A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Thankyou for all your work on bringing us information on the ‘virus’ Jo.
any reason for the inverted quotes around virus?
How dare she?
Should have been “the” virus, right?
that’s just weird
Brewer’s droop?
I’ve just received an email response from a staffer in the Office of Celia Hammond MP, Federal Member for Curtin, to my 4 March email correspondence.
Clearly somebody in there reads Jo’s blog.
This is a powerful blog.
Thanks Jo.
Good letter SS,
What did Celia Hammond have to say in reply?
Any sensible criticisms against reality?
“Any sensible criticisms against reality?”
Here we go again.
Outstanding maths and computer work but!
There’s an oversimplification of the factors involved in the mass, heat and momentum transfer balance of the system under investigation.
Just one small example:
did you calculate the energy absorbed by the system in creating movement in many millions of tonnes of “air” every day?
Every cubic metre of air at stp weighs about 1.2 kg and energy is used to get it moving from rest every morning when the Sun comes up.
The creation of Wind has an energy cost, something which Trenberth et al might have glossed over so using their framework to base your analysis on might be less than helpful.
Don’t forget, he’s just a climate scientist.
Best to start from scratch from known factors and begin exploring for yourself.
e.g. The Earth’s core is at several thousand degrees C while deep space surrounding the planet is about 1.2 degrees above absolute zero.
Those are the boundary conditions, now go for it and find more in between.
Then once you have sorted out day, go and do night.
🙂 KK
Nice, Keith. Please tell us what NET wind is. I exclude all horizontal transfers because the NET is probably ZERO. If I’m wrong, and that’s possible, point me in the right direction. Don’t hold me personally up to a standard way beyond all current scientists.
My only goal is to be on the right track, not nail everything on the first attempts.
What I’m saying Zoe is that I admire your clear thinking and desire to look deeply into the CAGW meme.
Unfortunately those sciency looking schematics purporting to show an energy balance for Earth are extremely incomplete representations of reality.
Don’t stand on the shoulders of dwarfs, your conclusions may be flawed.
If for a moment we ignore the component of solar energy absorbed by green plants in photosynthesis and look on the issue of horizontal movement of Wind we can see something about ignoring horizontal movement.
Horizontal movement of the air is Wind.
Wind occurs because every morning the Sun causes the surface to warm and transfer some of that energy to the stagnant air.
The warmed parcel of air expands, becomes less dense than surrounding air and rises, convection.
This relatively abrupt vertical movement creates a vacuum which a cooler parcel of air is drawn in to fill.
Trenberth et al do not factor in the energy absorbed in lifting the original parcel of air to initiate the wind.
There is an energy cost.
Uhm, it’s called Sensible Heat, and included. Whether it’s correctly calculated is another story.
Look, it’s really simple: For now, I can’t stray too far from what is recognizeable.
Zoe, the acceleration of a 1.2 kg mass of air horizontally is not “energy neutral”.
The elevation of millions of tonnes of water from sea level to cloud level requires the injection of energy which can be relinquished at altitude. This energy that’s given up as water gas condenses to water droplets then heads down the temperature gradient to deep space.
There’s enough kinetic energy from solar and geothermal to get molecules moving at ~500 m/s near the surface. If the sun goes behind a cloud, some spot will have molecules now moving at 490 m/s. Now you can get wind from 500 m/s spot to 490 m/s spot.
I don’t know why you think this differential is some sort of extra energy! It is a rebalancing of available energy.
Equator hot, poles cold. Energy travels from hot to cold. There is no magical extra energy for me to consider.
“The elevation of millions of tonnes of water from sea level to cloud level requires the injection of energy which can be relinquished at altitude.”
This is measured by Latent Heat. The latent heat can only come into existence from evaporation. Therefore solar/geo must provide it. And it does. I include it in my calculations.
Zoe, you appear to be out of your depth on the topic you chose to introduce.
That makes two of you.
Invite comment then get immediately snarky and defensive when they are forthcoming, most people wont bother.
I specifically said SENSIBLE criticism. Not accusations and confusion.
I’ve been immoderate again.
While in moderation it might be added that the Trenberth type energy balance is basically just an advertising gimmick for his cagw business.
One of the very obvious flaws is that the world is averaged when in reality each system must be taken separately. Does he really think that day and night can just be averaged.
They are two vastly different systems of heat transfer.
I doubt that any sensible person will want to argue against your “reality”.
You are very special you know.
I do use empirical evidence. I suppose that does make me special and different from those that don’t need it.
I think people might be suggesting that the “empirical evidence” from some sources is useless.
Best to be on guard when gathering such.
If you’re suggesting that photos from an IR Cameras of people behind screens should be ignored and is not a good source, then I don’t know what is. Please tell us why it’s no good.
I wasn’t commenting on that. I found that interesting.
never accept data that disproves your wild theory
The energy balance diagram by Trenberth et al is a joke. Not very “empirical’.
“never accept data that disproves your wild theory”
That is YOUR stance on science, ga !
Most of us have expertise in particular areas.
A recent example of the mess that the Global Warming debate is in can be from this series of exchanges.
If you follow the links back you will see a mess unfolding where someone has looked at my post and decided to rubbish it with comments that include no coherent science.
And the motive?
It’s a bit demoralizing.
You appear to both be wrong. You are not still on about thinking energy are you?
How can I be “both wrong”.
I am me.
How many are you.
Better than your “always” wrong, hey gee.
No empirical evidence of CO2 warming yet ?.
There’s plenty for solar, cloud decrease, seismic activity increase etc.
