With no mainstream alternative party standing up for freedom, free speech, small government, and free markets, Cory is about to make a speech to let Parliament know why he is quitting the Liberal Party and will now be an independent senator.
He is one of the many anti-establishment representatives out there. Australia has no Trump, but the vacuum left by the Liberal Party’s slide to the far left will pull something together. Perhaps Bernardi and the 50,000 people on his Australian Conservatives membership list will help achieve that.
Daily Telegraph has live coverage.
The current Liberal party doesn’t want Australians to speak their minds in case they cause offense. It forces us all to pay big dollars for fantasies that we might change the weather for our great grandchildren by a hundredth of a degree. It won’t allow us to buy the cheapest safe energy. Won’t allow us to discuss real problems. Won’t audit foreign committees that tell us what to do. The Australian Liberal Party is an alt-left option that stands for nothing.
Pyne serves up a dose:
Those who tolerate all differences defend none. Those who stand for something draw a line. There are always differences we won’t accept.
As for our great fortune — we are blessed, but we are 24 million of 7 billion. Sharing has a limit. Innumerate motherhood lines are conversation spam — the only thing that matters are the numbers. How many people are we sharing our fortunes with?
Tony Abbott’s facebook feed is full of people telling him to wake up:
2017 is going to be an interesting year in international politics. Maybe here in Australia as well! Imagine the upset if a few House of Reps Liberals / Nationals join Bernadi in forming a new conservative party.
He’s on song and its music to my ears.
“The loopy left are intent on shutting down the most reliable and cost effective method of generating power that gives our nation a competitive advantage — coal fired power stations,” Senator Bernardi says in his update to supporters today.
“It seems ok for us to dig it up and send it to China but not for us to use it ourselves. The idiocy of this approach appears lost only on our political masters. The rest of us want cheap reliable electricity for the good of the country.”
The Oz
I believe that union controlled Labor are not going to sail through this period without pain, many skeletons in their cupboards and a few likely to get an airing.
Not IF but WHEN!
And there are comments from some of the Liberal hierarchy that Senator Bernardi should “do the honourable thing”; resign his seat and recontest as an independent.
These same are the ones who have treated the electorate with contempt and have little idea of the meaning of that word: honourable.
A Titanic lack of true leadership by those in the two major parties here in our democracy.
May they all be suitably rewarded in the very near future.
This doesn’t solve anything. But it does make a solution more urgent.
Huh? He’s a Senator! Senators are the representatives of the State, in Bernadi’s case he is a representative of SA, if he was to resign his seat and recontest there would have to be a complete reelection of all senate seats for SA. That will guarantee the reelection of Bernadi, probably one or two One Nation representatives, the loss of a Xenophon party rep, and labor and Lib.
People are elected to the senate not parties, Senator Bernadi needs to stay exactly where he is.
I disagree, in the Senate vote most voters vote above the line for the party, not the individual Senate Candidates. And in the case of major and minor party candidates they are supported by their party in many ways, and in the majors benefit from the brand following.
The majority of the Liberal voters who put their vote above the line are the same as Bernardi. That is, they are sick and tired of Turnbull being a NOBODY and doing NOTHING.
Bernardi was not happy with gay marriage, safe schools, Muslim integration and climate change. Didn’t the LNP politicians see what happened in the USA or the way the Australian polls are heading? OR are they too busy watching the ABC and reading the Fairfax press?
Other LNP politicians please take note. There are many of us who share Bernardi’s views, whether or not we are signed up members.
“and in the majors benefit from the brand following.”
But Liberal Conservatives are not following the Turnbull brand.
If Cory looks like he can get a party together by next election, I will vote ACP.
One Nation is the only other option, if there is a candidate in my electorate.
Otherwise… a rude words vote.
I will NOT vote for any party with Turnbull in it,
and I certainly will not vote for Labor or Green.
That was my problem in the last election.
Having very little choice of candidates in my electorate, after eliminating liberals, Labor and Greens!
