A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Thanks for your presentation at EIKE conferece, well spoken !
Except that my browser says that video is not available.
Can I get a refund of my wasted time?
Does anyone else have trouble with the link?
Joanne comes on at about -1:32, her presentation should be shown in all Parliaments, Media and places of learning regardless of the cries from a vocal minority.
If the people can still recall they have a say in their own future let them decide not the self appointed elites.
Correction its -1:42, my streaming is very choppy but it could just be my processor.
O/T but in the vicinity
“Delingpole: Ten Years of the Climate Change Act – History’s Most Expensive Virtue Signal”
From above
“Gordon Brown’s Labour government signed up to the Act because it’s the sort of stupid thing Labour governments do — especially when you’ve got Ed Miliband as your Secretary of State for Climate Change.”
Sounds like we’ve got another rinse and repeat here.
And this puts Australia in a league of its own
“Ten years on, the CCA has achieved its purpose in making the UK an example to the rest of the world – no other serious country will do anything quite so stupid in the name of saving the climate.”
Bill Shorten has announced that in addition to Labor’s 50 per cent RET plan they will adopt the Turnbull Government’s National Energy Guarantee, note that included a commitment to Paris Agreement written into Australian Law so that no future government can ignore carbon dioxide emissions reduction targets without repealing the NEG.
Also will end up that Oz is dictated to by the UN .
Yes it looks that way, Shorten has also said Labor would sign the UN Compact on Immigration the Government decided not to sign based on maintaining our strict border controls and immigration system.
From my own private research over the years, it seems the general idea is slavery under the unelected bureaucrats of the EU/UN…choose your poison….
The UN is completely unaccountable to anyone.
Should the rapid approaching LIA really start to bite in the next 10 years, the planet will wind up undr military dictatorships that unless we are careful, will hand over ( by design ) all thier power to the UN. The Bible also talks of the 10 kings of the earth handing over thier power to the anti christ, if the earth was in a LIA with massive liss of life and anarchy, people would be begging for any form of stability…..then comes any laws they want to pass including maybe microchipping everyone to be able to buy and sell as everything will be rationed….
Turnbull Government’s National Energy Guarantee??? Labor’s Turnbull adopted Labor’s National Energy Guarantee!!!!
And there is more …..
ALP plan ‘rewards energy giants’
Opposition Leader Bill Shorten speaks to the media while Victorian Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio looks on during a press conference in Melbourne, Friday, November 23, 2018. (AAP Image/Alex Murray) NO ARCHIVING
The Morrison government says Bill Shorten’s $10bn plan to turbocharge clean energy investment will reward energy giants.
The Weekend Australian
[the age old question: where will the money come from?]
“[the age old question: where will the money come from?]”
The big money is not in small weapons sales and rooftop solar… the real value of the conflict is in the debt the conflict creates…
We need breakthrough hydrogen tech, to break the energy giants stranglehold. ..
We can “need” all we want, but it’s not like “needing” another couple gallons of milk which is solved by a trip to the supermarket. Breakthroughs, by their nature, do not appear on command or through pleading or need.
I’v tried the youtube link and so far no luck. What’s the problem or is this just a live feed only?
Please look at the program, the given times are CET, and than it’s live.
thanks for the link. nothing on there at the moment, but will check back.
despite the usual NatGeo (& the report’s) CAGW spin, the message is: ADAPT:
23 Nov: National Geographic: Climate impacts grow, but U.S. CAN ADAPT , says new report
The 4th National Climate Assessment takes the temperature of climate change across the United States. The message? ADAPT.
By Alejandra Borunda
Today, U.S. government agencies released a heavily anticipated new report about how climate change is impacting the United States. The 4th National Climate Assessment (NCA4) lays out a detailed picture of how communities across the country are already feeling the effects of climate change—from intensified risk of wildfires in California, to droughts slowing agricultural production in Iowa and much more.
The report is the second half of a vast effort by scientists, land managers, public health officials, and others to assess the state of the climate across the U.S. The report’s first volume (LINK), published in 2017, summarized the state-of-the-art knowledge about how climate is affecting temperatures, water resources, sea-level rise, and other natural systems around the country. The second half, published today (LINK), focuses on how climate change is already tugging at the economic and social fabric of the United States…
But the report also highlights how its worst impacts can be avoided, by ADAPTING to our warmer world and by working to lessen future changes in Earth’s climate…
“The message is it’s us, humans, changing the climate,” says Heidi Roop, a research scientist with the Climate Impacts Group at the University of Washington, which helped author a chapter of the new report…
The report is being released on the Friday after Thanksgiving, a day when many Americans are out of the office and news attention is low. Concerned that the messages from the report might be lost, some scientists are planning a Twitter campaign, with the hashtag #ClimateFriday in lieu of “Black Friday,” aiming to bring attention to the report…
This new report is an installment in an ongoing series. It was produced by the ***U.S. Global Change Research program, a consortium made up of representatives from thirteen different federal agencies that was established in 1990, after George H.W. Bush signed the Global Change Research Act into law…
***Wikipedia: US Global Change Research Program
Thirteen departments and agencies participate in the USGCRP, which was known as the U.S. Climate Change Science Program from 2002 through 2008. The program is steered by the Subcommittee on Global Change Research under the Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Sustainability, overseen by the Executive Office of the President, and facilitated by a National Coordination Office…
The following is a list of participating agencies…READ ON
Once again proposals to inject material into the upper atmosphere to cool the planet. The usual ‘scientists say’ “Harvard”, “Yale” name dropping justification. “sulfate particles into the Earth’s lower stratosphere at altitudes up 12 miles high.” We just escaped the last ice age!
However it gets worse
“David Archer of the Department of Geophysical Science at the University of Chicago commented: “The problem with engineering climate in this way is that it’s only a temporary Band-Aid covering a problem that will persist essentially forever, actually hundreds of thousands of years for fossil fuel CO2 to finally go away naturally. ”
Now how does he know this? All man generated CO2 is locked in the atmosphere forever? All nonsense, non science, unsubstantiated and incredible rubbish with the voice of authority.
What is odd here is that despite an undergraduate degree in biochemistry, this professor has spent a lifetime studying calcite and CO2 and oceanography. At what point did he believe that any gas, especially highly soluble CO2 stays in the atmosphere forever, that equilibirium does not exist and that it is not set by physical parameters and that water is an impenetrable barrier to gas? After all, he has a beard, seems passionate and has a job in the specific area of Climate Change at the University of Chicago. Why would fossil fuel CO2 stay in the atmosphere? After all, the premise of ‘ocean acidification’ on which he has also written papers is that the CO2 enters the water, even if its warmer.
It’s all a puzzle to me that anyone would believe such stuff, let alone make a career from it. Maybe I just answered my own question.
As absolute proof, in 1965 the atmospheric bomb tests doubled the isotope C14. So tagged CO2.
It’s all gone now. Where? It’s a question I put to Australian Climate Commissioner Prof Will Steffen, Chemist. He did not answer it. He referred me to the IPCC.
Who, I presume, also didn’t answer it?
Correct. The two references I found were to
1) a 80 years half life of CO2 in the atmosphere used as the reference for all so called ‘green house gases’. No idea who invented this figure but all their figures are wrong if based on CO2 lifespan.
2) a comment that industrial CO2 would remain in the atmosphere for ‘thousands of years’.
The problem everyone has with this is that if anyone admits that man made CO2 is less than 2% , no CO2 effect is man made. Then there is nothing we have done and nothing we can do. Besides, it is notable that no one measures the success of 30 years of blowing up coal power stations or stopping fracking or stopping gas or building windmills in terms of CO2 levels. That’s because everyone knows none of these things has had any measurable effect on CO2 levels and the pushers know it. The entire huge replaceables industry is based on this lie that man made CO2 and man made CO2 alone hangs around forever. Precious. Special. Not like farts.
Gas particles move at incredible speed.
They bump into each other and head off in a new direction.
This process is called Mixing and is part of the life cycle of CO2.
The human origin CO2 is a very small proportion of atmospheric CO2 and is easily drawn in to the life cycle of plants, microbes and animals.
And the elephant in the room is that there are 50 tonnes of CO2 in the oceans for every tonne in the atmosphere. And that there is an equilibrium between the two.
Two consequences: 1. If CO2 were a determinant of global temperatures at its present concentration and above, then we would have a runaway greenhouse already. (CO2 solubility in water is inversely proportional to temperature.) 2. The CO2 we generate goes into the oceans eventually (within about 5 years I understand). But don’t worry about “acid oceans”. Bicarbonate buffering works.
