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92 comments to Saturday

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    Police officers and employees misusing access to police databases now account for over half of all cybercrime prosecutions in the UK.

    The harms this can cause are considerable.

    Yet police continue to call for encryption to be weakened to allow for greater access to communication data


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      David Maddison

      When you can’t trust the police, that is a certain sign of a civil society in its final phases, in this case the final slide into totalitarianism. The decline of Once Great Britain into totalitarianism is obvious from many other aspects of life there as well, such as two policing, police monitoring social media rather than crime, political prisoners such as Tommy Robinson, open borders allowing into the country some of the world’s most violent, uneducated and anti-Western people who themselves believe in totalitarianism; limited academic freedom, people afraid to say what they think, a media that doesn’t question and only follows the Official Narrative, corrupt and incompetent politicians and public serpents, giving away remaining sovereignty such as the Chagos Islands, courts that don’t dispense justice, a declining military, universal surveillance, wokeness infiltrated into all institutions public and private, energy starvation causing the loss of industry and people freezing at home further weakening society, a war against traditional Judeo-Christian moral values, a king who’s neither wise or smart and is utterly woke etc..

      It’s all been prophesised such as in Nineteen Eighty Four and V for Vendetta.

      Given the state of the UK today, it’s difficult to see how they once settled and brought advanced Civilisation to much of the known world.

      It’s tragic.


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        John Connor II

        When you can’t trust the police, that is a certain sign of a civil society in its final phases

        Yes but they’ll lose their jobs if they don’t comply with the orders from the supreme Dalek.
        Only those who don’t NEED their jobs can afford to show integrity and resist.

        Ultimately though the rank and file will pay the same price as the general population, and waking up then is far far too late.


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        I don’t think it’s the migrants that are the problem…


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    A sorry tale:

    Left or right – the discordant can generally find areas of consensus.


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    An interesting list –

    APM have sales revenue of over a billion helping jobseekers find work in WA!!


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    David Maddison

    TWEET about JD Vance’s comments to Starmer:

    WOW! JD Vance CALLS OUT British Prime Minister Keir Starmer to his face:

    “I said what I said. There have been infringements on Free Speech that actually affect not just the British people, but also American technology companies and American citizens.”

    And there is a comment at:

    J.D. is a baller for doing this to his face. The U.K. does not support free speech—not in its country, and not in ours. Its government threatens American companies to censor Americans on its behalf. U.K. police have threatened to arrest and extradite Americans for violating the government’s Orwellian “disinformation” laws banning speech that offends weak British politicians.


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      Vance dressed it up a little with some preamble about being old friends. And Starmer initially took a stand that UK was the birth place of free speech. Starmer has not yet realised that free speech does not only mean for him and his chosen.


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    David Maddison

    Transgender woman is handed ‘Woman of the Year’ award by Australian state MP

    28 Feb 2025

    An Australian ‘Woman of the Year’ award has become the subject of furious backlash because the winner was not born female.

    Transgender woman Brianna Skinner was named the 2025 Sydney Local Woman of the Year this week.

    A NSW government initiative, the annual awards give MPs the opportunity to celebrate the contribution of women in their electorate.

    Sydney MP Alex Greenwich announced Ms Skinner as his award winner as he hailed her as a ‘proud transgender woman and a fierce advocate for equality and her communities’.

    ‘I first met with Brianna in 2014, with her now wife Nuna, after she contacted my office to raise concerns about people in NSW being unable to change their gender on identification documents such as birth and marriage certificates,’ the independent MP wrote.

    ‘Brianna’s own experience of transitioning from male to female highlighted to her the discrimination and bureaucratic discrepancies that outdated NSW laws imposed on trans and gender diverse people.

    ‘This important conversation contributed to the foundation of what would become my Equality Bill.’



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      “unable to change their gender on identification documents ”

      I have exactly the same problem with the value of Pi. It is irrational.


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        And I am not the only one. “On Feb. 6, 1897, Indiana’s state representatives voted to declare 3.2 the legal value of pi. ”
        Irrational numbers should not exist. And the existence of only two sexes is irrational. There is nothing a government cannot do. They can also change the weather by prohibition and taxation.


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          You’re stuck thinking in flat space again. Let me give you an example where flat space is a problem.

          If you are standing at the North Pole and you pull out a piece of paper. Draw a circle. If you very carefully measure the circumference and the radius you might get pi=3.1, any more precise measurements will need a bigger piece of paper.

          So you drag out the local surveying team and with a large string and using the pole as the centre, you scratch out a large circle in the ice. Again, you measure the strings length and the circumference length and this time you can quote pi to about 10 decimal places.

          But still you want more precision. So you stretch a line from the north pole down to the equator. A really large circle, it should give you greater accuracy.

