A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Who is Anthony Albanese and what is hiding behind his Communist connections and ideology?
The Federal Election has not been called yet but electioneering is well underway in my neck of the woods.
I am seeing posters for Labour, Greens, Teals and Liberals all over the place.
I don’t much like any of those parties but the Libs are the least worst.
I will vote for Freedom Friendly Minor Parties as far as possible.
So far I have seen a little bit of activity from Gerard Rennick (Freedom First) amd Clive Palmer (Trumpets of Patriots). Are there any others I should look out for?
I’d give Clive’s party a wide berth. I don’t trust Clive as far as I could dropkick him.
Freedom First and One Nation would be my leanings.
Please don’t dismiss Clive.
Look at the Trumpets of Patriots (formerly UAP) performance of the Senator for Victoria, Senator Babet.
Few if any members of the Thinking Community would disagree with anything he says inside or outside Parliament. He is fully on track with people here.
Check out his YouTube channel or Farcebook.
David Maddison,
That’s as may be, but it’s what he *does* that matters. What he has done in the past seems a pretty good reason to dismiss him.
Robert, the comment you quoted was my reference to Senator Babet.
David Maddison,
Fair enough; I messed up who “he” was referring to. Still, you worked out that my comment was about Palmer.
Seems a little odd that you urge us not to dismiss Palmer because of Babet’s fine words.
Clive can stick his trumpet where the sun don’t shine.
Another power hungry pollie isn’t the path to salvation.
Bring on the polygraph test and a curated list of questions.
Yep, I thought so, failed every one.
Where’s the money coming from for any of the promised dreams?
Government cuts or more taxation?
NO WAY OUT – the cycle will (must) run its course. Retire early and enjoy your time. I did.
Redthumbers: Your 20-something blonde bit regurgitating the nightly news script won’t save you.
Wake up now or wave bye-bye.
This is not an episode of Fantasy Island, and it’s closing on mid-2025 now.
Sky news dose of reality for Oz:
Go ahead – show me the experience relative to the job, substance and plans of your hopeful party, I’ll wait.
The Trumpet party will be Titanic 3.
There would still be hundreds of Townsvillagers who never got their severance pay from when he shut down Yabulu nickel refinery. His SIL manager went into exile living on cruise ships in the Mediterranean.
The man is a shyster with the worst attendance record for the term he was elected. He is only there to bleed away votes from the libs as will your other “freedom” parties.
Support the libs and they may grow a pair, if you go elsewhere don’t complain about labor because that’s what you’ll get. The choice is binary in the house.
Palmer is duplicitous as they come. What stunt next?
‘What stunt next?’
It hardly matters, they will never hold the balance of power.
I liked his clip from the Greenland ice core project, very convincing. So they’ll get my vote because climate change is a big issue and everyone else is looking the wrong way.
“It hardly matters, they will never hold the balance of power”
If voting changed anything you wouldn’t be allowed to do it..
Look at how many Govts of all sorts have been elected in the West over the last 30years, have any of them said anything different about climate change?? The only one is America, and Clive Palmer is no Donald Trump!
It doesn’t matter who is in power in Aussie, either party will just do as they’re told by the American Ambassador.
The punters think a Coalition Minority is most likely and Independent Andrew Gee (if elected) would be a shoe-in.
Palmer bought Coolum Hyatt Resort, a premier course which had hosted 11 PGA tournaments and destroyed it. There were villa owners locked out of their [I assume] leasehold properties. He bought in 2011 and it is still a mess with promises galore.
Don’t go within a bull’s roar of him.
I will vote for Freedom Friendly Minor Parties as far as possible.
……….. Are there any others I should look out for?
Have you considered a dog?
I think this is the one election one has to put a peg on one’s nose and vote, preferably Coalition, but Labor if that’s your go. It’s the minor Parties that are wielding too much influential power, even if that excludes Clive’s Party or One Nation. The problem for those two is they don’t get enough votes to win a seat but their preferences, with preferential voting can end up giving us teals or greens poison. It says a lot about preferential voting when pre-election there is a racket in which the second and other votes can be bartered around to give outcomes that the original voter would never have voted for. It’s the only way to get rid of greens and teals – to vote exclusively for either of the majors. Even there one has to be mindful that Labor throws social unity and Jews under a bus just to capture the West Sydney seats that are the home for some Ministers.