There must be good CO2 and bad CO2 according to those who would have us “decarbonise”.
23 Nov: BBC: Climate change: Report warns of growing impact on US life
By James Cook, Los Angeles correspondent, BBC News
During a blast of icy weather in Washington this week, Donald Trump tweeted, “whatever happened to global warming?”
Now, without mentioning the president, his own scientists have answered their boss’s question in comprehensive detail.
Global warming is here in the United States, they say – now. It is already deadly serious and without urgent, dramatic change, it will be catastrophic.
This report is striking for two reasons. First, it is not abstract. It gives many specific examples – overwhelmed dams in South Carolina; failing crops in the parched Great Plains; a rise in insect-borne disease in Florida…
The White House said the report – compiled with help from numerous US government agencies and departments – was inaccurate.
Spokeswoman Lindsay Walters said it was “largely based on the most extreme scenario, which contradicts long-established trends by assuming that… there would be limited technology and innovation, and a rapidly expanding population”…
What reaction has there been?
Environmental groups said the report underlined their demands for action…
***Brenda Ekwurzel, director of climate science at the Union of Concerned Scientists and one of the report’s authors, said the report made it clear that climate change was not “some problem in the distant future”.
“It’s happening right now in every part of the country,” she said…
That view was echoed by Abigail Dillen, president of environmental group Earthjustice…
Ekwurzel isn’t listed in the credits, but she’s quoted in plenty of FakeNewsMSM today:
1,500 pages!
23 Nov: Union of Concerned Scientists: Latest National Climate Assessment Shows US Already Suffering Damages from Climate Change
Statement by Brenda Ekwurzel, NCA4 Report Author, Senior UCS Climate Scientist
Thirteen federal agencies develop the NCA using the best available science to help the nation “understand, assess, predict and respond to” climate change. The 1,500-page report examines the climate and economic impacts U.S. residents could expect if drastic action is not taken to address climate change…
Ekwurzel to join Bernie!
20 Nov: HuffPo: Bernie Sanders To Host A Climate Town Hall, Amplifying Progressive Calls To Cut Emissions
The likely 2020 presidential candidate is daring TV networks to finally cover climate change.
By Alexander C. Kaufman
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will host a livestreamed town hall summit on climate change next month…
The 90-minute event ― scheduled from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Dec. 3 ― will be held at the Capitol Visitor Center Auditorium in Washington and broadcast over Facebook, YouTube and Twitter by seven progressive media outlets…
Speakers include founder Bill McKibben, activist and “Big Little Lies” star Shailene Woodley, climate scientist ***Brenda Ekwurzel, activist and musician Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, and Mayor Dale Ross of deep-red Georgetown, Texas, whose avowedly pragmatic embrace of newly cheap renewable energy has made him a poster boy for how Republicans could quit climate change denialism…
The summit, which took months to plan, will take place less than a month after Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) propelled talk of a so-called Green New Deal into the Democratic mainstream…
Weather incidents happen !
Running around yelping and screaming that “climate change™” is the cause, without even any scientific evidence that CO2 affects the climate in even the slightest way, really is the stuff of a wacked-out RELIGIOUS fundeMENTALIST GULLIBLE little minds.
ZERO evidence… ZERO science.
“overwhelmed dams in South Carolina”
Someone stuffed up the peak flood estimates. Easy to do.
failing crops in the parched Great Plains
Remember the “dust bowl” years????
a rise in insect-borne disease in Florida…”
Bring back the pesticides that the greenies have denied the use of.
Bring back the bats that have been destroyed by wind turbines.
Nearly all the “damage” in the USA is from greenie/pseudo-environmentalist decrees.
Yep…the climate alarmists are a bunch of hysterical dills that no one believes…
I always imagine these people running around shrieking in ever decreasing circles, like Daffy Duck in a Loony Tunes cartoon…very close to the reality I think…
“Global warming is here in the United States, they say – now.”
I presume whoever said that has not read the most recent climate assessment by the USG, out last week. It shows clearly there is no upward tendency on maximum temperatures where it matters: in summer – the supposed initiator of the Great Thermal Calamity. Generally the USA is cooling except in winter, and that can easily reverse given the PDO and AMO phases.
How to they reconcile the dropping summer temps across the US and calls to greater action to…lower the summertime temps across the US? All that heat wave stuff?
It would be great to see Jo’s presentation. Will it be available sometime?
It was working early this morning Annie but seems to have stopped working, I tried to get YouTube to troubleshoot it but that wasn’t working either, Hmmmmm
If any of the mods can look at this It’d be greatly appreciated.
24 Nov: ABC: China Stone thermal coal mine gets coordinator-general approval but conservationists unhappy
By Andree Withey
A new nearly $7 billion mega-mine in Queensland’s Galilee Basin is a step closer after gaining approval from the state’s coordinator-general, who released has an evaluation of the environmental impact statement (EIS), but conservationists say the decision is “reckless”.
MacMines AustAsia’s 20,000-hectare China Stone thermal coal project is expected to produce 38 million tonnes of coal annually.
It will create thousands of jobs and is planned to be built alongside Adani’s proposed mine in central Queensland, looping into the Indian project’s planned railway line to Abbot Point…
24 Nov: ABC: NT’s solar sector faces sunny future as Channel Island gas turbines head to retirement
By Emily Smith
The Northern Territory is four years out from a decision that could see more than half the capacity at its largest power station shut off.
Although it would put the region on track to meet its clean energy targets, it would also force stakeholders to hedge their bets on a renewables sector that sits well behind the rest of the nation…
By 2030 it aims to increase that to 50 per cent.
But recent comments from the Prime Minister and Chief Scientist could add further incentives — as they saw a chance for the Territory to secure pole position in a global race to export solar-generated hydrogen to Asia…
When asked over the phone if anyone in the NT was looking into its potential, Dr Finkel referred it to the mini-bus “filled with experts” with whom he had just visited a wind farm.
“Sadly they are shaking their heads horizontally,” he reported back.
But he said that will have to change quickly if the NT wants a slice of the action…
“This is the time for Australia to stake its claim as supplier of choice not just to Japan, but to other nations like South Korea, hungry for a 21st century fuel.”…
This is part two of ABC Darwin’s two-part series on renewable energy. View part one, where we look into why the Northern Territory uses only four per cent renewable energy.
24 Nov: ABC: RCR Tomlinson rode the highs and lows of mining for 120 years before being burned by solar
By Kathryn Diss
But it was an aggressive move into a new form of technology, the solar industry, that burned them.
RCR ran at the solar power movement hard and has been involved in building farms across the country, but it was a $57-million write-down on the value of two of its Queensland projects that got it in trouble and should have raised red flags.
“It got itself into problems — it must have known quite some time ago that it had problems and it simply did not tell anyone how bad it was,” business commentator Tim Treadgold said.
“I think it’s another example of an engineering company which bit off more than it could chew, didn’t understand the costs involved with some of the projects it was doing and maybe didn’t understand the technology.
“I don’t think it’s ever built a solar farm before, and obviously there are issues with solar farms an old-fashioned mining engineering firm just didn’t understand.”
Among the solar projects left in limbo after RCR’s collapse is an expansion of Synergy’s Greenough River Solar Farm in WA’s Mid West…
Fundamentally, many analysts say the company ran too hard at the solar game without knowing enough about it, and also found itself in an environment of rising equipment costs, increasing wages and a lack of workers skilled in the renewable energy space…
“They didn’t allow for the fact they had to get permission to connect their solar farm to electricity grid, which is a dramatic oversight on their part,” Mr Treadgold said.
“They did not allow for the fact that there was a shortage of skilled solar farm workers in Australia. They bit off more than they could chew.
“But the more accurate way to describe it is they did not know what they were doing. They bid on contracts they couldn’t complete, they underbid in order to win contracts.”…
Another one bites the dust
Solar energy takes yet another scalp, even with all the subsidies solar energy sinks a 120 year old company
RCR under Noordhoek and Linden was a very good company and then along came the cowboys.
Bill Shorten would not let this happen. He would just give them more money, regardless of how many $trillions they might need.
23 Nov: TheLocalFrance: ‘We hear you’: Macron to announce new measures as French support for ‘yellow vest’ rebellion grows
It seems the French President might be about to extend an olive branch to the gilet jaunes whose protests against rising fuel taxes and a general decline in living standards have been making international headlines this week…
Macron, who is set to present his plan for nuclear energy in front of France’s National Council for the Ecological Transition (CNTE) which is composed of elected representatives, unions, NGOs and associations on Tuesday, will also take the opportunity to announce measures to appease the “yellow vests”, according to an announcement from the Elysee released on Thursday night.
