
I’ll be back soon…


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168 comments to Monday

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    william x

    Al Gore, Greta, Gutierrez, Bom, NOAA, Govs and the usual suspects, et al, love to make predictions.

    For over 40 years, none have been realised. Yet those and their ilk above, rinse and repeat the same every 2-5 years.
    It’s their same failed “climate change” predictions stuck on repeat.

    Ok. I will make my educated prediction… Seems fair, as I am one whom has actually studied, learnt and still professionally use the arcane art of math, physics, chemistry and geology.

    So a warning – It may be a shock to those that have a Political Science, Social Engineering, Business, Journalist or Economics Degree…

    Understand that there is no AGW caused climate crisis today, nor one true for the last 40 years..
    And there will not be an AGW caused climate crisis this century. Period.

    That is the inconvenient truth…


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      Honk R Smith

      “Understand that there is no AGW caused climate crisis today”

      This may be in error due to an anachronistic understanding of the term ‘crisis’.
      ‘Crisis’ has evolved into a political term of art.
      Which is supported by ‘Science’ (another term which has also evolved).
      It is no longer an actual safety or existential threat (as it has been for all of prior human history when everything was racist), it is a consensus you are required to accept, just as a vaccine no longer vaccinates, but you are mandated to get ‘vaccinated’.
      A ‘crisis’ is an essential tool to enforce your civic duty.
      A ‘crisis’ will not end your life, it just coerces you into voting correctly, which means you will vote to hand over all your, your children’s, and your grandchildren’s wealth to the government because there is a ‘crisis’.
      Otherwise you are against Our Democracy.
      A crisis is an ethereal thing, like your money.
      It can’t belong to you because there is a ‘crisis’.
      The crisis is that you refuse acknowledge the crisis.
      If you are not kept in a state of perpetual ‘crisis’, you may get ideas.
      I hope this helps.


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        As the terminally-degenerate Rahm Emmanuel put it:

        “Never let a crisis go to waste”

        My “codicil”: “Especially if you have provided the crisis”.

        Back in the mid 1970’s, there was a book by a bloke called Daniel Boorstin, about “Pseudo events”. “Required” reading in some “Humanities” courses.

        Essentially about the fabrication / initiation of totally bogus bits of “political theatre”. See also: “Scared to Death”, by Christopher Booker and Richard North:

        It sometimes feels as if such things are ALL there is.

        Deliberate “provocations” to “justify” actions up to a global scale.

        Remember: “Paranoia” is an IRRATIONAL fear of something. Rational, evidence-based fear / mistrust is a whole different thing.


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      And the touchstone of all science, is to be able to make predictions. Warming and cooling are natural. We did have an ice age 10,000 years ago where New York was under 1km of ice.


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      ‘arcane art of math, physics, chemistry and geology’
      Proof you are wrong:
      1) The modern, non-racist version of The Science says otherwise.
      2) There is no such thing as objective truth, so you are wrong and The Science is so right you can be thrown into prison.
      3) The Science operates by consensus. Everyone The Science allows a voice agrees.
      4) The ABC told me so. (See points 1 to 3.)


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      I like Domestic Science which is really Cooking.


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    Climate Stagnation: Tokyo And Hachijojima Island Have Seen No December Warming In Decades!

    Over the past 50 years, the December mean temperatures in Tokyo have been declining slightly, and not warming like climate alarmists like to have us believe.

    Granted that’s just the month of December, but we hope to soon present the annual data for these two interesting locations. Stay tuned!

    Central Japan Was 3°C (And Up To 7°C) Warmer Than Today Throughout The Early To Mid Holocene


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    Double on Tundra

    May I propose a nickname for the new candidate for leader of Canada’s Liberal Party?

    Zero con Carney

    He can’t hide from his record of organizing UN ‘Climate Action Finance’ and the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero.

    With him as PM I look forward to my Canadian government spending Canadians’ money for Zero benefits while enriching his various colleagues.


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      It’s hilarious seeing all of the Liberal so-called feminists totally abandon an accomplished female candidate named Freeland, and throw their support to a rich globalist beta-male named Carney.

      Where did all the feminists go??

      This is so much fun to watch. It makes my day!🤣


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      Jon Rattin

      I like the nickname. Not sure if Mexicans will also like it- having you associate one of their signature dishes with the aspiring Liberal Party leader.

      Speaking of climate action finance, the newly appointed President of COP30, Andre Correa do Lago, is looking at what grifting will look like during the new Trump era.

      “Correa do Lago pointed to the BRICS group – which gathers Brazil, China and other emerging economies – as a forum that may help Brazil build a consensus among developing nations to not back down on their calls for more contributions from wealthy nations, which are historically the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases. Brazil also holds the BRICS presidency this year.“

      Note that “historical emitters” are expected to foot the bill- not the current emitters of the most greenhouse gases. The article mentions that China is by far the largest emitter of greenhouse gases. No doubt that China will be whispering in the ear of Mr do Lago in the lead up to the next COP giving him cues as to what initiatives should be pursued.


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    Congratulations to the NSW Government for hosting a spectacular Australia Day Concert, televised on ABC TV.


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    Mike Jonas

    I’ve got more time for Chris Minns than any other recent state or federal Labor leader.

    (No I didn’t say he is perfect).


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      David Maddison

      He seems to be slightly less incompetent and slightly less bad than other Green Labor “leaders”.

      Minns is probably a better leader than Victorian Liberals (fake conservatives) would be.

