UPDATE: Watch the proceedings live Weds morning US time
Donald Trump nominated the man who is the expert at running lawsuits against the EPA to run it. Naturally this threatens a lot of sacred totems, not to mention a very big trough. Protests are raging. In reply, people are speaking up in support of Pruitt.
Those who think his nomination should be opposed are confused saying that “Mr. Pruitt’s backers tout it as a virtue that he has sued the EPA. … In every instance, Mr. Pruitt has joined forces with polluting industries seeking to avoid clean up responsibilities.”
The EPA is so lost, it doesn’t know what real pollution is anymore. Opposing the EPA is what any good environmentalist would do.
The EPA is so lost, it doesn’t know what real pollution is anymore. Opposing the EPA is what any good environmentalist would do.
The religious mission against plant fertilizer in the hope of holding back the tide by half a millimeter in 2100 is noxious, damaging, dangerous in so many ways. It deprives the poor of cheap energy, good jobs, and warm houses. It hurts the environment because it makes the EPA, the US, so much less effective at solving real environmental problems. The pogrom against carbon (we are carbon life forms) is anti-science, eating away at the core tenets of the scientific method, and teaching a whole generation nonsense. The CO2 fixation is over-riding every other environmental issue because the EPA makes it so. The toxic effect the EPA has on the broader community, the economy, on science and on education makes this more important than any single environmental issue today.
The EPA has run so far off the rails that only someone who has opposed it could possibly fix it. Trump can’t defeat the madness on his own. The nomination hearing is Wednesday morning US time. And Dr Nan Hayworth is collecting messages and names in support. If you want to add your name and thoughts below in comments or email them to me, I will forward them to her. Thank you. And if you think that international names don’t count, remember that science is bigger than any one country, and if Obama can threaten the Brits on Brexit, why can’t Brits help explain what science is (and what pollution is) to Congress.
Here’s one from Professor J. Scott Armstrong:
Dear Dr. Hayworth, January 15, 2017
Following up on your correspondence with Willie Soon, I strongly agree with the policies favored by Scott Pruitt.I have spent over 50 years as a forecaster and, over the past decade, have had the pleasure of working with Willie Soon, who I view as one of the leading climate scientists in the world. Along with Kesten Green, I am a Director of the primary website dealing with forecasting methods, author of Long-Range Forecasting, and of a handbook on forecasting methods, “Principles of Forecasting.”Our studies have produced what we claim to be the only evidence-based forecasts of long-term global mean temperatures: there is no evidence that long-term warming is occurring.I proposed a ten-year bet with Al Gore on this issue in order to increase interest in testing predictive validity. (Ten years is not sufficient time to assess long-term trends and I expected to have only a 2/3 chance of winning, given natural variability). Mr. Gore refused to take the bet, so Kesten Green has been posting what would have happened had he done so on theclimatebet.com. Year nine just ended.We have been unable to find scientific forecasts showing that that warming would be harmful. I testified before Senator Boxer’s committee on this matter with respect to polar bears. My testimony was based on this paper.We have been unable to find any scientific forecast that there are cost-effective ways to affect global temperatures, up or down.
Here is a short summary of the above studies on climate change.
Kesten Green and I have recently founded the Iron Law of Regulation website. This states that “There is no form of market failure, however egregious, which is not eventually made worse by the political interventions intended to fix it.” We started the site with an attempt to get evidence about regulations that have been useful and thus to help design new regulations. No one has been able to produce scientific evidence about regulations that have violated the aforementioned Iron Law (i.e., to have actually improved human welfare, not to mention the preservation of individual liberties).
Kesten Green and I are currently involved with a paper called “Guidelines for Science.” In it, we document that much research currently published in academic journals violates the basic scientific principle of objectivity: We call this “advocacy research.” It allows researchers to announce their hypotheses and then to provide only the research that supports their hypotheses. This is the method used in the research papers that support the “global warming hypothesis.” This is not science and scientists have warned of this non-scientific approach for centuries. We have developed a checklist that can enable clients to evaluate whether a paper complies with scientific principles; it can be completed by intelligent adults, regardless of background, in less than an hour and we find good inter-rater reliability. The latest working paper, version #378, is attached.
I look forward to a favorable outcome for your hearings and would be willing to help in any way that I can.
J. Scott Armstrong, Professor
The Wharton School, JMHH 747
U. of Pennsylvania, Phila., PA 19104
Home Phone 610-622-6480
I can only add my name in support of Mr. Pruitt. As one who has fought against the overbearing EPA regulations (and staff) he would have the best chance at reforming the agency such that it gets back to it’s original remit.
Wendy Bishop
Trump’s nomination of Scott Pruitt to head the EPA is the most powerful indication that he seriously intends to DRAIN the swamp of pseudoscientists hiding in government agencies!
A lot of heads will roll if Trump goes through the entire alphabet of federal research agencies: DOE, . . . EPA, . . . NASA, . . . NOAA, . . . NSF , . . .
May Trump not overlook the NAS (National Academy of Sciences), a private, organization that
reviews the annual budgets of federal research agencies for Congress and
betrayed the public by directing most, if not all research agencies, to
support the UN’s AGW agenda as 97% consensus science!
Looks like a clean out of Acronomical proportions!……..
Droll and very, very clever.

Alt-right -spelling: Acronymiical?
Love it.
But shouldn’t it be acronymical proportions ?
just being pedantic
Robert Kennedy, Jr. will drain the swamp around CDC and the pseudo-medical science community:
Some are concerned about Trump’s financial advisors from major financial institutions.
I share those concerns, but I also believe that knowledgable financial advisers will be needed to identify and destroy the evil thread of financial selfishness that has replaced the inalienable rights of all citizens in the original (1776) United States government.
Can’t wait for the day that the draining of the Canberra Bilabong starts.
I can already hear the weeping,wailing & gnashing of teeth……..
Dogs and cats living together. Mass hysteria!
It seems to me inevitable that organisations like the EPA eventually become overrun by environmentalist types of the bed-wetting variety. While people going into fields such as environmental science naturally have a somewhat greenie mindset, very few manage to balance that effectively with the needs of industry and society at large. Thus environmental regulatory agencies become echo chambers that drift ever more to the green ideologue end of the spectrum if they are not reset from time to time. The time for the great EPA reset has come.
A truly David and Goliath battle…..
Goliath lost though after taunting Israel and considered himself invincible, and had his head cut off for his trouble….
Whither goeth the EPA….
Lesson learned… take artillery to the important battles.
Wow! We’ve already gotten thumbs down!
Not to worry, just one of the usual trolls.
Yo Wendy, You watch what happens when I comment
I’m guessing there are maybe 1 or maybe 2, that just keep re-setting their dynamic isp, or have access to a couple of computers in different locations.
I love it, because I know I am TOTALLY up their noses.
Hi, little stooges !
LOL, they responded too.
They are at my beck and call..
And they don’t even realise it.
Truly Pavlovian…..what a giggle…
Watch this – TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!!!!!
About now they should be howling at the moon….
Judging by the way global warming was injected into last week’s nominee hearings, the Pruitt panel will be a rough one. Let us hope he does well and is confirmed.
Throughout his tenure as Obama’s Nobel-prize winning Secretary of the US Department of Energy, a nuclear physicist named Steven Chu
went along with the absurd notion that CO2 controls Earth’s climate and failed to see the logical error in Weizsacker’s definition of “nuclear binding energy” that hid the source of energy that powers the Sun and the cosmos, effectively reversing the natural direction of nuclear evolution for the whole universe:
_ a.) From compacted neutrons =(becoming)=> interstellar hydrogen atoms
_ b.) To interstellar hydrogen =(becoming)=> compacted neutrons =(becoming)=> black holes,
See Jon Rappoport’s blog for an explanation of details:
The EPA might just have hit another rather solid legal wall that whilst Obama was POTUS they could have just basically ignored.
But as of around midday, Friday 20th, Washington time , the EPA’s world is likely to come to a crashing halt.
Various quotes from the legal case and commentary via the Powerline Blog;
[ note that this is a FEDERAL judge ]
In 2014, Murray Energy Corporation and several of its affiliates sued EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy, alleging that the EPA was in violation of 42 U.S.C. § 7621, § 321(a) of the Clean Air Act, which requires the agency to “conduct continuing evaluations of potential loss or shifts of employment which may result from the administration or enforcement of the provision of [the Clean Air Act] and applicable implementation plans, including where appropriate, investigating threatened plant closures or reductions in employment allegedly resulting from such administration or enforcement.”
The case is venued in West Virginia, and U.S. District Judge John Preston Bailey presides. In 2016, the parties filed cross motions for summary judgment. On October 17, 2016, Judge Bailey denied the government’s motion and granted Murray Energy Corporation’s motion. This means that Murray won the case. Judge Bailey ordered the EPA to comply with the Clean Air Act, as follows:
The Defendant is ORDERED to file, within fourteen days of the date of this Order, a plan and schedule for compliance with § 321(a) both generally and in the specific area of the effects of its regulations on the coal industry.
