A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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UK worst place in the world to site solar farms
I live in coastal Devon , one of the funniest counties at some 1800 hours of sun per year.We are importing billions of solar panels made using coerced Labour and coal power then getting a pitiful amount of energy from them
Our politicians are truly mad. Presumably there are big plans in sunny OZ for solar farms?
Remarkable day for UK wind and solar!
We are curreNtly in very sunny Austria but people are telling us how grey and miserable it is back home.
Mind you lots of solar panels here do not generate power for a quarter of the year as they are often in villages that are in the deep shadow of the mountains
My panels are never shaded but they are in the tropics. Solar panels don’t like heat. Not sure if that, or poor instillation caused the poor performance but I haven’t replaced the [second] dead inverter.
I upgraded my solar system in part because the warranty (10yr) on the inverters was expiring. One was replaced twice in the approximate 9.5 years.
Maybe someday (soon? over the rainbow?) batteries will be cheap enough to add one. Not so much for the time transfer of the energy but (hopefully) the ability to island during extended grid outages.
After my inverter was installed externally, modified a Bunnings window shade to fit over the top to minimise direct sunlight on the inverter.
Yes it’s almost wintery
Still and foggy. In the UK – who knew there’d be days like this?
When everyone is up front
And they’re not playing tricks
When you don’t have no freeloaders
Out to get their kicks
This comment is not coming up on that site.
Why did the Dunkelflautes come as a surprise in June 2021?
Lest we forget, it was the Australians Anton Lang and the Paul Miskelly team who first documented the impact on the electricity supply when high pressure systems linger.
And it was Jo Nova’s blog where the work reached a wider audience than Anton’s blog uses and the journal where Paul’s major paper appeared.
The Energy Realists of Australia took up the story but it is still not being told around the world, even by commentators who deplore the climate fraud and the net zero ponzi.
Hi Rafe,
Thank you for the kind words.
The paper of mine referred to may have been seen initially by only a small audience, however the purpose of putting it up as an article in a scientific journal is, I guess, clear.
It really was properly, independently, peer-reviewed, by at least 5 anonymous reviewers. All recommended publication, but two of them required extensive revisions first.
The result is that it is a rigorous paper. Its findings cannot be easily dismissed, and it remains available for all to see.
I have yet to see any critique, let alone anything such as a damning criticism.
So far, 12 years on, its findings stand.
Thanks again for continuing to publicise its findings.
Yup, wind droughts, Dr Tom Quirk and I told the policymakers of the world all about them all those years ago in our respective scientific papers, and it seems that they are still not taking any notice.
Paul Miskelly
Have you done any follow up work on climate effects down wind of large wind turbine farms?
I have heard they steal wind for turbines even some distance away and create other weather impacts such as less rain
Hi Tonyb,
Where you say “follow-up” work, I don’t understand what you mean.
I am merely an electrical engineer. I extracted actual electrical operational performance data from AEMO-provided datasets that are in the public domain.
In that regard, I was commenting on data from within my own area of expertise.
I have seen papers by others on these topics that you mention, but would not presume to offer comment. For starters, I wouldn’t know where to begin to obtain the necessary airflow and air turbulence data, the air temperature data, should it exist, for individual wind “turbines” within a specific wind farm, which is what is required to commence such an analysis, much less presume to offer an analysis or comment on it.
Paul Miskelly
MrGrimNasty linked to that wonderful chart for UK power consumption.
Now, you all know what joy I get from looking at data, and then, umm, trying to explain it all, so let’s do that here, because it’s really interesting, eh!
Look at that Bar Chart for generation by power source.
O frabjous day. How wonderful it must be for tiny little England to have ….. NINE Interconnectors. (umm, dare I say it, extension cords to the Continent) all of them bar two (probably the real expensive ones) sucking ‘juice’ from Europe. Oh, one of them is an extension cord to Ireland over the Sea, and good old mother country is helping them out. (Please Sir, can I have some more?)
So, ten percent of mainland UK total power consumption is coming from Europe.
What else is interesting is this.
This power consumption point in time is at 9.50AM, and the UK is consuming (same as generating mind you) a total of 42.5GW of power (rounded up a tad, eh!)
Compare that to here in Australia at the same time, (by the clock) so, 9.50AM on that same Tuesday. Here in Oz, we were consuming (NEM total) 31GW of power.
(So, here take away the population of WA, around 3 Million from the total Oz population of 27 million, and this gives the population of the NEM at 24 million, eh!)
So for a population of 69 million, the UK is consuming 42.5GW of power.
For a population of 24 million the NEM is consuming 31GW of power.
I guess our homes are bigger, eh!
PostScript – See where I mentioned in brackets power consuming is the same as power generating, there was a time a couple of years back I mentioned at a green renewable supporting site the Base Load, you know, that minimum power consumption for every day, that 18,0000MW at around 4AM. One responder mentioned that was not actually correct. When I pointed to the OpenNEN site indicating that it was in fact around that 18,000MW, that same responder replied ….. You idi0t. Don’t you know that 18,000MW is just the total generated power. It’s not actually being consumed! (Man! How do you argue against that?)
Maybe the electricity is too expensive to heat their homes, whereby ours is still affordable until we approach NetZero. Then it will be too expensive to cool our homes.
Gas is far more common for heating homes in the UK via individual central heating boilets, which also heats domestic hot water.
Electricity is much less used other than for spot heating on especially cold days.
Our electricity consumption is going to increase drastically with heat pumps, electric cooking and electric vehocles.
no, I have no idea where the electricity will come from.
Hi Anton,
I love your postscript above!
How does one even begin to explain to such individuals that on a grid supply must match demand within very narrow limits every second of every day?
And thank you for all the wonderful work, so much of it, over so many years.
Paul M
Same with Germany. Just go more Nuclear.
