The UNFCCC were trying a weak bluff last week that Trump “would not derail Paris”. Turnbull rushed to sell Australia out to the Paris deal on Nov 10th for no purpose at all even after the US election guarantees two of the largest economies in the world will not be committed to carbon reduction, all of which was obvious from November 9th, 2016. (China — the other “largest” economy has promised to do nothing.)
In a letter to John Kerry on November 3rd, fourteen US senators explained that Obama’s commitment to the Paris deal is the legal equivalent of him giving a speech — the “lowest forms of commitment the United States can make…”. It’s worthless. The Senators explained that everyone knows the Paris deal was done to avoid going through Congress (it’s printed in The Guardian) because Congress would never approve it.
Obama said he had ratified the Paris agreement, but it was a bluff.
What one President can proclaim, the next can just as easily wipe out.
Source: US Senate Letter in full.pdf November 3, 2016
The US senators are warning Turnbull, Trudeau, May, Merkel, Hollande and everyone else, that the US is going to fall far short of its carbon commitment, and that the Paris deal is of “no consequence”:
Paris Agreement Parties relying on fulfillment of promised US climate actions should be fully aware that the administrations “commitment” is opposed by the majority of congress, it’s legal soundness is questioned by the US Supreme Court, and under the best of circumstances, the country will fall short of meeting the 26 – 28 percent reduction by a range of forty-five to sixty percent. Most importantly, any future administration will have numerous options to forego President Obama’s political commitments under the Paris Agreement and the fact that it will soon be in force is of no consequence.“
The US Congress, and Donald Trump, have made their position clear all along. Turnbull and Bishop didn’t have to do this. Who were they negotiating for? The Australian population voted twice against carbon schemes.
h/t Amanda B, David B.
That would be fantastic – and right on cue…
Climate change caused by a diminution of sunspots, so there!
Donald Trump could and should axe the Paris deal, unless he wants to confront the false basis of AGW by publicly asking
1. The NAS (US National Academy of Sciences) and NASA to answer Dr. Peter Toth’s 1977 question publicly: “Is the Sun a pulsar?”, and
2. The DOE (US Department of Energy) to explain publicly “Why is nuclear energy calculated with a sloping baseline that hides solar energy – neutron repulsion?”
Einstein’s 1905 discovery that mass (m) is energy (E) that powers the Sun and the cosmos was hidden from the public in 1935 by using a sloping baseline to calculate nuclear energy:
Obama is going to do much mischief on this issue and others before he leaves.
Not a word on the collapse of the Subtropical Ridge or build up of cold water in the Bight. Antarctic sea ice was low this year and I can’t help thinking its somehow related.
Nope none of the contributing factors El Gordo ; its science but not as we know it. Rather pointless to engage with such moronic statements from the climate council.
Words of wisdom…..
“Do not answer a fool according to his folly, lest you also be like him”
(Proverbs 26:4)
Also reminds me of Brer Rabbit and the tar baby
Whoa! Wait. What?
“For the third year in a row, global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels and industry have barely grown, while the global economy has continued to grow strongly.
Given this good news, we have an extraordinary opportunity to extend the changes that have driven the slowdown and spark the great decline in emissions needed to stabilise the world’s climate”
. . .
How can quickly rising carbon (sic) cause extreme storms whilst simultaneously not rising quickly, failing to stabilise the climate?
Is there nothing that can falsify this 97% hypothesis?
No comments from Deplorables permitted on the ABC site on this one. It could be pointed out that this is a non peer reviewed article from people who have no track record in climate science. But Their ABC could not possibly permit such an observation.
How quickly the precious snowflakes forget.
As per Wikipedia-“a United States Senate Resolution passed unanimously with a vote of 95–0 on 25 July 1997, sponsored by Senators Chuck Hagel (R-NE) and Robert Byrd (D-WV). The resolution stated that it was not the sense of the Senate that the United States should be a signatory to the Kyoto Protocol” As in NO Democrats voted for ratification.
It’s virtue signalling, pure and simple. “There you go, aren’t we such nice and progressive chaps?”
You must be correct. The Prime Minsiter and the Foreign Minister however are not able to explain their reasons!
I sent this email to the Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister on 10 Nov 2016. No reply so far.
Don’t hold your breath waiting Peter. Lord Waffle has more important things to do than answer you – like repealing S18C of the RDA. I’m sure I heard him say that was important.
With the US under Trump pulling the pin on the UN AGW money tree, they will inevitably turn to the chumps like Turnbull / Bishop to ask for more from Australia to make up the short fall. If nothing else, Turnbull by ratifying has shown that he will keep us in and paying until the bitter end.
Which could be as close as the next election. If Trump can raise two fingers to the UN, surely the voting Aussie public can raise one to Turnbull?
surely the voting Aussie public can raise one to Turnbull?
At the last election they did RW and stopped just short of electing the unspeakable. At the moment there is not a great choice.
Couple that with Trump’s announcement of his cabinet and he’s is serious.
Yep, there are some old warriors in there but look who’s in at Energy, EPA, CIA, and UN!
Stephen K. Bannon The right-wing media mogul and chairman of Mr. Trump’s campaign named strategist and senior counselor in the White House. The big one the MSM dislikes is Stephen K. Bannon — the name calling has already started with the BBC WS reporting reports that Mr. Bannon is often called the ‘Troll Chief’ for his use of twitter, blogs, etc.
The name calling will now begin!
I note that now the UN is reporting that the amount of CO2 released by humans had dropped recently.
The caption, on the picture, that supports the article, about the drop in CO2, (I hope you are keeping up) states, “Carbon dioxide is a key factor in global warming.”
So there you have it. End of story, folks. Time to pack up your stuff, close your research lab, find somewhere secluded in the countryside, and grow radishes.
My reply is at comment #34
To paraphrase Homer Simpson:
Once again the Prime Minister is displaying his well known lack of judgement, and also that he is only interested in retaining the leadership so that he and his fellow travellers can achieve things they want to achieve in support of their international socialism comrades, and like minded left leaning capitalists who want a “fairer” (for them) system for their wealth creation activities.
We the consumers and voters are pawns.
Noble Cause Corruption, Dennis.
Waffle wants a “he helped save the planet big-time” legacy – such a legacy has been his life-long ambition. He always just KNEW he would deserve it.
The depth of vanity is immeasurable …
A trivial matter but in my opinion it slots directly into your comment about vanity Ian.
His birthday soon after engineering the fall of PM Abbott, there he was standing on the balcony of his Point Piper harbour side home, false smirk on his face, waving. The Channel 9 News presenter said it was a CH9 exclusive, the new PM providing a photo opportunity, but nobody else in sight.
How Rudd like I commented.
True, the depth of Turnbull’s vanity is immeasurable, but here is a little insight into our wonderfully self important PM; As a high school student, Malocolm T had a rubber stamp made, with which he stamped every page of every book he owned, or, at least , all the books he had at boarding school. The stamp read– “TVNVS MAXIMVS”…
He has not taken note of what happened to “”Crooked Hilary”. There is an election & retribution just down the road.
He will get more desperate as time goes on & the retribution will be very severe!
Dennis, have a read of Bolts column on Turnbuls judgement today in the Herald Sun.
I’d put the link up but it’s behind a pay wall. Here’s more than a few paragraphs damning that judgement.
“On the very day after Trump’s win, you actually announced that far from also scrapping the United Nations-brokered Paris Agreement, you were ratifying it.
You even held a big media conference to say you were sending not one but TWO ministers to the latest useless global warming jamboree, this time in exotic Marrakesh.
How the public would have groaned. You were doing an anti-Trump.
How could you go ahead with something so likely to punish exactly the class of people who swept Trump to his astonishing win?
Why ratify an agreement that America, the world’s biggest economy, will junk under Trump?
Worse, why sign an agreement to slash our puny emissions when it lets the world’s other two giant emitters, China and India, double their own?
Why keep going with this pointless sacrifice when our global warming policies have already sent power bills soaring and blacked out South Australia?
When they’ve already driven Victoria’s giant Hazelwood power station out of business and cost 750 workers their jobs?”
Well yes, I dont know why people are surprised….you arent allowed to be PM unless “approved”
JW Howard’s infamous comment was “the times will suit me” ….
Nuff said.
Even if the CO2 emissions had fallen, which I won’t believe until I see better evidence, the inflation is only just starting. In South Australia they’d demolished a power station immediately it was shut down. In NSW they are building a new road entrance in to the recently shut down Wallerawang power station. This indicates that they intend to demolish it. In Victoria they are about to shut down the Hazelwood power station, and no doubt will immediately demolish that.
The purpose for these hasty demolitions is to ensure that these power stations can never be reopened to provide competition when power prices rise, as they certainly will. This boosts and guarantees the profits of the owners of the remaining power stations.
Do Frydenberg,. Bishop and Turnbull have investments in Green energy?? Arms length , of course? Why else would they grandstand like this? Unlikely to gain any favours from Trump with this puerile behaviour.
These politicians are OUR representatives aren’t they, elected to look after our best interests including getting the most value for our money?
They seem to have forgotten.
elected to look after our best interests
What a novel idea. Don’t think it will catch on though.
‘We’ll always have Paris, won’t we?’
Nice find, Beth!
Nice movie, Peter. democracy and border control.
They must remember this…
Love that movie. I keep watching it every so often on DVD.
To the barricade! Allez mes enfants! I like rural French, not the Parasites.
O/T but speaking of France, does anyone have the skinny on their upcoming election?
Is Marine Le Pen likely to be in line to carry the torch on from BrExit, Trump etc. ?
You could ask the MSM and pollsters…
if you didn’t care if you got the right answer.
Experts my foot.
Britain/ Brexit
Le Pen in France/ Frexit ?
Greece / Grexit
EU & Junker& Merkel / Kaput!!
And it will be all their own work!
In short, the EU will be back to a loose Federation of a closely co-operating grouping of independent European nations.
Just what I suggested might happen a couple of Jo’s posts ago.
Predicated of course on the continuation of the “Deplorable’s” political revolt against the all pervasive and increasingly noxious, contempt laden, condescending attitudes across the western nations elites towards those “Deplorables” in the “fly over country” who are far less blessed with the good things of life through little or no fault of their own than the elites are.
We are about to live in VERY interesting times indeed which in retrospect have been building since, surprisingly, Copenhagen 2009 when the global societal restructuring deal as envisaged by the green alarmist promoting and upper political echelon elites who were the only ones in their own noxious and elevated opinion of themselves, capable of running a global empire, were sabotaged by the unknown releaser of the Climategate mails and the whole deal fell completely and irrevocably apart, never again to come anywhere near to Copenhagen global fix of the European elites again.
The world owes the Climate Gate e-mail releaser far, far more in honours than even the whole raft of accolades that he, whoever he might be, has received from the world of the Skeptics so far for what he did with the release of the Climate Gate mails.
[ I strongly suspect that a very small and exclusive group of very influential skeptic climate bloggers and scientists know who that person is but the times are far from ripe yet to tell the world who it was. ]
Will Marine Le Pen win the French election after Trump and Brexit? Latest odds and polls
Yes, President Marine Le Pen is now more possible
The criticism from the leaders of Australia’s two main political groups directed at Donald Trump reminds me of Poodles barking angrily at a German Shepherd.