The EPA apparently responded with a filing that said it never carries out the sort of economic assessments specified in § 321(a), and it would take two years for it to devise a methodology to do so.
That caused Judge Bailey to unload on the agency, in an order that apparently is not yet online:
A judge has ordered federal regulators to quickly evaluate how many power plant and coal mining jobs are lost because of air pollution regulations.
U.S. District Judge John Preston Bailey in Wheeling made the ruling after reviewing a response from outgoing U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy.
McCarthy had responded to the judge’s previous order in a lawsuit brought against her by Murray Energy Corp. that the EPA must start doing an analysis that it hadn’t done in decades.
According to Wednesday’s order, McCarthy asserted it would take the agency up to two years to devise a methodology to use to try to comply with the earlier ruling.
“This response is wholly insufficient, unacceptable, and unnecessary,” Bailey wrote.
Like many federal agencies, the EPA is a scofflaw. It is quick to bring criminal charges against individuals who unintentionally violate pollution laws, but it views its own compliance with the law as strictly optional.
Judge Bailey continued:
The judge said the EPA is required by law to analyze the economic impact on a continuing basis when enforcing the Clean Air Act and McCarthy’s response “evidences the continued hostility on the part of the EPA to acceptance of the mission established by Congress.”
I think that is correct. The EPA was created by Congress and owes its powers exclusively to Congressional enactment, but over time it has become contemptuous of its democratically-elected master, and has come to view itself as a superior and independent power, entitled to enforce those legal provisions that it likes, and ignore those that are inconvenient. Agencies like the EPA are the single greatest threat to the freedom of American citizens.
Bailey ordered the EPA to identify facilities harmed by the regulations during the Obama presidency by July 1. That includes identifying facilities at risk of closure or reductions in employment.
The EPA had contended that analyzing job loss won’t change global energy trends.
Typical EPA arrogance: It is not responsible for “global energy trends,” it is responsible for carrying out its duties in accordance with its statutory mandate from Congress. It is not the EPA’s role to decide that some provisions of the statutes that govern it are unfortunate and may be ignored, as Judge Bailey reminded Gina McCarthy:
Bailey wrote that the EPA can recommend amendments to Congress if it feels strongly enough.
“EPA does not get to decide whether compliance with (the law) is good policy, or would lead to too many difficulties for the agency,” Bailey wrote. “It is time for the EPA to recognize that Congress makes the law, and EPA must not only enforce the law, it must obey it.”
[ more ]
So Scot Pruitt already has a solid legal ruling from a Federal Judge that the EPA has failed to conform to the legislated requirements of Congress re its responsibilities in failing to take any account of the economic losses and job losses that have arisen and are arising out of the EPA’s actions against companies and individuals within the USA.
And That leaves the EPA and its officials in a very vulnerable position with the advent of a President and his administration that is hostile to much of what the EPA has been doing to the American middle class right through the increasingly seen and commented on as disastrous for the USA, Obama years.
There is an unhappy side to this.
comment 39.1.1
We can hope that Pruitt takes McCarthy et al to the cleaners, but experience with a recalcitrant, entrenched and determined bureaucracy says that won’t be immediate. Cutting the EPA’s funding will guarantee a never-ending storm of shrieking MSM headlines.
There are glaring parallels with the dealings of warmist doctrine spread throughout US agencies and Russian/Communist spies infiltrating its government over a decade before Senator Joseph McCarthy attempted to address the problem while facing corruption from within and a hostile media, history repeating anyone?
Aims of the Communist Party in the USA as recorded in Govt of Florida Hansard :
Congressional Record–Appendix, pp. A34-A35
January 10, 1963
Current Communist Goals
Thursday, January 10, 1963
Read more at http://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/watchwomanonthewall/2011/04/the-45-communist-goals-as-read-into-the-congressional-record-1963.html#VziJWRIQKoJvKTLo.99
11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.)
12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.
13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
18. Gain control of all student newspapers.
19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
From the Verona revelations ;
There were at least 16 soviet agents in the OSS, predecessor to the CIA, including Duncan Lee, chief counsel to General William Donovan, The Office of War Information, the Board of Economic Warfare, United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, War Production Board, War Department, Signal Corps, Censorship Office, the Justice Department were all penetrated.
In the State Department Alger Hiss was not the only Soviet spy, Larry Duggan, in charge of Latin American affairs, was an agent, Lauchlin Currie, one of six presidential assistants, provided information.
The most highly placed spy was Harry Dexter White, the number two man in the Treasury Department and one the architects of the post-war international financial order – he designed the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Bretton Woods agreement.
Nuff said….
Scott Pruitt can order ‘all’ folk at the EPA to comply with Judge Bailey’s order with current funding or face immediate termination of government employ! I need more popcorn! -will-
The ruling is full,is available at http://www.jurist.org/paperchase/EPA%20coal%20order.pdf.
Thank you Michael,
Everyone should read that whole ruling, and evaluate that according to own upbringing. Do not accept some opinion\interpretation by established liars. -will-
ROM.. check out how the EPA came to exist. It was and administrative grouping created by and within the executive,branch, with the concurrence of Congress. Read up. Very interesting.
Here is the schedule (EST).
Position: Environmental Protection Agency administrator
Nominee: Scott Pruitt
Background: Oklahoma Attorney General
Committee: Senate Environment and Public Works
Confirmation Hearings: Jan. 18 at 10 a.m. in 406 Dirksen
The US EPA describes CO2, as a pollutant. It is a trace gas,that supports all life on Earth. They would be happily reduce it to the point where all life on Earth would be destroyed.
They are a greater existantial threat to the planet we live on, than a bit more CO2 ever could be
The Supreme Court ruled in 2014 that CO2 could be classed as a pollutant as long as the source of emissions in question is a traditional polluter, like a factory or a power plant, rather than a school or a shopping mall.
Which gives the let out for natural emissions of CO2 and directs the EPA’s control of CO2 emissions to what the EPA classed as man made aka “Anthropogenic” created sources.
From the rabid greenie source Ecowatch
Supreme Court Rules the EPA Can Regulate CO2 Emissions
The environmental outfit would sue the EPA over some supposed environmental problem that the EPA publicly claimed it had no power over.
The EPA would then fold in court and thus lose the case and so would then be required by the judgement of the court to implement controls over the aforesaid supposed environmental problem which of course was seen to be a very wide ranging judgement over a whole range of similar supposed and claimed pollution and etc problems .
And so the EPA’s power and influence was extended ever further into the economy and lives of the American nation to the increasing detriment of the “deplorables” in particular, the middle class of the “fly over” country of the USA.
A staged fight under a false flag operation sounds about right ROM, after all honesty and facts are not the strong points of craven surrender monkeys.
Exactly why the EPA should be shut down, and all laws that it invented to be rescinded.
Each state had its own laws anyway, the EPA was a duplication of laws.
So either let the states police their own environment, which I believe the “united states” was all about, or create a shiny new department with limited scope to reinstate those laws that are needed and which the states for some reason do not wish to police themselves (there might be some).
I agree, folk in Maine cannot dictate what is best for Florida! Folk in Los Angeles (LA) cannot dictate what is best for Louisiana (LA). Da California kiddies have not ‘looked at’ nor ‘smelt’ an actual ‘gator’! This is why the United States of America remains a Republic, never a democracy! Let the individual States be! Only if the individuals agree (like on armed forces) can any of the Federalist assist!
All the best! -will-
I’m not sure if many Australians here on Jo’s site have ever heard of the EPA’s Gold King highly toxic mine water, major river contamination disaster.
If this massive contamination of a large continental river system had even accidentally been created through gross incompetence and against instructions from a superior in a private or public corporation there is no shadow of doubt that some of the individuals and executives involved would have likely faced lengthy Jail time.
But this is the EPA and no action at all as far as is known has ever been taken against the incompetent individuals involved in this disaster , by the Dept of Justice or any other justice administration outfit under Obama’s administration.
Scott Pruitt if confirmed by the Congress as EPA Administrator is going to have a full time job just holding the well entrenched denizens of this stinking morass of a swamp to account in the years ahead and dealing with items of the EPA’s past gross incompetence in numerous instances.
Plus then getting on with the draining this piece of festering Washington created EPA swamp.
For some more information on the Gold King mine water / major river contamination disaster, just google but here are a couple of articles on this disaster.
From The Daily Caller;
DOJ WON’T Charge EPA Employee Who Caused Gold King Mine Disaster
[ More ]
EPA says it won’t repay claims for spill that caused yellow rivers
Technical Evaluation of the Gold King Mine Incident
Yellow river, yellow river. !!
for a while it almost put the “Huang He” to shame for colour !
