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74 comments to Friday

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    I contemplate this reality:

    A couple weeks ago outside was cold almost -30F. This last week over +40F. In this -+ 70F swing that happens nearly every late winter we have Flora and Fauna that survive and thrive. In Summer we’ll have +100F so for us the climate swings +- 130F every year.

    That to me is why a couple degrees warmer doesn’t matter even if it is happening.


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      That’s interesting Thanks.

      Here it’s occasionally less or more than minus 3 Centigrade and plus 40. ^Rarely minus 7 or plus 44.

      At 32 deg South.


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        Here on the Devon coast anything below freezing is unusual and anything above 30C equally so. Which is not say greater extremes don’t happen but they are relatively rare.

        We ae kept warm in winter by the near by ocean, still at 10C as winter ends and the frequent rain as a result of warm west westerly winds. See Mr Foster I did remember those geography lessons, there was no reason to throw that blackboard rubber at me was there?


    • #

      And in which parts of the world would it not be welcome? Warmer winters would be welcome everywhere, longer growing seasons, earlier spring and later autumn. As for the peak of summer in the middle of the day is the only time you might have a short lived problem, which is only relative to the cost of energy.

      Dubai for example is in a desert with no water, no food, no people. Five million visitors living in a city which is fundamentally unlivable without massive power. And it’s a great life.

      Or Murmansk with 350,000 people in Russia at 69 North? Ask them if there is a problem with a slightly hotter life?

      As for the ice melting and everyone drowning, it melts every year across continents and no one drowns and the seas do not rise.

      Melting sea ice does not matter. And Antarctica at 3500 metres tall and the size of South America is -50C in winter, -25C in summer and getting taller every year.

      There is no problem. There never was a problem But the damage done by Al Gore with his Chicken Little story is probably around 100 Trillion $ spent trying to change CO2 and the end result is that you cannot change CO2 anyway. Here’s CO2 for the last 50 years.


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        Initially the story was that the ice at the North Pole would vanish with warming. The reason is that the average temperature is an amazing 0C. It can actually reach 100F/38C! It was the proverbial canary in the cage for rapid global warming.

        But after 37 years of vanishing, it has waxed and waned but is roughly what it was 37 years ago peaking at 14.2million km2 instead of 16million km2.


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          Area of sea with at least 15% ice coverage gives no comparable indication of the actual amount of ice.

          If you look at the DMI ice volume (if we can trust that it is accurate data?) Summer 2024 ended on a new low and it looks like the next melt season will start in a perilous state.

          The volume data does look more like a gradual decline in the actual amount of sea ice over the full period.


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        Warmer winters are certainly not welcome in most ski resorts as they would shorten the season.


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      David Maddison

      Humans and virtually all species love warmth.

      People go to warm places for vacation, not cold places unless for snow skiing etc..

      Civilisations thrive during naturally warm periods.


      Egyptian Warm Periods.
      Second Intermediate Period: A warm period around 1800 BC
      New Kingdom: A warm period around 1600 BC
      Third Intermediate Period: A warm period around 1000 BC

      Minoan Warm Period.
      Around 1275BCE

      Roman Warm Period.
      Arguably Rome reached peak Civilisation, at least peak expansion, under Trajan (98 to 117CE), around 117CE.

      Medieval Warm Period.


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        David, I am glad you said “peak expansion” under Trajan, as opposed to “peak Civilisation”. Personally, I thought the Republican era was preferable – but then, I didn’t have to live there!


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      Greg in NZ

      On the subject of ebb and flow:

      Wayne ‘Rabbit’ Bartholomew, 70, ex-Aus and ex-World Surf Champ 1978, Gold Coast local and respected elder statesman of the sport, has penned an article regarding the ups and downs of cyclone-driven swells now that Cat 3 TC Alfred is hovering off the Queensland coast.

      He notes the 1930-40s and 1960-70s were prime decades for cyclone formation and hence great surf along the east coast. Then came the 21st century and the Coral Sea region turned “placid” – sure there were storms along the way, yet overall, frequency and energy diminished (as we know, the complete opposite of cultic high-priests’ prognostications of doom and carnage).

      The catch-all phrase “climate change” is used only once and in mere passing, so thankfully he appears to have not fallen down into that hole, plus I’m contemplating emailing TracksMag to offer my services as a proofreader as their command of grammar & spelling leaves a lot to be desired (to put it diplomatically).