Mine too Peter C.
Sorry, Dennis, I disagree with your disagree.
The senate vote can be argued any way you want using any method you want.
You could take the total votes for a party and argue those people voted for the party.
You could look at the bellow the line votes and argue those people who are the ones who really care and that above the line voters are mindless sheep.
You could consider that fact Bernardi is a high profile Senator and, thanks to the ABC, everyone knows what he stands for and that Bernardi helped save the SA Liberal senate vote. Following that logic it is clear (sarc) that such a significant percentage of the vote should now belong to the new AC party and Anne Ruston (who is (a) a lovely person and (b) got the lowest below the line votes for any elected SA Liberal) should resign and be replaced with a new AC party senator.
You can argue that people vote for a person and you can argue that people vote for a party. If you voted for a person and they change parties then you might say ‘hey, still the same person’ and be happy. If you vote for a party and the person changes then you might be narky and then should probably swear at said party for doing such soddy preselection.
Then you have the situation where the person has been constant and the party has moved away, which I think we can agree is what happened here. I challenge people to name any significant change in personal belief Bernardi has shown in the last 10 years.
I should also remind people that Bernardi managed to get voted into the number two spot on the senate ticket. You do NOT get that position without significant support within the SA Liberal party council. (Disclaimer – I have never been a member is any Liberal council and never voted in these sort of things).
Accept it, Cory has had his supporters within the party and anyone who didn’t know what he stood for only has themselves to blame.
So personally? I think Bernardi should stay and Turnbull, who has clearly failed in his role of party leader, should not only resign, but probably exciled to Saint Helena.
As a Senator, there is no need for a re-election. The party Bernardi belongs to, the Liberal Party, will nominate a suitable replacement, which will be approved by the Government of South Australia. After which the new Liberal Senator will take Bernardi’s place in the Senate.
So, far from allowing a new election in which Bernardi could recontest his seat, if he resigned he would simply be replaced by another Liberal numbers man. It is a real surprise that the Liberal heirarchy doesn’t understand this.
If there is a vacancy in the Senate, the parliament from that State appoints a replacement. The replacement has to come from the same party, (remember the situation on Nov 11 1975) but in this situation he is now an independent so where does the constitution stand on this?
The premier of the state can then appoint whoever they want. But by convention, it should be the independent who got the next closest to a quota in the last senate election.
Actually, Bobl, if Cory resigned his Senate seat, the Liberals would get to nominate his replacement.
“The Australian Liberal Party is an alt-left option that stands for nothing.”
Tosh. Being a bunch of idiots that stand for nothing except getting themselves re-elected doesn’t make them any sort of left. This applies to Labor as well.
Now looking like an Alt-Left-Del party.
Perhaps better phrased as a Ctl-Alt-Del party.
If they haven’t dumped Malfunction Talkbubble by the next election, this will indeed be so.
Surely it would be easier for Malcolm to resign.
After all, then he could extract himself from the bind of exercising/enforcing his conscience vote on gay marriage and even promote a carbon “intensity” tax if he wanted.
The electorate would then be free to consider him an out of touch, fringe dwelling outlier . .
Getting the hang of this labeling thing now
The PM is singing out of tune and appears to have the malady of cognitive dissonance.
Where does he stand on the unreliables?
He left the LNP because they are unreliable – like the sun and the wind.
Totally disagree JoNova. Bernardi has rightly been called a rat for ratting on his constituents who voted him into the Senate via Liberal preferences Bernardi got only around 2040 personal votes whereas Leyonhjelm got around 12000 and Pyne around 14000. Centre-left to centre-right is where the majority of voters reside not among the looney left or the rabid right. Turnbull is pushing for clean coal that’s not left wing. He changed the pension and super rules, that’s not left wing. He got the ABCC re-instated, albeit in a modified form, that’s not left wing. He hasn’t altered his stance on a plebiscite for SSM, that’s not left wing. Abbott with his 2014 budget shattering every promise he made just prior to the 2013 election, seriously damaged the LNP and Bernardi is following in his wake. Yes, the ALP probably will win government, maybe even for three terms and if so maybe the far right conservative element will have disappeared or migrated to PHON or some other minority party. Such an outcome would be very good for those who are centre-right.