Like the Democrats (USA), Burke has even put on unscheduled citizenship services, seen as seeking more labor voters now and in the future. We are seeing national politics at its worst, ruthless and most dangerous. Short cuts and internal appeasement in attempts to gather power for one Party regardless of the national risks such actions engender.
Some politicians are revealing too much of their inner selves showing just what they have no doubt been willing to do to fight their way up the ladders into power, and how much they are attached to that power. It’s not a pretty sight and says much about their contempt for the citizens and the national good. imo
Keep an eye on your children if they have or are to be vacinated.
Japan Issues Alert as Vaccinated Child Deaths Surge
“なるほど” (Naruhodo)
As Kenji Yamamoto notes in PhilC linked study.
There is a necessity to split the vaccinations into the COVID ones and those following tradition exposure to antigens of one form or another. There has always been a low risk of reactions to the traditional forms of vaccination, but on the grounds of herd efficacy a very low reaction rate (or deaths if you prefer) had to be accepted. It’s similar to every other safety balance we have to choose eg we don’t forbid cars on roads, stop swimming due to drownings etc. When such actions are taken we see prohibitions eg possessing firearms, prohibition etc. In other fields we get banning live sheep exports regardless of the human cost of that overseas.
I believe the advantages of disease prevention in society by traditional vaccination by far outweighs the damage to the very, very few. These ‘simple’ diseases we prevent have wiped out civilisations in the past eg In South America, and in the Australian aboriginal communities. In my time we had the polio epidemic where previously very fit young people ended up paralysed or others ended up in the original ventilators – the ‘iron lungs’ as they were called. Others were dead! I am grateful for the polio vaccinations.
Hence I would call for all work done on vaccinations in general be divided into the new generation mRNA
ones and the traditional vaccines. It is criminal to classify both as equivalents when one has almost a century of accepted versus the other with less than a decade and carrying derision on its existence.
Doc, I used to think that too, but I don’t think we can even say what the risk of traditional vaccines is, because it’s never been studied. There are no placebo controlled long term studies in children. Do traditional vaccines increase the risk of allergies, adhd, excsma, autism, anxiety, mental health or diabetes? There are lots of things that could have caused the rise in all these conditions, but it is possible that vaccines have contributed. I’m grateful for polio vaccines too, but I still want the data.
The other “biggie” in terms of vaccines and Australia was the TB shot. From memory I think this one at least had a safe guard mechanism where before the vaccine was administered a “reactive agent” was injected under the skin on the forearm. (Mantu test?) If you had never been exposed to TB this little blister was just absorbed, while people who had some immunity or exposure to infection developed a localised rash, so no vaccination for them.
Back in the day where I was brought up in cattle country, TB infections in various forms were common. The governments of the day ran a TB eradication programme with the total population over, I think, 16 was subject to chest x rays every two years. The result was TB was virtually non existent in Australia. Its resurgence started with the arrival of refugees from south East Asia in the 70’s. Were there adverse reactions to this vaccine. Don’t know. The net benefit to the population was quite significant.
Mantoux test.
I spent a yr at an Ag College and when tested showed +ve, subsequent Xray was clear.
Joined the services a few yrs later, Xray still clear. After the 3 yr booster [just 21 at the time] my health went to ‘ell and I ended up in hospital with TB. I believe the shots had a lot to do with this.
Even with the traditional vaccines, “bad batches” can sometimes appear. Or perhaps that thought is a historical artifact, since I know a 50ish person who likely suffered from that as a child. No other explanations at the time made any sense either.
I think that the better moral comparison is with capital punishment. You can choose not to drive a car or not to swim if you don’t accept that risk. Granted, a car can still kill you as a pedestrian, but your risk is lowered if you don’t get in a car – you can choose walking routes away from roads.
But, even when someone has been found guilty of repulsive, heinous crimes, we don’t execute because we see the risk of the State executing an innocent person as too great. Jailing them is not risk free – they could escape, there could be a natural disaster at the prison. Keeping them alive also comes at greater cost to society than execution.
Against that backdrop, how can we even have families that are ‘vaccine bereaved’?
Not an easy question, and maybe the answer is that our morals are shifted to where we would be happier executing now than when we stopped?
Even if I want a vaccine now, though, I think the moral answer is to refuse while others are being forced against their will.
“Net zero by 2050 ‘impossible’ for UK, says Badenoch”
Also in Tuesday’s ‘Daily Telegraph’ …
Whilst it is a break with the uniparty consensus, Badenoch – perhaps to avoid frightening the horses toooo much – still wants Nut Zero some day.