But just keep on disregarding actual evidence, shall you. 😉
High water vapor content does not produce higher night time minimum surface temperatures. It’s just that geothermal energy is persnickety, it will only radiate upwards proportionate to the water vapor present above the surface.
You can allocate solar towards evaporation, rather than how I have my diagram drawn. Hardly matters. Now do the math if geothermal delivered only 3K.
“It’s just that geothermal energy is persnickety, it will only radiate upwards proportionate to the water vapor present above the surface.”
Not sure completely but you got it backwards. Because there’s high geothermal, if there’s water, there will be a large amount of water vapor.
Have you ever boiled water? Do you think the steam controls the temperature and makes the water boil?
And you’re not even joking.
You’re missing the real purpose;
Any critical comment is by definition, sexist.
All responses to your comments will be fact free and diversions to something else.
Do the Maths.
Zoe could you give me a hindcast of your geothermal theory back to the Roman Warm Period?
Did anyone else see this ?
Coronavirus: Israel to bring in 14-day quarantine for all arrivals; both Israelis and foreigners
Isreal gets serious about controlling the Corona 19 Virus disease !
This is an interesting article in relation to coronavirus and seasonal weather.
For the visual weather representation go to
To replicate the representation enter:
Dataset: Reanalysis [3rd Gen] – ECMWF ERA-Interim (1979/01-2019/08)
Variable: (level) Temperature
Level: 1000
Region: World
Month: NDJFM
Start: 2019
Span: Single
Plot type: Average
Contour plot: [Tick]
Then press plot.
For the same seasons for the southern hemisphere change ‘Start’to 2018, select ‘Month’ = MJJAS
Looks like many of the populous parts of southern Australia are in the yellow zone over winter.
But note, it is the light green zone in the northern hemisphere map for NDJFM that seems to be the worst.
The two links below are a series of educational charts on CO2 and Climate Change. These charts are as unbiased as you can make them.
The world of CO2
– N° 1 Earth’s atmospheric composition
– N° 2 Natural sources of CO2 emissions
– N° 3 Global anthropogenic CO2 emissions
– N° 4 CO2 – Carbon dioxide molecule
– N° 5 The global carbon cycle
– N° 6 Carbon and plant respiration
– N° 7 Plant categories and abundance (C3, C4 & CAM Plants)
– N° 8 Photosynthesis, the C3 vs C4 gap
– N° 9 Plant respiration and CO2
– N° 10 The logarithmic temperature rise of higher CO2 levels.
– N° 11 Earth’s atmospheric composition in relationship to CO2
– N° 12 Human respiration and CO2 concentrations.
– N° 13 600 million years of temperature change and atmospheric CO2
The World of Climate Change
– N° 1 600 million years of global temperature change
– N° 2 Earth‘s temperature record for the last 400,000 years
– N° 3 Holocene period and average northern hemispheric temperatures
– N° 4 140 years of global mean temperature
– N° 5 120 m of sea level rise over the past 20‘000 years
– N° 6 Eastern European alpine glacier history during the Holocene period.
I would think that most visitors to JoNova site understand the importance of CO2 and all its benefits. I therefore don’t think these charts are of interest since the opinion here is clear, CO2 is good and not evil. However we live in our bubble and the rest of the world isn’t so informed.
So if you need some helpful charts to better explain what CO2 is, this is the place to go. These step by step guides start at the beginning and are ideal for beginners. No propaganda, no tricks, only facts. The data is drawn from Scientists and institutions like NASA, GISS, NOAA and IPCC. YES the IPCC also provides data that is correct.
This is my small contribution in helping to put a more balanced view the hysteria over Climate Change.
P.S. Sorry for reposting my charts yet again on your super BLOG. It’s still the best place for me to post and get some attention. THANKS
Your links don’t work Raymond.
They worked for me . . . . maybe something to do with your setup Graeme#4 . . . .
And thanks for reposting Raymond . . . I didn’t see them the first time.
And me.
a sobering description from Italy
more rumored craziness regarding testing in Washington
Very sobering Raving. I wonder if Damon will read it.
“The great electric car fraud”
Andrew Bolt article this morning on Bjorn Lomborg on electric cars.
“Will have to be driven 60,000 km just to pay off their higher CO2 in production”
Behind paywall to me.
(Hi Jo – ignore email. I hadn’t seen the open thread when sent)
The EV article resulted in a lot of comments. Although a warmist,, Mr Lomborg always generates interesting articles full of facts.
“Rupert Darwall: Growth Will Be A Thing Of The Past If Businesses Choose ‘Net Zero’ ”
I think real soon now business management will be focussed on struggling to survive and will have less and less time and money to spend on ego stroking and virtue signalling.
For health care comparisons
“A Little Insight into the “Perfect” Canadian Healthcare System”
A bit of fun:
What Bernie and Greta have in common
By David Wojick
Each is leading a loud radical uprising that endangers their respective mother ships.
In Greta’s case the boisterous Action Now movement (as I call it) is on track to wreck the UN’s elaborate climate action process, come November. In Bernie’s case, his equally loud following, the new socialists if you like, are likely to wreck the Democrats chance of winning the Presidency, also in November. This is true even if Biden gets the nod.
November is therefore looking like a month of reckoning. A great way to end what promises to be a very loud year. Trump wins and the Paris Accord collapses.
On the Bernie front, a lot of pundits are speculating about what caused the Biden surge? His big win in South Carolina? Too small. The other candidates dropping out and endorsing him? Too late.
I think the surge came right out of Bernie’s mouth. In the week or so before Super Tuesday he got cocky. He started bragging about all the grand things he would do, including the grand taxes to pay for them. I can imagine working people thinking “Health insurance is killing me already and I’m going to pay for somebody else’s?” and “I’m going to pay for somebody else’s kid to go to college?”