Totally disagree Ian.
Turnbull is very happy to see all existing coal power stations close, as is happening. He is happy to stop all exploration for gas, as has happened. Then sometime in the distant future we will build new ones. That’s Left wing. Promise something which will never happen. With the RET in place, you cannot build a coal power station, no matter what the technology.
Same with submarines in 2030 or never. In the footsteps of his great uncle, the head of the UK Labor party who fought rearmament and met with Hitler and proclaimed Hitler a humble Christian man with no ambition. Turnbull has his judgement. Turnbull went to an event at a laundromat instead of honoring our fallen. He did it on another occasion with returned Vietnam soldiers. That’s Left wing.
Coal and oil and gas are crippled by the RET. Even Abbott wants it removed. Malcolm refuses. That’s Left wing.
Turnbull killed Abbott’s great Direct Action which was bringing so many young people into jobs and the workforce and replaced it precisely with published Green policy. That’s left wing.
Malcolm is talking about a members vote on SSM. That’s not what he promised. That’s politicians over the people and very left wing. What would the people know?
Abbott’s 2014 budget was our last chance to stop the massive debt which has just passed our GNP. Like all bankers, Malcolm does not care about debt. That’s left wing.
Turnbull is not centre right. He is extremely Green like his ABC. He is a Green hero for head butting the President of the United States. The Labor party would not have him, but he has literally bought his way into the Liberal party. That’s the only part which is not left wing.
Now you say three consecutive terms of the ALP would be fine but present yourself as centre right? Now who’s kidding?
One term of ALP government would bring the end of economics as we know it. Enter the centrally planned economy, managed by Whitlam’s short cut education system and Marxist union leaders.
“Now you say three consecutive terms of the ALP would be fine but present yourself as centre right? Now who’s kidding?” Perhaps you could do me the courtesy of putting what I wrote into context. What I wrote was: “Yes, the ALP probably will win government, maybe even for three terms and if so maybe the far right conservative element will have disappeared or migrated to PHON or some other minority party. Such an outcome would be very good for those who are centre-right.” that’s why I present myself as centre-right.
Yes, unfortunately too many Senators hold seats on very low primary votes and try to convince themselves that they are chosen for personal attributes.
So you are really a labor troll Ian. Only a lefty could think that a labor government would be ok after the absolute mess they have made. Amazing the number of people who enjoy the fruits of a democratic country who are all working so hard to have a socialist country. Go and live in one first and see how easy it is before trying to ruin this one. It is going to be hard enough to get Australia back on track if and when we get a decent government without giving the current crop of labor union elites the key to the till again.
No I’m not really a Labor Troll and I’d ask you to keep your insults to yourself. I had thought this a site where civility was paramount, it seems I was entirely mistaken. I loathe both the rabid right and the loony left and do not want a Labor government. However the anti-Turnbull conservatives seem hell bent on fracturing the LNP, ceding government to Shorten purely because they hate Turnbull. Paul Kelly in today’s (Feb 8) Australian.
“The conservative side of Australian politics is now devouring itself, consumed by personal aggrandisement, ideological delusion and populist fervour in an upheaval likely to destroy the Turnbull government, deliver power to the Labor Party and generate a structural split among conservatives that will weaken their cause for years to come.”
“The real loser on every measure is Malcolm Turnbull. The upshot is that the progressives are being given a free ride because the conservatives are tearing themselves apart in a bizarre and visceral project of self-destruction.”
