I’m humbled and delighted. People are finding all kinds of creative ways to use that carbon tax compensation. (Thank you!) Gillards naked vote buying bribe is a step too low for conscientious hard working Australians. Here Geoffrey Houston wrote to let the Prime Minister know (and CC’d me):
Dear Ms Gillard,
This note is to thank you for my Clean Energy Advance of $350, which arrived in my bank account yesterday. As a self funded retiree, extremely concerned for Australia’s future, it will certainly come in handy in the fight against your government’s destructive policies.
I have disbursed it as follows:
· $100 donation to the IPA, an organization working to defend free speech against the efforts of the Greens helped by your government and to reveal the futility and underlying deceipt of your carbon (dioxide) tax.
· $100 donation to the Liberal Party to support the fight led by Tony Abbott to win the next election and remove the carbon (dioxide) tax.
· $100 donation to Joanne Nova whose web site is a resource for all who wish to understand the science which refutes the alarmist claims underpinning your destructive carbon (dioxide) tax.
· $50 to the Galileo Movement, a grass roots organisation campaigning to remove your carbon (dioxide) tax.
I will be pleased to disburse in a similar fashion any further bribes which you send.
Geoffrey D. Houston., PhD
Another productive Australian seeking a good use for “tainted money”
Dear Joanne,
Attached is a Bank Transfer receipt for $344.88 being the amount that the Labor/Greens Parties are attempting to bribe (essentially my money anyway) me with by way of a ‘Clean Energy’ transfer to gain my vote.
I was born in 1942 and brought up in, what was then, a British colony in Africa. I lived and worked in that country for over a decade after their independence. In this way, I witnessed firsthand the transfer from a reasonably well administered country to what is now one of the more corrupt countries in the world. I have travelled quite widely and experienced different cultures over reasonably long periods in some. For instance, I worked and studied in UK for almost four years, I studied in USA for over a year and I worked in Papua New Guinea as a pilot/engineer for four years. I have also visited India several times over the years.
I never expected to see a third world level of corruption, in my lifetime, in Australia. The Labor/Greens are attempting to drag this great country down to those levels. I hope we, the voters, will be able to turn this situation around soon.
I would like to use your good services to ‘launder’ this tainted money as a contribution to your efforts in exposing the fraud that is ‘global warming/climate change/sustainable development’ fraud/scam. Please do not feel any bad conscience over the use of this dirty money – I know that you will put it to good use.
Prævalere veritas – Temperi gradus illegitimus carborundum
Best regards
Graham Chubb, Queensland
If you decide to invest your carbon tax compensation in removing the carbon tax, make sure you email the relevant Australian Parliamentary Representatives. (Please do not abuse this list, hand written emails are an asset, spam is not.)
For anyone who wonders: no, I don’t have a rich miner or oil producer supporting me. Unlike the scientists who call us names, there are no ARC Grants, or CSIRO and University jobs I can apply for. Which government fund will pay someone to point out the flaws in big-government policies? David and I are self supporting (and don’t want to be any other way), and donations mean I can spend more time writing, researching, and working to help reduce the tax burdens, red tape, and spectacular wastage of your tax dollars. Thank you.
(Remember that your costs will rise. So make sure you can cover those bills before you give away any compensation. )
Donations (Paypal) | Donations (other ways) .
Smiles and thanks aside. When someone who’s lived in the third world anxiously compares corruption there to Australia now, there is much to do.
If I receive anything from the government like a Clean Energy Advance, rest assured part will be coming to you, as well as Simon at Australian Climate Madness and Bob Tisdale. I figure Australian money should go to Australians.
Sometimes I joke. It’s a person failing. I’ve changes 2 letter in the following quote.
Fritz Machlup (1902-83)
“Let us remember the unfortunate econometrician who, in one of the major functions of her system, had to use a proxy for risk and a dummy for sex.”
J. Pol. Economy, July/Aug 1974, p 892.
BTW, some weeks ago I blogged elsewhere (please excuse) that if any mining tax rebate came my way I’d give it to BHP where I still have a few former colleagues. It would be hypocritical to keep it, because I spent much time in my career fighting off new mineral taxes.
Fantastic Jo…..unfortunately I am not expecting a cheque from Canberra and if I did I would be in a huge dilemma…..would I cash it or frame it!?
