A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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So symptoms are present, and as a consequence, someone did a test, but the agent is either unknown, not looked for or simply not there.
Such an observation should remind us of the limits of our knowledge. Are these “negative” cases non-infectious, environmental, or simply a result of poor sampling and testing? Or are they associated with unknown agents?
Logic gaps in our understanding favour the use of predictive models and other forms of stargazing when the subject matter is so little understood and badly labelled.
Somehow this spontaneous generation-
” “Influenza dei pianeti”, or influence of the planets, had been the name for waves of “F Word” cases which periodically and mysteriously appeared and vanished without clear rationale.”
morphed into this-
“It could only be recognized as a viral infection if a known agent could be isolated from a specimen. ”
and then evaporated into a cloud of PCR-positive molecules… as apparently, no-one isolated Covid-19, grew it artificially and then re-infected someone else.
Following on from the news that the UK is pressing on with net zero for military vehicles I am pleased to advise I have been tasked with negotiating with our potential enemies
Obviously the last thing British tanks and armoured vehicles would want is to fight in the sunless winter in hilly places of Russia and Eastern Europe. Lets face it their troops would also not be happy to undergo combat in the dark and cold.
Therefore I hope to negotiate with OZ to bring warring parties to your sunny climes where our net zero equipment would work well. I am sure the Russians would agree to a relocation if we offered them a nice warm sunny environment perhaps with surfing opportunities on days off from fighting.
So looking for a flat sunny place near the sea in Oz that could take up to 1 million troops plus thousands of military vehicles. Access to tow trucks would be useful if the sun didn’t shine. Any suggestions?
Canberra in the ACT would be the perfect amphitheatre for this, despite a lack of surfing opportunities – unless – a few well-placed BOOMS in Lake Burley Griffin (?) could set-off some entertaining rippling seiche waves…
Plenty of spare space at Eucla with sea views across the Southern Ocean. Good surf, though might need to share with great whites, very big stingrays and migrating whales. Might need to BYO SMR though, as electricity and potable water are in short supply out there. But certainly no shortage of land.
Find Frankland National Park on a map..
The WW1 flute departed Australia from Albany. It has a spectacular harbour. You and your Russian foe would need to negotiate a toll with the WA authorities for offloading dangerous goods (lithium batteries) through the Port of Albany. And Australia is a nuclear free zone so no nuclear weapons or nuclear power vehicles would be allowed.
There would be a USD15tr bond, indexed to 2020, for each party secured by assets in the country of origin required to cover damage and reparations. You can only have the coastline from Augusta to Peaceful Bay; about 150km. There would be an annual occupation fee of USD100k per soldier to cover contingent burden of deserters taking up lives in Australia outside the declared war zone.
Temperatures dropping in Antarctica for long enough to be considered as climate change
Despite polar regions warming 4x as much as everywhere else [eye roll] they are all well-below freezing and snowing, simultaneously, today.
Do climate activists and experts know the meaning of words such as Quarternary Ice Age, Glaciation, Interglacial, Holocene, Cycles? And no, not those peddle-power 2-wheeled thingies that explode.
Snow is forecast for NZ’s Southern Alps for the next 7 days and beyond into next week, despite media’s monomaniacal focus on a few scrub fires which are looking more like arson with every passing day…
Ha ha. Wind and solar will work well down there! Just heard the ABC say a ship with millions of tons of fuel is heading there.
Antarctica is cooling and the oceans are boiling.
‘Global SSTs remain at near record levels as at 24 November, with temperatures since July falling just short of the record temperatures observed during 2023, yet above all other years. The sustained nature of this significant global ocean heat suggests that climate indicators such as ENSO and IOD may not behave or evolve as they have in the past.’ (BoM)
Assad’s wife is British and both parties studied and worked in the UK before Assad was recalled to Syria to head up the regime. So they have now fled to Russia.
In the meantime, former terrorist groups who have over run the country will squabble, probably violently, as to who will head the country, so the final complexion of the government will not be known for some weeks, nor how much of the country they will rule.
The big losers are Russia-whose bases may yet be over run and have certainly lost prestige- and Iran, who supplied arms to Israel’s enemies through Syria, Whatever anyone may think of Israel they stood up to their enemies and appear to have dealt them devastating blows through attacks in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria. It also seems to have swung Saudi away from their burgeoning friendship with Iran.