You, quite clearly, do not understand what I have written. I am not supporting an ALP government per se but if having an ALP government for two or three terms rids the country of the vicious self destroying conservative element that is wrecking the LNP for “personal aggrandisement and ideological self delusion” then the gain will be well worth the pain from those three terms. I trust I have made myself plain.
Thank you Paul Kelly,
He is one of the reasons that I have not taken a subscription to the Australian newspaper instead of the Age.
Personal angrandisment? I suppose that means he thinks Cory Bernardi’s head is too big for his boots.
Ideological delusion? Paul Kelly does not like my ideology, so he offensively calls me delusional. I don’t care.
Populist fervour? Others feel the same way. Hence I am not delusional.
The loser is Malcolm Turnbull! Kelly gets that one thing correct. Turnbull must go before I would vote For the liberal party again.
I am merely an outside observer, who has no say in your internal politics, so I will simply make an observation. Who you are is between yourself and you.
Turnbull is a globalist, establishment politician. he is not as bad as the far left, but the analogy that fits most is – they are driving you to a cliff in a high speed car. Turnbull is merely obeying the speed limit, but headed in the same direction. What good is a party that votes with the opposition on key points? You have Labor – and labor-lite. But you still have labor.
In the end, you have to decide if party matters over all, or if the reason for different parties is more important. Having 2 parties doing the same thing is not a choice.
As for Pyne’s ridiculous comments about what it means to be a Liberal, will someone please tell him it is about policies you took to the election and sticking to them? A Gay marriage plebiscite and no carbon tax?
Where is the smaller government, less taxation, no carbon tax. Now explain the $3,000Million a year in RET taxes going overseas plus all the billions in State taxes going to prop up companies crippled by a huge carbon tax on coal and gas based electricity? This was front page on yesterday’s Australian.
As for Malcolm headbutting Donald Trump over an issue Trump has said he is passionate about, it might make Malcolm a hero to his ABC, but it is the height of madness for Australia. Only 1,250 people left out of 50,000 and he them that to try to humiliate the new President by a deal done with a lame duck Obama? Turnbull should stay out of diplomacy. He is a total liability. Maybe he can try to join the UN with Rudd, Gillard and Clarke. He better hurry while Trump is still paying the bills.
By the way Malcolm, did that $1.75 Million come with terms and conditions, like a real banker? Is it repayable if you are fired? Does that give Malcolm’s Liberals a new meaning? Is that even legal?
Not disagreeing with most of your comment but Turnbull’s donation to the Liberal Party (and earlier donations including $600,000 for the North Sydney by election campaign after Hockey retired) is his investment and no different to shareholders buying as many shares in a public company as they can to try and achieve a seat on the board of directors.
Well, if Geoffrey Edelsten can buy a football team, why can’t Malcolm buy a political party.

Now that’s entrepreneurship.
Of course, Edelsten was jailed for perverting the course of justice too . .
Turnbull has been like a kid at Christmas. On first taking power he enthused over each new thought toy then tossed it within a couple of days. New Federalism, agile mini-cities, top-down innovation…the problem is not that the public got bored of his ideas, Turnbull himself got bored even before the rest of us. That’s why he hasn’t pushed the republic thing: it’s an old toy with a flat battery.
Pity the poor supporter or minister still holding a Turnbull ball after 48 hours. Of course, he pushed ahead with diesel submarines to be made in South Athens for delivery some time this century…but spending on the non-existent is easy.
Cory Bernardi, no doubt to Malcolm’s glee, recently took a three month junket to the UN in the company of some Labor chick, which is a bit Ripley cuddling the Alien. He may be part of an answer, but he’s no saviour.
It’s urgent that the Libs find a leader now who can hold out Labor at the next election while paying more than just lip service to free speech and unshackling our critical energy base. It’s a wild punt, since someone like Dutton will be torn apart by the ABC and luvvie media, but a defiant and resolute conservative who doesn’t buckle and finds ways to bypass the media or terrify them back might just save us from a Shorten government. It’s not a good punt, it’s just the only punt left.
