By Jo Nova
The Blob are afraid they will lose even more followers to social media…
Academics and the old dying media have produced a study that “shows” people who believe social media posts are bad people. The message here for believers is that only horrible people get their news from sites like X or TikTok. Those selfish people score badly on civic values.
The trick in this “peer reviewed” propaganda is how they define civic values. You might think it means checking on elderly neighbors, donating to charity, or volunteering at the Scouts, but actually “Civic values were defined as an individual’s belief in democratic institutions “. So if you question parliament or universities you are not a good citizen. The institutions are sacred!
This transparent paper is just a get-out-of-jail free card for sloppy, self serving academics. Mike Benz warned us that the Blob redefined “democracy” as “democratic institutions” in 2016, which meant people could be tarred with the “anti-democratic” brush if they criticized the “essential institutions” of democracy, like elections, insurrections, vaccines, or senile Presidents.
The left destroy the meaning of words to deceive their flock. The right let them get away with it.
Australians who get most of their news from social media more likely to believe in climate conspiracy, study finds
Amanda Meade, The Guardian
Those who believe global heating is a conspiracy get most of their information about news and current events from commercial and social media, according to a study by researchers at Monash University.
The study, led by Prof Mark Andrejevic and Assoc Prof Zala Volcic, found that those who relied on social media as the main source of news scored lower on a measure of “civic values” than people who relied on newspapers and non-commercial media.
Civic values were defined as an individual’s belief in democratic institutions and practices, as well as their openness to considering perspectives that challenged their own.
Of course, having redefined “civic values” they can also define “conspiracies” any way they want. Even if a Nobel Prize winner is not convinced about a wild hypothesis invented by B-Grade modelers, just call it a conspiracy…
For the climate change question, researchers asked whether “fluctuations in the climate are the result of natural cycles that take place regardless of human activity”.
Of those who got most of their news from commercial TV and radio, 37% agreed with the statement. Of those who got most of their information from social media, 25% believed climate change was a conspiracy.
To rephrase, nearly 40% of the people said climate fluctuation is natural, which presumably the team at Monash would call a “conspiracy”. The Sun colludes with the moon-wolf or something.
But the social purity of the ABC radio audience is 98%. These publicly funded “journalists” are practically offering hypnosis. Obviously they never present both sides of the story. If they did that, the ABC audience would form more a bell curve of opinions, rather than a religious believer 98:2 split.
Conversely, those who disbelieved in conspiracies about climate change were more likely to get their information from public broadcasters ABC and SBS. Only 2% of those whose main source of information was public radio and 6% of those whose main source was public television believed the climate crisis was a conspiracy.
So 98% of public radio listeners all think the same thing on a complex topic, and this is supposed to be a sign of a healthy democracy?
But the good news is that 60% of Australians mainly get their news from social media sources. No wonder the Blob is aquiver. Only 34% got their news from Channel Seven, Nine and Ten, and just 6% got it from ABC or SBS public broadcasters.
Andrejevic, M. & Volcic, Z.(2024) Mapping Australians’ Media Use and Civic Attitudes 30/12/22 → 31/12/25 Project: Research
I like Macca on Sundays and he goes about as far as an ABC presenter is allowed to go.
He even allowed his mate Dick Smith to promote Nuclear energy recently and Dick wasn’t very happy about toxic W & S either.
Anyway, my BS and fra-d meter is turned on any time I listen to their ABC or watch SBS and that’s very rare over the last decade.
The ABC was nowhere to be seen at the recent Auschwitz 80th Anniversary in Poland.
So much for being a National Broadcaster. Sky News and other Australian Commercial TV Stations were there covering everything.
Disgraceful stuff.
Very true JR and the Bolter gave them a well deserved serve on his show last night.
Yes. An absolute disgrace. But completely consistent with the far Left ideology of Their ABC, even though they have a legal obligation to be neutral.
I wonder if the fake conservative Liberals will clean up Their ABC if elected?
Their last effort was pathetic. People had high hopes for Ita Buttrose as Chair but one of her first bizarre announcements was that she could see no bias.
Really, the only answer for Their ABC is to wind it up and sell it off. It has outlived its usefulness, assuming it ever had any.
Wonder no more! The answer is NO!!