So now we have Bernie versus Biden, bashing away at each other until July, after which one of them gets just three months to fight Trump. This is not a prescription for victory.
The very next day, Super Wednesday in Europe if you like, the EU Commission announced its proposed new climate change law. The law is sweeping, including hefty taxes on products imported from countries the EU deems to be lagging in climate action. This nuttiness would no doubt ramp up a global climate based trade war.
For reasons I do not understand they invited Greta to address them, so she promptly told them off, as usual. The EU is setting crazy climate goals for 2030 and 2050, but Greta wants Action Now.
This clash is going to come to a head in November at the UN’s annual climate action summit in Glasgow. The Action Now radicals paralyzed last year’s summit in Madrid and they are likely to do worse this year. Many more Action Now marches are to come between now and then.
Note that these two loud wrecks in progress are intertwined. The Dems have made climate action a very big deal, so Bernie and Biden may try to outdo each other in grand schemes, with grand price tags. The U.S. Action Now people are voters after all, or some are anyway. Trump will then just smile and say “Keep your money. There is no emergency.”
And the U.S. election comes the day before the Glasgow climate summit starts. If Trump wins the other major economies are far less likely to opt for immediately expensive actions, which will enrage the Action Now radicals even more.
In sum, Bernie and Greta each think that disruption is the way to make progress in their respective political realms. Both call for social revolution. They are both wrong and happily it is not going to happen.
More deeply, we seem to have a generation of loud radical youth on our hands. It is good to have these from time to time, to shake things up a bit. I was part of the one in the 60s. But do not take the noise too seriously as little will come of it. We are not on the verge of social revolution.
The saying even a broken clock is right twice a day rings true here. Sometimes the young and restless do get it right. It’s certainly not due to the facts and evidence but mostly by emotions and over simplistic “thinking”. To become wise one must first get old with experience.
I used to particpate in a relatively (dependent on the weather) dangerous sport. I had chosen to stand down for a few hours and see if more survivable conditions were coming. Some of the more ambitious people walked passed us making smart ar$e remarks about lack of gonads and age (think I was about 27). One of guys sitting with remarked “sure tough guy, we have our experience, we will just sit here and watch you get yours” Suddnely he got al serious like he had just realised what he was doing 🙂
Lancet on coronavirus
Just satin’
It’s all just fashion – coupled with the politistas who ride the fashions.
Took a look at WHO’s daily reporting of total and new Covid-19 cases in Australia.
At Feb 29 there had been 24 confirmed cases with 1 death.
To March 10, daily new cases have been 1; 2; 6; 10; 14; 0; 5; 12; 3; 15
Total confirmed cases 92 with 3 deaths.
The Australian government Dept of Health reports:
As at 11:00 hrs on 10 March 2020, we have 100 confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19), including 3 deaths, in Australia.
54 in New South Wales
12 in Queensland
6 in South Australia
2 in Tasmania
12 in Victoria
4 in Western Australia
10 associated with the Diamond Princess cruise ship.
15 of the initially reported cases in Australia all had a direct or indirect travel history to Wuhan, China
10 cases, including 1 death, are associated with the Diamond Princess cruise ship repatriation flight from Japan
18 cases are reported to have had a direct or indirect travel history to Iran
27 cases are reported to have had a travel history to countries including Singapore, the United States of America, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, Italy, Iceland, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Thailand, the Philippines, Cuba, Indonesia, Nepal and Taiwan
27 cases, including 2 deaths, do not have a reported history of overseas travel.
Of the 100 Australian cases reported, 22 of these cases are reported to have recovered.
Is it too early to say there does not appear to be exponential growth in the number of cases?
There is a possibility rapid spread relates to seasonal average temperature. See article at
Big jump reported by WHO for Australia to March 11 – 20 new cases, total 113. By 6pm March 11 Aust reporting 137.
Has Australia been under reporting due lack of testing?
Countries that have adopted radical “social distancing” measures, such as Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore, have slowed the spread of the disease within their borders, while countries with less rigorous policies — including Italy and the US — had experienced exponential growth in case numbers and deaths.
China reached 100 coronavirus deaths just nine days after it passed 100 cases of infection, while Italy took 10 days to reach that mark. By comparison, Japan has recorded only 12 deaths, 19 days after it hit 100 cases of infection, while South Korea is up to 61 deaths, 20 days after its 100th infection.
I have notice a trend away from guffawing at out basic prepping efforts amongst friends and familu. The conversation seems to be heading towards why (understanding or at least thinking through risks) and what to do and what to learn. We arent experts and I am sure we have some stuff wrong , but we are way better placed to cope with problems than most.
As a society we seem to have deskilled ourselves rapidly and somehow absolved ourselves of the responsibility to be able to look after ourselves.
Skills are for the uneducated. The educated have opinions and wine-tasting.
mmmmm not so sure its that clear cut. I know a few people of the STEM persuasion, and I dont see any of them sitting on their hands. The inner city arts graduates certainly live up to your image 🙂
Yeah when it moves beyond loo paper to other necessities, as it sinks in to people thick skulls they might not be able to feed thier kids in a few months time, as supply chains become sporadically functional…..
My in laws went through almost being cooked in Batemans Bay by the Dresden-like fire storm that almost burnt it all to the ground. Interestingly, they are balanced people, but when they had no power but a neighbour had a gennie…they got jealous….
Now inagine basics not being in the shops.
