A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Climate Scientists “Failure to Tell the Truth” is why Net Zero was Abandoned?
Essay by Eric Worrall
As for climate scientists failing to tell the truth to prevent Net Zero being abandoned, surely the time has come to stop hiding the truth and let it all out, and tell it how it is?
Net Zero is being abandoned anyway, so what do you have to lose? Please entertain us, don’t hold back – let’s hear your nightmare, let’s hear and read the predictions of your dying climate doomsday cult in all their glorious detail. Go out with a bang rather than a whimper.
My take on this is that failing to tell the truth is indeed a big problem with the Climate Scientists’ narrative, but not in the way they think it is a problem.
So, when we all didn’t “die in five years if _____”, the new sales pitch becomes “we’re all gonna die no matter what”.
Which is logical since we’re all gonna die since we failed stop us all from dying the first time.
I suppose rhetorical collapse was the inevitable conclusion.
I doubt we’ve seen the end of the crazy.
This can take its’ place next to “Trump is H!tleR”.
The term “climate scientist” has been so corrupted that it has become an oxymoron.
Simon thinks they are a totally authoritative source that 99% think the same thing. Its all getting a little bit Monty Python really.
99% of scientists don’t believe climate science is a real science.
Adding “Climate” to “Scientist” is the same as adding “Witch” to “Doctor”.
So that’s a true nightmare which is not explicit because it is inherently uncertain and not definitive?
As Henny Penny would say, the sky is falling and we’re all going to die, or not.
Even Sabine is starting to question the “misinformation” propagated in the name of “climate science”.
why I took down my climate science video
Good to hear. I stopped listening to her when I detected she was too much of a “true believer” in anthropogenic global warming.
One of the comments Sabine often makes is that should doesn’t trust scientists. Though this doesn’t seem to have tempered her stance on “Climate Change” yet, at least she may be starting to leaning in a somewhat more skeptical direction on the subject.
When I use that link iit loops back to JoNova. This is the YouTube link:
If they told the truth, people might demand their money back. The cost of this scam can not be calulated. Not just the actual money wasted but also the opportunity cost.
Laybore ‘Pollies’ cannot even let the Public and voters know the total cost of the Transition to Renewables/Batteries/Snowy 2.0 for fear that there would a massive ‘push back’ and that they would lose Office –
Watch and listen to this bit of fun –
Starts around 3.10 mins
Dim Tim keeps on changing the question and doesn’t answer the key question being asked – “What is the total cost”?. TOTAL cost. Transmission lines, batteries, subsidies, cost of replacement after 15 to 20 years, cost of disposal of worn out Renewables, etc, etc, etc.
And how about the total cost to the Environment. Loss of arable farmland and loss of wildlife and their habitat. Then there is the environmental damage caused by offshore floating Wind Towers.
Plus the ‘emotional cost’ when multi-coloured butterfly people and other planet-saving types realise they’ve been had – figuratively and literally – by a failed model / belief system.
They can always burn their Teslas to keep warm or stirfry the day’s allowance of bugs.
I guess there could be a disturbance in The Force as this is the big lie, but usually like all the other made up dramas they just stop talking about them, they fade away, we pretend it never happened, and await the next confected crisis.
Ice Age,Peak Oil, Population Bomb, Ozone Hole, sea level rise, perma drought, melting ice caps, COVID, Nett Zero and whatever we label cimate hysteria this year. All go through the same hype cycle.
Real issues like reliable energy, the possibility of WW3 and cultural suicide of The West dont seem to trouble people at all.
He keeps saying Australia has low cost power and that is why AI is coming to Australia but would go overseas if Peter Dutton introduces nuclear; illogical and of course wrong, wrong, wrong. The biggest problem is some, maybe many, possibly most will believe these fools and give them another three years to completely destroy our very feeble grid.
There is something even far worse than Labor winning the next Federal election. It’s Labor with a balance of power from the Greens.
I ask again what difference it would make?
I don’t believe that Australia can vote its way out of the problems it voted its way into.
South Australia’s Whyalla steelworks is owned by Mr Sanjeev Gupta who is a British industrialist. Al-bozo gave this foreigner a subsidy of $2.4 billion of our taxes.
He also gave away another $750 million of taxpayer money for “green” metals production.
With these huge subsidies is it any wonder the TRUMP administration doesn’t want these products sold into the US below manufacturing cost?
WAS owned by Sanjeev Gupta as the SA Government has taken it over.
WHERE that money went is a guess.
Oh, OK. Thanks for the correction, Graeme.
