A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I strongly recommend this video about a breakthrough new climate model:
They have a developed a mathematical model that is able to properly predict earth temperature changes using only Albedo (cloud/dust cover etc.) as input. It works without any CO2 green house gas forcing or radiative impact at all. It uses a new model of net body radiation based on atmospheric pressure.
Not only that… but they are able to prove that, on a palo time scale, that the earths temperature has depended on atmospheric pressure, and not the ratio of its constituent molecules.
Needless to say, they will probably be completely ignored unless they can come up with a way to model and predict Albedo. But the work they have done already with certainty rules out CO2 as the cause of at least 90%+ of global warming, and likely 99.9% given their high S R2 values of the model – which are way higher than any existing climate models.
This is really about debunking greenhouse gases on a very long time scale. Man made CO2 driven Global Warming is only about the last 250 years of the industrial revolution.
The best and simplest analysis of European temperatures from 1750 to 2010 with real thermometers, not proxies, is from Prof Carl Otto Weiss and his mathematicians.
Their simple fit matches 12 inflexion points using two and only two cycles, the De Vries 250 year solar cycle and the 65 year ADO/PDO ocean cycle. It is an amazing fit for only two sinusoidal components! No CO2. And you might note that the picture of real temperatures recorded by thermometers is very different from the world picture generated by proxies.
Also implicit in the world models of a world temperature is the idea that such a constructed thing is valid. That the Southern Hemisphere temperatures on the scale of 250 years are not independent of the Northern Hemisphere, for example.
This new idea of albedo is also a gross picture as if this water world is a uniform sphere when in fact the Southern Hemisphere has most of the water and the Northern has most of the land. So the Earth is very different to other bodies. The Southern hemisphere is much colder at the same latitude for example. And the water as liquid or ice or clouds or humidity makes a huge difference to energy received, as is the hypothesis of this new paper. The hemispheres are not even necessarily in synch.
Either way, the Weiss analysis fits the real measured and not proxy data. The European graph shows a big drop into 1870 which contradicts the derived ‘world temperature’.
The man made CO2 driven story is also proven wrong as the level of man made CO2 in the atmosphere is measured as 2.0%, as measured in 1958. But it seems most people cannot understand this paper, so it gets ignored. Even by Prof Will Happer and friends at the CO2 coalition, who just sing the praises of increased CO2 and that it cannot produce additional warming.
The Fergusson conclusion in 1958 is very simple. CO2 is radioactive thanks to cosmic rays. Old fossil fuel is not radioactive. But the radioactivity of CO2 has only dropped 2.0% by fossil fuel. Except no one seems to accept it because they cannot understand it. They turn off when they hear the word radiation. Which is an unusual response, that if you cannot understand something, it’s not true. C14 is just like a medical trace. You can follow where the fossil fuel CO2 goes.
Good points. I’d like to hear what RickWill thinks as this new model discounts orbital effects in addition to CO2. In any case, Monckton attacks the model but apparently points out that it is disruptive.
There is also this year’s paper from the University of Athens. The human contribution to the increase in atmospheric CO2 is 4% based on carbon isotope analysis. The biosphere contributed the remaining 96%.
Man made climate change is all about the power hungry little men hiding behind the curtain, pulling the levers, pressing the buttons, pulling the strings and smiling as they watch the puppets dance and the money roll in.
It’s considerably more complex to use C13 but it yields the same result.
It is based on the different kinetic CO2 uptake where the lighter C12 atoms are preferred in absorption of CO2 by plants. And fossil fuel is basically plant carbon.
The level of C13 in the atmosphere was below standard by 6%% but has dropped to 8%o. Only the ocean CO2 at 10%o explains the C13 level in the air, not fossil fuel CO2 at 24%0.
The %o is a tenth of a %. So 1 in a thousand, not one in 100. It’s a tiny effect but conclusive. I find radiation more precise.
There is also the doubling of C14 in 1965 by Hydrogen bombs. This has decayed completely in 60 years and as C14 cannot be destroyed, the level is now exactly what it has been for thousands of years. Even the -2% dilution of 1958 is gone. And that fits perfectly too. The extra C14 was double that in the atmosphere. So another 1/50th or 2% to the total.