Sorry, I am just preparing myself for the 1st time I will attend a demonstration/protest. Here’s the details for some demonstrations on this Sunday in Melbourne and Sydney. Maybe Jo could link these up into the actual above article for people.
Dont forget this one……….
Sorry, I am just preparing myself for the 1st time I will attend a demonstration/protest. Here’s the details for some demonstrations on this Sunday in Melbourne and Sydney. Maybe Jo could link these up into the actual above article for people?
I will post a note soon (and on Donna laframboise) — Jo
If I get anything it will be donated to JoNova and the Galileo movement.
Things keep appearing in my letterbox relevant to an upcoming election. I now save them.
1. A survey from an SA Labor Senator
2. An AEC reminder for my household to be enrolled
3. A very striking anti-Carbon Tax flyer with absolutely no references to find further information
4. A flyer from another Labor Senator “There’s no such thing as part-time for a mother” which concludes “these times of global change”.
Goodbye to any reference to “climate”!
I think you Aussies have a great chance to make history. With the giving attitude some readers have demonstrated, I think there is hope for change. The world is watching even if the MSM media still has it’s head in the sand.
Well done gentlemen! Can’t argue about such a worthwhile cause.
Well done to those donors. If there’s one thing you do know, it’s that you’ll be getting maximum bang per buck out of Jo and the others.
Call me pessimistic but if people continue to flaunt the
redirectionredistribution of these “refunds”, the government control freaks will simply eliminate the “refund”.I encourage people to donate but don’t make the “hand that feeds” mad. They could still screw you even more.
They will piss even more people off then and will lose in a bigger landslide than they already likely will.
After the next election the alp (Australian LIARS Party) will be able to have their caucus meetings in a TELEPHONE BOX !
It’s a one off payment, Mark D, there’s nothing to cut off. And the people already know they’re going to get screwed again by this government.
Making the “hand that feeds” mad won’t make one iota of difference when in reality it is the “hand that takes”.
The people did nothing to deserve this tax and did nothing to make any governemnet “mad” at them. Do you think now we should just sit back and wag our tails hopefully for another titbit, when that’s a stick we can see hidden behind that back?
No. We will not beg or cower. The government is there for the people, not the people for the government. And now is the time the government learns it or regret not paying attention!
Ally, Listen up! I have never said you should “beg or cower”. That said, you all as aussies let these taxers get into office and they have the power. You say:
and I say you are wrong. They allowed or voted for the people that created this tax. Argue with me if that helps but I think you need to recognize where the problem is.
The problem isn’t me.
Listen back, it was no criticism to you, Mark, none at all. I never said the problem was you. I am simply stating we will not sit back and we will not be careful with “the hand that feeds us”.
I repeat, the people did nothing to deserve this tax. They did NOT vote this government in, it was a hung parliament, no one wanted either side and that became a problem.
Gillard promised no carbon tax.
Of course we’re not going to allow it. Gillard and Labor are going to find their collective a$$eS kicked over the moon come the next election.
So smile a little, I’m not attacking you – I’m attacking the tax.
Mark, we did not vote to put them in power. It is a hung Parliament, and the slimey Gillard grabbed power.
Oh I see, And those holding seats in the “hung” Parliament got there how?
In the note to Julia one could ask if what they are receiving is a dividend or a handout from company borrowings,
I’m not expecting any compensation and I’m not “rich” except under Julia Gillard’s definition. But that is good as it means no one else is forgoing cash to help me pay for my rising electricity bill, other flow on expenses, reduced international competiveness (job opportunity & future pay rises) and reduced economic productivity (job opportunity & future pay rises) my country. An electricity Bill I might add that I have already taken as many steps as realistically possible to reduce without my family and I taking cold showers. It really upsets me that if we need to have renewable energy that at least as much is invested in R&D to make this energy affordable as is invested in taxing the western world to change its behavior. But I guess that approach would relinquish government control of our lives somewhat wouldn’t it?
Cookster you should think yourself lucky that you at least have some income. I have none, and I remain a non-person to this government. There is no looking at my old tax records to determine whether or not I should get any of this largesse.
In the meantime, medical bills continue to rise, pharmaceutical bills continue to rise, then there are the rises in electricity and gas.
As a non-person I am not eligible for a Medicare Benefits card. I simply do not exist where this government is concerned.
My husband wants to go into semi-retirement. Like you his income is high enough that we are not eligible for any form of largesse. On the other hand he gets a small pension from Vet Affairs and as a result of that, he did receive the bribe, but nothing like $350.
