Being called “Far Right” is like being called a witch in the middle ages

By Jo Nova

A “Far Left Politician” is practically invisible, and usually harmless. But a Far Right politician is dangerous.

(To the people who use namecalling to silence opponents).

To be called “Far Right” implies someone is a horrible person, and you should probably hiss at them if they get too close.  But on the prime time news, even bureaucrats pushing for One World Government, or slave owning dictators like President Xi are rarely introduced as “the Far Left President Xi”. That would give the game away, wouldn’t it? There would be constant reminders of the dangers of going “too far left”.

In its purest form the political right just want individual rights and smaller government, yet the “definition” of far right keeps shape-shifting to become somehow horribly authoritarian, “like Hitler”, of course, (the Socialist). Who benefits from this absurd definition? — Big Leftist collectivists, of course.

We the people cannot even have a conversation with easily recognizable words. The word fog is not an accident.

The real horrors are not the right wing people waving a national flag, and talking about individual rights, but the far left committees in Brussels or Davos that want to take your money, inject you, tell you what you can say, and take away a medicine that might save your life.

Namecalling is a powerful tool.



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118 comments to Being called “Far Right” is like being called a witch in the middle ages

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    Graeme from way back

    As a general rule of thumb, far right is anyone who is not far left or who otherwise disagrees with the far left.


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    As it happens my nearest big town Exeter was an epicentre for witch trials,often accused of changing the westher. By pure coincidence Exeter is now the home of the met office


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      Geoff Sherrington

      Minor point. “Epicentre” is terminology specific for earthquakes. Please use “Centre”, especially in a piece about names. Geoff S


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        Sorry Geoff but the word spread out from the narrow usage you attribute to it it, many years ago

        the point on the earth’s surface vertically above the focus of an earthquake.
        the central point of something, typically a difficult or unpleasant situation:
        “the epicentre of labour militancy was the capital itself


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      I believe that our current BOM chief came from the University of Exeter, well known I believe for its AGW stance.


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      For those interested, James Delingpole has written an updated version of his original book (2011) “Watermelons”. The book largely centred around what JD called “climate gate”. He’s aded a couple of chapters and spruced it up a bit.


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    Yes, it’s always worth reminding people what Nazi is short for in German.


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    Or, as has been said, “far right, or right so far?” May have been Pauline Hanson?


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    bobby b

    I think the key is to embrace the label, and carry it as a badge of honor.

    “MAGA” is, to my lefty relatives and acquaintances, a horrid insult. I have three hats that say MAGA. I alternate between them.

    “Fascist” and “racist” are similar. If you wish to label me as such for your idiotic and illiterate reasons, fine, but get out of my way.

    The fact that you are running as fast as you can to the left doesn’t mean that I’m moving to the right, unless you consider yourself to be the center of the universe, in which case I don’t much care what you think of anything.


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      Tides of Mudgee

      Bobby I wanted to give you multiple green thumbs, but a visiting friend gave you one on their iPad using my Wifi, so I couldn’t, but I tried. ToM


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      Jon Rattin

      Jo’s post coincides with an opinion piece published today in The Age. There’s some pretty bad comparisons made by the writer.

      Since Trump’s victory, we’ve avoided the F-word. We need to bring it back By Dennis Glover

      My guess is that the wariness we feel about the MAGA movement today was shared by our grandparents and great-grandparents during the rise of right-wing populism almost a century ago.

      Believers in liberal democracy back then at least had an excuse. Modern populist movements like fascism and Nazism were genuinely new. Their methods had never been seen before. It’s not surprising people didn’t have a clue how to counter it and were completely overwhelmed. Our generation doesn’t have that excuse.

      So there you have it- apparently we are the verge of another era of fascism and Nazism. Given the tone of the article, you wouldn’t think an election was run and won in the US last year.


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        It tells me the writer is not only far left but bog ignorant. Probably tautology since one goes hand in hand with the other. The writers biggest mistake is believing that all his readers are as ignorant as he is.


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      In the Australian context, MAGA means Make Albo Go Away.


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        We had the same, i.e Make Ardern Go Away
        Stickers were available and there is still one on a car out in the car park where I work


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    If you want to be an extreme right wing person these days, believe in the following:
    -small government,
    -individual responsibility and
    -that the traditional family is the basic building block of society.
    Its that easy.


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    The endless conflation of National Socialist Hitler with the extreme right is typical of the deceit. The battle between Hitler and Stalin was socialist dictator against communist dictator. The destruction of all human rights and lives was common. There was no rule of law.

    But the left do not compare mass murdering dictators to Stalin, because he remains a hero. Our Prime Minister Albanese follows his hero Trotsky and Greens Leader Dr Adam Bandt adores mass murdering Lenin.

    And anybody who disagrees is called Extreme Right, as if they were Hitler.

    Lost in all this are the Conservatives who believe in all rights,the rule of law, democracy, the Constitution.

    It was our own Prime Minister who attempted last year to consign our Constitution to the rubbish bin with his Voice, a committee he would appoint which would rule over the parliament, the public service and the legal system. Call it a politburo.