Macron is expected to announce further financia help for French people to help them make the shift to greener cars and sources of heating – known as the “ecological transition”.
“We have received the message from citizens…In order for it to be socially acceptable, the ecological transition – which is necessary – must be fair, equitable and democratic,” said the Elysee on Thursday night without revealing exactly what will be included in Tuesday’s announcement.
I’ve reached my limit, so can’t access this one:
23 Nov: The Local France: “We’re not in Paris for a picnic”: Yellow vest protesters to ignore police warnings
Tens of thousands of “yellow vest” protesters are set to descend on Paris on Saturday…
24 Nov: UK Express: Macron faces fresh misery as 30,000 protesters to descend on Paris over fuel price spike
EMMANUEL Macron is set to face further humiliation today as tens of thousands of people are expected to take to the streets of Paris to protest against rising fuel costs and the French leader’s economic policies.
By Matthew Robinson
Denis Jacob, secretary general of police union Alternative Police, warned that around 30,000 people are expected to attend demonstrations in the French capital today, for the second weekend of “yellow vest” protests which have brought the nation to a grinding halt. He warned that security forces are concerned far-right and far-left activists may attend the protests to escalate tensions. He said: “We know there are ultra-right and ultra-left infiltrators. You can also expect gangs from the suburbs and ‘black-blocks’.”…
President Macron has also faced sharp criticism for taxes he introduced last year on diesel and petrol in a bid to encourage people to move to more environmentally friendly modes of transport…
Paris authorities have permitted demonstrations to take place next to the Eiffel Tower on Saturday, but have rejected requests to hold protests on Place de la Concorde…
However, French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner has branded the protests as “political” and accused President Macron’s opponents, Les Républicains, of being being them.
He told BFMTV: “It’s a political protest with the Republicans behind it, and it’s irrational because the rising taxes have been compensated by the decline in the oil market.
“We hear the protests, we hear the anger, I know the situation, ***but we have to explain that it’s essential that we exit fossil fuels.”
more signs COP24 is just around the corner:
23 Nov: CNN: Dimming the sun: The answer to global warming?
By Matthew Robinson
The research by scientists at Harvard and Yale universities, published in the journal Environmental Research Letters (LINK), proposes using a technique known as stratospheric aerosol injection, which they say could cut the rate of global warming in half.
The technique would involve spraying large amounts of sulfate particles into the Earth’s lower stratosphere at altitudes as high as 12 miles. The scientists propose delivering the sulfates with specially designed high-altitude aircraft, balloons or large naval-style guns.
Despite the technology being undeveloped and with no existing aircraft suitable for adaptation, the researchers say that “developing a new, purpose-built tanker with substantial payload capabilities would neither be technologically difficult nor prohibitively expensive.”
They estimate the total cost of launching a hypothetical system in 15 years’ time at around $3.5 billion, with running costs of $2.25 billion a year over a 15-year period…
The report does, however, acknowledge that the technique is purely hypothetical…
23 Nov: Environmental Research Letters: Stratospheric aerosol injection tactics and costs in the first 15 years of deployment
Authors: Wake Smith and Gernot Wagner
We thank individuals at Airbus, Atlas Air, Boeing, Bombardier, GE Engines, Gulfstream, Lockheed Martin, NASA, Near Space Corporation, Northrup Grumman, Rolls Royce Engines, Scaled Composites, The Spaceship Company, and Virgin Orbit for inputs into our analysis. We thank Elizabeth Burns, Zhen Dai, David Keith, Doug MacMartin, Jesse Reynolds, and Trude Storelvmo for helpful comments and discussions.
One bit of this that I found interesting is that they don’t mention CO2, but do mention the sun! Amazing.
Dave B
In the US, 300 ‘scientists’ have slammed Trump in a big report.
“The White House report, the Fourth National Climate Assessment Volume II, was quietly issued Friday US time and frequently contradicts President Trump.”
At over 1,000 pages
“By the end of the century, the US will be 1.6 degrees celsius to 6.6C hotter depending on how much greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere, the report warns.”
“Report co-author Donald Wuebbles, a University of Illinois climate scientist, said things would just get worse from here.”
So what’s the bet that every ‘scientist’ is a dedicated ‘climate scientist’ who makes their entire living from ‘Climate Change’?
You can be sure that no meteorologists were harmed in the making of this report.
and of course there is the unbeatable closing argument
“more than 90 per cent of the current warming is caused by humans. There are no credible alternative human or natural explanations supported by the observational evidence,” the report says.
They must not have seen Prof Weiss’ lecture then? (15:33) And of course Prof Murry Selby has no idea.
This is not a White House report.
It is a report by an Obama set up Climate Change Squad back in 2012…And still being funded by Congress…
maybe time to pull the funding plug at the White House ?
Thanks. Perhaps Obama ordered White House report. In the true tradition of Yes, Minister, the result was predictable. We are all going to die unless we blow up the power stations and put in windmills.
Also could be titled “The Sky is falling” by dedicated Green Foxy Loxy, who attracted naive chickens to discuss the matter over dinner.
I also notice they blame increased “weather events ” causing damage and destruction as well as the California fire as a sign of CAGW ,will be interesting if the Don has something to say about this Whitehouse white anting
You have to love how ridiculously damage is measured. By cost of replacement. So if a Hollywood star builds in the gum trees and refuses to clear around the house, the fire by this measure is far worse and it’s all Donald Trump’s fault? The same in Florida with 15 Hurricanes/Tropical storms a year. When no one lived there in expensive houses right on the water, the damage was zero.
We had the same in tropical Far North Queensland where major storms hit regularly and except in the case of Darwin and Cyclone Tracey in December 1974 no one was home. Tropical storms didn’t matter and weren’t reported.
Now we have regular major storm damage along the Queensland coast, as in Florida. Holiday islands especially. Who would expect such expensive dwellings on an island with no water? I well remember the original Hayman Island resort. Very basic. Then Hamilton. Port Douglas. So many now.
Since the 1970’s airconditioning and electricity have changed where people live. Dubai? Unliveable without it and now 4.5Million people. Airconditioning based on fossil fuel. So fossil fuel has changed where people can live and now is blamed for them suffering Climate damage by living there. Fossil fuel is evil and calculating.
Its a false move… a LIA is coming, so they seem to be setting up to create as unreliable power ( and potentially very high death rate ) once the cold hits….
““more than 90 per cent of the current warming is caused by humans”
Absolute and complete RUBBISH. !!
The ONLY evidence of that is in their ERRONEOUS climate models.
“There are no credible alternative human or natural explanations supported by the observational evidence,” “
And an argument from IGNORANCE.
Observational evidence shows NO WARMING except from El Nino events, which CANNOT be anything to do with human anything.
They are getting desperate as the sleepy sun starts to lead into a cooling spell.
There will be more and more of this anti-science yelping and carrying on as temperature ease downwards.
If humans can bombard the Earth’s surface with 1400 Watts/m2 at 186,000 miles per second then they can take a podium with the Sun.
Outrageous nonsense. I thought everyone would like it. As if just saying something makes it so. No evidence but that’s the game. Funding.
Universities and professors and their jobs and the argument from authority. The new high priests, Climate Scientists. No meteorology and often no science but impressive pronouncements. In this case 300 of them, which shows how big the quackery has grown.
At the end of Murry Salby’s London lecture in 2016, he talks about how the pseudo science of blood letting persisted 200 years after it was discredited by William Harvey by a simple calculation. One way blood flow never made sense but it was consensus medicine since Roman days. President George Washington was the most famous victim of this lethal quackery.
how about it…
24 Nov: SMH: How about a Robin Hood carbon tax to combat climate change?
By Ross Gittins
What does a public-spirited citizen do when a government makes a solemn commitment to do something important, but simply can’t come up with a policy measure to keep that commitment? Why, they come up with their own suggestion to fill the vacuum…
The public-spirited citizen – or citizens – are Richard Holden, an economics professor at the University of NSW, and Rosalind Dixon, a professor of law at the same uni (who just happen to be married).
This week the pair launched a proposal for an “Australian climate dividend plan” as part of the uni’s “grand challenge on inequality”.
The plan is for a carbon tax, levied at the rate of $50 per tonne of carbon dioxide emissions, not just from electricity generation, but also from transport fuels, direct combustion, fugitive emissions and industrial production processes.