Inside Sanjeev Gupta’s rapidly shrinking business empire as Whyalla steelworks taken out of his control
The corruption of science by the Left is more harmful than one might think.
For example, as I discussed yesterday, they have introduced the false idea that “consensus” is an element of the scientific method.
This has likely filtered into science “teaching” at “schools” and “universities” where the influence of this false idea will make students and young scientists who may come up with a new and novel idea afraid to speak of or publish this idea because it doesn’t conform to prevailing “consensus” ideas.
And conforming to the “consensus” is also necessary to secure funding or even to keep your job or avoid ridicule from brainwashed colleagues or the masses at large. It means scientific progress has come to a halt.
Other scientists that didn’t follow the consensus and were ridiculed:
Copernicus – heliocentrism.
Marie Curie – radioactivity.
Darwin – evolution.
Einstein, Poldosky and Rosen – quantum entanglement.
Galileo – heliocentrism.
Gregory Mendel – genetics.
Alfred Wegener – continental drift.
Scientific “consensus” is wokeness on steroids. And as Donald TRUMP said:
>Other scientists…
We mustn’t forget persecuted hero Ignaz Semmelweis.
‘We Were Badly Misled’ About COVID Origin, Says New York Times
Were they ‘misled’? Or did they lead the charge against anyone who dared question the consensus?
Now that the cat has come out of the bag, suddenly the New York Times feels the need to get out in front of the backlash.
For years, the NYT ran story after story, scathing column after column, about anyone who dared to challenge The Science®. How dare people suggest that a novel coronavirus might have emerged from the nearby lab being run under questionable practices doing exactly the kind of research intended to produce novel coronaviruses! Those dissenters were all raaaaaacists, remember?
Now, the NYT — and not even in its own editorial voice — wants to play victim of The Science
On another blog they had the headline altered in red pen to read “We badly misled you”
Seems more honest as they were just activist mouthpieces rather than journalists with even one gram of a sense of enquiry.
Other ridiculed scientists: include J Harlen Bretz who described the chanelled scablands of eastern Washington State being caused by repetitive floods from the glacial Lake Missoula. The region is a geomorphologist’s wet dream come true. Worth a 3 day visit.
Trillions of dollars have been spent around the world to achieve more expensive and less secure power with massive damage to the planet.
A root cause analysis of the failure of net zero policy is long overdue. Root cause analysis is a consultant’s way of talking about investigating a system failure to find out what went wrong in the hope that you can stop it from happening again.
Of course windless nights are the root cause of the failed transition.
Everyone knows solar is off duty overnight but there is a touching faith in the ability of windpower and storage to ride through the nights after coal has gone.
That faith ignores:
(1) wind droughts, when there is next to no wind across the whole of SE Australia for periods up to three days and nights.
(2) there is no feasible or affordable grid-scale storage available from existing technologies.
Broadly there are four lines of energy policy analysis at present.
1. Work by the ALP consultants at CSIRO and AEMO to demonstrate that power will soon be very cheap.
2. Work for the Opposition using their favourite consultants to demonstrate that they can make electricity cheaper in two or three decades, assuming that the ALP and the Communists will allow it to be legal.
3. Work by CIS and a working group of energy realists to demonstrate that the official planning and regulatory agencies have completely lost the plot.
4. Work based on wind drought studies to demonstrate that a lot of policy work is just creating work for unemployed quants. Get wind and solar off the grid and burn coal until nuclear can compete.
Dude, where’s my carbon policy? Off-target ALP scrubs evidence
Labor will fail to meet key targets from the energy policy it took to the 2022 election, according to energy experts, after the party removed modelling from its website.
Leading energy expert Bruce Mountain said the Powering Australia Plan modelling commissioned by Labor was “not worth the paper it was written on”, with the Albanese government on track to fail in its pledge to lower electricity prices by $275 by 2025, to generate 82 per cent of power by renewables by 2030 and create hundreds of thousands of jobs because of access to “abundant, cheap electricity”.
Experts have also dismissed the document’s claim that Labor’s policies would lead to electric cars making up 89 per cent of new car sales by 2030, while casting doubt on green hydrogen contributing to emissions reductions by the end of the decade with a sector workforce of nearly 1000.
As Jim Chalmers on Monday fell short of committing to lower power prices in the next term of a Labor government, experts urged the Albanese government to admit it would not meet the modelling’s claim of reducing electricity bills by $378 of 2021 levels by 2030.