“In a speech, Badenoch said net zero cannot be achieved by 2050 “without a serious drop in our living standards or by bankrupting us”. The Conservative leader did not set out an alternative target date, but said she would consider doing so if her party found a better way of delivering net zero.”
Usual misdirection – or lies – from the BBC – “Electricity is increasingly generated from renewable energy in the UK, and the cost of renewable generation has significantly fallen in the past decade.”
Well, one step forward from a Tory, I suppose.
Many more steps needed.
From Newsmax.
I’m glad his “deep internal conflict” over purchasing the private jet didn’t prevent him from attending the “bread and circuses” event of the Formula 1 Grand Prix when there are constant commercial flights between Sydney and Melbourne.
I wonder if he looked at the economics of it….
Could he have just bought every ticket on a Jetstar flight and had a private jet for less money?
Why own the plane when you can have a bigger one for less?
Excellent idea! ..but these are virtue-signalling conceited wankers we are talking about, otherwise the first move of the global warming scam would have been to ban private jets completely.
Chinese car co nvent new electric car battery that can recharge in just five minutes
What that article doesn’t mention is where this “network of ultra-fast charging devices” is going to come from. A small garage with just 4 “nozzles” will need to deal with peak power of 4 MW. To put that in perspective, the whole Westmead Hospital precinct (pdf report) has a peak power consumption of about 40 MW.
IOW, ten small garages need as much capacity as an entire hospital district. These 5-minute fills won’t come cheap.
They (watermelons) know it. The whole new continent-wide distribution network would be necessary, even if Windmills and Solar Farms are not replacing all coal stations.
100kWHr battery charged in 5 minutes, (say from 20% to full).
That’s 80kWhr in 1/12th of an hour. That’s 960kW during the charge cycle. At 1000V, that would be just about 1000 Amps.
Has anyone done the magnetic calculations on this? Where can you stand if you have a pacemaker?
Also, a quick check of cable capacities will show that a 95mm2 copper cable, carrying around 270A will approach 70 degree C. Obviously you can cool the cable. But a 95mm2 cable, (with two conductors), is both very heavy and not too flexible. If you wanted to carry 1000A……. How big is that cable going to be?
Play around with some of the numbers, select DC, 1000V, 1000A, 3m long…. oops no cable exists.
Your car auto-parks itself with the power source making the correct contact, no cables, & no other brand either unless they are licenced to use those batteries.
Yep, somewhere else said 1000V and 1000A, so a MW in 5minutes and don’t stick your fingers in the holes!
Now go and calculate the capital investment required to bring such charging capacity to charge 12 vehicles simultaneously to 5-10 locations per suburb in an Australian metropolitan capital.
Even assuming you plan to run them 24 hours a day continuously, the amortization would make it too expensive / kWh.
And if, heaven forbid, some slower charging cars pulled up, the figures are even worse.
Barry, are you suggesting that the unicorns won’t fart enough, to order?
BYD is the next Evergreen.
OK, Evergreen is a ship. Read Evergrande. 🙂
This is unbelievable.
Australian “academics” in “universities” in receipt of US taxpayer money are complaining that they are being asked questions like whether they are also being funded by countries hostile to the United States, and whether they support the official US Government policy of “only” two genders and whether they support free speech etc..
They they turn around and have the chutzpah to complain of interference with Australian sovereignty. It’s the US taxpayers’ money FFS. They have every right to know how Australian “academic” lowlifes are mis-spending it and can withdraw it for any reason they feel like and I hope they do.
Here are some typical comments from an Australian “university”:
You can download the full document of US Government questions at the link.
Note to US taxpayers. You have absolutely nothing to gain by giving your hard earned taxes to these “universities” who ceased doing genuine scholarship decades ago and who are typically anti-American, anti-Australian, anti-Western, Communist and anti-Judeo-Christian religion in orientation. Contact your congressthing and demand the funding be withdrawn.
Also see excellent short video by Topher Field:
No David, this is great news, they are leaving no stone unturned in rooting out these switch-hitting lowlifes.
The mental gymnastics required to claim that REMOVING foreign funding is foreign interference indicates that the recipients have not been chosen well from the point of view of advancing Australia’s interests.
The foreign interference is RECEIVING the foreign funding in the first place.
TANSTAAFL – There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch!
Might we now get some objective commentary from our university “experts” or will they be more aggressive in support of the Dems?
“Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed to halt airstrikes on Ukrainian energy infrastructure but rejected a full and immediate 30-day ceasefire and called for an end to military aid for Kyiv in a lengthy, “frank” phone call with US President Donald Trump…“will begin with an energy and infrastructure ceasefire, as well as technical negotiations on implementation of a maritime ceasefire in the Black Sea, full ceasefire and permanent peace”…He emphasised a key condition “should be the complete cessation of foreign military aid and the provision of intelligence information to Kyiv”.”
So the Russians get America out of the missile launches, America gets Russia out of their arms shipments via the Black Sea, and the Russian Army gets to grind forward as usual.
Any bets on who breaks the agreement first?
21st Century Colonialism is being played out by 3 high rollers:
One side plays chess
Another plays Mahjong
And lastly, cards.
Currently, the chess player has the card player on the defensive. The card player has laid down a card, and the chess player neatly sidestepped the challenge by moving a pawn to one side.
Rowya, you have improved on my old joke about Black Jack.
Unfortunately it is not a joke.
Our leaders are guilty of criminal idiocy if they trusted China or Russia and signed any treaty on our behalf.
The charge should be of treason if, knowing full well how the others side respects treaties, our leaders still signed those treaties.
Are you talking about those two Minsk agreements the West signed and promptly broke, and have admitted they never intending keeping them?
The ones never to be trusted are America and the UK.
Was the Minsk Agreement signed? I thought it was a very positive v erbal agreement.
An agreement is an agreement.
Yes. Merkl later bragged in was just delaying strategy to help better arm and train Ukraine forces. Thereby laying further ground for Russia never to accept the Donalds overly simplistic “ceasefire” only to go around that loop again.
Not sure that the Sydney Morning Herald is likely to provide much in the way of objective analysis and so it will pay to ask which horse they are backing in the race.
” which horse they are backing in the race.”
They are seriously conflicted, it is fun to see… They hate Trump and have anti-Trump articles every day, but hate Putin as well and blame him for everything wrong in the world.
Its only the Covid debacle and then Ukraine war that have shown me just how fake the mainstream news is. They will literally publish complete lies with a straight face, and the rest is slanted and/or omitted. I wouldn’t trust anything I read in there.
The starting point for most people is when they see something reported that they know something about. A local council decision or an accident for example. You will wonder how they came up with the clueless drivel they write. And that’s when they are neutral.
They are even worse when they start taking sides.
‘Any bets on who breaks the agreement first?’
The beast from the east has history, so my money is on baldy to spot a nuance and take advantage.
Everyone knows what Putin’s end game is for Ukraine – to make it a vassal state of the Kremlin (like Belarus) and use its experienced military and arms manufacturing facilities for his phase 2 gambit against Europe.
There is no point Russia stopping at the current line of conflict. Putin, in his zeal to free his Russian speakers and sympathisers has basically laid waste to their homeland, littered with mines, unexploded ordinance and flattened villages/cities. There is plentiful scrap metal lying everywhere which may be his only bonus.
The ceasefire gambit is just another detour in his road to victory which he will gladly exploit and move forward.
The Putin-Trump call was a resounding success – whatever was said
Imagine the Russian and American leaders having a productive 2.5-hour-long conversation just two months ago
By Tarik Cyril Amar, a historian from Germany working at Koç University, Istanbul, on Russia, Ukraine, and Eastern Europe, the history of World War II, the cultural Cold War, and the politics of memory
The presidents of Russia and the US, Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, have had a long telephone call. Yet the sky has not fallen and the Earth is not shaking. In other words, at least as far as we know now, those expecting instant sensations must have been disappointed.
No, Odessa has not been handed over to Russia; no, Moscow has not suddenly agreed to abandon its main war aims, such as making and keeping Ukraine neutral again; and no, the call did not produce a finished map of territorial adjustments. But then, to be frank, those expecting such sensations only have themselves to blame.
For they have missed the bigger picture: As so often, the sensation is hidden in plain sight.
It is that these talks have taken place and have clearly not failed but succeeded. Clocking in at almost two-and-a-half hours – the longest telephone conversation between leaders in recent Russian-American history, as Russian commentators immediately stressed – the talk was wide-ranging.
And it will be remembered as another milestone in the developing new détente between Moscow and Washington.
For those whose baselines have shifted due to rapid recent developments, please recall:
Less than half a year ago, before Donald Trump’s re-election to the American presidency, what has just happened would have been considered impossible. Less than two months ago, before Trump’s second inauguration, many observers would still have qualified it as very unlikely.
