The almost-coup: Giving away the nation to attract future Democrat voters with the Entitlement Magnet

Crowded bus.

By Jo Nova

Isn’t it time we talk about The attempted Coup (and the media)?

The Media is the problem. Magnifying Glass.

In the two weeks since Elon Musk spoke to Joe Rogan for three hours, the media has ignored it,  trivialized it, or reduced it to “Elon tries to explain his Nazi salute”.  Here was the richest man in the world, best friends with the most powerful man on Earth and he’s talking without an autocue, walking through the underbelly of the US government and describing the “greatest scam in human history” and the media are discussing the weather.

Thanks to DOGE we now know that the US government spent $270 million on 6,200 journalists, which presumably buys a lot of “Nothing to see here”. Which is exactly why I feel an urge to pass this on.

What Musk describes is the ultimate pork barrelling

Instead of giving our tax dollars to buy votes in marginal seats, it looks like the Democrats were giving away the country, to buy voters to fill marginal states, so they could stay in power. By offering up free houses, free healthcare and free citizenship to non-citizens,  as Musk describes it, the Democrats (really, the whole Blob) hoped to gain enough permanent Democrat voters so they could win, not just one election, but every election. And of course, the houses, healthcare and lifestyle they were giving away was largely that of the working class. The elites would live on in their private estates, fly on their private planes and visit their private hospitals.

“It is an attempt to destroy Democracy in America… to make it a permanent one party state” — Elon Musk

At one point, Rogan mentions a whistleblower who claimed her job was to turn illegal immigrants into social security or disability “clients”. This hits a nerve with Musk, who gets animated, saying that entitlements fraud is the main reason the Democrat propaganda machine was “so fired up to destroy me”. The way he describes it, the thing they hate the most is that he is turning off the magnet drawing illegal immigrants in and keeping them there:

Entitlements fraud for illegal aliens…  like Social Security Disability Medicaid   … is what is serving as a gigantic magnetic force to pull people in from all around the world and keep them here.  Basically if you if you pay people at a standard of living that is above 90% of Earth then you have a very powerful incentive for 90% of Earth to come here and to stay here. But if you end the illegal alien fraud, then you that you turn off that magnet, and they leave, and they they stop coming, …and the ones that are here — many of them will simply leave and if if that happens, they [the Democrats] will lose… a massive number of democratic voters and if it didn’t happen they would turn those people into voters.  — Elon Musk  [Edited for readability from the transcript]

He explains that it’s not just theoretical, it’s already happening. In New York state illegal aliens can already vote in state and city elections and something like 600,000 illegal aliens are registered to vote. Some of these are staying in expensive hotels which are being paid for by FEMA, a government agency.

The best short summary is by Tony Thomas at Quadrant :The World According to Elon Musk

Here’s Musk’s analysis (transcript lightly edited):

Musk: They’re buying voters. it’s like a giant voter-fraud scam. A lot of people have trouble believing this, but it’s not just real, it’s an attempt to destroy democracy in America.

If you take the seven swing states, often the margin of victory there is maybe 20,000 votes. If you put 200,000 illegals in there, they have an 80% likelihood of voting Democrat. It’s only a matter of time before they become citizens, and then those swing states will cease to be swing states — we’ll become a permanent, deep blue socialist state.

Rogan: That was the game plan?

Musk: That’s still the game plan. They almost succeeded. If, if, the machine of the Kamala Puppet had won, it would have happened within four years. They would win the Presidency, the House, the Senate. They would create States out of Washington DC and Puerto Rico to achieve four extra Senators, and a majority big enough to pack the Supreme Court.

And then they would keep importing more illegals to cement that outcome. Basically, the same as already happened in California.

It would be the end: an obvious fork in the road. That’s why I went so hardcore for Trump. And that’s why the Democrat machine is so intent on destroying me. And they probably would institute some central bank digital currency and some social credit score system. And censorship, of course.

They’ve been doing this for years in California:

Musk: Yes. The Democrats were doing this under the guise that they’re the kind, compassionate, progressive people. But it’s just about hijacking power for money and control.