    We just escaped absolute Communist rule by Anthony Albanese and Adam Bandt and their attempt to extinguish our democracy legally. Just as Hitler did. And like all Fascists, they were supported by Big Business and the Public Service including their ABC/SBS and Pravda on the Yarra.

    And the approved attacks on the Jews and Israel are well underway, as recognized internationally. And no one calls it out as classic Fascism. The world has seen it all before. I doubt Trump’s MAGA will have anything to do with our Fascist government.


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      Dave in the States

      The battle between Hitler and Stalin was socialist dictator against communist dictator.

      The battle between those two was not ideological, in my opinion. It was partly rooted in AH’s racism. He associated the Bolsheviks with being controlled by an imagined Jewish conspiracy.

      Stalin was probably a sociopath, so it was plain hard Realpolitik for him.

      I always refer to the Natcees as National Socialists because it accurately defines their ideology, while the former is meaningless today or a smear label.


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        There is an emerging view that gambler Hitler had no real choice but to attack the Soviet Union long before he could integrate his conquests in France to Norway into the Reich. In fact his economy was entirely fake running massive deficits and running short of everything, especially food. He was about to experience a catastrophic collapse like the Weimar Republic. His fabulous manufacturing miracle was built on endless lies to the German people including annual holidays on the Baltic, a free Volkswagen car for every family, plenty of food and of course, rapid success.

        But half of a devastated Poland shared with Russia was not enough. Ukraine promised unlimited food. And the Caucuses oil to power his machines of war. Plus the amazingly rapid defeat of the French and the British in just weeks made him overconfident. He also distrusted the Prussian military classes who had led Germany to defeat in WW1. And Stalin was already wiping out his own military. Hitler nearly succeeded at Borodino like Napoleon and at the gates of Moscow

        And both sides, Fascists and Communists hated and envied Jewish people and the finances they controlled. All wars need bankers. Bankers even today are inordinately wealthy and influential and universally disliked, but necessary. The problem for Stalin and Hitler was that thanks to the vanished Khazarian empire which had adopted Judaism, up to 40% of people in Eastern Europe and parts of Russia were Jewish unlike Germany where it was 3%, comparable to Australia today. And Stalin had plenty of former Mongol/Muslims to deport as well, including the entire population of Crimea, the old Crimean Khanate. And most of the ‘stans were muslim, not Russian.

        Plus the other view is that Hitler was just a crook who succeeded past his wildest dreams. He and his friends stole everything they could from conquered lands and rich Jews in particular. Hitler’s vision was always about how he could steal more. And Goering and Himmler and Goebbels and his Generals were all planning their very comfortable retirement. At no stage did they believe in a utopian vision. Politics was just a way to achieve personal success. Crooks and thieves, mass murdering monsters.

        As Adam Bandt said to me, ‘we tell them what they want to hear and when we get power, we do what we want’. I was appalled. This is Australia today. The Green party where well meaning people are being promised a better future. It’s a lie. Hitler was a fabulist Greenie vegetarian too.


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          a person who composes or relates fables.

          a liar, especially a person who invents elaborate, dishonest stories.
          “a born fabulist, with an imagination unfettered by the laws of logic and probability”


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          You need a history lesson.

          Hitler did not “defeat… the French and British in just weeks” in 1940. He defeated the French, and he defeated the British army on the continent. He did not defeat the British, for to do that would mean defeating also the Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force. They defeated him a few months later; have you never heard of the Battle of Britain? Britain is an island and therefore kept a standing Navy, but only took the time to pump up its army when a war broke out.

          Your mention of the Khazars repeats an increasingly popular piece of nonsense, that the Jews who appeared in the Rhineland 1000 years ago, and grew to become central/eastern Europe’s Jews, were not ethnic Jews but Khazars – a Turkic tribe which had converted to Judaism some centuries earlier. How then do you explain the total absence of Turkic loan words in their language, Yiddish (which is packed with German loan words from the time in the Rhineland)?


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      Geoffrey Williams

      It’s all a little like the map of the world reversed where the right is on the left, and the left is on the right. Well it used to be so, but the joker in the pack, the green environmentalists changed all that and now we are all confused . .


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      Graham Palmer

      Correct in your assessment of the VOICE.
      How can any legal body directly approved / authorized by “the people” to be enshrined in the Australian Constitution be anything else in law but the Fourth Arm of Government.

      Note that the LNP did not have a clue as to the implications in law would be. Said as much in public.

      Probably have the power of a Commissioner like the Human Rights Commissioner but self-appointing with no restrictions or limits of scope detailed in the Constitution.
      Only an act of Parliament would be able to overturn one of their determinations.


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    Far right also includes the belief of verifiable facts over emotion.

    How many times have we commented that you can’t reason with the left. Facts will not sway them. Quizzing them over HOW their policies will operate is tantamount to heresy. And then the name calling commences.

    Those to the right of Stalin will not be heard in the modern world. Well not unless you own a printing press, (see Musk).


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    David Maddison

    “Far right” as a slur has its origins after WW2 when Leftists didn’t want to be associated with the evils of the National Socialists. So rather than calling them of the Left, they said they were of the right

    The philosopher of fascism, of which National Socialism is a derivative, was Giovanni Gentile, a Hegelian Marxist.

