The last American Banker rats are leaving the UN Net Zero Banking club


Banker rats jump ship. Net Zero.sinks.

By Jo Nova

A few years ago they were all going to save the world from the sixth mass extinction, but now they just want to avoid an anti-trust suit.

Such is the phase change of the Trump win, the largest banks in the USA, JP Morgan and Morgan Chase have now joined Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo the Bank of America, and Citigroup.

Six big US banks quit net zero alliance before Trump inauguration

The Guardian

Analysts have said the withdrawals are an attempt to head off “anti-woke” attacks from rightwing US politicians, which are expected to escalate when Trump is sworn in as the country’s 47th president in just under a fortnight.

The giant super-squid of asset management is also thinking of leaving the UN Net Zero Alliance.

BlackRock may exit woke business climate group Net Zero Alliance as backlash over ESG investing widens

By Charles Gasparino, New York Post

BlackRock — which for years has courted controversy with its focus on so-called ESG, or Environmental Social Governance investing — is considering an exit of the so-called “Net Zero” coalition of top corporations who pledge to reach zero-carbon emissions by 2050, The Post has learned.
BlackRock’s likely departure is more significant [than all the other banks]. The world’s largest investment fund, with more than $10 trillion in assets under management, was a leader in ESG investing, with its top executives including Fink evangelizing on the need to use the company’s investing might to force corporations to reduce their carbon footprint.

Mum’s the word:

BlackRock press officials declined comment. A rep for State Street and JPMorgan didn’t return a call for comment. A press official for the alliance declined to comment.

Their lawyers will have beaten them into silence. If the world is facing a crisis they look like cowards, and if the world isn’t facing a crisis they look like crooks for abusing clients funds for ideological quests or worse, traitorous sell-outs to the global oligarchs.

As I said, the Net Zero Banking Alliance was the UN-banker cabal that were colluding to use $130 trillion dollars in assets to bully the first world into sabotaging their economies by buying expensive, unreliable Net Zero electricity. It was dangerously close to being a proto World Government. The club effectively could decide national policies on who could build competitive electricity grids, and who had to do the fantasia plan to control the storms of 2100 with their electricity grid in 2024.

They wouldn’t be jumping ship if Kamala had won.




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76 comments to The last American Banker rats are leaving the UN Net Zero Banking club

  • #
    Mark Jones

    One hopes the likes of Blackrock release their tentacles from our own energy industry. ESG as a policy infests our banks and big business as it does in the US. Without the backing of the likes of Blackrock investment, just maybe, even our own superannuation blob will finally invest in what will really make a difference instead of wind factories and desal plants.


    • #

      The Trustee/Trustees of an Australian Superannuation Fund has/have a Fiduciary Duty to act in the best interest of the Beneficiary/Beneficiaries (Fund Members) and NOT in their own interest. That is Trust Law.


      • #

        It’s not straightforward. “Best Interests” does not necessarily include “Sound Science”.

        “Capital Gain” trumps “Sound Science”, unless it can be shown that this Capital Gain involves unacceptable risk.

        It is intriguing that the appearance of one man on the horizon can so change the perception of risk.

        The question that needs answering now is if they see a risk now, why did they not see that risk last week/month/year?

        I don’t believe they didn’t know. They were too busy exploiting it.


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    ESG really stands for ‘Economic Suicide Guaranteed’.


  • #

    Not McDonalds Australia. They are sticking to their DEI policy as the American drops it. It’s funny how Australia seems to always lag with these things. Both going in and getting out.


  • #

    Global surface temperatures will continue to rise until net greenhouse gas emissions are reduced to zero. One populist politician can’t change the laws of physics. Net Zero is either going to happen voluntary or through the collapse of human civilisation.

    [Off topic and discussed in 3,000 previous posts that Simon won’t read. Up at #4 this is low grade, and 15 years behind. It dilutes the conversation. Readers looking for banker-world government discussion will want to skip to #6 – Jo]


    • #
      Forrest Gardener

      Simon be a better bot. And find a better AI program while you are at it.