California is now a super-majority [60–19 in the 80-seat Assembly]. California  last year made healthcare free for illegals. Obviously, that’s a gigantic magnet for more illegals. If you’re anywhere on earth and you need any operation at all, come to California and have it free.

The tax burden for healthcare for illegals was supposed to be $3 billion. They now estimate $9 billion. That number will scale to infinity.

Read it all The World According to Elon Musk. Or watch the interview below: The parts described above start at 1:04 or so.

We note the Blob didn’t offer free citizenship to just any foreigner — they didn’t seem to want gun-loving Australians or British asylum seekers who wrote offensive words on facebook. They weren’t even trying to get political prisoners out of North Korea. The foreigners the Democrats wanted were apparently the people desperate enough to walk through Mexico. What they were aiming at, presumably, were dependent people, who are more likely to vote to live in a big socialist state.

The Blob clothes itself in compassion and kindness when it talks about immigration, but there is nothing compassionate about selling out the blood, sweat and tears of your fellow  citizens, putting their health, wealth and homes at risk, just so you can keep your own career and castle.

And if the Blob cared so much about Africa or Ecuador they could always try to help them in their own countries — keeping families and culture intact and all. But all the billions in USAID funding largely ended with barely any protests from the Third World and nothing to show for it? It’s almost like nearly all the foreign aid money was spent to serve The Blob and their friends, and not the poor. Where is that outrage? Who, exactly, were The Blob helping?

Africa before $2.6 trillion Africa after $2.6 trillion in aid.


The big question of course, is if this was happening, what would stop it? All rich countries have political parties with an incentive to grow that half of the population that votes for Big Government. That party would be perpetually tempted to give away the wealth of the nation to foreign new simpatico voters. The only thing that would stop this is if the native population found out about the plan…    and so we come back to the State of The Media.

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

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64 comments to The almost-coup: Giving away the nation to attract future Democrat voters with the Entitlement Magnet

  • #

    Could that possibly happen in the UK?



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      More than one million foreigners claiming benefits

      Households with at least one foreign national claimant received more than £7.5bn in universal credit in one year

      Households with at least one foreign national claimant received more than £7.5 billion in Universal Credit in 2023, figures from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) show.

      Foreign nationals become eligible for Universal Credit and other benefits on the same terms as British citizens once they are granted indefinite leave to remain and have settled or refugee status.

      After paying National Insurance for 10 years, they are also entitled to the state pension.

      The analysis by the Centre for Migration Control (CMC) suggests 40 nationalities – after getting indefinite leave to remain, settled status or refugee protection – are claiming benefits at a greater rate per head of population than British citizens.

      Three nationalities – Congolese, Iraqis and Afghans – are claiming benefits at four times the rate of British people.

      The cost of foreign benefit claims excludes a further £5.4 billion for accommodating and supporting a backlog of more than 100,000 asylum seekers. That cost rose five-fold in five years under the last Conservative government.

      The bill is likely to increase as 800,000 foreign nationals are expected to receive indefinite leave to remain in the UK over the next decade following record levels of net migration of up to 906,000 a year, according to a separate analysis by the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS).

      The Tories have proposed that jobless and low-paid migrants should be barred from remaining indefinitely in the UK.

      They have also argued that the length of time before anyone who has come to the UK can claim such leave to remain should be increased from five to 10 years.

      “Research shows low-wage migrants actually cost other taxpayers money.

      This is why the era of mass migration has to end. I have tabled amendments to the Borders Bill to create a legally binding annual cap on immigration numbers and an increase in the visa salary threshold to £38,000 across the board.”


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        In conjunction with this, they should stop all working holiday maker programmes – these are reciprocal, so if the UK stops theirs then Brits won’t have access to other programmes.

        This is how the working class manage to see the World and unfortunately, they may meet a foreign partner on their travels.

        With the wage threshold, these kids may never return. Oh wait, that’s probably part of the objective too, isn’t it….


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    David Maddison

    Just because honest and patriotic anti-socialist people are now in power in America, it doesn’t mean the Left will give up.

    The Left NEVER give up. Like The Terminator, they absolutely will not stop, EVER.

