UK Met Office “loses” 300 year database, uses noise to generate *hottest ever* spam headline

According to the Met Office:

Britain has enjoyed its sunniest and warmest May since records began in 1929, provisional figures show…”

The average daytime maximum temperature was 62.6F (17.0C), just beating the previous all-time high of 62.4F (16.9C) set in May 1992.

However not-so-provisional, long known and well studied records show that this May was just like a lot of other Mays. So far, this controversial and unexpected result has not been reported.

The Met Office appear to have lost the worlds oldest and longest temperature dataset. Luckily unfunded blogger, Paul Homewood of Notalotofpeopleknowthat, kept a copy of the historic Central England Temperature record on a spare USB stick and spotted that this May in England really wasn’t that unusual.

Warmest May “Evah”? No, That Was In 1833

Spot the warming effect of CO2  — Not:

Central England Temperatures

The legendary data appears to have gone missing sometime in the last three weeks:

Britain enjoying the hottest May since 1772

Tom Peterkin, Telegraph

The average temperature from May 1 to 10 was the highest ever noted since meteorologists first started gathering precise daily data in 1772.

If only all Met Bureaus had  a 359 year thermometer record to selectively sweep so they could meet their mandatory Hottest Ever Headline Quota.

The Agency-of-Data-Amnesia has been reporting the first ten days of May as a national benchmark for at least the last 456 hours. It’s up there with the Hottest EVER Bank Holiday — a climate marker of an era that started when Bank Holiday Weekends were first discovered as long ago as 1978.

Coming soon, the hottest EVER third weekend of June.

But seriously, if a cooler world has more extremes, both of hotter days and cooler ones because the air is drier and temperatures are more likely to swing, we are set for many more “hottest ever” manufactured and micromanaged headlines.


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160 comments to UK Met Office “loses” 300 year database, uses noise to generate *hottest ever* spam headline

  • #

    Highly suspect claim from the MET Office – have no doubt it relies upon the 3-4C that UHI causes and the MET Office choose to take as around 1C

    Treat UHI as it IS rather than the much, much Lower figure the IPCC prefer and there is no real ‘global warming’.


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    • #

      I saw that earlier on WUWT. I wonder at the fact that his name is reputedly James Oliver…how likely is that in 6491?


      • #

        More than that, a UN type of world government was in control in 6491 to keep things in order…hmmm.


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        Eugene S. Conlin

        Annie … methinks he was named after the famous Climologer (climate astrologer) living 3421-4001 SWE (Start of the Warming Era)


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      Roy Hogue

      Their credibility is as low as this guy…

      Don’t knock time travel. After all, several brilliant authors have written about it. Their stories are at least as convincing as this guy’s and they made money from what they wrote. So it’s entirely possible for him to be what he claims to be, a puffed up fool time traveler from the future. 😉

      Or he could even be a mental institution escapee in which case I would want to pump him for all the details of his “time machine”. It would make a story to rival, H. G. Wells.

      It is bothersome to me that he managed to pass a lie detector test. If it was me in his position I wold break out laughing on the very first question, which they tell me is just for calibration of his responses and would be something like. “Are you john Q. Time Traveler from the year 6491?”

      Chuckle, chuckle, chuckle…

      How far are they willing to go to try to pass of this nonsense as fact? Apparently even as far as backward time travel. But then the whole thing was facing backward from the start, wasn’t it?


      • #

        Lie detector tests are not perfect, and in fact can be circumvented by most people if taught how. For example, it’s easy to beat it when telling a lie by daydreaming to calm the nerves. Clearly the called time traveller is daydreaming or suffering some mental disorder.


        • #

          I watched the lie detector test. I have to say that it was very well choreographed. It must have taken some time to write the script.


          • #

            And I’m sure that the writers would have had aching stomach muscles from all the hysterical laughing that must have accompanied it.


    • #

      If this time traveller has so many future gifted mathematicians then he would be telling us to stop wasting wealth and resources in any attempt to alter earths temperature, then again our gifted mathematicians here have been ignored so I don’t know why he bothered at all, also if CAGW is a real impending threat how could he exist 4473 later?


    • #
      glen Michel

      I knew it! I just knew the ALIENS would come for me.I must hide.Somewhere…but where!


      • #

        You can try and hide underneath the flat earth I suppose. You just need to get past the ring of armed guards who patrol the edge. 🙂


    • #

      The major problem is that you wish to arrive back to (say) Earth but at a different time, you also have to arrive back at the correct place.
      The Earth you see is not just traveling on it’s orbit around the sun but the sun is traveling around the outer spiral arm of our Galaxy, our Galaxy is traveling across space, etc., etc.
      Now tell me again how you can arrive back at earth — for wherever you start your journey is NOT where you wish to be when you get there.


      • #

        I always wondered how Dr Who managed to get his Tardis to appear exactly on the surface of the earth or floor of a building and not partly embedded underneath or above or miss the earth completely. Then again using Einstein’s theory of General Relativity perhaps one could devise a mechanism by which one could pop in and out of any point in space-time with supreme accuracy. Enough of this conjecture. I’m still having trouble getting to places on time using normal means of transport 🙂


        • #
          Lewis p Buckingham

          As in the standard theory all subatomic particles are energy, so have no stiffness, all he need to do was to get rid of the Boson, that which gives matter substance, and he would be able to pass through solid objects.
          Once he was at the right elevation he would turn up the Boson Meter, and materialize.
          Too easy if you think about it.


      • #

        We’re all time travellers: we travel into the future at the same rate as the rest of the universe. To move elsewhen would require unimaginable power and incredible navigation. Everything around us is moving spatially as well as in time. Whatever power supply our intrepid traveller is using would have to be extraordinary given that the whole universe (mass unkown but thought to be approaching a googleplex) is moving through time, following the arrow of time, all at the same time and all at the same rate. But then, I guess it’s amazing what can be achieved with just unicorn farts and fairy dust.

        If anything, we need Mr Oliver’s power supply. If it’s just a couple of EverReady Batteries, we know he’s a fake :-). Nah, gotta be Energizers. The Big Non-Stop Bunny 🙂


        Our Solar System is nowhere near the Outer Arm, at least not yet, and not in either of our lifetimes. 🙂

        Our Solar System has entered Gould Belt (about 3MYA), which is a young structure which formed in the Orion spur of the Milky Way Galaxy about 33MYA. It contains many of the bright stars we see close to us in our night sky. It’s why we’re in an Ice Age the Quaternary Ice age. (We’re lucky to be in a warm and sunny interstadial (number 67 or 68) called the Holocene. But it won’t last.) Gould Belt is very rich in cosmic rays from star birth and star death, which form the refrigerator we’re in.

        (Those warmists who think Natural Causes no longer affect our climate are dreaming, dribbling and gibbering idiots. Celestial mechanics are brutally simple, slower than a human lifetime, more powerful by far than all of our industries and just don’t stop. They think we’re in control of our climate. The bad news is, the galaxy is.)

        The Orion spur is about halfway between the galaxy’s outer rim and centre. (I recommend this galaxy map from NASA, see link. Look down the linked image from the centre along the 180° line for the Orion Spur.) The next spiral arm the Solar System will visit will be the Perseus Arm in about another 60-100MY or so. It came out of the Carina-Sagittarius arm (now known as the Sagittarius Arm) about 36-40 MYA). The Orion Spur is an arm type structure connecting the Sagittarius Arm (inner arm) to the Perseus Arm (outer). The Galactic Map should enlarge.


        • #
          el gordo

          So the closure of the Central American Seaway had nothing to do with our present ice age epoch?


          • #

            No. We entered the Orion Spur and Gould Belt. If that part of Central America, which is of volcanic origin, `went off’ and closed the straits at that time (I haven’t looked), it may not have been coincidence: there is a school of thought that the biggest brightest and best volcanic (meaning the most violent and destructive) eruptions may be triggered by elevated cosmic rays. I don’t necessarily subscribe to the hypothesis, as I haven’t looked into it at all deeply. If you’re interested, see Ben Davidson’s website which makes a case for it. The timing of Hawaii’s present problem and the possibility it may have the present elevated cosmic rays over the last couple of years behind it lends a bit of weight to the case, and we now have another eruption to the east of Hawaii, adding to it. So the closure may have been another effect of the increased cosmic rays rather than a cause.

