
9.4 out of 10 based on 12 ratings

103 comments to Thursday

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    William x

    I had another unbearable lecture from my lefty Phd/Dr relatives. (at a recent family birthday event).

    The debate turned to talk about population.

    “8,000,000,0000 people.
    And… If we placed each one on a 1 square meter plot.

    Together, beside/adjacent to each other.
    Then the worlds population would cover 8000 sq Kilometers.”

    I agreed with that.

    Then they all consenually agreed that that was larger than the landmass of the USA.

    I disagreed with that….. and suffered the usual putdowns by the family elite who can’t calculate.

    Yet 8000 sq km Sounds large doesn’t it?

    Not really.

    To give one an idea of how much land space that takes up.

    It is 89.4 kilometers long and 89.4 kilometers wide.

    So we can stand the world’s total population in the tiny country of Cyprus with a lot of room to spare..


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      Hard to convince myself that you, or your educated rellies weren’t wasting your time. I watered down my first draft.

      I’ve heard it before but I think I’d prefer to debate a flatearther.


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        william x

        Hanrahan, Thanks for your comment, I am happy to read your first draft. Post it.

        I will be clear for all.

        Please understand that I was not dissing people holding a Phd or doctorship.

        I was dissing my elite Phd, Dr, family members. Understand they make decisions that effect you. And they have no Idea.

        I am directly related to John Howard, who was… I don’t know, you can tell me.


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          But, as one PhD, alas, now long gone, succinctly put it:

          Sometimes, PhD can stand for:

          “Piled higher and Deeper”.

          As in many other walks of life, the “standards” for “hanging the shingle” seem to be a bit “variable”


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          “I am directly related to John Howard, who was… I don’t know, you can tell me. ”

          Wasn’t he the bloke that took away our means of protecting ourselves against our greatest enemy?

          OUR Grubbnmnts?

          Remember Melbourne?
          Rubber Bullets?
          Unarmed Australians?


          • #

            Funny that you mentioned bullets and Melbourne in one comment…
            There was no morning for a while that we would not be greeted with the news about next shooting…
            And the shop fire…
            And stolen cars smashed at 150 km/h..


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              Interesting you raise that, Vlad. They seem to be using a lot of explosives. Can’t Mr. Plod follow the trail????


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          John Howard, who was

          Arguably the most economic damaging PM in Australian history. His government introduced the RET without thinking through the consequences. It has been an economic disaster for Australia.

          Tony Abbott grasped the significance of the damage but Malcolm Turnbull’s self interest undid his good efforts.


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      John F. Hultquist

      I have found it best to not engage with lefty Phd/Dr types. Although in my case the appropriate designation is Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). My strategy is to assume I am a cosmic alien and be just an observer of crazy humans. Those types are like an odd religious cult, and I don’t engage with them either.
      Here is a crowd:


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        Don’t you think it’s our duty to engage with them hard, challenge their views, and hold their feet to the fire so to speak? Is it not our duty to the truth?

        But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing.
        – Thomas Paine, Rights of Man


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        David Maddison

        Incidentally, there is a book about the very real psychopathology of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

        Of course, there is now Elon Derangement Syndrome as well.

        Trump Derangement Syndrome
        A psychological analysis of leftist ideology
        Author: Thomas Pappas and Rachel Morin

        Trump Derangement Syndrome has taken over major portions of society, spreading throughout America, tearing apart the mental stability of those inflicted, taking them to the brink and destroying cities in its wake. Pappas & Morin expose the root causes such as liberal ideology, helicopter parenting, millennial mentality, and poor moral development in those that help perpetuate the syndrome including the democrat leftwing media and entertainment industries, biased university professors, and dedicated Marxists, who use the tools of PC cancel culture, wokeism, and gaslighting, and how it has been impacting America and beyond. They also tap into the characteristics of envy, narcissism, and the rise of misandry (the contempt for men) and how this has served to propagate TDS. The pendulum of destructive TDS symptomology has swung so far to the left, that it has led to a polarization of political ideals. Pappas and Morin truly believe that if TDS is left unchecked without a cure will change the face of America forever. With the identification of this new syndrome along with its characteristics, is the first step in the recovery process toward a truly United States of America.


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        Enough of all this pile-on on PhDs. Some of us just loved our subjects and were drawn to further research.