    That’s why conservatives and fellow rational thinkers must remain ever vigilant against the Left.

    I know we have jobs and lives to get on with, unlike most Leftists, but we must devote a certain amount of our time to constantly monitor them. The fact that we didn’t is how the Left rose to supremecy in the first place.

    …the price of Liberty is eternal vigilance.*

    *Quote misattributed to Jefferson, see


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    Murray Shaw

    And that is happening here with Burke travelling the country granting citizenship by the boatload to aliens in at risk Labor seats and another 26,000 Afghans on the way. Not to mention the million or so migrants this past two years.
    We did not vote for this devolution of our democracy!


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      David Maddison

      And don’t forget about the world’s largest number of Gazans which other Arab and Western countries refuse to take.


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      The ALP/Green coalition here have read the same book that the Democrats have and we have exactly the same situation. Millions of migrants with many Muslims, a group as a whole, who want us gone. Tell the kids that Australia is a racist country and that is why we don’t want large numbers of Muslims and it confirms what their teachers have said. Bring in a million Chinese “students” who owe more to Xi than they do to us and run down our already meagre defence force and leave us open to being subjugated by the CCP. It’s not hard to see a political party who are not working for Australia so must be working for someone else. Can we have a politician with guts to expose these traitors?


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      Mark Jones

      Agree 150%. It is almost like a worldwide push by the socialists to destroy democracies. The hard lefties have never pushed back against the welfare shoppers coming in by the boatload.


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        Singing from the same hymn book of the collective worldwide radical left wing socialists/communists. Sleasy follows all signals from overseas shite. Public serpents display same qualities


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    Have you ever tried to get a Green Card into the US?
    This is racist conspiracy theory nonsense designed to incite division and facilitate fascism.


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      David Maddison

      No it’s not. It was only hard for people to get Green Cards or immigrate to the US if they were from Western countries. Uneducated people from Third World countries had little difficulty going to the US, legally or illegally.


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      Honk R Smith

      I think Globalists are the true new ‘facilitators’ of fascism.
      My dear Pappy actually fought actual fascists with a machine pistol and Molotov Cocktails.
      Whenever he encountered unreasonable sociopathic authority, he would mutter ‘Gestapo’ under his breath.
      So I learnt how to PID fascism by the time I was ten.

      So I guess we have a major static disagreement.
      You have the incitement accusation exactly backward.
      Here in America we used to call this a Mexican Standoff.
      But since it’s now The Gulf of America, I’ll call it an American Standoff.


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      Did you read the article Simon?

      Instead of giving our tax dollars to buy votes in marginal seats, it looks like the Democrats were giving away the country, to buy voters to fill marginal states, so they could stay in power. By offering up free houses, free healthcare and free citizenship to non-citizens, as Musk describes it, the Democrats (really, the whole Blob) hoped to gain enough permanent Democrat voters so they could win, not just one election, but every election. And of course, the houses, healthcare and lifestyle they were giving away was largely that of the working class.

      Why are illegals getting free stuff in Califoolia?


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        It’s called being humane.
        Illegal immigrants can’t vote, which is the flawed argument of great (white) replacement “theory”.
        Nor can green card holders, despite a key tenet of the American Revolution being no taxation without representation.


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          simon, you don’t even read the posts do you? Just make stuff up based on keywords? 600,000 illegal aliens registered to vote in New York today.


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          I call it being foolish because they didn’t follow the immigration rules thus, they are criminals who should be rounded up and deported, by the way some of the illegals ARE criminals in the first place.

          Border control is part of protecting a nations internal stability and integrity against incoming, criminals, diseases, theft, rapists, violent people and many more that need to be blocked a concept that apparently eludes you.


    • #

      Oh darn. You’ve pulled out the “racist” card. That wins.

      Ok. So you’ve clearly shown the “conspiracy theory” to be wrong by playing that. So what is the real reason the Democrats showed little will to control the border and/or keep track of illegals who were caught and released into the community? Is it simply incompetence? It’s not compassion because they’re making them walk to the border and not transporting those in need to the US.