Perhaps Iran itself may see change. I met the former Shah and his son many years ago who were very pro western. I believe he now lives in Virginia. So big changes in a volatile area of the world
You can be sure Assad fled with the treasury but left his fleet of expensive cars. Anyone is welcome with a lot of money. Anywhere. Idi Amin fled to Egypt. The trick is to leave at the right time. It would have been well planned.
Recent videos show extensive underground tunnels emanating from the palaces. Certainly wide enough to drive through.
Maybe it wasn’t so clever to have two pipelines through Syria.
Yes, the US-backed Quatar gas pipeline started the whole civil war years ago when Assad wasn’t enthusiastic about it.
The elephantine question is… who got the 26tons of Syrian gold?? There were photos of the Yanks stealing Iraq’s, but nothing out of Syria yet.
“who got the 26tons of Syrian gold?? ”
It wouldn’t be the same crowd that got Ukraine’s gold , under cover of MH370/17 , would it?
If Israel hadn’t neutered Hezbollah this may not have happened.
Nothing happens in a vacuum as Poots is discovering.
I’d suggest the big losers are the Syrian Christians.
We are mere observers but the happy people in the streets didn’t look to have vengeance in their heart towards either Christians or Kurds.
Let’s hope for the best but the Assad regime had to go before anything could improve. It was NOT a case of “Better the devil we know”, that was a coward’s excuse for not caring.
Majority of Americans Will NOT Take Updated COVID Vax
Gone are the days when people queued for hours to receive the latest and greatest COVID vaccine to protect against the new strain of the season. A new poll by Pew Research Center has found that 60% of Americans will probably not take the updated vaccination.
There are the diehards who “trust the science,” with 24% saying they likely will receive an updated COVID injection and 15% already have. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was revered a few short years ago, but now, the majority is ignoring their guidelines, which state that EVERYONE older than six months of age should get vaccinated.
Republicans are less likely than Democrats to accept the vaccination at a rate of 81% to 39%. About 61% said they will not take the vaccination because they do not believe they need it. Studies have proven it does not prevent transmission or infection. What’s the point? Another 60% are understandably concerned about the potential life-altering or ending side effects.
The survey was taken before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic wrapped up its two-year investigation. We can finally leave the bat theory to rest and stop blaming the pandemic on some wet market in China. The 520-page report concluded that COVID-19 “most likely emerged from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.”
The investigation also found that MASKS AND SOCIAL DISTANCING MEASURES WERE NOT BASED ON SCIENCE. “Prolonged lockdowns caused immeasurable harm to not only the American economy, but also to the mental and physical health of Americans, with a particularly negative effect on younger citizens.” Where is the outrage? We were unable to leave our homes or see our own family members due to these draconian laws based on NOTHING. Schools closed, businesses shut permanently, and the entire world came to a halt based on the guidelines from these corrupt health agencies. Dr. Fauci admitted he was uncertain where the six-foot separation guideline emerged from and shrugged it off as if it didn’t utterly change society on a global level.
The subcommittee has also pointed blame at the World Health Organization for lacking transparency in a bid to shield China from criticism. They cannot definitively say that the leak was deliberate nor can they say that governments were studying a bioweapon. But there are countless unanswered questions.
So 40% will. And they vote!
Meanwhile the Government of one of the wokest, most WEF and UN compliant countries on the planet, Australia, has “invested” into an mRNA “vaccine” manufacturing facility at Monash University.
You can be certain that in order to justify the expenditure, traditional vaccines will be replaced with the mRNA types and new covid “vaccines” will be forced into us, again.
Climate Change is Driven by Changes in Orientation of Earth to Sun, Not Carbon Emissions, New Analysis of Berkeley Earth Data Shows
Democracy Is Dead: A Coup Against Right Wing Movements Is Underway In Europe
In the US the far-left has been pursuing an all out propaganda war and has abused the legal system for years as a means to stop conservatives from returning to government. The lawfare tactics utilized against Donald Trump were unprecedented, but ultimately failed. In Europe, though, leftists are finding more success.