ROM January 17, 2017 at 5:47 pm
“I’m not sure if many Australians here on Jo’s site have ever heard of the EPA’s Gold King highly toxic mine water, major river contamination disaster.”
Please let this sit for awhile before asinine judgment! The EPA is responsible for much worse than the king water contamination. The corruption is in the Washington DC EPA, not over yonder where some innocent fools truly screwed up!
All the best! -will-
I am Australian. I was a mining engineer; for 50 years. And I heard about the Gold King case as soon as it happened.
I did not know the details of the mineralogy of this mine (even though I have spent around a year in Colorado); BUT the probability of there being heavy metal contamination in an old, wet (flooded) mine approaches unity.
I suggest that the decisions of the EPA were taken by a) a bunch of DC lawyers, or b) the local office boy.
When it happened I could not believe my eyes or ears.
The STUPID is strong in this government department.
I heard they knew it was contaminated and had been warned not to touch the dam until proper engineering could establish its stability.
But they went ahead anyway. DOH !!
And Jo; please add my name and details to your list of supporters for the draining the swamp/EPA. I guess the more support the better.
If you need any more details I can and will supply.
That is a given, although I’m lot sure how much help a bunch of Aussies would be on a list of supporters.
One Nation leader Pauline Hanson says she will decline a special invitation to the inauguration of US President-elect Donald Trump despite it being a “fantastic opportunity”.
A big missed opportunity IMO, PHON is growing in popularity and Trump is admired here as an underdog, if nothing is learn’t by his win its momentum is everything.
I believe Trunp’s people will accept and respect here reason for declining the invite. I note that Turnbull never received such.
There is a strong connection between the Trump camp and PHON.
Senator Malcolm Roberts wife is American her parents live in America.
Dellingpole has just posted a 55 minute interview with Malcolm Roberts that is worth listening too. Roberts is informed, rational, conversational, confident and funny.
Cory got an invite, apparently. Bragging rights, the man has become a trumpet.
‘South Australian senator Cory Bernardi has held a press conference to reassure Australia that he too was given an invite to President-elect Trump’s inauguration, after One Nation leader Pauline Hanson announced on Twitter today that she had been invited to attend.
‘Bernardi told reporters that he actually got his invite earlier, but didn’t want to brag.’
‘Malcolm Turnbull said US president-elect Donald Trump invited him to Washington during their first phone call.’
We all know Turnbull is not & should not ever be believed.
Nevertheless, she’s needed here. Working for Australia’s betterment is better than being one in a crowd of thousands at a ceremony.
Yes I admire her loyalties but the hand wringing exasperation from our leftist MSM would be worth the price of admission alone.
Since”She”was one of the first to congratulate Trump,I think she should attend,as a representative of”We the People”
Trump will need all the help he can get,to drain the”Swamp”
That may not be smart!
“Senator Burston said he would pay for flights and accommodation out of his own pocket”
Is there a fund where I can contribute a small amount to these air fares and accomodation ?
The ultra-left JEALOUSY in the comment on that link is true comedy to behold.
They really are STRUGGLING to come to grips with the FACT that the tide is turning.
The desperation is palpable
Check this link out.
The last line acknowledges exactly the aim of the strategy. Dumb lefties! One Nation is now out polling The Greens.
Watermelons exploding! Sweet.
Its easy to see what Trump and Turnbull have in common and should get them reelected: infrastructure.
In Australia the construction of VFT would boost the economy and the hyperloop even more so, but that is someway down the track. When eventually perfected they could use the vft corridors to transition.
Turnbull needs to smother his detractors in the bush and win over Green support, its the only possible way forward.
I do like the smell of “Lefty”heads exploding in the morning.These Trumpaphobics are a laugh a minute
Note that her message to the MSM was that she had received a “gifted invitation”, not an official invitation. The only foreign politicians being invited are the Mexican and Canadian government leaders and all other nations will be represented by Ambassadors. There are several levels of ticket holders who are from the US, members of Congress and House of Representatives are issued with tickets to hand out for constituents and friends.
I believe that this news is a political beat up, but most politicians do these things when opportunities arise. Hanson however referred to the gifted ticket as an honour to receive which is over the top.
The Senate consists of 75 Senators, One Nation gained 4 seats at the last federal election, and have no House of Representative members.
They are like the Greens, the mice that roar.
76 not 75. if everyone is present 75 on the floor and the president.
“advocacy research.” It allows researchers to announce their hypotheses and then to provide only the research that supports their hypotheses”
How convenient this must be for the imbeciles.
all such advocates should be rounded up and directed to hard labor in coal mines and discover thy true meaning of life and the real world!
Come on Jan 2o, for the Rise of ‘the Donald’…..the swamps are bursting their banks.
What we call agencies the late middle ages called “the barons”. Given time, funds and power, all agencies are rogue. The great castles and abbeys are not going to pull down their own walls and surrender privilege. It takes a Richelieu to reform if possible and destroy if necessary.
EPA, NSA, NASA, CIA, FBI etc look to be way past reform. If they are smashed up there will be no shortage of good people to do necessary things…and suddenly, magically those necessary things won’t cost so much.
Mind you, I could be a Russian hacker who’s spreading lies about Nixon’s EPA just to hurt Bambi. Na zdorovje!
I gather then that you are NOT a KGB “swallow” mosomoso;
If you are please send photo!
Not that it will do me any good at 78 years old but!
If you are a KGB “Raven” then don’t bother about that photo at all.
I’m no swallow, ROM. In fact, unlike the heads of Australia’s armed forces, I won’t even put on chick’s clothes.
Must fly. I’m off to hack the French election, then the Dutch. After that I have to hack Frexit and Nexit.
Sorry we can’t do much for Australia and NSW…but Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank are even better at installing Western leaders than us Russians. Na zdorovje!
Thanks for blowing my cover, ROM.
And I thought we were mates . . sheesh.
Supras’s …
Power corruptus,
Honey potus,
Money potus.
Dear Dr Hayworth and Joanne,
I would love my name, Faye Busch, New South Wales, Australia, to be added as a supporter of the nomination of Scott Pruitt to run the EPA.
I have followed the climate change fraud since 2009 when I was fortunate to read Joanne Nova’s explanation of what was occurring. Since then I have devoured thousands of pages on climate change and domestic and world politics.
After years of disappointment and frustration, I am passionate for Mr Trump to “drain the swamp” and what better way to start than to have Scott Pruitt lead the charge against the cohorts of the EPA.
Please add my name, Ken Lloyd, NSW, Australia.
Faye has summed up my own position exactly.
I’m just waiting to see what will happen with the EPA’s Clean Power Plan.
For the life of me, I couldn’t believe how an Authority as big and (supposedly) knowledgeable as the EPA did not have people to tell them that the Renewables of choice, wind and solar power could not do what was claimed, and could not actually replace what they were supposed to replace, good steady reliable large scale coal fired power.
Looking at the Anero site a few minutes ago the wind turbines are only producing 300 MW, about 10% Capacity, but I note that the X axis (time scale) is out of sync. Looking at the solar production it’s worse, peak production at midnight?
More like peak production at 9 pm., but it is a puzzle production between 12 pm and 9 pm, even GMT doesn’t make any sense.
On the hills of the Columbia River Gorge .. Oregon & Washington, there are many wind towers.
[ One set of many, here: 45.67669, -120.32532 ]
Since the evening of 11 January (Wed) there has been no wind and it is quite cold. There will be 6 days of no wind – some should arrive on Tuesday. Results show in the chart – the green line:
An interesting graph, I see that wind can make up half the balanced load occasionally, but for 24/7 power is totally useless. It’s the same in Australia.
The other point of interest is the large number of sawmills and pulpmills that are producing and exporting electricity, something which we do not have in Australia. It begs the question isn’t this renewable energy rather than fossil fuel energy (coal, gas, oil) since forests grow using CO2 and wood is a renewable resource!
With all that hydro, and electricity coming from the pulp and sawmills, why would you even think about installing wind turbines??? Doesn’t make any sense in practical terms apart from some green political imperative, probably associated with the EPA.
Here in Australia, the greens have curtailed the forest industries with political campaigns such as no old-growth logging and planting tree farms, declarations of World Heritage sites and so on. The sad thing about this is that these “locked-up” forests are accumulating large amounts of dry fuel, bark, leaves, twigs etc., and come adverse weather conditions which happen over the Summer months from time to time the whole lot will go up in smoke and a lot of folk with them. e.g. Gippsland recently about 180 people killed, the 1939 fire in southern Victoria, and southern Tasmania in 1967. These are historical facts, but people (the city latte set) ignore them and waffle on about climate change and saving the forests.
Sorry John! Fat fingers on my ipad. Your 1 thumbs down should be a thumbs up!