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          Robert Swan


          Some of us…

          The key word there is *some*. Lately the *others* — doing PhDs just for the credential — have outnumbered the *some*. That has devalued the credential.

          But never mind. You weren’t after prestige.


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      What have you got against wide open spaces? Would you like to live in a concrete jungle or do you think that concrete jungles are fine for the plebs?


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      They may have PhD’s and what not but the inability perceive size and relative size is a problem related low intellect.

      8000Km2 is trivial in any language.

      I ask people what proportion of a country, best if its where they are, is urbanized in the case of NZ it’s less than 1% also ask what portion is roads again its trivial.
      People struggle to realize that roads are everywhere but that is because we walk drive ride on them almost always


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      Murray Shaw

      Yes William, another analogy is that if the worlds population was living at the density of Hong Kong, they could all live in Tasmania.


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      I attended an RMIT graduation and saw 200 PhDs created in one hit. Some of the areas were nuts. Like the trucking of Halal meat in Australia. I am not surprised if your relatives are innumerate.

      And then we have have the new Dr Andrew Forrest of Green Hydrogen fame, new Dr Kevin Rudd who is currently attacking Donald Trump with his visiting Democrat friend and Treasurer Dr. Chalmers with a PhD in Keating in charge of destroying the economy. Soon we will be told it’s the recession we had to have. And Dr. Jill Biden, Ed.D or doctorate in education not PhD but demanded her own room entry music, as Madame President.

      All convinced of their own superiority and infallibility. Scarecrows from the Wizard of Oz. Legends in their own lunchtime. All you need is a piece of paper. And in the post Royalist world, what every socialist demagogue craves, a title.


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      Here is a further calculation, William. The average weight of a human is about 66 kg. Most will agree with that. Since we just float in fresh water, the density of a human is about the same as that of water, which means the average volume of a human is about 66 litres. If you multiply 66 litres by 8 billion, and convert to cubic kilometres, you get about 0.59 cubic kilometres. Which means all of humanity would fit into a box about 800 m long, 800 m wide and 800 m high. What’s more, if you accept that the atmosphere is about 8 km high, then it is year 9 maths to calculate that the volume of the atmosphere is about 4.3 billion cubic kilometres, making it about 8 billion times the volume of humanity. To put this into some sort of perspective. If you use a sugar cube 1 cm by 1 cm by 1 cm to represent humanity, and 8 billion of such cubes to represent the atmosphere, then those 8 billion cubes would fill more than 42 standard classrooms, (8 m by 8 m by 3 m). So if you lined up 42 of these classrooms filled with 8 billion sugar cubes, humanity would be the single cube in the bottom right hand corner of the first classroom. We are microscopic!!!


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    Be honest-how many on this blog identify as Koalas or Wombats as it seems ok for you to do so, according to UK govt minister


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    This is an update on the ecological damage caused by wind turbines after they have been hauled into an upright position.

    Would be interesting to see an article describing the whole of life damage caused by wind turbines, including their manufacture, shipping, putting in place, ecological harm to birds and insects and dismantling. Not to mention noise and the local effects on down wind climate.


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    With the swing to the right in Europe and a coming awareness of costs and the problems with energy sources, I had formed the impression that Europe was backing off from their extreme climate zealotry Never underestimate the desire of Brussels politicians to get reelected however and their willingness to form pacts to ensure this


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    Dave in the States

    It just not happening. We are suppossed be getting milder winters with milder over night lows. Nope. It has been a bitterly cold winter with cold, cold, nights. The record low was broken last night according to the news feed. I had 14 below. Fahrenheit. Actually, I have been seeing below zero Fahrenheit just about every night for the last eight weeks. On those few nights were it was above zero Fahrenheit it was only in the single digits. Fahrenheit.


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      Japan is freezing and buried in snow. As I understand it, warming is climate change but freezing is a result of extreme events caused by climate change.


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        Snow is a consequence of ocean warming.

        Snow starts its life as ocean water. Warmer oceans means more moisture in the atmosphere leading to more snowfall on land when the temperature is below zero. All land north of 40N can get below freezing. Even elevated land in the tropics can be below freezing.

        Thew oceans of the northern hemisphere began a 9.500 year warming cycle 500 years ago. New snowfall records will be a feature of weather reports for at least half of that ocean warming cycle until the ice starts to accumulate and the increasing elevation of the ice slows down the rate of accumulation.