Agreed, Bernardi plays the foil well but there’s no chance he’s going to be able to position himself for anything remotely like leadership even if he has the talent . . and he may just have that.
The biger question in my mind is; Who is coming up through the ranks to take over from Malcolm?
I don’t see anyone.
So Christopher thinks he’s one of the needy? Meritorious enough to be worth the squandering of $50AUD billion in taxpayers money on submarines already obsolete before a single one is delivered, let alone when/if the first is due to be commissioned decades into the future?
Then there’s his boss, the “great communicator” who wouldn’t know a truly innovative idea if he tripped over one. The new messiah who knifed Tony Abbott the popular choice of conservative voters, who had banished Rudd and returned the Liberals to power…something he could never have done.
The reality is it’s not so much a case of Bernardi deserting the Liberal Party as it is the Liberal Party deserting it’s base, repudiating its founding principles as it is dragged further and further to the left. This carnage by a narcissistic individual who believes in nothing who once once told an interviewer he wanted to be Prime Minister by the age of 40 and when asked “For which party?”, replied “It doesn’t matter“. It’s patently obviously that it still doesn’t matter to him but it does to some!
Bob dont confuse gov contracts with politics, contracts are destined to fail due to the “its not my money” approach coupled with incompetent staff managing the contract.
I am sympathetic towards Senator Bernardi but he did gain his seat as a member of the Liberal Senate Team of candidates, and many Liberal voters voted above the line for the candidates under the Liberal Party ballot paper heading.
Yes Dennis but I also voted 3 times safe in the knowlegde that I knew who the prime minister would be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Voters select people, NOT parties. It is mostly easier to ‘vote above the line’, less mistakes and less markings.
Until 2016, I generally voted on Liberal party lines.
Last year I voted ‘below’ and only for those people who showed support for the incumbent PM in 2015 – the rest joined Labor and Greens at the end.
Good luck and success to Senator Bernardi.
Perhaps Turbnull could explain once again why Abbott had to go? Abbott was popular, as Hastie’s election showed. Abbott is no mysogynist, no madman with a degree in economics which Turnbull does not have and a masters in International poltics from Oxford which Turnbull does not have plus experience in the real world, which Turnbull has studiously avoided. Take the two weeks a year living in an aboriginal community or life saving or fire fighting or the pollie ride or a real passion for Australia and Australians, which Turnbull does not have. Plus a respect for our soldiers and sailors who protect us, something Turnbull does not have.
I would suggest strongly that the man who is most qualified to run the country is the man Turnbull removed by treachery, not qualifications. Who likes a man who lets someone else do all the hard work, take all the knocks and then betrays him when he is weakest? Turnbull is no hero come to rescue anyone. He just wanted to round out his resume as incredibly rich and privileged, thanks mainly to his father.
Abbott needs to finish what he started and he achieved so much in 18 months, turning back the boats, free trade agreements and world respect before he was knifed by his friends. Abbott and Trump would be on the same page, stopping illegal invasions, stopping the Green giant and reducing rampant government and Green tape and Climate Change Crap. Of course they both have to fight the media who think they are the ones who control public opinion, run both countries and control the politicians. Abbott needs to learn from Trump. The press are the enemy, especially Turnbull’s ABC, if they are back from holidays yet and enjoying their new harbour side living.
There is a simple solution to the mess Turnbull has created. A bi-election in Wentworth, where a Australian Conservatives candidate stands against Labor/Green and the Liberals agree not to stand.
The elected Australian Conservatives candidate and Cory agree to enter the coalition as a third party, ensuring the coalition retains government, and conservatives are again included in cabinet.
This will allow other conservatives to swap from Liberal to Australian Conservatives, and reassure 2 million Defcon[1] voters that they will have a voice in a coalition cabinet regardless of whether their local candidate is Liberal, National or Australian Conservatives.