    Leftists need to stop being in denial about the true nature of National Socialism. And we see from the Left much of the same behaviour today such as extreme environmentalism, veganism, black uniform wearing thugs of Antifa, antisemitism, violence, boycotts, “youth movements” and indoctrination of youth etc..

    Fascism and its derivative National Socialism is, to be sure, a different flavour of socialism than communism and Marxism, and today’s Leftists claim not to like National Socialists but Leftists have always been at war with other factions of the Left, there’s nothing new there.

    A difference between National Socialism and Fascism as compared to communism is that the former do allow some private ownership of industry, as long as industry does exactly what Government wants, which is more or less what we have now. National Socialism allows for a longer period of time to achieve state ownership of industry than communism which wants to do it overnight.

    As for the Left-Right political spectrum I place pro-freedom ideologies on the Right and anti-freesom ideologies on the Left, including National Socialism and Communism. Our Liberal-Labor parties are centrist but becoming increasingly Leftist, the same with Republican-Democrats in the US before TRUMP but now he is moving the Republicans to the Right, pro-freedom side.

    You might want to look at the following article. I can’t post the link because it’s a PDF and I can’t see what the link is on my phone but you can Goolag it.

    Journal of Libertarian Studies
    Volume 25, No. 1 (2021): XXX–XXX

    ABSTRACT: The Left has been represented by various currents that have historically been very aggressive toward each other because they used different tactics and strategies to achieve socialism. Like many intellectuals, revolutionary leftists did not get along with each other very often. Since the inception of Marxism, which is the doctrine of communism—an extreme and distinctive flavor of socialism—the Far Left has portrayed adherents of less revolutionary ideologies as enemies of the working people. The followers of evolutionary socialism—the Social Democrats—were accused by the Communists of betraying the proletariat. Non-Marxist currents of socialism, such as fascism and National Socialism, were excluded from the socialist camp and put on the right wing by Marxist-Leninist propaganda. Stalinist political science became a benchmark that distinguished between the genuine Left and the Right. This article shows the origin and historical background of the artificial shift of fascism and National Socialism to the right side of the political spectrum.



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    John F. Hultquist

    Well, they haven’t started stoning, pressing,
    or burning us “far right” folks, yet! Have they?

    I’d rather equate CO2 as the modern witch.
    Witches did unexplained things, as does CO2.
    And the ClimateCult™ is trying to purge it.


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    ‘Back in the day’, which is the newfangled way of saying back in the old days, ‘far out’ was a way of expressing approval. If you described someone or something as far out then it was or they were cool and groovy.
    There are very few political positions. You never hear far back or far forward, far up or far down, far away even.
    There’s only far right really, because you don’t often hear about the far left or even just the left. People are very quiet about the left, especially far left. Which is a shame. I think people who say far right should listen to Yeonmi Park talk about the far left. About what life and death is like in the glorious communist Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.


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    Honk R Smith

    The abbreviation is FART.


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    People who work for Government and Government instrumentalities, including ABC, SBS, schools and universities do so, bye and large, because they have a deep down fundamental distrust of private ‘for profit’ enterprise and as such are, whether they would embrace it or not, socialists, ultimately falling into the ‘we know best’ camp of not trusting people to make their own decisions based on objective observation and not wanting to expose the people to true equity … people getting what they deserve, both as individuals and groups … pretending that equality of outcomes is somehow equity, which it is most definitely not.


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      Used to have fun discussions with my wife’s teacher pals who would complain bitterly about all their lazy, hopeless colleagues but then were dead against performance based pay because “it would be impossible to assess fairly”.
      Their thinking was they’d rather be paid the same as the lowest common denominator than risk someone being unfairly paid more than them.
      They were totally dumbstruck when I pointed out that most of the private sector has successfully used performance based salaries for ever.


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    David Maddison

    The Nazis were leftists. This statement is blasphemy to the academic-media complex, since everyone knows the Nazis were degenerate right-wingers fueled by toxic capitalism and racism. But evidence Adolf Hitler’s gang were men of the left, while debatable, is compelling.

    The dispute on Nazi origins resurfaced through the confluence of brawling alt-right and antifa fringe movements and recent alternative histories by Dinesh D’Souza and others. The vitriol and lack of candor it produces from supposedly fact-driven academics and media is disturbing, if unsurprising. They stifle dissent on touchy subjects to maintain their narrative and enforce cultural hegemony.

    “The Road to Serfdom,” by F. A. Hayek, is one such tract. Published in 1944, it remains a classic for young people on the political right discovering their intellectual roots. A sort of academic “1984,” it warns of socialism’s tendency toward planned states and totalitarianism.

    One aspect of the book can shock the conscience. Hayek describes Nazism as a “genuine socialist movement” and thus left-wing by modern American standards. Indeed, the Austrian-born Hayek wrote the book from his essay, “Nazi-Socialism,” which countered prevailing opinion at the London School of Economics, where he taught. British elites regarded Nazism as a virulent capitalist reaction against enlightened socialism—a view that persists today.