Mr Mountain, the director of the Victoria Energy Policy Centre, said he did not believe Labor was on track to meet its 43 per cent emissions target under Paris.
The net-zero black hole looms as self-inflicted tariff against the nation
Our ever-rising electricity prices are a direct and entirely foreseeable result of the two major parties’ commitment to achieve net-zero emissions.
When news broke last week that Donald Trump’s threatened tariffs on Australian steel and aluminium would come into effect, our political leaders greeted it with a mix of outrage, shock and disappointment.
Yet only a few days later, when our energy regulator confirmed that in the coming year, the benchmark east coast electricity price would rise by up to 9 per cent – bringing to $1300 the increase in the average energy bill since 2022 – our leaders’ response was starkly different.
Energy Minister Chris Bowen, channelling his inner Marie (“let them eat cake”) Antoinette, blithely told consumers to “shop around” for the best price, while not saying a word about his contribution to higher costs.
Dutton’s response was little better, claiming his seven future nuclear reactors would bring relief, even though he supports a continued wind and solar rollout.
In truth, there was nothing the Albanese government could do – or indeed a Coalition one, were it in power – to persuade Trump not to hit us with tariffs.
Yet our ever-rising electricity prices are a direct and entirely foreseeable result of the two major parties’ commitment to achieve net-zero carbon dioxide emissions.
This policy is a self-imposed monster tariff on our entire $2.7 trillion economy, dwarfing Trump’s hit on our steel and aluminium sales to the US, which account for less than 0.2 per cent of our exports overall.
And it is not a one-off shock, but a ratcheting up of energy costs that started more than a decade ago and must – if the share of wind and solar in our grid is to grow, as both major parties want – continue for the next quarter century.
Bear in mind that our electricity grid is still largely a fossil fuel-based one, with coal accounting for 60 per cent of output.
That more wind and solar energy will result in higher power prices is not an idle theoretical prediction, but what we have seen in every jurisdiction – including Germany and California – that is further down this path than we are.
David Pearl is a former Treasury assistant secretary.
So as the economy progressively weakens, the net-zero fiscal sinkhole must grow each year: a recipe for future financial collapse.
What possible environmental benefit will we get for this mounting economic, fiscal and social trauma? The answer is none. With China, India, Russia and now the US not committed to cutting emissions, our paltry efforts are being swamped by the rest of the world.
In the annals of Australian public policy disasters, our climate folly has to take the cake.
Yet our political leaders and public service oligarchs tell us that net zero – far from being a multi-trillion-dollar economic deadweight and threat to our standard of living – is the key to our future prosperity.
This is doublespeak that would make Orwell’s Big Brother blush.
Chris Bowen left behind as big climate goes for F1 and jets
Mike Cannon-Brookes isn’t the first corporate climate evangelist to end up with an oversized carbon footprint to match his public urgings for others to cut their own.
But it takes a certain chutzpah to champion work from home but argue that a jumbo-sized private jet is necessary to balance work and home life for the boss. Becoming a major sponsor of the gas-guzzling Williams Formula One racing team fits right in.
It’s easy to criticise, but politicians have a lot to learn from the ability of business leaders to bite the bullet and move on, particularly when it comes to the difficult challenge of climate and energy. The evidence is clear. Corporate leaders are prepared to cut their financial and reputational losses long before our politicians are willing to face facts and change course.
Billionaires Andrew Forrest and Mr Cannon-Brookes are prime examples. Both have shown themselves willing to put profit and personal comfort ahead of what they have preached to others is an existential human crisis.
Fortescue founder and executive chairman Dr Forrest was quick to pull the plug on hydrogen when the numbers failed to stack up. Atlassian co-founder and chief executive Mr Cannon-Brookes has gone from woke agitator to high-octane owner of a new corporate jet and cornerstone sponsor of an F1 racing team in what seems like the blink of an eye.
No matter how hard he spins it, Mr Cannon-Brookes has put his personal and business needs ahead of the message for which he has made himself most recognised.
Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen has a lot to learn from the approach being taken by Dr Forrest and Mr Cannon-Brookes. Dr Forrest was able to change tack on hydrogen despite the humiliation it entailed.
Mr Cannon-Brookes is highlighting the need for pragmatic trade-offs in the pursuit of sustainability.
But this is a message that has largely escaped the Albanese government and Mr Bowen.
The irony is that Chinese leader Xi Jinping has been on this page all along. He is still building coal-fired power stations as well as renewables to sell to the rest of the world, and has made it clear he is determined to keep going with existing technologies until the alternatives work in a way that can replace them.