And the easy way to ensure a bi-election in Wentworth? Return Abbott as PM. Turnbull will instantly quit in narcissistic rage. As an added bonus to this oh-so-easy plan, Abbott as PM would instantly restore our relationship with the USA.
I would like to think that if Tony Abbott was re-elected as PM Malcolm Turnbull would immediately be sacked,as well as the people that leaked against him. Get rid of the deadwood in the liberal party and start all over.
Konrad: What makes you think that Abbott wants to be PM again? I don’t see him as a “whiteanter” but as someone trying to get the right policies for the country through to a party that has lost its way, although he would be less than human if he wasn’t worried if hurt Turnbull.
As for Bernardi I reserve judgement, but I note that he has 50,000 members in his database to call on for support. That is probably more than the Liberal Party has, and far more than the (real) number in Labor. Given the change in dynamic evident in Brexit, Trump winning, and the wheels starting to fall off the AGW scheme, the rumblings in the EU, he may well achieve a lot.
The Chaos Corgi rides to the rescue of Australian Democracy!! Happy Days.
Bernardi would have to be the smartest and or bravest polly we have, reasons are as follows:
He smells whats cooking, brexit, trump and the emergence of the minor parties at last election all point to lab/lib wipe out in one or two elections time.
Was watching tv the other day and an opinion poll showed Lab/lib primary vote essentially tied at 34% and in third place was One nation on 19% with greens on 10% (they are always on 10%).
Why do you think one nation polled so high?
They did because most people are conservative by nature, we have small pockets of fascists and socialists and sometimes they grow in flavour as we have seen over the past decade or so but its a false economy for them. At some point the silent majority get sick and tired of the carp they dish out.
For me it was working my ass off to get a good paying job only to find i get taxed to buggery to fund the lifestyles of those who choose to sit on their ass and do nothing.
For others it may have been when they were told a man who wants to dress up like a woman can use the same toilet as my 17 year old daughter, or perhaps when they are told to buy their 6 year old son a barbie doll so he can develop his feminine side.
Lets be honest most things these leftist [snip] say and do annoys me and millions of others and at some point we say enough is enough………….we have reached that point.
So Bernardi sees the writing on the wall and like a true polly he is positioning himself to make hay whilst the sun shines.
He is bravest because he is the first, it could back fire but I doubt it, he will drag others with him from the libs/nats (rest assured this move was planned with others) he will combine with one nation to share preferences and make a killing at the next election.
You can be sure this move came as no surprise to Malcolm but the pig headed idjit would not accommodate a move more to the right. He knows this move could in the end bring the Lib party to its knees a party I am sure he loves dearly so we know he is passionate about what he is doing.
A third party will rise and be elected in the next election if not they will have great influence and the healing this country needs will begin.
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Attempt 2
Bernardi would have to be the smartest and or bravest polly we have, reasons are as follows:
He smells whats cooking, brexit, trump and the emergence of the minor parties at last election all point to lab/lib wipe out in one or two elections time.
Was watching tv the other day and an opinion poll showed Lab/lib primary vote essentially tied at 34% and in third place was One nation on 19% with greens on 10% (they are always on 10%).
Why do you think one nation polled so high?
They did because most people are conservative by nature, we have small pockets of fascists and socialists and sometimes they grow in flavour as we have seen over the past decade or so but its a false economy for them. At some point the silent majority get sick and tired of the carp they dish out.
For me it was working my explitive off to get a good paying job only to find i get taxed to buggery to fund the lifestyles of those who choose to sit on their ass and do nothing.
For others it may have been when they were told a man who wants to dress up like a woman can use the same toilet as my 17 year old daughter, or perhaps when they are told to buy their 6 year old son a barbie doll so he can develop his feminine side.
Lets be honest most things these leftist explitive jobs say and do annoys me and millions of others and at some point we say enough is enough………….we have reached that point.
So Bernardi sees the writting on the wall and like a true polly he is positioning himself to make hay whilst the sun shines.