      Don’t reply with blaming the republicans for not passing some law. The law has not changed and the entries have stopped. So it has nothing to do with needing new laws.
      The Democrats packaged their proposed unnecessary law with Ukraine deals so it would be rejected. Then they could try and blame the Republicans to make the “conspiracy” less obvious.


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      It’s hard for us to get green cards but dead easy to just walk across the Mexican border and get free health-care, housing and public transport under Biden. Stopped now with Trump in the White House.


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    David Maddison

    I think Elon Derangement Syndrome (EDS) is now far more prevalent and extreme than TRUMP Derangement Syndrome (TDS) although they are comorbidities of each other so I call them TEDS (TRUMP and Elon Derangement Syndrome). The condition is incurable.


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      The whole Nazi salute thing was ridiculous. The bloke can’t even point at things in public any more, for fear of being called Adolf.


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        David Maddison

        And sensible people reviewed footage of all the prominent Leftists and found pictures of them making similar inconvenient gestures as Musk, but not a word from the Left. And the sheer hypocrisy of the Left complaining about the National Socialists, itself one of the many variations of Leftism is itself bizarre.

        Ref: The Big Lie: Exposing the (National Socialist) Roots of the American Left by Dinesh D’Souza


        • #

          When are people going to realise that if the left did not have double standards they would have no standards at all, it is clear now that this was an attempt to bring down America and it is happening here as well just not on the scale that we see in America. Trumps return to the white house has exposed so much corruption it is hard to comprehend but it all points back to the WEF/UN/climate change blob………………you will own nothing and be happy


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    The same trend appears to be happening in most affluent western countries, including Australia. To be conspiratorial, you would have to wonder if this is a policy directed by the WEF. There, I said it. All the crazy policies appear to be inspired by that organisation. DEI, Net Zero, social credit score etc. Now, unregulated immigration. Australia , as usual , are the fools leading the way with a big dose of FOMO. Because if you look at our net immigration intake as a % of present population it’s very significant. TBH, I don’t think we can afford it. The present housing crisis seems the big indicator. I don’t think it’s a case of F off, we’re full, but it’s getting close.


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      David Maddison

      Back in the day, post WW2, Australia selected European origin people with valuable skills that could almost immediately start work and start paying taxes and required no support, they had to be sponsored.

      Nowadays, it’s almost as though the Australian Government, especially Green Labor, are deliberately importing some of the world’s most violent, uneducated and anti-Western people who will be welfare dependents for life – and will vote for Green Labor.


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        Stefan Landherr

        When my family immigrated to Australia in 1954 under the assisted passage scheme, the condition was that the family’s male breadwinner would work for two years wherever the government sent him.
        (eg Snowy hydro, transcontinental railway, Holden factory etc).
        Imagine how different Australia would be now if that, or similar, scheme had continued to operate.


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        Serge Wright

        You’re describing the immigration anomaly. The Greens want to support immigration from violent Islamic countries because many people from these cultures are not compatible with our own Christian beliefs and they will never respect our government and laws over Sharia law. The anomaly here is that extreme Islam has no tolerance for gay people and treat women as slaves, which runs against the Greens own principles, but they want to use these people to help topple the democratic system. I think in the minds of the Greens and hard left, they believe that if law and order is lost and anarchy rules, they will get public support for a switch to authoritarian Marxist rule to restore the civility they destroyed. However, it won’t work that way because extreme Islam can’t be removed and will eventually target their hard left supporters based on their lifestyle misalignment with strict Sharia law.


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      David Maddison

      TRUMP has introduced a special visa for high net worth individuals who will bring money into the country and invest in job creation. It replaces earlier schemes which were widely abused. The visa costs US$5 million and revenue from sales will be used to pay down national debt. It is a pathway to citizenship if people are suitable as citizens (e.g. not terrorists etc.). Naturally, the Left hate this visa scheme.


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      Honk R Smith

      The target is the degradation of nation state identity.
      You are a BIPOC not an American.
      Your ‘community’ is racial identity, not you nation.
      You must identify as ‘global’ subject to save the planet.
      Nations were founded by colonialists and therefore irredeemably r@zist.
      The US was fortunate enough to be founded as the model of modern nation states.
      It is the strength of the US Constitution that is their greatness obstacle and the most annoying splinter in their craw.
      Particularly the US Bill of Rights Nos. 1 & 2.