The pair estimate the tax would raise net revenue of about $21 billion a year – and would, of course, raise the retail prices of electricity, gas, petrol, diesel, cement and various other products subject to the tax…
Not likely to be politically popular? Here’s the trick: the $21 billion would be returned to every Australian citizen of voting age, in the form of a tax-free “dividend” payment of about $1300 per person per year.
Because the amount of tax a person paid would vary with the amount of their consumption of taxable items (which, in turn, would vary roughly in line with the size of their incomes), but everyone’s dividend would be a flat $1300 a year, this would produce net winners and net losers.
Holden and Dixon estimate the average household would be a net $585 a year better off. The poorest 25 per cent of households would be better off by more than double that. The net losers would be people whose high spending on taxed items put them on incomes way above average…
Get it? The tax would be highly “progressive”, taking from the rich and giving to the poor…
And don’t forget this. Pollution taxes such as a tax on carbon are intended to encourage people to avoid paying them. How? By using or doing less of the undesirable thing that’s being taxed.
There are many ways a family could reduce the carbon tax it pays. Avoid wasting electricity and gas. When replacing household appliances, make the next one more energy efficient. Make your next car more fuel efficient.
And here’s an idea: why not generate your own power by putting solar panels on the roof? The higher cost of electricity from the grid would mean the investment paid for itself all the quicker…
One obvious way for electricity retailers to reduce the tax on their product (and hence, its price) would be to buy more renewable energy (whose generation involves few emissions) and less coal-fired energy (whose generation involves heavy emissions)…
Is their address c/o Cloud Cuckoo Land?
Given the day’s results, their address may well be ‘somewhere in Victoria’.
Robin Hood tax ! That’s brilliant only it robs from the poor and gives to the rich .
23 Nov: Providence Journal: Impacts of climate change pronounced in Northeast
By Alex Kuffner
PROVIDENCE, R.I. — By 2035, the Northeast is expected to be more than 3.6 degrees warmer on average than during the pre-industrial era, the largest increase in temperature in the contiguous United States, according to the newest installment of the National Climate Assessment released on Friday.
The region — the most densely populated in the nation — will hit that warming milestone more than two decades before global average temperatures reach the same level, according to the comprehensive new report, citing research first published last year by climate scientists at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
Coupled with some of the highest rates of ocean warming and sea level rise in the nation, the Northeast is already experiencing changes to the environment and ecosystems that are increasing risks to its people, infrastructure and economy, the report says…
The recent temperature changes in the region have been felt most acutely in winters, which have warmed three times faster than summers, and are expected to become milder still, with fewer cold extremes and frost days…
PICS/TWEETS: 23 Nov: Accuweather: Photos: Thanksgiving snow blankets western US as record chill grips Northeast
By Brian Lada
It felt like winter across parts of the western and northeastern United States on Thanksgiving Day as heavy snow and biting winds impacted the regions.
“Thanksgiving Day 2018 [brought] the coldest conditions of autumn so far to the Northeast; it [was] flat out blustery and frigid,” AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Alex Sosnowski said.
“Temperatures started the day in the single digits F in the northern tier and the middle 30s in southern Virginia,” Sosnowski said.
“Despite bright sunshine in many places, the temperature rose no more than 10 degrees in most locations during the day.”
The famous Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade was the coldest on record with temperatures in the lower 20s throughout much of the morning in New York City
Providence, Rhode Island; Buffalo and Rochester, New York; Hartford, Connecticut; and Bangor, Maine, are just a sample of cities that experienced their coldest Thanksgiving on record with temperatures as much as 30 degrees below normal…
Many other locations set low temperature records for the date.
Frigid air paired with hurricane-force winds caused the AccuWeather RealFeel® temperature to plummet to minus 83 F on the top of Mount Washington, New Hampshire, on Thursday morning.
For comparison, the average temperature on the surface of Mars is minus 81 F, according to NASA.
The mercury dipped down to record levels at the mountain’s summit with weather observers reporting the lowest temperature ever recorded on the mountain during the month of November.
While the northeastern U.S. shivered, mountains across the western U.S., including California’s Sierra Nevada, saw the first big snow of the season.
Ski resorts across the region welcomed the snow, including Mammoth Mountain in California.
The wintry weather slowed travel across the region as some of the mountain passes became impassable due to heavy snow.
Did anyone actually watch this video link today?
If so why doesn’t it work now, seems a bit strange?
I’ve tried twice…last time got the sound of a ‘carrier’ wave but nothing else but poster for the event. I expect it will be available when bugs are sorted.
It could be a problem with “live streaming”. I have just tried to watch it but I got someone talking about Quantum Electrodynamics (QED), in German (which, unfortunately I do not understand).
Fortunately I got to see Jo give her talk at the Freedom Conference in Sydney, earlier this year.
There is a talk on the program about Experiments on the Greenhouse Effect, which I am hoping to watch.
Neville as above I watched it early this morning at 6am (I slept in) and it was a bit choppy but legible, It will be watchable at some stage but rest assured our Jo did a fantastic job of presenting her message in her usual panache, as an aside I don’t think the distinguished audience was quite ready for such intellect to appear in the form of the classic little black dress.
Another Day, Another Dire Climate Prediction”
David Wallace-Wells has written a new piece of “Climate Disaster Porn” : UN Says Climate Genocide Is Coming. It’s Actually Worse Than That.
This isn’t the first time.
One of the comments to his newest piece is priceless:
I love the certainty with which the author makes these pronouncements. There “will” be a tipping point. Killer heat waves “will” kill millions. Rising seas “will” swallow cities. You guys have been making these scary predictions for 30 years, with zero results. Why should we believe you now?
“Um, because now we really, really, really–better add a couple more–really, really mean it. Don’t make us BREAK OUT THE ALL CAPS!”
Atmospheric CO2 is a minor, very minor, player in the overall climate. It’s modest effect as a greenhouse gas, a fraction of water vapor, diminishes rapidly with increasing concentration. The current 400 ppm provides a very, very slight increase in warming over the Pleistocene average of 280 ppm, which is extremely low by long-term averages anyway. Furthermore, the human contribution of CO2 is less than 5 percent of the total.
Yes, the climate was warmed by a degree or so over the last 150 years or so. So what? Be thankful. One hundred fifty years ago, the planet was still recovering from the effects of the Little Ice Age, the coldest period in about 10,000 years. Since that time we have rebounded to the Holocene average and a trifle extra. Big. Freaking. Deal.”
A couple of links didn’t copy
Just watched someone give a presentation about solar cycles and planetary forcing and very convincing is the Scafetta estimate over the IPCC overblown estimate .
There are now about 3 speakers at the end of the program but still nothing from Jo.
Certainly most of the speakers are missing and just the billboard and no sound for most of the program. This is strange.
Another one starting now
The Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund has just sued Goldman Sachs for allegedly conspiring against the Middle Eastern fund to further a criminal scheme by Malaysia’s scandal-plagued 1MDB. The suit, filed in a New York court on behalf of Abu Dhabi’s International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC), names Goldman Sachs as well as former Goldman officials who were charged by the US Justice Department in indictments unsealed earlier this month. “This action seeks redress for a massive global conspiracy on the part of the defendants to defraud and injure plaintiffs,” said the lawsuit, which also named former executives from IPIC and its subsidiary Aabar Investments.
If this trend continues it’s possible some really wealthy groups who are out to score some points will slap on similar fraud charges on politicians and business leaders who are insistent on using the CAGW story as an excuse to subsides renewables only to benefit financial knowing full well the use of renewables even at 100% will have no impact on the climate.
You know they know ‘renewables’ do not work because they never measure, publish, discuss the amount of reduction of CO2. There is none. How is the patient? How is it working? What effect are we having for $1,500 Billion every year?
What is the point of getting rid of fossil fuels if there is no measurable change in CO2?
It’s not as if the world has not built 350,000+ giant windmills and closed power stations and put in hundreds of square miles of solar.
No one believes there will be any effect on CO2 levels. So no one believes man made CO2 levels. It’s all so self evidently a fr*ud.
Well stated TdeF.
They know one of two things, or possibly both.
1. Human Origin CO2 is such a small percentage of the overall process that it can have absolutely No Effect, and / or
2. Atmospheric CO2 levels do not influence atmospheric temperature: there is no scientific mechanism by which this can occur.
As you say, they know the Truth.