            <rant> Some Climate scientists seem to have an aversion to cosmological causes of climate change and consequently don’t lift their eyes nor their minds to what happens outside the atmosphere let alone in our neighbourhood. Big rocks from the sky still seem to surprise them. (Who heard of the 2m rock which went bang in the atmosphere on May 2nd? It just missed the moon, but didn’t miss Earth.) The galaxy as a contributor to our climate never seems to occur to them, yet the galaxy is a bl**dy powerful and big item on the list of Things To Consider and watch out for.

            Their literature searches don’t seem to be at all comprehensive yet these ideas have been kicking around for decades with very little to contradict them. Or their superstitions—Mankind Must Have Caused It—like Rahmstorf et al’s get in the way. Witch Craft and Witch Hunt mentalities the lot of them.

            The dinosaurs didn’t make it … and mankind wasn’t around then.
            </rant> 🙂

            Suggest you read Nir Shaviv’s research into the coincidence of Ice Ages and Galactic Spiral Arm Crossings” as our Solar System orbits the galaxy (if you haven’t already). (there are three versions: layman’s, advanced laymans’ and hard scientific. The hard scientific is a pdf file and makes fascinating reading, at least it does IMHO. Free to download.).

            (O/T but worth it as a parting shot: CO2’s contribution to global warming per doubling of CO2 (ie climate sensitivity) can’t be more than 0.4 K. with mankind’s contribution a mere 0.02°K See notrickszone for more details🙂 )


            • #

              BTW El G: the section above <rant> … </rant> is not aimed at you nor meant for you; it’s fired out there as a general grumble on principle. So please don’t take it as a personal anti-personnel grenade! It’s not.


            • #

              This star map is a close-up detail of the Orion Spur showing our Solar System’s position. (The website pops up a “beggar’s page”—Send Money PuhLease!—but it can be closed and the site content accessed.)

              The Orion spur can be seen clearly connecting the Sagittarius, Perseus and the even further out Cygnus spiral arms. The red blobs are nebulae including star birth areas such as the Orion nebula … gas clouds, and possibly supernovae debris &c.


    • #

      I’ve been waiting for the Uri Geller of the 2010s. Maybe he has arrived.
      All the nonsense of the 1970s is being recycled, sometimes in slightly different garb.


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      Rob Leviston

      Is his time machine a blue police box?


      • #

        It doesn’t seem to have an operational ‘phone or he would have ‘phoned home for help.


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    Richard Ilfeld

    A good deal of what the left espouses requires a wilful ignorance of history. They seem to imagine
    that their rhetorical brilliance operates upon us like the device in Men in Black; we forget what we know
    and follow any suggestion they make. This seems to work on a third of the population.

    Of course there were never any higher temperatures, and of course CO2 is to blame, and of course their remedies
    are the way, the truth, and the light (if the wind blows).

    We shouldn’t be myopic about climate, however. ‘Intersectionality’ is a good way to bulk up the numbers of your insane cause,
    by banding together with adherants of other insane causes. This may be the genius of leftist politics. It can elevate the adherants
    of almost anything to majority or near majority status, simply by the suspension of disbelief in the insanity of your compatriots cause.

    What do hate for Genetically Modified Foods, disbelief in gender, belief in free stuff, belief in microaggressions, faith in tiding the arc of history, abhorrence of Israel, faith in universal racism, faith in dependence on solar and wind, dependence upon marijuana, the new math, belief that raising taxes improves the economy, etc. etc. etc. have in common? They can live under the intersectional tent of blind acceptance and support in order to gain a political majority.

    It turns the old Goldwater phrase upon its head. “Extremism in defense of Liberty is no vice”… Now extremeism is merely a sign of energy, and “how much one cares”, “caring” being exclusive to the left.

    And the the publications of “news” supporting this collection of tribes can uncritically publish obvious falsehoods, there being no objective reality about anything anywhere in this group. If you can believe there is no gender outside of cultural experience, “hottest day ever” is pretty easy.

    We on the right are often divided by our debates; and consider them healthy. Today, the left is unified by the lack of debate, spurred by the lack of observing or questioning. And, as in any cult, the opponent becomes the ‘other’, fully demonized. About demons, one must close ones mind to their thoughts, as they will pervert your woke truth.

    And so our civilization circles down the commode, clockwise in my hemisphere, anticlockwise in yours. This would be a curiosity worth examining for one side. Heck, It might be a good test of which camp you are in.


    • #
      Kinky Keith


      That’s a brilliant description of the world as it spins.

      The remedy lies in the statement:

      The way, the truth and the light.

      Trouble is that it is easy to pretend that there is no adjudicator to guide us to the truth.

      If only a small part of the population know the rules that guide us to the truth then you can be sure that we will never find it. We will keep on living in the shadow of the big lie.

      The new God of carbon sequestration and abatement and taxation sits on high.

      Where the hell is that bloke who pushes over idols and gets steamed up when people forget about the truth.




      • #

        You are overlooking Elijah. Keith, their come uppins will come.


        • #

          Yes. The prophets of Baal didnt fare so well in that match against God….

          Interestingly, prophets of Baal could also be representative of any form of modern witchcraft. I suspect the CAGW cultists may fall into that category.

          As such : Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin…..


          • #

            Im overlaying a few biblical concepts here, but what iy ultimately says is that God will ensure the truth will come out,and, justice will be done, if required. The CAGW mob seem to be oblivious as to who they are messing with….which is really scary.


            • #

              You seem to forget:
              “Climate change is the religion of people who think they’re too smart for religion”



              • #
                Kinky Keith

                Thanks for that quote Ava.

                It seems to me that those worshipping the idea of man made global warming don’t know the truth of their own God.
                The idea that there is human induced global warming is scientifically incorrect and the fact that there are so many believers is a tribute to the capacity of some people’s ability to mislead, manipulate and deceive.

                It troubles me that the Pope has aligned himself with the concept of human induced global warming when of all people he has the capacity, if he set his mind to it, to assemble expert scientists to put the detail to him in an understandable form.

                Since that has not been done it says something about the Church’s intention regarding the Truth of the matter and about how they regard their flock.

                They see it, the Truth, as being unimportant.

                Can we trust government, can we trust the U.N.?

                The truth is very hard to find.



      • #

        Very good KK and others. Glad to be among true believers of the Truth.


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      Latus Dextro

      And so our civilization circles down the commode, clockwise in my hemisphere, anticlockwise in yours. This would be a curiosity worth examining for one side. Heck, It might be a good test of which camp you are in.

      It all depends upon how the water was introduced and the geometric structure of the drain.

      Coriolis acceleration at mid-latitudes is about one ten-millionth the acceleration of gravity. Because it is a very small acceleration, it needs a very long distance for it to produce an appreciable curvature–and hence directionality–to the motion. A toilet or sink is just not large enough. The Coriolis effect influences because wind velocities may be hundreds of times greater than the motions in a sink and because the distances involved are far larger than the tiny draining diameter in a sink or toilet. Scientific American

      Does water go down the drain counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere? One can find both counterclockwise and clockwise flowing drains in both hemispheres. Some people would like you to believe that the Coriolis force affects the flow of water down the drain in sinks, bathtubs, or toilet bowls. Don’t believe them! The Coriolis force is simply too weak to affect such small bodies of water. Library of Congress, Science reference services

      Even if you don’t give the water an initial swirl, tiny pits and imperfections in the basin can give the water a rotation — which may be clockwise or counterclockwise, but doesn’t depend on which hemisphere you’re in! Now, all that said, the Coriolis effect does play a role. It’s just really tiny relative to all these other effects. It’s about 10 millions the size of the effect of gravity. So, if you have a perfect basin, with completely still water, then the Coriolis force will make the water swirl opposite directions in the two hemispheres. Quora.

      On the other hand, a civilisation is a large entity, and in a post-truth era I suppose one might argue that it is as large as a cyclonic air mass, in which case Coriolis forces become relevant. The metaphorical commode however, remains a problem.


      • #
        Richard Ilfeld

        The point being, of course, that you recognized a scientific question that could be resolved by research, not an article of faith.
        Were you opposed, you could attack me for repetitively flushing to try to figure this out, thus wasting water. Or made some snotty remark, easy since we’re already talking about potty. Thinking back, most of the science museum demos I’v seen were pretty big tubs,
        usually shielded with clear plastic. Thanks for the info.


      • #
        Another Ian

        I once had an American friend who wanted to know which way drains etc turned here. So I surveyed the plumbing at our lab.

        Result was 12 one way 13 the other. Conclusion was that the hand of the plumber ruled.