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        David Maddison

        The fundamental difference between the US and other British-derived countries is that Australia, Canada and NZ and Once Great Britain itself reject notions of “natural rights” because they were influenced by the philosopher Jeremy Bentham who did not believe in natural rights as derived from God or nature (depending upon your belief). He thought rights only came from man, i.e. government. He saw rights as a conditional privilege which could be granted or withdrawn by politicians according to their whim. Australians have unfortunately been brainwashed into thinking “government knows best and will benignly look after them” and love and trust Big Government. (Don’t let Crocodile Dundee fool you.)

        The founding fathers of the US on the other hand were influenced by philosophers like John Locke, Jean Jacques Rousseau and Baron de Montesquieu who did recognise God-given natural rights and this is reflected in the US Declaration of Independence and US Constitution, including free speech (First Amendment) the right of free people to bear arms (Second Amendment).

        The main purpose of the First and the Second is to secure the condition from the Declaration of Independence:

        We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

        Video about “Jeremy Bentham’s Attack on Natural Rights” at: (16 mins)

        The Left’s principal target of attack is the United States because (despite corruption by the Left, under repair by TRUMP) the US stands for individual freedom, free speech and individual rights and the Left have always hated that and especially “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.


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    And don’t forget what unchecked immigration has done in Europe. Do you think the unelected dictators who run the EU will want intelligent people who will see through the scam and vote Right or unintelligent people who will vote Left?


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    Serge Wright

    The hypocrisy of the left ever ceases to amaze and Musk does such a great job exposing this BS. Down here in Australia we have our own mass immigration program which is designed to create a housing crisis and civil unrest, which are key ingredients for socialism to flourish, along with their economy destroying CC policy and it’s doing a brilliant job at achieving its goals. At the same time we’re being told that we’re all just settlers or invaders living on stolen land and yet the government has opened the door to bring in as many new settlers and invaders as possible. Sitting in parliament they rattle off a seemingly infinite number of acknowledgements to country each day as this unfolds and talk about wanting to give indigenous people a voice, and they then push through legislation to try and remove free speech for everyone.

    Whilst many of us can see what’s being planned, turning this ship will be near impossible. IMO – It’s the energy policy that’s the biggest killer. We now have a situation where people need government electricity subsidies to exist, which has created a government dependency and voter hostage scenario and this will only get far worse as we progress down this path. Looking back, the worst offending policy was rooftop solar subsidies and incentives because it’s removed significant domestic revenue from the grid and killed the business case for our cheap coal fired power generators, that need to run 24/7. This was the intention all along and people didn’t see the end goal because they focused on short term personal savings. Now we have a grid that is expensive to business and industry because we’re diverting billions of dollars to Chinese solar and battery companies, instead of funding the poles and wires. As more and more people add solar panels and batteries to escape the ever increasing grid cost, it keeps pushing up the cost for everyone else who can’t escape and creates a snowball effect along the way. Business and industry are being crippled and high inflation is baked in forever. The only winners are the ruling elites who lock in their power:(


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      David Maddison

      Well said Serge.

      I can’t see that the situation is fixable with either faction of the Uniparty.

      The most basic thing Dutton needs to say is that he will abandon the Paris Agreement and return Australia’s grid to how it was before Dutton’s predecessor Howard started destroying it.

      But he won’t do it.

      And forget nuclear. In the “can’t do country”, that wouldn’t come online for at least fifteen years, if ever, even if a decision was made today. Australia can’t wait that long. We will be a Second or Third World country before that. Even in a properly managed country a nuclear plsnt takes 3 to 8 years to build.

      Dutton only sees nuclear as replacing coal for baseload, not as a primary energy source. He still wants more wind and solar.

      And if people don’t realise how fast an economy can collapse from First World to Second or Third World, look at South Africa, Zimbabwe or Venezuela.