          The circle goes all the way around the Earth, at the equator. You measure your string, you measure the length of the equator and then you look at the number and you can’t believe your lying eyes, pi is now close to 2.

          Pi can obviously change in a non flat universe. What if we are in a curved universe or a saddle shaped one? And what does it do for any equation that uses pi, especially at the larger scales?

          Maybe we should redefine Pi, just like we’ve redesigned kinetic energy, at low energy levels it’s e=1/2 m v squared. At high energy, (speed), it becomes e= m c squared. Somebody stole the half.

          How many of you now are wondering if the world wouldn’t be a lot simpler if it was flat?

          I know, let’s dumb down education. It’s for your own good.


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            Ian, What happens to your value of Pi if you really do the measurements on our planet Earth which is actually a geoid with slight flattening at the poles.


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              Equatorial length 40.075km.

              Pole to pole is 40,007km

              So R, in this case would be 20,004km.

              Circumfernce divided by 2 x ‘R’ = 4.0067.

              Pi really does change based on the shape of the surface. And apparently, the Earth isn’t that far out of ’round’.


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        355 divided by 113 is as close to the value of Pi for practical purposes as one needs. Suddenly Pi can be considered rational!


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    David Maddison


    Trump Assures PM Starmer England Still His Favorite Muslim Country



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    David Maddison

    I’m disappointed that the TRUMP Revolution appears, thus far, to have had no discernible impact on Australia.

    All factions of the Uniparty remain fully committed to the Paris Accords among other woke policies.

    And Australia continues to import people in nunbers beyond any reasonable capacity to accommodate them and who generally have no economically useful skills or even commitment to Western or Australian values.


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    Rumpus in the White House…!
    Diplomacy takes a backseat as Zelensky meeting breaks down.
    …Not a good look !


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    Another Delcon

    For those who may be interested , here is a very interesting recent interview with Prof William Happer :
    I think he is spot on .


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    David Maddison

    It’s odd how the Left introduced the idea that no geographical place names are sacrosanct. So, in fanatically woke countries like Australia, all our place names are subject to renaming, even major cities like Melbourne–> Narrm as Their ABC now calls it (and even Australia Post recognises the renaming), but when TRUMP does the same thing with the Gulf of America, or returns Mount McKinley to its designated name, then it’s Orange Man Bad.


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    David Maddison

    Here is an excellent but confronting exchange between TRUMP, JD and Zelensky.


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      So in light of this exchange the world will assume that the US has lost its moral compass.


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        ” the world will assume that the US has lost its moral compass.”

        Ah , now what moral compass would that be ?


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        This is the lowest point in the hole the West dug itself in.
        Trump is unteachable self-absorbed idiot (not my definition)
        People around him are either sycophants or agree with me but powerless to change anything.


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          Simon Thompson

          Vladimir- Mr Zelensky used the phrase “Suka Blyat” whilst JD Vance was dressing him down.
          No wonder he did not get lunch and to play the Whitehouse grand piano!


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            ‘ … Zelensky used the phrase “Suka Blyat” …’

            FSB disinformation, unless you have a credible link?


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              Simon Thompson

              It was caught on open mike. At the point Mr Bowman was speaking, he called him a “Bitch Whore” under his breath. If Mr Trump expires tonight, Mr Bowman becomes the POTUS. Imagine calling the VPOTUS names like that! Cocaine is a helluva drug!


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                The VP was singing from the Kremlin songbook in the White House, very disrespectful way to treat a future business partner.

                Donnie kept Ze waiting at the front door for the photo op (poor form) so its possible that the falling out was contrived.

                Hopefully the US will quit NATO.


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      Resembles a drug addict intervention (thanks for Jimmy Dore for that one)


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      David Maddison

      The Babylon Bee’s take on it.

      WASHINGTON, D.C. — In an unusual tactic rarely seen in high-level negotiations, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky decided to try insulting the people he was begging for money from.

      Zelensky further decided that the best place to insult that person would be their work office, surrounded by dozens of colleagues, with several cameras recording the insult.

      “It is unorthodox, but I firmly believe going into a person’s country, visiting them in their home, and then insulting them on national television is the best way to earn their trust and support,” he explained. “First, I will explain that they do not know what they are doing when they negotiate. Then, I will tell them that their country is only saved from destruction because of the ocean. Finally, I will roll my eyes when they mention that I came to campaign events for the opposition party. That should do the trick.”

      According to witnesses, Zelensky executed his plan to perfection. “Wow, he really did it,” said White House aide Larry Sanders. “What a bold plan, telling the people you’re depending on for survival that they are foolish and weak. Let’s see how it plays out for him.”



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        Simon Thompson

        I think Zelensky forgot that Donald Trumps Son is not up to his neck in Burisma corruption, and Trump is not on the take for 10%.


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          How do you know, Simon?