    The shock comes from academic and cultural orthodoxy on National Socialism. From the moment they enter the political fray, young right-wingers are told, “You own the Nazis.” At best, the left concedes it owns communism. This comforts a little, because even if far higher in body count, communism supposedly rebukes the scourge of racism. But it’s all a lie.



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      David Maddison


      By these definitions, the Nazis were firmly on the left. National Socialism was a collectivist authoritarian movement run by “social justice warriors.” This brand of “justice” benefited only some based on immutable characteristics, which perfectly aligns with the modern brand. The Nazi ideal embraced identity politics based on the primacy of the people, or volk, and invoked state-based solutions for every possible problem. It was nation-based socialism—the nation being especially important to those who bled in the Great War.

      As Hayek stated in 1933, the year the Nazis took power: “[I]t is more than probable that the real meaning of the German revolution is that the long dreaded expansion of communism into the heart of Europe has taken place but is not recognized because the fundamental similarity of methods and ideas is hidden by the difference in phraseology and the privileged groups.”

      Nazism and socialism competed with the Enlightenment-based individualism of John Locke, Adam Smith, Montesquieu, and others who profoundly influenced the American founding and define the modern American right at its best. These thinkers fit easily with Hayek’s Austrian School of Economics, which opposed both the imperialist German Historical School and the Marxists.



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      The ‘peoples car’ is but one.


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      Yep, and we know they were hard left socialists because one of the first things they did when gaining power, was to nationalise just about every industry. Plus introduce universal health care.


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    Murray Shaw

    Forget Davos, it has been replaced by Mar-a-Lago!


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      Let’s just hope the morals-free opportunitists get on board this train. They will be left in the shunting yard of irrelevancy if they don’t…….


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    Great point you make TdeF about the conflation of Hitler (a socialist ie, NSDAP) and the right. A point I would also like to make is that the leaders of these far left regimes – such as Hitler – usually end up as totalitarian dictators. Let’s take Mao Zedung, Pol Pot, Putin, Castro, and so on. Governments of the far left usually look stable and solid until they collape in a shambles.Democratic governments of the right often look like a shambles but somehow survive through time and give their citizens a fair and stable society.
    I’ll go for right- leaning government every time.


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    David Maddison


    Green Tyranny: Exposing the Totalitarian Roots of the Climate Industrial Complex
    Rupert Darwall

    The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left
    Dinesh D’Souza


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    I’m a Conservative and I believe in the Family front and centre, upholding the law, freedom, small government, the free enterprise system and most importantly I believe in logic and reason.
    Obviously I could never ever vote for Labor, Greens or the Teals or any other far left groups who seem to hate science.


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    Never forget: The National Socialist Workers Party’ was a party of the left, NOT of the right as almost everyone assumes. The ALP was affiliated with it for a time in the early 1930’s


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      Leo Morgan

      Can you give me a source for that claim?
      Yes, both parties were political offshoots of their country’s Trade Union movements; both called themselves Socialist, both prized the group over the individual, both were called right-wing by Lenin because they didn’t join an International Workers Boycott during World War 1, so it seems logical- but I have no source to cite that affiliation you speak of.


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    Liberal Party Beliefs:
    In the inalienable rights and freedoms of all peoples; and we work towards a lean government that minimises interference in our daily lives; and maximises individual and private sector initiative.
    In government that nurtures and encourages its citizens through incentive, rather than putting limits on people through the punishing disincentives of burdensome taxes and the stifling structures of Labor’s corporate state and bureaucratic red tape.
    In those most basic freedoms of parliamentary democracy – the freedom of thought, worship, speech and association.


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      David Maddison

      Where does one find a Liberal Party politician that practices and promotes these supposed beliefs?


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        Leo Morgan

        Sadly, these days few politicians understand economics. Which is why them having their hands on the levers of the economy is so terrifying.
        Liberals used to have some grasp of the consequences of their actions, but today they are as profoundly ignorant as the other side of the uniparty.
        I ask all party members (Of all parties) to interrogate their candidates on economics before preselection. Say “None of the above is acceptable” if they are ignorant.
        Why has housing become so unaffordable? Government unanticipated consequences. Why is antisemitism surging in
        Australia? Unforeseen consequences of Government choices. Why is electricity so high? Why does ‘capitalist road’ China outperform Australia’s economic growth tenfold? Why are racial tensions growing in Australia rather than reducing? Why does the State government announce every ten years that the country’s health care system is broken? And the Commonwealth Government does the same every five years after that. The answer is the same in every case.


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    My definition of Left is someone who thinks superficial caring is better than nothing, hence, everybody who doesn’t agree is uncaring and far right.

    The Right are people who think that if it’s superficial, just forget about it and use the time to look after yourself.


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    I wonder what they’ll call 22 year old Grace Stanke who is a Nuclear engineer and the 2023 Miss America.
    Dick Smith and 18 year old Will Shackel will be touring with her around Australia and the clueless “3 eyes Allan” dummy in Victoria will not be pleased.


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      From the article, Ms Stanke is working on the project to reopen Three Mile Island for Microsoft. Seems to know her stuff.