This morning I was in receipt of an email from Liberal Central spruiking the wonderful proposals of PM Pete but they still hang on to NetZero by 2050 and solar/wind alternatives to coal. They have no hope of a nuclear future within their expected Term of Government or even a referendum that might guide their thinking.
To the down ticker, please debate with me. Or just p#ss off and don’t come back here. Are you from the ABC BTW?
Still no response from the coward..
I used to listen to Macca on Sunday often, but for some reason I dropped off. I remember him being skeptical about ‘Global Warming,’ as it was called in those days. Maybe, I’ll tune in this Sunday if I don’t sleep in. If not, I think they may have replays on the ABC website.
Just watch Outsiders on Sky News on a Sunday morning. They are so good IMHO.
I put the earbuds in at night, ABC Latenight and Overnight, as white noise to help my insomnia. Mostly I sleep through, but in waking moments the presenters seem to steer clear of politics except for AGW/CC. Quizzes are entertaining if I’m awake, but I switch off at 5.30am and go for a dawn walk, end of ABC for the day.
That Macca guy must be about 100 years old. He was on Sunday 40 years ago!
Another dubious study that uses magical tricks and junk science to claim that SST is accelerating.
But it will be lapped up by their ABC and most of the loony MSM but definitely ignored by China, India and the other NON OECD countries.
PJ Media just had an article on this 2025 Edelman Trust Barometer Global Report – pleased to see that Australia moved into the distrust category (page 6) this year!
There is a hypothesis that “government” is itself a criminal activity (using initiation of force against people) and “governments” are merely criminal gangs that have taken over a country to exact tribute from its inhabitants.
…a widely believed but rarely spoken about hypothesis I’d say!
Yes, and Income Tax is outright theft.
“Yes, and Income Tax is outright theft.”
Really?? Income Tax enables the government of the day to fund Medicare and the Aged Pension and Public Hospitals and the Defence Force and Child Care and much more. Which would you like to see removed
There’s plenty of other taxes, we never used to have income tax.
They just fall from the sky, in much the same way GenZers think the Internet and plumbing did. I mean its always been there, right?
I’m surprised you picked up so many red thumbs as it seems a reasonable question. People might respond with other ideas like consumption taxes or user pays or printing money but instead they go blank and just red thumb as , I guess, they think those things can just magically happen without taxes.
Wow, where do I start. Child care – obvs don’t want a State doing any of that.
Defence Force – do they prevent conflict or cause it? I am just not sure anyone really WANTS to invade us – they got problems of their own. I struggle to point to evidence where the Defence Force protects us in Australia, but ready for any examples you have?
Medicare / Age Pension and Public Hospitals – these are all ‘end of life’ services, and many people don’t even make it there. Medicare is currently dripping with rorts – if people had to pay for medicines rather than taxes, it might put pharma on notice that they can’t just run this whole state capture fraud they got going. Age Pension – you can pay all the taxes you want, it does not guarantee a decent pension in future. Public Hospitals – seem more interested in experimenting on people these days than healing them. I say this with close family experience occurring right now.
Yes , all of them except a defence force
So you think the Left cannot do anything right?
“outright theft”
Perhaps a license fee for the privilege of working?
As far as the removal of income tax (at least at the personal level) the USA may be starting an experiment which could prove to be “educational”. What level of tariffs would be required to support the Australian federal government and invigorate local production of goods?
‘support the Australian federal government’ ??? Are they not our servants? If we cut staffing there, it wouldn’t cost so much.
As John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan demonstrated,lowering taxes for all cits grew productivity and the economy
and increased revenue as an outcome.
Thomas Sowell
The rising tide lifts all boats.
Income tax was introduced by the British (William Pitt) in 1798 to cover the wars with France. As with all taxes it was never repealed. The US did the same during the civil war.
In Australia we pay income tax and then with an immediate double dipping we pay GST and so it goes on.
There are plenty of ways the government could afford to do what they do without income tax, stop funding the ABC for example or BOM or CSIRO but they are addicted to spending other peoples money and have no common sense on money management. Vanity projects, NDIS, voter buying, the Voice, Aboriginal industry, net zero, foreign charity etc.
I reckon that with all the taxation, licenses, rates, hidden extras in say energy bills we probably pay out at least 50% of our income. It is indeed robbery.
To the down ticker, please debate with me. Or just p#ss off and don’t come back here. Are you from the Feral Guv’ment BTW?
Leave it – they’re not worth it.