Walking around seeing empty shelves is enough to keep you very sober, now imagine the evil sods behind the scene who want chaos so they can create a messed up new “utopia” ( “order out of chaos” ). Anyone with half s brain should be prepping. It wont take much on our “kanban” world to run out of critical supplies. Then throw in social upgeaval and all those shiny new schools with 6′ fences will come into play…as govt camps. You dont want that…be a good scout…be prepared. Time is running out….
I am confident that Covid-19 will be a tipping point, in a number of areas. Just for amusement, I started to set down potential changes
on a legal pad, and quit at an easy 100. Most are certainly wrong, some undoubtedly stupid, but……
I can easily list a number of long term changes in daily life, some above water and some below, that happened on or post 9-11.
I believe this will have more impact, perhaps because we will perceive we can have more influence over a future virus than over the cultural
forces leading to 9-11.
Many who understand this will try use the aftermath as leverage, not always for useful or productive change. Some will succeed, but others
will overreach and kill their causes. Climate change?
One change I hope becomes permanent is online education, which should cut the cost by at least 50%, and cut the number of teachers / professors by even more.
G’day Roger,
You’ll probably like this:
I particularly liked:
” Degrees offered by the university will be slashed from 514 to about 120, which Professor Black said would help students and staff make sense of what was a “truly bewildering” course structure.”
Dave B
Has anyone noticed how there’s quite literally nothing anywhere about Climate Change all of a sudden.
You know, the ‘single greatest existential threat’ to life on Earth.
Zip! Nothing!
Surely it hasn’t all been just a media beat up to, umm, sell more media, now has it?
Okay then, so now we can see how really important Climate Change has really been, let’s then look at their so called solution.
We’ve all heard how China is just ‘powering ahead’ with renewable power, especially wind power.
China now has a Nameplate of 210,100MW of wind power, and by any standard that’s absolutely huge. That’s 30 times what we have here in Australia. That huge Nameplate is also DOUBLE the Nameplate of the Country in second place, Double mind you. That’s the U.S. in second place and they have a Nameplate of 105,583MW.
However, (and this is as I have always said) the real thing here is actual generated power, power actually delivered to grids for consumption. Nameplate just ‘sits there’.
Here’s a comparison for those three Countries.
Australia – Nameplate – 6,960MW.
U.S.A. – Nameplate – 105,583MW
China – Nameplate – 210,000MW
Wind Power Generation percentage of total generated power from every source.
Australia – 8.5%
U.S.A. – 7.28%
China – 5.53%
Capacity Factor
Australia – 29.5%
U.S.A.- 32.4%
China – 22%
So, in reality, China wind power is very poor when compared to Australia.
But seriously, note the percentage of supply. Less than 10%. The whole of World percentage is only just 4%.
How many hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars has been spent on wind power and it only manages 4% of power generation.
Imagine (because really, that’s all you can do) if even half of that money spent on wind power had been spent on something important, you know, like in the medical field, where ‘all of a sudden’ we find it’s very important.
Wind power – We’ve been conned if we believe this is the solution.
seriously? Is this what you want to be remembered for? Almost as buts as that made up stuff by that 1860s science guy that Jo is quoting as history.
just one news source brings up hundreds
google this (without the quotes) and choose the last 24 hours filter
“climate change”
You seem comfortable with ABC propaganda GA
But do not like the blunt facts !
Also rides a unicycle too?
Tony’s point was that Wind Power generation cannot be justified in any way.
Considered from any viewpoint it seems that there’s only one raison d’etre for wind power being pushed on the public.
That reason is common to all places where Renewable Wind Turbines have been installed and has nothing to do with the basic principles of electrical engineering, nothing to do with the reduction of human CO2 output, any nothing to do with the provision of reliable, cheap electricity to the consumers.
Whether in the USA, EEU, China or Australia the common factor is that the forced adoption of Renewables enables the ruling Elite to Skim and redirect a sizeable chunk of the turnover to their own benefit.
There’s some good in all of this. Countries no longer need to be involved in massive World Wars every twenty years to establish who gets what.
The elites have us well and truly and all it took was a fake media bought off with our own tax dollars.
Slavery Mk 111.
“How dare you!” … /super-pout-mega-frown-with-pike
the ABC is effectively “NOWHERE”.
Thanks for confirming Tony’s comment
I wonder if there’s any link between the sale of Australia’s water rights to China and the adoption of Chinese renewable energy hardware here to create “political” nameplate DC electricity?
Don’t get me started on Alinta Energy!!!!
We pay renewable energy subsidies to Alinta Energy – which is Chinese owned.
Spike Milligan couldn’t write this stuff.
Sold out by our “democratic” process.
TonyfromOz –
i posted some of the latest stuff – comments #32 to bottom – of Jo’s CSIRO thread. includes some coal news, climate finance, poor UK EV sales, etc:
A side note on Hydro power.
I am , and have always been a admirer of Hydro power, (and even pumped hydro),.. it just seems such a natural use of natures power.
And i believe it was the first practical electricity generation system, so i respect that.
However, i am wondering if there is actually any major developed country that can honestly say they have 100% hydro generation supply ?
I know countries have major hydro schemes (norway, Canada, China, etc etc). But are any of these actually 100%, 24/7 265 day/yr, generators in operation ?
I just get the feeling that most are way over sized in generation capacity compared to the annual water flow rates, such that they only run at partial output ( reduced CF ?) or intermittently as “peaker” systems as out Snowy Hydro is used.
In short, is Hydro just another intermittent, unreliable, potentially non-renewable, energy source ?
If the CAGW believers really do think the planet is going to overheat and dry up, they should not be embracing Hydro as part of their future power supply
Take a look at hydro in NZ. No way it’s not base generation.
