Big news: A new endogenous forcing found for climate change — sharks. For millions of years you thought predator-prey relationships were just about big fish having dinner, but not so, they are climate forcings. Sharks cool the planet, and stop storms, floods, droughts and malaria. Crabs, on the other hand, pollute like a coal company. It’s a miracle that the planet made it through the last billion years without the EPA managing the shark-crab numbers thing. This ABC interview inspired me to channel the spirit of neolithic science.
The dusken-shark doth smite the naughty fishies and give us nice weather
New research has found that sharks play an important role in preventing climate change, warning that overfishing and culling sharks is resulting in more carbon being released from the seafloor.
“Sharks, believe it or not, are helping to prevent climate change,” said Dr Peter Macreadie, an Australian Research Council Fellow from Deakin University and one of the paper’s authors.
Sharks: Good. Crabs and Turtles: Bad. Kill those turtles!
“Turtles, crabs, certain types of worms, stingrays — these animals that are overabundant to do with loss of predators used to keep their numbers in check,” Dr Macreadie said.
Someone send a note to Greenpeace — those turtle eggs are killing the planet.
The researchers used Cape Cod in Massachusetts as an example of where this process had been observed.
“There had been overfishing in the region, so a lot of the big fish had been removed and then what we saw was an increase — a remarkable increase, a huge increase — in the number of crabs that bury and borrow down in the system, in the salt marsh which sequestered all this carbon,” Dr Macreadie said.
“And we’d found that in an area there, the crabs had become so abundant that they had pretty much destroyed the salt marsh, and it was a small area, it was only 1.5 square kilometres, but it liberated 250,000 tonnes of carbon that had been stored in the ground.”
So the evil crabs release a quarter of a million tonnes of carbon? I say, save the planet with Chilli Crab Linguine!
Ooh. Look. There’s an Australian version: Chilli Crab Linguine With Vodka.
But don’t kill the turtles. They can buy carbon credits instead.
PS: This is going to be hard for big-chief climate modelers — tricky feedbacks ahead. In 2008 global warming was blamed for causing shark attacks. Now shark attacks are saving us from global warming.
Cue jokes now about how climate change jumped the shark…
h/t Brian, Michael Kile.
UPDATE: Leo G in comments: Critics say large-scale Cooked Crab Sequestration deployment is unproven and decades away from being commercialised.
UPDATE: Sophocles — What we really need to know is what effect [sharks] have on earth quakes…
According my calculations, 250,000 tonnes equates to 166 kg of carbon per cubic meter. Wow! Heavy….
Sorry, should be square meters.
250,000 tonnes of carbon is .916 MtCO2 equivalent.
There are two ways to look at this. First the climate skeptic position.
Now take the climate alarmist position.
*Note in very small print. 🙂 Liechtenstein has a population of 37500 and emissions 6.1 tCO2 per capita equivalent. Total 2014 emissions are about 0.0073% of the global The details are to be found in Liechtenstein’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution for the Paris 2015 COP21.
You win the climate internet today!
Another branch of research succombs to the overwhelming need to attract a small slice of the climate change gravy train.
Its the Twitterisation of science. An academic Tower of Babel.
If it wasn’t so serious it would be laughable,I can’t fathom how supposedly educated people can come up with this tripe and still keep a straight face.
A serious question for Jo – are scientists becoming the new lawyers ie ambulance(grants) chasers and shonks?
I know that there are 10’s of thousands of legit scientists doing proper research and work but it seems that the shonks and sharks(pardon pun) get the headlines,it must be galling to have to keep on speaking up for science when for years it was a given?
Gav good points. I have been wondering for some time if a lot of our grief on the international scale is too much money being funneled to climate science, social sciences (i.e. thinly veiled Marxist studies, etc.) and that research should be slashed or eliminated and the difference spent for tax relief and support to real sciences and engineering, and technology development. These include medical sciences, mathematics, engineering, etc.. Seems there is too much money for research focused on nonsense and not enough on legitimate science.
You have hit the core of the issue.
Imagine if for example the CSIRO was able to divert all of its current funding to actually work on REAL renewables .
There would eventually be a payoff.
At the moment so much of what they do is in the shadow of the CO2 CAGW Meme and is wasted.
Look at Carbon Sequestration.
My God. Talk about the emporers new clothes.
They MUST know it isn’t real!
But every pronouncement from that once great organization is now couched very carefully in terms to warm the heart of all politicians.