In terms of woke Leftist “science” and “engineering”, that makes them ideally placed.
I always thought putting solar subsidy farms in the northern parts of Europe was odd.
Oh, I thought Solar Farms were there to attract the sun and make the place warm and fuzzy and a better place to live.
The UK solar efficiency is reputed to average 10.5% over the year, not much different from Australia’s 16.26% efficiency. My home solar in “sunny” Perth only averages 9% in winter.
Surprisingly, Germany obtains 12% of its electricity from solar with a 11% CF.
You’re probably funny and sunny.
Australia has solar in excess problems middle of days;
And Perth daily powers the SWIS grid with solar, up to 56% some days, but not much from large-scale systems. Only 26% today, being cloudy.
Malware on the Gateway Pundit site
I don’t know if anyone else has had this problem, but I have had an issue when reading the Gateway Pundit.
Firstly I had multiple occasions when an unexpected screen would appear from Security Protection Centre, which would perform a scan and inform me that I had 26 virus and offer protection for $3.99/ month. Since I was using a new IPhone 13, this seemed unlikely so I would shut that down and reopen the site.
After a few days a new message appeared, claiming that I had been selected to a variety of prizes as one of 100 lucky Telstra customers. Again I would just close and then reopen the site.
Over the past 2 days I get the same message but purporting to come from Google.
It only happens if I am reading the Gateway Pundit.
I think it is an attempt to scare people away from the site. Has anyone else had the same issue?
On my computer, I have gotten similar sorts of things. It happens after I visit a site that wants me to click on “allow” cookies. Doing so re-sets a “permissions” to accept notices from some unknown place. I note the offending source. Then I go to “Settings” and then “Cookies and site permissions” and find that listing. Then I have to go to “View permissions …” and Block that site. Finally, I have to watch for that “allow” tab and not do that again.
The messages appeared to be coming from a well-known company but their web site warms against this scam in their name.
I assume your phone has a similar “fix” – – you need to investigate.
I get the same thing on another site, not this one though.
Decent browser + popup blocker will fix a lot of this.
Not malware, just malvertising to flog their products.
Nothing to fear, move along.
Yes I think it is called a pop up. I am not sure how to stop them on my phone.
Interestingly I have not had the problem yesterday and today.
I think it is an attempt to stop people accessing the gateway Pundit site. They are probably the largest of the independent media. There have been many attempts to bankrupt them, deny advertising etc to drive them off the internet.
Wouldn’t an @d blocker stop this? I NEVER get this stuff anywhere.
pretty much, or a decent browser that has it built in
Yes I use that, and it’s AI search, but I wanted to be more general. People don’t like being told what to use.
If they did I’d recommend Mac. They don’t so I won’t.
As solar power is an unlikely energy source in the UK our clever elite are still looking to hydrogen to somehow plug the energy gap.
In the comments section there is a discussion on the half life of co2. Has anyone got any views on the half life of this gas as politicians worry about it staying around for hundreds of years as a reason to get to get zero quickly
Hydrogen will not work at the moment. The cost of the energy required to extract the hydrogen makes the whole thing uneconomic. The Australian Guv’ment has provided incentives (loads of taxpayer and borrowed money) and even with this, it is still uneconomic. Some here have tried to make it work and have given up.
Green Hydrogen is another fantasy of the Climate Alarmists.
Maybe one day technology will come to the rescue. However, by then, other technologies may have have taken over.
Hydrogen appears to be attractive to the scammers because its combustion “only” produces “water vapour”. .
It is actually extremely dubious as a “mass” fuel. The energy involved in “capturing, storing and transporting” it is another huge problem.
Finally whilst it “may” work in existing designs of internal combustion engines, its mechanical and thermal properties are not even close to actual hydrocarbons. it also leaks everywhere; being the “smallest molecule”,it wanders straight through the sort of hoses and seals that will contain a very basic gas like Methane.
Eighty percent of the atmosphere being nitrogen it is not surprising that a by product of hydrogen combustion at scale is yer dreaded oxides of nitrogen; no free lunch from green hydrogen eh.
We never seem to see that mentioned.
It occurred to me the other day that Twiggy Forrest has been quiet lately in regard to his hydrogen project. On searching the phrase “twiggy forrest hydrogen project” via news, this story from 189:days ago popped up.
It would seem some of Twiggy’s former employees may have suffered at the hands of his green dream.
“The iron ore miner turned energy firm slashed 700 jobs in a restructure on Wednesday, saying it would ensure the company remained “lean, impactful and agile”.
Not much to found on the web about his hydrogen project in the last 6 months. Is it possible someone has convinced him it’s a dud endeavour?
I did a search for Residence Time of CO2 in the Atmosphere and was rewarded with this paper.
Scrutinizingthe carbon cycle and CO2 residence time in the atmosphere,increase%20over%20the%20Industrial%20Era.
The residence time of CO2 in the atmosphere is just 4 years!
The author thanks Prof Murray Salby for his assistance.
Peter, thanks for the link.
In the first couple of reports they use the term “turnover time” instead of “residence time” or “lifetime”.
On page 8 of the first IPCC report (FAR) it says
“The turnover time of CO2 in the atmosphere, measured
as the ratio of the content to the fluxes through it, is about 4
years This means that on average it takes only a few years
betorc a CO2 molecule in the atmosphere is taken up by
plants or dissolved in the ocean”
The turnover time is important because they use it to calculate total emissions. It is the inverse of the removal rate.
You can calculate the turnover time used by the IPCC by dividing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by what they say are the total emissions.
On page 700 of the sixth assessment report, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is said to be 870 Gt C. (1 Gt C = 1 Pg C)
Total emissions are ( if I have added them correctly) 225.4 GtC.
This gives a turnover time of 3.86 years or a removal rate of 0.259 per year.