Nz, is a classic case.
They have a installed capacity of 5200 MW, but only utilise less than 60% of that capacity due to various natural limitations ..basicly water supply.
From Wiki..
So, no..i dont think even at 60% it does not represent reliable base load !
I spent Christmas 1974 in Winnapeg. Flew out from US where only a few brave souls had Christmas lights showing. Landing at Winnapeg the city was a blaze of lights – enough light to get photos of Portage Avenue without time exposure.
So I asked “Why”? The answer was that Manitoba Hydro had enough capacity to cater till about 2000 (IIRC). So they had built for the future. Where they are now might get another answer.
Norway is effectively 100% hydro, but it is a freak of nature (and quite beautiful)
They have some small rounding error amounts of thermal and wind
When visiting Norway I was impressed at how much water tumbled down from the mountains even in September, well after the spring snow melt. No wonder they don’t have power problems.
Yep thats what they use mostly, not dam style hydro that we know.
the 2 ‘poster countries’ for renewables are Norway and Iceland. Norway claims 98+% from hydro, which may well have been true 20 years ago but it gets more complicated at the present time.
Firstly, their system is “Run of Rivers” i.e. they just divert water through the turbines as & when needed. If they don’t need power then the river runs unimpeeded. There is no pumped storage, and they ran into trouble a few years ago in a dry year and had to ration electricity (to outsiders).
Secondly, their system is used as a ‘battery’ by Denmark & Germany. When the wind blows and those countries have excess generation, they send it via interconnectors to Norway (and Sweden) at a very low price. Generation is shut or slowed down in Norway until the wind stops blowing down south. The hydro then starts up and may run at a higher rate to export electricity (at a higher price) to Denmark & Germany.
So Norway uses both hydro and imported wind power (and a tiny amount of local stuff), as well as “a bit of the other” (wood burning and diesel in remote areas). You might be able to calculate the real figure but why bother?
Iceland has around 74% hydro and the rest geothermal; do you want to live in a snow country with volcanos and earthquakes?
For sure, “Run of the River” hydro can only ever be an “unreliable” supply since it is fully dependent on rainfall/weather and cannot be expected to return high CF numbers .
As you say, the risks of such a strategy has been realised previously.
Whilst some Canadian states can likely be considered to have hydro as “base load” , the country as a whole has huge over capacity of installed hydro (75GW) which overall returns a CF of around 50-60% which suggests that its availability is restricted at times.
Canada has a lot of ROR schemes also, apparently they have not built a gravity dam hydro system for over 30 years ( environmental issues ?)
the Institution appears to cover all forms of energy, including nuclear. however, the figures sound credible:
9 Mar: EnergyLiveNews: More than 72% of Gen Z ‘don’t know nuclear power is low carbon energy’
Women are only half as likely as men to favour nuclear power, with 29% supporting it compared with 56% of men, according to a new poll
by Dimitris Mavrokefalidis
Only 26% of people aged 18-24 understand that nuclear power is a low carbon source of electricity, compared with 76% for renewables such as wind and solar, according to a new poll by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE).
Older people are more likely to say that nuclear power is low carbon. The poll found the level of understanding rising from 47% among 35 to 44-year olds to 61% among 65 to 74-year olds, although it remains well below levels seen for renewables…
The survey has also found the highest level of support in Scotland, with 49% of respondents in favour despite the Scottish National Party’s opposition to new nuclear power plants…
Dr Colin Brown, IMechE’s Chief Executive. said: “The importance of rapidly decarbonising the UK’s power system has increased as concern about climate change intensifies.
“This poll shows the potential of low carbon electricity sources has not been effectively communicated, with nuclear much less understood than renewables.”
5 Mar: Institution of Mechanical Engineers: IMechE poll finds low public understanding of nuclear power
LINK: Read our full report
Amnesty lobbies:
9 Mar: DundeeCourier: St Andrews University wind farm campaign aims to see turbines finally built
by Cheryl Peebles
The university has said it still wants to erect six large wind turbines on land south-east of the town.
The scheme was given the go ahead seven years ago but, despite high level talks with the Ministry of Defence, bosses have been unable to negotiate a solution to prevent interference with radar at nearby Leuchars.
Amnesty International’s St Andrews arm has now launched a social media picture campaign as it pushes for construction of the windfarm.
The group says the project could lead the way for institutions across Europe to do likewise and has urged supporters of the Kenly wind farm, near Boarhills, to post pictures of themselves with paper windmills and the hashtags #windofchange and #kenly.
An Amnesty International St Andrews spokesman said: “In times of a global climate emergency all institutions, including those of higher education, need to adopt necessary measures to avert environmental collapse.”…
A petition by Amnesty International St Andrews (LINK) has been signed more than 1,100 times.
Somebody tell them there is no ” global climate emergency.” It’s alarmist propaganda.
“avert environmental collapse” surely they must use an alarmist BS buzzword generator on the web to spit this nonsense out.
8 Mar: UK Govt: Statement by Secretary of State for Business and COP26 President Designate, the Rt Hon Alok Sharma MP, at the COP26 Briefing to all UN Member States at the United Nations, New York
The Rt Hon Alok Sharma MP’s first speech as COP26 President Designate at the UN with the Secretary-General, Italian Permanent Representation and British Ambassador to the United States
Developed countries must honour their commitments. Including meeting the 100-billion-dollar (PER YEAR) goal for climate finance…
In the UK the proportion of energy generated from coal has fallen from 40% in 2012 to 5% in 2018.
We all need to invest in the innovation which will help us accelerate the transition to clean energy.