Actually, what the taxpayer wants to hear from CSIRO IS THE TRUTH
Scary stuff.
Run. Hide!
Ahh…. turtle soup !!! yum ! 😉
I don’t know, I could handle a crab glut about now, the more cheap crabs on the market, the more I’ll sequester
Crabs and Turtles are the Prawns of Big Shoal.
I never liked their music, anyway.
Next thing to deduce is that evolution caused climate change the same way. So to stop climate change we must eradicate anything with the potential to mutate. QUICK BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!
Pure distraction, no different from the rest of the climate comedy.
Hand waving at sharks while the other quaffs escargot as fast as humanly possible.
Paris here we come.
Molluscs, slither for your lives.
In the global scheme of things it is a distraction. But for a Senior Lecturer from a minor department in a minor university (14 in Australia & 421 in the world) to get coverage on Australia’s premier TV channel is a major CV item. Wannabe pop stars or supermodels would simply die for such exposure.
One who seeks relevance and hopes of full funding.”Nature Climate Change” and an ABC interview all indicates he’s into a bit of snout troughing.
Hopefully funding…
Glen, don’t knock it. The lead author is still not yet 30 and the exposure could lead to a tenured professorship. There are many thousands of jealous Post-Grads and lecturers out there. The tragedy for us in the real world is that exposure is given to such trivia and nonsense, as against people who make positive scientific impacts in understanding eradication of cancer, or the understanding the role political despotism in maintaining absolute poverty.
KM, you refer to the ‘Warhole’ moment, those ‘priceless’ fifteen minutes?
Almost as good as the yesterday’s newspaper used to wrap today’s
fishshark ‘n chips methinks.As for the MSM trumpet of low intellectual wattage, they helplessly betray themselves at every turn.
What we really need to know is what effect they have on earth quakes. The sun currently stands accused but that’s not an anthropogenic cause, unlike human impacts on the shark population creating greater climate forcings.
Sigh. Must be a another imminent climate conference somewhere …
So if everything is a factor that causes climate change how is it that climate models are based on the only factor that they found a way to tax us on?
+100! A point that has puzzled me for quite some time, too, James.
Excellent point. Only CO2 causes climate change (always referred to warming at some point)yet everything the alarmist can think of (including crabs?) causes climate change.
Too many mediocre, incompetent, and crooked “scientists” chasing far too much government research money directed to world governance.
It’s going to get really interesting when the owner of the sun starts charging for use of her property. She might regret that when all those suffering from skin cancers sue for damages, and countries go after her for failing to control its emissions which kill satellites, cause damaging and catastrophic climate change, damages for creating extreme weather, and reparations for ice ages. It could become rather hot property …
It’s why I haven’t claimed ownership of the galaxy. All it would take would be a (relatively) close super nova and the present ice age intensifies, new species appear and old ones change.
Or another big rock from outer space turns us into dinosaurs—dead and extinct. That case wouldn’t cause any claims, but the survivable ones would become litigously expensive.
“The phrase is based on a scene from a fifth-season episode of the sitcom Happy Days when the character Fonzie jumps over a shark while on water-skis.”
“Sea food … another BBQ favorite”
Jo, I think there is some credibility to the claim that “sharks” protect us from storms.
Here in Utah The Great Flood of (1862) caused immense damage, probably through not having many sharks here (or even “a shark”).
I have to also agree with your researcher Dr. Macreadie’s claim that crabs are a real issue, and so in response the famous American restaurant chain Red Lobster (sea food specialists) are doing a “CrabFest” $7.99 all you can eat 😀
btw – Disney owns the copyright to TMNT “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” , so if you eat one .. you could have problems with your tourist VISA for the States.
For those who enjoy crab , Disney’s “Little Mermaid” does include Sebastian (a crab), but he is not copyrighted per se and therefore is edible.
Incidentally , this article ties in nicely with the story on CNN today by John D Sutter (famous for climate scare stories that provide for entertaining comments from readers)
in this he attacks “red meat” (probably not a good idea in America), and equates it to owning an SUV.
This is nothing, peak stupid will resurrect old school science with great vengeance and fury.
We can look forward to,
– Burning witches for weather cooking.
– Throwing virgins in volcanos.
– Reading the entrails of a special creature.
You’d think that the fairy tales of the green agenda are more apt for a certain large group of followers currently causing global trouble as directed by their barbaric doctrine, the parallels are quite profound.