    • #
      Geoff Sherrington

      Temperatures here have been falling over the last few months.
      What mechanism can you provide for falling temperatures? What is the driver?
      For sure, global measures like UAH show an increase (of under 2 deg C per century equivalent) since its 1978 start.
      But this CANNOT continue forever, until the oceans boil in ways unprecedented. When do you see the downward tipping point, and why?
      You need to produce science, not just talking points derived from the beliefs of others.
      Geoff S


    • #

      Australia already has Net Zero. Viv Forbes has already proved it. The land mass of Australia and the Continental Shelf offshore already absorbs all of the CO2 produced by human activity in Australia.

      Climate Alarmists and ignorant ‘Pollies’ please note.


    • #
    • #

      How tedious.


    • #

      That’s a religious statement, not a statement of fact. The Church of Climate Scientology. They probably have ESG meters too.


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        • #

          Pure religion. The Geneva foreign committee is God. Whatever they say. “Indisputable”.


          • #

            The scientific peer reviewed literature is undisputed.
            Copernicus just announced 2024 was 1.6 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.


            • #

              The only reason anything so complex is “undisputed” is if they sacked the critics and barred their publications. Which they did. Yawn. You have nothing but a fanatical religious zealotry that bores us to tears. You don’t read the posts here. If you did, you’d know the world was warmer and seas were higher 2,000 years ago, 5,000, 120,000, 430,000, 4 million etc. Most of the last 500 million years. Yet CO2 was lower.


              • #

                Your flawed analyses have been debunked yet you keep repeating them.


              • #

                See, if you read this site, like an honest player would, you’d know I categorically mocked and disassembled his work. See:

                It took him 21 months, four professors, and three associate/assistant professors to produce something so pathetic that I took it apart myself in four days. Cook couldn’t reply to my scathing disassembly. He cowardly re-released his “debunking handbook” 18 months later, after editing out the most stupid parts and removing my name and mentions of the Skeptics Handbook. He was obviously too scared that I would embarrass him. Cook is a namecalling, irrational hack who doesn’t know what science is. See

                So Simon, there is something fundamentally dishonest in your comments. You don’t read this site, you waste our time, you write anonymously and you won’t answer questions, nor explain whether you have a financial interest in the climate debate. You are symbolically, the perfect example of the intellectual corruption and sickness at the core of this science debate.

                PS: We noticed you never reply to the points I make. Just drop your losing argument and toss in a new one.


            • #

              He died mid 1500’s


    • #

      Simon, you have zero understanding of gas solubility in oceans. Get a sandwich placard and stand on a street corner. Your doom mongering is totally within your own mind. Projecting it upon others isn’t helpful.

      You do realize that atmospheric CO2 levels were 10 times what they are today in the Ordovician period, which was an Ice Age. Try to keep up. It was only 443 Million years ago.


      • #

        Early Ordovician was very hot. No animals lived on land. Not a suitable climate for humans at all.


        • #

          >Not a suitable climate for humans at all

          Simon are you deliberately missing the point?
          Or are you deliberately changing the subject?

          If you don’t already know that you’ve produced a logic fallacy of relevance, then you’re admitting to intellectual deficit.
          If you do know then you’re admitting to intellectual dishonesty.

          Changing topics to avoid the point being discussed. A bait and switch. This is an argument tactic in which one attempts to change the conversation – bringing up information that is not relevant for the claim or point being debated – in order to try to control the conversation.

          The point that was raised,
          >”atmospheric CO2 levels were 10 times what they are today in the Ordovician period, which was an Ice Age”,
          proves increased atmospheric CO2 levels do not cause global warming.
          You introduced a red herring about whether a preceding period when temperatures were hot could support human life! So what? That’s a separate issue!

          And incidentally, the high CO2 levels preceded the Ice Age, so did the increased CO2 levels cause global cooling? (No is the answer.)


        • #

          Simon’s-science: — Because humans took 480 million years to evolve from sponges instead of 15 minutes, the fact that there were no humans in the Ordovocian proves they can’t survive in a climate 10 or 20 degrees warmer even though actual humans do live in Dallol, Ethiopiain 2025 which has an average July monthly high of 45°C.

          Don’t believe your lying eyes.

          The more you say Simon, the worse it gets.


    • #

      So what is the ideal temperature on earth Simon and who came to that conclusion .


    • #
      David Maddison

      Do you honestly believe your own BS Simon or are you just trolling?

      Get with the program!

      Wokeism and Leftism is over.