Thanks John and Peter for your comments. John, I see where you have many worthwhile contributions to this subject in the past, along with TDef and others.
The best summary of residence/half life/turnover is in (Click on) Table 1 in the Stallinga paper.
The other point by G.J.Fergusson back in 1958 is that these times are for ALL atmospheric CO2. Tiny Fossil fuel CO2 is absorbed much faster as it is emitted at low altitude at or near the ocean.
When I read the V4 IPCC paper the two figures used were ‘thousands of years’ and in another ’80 years’ in the context of being the standard for absorbtion of other gases! And if the standard is wrong, it means the whole business of gaseous absorption is a mess.
Fish also breathe and output CO2. So they clearly have lots of O2 and turn it into CO2. As do all living things. The focus on CO2 in the atmosphere alone is almost druidic, as if the sky was the only source of O2 and CO2. In terms of sheer weight it is 1/350th of the weight of the mobile oceans.
And the idea of continuous rapid gaseous equilibrium between ocean and atmosphere is not even mentioned. It is a fact of life as each and every CO2 and H2O molecule near the surface makes the decision, not politicians. And what drives these molecules determines everything. Pressure/Concentration(number of molecules),Temperature(Speed) on both sides of the interface.
So increased concentration of CO2 OR temperature in the surface ocean would immediately increase CO2 in the air. It’s so simple.
But these are both flipped around to blame tiny fossil fuel CO2. Which is really odd because even at today’s output of fossil fuel CO2, annually it only just represents 1.0% of what is in the air. And that all goes straight in the ocean. Which is also obvious as CO2 levels are near constant from pole to pole. So how can fossil fuel CO2 be responsible for anything? Annually it’s a tiny 0.02% of the total.
Sadly, Professor Salby passed away in 2022.
What a loss! Sad news. Some news here. He died in Melbourne while visiting his son.
Tdef will also have a good explanation – see his most recent comment here on 31 Dec 2024. A recent Aug 2024 study (Koutsoyiannis, WUWT 30 Aug) put the residence time at 4 years.
Ivermectin to the rescue again. . . . as an anti cancer drug.
A combination of Ivermectin and Fenbendazole (and/or a similar drug Mebendazole) has had strong cancer treating properties. Not a cure, necessarily, but a strong treatment. Since all these drugs are off-patent, nobody will spend the money to do a Phase III trial. Still, if you are in stage 4, something to think about.
The easy-read link:
The more detailed and nuanced link:
And finally, the peer-reviewed paper:
(The peer-reviewed paper in includes dosage schedules.)
As I have mentioned before, both drugs are inexpensive, out of patent and possibly effective in the treatment of cancer therefore unlikely to be approved by Big Pharma’s marketing agency in Australia, the TGA (equivalent to FDA in US) for that purpose.
Under the new Government in the United States, I’m sure they’ll get a fair evaluation for this possible treatment.
I’m in NSW Australia, and late last year I had [something that needs Ivermectin] and the doctor wrote a script for me for Ivermectin.
I will add that he had to wrestle with the computer program for quite some time to get the authority (from the powers that be) to write that Ivermectin script.
Note that you can’t get Ivermectin except through a script, which means going to a doctor, which was around AU$55.00.
Then I took that script to the pharmacist, and it was exactly AU$105.00 for 8 3mg tablets.
Given my weight, I had to take two 12mg doses spaced by a week.
So for $160.00, I got two doses, which is $80.00 a dose, or $20.00 per 3mg tablet.
Considering that in India it is only AU$0.01 per 3mg tablet (2000 times cheaper), obviously the Australian powers that be are severely ripping us off, and do NOT care about the health of humans in Australia, they only care about having their hands greased by big pharma (whom only care about profit).
But if you just happened to be near the fence when drenching cattle and splashed some of this on your skin…
It’s 5g/l So a 1 litre container will get you 5g of the active component. For a price, of around $150. That’s $30/g. A LOT cheaper than $20 per 3mg.
Obviously this is animal grade. Obviously it has lower quality control. But there is no need for the human version to be so much more expensive.
Imagine how cheap it would be to produce in large quantities and then to package in sensible dosage sizes. Hell, it could even be down to those prices that you see in India. So why is Oz so dear. AGAIN.
Why is that obvious? I have had a heated debate with a Trump hater [EVERY Trump hater is anti IVM] who absolutely insisted that the veterinary IVM is a different formulation of the active ingredient to the human stuff. You can’t cure stupid, or TDS.
Seriously I would go to a Doc who started as a vet, especially on diet. There was one on the interwebs years ago, lost track of him.
My doctor in Melbournistan writes me a scrip for 24mg IVM which I then obtain from a compounding pharmacist for $3 per pill.
Others import it directly with no scrip required and in the appropriate 24mg dose.
The 3mg dose is the standard dose for parasitic infection, not anti-covid applications.
Buy it from India mate, online. Most ivermectin is sourced from there anyway due to its high local use. In Australia 90% of our pharmaceuticals come from overseas. Quality, you ask? Go look at the country of source for any generic paracetamol or ibuprofen you buy from the big supermarkets. You’ll see Pakistan and India a lot. Bypass the stupid doctors and get it delivered. I’ve done 2 packages over 3 years with no problems.
India. A semi-legal drug provider (depending on the country of receipt). But such great value even after western markups.
India has a way better record per capita compared to Australia when it comes to covid deaths. Why? Probably because they didn’t use any mRNA vaccines.
All Covid vaccines used by India were produced domestically (direct quality assurance as opposed to Aus importation with superficial TGA approval).
The Morrison government fobbed off CSL (with their bid being approximately half of the quote provided by Moderna to produce vaccines). Then they stated Professor Petrovsky’s vaccine was no good despite him applying routine testing.
You can plant all the conspiracy BS markers that you want. At the end of the day, there are people who will see through it all.