I cause Global Warming and weigh more than a duck, therefore, I must be a witch.
The science is settled.
We’ll build a bridge out of ya then. 🙂
Yonie – Your argument falls down in that you don’t define which creatures are
speshulspecial ;¬)30
Apologies should be Yonnie :¬(
Thanks for the correction Mr Colon… the spirit of inclusiveness all animals shall declared special and be subjugated to such examinations, there’s no reason why PC policy cannot be applied to any pseudo science as the IPCC has already blazed the way for generations to come, Huzzah! 🙂
Yonnie: it would be better, and safer, to throw homogenisers into volcanoes.
I predict – with 95% certainty – that as the first adjuster goes up in smoke, the remaining 97% will suddenly discover that the actual figures are better after all.
As for reading the entrails the BOM has probably exterminated the bunyip. Another charge against them which they can easily refute by producing a bunyip in court.
They’d probably hire Johnny Cochran to use the Chewbacca Defence, all courtesy of the taxpayer of course.
This over abundance of crabs will be self correcting, pointing out an area of crab infestation will attract some serious quantities of crab pots.
Thus balancing the lack of sharks. Win win as swimming is also safer. Badly deluded research, one can only feel pity for people such as this.
Perhaps the special creature is a virgin witch?
All we have to do is find one …
Shark steak is off the menu then, to be replaced by turtle soup?
Maybe Greenpeace will supplement their cuddle a polar bear campaign with become a shark dental hygienist.
I think there is a logical flaw in the proposition made in the article on the ABC website(which shows a photo of a big and very scary Great White). The problem is, since great whites and other human eating sharks don’t eat the small critters that eat sea grass – then that means killing them means more middle & lower level predators – which is good for sea grass – more sharks mean less middle and lower level predators- which is bad for sea grass – so I think this ABC attempt at science journalism just plain stupid.
“They are the seagrasses, the salt marshes, the mangroves and they’re among the most powerful carbon sinks in the world,” Dr Macreadie said.
“So they will capture and store carbon at a rate 40 times faster than tropical rainforests like the Amazon and they’ll store that carbon in the ground for millennial time scales.”
He said as predators were culled and overfished, other marine life consumed more and more vegetation.
“Turtles, crabs, certain types of worms, stingrays — these animals that are overabundant to do with loss of predators used to keep their numbers in check,” Dr Macreadie said.
Wait. What?
September 11, 2014: Climate change to cut global shark populations by 44% in coming decades
Oh No, it’s a runaway feedback loop!
Less sharks will lead to more crabs and turtles which will release more of the dreaded Carbon from the seafloor which will in turn decrease the number of sharks.
My great, great, great grandchildren may never see a shark.
Its a positive feedback, apparently.
They are clutching at straws, making stuff up as they go along, to explain the pause.
I mentioned the other day how the Klimatariat is suggesting that this coming El Nino will cause a repeat of the 2009-10 European winter blizzards.
Its an unmitigated hoax, as is the shark thingy.
I agree gordo. It is a race to determine the climate scientist that publishes on the last thing that causes climate change. Since there are nearly, or perhaps really, an infinite number of things; this race to the bottom in climate scientists will continue until they do indeed reach the bottom. But what horrors are at the intellectual and practical bottom of “science”? Lysenko-ism, no that’s been done, witches, no that’s been done, Communism, no that’s been done, hmmmm
‘But what horrors are at the intellectual and practical bottom of “science”?’
They are hoping global warming picks up soon (the irony burns) or they will have to convert to ‘lukewarmism’ to save their jobs.
The capacity for Human Self Delusion seems to be Unaffected by Increases in the amount of education given subject.
Perhaps we need less “Education” and a little more Reality.
Give every Klimate Scientist (and politician) a Sustainable Reality Project for survival: a small plot of land for a veggie garden, a few chooks and a sharp axe with which to begin “dressing” the birds and maybe we will see a little common sense.
The experiment in self sufficiency could become more focused when a large barbed wire fence is erected around each plot so that self sufficiency could be accurately demonstrated at 97% certainty.
Reminds me of the old saying about humanity going round and round in ever decreasing circles until it disappears up its own orifice in blinding flash of blue light.
We are very close to that “blue flash”.
I also suspect that giving a number of these Climate Scientists or politicians a sharp axe would lead to a number of these folks being self-removed from the sample set for your experiment.
Probably a good thing.