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        Serge Wright

        The problem with the current setup is that no one can operate a new coal generator in a market with so much rooftop solar and nuclear would face the same problem because these sources like to stay on full load 24/7 and can only be profitable and provide cheap energy when run at full load 24/7.

        This only leaves gas going forward and states like Vic have banned gas and other states like NSW sit on projects like Narrabri for decades because wind and solar lobby groups are connected to government and make sure these large projects never get legs. People need to wake up and realise that this system is being gamed by the ultra rich magnates who are obviously paying off people in government. Because gas sets the initial price for bidding, no one wants cheap gas because that would kill the RE scam and shrink their huge earnings, so a gas shortage and expensive gas is all we’ll ever get going forward. The situation is so dire and yet hardly anyone has a clue to what’s happening and even if people all wake up tomorrow it’s effectively not possible to fix the system. Sorry to say, but basically we’re stuffed.


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          Consider the pricing system for electricity, the hidden green levy, the hidden carbon tax on coal burning, the profit before operating incentive subsidy for wind and solar and others from government picking favourites and penalising others.


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          Simple fix: Get rid of the contrived so called ‘energy market’ abomination run by the Australian Energy Authority and AEMO, and set up a system of long term bids for base load supply, with a higher rate paid for top ups as required. A two tiered bidding system.

          What we have now has nothing to do with market forces, and is completely driven by political and idealogical aims.


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      A government Electricity Bill subsidy is, ‘Electrickery’.

      It is those that are being billed getting taxpayer money back/borrowed money given as a subsidy.

      This is NOT sustainable.


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    I think that the comments above are on the money. This takeover is happening all over the world, but perticularly in rich Anglo countries but not in Japan or China or Singapore or Sth Korea because they value their cultures and way of life.
    The so called religion of peace followers are a disaster because a certain percentage of them hate Jews and hate Christians.
    Look at the UK and rapes of thousands of young white girls over many years and the weak response of the government and the police.
    I know they’re also responsible for rapes in Sweden , France ,Germany and other parts of Europe and dangerous immigration levels will not be tolerated for much longer.


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    Greg in NZ

    Thank goodness that’ll never happen here – look at a world atlas and try to find a country called Aotearoa [sic] … not to be confused with Antarctica but close and almost just as cold.

    Except – that WEF-trained comrade who was once hailed as a world-leader, who was going to raise all New Zealand children out of poverdee, before she chucked the towel in and fled to Boston with an honorary degree or two ($$$), has now published a children’s book (with cartoon pictures no less) called Mum’s Busy Work, hot on the heels of her previous memoir, A Different Kind Of Power, a work of fantasy-fiction about ‘empathy and kindness’.

    Get me a bucket, I’m gonna be sick.

    And now our corporate-speak egg-head P.M. Luxton the Lamo is visiting the world’s most over-populated country on Earth spilling the beans to a billion people or more… our cricket team may improve yet we’ll all be rooned!

    / tongue-in-cheek for simple minds.


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    The socialists have realised they can ‘buy’ votes and people will keep voting for them to keep the flow of ‘free stuff’ going.


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    David Maddison

    Since the 1930s the technique of buying votes with the voters’ own money has been expanded to an extent undreamed of by earlier politicians.

    Milton Friedman, Rose D. Friedman (1985).

    “Tyranny of the status quo”


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    A new world is emerging thanks to Trump and his band of genius wolverines. You destroy the globalists one bite at a time, death by a thousand bites.


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      Most people have probably forgotten or were not aware of President Trump’s address to the United Nations during his first term in office, he told them the UN had expanded had moved away from it’s original core business, that the too many organisations attached must be cut back and that UN generally must stop interfering into the affairs of member nations.

      He even joked that the US had carried the UN with funding and maybe should consider taking back UN HQ and converting it into a casino for profit to be returned to the citizens of the US.