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          Is the ‘ocean warming cycle’ cosmologically driven? Or perhaps an internal dynamic? NASA has a view.


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            February 13, 2025 at 10:30 am · Reply
            Is the ‘ocean warming cycle’ cosmologically driven? Or perhaps an internal dynamic? NASA has a view.


            Why would anyone reporting “ocean warming” use such an obscure measurement unit as “ZETTAJOULES” .
            Could it be that the increase if expressed in more universal units such as degrees C, would be so small as to be less impressive if not insignificant ?
            And they do not seem to offer an explanation as to the root cause .


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          And, SNOWFALL is what drives EVERY glacier on the planet.

          No snowfall in the “Neve”, no huge river of ice grinding its way downhill.

          Glaciers melt in two places; underneath where they contact the rocks and at the “face, because it is warmer and there is water movenemt.

          Glacial “retreat” is a misnomer. The ice does NOT shuffle back up the valley it is carving. .

          When the snow stops falling at the top, the pressure to move down the valley decreases. The “face-melting continues as usualb but is not offst by the downhill movement.

          Glaciers only persist in a fairly narrow band of temperatures.


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      You’ve got the cold that should have been in the Arctic where the ice has almost stopped forming.


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      Actually, I have been seeing below zero Fahrenheit just about every night for the last eight weeks.

      Just blame Trump. The weather obviously went to carp after he was elected.


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    John F. Hultquist

    You don’t say where you are near. I look at a National Weather Service chart that is called “Climate Plot” but may be something similar. There is a heading “Current Month Charts and Tables”. Other cities are available
    This link goes to Pendleton, OR
    For Portland, OR
    For Phoenix, AZ
    I haven’t found a key to what they do. For example the airport code for Phoenix is KPHX but the link to the charts is ‘ psr ‘.


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    Honk R Smith

    JUST IN: Matt Taibbi Takes Aim At John Kerry, USAID In Direct Warning Of Threats To Free Speech

    Real journalist Matt Taibbi testifies before US Congressional committee.


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      And at electronic censorship laws in the EU, Canada and Australia and most other places. Consensus equals censorship. As in consensus Science as with Covid and Climate Change.

      As John Kerry says, the First Amendment, Free Speech, is the greatest impediment to his globalist agenda. The Democrat party has completely lost its way. It is a cult, not a party. And it raison d’etre for the last decade has been Get Trump.


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    David Maddison

    The Chicomms are copying or imitating SpaceX designs.

    Goolag “China copies SpaceX” without quotes. Numerous articles.

    They are also copying aspects of Blue Origin.


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    another ian

    Poetry to the fore!

    NOW THAT ASTEROID 2024 YR4 IS LOOKING MORE LIKELY TO STRIKE EARTH, an InstaPundit reader posts this bit of poetry in the comments:

    O it’s Elon this, an’ Elon that, an’ “Chuck ‘im out, the cad!”;
    But it’s “Elon, please, a rocket!” when the rocks are lookin’ bad.
    When the rocks are lookin’ bad, my boys, the rocks are lookin’ bad,
    O it’s “Save us, Mr. Elon!” when the rocks are lookin’ bad.

    I think Kipling would approve. Of the poem, and of Elon.”


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    another ian


    “Another Biden Time Bomb Just Blew Up”

    “Former presidentish Joe Biden shuffled off into the sunset almost exactly 22 days ago, but his demented legacy of radical overspending, over-borrowing, and overregulating lives on — and the latest Treasury figures are one more glaring example of how deep the hole is the Biden Cabal dug for us.”


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    Steve of Cornubia

    Watching the usual lefty loons and TDS sufferers in the media lose their minds over the ‘Gulf of America’ issue puzzled me a little, both because the matter seems a bit trivial to take on early in a new presidency, but also because the media, by exploding in outrage, are falling for Trump’s distraction tactics. It’s amusing to say the least.

    But somebody elsewhere made a good point about the left’s apoplexy and refusal to accept the renaming. He pointed out that renaming things and places has been all the rage with leftists and progressives recently, so it’s not like it’s a new thing. Lefties have has roads renamed, statues renamed, university buildings renamed, bridges renamed – all for their own political reasons.

    So, once again, what seems like Trump playing games is actually serving to expose the left’s hypocrisy and double standards. Plus drive them (even more) insane.