It’s an odd thing about that wind power data at the Aneroid site.
I really get this underlying impression that people are really wanting to know the real truth about wind power.
If that Aneroid data was regularly shown in a place (like perhaps a well read media outlet) where it could be explained to the masses in a way that they can readily understand, then the real truth of the matter would become common knowledge.
Until something like that actually happens, then the wind power urgers will always get away with saying that it is a good thing.
As long as the power keeps coming out of the proverbial ‘hole in the wall’ people will remain uninformed about the reality of wind power, oh, and solar power too.
Sometimes it’s just so d@mned frustrating.
The NEM Watch widget on the RenewEconomy site that sits at the right of the page SHOULD spell out to the renewables proponents that there is something seriously wrong with their visions of a wind and solar powered future, especially over the last week where wind capacity has been truly pathetic. That it doesn’t indicates how cognitive bias can overcome reality even when it is presented in a clear and concise manner.
Tony I think you need someone to create a site like http://www.gridwatch.templar.co.uk/ which shows all forms og power generation in the UK and it is updated every 5 minutes, I think.
Rather off topic.. but also rather funny, in a “climate change™” sort of way.
Another one to add the “caused by warmism” list
I saw some ‘parrot climate’ news early in January on ABC 24, daytime news report. At the time I thought they (researchers) were suggesting climate change made the parrots more yellow in colour. I guess any change in animals or plants is all due to climate change. I considered conveying the story to Jo but thought that she would see enough rubbish like this as it was without needing to see more ABC climate bias.
Fades the curtains.
Oh, that is an adaptation to the changes in parrot eyesight which occur in marginally,warmer locations. Nothing like a fine yellow plume to catch the attention of a potential mate! /grin
As all warmist understand –
What there currently is throughout all of nature can only change adversely because of human’s deleterious effect on the environment.
My guess is they are just better fed, hence bigger, because of the increase in the biosphere due to the extra atmospheric CO2.
Beautiful plumage, though, the Norwegian Blue . .
Boy, Andy, 2 red thumbs for quoting the ABC! What would you get if you posted facts?
“What would you get if you posted facts”
Usually 8+ reds.
…and not one counter argument.
The red thumbs REALLY hate facts
Pruitt ‘supports First Amendment-guaranteed free speech against government restrictions on debate over climate change.’
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2017/01/09/scientists-economists-religious-leaders-support-scott-pruitt-for-epa-administrator/#ixzz4VuGvsTsY
Words to my ears.
If this novel idea catches on and spreads to all the western democracies, then you’ll hear a fat lady sing.
In Australia we want to have a debate in the MSM and education system.
There is a currently a lawsuit against the EPA in Alaska, concerning the pre-emptive veto of one of the the world’s largest copper+-gold resources-the Pebble Deposit- being mined.
The EPA didn’t even allow the company to submit a mining plan, with the deposit situated on land specifically set aside for potential mining, by first coming up with the EPA’s own version of their mine plan, so they could then reject it. Such an act violates due process affecting potentially any development proposal, by not allowing developers even an opportunity to submit a proposal, which can then be modified and/or re-submitted.
Government over-reach and corruption of due process as clear as day.
Has anyone looked at the Interim report: 2016 coral bleaching event on the Great Barrier Reef? This study, completely funded by taxpayer funds, is being sold as solid research to show that the GBR is being destroyed by climate change. The Executive Summary starts off “Coral bleaching, due to ocean warming associated with climate change” and then does not provide a shred of evidence to support that assertion nor mention climate change again. This is happening with a lot of research now and the US EPA is particularly prone to a lot of this kind of statement.
In the GBR study, only 62 reefs out of 2900 were surveyed. Each survey was an “estimate” (their words) comprised of underwater inspection of 5m radius spots, 50m apart. Very few southern reefs were inspected.
I would suggest that this sort of stuff is political research. The outcome is almost certain before they even start (if you want to be re-funded for more research that is). If the US EPA is doing this sort of research, similar blatant bias is very likely.
How can Scott Pruitt and Trump turn this around?
Check this out, no bleaching here but an extraordinary look at coral this week.
How can Scott Pruitt and Trump turn this around?
Yes, that’s my point. An interesting question not addressed at all by most comments here.
Cutting funding early in the 1st 4 year period to allow time for the screaming MSM political heat to subside seems to me the method with the most possibilities. Takes real nerve though.
My guess, Pruitt will go the lukewarm way, raise the sensitivity issue, massive model failure, the apocalypse is a myth, everything is normal and CO2 is not a pollutant
peter @ # 15
They don’t have to turn it around.
Trump and Brexit and le Pen in France and the Italians, and Gertt Wilders in the Netherlands and now Merkel in Germany fast backtracking on the increasingly serious German refugee debacle plus an increasing number of other examples of the populace in a number of other nations having had a guts full of the schemers and elites running their lives is generating this people’s revolt against the elites.
And it is now spreading across the planet into nations everywhere that have an elite who believe they are far superior to the average citizen and who believe they are the only ones with the intellect to run both nations and the world.
I suggest you read this following article on the depressed state of the current Davos elite attendees who have been shocked to the core by the fast rising backlash against their view of the world , a backlash that is beyond their comprehension as they believed they were in full control of the world and the direction towards internationalism and a borderless world of their creation up to only a few months ago.
It is now being said rather ironically from within Davos itself that not a single prediction of the elites has come to pass.
They have all failed in their entirety and the Davos elite attendees haven’t a clue as to what they can do about it.
From Breitbart;
Globalists In Exile: ‘Party of Davos’ a Gloomy Event This Year After Brexit, Donald Trump’s Win
And for a taste of why the peasants are revolting;
And it is very, very far from finished when we see data like this below.
From Oxfam [ which is somewhat on the nose itself for a lack of accountability as to where all the donations go. ]
Just 8 men own same wealth as half the world
“In the GBR study, only 62 reefs out of 2900 were surveyed.”
And you can bet those where “spotted” aerially beforehand.
I was talking to a “young” lady a couple of days ago about coral…
She was saying that years go her uncle asked her if she wanted some coral.
He gave her a piece that was white. She asked if this was coral and where it was from.
Her uncle worked at a cement works and they used to get heaps of “dead” coral for
grinding down for use with cement.
This is years before scientists “discovered” coral bleaching.
I also remember you could buy white coral and we used to paint it in the
colours we thought coral would look like.
Oh, how the times have changed.
16 Jan: Scotsman: Diane King: Scotland-inspired poem created for Donald Trump inauguration
An American poet society has released a poem inspired by Scotland to mark Donald Trump’s inauguration this Friday.
The poem was written by decorated American poet Joseph Charles MacKenzie of The Society of Classical Poets and draws on Trump’s Scottish roots…
Here’s the inauguration poem from the Society of Classical Poets…READ ON
Long life to the Domhnall, the best of MacLeod!
I truly envy those with the gift to write like that. Thank you!
Mary Anne MacLeod Trump was the mother of businessman and President-elect of the United States, Donald Trump.
All the best! -will-
Needs to be presented in paragraph form for understanding of non-poets!
Will Janoschka –
many thanx.
Part Three of a three-part series…
In Part One we saw how the gospel of globalism inspires its believers to disdain, even despise, middle-class nationalists—that is, the people who voted for Donald Trump. And in Part Two we saw how the Deep State, one of the many weapons in the globalist arsenal, is now targeting Trump and his agenda for America. Here in Part Three, we will focus on how one well-placed Trump opponent is seeking to pick off a key member of the new presidential staff.
WEF now projecting their fear?
VIDEO: 18mins30secs: 15 Jan: Bloomberg: Davos Chief Heeds Trump Win With Pledge to Tackle ‘Silent Fear’
by Stephen Morris and Erik Schatzker
WEF adds Washington event to promote U.S. investment, hiring
The World Economic Forum is listening to Donald Trump.
The organization will convene a special meeting in Washington this year to discuss issues raised during the president-elect’s campaign and the populist wave that swept him to victory, WEF founder Klaus Schwab told Bloomberg Television on Sunday. The gathering will explore U.S. investment and job-creation opportunities for companies that participate in the forum, he said…
“People have become very emotionalized, this ***silent fear of what the new world will bring,” Schwab said in the town’s hulking conference center. “We have populists here and we want to listen. We have to respond to these individuals’ ***fears and to offer solutions. It’s not just enough to listen; we have to provide answers and that’s what were here for in Davos.”…
Schwab says the WEF’s annual meeting, where companies host lavish parties awash in champagne and rare vintage wines, attendees pay $50,000, and thousands of soldiers and police stand guard, remains an appropriate forum to discuss political issues like the rise of populism and to seek solutions to society’s biggest problems…
Business is booming for the WEF and Schwab, 78, said he has no plans to abandon or alter its annual retreat. Revenue is up 45 percent in the past five years and staff have increased by about a third — with employees earning an average of 135,000 Swiss francs ($133,875), a figure which rises to 213,000 Swiss francs with the addition of benefits such as pensions and healthcare.
