A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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A good hard hitting article about our idiot PM Keir Starmer.
Whilst details will change I suspect many of the comments can also be ascribed to many of the leaders of the western world.
They say there is a banality of evil…
Perhaps some of you like me, enjoy the Lotus Eaters podcast.
This enjoyable and insightful young man, Callum I believe is his name, now has a very good channel he calls ‘Britannica’.
He strikes me as one of the dry and witty Brit personalities I enjoy.
He has very good vid where he travels in Finland with The Jolly Heretic.
Another eccentric Brit I enjoy.
But alas, his country now considers him a potential terrorist.
‘Getting Detained by Counter Terrorism’
Tonyb, after this I can’t help but conclude your country is now a totalitarian state.
Were I to travel to Britain, might I be detained for having watched this young fellow express his opinions?
(I think one of your fine police officials has actually vaguely publicly threatened Americans with scrutiny, you know, because Trump.)
Frightening and disgusting.
I’m not from America but the colonies, but, since Once Great Britain became a dictatorship, I decided never to visit again, even though there remain certain things I want to see.
But, since they are now arresting people for social media posts, I can’t help thinking that I might have said something in the past such as supporting TRUMP or saying that there were “only” two genders or that the fanatic followers of a certain 7th century warlord pose a threat to the West. Any of those things put you at risk for thought crime. I won’t be visiting again.
I wonder what they say in Hyde Park these days? It must be different to the various rantings on the 1980s when I was there.
The usual fun and games occurred, a young black guy was ranting on about the evils of Western society and how we had no culture, and some wag said loudly, “you’re standing on it!” The speaker looked baffled, so the wag said- “That aluminium ladder you’re standing on, that wasn’t made anywhere except in the West.”
Very comprehensive article debunking the notion that the covid vaccine saved many lives
If their COVID models were weather forecasts, we would be saying that it is 30 today, 31 tomorrow, so that means by Christmas time the temperature will be about 320 degrees
I saved my own life by not taking the Jabs/Boosters. They are NOT vaccines. They are toxic.
There is quite a lot of research still taking place on aspects of the mRNA “vaccines”. One avenue is the theory that, far from protecting against the virus, some recipients promptly developed Covid symptoms. Another is that vaccine recipients were capable of “shedding”. The latter is, not surprisingly, very controversial. But evidence is mounting that this is quite possible, given the “live” nature of the mRNA lipid technology.
This is interesting for me because a friend recently became very ill with Covid on a trip overseas following a Covid booster prior to her departure.
New documentary putting it all together. Very comprehensive, long but worthwhile.
This is an interesting article in its own right but leaves me dumbfounded as to how so many people are influenced by “influencers”.
Many such people seem to be shallow, inexpert or just dense but they have a great grip on many people.
Perhaps its no coincidence that the majority of young people would prefer to live in a dictatorship than a democracy as critical thinking seems to have vanished.
Nice short article from a ‘fossil fool’
10 They are slaughtering chickens to Bael, again. Or Baal if you prefer
In the Australian
“Coal slump sees electricity prices leap
Record electricity demand and a spate of coal outages that fell as NSW endured hot weather has sent the cost of producing electricity up more than 80 per cent and this threatens to increase bills.”
One of the foundation lies is that solar and wind are free. So why should electricity prices double when coal power reduces even a little? The lie that is ‘renewable’ electricity is cheaper is a disaster. Not just price but availability.
Donald Trump is leading the way. Otherwise all political parties are pushing the insanity of nett zero, as if humans actually control the gas CO2. Which is the scientifically ridiculous foundational lie.
And yesterday the Australian business section announced that ‘Carbon credits surge to $1.1Bn‘.
This is just the first year of annual 5% incrementing tax on CO2 ‘from the country’s 215 largest emitters‘.
This includes all major companies in trucking, shipping, aircraft, mining, smelting, steel making, glass making, fertilizer and even the MMBW sewage and the Tasmanian Ferry service. Hundreds of thousands of jobs. Our chemical industry closed last year, 800 jobs. We can no longer recycle plastic to resin. All bottles will be imported now, from China.
And who actually pays this tax? If these companies do not go broke, you do! It gets doubled and passed on. So here’s a new hidden $2.2Bn Green tax on CO2. And if their product becomes too expensive, they stop and we have to import.