But we also need to help empower developing countries to leapfrog the polluting options of the past and embrace the clean energy of the future…
By 2040, over half of new car sales worldwide are projected to be electric.
Yet to meet the Paris goals, this needs to happen faster…
And lastly, we need to unleash the finance which will make all of this possible and power the shift to a zero carbon economy.
From solar panels, to electric vehicles and tree planting, it is often finance that turns good intentions into action.
The OECD estimates that we will need nearly 7 trillion dollars a year up to 2030 to meet the Paris Agreement, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals.
Much of this funding needs will also need to come from the private sector…
The Multilateral Development Banks are the largest vehicle for channelling climate finance to developing countries…
But to move from billions to trillions, we will need all finance to align with the Paris Agreement.
Making the spirit of Paris felt in London, New York, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Shanghai and every other financial centre.
Last week, I joined the Governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, at the launch of the COP 26 Finance Action Plan.
As Governor Carney noted, private finance is now increasingly focused on the opportunities and risks in the transition to a decarbonised economy.
Every major systemic bank, the world’s largest insurers, its biggest pension funds and top asset managers are backing the Taskforce for Climate related Financial Disclosures…
Achieving net zero will require a whole economy transition…
Last week, I had the opportunity to speak with one of my childhood heroes: the broadcaster and naturalist Sir David Attenborough.
His message was simple. We must act now.
Ladies and gentleman, each of us can help write our planet’s future…
We owe that to ourselves. And to future generations…
Our beloved BoM has been desperate for cyclones. This has been the case for at least 10 years, but BoM (and others) do not want to admit that cyclone frequency is decreasing.
At present there is a “potential” cyclone well off the Pilbara Coast – 999 and 35kph.
There is also a supposed “potential” cyclone in the North Cape York vicinity. Weipa at present is 1007 and 10kph.
“You could see that Pierre really loved the mademoiselle,
It goes to show you never can tell”.
I think Chuck Berry could predict Australian cyclones better than our BoM.
Some old farmers can probably remember when BoM predictions were useful.
Diluting ultra-dry in-falling stratospheric air shown in hot pink:
10,000 ft
24,000 ft
It’s BOM’s job to know better than the rest of us.
Cyclones bring much needed rain to the interior of the country .
The low will form into a Cat 2 and travel south east along a ribbon of warm SST.,-41.40,532/loc=175.561,-9.932
We were talking about the one north of WA Gordo. It snuffed, ultra-dry air.
Okay, thanks.
Cyclones have definitely decreased in both number an intensity in the NW. They used to have a significant impact in Perth, driving the weather changes down into the Bight so that they missed Perth and causing heatwaves that lasted 2-3 weeks. That hasn’t happened for a very long time, although we have just finished a long spell of hot days.
Nice Zombie. This has been repeated so many times. PLease pay attention – this is from wiki but is available in many forms across the media, publications and the international panel, even this blog you are now on
fewer is the expectation so the corrupt BOM should be doing everything to report fewer in total but more intense when they appear.
mmmm noted “the big one is coming” it always is, we dont need a BOM to tell us that. Eventually they will be right of course and they will present this as a great forecasting success.
Studies indicating what the fictitious “global warming” MIGHT do..
… are meaningless nonsense.
There is bound to be another AGW mouthing that says the opposite, somewhere..
All WEATHER contingencies are covered by wide ranging “projections” from meaningless models.
DM from UK Sun:
11 Mar: Daily Mail: Prince Harry says Donald Trump has ‘blood on his hands’ and is one of the ‘sick people’ running the world in phone call with hoaxers who posed as Greta Thunberg
•Prince Harry spoke with a pair of Russian hoaxers who pretended to be Greta Thunberg and her father, Svante, over the phone
•The prince fell for the prank and hit out at Donald Trump during two phone conversations which took place earlier this year
•Harry claimed the Commander-in-chief has ‘blood on his hands’ and that he would be ‘outsmarted’ by Thunberg
•Harry’s wife Meghan Markle were last year accused of ‘snubbing’ Trump during his visit to the United Kingdom
by Andrew Court
Russian hoaxers telephoned the prince at his luxury hideaway in Canada on two separate occasions earlier this year and duped him into believing he was chatting with environmental activist Greta Thunberg and her father, Svante.
In the bombshell conversations, Harry hit out at the commander-in-chief for his environmental policies, stating: ‘I think the mere fact that Donald Trump is pushing the coal industry is so big in America, he has blood on his hands’.
He later added: ‘Unfortunately the world is being led by some very sick people so the people like yourselves and younger generation are the ones that are going to make all the difference.’
Meanwhile, Harry also told the fake Greta that she could ‘outsmart’ the commander-in-chief – with whom she publicly sparred last year after he criticized her for being named Time magazine’s ‘Person of The Year’.
The two phone conversations between Harry and the pranksters took place on New Year’s Eve and January 22, according to The Sun (LINK…
However, Harry told the fake Greta that she should not turn down an opportunity to meet with Trump if asked.
‘Trump will want to meet you to make him look better but he won’t want to have a discussion about climate change with you because you will outsmart him.
‘Whether you have an option to meet President Trump or an option to meet Boris Johnson, I think I would always,’ Harry stated according to The Sun.
‘It’s far more important to have an open dialogue and have conversation with these people than not…READ ON
Oh Harry, so self righteous and so, so stupid.
There have been suggestions that it wasn’t Harry, due to the use of the words “Guys”, and the self-proclamation that he was woke.