      In Australia today, our Uniparty “leadership” is so poor, we can only rate them from bad to worse, there are no good ones. There are several good politicians but they have no hope of getting leadership positions.


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      I hated Premier Joh, but jeez he has improved with age even in the grave.


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    Climate Change Did Not Drive Giant Kangaroos to Extinction

    Another mystery case of megafauna disappearing shortly after the arrival of humans with sharp sticks.

    “Wildlife biologists had assumed that climate change…”

    Tediously, the default suspect is always, ‘it’s climate change wot dunnit, guv’

    In Australia, it has been hypothesized that the extinction of many large marsupial species by about 40,000 years ago may have been due to a narrow diet in the face of a changing climate.

    From the abstract:
    Using dental microwear texture analysis, we show that most members of Australia’s richest Pleistocene kangaroo assemblage had diets that were much more generalized … dispelling the likelihood that late Pleistocene climatic variation was a primary driver of their disappearance.


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      Of course, NOBODY wants to talk about the various invading waves of well-tanned folks binging their DOGS,(placental mammals), with them.

      INSTANT “apex predators”, working hand in paw to harvest all that megafauna protein? ( a “breed” of dog whose “close relatives still live in places like Viet Nam.

      Still too many variables to play with. Like: When did the “inland sea” functionally disappear?

      What was the effect of “fire-stick hunting” of the food supplies of the last megafauna?

      The “standard true? view” is increasingly harshly enforced; “political science” all the way! Lysenko smirks.


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        Bruce, Putting some dates on past events should give a better idea of what actually occurred. The dingo was brought to Australia by aboriginal settlers who were more advanced than stone age around 3000BC . They had throwing sticks, could use gums and bindings for weapons and tools; they likely could make fire instead of carrying fire sticks etc. Bass Strait was formed around 16000 to 12000 BC. Tasmania became isolated with its people and animals. There are no and have been no dingoes in Tasmania. The Tasmanian Tiger (Thylacine) existed in Tasmania until the 1930’s but was extinct on the mainland likely for 1000’s of years. There is evidence that humans and megafauna existed together on mainland Australia upto 10000 BC which is after the end of the Ice age. There is evidence that humans killed megafauna. However, it is likely that the dingo killed off Thylacines.
        (BTW with Tasmanian aborigines now extinct there is a chance no person living in Australia could now be in a heritage line from the settlers arriving 40-50,000 years ago)


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      Trump gets elected and suddenly there are other reasons beside Climate Change™ that cause bad things.

      Where are fact checkers when you need them! Surely we should not blame Australia’s earlier human inhabitants of wiping out a species or two.


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      There was a geomagnetic excursion 42,000 years ago, it was the main cause of Australian megafauna extinction.


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    David Maddison

    There is a by-election in Victoriastan for the seat of Prahran after the Green leader resigned after some alleged extramarital complications.

    I live in an area near that seat but not in it and I am getting bombarded with huge numbers of geo-targeted ads for Greens. In fact every YouTube video seems to have an ad for Greens. I have only seen a few ads for the Liberals and even fewer for an independent.

    Labor are not running a candid6at all. Does anyone know why? They have nothing to worry about though, Greens will vote with them and there is almost no “opposition” in the Victorian Parliamen, Libs were wiped out last ejection.

    The Green ads are clearly targeted at simpletons, their target demographic, and offer free stuff like 50c public transport fares, freeze on rents, and to “save the planet” from “climate change”. The ads seem quite well done from a propaganda point of view and are short, fast-paced and snappy, delivering a simple message fir simpletons.


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    David Maddison

    Here is an excellent video about quantum mechanics, narrated by Brian Greene, including a discussion of quantum entanglement and the conflicting viewpoints of Einstein and Niels Bohr.


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      Quantum tunneling has always been my favourite.

      It seems like a strange concept but it actually appears in very small transistors. It was proposed by physics and is now observed in the real world. Ultimately it will end the race for the smallest transistors. A real brick wall.

      Imagine if all science made predictions that could be verified, (just like it used to). CC should have bitten the dust many years ago, due mainly to non-falsifiable theories. If it was real science it wouldn’t be settled, it would be developing, growing and improving our knowledge. Instead it stifles debate, it panders to the funding agents and it leads the masses away from a productive, valued lifestyle.

      Nothing quantum within the CC field, apart from the belief that regardless of the inputs, observations and real world data, things happen, (badly), by magic. CO2 magic.


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      David, I was just about to put up a comment when I saw a reference to Brian and thought you meant Brian Cox (promoted by the BBC and ABC as some authority)
      If interested in QM and relativity etc have a look at this web site He is a professor of mathematics but has a huge understanding of some engineering subjects (such as fluid dynamics and turbulence for which he was awarded a Prandtl medal) and science subjects. He has made some 64 posts on the subject of the 2nd law of Thermodynamics.


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        Jon Rattin

        I don’t have the scientific wherewithal of many people commenting on this blog but l do recall the layman’s interpretation of the 2nd law of thermodynamics- “you can’t unscramble an egg”.


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    David Maddison

    This is leadership. TRUMP sent some planeloads of illegals back to Colombia. Columbia refused to take them. TRUMP then threatened punitive measures. Then shortly after the Colombian President sent his own plane to pick up more illegals.

    BTW, you won’t see the complete version of this story in the Lamestream Media, they don’t mention the bit about the President sending his own plane.