Toy poodles of course.
Vertical Poodles
“Mincing Poodles?”
You mean a sex poodle like Al Gore?
Turnbulls treachery on this is beyond words. He is prancing prissily down the same primrose path as the Democrats in the US, blithely ignoring the interests, expectations and demands of the ordinary, every-day Australian people. Sure, he’ll always be able to afford to pay the increasing price of electricity. Sure, he’s got a good financial buffer (generated off the capital of others). Sure, he’s never going to have to worry about being priced or regulated out of business. So of course he’s frittering time away on doing stuff-all of constructive consequence for the “common wealth” of Australia. This is the man who brought us mandated expensive, poisonous light bulbs – all in the name of “saving the planet”. Now he’s signed us up to the biggest, most expensive, most backward-leading scam on the planet – but he’s alright Jack.
Well, this little voter is sort of over the bull dust, and so I suspect are many others.
Sack the
I find it hard to believe that he rushed into this just as Trump was to be elected.
Will this “build a single road of bridge or produce one more job”? I don’t think so. He is finished. He has learnt nothing from Trump’s outstanding people’s vote.
Yeah but you ( and most australians ) are forgetting one very important point – they ( the globalists ) dont give one cracker about you, or your thoughts – they only want power.
The climate deals allow the UN to hog tie all of humanity under draconian laws, ever it was thus. Malcolm is just their agent and doing exactly as he is told, no more, no less, part of the deal for being PM.
Lest we forget – Cecil Rhodes advocated World Govt – Turnbull & Abbott, Hawke, Beasley are all rhodes scholars, therefore all “signed up” to the cause. This is all just theatre, but a consp*r*cy in its truest form & definition – the use of CAGW to rout democracy world wide – The same agenda moving ever forward no matter who is in power. This tells me clealry that both sides of politics are bought and paid for by the globalists, as it matters not who you vote for, you get the same result, ergo, democracy is at best an illusion, at worst an act of electoral self delusion……
Can anyone logically dispute this reality?
Not sure about the Cecil Rhodes connection but I agree with everything else you said. I recently heard a political commentator, can’t remember who it was, during the Aust. Federal election campaign, saying that there are peculiar things going on in Australian politics and he didn’t understand why.
Both majors are piddling around the edges because this is all they allowed to do. Major decisions on debt correction, world trade, immigration, water and land use etc are made elsewhere.
Politicians are paralysed by a paradox of their own making.
The day’s activities would have been slated before the election, so what was originally intended as support for Hillary became “Up Yours” for trump.
The tightness of the scripting for the press conference indicated that they were very conscious of this.
Obama failed miserably by making ‘executive’ decisions. With the stroke of a pen, Trump can just as easily revoke those executive decisions. The only reason Obama did this was because he thought Clinton was a shoe-in.
At least I have been President, he never will be …….. or similar words by POTUS Obama
Yes, I saw the video of that. It should be played frequently and widely.
On another note, this is very interesting: and In hope it happens and more people become aware of it. It’s the only (?) truly conservative news outlet in the world.
I find it more than just a coincidence that Turnbull signed the Paris agreement on the same week Naomi Klein came to Australia to explain that it isnt a 97% consensus, its a 98% consensus and we should be worried for our unborn children for these on-the-spot reasons.
Our PM is intellectually shallow, compared to Trump, and Donald is not happy with Obama who exhibits the smug arrogance of a zealot.
“It was reckless for the Paris agreement to enter into force before the election,” said the source, who works on Trump’s transition team for international energy and climate policy, speaking on condition of anonymity. The Paris agreement went into force on 4 November, four days before last Tuesday’s election.’
Turnbull isn’t shallow, he’s a hollow vessel.
Turnbull just might be starting to look over his shoulder to see if those newly recognised political executioners of the elites and their politicians , the Deplorables are still somewhere way back in the distance.
But he might be very wrong indeed about that as the Deplorables are beginning to swing their political weight around and may be on the path towards politically executing a number of the high and mighty condescending elitist politicals.
If those politicals go, the ramifications for a whole gamut of their parasitical tax payer supported running dogs are probably, in their arrogance and condescension, just too extreme and difficult to even contemplate for those well entrenched elites.
If and when the overturning of the old order finally strikes and it will as America has just done and now possibly a lot of Europe will do over the next few months, the Australian elites across politics, academia, bureaucratically and big business will be at a complete loss as their power and influence is diluted and in many cases just washed away into non existence.
The OZ this morning reports that in the National’s safest state seat in Orange NSW, the NSW Nationals whose leader Troy Grant backed Baird, NSW Premier, on the greyhound racing ban as well as a very unpopular restructuring and amalgamation of Councils have just had an unbelievable 34% primary vote swing against them in the local by-election.
The Nationals primary vote dropped from 65.6% to 31.5 % and they could lose the State seat to the “Shooters, Fishers and Farmers”
If the politicals across the entire political spectrum don’t get the message from such a result then they had better ensure they have a nice job for a washed up and failed and viewed with public contempt, politician lined up after the next election.
I am more and more coming back to the thinking that Abbott will return, a much wiser and much better politician and Prime Minister due the harsh lessons he was forced to learn last time around.
To myself these days, Turnbull is arguably best described as some sort of insubstantial version of Fairy floss, Pink, occupies a lot of space, has to be supported [ on a stick, ] costs a lot for what you get and when you finally get your teeth into it there ain’t nothing of substance there except [tooth ] decay under all that sweetness and colour which just sort of melts away without really doing anything of substance or benefit.
Re by-election in Orange: Leader of Nationals in NSW has stood aside.
Dave B
Thanks for that David-of-Cooyal.
Checked after your post and yep! Troy Grant had resigned.
Now my take on this whole richly deserved by the National Party debacle is that Troy Grant as well as Baird who also has to wear the stinking to high heaven odium on this by election result as well as the Nationals, is that they are getting what they deserve for actually believing the ABC and the increasingly irresponsible and unaccountable biased and bigoted against rural industries highly biased and bigoted [ as we are seeing with the ABC’s Trump reporting,] inner city green driven elitist agenda that the ABC is now running with and trying to force down the throats of Australians.
Considering that the ABC is gaining very considerable notoriety for never telling the full truth but just distorts and uses a highly selective parts of any reports to fit in with and reinforce the ABC’s increasingly green hard left agenda , and following the Indonesian Live Cattle Trade Export disaster where a very significant rural industry was almost destroyed by extremely biased and bigoted against rural industries program.
Which it turned out that a large slice of just plain straight out lying and deliberate set ups [ paid Indonesian abattoir staff to kick and beat animals and worse ] to fit the PETA’s and Greenpeace’s vicious anti rural livestock husbandry agenda, it is quite staggering that on the basis of a similar grossly biased and bigoted ABC presentation on greyhound racing and without a very thorough examination of the industry including a very thorough parliamentary examination of ALL of the ABC’s greyhound racing videos and recordings that were used to make the program which if needed should be examined through court orders if necessary, to ascertain just how selective the ABC actually was in what it presented and how much utter bias and bigotry the ABC’s presentation had stooped to to align the program with its green left elitist agenda.
The fact that Baird and Grant between them moved unilaterally to destroy the greyhound racing industry in NSW without apparently ever even demanding a very thorough examination of the entire collection of the ABC’s film and video and records of interviews used to make the Program so as to thoroughly cover their own political backsides if the ABC was in full scale propaganda and deliberately biased and bigoted misrepresentation mode all over again on another live animal industry, is. truly remarkable for both its stupidity and its naivety.
It seems that some politicians are remarkably stupid and dumb to be caught out at least twice as a minimum and probably a lot more times that haven’t caused such a stir, by an ABC that is turning into nothing more than a massively expensive propaganda organisation with a blatant green inner Sydney city elitist hard left socialistic agenda where the “Deplorables”, the common folk particularly in what the American east and west coast elite calls the”flyover country” i.e.; rural and regional Australia, are now just so much meat for the ABC’s Dr Goebbel’s type propaganda machine.
The Nationals if they had any sense of what is now happening overseas in the smashing of the old political order, if they want to survive and be seen to be fully aligned with the rural and regional citizens they “profess ” to represent [ ??? ]. should be going after the ABC with all guns blazing so as to both reign in the out of control ABC and preferably chop it right back to just a small unit that has to cover stories right across the depth and breadth of Australia in a equal and fair manner and not just cater almost exclusively at enormous expense for the rest of Australia, to the green inner Sydney socialistic elite’s agenda’s.
Well put. Turnball and his soft Liberals must be concerned that the forces of common sense are pushing back.I personally will not be labelled as a extremist by these dilettantes.
ROM, yes to all of that, especially the live export debacle.
Nobody kicks a cow in the head. All that will get you is a broken foot, and that without causing the cow any great discomfort. Cow’s heads are hard and heavy. Yet Gillard and Brown banned live exports on the basis of a video which showed a man kicking at a cow’s head.
The question is, how did the leader of the National Party not know that the most feared enemy of rural industries is the Animal Liberation movement. Despite the fact that they represent a very small part of the electorate, (around 2% at the federal election), the media, led by the ABC, have with ambush attacks promoted their calls and caused billions of dollars of losses to our livestock industries. In banning the greyhounds the Nationals granted these fringe dwellers a mighty victory.
The root of all this lies in Marxist ideology, as taught in our education system, which seems to have gained full control of our journalistic training,
The ABC must be called to account. The Northern Territory election should be the last straw for what was once Australia’s proudest TV program.
BTW. Mike Baird is still speaking of “one final chance” for the greyhound industry. Mike will be lucky if he gets one last chance.
NSW National’s deputy follows his leader and steps down after voter backlash over Mike Baird’s controversial greyhound ban
ROM you are not quite as angry as I am but you certainly articulate it very well.
Youre wrongly assuming that (a) Turnbull will be difficult to replace (b) that he cares
Malcolm is just another puppet, placed in the govt to maintain an illusion of democracy. For the life of me I cant fathom why people cant see this. The old maxim of “look at what they do, ignore what they say” holds true.
For true democracy to exist in this country, you would have to electorally rout the major parties completely so they had very litle influence.
And the irony is that the USA is one of the few countries that has reduced its emissions by not following the Green brick road.
Not that it is admitted very often but Australia is one of the other few.
It’s amazing how many bloopers and thought bubbles Turnbull can get away with and still remain as the leader. If Abbott did a tenth of them the party would be throwing dozens of tomahawks at his back by now. We all now know that polls count for nothing. I’m more convinced than ever the LNP is now too old and useless, and in some respects more so than the ALP but less in others. It’s time true conservatives in the party had a good look at themselves (and the recent Orange by-election) to see they are a dead coalition party walking. We need a new party. In effect that’s exactly what happened in the US with Trump. Although he stood as a Republican he is anything but. Most of his own Republican politicians hated him and tried a number of times to derail his run for Presidency. I recall he threatened if they succeeded he would run as an independent. Perhaps he should have as then he might have won even more votes from both Democrat and Republican constituents. In any case I look forward to some big changes in our politics over the coming years. I only wished there was a major election right now.
read all for Maurice Newman, etc., plus the pathetic, generalised response from Mitch Fifield:
14 Nov: Australian: Sam Buckingham-Jones: MPs slam ABC’s US election coverage as biased against Trump
Government MPs have called on ABC managing director Michelle Guthrie to explain why some of the public broadcaster’s top on-air talent expressed views stridently against president-elect Donald Trump in the lead-up to his victory.