      Time for the world to engage in productive activities, goodness and niceness.


    • #

      You sound pleased at the prospect of the demise of the human race. One of the dominant motivations of alarmists is misanthropy; it underpins everything alarmists do; they really hate humanity:


  • #

    Luckily the data proves we Humans live in the safest world in at least 300 K years and yet these liars and con merchants couldn’t spend a few minutes online to check the facts.
    Why can’t these loonies who invest trillions of $ understand the simplest data that any young child could or should understand?
    Again, just unbelievable but true.


    • #
      Plain Jane

      Neville, they understand allright, they are not stupid. They know what they are doing, and getting power and money for themselves. They dont care the death toll, that is a benefit not a disadvantage. Evil yes, stupid no.


    • #

      Why would you ‘understand’ when you get a comfortable income from ‘not understanding’.


  • #
    Plain Jane

    This news is good. Looks like their enslavement plans are either not working, or not working as fast as they wanted. How can we push back agaisnt these evil corporations ? Use cash ? Dont put money in super? Move compulsory super out of investment options that have woke investing goals? Write letters to larry Fink? how do we write letters to Larry Fink? Does anyone know?


  • #

    Please don’t be fooled by this apparent concession! Just like Farcebook et al they are just playing with our heads. You can bet that they have already found another way of working covertly and cooperatively to continue their WEF plan.


  • #
    Mike Jonas

    It’s great seeing the wokery collapsing around us. But it’s sobering that we got to this point only by the width of an ear and we are still heavily dependent on just one person.


  • #
    John Connor II

    GIIICC anyone?

    The UK government has become a key financial supporter of the UN’s campaign to stifle public dissent on climate change.

    On Monday, the UK government announced its full endorsement of the UN’s Global Initiative for Information Integrity on Climate Change, a policy said to be designed to combat “disinformation” ahead of November’s COP30 summit in Brazil.

    This plan is more than just a threat to free speech, it’s a full on assault, you can tell this from the language those in power are now using. One official UN statement described climate dissent as part of “toxic information ecosystems.” Melissa Fleming, the UN’s global communications head, remarked:

    “We are becoming more proactive, we own the science, and the world should know it.”

    In a recent seminar Flemming stated, “We have partnered with Google to ensure that only UN-approved climate search results appear at the top.”

    Meanwhile, Operation Youtube Honeypot has kicked off. 😎


    • #

      “We are becoming more proactive, we own the science, and the world should know it.”

      LOL. The Dis United Nations (DUN as in DUNCE) do not own Science. What a stupid comment for her to utter.


    • #

      Melissa Fleming, the UN’s global communications head, remarked:

      “We are becoming more proactive, we own the science, and the world should know it.”

      Own the lies more like it.


      • #

        Before ‘Climate Change’, I had never heard of ‘The Science’. Science was not a thing. It was a body of knowledge. A set of rules and laws.

        What the UN have created is a fake religion to scare the cash out of client states. And a major beneficiary is the UN itself. After all they have 80,000 people to pay, 40,000 direct employees. And a huge business run by exclusively by failed Socialist politicians, a sheltered socialist scheme for people no one wants. Ex President of this and that. Portugal, Costa Rica,.. Just don’t ask them what they do with the money? Climate Change is their milch cow.

        And what has the UN done to prevent war? As far as anyone can tell, the UNWRA were behind the mass murder of Jews from their stronghold in Gaza built with world donations for peace. And those evil young Israelis dared to hold a music festival. It was just too much provocation.


  • #

    Life expectancy for the first 99.9% of Human existence was only 28.5 years by 1770 or by the start of the Industrial Revolution.
    In the last 0.1% of our time or the last 254 years we’ve seen a rapid rise in life expectancy and safety from about 32 years in 1900 to about 73 years today.
    Since 1920 deaths from all extreme weather events have dropped by at least 98% and drought by 99.9%.
    Wall under 2 billion people then and over 8.1 billion today. Why can’t our clueless donkeys understand these very simple facts?


    • #

      Here’s the UN data for life expectancy since 1770 from Our World in Data.
      Note today Oceania, Europe and Nth America are the highest, but Asia and other continents are catching up.