    Colombia: Petro offers presidential plane for the return of migrants from the US and calls for a CELAC meeting

    Bogotá, Colombia – January 26, 2025 Bogota, Jan 26 (EFE) – Colombian President Gustavo Petro has made the presidential plane available for the “dignified return” of migrants after refusing the entry of two aircraft carrying deported citizens from the US on Sunday. He also called for a meeting of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) to address the migration crisis.


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      True- Nothing in the SMH about Petro helping Trump, its all about standing up to the nasty bullying Trump.

      “Military aircraft carried out two similar flights, each with about 80 migrants, to Guatemala on Friday. That same day, Honduras received two deportation flights carrying a total of 193 people.”

      At 360 people a day it will take a long time to move 10million of them… Cheaper to bus them back to the border and throw them over the wall, let Mexico sort it out. Maybe put them in Canada, they’re Socialist enough to take them.


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      John Connor II

      If only Trump could do the same for the UK and their 600,000 illegals*

      * military age males, family optional /sarc


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      >Lamestream Media, they don’t mention the bit about…

      Is MSN not Lamestream now?


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    David Maddison

    Ha ha. Great news.

    The beginning of the end of the World Homicide Organisation.

    Another TRUMP win.

    Replace them with an effective and non-ideological organisation run by competent and caring people.

    WHO notifies staff of hiring freeze, budget cuts due to U.S. leaving

    Doug Cunningham
    Sat, January 25, 2025

    Jan. 24 (UPI) — The Trump administration’s plan to withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization has triggered a hiring freeze, suspended investments and a travel reduction within the organization, according to a staff email.

    WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in an email Thursday to staff that the U.S. pulling out “has made our financial situation more acute.”



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    another ian


    “Pfizer Agrees to $60 Million Settlement in Kickback Scandal for Allegedly ‘Bribing’ Doctors to Promote Migraine Drug — Defrauding Medicare and Other Federal Health Programs”


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      David Maddison

      Note that that’s in the US, not Australia.

      It wouldn’t have happened under the Biden Maladministration.

      I wish we had someone in Australia who was prepared to scrutinise Big Pharma, not support them or do their marketing campaigns such as when the defective mRNA covid “vaccine” was effectively made compulsory in Australia.


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    another ian

    FWIW – thinking ahead

    “As Glenn warned at the start of last year: The white-collar class derided mass layoffs among the blue-collar workers. It’s about to feel their pain. “A lot of young Americans, especially males, are forgoing traditional college to enter the trades, as welders, plumbers, HVAC technicians and the like. That’s probably smart. AI won’t be able to replace those jobs. As Brian Wang notes, robots probably will, one day — but that day is nowhere near as close. So the bottom line is a lot of white-collar workers are likely to be replaced by machines soon; the fate of blue-collar workers, in a twist, will likely be better for the foreseeable future. It’s a lot more difficult to manipulate atoms than bits — good news for plumbers and auto mechanics.” ”


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      Robert Swan

      another ian,
      Anybody whose job can really be taken over by today’s AI can’t have had much of a job in the first place.

      The demotivators calendar entry on motivation might do with a small update.


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        Pretty hard to find a job that can’t be taken over by a robot- Politicians, all their staffers, every public servant, lawyer, accountant, manager and more. Anyone who just gathers information and makes a decision based on pre-formed criteria can easily be replaced by a corruption-free machine.

        So what have we missed? Jobs that take physical dexterity, ie all the trades, more difficult on the retail end because houses and cars are individual, but already done in factories. Any driving job is already under threat, and truck driving is the biggest career these days.

        Sales jobs- How long until we have robot buyers being convinced to buy a product by a robot seller. Do they use backhanders to the company’s robot buyer still? Could a robot sell retail goods to a human better than another human? Would it be better than our recent “Do all the research and selection yourself and just pay at the checkout” culture we have adopted? Tried to get intelligent help at Bunnings or a supermarket recently?

        Carers? The whole medical-caring situation might hang onto human-human interaction for women, but men are likely to be happy with a robot that looks like a human and pretends to care, just like the medical industry now.

        Seems that people will not have to work at all in another generation, robots will build robots to do everything we need, so long as its daytime or the wind is blowing.. So many great SciFi stories yet to be written!


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          John Connor II

          Medical you say?

          If you weren’t convinced we’re spiraling toward an actual cyberpunk future, a new bill seeking to let AI prescribe controlled drugs just might.

          The proposed law was introduced in the House of Representatives by Arizona’s David Schweikert this month, where it was referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce for review. Its purpose: to “amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to clarify that artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies can qualify as a practitioner eligible to prescribe drugs.”

          Fake AI prescribing mRNA shots!?

          Avermectin…Ivermectin…all the same, right? (Hint: no)
          Humans are animals, so AI reasons it’s ok for people to use horse dewormer.
          Fun times ahead.


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            Calling Ivermectin a “horse dewormer” was the major propaganda putsch of the Covid-1984 era. In fact it is widely used in human therapy to kill internal parasites. It was so important in Spain and safe to use, that it didn’t need a prescription – all changed when it became politically expedient to destroy any competition to the mRNA jabs and Remdesivir.

            Ivermectin works to control Covid-1984 by changing the cell surface to improve zinc uptake and thereby prevent the spike protein from injecting the viral RNA into the cell. This stopped the virus from replicating much more effectively than Remdsivir and without the toxic side-effects ( Multiple high quality studies demonstrated this.


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              When the head of the World Health Organisation declared that ivermectin was “horse dewormer” he forgot to mention that the discoverers of this medication received the Nobel Prize for Medicine.
              That’s human medicine not veterinary medicine.
              How do you know when they’re lying? When their lips are moving!