At least a dozen of the ABC’s high-profile radio and television presenters, including Insiders host Barrie Cassidy, PM host Mark Colvin and journalist Annabel Crabb, expressed their disdain for the “nightmare” of a Trump presidency and asked if there was an “off switch” for his campaign.
Former prime minister Tony Abbott slammed what he said was a public display of bias, showing the organisation didn’t reflect diverse views.
“The only diversity the ABC lacks is intellectual diversity,” he said. “No conservative listening to ‘our’ ABC’s current affairs programs could think that his or her views were getting a fair go. But people largely without a voice in the media still have a vote … as the Trump triumph in the US illustrates.”…READ ALL
Abbott’s dislike of Trump reminds me of two things. One, his dislike of Hanson a long time ago. Two, the LNP in general as per my post #13 above. It’s one reason I don’t think Abbott is the right person to take over the LNP. He’s too slow to think and act for starters.
I would much rather Abbott than the TurdFull, but i agree with you, We need a warrior not a punching bag for the feral leftoids and ABC presstitutes.
Abbott is too beholden to the Party, and not beholden enough to the people!
His mellowed stance on CAGW when cornered is an example of even Abbott having to tow the partyline which is now pro CAGW and pro renewable racketeering.
That is where ‘the Donald’ is unique. He is not beholden to any except the American people for the promises he has made.
Even his own party was mostly not supportive of him, that is until against all odds he won.
Now he has many friends and born again supporters.
We need a Hanson,Bernardi,Roberts,and handpicked genuine conservatives and similar nationals, none of which are paid for by any big interests but only ordinary people’s limited financial donations.
No big interests, no criminal banks(the big 4),but with key ministers within such a group that are attack dogs for the people, not punching bags for leftoid presstitutes, and above all,most politically INcorrect !
In short a true Conservative 3rd major party to combat Carbon Bill and his CMFEU lackeys,the Marxist Greens, and what’s left of the TurdFull’s pretend conservatives and big bank lackeys.
Until there is such a scenario,Australia is just going to drift further down the gurgler.
At present we now have all 3 parties that are CAGW advocates, and renewable racketeers.
We see this by the scrambling to quickly sign the Paris CAGW BS before ‘The Donald’ is officially sworn in and puts the same CAGW BS to the well deserved sword.
btw there are 900+ comments at the Australian’s ABC piece &, without checking all of them, it looks like a good proportion are fed up paying for theirABC’s unprofessional behaviour.
The huge carbon tax is in place! It is in every electricity bill you pay. The South Australian government does not even have windmills in its budget. We all pay for them!
The RET “does this by legislating demand for Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGCs). One LGC can be created for each megawatt-hour of eligible renewable electricity produced by an accredited renewable power station. LGCs can be sold to entities (mainly electricity retailers) who surrender them annually to the Clean Energy Regulator to demonstrate their compliance with the RET scheme’s annual targets. The revenue earned by the power station for the sale of LGCs is additional to that received for the sale of the electricity generated.” So the windmill generators do not even have to produce electricty to get the cash.
Carbon Certificate = LGC
Current ‘Trading’ Cost = $90 per Mwatt, 9c/kw/hr
Applied to the retail electricity bills presented to every household and business and government.
This is killing Hazelwood and every coal fired power station. The key is the %. As that even approaches 30%, no coal fired power station is commercially viable. As they close, power bills will go up, the reverse of what a competitive market does, which is why the biggest, Hazelwood has to close.
So while Turnbull and Shorten both push renewable %, it is the death knell of all our power stations. We will be quickly and totally reliant on windmills and gas, like South Australia. Then the gas will run out. Exploration is banned in two states and fracking, so our governments are wrecking the country, shutting manufacturing, smelting, steel making, concrete making, heavy manufacturing and even farming and making electricity unaffordable for the poor. Weatherill has even taken to blowing up power stations. Exactly as Trump says. A plot by a democratic government against its own citizens.
Unbelievable. The destruction of 70 years of building power stations is only taking a few years. Like Tasmania, the Snowy river will be run dry, but that is what the Greens want. Free the water. Farmers are evil. Irrigation is the work of the devil. Climate Change must be stopped by the few. Set an example of massive self harm. Democratically.
Let me rewrite the paragraph in real English
does this by requiring the purchase of Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGCs). One LGC can be printed at no cost for each megawatt-hour of wind or solar power whether sold or not. LGCs must be bought by (entities (all electricity retailers) who must produce them to the Clean Energy Regulator to prevent punitive fines under the RET scheme’s annual targets. The cash for nothing earned by the power station from the required purchase of LGCs is money for nothing to that received for the (sale of the electricity whether it was sold or not.)”
Don’t forget that as Victoria’s coal generated power is about to drop 25%, the % of renewables goes up from 5% to 7% without spending a cent.
When Yallourn closes, VIctoria’s wind energy will jump to 20% without building another windmill. Too bad, because we will need them with only 1/3 of the power we need to power our society. No problem. We can all walk, climb stairs and carry the shopping home or get a horse.
You have to love how the government looks after our industries with this change in 2015..
“The RET has been amended to:
protect Australian jobs and help industries remain competitive by increasing assistance for all emissions-intensive trade-exposed industries to 100 per cent exemptions from all RET costs”
However if the RET forces the closure of Hazelwood and electricity prices go up, Alcoa alumina smelting in Portland has to close. A fat lot of good an exemption for export does. Another city put to the sword in the name of Climate Change. How caring. All for the greater good, of China where the smelters are next to the coal fired power stations. Then we close the bauxite mines or just sell to China at a much lower price and the CO2 is generated anyway. Trump has a point.
I refer you to my entry at @5.3.2.
Goldman and Sachs of Carbon credits lackey’The TurdFull’,and ‘Unelected Nutters’ appeasers: Bishop(the loyal deputy),and CAGW weasel Hunt,are all complicit in giving borrowed taxpayer money to the green scam and signing away our sovereignty to the aforementioned.
If the coalition does not get rid of the grand waffler leftoid Turdfull, and make a quick turn to the right, then they are finished as a major party.
With ‘the Donald'(President Elect) ready to pull the pin on all CAGW delusions in about 70 days or so, here we are in Aus,with this arrogant sad excuse for a PM and cohort of pretend Conservatives still wanting to persist with this obvious CAGW scam!
Why ?
Obviously it is of political and/or financial gain to them, but only of detriment and power price increase to the general population.
That is : No gain and all pain, except to a few. The ‘few’ being :Renewable racketeers, UN appeasers, and Marxist ratbags.
Its very simple…. All big advocates of the CAGW faith, are also big financial beneficiaries. What a coincidence!
Nothing converts as quickly and as totally as wads of $cash$ !
Convincing the masses to pay for something,is a capitalist’s dream.
Deceiving the masses to pay for something,is racketeer’s dream.
Forcing the masses to pay for something,is a dictator’s dream.
keep in mind that Donald Trump is not yet in the Oval Office.
the following is a fast-moving story. I posted a freerepublic thread on jo’s Unthreaded thread earlier today, which is well worth reading, but there are new developments and a new freerepublic thread as well, which I am posting below.
extraordinarily, no MSM whatsoever has reported this story as yet. online Gateway Pundit has the piece linked below, but not the updates.
Company Facebook page is saying he has been placed on administrative leave.
COMMENT #168:;page=1
PacketSled Response to Matt Harrigan
PacketSled takes recent comments made by our CEO, seriously. Once we were made aware of these comments, we immediately reported this information to the secret service and will cooperate fully with any inquiries. These comments do not reflect the views or opinions of PacketSled, its employees, investors or partners. Our CEO has been placed on administrative leave.
PacketSled: The City of San Diego Selects PacketSled To Gain Deep Visibility Into Its Smart City Network
PacketSled Helps Secure Complex City Network Including 1.5 Million San Diego Citizens and Thousands of City and Municipal Employees
SAN DIEGO, Oct. 17, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — PacketSled, the company that democratizes security investigations and response by providing its customers with automated network visibility, detection, incident response and forensics in the cloud, announced today that the City of San Diego has selected their continuous network security offering to help secure their complex smart city network. In 2015, San Diego was the only city selected in North America by National Geographic as a “World Smart City,” which defined it as “one of the most forward-thinking cities across the globe.”…
This doesn’t look little. The threat could be related to personal activities, and it could be related to corporate activities. If corporate activities, then government activities would probably come into play.
Turnbull talks like he is rehearsing – badly – in front of a mirror. Bishop seems to be living in one of those 1970s Ben Ean Moselle commercials where smirking luvvies would loll around in white clothes just being pleased with themselves.
Such narcissists will give anything away (provided it doesn’t belong to them) for attention, applause and gratification. Watching Turnbull plead and cajole with Leigh Sales to give him some of that old love he used to get from the ABC, back when they were all setting Abbott up for the chop, is truly humiliating to watch. No wonder they are perfectly happy to tip tens of millions into some unaccountable Clinton family operation, or sign away our energy future to globocrats and Eurotrash.
We need both of them gone before we start any serious discussions on where to go next. They are electoral poison so it’s not like keeping them there is going to stop Shorten. I’d suggest some adults who like Australian coal for all the very obvious reasons and might agree with Trump that talking to Russia and Assad may be awkward – but sure beats WW3.
As was posted elsewhere about the co-conspirator and rebel assistant leader, now the gloss is all on her lips.
“Turnbull talks like he is rehearsing – badly – in front of a mirror. Bishop seems to be living in one of those 1970s Ben Ean Moselle commercials where smirking luvvies would loll around in white clothes just being pleased with themselves.”
Oh, Mosomoso – I choked on my coffee! That just sums them both up beautifully. Turnbull is practicing to sound like Churchill in radio ads when he losses his job; the Stick Insect wants to get a job modelling fashion for grandmothers.
14 Nov: Twitter ABC News (Australia) 36mins ago: Nearly half of Americans have a negative view of the country’s future after Trump’s election, survey indicates.
just look at this poll ABC is linking to???
13 Nov: ABC America: Rachel Tillman: Nearly Half of Americans Have Negative View of Country’s Future After Trump’s Election
The ABC News/SSRS Poll was conducted using the SSRS Probability Panel. Interviews were conducted online from November 10 – November 11, 2016 among a nationally representative sample of 256 respondents age 18 and older. The margin of error for total respondents is +/-7.7% at the 95% confidence level. Design effect is 1.58. The SSRS Probability Panel is a probability-based, online panel of adults recruited from random digit dialed landline and cell phone numbers. For more information, visit
can’t recall ABC mentioning this call to action:
11 Nov: Socialist Alternative: Anti-Trump Protests: in less than 24 hours 40,000 people answered our call!
The numbers of people – mostly young people – who attended in each city is electrifying: New York City had 10,000 people; Philadelphia 6,000; Boston 10,000; Seattle 6,000; and Oakland 5,000. Our protests were a top story on newscasts across the country and internationally – from CNN to The Guardian.