In this image you can see the 2% dilution up to 1958 and the fact that it has decayed perfectly exponentially e-kt to 20202 and 0%. Confirming the whole mechanism. All the C14 is still there. It is all in the ocean, less 2% of it.
I know people find this hard to understand. What staggers me is that physicists struggle. But to concede man made CO2 for the sake of argument is to concede CO2 ‘pollution’ in people’s minds.
There is no way humans can change CO2. As if that is not obvious from the graph of CO2.
The very talk of ’emissions’ as the problem is wrong. If there is a problem, it is CO2, not ’emissions’. The implication is that ’emissions’ change CO2 levels. They don’t. They cannot. CO2 is in a continuous world wide balance as the vapour pressure of a dissolved gas to which our tiny contributions are as nothing.
All things are in balance. Take a dam with a hole at the base. The water level drops until the rate of inflow exactly matches the rate of outflow. This is because as the level drops, the water pressure drops and the outflow drops while the inflow is a constant until there is a match. This is equilibrium.
The very idea that CO2 is out of control, that it is not in large scale equilibrium with the ocean is nuts.
The fact that CO2 levels are constant within 1% from pole to pole tells us everything. No one lives in the bottom 40% of the planet, 2% including us. And we are destroying our society because we believe our tiny CO2 emissions, control the planet. It’s not true. Australia’s emissions are 2% of the world 1% which are only 2% of the total, in other words. 0.0004%. And for this we are blowing up power stations?
This naivete comes from our human position where we think all the air is in the sky, because that’s our world. But all life breathes. Fish breathe. And where do they get their oxygen. Where does their CO2 go? Man made CO2 preys on the idea that people cannot imagine that all life comes from CO2 and from the ocean. We pump out CO2 with every breath, at up to 14%. Who knows that?
And amazingly the infamous ‘computer models’ do not model the ocean. They can’t. Even the super expensive new CSIRO computer. No idea. Ocean currents are a mystery as they circle and rise and fall, carrying 99.9% of the surface energy and almost all of the CO2.
They cannot even predict the most massive ocean surface warming/cooling of the Pacific, El Nino/La Nina which controls our climates. So they take a punt, as the CSIRO/BOM did last year and made the worst prediction in history, a prediction which cost billions in lost stock.
So they propagate the idea that humans and human ’emissions’ control CO2 levels. Which is ridiculous.
I like your analogy.
And some people talk of ocean acidification due to more CO2 in the atmosphere, which is complete rubbish. As any brewer knows, warm water (or beer 😉) cannot hold as much dissolved CO2 as cold water. So as oceans warm (through other mechanisms), CO2 gasses off until it reaches equilibrium.
TdeF, your second para: “In this image…” What image? Am interested to see it.
Sorry, the link has been added now.
Ice is Earth’s energy regulator. So this paper fails to get to the core of understanding needed. And convective instability is far more important than just lapse rate changes with addition of water.
Anyone who accepts back radiation does not have a grasp on EMR. And I have found very few people understand the difference between a pyrgeometer and a pyranometer. If more did, then the notion of back radiation would be dead.
The moon discussion is correct.
The “greenhouse effect” exists as a religious construct for CO2 demonisers. I agree it is unphysical claptrap but it is unwoke to knock religious beliefs..
I agree that CO2 cannot measurably alter Earth’s energy balance. It appears to have greatest influence over the Andes in South America.
The reduction in cloud cover that is allowing more sunlight to reach the surface is the direct result of the peak solar intensity moving northward and warming the northern land masses as Ewell as the oceans. The warming will continue until the ice advances down and south again. This is already apparent in Greenland where the summit is gaining altitude and some glaciers are already advancing:
Of course such news gets the Ptolemaic spin from NASA in their attempt to explain the opposite of what their models predict.
May we avoid scientific experimentation extinguishing all multi-cellular life for another year!
I’m sure the Chicomms or other evil doers will try it.
I’m sure the Chicoms will have it done to them by the usual evil-doers trying it..