Ivermectin is considered to be a “Tier 1” anti-cancer drug by the IMA (Independent Medical Alliance), formerly known as the FLCCC.
I noticed the FLCCC changed their name. Smart move, the original name was a bit of a mouthful.
They recently posted an article in which they discuss the results of an AI program that was asked to identify the best repurposed drugs to treat cancer (it includes natural supplements and products).
Obviously IVM can be expensive to acquire despite it being cheap to manufacture, plus there is the hurdle of getting a script in countries such as Australia. Worth noting that no.2 on the list is curcumin. Also worth noting it is not easily absorbed via the gut.
I spoke to a stallholder at a local market last year who was selling a high grade curcumin oil. She advised administering it with the included eye dropper beneath the tongue (as it goes straight into your bloodstream).
Curcumin is also remarkable for its anti-inflammatory properties, so it may appeal to some people experiencing multiple health issues. On the cautionary side, it could have drug interactions, particularly with anticoagulants.
I’m not plugging any given drug or substance to treat a health condition, merely highlighting a few things worth looking at. Best of luck if you’re dealing with a health issue directly or with someone close to you.
Thanks Jon. My wife of 49 years has advanced ovarian cancer, so this is an obsession for me and I investigate every single bit of advice.
red edward, Thanks for the link:
Note, doses of ivermectin are given,
Low-grade cancers:
Dose of 0.5mg/kg, 3x per week
Intermediate-grade cancers:
Dose of 1mg/kg, 3x per week
High-grade cancers:
Dose from 1 mg/kg/day to 2 mg/ kg/day
These are higher than the usual doses for the Wuhu
at 0.2mg per kg body weight per day over about ten days, but the claim is-
no serious adverse effects were found over the 180 days of the trial.
All these doses have been established as tolerable for humans.
Hi Lucky
Could you provide a link to the page that lists dosage please? I can’t find it via the website.
Copy and paste aove link into your browser, depending on which it is, the pdf will open in a new tab, or will download to your machine.
Prince Harry gets apology and ‘substantial damages’ from Rupert Murdoch’s News Group Newspapers (NGN)
In the UK the Murdoch press is reprehensible.
I hope Melania gets a sizeable PO from Sonny Hostin, or at least costs her heaps in lawfare. Trump haters should not be able to broadcast any nasty thought that crosses their feeble minds on the grounds that they are public figures. It’s Donald that is the public figure, Melania is not public enough to get a cover of Vogue.
The dynamite new Offshore Wind EO calls for a thorough assessment so this is a small step in that direction.
Western offshore wind EIS is MIA
By David Wojick
The beginning:
“Last month I analyzed various holes in the draft federal California Programmatic EIS (PEIS) for offshore wind. Now a new report shows that these seemingly big holes are tiny compared to the yawning Programmatic EIS gap created by the Federal Action Plan for West Coast offshore wind development.
To begin with the full California Program is huge compared to the measly five leases covered by the so-called California PEIS. The document I wrote about would be better called the Starter Kit EIS. Plus there is a lot of development off of Oregon and Washington.
I earlier pointed out that the PEIS document did not address the cumulative impact of those five leases; it just looked at the generic impact of one lease. But what is really Missing In Action is an environmental impact assessment for the entire West Coast Program.”
Lots more in the article. Please share it.
Here is the EO:
Will tax credits still remain for wind farms in the US or will TRUMP remove them?
Will there be now any point to build wind farms in the US?
What happens to existing wind farms?
The tax credits are law so I do not see how Trump can block them but this is the Wild West so we shall see. But in some deals the ratepayers get the tax credit savings not the developer. The developer just gets a very high price for the power.
I do not expect a $300 billion or so industry to walk away. Expect lawsuits like Biden got when he tried to stop LNG facilities. The President does not have all that much power.
Ending new leases is irrelevant since there are 40 already with the potential for well over 40,000 MW to be built. What matters is the temporary hold on permits for existing leases while a big study is done. That is fairly shaky.
David, didn’t the Californian offshore wind auction fail to attract any bidders?
No all five CA leases were sold albeit for low bids. The first Gulf of Mexico (America?) auction got no bidders.
The annual fun figuring out why the banned number plates are rude:
Chinese scientists have achieved a significant breakthrough in developing a compact HPM weapon … China’s HPM weapon can generate electric fields up to 80,000 volts, comparable to the EMP pulses generated by nuclear explosions.
80,000 volts. Not even close to lightning which is often quoted as 300 MV.
And another insult toward the 80,000V. I have an electric fence energiser which delivers in excess of 8,000 V EVERY pulse. Car ignitions can get up toward 80,000 V, especially to an open circuit.
And of course, you could always touch a Van de Graaff generator, and live to talk about it.
Voltage isn’t the issue, it’s the delivered energy of a pulse, you need high current to do this, not static.
This will be the first and last war where cheap drones are decisive. Within a couple of years directed energy weapons will be effective. There has been an awful lot of research on these already but they have been thinking big. Shouldn’t be hard to downsize.
The Ford class carriers with two nuclear reactors could bristle with them, the power is available.
Yes David, and now that Fauci has been pre-emptively pardoned, he needs to be called in by Congress and again questioned by Rand Paul, as that pardon removes his right to plead the fifth amendment.
Pointless. He will simply lie. There seem to be no consequences for lying to Congressional inquiries or committees. They’re toothless.
Lying before Congress is illegal and considered perjury and one can end up in jail. That’s why Michael Cohen was sent to jail in 2019.
But if he has a blanket pardon excusing any and all crimes in his back pocket?
only prior to Biden leaving, not forever
Steve, he can still be forced to testify before Congress and the pardon means he can’t “plead the fifth”. If he lies he goes to jail.
At least according to all I have read abou it.
It would be most unwise to lie. He is immunised while he tells the truth but not for perjury, the pardon is not future dated.