He is bravest because he is the first, it could back fire but I doubt it, he will drag others with him from the libs/nats (rest assured this move was planned with others) he will combine with one nation to share preferences and make a killing at the next election.
You can be sure this move came as no surprise to Malcolm but the explitive, explitive would not accommodate a move more to the right. He knows this move could in the end bring the Lib party to its knees a party I am sure he loves dearly so we know he is passionate about what he is doing.
A third party will rise and be elected in the next election if not they will have great influence and the healing this country needs will begin.
Unfortunately Bernadi does not impress me as an inspirational leader who can drive a transformational change.
As a call to action Bernadi’s resignation will hopefully stir up some reaction from Liberal Party members who have been urging change from within.
What the Liberal Party needs to do is be true to its published Beliefs.
We Believe:
In the inalienable rights and freedoms of all peoples; and we work towards a lean government that minimises interference in our daily lives; and maximises individual and private sector initiative
In government that nurtures and encourages its citizens through incentive, rather than putting limits on people through the punishing disincentives of burdensome taxes and the stifling structures of Labor’s corporate state and bureaucratic red tape.
In those most basic freedoms of parliamentary democracy – the freedom of thought, worship, speech and association.
In a just and humane society in which the importance of the family and the role of law and justice is maintained.
In equal opportunity for all Australians; and the encouragement and facilitation of wealth so that all may enjoy the highest possible standards of living, health, education and social justice.
That, wherever possible, government should not compete with an efficient private sector; and that businesses and individuals – not government – are the true creators of wealth and employment.
In preserving Australia’s natural beauty and the environment for future generations.
That our nation has a constructive role to play in maintaining world peace and democracy through alliance with other free nations.
In short, we simply believe in individual freedom and free enterprise; and if you share this belief, then ours is the Party for you.
All the best for Cory.
However, I warned him next week that his conservatives might leave him on a limb…Cando was my case in point. Conservatives are an apathetic lot. They expect everyone else to do the heavy lifting.
The active conservatives have thrown their lot in with One Nation.
Oh well, Cory has over five years to build his brand. Good luck to him.
“last week’
Yes, your future warning was a bit late to have any effect!
Amongst his large following there must be many who will run for parliament and with Gina’s backing it should be a shoe in.
I feel in my water that the major parties are facing a serious threat, the bipolar political establishment must be shaking in their boots.
Looking a year ahead do you think it possible that the Hansonites will huddle under the AC umbrella?
I just don’t see where Cory’s people would win a seat in the next three years. Money does not buy votes on the non-socialist side.
I believe AC will eventually align with One Nation. It wouldn’t surprise me if someone has already canvassed the idea.
What if ACP ran candidates in every seat worth winning, both federal and state, then he could maintain the momentum from the Trump effect.
People in the bush are keen for change, but I’m not sure how this will translate into votes.
Sportsbet is offering 34/1 that ACP becomes government at the next federal election.
I can’t see it in the near future.
ON is polling very highly in the Qld “bush”. I suspect the same in WA.
Besides…Cory is too smooth to attract the demographic.
‘Cory is too smooth to attract the demographic.’
Then he may need to pick candidates with a bit more rough.
‘Cory Bernardi wants people to vote for the Liberal and National parties to form government, but says they should back his Australian Conservatives in the Senate to ensure there is a “gatekeeper”.
Sarah Martin / The Oz
Okay, we have a winnable strategy.
If only Turnbull would leave and start his own party….
He could call it the Popular Centrist Party and cause havoc by drifting slightly left and then slightly right based on results of opinion polls when voting for legislation before the house.
It could not be any worse than what we have now.
Turnbull, Turnbull, Turnbull! I wish people would understand it is not the leader, it’s the party, stupids.
Abbott flopped out because of the party. The party is being run by a certain group whom are nothing more than a bunch of rich lefties. Nothing will change because they are too powerful.
The Liberals are dead to me and I’m far from being alone. There is nothing to salvage from the party. Time to move on.