And each year it increases, so expect to pay $15Bn extra for nothing. That’s an additional CO2 tax of $1900 a year per family for reduced CO2. On top of all other CO2 taxes.
Who gets this money? No idea. It’s operated by the government. Australian Carbon Credit Units. And a boon for merchant banks and overseas charlatans. All based on the idea that if you grow trees, CO2 goes down.
Except this was proven fantasy by NASA ten years ago. In the period 1988-2014 as confirmed by groups including the CSIRO, world tree coverage went up 14% and CO2 went up 14%. So growing trees makes no difference. Rather more CO2 means more trees in exact proportion so trees are a product, not a controller of CO2.
Mankind cannot control CO2. The ocean does. Vapour pressure of a dissolved gas. Warming means more CO2 and that means more trees.
Does anyone seriously believe this gift of our $2.2Bn,$4.4bn, $6.6Bn, $8.8Bn, $11Bn,$13.2Bn, $15.4Bn,… overseas to strangers is going to control CO2 in any way? No.
It must stop! This is incredible galloping theft. On top of the RET scheme for LGCs, and STCs. Saving the planet? Absurd. Criminal.
And is Peter Dutton promising to end this theft? No. He believes in Net Zero. Australia is a big CO2 polluter and we deserve to be punished. Unlike China, USSR, America, India and in fact most of the world’s countries. Australians have to wear hair shirts. Made in China.
Notice that the report doesn’t include WA? Its SWIS grid seems to be chugging along nicely, no cost increases, no major outages, and handling the recent hot weather very well. The fact that cheap gas plays a big part in WA’s electricity, over 50% some nights, and coal from Australia’s most modern coal power station seems to be helping.
110 – prescribing end of life protocols by ‘phone.
No more deaths were caused by COVID, or the vaccines – we still all only get one. The question is, what morals do we have while we are alive.
MSM busted!
What whistleblower protections can look like:
The civil settlement includes the resolution of claims brought under the qui tam or whistleblower provisions of the False Claims Act by Patrica Frattasio, a former sales representative at Biohaven. Under those provisions, a private party can file an action on behalf of the United States and receive a portion of any recovery. The qui tam case is captioned U.S. ex rel. Patricia Frattasio v. Biohaven Pharmaceutical Holding Company Ltd., No. 6:21-CV-06539 (W.D.N.Y.). Approximately $50.2 million of the settlement constitutes the federal portion of the recovery and approximately $9.5 million constitutes a recovery for State Medicaid programs. Ms. Frattasio will receive approximately $8.4 million as her share of the federal recovery in this case.
New term for the day ‘attributable drone’
HX-2 is immune to electronic warfare countermeasures via its ability to search for, reidentify and engage targets without a signal or a continuous data connection, while allowing a human operator to stay in or on the loop for critical decisions.
Note the term ‘allowing’ not ‘requiring’
The Doctor Strangelove film ends with a B52 bomber unable to be recalled because of lost communications.
So if the machine is immune to electronic warfare countermeasures how is its fail safe implemented?
Or in plain English, what could possibly go wrong?
A bit of theatre Forest
One comment from nearly 5000 to Breitbart News item on RFK Inquisition that was too good to ignore and super relevant to Australia!
“The situation is entirely our fault. “We the people” are responsible for OUR government. We have failed to uphold or enforce OUR Constitution or to maintain control over OUR government. Our apathy and complacency have allowed our enemies to infest, invade and corrupt our government and our homeland.”
I note that Breitbart was one of two news sources allowed to first ask questions at the first White House press briefing, a privilege normally granted to the U.S. major MSMs.
Lord Peter Mandelson has been nominated to serve as UK Rep to USA but with his CCP connections he could join with The Australian Rep Kevin Rudd-iculous and form a tag team. Send them both packing!
FWIW – more reading for “ElBowen”
“Report: How Did The Biden Administration Do On Solving “Climate Change”?”
“The attempt to transition our energy system via command from central planners has been one of the greatest wastes of taxpayer funds ever perpetrated by the government. It cannot be ended soon enough.”