CIA maybe?:
U.S Military/DARPA developed synthetic viruses, nanotechology and nano-robots for the purpose of controlling human thoughts, emotions, beliefs and behavior
/and that was 2018
On the other hand, maybe life has an intrinsic bias to left handed chirality that can’t be broken and right handed forms won’t take over. If they could they would already have naturally evolved and done so.
In the dying days of their caretaker administration, whomever and whatever it is that Joe Biden acts for, have re-animated him for a last-gasp hoovering of US taxpayers money to the tune of six!thousand!millions of dollars.
Where is all that money going?
They should at least demand proper audited accounts.
Same goes for Australian taxpayer money which is sent there and elsewhere.
Maybe the Biden family still has Ukrainian bank accounts.
We still don’t know where the $444million went that Melvin Trumble and co gifted some save the reef mob.
>some save the reef mob
some save the reef mob connected to his wife
I think the ABC 4 Korners is covering it soon. In depth analysis and incisive interviews with all parties concerned.
” In depth analysis and incisive interviews with all parties concerned.”
Lol! A crafted whitewash of those in power who will be asked irrelevant soft questions, while filling the program in with many scenic video shots and cuts of dramatic voice-overs blaming poor tender processes with rapacious private companies..
Always ends up like that any time the Govt investigates itself. The same for any investigation into the Ukraine billions, the American Dept Defence, or the UN!
Ukraine as of Dec 2024.
Australia has sent $1.6B of taxpayer money, 90% for weapons and 10% humanitarian aid.
Cost to END homelessness in Australia – $25 B over 30 years.
Send our WEF loving pollies to the front line.
It’s a combination of accelerated corruption – grabbing as much money as they can, while they can – and an attempt to sabotage Trump by emptying the piggy bank before he takes over, giving him less room to maneuver.
In the UK, conversely, the incoming leftist government did the opposite, so to speak. Despite having access to government accounts before the election and so being in full possession of the facts, they quickly announced a whole raft of increased taxation and levies in order to “fill a black hole in the UK’s finances”. No mention of this was made during their campaign, in fact they specifically promised NOT to raise taxes. This mysterious ‘black hole’ was their justification for breaking their promises. Mind you, this apparently disastrous revelation hasn’t prevented them from handing out massive pay increases for their mates in the public services and unions, so ‘go figure’.
Basically, the left in every western nation is now cheating, lying and breaking promises, out in the open. They simply don’t care.
Here is a video comment by Michael Shermer about the dumbing-down, wokification and destruction of Scientific American, most recently by DEI editor Laura Helmuth who “resigned” to go “bird watching”.
I remember how Scientific American used to be a reputable scientific journal with articles written by actual scientists who were reporting their work to a wider audience.
The dumbing-down started when it was purchased by German company Holtzbrinck in 1986 and has been getting worse ever since. Today it is neither scientific or American.
I haven’t read it or subscribed to it for years.
Today, the magazine is a woke disgrace.
Aa Donald Trump said, “everything woke, turns to sh-t”.
Yes, I used to be amazed by Scientific American. It was very highbrow. And National Geographic was about geography and wildlife. And Lancet was about surgery. All history now. Destroyed by the money and the invasion of ‘journalists’, political types who have perverted science into political sciecne, make believe and Post Modernism where facts don’t matter. The exact opposite of Rational science.
And as the mighty NASA and Boeing collapse under DEI, Elon Musk is innovating at a rate which is breathtaking. Hitler would have won WWII if he hadn’t stopped his nuclear physicists from working on the atom bomb when they were way ahead of the Allies. Lucky for the world. But he did develop the ICBM.
The V2, with a 200 mile range, would suggest that you are going to have to pick your launch locations carefully to qualify as an ICBM.
Technically correct. It needs to be multi stage. Which is why they had the space program. And no one has been back to the moon for fifty years.
however the launch of the Sputnik satelite by Russia was unexpected. And as predicted by Arthur C. Clarke, it changed the world.
Now you have to wonder why communications are by cable at all, especially if the cables can be cut by Russia/China.
The whole NBN in Australia is now obsolete.
A smudge early to call cables demise methinks.
Cable has a good combination of capacity and low latency, while exposed physically to damage and sabotage ( alternate routing reduces that impact now we have a web of cables globally) Older generation satellite comms was no match for fibre , at least comnercially unless you needed remote site access.