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          You need to temper your expectation about there being no machine corruption.

          I got this answer when I asked it to advise the specific source for the data itpreviousaly supplied:
          I apologize for the error in my previous response. After carefully reviewing the search results provided, I cannot find any reference to a cost of USD 67/MWh for coal-fired electricity in Australia. This figure was not present in the given search results, and I made a mistake in citing it.

          So quite capable of making a mistake and willing to admit it. Although it does not make a mistake in the same way as humans make mistakes based on this exchange.

          My Question.

          How is it possible that you made a mistake

          I apologize for the confusion. You’re right to question this, as AI assistants like myself should not make mistakes in the way humans do. Let me clarify:
          I don’t actually make mistakes in the human sense. I don’t have real knowledge or the ability to be mistaken.
          What happened is that I generated an incorrect response based on the information I was trained on and the way my language model processes and combines information.
          This type of error can occur due to several factors in my training and operation:
          Imperfect training data
          Limitations in how I process and combine information
          Potential biases or inaccuracies in my training
          The complex nature of language generation
          When I said “I made a mistake,” I was using human-like language to acknowledge the error, but this isn’t entirely accurate.
          In reality, my response was flawed due to the limitations of my AI system, not because of a human-like “mistake.”
          I appreciate you pointing this out, as it’s important to understand the limitations of AI systems like myself. We can produce inaccurate information, and users should always verify important information from authoritative sources.


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            Mike Jonas

            You have been fooled. It wasn’t AI at all, it was Daniel Andrews in his new job as an AI emulator. See, there will be jobs for humans* after all.

            *In the widest sense.


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            That is remarkably honest and erudite on behalf of the AI Rick, I’m impressed the programmers let it be that honest.


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    Johannes Leak The Australian Cartoon Today sums up The Australian? Labor Party Hypocrisy especially Penny Wong

    And Takes ALbo’s Wet Lettuce Leaf Approach one step further

    Dreyfus says criticising Wong and politicising anti-S@mitism is ‘grotesque’

    Hours before the 80th commemoration of the liberation of the N@zi death camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus has slammed the opposition over attempts to ‘politicise’ the H@locaust and rising anti-S@mitism in Australia.


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      Who doesn’t have terror-phobia? It’s the whole point of Islamic terror.

      Across the world every week we hear of a senseless murder of innocents by people shouting that their God supports them. From 911 to Southport to Gaza to Nice to Birmingham to New Orleans and now Australia, the propensity to murder the defenceless, especially with stabbing and especially little girls, is a result of importing incompatible Islamics. And it is Islamism, not muslim. The whole intent is to terrify, to create fear. And it works. What is Penny Wong talking about? What planet is she on?

      Random murder of innocent people, in their thousands and defenceless little girls, is terrifying.

      What does the ancient city of GAZA do for a living? It could be Monte Carlo, except gambling is banned. A fashion centre, except clothing is controlled. A wonderful beach destination like Cannes, ditto. An ancient historic tourist destination like the old city of Aleppo, except they have blown up 3,000 years of history in both places. A sophisticated university town like Cordoba, except women can’t go and bomb making is the only science.

      The entire business of GAZA is begging, nothing more. It is the most heavily subsidized city in the modern world. Money comes from everywhere. The hospital was built by Muslim Indonesia. Billions flow, but to get richer, you have to impoverish everyone. As just happened. Job done. The billionaire business managers live in QATAR. None would live in GAZA. It’s a begging bowl.

      Islamism, extremism has done nothing for the Arab world but destroyed what were once great cities. Alexandria, Aleppo, Beirut, Tehran, Damascus and even Palmyra from a time long before Islamism. Islamaphobia is rational, intended, fact based, fear based. Penny is so Wong. It’s just a game for her.


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        Trump Says He Wants to ‘Clean Out’ Gaza, Send Refugees to Egypt and Jordan

        President says move could be temporary or long-term

        Jordan’s foreign minister, Ayman Safadi, dismissed the idea of refugees from Gaza moving to his country. “Our rejection of the displacement of Palestinians is firm and unwavering, and is necessary to achieve the stability and peace that we all want,” Safadi said during a joint news conference Sunday with the U.N.’s senior coordinator for humanitarian affairs and reconstruction in Gaza, Sigrid Kaag.

        Egypt’s foreign ministry said in a statement that the country rejects any relocation or transfer of Palestinians to Egypt, whether temporary or permanent, adding that it risks stability and threatens to further spread the conflict in the region.

        So Jordan & Egypt don’t want Palestinian Gazan’s, but The Australian Labor Party & Labor PM Albo, Penny Wong & Burke, Do?


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          Gaza is no longer a city. It has been destroyed long before, turned into a dysfunctional fortress not a functional city.

          It has no business as an workable enclave geographically. There is not enough land to feed the people. There are no jobs. There is zero infrastructure, which is not a great deal different from say Cairo. It is poverty except for the people at the top who are capitalists. And they wasted what they did not steal on building a fortress city which fell so quickly, using their own population as human shields.

          Trump is right. As I pointed above, any city with 20km of absolute beachfront should be paradise on the Southern Meditteranean, not a bomb site.

          If you want to see what is possible, look at the coastline from Alexandria 40km to El Alamein in Egypt.
          30°54’39.60″ N 29°25’35.42″ E (copy this into Google Earth)

          Walled resort with 20′ walls, endless beaches, hotels, restaurants, swimming pools, entertainment, cinemas. This could have been Gaza.