“Our salary structure is completely in line with others such as the Bretton Woods organization, the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund,” Schwab said. “We also have to be competitive with organizations like Goldman Sachs and McKinsey. We are competing for the same talent.”…
Despite the glitzy parties that have become the hallmark of the annual gathering, Schwab said his aim is not to celebrate the “outrageous excesses of life,” but rather to create a ***“global village,” where participants can mull weighty issues facing the world without the distractions of a large city…ETC
I have some good news for Klaus Schwab – he may not to pay nearly as much for staff in the future. Owing to an over supply of believers recently available for employment.
Whether that will reduction in cost will be enough to encourage current participants to keep coming to Davos is another problem.
a comment has gone into moderation, but somehow the headline and url of the first article is missing (second time this has mysteriously happened in recent days).
sending it again..worth reading Pts 1 and 2, which are linked:
15 Jan: Breitbart: Virgil: Making America Great Again—Or Not: The Establishment Targets Trump’s Top Strategist
Part Three of a three-part series…
In Part One (LINK) we saw how the gospel of globalism inspires its believers to disdain, even despise, middle-class nationalists—that is, the people who voted for Donald Trump. And in Part Two (LINK) we saw how the Deep State, one of the many weapons in the globalist arsenal, is now targeting Trump and his agenda for America. Here in Part Three, we will focus on how one well-placed Trump opponent is seeking to pick off a key member of the new presidential staff…
Just watched the ABC News and it was reported that Central Europe is having one of its coldest winters on record!
Don’t worry, it is only temporary, the globe is storing heat away in the oceans for use in the future.
Pretty simple really.. Some of the bitter cold that is normally in the Arctic is being channelled elsewhere by the wobbly Jet Stream.
The cause of that wobble is probably the quieter sun, certainly nothing to do with CO2, because it has happened many times, way before CO2 existed as a pollutant.
We are witnessing a lot of backlash to the election of Donald Trump as POTUS. Basically the two coastlines, New York and California voted for Hillary whilst the majority of other states voted for Donald in sufficient quantities for him to win.
Now we have the MSM, environmentalists and the like belly-aching about the election result. They had their opportunity and lost; perhaps their biggest mistake was not to select someone else as the Democratic candidate.
Now, people who disagree with the political imperative of global warming will have a say for a change instead of the “settled’ science and Cook’s 97 % consensus.
Will it flow through to Australia with the usual time delay? Hard to say as there is a lot of swamp draining required in government and the ivory towers. All current political leaders are still espousing renewable energy, climate damage to the Barrier Reef and so on.
Time will tell, but a few blackouts in S. Aust. this Summer may hasten the process.
Elections DO have consequences…
Please add my name to those who support Mr Pruit. I wish him well in this job and look forward to seeing the climate Change monster laid to rest, indeed, brutally slaughtered.
Rick from Western Australia.
Here is the one thing I would want to say about the EPA. Since SCC is negative, it is clearly a produce that is hurting us and we should stop using it as soon as possible. I would strongly suggest that anybody who takes this position hand over the keys to their car right now and go find a place where you can purchase a bicycle. Not doing so proves that the social benefit of Carbon outweighs the negatives.
I was directed to an article written by Alex Steffen. He is what you might class as a climate change zealot. I gather he makes a living from scare mongering on the topic and proposing “solutions”. This is his take on Trump:
The story begins:
“Trump has surrounded himself with more oil industry and oil industry connected people than any president in history (even George W. Bush). You can’t understand what’s going on with Trump unless you understand the oil industry… and you can’t understand the oil industry without understanding climate change.
Understanding Climate Change
In case you’re just joining us here on Earth, we’re making the planet hotter. The science is incontrovertible that by burning fossil fuels, we’re changing the planet’s climate. Because the consequences worsen dramatically as we emit more climate pollution and the planet gets hotter, every nation on Earth agreed last year in Paris to hold that temperature rise to two degrees Celsius (2ºC).”
I cannot find any details on how Alex Steffen has reduced his carbon footprint. He seems to attend talkfests that I doubt are within cycling distance of his energy efficient abode. If anyone has links to what he has personally achieved with regard to carbon reduction I would like to see them.
Rick Will:
Is he one of those who believe burning coal is evil and it is much better to destroy native forests and wood chip them, and burn those chips in place of coal? e.g. Drax power station in the UK where switching to (imported from the USA) wood chips resulted in a 32% INCREASE in CO2 emissions. But Drax was encouraged to do so by SUBSIDIES so they make a lot more profit.
Alex Steffen certainly believes that burning coal is evil. However it is a necessarily evil in the good fight against Climate Change:
“Yes, I Get on Planes to Fight Climate Change
The ethical complexities of living in a moment when advocating for climate action often demands high-carbon work lives.”
Clearly he is the worst sort of hypocrite, justifying his high carbon footprint on the basis that he knows better than anyone else how to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. I am on the verge of vomiting when I read this self-serving nonsense.
“I cannot find any details on how Alex Steffen has reduced his carbon footprint”
Nor that he has any education apart from basic college journalism
Classes himself as a “future thinker”
Maybe he will learn to think…….. some time in the future.
ie.. another ignorant useless mouthpiece and con-man..
Can’t have a red thumb all by itself, can we…..
usually the red thumbs are empty and lonely.
very rare for them to actually have anything to back up their pathetic feel-good moment.
waiting, waiting.. !!!
is it FEAR, or is it ineptitude I suspect about 50-50.
It is extraordinary that the EPA is protecting the environment not from heavy metals, radioactive waste, strip mining, chemical waste, destruction of species but from Carbon Dioxide from which all living things are made.
You may as well ban water, the other half of both photosynthesis and combustion. After all, water causes all the weather. Storms are all about water. Monsoons. Typhoons. El Nino. La Nina. Clouds, snow, floods, icebergs, freezing rain, sleet, hail, black ice, frost, humidity and blocking the sun or reflecting the light. All of the weather is water itself or caused by water. Tsunamis are just water. Without water, there would be no sea level rise drowning islands and cities. An evil industrial pollutant. Only the EPA can save us from water. People and trees are full of the stuff.
‘You may as well ban water.’
Penn and Teller got hippies to sign a petition
to do just that, TdeF.
Not only does water contain a high concentration of Di Hydrogen Monoxide, it is highly addictive. In fact, most people consume large quantities of it every day. They can’t seem to go more than a few hours without consuming it in some form. Making things worse, parents willfully give their children significant quantities of water containing fluids from birth thereby assuring even their children will become addicted.
Water is more addictive than opiates as demonstrated by the effects of withholding water consumption for a short time: loss of weight, headache, mental confusion, combined with an extreme drive to consume water.
Withhold water long enough, and the person will sink into a coma and die. Hence, consuming water containing substances should be prohibited. It has become an urgent public health matter. For the sake of the children, take action NOW!
This makes just as much sense as banning the human production of CO2 that is the consequence of the production of energy in our bodies and the energy that powers our technological civilization.
This site documents the horrors of Di Hydrogen Monoxide in great detail. Well worth investigating.
Industrial producers of this dangerous chemical (see here) that dump it into our waterways should be fined.
What was the release timing for the man-made global warming scare campaign? mid 1980s I seem to recall? However in the mid 1970s Time Magazine featured front page and inside a story about a possible Maunder Minimum occurring again in future years. And a decade later the same magazine featured global warming.
It is interesting to reflect on the European Green movement of the 1960-1970 period protesting about acid rain and other pollution that resulted in developed nations enacting laws against polluting and establishing environmental pollution agencies to monitor and enforce penalties against polluters. But with the man-made global warming scare/con greenhouse gas emissions were to blame and at the Kyoto Conference UN member country delegates were advised that action must be taken urgently to reduce or eliminate greenhouse gas emissions.
As time passed the focus was “carbon pollution”, CO2 is now the culprit for climate change. In the US the Environmental Pollution Agency was hijacked and direction changed. In Australia BoM, CSIRO and others were recruited to the cause.
What a joke these con people are.
Callendar has been adopted as one of the Prophets in his paper to the Royal Society in 1938, despite his change in heart in 1962/3. The rot started about 1972 but was forstalled by the Global Cooling Scare until about 1980. The first International Conference seems to have been in 1983 by which time Dr. James Hansen (NASA GISS Laboratories) was already frothing at the mouth. His 1981 pape about how the world had warmed since 1940 has proved embarrassing and many records have had to be adjusted to get around it.
“You may as well ban water”
If you applied the same cost analysis to water as you do to CO2, the SCW would be quite substantial and far easier to support with economic models.
Think of all the damage water does to human infrastructure. The conclusion would be that we should only build and live in deserts.