I think we can safely say that. Most of the main pushers of the CAGW story know it’s a myth and are only doing it for financial gain. The vast majority of those who follow them, such as the “normal” people and politicians are doing so only because they are clueless and haven’t bothered to do their own research. It’s a perfect storm though. We have a cycle of politicians chasing votes who are convinced of the CAGW story, which happens to be the biggest scam of all time raking in huge amounts of money for some companies and individuals. It a very hard cycle to break because our education system and much of the MSM also believe and follow the CAGW story. There is one thing on our side – aging population. As more and more people age and wake up to the fact the CAGW story is in fact a scam the harder it will be for politicians who follow the CAGW story to retain their seat. The problem of course is it will take a long while by which time we would either have suffered a crash and burn or we would be on the verge of it.
Then there’s former Liberal leader John Hewson who has bet his income on solar. What’s bet the Turnbull’s are doing well out of windmills and solar too? Now Labor has adopted Malcolm Turnbull’s signature NEG policy.
One of the reasons Australia has turned against the conservative Liberals and Nationals is that they are nothing of the sort, so why vote for them? Turnbull and friends are still desperate to get rid of Tony Abbott, urging Greens to register with the Liberal party and throw Abbott out at preselection. Dishonesty is means to an end.
Mark Textor argued that Liberal voters were rusted on, so ignore them and get Green voters onside. He was wrong. In Victoria, they have stampeded to Labor or the Greens. At least you know what you are getting. Better the devil you know, apparently. Dishonest Liberals, deluded Greens and a dozen dishonest Labor ministers in Victoria self evidently guilty of stealing from the state and using parliament to frustrate the police. What choice is there?
Yes the LNP is imploding thanks to so many leftist within the party destroying what’s left of the it. Shorten must be laughing his head off in private. So the choice is clear. Vote ACP and ONC above the rest. It’s now the only logical and right thing to do. Any other choice is just a perpetuation of the current downward spiral leading to the one and only outcome; crash and burn.
Morrison might still see the light in time, around Easter most likely, and announce that three new coal fired power stations will be built in NSW, Qld and WA.
Morrison might eventually see the light – perhaps he’s seeing it already but he can do very little about it. To make any real change he will have to go over in effect the dead bodies of a lot of his own people. Turnbull is not the only one who wants to complete the change to a left-wing party and get rid of all conservatives, not just Abbott but many others. There is virtually a civil war within the LNP. Morrison I suspect doesn’t have the guts nor the energy to fight the battles on behalf of the conservative side. I wish he would because if he did he would stand a better chance at the next election. At the moment he is weak as water. Let’s hope he surprises me.
Svensmark just about to start ,talking about the link between cosmic rays and cloud cover also the effect they have on climate ,very interesting
OT, but sadly nowhere else to post it. Victorians are now officially morons. Andrews has romped in, and now I am off. Brace yourself, folks, for this is a harbinger for the next Fed poll. They say that things get worse before they get better, but how much worse must they get?
Ye Gods.
Fair enough comment Greebo ,I now live in the Glorious Socialist Republic of Dumfukistan but I don’t have to like it .
Will vehicle registration plates now say ‘Victoria..the dumb state’?
Plenty to choose from Annie,
Victoria the….
– state of apathy
– forgetful state
– red state
– dark state
– static state
– deep state
– union state
– apex state
– test state
or my pick ‘Victoria The State’
“Victoria – the place to be from”
Victoria delenda est. (
DFS – used to stand for data free statement
I’m braced for that. TV, Comfy, Chair, Chardonnay, Latte, Popcorn…. all set.
But seriously, will be interesting to see if the RW of Australian politics actually learns anything from the Victoria and recent bye elections actual results. Got real world hard numbers and distribution data now for shall we say…the polls that matter. They need to look at what are laughingly called their “policy positions” and work out how they need to change those, or, what they can do to actually convince the electorate they are right. RW failing bad on all fronts at the moment and self inflicted wounds are responsible for a lot of that.
I mean FFS……people are STILL talking about what a screw up their 2014 Budget was. That’s…amazing.
Sorry, posted too soon and just found this.
From Tony Windsor –
“This is possibly the most important message of the Vic election …the people are mature enough to see through shit when it gets sprayed on them .”
As I said on the other thread, transport infrastructure is the key to political success.
Here’s one that may well switch to Corgi’s mob.
Libs well rid of him though.
The Libs chose a soft option.
Becoming Labor Lite will hasten the party’s defeat, the pink green slime are morphing into brown shirts.
There is not enough room for three left-wing parties.
I was no fan of Abbott, but I’m starting to think the real reason for his removal lies in the phenomenal levels of debt which the whole West has been persuaded to take on since the GFC (cause by phenomenal levels of debt, go figure).
Like the abrupt dissolution of physical, social and personal borders, debt has been thrust upon us with great but calculated speed, as media and entertainment either support or distract from its progress. What was outrageous in 2008 is now the comfortable norm. And soon…Want to marry a lamp post or a toaster? A very low interest loan can be provided for that. (Hell, even interest has ceased to matter. Just take the debt.)
At some point Abbott may have been slightly resistant to the corruption, waste and loss of sovereignty achieved by allowing debt of impossible proportions to weigh on the nation, as on the world. For all this tin ear and dithering, Abbott was not a globalist at heart, or, more accurately, not a cynic. Globalist manipulators and plunderers don’t need other globalists in political power. They need utter cynics like Gillard, Turnbull, Bishop and Shorten. I suspect ScoMo is not enough of a cynic. Frydenberg is as electable as Turnbull. The Libs will have to go.
I couldn’t care about Labor and Lib. I’ll vote right because there are more cynics leading the left. What matter to me are tradition, national sovereignty, family, property and privacy, the targets of the old collectivists and of the new. For me this will mean respecting those values elsewhere, so my nationalism is not patriotism. Regions can’t guarantee the essentials, empires want to take them away from us. Only a sovereign nation can preserve what most needs preserving. Globalists know it. We need to know it.
strange man:
19 Nov: EurActiv: Macron: ‘More sovereignty’ for Europe needed to prevent global ‘chaos’
by with AFP and Reuters
French President Emmanuel Macron on Sunday (18 December) urged a Franco-German push to make Europe a stronger and more confident global player that could prevent “chaos” on the world stage…
“Europe, and within it the Franco-German couple, have the obligation not to let the world slip into chaos and to guide it on the road to peace,” Macron told the German parliament.
“That’s why Europe must be stronger… and win more sovereignty,” he said at a ceremony to honour the victims of past wars and dictatorships.
***Macron said it was Europe that had led the drive for green energy and against climate change and was now most strongly pushing multilateral approaches to trade, security, migration and environmental policy…
23 Nov: Breitbart: Merkel: EU States Must Prepare to Hand National Sovereignty over to Brussels
by Virginia Hale
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said that European Union (EU) member states must be prepared to transfer powers over to Brussels at a debate on the ‘tensions’ between globalisation and national sovereignty.
“Nation states must today be prepared to give up their sovereignty,” Merkel said, speaking at an event organised by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Berlin on Wednesday.
“In an orderly fashion of course,” Merkel said, explaining that — while Germany had given up some of its sovereignty in order to join the EU, national parliaments were in charge of deciding whether to sign up to international treaties…
Earlier in the day, the Chancellor had previously accused critics of her plans to sign up to the Global Compact for Safe and Orderly Migration, which declares migration ‘inevitable, necessary and desirable’, of advocating “nationalism in its purest form”.
“That is not patriotism, because patriotism is when you include others in German interests and accept win-win situations,” insisted Merkel, paraphrasing her French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, who recently claimed that “patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism [because] nationalism is treason”…
22 Nov: CleanEnergyWire: German government plans to postpone deadline for coal commission
Sources told the Clean Energy Wire the commission may have to extend its work on the phase out of the fossil fuel until January instead of presenting its final proposal by year-end, confirming reports by newswire dpa and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Environmental organisations lambasted the plans for a delay and called for the commission to stick to its original timetable. [UPDATE – adds statements from WWF, BMWi, and additional commission source].
Three east German federal coal states, two of which face elections in 2019, demanded that the commission first elaborates in more detail how affected mining regions can manage the transition before making detailed plans for a phase-out, sources told the Clean Energy Wire…
Environmental NGOs vow to fight postponement…
***“We will not accept this change in the schedule as given,” Münchmeyer (Greenpeace) said…
meanwhile, in Australia:
22 Nov: The Conversation: Michelle Grattan: Grattan on Friday: Labor’s energy policy is savvy – now is it scare-proof?
Energy Minister Angus Taylor went for the ultimate try-on, when he posed outside the Tomago Aluminium Smelter in Newcastle and claimed that “if all of Bill’s batteries were installed, it would keep this smelter, this business, going for less than 15 minutes”. “Bill’s batteries” are not, of course, aimed at powering Tomago…
This week’s announcement is about the energy sector only – the opposition will release soon its climate change policies to lower emissions in other sectors including transport. The government, homing in on the 45% target, is conjuring up scares about the nation’s cattle herd and the like.