We’re apparently intending to acquire some 200 units at a cost of 1.3 billion dollars. If it’s anything like the RNZN back in 1963 we were allowed to fire one torpedo per commission from a ship (Taranaki) that was commissioned with six torpedo tubes. We also had seacat missiles that were similarly limited. During her first refit both t/tubes and missile launcher was removed and a helicopter pad installed. The helo was affectionately known as the flying bedstead.
Visualizing the 0.0016% of the atmosphere that is man-made CO2.
Brilliant! Send that to Bowen.
And you cant even see Australia’s contribution 😂
I understand that is the conventional make up of “AIR” , but Is there not a significant proportion of water vapor (H2O) normally in the atmosphere also ?
Unsure of your point. The visualization is about “dry air”. Yes.
You might have a point if the pollies and eco freaks were adequately speaking about water vapor and not strictly speaking about CO2. Or, is it now the case that CO2 is less influential than water vapor? Or the models are inaccurate?
I guess i was thinking of the actual “atmosphere” , ..rather than just some theoretical dry gas mixture !
My understanding is there is somewhere between 1% and 4% water vapor in the atmosphere at any given time/ location ?
And, I was thinking about the propaganda about alleged global warming due to CO2, singularly.
So, again, what is your point? That something other than CO2 controls world climate? Or a realization that other factors are engaged? Or an obfuscation towards the declining evidence that CO2 controls anything?
Explain your point of view, as at present, it appears to be playing many sides for no credible reason.
???…My Point …..was simply to remind everyone that there is more to the atmosphere than the simplistic dry gas mix so frequently quoted .
Everyone focuses on CO2 ,effectively ignoring the “elephant in the room”….H2O, which is much more prevalent.
Personally, i dont consider CO2 or H2O as active players in climate change ( other than H2O as clouds possibly),..but if anyone is suggesting the CO2 theory , they need to be reminded of the presence of H2O in much greater quantities…..just to mess with their heads!
Yes, understood.
Now, what is the proportion of water vapor in the atmosphere that is of human origin?
Yes, sixty years ago, at work I took the “relative humidity ” in the operational plant area.
Wet bulb, dry bulb readings.
The AU contribution to total Man Made CO2 is 1.1% of the 0.0016% .
Roughly: 0.0000176%
So all of the AU electricity costs, job losses, price increases, etc., are predicated upon reducing 0.0000176% to 0.
I’d think that 0.000000176 parts of Anything is close enough to zero to claim victory.
FWIW – the covid scene
“Ian Brighthope: «60 million deadly vaccines have been administered»”
FWIW – Oz gets attention
“Biosecurity Hazard: Hundreds of Vials Containing Deadly Viruses Are Missing”
Love it! Govt efficiency at its best! Those fking incompetents should not be allowed anything that can be lethal, armies included!
“One hundred of the missing vials contain the deadly Hendra virus, two contain the hantavirus, and the remaining vials contain lyssavirus…Nichols doesn’t believe that the vials were stolen and suggested that it was more of a “transportation” issue. “The materials may have been removed from that secure storage and lost, or otherwise unaccounted-for,” he said. ”
Of course if there is any disease released from it, it will be A)- Denied, then B)- blamed on Far Right Terrorists (TM)
So they can lose enough of a deadly disease to kill half of Australia, but I’m put in jail if I lose a rifle or ammunition. Would they even admit it if they lost the virus vials that were moved from Ukraine to Melbourne for the Yanks to continue their gain-of-function work on here?
Reminds me of this ‘nothing to see here’
Climate Science You Can Believe In
Good catch.
Proper cheeky bugger that Trump
“Trump’s Epic New Fragrance ‘Ad’ Trolls Jill Biden, And I Can’t Stop Laughing”
‘Safe and effective’, no problems… Soaking up the negatives in the narrative, until its too costly to do so.
The Insurance Council of Australia says “Research indicates that road-registered EVs do not present a greater risk of fire occurrence than ICE vehicles.”
They’re quite happy with EVs in your garage and the chargers for them. Would adding more to your premium upset the Govt?
“Make Airplanes Affordable Again? by Jay Maynard”
Cholesterol, Statins, and blood pressure – lengthy reading
For those interested:
Remember – fats are your friend, inflammation isn’t, the food pyramid is upside down, you’ve been lied to for decades, since about ooohhh…1930…😎
/I would have posted y/day but I’m tied up of late with Win 11 headaches.