After four years in Nigeria I must admit that the parallels are striking. In reality the only difference between third world despots and our current government is the scale and blatancy of the bribes being offered.
There is no difference in the principle.
(Credit to the Nigerians – they at least had the gumption to strictly enforce their own immigration laws, but that is another matter.)
If I get any cash it is definitely going to be passed on as suggested above.
I won’t get anything from Canberra but this looks like the perfect step to let them know how angry you are.
Jo, Did you see the report in The Australian yesterday: Climate change taking hold, summit hears.
Queensland’s floods, Cyclone Yasi and the ongoing drought in Australia’s southwest are signs of the urgent need to adapt to climate change, a leading researcher says.
NATIONAL Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) director Jean Palutikof says mankind has a lot of work to do to ensure it copes with the turbulence of a shifting climate.
“(Climate change) is insidious and essentially non-linear, and has the capacity to deliver shocks and surprises which we are currently not well protected against,” Professor Palutikof told the Climate Adaption in Action conference in Melbourne on Tuesday.
CSIRO chairman Simon McKeon lamented mankind’s “love affair with fossil fuel”, saying that without it, the conference likely wouldn’t have been needed in the first place.
He also said endless debate in the media over the plausibility of climate change had hampered action.
“Change is hard enough, but when science isn’t given a fair go in the media it’s doubly hard,” he said.
Preventing food shortages and managing natural disasters are among the topics being tackled by some 700 people at the three-day conference.
So, 700 people at a conference in Melbourne enjoying travel, good food, and warmth, consuming lots of fossil fuels! Let those who lament about a love affair with fossil fuel be the first to stop using it!
And note, whatever happened to Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Change?
If they really did focus their efforts on preventing food shortages, some value might come out of such conferences.
Question for Jo Nova: Is there anywhere a petition for pulling Australia out of the UN?
I wrote to Tony Abbott about calling for a full and public inquiry into the science behind CAGW (once he’s in power). I feel all countries should do this, that way the people can be shown the faulty science that lies behind the scam (else the implication remains that IPCC and all the rest have something sound and the fear will not go away).
I got the standard reply back from Tony’s office and I doubt it reached his desk. No surprise, the man is inundated with mail, he can hardly be expected to see them all. Point is, just writing to our MPs about pulling out of the UN will probably not produce much.
The UN isn’t going to stop while it has funding to spend on its survival. Governments need to turn their backs on it. I, for one, want Australia out. Can we start a petition?
Ah I see how this works now. “Damn that awful carbon tax taking away all our money! You should give your dirty compensation money to me!”
Laura, you don’t yet “see” but let me help: The “dirty” money is in the hands of your politicians and worse the global politicians. They are the ones that deserve your scorn.
The difference should be obvious: you CHOOSE to give money to Jo. If you are Aussie you don’t have a choice about carbon taxes.
If you can’t understand the above, I’ll trade fiddle lessons for my wisdom.
Go easy on Laura, At least she is honest enough to admit, through her avatar, that she is on the fiddle as well.
I requested more bad fiddle puns and I got one! Was just being courteous
and no, the Australiam economy is not ‘burning.’ It is doing very well, and it’s kind of hilarious when people say that it isn’t. Why do we need to pretend that something is broken, when there are so many things that are actually broken in our country that we could be fixing? (Hospital systems, disability and aged care services, health and social care in indigenous communities etc.) Or does a couple of dollars in your already full pocket mean so much more to you than those things?
Yes you requested puns when you really wanted to save the world. I have read enough of your disingenuous crap now. Do you have a web site advocating on behalf of
No I guess you don’t. Further you weakly impugn me for having a “couple of dollars”? You weren’t being courteous.
Maybe you should lobby for diverting carbon taxes to support the above social problems?
Ah wow, it seems that I had forgotten to not argue with the angry conservative people
God forbid I try to joke about something!
Why would I have a website advocating about those things? Websites aren’t the answers to the world’s problems. (And no, before you say it, I don’t have the answers to the world’s problems either, nobody does.) I also don’t know why I would advocate to divert carbon tax money to those services? I simply said that they are actual problems in our society which we should be talking about addressing instead of inventing all these massive dramas about a small tax.