FWIW – Chiefio has a look
“Some Notes on Chinese A.I. – DeepSeek”
The leap forward in AI will come when it can learn from experience through interaction with people. Its learning is now tightly controlled probably due to a heart factor that it could learn very fast and do nasty things.
The blunt end of the real world..
“We see the inverse of this in BAD software. From Python to Microsoft – ALL of Moore’s Law (and then some) has been sucked up in making bloated slow software that is cheaper to produce; for about the last 40 years… That’s about 2^12 of wasted compute power going into bad software (and why your New Faster TFlop / 64 GigaByte Memory / 8 core 64 bit 4 GHz PC does the same spread sheets and word docs as your old x86 PC with MegaBytes of memory… but with more animated visual paperclips and crap…) “
For those who think “leader” of the fake conservative Liberal Party is the answer.
1) He remains a true believer in Net Zero. He refuses to leave the Paris Accords. He is prepared to destroy the economy and country to get there. There is no chance of building six nuclear reactors as per his plan before it’s too late.
2) He doesn’t accept TRUMP’s “only two gender” declaration.
Senator Gerard Rennick posted this on Farcebook and someone added the comment below the line.
I find it quite odd that the Bible only has two genders – Male and Female. Probably other religious works as well.
Isn’t that good enough for the Woke?
The woke are usually atheist or pagan and don’t believe in the Bible.
Does the Bible refer to what is now termed gender at all?
I know Genesis tells the story of Adam and Eve but my recollection is that they are described as man and woman (at least when translated into English). I always took it that referred to their respective sexes. Even wikipedia, that ever reliable reference for avoiding thoughtcrime, talks about gender as a social construct beginning in the 50s and 60s
So to answer my own question I believe it is extremely unlikely that the authors of the Bible referred to gender when the book of genesis was written in around the 5th century BC. The concept did not exist.
It takes a Man and a Woman to make a baby. Male and Female. Although Mother Mary was different. All that begeting made more people. Male and Female.
” Although Mother Mary was different.”
How do you know??
That story has been used thousands of times by women all over the world, I am sure.
Of course you can see gender ideas starting when talking of a married woman being a virgin and giving birth.. People is those days must have been dense to accept that story!
It’s just propagation delay, just like in ohysics or traffic flow.
The tide has turned leaving woke/DEI high and dry. The libs will follow the USA out of self preservation if nothing else…
“Weight-Loss Drugs Linked To Increased Risk Of 19 Health Conditions”
It is interesting, to me at least, that the late great Age of Scientific Enlightenment, had major flaws, just like ages that preceded it.
We can heal all ailments of the human condition with drugs and mechanical interventions.
Unhappy? Take this pill.
Fat? Take this pill.
Don’t like your nose? Get a new one.
This is not in itself bad.
It becomes an industry with an ideological belief basis, and you get to vaccine mandates of vaccines that don’t vaccinate.
“What, you refuse to ‘Believe in Science’?! … you are banished’!
The currently early stage revolution in fundamental world view is just beginning to heat up.
I will not see it cool.
AEMO Q4 2024 operational report is out:
The bottom line:
So another price rise over same period last year despite more “renewable” generation:
The 46% of market share from weather dependent generation is a record for a large isolated grid.
Rooftop solar has now taken second place in the generation stake with 16.6% of market share; an increase of 2.1%. Only black coal remains above it at 37.4% but declined by 1.7%.
And in case you did not realise it, the higher prices were the result of above average temperature:
‘Unreliables’ might seem cheaper than real power stations while they are competing for business, but watch the shell game fall away as soon as there’s the slightest shortage , their prices skyrocket because they can’t ramp up output like coal fired could if there were more of them.
Hafta laugh. The BOM re-defines what constitutes a heatwave, so the AEMO can talk about “severe heatwaves”. Since when did a few days around 40 constitute a heatwave in WA? Just a typical summer for Perth, and our SWIS grid seems to be coping OK. As for northern WA, well it’s always hot in inland WA, and the north is no exception in summary. Always was, always will be.
But the colours are so scary –
Shirley ‘the end’ cannot be far away…
Bright purple
What happens to all the glass shards from the shattered panels.