The erosion alone would be mind-boggling!
I respectfully request that the Nominations Committee accept and endorse Scott Pruitt’s nomination for executive leadership of the EPA.
In support of this request, I wish to point out that the EPA under its current guise has over-reached its authority and needs fresh leadership, which has not been tainted by the present organisational culture. Mr. Pruitt is ideally positioned to understand the reforms that are necessary to return the EPA into a productive and constructive servant of the administration.
Email sent.
Thanks Beth.
Any skeptic, informed and astute,
Could rebut, debunk and refute,
The E.P.A. aim,
To fallaciously claim,
That CO2 does clean air pollute.
The American system of government is byzantine & bizarre. I daresay most other country’s embattled equivalents of our ‘deplorables’ can say the same thing.
It is difficult to attack the bureaucrats on there own turf, given the job protections that make GS-15 resemble a lifetime appointment.
Trump & staff will likely, as business folks often do find the path less traveled, and hopefully get a lot done before The Order of the Entrenched can react.
I mean strategies like this:
Observe the the EPA budget is way to small to cover all of the pressing needs of the environment. To ease the financial burden and allow for more forward looking science, we’ll transfer a lot of the function that is routine, like managing existing water rules, to the interior department in a new division of the BLM. Unstaff the EPA, and have the new interior secretary reinterpret the rules. The “transfer”, with no change in the legislative language, can be done as a must-pass amendment.
Since it’s a budget issue as framed, only 51 votes needed in the senate. With no change in the legal language, and a goal of “improving” the EPA, the opposition can be ridiculed as the play defence, which they’ve not been great at. Fire the zealots and hire a few managers. You get to cite the Gold King Mine disaster as an examle of the ‘overworked’ EPA…if they are not overworked then why aren’t they culpable.
That’s this kind of thing you have to go through if you want to let thousands of people go, in most agencies. The exception is in a few places like the TSA, where the administrator can issue privatization waivers. NOAA may be a candidate for some of that, as there has been a lot of cooperation with private agencies in the past, for everything from reading temperatures to publishing charts.
You get to cite the Gold King Mine disaster as an examle of the ‘overworked’ EPA…if they are not overworked then why aren’t they culpable ?
Which the MSM will bury in small print on page 63 – if it is reported at all.
Cutting funding and bearing the shrieks-to-heaven seems to offer the best route. But we’ll see over the next 6 months anyway.
Four days now to D-day – and the over-riding question is which brave artist(s) will perform at the inauguration ? Sort of a reverse McCarthy.
I can only hope for the EPA to get a thorough overhaul, if necessary, by firing those who will not cooperate with Pruitt’s agenda. Of course he has to live through the confirmation process first. But I think he’ll get through it.
If we do not get our common sense back the failure will ruin industrialized society. Going after pollution is a good goal but wait a minute, like anything else there is a point where you go overboard. Only in government, they never feel the pain they inflict, they go on untouched by their excesses. There is always going to be a point beyond which the marginal cost of cleaning up the last little bit of dirty air is not worth it. Yet they go on with their politically driven agenda.
They do not, however, clean up the messes of the past for which they have had money allocated and should have been forging ahead with the job. I guess that doing those more mundane jobs isn’t glamorous or exciting enough.
From a very happy American to our new president, “Rock on!”
Joanne, please add my name to the list of people who support Scott Pruitt’s nomination to head the EPA. As I see it, the only “environments” the EPA is dedicated to preserve are (a) the EPA’s money flow and (b) its self-perceived aura of sainthood.
Hillary won the popular popular vote by 2.8m
She won California the loony left capital of the western world by 4m.
That means Trump won the other 49 states by1.2m
The college electoral system is starkly necessary.
As soon as I leave California, I say let Hillery be the president of a newly formed separate nation of Bhaaa (sic) California. Especially since she won the state by such a huge plurality.
In most other fields of study such an outlier as CA would be rejected as suspect and therefore removed from further analysis. In the US political system they deal with it by using the Electoral College. It works so those who are against it are not only anti-democratic they are anti-US.
Change may be sudden if Scott Pruitt heads the EPA and Robert F. Kennedy investigates the CDC.
Environmentalism understandably attracts many young enthusiastic supporters. Idealists, some. The problem in having an EPA watchdog is that it can bite the owner. One way to stop planes crashing is not to fly. A way to stop car crashes is to outlaw driving and close roads.
It must be a fine balance in administration and policy between the greater good and strong policing because once activists take over, no mine is safe, no power station, no pipe line, no nuclear power plant. Carbon Dioxide will be banned, as the Greens once banned the element Chlorine. We in Australia may have the same problem in organizations like the BOM and their homogenization which biases the world’s temperature. Changing the data for the greater good might seem like idealism over truth. Historians too have taken to changing history under the banner, “what is truth?”.
Risks are part of life but get the balance wrong and there is no vaccination, no defence force, no policing, no admission of real problems and the people against everything take over, killing the machinery which enables seven billion people to live on the same planet, many in places which until recently were uninhabitable. Perversely this is all in the name of sustainability when we are already far past that point without coal energy and should be searching for a replacement, not building windmills and worshiping the planet while ignoring the plight of at least a billion people who have no electricity, no antibiotics and little of anything.
It is criminal that all the windmills are built in rich countries with no power shortage, while the Greens shut power plants and refuse the search for fuel and the export of coal to needy places. They are the self indulgent rich with a fake vision of sustainability, as if they could make their own iPhones and bicycles and shoes in a village commune. Do they care if the rest of the world starves or freezes or die young. Apparently not.
How then do you administer an EPA, 15,000 people seemingly intent on shutting down the world’s largest economy because there are risks. Life is one big risk and the Green religion changes nothing, but stops everything. Leading such a group would be a challenge which demands a strong leader. It looks like the biggest Green organization in the world will get one.
I will not stand for socialism masquerading as environmentalism – PM Abbott 2015
Wise words. But once socialism takes power, environmentalism takes a back seat, big time!
The Russian Environmental policies were always a bit sketchy, weren’t they? Turning the River Volga into the Vulgar River?
Chinese are pretty lax about pollution control too
google “river pollution in china”.. horrific.
yet the waste money on wind turbines etc.. ????????????
They have far bigger issues to deal with.
Steve Milloy has brought out a timely book. He has spent most of his years ferreting out the false use of statistics in the field of epidemiology. He continues the same quest in his latest book “Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA” (2016) Bench Press.
just seen this quote by Chris Kenny …
“Climate change is so powerful it is changing the temperatures of measurements made decades ago!” ……What a joke, a bad joke this has become because it has been allowed to fester.
The plug needs to be pulled on the funding of all this CAGW nonsense and criminal activity, and the sooner the better.
And all associated racketeers prosecuted and given serious jail time.
Little of the CAGW mantra is delusional, most is deliberate, as in ‘a deliberate scam’ and should be treated as such along with it’s deceitful advocates.
Their deceit has cost nations enormous amounts of taxpayer’s monies redirected into the hands of UN, IPCC and fellow travellers.
The deceivers should be punished.
I think the continued coldest winter for decades (here over and over again) about sums it up. Klimate nazis stop lying!
Meant to add, in all Northern Hemisphere continents!
Notice the step change in the early 1990s.
Excluding mountain snow, records are being broken across the whole Northern Hemisphere.
Does the MSM know about this?
Yes, but their minders ordered them not to mention it
Does the MSM know about this? NO theyd be in denial if they did, All Ive seen is a small mention of stuck traffic and a bit of snow, not even a mention of snowmen being built on Greek Is beaches!
Our own children have ability to learn to wipe own ass, and dates back to before toilet paper! Why oh why do we now have congress-critters that know not how to ‘wipe own ass’?
All the best! -will-
Perhaps they’ve following the lead of the Egyptians and using their left hand.
Jo, I’d be glad to be added to the list. Annie.
Obama hasn’t a leg to stand on after trying to interfere and threaten with Brexit and also the GBR.
Thank Annie: an example to quote when they accuse Russia of trying to influence the presidential election. What about Obama’s attempt (unsuccessful) on Brexit or the various government figures in Europe (and elsewhere) deploring Trump.
Indeed. Obama spent $350,000 to disrupt the Israel elections and that was perfectly acceptable to those of his ilk.
still only speculation:
16 Jan: Daily Caller: Michael Bastasch: Trump May Pick A Prominent Global Warming Skeptic As His Science Czar
Trump met with Dr. Will Happer in New York City Friday. Happer didn’t take any questions entering or leaving Trump Tower last week, so it’s hard to say what the meetings were about. Trump has yet to fill key energy and science roles in his administration.