” Win 11 headaches.”
Are you winning?
Its Microsoft, you can never really win, but you can reduce the pain.
I’ve been looking at the state of nursing homes and that industry. I hope I do get high cholesterol and have a heart attack while walking along the beach one day. Something is going to get you in the end.
Here Comes The “Disease X” Outbreak
A mysterious illness in the Democratic Republic of Congo has been dubbed “Disease X.” There have been over 400 cases and up to 143 deaths linked to the illness since late October, according to Bloomberg.
On Sunday, the World Health Organization provided an update on Disease X, indicating the illness has been reported in the Kwango Province, in the southwest part of the Central African country.
Nope, not Disease-X. As per usual, I knew about this a week before Zerohedge.
I’ve already said what disease-X will be.
WTF – Look – up in the sky. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s a ride-on mower!
If I were American I’d want to be a redneck.
China and Vietnam have decided that peace and prosperity will develop through trade and investment.
I await China promoting peace and prosperity with Australia by honouring our FTA.
Its alright, Xi doesn’t want a trade war.
‘The comments came after US president-elect Donald Trump told US broadcaster NBC on Friday that he and Xi “have been communicating with each other … since three days ago”. Trump also said Beijing could play a role in ending the Ukraine war.’ (SCMP)
A newly revealed “food grade additive category”
“Has MAHA already begun? Last week, the LA Times ran a conspiratorial story headlined, “How the FDA allows companies to add secret ingredients to our food.” The article ultimately explains the problem this time is not so much the FDA, since a law passed by Congress established a sneaky category of processed-food ingredients acronymed GRAS — “generally recognized as safe.” ”
“Without diving into that particular problem, which lets companies self-regulate potentially harmful novel ingredients, there does seem to be a quiet revolution underway. Last week, top FDA officials testified at a Senate committee hearing and made a number of remarkable concessions.
For example, the New York Post ran a story after the hearing headlined, “FDA may outlaw food dyes ‘within weeks’: Bombshell move would affect candy, soda and cakes, revolutionize American diets.” At that Senate hearing, the FDA’s deputy director said the agency was reviewing a citizen petition to remove Red Dye #3, a common chemical and food additive made from petroleum and linked to cancer in several studies.”
FWIW – well would you believe?
“The Pope recognises Jesus’ status as a Muslim…What a joke is this Pope.”
Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet, they just don’t go in for the whole immaculate conception bit. Which confuses me with the whole ‘offensive Christian Christmas’ stuff – no one is actually offended by Jesus’ birth
More than a century after the death of Jesus.
‘After claiming victory over Bar Kokhba and his rebels – and making note of the many uprisings that had taken place before – the Romans decided to end the insurrection once and for all.
‘They understood how important the land was to the Jews. So, in an effort to (as the saying goes) hit them where it hurts, they decided to disperse the Jewish people from the region and erase all Jewish identity to the land – by removing the name Judeaand renaming the region after their historical, mortal enemies: the Philistines, using the Latin derivative Palestine. And so, for the very first time, Judea was called Palestine.’ (Kehila News)
2 year old UK solar industrial complex substantially damaged by recent pretty normal autumnal gale.
I will repost this on tomorrow’s open thread. Worth discussing.
Interesting that the processing fee is almost half the 8200-ish processing fee for an Australian to apply for a residence visa for a foreign spouse. The verification of ‘global talent’ would need to be far more intensive than to simply verify a marriage to an Australian?
What should you do with political decisions made by a bleeding brain?….
00 – imagine if the ABC reported ‘the government discussed the vaccine rollout, but the potential harms of the vaccine were not mentioned’…. It is unusual to see ABC reporting on what has not been discussed, normally they stick to what was discussed.
Assad presumed dead.
‘Speculations swirled over the fate of ousted Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad. Data from the Flightradar website showed a Syrian airplane took off from Damascus around the time when rebels took over Damascus. The jet initially flew towards Syria’s coastal region but then made an abrupt U-turn. Following this, the Syrian airplane reportedly disappeared from the radar. ‘ (Times of India)
11 – will they have glowing orange eyes?