very sorry for those forced and co-erced into having it
Thoughts and prayers.
The people responsible should be prosecuted within the fullest extent of the law
Starship test flight #6 is scheduled for launch at 9am AEDT today. The telecast begins at 8:15.
or, watch on X
Pharmaceutical advertising in USA –
“Larry Lambert, writing at Virtual Mirage, explains why Big Pharma is so upset at the prospect of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. being appointed as the Secretary of Health & Human Services.”
More at
FWIW – USA but – –
“Where is our relationship with China going?
In a very interesting speech at the National Conservatism 4 Conference in Washington, D.C., Asia Times Business Editor David P. Goldman had quite a lot to say about China’s plans, progress and possibilities. I’ll embed the 15-minute video below, followed by an excerpt from an abridged transcript of his speech. I very strongly recommend that you read/watch at least one, if not both.”
‘ … but it’s built up an economic “cushion” that’s enabling it to tackle those problems step by step, rather than having to deal with them all at once.’
They have a lot of gold, but the whole economy is sliding into economic depression.
“Trump was Right: Study Shows Countless Lives Could Have Been Saved with Hydroxychloroquine”
Not sure why people are getting excited about Chris Uhlmann’ ruinables doco. He’s at least a decade behind the rest of us thanks to sites such as this and he’s being paid for it unlike the rest of us.
It’s not a good idea until the right person has had it.
That what I was surprised by.
Are there more of them in ABS/SBS/Age stables ready for coming out?
It was actually very well done, as a basic tutorial on the issues. Yes, folks here are very aware of the issues, data and calculations, but for the general public, it was a very good report. Clearly a lot of research had gone into generating the report, with many excellent interviews with knowledgeable folks here and abroad. Great graphics.
Re that Russian enriched uranium export curtailing –
“Hillary Clinton’s Uranium Giveaway to Russia Is About to Bite Us on the… You Know”
FWIW – UK farmers protest
“We Need A Famine”
“Please ask: WHY ARE FARMERS BEING CRUSHED? What do you achieve if you take food security FROM the people? ”
More at
“The Least-Qualified Nominee for High Office Ever”
A measuring stick for “Elbow”?
A yardstick?
We must expect at least the Nobel nomination of that minister for trying to be the world’s something.
Our grandkids bring home a reward everyday as proof of their trying…
Maybe we should bring in the misinformation laws? Anyone here have any experience with the Martin Bryant conspiracy theory by Keith Allan Noble, that the Port Arthur Massacre was not done by Bryant but was a big psyop to get rid of guns? This must have been what Pauline Hanson was exposed to when she briefly brought the topic up?
I must look it up. I have the account by Joe Vialls, “Deadly Deception at Port Arthur”, saying exactly the same thing, from the guns that the Police claimed he used in the cafe not fitting into the sports bag he bought them in, to the astounding marksmanship shown in the cafe full of running screaming people that became a siege where he fired 200 shots at Police and never hit any of them.
The whole event was so faked it doesn’t make sense to anyone who shoots. However, it has been successfully buried by the Govt and will be wrapped up when he dies.
Jaguar anyone?
Given Jaguar’s legacy of racing excellence, their marketing team has just nuked the brand in a manner reminiscent of Bud Light’s controversial ad featuring Dylan Mulvaney, a man who identifies as a woman.
Meaningless, drug-snorting marketing team rubbish ad. Memes cometh.
Clarkson on that
“Jeremy Clarkson Explains Jaguar Owners”
The new #J# logo looks – to me – like a plug hole . . .
Not intended as a prediction.Nor ‘investment’ advice.
Trump: At least the electric tanks are environmentally friendly
Further to my comment on Jo’s Nukular post regarding the pidgin language of Expertese©️, below is a sample via govt-sponsored RNZ (think ABC BBC CNN) of young protesters’ views on MP David Seymour’s proposed ‘Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill’.
“It ain’t his land, it belongs to us. We were the first ones here so we own it.” Kathleen.
“This is our whenua [land], we own this. You fellas are visitors.” Sheena.
“What’s good for Maori is good for everyone.” Henry.
As one estimate reported, merely 0.2% of the Maori population were protesting yesterday on the lawns of Government House, and as the above quotes were from Generation Greta, they were totally oblivious to David Seymour being part-Maori like themselves.