That potentially can include dangerous toxins. And some folks claim that you can graze livestock under solar and wind systems…
That potentially can include dangerous toxins. And some folks claim that you can graze livestock under solar and wind systems…
One might observe that the makers of wind turbines haven’t paid the attention to increasing reliability by test to destruction that Rolls Royce did with its aero engines
But I guess that the customers are learning that they are the test bed.
Like the “jabs” – “Safe and Effective” ?
Caravan packed with explosives set for Sydney synagogue risked ‘mass casualty event’
Deputy Commissioner Hudson said investigators were pursuing whether it was intended that the caravan be used in an attack or whether it was abandoned. “This is certainly an escalation of (recent attacks) and (had) the potential to cause a great deal of damage,” he said.
“The amount of explosives was not used in the normal anti-Semitic attacks that we have seen occur in Sydney,” the deputy commissioner said, confirming no other similar incidents were being investigated currently by police.
Mr Minns said that while it would be on the call of police, he said there was only “one way” of describing the incident: “terrorism”. “That’s what we’re very worried about … It would strike terror in the community, particularly the Jewish, and it must be met with the full force of the police and government,” he said.
The Premier defended the decision not to reveal the caravan’s discovery last week, saying it was with “great regret” that he couldn’t reassure the Jewish community an attack wouldn’t be fatal. “There are bad actors in our community: bad motivations, ideologies, morals, ethics – bad people,” he said. “They’re intent on doing damage to others purely on the basis of religion. It’s hateful and we need to stamp it out.”
Authorities and politicians failed to draw ‘red line’ now ‘powerless’ to arrest the trend of antisemitic terror, say Jewish leaders
Jewish leaders have delivered a scathing attack of the government being “powerless” to combat antisemitic terror as senior ministers acknowledges fears in the community were “not unfounded”.
It comes amid a scourge of antisemitic attacks plaguing the country, including a caravan packed with explosives, which, according to authorities, could have resulted in mass casualties.
The caravan, which had been parked on the side of a road for over six weeks, contained Powergel explosives and a note with Jewish targets, including a synagogue address.
Co-CEO of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, Peter Wertheim, told reporters on Thursday the last few months have been a “living nightmare” for the Jewish community.
“The sorts of attacks that we’ve seen against Jewish institutions and Jewish homes have not only been repeated with regularity but they’re increasingly more serious,” he said.
The Jewish leader said his community was not only concerned and anxious but also increasingly angry.
“The authorities and our civil society leaders seem to be powerless to arrest the trend. We need more action, we need firmer action but, above all, we need a change of attitude,” he said.
“Whether it’s the political right or the left or a religious source.”
“The authorities and our civil society leaders seem to be powerless to arrest the trend. We need more action, we need firmer action but, above all, we need a change of attitude, he said.”
The jew haters were sent the message that it was ok to continue their attacks by Albotross back when that disgusting outrage happened outside the Opera House.
OldOzzie, #19,
____Sorry, seem to have False Flag and Jussie Smollett buzzing in my ears.
Police were notified….
Unbelievable that this series of comments by OldOzzie got so many thumbs down…
““They’re intent on doing damage to others purely on the basis of religion. It’s hateful and we need to stamp it out.””
Well, it probably depends on what the ‘others’ did to them first.. Hate doesn’t spring from nowhere.
This “caravan packed with explosives” sounds like BS to me, a typical mainstream false flag setup. Where are the details of what was in it and what power would it develop?
It stinks of a beatup.
Right, found it- An un-mentioned amount of Powergel mining explosive was found in a caravan. The damming thing is apparently a “list of targets”
There are four Govt Depts working on it, so you can be assured we are in the very best of hands..
RFK Jr’s tough road to confirmation:
The Bee on that
Somehow the attacks by the dems in the senate seem quaint and antiquated.
Let’s suppose they are successful in preventing a particular nominee from being appointed. What then? Do they really envisage President Trump will eventually relent and nominate someone to their liking?
The natural consequence would seem to be that President Trump will simply go around the process, take personal charge of the relevant government department and run it without a secretary.
Or maybe they are thinking ahead and have a cunning plan which cannot fail.
“WATCH: RFK Jr. Wipes the Floor With Senate Democrats During Confirmation Hearing”
OpenAI Finds “Substantial Evidence” DeepSeek Ripped Off GPT
David Sacks, the White House’s AI and crypto czar, told Fox News on Tuesday that there is “substantial evidence” Chinese AI startup DeepSeek “distilled” knowledge from OpenAI’s models—an act he likened to IP theft. This poses a massive national security risk and might be critical for US AI firms to tighten IP protections.