Starlink and similar is a big step but still to be proven at the sort of scale provided by optical fibre. It is also exposed physically to becoming space pinball or to a modern day Carrington Event.
It’s the latency issue that kills satellite communications.
Unless the satellite is in low Earth orbit, the delay due to the path length gets too large. Geosynchronous satellites, at just under 36,000km above the equator have a signal path length of around 72,000km, (longer if you are away from the equator), at the speed of light, this will be just under a quarter of a second.
That lag plays havoc with duplex signals, like voice calls or even data transmissions where hand shaking is required to acknowledge receipt before the next packet is sent. Even avoiding these issues, the bandwidth is significantly limited compared to fibre optic pairs, which could number in the hundreds per physical cable.
Cables are also a lot cheaper.
A qtr sec latency means you can’t “fly” an unmanned aircraft in a dogfight via satellite.
Latest video by Dr John Campbell discussing the dangers of the covid mRNA “vaccines” and he wonders why they haven’t yet been banned.
In Australia employees can still be required to have covid “vaccinations” for certain jobs plus you still can’t get an organ transplant unless you are covid vaxxed. Government and/or medical “authority” policy is to have you die waiting for an organ if you are not covid vaxxed.
Insanity but it might even be worse in Canada.
At least in Canada they offer you the shortcut MAID path and dont insist on government mandated torture.
But, in Canada, do you have to be jabbed to qualify?
Ha, never thought of that. That level of lunacy would not surprise.
Any Thunderbirds fans out there?
This is the famous Fireflash (hypersonic passenger aircraft) rescue sequence after a bomb was placed on board and the landing gear couldn’t be deployed.
Note, this is from the original 1964-66 series in “Supermarionation”, not the dumbed-down and woke modern CGI version of 2015+ where they don’t drink, smoke, use nuclear power or firearms.
They could have used these in South Korea this week.
If only we hadn’t gone woke all those years ago, we might even have true Thunderbirds now. Instead we have windmills and hail catchers. Give me rocket ships with moles any day.
Did that last bit sound a ‘little off’ to you too?
And…. they should have had ABS. I thought they were from our future.
You’d like Team America: World Police
Australia was one of the last countries to ban the use of thalidomide during pregnancy. I have no doubt we’ll be amongst the last to ban mRNA “vaccines”.
USA never approved thalidomide, but much got in.
But even back in the 60’s the USA refused Thalidomide 6 times saying more studies were needed.
Somewhat different to today.
They didn’t have safe & effective shots back then.
A lot of notorious drugs still exist but are repurposed. You can even buy Zyklon-B albeit with a different name…
When TRUMP becomes US President and leader of the once-free world, and abandons the global warming scam, I can see energy-starved Europe following suit.
However, I can’t see fanatically woke and fanatical follower of WEF and UN policies, Australia, doing the same.
Remember, we are going to be a “renewables superpower” the only one left in a soon-to-be progressing world, LoL.
Sir Starmer’s Kingdom is also to be a Renewable – and green energy – superpower.
It must be true, as Sir Starmer said so in the election campaign.
And Mr. Miliband is in charge of that . . .
The EU must be throbbing with anticipation at the thought of all that UK renewable power surging over the interconnects to save the day.
Its hard to imagine what kind of delusional WallyWorld people like Milliband, Bowen and Granholm live in and what they believe is real. Still, if all you have to do is fall over the line to get a rolled gold pollie pension, then why not. I could be corrupted, what nonsense do you want me to say with absolute conviction for a few years?
Why would we be a Renewables Superpower? Even if you could export the electricity. We would be better off cornering the market in smelted iron, aluminium, zinc, copper, lead. Except we are not allowed use our coal power. But we are happy to turn China into what we could be.
I’m not enitirely sure what a “renewable energy superpower” is or what it does, but some say Blackout Bowen has plans for ships like enormous LNG tankers but with really, really stupendously big batteries instead of LNG tanks so we can export power.
My suggestion would be to not park nearby during charging or discharging.
He is also considering an extension cord to NZ, based on the proven SunCable connection to Singapore.