I meant individual cages Greg 🙂
The Oozlum Bird a treasured and oft referred to favourite of mine.
Brilliant Manfred.
The item had me in for the fist line or so.
A bird that far up itself should be called the Kardashian…..
Now that’s a whole nother bird entirely
She does however remind me of a swallow.
KK breaking out the naughty dad jokes! 🙂
I think you may have taken that the wrong way Yonnie.
as you might recall I am interested in birds: this morning I got within about 4 metres of a coachwhip up near Nobbys near the harbour but still couldn’t see it.
cant remember whether it was male or female.
I still don’t know how it got past the censor.
Apologies KK, naughty dad jokes are my forte, carry on sir.
The coach whip crack is always preceded by two soft, drawn-out whistles, and more often than not concluded after a short pause with another note, repeated twice, sounding like the words “chew, chew,” also the two added notes al ways seemed to come from a few yards away. These were proved to come from the female in answer to the call of her mate. At other times the hen calls “coo coo-coo,” dwelling on the last “coo” until answered by her mate with the whipcrack. The two notes given by
the female following the “crack” is often like “whit-wee,” or “which-are we.” The female is not always re sponsible Tor the curious double note which rounds off the whipcrack note like an echo. Under certain condi tions, the male can and does give both On one occasion two observers heard the call of the male In some under growth, and the responding note of the female came from the opposite di rection. Presently the male ‘was seen near the edge <& some scrub and seve ral times cave the usual note, and
I’m not sure she was ever this young.
A change of pace.
For the Irish.
Yes I’ve seen these guys live years ago when an Irish Murphy’s pub opened here, the place was packed and their performance was a true Gaelic art form.
Well Yonnie
It seems we have that in common.
A few years ago at the Canberra Folk Fest they performed in one of the smaller rooms.
It was packed with a couple of hundred people.
There wasn’t a dry eye in the house.
Very emotional.
Ah, yes. Heinlein’s Glory Road solution to the problem of Urdli.
And they probably got Gov’t funding to produce this bovine faeces. The alarmists get dumber by the day.
They got government funding (look at the end of the paper, linked below by me) and you should be able to find reference to it and the cost here One of the grant numbers is DEI 130101084 but I could not find reference to it.
A warmist would never do harm,
To a shark who just bit off one’s arm,
For the climate-change cause,
Now welcomes all Jaws,
As a forcing in climate alarm.
Who would have thought that the capitalist (sharks) on Shark Tanks were saving the planet from Global Warming and Climate Change!
Amazing. Who’d a thunk it?
Only in climate science I guess. 😉
I am still in search of a virgin witch …
Here is the paper – it is free to access. Go to this link and in a few seconds it will jump to the actual paper.
Let me know if that works. It was working for me but now it seems to not work (going to the full paper). Perhaps they stopped the free access or perhaps you only get a couple of free views…
I got this from my browsing history. Does it work for you?
Don’t worry. The UN can save us. They can vote that turtles and crabs are really sharks.
Wot?! No more ‘flake n’ chips’? 🙁
and who has picked up this “story”?, EurekaAlert, Guardian, SBS, Courier Mail, Brisbane Times(Fairfax), and a couple of others.
drum roll…today’s scary warning:
Bank of England’s Carney warns of climate change risk
BBC News – 3 hours ago
Bank of England governor – global economy at risk from climate change
BBC News – 3 hours ago
Mark Carney warns investors face ‘huge’ climate change losses
Financial Times – 1 hour ago
Carney Urges G-20 to Act on Stability Risks From Climate Change
Bloomberg – 2 minutes ago
BoE’s Carney say firms must be more open about carbon footprint
Reuters – 1 hour ago
Move to low-carbon economy before it’s too late, says Carney
The Times (subscription) – 1 hour ago
Bank of England governor Mark Carney calls on insurers to help prepare for climate change – 3 hours ago
Carney warns of risks from climate change ‘tragedy of the horizon’
The Guardian – 2 hours ago
Bank of England governor spells out dangers of climate change and severe weather to world economies
ITV News – 1 hour ago
Bank of England”s Carney Warns About Impact of Climate Change on Financial …
Nasdaq – 3 hours ago
ABC etc will soon follow…
Global warming has increased “tensions” between sharks and humans….
I do hope that article is tongue-in-cheek. It doesn’t read that way, but that could be its genius; however, as there is no commenting facility, I fear that it could be in earnest.