And even between that inauguration and now – notwithstanding the first phone call between Trump and Putin in February – many skeptics were still, understandably, cautious or even pessimistic: The inertia of American deep-state interest and Russophobia, they felt, would never allow this kind of radical rapprochement.
Now, however, it is time to recognize that this, as the Americans say, is happening. The discussion has to move on from “could this possibly be real” to “it’s real and what are the consequences?”
It appears Trump has genuine respect for Putin and it is mutual. I believe their relationship suffers from not sharing a common language but they have a lot in common with their body language.
I think in another universe or another time, they would be good friends. Putin probably the rough nut Trump would aspire to be and Trump a more polished version of Putin.
I hope they achieve a peaceful resolution in Ukraine and Ukraine benefits from it.
Video from six years ago by Paul Joseph Watson about the collapse of Western Civilisation.
At least TRUMP’s trying to stop it.
Years ago the alarmists realised that it was a losing game to engage in public debate. July 18 2011 was a choice example when Chris Monckton eviscerated Richard Dennis at the National Press Club. Jo met him in Perth when he landed for his tour and he came to a talk that I delivered at the Mannkal Centre. That launched my career as a climate and energy realist!
Critics of the narrative have been cancelled on the ABC, the university-funded Conversation and many other platforms.
With the ascent of President Trump the climate wars will resume because he has decided to follow the best scientific advice and not just the consensus story.
It remains to be seen how the next round of the climate wars will play out in Australia. “Give truth a chance” as the Beatles should have said.
Hear! Hear! from here.
Optus email users beware.
For weeks optus mail landing page has had an innocuous announcement claiming innovations are coming to the service. According to them “… we are in the process of upgrading the OptusNet email service to a new, modern email platform.”
Last night I lost everything sent/receive/drafts files etc. Got a “new modern” page that told me there were no messages to show. Early hours of this morning and it all came back so some fingers somewhere got a bit eager and pushed the wrong button then realised and pushed again.
Still to research more but looks like you can expect your old/existing service to have new limits on it including emails only remain for 3months. At this stage unclear whether this includes if you have put them in a file (to keep as record longer than 3months).
Oh but wait there will be a charged for service (appears to be going to be $5 per month) that you can subscribe to for more options…
Anyway “we” have (supposedly) until May to fall in line – personally I’ll be falling out of line to another provider.
TPG did that a while ago as they no longer support email at all.
They shuffled that off to a third party provider that charges monthly to keep an email account.
Screw that, I went with a free outlook account.
I’m still with the messenger service. I believe that it’s run out of HK. Has settled down after a shaky start, and they seem good at reducing spam and phishing emails.
Why not try Protonmail. It has a free service as well as a paid one. Better, than giving all your info to Google or Microsoft?
Lake Eyre now banned for non-indigenous Australians.
Another part of Australia rendered inaccessible to all but a privileged minority.
“Another part of Australia rendered inaccessible to all but a privileged minority.”
This privileged group subsequently won’t go there either because,
a/ If you are local spectacular vistas soon become “everyday”
b/ Essentially there is nothing there but the “view”
c/The government supplied Toyotas have a habit of stopping near “watering holes”
d/ Traditional ceremonies where boys are initiated don’t happen
e/ Even on the occasions that the Lake floods its still easier to get your “grub” from the pub
Research 30 by 30 agenda. 30% of land & 30% of ocean to be locked away for “conservation” ..
Anthropogenic Global Warming Crisis strikes again: NZ’s backcountry ski areas buried under ‘rare and exciting event’ on penultimate day of Summer 2025.
Less than an hour inland from Christchurch, on the north bank of the mighty Rakaia Gorge River, the small club ‘field’ of Mount Olympus (6,000’) turned wintry overnight as carbon caused heating to flee far far away and the heavens opened…
Somehow the Greeks borrowed the name of this ‘Home of the Gods’ nestled in the foothills of our Southern Alps – the ‘world leaders’ syndrome sure is strong – a series of alpine cirques and chutes accessed by gnarly 4×4 track, then a 30-minute hike to the lodge OR a wild-west ride up the rope-tow attached by a nut-cracker harness worn around the waist … old-school yet keeps the numpties away, hard-core only, and the powder? On a good day, heavenly.
Click on various webcams at above link to see up/down the mountain (before it all melts).
Copied from Farcebook:
Elon Musk is motivated by bringing goodness to the world.