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    The control of language is a powerful tool. Witness what is happening in the UK right now with “ grooming gangs”. And some journalists and politicians fighting back using “rape gangs” as the description of what went on. Possibly still going on.

    The left use control of language to manipulate the emotional responses of the proletariat. We aren’t allowed strong responses against behaviour of some Pakistani men because all of them would be Muslims. And the left, who see people as acting as members of groups and not individuals, see that as criticising the religion of Islam and by extension, prophet Mohammad.

    Calling the gangs “grooming gangs” elicits a more “civilised” emotional response. And it enables the behaviour to be ignored more easily. Somehow we are asked to believe that grooming is ALL that occurred.


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    David Maddison


    Rights-violating ideologies and systems.
    Extreme force.
    Examples: Communism, Fascism, National Socialism, fundamentalist theocracies.

    Rights-violating ideologies and systems.
    Intermediate levels of force.
    Examples: Liberalism (US sense), “progressivism”, Liberal Party (Australia), Labor Party (Australia), Republicans (US), Democrats (US).

    Rights-respecing ideologies and systems.
    No or minimal force.
    Examples: Free market capitalism, classical Liberalism (European sense), US Constitutional Republicanism (if true to Constitution), conservatism (some forms).

    (Based on ideas from The Objective Stabdard but modified by me.)


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    I hate the analogy. Christian teaching in Medieval Europe was that it was heretical to accuse someone of being a witch, and the punishment was a strict talking to rather than being burnt at the stake.

    The Basque Witches highlight what was happening. Twelve people were accused of heresy by the secular government and three Inquisitors were sent to investigate. They cleared the accused because witnesses claimed they saw the accused do magical stuff. Too late for seven who had died before being cleared.

    It would have been a better analogy if the Inquisitors were sacked.

    Persecution of people for witches still occurred despite the teachings and Protestant churches accepted the existence of witches. Still, only reliable evidence of hundreds. Evidence of thousands comes from poor sources (witch hunters bragging in Scotland but zero supporting evidence) and tens of thousands from academics extrapolating to areas with no historical evidence surviving. Most will believe millions from academics in the 50s who just made it up with zero evidence, ironically.

    I’ll add that I’ve read sceptics use the analogy of how people believed that witches caused bad weather and were executed for causing storms in the middle ages. I found the source of that. A bishop in recently converted Anglo-Saxon Britain complained about his flock still clinging to pagan beliefs.


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    Since when did name-calling become a powerful force. Duped by a woke government education system?

    Sticks and stones might break my bones,
    But name-calling should never hurt me.



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      Graeme No.3

      Being called Far Right implies that the caller is Far Left, and open to be asked which Far Left are You?
      Just ask them which Far Left are they? Pol Pot? Mao Tsetung? Stalin? Hitler?
      The last will baffle them as they won’t know that Stalin labelled Hitler after he invaded Russia.


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      Honk R Smith

      Since when did name-calling become a powerful force(?)

      Isn’t it branding or product labeling?
      It’s why the Progs hate Trump.
      He is a marketing prodigy.
      It was the phenom of Non-profits, NGOs, advocacy groups that evolved into a lucrative industry.
      This new guy showed up and beat them at a game that they had not fully realized they were playing.
      The political operative class have always been droll.
      Trump wins at the name calling, because he does it with humor and sarcasm, they fail at the new game because they are incredibly dull.

      While calling Trump H!tL-Er failed at the polls, it succeeded amongst the high dollar Dem donor class.
      Lots of DC political op types went to the bank with Kamala Harris.
      The spoiled child tantrums will continue if it keeps bringing in dough.
      Oddly Trump winning may keep the gravy train rolling.

      An example of this is ‘Defund the Police’
      Few Dem pols actually ever said this.
      Their fund raising script writers did, and they acquiesced, because it raised money and raised a ruckus they mistook for popularity.
      I’ve witnessed this myself when working in DC in that industry.
      A fundraiser writer hack will pen a letter under a Congress persons name.
      The Congress person pays little attention cause the fund raising is contracted out and it’s about the cash.
      Suddenly said Congress person is pegged and stuck with a position and rhetoric that the writer hack manufactured to induce donations.


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      Curses, spells and hexes require to be spoken to work


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    Last time I looked, the terms “left” and right” originated in France, (of course), during one of the several bouts of “revolutionary fervour” that arose tin the 18th and 19th century.

    The origin was the side of the buig table around which the enthusiasts sat, and the subtle difference between their actual intentions.

    “Kill the “oppressors” anfd then “redistribute” all their stuff”, or

    “Arrest the “oppressors, steal and redistribute their stuff, then run them through a sow-trial before executing them.

    Basically interchangeable blobs, separated by the wonderful semantic gymnastics of the “dialectic”.


    The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule. – H. L. Mencken.