“There is substantial evidence that what DeepSeek did here is they distilled the knowledge out of OpenAI’s model. I don’t think OpenAI is very happy about this. One thing you will see over the next few months is that our leading AI companies will take steps to prevent distillation,” Sacks said.
Really…yawn…you don’t say…
/as I said
‘Ripped off’, LOL, that’s how they roll.
USDA inspector general escorted out of her office after defying White House
Security agents escorted the inspector general of the U.S. Department of Agriculture out of her office on Monday after she refused to comply with her firing by the Trump administration.
The White House defended the firing of Fong and the other inspectors general, saying “these rogue, partisan bureaucrats… have been relieved of their duties in order to make room for qualified individuals who will uphold the rule of law and protect Democracy.”
…and just like that, bird flu ended…
/eggs for all!
“/eggs for all!”
“”Egg prices are soaring. Bird flu is out of control. USDA should be fixing this problem. Instead, Trump is stacking the federal government with yes-men. He doesn’t care about your grocery prices,” she wrote on X.”
According to some Senator, who is lucky Musk allows her on X.
“Fong was among the 17 federal watchdogs fired by Trump on Friday ” Don’t stop Donald!
Thursday funny: Climate change could spark outbreaks of DIARRHOEA in Britain, scientists warn
Scientists from the University of Surrey say that climate change could spark outbreaks of diarrhoea in Britain.
In their study, the team found a clear link between warmer conditions and more salmonella cases in England and Wales.
Symptoms of salmonella infections include diarrhoea and stomach cramps, as well as vomiting and fever.
Infection is usually caused by eating raw or undercooked meat, poultry, and eggs or egg products or by drinking unpasteurized milk.
However, the scientists now say there’s increasing evidence weather plays a ‘crucial role’ in the transmission of the bacteria.
Strange…it’s usually fake science like that, that gives me the sh#ts.
Cook food properly. Duh.
Think Salmonella is bad? Try Diverticulitis for 3 months.
Well there are plenty of countries warmer than the UK so I guess they have data, there is no need to guess right? It a wonder really people holiday in warm climates given they a diarrhoea central.
Word of the day.
This word is ideal to describe the “work” of politicians or senior public serpents.
#6 27/2/2024.
I thought I remembered you posting that before.
giving “Elbow” another chance to read it?
I’m spuddling right now. Have been working most of the morning on technical reviews and my brain is now about to explode. I dont want to do anything on my To Do List either, all looks boring. Thought I would cross over to JoNova for some light entertainment and informative dialogue.
Saving ze planet, one plane at a time.
Probably off to Davos.
Or back from the Maldives. 🌴
All of that to go solar electric when they ban Jet-A1!
Robert Barnes representing Reed et al V Tyson Foods appears to have won his case. It was to go to trial next week but they have reached preliminary GLOBAL settlement for all Tyson Food cases re vaccine mandates.
This sounds like a BIG deal to me. A first? Apparently a potentially damaging case for Barnes had he lost.
Have you ever had the displeasure to watch a feminist “comedienne”?
It’s an assault to the senses at many levels.
On the other hand, you might enjoy the following compilation of clips from a conservative comedienne. Her name is Leonarda Jonie.
Caution: adult concepts.
(Trigger Warning for Leftists.)
FWIW – !!!
“Facebook Face Plants – Bans Linux topics as “security threat”
Posted on 30 January 2025 by E.M.Smith
Just OMG! Stupid & Ironic (they run on Linux)”
Long so might need a coffee
Wow, lucky you have Trump, dump them in Cuba.
Love the ” We don’t care if you go home or where you go, you just can’t stay here”.
Cuba? Close enough, those who are considered so dangerous they don’t want them reentering, they are headed to Gitmo.
What you might call an “Osh It” moment –
“LA Democrats Are So Incompetent that the County is Moving Right”
FWIW – another domino?
Read the list!
Via Instapundit
“Elizabeth Warren Asks RFK Jr. How He Will Address Outbreak Of Smallpox From White Man’s Blankets”