      Meanwhile their BoM can’t quite nail TC Alfred as it dawdles & doodles off the Capricorn Coast: some models have it slowly drifting down towards NSW while another had it aiming for us in NZ with a direct hit later next week. Whatever comes to pass, surfers will be happy while climastrologists will be pulling their purple hair out. Let the fun begin!


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    As Oz is also committed to net zeroish the radical changes in lifestyle are coming your way

    The UK has a legal obligation, passed on the nod in the Commons, to achieve net zero so there is an inevitably about what must happen to achieve it.

    The public have no idea what is coming down the line just thinking about nice polar bears and the desirability for cheap clean green energy. They will get a shock


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    This is an interesting one and builds on the increasing evidence that men and women think very differently and this is affecting who they vote for


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    I am sure we all witness colossal loss as politicians seem to have no regards to how they spend taxpayers money. This not only relates to climate change but transport and all sorts of pet projects. Seems we could all do with DOGE


    • #

      I may have posted this before.

      No responsibility – ‘lessons will …’ etc.
      But nobody is disciplined, demoted, sacked, stripped of their golden pension, prosecuted, imprisoned, or executed.

      A common problem in these isles: –
      Child sexual abuse, Rotherham, Rochdale, etc ad nauseum – reporting, prevention, cover-up{?} prosecution; plus predators in public life – Al-Fayed; Saville, Salmond, etc.
      Grenfell Tower Fire – flammable cladding [why retrofit?] – ahh! Cahbun!
      Post Office Horizon [& other systems??] miscarriage of justice – 700+ lives ruined.
      Medical scandals
      • Covid; lock-ups [education, and commerce]; Ivermectin and hydrochloroquine; etc., the ‘safe and effective vaccine’
      • Maternity – Cumbria, Nottingham, East Kent [Ashford], Lothian, L. Letby, etc.
      • Contaminated [US] Bloods
      • Surgeons – Paterson, Jabbar, etc.
      • Infection cover-up – QEUH, etc.
      • Opiate poisoning – Gosport War Memorial Hospital
      Veterinary – Foot & Mouth [2001]
      Migration – loss of control; glacial processing; treatment of the Windrush generation; concealing numbers.
      Energy Security – no pilots, no cost-benefit analysis … blackouts
      Insulation – cowboy contractors … damp & mould
      Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme [NI]
      Claimed ‘killing’ of negative net zero stories
      Dithering over SMRs
      DESNZ at October 2024, has nobody with a physics background, 1 scientist at the top.
      Met. Police – Casey Review; rapist officers; vetting; corruption over decades.
      Transport – train fares prosecutions dropped; HS2 corruption [and indolence?]; contracts for road [M’way] upgrades – so slo-o-o-ow; Lower Thames Xing
      Water – sewage in rivers; PSBs in Wales; No reservoirs; Watercos ‘unregulated’… huge dividends paid from humungous loans.
      Local Government – bankruptcies – Croydon [the Penn report], Thurrock, Woking, Birmingham etc.
      Procurement: –
      [Almost] Anything thru the MOD – Warrior, TSR2, Aircraft Carriers;
      [Almost] Anything through the Public Private Finance Initiative – ongoing costs skyrocket
      Scottish Ferries; Glen Sannox + Glen Rosa -trying to reduce emissions – Cahbun!;
      Covid – tests, PPE
      IT – NHS system[s], Post Office, DHSS, etc.
      And many here will, I am sure, be able to suggest additions to an already horrifyingly long list!

      Auto, horrified.


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    John F. Hultquist

    I can’t comment on the AU and UK politicians, but it appears to me that many USA national names are so far removed from personal money matters they haven’t a clue regarding the income/outgo numbers for an average family. Chuck Schumer has demonstrated his lack of domestic skills, Pelosi showed off her expensive freezers full of premium Jeni’s ice cream. They and others have health care and retirement benefits that put anyone else to shame. Poor Joe B. likely doesn’t even know the cost of an ice cream cone.


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      David Maddison

      Same in Australia.