Maipi-Clarke, the warrior wahine who issued the war chant against Seymour in the debating chamber last week (“it wasn’t me, it was my ancestors talking”) said: “[NZ] is known for having a beautiful partnership that most indigenous countries don’t have.”
My taxes go toward paying this young fool’s wages: where is the ‘opt out’ clause, does anyone know?
Our Food Is About To Be Poisoned With NEW “Transgenic Edible Vaccines”
They’re Being Funded Right Now BY TAXPAYERS, mRNA Food Vaccine FACTORIES. Kamala Harris Administration has been using US Tax Payer money to fund the development.
Rep. Thomas Massie: “…Does the term ‘Transgenic Edible Vaccines’ sound far-fetched? Well, it’s not. We are funding it. In fact scientists from the University of California, Riverside funded with your tax payer dollars, have been studying whether they can turn edible plants such as lettuce and spinach into mRNA vaccine factories, thereby creating a Transgenic Edible Vaccine…I don’t think this is a good idea. I don’t think the American people should be funding this…”
I think not!
As usual with the Left they state the reversal of truth and “project” so when Krudd says TRUMP is “nuts”, a “village idiot” and “traitor”, he is really talking about himself. I hope TRUMP dismisses him as Australian Ambassador, which TRUMP has the legal authority to do.
Italy offering homes for $1 to crybaby liberals from the USA
A rural Italian village on a Mediterranean island is welcoming Americans looking to relocate abroad following the 2024 presidential election.
Located in the countryside of Sardinia, the ancient town of Ollolai recently launched a “Live in Ollolai” initiative offering affordable homes – some as cheap as a cappuccino – for Americans who are “worned (sic) out by global politics” and “looking to embrace a more balanced lifestyle,” according to the village’s website.
Over the past few decades, the population of Ollolai has been steadily declining. From 1981 to 2024, it has dropped from 2,013 to 1,162.
Interested relocators can choose from a variety of homes, with prices ranging from as little as €1 (about $1.06) for properties in need of renovation to around €100,000 (about $105,973) for more move-in-ready homes.
Population collapse from the vaxxed and boosted, so let’s get more of the same from the USA, but loony left as well? 😆
Worned Out: Part II
Hollywood In Sardinia In The Time Of Trump II
Starring [insert your least-favourite entertainers].
Handy to Cannes, St Tropez, Rome, the Swiss Alps, their Swiss banks, Mt Etna, and boatloads of friendly house-boys washing ashore every day.
“Neil Oliver STUNNED as Dutch Official Reveals Covid-19 Was ‘MILITARY Operation’ in SHOCK Admission”
Via Chiefio
Also melatonin and cancer
With links
“Zelensky’s ATACMS Gambit: Nuclear Red Alert or More Empty Provocations?”
And in there
“Last major news that you’re hearing here for the first time:
A couple months back, you may recall World Bank announced that as per their calculations, Russia had finally surpassed both Germany and Japan in GDP PPP. However, the official IMF and CIA figures still scoffed at this, with Russia trailing both countries on their counts. This allowed the popular narrative to be maintained that the World Bank figures were some kind of inaccurate fluke or anomaly.
Well, the IMF has just done their latest report and has officially concluded that Russia has blown past both Germany and Japan as of 2024, and is now the number four economy in the world. And not only that, but the IMF has Russia in the lead by an even larger margin than World Bank. On top of which, the CIA also updated their numbers and likewise reflects Russia at the number four position.”
Instapundit lead in
“Freedom of Speech (Again)
Going back over my more recent blog posts, I find that I’ve been writing a lot about freedom of speech and that’s because it is, and has been for at least three or four decades, under ever-increasing assault. And the war on free speech has become far more open and vociferous over the last ten years or so. Make no mistake, “war” is the proper term here. I am a free speech absolutist.”
More at
Those who follow Dr John Campbell’s experienced words might have seen that YouTube gave him a warning. We do not know why, but between the lines, they seemed to think that he was saying that Covid vaccinations caused some deaths, which was the topic of a peer-reviewed paper on which John was commenting.
Geoff S
A solid vote for RFK and the rough end of the pineapple
“It’s All Been A Pack of Lies”
Another chapter added to the book –
“Do as we say, not as we do: Sickening hypocrisy of the climate technocrats”
Message from Craig Kelly.
Great news but the Left will not stop at their attempts to censor.