        • #

          We had a on-going discussion about the Coriolis effect with our eldest grandson; it became a family tradition to have a session on it each time we visited them. He is now studying for his degree in astrophysics, after denying any ability at maths in his earlier years! He loves it.


  • #
    Kinky Keith

    If a British institution like the Office of Meteorology have “lost” 300 years of records, the person in charge should be taken outside and…

    Put in a corner.

    This can’t really happen until it is made to happen.



    • #

      To lose one year of temperature data may be regarded
      as a misfortune. To lose 300 years of temperature data
      looks like carelessness.


      • #
        Roy Hogue

        And they can probably get away with it too. Remember the CRU? They got away with losing all their original data so why can’t the next guy get away with it?

        And I don’t know of a single good reason why they can’t just lose it and say to the world, so what? No one will look into it. Too much money hangs in the balance.


        • #
          Greg Cavanagh

          CRU didn’t lose it, they couldn’t find (of fund) a floppy disk to store it on, so they deleted it.


          • #
            Roy Hogue


            Doesn’t the act of deleting it, lose it? Just asking. 😉

            But my real reason for commenting is that if it was put on a floppy disk it would be gone soon anyway. In all the years I had anything to do with floppy disks there was not a single one of them that remained reliable for long term storage — longer than a time measured in months in fact. They were terrible.


            • #
              Roy Hogue

              If I used one every few days or weeks then it was a different story because apparently the heads would scrape off the accumulated oxidation before it could cause trouble. But you didn’t dare stash one away and hope to come back and get your files.


      • #


        They haven’t lost it at all. See my post further down the page. The data is where it always is



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        Rob Leviston

        I would go so far as to say it is criminal! And more likely intentional!


      • #

        Carelessness! It looks like intentional professional fraud to me.

        [Fixed your typo. Jo discourages the word fraud. But this is clearly your opinion so I’m going to approve it.] AZ


      • #

        Carelessness? What? Someone threw Data out with the bathwater?


    • #

      Indeed. It’s just one example of many such incidents in virtually all areas involving mankind. Unfortunately, the situation is such that there is one law for those who are on the side of the truth and another law for those who want to keep it secret and instead spew out propaganda and untruths. That will eventually be stopped but not by man.


  • #

    To say hottest evah and 17 degrees C is quite oxymoronic . I find it difficult to comprehend why anyone would be complaining. It’s not as if it’s exactly shorts, singlet and thongs weather and I suspect that no ones going to get sunburnt. But if the scientists interpret 17 degrees as a sign that armeggedon is near they must be right ( or at least 97% of them) , so when I go to England in May I don’t need to pack a jumper or gloves or scarves.


  • #

    A cooler world is surely a worry. After the LIA bottomed out around 1700 England experienced only five wet summers in the first half of the 18th century. Drought was king. The Ulster drought is said to have lasted from 1714 to 1719, driving Ulster-Scots to North America.

    The Great Storm of 1703 was probably the worst experienced in the British Isles in the historical period. What’s not mentioned is that, despite its force and the enormous tidal flood, there was very little rain.

    As for cooling elsewhere, this was recorded by Zeng Yuwang, a writer of the Late Ming, about the start of the Maunder Minimum in China:

    In 1641, a great drought seized our land, and locusts filled the skies. By the back wall of our compound they were piled to a depth of over a foot. They stripped the six mu 畝 [approx. 0.4ha] of paddy fields Tenant Ye had planted, leaving not one weed. I saw him [staring at his field] in tears, powerless to do anything…. Walking home, I had to cover my face with a fan. I could barely stand up under the weight of the locusts clinging to my fan and to my clothes and hat….

    Next year [1642] was the great famine. People died in countless numbers…. Our family found ourselves short of rice, so my father ordered our household bodyguard Wang Chang to hump the rice one bag at a time up from our shipping barge. After Wang was attacked by someone on the road, it was not possible to carry even a dou 斗 [10.5 liters] of rice in public. The price of rice rose by the day, and all the markets near and far shut down. Our family had no choice but to send Wang out to buy grain. He tramped north and south looking for rice but was able to scrape together only five sheng 升 [five liters]. Fortunately we had several shi [hectoliters] of barley on hand and were able to survive.

    When the dynasty fell, people were cut down like grass. On my way home from Zhoupu [in the fourth month of 1645] I stopped at Xinchang to get news from Fang, but when I reached Lower Sandbank I noticed that everyone was armed, so I turned round and went back. Only when order returned in the ninth month was it safe to travel on the roads. This was even worse than the famine.

    Hell, if global warming would get fair dinkum we could graze cattle on the Sahara. I prefer the cool myself…but I’m worried about what comes with it.


  • #

    Watching a documentary on Hitler’s devastating attack on Moscow in 1941 in Operation Barbarossa (Red Beard). It said a major reason they failed was the coldest winter in Russia in 140 years. Such bad luck, apparently. I have always believed such statements because it was very cold (as usual) and the Germans were completely unprepared for -40C/-40F. Then I remembered Napoleon’s invasion in 1812, 130 years before. Same story. Also the English and French too in the punitive Crimean war at Sebastopol (the Crimea was Russia) when soldiers on patrol lost fingers and even limbs and English women knitted Balaclavas for the soldiers at the base of Balaclava. Same story.

    However you begin to wonder if the apologists for total failure and poor planning find that records are always broken when you want them to be broken. Or it could just be a coincidence. Now warming propagandists want record warm days, angry summers, missing winters, no snow and the hottest days, so memory lapses occur and records are broken again.


    • #

      We never hear about record low temperatures but we do in fact get them very often. Does this mean it will be like Mercury one day where the range is extreme? Of course not. So announcing on occasion record high temperatures is a complete wast of time. They should do it only if there is a real and significant global warming trend, such as in the fictional movie “The Day the Earth Caught Fire” where it was due to nuclear bomb tests causing the orbit of the Earth to be altered such that the earth spiralled towards the sun. In other words having occasional record high and low temperatures actually means we are not trending strongly either way. Anyone who has a brain would be able to figure that out, so it leaves out the leftists.


    • #
      Latus Dextro

      You prompted me to think of the unusually frigid winter in Korea in 1950 and the battle of Chosin reservoir. Instances of both Chinese and US soldiers taking care of each other in the extreme conditions for which both were inadequately prepared, both sharing a common bond of survival in hideous conditions.


    • #

      Ironically I just saw a video explaining the real stories behind those major events in history. If any of it is true the spread of evil is a lot worse than I thought.
      The Communist Subversion of America


  • #

    Hasn’t Australia effectively been ignoring records from before 1910 in most panics? Meanwhile last month in Australia according to the UAH satellite data was 0.4 degrees below that average.


    • #

      Quite right Siliggy. The Australian BOM have been deliberately ignoring the pre-1910 or so temperature records because of the presence of a very hot event – the Federation Drought – whic occurred from 1895-1903 across most parts of Australia.

      By doing that, they can adjust down the early temperatures to create a warming trend, and ignore the problematic record highs of the Federation Drought just a few years earlier.

      And they have manufactured the narrative to justify it: “unreliable records” and “introduction of Stevenson Screen weather stations” etc. although there was very careful calibration carried out at the time.

      In truth, its part of a major deception by the BOM, and the compliant Federal government refuses to order a audit, probably for fear of exposing the magnitude of the temperature adjustments and the consequent collapse of the AGW claims.


      • #
        Graeme No.3

        Melbourne had a Stevenson screen operating in the 1860’s. Adelaide at least by 1879. Perth was the last capital to get a Stevenson in the 1890’s, after gold was discovered and may explain their enthusiasm for more which they installed in other towns.
        I think the real reason may be that the BoM started in 1910 and their self estime required that they were the ‘first pioneers’ bringing order out of chaos.


        • #

          Graeme No3: it is a fact that the varied introduction of Stevenson Screen weather stations was an improvement on what went before, and clearly there are some stations that had Stevenson Screens going back beyond ca 1910 and the Federation Drought of 1895-1903 to produce a consistent, long time series temperature record.

          Why then have we not seen the BOM produce a temperature record based on these long-lived stations in Australia?

          The answers are all too obvious:

          1/ it would reveal the Federation Drought period as having hotter temperatures than today;

          2/ it would expose the homogenisation (adjustment) process used in the construction of the currently used ACORN-SAT temperature series as being scientifically unsound;

          and 3/ in particular, the lowering of temperatures at the start of the modern ACORN-SAT series in ca 1905-1910 would be shown to be inconsistent with the Federation Drought temperatures, requiring a reversal.