Plenty of us here who enjoy hearing your perspectives – the sad, lonely down-ticker clearly doesn’t have a very good life.
When I get a down-tick run, I just think – ‘I got in your head, and you are lost for words’.
[I like the downticks. It tells us the other side is reading. – Jo]
I was thinking exactly the same Jo.
I miss Peter Fitz…. when he’s not around. Gives some perspective on the bent thinking of the sheeple mob.
I saw a comment from Silly Filly in the Oz the other day… remember her on WattaUpWithThat?
The social contract is a protection racket.
Still, without it we’re all at the mercy of the most brutal.
Oh, you believe in the Police and justice system? How’s that working out for ya? Seen them at work a few times. Not impressed.
Where the Government is ‘minimalist’ – doing only those things that a central body can do – i think it is justified.
In Europe, historically, defence is needed.
Standards and Sewage. And maybe Laura Norder . . .
But when there is a coalition of self-interest groups gouging the tax- and rate-payer, Government is too big.
My tuppen’orh.
Nothing like a good finger wag and a scolding to win people over.
(Actually, you might want to be careful with the finger wag, it might be labeled a N@zee secret hand shake or something.)
I’ve often thought that the ABC should be a subscription service i.e. split into relevant interests e.g. a children’s channel. a rural channel etc.
People could subscribe for any (or all) of their interests. I would suggest 8¢ a day for each of, say, 5 channels. $29 per year or $12 a month for all.
The Federal Government could save over a billion a year.
I wonder why the ABC aren’t keen on the idea.
On the subject of alleged ABC bias, Tony Thomas has started a three part series using the Hamas/Israeli disagreement to demonstrate bias. Tony has obviously put a lot of research effort into this and despite the joyless topic, he maintains his easy-to-read, professional journalist style.
Click on Quadrant Online. Geoff S
Part 2 publishing some time today (Wed), Part 3 publishing Thursday, assuming editor’s promises hold water…
Just click below –
Good find. Good article.
For Part 2, see
One man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter.
It would be good if the ABC would simply recognise that all communications from conflict zones are propaganda – simply state that ‘the propaganda from the IDF today is blah and the propaganda from Hamas today is blah.
Then interview those involved on the basis – ‘we have two sets of propaganda – what perspective do you bring?
Interview those that consider themselves ‘experts’ – given the propaganda, what do you think will happen next?
ABC journalists don’t bring anything to stories of conflict, they should recognise how little they know or understand and just stick to reporting.
Why not a subscription service?…Because nobody would voluntarily give money to support it. The is nothing on Public TV that the private sector can’t do better.
I always think it’s so funny that The Guardian think they’re the “news”. Even funnier when the Australian ABC proclaim they’re the most respected news service in the country.
>it’s so funny
It’s not funny it’s sad, and it’s actually depressingly serious as you find out when you have a conversation with people who believe that the Guardian and the ABC are authoritative sources of information.
My brother, an Australian citizen for 40+ years, is sadly one of those depressing believers: having sent him a photo of Mt Hutt covered in mid-summer snow, he retorted Sydney would hit 40C (as if that was unusual for January). In both cases, the snow and the heat were short-lived fleeting moments lasting less than 24 hours.
Yet their ABC couldn’t help themselves, claiming Sydney’s CBD hit 40C (35C max via BoM) despite a twelve-degree difference from the Harbour (30C) to the Airport and Penrith (42.5C) with rumours of Badgerys Creek hitting 43C just prior to the southerly change about 4pm, which of course sent temps plummeting down to the low-20s (same as here).
Next week should see the Climate Worriers absolutely losing it as five, possibly six, tropical lows form either side of your continent – again nothing unusual for February, cyclone season, La Niña, etc. Steel yourselves for pronouncements of Doomsday 2025. Surfers be like bring it on!
stronghe retorted Sydney would hit 40C
Only Hit 35C – Wimp of a day, however my Specialists Office in Chatswood had their Building A/C turned off – All else worked including Lifts
he retorted Sydney would hit 40C
Only Hit 35C – Wimp of a day, however my Specialists Office in Chatswood had their Building A/C turned off – All else worked including Lifts
This is right up there with “Loopy Lew” Lewandowsky claiming that people who don’t believe the unproven claims, exaggerations and distortions of the IPCC must be suffering from psychological problems or other mental problems.