      The typical Uniparty politician has no clue about the cost of everyday living and is sufficiently wealthy not to suffer in paying for the cost of energy, food, housing or anything else. They wouldn’t even be able to tell you the cost of a loaf of bread, let alone the price of meat or eggs or the cost of a litre of petrol (gasoline).


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      Murray Shaw

      Yes JohnF, it seems all those Democrat politicians were beneficiaries of USAID, when you see their increase in net wealth from the time they came into Congress and their accumulated salary package.


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    The news that you have been waiting with bated breath to hear.

    It’s a miracle !

    Elanco to distribute “Bird Flu Vaccine” which “may ” prevent . . . . . blah blah etc.


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    Ian George

    This could be interesting although it’s been known for a while.


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    David Maddison

    Unlike our Australian “leaders”, TRUMP has the moral clarity to make the morally correct decisions, is decisive, he owns his decisions and he rapidly drives them forward to completion.

    And unlike our leaders, he isn’t trying to cater to every Leftist Elitist cry-baby like the gender benders, social engineers, big spenders and wasters of taxpayer funds or anti-energy lobbyists who claim to be offended by said decisions.

    He just gets on with the job.

    TRUMP’S revenge against the Left for stealing the 2020 election and their persecution and false prosecution of him over the last four years is also to make a new Golden Age for America which the Left hate as they tried their hardest, over decades, to destroy America.


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      Forrest Gardener

      So far so good. The bad guys are struggling to come up with a line of attack which resonates with the public.

      There are a few tests coming up in the form of the bad guys trying to use the courts to keep the gravy train rolling. There’s an old principle in westminster style governments about how tightly one administration can tie the hands of the next administration. The answer is not very tightly at all. We shall see. And we shall also see what can be done about the gold bars thrown overboard from the Titanic.

      The website now shows savings are up to $65B. I wonder whether that is higher, lower or on track with what was expected.

      Probably most important is to stop the money flow from government into corrupt hands. The NGOs don’t seem to be screaming quite as loudly as I would expect. Perhaps they realise that the louder they scream the more they expose their sheer corruptness. As an example Pocohuntus Warren made a lot of noise at first but has now gone quiet.

      And I’m still not sure there was ever a real effort to destroy America. It was just a quest for influence, power and money without regard for the law of natural consequences.


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      Brenda Spence

      Interesting article in American Thinker, who lays it all at the feet of Obama.

      “All Roads Lead to Obama. He is the Evil “Manchurian Candidate” and Communist Mastermind of Everything Bad That Has Happened to America and President Trump. And I’m a Witness- It All Started at Columbia University”

      This guy went to Columbia university with Obama and he has some remarkable observations. All is not what it seemed.


      • #
        David Maddison

        Excellent article.

        A lot of that had previously been stated, including the mysteries of his citizenship, but was censored off YouTube and Farcebook.


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        David Maddison

        And remember how Obama started his reign with an “apology tour” of the Arab world, starting in Egypt, apologising for America being America.

        And then he bowed to the Saudi King.


      • #
        Forrest Gardener

        There is one thing which always strikes me about those who float to the top of the political septic tank. That thing is that they are ALL weird. Perhaps they have to be weird to even get involved in politics.

        Some say that Brigitte Macron was once a man. Others say that is the least weird thing about Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron. And then there is big Mike.

        Douglas Adams of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy fame sometimes wrote along the lines that if only we knew more about some subject or other it would explain why the universe is the way it is.

        Me? I have an interest in ancient civilizations and their enormous stone structures. My working hypothesis is that they were constructed by bored space aliens who could cut stone and move it around by pointing their fingers. Maybe they’re back and experimenting with systems of government.

        In the meantime there’s lunch to make.


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        Obama was an enormous disappointment. I am sure I am not the only one who was delighted to see an African American elected to the Presidency. But the years of his term of office revealed much about the dangers of high office. He succumbed to falsities of the “oppressed and oppressors” theory. Then, ironically, he appears to have so enjoyed the privilege of power that he joined the very people he once despised.

        But even more importantly, he failed to understand the forces of history that shaped the Middle East.


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    Labor Australian PM Absent Albo summed up perfectly by Johannes Leak The Australian Cartoon


    Labor MPs send SOS to Chalmers as PM struggles

    Jim Chalmers has launched a pre-election campaign blitz in vulnerable NSW Hunter and central coast seats, as he answers the calls of Labor MPs concerned that surging support for Peter Dutton and Anthony Albanese’s unpopularity will cost them their seats.