          With the BOM Australian global warming signal almost entirely due to the homogensiation adjustments, all of a sudden AGW is gone. Not politically acceptable, so the earlier temperatures are deliberately excluded, and BOM refuse to discuss the homogenisation adjustments.

          I would like to think that its the BOM’s self esteem that has prevented them from adressing this issue, but with a deeply politicised government department with strong ties to the UKs Met Office and NZs NIWA, the climategate emails show the BOM colluded in the methodology of altering raw temperature data.


          • #
            el gordo

            It appears they have deliberately lowered the past to raise the future, with the sin of omission and tinkering along the way.

            I demand a Royal Commission, this is really serious.


            • #

              Dave R
              “And they have manufactured the narrative to justify it: “unreliable records” and “introduction of Stevenson Screen weather stations” etc. although there was very careful calibration carried out at the time.” I have been looking closely at this especially the long running comparison at Adelaide. It goes back way further than when the first Stevenson arrived in 1887. It was to compare the round house, Glaisher and vastly superior to all screens , swinging sling thermometer. Some of the most interesting finds are huge differences between side by side Stevenson screens. Another is that the Glaisher stands read far cooler minimums and that all of the differences are nonlinear. So an averaged step change cannot work. “Stevenson screen” is a broad term that describes many very different animals. The two modern sises may be very unlike each other. Lance Pidgeon.


              • #

                Siliggy in your comments above you have explained a lot more than I have got out of BOM over the last few years. My understanding was a lot of parallel measurement was done at the time to try and understand the new measuring configurations and their effect on the temperature record.

                It seems to be far more than the BOM have done recently to truth the new one second-reading Electronic Weather Stations against the older mercury thermometers, which they replaced.


              • #

                Even Warwick was surprised when I showed him the old data from Adelaide prior to 1887 that has joined the AWOL data set not on the BoM online record. Have you seen this?


          • #

            We’re lucky to have the detailed daily temps achieved in the western NSW heatwave of 1896. While 1939 may have spread more (and was pretty grim out west) and 2009 was a killer in other parts, it’s hard to think of a weather event as alarming as the heatwave of 1896, as populations had to be evacuated and hundreds died.

            Not only do we have all the news accounts, death toll and memoirs, we also have (for now) the still official daily readings from Bourke PO. While 49C was topped in other years, the sheer number of days above 45C (13 of them consecutive), with minima sometimes holding above or around 30C, put 1896 on its own.

            The problem with the climate industry is that it is all too willing to ignore the critical example of 1896 as measuring stick yet only too willing to proclaim such an event “unprecedented” if it occurred now.

            This is why the climate industry is fundamentally an unsafe industry.


            • #

              While infamous 1902 boasts the driest six month block in the Bourke record, the driest year was 1929. 2002 may have seemed (and felt) unprecedented, but it simply wasn’t.

              Of course, the problem with 1902 was the below average rainfall years which preceded it. The Fed Drought even beat Kidman.

              History should help us adjust and prepare so that if something really is unprecedented (Bulahdelah Tornado? 1955 Flood?) it is not unexpected. And there are very few things which are unprecedented for those who check.


              • #

                There is a very non scientific premise in all this Climate commenting that the weather should be constant, year to year and adhere to the seasons precisely like clockwork, so now the stores are claiming that the summer ‘lasted too long’. Forget Punxsutawney Phil. What would he know?

                The gardeners are complaining in the US/UK that winter and spring have become ‘sprinter’, changing growing patterns. Now any change from year to year, not even wet years and dry years, hot summers or cool summers, hot winters and cool winters are all an obvious result of Climate Change. Everyone knows.

                This is absolute nonsense. All systems fluctuate, sometimes wildly. It doesn’t mean a thing. So the hotter water around the Great Barrier Reef is not a consequence of fluctuating patterns in the South Pacific, El Nino or La Nina, but a direct result of CO2. No one even questions how and I would love to hear the explanation. CO2 was meant to heat the air, not produce random ocean heating. You have to wonder how they will spend the $500Million to ‘fix’ the reef. Maybe holidays in Sri Lanka for polyps, each accompanied by a minder?

                So any unusually hot day is Climate Change. A long dry stretch is Climate Change. A flood is Climate Change. I haven’t yet heard that the Hawaiian Volcano is climate change, but I guess we will have to pay more taxes and subsidies in Australia for the extra CO2, SO2 and methane released from the volcano. Climate Change, the tax on breathing that you want to pay, to save China. It falls to us to save the planet. Please send all loose billions to bankers or China or the EU or UN. It’s our moral obligation.


              • #

                How would you ‘fix’ the Great Barrier Reef for $500 million? Perhaps the CSIRO solution with 350 scientists @ $100K each, $35million for 12 years? Doing research on Climate Change. No, that’s been done.

                Perhaps 1,000 people in Townsville all looking at polyps with magnifying glasses with expenses, travel, boats, scuba gear at $100K a year for five years? Now that sounds like fun.

                In the mean time, in five years, the problem will have vanished. Job well done!


              • #
                el gordo

                ‘… in five years, the problem will have vanished. Job well done!’

                Their funding could be drastically cut once the Ridd saga becomes common parlance.


              • #

                Mosomoso, consider this:

                say the Federation Drought temperatures are accepted as being accurate.

                Then the downward adjustments to the temperatures in the early part of the ACORN-SAT record back to ca. 1905 are immediately proven to be incompatible with the earlier FD temperaturews, and have to to corrected upwards (or more correctly, their previous downward adjustments have to be reversed).

                As a consequence, the AGW signal in the BOM’s Australian temperature record instantly disappears.

                All hell then breaks loose, as the BOM temperature data is now shown to be wrong, and a raft of Federal and State government policy decisions taken over the last 15 years, based on this data, is now seen to be incorrect. Not to mention the collapse of the renewable energy industry as subsidies are cancelled.

                My belief is that Minister Frydenberg is aware of this scenario.


            • #

              Mosomoso, rather that the climate industry “too willing to ignore the critical example of 1896” I think they are desperate to avoid any discussion or examination of 1896 (and the rest of the Federation Drought) because it has the potential to destroy the AGW scare, based on homogenised (adjusted) temperatures since ca. 1905.


          • #

            With the BOM Australian global warming signal almost entirely due to the homogensiation adjustments, all of a sudden AGW is gone…

            And of course the av. annual temperature of UK Australia or anywhere, as far as it can be determined, can go up (and down) all by itself.


        • #
          Another Ian


          Our official rainfall recorder got given a copy of the BOM “book of the century” – name escapes me atm.

          In that there is mention that the bloke in charge of the SA met was early on introducing Stevenson screens – with parallel comparisons IIRC. Seeing as Darwin was in his charge I suspect that it likely also had one earlier than BOM allows.

          I could borrow it again if any questions arise.


          • #
            Graeme No.3

            The Weather Watchers by David Day. First published in 2007!

            You are referring to Clement Wragge. After an early experiment on Ben Nevis in the UK he returned to Adelaide and compared results from Adelaide (West Terrace original site) and Mt. Lofty in 1984. He sent a paper to the Royal Society about it. This happened when Sir Charles Todd was in charge and you can safely assume that the experiment was conducted in a proper manner.

            Curiously the BoM (as helpers) was able to supply maps of rainfall in Australia from 1900-2005 which are printed (small scale) inside the covers.


        • #

          In addition to ignoring older inconvenient records the BoM has been running a campaign of misguiding information. They don’t publish false data rather they publish false predictions. Like ‘This winter is looking like being the hottest on record’, when it is another average winter the do not publish a correction, rather they release another long term forecast ‘This autumn is looking like being the hottest on record’. They have also been running a campaign of exaggerated daily/weekly/monthly forecasts which are always 1-2 degrees above the actual recorded outcome, never below. This is intended to give the illusion that we are experiencing hotter weather than we actually are.


          • #

            From ABC NEWS – BOM outlook: Winter is coming — but it’s looking warm and dry for south-east Australia

            From – Australia could see the coldest cold snap for two years this weekend.


  • #
  • #
    Another Ian

    O/T In answer to Pat’s question on “Unthreaded”

    “Update on Dr. Peter Ridd and the firestorm engulfing the bureautwits @jcu”


    • #
      Kinky Keith

      So, the Union has a view on climate change but is looking now to the greater good.

      Hopefully this episode will be the model for many future such confrontations and that those given positions of responsibility will begin to allow Truth into their lives.