    • #

      Which means in most countries there is no population explosion, say India and China who were at 400 million in the 1960s and 1.4Billion today. But 2/3 of those people would not be alive under the old conditions and now the world has to work out what to do with a rapidly ageing population where quality of life equates to long life.


    • #

      They are not real donkeys, just clueless corrupt asses (no offence meant to any true Ass or Donkey)


    • #
      Plain Jane

      Neville, Occams Razor applies here. “a problem-solving principle that suggests the simplest explanation is often the best one”. If the UN policies are fully enacted then we would go back to a 28.5 yr life expectancy and billions of people would die. This is obvious. So this is the intention of their policies. They are afer us Neville. I have been watching them stuff up things for decades. They have showed their hand very obviously lately. They want us dead. lots of different ways will do.


  • #

    The Climatebaggers are regrouping for the next big thing. War is very profitable. Ukraine has been a big winner, except of course the million dead, but they had no cash.


  • #

    Amazing isn’t it? In the US you have that federation of Republican led states who are energy producers- so have oil, gas resources etc, and the income is super important to their particular state. When the banks started their ESG thing, those states said no way jose. Do it and we will drag you down with anti-trust suits. Give you a real hard time. In Australia we had our feeble minded leaders at the time – Josh Frydenburg and Scott Morrison who just capitulated when Net Zero came in. Sorry, we see no way of allowing financing for major new coal fired power stations, they both said. Even though coal is one of our greatest export earners and a coal powered energy grid would give us such an economic advantage. We are indeed a lucky country, people are great but we are led by an atrocious bunch of nincompoops. Doesn’t matter if it’s Labor or Liberal National Party and at this stage I have no faith in Dutton as well.


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      On this particular issue, Dutton is a dunce as well. He either does not want to, for various reasons, or believes he should not rock the boat on net zero. I really wish he had the resolve of Trump and said openly and loudly, that Net Zero is a dog that will bring this country to its knees and he is not going there. No chance, I am afraid.


    • #
      John Watt

      Dutton is not the only dunce. Our mainstream media with their investigative journalism expertise are just as lax as the politicians. The Skynews/Spectator crew are as bad as “our ABC”. Perhaps they should investigate the facts of netzero…if their financial overlords will permit such impudence.


  • #

    We are now facing the most annoying, super paradox in Human history and yet very few seem to understand.
    We’re told that Humans are now facing an existential threat unless we waste hundreds of TRILLIONs of $ trying to reach their net zero by 2050, but the actual facts easily disproves their claims.
    Perhaps Trump can put a stop to these treasonous con merchants and liars, but he only has 4 years to further wake up the USA voters and we can only hope Vance or De Santis etc have the strength to continue to follow the Science and the facts. Only time will tell.


    • #

      In three years Al Gore’s invention as part of first campaign for President will be 40 years old. And all the ten of trillions spent trying to control CO2 have had absolutely zero effect on CO2. A complete waste of money and effort for 37 years.

      How is this an urgent problem?

      And how did it cause the fires in LA?


      • #

        Trump has a simple solution. It’s a lie. A hoax from the beginning. Fake science.


      • #

        Mother Nature did it all on her own for free.

        1,000 years ago there were still fires but no multi million dollar homes and businesses in the area to burn down.

        Mother Nature Won (One) v Human Stupidity 1 Trillion, 2 Trillion, 3 Trillion and rising………


        • #
          Plain Jane

          Also they imported eucalyt trees, which love and encourage fire. Maybe they helped bring it on.


          • #

            Yes. Hundreds of thousands were shipped from Australia in the 1880s. And they were perfect for low rainfall near desert environments. And in Spain, Greece, Israel and California. It’s really weird to see Australian gum trees around Jesus’ baptismal area with John the Baptist, which is actually in Jordan about 200 metres from the Jordan River.(mostly an drain/creek) But gum trees either side? Needs koalas. Jewish koalas.

            However any trees and grass left untended near dwellings are a mortal danger to life and property. It’s this wacky Avatar idea that we are one with the universe and the trees would not harm us which creates the problem. Long grass, old leaves on the forest floor. Even houses built around a gum tree as a feature, as in one house in Macedon. If fire comes, your only hope is to get out in time.

            Would Mother Nature/Gaia harm poor defenceless humans and woodland creatures? Of course. And all that praying to the earth gods at the sacred tree of life will not make a jot of difference.