A different source of TP
To keep with another of its reputations each square should have had a picture of a crocodile on it
The leftist media seem to be blaming ScoMo for the virus. Our PM just can’t get a break. On a better note, Melbourne might finally be on the road to getting a stonking big $650 million trash-burning power-generating gas-furnace incinerator approved. Here’s hoping for sanity in garbage-disposal policy.
yes , just imagine , we could have had Bill Shortern as PM during all this
no bushfires, no corona and toilet paper for all
🙂 🙂
Well he is the current PM and could have closed the borders two, three or four weeks ago. Who else should we blame?
Australia should have followed the lead of many European and Asian countries and use central high-temp incineration and burn everything, excluding garden and food waste. Only around 2.5% of plastics are recycled at great cost, so it’s really a worthless and expensive exercise trying to separate plastics from general waste.
Recycling + high temp incineration works very well. That was the set up in the city where I lived in Europe for a few years. The recycling works fine if the overall culture drives that as the norm and wants it to happen. I dont see that ever being the case in Oz.
I used to be amazed at the rows of skips at the recycling centre with citizen sorted glass by colour, plastic by main type, aluminium right down to balled up cooking foil, corks , and batteries. I was only in a small commune of 5000 people but it was amazing to see the amount of sorted “stuff” being generated. Of course there was no way of knowing apart from being a believer what happened in the next steps.
Would love to know where eventually each bin load ends up, and how much money has been spent in separating the recycled materials to this extent.
This has just been posted on Thailand Medical News.
It’s the best explanation I have read of what is going on in the USA and the enormous stuff up that the CDC has inflicted on the US people.
Time for SLOMO & Co to quarantine all travellers from the USA
“US CDC Flawed Coronavirus Test Strategy Has Helped Massive Coronavirus Spread
Source: US Coronavirus News Mar 11, 2020 5 hours ago
US Coronavirus Updates: As of Wednesday 11th March 2020, 0630hrs , there are 986 confirmed Covid-19 cases in 36 out of 50 States In the US and a total of 31 deaths so far.
But is even more disturbing is that there could be more than 9,000 silent spreaders of the disease since January in the country and many healthcare facilities in the US have been misdiagnosing severe conditions of the disease among patients for the last two months as other forms of non-zoonotic coronavirus infected diseases and even as the influenza. New revelations are indicating that certain deaths in the last two months that were reported as due to pneumonia and influenza could have actually been due to the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that causes the deadly Covid-19 disease which can have long incubation periods.
The US CDC and NIH has on a whole failed the country and even worst the CDC management for the diagnostic criteria and also its management of test kits production has only accelerated the spread of the disease indirectly.
Contrary to the fact that America has superior healthcare facilities, its current system is not the lease prepared for what is coming in the next few weeks. As of today, the problem of diagnostic test kits has not been resolved with many States complaining of an acute shortage of diagnostic test kits.
Reports in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) on Monday by epidemiologists from Johns Hopkins University and Stanford University said the failings had contributed to the virus taking root in communities across the country.
As of Sunday, 8th of March, only 1,707 Americans have managed to have been tested, according to Business Insider, citing data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
South Korea, which announced its first case on the same day as the US, had tested more than 189,000 people, the publication added.
[ Bill — long posts always end up in moderation and a burden on the mod team. For copyright reasons they will be snipped. ] AD
Big post from Thailand Medical website in moderation
First suspected case in my office in Perth CBD. Thanks ScoMo. Hope those final tourist dollars were worth it. This thing is going to shut down the mining industry.
It would be nice to think we realy have control, but we dont, we are just talking about the timing.
Italian cases of CoV19 ( In italian ) by region.
“Latest updates
“10/3/2020 – Data update: the bulletins of the integrated surveillance COVID-19 in Italy
Two reports are online, containing the information of yesterday 9 March 2020, on the main data relating to the COVID-19 integrated surveillance system in Italy (order no. 640 of 27 February 2020) and is produced by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS ) by integrating the microbiological and epidemiological data provided by the Regions and Autonomous Provinces and by the national reference laboratory for SARS-CoV-2 of the ISS. Download the document ” COVID-19 epidemic. National update 9 March 2020 “(pdf 1.1 Mb) and the appendix to the bulletin with regional detail (pdf 3.3 Mb).
“10/3/2020 – Recommendations for people in home isolation and for family members who assist them
“A new poster is online , containing a series of recommendations to assist those who are currently sick or in isolation. The ISS technical report on Infection prevention and control (IPC) and the page dedicated to IPC for SARS-CoV-2 are available on the same topic.
“10/3/2020 – SARS-CoV-2: prevention and control of infections
“The first of a series of ISS technical reports dedicated to providing indications for the prevention and control of infections (IPC) in the context of the current epidemic from COVID-19 is online. The document “Interim indications for the implementation of isolation and home health care in the current COVID-19 context” – produced by the ISS Working Group on Infection Prevention and Control, in collaboration with the WHO – is addressed to management of subjects affected by COVID-19 who need to implement precautionary measures to avoid the transmission of the virus to other people. To learn more, read the presentation press release , consult the section dedicated to IPC , the page dedicated to ISS Technical Reports on IPC and download the complete document (pdf 836 kb).
“10/3/2020 – DPCM 9/3/2020
“On March 9, 2020, the Council of Ministers passed the Prime Ministerial Decree “Further implementing provisions of the decree-law of February 23, 2020, n. 6, containing urgent measures on the containment and management of the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19, applicable on the whole national territory “( DPCM 9/3/2020 ) which defines that the measures introduced in the DPCM of 8 March are extended to the whole national territory. Furthermore, any form of gathering of people in public places or open to the public is prohibited and the indications for training, events and sporting competitions are changed.