    Some quotable notables for example:

    We (UN-IPCC) redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy…””One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore…” – Dr Ottmar Endenhofer-, IPCC co-chair of Working Group 3, November 13, 2010

    ”A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” – Ted Turner, Founder of CNN and major UN donor
    ”Unless we announce disasters no one will listen.” – Sir John Houghton, First chairman of the IPCC

    ”It doesn’t matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true.” – Paul Watson, Co-founder of Greenpeace

    ”We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.” – Timothy Wirth, President of the UN Foundation

    ”No matter if the science of global warming is all phony… climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.” – Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment

    “The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe.” – Emeritus Professor Daniel Botkin

    ”Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong, Founder of the UN Environmental Program

    ”Global Sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption and set levels of mortality control.” – Professor Maurice King.
    ”I suspect that eradicating small pox was wrong. it played an important part in balancing ecosystems.” – John Davis, Editor of Earth First! Journal.
    “Interesting times” are afoot.

    There are MANY more of these evil people out there.


  • #

    Find out where you are politically with this free online test.

    I took the test myself and found my results very enlightening.

    “Our website provides interested individuals with a non-partisan, anonymous and confidential online quiz that maps your political ideology based on a two-axis grid of economic freedom and personal freedom”.

    “We at Map My Politics developed our quiz with the sole intent of helping people to better understand their own political opinions and ideologies”.


    • #

      These things are stupid. You can think Muslim immigration is bad and still be left wing because you disagree with a capitalist free for all. FFS Using the Liberal Party (as liberal laws regarding trade and business) policies to answer the questions and you would be e labelled left-wing.


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    Greg in NZ

    Talking of far-out witches who left (via an online encyclopaedia of similar ill-repute):

    ‘In December 2020, PM Jacinda Ardern declared a climate change emergency and pledged that the New Zealand Government would be carbon neutral by 2025’. Hey, that’s now!

    In 2024 she suddenly quit/resigned – her internationalist speech-writer penning the infamous words she had ‘no gas left in the tank’, which was not surprising as she’d shut them all down – and fled to Joe Biden’s USSA. Having accepted a royal honorific, she then took a job with soon-to-be king, Willy, to ‘save’ the entire planet from its polluting people.

    Some fairytales really are quite nightmarish.


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      Forrest Gardener

      The forces which cause the big lumps to float to the top of a septic tank are well understood.

      Those which cause the big lumps to float to the top of a political tank less so.


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      She’s a witch – BURN HER or in today’s craziness BURN (preferred pronounces)!,



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    David Maddison

    Once you understand the true meaning of “Left” and “Right”, you’ll understand that being called “Far Right” is a compliment and the polar opposite of being a National Socialist of which the Communist Left are on the same side of the political spectrum.

    Being of the Left is a deeply shameful condition but one which few will ever understand or revert from.

    Dr Thomas Sowell is a rare example of someone who escaped from Leftist ideology and became a Rightist. Incidentally, he was a student of the Libertarian “far right” Professor Milton Friedman. At no time did Friedman ever try to “convert” him. Sowell came up with his own conclusions.

    Leftists hate Sowell because of their racism. They don’t believe Sowell as a black person should be allowed to be of the Right.

    The Left especially hate all black conservatives and Rightists. Look how they treated Larry Elder, for example, Republican candidate for California Governor. They called him “the black face of white supremacy”…WTF? (Reference below.)

    Rightists don’t force their beliefs upon others, unlike the Left for whom censorship is one of their basic essential weapons in their war against Western Civilisation and humanity in general.


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      Dave in the States

      Black conservatives and conservative women are an existential threat to the Democrat Party in America.


    • #

      The FACT that Martin Luther King was a REPUBLICAN from the “deep-ish South, probably went a LONG way to his being on the “hit-list”

      His words and deeds have long been stolen by the usual suspects.


  • #

    Last night Andrew Bolt exposed the vile loonies of the left like this idiot who is helped by the Vic Trades Hall Council.
    He talks about shooting people in the back of the head that was carried out recently in New York.
    This loony is standing for the Vic Socialists party and I’m sure Labor and Greens will readily accept his preferences at the next election.
    Why are the left able to get away with their hate speeches and little wonder they hate Jews and join in the support of Hamas etc and terrorism.


  • #

    When anybody refers to me as ‘far right’ it is a compliment – it really signifies being main stream. The term identifies a person as someone who repects truth, free speech, facts, has an independent mind and a real belief in what a free enterprise liberal democracy should be.

    Proud to be far right!


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    Leo Morgan

    We really have to stop claiming victory when we are “Getting hit in the face less often.”
    It’s a victory when WE start hitting THEM in the face.
    – Getting them to reduce the amount of tax increase is not a victory. They’re still increasing taxes.
    – Getting them to cut the amount of taxes is a symbolic victory only. They’re still spending AND increasing the deficit.
    – Getting them to cut the amount of Government spending is an actual victory.


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      David Maddison

      Indeed. It’s a bit like Nineteen Eighty Four.

      Rightists have to stop thinking that it is a victory when the Left get away with merely imposing slightly less badness. The overall badness is still increasing.

      It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grammes a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be REDUCED to twenty grammes a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.

      George Orwell, 1984


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    Forrest Gardener

    The left-right thing is an example of one-dimensional thinking.

    The fight between good and evil is far more complex.

    Call me anything. Just don’t call me late for dinner.