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      … the media lose their minds over the ‘Gulf of America’

      Huh! Gulf of America?

      I’m not hearing many complaints about the rebranding of Denali to McKinley!

      Umm, Tony, wait a minute!


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      John F. Hultquist

      Suggestions (old) to rename Mt. Rainier have gone nowhere because it can be seen from so many different areas the tribes can’t settle on one. Just as well, I can’t pronounce them.


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      Honk R Smith

      I think it should be called ‘Gulf of the Confederacy’.

      Ok, just a little joke.
      It’s been 160 years … too soon?


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    another ian


    “Why Government Computers Are Such a Mess: Hercules Has Nothing On Musk’s Wizards”


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      John F. Hultquist

      My early programming was with FORTRAN II, punch cards, and an IBM 1620. The Charlie Martin link points to a lot of old memories.


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        another ian


        I learned to (sort of) type on a card punch. I reckon those keyboards set level with the surface were a lot kinder on wrists. A somewhat later Fortran and a CDC computer in my case – and the “LGO card”

        And I learned that “They also serve who only stand and wait” also applied to students in computer ready rooms.


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    another ian


    “Jeep Introduces Pop-Up Ads That Appear Every Time You Stop ”

    “”In-dash advertising is here and Stellantis, the parent company of Jeep, Dodge, Chrysler, and Ram, beat everyone to further enshittification,” writes longtime Slashdot reader sinij. “Ads can be seen in this video.” From a report:

    More at

    Via a comment at Chiefio.

    That looks like it might need to be added to your “New car selection criteria” list


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    Gabbard is confirmed with 52 to 48.


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    Elon Musk identified the bottleneck in retiring USA government employees was the mineshaft to the underground storage shown at this link:

    All retirements are calculated in the time honoured pencil and paper. All based on hard copy. This is the old style data centre. No new fangled computer stuff for USA government employees.

    The mine and access limit the rate of processing to 10,000 per month.

    With 3M civilian employees, you would expect around 75,000 retirements each year. So the facility would normally work around 60% of capacity. It only has headroom for an additional 4,000 per month (say 50k/yr) under any acceleration that DOGE may need to achieve.

    Assuming the average salary is $100k, then a constraint on retirements or terminations of 50k per year limits potential savings in wages cost of only $9bn per year. No doubt there are substantial areas such as contracts that can be addressed faster but ultimately savings translates to fewer people.


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    Steve of Cornubia

    Musk allegedy has uncovered yet more evidence that the permanent government agencies, staffed largely by Democrats, have been fully hijacked. Apparently, he found that FEMA, the government agency responsible for “disaster mitigation and readiness, coordination and recovery following major disasters”, has been sending money to New York to pay for illegal immigrants to be put up in hotels.

    Nothing to see here folks.


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      Steve of Cornubia

      And no sooner has the outrageous payment of FIFTY NINE MILLION DOLLARS to New York, so they can put illegal immigrants up in hotels, been uncovered than the payment has been taken back.

      From Breitbart: “Secretary of Homeland Security Kristi Noem said on Wednesday that she “clawed back” the full payment made by FEMA for hotels to house migrants in New York City, days after the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) announced the discovery of a $59 million payment made last week.”

      Sanity is being restored.


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    John Connor II

    You have reached the end of the internet. You have now seen everything.

    Every time I say that…

    Here’s a plan to detonate the world’s largest H-bomb to end global warming.

    A new proposal suggests using the world’s largest-ever nuclear explosion — buried deep under the ocean — to combat climate change by pulverizing massive amounts of carbon-absorbing rock.

    Andrew Haverly, a researcher at Rochester Institute of Technology’s Department of Computer Engineering, proposes detonating an 81-gigaton nuclear device beneath the Kerguelen Plateau in the Southern Ocean. That’s over 1,600 times more powerful than the largest nuclear bomb ever tested (the Tsar Bomba).

    /What? Vaxxes not fast enough?
    In fairness, it would end AGW, and everything else.


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    John Connor II

    Judge rules 2 million Gaza refugees can enter UK

    Game over UK.

    /no more fish & chips (with fluoro green mushy peas), a new culture is dominant.


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    John Connor II

    Futuristic movie timeline

    2027 sounds about right, Demolition Man and AI arrived way early…


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    John Connor II

    More Americans on Ozempic go BLIND as doctors sound alarm over potentially startling side effect

    Experts have sounded the alarm about blockbuster weight loss drugs like Ozempic leaving users blind.