Thanks David, great pickup . As usual, Ridd is right on the money. Seems like we still need a military solution for scientific research. In military strategy they often use a red team/ blue team type scenario. It’s a great competitive system to seek out flaws in any military campaign etc. Perhaps for science you have an allocated pot of money for some facet of scientific research. The money is divided into 2. One half goes to the red team which is attempting to prove a proposed hypothesis. The other half goes blue to another ( ideally independent) team trying to do the opposite. They try to outcompete each other and we get to the truth so much faster. I would definitely have Ridd on the Blue team when it came to Great Barrier Reef research.
Coral is like mould, if you ignore it, it grows back, all on it’s own.
I still do not know why scientists measure it and then cry wolf when the numbers change.
It’s mould. Just a pretty mould. Why are we funding these studies?
Under the new “only two gender” policy in the US, it must be so hard for the Left to come to terms with the biological facts that women don’t have penises and men can’t have babies.
They are in meltdown, crying and screaming in their “safe places”.
It has been a wonderful couple of days watching the Donald do his work undoing the madness of the crowds. Never have I enjoyed so much watching the convulsions on MSNBC and CNN.
Loving it!
Can you see an order preventing entry to US using documents from states with different definition of gender (and therefore, your identity) – ie. Australia? It makes sense to me, but won’t be good for Aussies.
Maybe they will just check our genders for their records on entry using the scanners?
Maybe the Oz patients will not be able to enter the US.
I can’t see that being a bad thing for them, (the US). If only we could post them from our shores to a safe place where they can live out their lives, even those that like reading to children.
It only applies to the Federal Government and its Agencies. The US States can still do their own thing. Still, it’s a good start.
Is “transporting minors across state lines for prostitution” state or fed? If state Hunter is not in the clear yet.
Trump was asked during the inauguration prayer service to have mercy on all the scared people that have difficulty identifying their sex:
I expect it would be unusual to have the clergy single out the POTUS sitting in the congregation during a church service.
I was taken aback when I saw this and it has been reported that Trump sought an apology.
Who was that silly thing that gave her “opinions” on SKY, having a go at Trump in every breath. Pointless blather.
Spare a thought for those children whose parents thought it was soo “in” to have a gender dysphoric child that they happily had tom boys and others, permanently mutilated.
We have snow that children 25 and younger cannot see … on the Gulf of America.
‘Unprecedented winter storm paralyzes Gulf Coast with record-breaking snow even in Florida’
It’s the warmest year EVER.
Especially were I am … 10 F.
Yes it’s a wonderful way to celebrate:
2) The renaming to Gulf of America.
3) The end of global warming BS (only in the US).
Snow in the humid sub-tropical Gulf Coast of America. It’s wonderful!
Honk, usually I avoid anything CNN produces, and the quote below shows why, yet the enormity of this frigid wake-up call the day after Trump took office piqued my interest. From your link above:
“ … after a winter storm dropped ice and snow … victims were ejected from their vehicle as it wrecked on a bridge … [due to] black ice”.
Obviously penned by a child under 25 as the Crisis™️ now causes ice to ‘drop’ from the sky, although their use of black ice in this day and age was somehow incongruous. Almost as baffling as snow forecast for southern New Zealand this weekend during our supposed high summer – if that’s what you want to call it. Where’s my warming!?
Apologies for the CNN link.
Just grabbed the first main streamy report.
I pledge to do better.
The ice on roads is “clear” but many roads are made with “asphalt” and originally called Macadam after John Loudon McAdam. Thus the road surface is black, and seen through the ice. A few roads are made with rusty/red clinkers and would be “red ice” roads. Cement roads are gray/whitish.
As in the phrase of comedian Skip Wilson “The devil made me do it”, having an accident on “black” ice somehow makes it devil-ice and absolves the driver of negligence. 😏
“The ice on roads is “clear””
Frost on roads is white, and slippery, but not as slippery as frozen water, which is invisible, and hence the ‘black ice’ you explained.
The central plateau of the North Island is a great place for both in winter, I’m sure there are lots of other places suffer both too.
Snowfall records in the NH will be a regular feature of winter weather reports for thousands of years ahead.
Warmer oceans near cold land guarantees more snowfall. It is how the NH progresses into glaciation.
In the last 800,000 years, whenever the land in the NH has been largely ice free and the solar intensity at 15N is on the increase, the Northern land masses gradually become covered in ice; marking the termination of the interglacial. The solar intensity has been on the upswing for around 500 years.
So far, the only region gaining ice extent is Greenland but there are a few locations with permafrost advancing down northern slopes near the Arctic coast.
None of the policies TRUMP has implemented are extreme or unusual. They just represent a return to reality, common sense and moral decency as it might have been 50 or 60 years ago or even much less.
For example, to declare that there are “only” two genders is no more remarkable than declaring that the sky is blue. Even 10 years ago people understood that there were only two genders. It’s just a declaration of truth and reality.
Here is a list of all the genders that the Left claim to exist:
David, thanks.
A bit like stamp-collecting, itself probably a complex of at least eight different genders, as yet unknown to the Wiki-thingy.
Imagine what could happen if the researchers in this field were to be dragooned into proper, productive, jobs!
It’s remarkable how smoothly the renaming of Gulf of Mexico to Gulf of America has been.
Apart from Killary Clinton laughing when TRUMP said it at the inauguration speech, there don’t seem to be too many complaints, even from the anti-American Left (a tautology I know).
I do note however that as of this moment, Goolag maps still call it by its obsolete name. But Goolag is a fully woke Leftist organisation.
Open Street Maps seem to have changed the name but for English language versions only
I will still use the Gulf Of Mexico.
Why? Mexico was a named place long before there was an America.
America has the most coastline of the Gulf. I posted the numbers yesterday.