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    Honk R Smith

    I wonder what percentage of the middle aged are far right?


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    Albo-Tross has a real dilemma! Both of his Australian Government Representatives attending Donald Trumps inauguration and Ascension to POTUS #47 namely K Rudd and P Wong have both been cited for making inappropriate comments about Trump. How they have the gall to offer/accept these very important tasks beats me! There is every likelihood that Donald T will see it as a sleight and who could blame him?


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    After spending 8 years hearing the not so sweet tones of the GI (that Gunnery Instructor) teaching me to march by calling out the cadence “Left Right left Right” it’s no wonder my politics are screwed up


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    Albo-Tross is about to experience a Trump-tsunami so I hope he can do more than doggie paddle!


  • #

    I see I struck a nerve. I can’t be unpublished for being off topic today.

    Let me be absolutely clear. When I say far right, I’m not talking about Rowan Dean, Rita Panahi, Andrew Bolt, or even Pauline Hanson, Nigel Farage, Le Pen, Meloni, Melei(?) and Trump. That is all Saul Alinsky ridicule and absolute nonsense. Okay! Are we clear? Can we proceed?

    But like it or not, there are a growing number of people, mostly young, who are falling into support of the German man cult. Not just slight sympathy either, but full-blown support. On X, it is rife, and Australia is actually the current epicentre of the movement, lead by two guys, Tom Sewell and Joel Davis.

    This grift is being fueled by mass immigration and housing costs. People conclude there is no future for them and that worse, their country doesn’t like them. An alternate political model states it will address these problems. They view a banned documentary called “The Last Battle for Europa”, conclude that they have been lied to, that history is false, that Churchill was bad and that we were on the wrong side mid 1940. Some go all the way like Tom and Joel, while some stay adjacent and are more subtle with their dialogue.

    I know this as I have been inside their chat groups since about 2015. (Stopped around 2022, one can only tolerate so much). They are not, let me assure you, people just waving a national flag and concerned about individual rights. They are collectivist to the extreme, authoritarian to the max, and loathe liberalism and certain ethnicities (and one particular religion – to which all problems of the world originate, all of them). And also, they blame the boomer, as much as the religious group (oh, and they loathe Trump also)

    Since 2015 this movement has grown considerably and in my opinion is becoming quite a problem as their concerns continue to be ignored and ridiculed. Relatively it is still rather small though. But being on X, I conclude not as small as it was and beginning to lure in the unsuspecting “normal person”.

    Centre right people openly defend these far-right groups as they undertake their activism, completely unaware of what they are. I liken it to parents of wayward teenagers who insist to the Police their child is a good boy, as he roams the streets at night doing break and enter. Denialism. These lads are just patriotic good boys to them.

    Centre right people have been slandered as far right so many times, they now get triggered by the word and as result refuse to acknowledge such a condition even exists. This is a classic Saul Alinsky tactic. Endless slander and ridicule of normal people, resulting in mass confusion, the enemy weakened, allowing the activist to walk straight through the entrance door without being recognised, indeed lauded as the saviour, all the way to power. Like Obama did (as a leftist example).

    If you’re into science and data, facts, there is little point in denying a far right exists, just as it is true the slur is used for everyone to the right of ol’ Trot.


    • #

      One shouldn’t be surprised Australia has become the epicentre for antisemetism when we have a government for whom preserving its power in government at the next election dominates the ethical requirement for social unity. That includes support and defence of jews in our society.

      No society can stand when its own government is so morally weak as in this instance – or in another where appeasement for President Xi continues even though he wishes to (and is permitted to) dominate our interests. The damage is much greater when the outcome is also to reject positions held with allies for decades. Our levels of decency crumble as this persists.

      The dreadful unreliability and moral weakness of our government must not stand any longer. It is killing our standards and standard of living while it obeys foreign orders that destroy us. We should all be ashamed of this presentation of us to the world! We cannot blame the Western world classing us as fascists, even though the picture of us allowed to be presented to the world by the refusal to act by our current Federal government arises from a small extremist part of our society. More appalling is it seems to infect mainly be our youth groups. By its complete inaction to stand for anything acceptable in this, this government itself is the accelerant for worse antisemitism to come. It is allowing this stuff to breed in all our areas of learning.

      If this is the level of ethics and decency that exists in many politicians we elect then we better start considering the fact that our silence allows our leading politicians to take the nation to the brink of becoming the equivalent of pre WW2 Germany society. And that’s all driven by the same nectar: the drive for ultimate power by the few at the expense of the many. Just look at Bowen!


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    Graham Palmer

    Far Left as in far-left Socialists like Adolph Hitler with his far-left identity politics.

    Identity politics the core foundation platform of far-left in Australia, Nationalists at election time, socialists all the time.


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    To be quite honest I’ve never really seen much difference between the communists and socialists. It’s all a bit blurry. Communists like communes? IDK. They’e all just loonie lefties as far as I’m concerned. Loved how once the extreme left of the Australian Labor Party were always referred to as the “loony left”. Now those loons tend to reside in the Greens. Not sure how to classify the Teals yet. They appear to be disaffected wealthy LNP voters who believe in AGW- so basically, just useful idiots.