Of the many terms used by the Left which I detest is when they refer to coal power as a “dinosaur”, e.g. particularly in reference to base load power.
They have no clue about engineering, science, or anything else. We shouldn’t be allowing Leftists (including most politicians) who are mostly barely literate graduates in non-academic nonsense subjects like feminist studies, critical race theory, queer theory, gender studies etc. to be making science and engineering decisions.
Admittedly the Left, seeing language as a powerful weapon to change society to their way of evil, are very good at manipulating language, using Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty Four as their instruction manual as they do.
coal power as a “dinosaur”
My Favourite argument with Idiot Climate Change People.
Lark Quarry Dinosaur Site
Located approximately 110 km (68 mi) southwest of the western Queensland town of Winton, Lark Quarry Conservation Park is a significant fossil site featuring dinosaur tracks. The site preserves around 3,300 footprints, estimated to be around 95 million years old, from the Cretaceous period.
The Story Behind the Tracks
According to traditional accounts, a group of around 180 small dinosaurs, including coelurosaurs and ornithopods, fled from a larger theropod predator, which may have been up to 6 meters (20 feet) long with 50-centimeter (20-inch) feet. The smaller dinosaurs, including Skartopus (small coelurosaurs) and Wintonopus (ornithopods), stampeded past the larger predator’s tracks, leaving thousands of footprints in the lake sediment.
There are no Dinosaur’s there now – The Climate Changed and NO Humans were involved!
“There are no Dinosaur’s there now – The Climate Changed and NO Humans were involved!”
Perhaps the change was due to increases in the number of dinosaurs which is why they eventually perished.
Mostly law degree graduates, but point still stands. Some of the dumbest most immoral people Ive ever met were law students.
“Climate Scam Unraveling: World Bank Really Doesn’t Know Where $41 Billion in Funding Goes”
Conclusion –
“Thus, it’s not, “contrary to claims online,” missing. It’s just not accounted for! At this point, I’m not sure which is the bigger racket: dubious national or supranational funding of projects that fall loosely under the aegis of purported climate change mitigation, or fact-checking. At least this can be said about fact-checking: It costs a hell of a lot less.”
Sounds like Monty Python accounting.
Happy New Year to all!
Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year in 2025 to Jo and all Her Contributors!
Happy new year to everyone and great to see Danica Di Georgio carrying on the good stuff at the Bolt Report while Andrew is away on hols .
She rips the clueless B O Bowen loony very nicely and I hope 2025 will see the end of Labor, Greens and Teals. I can’t wait.
It is encouraging to see some younger people chanellengine the insanity of woke poles like Blackout.
“A Year of Woke Observance: One Man’s Struggle with the Liturgical Calendar of the Politically Correct”
A sterling service which you only have to repeat if you wish to check a replication!
“Health Officials Investigating Possible Link Between Ozempic and Eye-Rotting Condition”
Where “informed consent” might be important?
The image that has ignited a firestorm of outrage across Australia.
Fresh from the smoldering ruins of the bushfire devastation, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, alongside the Victorian Premier, erupted into laughter, completely oblivious to the piercing eyes of the cameras capturing every second of this callous display.
As the nation reels in shock and disbelief, the backdrop of tragedy starkly contrasts with their mirth.
This moment of absolute insensitivity has branded their actions as not just inappropriate, but utterly revolting In the political arena.
Elon Musk on the Sydney Moaning Herald
Elon Musk@elonmusk
I predict that the Sydney Morning Herald will continue to lose readership in 2025 for relentlessly lying to their audience and boring them to death
Oh no! They might go broke.. or at least demand Govt subsidies to act as a propaganda arm!
Who would lecture me on the etiquette of using the latest fashionable electronic gizmo if its not a hack journo at the SMH?
Life-long freeloader in disaster porn selfie.
I don’t know who’s responsible for this photographic creation – but whether it came into being with one snap or was layered imaginatively into existence, it captures the Essence of Albanese.
Here’s a note from reader Mr J who sent it to us:
Piss off Albo and let them do the job.
Once upon a time, we had a Prime Minister who didn’t get in the way …. he just did the work.
From the Comments
– They all look like advertising actors, not ordinary Joe firefighters & certainly not the brigade norm I belonged to years ago.