Happer served as the director of the Office of Energy Research at the Energy Department under former President George H.W. Bush. Trump could ask Happer to head the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy or even sit on the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology…
“Climate skeptics would rejoice at the prospect of Happer joining a Trump administration,” Marc Morano, a skeptic and publisher of the news site Climate Depot, wrote of the meeting…
woke up to this on Macquarie radio network news bulletin today. the figures cited were so confusing, listeners probably tuned out. no different with this SMH article where, as usual, CAGW is credited for every possible scenario:
17 Jan: SMH: Rachel Browne: More rain on the horizon as climate change affects Australia, study finds
New findings from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science, published in Nature Climate Change on Tuesday, reveal that a two-degree rise in average global temperatures would lead to a 10-30 per cent increase in extreme downpours…
The study’s authors predict that while some parts of the continent will become wetter, others will experience increasing drought.
Steve Sherwood, a professor at the Climate Change Research Centre at the University of NSW who contributed to the research, said global warming would have a clear impact on rainfall.
“There is no chance that rainfall in Australia will remain the same as the climate warms,” he said.
“With two degrees of global warming, Australia is stuck with either more aridity, much heavier extreme rains, or some combination of the two.”…
link provided by SMH doesn’t take u to the paper. go here:
Looks like the extremists are having a bet each way. More rain and more drought, simultaneously! After all, rain is the only thing which separates one drought from the next, so it could all be one very long drought with interruptions. Or as Flannery said, longer and more frequent droughts, an absurdity.
Contained everythibg except The Pheasant Pluckers Song.
Thank you Jo, and an excellent pick by President Trump.
The BBC actually has an article which appears to suggest they have now reached the third point of “bargaining” on the “five stages of grief” (the Kübler-Ross model five stages being denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance).
They cite a couple of the usual subjects opining things like
Yes, that is Professor Myles “11 degrees” Allen. I don’t think I need to say any more.
The hearing is Wednesday. The NY Times provides a mechanism for you to pose a question for Scott Pruitt during the senate confirmation hearing:
Doubtful that the questions posed here would actually be asked but it is an opportunity to show the NYT that there may be many AGW skeptics out there, not the just the few that Trump has found.
To get some background for my NYT question I went looking for the list of EPA regulated pollutants with the aim of checking if carbon dioxide had actually been included:
It is not.
Makes me wonder how the EPA became involved in regulating so-termed GHGs???
I started looking at some of the confirmation hearings already completed. They are tedious sessions but there are snippets like this where Ted Cruz gives his support to Jeff Sessions nomination:
Here is Ted Cruz on Mattis:
I looked at some of the confirmation hearing footage. What stands out is how much more dignified, competent and reasonable the cabinet nominees were than the Democrat senators trying to catch them out.
They say that first class managers surround themselves with first class assistants, so it is definitely looking good for at least the next four years for the US.
On the other hand, if the Democrat senators are among the best the Democrats can produce, it is little wonder they were forced to try to get a swivel-eyed loon like Hillary elected.
These are the questions that the NYT chose to offer:
I wonder if the sample reflects a balance of the questions offered!
even more extreme version! Flannery mentioned in the comments:
17 Jan: New Daily: Kemal Atlay: A surge in ‘extreme rainstorms’ is coming, new report warns
Australia’s risk of extreme rainstorms and floods is expected to increase by at least 10 per cent for every 1°C rise in global temperature – much faster than previously predicted.
However, this estimate could be as high as anywhere between 22.6 and 60 per cent when factoring for a rise in global temperature of 4°C.
These estimates, reported in a new study in the scientific journal Nature Climate Change, are based on a comprehensive analysis of climate models by Australian researchers at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Sciences at the University of New South Wales.
Professor Steven Sherwood, one of the co-authors, told The New Daily that he and his colleagues set out to reconcile the “puzzling” results of earlier studies, some of which predicted far less of an increase in extreme rainstorms.
Their computer modelling “clarified that yes, we do expect strong increases in the future in the heavy rains that you’ll get under extreme events”, Professor Sherwood said…
Associate Professor Seth Westra, an expert in hydrological modelling from the University of Adelaide, whose own research has shown substantial increases in extreme rainfall across the world, explains that these dual arid and wet conditions complement one another.
“The long-term drying of Australia seems to be occurring in parallel with an increase in how intense the heaviest rainfall events are happening – it’s not a contradiction, it’s basically two features that are happening side-by-side,” he told The New Daily…
Climate models can’t get temperature correct..
They don’t do precipitation, clouds etc well, if at all
WTH makes them think they can “predict” changes in rainfall.
This is LUDICROUS stuff.. extreme propaganda PAP. !!
“The long-term drying of Australia …blah .. blah “..
What a load of RUBBISH !!!!
“The long-term drying of Australia …blah .. blah “..
What a load of RUBBISH and a total and absolute UNTRUTH. !!!!
And a more up to date one
laugh of the day:
16 Jan: ClimateChangeNews: Ed King: 7 tasks for the new Green Climate Fund chief
The new head of the UN’s green fund has a packed to-do list: here Climate Home outlines what he should focus on in his first year in charge
The Green Climate Fund appointed a new boss last week, with veteran Australian diplomat Howard Bamsey joining the South Korea-based organisation…
It has pledged over $1.3bn of support, but its portfolio of 37 projects has so far received just $5m…
Climate Home has canvassed opinions from think tanks, the banking sector and civil society to help Bamsey work out what his priorities are…
***LOL: 1 – Sort out the team
Most respondents said the GCF secretariat is under-staffed and lightweight. Bamsey needs to “figure out how to get good people to move to Songdo,” said Annaka Peterson from Oxfam America.
The money is there: in December the board signed off on funds to boost staff levels from 100 to 140 by the end of 2017, citing current workloads as “unsustainable”…ETC
2 – Tackle Trump for the $2.5bn…
O/Topic – Dr Udo Ulfkotte found dead. He exposed fake news at the behest of powerful organisations:
Is it any wonder that people are turning away from the MSM when it is so blatantly obvious they are riddled with fake news?
Bulldust – sorry to hear that. translated a few excerpts from foreign-language websites. some saying he’d had multiple heart attacks already. others wondering if he was murdered.
don’t think CAGW-infested Oxfam realised how much fun people would have with their list of 8:
16 Jan: Breitbart: World’s 8 Richest People Mostly Progressive, Own More $$ than Half the World Population
by Katherine Rodriguez
The world’s eight richest people own as much as half the world’s population, according to an analysis by the charity Oxfam.
Yet the same people who own more than the bottom half of the world’s population are also the same people who tout progressive, globalist philosophies championed by the very people who claim that there is income inequality
Here are the eight people who made the list:
(includes Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Carlos Slim, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Ellison, Michael Bloomberg)
17 Jan: UK Express: Sarah O’Grady: WINTER CRISIS: One MILLION pensioners fear they cannot afford to heat their homes
ONE million pensioners expect their health to suffer this winter as expensive energy prices mean they cannot afford to heat their homes.
Of Britain’s 11.5m over 65s, nearly one in ten (nine per cent) are anticipating either a new health problem or the worsening of a current condition, like arthritis, as they struggle with the cold…
As winter temperatures plummet and the amount of energy required to heat a home increases, the costs will add significant pressure to household budgets.
Only 36 per cent of the elderly surveyed said they could “definitely afford” an increase in energy bills…
Almost half (43 per cent) will have to dip into savings, while 38 per cent will be cutting back on food shopping to pay an increased energy bill…
Peter Earl, head of energy at comparethemarket.com, said: “It’s worrying that a million elderly people in the UK have to sacrifice their health just to pay for their energy bills…
COMMENT: Just.Do.It: Can anyone except MPs afford to switch on their central heating these days?
OT but .
Just listening to our local news and they were whining about our unusual 40 degree c plus day , the weather presenter then claimed more people die of heat stress than natural disasters .
I checked and you know what ? More people die from heat stress than winning tattslotto and eating their shoes and choking and walking on railroad tracks and even playing on freeways at peak hour .
I kid you not check it yourself Tony , unfortunately they didn’t mention more people die from cold related injurys than heat related injurys .
The media are going mad with Trump. The juveniles who write drivel for news.com.au are claiming war with China is imminent and Australia must choose sides. Last week it was war with Russia. Then what a nuclear war would mean to the readers with a fake photo. We are so past fake news, now random rubbish presented as news. All to get you to click and watch more advertisements. 10 amazing things you should know about snails. 10 thing Donald Trump might have said. Donald Trump is going to take two days off (really). I don’t remember much comment about Obama’s endless golf, but Trump only has to look sideways and it is big news.
Apparently recently there has not been a more unpopular President, with the media. You have to wonder how he won the election when he was so unpopular. What is true is that never has there been a more unpopular media with the people and certainly with the President.
So when does the real news return? Not any time soon. What is certain is that people are finding places to get the news other than the print media or the ABC or CNN. This blog is one place where apart from Harry Twotter, the facts are presented and the issues debated.