    Several studies have linked the shots to conditions that cause inflammation and block blood flow to the eye, causing severe and sometimes permanent vision loss.

    Now, researchers have detailed nine new reports of US patients who went blind after taking semaglutide or tirzepatide, the active ingredients in Ozempic and Mounjaro, respectively.

    One woman injected one dose of semaglutide for her diabetes and woke up the next morning blind in her left eye.

    Safe and effective, developed by large trustworthy altruistic pharma companies strikes again.


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    Hit the Panic Button!!!

    Rising Barometer at Bedout Island off Port Hedland. Gusts to 38 knots

    Predictions are:

    Zelia could become the first category five tropical cyclone to make landfall withing 50km of Port Hedland since Dean in 1980. However, Dean was only a borderline category 5 tropical cyclone, with peak sustained wind speeds of 200km/h. Zelia is expected to be stronger than this, with sustained wind above 200km/h and peak wind gusts of around 290 to 320 km/h.

    The Guardian has reported:

    The system was on Thursday developing winds gusts up to 250m/h.

    Will be interesting to see how this plays out? I seem to be unable to find weather stations recording anything even near 250km an hour winds. I have no doubt there is potential for a destructive cyclone, just not seeing the source of the journalists information or the reason for the predictions.


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      As it’s still well off the coast, that seems to be a guestimate. Unless the iron ore ships that put to sea out of Port Hedland have some means of measuring that intensity. The TV footage coming out of Port Hedland doesn’t show anything like that. The latest reports are saying “could hit 290 kmh”. Not expected to come ashore until Friday afternoon.


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      Greg in NZ

      Floods, cyclones, thunderstorms, snow?

      Snow to replace record February heatwave: ABC 13/2/2025

      20 degree drop in 2 days as temps halve:

      “Despite being summer [cough!], the air will even be cold enough for highland snow across Tasmania this weekend along with a possible brief dusting on the mainland alps on Saturday night”.

      Haven’t linked to it because, y’know, it’s their ABC and it’s not hard to find; however it must be ‘official’ now they’ve announced it… albeit as an anomaly, a one-off, in an otherwise extreme, ie. normal, year.

      Four Seasons In One Month?


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      Barometer falling again —err slightly. Gusts to 40 knots. Hang on to your hats! This is behaving like a cyclone. Though it may have blown itself to bits by the looks of the radar.
      Anyone remember Cyclone Charlie off the Queensland Coast? It was like ‘Chicken Man’ “he’s everywhere, he’s everywhere”.

      Like a drunken sailor it was heading in every direction.


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        Nullschool shows it tracking WSW down the coast with winds up to 120kph near the core, which is at 972hPa.


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          The idiots on TV are saying that the wind could build up to 320 kmh, and it will be “the worst evah…” How would they know? I doubt that in earlier times there was any way of accurately measuring the max wind speed. Not prepared to say that over the last decade, WA hasn’t had many cyclones.


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      Maximum Gust at Port Hedland 65 Knots with the glass falling sharply. Lucky the Mayor is a rational bloke having stopped the mandate for the modified RNNA vaccines. He and his workers should clear up the mess and be back to work in no time. No need for Trump in this town, they ara MPHGA off their own bat.


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    Pacific Blue reveals ageing Codrington Wind Farm decommissioning plans
    “The Codrington Wind Farm opened near Port Fairy in south-west Victoria in July 2001, marking a new frontier in renewable energy in Australia.”
    But it isn’t listed on the site.
    The 18.2 MW Codrington wind farm was commissioned in 2001 and will be decommissioned in 2027.
    So small potatoes.

    Also nearing the end of its life is the neighbouring 30MW Yambuk wind farm, which was launched onto the Victorian grid in 2007.


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    another ian

    FWIW – more of that “tangled web”

    “El Salvador’s President Notices Anti-Mining Protest Efforts Shrink after USAID Funding Cut”


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    another ian

    FWIW – on treason in the US constitution

    “The Lesson of Robespierre – by Charlie Martin”

    “With treason specifically, Madison was saying was that treason should be very limited because there were too many examples in English history of the Crown using “treason” for damn near anything, including a very conclusive form of divorce.”