I just discovered this. Is it the beginning of the freeze we’ve all been expecting? I don’t know. But it’s got dozens of references from Google.
I searched for, cold blob found in north atlantic and just picked the first one in the list.
Clearly someone is very worried about it.
Roy apparently there are two cold blobs that have been hanging around for a few years, they do not go away and are changing the normal flow of ocean currents. That is what is bothering them, global cooling, hiatus stuff.
We know that ocean currents do change their routes around the globe. I was taught that way back in college somewhere or I read it somewhere after college. So unless I’m wrong about that there’s nothing new in changing currents.
Whatever this is I think it has a natural cause like the ozone hole (another wasted alarm) and while it’s no doubt of great interest for study and may mean something about what we can expect in the future, it’s also well outside of any human control. I won’t be worrying about it because, let’s face it, whatever happens is something we either cope with or die if you know what I mean. I don’t even look at weather forecasts anymore. Whatever happens I just cope. If it should rain I have an umbrella in the car and if it’s too cold I have a jacket there as well. Problem solved.
I went looking for your Cold Blob and found this and almost fell out of the chair laughing.
I could easily laugh if the whole thing wasn’t so fraught with possibly dangerous government actions. NASA hasn’t a bit of credibility with anyone who has even a shred of good judgment.
I’d like to see the computer move south by itself though. That would be quite a trick to behold. 😉
Actually, since the computers they’re no doubt talking about need a lot of air conditioning to keep them cool I would think staying north would help their electricity bill a lot. But you never know with a government agency, especially in the present administration.
True Fact: The Lack of Pirates Is Causing Global Warming
true fact… numbers of pirates is on the increase.
When making things up to support a joke argument it helps make the joke argument funny, it helps if your “facts” sort of look real so as to enhance the parody, otherwise you become the parody yourself. The FSM got away with it because it was clever on other levels and was not a monochromatic appeal for applause from its friends.
Sounds like a reasonable facsimile to me.
…’it helps if your “facts” sort of look real so as to enhance the parody’…
Fair comment.
And for the lurkers, a parody in this genre is meant to be a humorously exaggerated imitation of global warming.
I had always thought of sharks as ‘naughty fishies’ of a distinctly primitive type! Am I now expected to bow down and worship the great Shark God? Or something like that….
thanks for the light relief… I could not go past this
1. Commas wrong.
2. Sentence as a whole is nonsense.
3. No one has lived for millions of years and human knowledge does not extend that far back.
4. No self respecting biologist or even an interested member of the public would be happy to simplify predator-prey relationships as “big fish having dinner”. Thanks for assuming that we do.
5. The “they” in “they are climate”. Is it big fish or relationships?
Gee, it’s called satire.
Nonsense in Nature gets what it deserves.
But I’ll fix the commas. Thanks. The “they” is both.
and there I was thinking your blockbuster series was satire 😉
Geez Jo the Frank Burns of climate trolls giving you advice on satire, and I thought it had turned over a new leaf.
Just read a comment over at Bishop Hill by someone by the name of Earle recalling a quote he thought was from Issac Held, when paraphrased is “Just because a study is published in Nature Climate Change doesn’t mean it’s necessarily wrong” 😉
dealing with “the reality” of what this article says hasn’t even been happening – it’s been a “quiet spell”!
29 Sept: UK Telegraph: Marion Dakers: Bank of England governor Mark Carney calls on insurers to help prepare for climate change
After facing criticism this year for Bank of England research into global warming’s impact on the financial world, Mr Carney said that both government and the private sector had roles to play to ensure that ***“a market in the transition to a two-degree world can be built”, referring to the assumption that global temperature rises could be capped at this amount.
“While the insurance industry is well placed to adapt to a changing climate in the short-term, their response could pose wider issues for society, including whether to nationalise risk,” he said, hinting at a state-supported climate change scheme in the footsteps of Flood Re, which helps to cover households in flood-prone areas that could otherwise not buy insurance…
He also suggested that the climate talks in Paris in December should discuss an industry-led Climate Disclosure Task Force, where carbon-intensive companies could tell the world how much pollution they were producing, with the goal of understanding better the global scale of the problem.
***Insurance companies have enjoyed several years of relatively low claims for large natural disasters, a phenomenon that has put prices under pressure – although many firms have said they ***do not expect this quiet spell to last.