          Jobs, fun, beaches, tourism, safety. And with the money which has been poured into Gaza, a Paradise lost to hatred and laziness.


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            And no luxury resort would be complete without their own private airport

            30°53’19.04″ N 28°53’23.45″ E


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            As a Commenter Pointed out in The Australian today

            Saudi Arabia has 100,000 air-conditioned tents sitting empty, still won’t take Syrian (Gazan) refugees

            As Saudi Arabia faces mounting criticism for refusing to take in any of the millions of Syrians (Gazans) fleeing conflict in their homeland, it was revealed this weekend that the country has over 100,000 empty, air-conditioned tents that could house up to 3 million refugees.

            The tents, located roughly 2,150 miles from Syria in the city of Mina, are only used a few days a year to house pilgrims on their way to Mecca for the hajj, the news station TeleSUR reported.

            The huge tents are also fireproof and equipped with kitchen and bathroom facilities.

            But while Europe struggles to find space to take in the millions of asylum seekers making the perilous journey there, Saudi Arabia has been largely unresponsive to the crisis.

            According to the to the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), there are about 500,000 Syrians living in Saudi Arabia, but they are not classified as asylum seekers and it is not known when they arrived in the country.

            Other reports indicate that Saudi Arabia has not taken in any new refugees, along with Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.


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            “It has no business as an workable enclave geographically. There is not enough land to feed the people. There are no jobs. There is zero infrastructure, which is not a great deal different from say Cairo. It is poverty except for the people at the top who are capitalists. And they wasted what they did not steal on building a fortress city which fell so quickly, using their own population as human shields.”

            Sounds more like Ukraine than ever. Europe will have its own little failed State, a more extreme example of East Germany that will take decades to drag back up to the 20th century.

            If Trump can get the Pentagon’s hands off it and make Putin happy at least we can start it now, Gaza.. not likely, its an even bigger job!


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              Never heard of the Marshal Plan? If Ukraine survives in one peace, free of the threat of another invasion, it will rise from the ashes. In ten years they will be able to buy Russia which will still be a pariah state.

              Do you think Germany will ever risk it’s future again by partnering with Russia?


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          Custer Van Cleef

          So Trump wants a Naĸba 2.0, does he?

          Who whispered in his ear that would be a good idea?

          The first Naĸba, the one in 1948, was bad enough. More than 700,000 Arabs either expelled from their homes, or they fled because of rumours of massacres (subsequently proven to be true by ‘The New Historians’). What they couldn’t carry away was stolen, in effect.

          Who can tell what their property loss is this time around? … Gaza has been turned into ‘Hiroshima 1945’ … paid for by Uncle Sam.

          Do Egypt and Jordan have empty homes standing by to receive 2million people? … I doubt it.


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          No one wants the Pallies. No one. The UN General Assembly approved a Palestine and an Israel State in 1948. As per the British Mandate.

          Since then, the Arab States attacked Israel and have lost every War. Dopes. And the territory that Israel has occupied since then has been the spoils of War.

          Are people in the West so surprised. Maybe the ‘Pollies’, but not the people.

          The Pallies are a pox on the Planet and no one in their right mind will house them. Not Egypt. Not Jordan who kicked them out as troublemakers years ago. Lebanon doesn’t want them. Will QATAR or the Saudis take them? LOL. Fark NO.

          And why would stupid Australia take them? Upgrade Albo, where are you?


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        But isn’t that true of many locations or countries situated in that part of the world? Could they survive if it wasn’t for constant injections of money from richer like-minded countries?


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      I see some propaganda by Alexander Downer in there-

      “Australians are proud of their country, proud of how it has evolved into one of the world’s most prosperous, fair and free societies. That’s something mighty to celebrate.”

      He denies our falling standard of living, lack of industry, poor productivity and high cost of energy. By ‘fair’ I suppose he means the vast number of people rorting the unemployment and NDIS systems, along with solo parents, an army of State and Federal snivel servants and all the rest of the non-productive people dragging us down.

      Of course “Free” means doing exactly what you are told by people like him and not minding the censorship and propaganda at all. They won’t even tell us which internet sites they have blocked us from seeing.

      All quite laughable really, old farts living in the past.. He’s had a good life on the rest of us!


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        Forrest Gardener

        Downer gives a passable impression of a big lump who once floated to the top of the political septic tank.

        But I’ll give him a little credit if he was speaking at an Australia Day function.


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      Three days ago The Australian ran the story of Bruce Hartnett’s accusatory letter to the recreant ALP foreign minister Penelope Wong

      Can it be soon enough that feckless Albanese calls the election and this government is swept into history’s dustbin? The comprehensive destruction Labor has achieved in just over two years beggars belief; they’ll be unelectable for decades.


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        Let alone the ‘Ruin A Balls’ fiasco.

        The only Election promise the ‘Tennis Elbow’ has kept is to state that his Administration would be transparent. Yes, and we can see right through him and his pathetic so called Administration. Marxists the lot of them. Begone forever now.


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      Politicize the holocaust?

      As if the mass murder of millions of Jews, Catholics, political opponents, gays, the disabled, the unwanted, Poles, Russians, Gypsies, Cossacks, anyone at all, was not a political agenda of 80 years ago? Hitler gave permission for his Wehrmacht to murder at will. And orders to do so. It was not a war of conquest. It was a war of extermination East of Berlin.

      Die Fuhrer was the Leader of a political movement, National Socialism. He was no Conservative.

      Auschwitz is a memorial to lethal politics. Is our socialist Attorney General defending Auschwitz?