We don’t. We in fact know too much about the science to believe the IPCC. It’s people like Loopy who suffer from gullibility.
I can’t wait for them to report that the word “gullible” is not actually in the dictionary.
It seems to me that the countries of the Commonwealth are in decline, culturally diseased and (at the top) actively suicidal. Strong people and strong cultures would recognize threats and take appropriate action.
And humans appreciate and value strong leaders that act to reverse the rot, while the self-appointed gatekeepers (bureaucrats and media come to mind) of those declining societies view those strong leaders as a threat.
Here in Canada our lefty leaders like to wrap themselves in the flag and claim that anyone who opposes them isn’t a proper Canadian. It seems to be easier than actually governing in the interests of ordinary Canadians.
Have you tried a French dictionary? try “crédule”.
I am not on any Social (Gossip) Media and never have been. I like the news that I get from this Blog and quite a few others. I only read the Mainline Newspapers for a bit of a laugh.
Keep up the Great Work Jo. You know that you are on the right side of everything.
I usually buy a copy of the (Brisbane) Courier Mail to take to medical appointments knowing that I will get negligible news.
But it is the best value in crosswords to occupy the wait – three for $4 (four if you do the cryptic).
And you get a “cogitative start” by walking into the appointment with a partially completed crossword
Story about the Courier Mail for you. Back in the early 90’s we were renovation, and found a 1937 copy of the Courier Mail under the floor covering. In 1937 Mr Hilter was doing a wonderfull job in Germany, he was the saviour of the German people. So nothing much has changed with the media.
Frame that story Binny!
I get the Daily Tele here in Sydney and just love reading my Horoscope and doing the Sudoku as well as the word puzzles.
They also have some good Articles every now and then. Terry McCrann was always good value.
I normally just buy the Wednesday edition as it prints the weekly TV Guide.
The “Joe blogs” will all be cancelled if The UK Passes a private members bill entitled The Climate and Nature Bill and the Australian Law Makers grovelingly copy it which they are likely to so do.
Agree. I scan the legacy headlines and then come here and some other blogs for the actual news.
Genuine “civic values” like “checking on elderly neighbors, donating to charity, or volunteering at the Scouts” have no value and little to no participation by the Left but are fundamental traditional societal values and traditional society is what they are actively seeking to destroy.
Lol! Of course they’re afraid! Look at the propaganda being laid on thick by a self-proclaimed un-biased ‘expert’ in today’s SMH.
“I have spent my whole career taking complex information, cutting through the jargon and politics, and telling people the truth. I’m not an environmentalist, I’m a pragmatist. I want commonsense solutions for Australian families and Australian businesses, and an energy system that’s reliable, affordable, and sustainable.”
ooohh.. THAT sounds so good! ..and what would he have us believe?
“Before network and retail charges, if you just used clean energy, it would cost an average Australian family $800 a year on their bill. Coal would cost $1300 a year, and nuclear power would cost an Australian family $1500 a year. How many reports do we need that tell us the same thing?”
Well, you picks your truths and you makes your argument… Lets ignore those massive network charges coal and nuclear don’t need, lets forget about backup systems so we get some electricity at night, and we’ll also dodge any questions about grid stability and voltage regulation..
The only good thing in the article is how he slips away from ‘CO2 is bad and we must save the world’ and manages to get to ‘gas is good and coal is bad’. That shows a real confused little puppy, why are we doing all this madness with solar and wind when we could just run the world on gas until nuclear takes over.
‘Chris O’Keefe is the (paid mouthpiece) for the Clean Energy Council. He’s a former journalist and 2GB radio host.’
Sounds like this video has been voiced by a like minded citizen. The UK Government is about to pass in to legislation a far reaching Law that will completely and permanently alter Britain. And the Australian sycophant’s will more than likely want to emulate them!
Interesting that with Trump/ Musk and DOGE in the US there has been recent discussion about the value of their government funded public broadcaster services. So services like NPR and PBS. All in all, US public broadcasting gets $575 m (USD), so probably similar to the money we Aussies waste on the ABC. What do they get for their over half a billion $ investment? Well, they get media that are uncompromisingly left leaning and biased against any “ conservative” type values. Under Biden, they actually got worse. For Australia that all sounds rather familiar.