I guess I just don’t understand the huge deal about it to be honest, and I guess that was why I began reading this blog in the first place, because I was curious about the aversion to this legislation. A few hundreds of the biggest and most profitable companies in the country are being taxed according to how much environmental impact they are having. Lower income earners are being given some cash to help to cover any slight rises in cost passed on to the consumer directly (for example for electricity bills) but most of the tax should be absorbed by the big companies themselves (that is, afterall, the point – to make higher polluting companies pay more) and other companies are being monitored to ensure that they are not raising prices unnecessarily. I just fail to see the catastrophic implication of this? I mean, I live comfortably on around $270 a week and even if prices did rise, I could still afford to pay for that. We really don’t pay a lot for our essential services like power and water, and I’m pretty grateful for them, so I’m happy to pay more for them!
I’m just intertested in the slightly extreme reactions to this tax, that’s why I’m having this discussion I suppose.
Laura, you’ll soon fiddle a different tune. I promise you.
You can only suffer under this crazy tax.
Anyone else got any awful ‘fiddle’ puns for me? I’m quite enjoying them
Laura fiddles whilst the Australian economy burns.
Thank you!
“Thank you” for “burning Australia’s economy”? Maybe I don’t want fiddle lessons from you at all…………
Joanne Nova,
This post just comes across as greedy. I’m sure you’re already making bucket loads of money from this site. If I were to monetise a site like this, given the enormous volume of traffic, I would be generating well in to 6 digit dollars. Care to disclose your financial position?
[It’s cost our family thousands to operate this blog. Care to disclose your real name and email? Offering to advertise here? Didn’t think so — Jo]
[Then you should start your own blog and make those claimed bucket loads of money for yourself. Mod oggi]
[Dylan, please send your resume to Jo. If you truly have the talent to make 6 digits income from the web traffic, I think you might be considered for a contract. (there would be contingencies of course and performance guarantees)] ED
How to shoot yourself in the foot ↑
If that’s a question I think you’re in the right place to find people who can tell you how to do it. Or are you pointing to your silly comment?
In other words, where is dylan.com.au that’s making so much money as Mod oggi suggests you should have before bragging about your ability.
Thank you Jo, you have motivated me to start bothering the GreenLabor Malignancy in Canberra via constant email.
Bruce, hand-written emails have a big impact (so thanks for doing that hard work) but can I stress that if the staffers who read those emails get spammed, we will lose the easy option of emailing. They will change the addresses and set up systems to make it harder to email.
Please don’t abuse the list I set up (and thanks for the reminder, I’ll add a note in the post).
Joanne, having lived many years in Africa and experienced its corruption first hand, I can confirm Graham Chubb’s sentiments … we have reached the same level as the African desperadoes.
Unfortunately, even though I have not earned any income from the past 9 months (thank you ju-LIAR … my business depends on national confidence), I have not received my bribe this time around much like the previous round of bribery, and will not be able to donate it to your endeavour much as what I would like to.
All the best.
Congratulations Australia!
You have adopted one of the favourite polices of the Loony Left, which is always guaranteed to fail: “Tax and Waste”.
Now you will see the ´Law of Unintended Consequences´ become steadily more apparent:
The Carbon Tax:
1. Will be inflationary
2. Will reduce investment in industry and mining – this will take a few years to fully manifest itself. The bottom line here is that it will impact very negatively on economic growth.
3. Will achieve no significant reduction in carbon dioxide emissions in Australia – in global terms, the impact will be miniscule.
4. Will make Australia the laughing stock of the western world.
5. Will eventually/soon be scrapped after achieving only two things: a lot of unnecessary costs and a new bloated, expensive bureaucracy (which will then have to be paid off once it is disbanded!).
I would like to take this opportunity to volunteer to be one of those expensive bureaucrats – my credentials are that I am prepared to do nothing/nothing useful, which means I would be ideally suited for one of these positions.
Carbon taxes – such is the cost of Gillard having to bribe one Green MP.
I received my $350 yesterday but as that included the regular quarterly Senior’s Supplement the Carbon (dioxide) offset was the expected $190. This is to last until June 2013 when quarterly payments of $65 commence to end early 2014.