16 Jan: FinancialPostCanada: Terence Corcoran: Trudeau’s Liberals just got struck by the first shot in Canada’s carbon-tax rebellion
During a now-notorious town hall in Peterborough, Ont., Prime Minister Trudeau last week came face to face with an issue that could become his electoral undoing — not just in Ontario, but across all of Canada.
The moment came when the Peterborough audience erupted in cheers and applause for a 54-year-old woman, Kathy Katula, who pleaded for the prime minister’s support in her battle against soaring Ontario electricity bills and the burden of living in what she described as energy poverty. “I’m asking you, Mr. Trudeau, how do you justify to a mother of four children, three grandchildren, with physical disabilities, and working up to 15 hours a day, how is it justified for you to ask me to pay a carbon tax when I only have $65 left in my paycheque every two weeks to feed my family.”…
After the audience broke out into 10 seconds of applause and shouts of support for the woman, Trudeau bobbed and weaved, riding the technicality that electricity is a local matter and that, in fact, it was the government of Liberal Premier Kathleen Wynne that was responsible for Ontario’s soaring hydro bills, the product of the province’s billion-dollar carbon-fighting boondoggles.
It’s not my carbon tax, said Trudeau, backing away from the problem. “We haven’t brought in any carbon tax yet, ma’am,” he said. “It doesn’t start kicking in for another few years.” That’s technically true, but politically disingenuous…READ ON
16 Jan: Daily Caller: David Krayden: Trudeau Town Hall Critic Harassed Online
For one day 54-year-old Kathy Katula represented all Canadians who feel overwhelmed by government taxation.
Now she’s being attacked online by people who object to her criticism of Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau…
Katula told the Toronto Sun that she’s the target of online harassment from people who aren’t taking Trudeau’s message of tolerance very seriously. “I’ve been trying to block people, so they can’t get into my Facebook,” she said. “There are people all over the place who think I’m hired by a politician and I’m a criminal committing fraud. There are things on there you couldn’t imagine in your wildest dreams.”…
“That was pure from the heart what I did the other day,” she said. “I wanted to go to church this morning and I was afraid to go out of my house.
Cyber thugs were apparently offended by this question: “I’m asking you, Mr. Trudeau, how do you justify to a mother of four children, three grandchildren, with physical disabilities, and working up to 15 hours a day, how is it justified for you to ask me to pay a carbon tax …ETC
The exchange with the prime minister, in which Trudeau offered nothing but a hug, may prove to be a defining moment for Trudeau, who enjoyed over a year of cheerleading media coverage before taking a Christmas vacation on an island owned by billionaire and Muslim spiritual leader the Aga Khan. Trudeau may have broken the Conflict of Interest Act when he used one of the Khan’s private helicopters to fly to the island.
***This week the federal ethics commissioner is officially opening an investigation into the affair.
16 Jan: HuffPo: Michelle Butterfield: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Booed At Edmonton Oilers Hockey Game
Just one day after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s suggestion that Canada should “phase out” the oilsands, Edmonton hockey fans were ready to let him know exactly what they think of that idea.
(Spoiler: they don’t exactly love the plan.)…
Alberta Premier Rachel Notley clapped back at (Trudeau’s oilsands) statement, taking Trudeau to task in a video posted to Facebook Friday…VIDEO
O/T BUT check the name!
” Graeme
January 16, 2017 at 11:46 pm
Tim Blair has come up with a great nickname for Flannery and his woeful predictions: Nostradumbarse.
Comment at
TdeF –
a search for Trump stories ABC for the past fortnight, results in probably a dozen nasty pieces, much of it fake news. no straight reporting or positive stories at all, and ABC management does nothing about it.
all out media has been running with the Pauline Hanson declines invitation to Trump inauguration (annoyingly repeated all day on Seven during the tennis in news updates), when they know full well she was unable to go, so is sending someone in her place. it’s pathetic really.
people are finding all kinds background info on the people in the latest Project Veritas video. the group exposed now claims it knew they’d been infiltrated and were playing along, but tomorrow James O’Keefe will have a new video with evidence showing otherwise, plus further info on how they plan/planned to target transportation. how come the FBI wasn’t on to them?
16 Jan: Youtube: 5mins50secs: Project Veritas: Part I: Undercover investigation exposes groups plotting criminal activity at Trump inauguration
In this video, Project Veritas investigators uncover a group known as the DC Anti-fascist Coalition plotting to disrupt President-Elect Donald Trump’s inauguration by deploying butyric acid at the National Press Club during the Deploraball event scheduled for January 19th.
The meeting, captured on hidden camera, was held at Comet Ping Pong, a DC pizza restaurant that is better known as the location of the Pizzagate controversy. The coalition members discuss the steps they would need to take to halt the Deploraball event. Project Veritas notified the FBI, Secret Service and DC Metro Police of the content of this video prior to its release.
meanwhile, there are still people online who think the “Golden Showers” portion of the Fake “dossier” CNN/Buzzfeed & the rest of the MSM covered one way or another (btw this portion was the focus of all the media attention & Trump was never told about it during his intel briefing).
all the salacious stuff in the Golden Showers story was allegedly created by a group of 4chan trolls, to prank neverTrumper Republican Rick Wilson, whose son was posting similar stuff online. after 4chan trolls gave it to Wilson, it changed hands a number of times, and was allegedly embellished by those who planned to use it against Trump:
AUDIO: YouTube: Listen to Jeff Kuhner speak with Tom who was one of the pranksters who wrote the “ShowerGate” document.
It starts @ the 22:00 mark.
MSM omitted 4chan altogether when the story broke worldwide, and still do, but some later did the usual “debunking”, without any investigating.
No, That Trump/Russia Dossier Isn’t an Elaborate 4chan Hoax
Mediaite-11 Jan. 2017
4Chan Claim About Inventing Trump Pissgate Report Is Complete Garbage
Gizmodo Australia-11 Jan. 2017
Golden Shower Gate: 4chan Falsely Takes Credit For Trump News
International Business Times-11 Jan. 2017
a comment at Freerepublic is the simplest way to understand how 4chan was involved (apart from stuff they had posted prior to the date Buzzfeed published the “dossier” & more on 4chan memes if u understand that kind of stuff):
comment#2 by abigkahuna: ‘In the released “Dossier” there is a section that has DJT (Trump) with a plate of Chicken Tendies yelling at Ivanka to tell her mother that if she doesn’t answer the post tonight her mother will die. That is a dead giveaway that it is a hoax as Chicken Tendies is a meme on The_Donald and 4chan.org. The bit about need to answer the post or your mother will die is also a meme on 4chan. Anyone who has every hung out in those two locations during the election will recognize the phrasing immediately. I was laughing my ### off when I read that bit in the “Dossier” No doubt John McCain was sitting there eating his tendies while reading about Trump and his golden showers.’
best outline to date:
11 Jan: ZeroHedge: How 4Chan McFooled John McCain, Buzzfeed, and the CIA Into Believing Trump’s Golden Showers
by The_Real_Fly
Ok, there is a lot to go through with this story, which is going to end up being one of the biggest embarrassments for Buzzfeed, the CIA, and old man McCain ever…
Those opposed to Pruitt are doing so with lies. He has not “sided” with anyone but the PEOPLE and the Constitution in his opposition to the EPA. Any free country cannot remain so if the government is allowed to violate the laws and that is what he has sued them over. His tenure will hopefully bring the agency back into legal compliance with the law.
But then lying about the opposition is the only crutch the greens have left. They have no leg to stand on except dictatorial powers that as yet, are not legal.
Fixing the EPA alone will not be enough to undo the damage
Pruitt has much work to do at the EPA but there still hangs the issue of the decision by the Supreme court to include CO2 as a pollutant.
The activists have really done their homework on this issue
Access Denied
You don’t have permission to access “http://serve-403-cf.www.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2017/1/hearing-on-nomination-of-attorney-general-scott-pruitt-to-be-administrator-of-the-u-s-environmental-protection-agency” on this server.
Reference #18.4b3e5dcc.1484751475.da98d39
This is most of Scott Pruitt’s confirmation hearing:
I have only scanned so far but clearly a tough road ahead.
It appears that everything wrong with the world is caused by human emissions of carbon dioxide. The world will be just wonderful once we stop those terrible emissions. AND Sanders brings up the famed 97% of course.
This link explains how Obama’s Clean Air Plan is being imposed on the States:
Apparently it is not easy to remove these requirements once they have passed due process and are being applied. It will require a reversal of the EPA’s position and this will be necessarily tested in the courts. The grounds for reversing are there but it will require the rule makers in the EPA to admit they made a mistake – I think that will not happen unless the people in the key roles actually change. There appears a deep seated belief that atmospheric carbon dioxide is a pollutant. That view is supported by 18 states:
It will be odd for the EPA to shift 180 degrees on the plan after preparing it and supporting it in the court.