– Not a soot stain to be seen!!!!!Bit of a giveaway.
– Hair styled, clean shaven, no soot, smiling in the face of disaster and that’s just Albo.
Michael Smith News – real journalism forever!
A man destroyed by the powerful as he had the guts to take on Gillard and the unions.
Happy New Year!
Gutter politics from the Australian Labor Party – probably supported by the Greans & TEALs?
Peter Dutton on the high ground.
I can assure you the Liberal Party I lead will not be targeting Jodie Hayden. I respect and like Jodie but she is not an elected official and will not be the subject of humiliation, attack ads or public smear by the Liberal Party. I would ask the PM to equally respect my wife.
— Peter Dutton (@PeterDutton_MP) December 30, 2024
When even Albo calls out labor scummery
— Michael Tiyce (@MichaelTiyce) December 30, 2024
Scum rises to the surface in elections. At least Dutton has not been called Hitler. Yet.
‘Gutter politics’: Peter Dutton forces Anthony Albanese to order Labor post be removed
Anthony Albanese has been forced to order a highly personal attack against Peter Dutton and his wife be scrubbed from the Victorian ALP’s social media accounts.
The Prime Minister’s intervention came after Mr Dutton called on Mr Albanese and Labor to show his family respect and avoid an election campaign dominated by personal attacks, after the Victorian ALP targeted him and Kirilly Dutton in a “gutter politics” social media post.
With Labor’s polling share falling sharply in Victoria ahead of next year’s federal election, the Victorian ALP manipulated a five-year-old newspaper report on the Duttons to attack them.
The post went up about 11am on Monday under the heading “We all know that one couple” and a secondary line stating “Justifying dating your new partner to your friends who don’t like him” above a 2019 newspaper photo quoting Ms Dutton saying of her husband: ‘‘He is not a monster.’’
The original Queensland-based Sunday Mail newspaper front page was headlined “My Pete’s no monster’’.
The Opposition Leader vowed that his campaign would be clean and would not target family members such as the Prime Minister’s fiancee, Jodie Haydon.
“I can assure you: the Liberal Party I lead will not be targeting Jodie Haydon,” he said in a statement. “I respect and like Jodie but she is not an elected official and will not be the subject of humiliation, attack ads or public smear by the Liberal Party.
“I would ask the PM to equally respect my wife.”
On the H1B visa kerfuffle in US
“Family Arguments”
“The problem with the management of any large enterprise is the you end up having to take certain things on faith. Which is how the hyper concentrated management of communist countries fails.
Yes, you can do marketing and opinion surveys, but for anything political or frankly economic or– well, pretty much anything in these days, they are proving more and more useless.”
And more
(Sarah is Portuguese)
Chocolate coming you way, Jo. Keep up the great work!
Happy New Year.
FWIW – a hint for Canberra
“Sweden has now turned its immigration into a net outflow.
They did this very complicated trick.
1, Stop letting people in
2. Stop giving any money to the ones already there
So hard, I doubt any developed nation could copy it.”
Via Instapundit
From ABC program this morning the NSW New Year fireworks have been “Rebranded ” the “Calling To Country Fireworks” To channel Pauline…..”Please Explain”!!!!!!!
Calling Country – Sydney New Year’s Eve
The Calling Country display celebrates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander talent and showcases the world’s oldest living culture on a global stage. The 9pm fireworks show at Sydney New Year’s Eve will shine a light on creative excellence and the enduring strength of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
I will give it a miss.
Has next year’s Winter started early or is it the remains of THIS year’s cold snap?
via NZ MetService Mountains Forecast
North Island Volcanoes
“Snow to 2,300 metres”
Gale force southeasterlies, thunder, hail, snow.
NB. Tuesday 31 December 2024.
Yesterday it was snowing (lightly) on the South Island’s Main Divide (Mt Cook), there’s a reprieve today & tomorrow, then come 2 January 2025, back to Norm: snow on the high peaks and gale force winds. Thankfully here, near Lake Macquarie, it’s a sunny 28C with a chance of an afternoon thunderstorm… beauty.
Happy New Year!