“While there is always room for scientific disagreement about climate change (as there is with any scientific issue) I have found that insurers are among the most determined advocates for tackling it sooner rather than later. And little wonder. While others have been debating the theory, you have been dealing with ***the reality,” Mr Carney told an audience at the Lloyd’s of London building…
comment by nexus01: So another level of bull to cover that fact the financial system is failing
Why am I reminded of The Goodies and ‘The Cod War‘.
Crabs, on the other hand, pollute like a coal company.
Absolutely correct, and what’s more?
I’ld do it AGAIN!!!
(Evil Laugh)
(Although technically speaking my mining years were in copper/uranium, but let’s not let facts get in the way, shall we? 😀 )
Climate sceance doesn’t let facts get in the way so why should you?
I wonder if a virgin witch could disguise themself as a crab …?
Especially voracious is species now swimming in Turtle Bay*.
*Term “Turtle Bay” occasionally used as a metonym for UN NYC headquarters or for United Nations as a whole.
climate chaos should have begun several days ago!
13 May 2014: US State Dept: Remarks With French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius Before their Meeting
FOREIGN MINISTER FABIUS: (In French.) We have 500 days to avoid the climate chaos. (In French.)…
And we have – as I said, we have 500 days to avoid climate chaos. And I know that President Obama and John Kerry himself are committed on this subject and I’m sure that with them, with a lot of other friends, we shall be able to reach success on this very important matter…
Dammit! Pipped at the post.
I was just going to post this.
So, now that it’s too late, can we go back to the regular program please…
If you want to be lenient, this is a typical weakness within academic research, a lack of ‘sense of proportion’. The reason this tends to occur might be generously described as follows.
Academic ‘research’ typically tends to deal with things that markets and society at large don’t attend to, or deal with, all that well, such as regional services, a sense of history, pollution, minority groups, the downtrodden or misunderstood, and so on. In other words, gaps and weaknesses within society at large. Some of these sort of issues are well worth researching.
But because the issues research often deals with tend to be perceived as ‘minor’ or ‘overlooked’ in some way, what sometimes happens is a loss of a sense of relative proportion.
In a world where something isn’t assigned a relative ‘economic’ or other ‘value’ to start with, it can be difficult to assign a ‘value’ or price at the end of it. In scientific and mathematical modelling, it can then sometimes gain an assigned magnitude far greater, or out of touch, than its’ relative importance(e.g. C02 in climate modelling).
In a world without ‘numbers’ or ‘costs’ to start with, any number or cost then tends to become the same sort of value, or cost, relative to another (a hallmark of socialism), and moreover, these ‘values/costs’ then tend to attain a value or magnitude based on what the people within such a world arbitrarily wish to assign it. (The ‘command economy’)
So sharks ‘affect climate change’!, even though the ‘effect’ might numerically be something close to zero, in the real, external world.
(Same goes for CO2, within the ‘academic research world’ it tends to be assigned a far higher importance that it likely has in the real, external world).
(This might all sound very simplistic and obvious, but people within ‘artificial worlds’ don’t seem to see these sorts of things very easily, that people on the outside can often see as bleedingly obvious).
Another reason we have small government and why research data/methodology should be routinely audited.
For lack of a sense of proportion, you need this.
Not a sense of relative proportion, it is a lack of common sense and rationality. Both these are indoctrinated out of the mind with both PC and newspeak,
our universities have been mainly hijacked by highly trained incompetent useful idiots passing on these wonderful traits to others.
Thus many who pass through those hallowed halls believe at least three impossible things before lunch. Nuff said.
28 Sept: Politico: The green car myth?
It’s not just diesel. Gasoline-powered cars also spew more pollutants than expected.
By Kalina Oroschakoff and Sara Stefanini
As well as demanding a broader investigation into carbon dioxide emissions and fuel efficiency standards, T&E (Brussels-based NGO Transport & Environment) is pushing the European Commission to follow through with its plans to implement a new testing system, the Worldwide Light Vehicle Test Procedure, in 2017.