    • #

      Another Ian –

      many thanks. what a loaded statement by the Union, though, especially:

      “Given the nature of the (entirely predictable) extensive media coverage”

      pardon me…show me ABC/Fairfax/Guardian coverage please.

      to be fair, though, there is an update on Don Aitkin’s blog:

      23 May: Don Aitkin: The unfolding saga of Peter Ridd
      Grahame McCulloch
      June 2, 2018 at 7:46 pm…
      An interesting and reflective piece from you, as always.

      Note that your comment here that NTEU has ‘finally come to the party’ is inaccurate. Prior to the Union’s most recent statement calling for Ridd’s reinstatement NTEU had issued earlier statements supporting Ridd when he was previously censured for misconduct based on a flimsy management interpretation of the JCU Code of Conduct. This fact has not been picked up by most commenting on the case ***including the press…ETC
      Grahame McCulloch
      General Secretary NTEU

      Don Aikin replies…

      ***McCulloch did at least note no press interest in their earlier stand on Ridd! lol.


  • #

    Interesting post over at “notrickszone” today. Collision and radiative processes in emission of atmospheric carbon dioxide

    Conludes that the climate sensitivity to the human contribution of CO2 to the atmosphere is 0.02C.

    Unfortunately for the planet we know that the science is settled. (By Gavin, Kevin and Sam.)


  • #

    Should have said by (Gavin, Kevin and Ben).


  • #

    The record-breaking period was topped off by the hottest day of the year on Sunday when Great Malvern in Worcestershire baked in a sweltering temperature of 81.5 F (27.5 C)

    Blimey, time to put a knotted handkerchief on your head, roll your trousers up and paddle on the shingle.

    The average temperature from May 1 to 10 was the highest ever noted since meteorologists first started gathering precise daily data in 1772 …

    Starting at 1772 avoids having to explain the awkward ‘bump’ around 1740.


    • #
      el gordo

      Five years ago David Archibald reckoned a repeat of the 1740 event was due any minute, but so far he has been proven wrong.

      Putting aside the cause of that anomaly, the strong El Nino of 1877-78 impacted the world with global warming and the worst widespread droughts in 800 years.

      ENSO appears to be the main cause of global warming, so I’m tentatively suggesting geo engineers might fancy doing some tinkering with that enigma.


      • #
        el gordo

        Knowing that strong El Nino causes so much human misery, perhaps the geo engineers could modify ENSO behaviour.

        ‘The 2014-2017 El Niño “warm blob” was likely created, maintained, and partially recharged on two separate occasions by massive pulses of super-heated and chemically charged seawater from deep-sea geological features in the western North Pacific Ocean.

        ‘This strongly supports the theory all El Niños are naturally occurring and geological in origin. Climate change / global warming had nothing to do with generating or rewarming the 2014-2017 El Niño or any previous El Niño.’

        Plate Climatology


  • #

    The Hadley 1659 figures haven’t disapeared at all. They are where they always are, maintained together with other historic records by the excellent Tim legg at the met office in Exeter

    Note, the 1659 figures are rarely used as they were collated monthly. The 1772 figures which are considered more scientifically rigorous are daily ones. They cover an area in the centre of England hence CET.

    Other records cover different parts of the country and different periods.

    The reason for the epithet of the sunniest and warmest is because 1929 was when national sunshine records were kept.

    The warmest May can be seen by downloading any of the relevant sets of data in the link given above



  • #

    What a shame the old British Met.,
    Lost their three hundred year dataset,
    Then claim May ‘hottest ever’,
    Which was not very clever,
    As it’s not borne out by the C.E.T..


  • #
    glen Michel

    That is what I call very sensitive.It is for all means infinitesimal and of no consequence.


  • #
    glen Michel

    Meant for TedM at #11


  • #

    All this is a lot like the previous thread where one poster was pushing the idea that CO2 is the cause of runaway global warming by using Venus as an example in spite of all the real scientific evidence presented by so many others, including myself to discount that preposterous comparison. Using isolated record high temperatures as proof of a runaway global warming trend is equally preposterous. Might as well use isolated record low temperatures as proof of an imminent new ice age, which is equally preposterous.


    • #
      el gordo

      ‘Might as well use isolated record low temperatures as proof of an imminent new ice age, which is equally preposterous.’

      True but a trend is indicative, at the deepest part of the LIA temperatures had only fallen a couple of degrees and you can see the havoc that caused.


  • #
    Geoff Sherrington

    Re record high Tmax and low Tmin.
    These early records of Tmax and Tmin, from thermometers in screens or housings, are just about all we have to help understand past weather.
    But, these are ‘special’ temperatures. Take Tmax for discussion here. It is recorded by a mercury column pushing a one-way peg that shows the maximum T since the last reset. It can occur at rather different times of the day. It happens when a set of effects driving towards a higher T meet another set of effects driving toward a lower T. Because time of day for observed Tmax varies so much, we deduce that sun angle is only part of the mix of effects and that it can be overridden. An easy example is by low cloud shade. Another is cooling effects from evaporation of earlier rain.
    So, a record Tmax might happen because there was rather less cloud that particular day, or it was a long time since rain wet the nearby ground, or the lapse rate had changed and so on.
    It does not have to mean that the temperature was higher because the insolation was higher. If insolation was the only effect setting Tmax, the record would be much smoother and more predictable.
    Therefore, in reality, there can be no trust in a belief that a record daily Tmax means anything of fundamental significance.
    Why? Even the shade from a flock of pigs flying overhead could cause a miss of a record T max.
    Similar reasoning arises for Tmin. Some effects are different, some have same origins as for Tmax.
    It further follows that there is logical inconsistency when devising indices like Tmean = half of Tmax+Tmin, because the factors causing Tmax are different to those causing Tmin. Ditto for the expression Tmax-Tmin, the so-called Diurnal temperature Range, DTR. It is also scientifically indefensible unless heavily qualified, which it never is.

    The lesson? Beware of shonky science. Geoff.


    • #
      Kinky Keith

      Very interesting Geoff.
      The effect of the shade created by those flying pigs sets the tone nicely and clearly illustrates why in statistical analysis of complex systems there is a need for the term “outliers”.



    • #

      Yes indeed beware as you so correctly pointed out. The trouble though is most people don’t bother to check out the facts, use logic and apply the BS filter where required.


      • #
        el gordo

        When the MSM push propaganda its difficult for the lay person.

        There is a story in today’s SMH saying the East Australian Current is warming up because of climate change and fish stocks are plummeting.

        A paper by Rykova and Oke 2015 suggests the Current is only freshening.

        “We find that eddies and the surrounding waters of the western Tasman Sea are freshening at a rate of 0.017–0.025 practical salinity unit/yr over the top 100 m, with no significant temperature change. Consistent with the observations, fields from an eddy‐resolving ocean model show freshening, with no temperature trend.

        ‘Moreover, the model results indicate that observed changes are significant in the context of the variability over the last 20 years and may be part of a multiyear (perhaps decadal) cycle. We attribute the freshening of the region to increased precipitation off Eastern Australia.’


        • #

          Confirmation bias? It’s so easy for the warmists to point out anything that has the remotest appearance of supporting their view yet discard everything else that discounts their view.


  • #

    Thought for the day:

    Ephesians 5:11 Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them.


  • #
    King Geo

    Our BOM, the USA’s NOAA & the UK’s Met Office would never release to the MSM the current Global Temp Satellite data. Just check the latest UAH Global Temp Chart for May 2018 (+0.18 degrees C above the Zero Anomaly) and today’s Weatherbell Global Temp Map displaying an even lower figure of just +0.118 degrees C above the Zero Anomaly and likely to keep falling.

    Where is the IPCC’s forecast of 0.20 degrees Global Temp rise per decade for the past 20 years based on their “GIGO Computer Modelled inspired Theory of AGW”?

    Well the real figure is a tad above zero, ie in reality there has been “Global Temp Flat-lining” for the past 20 years. This while CO2 in the atmosphere has risen ~ 10%. Clearly there is something very wrong with the “Theory of AGW”.

    Why hasn’t the public been told this?

    The reality is that we have been conned – the “Theory of AGW” is flawed and has now morphed into a religion.

    GIGO = Garbage In Garbage Out.


    • #
      el gordo

      ‘Why hasn’t the public been told this?’

      I blame aunty for broadcasting propaganda and the organisation should be held to account at any future Royal Commission.


      • #
        King Geo

        Well they are doing the Royal Commission on the banks at present.