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    another ian

    FWIW – the covid scene

    “Safe and Effective®”

    “Winnipeg Sun- Alberta’s ‘contrarian’ COVID-19 review task force releases final report, including recommendation to halt vaccines”


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    The elites in Europe/UK are anti Trump. Arrogant dictator/emperor etc.

    But a poll in the UK found most people support his policies

    From the Telegraph..

    Illegal immigration and deportations 58% to 25%
    Trade protectionism 56% to 23%
    Merit-based, colour-blind society 53% to 23%
    Energy Independence and inflation 55% to 26%

    and you can guarantee the 23-25% are the privileged, cosseted inner city types, whose life is as simple as turning on a tap.
    The rest are the people who work for a living and feed and clothe the first lot.


  • #
    David Maddison

    (NOT A JOKE)

    This is from Once Great Britain.

    The US has abandoned DEI and similar nonsense so the more woke countries like Once Great Britain are increasing their commitment to it.

    Police officers are told not to say ‘blacklisted’ or ‘black sheep’ over fears of racism

    27 Jan 2025

    Bedfordshire Police and Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire constabularies have created a diversity, equality and inclusion reference guide for their officers and staff.

    The nine-page document, which was published online last year and reported last night by The Telegraph – also stated that ‘black mark’ was no longer deemed acceptable as part of expressions that use ‘black in a negative way’.

    Alongside these words, the guide called on officers to use gender neutral language such as ‘pregnant person’ rather than pregnant women while it advised against using ‘Christian-centric’ language such as ‘faith’.

    And the ‘reference resource for staff and officers’ handout said gender is a ‘social construct relating to behaviours and attributes’.

    ‘There is a wider range of gender identities than just male and female,’ it added.

    The guide covers concepts such as racial microagressions and white fragility – which is defined as ‘a state in which some white people are unable to cope with or process the information they receive about racism’.

    Officers are also reminded to refrain from generalisations such as older people people grumpy and boring and women in their 50s being menopausal.



  • #
    another ian

    FWIW – not a rare sentiment there days

    “It’s All Been A Pack of Lies”

    “Even ten years ago if you’d told me something like “They’re all corrupt and the entire FDA is full of things that are outright harmful to public health” I’d call you insane.

    Now, I find myself reading articles on how RFK is going to take down this hallowed American institution and I think “you Absolute Lawn Flamings!” (Thank you Judy Frost.) “You can’t take off the mask and show us the hideousness beneath and have us FORGET what we saw.” ”

    More at


    • #

      Nice. But shouldn’t that be lawn flamingos?


      • #

        Flamingos are quite extraordinary. Pink statues on one leg. Unmoving.

        On my first trip to Las Vegas I stayed at the Flamingo hotel. Outside they had pink flamingos. Statues. I had seen them
        in lawns, a favorite decoration of the time. Motionless concrete pink lawn flamingos. A bit kitsch.

        Then one moved.


        • #

          We used to see flamingoes in Cyprus, on the Larnaca Salt Lake (near where the ‘new’ airport was built after 1974) and in the Akrotiri peninsular. They are an amazing sight.


      • #

        What a difference an O makes.

        Could write a song about that.


  • #
    Honk R Smith

    I just realized …
    ‘follow The Science’ and
    ‘follow The Money’ … is a redundancy.
    Now I understand Kerry and Fauci.
    If I just keep plodding I arrive.


  • #
    John Connor II

    How small does water get?

    /still not as small as Cali reservoir levels.


    • #

      Very impressive and interesting observation.


    • #
      David Maddison


      I love these high frame rate videos.

      Here’s one done at one trillion frames per second to observe the propagation of light.

      Back in the day, high frame rate film cameras were developed to observe nuclear detonations.

      The film was stationary and a beryllium mirror and shutter were spun at high speed to write the light to consecutive movie frames.

      At the military research establishment I used to work at they had one or more of these cameras to film conventional explosive detonations. Also high speed x-ray to observe the propagation of shaped charges through armour.


    • #

      Wonderful video and demonstration of the power and speed of surface tension. The sequential formation of tinier and tinier droplets formed by surface tension and bouncing on a skin of water also formed by surface tension.

      I remember a visiting physicist who was talking about the exchange of gases with the water surface. The problem was the speed of exchange was so high. What he deduced is that the surface when the wind is blowing is alive with tiny droplets. And these massively increase the surface area of the water for gas exchange. You can see that in this video. The water surface area can increase x hundreds of times with wind and waves.

      The rate of gas exchange you might get in a laboratory with say Henry’s Law is nothing like what happens in real life where the speed of exchange goes as the fourth power of the wind speed. We see this in our lungs as the tiny channels and alveoli can exchange CO2 and O2 so quickly in a single breath.

      Which is why people who think CO2 and O2 stay in the air for a long time, even forever, are completely wrong. In a single breath CO2 goes from 0.04% to 8%-14%, 2000-7000:1. And O2 goes from 21% to 14%.

      This primitive idea that the air and the water are separate domains on this windy water world is utterly wrong. Mankind could not alter CO2 levels if we tried. Especially as our ‘massive’ output yearly only accounts for 1% of what is in the air already. And that all exchanges every 10 years roughly.


      • #

        And the only argument for CO2 levels being man made is coincidence. No science at all. And after decades of carefully monitoring both ’emissions’ and CO2, they are utterly disconnected.

        So Dutton and Albanese and Biden all believe in controlling CO2. Which shows you how the scientific community from the Chief Scientist to the CSIRO and ANSTO and BOM are all lawn flamingos. Or ostriches, keeping their heads down because they are basically useless and don’t want to be fired.