Likewise the BBC in the UK, which leans VERY left. The BBC also seems to be Pedophile Central, beset by scandals every week, none of which seem to ruffle its feathers very much. Leftist, government-funded broadcasters typically exist in a mutual protection racket with whichever political party is on the left side of each nation’s ticket. It’s a very cozy relationship and, combined with the left’s de facto control of the permanent public service, makes them effectively untouchable, hence their willingness to thumb their noses at conservatives, even when conservatives are ‘in power’ (LOL).
The BBC have form with Jimmy Savile.
Another fact filled video from Sky News’ Chris Kenny yesterday and even stupid Albo + B O Bowen are given a yap.
Chris was very silly during the Voice referendum but at least he does a good job sorting out the liars and con merchants in relation to their so called CC emergency.
My take was that Chris must have drawn the short straw when the job of ensuring site balance was allocated.
The Left which includes nearly all modern “academia” and the Lamestream Media have only themselves to blame for the fact that only the useless/useful idiots of the Left respect them or follow them.
It is the socialistic, anti-science, anti-family anti-truth propaganda (and more) that they have been relentlessly pushing for decades that is responsible.
Jo’s article describes a last desperate attempt to demonise the Thinking Community which they usually characterise with the boring old ad hominems such as “conspiracy theorist”, redneck, racist, far right, uneducated, etc..
I think the TRUMP Revolution, at least in the United States, and it remains to be seen if it spreads to ultrawoke countries like Australia, shows that people are totally sick of Leftist BS hence the hugely popular TRUMP.
I think what really tipped things toward a revival of rational thought were topics such as the realisation that catastrophic anthropogenic global warming was BS, gender madness such as saying there are more than two genders or that men can have babies and women penises, racism and antisemitism of the Left, violent riots of the Left, hatred of Western Civilisation by the Left, hatred of our Anglo-European and Judeo-Christian heritage by the Left, persecution of political opponents and massive Leftist censorship using social media partners and many other transgressions by the Left of basic human decency, morality and logic.
My brother had MSNBC as his Home page and watched the Nightly News, he and his wife both were up to shot 7 for COVID-19 before they passed, 1 of his three children passed shortly after his parents passed. I could never convince him they were under the effect of propaganda, mind washed.
Very sad. Then there is the old adage that it is easier to fool someone than it is to persuade them that they have been fooled.
98% of the Australian population is extremely easily fooled by continual loud repetition.
As the saying goes “it’s much easier to fool people than convince them they’ve been fooled.” ToM
nicholas tesdorf,
That’s assuming that public radio listeners are a representative sample of the Australian population.
Reported on of course.
“Have you noticed the entire room is white?” one woman asked this New York Magazine staffer. Well, she must have been looking at the New York Magazine cover the far-left outlet cropped to erase all the black people who were there.”
If the truth is only what is printed and a photograph cannot lie, we are in trouble.
And the CBS is trying to settle Trump’s lawsuit about editing the Kamala video, deleting her embarrasing answer and replacing it with the answer to another question.
The reason for the move to internet media is not just convenience, but justifiable lack of faith in the honesty of historic media which have been taken over by their employees. The same thing could be said of modern governments.
People getting their news from social media are also more likely to believe that COVID came from a lab leak, that vaccines did not prevent the spread of COVID, that the Trump Russian collusion was fake news and that Hunter Binden’s laptop was real and not a Russian plant.
Wear it like a badge of honor.
BTW former 2023 Miss America Grace Stanke will begin her Aussie tour tonight in Perth and continue around Australia.
She is a Nuclear Engineer and is currently working on updating the 3 mile island Reactor in the US for Bill Gates.
I hope she can get some media attention and young Will Shackel has been working hard with Dick Smith to try and drum up some interest.
I’d like to see Will Shackel challenge B O Bowen to a debate, but I’m sure B O would quickly run for cover.
Here’s a recent interview with Grace Stanke from Sky’s Chris Kenny and she is 22 years old and already a very accomplished young Woman.
I’d like to propose that we swap Grace Stanke for [dis]Grace Tame. A good deal for Australia!
Like most people I guess, whenever I’m at the computer, I have a number of ‘tabs’ open all the time, and there’s six of them at the moment, and I just ‘mouse’ my way across them if and when the time comes.
So, have any of you really looked at the headings for those tabs then, like when I click on JoNova, (her site) the heading is just JoNova, and when you click on a Thread title or Comments, the tab heading changes, like this one for ….. Only bad people etc.