And the term America was first used in 1507.
Mexico as the title of the country was first used in 1821.
To some, TRUMP might sound like he makes random decisions but they are backed up by objective fact.
red edward,
That doesn’t seem very logical, nor very accurate. From Merriam Webster:
From Wikipedia:
But the renaming does seem a bit silly; an anticlimax on the heels of abolishing Paris, WHO, etc.
Indeed place names can be confusing to the point of misleading.
Apparently within hours of America’s invasion of Iraq in 2003 Ireland dispatched 4000 troops to the Gulf. The President of Mexico rang the Irish Prime Minister and asked him what he wanted done with them.
Renaming the Gulf of Mexico may not be logical but the sheer entertainment value alone is certainly worth it.
The country now known as Mexico was named “New Spain” from the time of Cortez’s conquest until the 1820s.
So why wasn’t the sea area called the Gulf of New Spain back in the 16th century?
The capital of New Spain was called Mexico City after the Mexica people (called Aztecs by the Europeans). The name Aztec was derived from Aztlán, from where the Mexica claimed to have migrated.
Notice how people that use nomenclature as a weapon, get mad when other people start nomenclaturing back.
Sticks and stones and names…..
Actually there exists a gulf (GULF) that has a very contentious name, depending on which side of it you are viewing it.
I will leave it up to the reader to accept whether it should be called
The Arabian Gulf
The Persian Gulf
After West Afica – Ivory Coast, Gold Coast (& formerly the Slave Coast) – surely The Oil Gulf.
It seems a particular Anglo quirk to insist on ownership or primacy of name giving. Geographic features , cities , countries have had multiple names since humans had language.
In recent times the Indians (or is it Bharatians?) changed the names of all their major cities and the world somehow continued. Geneva/Geneve/Genf….Florence/Firenze….Venice/Venezia….if you really like this stuff try Switzerland , with 4 ways to say the name of country and most everything in it (without counting English of course)
FWIW – re Musk’s salute –×400.jpg
And pictures of a whole lot of people giving “dubious salutes”
Elon’s ‘Fascist’ Salute? Not So Fast, Says an Org That Would Know.”
The gesture was certainly questionable. It is proof that not everyone is cap[able of appreciation all the implications others might make from any particular gesture by others. And we often assume that all people are educated equally in the world of woke.
P&O were forced to apologise for the young cleaners using their white working clothes to dress as snow cones:
The photo at the link will give a clue to most older people what the fuss was about!.
Sometimes I think we have become a bit precious but I could be blinded by my upbringing – I am now an old, mostly white man.
The Telegraph could’ve used one word, ‘Democrat’, instead of their five-word mumbo jumbo salad, ‘American white supremacist hate group’, but hey, they’re not here to educate us are they.
Precious is a perfect word for this faux shock.
I thought peak stupid had been reached when Fauci recommended wearing two face masks.
I still don’t know whether the fool is the sheep or the shepherd.
But anyways …
I was wrong, Trump has triumphed, but stupid has not been vanquished.
I’m not sure what peak stupid looks like, but we are apparently about to see.
Dutch government has another loss in “the nitrogen wars”
The comment that follows –
“Keith says:
22 January 2025 at 1:04 pm
Re “nitrogen pollution”
I can foresee there’s going to be a whole new way to troll the scientifically illiterate.
Nitrogen makes up 78% of the atmosphere!
How can we remove the harmful Nitrogen pollution?
If we remove the Nitrogen, that will increase the % of oxygen and carbon dioxide!
More greenhouse gases!
More fires!
“Global Warming – Tropical Snow?”
“Snow is predicted from Houston Texas to Jacksonville Florida”
The more the oceans warm, the more snow we get. The problem only comes when it does not melt.
Tropical snow is not unusual. It often occurs in PNG. There is permanent ice above 5000m close to the Equator in both Africa and South America. And
Also Mt Kilimanjaro in Africa. Tanzania, which is very close to the equator.
Post from Javier Milei.
It’s in Spanish. You have to use the translate button on X. Unfortunately, the translated version can’t be copied and pasted, at least from my Android phone.
It’s definitely worth the trouble to read. It’s not long. Click on the link and then the translate button at bottom of the post.
I wish Australia had a leader like Milei or TRUMP.
Using google translate…
Elon Musk must be one of the most important men in history, who is pushing human progress at breakneck paces, and has always defended freedom in its purest form, for everyone.
He bought X in an act that was considered crazy from a business point of view, but that will undoubtedly be considered one of his great contributions to humanity, taking control of a platform that was supposed to be a forum for public debate, but it turns out that it was programmed to cancel any discourse that was not the hegemonic woke discourse.
That is why today all international progressives ride on the innocent gesture of @elonmusk to brand him as n@zi. Because their struggle for freedom threatens the hegemonic control of international wokism.
But the world changed. Elon is not alone. Those of us who fight for freedom are no longer alone. We are millions. And now we also recover the “land of the free” that was in his hands, thanks to our dear @realDonaldTrum
And the last two paragraphs read:
I deleted the F-ing word and I don’t think the original word was correctly translated anyway.
And Left-handed I assume means Leftist.
Here’s the whole thing:
Elon Musk must be one of the most important men in history, who is pushing human progress at a dizzying pace, and has always defended freedom in its purest form, for everyone.
He bought X in an act that was considered crazy from a business point of view, but which will undoubtedly be considered one of his great contributions to humanity, taking control of a platform that was supposed to be a forum for public debate, but it turns out that it was programmed to cancel any speech that was not the hegemonic woke speech.
That is why today all the international progressives are riding on the innocent gesture of
to brand him a Nazi. Because his fight for freedom threatens the hegemonic control of international wokeism.