          I never was Zelensky fan and heard enough about his and all Ukrainian problems/faults. By the way – from Ukrainian own sources.
          The Ukrainians are not the issue, Putin is.
          They need defending but Ukraine is no more my country, for the last 1/2 century it is Australia.
          They are big and now have a good Army.
          We are the whole continent, with very little population and even smaller Army.
          So if a huge and merciless Northern warlord decides that Mount Weld rare earth deposits are his, walks there (of course kills everyone on the way) what would Trump do?
          I know – a deal.


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        Much amusement, but on a more serious note I think we can say for sure that NATO is heading for the rocks. Europe should be able to pick up the slack as the US withdraws into isolationism.


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          I am desperate for normal human reaction from the World, not amused.
          Forget about Europe, what is Emperor Xi planning this very moment?


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            Well that is at least a comment I can get behind.

            Probably good that neither me or you are juggling the fate of the globe.


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            I heard that Premier Xi fancies ‘Handsome Boy’ to win in the upcoming elections and Beijing is going out of its way to support the Labor ticket.


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      David Maddison

      Katie Hopkins comments:


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      Vance is prepared to ruffle feathers. He is willing to take a position and defend it.

      He did something similar with Starmer on freedom of speech in the UK.


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      Forrest Gardener

      There is nothing quite like getting up and walking away to see whether the other side is interested in making a deal.


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      John Connor II

      Note how Zelensky always dresses like he’s going to the local takeaway.
      No suit, no tie, no effort to be professional, presentable and respectful.
      Defiant body language, crossed arms, dismissive facial gestures, disparaging discourteous comments.
      No, he’s an arrogant little tinpot God.
      Trump, if he has any brains, will NEVER give a damn thing to Zelensky again.
      Let the EU make the next move and themselves the target.


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    Graeme No.3

    A new study in the journal Science says a large portion of Greenland turned to ice-free tundra about 416,000 years ago, plus or minus 38,000 years
    Obviously due to CO2 getting to 300 p.p.m.
    The ice core in the middle of Greenland was found to have remains of leaves/grasses at the bottom when it was rechecked years later.


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      David Maddison

      Obviously what we have now is global freezing.


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        Plate tectonics did it. Greenland obviously was closer to the equator back then. It then jumped over the US and landed where it is now and then the ice formed. It’s only in the last thousand years or so, since we started mapping, that Greenland has stood relatively still compared to the rest of world. It was a real traveler before then.

        Everything can be explained if you just believe.

        You need to believe. It’s for your own good.


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      It occurred during an interglacial when the orbital eccentricity was very low and the recovery from glaciation occurred over two precession cycles. It shows up as sea level being about 10m higher than present in the linked chart:

      Note the slight faltering in the recovery about 410ka and -15m during the period the solar intensity was increasing. But then to much glacier calving to get the oceans warm enough to have snowfall overtake snowmelt and the NH deglaciation was completed during the next downswing in solar intensity.

      This time around, Greenland only partially melted and is already gaining ice extent and elevation. The modern interglacial is coming to an end.

      If you look at the solar intensity at 15N on that chart 400ka, it just starts to rise as the sea level starts to fall. Now look at the present time ‘0’ on the time axis. You will see that solar intensity at 15N is just starting to rise. Greenland is doing what it did 400ka but probably a bit slower now because there is still glacier calving in the southeast that is keeping the ocean cooler than it would have been 400ka.

      If you only consider Greenland then the interglacial is already terminating but the main land masses are still losing summer ice extent; albeit winter snow cover extent across the NH is increasing.

      If climate modellers knew the difference between energy and power they would understand what drives climate change and it has nothing to do with CO2.


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    another ian

    FWIW – helps to watch it all it seems

    “I watched the entire press conference with Zelensky. There was 40 minutes of discussion up to the argument. Most people saw at most the last ten minutes. The whole video gives the proper context.

    When I first watched the argument without the proper context, I thought it was possible that Trump and Vance ambushed Zelensky or were even trying to humiliate him. That’s not what happened.

    You had 40 minutes of calm conversation. Vance made a point that didn’t attack Zelensky and wasn’t even addressed to him, and Zelensky clearly started the argument.”

    More at



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    John Connor II

    Scientists discover all humans can read minds

    Researchers in Canada uncovered that parts of the brain actually act as a ‘psi inhibitor’ – meaning it suppresses the natural psychic, telepathic, and clairvoyant abilities people have but don’t know about.

    When scientists turned off this ‘filter’ – by inducing reversible brain lesions in the frontal lobes of volunteers – it enhanced the patients’ psi abilities, allowing them to influence objects with their minds.

    The phone’s about to ring.
    /how many times now…

    You too can be one of the X-Men, no not THAT kind. Lol.


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      You can induce lesions to the frontal lobes by repeatably head butting a brick wall.