        Maybe move onto Auntie & BOM next – now that will be interesting especially the latter – so much “vintage temperature data manipulation”. In legal terms I think they call it ….. Can’t say it – that Moderator is very sharp.


    • #

      The reality is the Ministry of Truth always tells lies.


  • #

    wanted to post some of the following on WUWT/Tim Ball’s “Watergate/Climategate” thread, but sadly Anthony’s website & comments section are in transition…and it’s not good so far. hopefully, he will get it sorted out soon.

    29 Oct 2013: notalotofpeopleknowthat: Paul Homewood: BBC’s Paul Hudson On A New Maunder Minimum
    As you may have read, BBC meteorologist, Paul Hudson, was on TV last night, discussing the prospects of a new Maunder Minimum and whether it will lead to much colder winters in the UK and NW Europe…
    (LINK to BBC VIDEO no longer available)
    alexjc38: I now have a full transcript of the programme here (LINK)

    here’s the BBC page which still has text:

    28/10/2013: BBC: Inside Out Yorkshire and Lincolnshire
    Weatherman Paul Hudson looks at the possibility that Northern Europe could be entering a ‘little ice age’ and explores the implications for supply chains and infrastructure…

    Could Britain be heading for a new “mini ice age”?
    A leading climate scientist has warned that a period of severe Siberian style winters – known as a “mini ice age” – could be on the way for the UK.

    Professor Mike Lockwood, of Reading University, has been sharing his research with BBC Look North weather presenter Paul Hudson…

    According to the programme, most climate scientists believe this does not mean that global warming has gone away.

    Paul explains that any global cooling caused by this natural phenomenon would ultimately be temporary, and if projections are correct, the long term warming caused by carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases would eventually swamp this solar-driven cooling.

    the full transcript posted by alexjc38. read all:

    mytranscriptbox: Source: BBC1: Inside Out
    URL: N/A
    Date: 28/10/2013
    Event: Inside Out: “we may well be heading into more severe Maunder Minimum territory”
    Credit: BBC1: Inside Out, Yorkshire and Lincolnshire


    • #

      btw Paul Hudson’s Wikipedia page makes no mention whatsoever of his involvement in Climategate.

      Wikipedia: Paul Hudson
      ***He has currently had the most effective and reliable report in the country over the winter period of November 2010…
      BBC climate change correspondent[edit]
      Although most BBC forecasters are not directly employed by the BBC, but by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills’s Met Office (formerly the MOD’s Met Office), since 2007 Hudson has been a full-time member of BBC staff, not the Meteorological Office, acting as an environmental and climate change expert. He gives talks on the subject to local organisations and school and has appeared on BBC One’s Morning Show…

      some interesting stuff in the comments of the following:

      Official blog of the Met Office news team: Addressing the Daily Mail and James Delingpole’s ‘crazy climate change obsession’ article
      Posted on 10 January, 2013 by Met Office Press Office
      Barry Woods says:
      10 January, 2013 at 4:34 pm
      Are you going to respond to Paul Hudson (BBC)concerns about Met Office model running to warm, and forecasting problems..
      In Many ways this is similar to Delingpoles ‘concerns’ (BBC PAUL HUDSON BLOG LINK/EXCERPTS)

      (reply) Dave Britton, Met Office:…ETC

      LinkedIn: Dave Britton, Head of International Development & Principal Advisor to DFID & FCO at the Met Office
      Head of News and Social Media
      Met Office
      May 2007 – June 2013
      I managed the Public Relations team at the Met Office, the UK’s National Weather Service. I was responsible for planning strategic communications activity that supports the promotion and protection of the Met Office’s reputation and the development and implementation of the Met Office Social Media strategy…


      • #
        Peter C

        btw Paul Hudson’s Wikipedia page makes no mention whatsoever of his involvement in Climategate

        Ummm.What involvement in Climategate? Did I miss something?


        • #

          Peter C –

          9 Oct 2009: BBC: What happened to global warming?
          By Paul Hudson
          This headline may come as a bit of a surprise, so too might that fact that the warmest year recorded globally was not in 2008 or 2007, but in 1998.
          But it is true. For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures…ETC

          2011: Dr. Tim Ball: Climategate: Why Don’t We Know Who Leaked the CRU Emails?
          Prior to leaking the emails to the world on November 19th 2009 the person sent them to Paul Hudson, weather and climate change expert with the BBC and former UK Met Office employee. Hudson received them on October 23rd, 2009, five weeks before.
          Hudson has not explained why he did not release them, although he did confirm they were identical to the ones released later. Hudson knew the implications of the emails because he had written an article a month earlier titled Whatever happened to global warming…

          CRU Reaction to Hudson
          In a 12th October 2009 leaked email, Kevin Trenberth responded to Hudson”s question as follows:
          “Well I have my own article on where the heck is global warming? We are asking that here in Boulder where we have broken records the past two days for the coldest days on record. We had 4 inches of snow.”

          Michael Mann had a sterner take:
          “…extremely disappointing to see something like this appear on BBC. It”s particularly odd, since climate is usually Richard Black”s beat at BBC casino (and he does a great job). From what I can tell, this guy was formerly a weather person at the Met Office. We may do something about this on RealClimate, but meanwhile it might be appropriate for the Met Office to have a say about this, I might ask Richard Black what”s up here?”

          Stephen Schneider, another active part of the CRU and IPCC group, also communicated with Hudson as a BBC communiqué explains.

          BBC: Paul wrote a blog for the BBC website on October 9 entitled Whatever Happened To Global Warming. There was a big reaction to the article – not just here but around the world. Among those who responded were Professor Michael E Mann and Stephen Schneider whose e-mails were among a small handful forwarded to Paul on October 12.

          23 Nov 2009: BBC Paul Hudson blog: ‘Climategate’ – CRU hacked into and its implications
          Very busy with forecast duties right now, but I do intend to write a blog regarding the UK Climate research centre (CRU) being hacked into, and the possible implications of this very serious affair.

          I will add comment on this page as soon as I can free up some time. But I will in the meantime answer the question regarding the chain of e-mails which you have been commenting about on my blog, which can be seen here, and whether they are genuine or part of an elaborate hoax.

          I was forwarded the chain of e-mails on the 12th October, which are comments from some of the worlds leading climate scientists written as a direct result of my article ‘whatever happened to global warming’. The e-mails released on the internet as a result of CRU being hacked into are identical to the ones I was forwarded and read at the time and so, as far as l can see, they are authentic.
          More later.

          13 Oct 2009: BBC: Richard Black blog: Biases, U-turns, and the BBC’s climate coverage
          I get a lot of correspondence accusing the BBC of bias in its climate change coverage…
          So you might ask why I’m raising the issue now.
          There are two reasons: one is that in the run-up to the UN Copenhagen summit, climate change is moving ever closer to the centre of the political stage, and readership and scrutiny of our coverage is bound to escalate – and I wanted to get this train of thought done and dusted before we reach Copenhagen, because there’s going to be no time to discuss it then.

          The second reason is that I’d like to respond to a recent blog post by the Daily Telegraph’s Damian Thompson (LINK NO LONGER WORKS), who reported what he described as a “U-turn” in the BBC’s climate coverage in an article by my colleague Paul Hudson last week: “Whatever happened to global warming?”…

          PS: Another blog post this week – by the Guardian’s Leo Hickman – queried why Paul’s article appeared as a BBC News website story, when it was first conceived as a blog post.
          On this occasion, we commissioned a piece from Paul which in fact overlapped with what he was already doing for the blog…

          29 March 2013: Paul Homewood: Has Paul Hudson Put His Foot In It Again?
          Paul Hudson works as a meteorologist with the BBC. He has earned the wrath of the Team previously, as the Climategate leaks revealed, when he dared to question (BROKEN TELEGRAPH U-TURN LINK) some of their religious tenets.