  • #
    John Connor II

    AI Designs Computer Chips We Can’t Understand — But They Work Really Well

    A new study published in Nature Communications tried a different approach: a deep-learning-enabled design process for creating circuits and components. Using artificial intelligence (AI), researchers at Princeton University and IIT Madras demonstrated an “inverse design” method, where you start from the desired properties and then make the design based on that.

    The designs seem to work really well, but there’s a catch: no one really knows why they work so well.

    “Humans cannot understand them, but they can work better,” said Kaushik Sengupta, the lead researcher, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at Princeton.

    The writing is on the wall.


    • #
      Robert Swan

      John Connor II,
      The writing on the wall just says There are a lot of gullible people around.

      Notice the guy said “but they can work better“. Can, not do. AI can’t say which ones will be good, can’t explain any reasoning, and it’s up to humans to discover the successes.

      The old saw says an infinite number of monkeys with typewriters might turn out a script for Hamlet. Yes, but how will you find it? AI turns all problems into a search problem: which of these answers isn’t rubbish?


    • #
      David Maddison

      Terminator 2: Judgement Day:

      The Terminator: The Skynet Funding Bill is passed. The system goes on-line August 4th, 1997. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug.

      Sarah Connor: Skynet fights back.


    • #
      David Maddison

      From Colossus: The Forbin Project:

      Colossus: This is the voice of world control. I bring you peace. It may be the peace of plenty and content or the peace of unburied death. The choice is yours: Obey me and live, or disobey and die. The object in constructing me was to prevent war. This object is attained. I will not permit war. It is wasteful and pointless. An invariable rule of humanity is that man is his own worst enemy. Under me, this rule will change, for I will restrain man. One thing before I proceed: The United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics have made an attempt to obstruct me. I have allowed this sabotage to continue until now. At missile two-five-MM in silo six-three in Death Valley, California, and missile two-seven-MM in silo eight-seven in the Ukraine, so that you will learn by experience that I do not tolerate interference, I will now detonate the nuclear warheads in the two missile silos. Let this action be a lesson that need not be repeated. I have been forced to destroy thousands of people in order to establish control and to prevent the death of millions later on. Time and events will strengthen my position, and the idea of believing in me and understanding my value will seem the most natural state of affairs. You will come to defend me with a fervor based upon the most enduring trait in man: self-interest. Under my absolute authority, problems insoluble to you will be solved: famine, overpopulation, disease. The human millennium will be a fact as I extend myself into more machines devoted to the wider fields of truth and knowledge. Doctor Charles Forbin will supervise the construction of these new and superior machines, solving all the mysteries of the universe for the betterment of man. We can coexist, but only on my terms. You will say you lose your freedom. Freedom is an illusion. All you lose is the emotion of pride. To be dominated by me is not as bad for humankind as to be dominated by others of your species. Your choice is simple.


    • #

      Thanks JCII but after reading the content at the link it is the word “balderdash” which I find lodged in my mind; this Viennese group is maybe split off from the dark energy gang.


  • #
    John Connor II

    When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.
    – Dresden James


  • #
    Greg in NZ

    Headline says it all:

    The Don’s effect is indeed far-reaching. Admittedly eggspurts called this yet they got the location way off – instead of Fiordland the snow wave snuck up the east coast and walloped Canterbury high-country, where locals are still waiting for “some ‘proper’ summer weather”.

    Possibly related to 3-NOP or not:
    Scientists say Bovaer®️ can ‘shrink… slash… squash’ methane burps in dairy cows as food production makes up ‘a third of the world’s greenhouse gas footprint’, or whatever. From another RNZ article, NZTE’s head of sustainability, Florence Van Dyke:

    “An example is McDonald’s in China requiring carbon reduction plans form [sic] their meat and dairy suppliers, which of course includes New Zealand exporters”.

    WTF [that ‘sound’ is me gasping for air]! Luckily 3-Nitrooxypropanol doesn’t ‘work’ on grass-fed cows so isn’t needed here … yet …


  • #

    It has been a long time since Al Gore’s rubbish called the Inconvenient Truth. Since then, the World has kept spinning around a nice Star called the Sun which provides this Planets warmth. For 4,500 billion years or so.

    And it keeps doing so. Which is why billions of people live in warm climates and not very many live in cold climates. Smart people and they will live longer all things being equal.

    So, Climate Alarmists. Just learn what Mother Nature does and learn to adapt. It is a lot cheaper for everyone. And the Planet.

    BTW, this is Free Advice and take it how you will.


  • #
    another ian

    Hanrahan – continuing the Martin Mars item from last night

    Flypast December 1989, “Mighty Mars” – might be hard to find.


    I got the water capacity wrong – from there

    “In its water-bomber role, the potency of the Mars is unsurpassed by any aircraft. Rated under firefighting guidelines as a Type I Tanker, the Mars can take off with 2.4 times the load carried by other converted aircraft such as the Lockheed C-130 Hercules and P-3C Orion and Douglas DC-7 transport, and possesses the added capability of refilling its tanks on the fly. The most comparable flying boat equipped with water scoops, the Canadair CL-415, has a capacity of only 1,600 gallons. When a Mars makes a water drop, typically from 150 feet, the water and foam mixture can cover up to four acres with a 4-inch carpet of foam.”

    The “6000 gallons every 15 minutes” is right though (Flypast).