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    I listened to that podcast. There was just one frightening fact after another described by Elon Musk. The waste at government level in the US is just incredible. So much so that I think the public get a little nonplussed about it. As Elon put it – “Non elected bureaucrats sending someone else’s money to unknown people”. The story about NGO’s in particular was quite frightening. How the likes of George Soros could setup an NGO with a few million $, but then use leverage to yield hundreds of millions of $ from them. How employees of some government departments banded together to setup their own NGO’s and then became the recipient of huge amounts of govt money, almost for free. So in effect the Non Government Organisations became Government dependent organisations, so basically the same as a government department. We have the same in Australia. There’s a lot of quasi government type bodies, wholly dependent on government handouts who employ spokespeople on big money. Local councils are riddled with all sort of “officers” whose main job appears to be organising awareness days or morning teas. Employ at lot of people who when they get into the election booth, will most likely vote for Labor or the Greens or some weird coloured independent.


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      Jim from Maine

      What you describe is probably the most stunning aspect of what’s been happening here for a long time.
      One of the best examples is the NGO set up last year by Stacey Abrams, funded with $100.
      It was on course to receive $2BILLION in funding from taxpayer dollars. This was part of the climate scam.$350B fund controlled by Leon Podesta with zero accountability to anyone. When uncovered by the Muskrats, she was asked for an explanation and stated that Joe Biden gave her that money to buy appliances for people.


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    David Maddison

    Elon got little or no recognition in the Lamestream Media for the soon rescuing of the ISS astronauts when the woke DEI Boeing capsule failed.


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      On that podcast with JR, he was asked when those astronauts would be rescued. EM said within 4 weeks and that podcast was 28/2/25. So before time, which is typical of private enterprise. Goal, not process, orientated.


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    Dave in the States

    The late Rush Limbaug used to say this was what is happening all the time in his daily radio broadcasts. Too bad there’s not an archive of his radio broadcasts easily accessable. His warnings were very presciant.

    After, the 2016 election was when the Dems hit the panic button. They realized they were out numbered and the people no longer believed the legacy media outlets, or the professors, anymore.


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    The interview/conversation between Joe Rogan and Elon Musk was the most interesting and entertaining three hours I think I’ve ever watched straight through.


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    Your title pic (if ozzie-ised) would show heaps of empty cans, bottles & casks for the donor to collect.


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    Politics now has one main dimension … on the extreme left is total state control = deep state control and on the right is individual freedom from the state. That is the fight these days … between the blob and the individual.


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      Yes Mike Haseler ( Scottish Sceptic,

      Between the blob and the individual, btw philosopher king Plato and
      Socrates who supported the democracy in principle even to his own death.

      Karl Popper Vol 1 “Öpen Society and its Enemies.”

      Hope you all have read it. )


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    Jim from Maine

    To say this is an amazing period of history is pretty much a gross understatement. What Trump and Elon have accomplished in 2mos is impossible to grasp. They have done so much, so quickly, that the country (and world) are very unaware, and those that ARE aware are overwhelmed.
    I live in a VERY liberal household/family. An “educated” family. Everyone but me has a degree, I never needed one, having come up through the tech sector in the 80s/90s where your experience was much more important than any degree unless you were in finance.

    We are very much living in the matrix. Literally. The Left does not acknowledge a single accomplishment. They are completely blinded, and it is beyond explanation. The NGO phenomenon is the height of blindness in this regard. The Left still very much believes that USAid was devoted to feeding starving babies in Africa. And no amount of data or facts can change this.

    There is little question that what we are witnessing is the beginning of this conflict, not the end. Other conservatives I know are saying “We FINALLY got them! We’ve proven the fraud!”. They neglect the question “Proven to whom?”. All of this has so far done nothing more than to make the Left “Fraud HARDER!”. And now that the funding via the NGOs has been slashed, this is going to get more extreme, and more violent.

    The Left has two levels of membership. 1) The Cryers. Those that are increbily naive, and have absolutely no idea of what’s going on. 2) The Calculators. These are the people in control…and they will not “go quietly into the night”. We have no idea what the reaction is going to be, but I think it will be extreme and severe.