    Tony’s tour: Minister for New Voters takes Labor’s citizenship spree national

    Hundreds of new citizens in Perth have been sworn in, schooled about electoral boundaries and funnelled past an enrol-to-vote booth, as Tony Burke takes his audacious push to certify thousands of new Australians to the state that could decide the election.


    The Australian can reveal WA Labor MPs facing tough battles to keep their seats and rogue Liberal MP Ian Good­enough – whose campaign against his former party’s new candidate could hand the ALP a rare ­opportunity to pick up a seat off the Coalition – were Mr Burke’s guests of honour at the Perth ­Convention Centre event on Thursday.

    The Home Affairs citizenship ceremonies will continue in Perth on Friday, before returning to Melbourne on Saturday. They will then head to Queensland for ceremonies in Brisbane on Sunday and Toowoomba on Tuesday. A massive ceremony was held at Sydney Olympic Park last Friday.

    The Coalition has accused Labor of using the ceremonies to sign up new voters who will be favourable to the government for having granted them citizenship.

    As Mr Burke told the audience of new citizens that they would “make Australia even better”, Labor’s MP for Hasluck, Tania Lawrence, used her address to ­remind the crowd of the new boundaries in her electorate. Meanwhile, purple vest-clad Australian Electoral Commission officials immediately outside the auditorium were kept busy by newly sworn-in Australians wanting to enrol to vote.


    • #


      Labor’s Housing Minister Clare O’Neil is star attraction at teal MP Monique Ryan’s pre-election event


      Fellow Victorian teal MP Zoe Daniel has also attacked the Liberals in multiple social media posts in recent days, accusing the party of “dirty tricks” and “lying” in political advertising.

      “A vote for Peter Dutton’s ­Liberal Party is a vote for more _inaction on climate AND cost-of-living,” the member for Goldstein wrote in a post to Instagram on Tuesday.

      In NSW, Zali Steggall, the teal MP for Warringah, on Wednesday called on Mr Dutton to “come clean” following an ABC report that she said exposed ­concerns about the Coalition’s climate policy. “Beware the fine print on ­Coalition’s climate plans,” Ms Steggall wrote on X.

      “Is the opposition looking to change the fine print on Australia’s climate commitments, and hoping voters won’t notice?”

      This followed an attack on Mr Dutton last Tuesday, in which Ms Steggall wrote: “Dutton’s plan to break up insurers is a populist stunt that ignores the real issue- climate risk.”

      Sophie Scamps, the teal member for Mackellar, criticised “really irresponsible behaviour from the Liberal Party,” on Wednesday following a report the opposition suggested it could sack the chair of the ­Climate Change Authority over criticism of its nuclear energy proposal. This came after Dr Scamps called the Coalition’s proposed tax breaks on business lunches a “lightweight, pre-election sugar hit” earlier this month.

      Meanwhile, Kate Chaney, the teal MP for Curtin in Western Australia, criticised the Coalition’s nuclear policy on social media in recent months. “Scientists say nuclear doesn’t stack up for Australia, but some politicians think they know better …” Ms Chaney wrote last December.


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        A vote for stagnation and chaos

        The Greens and most teal MPs, in their ideological zeal, are prepared to let Australians suffer falling living standards by blocking new resource projects.

        And disadvantaged people needing government support would be among the hardest hit. Infrastructure NSW chair Graham Bradley, an experienced company director, is the latest senior business leader to warn of the consequences of a hung parliament.

        Pushing up the cost of Australian resources projects and creating significant delays, he said, would cause Australia to miss out to rival suppliers. The cumulative impact on federal budgets and tax revenues would reduce the ability of the state to provide services. It was already a “national scandal”, as he said, that NSW and Victoria had effectively banned onshore drilling for gas. The world needed more gas and was going to need coal for a lot longer than was appreciated.

        In one of the most important issues to gain traction in the election race so far, business leaders have taken up the cudgels against the election of a minority government. That is a realistic prospect, unfortunately, opinion polls show. But as Beach Energy managing director Brett Woods wrote this week, minority government could create “years of increased cost-of-living hikes, higher unemployment, severe energy shortages, and drive away much-needed investment in our country”. Unlike major parties with comprehensive platforms attuned to the complexity of the economy, the Greens, independents and teals “often focus on narrow agendas without regard for the whole picture”. The Greens’ policy to block all new gas fields, for example, ignored the reality that there is no viable alternative for natural gas to provide a high-heat source for manufacturing a litany of everyday products we take for granted.