          In the latest post on his BBC blog, he has discussed the extreme cold weather we are currently getting. He finishes by commenting:-
          “With December 2010 ending up the coldest since 1890, it’s yet more anecdotal evidence that something significant seems to be happening to our climate, driven by a jet stream that continues to be forced regularly further south than normal, across all seasons.”…


        • #

          Updated 3 Jun: Politico: Smart meters undercut by human nature
          The devices can help households save money by using less electricity — when people can be bothered to figure them out.
          By Anca Gurzu
          Even the lure of lower energy bills isn’t enough to change human habits if it means figuring out a new gadget.
          The plague that affected ancient VCRs, early alarm clocks and TV remote controls is now a worry for so-called smart meters — high-tech measuring devices that the European Commission and many national regulators say are key to giving consumers control over their energy use and speeding the EU’s transition to a low-carbon economy…

          The features are meant to drive people to use electricity when it’s cheaper — often a sign of abundant power on the grid — and use less during peak times…
          Some people can’t be bothered. For many, it’s too much effort to stay on top of smart meter readings and deploy the data to time daily chores. The Swedish Energy Agency found that people care more about getting their laundry done on time than cutting energy costs. All 5.3 million electricity consumers in the country have had smart meters since 2009…

          “It’s like if you ask someone buying bread about their consumption of flour — you are not interested in how much flour you use, you are just interested in the bread,” said Fredrik Lundström, smart grid program manager at the Swedish agency. “The majority of people don’t want to bother about how they use the appliances and lights.”

          Jørgen Christensen, chief innovation officer at the Danish Energy Association, who also steers work on the EU-funded smart grid research project called EcoGrid, said the Swedish findings didn’t surprise him.
          “A lot of consumption in the household is for comfort,” Christensen said. “You would not change your consumption in the evening for cooking. You would not stop watching a series on TV in the evening, because the value of your activities is much higher than the savings you get by delaying them.”…

          The attitude toward smart meters could become a hurdle for the Commission: It wants all EU countries to replace at least 80 percent of existing electricity meters with them by 2020 — a €45 billion investment — to cut emissions by up to 9 percent and annual household energy consumption by similar amounts…


          • #

            don’t know how the Politico/smart meters’ article has ended up as a reply, but never mind.


    • #

      Pat, in relation to WUWT transition troubles, I couldn’t at first get the new site on this tablet with Firefox. I then tried Chrome…success. I later tried Firefox with Private Browsing…also successful. Having said this, I never had any problems getting WUWT on its old WordPress site.


      • #

        Annie – thanks for that. I don’t want to use Chrome, though. Anthony is working on it and no doubt he’ll solve the problems.

        like u, I never had a problem with the wordpress site. not sure why he changed it.


  • #
    Phil Brown

    As much as I think the Met Office has been sucked into the climate change hype, it is worth reminding that the Central England Temperature Series CET only covers a small part of Britain and in this area anomalies were much lower than over N England and Scotland. Therefore there is a chance that “Britain” was indeed the warmest since 1929. However where they got their “records began in 1929” from is beyond me.


    • #
      Harry Twinotter

      Phil Brown.

      Bravo! Someone who actually checks the references. I gave you a tick up. Britain is indeed not Central England. I think the 1929 figure is for sunlight, not temperature. Jo Nova misquotes the Met Office hence the confusion.


      • #

        1929 is when national sunshine records were first kept. As I wrote way up the thread the CeT record is in exactly the same place it has always been. I provided a link to it Upthread. It has not disappeared or been changed



  • #
    Another Ian

    O/T BOM/Bull in practice

    “Aussie PM Climate Advice to Drought Affected Farmers: “Resilience is the Key” ”

    How many votes do you reckon are in that?


    • #

      If resilience is the key then how come Turnbull isn’t following his own advise and the action by Trump to bolster coal fired power stations? Rhetorical question – I know the answer. Turnbull is a coward and a fake.


  • #
    Greg in NZ

    Snow affecting every high road and alpine pass tonight, from the North Island’s Napier-Taupo Rd, Desert Rd and Rimutaka Rd, right down the length of the South Island as far as the usual Milford Rd, even the Dunedin-Waititi Highway on the south-east coast: a sure sign it’s the hottest EVAH and it’s all our fault so we’d better get down on our knees and pay…

    I noticed last month in the small print, NZ MetService no longer states: “This service is based on data and products of the UK Met Office.” Instead it’s now based on data and products “of the US National Centers [sic] for Environmental Prediction.” So… having failed on predicting the climate, they’re now shifting to predicting the ‘environment’? Oh dear, look out.

    P.S. A number of ski fields opened last weekend due to the massive, early-season snowfalls we had, while others are opening this weekend, two weeks earlier – can I shout that out loud? – TWO WEEKS EARLIER due to said massive early depth of snow and sub-zero temps. As per usual, after the event, MetService announced (yesterday) this winter would be colder than normal. Seems those new data and products “predictions” didn’t see this coming.


  • #
    Mark M

    O/T: Australian Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg on Tuesday said …

    … he was delighted that Australia’s largest supermarkets were taking robust action to phase out single-use plastic bags.

    Coles has committed to phasing out single-use plastic bags as well as reducing plastic wrapping on fruit and vegies and to replacing meat and poultry product packaging with recycled and renewable materials.

    Wait. What ‘recyclables’?

    Plastics ban after recycling costs skyrocket after China bans recyclables

    Plastic packaging on fresh food, groceries and a range of other items will be banned within seven years to cope with Chinese restrictions on Australian recyclables.

    State and federal environment ministers held crisis talks in Melbourne yesterday and agreed to prioritise the development of a larger domestic recycling market, with Queensland councils alone expected to face a combined bill of more than $50 million in the face of the new Chinese restrictions.


    • #

      That’s handy…didn’t a recycling centre in SA close because of the high price of electricity there. China no longer wants our junk to recycle. OK…what next Josh F?


  • #
  • #

    ***pensions, pensions, pensions…

    4 Jun: BusinessGreen: Madeleine Cuff: MPs call for mandatory climate risk reporting
    Following inquiry into green finance, Environmental Audit Committee concludes large companies and asset owners – such as ***pension funds – should be forced to report their exposure to climate change risks and opportunities…
    Members of the Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) said today large companies and asset owners, such as ***pension funds, should have until 2022 to prepare for a mandatory system of climate risk reporting, requiring firms to set out how they plan to cope with the impact of the low-carbon transition…

    Government should clarify the law in this area to make it clear that firms including ***pension schemes have a duty to protect long-term interests, and should therefore explicitly factor environmental risk into their decision making, the EAC concluded…
    “Long-term sustainability must be factored into financial decision making,” EAC chair Mary Creagh said in a statement.
    “Climate change poses financial risks to a range of investments – from food and farming, to infrastructure, construction and insurance liability. The low-carbon transition also presents exciting opportunities in clean energy, transport and tech that could benefit UK businesses. We want to see mandatory climate risk reporting and a clarification in law that ***pension trustees have a duty to consider long term sustainability, not just short-term returns.”

    The government has backed the voluntary guidelines set out last year by the Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), which aim to help companies assess and disclose their climate risk…
    But the EAC argued the government’s encouragement for publicly listed firms to adopt the guidelines does not go far enough, and urged ministers to ensure climate risk reporting applies equally to asset owners (such as ***pension funds) and their investment managers, not just listed companies…

    The paper suggested mandatory reporting could be enforced without the need for new legislation. Instead, the government could issue new guidance under the Companies Act 2006 and make amendments to the Financial Reporting Council’s (FRC) Corporate Governance Code and UK Stewardship Code, and the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) listing rules. “If regulators fail to implement this appropriately and improve how they monitor the management of climate risk then the government should pass new sustainability reporting legislation, similar to France’s Article 173,” the paper concluded.

    Ben Caldecott, director of the Oxford Sustainable Finance Programme at the University of Oxford and a Member of the UK Green Finance Taskforce, said the UK should aim to be a world leader in sustainable finance. “Information is the lifeblood of financial markets,” he said. “Ensuring that the City of London has the best and most reliable information on sustainability-related risks, opportunities and impacts will be fundamental to its continued success and its ability to act as the leading green financial centre. We must become the first country to properly and completely integrate the TCFD recommendations into our corporate governance and reporting framework.”…


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    behind paywall:

    4 Jun: UK Times: Climate Own Goals
    The government cannot duck its responsibility to meet emission targets and an excellent start would be listening to the citizens’ assembly
    Ireland will be “playing catch-up” to meet its 2020 EU targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, Denis Naughten conceded last week. The environment minister was speaking after a report by the Environmental Protection Agency estimated that the country would miss its goals by a large margin.
    In the best-case scenario, Ireland is on course to achieve only a 1 per cent reduction on its 2005 emission levels by 2020 instead of the agreed 20 per cent. Emissions are expected to increase in the absence of new policy interventions, the EPA noted. By 2030, Ireland is on course to emit 25 per cent more carbon pollution than the allowance agreed with the EU…

    1 Jun: Irish Times: Ireland faces ‘spiralling crisis’ over carbon emissions
    EPA figures show State likely to miss EU goal to cut down on greenhouse gases released
    by Kevin O’Sullivan
    Ireland is facing into a “spiralling crisis” due to its failure to deal with greenhouse gases in the State, which is compounded by an inadequate response to the devastation caused by global warming abroad, aid agency Trócaire has said.
    “There is human tragedy unfolding caused by climate change against a backdrop of seeming political indifference,” said Trócaire’s head of policy, Niamh Garvey…

    The EPA said economic expansion and fossil fuel consumption were causing large increases in emissions from transport, which is forecast to see the largest increase of any sector, followed by agriculture.
    Ms Garvey said the EPA’s “headline message” was that a decisive move away from fossil fuels is needed and this should be urgently heeded…

    The Fossil Fuel Divestment Bill, which would oblige the Ireland Strategic Investment Fund to stop investing in fossil fuels, is set to go to report stage ahead of the Dáil’s summer recess.
    “How parties and TDs vote will be a first test of their intentions to act on this spiralling crisis,” Ms Garvey said.
    The Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) called on the Government to introduce a programme to curb greenhouse gas emissions, particularly those arising from the transport sector.