      The more you do it, the more you will inhibit rational thought, allowing all the PSI to drain out. Just like a flat tyre.


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    another ian


    “Restoring Sanity In Vehicle Emission Rules”

    “Yes, the various Administrations and EPA have gone too far.

    Trump’s Administration is expected to rescind the EPA’s finding, consistent with the Chevron Deference decision at the USSC, that “carbon” (specifically, carbon dioxide) is a “pollutant.” Clearly, without CO2 we’re all dead because plant life (including algae in the waters) requires it — and without plants there are no animals.

    This “finding”, incidentally, was purely political. It had zero scientific evidence as to “imminent, real and permanent” harm and Congress never gave the EPA that authority by statute in the first place. Indeed the CO2 level inside an average house is double that in the atmosphere today — because you exhale it, there are few plants, and air exchange with the outside is limited. Yet you neither are materially impaired nor do you die as a result.

    There is a basic principle that holds in nearly all endeavors: The first 80% of a problem — the vast majority — is reasonably simple and inexpensive to resolve at a given level of technological capacity. The last 20% requires exponentially more money and complexity, rising exponentially in cost toward infinity as you approach the last few percent.”

    More at


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      another ian


      Some years back on another blog there was a look at the effect of regulation on diesel truck pollution

      Tier 0 to Tier 1 90% reduction, so 10% remaining

      Tier 1 to Tier 2 90% reduction of that 10% so 1% remaining

      Tier 2 onwards cost of implementation rose drastically for SFA reduction of that remainder. And with greatly increased complication and reduced reliability.


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    John Connor II

    Startling New Evidence Suggests Hidden Agenda Behind Underground Arctic Seed Storage

    This off-the-record initiative, hidden in the Arctic, already holds more than 1.3 million seed varieties—spare copies of the crops that sustain the planet. With the capacity to store 2.5 billion seeds, the project appears to be preparing for something more dire than occasional agricultural failures.

    This week, over 14,000 new samples were discreetly deposited, ranging from Swedish Nordic tree seeds to Sudanese sorghum, suggesting an accelerated urgency behind this operation.

    And you thought Trump meant WW3 wouldn’t happen…


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    environment sceptic


    Ever wonder how we ended up where we are today, both as a nation and in the West? Curious about what the future holds?

    In today’s show, we’re diving deep into the last 60 years to make sense of the present and uncover what’s ahead.

    We all have stories about the contradictions, the government lies, and the misinformation surrounding COVID—from exaggerated fears to the low severity of the virus, all amplified by propaganda.

    To help us navigate this, we’ve got an expert who can explain it all: Dr. David Martin.

    With unmatched experience in medicine, healthcare, national governance, finance, research, and industry, Dr. Martin is one of the most qualified voices to shed light on the truth. He’ll be sharing his knowledge and offering a platform for facts over ideologies.

    A data-driven expert, David has been uncovering the truth since the anthrax scare. He’s not interested in opinions, just the facts.

    Joining me in this discussion is Dr. Philip Altman, an Australian pharmacologist with a deep knowledge of Big Pharma. With 40 years of experience, Dr. Altman has seen it all.

    Tune in for a powerful conversation.


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      another ian


      “an Australian pharmacologist with a deep knowledge of Big Pharma. With 40 years of experience, Dr. Altman has seen it all.”

      The “knowledge is settled” then?


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        environment sceptic

        At 1:43:20 Dr Altman talks about having compiled a list of lies that we, the public were told to believe that is currently a tally of around sixty four ‘lies’…

        ….he seems to indicate, at least to me, that the task of compiling the growing list of lies is still ongoing and a work in progress.


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    another ian

    From the parallel bubble –

    “Federal Worker Whines That She Now Has a Boss”

    The view from Canberra?


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    another ian


    “Cutting Zelensky Down To Size”

    “Putting Zelensky in a more objective light was a necessary first step. The next step is to bring some objectivity to the subjects of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and the origins of the Russia-Ukraine War.”

    “The Ukrainians aren’t the plucky good guys. The Russians aren’t cartoonishly evil. Vladimir Putin isn’t a movie villain. As long as people believe this propaganda, they will resist attempts to end the war. The next step is for the Trump administration, ideally the Vice President, to give Americans a more accurate explanation of how we got here. Glenn Greenwald did that recently in the X thread below. ”

    Much more at


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    Albo is the fourth highest-paid leader in the world, even Trump earns less..

    Hong Kong


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    In my 83rd year I have just felt my first earthquake: Mag. 4.7 and just on the other side of the hill from me.


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    Now this is interesting …

    You don’t need a sub to see the Crikey comments

    All of the commenters have been members only since February 2025 (you can see their profile date if you click on the name)

    Crikey – join the fake conversation perhaps?


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