  • #

    Amazing how left wing con merchants and liars always stick together and refuse to release their data on Nuclear (CF 93%) versus Toxic, unreliable W & S energy. And CFs of just 30% W and 15% S.
    Here Zoe Hilton shows how the CSIRO runs and hides with the support of AEMO and B O Bowen and the Climate Council etc.
    But McKinsey and their ABC etc have already told us that the true cost of unreliable, toxic W & S is trillions of $ and if you add in toxic batteries costs we would never have a viable or affordable energy sector.
    Meanwhile Nuclear is much cheaper and would easily last until 2100,(24/ 7 / 365) if they were built today.
    Here’s Zoe’s latest video on 18 th DEC 2024.


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    David paulson

    Jo sorry but I said to you and your fantastic blogg at least ten years ago that it was never about the science, we were always called heretics on the science and it’s always been political social engineering bullshit , good to see you are now fighting the real battle


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    David paulson

    Not been here for a while but it’s good to read the comments from the old stalwarts that are keeping the faith all the best to everyone 🙏


  • #

    Shouting ‘far right’ has lost all its sting,
    Is ineffective and doesn’t mean a thing,
    Against any opposition,
    To a globalist position,
    By politicians of the left-wing.


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      And it’s interesting that there is no one in the middle?

      I believe that most of the Labor people and Liberal/Republican/Tory people are in the ‘reasonable middle’.
      But the people on the extreme left shout loudly at a non existent extreme right.

      And extreme right means a few skin heads who must be from a Rent a skinhead simply to crash Conservative gatherings for the photographs.

      You can have a thousand violent BLM black suited thugs and ten brave skin heads. The first group is labelled ‘largely peaceful’ and the skin heads are violent assailants. It’s all in the reporting and the selective photographs.

      Frankly I would pick the ones dressed in black with weapons and gloves and masks and hoods as being the problem as clearly being dressed with intent. Not the undisguised skinheads who seem to have image issues or from central casting.


      • #

        “ones dressed in black with weapons and gloves and masks and hoods as being the problem”.

        You mean VicPol?


        • #

          Yes. Daniel Andrews refused to have the army help during the lockdown crisis. He preferred students hired over the internet as policemen. But the cooperation he received from the Commissioner and his men was reprehensible. The commissioner blatantly lied in the inquiry to protect Andrews over this decision. And the police covered his tracks against a drunk driving charge in Blairgowrie, even before he was Premier. With organizations, the rot starts at the top.


          • #

            Then there was what Diabolical Dan tried to do to the CFA which resulted in the Minister being dismissed when she would not knuckle under to him.


  • #

    Try thinking of it this way: EVERYTHING is to the right of a Communist, and far is a relative distance inversely related to the stature of the viewer.

    “Right” becomes a compliment, and “far” describes a desirable distance (spatial AND idealogical) between you and the name-caller.


    • #

      According to the Left, only they have a fair and reasonable unbiased view of the world. Everyone else is a fascist, far right. Everyone. Especially conservatives.

      And the left seizure of the word ‘Liberal’ is appalling when they want everyone else in jail as an extremist.

      ‘Liberal’ itself has become a bad word, even in Australia. Like Gay, it has changed meaning to be the opposite of its original meaning. The new Liberal is a communist who wants everyone else in jail, especially Donald Trump. And all his friends. Especially Elon Musk. And soon Mark Zuckerberg.

      We only have to wait before Jeff Bezos is also convicted of even tolerating Donald Trump, first enemy of Democracy according to Joe Biden who wants everyone jailed except himself and his family and friends who should all be pardoned in the past and into the future. Liz Chaney is another matter. After all she betrayed both sides, a Benedict Arnold.


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    The real horrors are not the right wing people waving a national flag, and talking about individual rights, but the far left committees in Brussels or Davos that want to take your money, inject you, tell you what you can say, and take away a medicine that might save your life.

    Sums it up perfectly Jo.


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    I don’t know – just seems to illustrate the matter well: – the car is the right, the soyboy the left and the kid in the hoodie – he hasn’t joined any ‘side’ yet, but he can tell what’s going on


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    Far left : Mao. Stalin. Greens and Bandt?


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    What side are you on if you think government should be encouraging Honda to build a flying car factory (we have the competitive advantage of space to ‘get this off the ground’ to market – sorry for pun) instead of Moderna to build an MRNA injection factory? Note that Honda’s flying cars are electric, so this is where I get confused.


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    Mike Haseler

    The world is divided into the far right and the far wrong. I’m happy to be in the far right group.


  • #

    “Liberal” has lost its meaning.
    John Locke defined it.
    Yet between countries its definition is debated and muchtime upside down.


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    Earth Day turned into Dearth Day.


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    Mike Haseler

    Being called “far right” is the same as being called “far orange” it means nothing. It’s just a way for a minority to say “we don’t like you”. Well good! I don’t want those nasty people to like me. So I’m proud they call me “far right” … even if I’m bemused as to why they do.


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    It was never the ‘far left’ in the 1970s; it was called the ‘extreme left’.