However, and this has only happened recently, that tab heading for the ABC News site now has added text, so now it reads as ….. ABC News – Trusted Source of Latest News & Headlines.
It’s only in that tab heading too, as that extra text …… ‘Trusted etc’ is not shown at their site.
I wonder whose idea it was to add that.
Now, it may have been there a while, I don’t know, but I’ve only recently noticed it, and I open their news site up first thing every morning for my first eight tabs of the day.
Trusted source? Self-praise is no recommendation.
Yes, the ABC news and current affairs, reliably misinformed by extreme bias and fantasy. And accountable to no one. Plus government guaranteed jobs even if they do nothing at all. The elite.
They accidentally added a T at the beginning.
The words ‘trusted source’ were most obviously a ‘typo’. More likely it should been ‘rusted on sauce’ or ‘no sauce at all’.
For over 1 Billion South Pacific Pesos, this Mob and the SBS should be left adrift with no more Taxpayer funding. Let’s see how they go then.
Their ABC is an avid member of the Trusted News Initiative. It was set up early to make sure all media was on message in lockstep for COVID . Wiki will give you enough info on TNI to get the picture . Perhaps that is what the ABC is referring to in their Trusted Tab ?
Tony, they’ve been proclaiming that for years, if not decades. I have to admit that there was a time I was quite a big consumer of ABC radio and TV. So, I have heard the reference many times. There was some year back in the 1990’s or early 2000’s where a survey ( of some sort ) was run and got that result. Most likely the survey was dominated by “Friends of the ABC”.
Maybe it was in 2020 when I saw an ABC promo add, involving people gushing about how helpful the ABC coverage was during the fires. Then it cut to music and sweeping plains, with the vocals warbling, “love, love, love, your ABC.” A magnificent propaganda piece.
Doesn’t sound magnificent to me. Pathetic is the word which comes to mind. But as I said above self-praise by their ABC is no recommendation.
“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child – miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
-PJ O’Rourke
“divide et impera”
Usually attributed to Julius Caesar.
…and which climate conspiracy has yet to be disproven?
We need MORE conspiracy theories as the old ones have all been proven right.
Take your next boosters MSM and shut up.
Australians are kept in the dark like mushrooms and fed complete sh*t.From all Western media etc.We are lucky to have Martin Armstrong Socrates blog.
I agree and his free Blog.
Another down ticker with nothing to add. Sad really.
Welcome to George Orwell’s 1984. The truth will be whatever DeepSeek reports.
LOL. Current AI is really PP – Programmed Propaganda.
In the US, the party that insists we must believe in science and have substituted talking points for independent thoughts just got its but kicked. These are the same people who spend tax money on studies to tell them what they already believe is right. Science is about doubt and challenging the status quo. The politicization of science has turned it into a drunk and lamppost joke, using it for support rather than enlightenment.
And most people should believe in Science.
How else does an aircraft fly? How does a jet engine work? How does an ICE vehicle work? How does gravity work? How does electricity work? Who made the Universe? Don’t try with that one BTW.
Anyway, you get the drift and the questions are endless.
Their ABC have been yapping all morning about the resetting of the world’s doomsday clock to 89 seconds to midnight and a nuclear disaster, the war in Ukraine and the recent dangers of their so called CC are to blame.
The strange thing is that we’re now living in the safest climate period in Human history.
In fact in just the last 0.1% of Human history or the last 250 years or the last 100 years or last 50 years Humans are….. living much longer lives from 28.5 years in 1770 to 73 years today.
we have in 2024 reduced deaths from all extreme weather events by 98% compared to the 1920s.
we now live on a much GREENER planet.
we have more to eat today than 50 years ago or 100 years ago or 250 years ago.
And we only use about 50% of the land today and now require a much lower percentage of Farmers to feed 8.1 billion in 2024.
Death rates from fires and burns have dropped by the fastest and to the lowest levels today. And Aussie death rate levels from fires and burns are lower than all of the colder, wealthier countries as well. See OWI Data I’ve linked to for all of the above and much more.
Exactly. Just go and read the Royal Commission into the 1939 Bush Fires when Australia’s population was a lot lower. Grim reading and a lot of the Recommendations have never been implemented.
And the fire area probably much greater than in 2019 – 2020.
Of course it could be indicating censorship at the public broadcaster, where their audience is never exposed to varying points of view.