Badenoch: Net zero by 2050 is impossible
Tory leader drops support for ‘unrealistic’ target, saying it cannot be reached without bankrupting Britain
Kemi Badenoch will say on Tuesday that the target of reaching net zero by 2050 is “impossible”.
The Tory leader will accuse her predecessors of setting the emissions target without a plan that does not “bankrupt” Britain or cause a “serious drop in our living standards”.
In her biggest policy intervention since being elected as party leader four months ago, Mrs Badenoch will describe the idea of reaching net zero emissions in the next 25 years as a “fiction” and promise to tell the “unvarnished truth” about it to voters.
Net zero policies such as limiting the use of gas boilers and petrol cars have proved divisive, and Labour has appeared to wobble on its commitment to the latter as the 2035 deadline approaches.
Mrs Badenoch’s announcement that she will drop support for the target indicates an appeal to disillusioned Conservative voters who are turning away from the party to Nigel Farage’s Reform UK, which has already pledged to scrap the target.
She will say: “Net zero by 2050 is impossible. I don’t say that with pleasure, or because I have some ideological desire to dismantle it. In fact, we must do what we can to improve our natural world.
“Anyone who has done any serious analysis knows it can’t be achieved without a serious drop in our living standards or by bankrupting us.
“And responsible leaders don’t indulge in fictions which are going to make families poorer, or mortgage their children’s future – particularly without the rest of the world doing the same – making our country less safe, less secure and less resilient.”
It has been shocking that President Biden has signed all his orders with a digital click and without signed witnesses.
I am utterly against this technology of signature as valid. It raises the real possibility that Biden was not only at the beach house half the time, he signed nothing which is verifiable.
Now Trump is onto it.
There may be an urgent need to prove the President was present at the time and place of signature. Or the signature is invalid. The whole business of electronic signatures going to blow up.
For a major contract I signed last month the other party generated used a completely random signature for me, nothing like my signature. All I had to do was click a mouse, on my own. How is that verifiable? Is that now my signature? And these modern documents are also completely unwitnessed. It raises serious legal concerns about the legal validity of a verifiable personal signature. And none more important than those of the runaway President, Joe Biden.
Already everyone is talking about the validity of the J6 and Biden family pardons. But it affects his entire term and all executive orders. Where is the legal verifiability? And will this bring down the entire concept of the legal validity of Autosign?
After the passing of my mother in September last year I had to sign numerous legal documents for probate and sale of property etc.. Many of these were done online, not in person, and without witnesses. Some of the more important ones were witnessed however. But something that surprised me was that some of the documents verifying my identity were done online but facial recognition had to be verified. So how did the Government know what I looked like? Well, if you have ever had your photo taken for a driver’s license or passport or any other official Government purpose, your image is automatically stored in the Australian Government’s facial recognition database. Something they’re very quiet about. And just like the Chicomms so they can trace and track you everywhere, even without a phone.
If you have traveled overseas in the last decade, you have gone through facial recognition based on your passport photo. It’s not new. Besides, customs was always based on facial recognition since the invention of photographs in passports.
But not always based on an image held in a database controlled by AI and available to multiple departments WITHOUT your prior approval!
How do you know that? We had to have all this for the Wuhan Flu government ID. And you needed your government ID to do anything.
If you bend your passport quite a bit, it breaks the chip and won’t work at the gates.
Found this out by accident as a nervous flyer – my passport sees quite a bit of action in the queues.
One of many solutions:
>There may be an urgent need to prove the President was present at the time and place of signature. Or the signature is invalid.
It has to be presented to him for approval and he shall sign
Maybe they meant ‘to be wrapped like a present at Maceys’ or ‘signed’ as in acted out with the hand and facial gestures by one of those weird people who stand next to to anyone talking about a natural disaster.
We are talking another Lawyer’s Banquet here. All the new leader of ‘We the people’ needs to do is declare that the documents appear to be invalid and get on with reducing the swamps access to money and power. Let them have the argument after action has been taken and with them fighting over the crumbs in their once bountiful troughs.
Signing!!! I need professional help as I can not get out of my head the poor Lass attempting to sign ‘Chinchilla’ when that town was flooding.
You focus on signatures and witnesses but the world has moved on to (allegedly) authenticating you as a person.
I had a similar bunch of transactions recently, which all seemed a bit too easy. I noticed our solicitor had a process of checking via phone when money moved through their trust account. Did you request? amount? Payee? then to the payee confirmation of their account details. The old trust but verify I guess.