But the world has changed. Elon is not alone. Those of us who fight for freedom are no longer alone. We are millions. And now we also recover the “land of freedom” that was in their hands, thanks to our beloved
Not only are we not afraid of them. But we are going to go looking for them in every corner of the planet in defense of FREEDOM.
Lefty sons of bitches tremble.
Freedom advances.
He wears a necklace given him by an Israeli mother of a hostage he vows not to take off till the son/daughter is returned.
Lousy nazi.
Grok’s interpretation ( but based on Wikipedia, NBC & BBC sources which appear ok)
– Javier Milei praises Elon Musk for pushing human progress and defending freedom, citing Musk’s acquisition of X as a significant contribution to preserving free speech against what he describes as woke hegemony.[](
– The post references the international progressive backlash against Musk, labeling him a Nazi for his gestures, which Milei argues is an attempt to undermine Musk’s fight for freedom against woke ideology.[](
– Milei connects Musk’s efforts with Donald Trump’s influence, suggesting a global shift towards freedom, with Trump’s role in reclaiming “the land of freedom,” implying political and cultural changes post-Trump’s re-election.[](
Chiefio experiments – in the kitchen
“Some Notes on Induction Cooking”
Note that copper or aluminium utensils aren’t suitable
I’ve had mine for years but it has no fan, it is a cooktop.
It must be more efficient because there is no heat escaping around the pot and heating my tropical kitchen.
I did have a tendency to overuse the boost function. Be patient it is still pretty fast.
“Education – by Charlie Martin”
“What happens. over and over in traditional American education, is that kids are repeatedly reinforced in a fixed mindset.
Too often, it’s not that they are failing school — it’s the schools that are failing them.”
Around this area –
I saw a comment in a post (somewhere!) yesterday pointing out that votech needs a whole different educational landscape to the one now generally in use
Stephan Lewandowsky ‘flees’ Australia in wake of investigations whose earlier work attempting to discredit disagreement with the globalist and UNEP ‘climatism’ narratives by using risible ad hominem attacks. His paper, NASA faked the moon landing–therefore, (climate) science is a hoax: an anatomy of the motivated rejection of science (2013), is a classic of the genre.
And here he pops up again in 2023 as an esteemed Bristol University professor regurgitating the same psychological bile he used on those refuting the climatism charade, almost verbatim, and once again endeavouring to debase those who did not succumb to the ‘consensus’ narratives of the establishment.
His manifest and perhaps intentional and well paid inability to address a broad and crushing body of literature now visible in every aspect of science, medicine, and ethics remains a transparent betrayal of intellect, ethics and morality.
A monological belief system among those who endorse anti-vaccinations arguments.
We conclude that endorsement of anti-vaccination arguments meaningfully dovetails with attitude roots clustering around anti-scientific beliefs and partisan ideologies
“We conclude that endorsement of mRNA-vaccination arguments meaningfully dovetails with attitude roots clustering around anti-scientific beliefs and partisan ideologies”
Fixed the typo for you…
PENTTI LINKOLA (Finnish ecologist and eco-fascist who made a great influence on many green directions. He died at the very beginning of the pandemic, 87 years old):
“If there was a button that could be pushed, I would sacrifice myself without a second thought if it meant millions of people would lose their lives. “
Was he related to the also-dead Prince Philip? Thankfully both of them departed this world before I, or you, did.
Most of the Trump announcements and EO’s were great. But there was only 1 wrinkle so far (there may be others).
Getting Oracle’s Larry Ellison to talk about the use of mRNA vaccines and AI in treating cancer seemed a bit “off” to me. Particularly after it was reported Bill Gates and Trump had a 3 hour lunch together. Who knows, maybe they talked about the weather for that time? (Sic)
For starters I don’t think DT has really come to grips with the whole Operation Warp Speed/ COVID vaccine mandates/ adverse reactions/ poor efficacy subject just yet. Maybe his excuse will be that he was lied to by most of his medical advisors in 2020.
Using mRNA / AI for cancer treatment seems all a bit far fetched. But maybe that tech is more suitable to cancer treatment where the Risk / Benefit ratio is better attuned than for a respiratory virus with a ( pre vaccine) survival rate north of 99%.
To throw $ billions at this seems a bit nutty. Hopefully , I’m wrong.
It’s just the latest fad – AI everything.
Do you need a fridge with an internet connection that pings your smartphone if you left the door open?
A smart fridge would just close the door.
Genetic engineering everything “because you can” is a Pandora’s box best left closed until human knowledge is a lot more advanced, like another 100 years.
But the real power behind all this has other motives.
FWIW – another “Willis E. looks at”
“Greenhouse Efficiency Insights”
” Using the CERES satellite data, it is shown that over the last ~ quarter century, the increase in greenhouse gases has had no detectable effect on the global average surface temperature. On the contrary, the overall increase in available solar energy after albedo reflections is shown to be sufficient to explain the warming.”
Here is an excellent commentary by Andrew Bolt plus interview with Matt Canavan about TRUMP exiting the Paris Accords and its implications for Australia.
I can’t find a link on YouTube.
Note that Australia’s alternative Government “leader” Peter Dutton has stated he remains committed to Paris even though the United States has abandoned it.
And I won’t be voting for anyone who has a net zero policy.
They know global warming is BS and they don’t have the guts to state the case for ending this madness that is destroying this country.
Our living standards are falling and our debt is skyrocketing mainly due to this net zero scam.
Everyone seen the US debt clock’s new feature?
Where does the DOGE data come from?
Global boiling update: Florida
Trump has been in power two days and it’s already snowing in New Orleans and Florida.
That’s hilarious, Ronin!
FWIW – on the covid jabs
“The more I’ve learned about mRNA technology, the more it seems like the dumbest idea science has ever had, a wormhole of stupidity. The basic idea is to genetically engineer a shot forcing your cells to create some kind of protein, so that your natural immune system then mounts a response, killing all the transfected cells (which used to be healthy) as well as the targeted cancer itself.