It also indicates that the public radio listeners do not go to other news sources for confirmation of what they are told on the ABC Radio.
98% tells you everthing you need to know.
I clicked on to the Monash Uni link and found this other study titled “A call to action to address escalating global threats to academic research“.
From the study:
“Gaps in the educational system to prepare individuals to navigate misinformation are fueling the lack of public trust in science. Scientific literacy and trust in science among the public are critical for sustaining academic research funding and implementing government policies that support research progress and impact.”
Plenty of us lost trust in The Science during the pandemic and nothing has been done to try and restore it. What do they expect?
This blog is about science, real science not consensus opinion. I cannot imagine a world of computers created by sampling public opinion on anything. Medicine is not about public opinion. Mathematics is not opinion.
The whole man made rapid CO2 caused Global Warming has to be busted after 37 years of failure in any prediction.
But we are still told about man made Climate Change as if it was real. And every fire is Climate Change. So why did Sunset Boulevard burn to the ground? How local does climate change have to be and still be climate change?
To what question is man made Climate Change the answer? And why is it costing $1,800,000,000,000 a year to achieve nothing? Cui Bono?
This blog is about science, real science not consensus opinion. I cannot imagine a world of computers created by sampling public opinion on anything. Medicine is not about public opinion. Mathematics is not opinion.
Newpaper science is rubbish. Climate Scientists are frauds. Millions of them. Like Greta Thunberg.
The whole man made rapid CO2 caused Global Warming has to be busted after 37 years of failure of every prediction.
But we are still told by the media about man made Climate Change as if it was real. And every fire is Climate Change. So why did Sunset Boulevard burn to the ground? How local is climate change? Did the Climate on Sunset Boulevard change? Or is there some other explanation?
To what question is man made Climate Change the answer? And why is it costing $1,800,000,000,000 a year to achieve nothing? Who gets the cash? And why?
There has never been a bigger fraud in human history. And still the papers talk about Carbon Credits as if humans can control CO2 and CO2 controls our weather.
Ha ha!
I don’t get my information from ‘social media’. I get my information from prominent physicists, prominent professors of medicine, prominent environmentalists, prominent politicians, all learned, accomplished, lucid, responsible.
From where does msm get their info? AP? From where does AP get its information?
Everyone should test themselves against the Co2 Coalition’s CC Quiz.
There are many questions to answer and even I was able to score 100% correct a few years ago at my first attempt.
And I have very little education, but I do read a lot and these Scientists are the most honest group you will find and a full list can be found on their site and you’ll definitely recognise many of their names.
There are over 30 questions to answer and happily Jo Nova’s bloggers will know many of the correct answers at their first attempt.
Again, I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed but even I could easily answer their questions.
Trump Change in the Air re Social Media
White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt announces that a “new media seat” will be available in the briefing room to independent creators and journalists.
The legacy media’s hold over information is crumbling.
— (@townhallcom) January 28, 2025
She highlighted this shift in calling first on those from alternative outlets, such as Breitbart, and also later from The Daily Caller and One America News. Leavitt declared how she and the White House would be making free expression a priority, noting that they will be reissuing over 440 press passes to those journalists who had them revoked under the prior administration.
This is a rather remarkable reality; how many of us heard the bleating from the press pools or the White House Correspondents Association about this shutdown from the Biden administration?
Just heard about the 440 today I was stunned.
Imagine, for a moment, getting most of your news from The Guardian.
I know, scary isn’t it? Little wonder many of their most avid readers are so psychotic.
Or the Sydney Moaning Herald!
The Alphabet was a fantastic invention and evolved in many way and countries. Egypt had an alphabet, although no one realised it. Certainly not the Egyptians. Mayans too. They still spoke the language but had forgotten the characters.
But in Western Society, it is the great revenge of the East to punish people with their 26 character alphabet
Let me quote some examples.
ESG, DEI, BLM, LGBTIQ, COVID. And even +++ COVID should have been called the Wuhan Flu or even the Chinese flu, but that would offend the people who run the WHO, so they stole some more letters. And why wasn’t it Bat Flu? After Bird flu, Swine Flu. And WHO named the strains after the Greek alphabet. But the last one was supposed to be Xi. Except WHO skipped over Xi as the latest deadly curse from China. We must not criticize Pooh.
And it’s so nice to see the end of this attack by alphabet. Almost unbelievable given the alphabet punishment of the last decade.