The Commission has met resistance from manufacturers and big car-making countries, including Germany, the U.K., France and Italy, said Archer, whose NGO has taken part in working group meetings…
Philippe Houchois, the author of the UBS report, said the Volkswagen scandal will lead to a renewed focus on EU emissions rules “where targets remain disconnected from real-life emissions and NOx compliance is proving challenging.”…
the home of CRU! surprised CAGW sceptics aren’t on the banned list:
29 Sept: UK Independent: Aftab Ali: University of East Anglia Students’ Union bans ‘racist’ Mexican sombreros from Freshers’ Fair
Locals take to social media to blast the union’s decision and post pictures of themselves wearing the hats
Given out at the Freshers’ Fair by local Tex-Mex eatery Pedro’s – which says it has been serving the people of Norwich for over 25 years – UEA students’ union (SU) campaigns and democracy officer Chris Jarvis stood by the decision and insisted the SU wants all members to feel safe and accepted by ensuring there is no behaviour, language, or imagery which could be considered racist at all events…
The statement from the union went on to highlight a list of points it will not tolerate at any events, saying discrimination based on the following characteristics is not permitted:
•Ethnic Origin
•HIV Status
•Marital Status
•Political Beliefs
•Religion or Belief
•Sexual Orientation
•Spent or Irrelevant Criminal Convictions
•Trade Union Membership
•Sub-culture Identification
A spokesperson from Pedro’s took to Facebook to reiterate it is a fun loving restaurant which is proud of its party atmosphere…
pure waffle:
29 Sept: ClimateChangeNews: Alex Pashley: What role should climate compensation have in a Paris deal
Poor countries want rich polluters to pay out for climate damages. We asked five analysts how a new pact might resolve the freighted matter
Huge reservations remain. The developed world fears being exposed to a barrage of financial claims as an overheating planet stokes more storms and droughts. But the direction of travel is encouraging for climate-vulnerable countries…
Alden Meyer, director of policy and strategy at the Union of Concerned Scientists, Massachusetts, US:
The landing zone is fairly clear when you think about it…
Lol, “democracy officer” no doubt totally uninterested in popular opinion.
Wait until it occurrs to them that eating Mexican food is racist… because Mexican food, sounds a bit like Mexican hat, sounds a bit Mexican!!!
•Political Beliefs
•Religion or Belief
Covers Climate Skeptics so we are invited and can scream discrimination if anyone touches us.
who does Stern think he is? Christiana Figueres?
28 Sept: The Hill: Devin Henry: Obama climate official predicts ‘monumental undertaking’ at UN
Todd Stern, the State Department’s special envoy for climate change, told Climate Week participants that world governments are on the verge of a “monumental undertaking” if a UN conference leads to a climate agreement this December.
Todd Stern, the State Department’s special envoy for climate change, told Climate Week participants that world governments are on the verge of a “monumental undertaking” if a UN conference leads to a climate agreement this December…
“All of this depends upon a belief that world leaders have finally come together and aligned themselves in a global regime that will push us onward and upward to confront climate change together,” he said…
So the last few remaining sharks have decided they prefer human to turtle is the upshot?
Python couldn’t have written it.
Perhaps he did and all this and the global warming scam is one big joke. If only that were true. Then we can all laugh and go home. Alas that ain’t so. The biggest scam in history continues from strength to strength.
Global warming and ocean acidification are making sharks less agile! So, that’s a positive feedback leading to sharkless oceans, crabs everywhere (including in Antarctica) and runaway warming.
On the other hand, global warming might kill the crabs, too. So that is a null feedback.
But wait: a University of Queensland team says that global warming is creating stronger hybrid sharks. That must be a negative feedback.
My head is spinning… How many days left do we have to save the sharks?
Great! Now ∂[sharks]/∂Ts ≠0. that cocks up my climate model.
I think Dr Evans said it best, in climate everything affects everything. Im reminded of a story recently that showed that farmers in the midwest of the USA are having trouble with soil sulphur fertility and alkaline soils pretty much for the first time because we have removed too much SOx from the atmosphere.
September produced the hottest Sharks since modern records have been compiled.
can anyone help?
have just come across what is, apparently, a Graham Lloyd article in The Australian 5 days ago, on the BoM investigation/Greg Hunt revelations, which I haven’t seen before now, even though I have searched every day for his response.
however, it is behind a paywall.
is anyone able to copy and paste a few bits from it and say whether the article is substantial or not? thanx for any assistance.
Minister stymied probe into BoM
The BoM escaped a forensic examination because Greg Hunt was concerned about what it could mean for its reputation.
funny thing is Lloyd didn’t link to his article on his twitter age, yet he did link to the Guardian & ABC articles on the matter:
[Fixed link here to the Australian – Jo]
[RC it needs the proper link. Thanks for letting me know. I’ll fix the comment. –Jo]
[SNIP helpful info about the link which is fixed – jo]
There is also a report by Jared Owens in The Australian from 25th September about the same issue:
Pat – Let me know if you want me to look further.