    Thomas Cooney, IFA environment chairman, said emissions from agriculture were expected to rise by 3 to 4 per cent between now and 2020 but that “transport will go up by 17 to 18 per cent”.
    He said 20 per cent of the Public Service Obligation levy – which is paid by homeowners to support the generation of electricity from sustainable and renewable sources – should be used to encourage people to replace their fossil fuels with renewables sources, such as roof-top solar and micro-energy…

    Friends of the Earth director Óisín Coghlan said the Government stood indicted by the EPA figures “which are shocking but not surprising given its inaction on climate pollution”.
    “Ireland’s long-running climate policy crisis is now an emergency”…


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    comment in moderation re Ireland: 4 Jun: UK Times: Climate Own Goals


  • #

    Thanks, AZ. I forgot about that. Please delete the whole lot rather than cause you or Jo any further bother.


    • #
      Peter C

      Please delete the whole lot

      ““The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
      Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
      Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
      Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.”
      Omar Khayyám


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    ***“no INEFFICIENT fossil fuel subsidies” says a Govt spokesman! LOL.

    4 Jun: ClimateChangeNews: G7 fossil fuel subsidies worth $100bn a year to industry, study finds
    UK accused of masking subsidies to fossil fuels, ahead of meeting of G7 countries, which have agreed to end taxpayer support by 2025
    By Chloé Farand for DeSmog UK
    The UK has been accused of trying to “fudge” how much it spends subsidising coal mining and fossil fuel use despite its pledge to phase out environmentally harmful subsidies by 2020.
    The country ranked first on its commitment to end fossil fuel subsidies but last on transparency in a new study led by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) which ranks each G7 country on ending support for the production and use of oil, gas and coal ahead of a group meeting which starts in Canada on Friday…

    Researchers also argue the UK is using public finance through the UK Export Finance, a government agency which underwrites loans to boost British companies’ exports, to support fossil fuel projects abroad – a finance stream they say the government should be counting as a subsidy…

    A government spokesman said the UK was meeting its G7 targets since it has ***“no inefficient fossil fuel subsidies” following an assessment by the International Energy Agency…

    The study found that the world’s seven major industrial democracies spent at least $100 billion (£70 billion) a year to prop up oil, gas and coal consumption at home and abroad in 2015 and 2016 despite their pledge to end fossil fuel subsidies by 2025.
    While France topped the overall ranking, the UK scored the fourth lowest score out of seven and the US was last. The data analysed does not cover the Trump administration.

    Shelah Whitley, head of the climate and energy programme at the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) and lead author of the report, told DeSmog UK the research found that all G7 countries had increased their support for fossil fuel exploration since countries committed to limit global temperature rise “well below” two degrees under the Paris Agreement in 2015.
    Describing the finding as “shocking”, she added…

    Co-author Ivetta Gerasimchuk, from the International Institute for Sustainable Development, said: “G7 governments committed to phase-out fossil fuel subsidies back in 2009, but since then have made very little progress…

    This comes as DeSmog UK reported on the stories of the people of Kuzbass in Siberia (LINK), where coal production has been described as “hell on earth” and some of it is reported to be exported to the UK…


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    George McFly......I'm your density

    I know a thing or two about time travel…


  • #

    It’s more propaganda basically, and Is ay that carefully.

    Why use only maximums? You have to suspect that max-min average would not be a record.

    Why claim that 0.1 degree is “hotter” unless you can show that the previous number was produced using exactly the same stations and that those stations have not undergone any changes since the previous high? It’s just far too close to the previous record to claim.


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    Pete of Perth

    Dancing lessons in 1/2 an hour.. Tonight will be my hottest moves eva


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    David Maddison


    He’s a nice little subsidy available if you’re in Victoriastan.


  • #
    Just Thinkin'

    O/T, BUT, the Tassie Link is finally back up….

    AND, Tassie is taking nearly 200MWs of Coal Fired Power…

    Who woulda hunk it?


    • #

      Most people think the Tassie Link is to allow green energy to get into the Vic grid. Its actually about keeping the lights on in Tas when their green energy doesnt work!


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    reply to Peter C #22.1.1 is in moderation re Paul Hudson.


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    Harry Twinotter

    Central England is not Britain.


    • #

      True, Harry. I take it that you would question using a handful of temp. measurement buoys over the vast oceans to tell us what ‘global average temperature’ is then?


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    I’m so grateful my winters don’t even get down to these average temperatures, the last few days we have been waking up to 8-9C minimums (THAT’S COLD FOR US). The tropics are great!


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    Harry Twinotter

    Fake news. Did everyone spot the trick Joanne Nova (or Paul Homewood) uses? It’s an easy one this time, others have been a bit harder.


    • #
      el gordo

      Harry come lately again.


      • #
        Kinky Keith

        Still he did come,

        And that means it’s important for him to be here.

        To learn about the Truth.

        Something that he can’t do on his home blogggg.

        Skeptical Science.



        • #
          Harry Twinotter

          Kinky Keith.

          So you didn’t spot the tricks either? Oh well, there is one born every minute as they say.


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    I can’t get the video to work, but this seems a little sober:

    2 Jun: NBC: Can the Great Barrier Reef survive the assault of pollution and climate change?
    The Great Barrier Reef spans an area of roughly 135,000 square miles along Australia’s northeastern coast. But what some call the largest living thing on Earth is under assault from global warming and pollution, with parts of it dying off in recent years. Now a new study shows that the reef managed to bounce back from several previous “death events,” suggesting that the reef may be more resilient than we realized.


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    4 Jun: ClimateDepot: Marc Morano: WSJ: Climate Change Has Run Its Course – ‘Climate alarm is like a car alarm—a blaring noise people are tuning out’ (LINK)
    By Steven F. Hayward
    (Mr. Hayward is a senior resident scholar at the Institute of Governmental Studies at the University of California, Berkeley)
    Climate change is over. No, I’m not saying the climate will not change in the future, or that human influence on the climate is negligible. I mean simply that climate change is no longer a pre-eminent policy issue. All that remains is boilerplate rhetoric from the political class, frivolous nuisance lawsuits, and bureaucratic mandates on behalf of special-interest renewable-energy rent seekers.

    Judged by deeds rather than words, most national governments are backing away from forced-marched decarbonization…

    The descent of climate change into the abyss of social-justice identity politics represents the last gasp of a cause that has lost its vitality. Climate alarm is like a car alarm—a blaring noise people are tuning out.
    This outcome was predictable…READ ALL


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    Important legal case Re: Sun Edison Bankruptcy that may affect projects in Australia and elsewhere that pertains to racketeering etc.. by the bankruptcy trustee re: the acquisition of SUNE assets. This involves many companies including UPC First Wind, Longroad Energy Partners, NRG


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      Mckinsey (defendant) in above case was involved with Enron. Most of those companies I mention above are former Enron employees/ execs…

      Mckinsey Enron…

      McKinsey’s fingerprints can be found at the scene of some of the most spectacular corporate and financial debacles of recent decades. The energy-trading firm Enron was the creation of Jeff Skilling, a proud McKinsey consultant of 21 years. But this wasn’t guilt by association. Enron, under Mr Skilling, was paying McKinsey $10m (£6m) a year for advice. McKinsey fully endorsed the dubious accounting methods that caused the company to implode in 2001.


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    Another Ian

    Model for BOM

    “WINNING! An astounding document from the EPA: Promises Made, Promises Kept”