Now you can see why the Left hate him so much.
Two crew rescued and two others from ISS splash down in Gulf of America.
Read a triumphant article about trials of EV solid state batteries that can charge in 7 minites and how this was the end of ICE vehicles.
No mention of the resources required. No mention of production at scale. No mention about energy intensity at chargers. No mention of a successful trial. But yeah, the end of ICE vehicles.
FWIW – what you get when you look below the political correctness –
“Not a very comforting statistic
Wirepoints, an organization we’ve met in these pages several times before, has published a list of homicide rates in American cities for last year. One list is sorted by total homicides, the other by homicides per capita. Click the graphic below for a larger, more readable view.”
More at
The Democrats are responsible for massive black on black violence in decrepit Democrat cities where despite being only 13% of the population, it seems half of all murders are committed by black people and 90% of murders are black on black. And the Democrats also require abortion on demand at any time, which hits black populations harder where single parent families are the norm.
As the former Deep South Confederate party and of the Ku Klux Klan, somebody needs to point out this legalizes mass extermination of the black population by black people in the name of racial equality and BLM. And you would imagine is a result totally consistent with the aims of the party which sprang out of the loss of the Civil War by the Confederates. And the black people vote Democrat, effectively for self destruction. And it’s called freedom?
Freedom does include the freedom to be self destructive, or at least take that risk.
Jersey Hospitals Now Ask For Newborn’s “Preferred Pronouns” And “Sexual Orientation”
Just when you thought the insanity was starting to subside with Democrats out of office, we learn last week that New Jersey hospitals are now requesting parents to specify their baby’s preferred pronouns and sexual orientation , according to a report from the NY Post.
One 34 year old resident told the Post: “That form is completely crazy, and anyone who would dictate a baby’s sexual orientation probably has an agenda. If I was told to fill this out, I’d rip it up in front of them. It feels like we’ve entered ‘The Twilight Zone.’”
Parent asks baby:”what gender are you?”
Baby:”goo goo gaa gaa!”
Parent:”It’s trans!! Book the surgery!!”
Just like a vegan cat, we all know who’s making the choices. Mentally ill parents.
This’d make a good Black Mirror episode.
“WH Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt Delivers an Epic Response to Snobby French Politician Demanding America Return the Statue of Liberty to France (VIDEO)”
I wonder if they asked the Statue of Liberty what it thought of returning to the conditions of France today?
Again Albanese is blaming the Ukraine war and ‘global inflation’ for higher and rapidly growing Australian electricity prices. Why does he never make sense? The competition is to say something, anything. Who needs logic?
I am slightly surprised that Albo hasn’t blamed Dutton for the war in Ukraine. Absolutely bereft of any idea or leadership, on any subject, all I have ever heard from Dear Leader is why Dutton is somehow worse than what the Labour Party has failed to achieve over the last three years. When (rarely) challenged on inflation he just spouts more salad than Kamala. Laughing at Duttons possible plan for a referendum on deporting dual citizen criminals suggests to me he would be very afraid a referendum on this matter might just get up. Maybe the good citizens of Australia might just like to live in a slightly safer society than what we currently have. How many illegal immigrants are currently committing crimes in Australia and at the same time using our court system to stay here?
I have but little hope that anyone in Dutton’s office reads this blog.
Yet it is still worth to borrow watermelons phraseology and send them our message that there is a National Emergency because decision which Aus people will take in few weeks time will lead either to a Catastrophe or to slow and painful walking back from it.
I would like to remind Dutton & everyone the reason why French people were able to built 56 nuclear power stations in 15 years !
They started 50 years ago with no AI ! In fact, how many design offices possessed CAD machines? How many engineers knew of Lotus?
The formal reason was 1973 Oil Crisis; hey! it reminds me – No More Oil !
But, of course, it happened because they had real political leaders.
Nvidia CEO: AI compute demand exploding, 100x more needed than expected.
Nvidia’s CEO admits they vastly underestimated how much compute AI would need—now it’s 100 times more than last year’s expectations. The AI revolution isn’t just accelerating; it’s consuming everything in its path.
Advances used to be every few years, then every few months, then every few weeks.
Now, and I check the latest every day, it’s virtually every day.
Robotic hands with 0.05mm accuracy and hands pressure sensing on par with humans. Instantaneous group learning of skills.
China demonstrates a robot that rides a pushbike better than people, one up on Atlas.
Straight knee walking is FINALLY here, ending that bent knee gait, which saves 40% in power and reflects significant stability and torque control advances.