I think I’ve found the article by Graham Lloyd you were seeking. It was published on 26th September 2015.
Hunt, law graduate with honours, is using the age-old legal technique attributed to Cicero in defence of Cluentius viz. ‘throwing dust in the eyes of the jury’, in this case the taxpaying public.
throwing Bulldust.
30 Sept: Rockhampton Morning Bulletin: READERS DISCUSS: Climate change – fact or propaganda?
A READER has written this in a letter to the editor.
“There is no disagreement about climate change. It has existed since the first day the Earth was created.
“The weather changes every day, sometimes good, sometimes bad.
“The only disagreement is that the weather is influenced by the carbon dioxide generated by man, and the answer is an emphatic no.”
Here are what readers had to say on Facebook: …
more comments on the FB page, including this final comment (lol):
Stuart Beer Lol, it was a comedic piece yeah?
Daz Bambrick Also, since other Australian news sites are able to accurately report climate news, maybe you could take a lesson from SMH (links to Chris Mooney/WaPo’s piece in SMH “Scientists worried about cold ‘blob’ in North Atlantic amid record hot spell)
credit to the Morning Bulletin for allowing the exchange.
29 Sept: GreenBiz: Barbara Grady: Mars, Bloomberg vow with ‘6 million companies’ to act on climate change
PHOTO CAPTION: Mars imprinted green M&M candies with “RE100” to represent 100-percent renewable energy, served at the Climate Group’s signature Climate Week business meeting.
Michael Bloomberg, former mayor of New York City and United Nations Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Cities-Climate change, said, “Young people expect this,” explaining they want concrete action on climate change…
“There has been a cultural shift,” said JP Morgan Chase Vice President Marisa Buchanan, head of sustainable finance…
Unilever CEO Paul Polman renewed his company’s commitment to helping finance sustainability in the third world by agreeing to work with the Clinton Global Initiative in investing in transforming the lives of 100 million people in developing world through sustainability…
***And according to the We Mean Business coalition, 6 million companies indicated support for a strong climate deal, letting their voices be heard through various coalitions. “Organizations working with more than 6,000,000 companies around the world want an ambitious climate deal at COP21 in Paris this December,” We Mean Business said in a full-page advertisement in the Financial Times Monday.
PHOTO CAPTION: In a tweet by We Mean Business coalition president Keith Tuffley, he holds up the Financial Times ad the coalition placed announcing that 6 million firms said they want an ambituous international climate deal.
COMMENT by gary4205: I’m boycotting M&Ms then!
We Mean Business Coalition
pat quotes this:
This from the man who was Mayor of New York City, where a population of 8.5 Million people consume more electricity than the whole of Africa, minus Algeria, South Africa and Egypt, so NYC’s 8.5 million people get more electricity than 930 Million people.
New York City will NEVER run on 100% Renewable power.
Southern Ocean “sink” turns the tide on climate change alarm .The Australian 11 September 2015 article .Southern Ocean carbon dioxide absorption increased 400 % from 2007 to 2015 .The finding have invigorated debate about how well scientists understand the natural variations in the earths climate .Now the crabs have come to the Climate scientist’s rescue .
loyal to what?
30 Sept: 9News: AAP: Abetz calls for Liberal Party loyalty
Dumped senior government minister Eric Abetz has called for unity among Liberal Party members after news of mass resignations in response to the change in federal leadership.
He said it is understandable that Malcolm Turnbull’s toppling of former prime minister Tony Abbott has left some members disenfranchised, but the Hobart-based senator wants to reassure followers their voice will still be heard.
“With calls for the formation of a new party and hundreds of resignations from the Liberal Party, I call on members to remain as members of our party,” Senator Abetz said in a newsletter to members on Wednesday…
“I will continue to be a strong advocate for the grass roots of our cause and what we believe in, albeit from the backbench.”…
jo – thanx for fixing the graham Lloyd link. btw jo, should have said “sayth” in the title of this thread should have been “saith” – not that it matters. lol.
Random Comment –
many thanx for posting the Lloyd text. definitely the best coverage so far re the Hunt revelations. hopefully, this is not the end of the line, though. respect to all those pursuing BoM’s methodology.
Dont worry about the turtle numbers, sea level rises will prevent them from laying eggs, The Guardian told us so couple of months ago.