        The Greens’ and teals’ attitude towards new resource developments, however, would create uncertainty and delays at best, and slammed doors at worst – what energy chiefs such as Woodside Energy’s Meg O’Neill have termed a “nightmare” and “quiet menace”.

        The nation’s future investment was at risk if a government could not rule with authority.


      • #

        “Scientists say nuclear doesn’t stack up for Australia, but some politicians think they know better …”

        ..said some politician..

        Best free energy in the world is hot air from politicians


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    What would it take for someone like Elon Musk to be canonized as a saint in the Catholic Church? When it comes to services to humanity, there is literally no-one more selfless than him. This man would vapourise his entire net worth in a second if it could give you just one second of joy. It’s time this humble servant receives the recognition he deserves.


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    Discrimination in the name of Anti-Discrimination:

    The University of the Sunshine Coast has restricted applicants for a mechanical engineering associate professor role to “women only”.

    “This position is open only to applicants who are women under section 105 of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld),” the position description read.


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      Greg in NZ

      Tropical Cyclone Alfred may have an alternative handle on this shituation if he drifts too close to the Sunny Coast…

      Wonder if the chosen/selected Ass. Pro. is any good with a hammer or skill-saw – they may need to rebuild the university – axeing for a friend.


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      Forrest Gardener

      I can remember my mother being horrified in the 70s when her department at Monash Uni decided that the next appointee to some position or other was going to be a woman.

      I rate the law of natural consequences very highly. Making an associate professorial appointment based on an immutable characteristic such as being a woman can only cast the appointee in a negative light.

      Then again, maybe I should get with the times. I could grow my beard out, put on a dress and some garish make up and change my name to Forrestia Gardenia and identify as being 30 something years old. How dare the appointing committee not recognise my transitions.


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        Yes, you’d know they’re second-rate straight away. Its the same with non-whites getting jobs under the racial laws, so it must be hard for any hard-working talented black person who does well.


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      A case of a lazy HR department. My understanding is this would limit the application number to about 2.
      This is not to somehow criticise female engineers only to acknowlege the fact teachers are frustrated they are unable to encourage girls into the feeder subjects, the physics, maths and IT type classes. The teacher I was talking to is sick of having only smelly boys in her physics class.


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    Dr John Campbell on “post covid vaccine syndrome”. How long can the medical authorities keep ignoring it.


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    Someone mentioned the Turkish Barber phenomenon the other day.

    We all know these are fronts for violent terrorist affiliated drugs gangs.

    These violent clashes between rival barber shops have happened multiple times all over the country.

    7 of them are currently on trial for an incident in my quiet seaside town, just like the one in this article.


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    UK is still waiting for Ed Miliband’s £300 net zero dividend. Electricity prices up again.

    Oct 2024 +10%
    Jan 2025 +1.2%
    Apr 2025 +6.4%


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    Custer Van Cleef

    Is there a link between worsening conditions in the West Bank and Trump’s return to the White House?

    — Tanks on the streets, for the first time since the early 2000s.

    — 40,000 people displaced from their homes and forbidden to return.

    Add that to city streets gouged up by bulldozers to destroy underground water pipes and sewer pipes.

    Not trying to win over “hearts and minds”, are they!


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      Not trying to win over “hearts and minds”, are they!

      Are you referring to the festival being held near the Gaza Border on the 7th October?
      I do not believe it worked so they may not be willing to try that kind of splattering of hearts and minds kind of stuff again.


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      Nothing like indiscriminate rockets into cities to win over hearts and minds.

      Why is it obligations are only one way?


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    What a coincidence !
    Convinced my better half to sit with me through Runaway Jury (2003) only to argue about the legitimacy of the “their” point, and in the morning saw the sad news about Gene Hackman…
    He was great in that movie while his counterpart was just all plastic, we are talking about art here.
    Things political : Is it not textbook Left – to commit a crime (rigging a Jury after 10 years of trying to get in under false name) but justify it by claims that the opposition did it first.