Very soon, training models will be obsolete as zero sample generalisation is here. ie the robot learns on the fly.
7 years ago I predicted that in 5 years robots would walk down the street just like us. With straight knee walking, they’re here.
How far off is the AI singularity, when we humans take 2nd spot on the ladder?
My favourite year. You know what it is.
According to the Lotus Eaters and others, Nigel Farage is getting/always has been very prickly about rising talent in his party, and is losing support of members in some constituencies.
Really, bad times creates strong men.
These johnny come lately’s complain that Nigel is not this or that or does not want to implement their plans.
WHERE WERE THEY when Nigel stood alone to champion BREXIT.
WHERE WERE THEY when the U.K. was self immolating.
I did not see them face the press and put their case.
Now they want to dilute the message. Nigel’s party, conform or leave.
Just a few hours ago, Elon Musk’s SpaceX pulled off the world’s first space rescue mission, bringing back two American astronauts who had been stranded on the space station for months. The landing, symbolically I think, was in the newly-renamed Gulf of America and, while the transfer was happening from capsule to boat, a pod of dolphins showed up to welcome them back. Quite literally amazing stuff.
Their ABC couldn’t bring themselves to make much of this unprecedented event, giving it just a mere mention on their website front page, with no pics. All it said was, “NASA praises ‘resilient’ astronauts after nine months in space.”
That front page did however have room for a story about a trans girl worried about a hormone ban (with photo), also “Which medieval cat are you?” (with photo), a story about kids playing darts in PNG (with photo), and a story explaining that there was nothing wrong with the use of ‘autopen’ signatures under Joe Biden (with photo).
The leftist-controlled media has hatched a plot to minimise Trump’s involvement (via Musk) in the rescue of those astronauts. I am seeing increasing numbers of outlets now saying that the astronauts were never ‘stuck’ up there because blah blah blah.
Again, don’t believe your lying eyes. Socialist government 101.
FWW – More “Pendora’s Box”
“Biden’s Autopen Scandal Just Got a Whole Lot Worse
According to DOGE on X, there are now only 1.1M social security recipients aged over 120 years. It is down from 3.2M earlier in the month. So very high death rate amongst supercentenarians this month.
I wonder if these really old people voted democrat or republican?
And who was cashing the cheques?
I suspect Townsville has had it’s wettest wet season EVA, measured as number of rain days and total rainfall and that without a cyclone. It’s Global Warming™.
Last night we had over 300mm of rain over the low lying suburbs, quoted as the heaviest in 27 years. That would take us back to the Night Of Noah.
Earlier in year the river itself flooded and we didn’t see the sun for three weeks, or so it seemed. The dam has topped for the second time. It really has been an extraordinary year.
So contrary to Flim-Flam’s prediction that the rain would never make it to the ground, you are getting wetter. As I have said before, the rain really isn’t getting to the ground if it is falling into floodwater. So he was half right.
You probably concur with the BoM that evaporation is declining as well.
You don’t get much evaporation with 90% humidity and overcast skies, that includes washing. Most of us don’t own driers here.
Melbourne has been different this year to the last four. I had to top up ther fish pond three times this summer. There were a couple of recent summers when there was enough rain to keep up with the summer evaporation.
” I had to top up ther fish pond three times this summer.”
The back of the Blue Mountains has been similar, good rains until maybe Feb, when it dried out the water in the kids swimming pool that the chickens use. Up until this dry patch it managed rain just as we needed it for the vege gardens. Overall its been an excellent season, more cooler days and fewer hot dry 30-somethings. No shadecloths up either.
EU: Lagarde – we’re TAKING your life savings
/aaaaand it’s gone…
What Putin has said about sanctions at the congress of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs-
“Sanctions are not temporary or targeted measures, they are a mechanism of systemic, strategic pressure on our country. And no matter how the situation develops, no matter what the system of international relations is, our competitors will always have the desire to restrain our country, weaken its economic and technological capabilities…
I repeat: sanctions and restrictions are the reality of the current new stage of development, which the whole world, the entire world economy, has entered. Global competition has escalated and is becoming increasingly sophisticated and irreconcilable.
Thus, a new spiral of economic competition is unfolding right before our eyes, and in these conditions it is even embarrassing to recall the norms and rules of the World Trade Organization, which were once actively promoted by the West. Once. When? When these rules were beneficial to them. As soon as they became unprofitable, everything immediately began to change. And all these negotiations are stalling. And nobody really needs them.