    “The Founders had good reasons for limiting treason, for enshrining habeas corpus, and for the Bill of Rights. They were entirely too aware of what the Crown had been able to do to their subjects.
    Eventually there will be a Democrat administration again. We need to remember that. And yeah, the Constitution is not a suicide pact — but that’s not a reason to murder it.”


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    Here we have the best laboratories in the world supervised by the most competent regulators and populated by the most qualified scientists, who have managed to produce PCR tests that give 100% false positives using samples of influenza, the common cold, human tissue and water.


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      A good summary from the comments:

      the sequencing of the Virus was fraudulent, the PCR test supposedly based on that sequencing was fraudulent, the symptoms were non-specific, the vaccines were fraudulent (not safe and could not be effective if no virus to be effective against), and as a result, the case and death counts were fraudulent.


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      I really like Norman Fenton. But He needs advice from molecular biologists and virologists before he writes in those fields. His discussion ignores all the other means of detection of viruses and strains — plaque assays, antibody tests, eliza, western blot, electronmicrograph. He makes no mention of the vast dataset on nextstrain.

      Sigh. If you want to understand the difference between Influenza and Covid, unfortunately discussing a limited hangout, CIA intelligence tools, and mass psychosis are the wrong tools. Like someone using a psych survey to find an ore-body.

      Influenza is totally different to Covid and it’s disappearance during the pandemic was predictable given the maths of the rate of spread and the quarantines.

      We have the sequences in full for tens of thousands of copies of covid and influenza. Covid is 29,000 bases in a single string. Inflenza is well known to have 8 segments of approx 800-2200 bases each.


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      I found the data sets quite accurate. Children were being reported as dead after the Modified RNA vaccine on the DAEN database. I showed those results to health professionals. They jabbed themselves and their children. I no longer trust their judgement, it is a free world after all. We still talk.

      Jo uses a multitude of tests

      plaque assays, antibody tests, eliza, western blot, electronmicrograph.

      to come to her conclusions, the sentinel system however relies on interested Doctors reporting infections in patients. These doctors appear to rely on the PCR test results and these results appear to be specific for a chosen ‘flu of the day’ not an analysis of the nucleotide sequence.


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        Broadie, “what data”? I’m talking about the claim that “covid was just influenza”. I’m not talking about vaccines.

        When you get a test at the pathology lab it can distinguish easily, and for the last 30 years, between different flu strains. The latest weekly WA Virus Watch report says: “PathWest reported 129 influenza detections in the past week, which included 90 A/H1, 5 A/H3, 22 influenza A not subtyped, and 12 influenza B (Figure 6).” See Wikipedia. There are four main types (A B C D) within those types there are multiple subtypes, — the A’s have names like H1Ni. The B’s are called Yamagata, Victoria, etc.

        We have just lived through blood curdling levels of malevolent malpractice in our medical system, absolutely, and you were one of the wise ones to see past the propaganda. But there is no point is getting the information wrong. If say a statistician talks about Covid being “the same” as influenza they come across as a medical idiot to anyone with training. That is a shame.

        PCR Tests, by definition, are nucleotide sequences. Doctors do rely on PCR tests, as do our courts, researchers, paleontologists, lawyers, criminal investigators, historians, anthropologists, botanist, zoologists. If these results were junk, they would be exposed in five minutes with plaque assays and antibody tests, or by full sequencing analysis. Just because there cheating and abuse in some interpretations of some PCR tests in one disease does not neutralize 5 billion tests across 10 fields, five continents and 10,000 different labs. I don’t think some skeptics realize how vast, well tested and incredibly useful the PCR test is. It’s a bit like a biologist throwing away all of spectroscopy because “people lied about CO2”.

        Please take this in the spirit of constructive science. As you can tell, I am frustrated…


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        If – and a big if – children were more ill than any other year from whatever was seen under microscopes, how do we separate the effect of the measures on their level of illness from what the tests found? (eg. just isolating sick children – I am certain that does not assist recovery. Telling them they have to be isolated because they have a deadly illness – ditto).

        So then if there is any danger in vaccines, how do you measure any risk-benefit?

        Given the vaccine damage, you have to keep asking, WTF – how was this all done?


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    another ian


    “The Price of Eggs at CNN

    With no real arguments left, the Left is grasping at straws to fuel anti-Trump mania.”


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    this is not a story of British or European engineering ingenuity. The Green Volt turbines will instead be made by Mingyang Smart Energy, which is based in China.