Plus hopefully it is also the end of the Gaza UNWRA whose employees took part the assault and massacre of thousands, presumably without losing their jobs.
Maybe we can do something about the 80,000 people who work for the UN which was supposed to stop war, not participate?
But let’s start in Australia and get rid of the ABC,SBS,CSIRO,BOM. Sell them. For what they are worth, no less. They have to be worth something? Surely.
And anyone who disagrees with the media is labelled a NAZI. It’s now a made up pile of letters for Conservatives aka far right. The original NAZIs were National Socialists, violent far left supermen. Like the same people today. Except they run most of the old broke newspapers.
No one in their right mind would buy any of that rubbish. Maybe only for the equipment to start a way, way better Media outlet. And maybe not that, as it is way, way cheaper and easier to do it over the Internet.
Taxpayers WON v Feral Guv’ment NIL.
The fourth letter combo on your list reminds me of a piece of standup comedy by Dave Chapelle. He refers to them as “Alphabet People”. If you don’t have a problem with foul language, this video is extremely funny as well as illustrating absurdities in woke culture.
Hafta’ say…
I am less for trans-activism
than I am for trans-parency. (
Experts/scientist say. Study shows – Have become synonymous with ‘BS to follow’
They don’t seem to care.
The arrogance is off the charts.
I keep looking for hints that experts/scientists recognize their squandered legitimacy and show some self-reflection on why that may be.
Looks like all they can muster is …
“you ignorant bad peasants are refusing our auth-ori-tay.”
They behave similar to addicts.
They’ve crashed the family car, and burnt down the house (literally the homes of their main constituents in LA).
Now they sit pitifully on the curb, not being able to grasp the situation and blaming everyone else.
Reformation 2.0
The corruption of the Church has fomented a rebellion.
The peasants are now able to read the texts for themselves on the Internet.
The Church is trying the control the Internet.
Central cooperative theology collapses.
Turmoil to follow.
(Which the Church will survive in some configuration, just like last time.)
Incidental, but I have a relative who has lived in Canberra for decades.
He spouts leftist propaganda, but thinks he is still a conservative.
If you are living in a fishbowl, that’s it. you have no control
It may have something to do with the ability to think. I suggest 98% of ABC addicts can’t.
At (State) school, I wasn’t the smartest, but I could see who was. And they weren’t the people who went on to study media and arts – they were narcissists and they were popular, but they were not intelligent. With the advent of the internet, why would ANYONE rely on journalists for information – you know who they are.
The absence of any conspiracy is the most unlikely conspiracy theory out there.
This is what it is like to live in a pseudo-reality, and yet have no name for it, no means of observing its consistent patterns. Even those of us who are aware that something monstrous is afoot are at a loss to describe what we see or sense. It is all too much, unprecedented, implausible. We contort our minds trying to understand certain phenomena that we have never observed before, and here is the explanation right in front of our eyes. There is no puzzle, once this is understood: that those of us who are baffled by the apparent absurdity of people’s behaviour are simply not seeing or hearing what those people see and hear, and nor are they seeing and hearing what we see and hear. We live alongside them in two different worlds, one we understand and know to be the natural, organic world, the other a completely constructed world, suspended within the pre-existing one, rendering it and its logics invisible and inaudible. A useful analogy might be an Ames room, which is constructed to play with the idea that our brains assume every room to be rectangular, so that as someone walks around it, they seem themselves to grow taller or smaller.
Or perhaps it might, in its effects on its victims, be similar in effect to a hanging room, suspended on ropes within another, from which it is but infinitesimally detached, in which the subject, imagining himself to be looking out the window of a solid edifice, is actually observing the world from a perspective constantly distorted by the imperceptible movements caused by his suspended situatedness. The pseudo-reality is a world of lies within the world of the true, an edifice of lies masquerading as reality, the rind passing itself off as the fruit.
Well if the legacy media such as the Guardian and the ‘democratic institutions’ did not spend all their time lying to the people they might be trusted a little.
In the UK Gen Z have said that they would be happy to live in dictatorship according to a recent poll. While this has provoked some outrage but a deeper think about it might see that it could be they are seeing through our sham democracies. Australia has no free choice in elections and currently neither do we in the UK.
The social media consumers may score lower in believing the “global boiling” fantasy but they score much higher in intelligence.