My electricity bills rose from late 2009 to late 2011 – service charges 100%, usage rate 36%. These are due to green schemes (wind, solar, smart meters etc much of which financed by industry super funds at probably favoured and guaranteed returns (“follow the money”)) introduced by our Victorian State Labor Govt. These costs far outweigh the latest bribe. TRU have just announced a 10% increase to cover carbon (dioxide) tax from July 1. AND GST is added on top. Oh – gas is going up 9% too – just as well it is cleaner (?) than electricity. Thank goodness for global warming or we not be able to afford to heat our homes.
Although some “big polluters” have been given slings, and many domestic users given bribes, many average Australians will bear the cost. Small/medium businesses get no offsets and either absorb or pass the cost on if competition allows. If normal gross profit margins apply, plus multiplier effects applied down the chain, costs will go up higher than we are led to believe.
Still – overlooking a cynical observation that the Carbon (dioxide) tax is largely an income distribution device, that the rebates are in June 2012 and tax received in 2012/13 to help engineer a “surplus” – one cannot help but observe that the deal done to shut BHP, Rio and Xtrata up before the last election cost $billions pa in mining tax lost and money had to come from somewhere.
Effect on carbon dioxide emissions – virtually zero, effect on temperature – virtually zero.
Yet the protectors of our future in the MSM still cozy up to the Greens and the Labor puppets. No wonder Fairfax readership is spiralling down the gurglar – people have stopped reading it.
What will I do with my $190? I may have to donate it to my pensioner sister-in-law who is struggling to make ends meet.
Allan, There has been a slow cancer in Australia whereby the past application of the law of contract has been weakened. There was a time in my younger days when you went to your GP, he gave you a bill and you paid it. If you thought the bill was high, you had the power to negotiate with the GP and arrive at the oft-quoted “Willing buyer, willing seller, benefit to both Parties.”
Contemplate the situation now, where your electricity and water suppliers have been taking money from you in adavance, under what I call the “God clause.” This says that if you want to do business with an organisation like this, you have to agree to hand over your rights, so that they can change what they bloody well like and if you don’t like it, then lump it and leave.
How many of us were given the option to negotiate a ‘smart meter’? Were you a willing buyer, did you negotiate the cost, are you feeling a benefit?
That’s fundamentally what the problem is. Recent failure to enforce centuries of law of negotiation.
Dear Prime Minister Gillard,
I thank you for the increase in the Tax free threshold. I know my daughter with two kids are struggling due to a high mortgage. Her husband is a software engineer and earns well above normal wages. My daughter is a registered nurse in QLD. I am thankful you are placing pressure on the banks to pass on these interest rates drops by the Federal Reserve. Further the tax free threshold (due to carbon tax) is being increased to $18,000 – this will ensure they will not be impacted as they will be getting a $800 tax break between them in a total tax relief.
The carbon rebate increases for Centrelink pensioners, unemployed and students are welcome as well. The impact of your former leader: Kevin Rudd are also welcome. The unseen cost energy saving benefits seen in thousands of homes across Australia right now despite some cowboys who entered the industry causing injury and grief beyond his control.
I would also like to thank our former Premier Ann Bligh of this great state QLD with her attractive incentive when excess is pumped back into the grid at the rate of 44 cents sustained over a kilowatt hour for surplus electricity from solar. At present, feed-in tariff regulations for renewable energy exist in over 40 countries around the world and they are widely considered one of the most effective ways to increase solar energy uptake. Now unfortunately the short sighted mindset of the present state Premier Neuman has seen this slashed from 44 cents to 8 cents. QLD uptake of Solar Panel electrical generation and potential for retirement income for retiree adopters has been phenomenal. Now because of silly nonsense of deficits with a complete lack of forward estimates in QLDs growth in this renewable, QLD will have to build one extra coal fired power station at cost estimates $5 to $6 billion dollars by 2028. Estimates for funding our retirement (due a 4.5k/watt rated system) would be approximately $85,000 over the life cycle of the panels. This does not take into account for inflation and the free effect of having to pay no electricity due to feed tariff and daylight savings on electricity usage in the home.
I want to ensure my retirement is secured. These incentives are needed on carbon outputs as the world embraces placing a cost on carbon. It’s inventiveness for industries to declare a cost on carbon is the correct move. Even Opposition Tony Abbott places an emphasis on funding carbon reduction but with revenue that comes from Tax payers directly to industry. That is great fault line of division between your policy and the policy of the opposition. The mining Tax which has other benefits to our two stream economy will also be cancelled.