Labor claims its energy policy would drive power prices down; the government says it would drive them up. In fact no one can be sure what will happen in the next few years in a situation where we are undergoing a major transition to a different energy mix…
Labor would be heartened by the early responses its policy is receiving from business groups, despite their reservations…
Most notable in the reaction of these groups, however, was their hankering for the NEG…
The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry was likewise encouraged by the reference to the NEG.
This indicates that Labor’s decision to include the NEG in its plan is not just sound on policy grounds but is politically savvy. By keeping alive the NEG option, Labor has reached out to business…
24 Nov: SMH: Nicole Hasham: Is Labor’s energy plan really a wrecking ball for industry?
Frontier Economics managing director Danny Price was commissioned to conduct official modelling for the Coalition’s energy guarantee, and in recent days updated the work to compare scenarios with a 45 per cent and 26 per cent cut in emissions. He found that “reliability issues are no different at all” under each scenario, nor were there differences in prices…
Respected energy economist Bruce Mountain, director of the Victoria Energy Policy Centre, has advised government departments and regulators.
He said analysis his organisation is due to release next month would show “the expansion of wind and solar capacity is likely to bring [electricity] prices down far more quickly than would be the case if it didn’t expand”…
He disputed claims that state-based renewables schemes led to coal plant closures, saying the closures occurred when coal mines were exhausted and coal plants reached the end of their lives.
On the question of reliability, Dr Mountain cited a report by the Australian Energy Market Operator released in July that modelled various rates of transition to renewables.
“AEMO has not given us any reason to imagine there is a crisis [if renewables take a 50 per cent share of the mix] … they aren’t saying should wind and solar expand to that level, there is a problem,” he said…
Labor says AEMO’s report, known as its integrated system plan, confirms that new coal power is more expensive than renewables “firmed” or backed up by storage such as pumped hydro or batteries…
Mr Taylor was unable to produce modelling on Thursday to support claims Labor’s energy plan represented an economic wrecking ball, saying the conclusion was “just straight maths”…
Labor is yet to reveal plans for how it will cut emissions across other sectors to meet its 45 per cent economy-wide target.
It has not committed to a price on carbon. But Mr Butler this week said there would be “an emissions-trading type scheme” for high-polluting industries, which is likely to include manufacturing and liquefied natural gas among others. This means the carbon emissions of companies in those sectors would be restricted and they would be required to buy permits for pollution they emit over that level…
The transport sector is also reportedly expected to be held to a 45 per cent emissions reduction target under a Labor government, partly through emissions standards, and land clearing in the agriculture sector is likely to be curbed…
beyond depressing, from start to the finish, when Speers gets Taylor to twice say he doesn’t want to ditch Paris. talk of not allowing it to be “at the expense of the country’s ‘agriculture, transport and manufacturing sectors’ is clearly ridiculous:
VIDEO: 14min45sec: 23 Nov: Sky News: David Speers: Angus Taylor agrees Australia should remain in Paris Agreement
Energy Minister Angus Taylor has told Sky News that Australia should meet its international obligations and stay in the Paris Agreement. However Mr Taylor says Australia’s inclusion in the agreement should not come at the expense of the country’s ‘agriculture, transport and manufacturing sectors’.
Scomo needs to look hard at the Victoriastan election results because I can see a similar result in store for him unless he distances his party from Labor and Green .
As I’ve said before,
Labor and Green have the leftist/socialist/climate-change™ vote all sown up.
There is no room for 3 left-wing parties, no votes in it.
As long as that is where the Liberals keep trying to position themselves, they cannot win.
Still on the pumped hydro nonsense. Get rid of it.
all one big happy CAGW family in the UK:
23 Nov: Guardian: Adam Vaughan: Tory MPs demand net-zero carbon emissions by 2050
Theresa May called on to commit to ambitious climate target
Fifty Conservative MPs have called on Theresa May to adopt an ambitious target of cutting carbon emissions to net zero before 2050, to show international leadership on climate change and protect British jobs.
Former ministers Damian Green, Oliver Letwin and Anna Soubry are among the signatories of the letter to the prime minister, which said that a stronger long-term goal would cut energy bills and improve air quality…
Simon Clarke, the Brexiter Tory MP who organised the letter, said: “By setting a net-zero target before 2050 we can ensure the UK is at the forefront of the zero-carbon technological revolution whilst cementing our status as a global climate leader.”…
More than 160 MPs have signed the plea to May, including from Labour, the SNP, Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru and the Green party. Organisers hope to get 100 Tory MPs signed up by the time the government’s advisers, the Committee on Climate Change, reports back next spring.
Meeting a goal of net-zero emissions before 2050 would require far-reaching changes beyond those already under way in energy, buildings and transport.
But the letter’s signatories argue it would put the UK “at the forefront of the race for investment in clean industries”, and build on a history of “British ingenuity” in science and engineering.
The Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, used his conference speech in September to commit the party to a target of net-zero emissions by the middle of the century. The letter calls for the goal to be met before 2050 but there is no agreed date – WWF said this week that 2045 was possible…
Simon Clarke, who organised the letter, is an advocate for onshore wind. Guardian only describes him as a Brexiteer, but:
26 Aug: ConservativeHome: Simon Clarke: Let’s make Brexit bold, inspiring and green – not timid and apologetic
By Simon Clarke MP
My constituents do not want a timid, pale, apologetic Brexit…
As we update our statute book, we need to be mature enough to recognise the things the EU does well, but bold enough to take transformative action where we can do better. There is no clearer example than environmental policy…
The potential for a new system that rewards real investment in sustainable farming is revolutionary…
That’s why I am calling for a new Environment Act to restore nature, reinvigorate our green economy, and inspire the world with our environmental conviction. Michael Gove recently appeared before the Environmental Audit Committee and set out his plans for a new watchdog and a green principles policy. The heart of his proposal is to replace important functions that the EU has done quite well: standing up for environmental justice and weaving ideas like the “polluter pays principle” through every policy area…
This autumn, the Government will publish a draft Environmental Governance and Principles Bill that could match the EU on strong, green justice, but improve on the speed of proceedings and achieve greater clarity on how the principles of environmental law should be applied.
This kind of clarity would give businesses confidence to invest in new technologies and greener plans, secure in the knowledge that green principles would be applied routinely and robustly. As a member of the Treasury Select Committee, I’m hugely excited by the idea of taxes that take account of environmental externalities much more systematically than the EU has achieved, so the market really rewards sustainable choices…
But if we’re truly ambitious, we will go further still. We need an Environment Bill with powerful provisions that can stimulate environmental investment, accountability and ambition across Government, economy and society – the kind of focused reform that we have not imagined as a member of the EU.
Most importantly, we need to set the government’s landmark ambition to improve our environment in law. We already have a strong 25-year environment plan, but its power to drive change would be multiplied many times by the certainty provided by statute…
UK low carbon industries are worth billions of pounds a year, defying every economic hiccup with strong growth, thanks to the direction we’ve given in our carbon budget…
But perhaps it is worth finishing with a thought about Green Global Britain. In 2020, world leaders will meet in China to agree a new global deal on environmental protection. When the UK delegation arrives in Beijing, I hope we take to the table a copy of a world-leading Environment Act that will demonstrate our domestic commitment and act as a blueprint for an ambitious multilateral deal…
article mentions Damian Green as one of the signatories, yet he has the kind of baggage that would normally make someone like him persona non grata at The Guardian!
Wikpedia: Damian Green
one by one, they disappear…
23 Nov: BBC: Spark Energy Supply ceases trading
An energy supply company with almost 300,000 customers has ceased trading.
Spark Energy Supply is part of a gas and electricity firm which employs more than 300 staff at its Selkirk headquarters.
The move comes after the company was given a £14m bill by the energy regulator Ofgem for non-payment of its renewable power obligation.
Ovo Energy has confirmed it has entered into a conditional agreement to buy the company and take on its customers.
Ofgem said the energy supply for Spark’s 290,000 customers would continue as normal
For discussion
‘I think the difference between an sceptic and an alarmist is the half full glass syndrome. Is it half full, or is it half empty?
Because sceptics take the time to delve deeper into the subject of climate change we are obviously curious, and curiosity is a positive character trait as far as I’m concerned.
We are probably also less inhibited about expressing ourselves, especially when we see something wrong, even an every day practical thing like asking someone to pick up their litter.
We look for positives in our lives rather than fearing everything negative. We are optimists and would welcome a half full glass of water rather than scorning a half empty glass.