Lying scientists never more evident than those at James Cook University about The GBR
Just another “Hockey Stick” or is it a boomerang?
Maybe check where you are invested –
” EU to Use 10 Trillion Euros of Citizens’ Savings for Its Militarization Plans”
Via a comment at
“Boots-on-Ground Theater Conceals Raging Impotence of Toothless Euro-Prats”
I can see Trump withdrawing from NATO.
Let Russia and Europe go at each other and then pick through the scraps.
It would be crazy for Australia to be involved with the war mongering Europeans. They are doing all they can to undermine Trumnps efforts to bring peace. I wonder if the US military-industrial war machine has offered support to Europe.
King Charles will not get the gig on the $5 Aussie battler. Some aboriginal art now gets the gig.
At the end of hostilities the US should quit NATO.
The war has no doubt given Starmer and Macron a boost in the polls, but any suggestion that the Coalition of the Willing is going to put boots on the ground before a genuine ceasefire, is simply ridiculous.
More than likely there will be an uptick in bombing raids to force baldy to the table.
Maybe not –
“Farage Tops Starmer in Prime Minister Preference in over Half of UK Constituencies”
‘Recent events have solidified public support for the UK government’s approach to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s approval ratings have seen a notable boost, coinciding with a sharp decline in the British public’s perception of US President Trump’s handling of the crisis.’ (IPSOS)
Germany recruiting Afghan migrants as mercenaries for Ukraine – RT source (VIDEO)
Security experts are reportedly concerned that the scheme could expose Germany to an elevated terrorism threat
The German government has been coercing Afghan refugees into fighting for Ukraine, a source has claimed to RT. The scheme allegedly targets refugees who have been detained for various crimes, with the threat of deportation if they refuse to comply.
“In the event of refusal to sign the relevant contract and go to Ukraine, the migrants are threatened with guaranteed extradition to Afghanistan,” the source claimed.
See link for rest.
[Copyright Fair Use edit.-LVA]
France’s plan too – use all the migrants in the war first instead of your own people.
/imported cannon fodder
” The scheme allegedly targets refugees who have been detained for various crimes, with the threat of deportation if they refuse to comply.”
Bwahaha!! Love it! Nothing better than taking strong young criminals who already hate you and the justice system, have no interest in your country apart from how to take it over, then forcing them into the Army of their enemy when they would never volunteer; then training them in the use of heavy weaponry and explosives, desensitising them to killing people, and then bringing them home after the war ends..
Well, what could go wrong…?
Now you know how pitifully stupid politicians really are!
That’s great. Train and arm all the Islamic extremists. Too clever by half. Historically that’s always followed by a military coup.
“The Franco-British plan already interests several countries. The goal isn’t a mass of soldiers but a few thousand for training in Kyiv, Odesa, Lviv. It’s our support. Ukraine is sovereign, and Putin has no say, he stressed.”
Go for it!! More hotels being blown up by Russian missiles, Ukies screaming about civilians being killed, NATO pulling dead soldiers out to be shipped home in secret.. Been happening all the time, they just want more of it.
“Be the first ones on your block to have your boy come home in a box”
“‘Trust the Science?’ Even Physics Has Been Infected By Radical Politics”
“Aaron Sibarium is a gift to journalism. He actually does the work, focuses on topics that really matter, and holds the Establishment accountable in the way that journalists pretend they do while spreading enough BS to fertilize the ground for very fecund misinformation farms.
He has hit the nail on the head once again, exposing just how far the Biden administration and its obsession with DEI has gone to destroy science in the name of ideological purity. ”
More at
In there –
“I don’t want “indigenous ways of understanding” clouding medical research or DEI principles determining who gets access to medical treatments. Both of these are now commonly discussed and taught in our academic institutions. ”
On that subject have a read of
“Romancing the primitive: the myth of the ecological aborigine” by William J. Lines
FWIW – in the spirit of the times!×546.jpg
“WELL: This Will Cause Some Heartburn: Trump Declares POTATUS Auto-Pen Pardons ‘Void.’ The fight over this will be interesting, and ugly, and I don’t see where Trump has anything to lose from it.”
BREAKING: This Will Cause Some Heartburn: Trump Declares POTATUS Auto-Pen Pardons ‘Void'”
More discussion at
FWIW – latest Kunstler
“Welcome to FAFO-Land
“Well, now the other shoe drops” — Auron MacIntyre”
Atlassian scores gig with Trump’s public service. Vows to help lift US public service output as it cosies up to Trump’s White House. (paywalled)
Atlassian has secured access to the US public service and federal agencies, including the Defence Industrial Base, saying its software can accelerate productivity in the world’s biggest economy. The certification, known as FedRAMP, or the Federal Risk and Authorisation Management Program, is a baseline of security requirements which cloud-based companies must meet if they want to work with US federal agencies.