South Korea’s Jeju Air crash: The most pressing questions facing investigators
Richard de Crespigny – Former Qantas pilot
Was there a bird strike? Videos show a right engine event. If a bird strike occurred, to what extent was that engine and its associated systems compromised?
Why did the transponder fail? The aircraft’s ADS-B transponder, which broadcasts data including location, speed, and altitude twice per second, ceased transmissions shortly after the engine event. What caused this failure?
Why were the landing gear and flaps not deployed? The aircraft turned northward before attempting a reciprocal approach to land. However, it landed with both the landing gear and flaps up. Did the ground proximity warning system issue the “too low gear” warning?
Why did the aircraft touch down so late along the runway? It touched down in the latter half of the 2900-metre runway, leaving insufficient distance to stop. I think this approach suggests the pilot may have assumed the landing gear to be down. However, the landing gear was up, and so the aircraft “floated”, decelerating slowly in what’s called “ground-effect”, which acts like a cushion close to the ground and led to a late touchdown.
Did the pilots attempt to take off again before reaching the end of the runway? Videos show the left engine airborne before the runway’s end. Perhaps they did attempt to take off.
Was the cockpit crew an effective team?
Team dynamics play a crucial role in aviation safety.
It is essential that all pilots have the responsibility, authority and psychological safety to challenge one another, regardless of rank.
In cultures with high “power distance” – a measure of hierarchical deference identified by Dutch social psychologist Geert Hofstede – subordinates may hesitate to correct their superiors. This dynamic contributed to accidents such as Korean Air Flight 801 (1997) and Asiana Airlines Flight 214 (2013). Did a similar dynamic affect Jeju Air Flight 2216?
This goes with that.
The fire fighting effort starts at 2:00 mins.
I Did a fair bit of fire training in my time, both hose with and without foaming agent and extinguishers, always taught to aim at the base of the fire. Airports literally use foam for everything, except in South Korea?
The new Berm at the end of runways, hope main roads doesn’t crack onto this idea and convert the truck emergency run offs to concrete blocks.
WilliamX if you’re still about?
Runway foaming is something from the past, when airliners had highly-volatile gasoline fuel and the Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) services had protein foam.
In addition to a number of studies disproving the actual effectiveness of foaming, the main factor is that the Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) currently in use is much better for firefighting but it is not suitable for runway foaming. Moreover, very few airports have specialised foam laying trucks and have water and foam reserves for runway foaming (in addition to the ICAO minima for firefighting).
Why “Foaming” The Runway Is No Longer Commonly Used In Aviation
The recent belly landing and tragic crash of Jeju Air 2216 led many online to ask why the airport did not ‘foam the runway’ prior to landing.
This practice has been largely abandoned over the years. The FAA withdrew a circular about the practice way back in 1987. While ICAO still provides procedures on how to foam a runway, the practice is rarely used today.
This is not central Botswana.
“the Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) currently in use” in use
I stated at 2:00 where is the Runway in that.
Try harder.
You’ve lost me.
Lateral video post 25 seconds doesn’t show a runway. So what?
This, by YOUR own statement, is about contemporary firefighting methodology not runway visibility by amateur video.
YOU try harder, kiddo!
There prolly was a bird strike. The cabin had smoke in it [some say] which would have been cooked bird. Cabin air bleeds from the right engine.
There was only seven minutes from bird strike to catastrophe, not enough time to do anything much including the check lists which would apply. Why the haste to land has me puzzled. After hours of flight the aircraft would have been light and easily flown on one engine.
Too early to say but there is a slight scent of panic on the flight deck. Americans are serious about “sterile cockpit” and it is instilled in pilots that a junior FO can and must speak up if he/she sees something wrong. This wasn’t so in Korea once, may not yet be fully understood.
I think it was a Korean plane where the Captain was ex-air force and The Boss. His FO did nothing while the plane flew into the scenery. Decades ago though.
ATC transcripts give just three mins from “Mayday” to “Bugger”. No time for foam.
I’m having trouble finding something the crew did right. I would be very happy to be shown to be wrong.