This is only the beginning…
But to challenge Trump’s agenda, we need your help. We need the millions of people who stood for Bernie’s political revolution to join in building an independent grassroots movement that can stand against fierce attacks from Trump and the Right. We need to raise $10,000 in the next week to begin building for the Trump inauguration protests being planned across the country. Please contribute $25, $50, or $100 today!
Are you still buying their line about how they have the ability to accurately poll?
They missed them all.
Trump won the primary … big.
Brexit won in the UK … big.
Clinton lost her US bid … big.
She had them all in her corner. She had the Democrats, the republicans, the media, academia, unions, Hollywood, all of Europe and just about everybody acknowledging her rightful coronation but, she still lost.
Nearly half of Americans didn’t vote for Trump. That was because, and this is where it gets numerate, so follow closely Rachel, slightly more than half of Americans, in certain key States, did vote for Trump. Oh, shock, horror, how can that be?
Well Rachel, this is an unfortunate by-product of democracy. I know that it is difficult for Progressives to understand, but it is not sufficient to be in a group or parade, or demonstration, or a sit-in, to express what you want. You actually have to put your toys away, sometimes, and go through the voting process, in addition to marching down the main street, with your professionally made banners.
Final vote count–Final #Election2016 numbers
#Popular Vote: #Trump: 62,972,226 #Clinton: 62,277,750
#Electoral College vote #Trump 306 #Clinton 232
Demonstrations organised by one old (crooked) man, SOROS.
The truth is that no deal is solid. Any government can, and should, walk away from any deal that ceases to be in its best interests. After all, what can the rest of the word do to us or the USA?
Countries like North Korea, Iran and China reneg on deals all the time and it doesn’t seem to make any difference to them.
Australia should do the same, indeed we should walk away from the UN as soon as possible instead of allowing ourselves to be shackled by regulations and treaties imposed on us by an un-elected body composed of minions of tyrants and bloody dictators who do not have our interests at heart.
But, but, they get called rude names by politicians in other countries! Or at least they would do, if those politicians in other countries were talking to them, which they are not, because they have been sent to Coventry.
‘…indeed we should walk away from the UN as soon as possible …’
Interesting idea, but there maybe some aspects that might be salvaged.
I expect the US to renege on the Paris deal and the media begin to question why, then it becomes an election issue in Australia.
If we dismantle the UN what will fill the vacuum?
The UN are nothing more than”Blood Suckers”If they disappeared tomorrow,they wouldn’t be missed.
Clive international relations would be is a state of flux, with China ready to fill the vacuum. Are you ready for this new world order?
El gordo, you have every right to anticipate China “filling the vacuum.” This is already happening because of the void left by western governments led by the likes of Obama bin Laden, Rudd, Gillard, Merkel and Blair.
China’s expansion into the world is as inevitable as night following day due to its sheer size and industrial capacity. whether the UN exists or not is of absolutely no significance in that matter.
To “renege” the US would have had to officially signed on. The only person signing the Paris agreement from the USA was Obama. Legally, as it was not ratified by the Senate, it has no meaning in the USA.
Okay thanx Spetzer.
Vacuum? What vacuum? The UN could be swallowed by a black hole in an instant and the world would be no different except for a sudden liberating freedom due to the disappearance of a lot of restrictions on member nations and their populations. Not to mention the sudden liberation of billions of dollars levied by it on the western world’s governments that could be put to much better uses than the UN wastes it on.
There would be no vacuum because there is no need for the UN in the first place.
Alright I accept that the UN is obsolete in the 21st century and should be dismantled.
When the new US president signs onto the AIIB and begins massive infrastructure development the West’s fear of Marxism will go out the window.
correction. the ABC twitter page is ABC America, not theirABC.
Sometimes, Pat, it is hard to tell the difference on the web. In real life, it is easier, because the US ABC occasionally carries some real news, in addition to opinion. “Your” ABC avoids confusing its readers with facts, making it much easier to read.
The question is, can Malcolm do anything which is not approved by his ABC? Does he have no ideas of his own? Even he admits sending the people on Nauru to the US is a shining beacon for attempted economic migration to Australia and failing that, the US. So why is he doing it? Is this his signature move, his legacy? Can Turnbull in fact do anything right, or is he just very insecure and seeking approval from his friends and the few admirers left and left is the word? Oh for a real Prime Minister, like the one we had.
Its a strategic decision, the whole fleet is out patrolling the north of Australia to prevent people seeing Oz as a backdoor into the US.
Just wait until the great, great, great grandchildren of the current queue jumpers are confronted by our new submarines out of Adelaide. They’ll be shivering in their Nikes.
posted 2 mins ago:
14 Nov: ABC: Stephanie Anderson: Malcolm Turnbull criticises ‘elite media’ focus on polls and opinion in wake of US election
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has criticised the “elite media” for not focusing on the public’s real concerns, citing President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign focus on the economy.
The Prime Minister made the comments when pressed by 7.30 host Leigh Sales on recent polling.
Mr Turnbull, who cited poor polling when he ousted his predecessor Tony Abbott, said the focus should be on issues instead of opinion.
“I would have thought after this last election in the United States that people might focus less on the polls and less on the opinions of commentators on the ABC and other elite media outlets, and focus instead on what people are actually saying,” he said.
“Everyone’s got slightly different concerns, but a big common factor is concern about economic security.
“One of [Donald Trump’s] compelling arguments to many Americans was that he was going to make America great again.
“He was going to do that by driving economic growth.”
Turnbull criticises ABC’s focus 18C debate…READ ON
Notice their ABC has a climate change wot dunnit story about the SA power out and the east coast low that eroded some beach front houses .
Not to be outdone they also have a story about the missing heat being in the oceans , but this one like all others is just squealing by the alarmists .
You have to wonder if there is any connection between the sudden announcement that we are to sign up to the Paris agreement and the news today that America is to resettle the refugees on Nauru and Manus Island. Just a thought.
Maybe the Waffler signed up because it was part of a deal that the USA would take a couple of thousand illegal immigrants in exchange for his support. That on top of a possible donation to Clinton Inc??
Why not. Gillard gave Clinton Inc $300 million of our tax payers money which secured her a post PM job.
If the shoe fits……?
14 Nov: ABC: Australians flock to capture ‘extra-super’ supermoon
Here are some of your best photos:
Trump can nullify the agreement with a stroke of his pen the day of his inauguration if he so desires just as he can change any other executive order or administrative piece of business put into effect by a prior president that was not made law by Congress. Some say he should submit the agreement to the Senate as a treaty so that it can be voted down. I see no advantage to that for Trump or the Republicans. The same crowd that will scream about the Republican President nullifying the agreement would scream just as loud when a Republican dominated Senate voted it down. Besides it would give some democrat Senators that have recorded “not voting” on carbon caps and such during the prior administration a chance to try and regain some climate cred by voting for ratification when they know it won’t pass.
However it seems there is a potential tempest in a teapot between our two nations looming on the horizon having nothing to do with climate:
At all the great climate C.O.P. shows,
World governments nodded in rows,
But The Donald could see,
Being not so P.C.,
That His Majesty didn’t wear clothes.
That is excellent yet again Ruairi! Absolutely hilarious; however do you keep this up?!
Ahem! Yes. Moving right along … An unfortunate turn of phrase, especially when related to “His Majesty”.
It’s not so much that Trump will exit the Paris deal as exactly how he does it. The usual crowd will howl regardless and maybe that’s his intent.
An effective method is to threaten to withdraw funding.
Isn’t that how Rudd got rid of the late Bob Carter and how Gillard got rid of Jennifer M?
PM Turnbulls’ decision on acceding to the Paris agreement may, I repeat, may be part of the deal with the Obama administration to take the Manus/Nauru asylum seekers.
Dear President Trump,
Please kill of the Paris Climate Deal.
Yours Truly A Canadian Who is About to Get F@#$ed on A Climate Scam By His Own Government.
Please find doi:10.1080/16742834.2016.1231567 a paper from Huo and Xiao, 2016. It shows beyond doubt that El Niño has driven all perceived global warming in the modern era. And that El Niño is driven by solar events — not CO2.
Also see Lakshmi and Tiwari, 2015 for an in depth analysis and modeling of solar effects.
In short, scientists Lakshmi and Tiwari (2015) point out that climate changes are primarily driven by solar activity and El Niño events. This leaves little to no room for anthropogenic activities to have a significant influence on the Earth’s climate.
Hat tip to NoTricksZone
Your goose is cooked, its over!
That as the sun goes quiet then La Nina will be more prevalent, so start the back-peddling.
But yet there is another side to this election story: The Upside for Cankles:
Clinton is now leading the polls in key battleground states such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iran, Yemen and Syria.
Russia is in Syria and Russia is for Trump so Syrian polls should be strongly in favour of Trump, unless of course you are referring to the terrorists in Syria, in particular the Obama/Clinton backed rebel forces who are fighting the Syrian and Russian forces.
Cartoonist Knight’s take on Trumps travel options.
More than three million votes cast by non-citizens in USA election.
So as I suspected Trump probably got the popular vote as well. So much for the call by some on the left to switch to a popular vote for electing the President. Of course they can’t and they are wasting their time. Most people know that such a push if it ever came about would lead to many states in a revolt and leaving the Union leading to a collapse of the US.
I have no doubt there would have been a huge number of fraudulent votes in favour of Clinton but the people who are making that claim provided no evidence. I hope they have some.
If they could have “provided” evidence (past tense), I would not have believed it. That is not the way the world works.
If you follow the link under Lord Jim’s comment at #37, you might learn about the large number of volunteers who are currently checking and verifying (or otherwise) several million suspect votes. That takes time, but I don’t believe that their is any statute of limitations for election fraud, although I may be wrong.
Prepare for a flight of pigs?
“Trump’s War on the Green Blob Will Make (Almost) All of Us Richer, Happier, and Freer”
And now their ABC proudly boasts this year will be hottest evah.
Must have something to do with Trump winning .
In coordination with the BBC’s domestic and international services.
The new BBC flag design…
Here is Bishop’s proud announcement for the economic destruction she signed us up for.
The Left can’t help themselves in criticising President Trump’s hair but just consider his distinctive hair as a lion’s mane – a mark of power, pride and honour.
Whether Trump axes the Paris Deal or about flips will make very little difference to global emissions anyway. The UNFCCC agrees. Before the Paris talks last year they look at the impact of all the submitted INDCs (policy proposals) if fully implemented, producing a clear graphic.
All these proposals might half the growth in global emissions through to 2030, but even then emissions will still be growing. In reality the difference will be much smaller.
For the fantasy 2C limit of warming they talk about, emissions would need to 20% lower in 2030 than today and falling fast, to near zero by the end of the century.