Cold air outbreak in HK brings heavy downfall in Indonesia and the Top End monsoon returns.
So these guys (WZ) have finally figured out what’s been happening all year? As in almost 3 months?
Frigid Siberian northerlies have been hammering the Land of the Rising Sun all winter, as well as the Korean Peninsula, China, even the Philippines & Vietnam (to a lesser extent), why even Shanghai has had a few ‘snow days’ in 2025, at sea level, in the [cough] hottest year so far evaaaaah…
Maybe, just maybe, the planet is countering the frigid Antarctic southerlies which have dominated our meh so-so ‘summer’ this year – as I text, the SNOW is pummelling down on the South Island, preceded by lovely warm NW gales off Australia, before the switch arrives and the mercury plummets.
Here it’s known as ‘a change in the weather’, though Climate Witchdoctors may see it as a money-making opportunity. How can a monsoon ‘return’ when it hasn’t left: it’s just getting started.
Have you ever sat down and calculated how much heat the oceans need to absorb to dump the annual snowfall on land.
DEEPSEEK tells me it is 2,260EJ, which is almost 4 times the total anthropogenic primary energy production of 600EJ.
Increased snowfall is consistent with warmer oceans and more atmospheric moisture. There will always be land less than 0C in both hemispheres where precipitation will drive as snow. Even the tropics has permanent ice and year round snowfall above 5000m.
For moi, interest in the Climate issue is schadenfreude watching arrogant ‘consensus’ cons biting the dust bin of history.
Lithium Between Stars, Nails in Big Bang Coffin
Ruh roh.
And there was a TV sitcom with lovable physicists and a hot chick and everything.
Coal, beautiful coal!
The climate loons will go crazy!
Uh-oh, the Screaming Me-Me’s are really really REALLY gonna throw a tantrum this time… Toys out of the cot, foot-stamping, droopy quivering lower-lip, and then the SHRIEKING begins… Am putting on my ear-muffs now and turning up Vivaldi REAL LOUD…
Vivaldi has a theme song for the climate conscious – Le Quattro Stagioni (Four Seasons).
A decade or so ago while travelling, ended up in Venice and went to a Vivaldi concert put on by Interpreti Veneziani in the San Vidal performance space. Interpreti specialise in Vivaldi, using historical instruments as close as possible to those times. The acoustics in San Vidal were extraordinary – true surround sound – no amplifiers or microphones needed. Enjoy the following recording – still remember the feeling in the hall on that night.
Dutton’s LNP would easily gain victory if he came out and stated the climate crisis is over and we are going back to coal fired electricity.
Or more correctly; we are going to make more of what works rather than installing expensive junk made in China that does not work.
And to emphasise the usefulness of coal, Yallourn will now stay open for another four years. Was due to close in 2028.
It’s going to be controversial – exceedingly. Egyptian/Palestinian and the H word
From Tucker via Candace – “It’s not ignorance that makes you a conspiracy nut, it’s knowledge.”
Life expectancy improved markedly after the great climate shift of 1976.
I was looking at life expectancy numbers the other day, after reading an article somewhere. What struck me the most was the poor number in the US vs other first world countries, and not by a little either. Quite a few years , not rounding errors like the top cluster. They clearly have systemic issues to address, assuming they care of course.
“The Best Learning Tool in History – 400 years ahead of its time!”
“The Best LEARNING Book in History – 40 Years AHEAD of its Time”
“Reading combined with writing, it turns out, is a very powerful tool in the whole process of learning and mastering material. Reading the articles and comments at WUWT was a big part of life and connecting with people. But if you think about it, a post or a paragraph is as good as writing a micro-essay on each subject.
Keeps you sharp.”
That would suprise the pundits of “modern education”!
“Discounts for First Nations: Wokest Oz Council”
A story about Finland’s failure to teach foreign background children Finnish.
Typical leftist point of view. Carefully avoid suggestions that maybe these immigrants should take responsibility of their learning of Finnish. Among these children are even students that were born in Finland and they can’t speak Finnish. My native language is said to be challenging, but it is not that hard that you can’t learn it when you are a child. Children can learn any language. The problem is something else, but talking about it is a big no-no. Therefore we Finns and Finland is to blame.