The positives of climate change, assuming the world is getting warmer, far outweigh it getting colder, we know that with 100% certainty, everyone knows that. We also recognise that no matter what we do, the climate and the world will change so why not make the best of what we have instead of whining about what might, or might not happen.
We say, why not do something about the 120,000,000 people in developing countries who will die from smoke inhalation by 2050 (32 years away) because they are forced to burn cow shit and twigs to keep warm and cook with? We say, that could be me and my family right now were it not but for the grace of god.
We are realists, we look at the problem of climate change and determine that attempting to solve the problem with wind turbines and solar panels which provide a 1% solution, lets forge on and deal with real issues affecting us now. With a healthier, wealthier population we can face anything coming our way far more effectively than one half of the world limping along dragging the other half in our wake.
We are positive people. We’re not sceptics simply because we enjoy dismantling another’s argument, we point out the reality of the situation like the world greening by 14% in the last 35 years with no help whatsoever from wind turbines or solar panels. We recognise that there is not one single demonstrable negative effect yet attributed to increased atmospheric CO2 yet the 14% greening is entirely ignored by alarmists, why is that?
We know that no one has ever demonstrated by empirical means that CO2 causes the planet to warm, that’s no one, ever, so why would we worry about an unproven hypothesis?
We have seen claims for the last 50 years or so, flip flopping back and forth, between cooling and warming. We have seen claims of impending doom on a regular basis during that period, now being made on an annual basis. How can we possibly be positive about that when all the results of those claims are negative, none of them have manifested themselves.
Sceptics are positive realist’s, alarmists are negative fantasist’s, there’s a bogey man around every corner, probably why they like horror movies, a phenomenon that has never interested me since I was a kid because my realistic nature assures me it’s all just fantasy and green screen technology.”
And the whole thread FYI
Gawd! Drawn the magic moderator again
Start here and follow down
“Statistical analysis is these days meant for the putting on of lipstick on a pig.”
I’ve been dying to learn how one gets the pig to hold still for such an indignation.”
“Easy. The pig has already been cooked. It’s what all climate…cough…gag…hack…scientists do. Otherwise the pig wriggles too much.”
Still no sign of Jo’s address to the EIKE conference.
Perhaps we may see her in the UK at the GWPF later on? But very disappointing.
Did you allow for the +8 hour (Perth)to +11 hour (Sydney) time differential?
For the record
“Palm Oil Was Supposed to Help Save the Planet. Instead It Unleashed a Catastrophe”
A good reason to doubt their other predictions too – IMO
for the record
While checking to see if anything on at the conference google gave me some suggestions and this one caught my interest about the origins of the Global Warming Scare .
It’s long winded but the AlGore link is something I never knew only his later day activism.
Meanwhile they’ve just endured the coldest Thanksgiving in the NE US since 1901.
Amazing that this story even gets a run in some of their MSM.
The CAGW activists (including most politicians, MSM and educators) who are in the West and only in the West will simply ignore it as an irrelevant event. Meanwhile they will continue to yell from the roof tops the end of the world is coming if we don’t stop using coal and get as close as possible to 100% renewables. At the same time more and more coal fired power stations are being built pretty much everywhere except in a tiny number of nations where the CAGW story is taken as fact. In spite of that more CO2 will be expelled from coal fired power stations all over the world for some time even if we closed down all of ours making our efforts pointless and suicidal. Still it is worthwhile seeing such reports of an actually cooling climate to try and wake up as many people as possible to see if the next federal election will shock both major parties into realising they are on the wrong track and at least one of them to dump the push for any more renewables and start promoting and if necessary subsidising coal fired power stations, both in terms of bolstering existing ones and building new ones. I wait with great anxiety and interest as to how people will vote purely based on the energy issue, assuming people by then haven’t been turned off it due to disinterest.
Global cooling will be masked by El Nino, but the collapse of the subtropical ridge should bring enough weird weather to send a shiver down their spine.
A left wing associate noticed that Graeme, the ABC weather man, mentioned the extreme heat wave in the Top End but only gave a cursory nod to the cold air outbreak in south east Australia. I told her its the sin of omission, blatant propaganda. She reluctantly agreed, so there is hope that we can sway the masses very quickly.
The fossil-defueling of the planet has been postponed indefinitely;
The Kobe project is one of more than 30 new power stations being planned or built by Japan that burn coal — the dirtiest and most polluting fossil fuel and one which is being phased out by some 30 governments around the world. [..]
Japanese government officials justify their reliance on coal by citing cost, security of supply concerns and the need for a diverse energy mix. Coal power plants are “necessary” because “the resource is cheap and more economical with scale,” Shogo Tanaka, director of the Energy Strategy Office at METI, told the Nikkei Asian Review.
They’re acting as though they want the lights to stay on.”
And comments
an oldie but good for those waiting for Jo’s appearance.
a great moment, when the sceptics won the debate on public radio, in front of what could be described as an older ABC Q&A audience.
it features one of the authors of the latest National Climate Assessment 2018 – who is being quoted in much of the MSM – Brenda Ekwurzel of UCS and the late, but great, Michael Crichton, among others:
VIDEO/TRANSCRIPT: March 2007: Intelligence Squared US: Debate + Q&A: Global warming is not a crisis
Global warming has sparked widespread alarm over the fate of the planet. Proponents argue that, unless we invest substantial economic and political resources into combating global warming, earth will be irrevocably damaged and human existence as a whole will be threatened. Should we trust current models to project the state of the Earth in 100 years, or 1,000 years?
Does the science really add up? Are we endangering future generations by failing to act?
FOR THE MOTION: Michael Crichton, Richard Lindzen, Philip Stott
AGAINST THE MOTION: ***Brenda Ekwurzel, Gavin Schmidt, Richard C.J. Somerville
Live Audience: For The Motion: +15% Change
Online Audience: For The Motion: +25% Change
BTW ex-NYT writer & CAGW gate-keeper, Andrew Revkin – who was demoted to a columnist (until 2016 when he left) following his appearance in the Climategate emails – takes up a bit of time in the Q&A section, following the opening presentations:
March 2007: Marc Morano: Scientific Smackdown: Skeptics Voted The Clear Winners Against Global Warming Believers in Heated NYC Debate
Just days before former Vice President Al Gore’s scheduled visit to testify about global warming before the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works, a high profile climate debate between prominent scientists Wednesday evening ended with global warming skeptics being voted the clear winner by a tough New York City before an audience of hundreds of people.
Before the start of the nearly two hour debate the audience polled 57.3% to 29.9% in favor of believing that Global Warming was a “crisis”, but following the debate the numbers completely flipped to 46.2% to 42.2% in favor of the skeptical point of view…ETC
Gavin Schmidt on the debate:
March 2017: RealClimate: Adventures on the East Side
Our side played it it pretty straight – the basic IPCC line (Richard Somerville), commentary on the how ‘scientized’ political debates abuse science (me, though without using the word ‘scientized’!) and the projections and potential solutions (Brenda Ekwurzel). Crichton went with the crowd-pleasing condemnation of private jet-flying liberals – very popular, even among the private jet-flying Eastsiders present) and the apparent hypocrisy of people who think that global warming is a problem using any energy at all. Lindzen used his standard presentation – CO2 will be trivial effect, no one knows anything about aerosols, sensitivity from the 20th Century is tiny, and by the way global warming stopped in 1998. Stott is a bit of a force of nature and essentially accused anyone who thinks global warming is a problem of explicitly rooting for misery and poverty in the third world…
One minor detail that might be interesting is that the organisers put on luxury SUVs for the participants to get to the restaurant – 5 blocks away. None of our side used them (preferring to walk), but all of the other side did…ETC
24 Nov: The Hill: Al Gore accuses Trump officials of trying to ‘bury’ climate report
By Chris Mills Rodrigo
“Unbelievably deadly and tragic wildfires rage in the west, hurricanes batter our coasts — and the Trump administration chooses the Friday after Thanksgiving to try and bury this critical U.S. assessment of the climate crisis,” Gore said in a statement.
“The President may try to hide the truth, but his own scientists and experts have made it as stark and clear as possible,” the former vice president-turned climate change advocate added…
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in a tweet accused the administration of seeking to “bury a new report about the devastating consequences of climate change.”
“Why?” Sanders said. “Because Trump’s actions are actively making it worse.”
“It’s an absolute disgrace to bury the truth about climate impacts in a year that saw hundreds of Americans die during devastating climate-fueled megafires, hurricanes, floods, and algal blooms,” National Wildlife Federation President Collin O’Mara said in a statement.