Just to emphasize how little difference US policy will make to global GHG emissions, I have done a graph of estimated GHG emissions for 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010 & 2012. Each year is split according to the 1992 Rio Declaration between Annex 1 (emissions-reducing) countries & Annex 2 (policy exempt, developing). All the global growth in emissions between 1990 & 2012 was in the Annex 2 countries, that now account for over 60% of global emissions and over 80% of global population.
There is no such thing as the GHG effect. So CO2 ’emissions’ 100% or zero will have not an iota on the climate.
When considering aspects of climate policy you need to consider the differing perspectives. The policy-makers assume that a doubling of CO2 (or the equivalent GHG) will cause 3K of warming and that this will carry with it quite catastrophic consequences. Even if this were true, all proposed emissions reductions policies if fully enacted would not make much difference to emissions, therefore not materially affect warming and by implication future climate change. The picture is not much different if
1. The GHG effect is untrue
2. Climate sensitivity is much lower
3. Climate Catastrophism is untrue, or grossly exaggerated.
Trump vs Clinton election spending. Clinton and her Saudi sponsors spent around twice as much as Trump.
That sounds reasonable. Bussing people in from out of state, and resurrecting the dead so they can vote, has the potential to run up some pretty large bills.
One interesting point is that the BBC has now redefined “climate change denier” – LINK (through Bishop Hill, as it contains ALL the relevant links).
Except that they still have it wrong. The ozone layer blocks ultraviolet. It is infrared that acts as a blanket and warms
If I just heard correctly (ABC Radio) Josh Freydenberg on how Trump can’t exit Paris!
Maybe he should start reading Jo’s site?
” Trump can end the United States’ participation in the Paris climate agreement either directly or indirectly.
Directly, he can “unsign” the agreement. Regardless of the text of the agreement, because it has not been ratified by the U.S. Senate as required by the Constitution, it has no force of law in the United States. And because the treaty sets only voluntary goals with no legal enforcement mechanism, other countries have no legal way of enforcing the agreement’s terms on the United States.
Indirectly, Trump can scuttle the country’s participation by reversing Obama’s climate actions and not replacing them with alternative climate policies. If Trump does this, U.S. participation in the Paris climate agreement dies from neglect.”……..H.Sterling Burnett……Watts Up With That.
They could still call him rude names
Josh Freydenberg has lost the script and will pay at the next election, in the meantime Tony Thomas at Quadrant is talking revolution.
‘Whatever else he does, President-elect Donald Trump can be counted on to shoo those green snouts out of the climate-scare trough — first by repealing Obama’s executive orders, then by re-directing from the UN to domestic environmental concerns. It’s a beautiful thing.’
Waffle et al really didn’t expect Trump to win. A deal of Waffle’s policy moves were done on the full expectation of a Clinton Presidency, before the election result.
And wow ! Are Waffle et al now really flabbergasted and discombobulated. Completely out of their depth now, no flotation device, no clue. Waffle plotted and bullied his way into the PM job, which was his by “obvious right of talent”, and now things just continually fall apart on him – Brexit, wobbly 1-seat majority, Hanson vote block in the Senate, SA destroying its’ power grid, now Trump. Oh, woes is him
Having written 3 letters to Josh Frydenberg on the South Australia grid situation and only receiving a perfunctory response from his office on the first (which was prior to the blackout), I have given up on him being anything but another warmist, renewables advocating, center-left Turnbull follower.
Plus he took it upon himself to insult Trump during the election campaign, siding with Shorten and Di Natale in disgracing our country.
Yeah, I’m sure thy Paris Marxist’s agreement is going to Tell it to ‘the Donald’!
Frydenberg is a sellout for a better job, now flogging the Turdfull’s CAGW BS as preached by his masters Goldman and Sachs of Carbon Credits, the Criminal bankers!
One of many that will pay next election!
What are clowns like him doing even talking to ABC taxpayer paid propagandists?
As if their audiences are for rational people, likewise with ABC pontificator Tony Jones’s ‘Q and BS’, and that other leftoid show, Julia Baird’s ‘The DumB’!
Someone here needs to be elected that will defund the ABC Marxist Conglomerate.
Why Barnabe Joyce, keeps going on Q&BS has got me beat!
Last night he asked the audience, how many would have voted for Trump?
Only 8 put their hands up of I would guess at least 100…..8% or less of their ‘Fair and Balanced’ audience!
We need our own Trump to defund that billion dollar S**tHole.
I just thought of something!
President Trump may just be the best Prime Minister Canada has ever had!!!!!
Sticks tongue out and goes… “Blaaaaaah to your Paris Agreement”.
When will the Left get it? Surely the Trump victory (which would have been even greater if not for the Lamestream media lies and questions surrounding Clinton’s voter base) show that everyone, including “working people” hate the Left and want to be rid of their evil. This is a worldwide phenomenon (in the civilised countries), not just of the USA.
[David there are some words that we cannot publish for legal reasons. I have reworded the end of your comment in brackets to remove one of those words. We would appreciate it if you could self-edit in future] Fly
The global agenda behind the whole thing is to end the use of hydrocarbon fuels.
Why these congressmen want to wipe out use of hydrocarbon fuels and energy sources, best we have unless someone drills a hole into the mantle ~(100km deep?) to get infinite geothermal power (not likely), blows my mind. Many of those (southern US politicians) have made lots of money out of oil farms.
But oh “lets stop” those developing countries from getting at our (reserve) energy sources. Of course its not just oil for fuel but many products that are used in the modern industrial world are made from oil by-products.
As Cultural Marxists they want to destroy Western Civilisation and by canning fossil fuels this is part of the plan.
For those that aren’t familiar with it, here is a very good 7 min 37 sec video on Cultural Marxism.
15 Nov: Freerepublic: NYT Alters Their Apology to Readers for Biased Election Coverage
“We believe we reported on both candidates fairly during the presidential campaign”
11 Nov: NYT: David Brooks: The View From Trump Tower
If your social circles are like mine, you spent Tuesday night swapping miserable texts. Not all, but many of my friends and family members were outraged, stunned, disgusted and devastated. This is victory for white supremacy, people wrote, for misogyny, nativism and authoritarianism. Fascism is descending.
I was on PBS trying to make sense of what was happening while trying to text various people off the ledge. At one point I was opining about the results while a disbelieving text flashed across my phone: “Change It! Change It! CHAAAANGE IT!”
Those emotional reactions were a fitting first-night response to the greatest political shock of our lifetimes…
Finally, it seems important to be humbled and taught by this horrific election result…
…his main problem is going to be his own attention span, ignorance and incompetence…
Trump’s bigotry, dishonesty and promise-breaking will have to be denounced. We can’t go morally numb…
After all, the guy will probably resign or be impeached within a year. The future is closer than you think.®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection&_r=1
Brooks wrote the above 2 days before the Sulzberger letter, but I can’t imagine anything will change – the MSM has doomed itself.
***Crudele unaware NYT has quietly removed the most ridiculous line of all:
14 Nov: NY Post: John Crudele: The New York Times can’t improve until it admits bias
The New York Times is so, so very sorry that its presidential election coverage was so, so very wrong.
Please have pity on them, Times publisher Arthur “Pinch” Sulzberger Jr. begged his paper’s readers the other day…
***“We believe we reported on both candidates fairly during the presidential campaign,” Sulzberger added in the letter.
If the boss truly believes that, he might as well shut the paper down right now because he’s going to lose subscribers faster than Hillary Clinton lost her “expected” electoral votes…
“Pinch” is an appropriate nickname for Sulzberger these days. All newspapers are feeling the pinch. And if the so-called Mainstream Media continues to behave like it did in the last election, not only are their businesses going to be in jeopardy, but so too is the First Amendment — you know, the one that gives the press the independence it so willingly gave up during this year’s election…READ ALL
former NYT reporter, Goodwin:
13 Nov: Michael Goodwin: Donald Trump’s win means the biased media needs to change
Oh, the gnashing of teeth, the outrage, the umbrage. The spitting mad media are mounting soapboxes to combat the president-elect.
Donald Trump’s offense against God and man was that he flew to meet President Obama and left behind a pool reporter who should have been on Trump’s plane. A seething scribe declared it a violation of “traditional press protocols.”
Tragedy to a few, farce to all others…
Testing 2 comments lost in space. (
Hmm maybe the link to Sharyl Attkisson?
This one? Sharyl Attkisson: NY Times Refused to Run Negative Stories on Hillary Clinton
Thx Analitik, but not that one. Tried to
slip it in again but the computah says ‘no.’ )
note: not confirmed.
15 Nov: WaPo: Trump set to roll back Obama policies on energy, environment
by Matthew Daly and Julie Pace, AP Congressional Correspondent Erica Werner contributed to this story.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President-elect Donald Trump is considering an oil billionaire and a North Dakota lawmaker for top posts as he moves to roll back President Barack Obama’s environmental and energy policies and allow unfettered production of oil, coal and natural gas…
Topping Trump’s to-do list is repealing the Clean Power Plan, Obama’s signature effort to limit carbon pollution from coal-fired power plants…
Those under consideration for energy secretary include Harold Hamm, an Oklahoma oil tycoon and leading proponent of fracking, and North Dakota Rep. Kevin Cramer, an early Trump supporter from a major oil drilling state, according to transition planning documents obtained by The Associated Press.
Venture capitalist Robert Grady, who worked in President George H.W. Bush’s administration, is listed as a contender to lead both the Energy and Interior departments.
Cramer told reporters Monday he is happy to stay in Congress, especially “with a friend in the White House. And if another good friend like Harold Hamm would become secretary of energy, I’d feel like I won the lottery.”…
Trump also is likely to move quickly to approve the Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada, which Obama rejected last year…
Karen Harbert, president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Institute for 21st Century Energy, said Trump can and will move quickly to overturn Obama’s executive orders…
Environmental groups don’t plan to make Trump’s job easy.
“We intend to fight like mad, both in the courts and in the streets, to resist any rollbacks by the Trump administration,” said Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club.
Some of those protests have already begun…
D&C is part of USA Today Network. article includes protest video, protest link, & protest Gallery:
13 Nov: Democrat&Chronicle: David Andreatta: UR program head out for Facebook comment to Trump protesters
He offered to buy bus fare to Canada for University of Rochester protesters of President-elect Donald Trump if they promised to not return.
Now, Ted Pawlicki won’t be returning as director of the university’s undergraduate computer science program.
Pawlicki resigned under pressure after posting his irreverent remark on a Facebook page promoting a campus demonstration dubbed “Not My America” that was held on Friday.
“A bus ticket from Rochester to Canada is $16,” Pawlicki wrote on the page a day before the event. “If this is not your America, then I will pay for your ticket if you promise never to come back.”
The comment, which was subsequently deleted, drew swift condemnation from scores of people, some of whom called Pawlicki “a bully” and “tone-deaf” and reported his remarks as a bias incident.
Pawlicki resigned following the demonstration. His departure was first reported by the university’s student newspaper, the Campus Times…
His email went on to state that he decided to step down after consulting with the dean of the engineering school, Wendi Heinzelman, and the chair of the computer science department, Sandhya Dwarkadas…
Reached by phone at home on Sunday, Pawlicki said his comment was meant as a joke.