In remembrance of Joe Biden, as 2024 draws to a close
Four years of sadness, fear, anger, and depression. Living under an administration of corruption, mendacity, and moral turpitude. So glad he was thrown under the bus in the most ignominious fashion. For half a century he was a pompous, do-nothing political hack. Good riddance.
– James Woods
Joe did a lot of damage at the end of the Vietnam War. He stopped the resupply of parts to the South Vietnam forces so they had no spare parts for their aicraft and tanks.
Joe also stopped in aid to the Vietnam refugees who came to the USA at the end of the War. President Ford had to ring up the Churches to supply food and accommodation for the refugees.:-(
A man with no redeeming qualities, yet they berate Trump.
FWIW – more covid
“One Flu Out Of The Wuhan Nest”
“This week, the Wall Street Journal released an alarming report on how the Biden administration may have suppressed dissenting views supporting the lab theory on the origin of the COVID-19 virus. Not only were the FBI and its top experts excluded from a critical briefing of President Biden, but government scientists were reportedly warned that they were “off the reservation” in supporting the lab theory.
The chilling suggestion is that, despite the virus ultimately killing more than 1.2 million Americans and over 7 million people worldwide, there was still an overriding interest in the administration to downplay the Chinese responsibility for the pandemic.
The Journal lays out how that unfolded, but the more disturbing question is why.”
>…but the more disturbing question is why
And on a completely unrelated topic, why were the Bidens receiving money from the CCP?
The simple, unilluminating answer, is influence, peddling.
Grease our palms and we’ll take your phone call when something comes up.
Graft from the Chicoms was socially acceptable while institutional DC Cold War sentiments dictated the Ruskies remain the baddies.
What confuses me as a Cold War child, is how the Chicoms (the most psycho crazy of the Commie psycho crazies) became a tolerated invite to the country club by the Cold War warriors.
Ivan stopped being Commie, but still was dis-invited to Prom.
Now my underwear is made in Viet Nam.
Almost everything else is made by Little Red Book wavers.
I guess we can thank Richard Nixon.
I suppose the Cold War was just like the Hundred Years War.
We’re taught it as a war between England and France, when in fact it was an extended familial feud.
The influence peddlers make a deal after the expending sufficient amount of our lives and productivity.
(Conveniently enriching each other in the process.)
The New Emperors are crafting a New Deal.
Global corporate capitalism with CCP style social control.
Diversity is such a strength that it requires constant propaganda to remind us of it and a police state to enforce it.
Please help me?
What is the link to the IPCC table that shows low confidence in harm from about 10 of the main “fearful” climate factors?
Floods, droughts, sea level change, heatwaves, number of hurricanes, number of destructive storms etc are among the factors. Only increasing heat and heatwaves were cited as high confidence that worse is to come.
It has been mentioned several times in Jo Nova comments.
sherr#01 at #otl##k d#t c#m
I think it is from AR6, but not sure. Could be from a recent special report.
I can’t find it using my choice of key words for searches.
To all, a lovely 2025 is ahead. Keep time open for happy news from January 21 onwards. Geoff S
Oliver Cromwell had a few thoughts about “politicians”:
“Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defiled this sacred place, and turned the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices?
Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation. You were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.
Your country therefore calls upon me to cleanse this Augean stable, by putting a final period to your iniquitous proceedings in this House; and which by God’s help, and the strength he has given me, I am now come to do.
I command ye therefore, upon the peril of your lives, to depart immediately out of this place.
Go, get you out! Make haste! Ye venal slaves be gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.
In the name of God, go!”
“Parker Solar Probe Survives its Close Encounter with the Sun
The actual data obtained by the Parker Solar Probe should be arriving on New Year’s Day, if all goes well.”
“Are Plant-Based Meat Alternatives Healthy?”
Yet another grren inspired project at great expense for no benefit.
As my my reply to Skepticynic is trapped in mod …
it occurs to me that maybe 2025 will be a possible (likely short lived) period of moderation.
The Gov/Media/Academic lie machine over the last few decades has just been an intense destructive despicable mess.
‘Pandemic’ truly exposed it.
They’re probably being forced to moderate.
The ugliness of this Climate/Woke/Trump/Pandemic perpetrated propaganda concoction is almost too gruesome to bear.
And Happy New Year to all!