            • #

              By the way, flooding rains are next in the cycle. Just so that people are aware that death and destruction wreaked by Mother Nature is pretty standard in Australia. And it’s not Climate Change. It’s the climate.


          • #
            another ian

            Through in a bit of rain and the eucs will be re-established well before any houses I’d reckon


        • #

          The next thing for Southern California is a major Earthquake. The Big One is due any time soon. Why live there?


  • #
    Honk R Smith

    I find all the changing of tunes really strange.
    In 2015 I was struck by the reaction of the political and media sophisticates to Trump’s candidacy.
    I couldn’t figure out why there was so much pearl clutching over what seemed to me a vanity candidacy by a TV personality engaging in a publicity stunt.
    Now, significantly by their own hysterical reaction, they’ve elevated their obsessive nemesis to be one of the most dominate political figures in modern history.

    (Not to disparage Trump’s heroic strength and perseverance in surviving and triumphing against the massive criminal assault perpetrated against him by many of the most powerful forces in our society.)

    Their actions proved his mettle and made him a hero.
    I have always figured rats lacked souls, but had not known heretofore that they are also spineless.


  • #
    David Maddison

    The evil doers, both corporate and individuals are dropping all over the place.

    The end of wokeism and Leftism.


  • #
    David Maddison

    These woke Leftist policies have caused monumental economic damage.

    The perpetrators must not be allowed to get away with it unpunished.

    They have told enormous lies, and continue to do so in the more fanatically woke countries like Australia where there is no political leadership.

    Don’t forgive.
    Don’t forget.


    • #

      It’s no wonder that the Lefties are dreading DJT ascension to POTUS 47 in just a few days now! I remain in awe of his ability to remain one step ahead of the naysayers. 01/20/2025 can’t come soon enough! However, the evil forces continue to lurk in the shadows waiting to pounce


  • #

    There goes the woke ship… the EU……TANIC.


  • #

    Is the timing of the LA fires and D. Trump’s upcoming inauguration more than just serendipitous?

    I have no “belief” but Trump just turning his head, thus saving his life in Butler and what is the most significant “natural disaster” in living memory happening together could be more than a mere coincidence.

    Whole towns can be destroyed by fire in Australia and a tsunami cause massive damage, death and a near atomic catastrophe but that all happens “over there”. Hollywood and the Palisades are NOT “over there”. Individual homes were worth a king’s ransom, but more importantly, they belong to A-listers who will, possibly for the first time, have to deal with out of control bureaucracies on things that matter, really matter.

    Am I being a Pollyanna to think that the New Trump will now get less blowback than he otherwise would have when he tries to dismantle Net Zero because people who always had enough “get stuphed” money to sail serenely over life’s tribulations will now be forced to THINK?

    Why did this happen, REALLY?


  • #

    Trump could end all the nonsense and international manipulations by two moves. Withdraw the US from the UN as it provides a large part of the funding. Remove the UN from US soil. Where else would one find a nation acceptable to accomodate it? No other nation would allow enemies to enter, fraternise on its territory and contrive plans for its downfall, let alone tolerate hate speeches against it to be allowed to flow.


  • #
    another ian


    There is the sublime and there is the ridiculous!

    “If my family is in a burning building, I don’t need someone with the right mix of German, French, Irish, Polish, and Apache ancestry to rescue them. I need someone who can rescue them. ”

    And the comments there

    (Mind you I’m not confident that the “woke” have got us to “peak ridiculous” yet)


  • #
    another ian


    His tilt at President 2028 isn’t going to like these developments –


    Links there


  • #
    Ed Zuiderwijk

    Elections have consequences and this year’s doubly so. Trump had 4 years to prepare for his next term and will hit the ground running. The weeks after January 20, 12:01 will be epic.


  • #

    BTW Worldometers now shows Africa’s population as over 1.5 billion and like Microtrends they use the UN Data.
    And the average age of Africans today is about 19 years, while Aussies is about 37 years and ditto most advanced western countries. But Japan’s average age today is about 47 years.
    Yet Africa’s population in 1950 was just 0.227 billion and the projections until 2100 are very high.
    Gosh that’s some existential Human threat since 1950 and ditto until 2100, SARC. IOW just more laughable lunacy from the barking mad Malthusians.


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