“It was intended to be humorous, actually,” Pawlicki said. “Moving to Canada (in reaction to presidential election outcomes) has been a joke since the Reagan administration. I didn’t intend it to be malicious, certainly. I don’t think there’s anything malicious about it, either.”…
Pawlicki said he had directed the undergraduate computer science program for 18 years and that, “I love the job.” He said he would continue in his role as a senior lecturer, an untenured teaching faculty position.
“It was suggested that I step down (as director) by my chair and my dean and I took their advice,” Pawlicki said…
The university released the following statement on the matter:
“… Students and faculty alike are free to express their views.”
Pawlicki said he believes his comments fall under protected free speech
some regional coverage today:
14 Nov: NBC San Diego: San Diego-Based CEO Apologizes for Social Media Posts Threatening President-Elect Donald Trump
By Matt Rascon and R. Stickney
A San Diego-based cyber-security company CEO has been placed on administrative leave after social media posts threatening President-elect Donald Trump were reported to the U.S. Secret Service, the company statement confirmed Monday.
Twitter and Facebook accounts tied to Matthew Harrigan, the President & CEO of PacketSled, included comments threatening Trump Sunday afternoon, according to an NBC 7 source.
“I’m going to kill the president. Elect,” was one of the posts on Harrigan’s Twitter account. It was followed by the comment, “Bring it secret service.”
“…getting a sniper rifle and perching myself where it counts,” reads a post to Harrigan’s Facebook account. “Find a bedroom in the whitehouse [sic] that suits you motherf—er. I’ll find you.”
In an official statement, PacketSled attributed the comments to Harrigan and said they are taking the situation seriously.
“Once we were made aware of these comments, we immediately reported this information to the secret service and will cooperate fully with any inquiries,” the company’s statement reads…
On Harrigan’s Twitter account, he posted three comments apologizing for the previous posts…
NBC 7 has reached out to San Diego Police and the local FBI office to ask if Harrigan is facing any charges.
Check back for updates on this developing story.
14 Nov: San Diego Tribune: Mike Freeman: Cyber firm CEO placed on leave after threatening on Facebook to assassinate Trump
The U.S. Secret Service is aware of Harrigan’s social media posts but otherwise declined to comment, said David Murray, special agent in charge in San Diego.
Efforts to reach Harrigan and PacketSled were unsuccessful. Harrigan’s Facebook account is no longer available.
Harrigan is well known in the cyber security community. He is credited with inventing the practice of network penetration testing in Kevin Poulsen’s NY Times best selling book “Kingpin.”
Harrigan was named to the San Diego Cyber Center of Excellence board of directors in October. On Monday, the non-profit group cut ties with him and the company.
“The San Diego Cyber Center of Excellence is no longer affiliated with Matthew Harrigan and PacketSled.” said a spokesman. “His views expressed recently on social media do not reflect those of our diverse organization.”…
The city of San Diego, which provides a test-bed for local cyber security start-ups, has used PacketSled for about two years.
“The personal comments recently posted by PacketSled CEO Matt Harrigan on a social media site will be handled by PacketSled internally,” said a city spokesman in a statement. “Meanwhile, the city will continue to work with PacketSled, and we trust that they will continue to provide exceptional service as they resolve their issues.”…
Otis elevator heir out and about!
8 Nov: TMZ: Trump Star Vandal: Cops Block Vegas Protest On Trump’s Turf
The guy who took a pickax to Donald Trump’s Hollywood star planned to dangle a giant American flag out the window of a Trump Hotel penthouse … until cops thwarted his plot.
We’re told James Otis was intercepted by Vegas police over the weekend when he tried to pull a Wile E. Coyote scheme at the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas … at $2,300 per night. Otis dyed his hair, checked in under his middle name, brought some hardware, a glass cutter, a drill and a 10 foot American flag.
Otis tells us he planned to barricade himself in the room, cut the window, hang the flag outside from the 64th floor — all in protest of Trump. It never happened … police busted in Saturday and escorted him from the building.
Law enforcement sources tell us the hotel called police to bounce Otis, so it appears he didn’t really fool staffers. He’s now been banned from all Trump properties … for good.
4 Nov: TMZ: Donald Trump – LAPD Sends Hollywood Star Vandalism Case to D.A. for Prosecution
The Los Angeles County District Attorney officially has the case involving the man who vandalized Donald Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star, and law enforcement sources tell us … felony prosecution is highly likely.
We’re told the LAPD has completed its investigation into James Otis, and it wasn’t all that difficult given there’s video of him sledgehammering the star, and he confessed to boot.
We’re told the case file was sent to the D.A. for possible felony vandalism, which is punishable by 3 years in prison.
A law enforcement source involved in the case tells TMZ … this is not a political issue for cops or the D.A. … it’s a straightforward vandalism case that will almost certainly end up in court.
Here is an an article of some relevance :
Finally, Warmists Find a Real Threat
Whatever else he does, President-elect Donald Trump can be counted on to shoo those green snouts out of the climate-scare trough — first by repealing Obama’s executive orders, then by re-directing from the UN to domestic environmental concerns. It’s a beautiful thing
green pig“I’m feeling very flat today,” snuffled Amanda McKenzie, CEO of Tim Flannery’s crowd-funded Climate Council. As she should, given that President-elect Trump will end the trillion-dollar renewable-energy scam so beloved by the council.
McKenzie continues, “Progress on climate change can feel hopeless and it’s tempting to give up and turn away.” But instead, she rattles the tin for donations of $10 a month “to allow us to undertake some massive projects next year that will power communities and everyday Australians to spearhead our renewable energy transition.” Good luck with that, Amanda.
Throughout the Western world, green lobbies are likewise oscillating between despair and self-delusion over the Trump election.
Trump’s agenda – as per his election website – includes
Unleash America’s $50 trillion in untapped shale, oil, and natural gas reserves, plus hundreds of years in clean coal reserves.
Declare American energy dominance a strategic economic and foreign policy goal of the United States.
Become, and stay, totally independent of any need to import energy from the OPEC cartel or any nations hostile to our interests.
Rescind all job-destroying Obama executive actions.
Reduce and eliminate all barriers to responsible energy production, creating at least a half million jobs a year, $30 billion in higher wages, and cheaper energy.
Trump says Obama’s onslaught of regulations has been a massive self-inflicted economic wound denying Americans access to the energy wealth sitting under their feet: “This is the American People’s treasure, and they are entitled to share in the riches.” ore than that, the president-elect’s common-sense policies make the 20,000 climate careerists and activists in Marrakech, led by Vice-President John Kerry, seem comically irrelevant. They were supposed to be implementing the feeble Paris climate accord – notwithstanding that China has just announced a 19% expansion of coal capacity over the next five years.
But with the US leadership no longer concerned about climate doom, the rationale for these annual talk-fests (22 to date) has evaporated. Robert McNally, energy consultant and former George W. Bush adviser, says climate change policy “is going to come to a screeching halt. The Paris Agreement from a U.S. perspective is a dead agreement walking.”
The agreement now has only the EU’s backing in terms of actual and significant cuts to emissions, although Australia is also now pledging to do its tiny bit for foot-shooting insanity. The EU’s continued subsidies to renewables will merely worsen its competitiveness vis a vis the new energy powerhouse across the Atlantic.
Trump has pledged not only to rip up the Paris deal, but to withdraw all US climate funding to the UN. The UN climate fund is supposed to build to $100b a year for Third World mendicants. Obama has given $500m so far and pledged $3 billion to the UN climate fund, but Trump will divert those billions to domestic environmental projects such as the Florida Everglades. As he told supporters, “We’re spending hundreds of billions of dollars. We don’t even know who’s doing what with the money.”
Obama, unable to get his climate legislation through the Republican-controlled Congress, used regulatory powers instead to get the job done. Trump can now neutralize those efforts simply by reversal or non-enforcement of the regulations.
One of the climate war’s best-kept secrets is that there is no real constituency for renewables, other than vested interests and noisy green groups.[1] That’s why both candidates gave global warming so little prominence in the campaign. Nearly a third of Americans think the global warming scare is a total hoax.
It’s a similar story internationally: a UN annual poll last month (9.7m respondents) had “action on climate change” rating dead last among 16 issues, with top ratings going to education, health care and jobs. Even people from the richest nations rated climate action only 10th. The poll in 2015 got the same result.
Trump’s personal view on climate-change science is that CO2 is probably causing some warming but the scare is vastly exaggerated.[2] He will therefore reverse Obama’s assault on the coal and coal-fired power sectors and give them a better chance to compete with natural gas.
Trump’s choice of key climate advisers is a nightmare for the warmist establishment. To transition the US Environmental Protection Agency from climate activism, he’s picked outspoken skeptic Myron Ebell, director of the Center for Energy & Environment at the conservative Competitive Enterprise Institute . The CEI is equivalent to Australia’s Institute of Public Affairs.
Ebell laughs at his leftist critics and cites to congress his Greenpeace listing as a leading “climate criminal”. He thinks warming will not be a problem for one or two centuries; meanwhile we should expand access to all types of energy – on an unsubsidized basis.
Canadian climate scientist Tim Ball told a Melbourne seminar this week that Trump is getting science advice from satellite meteorologist Dr Roy Spencer. Spencer’s data has demonstrated that orthodox climate models have exaggerated actual warming by a factor of two to three. His own readings from satellites showed no significant warming for the 21 years up to the 2015-16 El Nino spike. He emphasises the vast uncertainties about climate forecasting and the still-unknown roles of natural forces.
Spencer, who holds a NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal for global temperature monitoring, believes the near-universal funding of climate research by governments causes a bias towards catastrophic forecasting, since governments won’t fund non-problems. He wants funding to be at arm’s length from political interests. For the Department of Energy, Trump has picked energy lobbyist Mike McKenna, with ties to the industry-backed American Energy Alliance and Institute for Energy Research.
Trump’s election is rocking the climate-scare industry to its foundations. Four decades of madness is coming to an end.
‘Four decades of madness is coming to an end.’
The beginning of the end for the Klimatariat, a revolution of sorts.
they learn nothing. Politico’s Vogel, who sought DNC approval before publishing, writes here of “Trump’s shocking victory” and “last week’s jarring result”, & falsely claims “Trump won largely on the strength of his support from working-class whites”, but he does reveal some fascinating details from the Dem Controllers’ meet-up…well worth reading all:
14 Nov: Politico: Soros bands with donors to resist Trump, ‘take back power’
Major liberal funders huddle behind closed doors with Pelosi, Warren, Ellison, union bosses, to lick wounds, retrench.
By Kenneth P. Vogel
George Soros and other rich liberals who spent tens of millions of dollars trying to elect Hillary Clinton are gathering in Washington for a three-day, closed door meeting to retool the big-money left to fight back against Donald Trump.
The conference, which kicked off Sunday night at Washington’s pricey Mandarin Oriental hotel, is sponsored by the influential Democracy Alliance donor club, and will include appearances by leaders of most leading unions and liberal groups, as well as darlings of the left such as House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Congressional Progressive Caucus co-chairman Keith Ellison, according to an agenda and other documents obtained by POLITICO.