    Personal disclosure. I am a Howard man through and through. He was nearly always right.


    • #

      I apologise, I hit POST too early.
      I wanted to say, the Left’s justification for any, does not matter how stupid/evil deed of theirs, is their love of people.


      • #

        “the Left’s justification for any..deed of theirs, is their love of people.”

        Which they consistently fail to display, while murdering as many of their subjects as possible!


  • #

    Does this work?

    Prof. Robert Clancy on the COVID fiassco. 5 page essay in Quadrant March edition,

    This will be a good platform when we, soon, I hope, move on to the Third Great Scam.


    • #
      Steve of Cornubia

      The whole Covid ‘vaccine’ scam only worked due to the involvement/cooperation of the mainstream media. I believe this because they were (1) necessary – and effective – in promoting the vaccine and (2) they failed completely to even debate, much less report on suspicions, around the efficacy and safety of the new technology. The degree to which they failed on both suggests complicity in the scam.

      Though many on here are sceptical of the establishment media, I think even we sceptics underestimate how important media compliance was. Had the ‘old media’ with their skulking, determined and ciggy-smoking investigative journalists still existed, and been allowed to print what they uncovered, I believe the mRNA vaccines would have been stopped in their tracks. Also, the risks of Covid to healthy individuals would have been more accurately described, reducing the enthusiasm for mRNA vaccines still further.

      So, in a way, the people I blame most are journalists. Governments and Big Pharma have been corrupt forever, but their excesses were hitherto constrained by REAL journalism. I truly believe that what seems to be a huge increase in government corruption, power grabs and corporate excess recently has been facilitated by the effective disappearance of old-school media holding them all to account. Maybe this is another way the internet and globalism have damaged society.


  • #

    For those who enjoy playing Real Estate in NSW

    I had wondered where Property Seeker was getting proposed value from – it was an extension I had on Chrome

    Property Seeker
    Take the guess work out of house hunting.

    14 Florence Street, Cremorne, NSW 2090
    Property Seeker

    They were utilising the following

    Mortgage broker and former buyer’s advocate, Kobe Clarke-Jacobs, recently made a video explaining an easy hack you can use to get around this annoying issue.

    “When you’re on your laptop, open up on the property that you’d like to check out,” she said.

    “If you have a Mac, we need to go Command-Option-U.

    It will bring up all this background coding, which we don’t need to know about.
    “If you then do Command-F, or Control-F on a Windows computer and type
    ‘marketing’, it will then bring up a little price range.”

    For me on iMax it is do Command-Option-U after

    At Top Line Wrap Tick Box, then

    Command-F and type marketing in box

    and low & behold it takes you to “marketing_price_range\\\\\\\”:\\\\\\\”4.5m_5m\\

    which is obviously what PS Search uses as well – it seems this is a field that agents put in to see who is using these values to search – the value does not appear on the listing


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    another ian


    ““40 Brutal Truths Men Wished Women Knew” ”


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    another ian


    “That’s why half the country feels like our leaders have abandoned us – and why President Trump won the election

    The Wall Street Journal pointed out earlier this week that “The U.S. Economy Depends More Than Ever on Rich People”.

    [Rich] consumers now account for 49.7% of all spending, a record in data going back to 1989, according to an analysis by Moody’s Analytics. Three decades ago, they accounted for about 36%.

    All this means that economic growth is unusually reliant on rich Americans continuing to shell out. Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, estimated that spending by the top 10% alone accounted for almost one-third of gross domestic product.”

    Much more at

    Comparable figures for OZ?


  • #
  • #
    another ian

    FWIW –

    Tomorrow will reveal

    Fizz or Fizzer?

    “Are You Ready for Tomorrow’s Economic Blackout?”

    I wondered if they took #20 into consideration?


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  • #

    Some old brown-shoes would have stopped the whole thing at the first cry of ‘two weeks to flatten the curve’


  • #

    An excellent series for the older teens:

    From when we used to laugh at these people….not so long ago


  • #

    A new electronic voting system caused confusion as Bath and North East Somerset Council considered amendments to its budget last week.

    One councillor said she could not see the screen to vote, another screen displaying the results did not work for part of the time, and the wrong totals were read out after the vote.

    I see, so the solution is that we need AI….remind me, what was the problem again?


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