So at the end of the day you were faced with some very hard decisions. My only thing I hold against you and this the reason for your low rating in opinion polls – you talked your former leader Kevin out of it and then did something. The average AUSTRALIAN endorses AGW science as real and authentic. Loud extremists are venting there anti-carbon agenda that seeps in there negative perceptions of AGW science as established and its impacts.
To his credit the opposition leader now endorses as Climate Change due to carbon impacts. He also in this video show some political opportunism when he said he preferred a CARBON TAX to a ETS scheme for the time being.
You see this remarkable video here:
Anyway you have a good day. I hope and pray we can stop the boat journeys to Australia and save lives and you can come to an agreement with a very negative opposition.
Yours sincerely,
Ross J.
I’m eagerly awaiting your comments about the carbon dioxide tax after it’s been in effect a while — say, six months or a year from now? So be sure to let us all know what you think once you’ve gotten used to it.
“Ross James”,
You are full of s.it!
Seriously what drugs are you taking???
Worse still you have the audacity to quote from the LEFTIST RAG “THE AGE” which is not even fit for use as toilet paper !
At least “THE AGE” and other Fairfax rags will cease to exist in the near future. The reason for this is the LEFTIST ANTI AUSTRALIAN DRIVEL that they spew out that the majority of Australians DO NOT WANT TO READ !
A democratic system exists for you at ballot box, Angry.
Do not expect me to follow your tirade on any political balance – it does not exist with your single eyed focus.
Now what if all the papers agreed with you? We would become a Fascist dictatorship over night by rules of very wealthy elite monolith created without restraint. I have no doubt in my mind you would also behind imprisonment for any scientist who present AGW science as valid.
And let me tell you another thing – Right wing governments without some moral influence with doses of compassion can be very bad mothers to tolerate.
Is this what you want? Think it through my friend. Think through it hard.
See me in six months after the sky falls in – it won’t. The only crash will be the lies based on a carbon tax that rates less then 3%.
Same goes for the GST Tax. Now that was 10%. After all the noise we did not need it to keep revenue positive.
Ross J.
But a Socialist, Communist Leftist Labor dictatorship is OK Ross?
and let me tell you another thing: Communist Leftist are also VERY BAD MOTHERS! Do I need to provide you with names from history?
Back at you! Indeed Ross on this notion we agree.
the only way you can make money out of a PV solar home scheme is to force up electricity prices. The feed-in tariff is one mechanism, the carbon tax another.
The problem with the PV approach is that those who cannot afford the up-front capital outlay have to pay the extra price of electricity. Include in this group the poor, renters and people like your daughter who can’t afford a higher mortgage.
The carbon tax “gets around this” by making everyone pay more. Forget about the “big polluters” myth, the tax will be very widespread.
Going shopping? Woolworths, Coles, Myers, David Jones, Harvey Norman will pay C tax. So will Westfield Holdings so that will mop up the stragglers.
Buying from? Arnotts, Bega Cheese, Cadbury, Coca-Cola, Heinz, Lion Nathan, McDonald’s etc will pay C tax. (and the milk suppliers).
Paying with? ANZ, NAB, Westpac and Commonwealth will pay C tax.
Use water instead? Hunter Water, Melbourne, SA, Sydney Water Corporations will pay C tax. So will SunWater.
Feeling sick? Healthscope, Ramsay Health, St. Vincent’s Health, BUPA etc. guess who will pay C tax.
Going to complain? Australia Post and Telstra will pay C tax.
To the newspapers? Fairfax and News will pay C tax.
Public Transport Authority WA, State Transit NSW, Qantas, Holiday Inns, CSIRO, Monash & Qld. Universities, Brisbane City Council, AMP, The Uniting Church Property Trust, Tabcorp etc. will all pay C tax.
And bear in mind that the Government thinks the rate of tax (under the trading scheme) by 2050 will have to be $135 to make “renewable” energy competitive.
I think your daughter will need every cent of her “compensation” to stay even. But she will have the joy of knowing that the whole scheme want make any measurable difference to the climate.
won’t make any difference.
Damn spell checkers .. computers will take over the World, we just won’t understand them.
British MPs have no idea how to meet the ‘carbon’ target they voted for……
The same no doubt can be said of the Gillard “government” !!!!!!!!!!
ELECTION NOW !!!!!!!!!
The Thumbs-up/down buttons seem to be remapped to “Go to top”. Irritating.
I have no income. The government does not recognize me. All of my costs continue to rise