The meeting is the first major gathering of the institutional left since Trump’s shocking victory over Hillary Clinton in last week’s presidential election, and, if the agenda is any indication, liberals plan full-on trench warfare against Trump from Day One…
The DA, its donors and beneficiary groups over the last decade have had a major hand in shaping the institutions of the left, including by orienting some of its key organizations around Clinton, and by basing their strategy around the idea that minorities and women constituted a so-called “rising American electorate” that could tip elections to Democrats.
That didn’t happen in the presidential election, where Trump won largely on the strength of his support from working-class whites. Additionally, exit polls suggested that issues like ***fighting climate change and the role of money in politics — which the DA’s beneficiary groups have used to try to turn out voters — ***didn’t resonate as much with the voters who carried Trump to victory…
The group requires its members — a group that now numbers more than 100 and includes finance titans like Soros, Tom Steyer and Donald Sussman, as well as major labor unions and liberal foundations — to contribute a total of at least $200,000 a year to recommended groups. Members also pay annual dues of $30,000 to fund the DA staff and its meetings…
Since its inception in 2005, the DA has steered upward of $500 million to a range of groups, including pillars of the political left such as the watchdog group Media Matters, the policy advocacy outfit Center for American Progress and the data firm Catalist — all of which are run by Clinton allies who are expected to send representatives to the DA meeting…
A pre-election working draft of the DA’s agenda, obtained by POLITICO, featured a session on Clinton’s first 100 days and another on “moving a progressive national policy agenda in 2017.” Those sessions were rebranded so that the first instead will examine “what happened” on the “cataclysm of Election Day,” while the second will focus on “combating the massive threats from Trump and Congress in 2017.”
A session that before the election had been titled “Can Our Elections Be Hacked,” after the election was renamed “Was the 2016 Election Hacked” — a theory that has percolated without evidence on the left to explain the surprising result…
they learn nothing, pt 2:
15 Nov: UK Daily Mail: ThereZzzzza May: PM uses Lord Banquet speech to tell the wealthy elite to never again ignore the people on immigration… but did they even manage to stay awake?
She told VIPs Brexit and Trump’s election were unexpected events
By Tim Sculthorpe and Matt Dathan
Mrs May told the audience of VIPs few would have predicted the political earthquakes that have shaken pundits in 2016.
She said: ‘Change is in the air. And when people demand change, it is the job of politicians to respond.’…
PIC: David Davis the Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, appeared to be taking a power nap as the Prime Minister read her speech.
PIC: This was Mrs May’s first major speech since Donald Trump’s historic victory in the US election – but not everyone appeared to be hanging on her every word.
PIC: Despite the Prime Minister’s rousing and impassioned speech, some guests seemed to slump in their chairs and gaze around the room, or up at the ceiling…
14 Nov: The Local France: AFP: Sarkozy: Let’s tax US goods if Trump trashes Paris deal
French presidential candidate Nicolas Sarkozy has proposed that Europe apply a carbon tax on American imports if Donald Trump pulls the United States out of the Paris climate pact…
“Well, I will demand that Europe put in place a carbon tax at its border, a tax of 1-3 percent, for all products coming from the United States, if the United States doesn’t apply environmental rules that we are imposing on our companies,” he added.
Sarkozy, a frontrunner for the nomination of the centre-right Republicans party, is also in favour of forcing public authorities in Europe to use more products or materials made in Europe…
Well, I will demand that Europe put in place a carbon tax at its border, a tax of 1-3 percent, for all products coming from the United States, if the United States doesn’t apply environmental rules that we are imposing on our companies
It was only a few months ago, there was a thread on it if memory serves (yes, I’m too busy to hunt right now), that Sarkozy made bigmouths about the weakness of the AGW activists arguments – in order to attract voters’ attention.
Cassandra suggested then that Sarkozy was a completely shameless, utterly revolting, creepy liar with an immeasurable depth of hypocrisy.
Et voila …
you can watch Sheila’s first report under the Nuttall video at the first Monckton LINK below:
14 Nov: The Rebel: Facing off with UN censor Nick Nuttall at the Marrakech climate conference
by Sheila Gunn Reid
Remember Nick Nuttall? He was the UN censor who tried to keep me and the Rebel team from getting press accreditation to report on the climate change conference in Marrakech.
Nuttall said we had the wrong opinions about global warming.
Well, we pushed back. We raised a fuss — more than 10,000 Canadians signed a petition demanding that the UN let us in. Even Canada’s environment minister grudgingly asked them to stop being so much like Iran, and start being a bit more like Canada.
Well I’m thrilled to say that today, they agreed to let our whole Rebel team into the conference…
We spent a hundred hours fighting against that censor — including spending approximately $5,000 on lawyers.
If you can help us cover the cost of that, please click here (LINK TO NUTTALL INTERVIEW/DON’T MISS THE RIGHT/MONCKTON REFERENCES), where you can also see all the letters our lawyers filed, all of which were ignored by Nuttall…
We’re finally in the conference, doing reporting that no other journalists would do (LINK — including sitting down with Nuttall face to face and trying to find out why the Rebel was really almost barred from the event…
PS: You can WATCH my first report here…READ THE COMMENTS
Poll analyst, Bill Mitchell tweet: Remember how I said “Trump’s campaign isn’t in a computer, it’s in our hearts?” I was more prescient than I thought (LINKS TO):
14 Nov: Breitbart: Charlie Nash: Report: Failed Clinton Campaign Made Decisions Based on ‘Ada’ Computer Algorithm
The algorithm, which was named after 19th century mathematician Ada Lovelace, is reported to have highly influenced Clinton’s presidential campaign.
“The algorithm was said to play a role in virtually every strategic decision Clinton aides made, including where and when to deploy the candidate and her battalion of surrogates and where to air television ads — as well as when it was safe to stay dark,” wrote John Wagner for the Washington Post. “The campaign’s deployment of other resources — including county-level campaign offices and the staging of high-profile concerts with stars like Jay Z and Beyoncé — was largely dependent on Ada’s work, as well.”
The algorithm is also reported to have been held on a separate, private computer server, with only a select few people able to access it…
Though Ada told the campaign that Pennsylvania would be one of the most important states to focus on, it never expected losses in Michigan or Wisconsin, the latter of which Clinton never even visited during the campaign.
Last week, Breitbart Tech reported that the AI system MogIA successfully predicted its fourth election, after also successfully predicting both the Democratic and Republican primaries, and the three prior presidential elections.
***In October, MogIA’s developer Sanjiv Rai declared that Trump’s social media engagement had overtaken that of Barack Obama’s in 2008 by 25%, foreshadowing a Republican victory on November 8th.
***keep those tweets coming, Trump.
14 Nov: WaPo: The fall of the house of Obama is coming, and it’s his own fault
by Marc A. Thiessen
Every president reverses some executive actions of the previous president. After President Obama took office in 2009, he revoked a series of executive orders issued by President George W. Bush…
Obama’s actions were not unprecedented. Bush not only reversed executive orders of his predecessor, Bill Clinton, but in 2002 he actually withdrew the U.S. from a treaty Clinton had signed — the Rome Statute creating the International Criminal Court.
The reason Obama’s legacy is so vulnerable today is that the 44th president relied more on executive actions — issuing not only executive orders, but also a record number of rules, regulations and agency directives to legislate around Congress and impose his agenda…
Now Trump may use his pen and phone to reverse many of Obama’s executive actions. And the lame-duck president can hardly complain. If you rule by executive fiat, then you should not be surprised if the next executive undoes your fiats…
***He (Trump) can also scrap the Paris Agreement on climate change that Obama signed in September, which is completely non-binding, by simply announcing that the United States will not fulfill its obligations…
If Trump really wants to shake up Washington, he should issue a single executive order on Day One repealing all of Obama’s executive orders. Then he could go bak and decide which, if any, to reinstate…
It’s not just Obama’s executive actions that will soon be reversed. His signature legislative achievement, Obamacare, is headed for repeal – and he has no one to blame but himself…
(Marc Thiessen writes a weekly column for The Post on foreign and domestic policy and contributes to the PostPartisan blog. He is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and the former chief speechwriter for President George W. Bush)
almost as meaningless as the ABC America poll i posted (comment #20), but nearly double the sample, and Gallup isn’t MSM:
11 Nov: Gallup: In U.S., 84% Accept Trump as Legitimate President
by Jeffrey M. Jones
Results for this Gallup poll are based on telephone interviews conducted Nov. 9, 2016, on the Gallup U.S. Daily survey, with a random sample of 511 adults, aged 18 and older, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. For results based on the total sample of national adults, the margin of sampling error is ±5 percentage points at the 95% confidence level. All reported margins of sampling error include computed design effects for weighting.
A classic from Tony Heller that should be shared EVERYWHERE
Learning About Sea Level Rise With Leo DiCaprio
Final plans for Leonardo DiCaprio’s ultra-luxury private eco resort on 104-acre island off Belize are released
Tim Ball nails it……again
a breath of fresh air. adults are back in charge. read all:
14 Nov: WashingtonExaminer: John Siciliano: Trump’s plan to bring back coal country places EPA in crosshairs
President-elect Trump’s plan to bring back the coal industry will likely start by scrapping the Environmental Protection Agency’s climate change agenda, according to a newly appointed member of his transition team.
The agency would be dialed back to focus strictly on “genuine pollutants” that pose immediate harm to public health, and not carbon pollution blamed for causing manmade global warming, said Kathleen Hartnett-White, a member of Trump’s economic advisory council, in an interview with the Washington Examiner.
“He’s very much for clean air and clean water,” she said. “But the better home for considering this discussion about carbon dioxide and climate is in the Department of Energy.”
Over the last eight years of the Obama administration, the EPA “used the legal rubrics of the Clean Air Act really to pursue a low-carbon energy policy and really not to further environmental protection,” she said.
The climate concerns “are really a discussion about energy, not really a discussion about environmental protection,” she said.
She explained that regulating CO2 “is the killer for coal.”…”The two direct regulations for new sources and for existing sources are both direct regulations, and are also the ones that I think have constitutional problems,” she said…
“Carbon dioxide has no adverse impact in the air we breath at all,” Hartnett-White said. “It’s a harmless trace gas that is actually an essential nutrient for plants.”
The Clean Air Act “was never designed to control a pollutant that ubiquitous that has no adverse environmental impacts on people,” she added…
Thanks Pat for such good news!
I’ll quote something from 1979:
The catastrophe for her, was Trump’s election. The greedy hand-winging of the UN and small undeserving countries turned into a cacophony of wailing and teeth gnashing. Suntanned rent-seekers were stranded in Marrakech and a rather ordinary European champagne-quaffing country which has a reputation for arrogance to all except their own, becomes a distant memory. Paris being its capital, I believe.
What happened? According to Gag Halfront:
Donald Trump is a breath of fresh air. Finally, the warmists will not have a monopoly on ‘acceptable’ climate change views.