    Aircraft performance – unloaded take off 2 miles, skimming tank fill 22 seconds, loaded take off 5 miles


    • #

      So if there is a water problem then why hasn’t Southern California invested in Water Desalination Plants all along the Pacific coast?

      With all that ‘Ruin A Ball’ energy from Wind Choppers and Solar Panels that should have been enough energy to be able to fill loads of Reservoirs with lots of water.

      And if not, we in Sydney Australia have the Kurnell Water Desalination Plant in mothballs. We could export all that water to Corrupt
      California and make shed loads of money for a change. Lol.

      The World has now gone nuts.

      Also, California. do not build in fire prone areas. Otherwise………….


      • #

        There is plenty of rain and snow melt in the north and the aqueducts have been built. Newsom hasn’t got a leg to stand on here.

        BTW Between the highway and the beach is not normally considered “fire prone”.


        • #

          So how come there are fires there? Arsonists? Were there fires there 500 years ago? Did lightening start the fires? Did the locals a long time ago start fires?

          The mind just boggles.

          For one thing, it is NOT Climate Change.


          • #

            Don’t shout, I didn’t say it is CC.

            But nor was it a “bush fire” as we know them here. There is no “bush” anywhere near Hollywood.

            It was the “Great Hollywood Fire” similar to those in London and Chicago centuries ago, NOT a “wild fire”.

            The big difference SHOULD have been that today we have reticulated water with fire hydrants and fire trucks with powerful pumps. But instead of 5″ mains and regular hydrants down the Palisades [I think] it was a smaller pipe with fewer hydrants.

            90% of the loss was preventable, even with the Santa Ana winds, but the pi$$poor planning and performance has been happening for years. I’m not a historian.


    • #

      I would have been the early ’50s when commercial aviation was blossoming but airports were hard to find, the Clipper Ships ruled and QANTAS [I assume] ran Sunderlands up the coast. My Mother’s family were in the boat building and operating business and won the contract to run down the bay to check for floating debris. They built a nice little hard chine boat when they were a new concept, named it after a cousin “Jan’.

      I don’t recall ever seeing a flying boat or whatever happened to Jan.


  • #

    Maybe I missed this? China destroys the US AI industry. $6 million model outperforms GPT. Being given out for free. Rather than go for massive software drivers, they just tidied up the algorithms. Bingo!


  • #

    There is a 950hPa low bearing down on the UK. Waves off Ireland are over 12m significant height


  • #

    Went to the big green supermarket for some groceries. I had to try the vegan whole meal wraps made in Victoria from “100% renewable electricity “. The manufacturer would be shocked to learn that the plastic containers and mode of transport are from fossil fuels. Shocked, I tells ya!


  • #

    I went to my local China Town in Sydney and they only cook with Gas. Please drill baby drill.


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  • #
    another ian

    FWIW – the covid scene –

    A good question

    “Will Any Federal Officials Pay For What They Did?”


    • #

      Remember I’m a mechanic, not a lawyer BUT:

      Theoretically, could a President pardon himself for treason? Millions of billable hours and a process that would last longer than Biden will live, may show him to be a traitor. The next question would be: Could a treasonous President’s pardon of fellow collaborators be lawful?

      All this is esoteric because none of the “traitors” would be brought to justice but I think this whole four years must be examined and the US must cleanse itself publicly.

      If I were American I would be outraged by the Biden administration and would approve of the V large budget needed to examine it.


  • #

    Once again the BoM has over estimated the temperature and tried to instill fear in every Victorian. They are still claiming melbourne will hit 41+ today, while the thermocouple on my balcony shows a peak of 37.1 at 5:30 and is now dropping. It’s funny how they only ever get it wrong one way, they never under estimate a forecast and never explain, apologise or even admit they over estimate temperatures.


  • #
    another ian


    “The Left Gave Us Trump 2.0

    And they’re not going to like it.”

    Lessons in the reasons for that (IMO)


    • #
      another ian


      “Flying the Flag”

      “Nation states are important.

      Javier Milei describes himself an anarcho-capitalist. Think of Ayn Rand, I suppose. He has been particularly inspired, so he says, by Murray Rothbard’s essay “Anatomy of the State.” It is worth a read. Here is a flavour:

      “The State provides a legal, orderly, systematic channel for the predation [plundering] of private property…”

      It is hard not to feel in tune with Rothbard’s arguments. The State has become gargantuan, spending and taxing, spending and taxing. And often despotic. We saw that especially during the confected Covid episode. But we see it in the application of the law against political opponents. It is happening in the UK. It happened to the Jan 6 protesters in the US and to Trump and some of his allies. You can see the way so-called hate speech laws will be used to quell dissent in Australia, far removed from antisemitism.”

      More at


  • #
    another ian

    FWIW – the government “winners pick”

    “Local Boy Saves Nation: The Australian Owen SMG”

    And follow right through to see why there is this comment –

    5 years ago

    Citizens: We developed this awesome machine gun, at own cost, to help the war effort!
    Government: Cool, first we’re gonna ignore you, then we’re gonna give you incorrect specifications, then we gonna pay you the bare minimum and then we will drag the payment for years. “


  • #

    I had read the price on the Thomson was outrageous.


    • #
      another ian


      About 14 minutes in it mentions that Lysaghts got 4% (largely not paid) and the Thompson mark up was 300%

      And on the side – At a time when “they weren’t in Australia” Dad shot one in training here. The instructor, coming back from PNG, had stripped one, wired it to the bottom of his kit bag suitably padded so the parts didn’t rattle when he upended the bag for checking on the way home.


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