Obviously, and I’ve already said it more than once: as it was before, it will no longer be. There is no hope for complete freedom of trade, payments and capital flows, just as there is no need to rely on Western mechanisms to protect the rights of investors and entrepreneurs.”
A handy guide for the elections:
An interview with John Sneisen who built the site is here:
Interesting how the media has been full of our latest young global leaders’ favourite topic (she’s into domestic violence in a big way):
Name Kate Fitz-GibbonYGL Date 2024 Nationality Australian Current Position Professor Sector Education Organization Monash University, Faculty of Business and Economics Other important Positions Is a Professor (Practice) in the Faculty of Business and Economics and former Director of the Monash Gender and Family Violence Prevention Centre at Monash University (Victoria, Australia). She is also an Honorary (Professorial Fellow) with the Melbourne Law School at University of Melbourne. Internationally recognized as a research leader, Fitz-Gibbon specializes in domestic and family violence, femicide, responses to violence against women and the impacts of law and policy reform in Australia and abroad. Her research findings are widely disseminated through books, academic journals, funded reports and presentations at national and international conferences and forums. She has provided expertise on homicide law reform and family violence reviews in Australia and internationally. Her research has been cited by the High Court of Australia. Fitz-Gibbon holds a PhD in Criminology, a Masters in Human Rights Law, and a Graduate Certificate of Higher Education. Other important Positions 2Is a leading violence against women scholar. Kate is a Professor (Practice) with the Faculty of Business and Economics at Monash University and an Honorary Professorial Fellow with the Melbourne Law School at University of Melbourne. In 2024 Kate established Sequre Consulting, and is the principal consultant. Kate also holds affiliated research appointments with the School of Law and Social Justice at University of Liverpool (UK) and the Research Center on Violence at West Virginia University (US). From 2020 to 2023 Kate was Director of the Monash Gender and Family Violence Prevention Centre, and a Professor of Social Sciences in the Faculty of Arts at Monash University. Kate’s qualifications include a Phd in Criminology (2012), Masters of Human Rights Law (2019), Graduate Certificate of Higher Education (2013) and she is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Other important Positions 3Kate is an international research leader in the area of domestic and family violence, femicide, responses to all forms of violence against women and children, perpetrator interventions, and the impacts of policy and practice reform in Australia and internationally. She has significant experience with qualitative and survey-based research methods, and a strong record of conducting research that ethically and safely engages with family violence victim-survivors, people who use violence, and practitioners. The findings of Kate’s research have been published in books, academic journals, funded reports and presented at national and international criminology conferences. Kate has advised on homicide law reform and family violence reviews in Australia and internationally, and has authored over 30 submissions to state, national and international inquiries. Her research has been cited by the High Court of Australia. In 2021 Kate was appointed Chair of Respect Victoria by the Victorian Government. Other important Positions 4Founder and Principal Consultant Sequre Consulting Feb 2024 – Present, Monash University
Professor (Practice), Leadership and Executive Education (LEE), Faculty of Business and Economics Jan 2024 – Present Victoria, Australia , Evaluation Professor of Social Sciences Aug 2022 – Jan 2024 Victoria, Australia, Associate Professor of Criminology Jul 2020 – Aug 2022 Victoria, Australia, Senior Lecturer in Criminology Jan 2016 – Jul 2020 Clayton, Victoria, Board Of Directors Respect Victoria Aug 2018 – Present, Member of the Victorian Government Expert Advisory Committee on Perpetrator Interventions Victorian Government Dec 2016 – Jul 2018, Lecturer in Criminology Deakin University Mar 2012 – Jan 2016 and Associate Lecturer in Criminology Monash University Jul 2011 – Mar 2012.Other important Positions 5Monash University Doctorate of Philosophy, Criminology 2009 – 2012, University of Melbourne University of Melbourne
Masters of Human Rights Law, Law 2017 – 2019, Australian Institute of Company Directors Company Director’s Course 2015 – 2015, Deakin University Graduate Certificate of Higher Education 2012 – 2013, Monash University Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Criminology 2008 – 2008 and Monash University Bachelor of Arts (BA), Major in Criminology and Psychology 2005 – 2007.
ABC says egg shortage gonna last three years.
We are right near the largest chicken populations in the World.
I dunno, I reckon you could plan to rectify an egg shortage in under 12 months.
They might be foreign eggs from foreign influenced chickens at first, but I am sure they will assimilate…