Fairfax & 7 News present CEO who threatened to kill Trump as a “flawed joke”, with smiling pic of the guy, plenty of anti-Trump messaging, videos, related content. Fairfax uses San Diego Union-Tribune piece (as has LA Times now), 7 News much the same story. am not even providing links. still no MSM coverage in US, other than LA Times.
15 Nov: Age: Mike Freeman/San Diego Union-Tribune: Start-up puts CEO on leave after ‘flawed joke’ about assassinating Trump
How Trump won, thanks to white voters (by NYT)
The Fault Lines between Trump and Pence
Obama: Trump’s temperament won’t serve him well unless he recognises them and corrects them
Related content:
Obama says Trump will get wake-up call after inauguration
Trump advisers urge Obama, Clinton to call off ‘professional’ protesters
New Yorkers come in their thousands to protest against Trump
Trump’s election opens the way to hostility against minorities on campuses
15 Nov: 7 News: Sam Hussey: ‘I’m going to kill the president’: CEO stood down for flawed Facebook joke
VIDEO Obama concerned by Donald Trump presidency Mike Amor reporting.
***VIDEO WATCH: Trump protester tackled down staircase.
***I saw this short video of a guy knocking an anti-Trump protester down a few steps this morning, & people were saying the guy was mentally ill, & that the incident might even have been staged.
nonetheless, this has already been picked up by Associated Press, carried by CNN, ABC America, as well as hundreds of other media outlets & the guy has been arrested:
15 Nov: WTHR13: AP: Ohio State student arrested for tackling anti-Trump protester
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – Police say an Ohio State University student shoved a man down a flight of stairs during an anti-Donald Trump rally on the Columbus campus.
University police say they arrested 24-year-old Shane Stanton on Monday and charged him with a misdemeanor count of assault after he threw himself into protester Timothy Adams and sent the man hurtling down the steps.
Adams was giving a speech from a staircase landing in the student union building when the incident occurred shortly before 6 p.m. He wasn’t seriously injured in the attack.
University president Michael Drake tells the school’s student newspaper, The Lantern, that OSU protects First Amendment rights actively but does not tolerate intimidation or threats to students, faculty or campus visitors.
Court records don’t list an attorney for Stanton.
more to come.
watch the video & try to comprehend how Patricia manages to write this fantasy report:
15 Nov: TheInquisitr: Patricia Ramirez: Ohio State Student Arrested after Violently Tackling Anti-Trump Speak at Rally (VIDEO)
In a disturbing incident out of Ohio State University, a student has been arrested after viciously tackling a non-violent anti-Trump speaker at a Monday evening rally. Caught on video, the entire attack began with the assailant calling the anti-Trump speaker, who has been identified as ***Timothy Adams (or ***Timothy Joseph, there have been conflicting accounts), an “idiot” behind his back before rushing and tackling him down the stairs.
The violence was simply the latest in a string of targeted attacks and hate crimes that have taken place since Donald Trump won the election last Tuesday night, most of which have been carried out on minorities.
As ***CNN reports, the Ohio State student was arrested after he violently jumped on the anti-Trump speaker at the organized, non-violent anti-Trump event taking place at Ohio State University’s student union building…
Following the senseless savage attack, an attack that was cowardly directed at the anti-Trump demonstrator’s back, the Ohio State student was quickly snagged by police and arrested. According to Ohio State University, the attacker was arrested for “alleged assault.”…
As ***ABC News reports, in the aftermath of the barbaric attack and subsequent arrest, the Ohio State student seen hurtling himself at his helpless victim was identified as 24-year-old Shane Stanton. Reportedly, the victim of the Ohio State student’s attack fell down a flight of stairs after he was ruthlessly tackled from behind. Fortunately, he told the media that he didn’t suffer serious injuries as a result of the unprovoked physical violence he endured.
The victim of the Ohio State student Shane Stanton is reportedly a former student of the university himself and graduated in 2014. After the vile attack at the anti-Trump event, which was organized by a student ***socialist group, the victim spoke out against the violence and Donald Trump’s dangerous rhetoric…
Prior to Monday evening’s violent attack but after Donald Trump ***eked out an unexpected presidential victory, Ohio State University leaders sent out a communication to wary students promising them that they were attending an inclusive and welcoming school — for everyone…
more to come.
The Lantern is the student daily of The Ohio State University in Columbus. read all comments, including “According to the Franklin County Board of Elections, Shane Michael Stanton is registered to vote as a Democrat”, mentions of mental illness, etc:
15 Nov: The Lantern: Video: Anti-Trump protester tackled while giving speech in Union
The protester, who appears in court documents as Timothy Adams, was knocked down from where he was standing on the steps leading to the second floor…
The student who tackled Adams, Shane Michael Stanton, was arrested and placed under indefinite suspension from Ohio State, said Gerard Basalla, Undergraduate Student Government president and a fourth-year in political science and strategic communication.
“The assault that occurred — that’s what it was — in the Union tonight is completely unacceptable,” Basalla told The Lantern. “Every person on this campus has the right to feel safe and voice their opinion without fearing harm. We can’t be having this.”…
For the third time this week, the statue of William Oxley Thompson bore witness to an anti-Trump protest as the Columbus branch of the Socialist Alternative led a rally of hundreds against the election results.
The rally began relatively small, with twenty or so people in attendance, but quickly grew as individuals filtered in.
***One masked protester described his hours-long bus ride from Phoenix, to attend the rally…
***Multiple speakers took the platform ranging from the president of Pride OSU to a Columbus area teacher to a member of the Socialist Alternative…
After about 30 minutes, the protesters called for a march, proceeding to walk down the Oval and onto High Street, chanting “No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA.” Protesters continued on to the Ohio Union, coming to a halt at the stairs leading to the second floor where they resumed speaking.
Adams, the protester who was tackled, was one of the leaders of the rally…
Adams stood up after the mob had dispersed and said to the crowd, “Can I finish my speech now?” which was met by laughter and cheers…
Nick Davis, a third-year in natural resource management and president of Students for Trump, said that the attacker is not affiliated with the organization and that Students for Trump does not condone his actions, but declined to comment further.
“We are especially outraged that violence was used today at the Ohio Union as an attempt to quell free speech,” OSU’s chapter of College Democrats said in a statement published on Facebook…
***Update, 10:03 p.m.: Timothy Adams name was originally reported as Timothy Joseph, the name he gave The Lantern when contacted by a reporter. His name has been updated to reflect how it appears in court documents.
Twitter: Lucas Abreu
Tweet by Pop Crave: VIDEO: Anti-Trump protestor TACKLED by Trump supporter while delivering speech in the Ohio Union.
Hannah Staats: @CNN the man has a mental illness, make sure you know this before putting information out there about him
replies to vid below by lucas abreu:
I know what he did was wrong, I am by no means endorsing it, but instead of being harsh, let us help him.
We need to bring awareness to Mental Health and the social injustices that come with it.
He is a liberal Hillary supporter and hates Trump. He probably thought he was at a Trump Rally.
Something that we may see as sarcasm for example, goes over his head. He takes things literally and struggles with understanding social cues
This is really breaking my heart. I know this guy and it’s tough because mental illnesses make people do things they shouldn’t do.
He is not a Trump supporter. Stop spreading lies. He has aspergers. I know him. Please share the truth.
14 Nov: Freerepubklic: Blocks And Blocks Of Anti-Trump Protest Busses Exposed!
COMMENT: I saw this video and was impressed with how many buses there were. So I decided to check it out. I found:
41 Buses parked which can carry 2250 Passengers!
Owners/Operators – Capacity and Number of buses:
B&W Charters, Kalamazoo, MI – 56 Passenger Coaches = 2
Star of America Charters, Jeffersonville, IN – 55 Passenger Coaches = 1
Excursions Trailways – Ft. Wayne, IN – 56 Passenger Coaches = 2
Peoria Charter, Peoria, IL – 55 Passenger Coaches = 3
Badger Coaches, Madison, WI – 56 Passenger Coaches = 5
Miller Transportation, Louisville, KY – 55 Passenger Coaches = 3
American Heritage Trails Coach – Ft. Wayne, IN – 57 Passenger Coaches = 1
Cardinal Buses, Inc. – Holland, MI – 56 Passenger Coaches = 2
Personalized Coaches – Waldo, WI – 56 Passenger Coaches = 1
***Ohio State University – = 1
Go Riteway Travel – Milwaukee, WI – 56 Passenger Coaches = 2
Gold Star Tours – Fond du Lac, WI – 56 Passenger Coaches = 1
Cavallo Bus Lines – Gillespie, IL – 56 Passenger Coaches = 4
Dean Trailways – Lansing, MI – 56 Passenger Coaches = 2
Trinity Transportation – Detroit, MI – 56 Passenger Coaches = 1
Great Lakes Motorcoach – Grand Rapids, MI – 56 Passenger Coaches = 1
Bourbonnais Township Park District – Bourbonnais, IL – 26 Passenger Coach = 1
Coach USA (Wisconsin Coach Lines) – Waukesha, WI – 56 Passenger Coaches = 1
I cant find the link but apparently neither the local police or the federal law inforcement agencies see the joke….will keep searching……he maybe charged with Threatening the President of the United States, a class E felony under United States Code Title 18, Section 871.
Unfortunately some recent political leaders and their pseudo-scientific advisers would use any means to achieve their goals, including the incitement of assassination of their opponents.
I hope Trump takes these threats seriously.
They are.
U.S. Energy policy changes
Trump will terminate funding to the UN and restrictions to domestic energy suppliers
Look rather than waste time arguing over whether the Paris agreement is binding as UN ‘s Bank 1 Moon implies
why doesn’t the UN send their Navy into USA territory and find out how many seconds it remains afloat .
No Bank I Moon it’s over . Really good try… now bugger off .
It is not that simple. The integrity of the United States government was betrayed from within, and the NAS (National Academy of Sciences) has not yet admitted that NAS used control over annual budgets of federal research agencies to build a false, technological web of deceit for GLOBALISTS to retain and control humanity.
Every federal research agency was required to endorse AGW falsehoods as scientifically valid. None were allowed to express an independent opinion.
I wish AGW could just go away quietly with Trump’s election, but that won’t happen unless NAS accepts resbonsibility for all of the lies that are documented in these papers:
1. See the paper on “Neutron repulsion” in “New Dawn of Truth” – The London 2016 Conference on Climate Change: Science & Geoethics (N.-A. Mörner, editor, ResearchGate Publication Number 30601327, 2016) pp. 86-87.
2. Or read the preprint only of the paper on the solar pulsar on pp 86-87:
If NAS admits the above empirical facts, we must avoid retaliation and work together to advance social justice and comprehension of humanity’s place in the vast cosmos.
Climate change is going to be a big issue in the USA. If the Democrats don’t let Trump tear up the Paris agreement by end of 2017 they will set themselves up with four more years of Trump from 2020. Therefore they have to let him tear it up. The global warming industry will run out of oxygen.
The Paris deal dies with OBama’s presidency. Period. That is how the law works in this nation. It is not up to other countries to like it or not like it. But as a sovereign nation, it is up to them to respect OUR laws for OUR country.