    We now live in UpsideDownLandia. My partner, lifelong liberal, had lived pretty much antigun, antiviolence her entire life, as well as her family. We do have firearms in our home. She asked over coffee the other day how much ammunition I had. I told her (it’s a very modest amount) and she replied “That’s not enough. I want you to buy more. And we need to start buying bulk, longterm food supplies.” She believes that conservatives are going to destroy the incredible economy that Biden created, and we’re going to go back to Covid-style shortages, and fears people will start stealing things out of desperation. She admits that she’s gone “prepper”, which of course traditionally has been the realm of right-wing extremist in the US. And yes, I was, and still am, speechless.

    I read news from the UK, and the rest of Europe, and see the same type of social collapse that is apparent here in our larger cities. I think Britain is a tinderbox, and could fall into civil war at any point, and Ireland appears to be not far behind. Italy is grapping with the same issues of mass immigration…and I see mention of the same problems in Australia when reading this blog.
    It is more Upsidedownlandia. Riots in the US have typically been the domain of the Left, and I think this may be generally true in Europe? Not anymore. Conservatives are starting to take to the streets.

    In closing this ramble off, I will say that one thing I agree with my partner on, we definitely DO need more ammo.

    Goodluck to all.


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    It’s been happening here for years.Previously seen with the left’s huge assistance to boat people in the courts. The fact that there is an international law for refugees that says they only have the right to stay in the country to which they first flee. Another fact is those countries are generally impoverished, don’t want/can’t afford the cost of looking after them. They are only too ready to send them on to places – like Australia. In Australia there is the prepared refugee legal system and Courts. They ignore the first laws and fight tooth and nail to keep the refugees here. The outcome would be expected to follow the Democrats line on future voting strength in elections.

    Those against such large scale manipulation of the immigration system are generally silenced by the compassion argument and personal attacks by public figures and friendly media ie the tricks the left always play to censor and silence their antagonists as seen in AGW. The drawcards to get into Australia for these people are the same as in the USA. Britain has the same problem and no doubt had Germany under Merkle.

    Labor is so desperate over the next election that the dolt, Burke, exposed the plan in action when he went public and held a heap of unscheduled citizenship meetings which he duly attended making sure the new citizens were educated about their ability to vote at the coming election. Of course the left friendly media let him get away with the argument that people had to wait too long in this country to achieve citizenship. The fact is in the USA it can take nearly a decade to achieve because it comes with a variety of loops the applicant has to jump through. Citizenship in the USA is valued and not lightly given! Australia on the other hand almost gives citizenship away. Some people are hardput through hoops for years, (seemingly in my view if they are caucasian or UK citizens) just to get an application accepted. Others are put on the road to their nirvana very quickly.


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    West Africa-focused gold producer Resolute Mining (ASX: RSG) announced on Monday the resignation of its chief executive officer, Terry Holohan, who was detained in Mali for 10 days in November.

    Despite these challenges, Resolute remains focused on optimizing operations.


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    The Game has been obvious to those paying attention for years. But the barriers to this knowledge reaching a wider audience were just too great. Between the legacy media blackout, the tunnel vision of the vote-blue-no-matter-who crowd, the quiet collusion of the elite, and of course the pandemic of TDS, the harsh truth was hidden. But things have gotten so messed up that something had to give, hence Trump. This was what drove the surprise election outcome of 2016, but things are even worse now, and the grift so bloody obvious that no amount of cheating or gaslighting could stop it. But after a period of confusion and disarray, the Blob is now responding. The canned demonstrations popping up all over, bought and paid for by a web of left NGOs, are just the first step.

    I used to think that the re-election of Trump would deflate the Blue Blob. Now I’m not so sure.


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    What’s new Jo, I saw Bob Hawke doing this when I lived in Australia in the 1980s.

    Now, what was the title of John Stormer’s book?


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    Several things wrong with the trump/ musk collaboration.
    Musk is not a part of the government. Just like me, he is supposed to pay his taxes and vote for those who control the purse. But, he is not an American, so he cannot vote in an American election. He is by choice a Canadian. Canadians cannot vote in American elections. They may be part of our political parties, but cannot vote.
    Musk is a business genius, just as trump is a genius, but both got an easy start, millions from a parent. Neither started from zero and had to interduce a new product. One inherited a business, the other bought a business that was established. That’s not business genius. The real genius was the help from someone else, some bank or establishment. That paid their way in.


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