Amen to that,scraper.
That is a serious problem then scaper.
It will take some time to build a serious opposition party from the fragmented conservatives.
However Menzies managed it so I suppose it is possible if the conditions are right. Menzies had a lot more clout than Cory has at present.
Liberal politician Christopher Pyne claims:
The Liberal Party’s values are not limited to conservatism. We are Liberals because we are open to new ideas; tolerant of difference; modern and forward looking; we believe in reward for effort and sharing Australia’s good fortune with those in need.
Christopher, your claim that Liberals ‘are open to new ideas’ is hogwash! The centralisation of power through finance/debt policies is as old as the Sumerian civilisation – hardly ‘new ideas’. It is as old as man if the truth be known.
As to ‘modern and forward looking’. I have yet to come across the Liberal’s ‘forward looking’ policies that take into account the impending Robotic Revolution bearing down upon us and the threats of trade wars leading to military wars. The Liberals are trying to deal with 21st century challenges with failed 20th century policies.
Just ask the struggling manufacturer, farmer, or business man, are they receiving “reward for effort” – or are they ‘going out backwards’ as they struggle to survive in this debt-ridden financial quagmire.
I would like to know just how do you interpret the Liberal’s 1949 Statement of Belief No.12:
“WE BELIEVE THAT NATIONAL FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC POWER AND POLICY ARE NOT TO BE DESIGNED TO CONTROL MEN’S LIVES, but to create a climate in which men may be enabled to work out their own salvation in their own way.”
And, as for your belief in ‘sharing Australia’s good fortune with those in need’. Who gave you the authority to take from the Australian people in the form of taxation, charges, etc. and spread the ‘good fortune’ as though it was your own personal money?
Colonel John Buchan described the true Conservatism:
“It is not an abstract dogma, for it is always close to facts. It is based upon certain fundamental principles, but inside these principles it cultivates a wise opportunism. Above all things, it is a spirit, and the fruits of that spirit are continuity and unity.”
Note those key words Christopher: ‘certain fundamental principles, but INSIDE those principles’. I rest my case.
Betty of Adelaide
Poor Christ-hopper..
Pining for the Fee-ords..
You irksome twerp. !
Not to suggest that Christ-hopper is of the class of T E Lawrence but this scene from a well known film comes to mind:
By their own rhetoric the Liberal Party is a “broad church”. In other words they stand for nothing really definite. That’s the whole point of Bernardi’s action. At least he stands firm on many issues with high precision. The ALP and Greens are like that too – we all at least know where they stand. It’s the LNP that’s all over the place. If it continues the way it’s going it will cease to be a major party in years to come. I hope it terminates itself quicker than that so we can have a new party to take its place.
People are saying Bishop, Dutton are the options if Turnbull goes.
A party led by Bishop will NEVER get my vote.
They also say Hunt is near the top of the list.. SERIOUSLY !!!.. another far-left AGW believer. !!
If the next election is won by Labor or the Turnbull Party, Australia will cease to exist as a viable Western Civilised country. We need a Trump!
I watched the speech Cory gave and listened to his press conference afterwards , if he was to defect to one nation I have no problem with what he has done .
Their policy ideology is pretty much the same and he would bring something to the one nation table in my view .
it would be fun watching Hanson lecture Corgi on who’s boss like she did Cullerton.
Robert a broad coalition would be the best bet, we should get a better picture after ACP begins running for seats.
Refreshing and different to see the word Liberal used in the correct sense. But it is hard to make folks here understand who the intransigents are and who are the ones looking for innovative ideas.
You do not need a Trump, you just need to take your country back from the politicians.
Calling us deplorable Phil ?
Deplorable Antipodeans
I am not hillary, but you are welcome to call yourselves deplorables just as we have adopted the term.
Now I realise why they are spending us into foreclosure. We won’t be able to get our country back without paying off the mortgage.
Cunning Stunt, those banks.