That’s the idea anyhow.
But … if the goal is spurring the immune system with cancer proteins, why do we need the whole mRNA process in the first place? Why not just inject the protein that spurs the immune response, and leave the risky transfection process out of it? After all, that’s how traditional vaccines work. And in Ellison’s scenario, if detectable cancer proteins are already present in the blood, it’s not completely clear how forcing cells to produce more of the same proteins could solve the problem instead of making it worse.
Sadly, I think the answer to “why mRNA” has more to do with things like patents and profit potentials rather than the mRNA platform supporting any stargate to a health paradise. We’ll see. But unfortunately for the mRNA scientists, we are all onto them now. We know too much.
If we have anything to do with it, a whole parallel dimension of fierce mRNA criticism is preparing to flood through the Stargate.”
Claims of using mRNA technology to cure cancer is just a Trojan horse. Who doesn’t want to cure cancer? Who cares if, along the way, we ‘discover’ other applications that we can patent?
1. Digitise Health Records
2. Feed it into the AI (all those COVID tests + the bit of ‘spice’ some people had added recently so they can see what it does)
3. The Answer – to life the universe and everything.
Gonna be funny when they get the answer – 42
Ross, “cancer cure” as justification to spend 1/2 $T is for… do not want to insult the great unwashed. It has been used so often that it lost both rational and emotional appeal.
I struggle to understand why AI must cost that much effort and specifically – kWh, but accept the fact that my generation is gone, the next one will deal with it.
China’s artificial sun maintains 100 million °C plasma for over 17 minutes, setting a new world record
The ultimate goal of an artificial sun is to replicate nuclear fusion, similar to the process occurring in the sun, to provide a source of limitless clean energy and facilitate space exploration beyond the solar system.
Forget it without wormholes. Supra C won’t help.
This paragraph is repeated 15 times in that article:
I wonder why?
They will need to reduce the size if they want to use it to power something that can get out of Earth’s orbit. I guess they could build a planet in space using this power source then move the planet by ejecting directed matter from randomly collected matter. Use the present space junk as the ejecting matter.
Plasma at 100M C. Impressive.
How much energy was used to confine it? I’m betting that the confinement energy would be many orders of magnitude above any energy that could have been produced by some fuel fusing into heavier elements.
Did they publish this detail or was it just a contained plasma event, (eg just a big heater and a big magnet)?
Z machine exceeds two billion degrees Kelvin: hotter than the interiors of stars
Sandia’s Z machine has produced plasmas that exceed temperatures of 2 billion degrees Kelvin — hotter than the interiors of stars.
“Lab-Grown-Meat Backlash Builds As More States Say ‘No’ To Bill Gates’ Fake-Food”
FWIW – another role model
“Danielle Smith: The Only Grown-Up in the Room”
“The Biden Revenge”
The revenge to the revenge
“Trump was inaugurated on Monday. And the screaming accusations started immediately.”
” Don’t fall for their tricks and keep refusing to play their games. If we don’t play, they can’t win.
Don’t give in.
Don’t back down.
Don’t engage.
Don’t listen.
Don’t get angry.
Keep a set of fun, triggering memes handy at all times. You never know when you’ll need them.”
Sounds good for “Elbow & Co” too
Andrew Forrest, now at DAVOS, has just cast doubt over Fortescue’s $900m hydrogen project in Arizona, indicating that the future of the project was “in the balance”.
The “ twig “ will be safe in realising that the “ Donald “ means what he says. Unless of course the “ twig “ wants to gamble Bigly.
Trump means what he says & will dump net zero & all the subsidies the twig is hoping to bank.
Bet it isn’t HIS $900 mill.
On the one hand
“Trump Announces His Move Against Russia”
On the other
“Trump Storms Out the Gate, But Already Falters on Ukraine”
News vs Analysis
Trump- ““If we don’t make a ‘deal,’ and soon, I have no other choice but to put high levels of Taxes, Tariffs, and Sanctions on anything being sold by Russia to the United States, and various other participating countries.”
Putin- “America? We don’t deal with them, so who cares.”
Hasn’t Trump heard of BRICS yet?
“The UK Is Lost: You Know Who’s to Blame for Those Little Dead Girls in Southport?”
Read to the conclusion –
“But when you’ve repeatedly failed so many little girls, you simply have to blame someone…else.”
Emergency diesel backstop to prop up grid
A rule change will see two diesel generators used to prop up the South Australia grid as the state struggles to reconcile renewables with ensuring grid security.
When will they ever learn?
But this is somewhat balanced by the fact that house fires have gotten much less frequent…
To sum up, homeowners insurance costs have risen steadily and substantially since the 1970s. Construction cost inflation and increasing home size can probably only explain a small portion of the increase. Insurers’ profits don’t seem to be a driver, and neither does state-level population shifts: the cost increases are across the board, in essentially every state.
Increasingly destructive weather events and climate-related disasters are probably part of the explanation, with the cost in risky regions being spread over the rest of the country, but it’s hard to tell how much this is occurring.
Over the past two decades, by far the biggest driver of rising homeowners insurance expected losses isn’t anything climate-related, but is instead due to the increasing severity and frequency of water damage. But it’s unclear to me why this is occurring, and to what extent whatever’s behind it can explain increasing severity of other sorts of claims (fire, hail, wind, etc.)
Apocalypse now!
Terrifying wind predictions from UK’s once revered Met Office -
Auto, quaking in my boots!
Here, just south of Brisbane, we have been quaking in our boots awaiting a catastrophic heatwave predicted by the BOM (a.k.a the uniparty government), yet the reality is that we don’t even have the aircon going – in the middle of summer.
Hear that whistling sound? That’s the BOM’s credibility diving ever faster towards the ground.