David Easterling, director of the National Centers for Environmental Information Technical Support Unit, said the release date was moved up because the program responsible for it felt it “would be a topic of discussion” at two international conferences coming up.
“We wanted to get this out sufficiently in advance of those meetings to ensure that folks have a chance to review it,” Easterling said during a phone call with reporters on Friday.
24 Nov: Daily Caller: ‘Embarrassing’: Climate Expert Explains What’s Wrong With The White House’s New Climate Report
by Chris White
The scientists who wrote the National Climate Assessment (NCA) used unreliable information that exaggerates the risks global warming poses, University of Colorado Prof. Roger Pielke Jr. noted in a series of tweets. He fears the report will make it easier for critics to dismiss future climate studies.
“By presenting cherrypicked science, at odds w/ NCA Vol,1 & IPCC AR5, the authors of NCA Vol.2 have given a big fat gift to anyone who wants to dismiss climate science and policy,” Pielke Jr. wrote in a tweet Friday shortly after the White House released the report. “Embarrassing.”…
A White House statement Friday said the report was “largely based on the most extreme scenario” of global warming and that the next assessment would likely be more balanced. Pielke agrees…
note BBC only reported White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters as saying the report was “largely based on the most extreme scenario, which contradicts long-established trends by assuming that… there would be limited technology and innovation, and a rapidly expanding population”.
24 Nov: Voice of America: White House Says Dire Climate Report Based on ‘Extreme Scenario’
White House Bureau Chief Steve Herman contributed to this report.
White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters noted that work on the assessment began under the administration of former U.S. president Barack Obama and uses multiple modeling scenarios to assess the effects of climate change. But the report issued Friday, according to Walters, relies too heavily on the worst-case-scenario.
“The report is largely based on the most extreme scenario, which contradicts long-established trends by assuming that, despite strong economic growth that would increase greenhouse gas emissions, there would be limited technology and innovation, and a rapidly expanding population,” Walters said in a statement.
She said the next climate assessment, which will be prepared over the next four years, will “provide for a more transparent and data-driven process that includes fuller information on the range of potential scenarios and outcomes.”
Walters also pointed out that, since 2005, carbon dioxide emissions related to energy production in the U.S. have declined 14 percent, while global emissions continue to rise…
shame on the BBC.
even these official figures are being downplayed in some MSM:
24 Nov: AP: French protesters angry over fuel taxes clash with police
Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said that 8,000 protesters flooded the Champs-Elysees at the demonstration’s peak and there were nearly 106,000 protesters and 130 arrests in total nationwide.
25 Nov: Daily Mail: Paris is BURNING: Huge bonfires are lit on the Champs Elysee as police use tear gas and water cannon to blast thousands of protesters against proposed fuel hikes
•The worst violence took place in Paris where a huge crowd called for President Emmanuel Macron to resign
•Fires rage along Champs Elysee as 106,000 across France demonstrated, some clashing with the police
By Peter Allen for MailOnline and AFP and AP and Chris Dyer For Mailonline
By mid-afternoon, 106,000 protesters had been counted across France…
Around 8,000 took to the streets in Paris…
***However this time, while there was a major disruption on roads across the country, turnout was lower than a week ago and a call from protest leaders to block the capital looked to have failed…
Mr. Macron has insisted that fuel prices have to rise in line with green initiatives made necessary by the Paris Climate Change agreement.
He said there would be ‘no possibility’ of his government backing down in the face of disturbances…
Macron has so far held strong and insisted the fuel tax rises are a necessary pain to reduce France’s dependence on fossil fuels and fund renewable energy investments, a cornerstone of his reforms of the nation.
He will defend free plans to make the ‘energy transition’ easier next week.
The ‘yellow vests’ hail overwhelmingly from non-urban areas of France…
Many of the often low-income ‘yellow vest’ protesters are particularly incensed at his decision to hike anti-pollution taxes on diesel, while scrapping a wealth tax on the rich…
***there is no way the FakeNewsMSM didn’t know about this, yet none are reporting it in the English MSM. can’t speak for French-language media because I haven’t checked it out:
24 Nov: RFI France: Yellow Vests clash with police, curse Macron at Paris protest
By Tony Cross
They ignored official orders to stage their demonstration by the Eiffel Tower and some clashed with police who ***sealed off the Champs-Elysées Avenue.
A solid cordon of police ***sealed off the Champs Elysées and surrounding streets, leaving the Place de la Concorde, opposite the French parliament, eerily empty.
***“They’ve blocked everything off!” exclaimed one of a group of young men striding down the Tuileries Gardens. “We can’t get through. We can’t tell them what we want to tell them. They’ve closed all the metro stations. They don’t want us to speak up.”
So what did he want to say?
“We’ve had enough. Taxes, it’s too much. The old people. I’m here for my parents. They’ve given their lives, now they see how much they’re paid and oh la la! Pensions have gone down, their spending power has gone down. Christmas is coming, they have grandchildren …”
“Fuel is the straw that’s broken the camel’s back. People have had enough of everything.”
The protests were sparked by a rise in a green tax on petrol and diesel introduced by President Emmanuel Macron’s government…
The sound of teargas rounds being fired echoed in the streets around Place de la Madeleine, where several hundred protesters faced CRS riot police
As young men ran from the police, one berating a cameraman for the TV coverage of the movement, Nicolas, a manual worker from Picardy, voiced the frustrations of people living in rural areas and small towns who are the backbone of this protest movement.
”Half way through the month, we have nothing to live on,” he said.
He was against “petrol, all these taxes, on food, everything”, he said. “I need my car to go to work, to fetch the children from school, to do the shopping. We need the car all the time.”…
“I’m against the government,” said Daniel, standing with a group of friends as some protesters boo the cops and others appeal to them to join the movement. “The way they behave all the time at the expense of French people, who are struggling every month just to get by.”
Is it becomiong more difficult to make ends meet for him?
“Yes, it’s more difficult. We’re taxed all over the place, all the taxes they add all the time. It never ends. It’s pay, pay, pay…”
What about the government’s claim the tax increases are needed to fight climate change.
“That’s crap,” said Daniel, only to be interrupted by a woman protester, crying: “We’re real greens, not like them! We try to eat organic with the little left to us.”…
These demos need to watch our for agents provocateurs that deliberately try to start a riot, create chaos and target police etc. to make the demo look bad. I suspect there will be infiltrators.
theRealUniverse –
agreed, and not only among the violent. a bit suspicious the ” real green”, “organic”, “crying” woman interrupting Daniel just as he’s responding about CAGW.
amazing how little MSM focuses on the actual cost of petrol in France, preferring to write about increases in centimes. an exception:
25 Nov: Time: Paris Police Clash With Demonstrators Protesting Rising Fuel Taxes
Gasoline currently costs about 1.64 euros a liter in Paris ($7.06 a gallon), slightly more than diesel…
Australians probably pay a little less & do nothing about it!
but Americans?
from comments at FreeRepublicForum today:
Lowest I saw today US$2.08 a gallon.
$1.97 per gal in Pflugerville, TX. Costco and Murphy Oil
Arkansas Holiday Gas Prices Lower Than National Average
U.S. News & World Report-23 Nov 2018
Arkansas … are paying only $2.33 per gallon of gas
Quote of the day:
French carbon (sic) tax protester: “It’s going to trigger a civil war and me, like most other citizens, we’re all ready.”
“They take everything from us. They steal everything from us,” said 21-year-old Laura Cordonnier.
Interesting to hear people in the streets saying this is not a left/right thing, they are as bad as each other. The French citizens have a history of revolution and this sounds like a genuine peoples uprising.
they want the carbon, they want the dough,
they buy he media, they’re pretty slow
i know a few, you do too,tomorrow the shoe
goes to the other foot
Just happens that there is a Federal Newspoll out tonight. In the wake of the Vic elections (but they sampled thurs / fri i think?? ) and Parliament back tomorrow.
55/45 to the ALP.
There are no votes to be found by trying to be the third left-wing party.
Union-left and loonie-left have all those votes.
Australia is making a contest of it with Germany, into who can plunge fastest and furthest into climate economic-suicide.
Given the ALP’s expertise in destroying the economy I am betting on Australia.
V2, it will be close:
control freaks like their toys
“Santa, give us more!”–
the Christmas tree will be lit–
“Too bad, less equal pigs,you’re only fit
to grease the great wheels”
control freaks push their buttons
“Santa, give us more!”–
’tis the seaon to be sure–
“Tough, less equal pigs, you’re
grist again/again/again”