“9/3/2020 – What to do in case of doubts, the handbook was published today with the scientific collaboration of the ECDC
[snip too long]
[Translate Google link here]
“Press Release N ° 20/2020 – Coronavirus, transmission in Italy for all cases except the first three
“ISS, March 10, 2020
“The transmission of the Sars-Cov-2 infection occurred in Italy for all cases, with the exception of the first three reported from the Lazio region that were probably infected in China, and a person of Iranian nationality was later reported by the Lombardy region however, it was not indicated where the infection could have occurred even though the person was likely to become infected in Iran. This is suggested by the epidemiological survey conducted by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, contained in the in-depth analysis that will be published starting today on Tuesday and Friday on the Epicentro website.
“Currently, we read in the document based on the situation at 10 am on 9 March 2020, it is not possible to reconstruct, for all patients, the transmission chain of the infection. Most of the cases reported in Italy report an epidemiological connection with other cases diagnosed in Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and Veneto, the areas most affected by the epidemic.
“Clinical status is only available for 2,539 cases, of which
“518 (9.8%) asymptomatic,
“270 (5.1%) pauci-symptomatic,
“1,622 (30.7%) with symptoms for which the severity level is not specified ,
“1,593 (30.1%) with mild symptoms,
“297 (5.6%) with severe symptoms,
“985 (18.6%) critical.
“21% of cases are hospitalized, and among those whose hospitalization is known (1,545) 12% are in intensive care.
“The median age is 69 years
“(0-18 years: 0%;
“19-50 years: 10%;
“51-70 years: 46%;
“> 70 years: 44%).
“The investigation – stressed the president of ISS Silvio Brusaferro – finds a significant percentage of cases under 30 years of age, a figure that confirms how crucial this age group is in the transmission of the virus”.
“Press Release N ° 19/2020 – One in five coronavirus positive patients is between 19 and 50 years old
“22% of Sars-CoV-2 buffer positive patients are between 19 and 50 years old. This was stated by an analysis by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, which makes it very clear how the rules of social distancing must be respected in all age groups, including young people.
“”In these days we are in the news report many examples of violations of the recommendations, especially by young people – underlines Silvio Brusaferro, president of the ISS -. These data confirm how all age groups contribute to the spread of infection, and unfortunately the worst effects affect frail elderly people. Giving up a party or an aperitif with friends, not leaving the area where you live and giving up returning home is a duty to protect your own health and that of others, especially the most fragile “.
“The analysis, out of 8342 positive cases at 9 March at 10 am, shows that 1.4% are under the age of 19, 22.0% are in the 19-50 range, 37.4% between 51 and 70 and 39.2% are over 70, for a median age of 65. 62.1% are men. There are 583 positive health workers.
“”The median time elapsed between the date of onset of symptoms and diagnosis is 3-4 days.
“10% of cases are asymptomatic,
“5% with few symptoms,
“30% with mild symptoms,
“31% are symptomatic,
“6% have severe symptoms and
“19% are critical.
“24% of the cases examined are hospitalized.
“The analysis confirms that 56.6% of the deceased people are over 80 years old, and two thirds of them have 3 or more pre-existing chronic diseases.
It’s becoming clear that a large and growing proportion of serious/critical COVID-19 cases are not surviving. About 70% to 90% end up in the mortality column.
Inside China | Died | % Died
80,783 | 3,158 | 3.91 %
China Cases | Critical | % Critical
80,783 | 4,492 | 5.56 %
% of critical who died so far = 70.3 %
Outside China | Died | % Died
38,443 | 1,141 | 2.97 %
Outside China | Critical | % Critical
38,443 | 1,255 | 3.26 %
% of critical who died so far = 90.9 %
Italy | Died | % Died
10,149 | 631 | 6.22 %
Italy | Critical | % Critical
10,149 | 877 | 8.64 %
% of critical who died so far = 71.9 %
South Korea | Died | % Died
7,755 | 61 | 0.79 %
South Korea | Critical | % Critical
7,755 | 54 | 0.70 %
% of critical who died so far = 112.9 %
Diamond Princess remains unusual with 21 % of critical cases succumbing. Shamefully, Iran is not reporting data on critical cases during a global pandemic. The rest of the top-ten most infected countries exhibit around the 35 % to 40 % of ‘critical’ cases failing to survive (thus far) but those cases are still developing from much lower early numbers.
And then, South Korea, where 100% of ‘serious critical’ cases do not survive (112.9% currently, as new cases fall) so their version of ‘serious’ or ‘critical’ apparently means, “Expected To Die But Still Living“. Who knows what their actual ‘critical’ but still survivable intensive-care bed cases are! Their data is useless for comparison with other countries, so like Iran S Korea’s numbers are best ignored and excluded (which I will be doing from now on). They may as well not be reporting given how misleading what they report is. After this pandemic has passed they need to be encouraged to get their act together and synchronize their reporting of pandemic data within a common international standard with common definitions.
… why dont you simply say that 100% of the worst cases are fatal !
The problem is that NONE of the data is reliable or accurate.
Even the number of deaths confirmed as atributed to cv19 could be misleading as most of them are elderly who had other “complications”. As well as simple unknown deaths (China ?) and false reporting.
“CRITICAL”. Is a subjective assesment that varies depending on who is deciding and political influence.
Numbers of reported cases is probably the most vague and unreliable of all.
Some countries may not even report any data st all (N Korea ?)
So trying to draw any conclusions from these numbers is futile
What’s with the sudden rush by hawkers to change my light globes ? Just seen off the second one in three weeks .
This must be a change to LED globes i assume ?
If its like the change to “low energy” globes ( Florescent) from incandecent , then it will be the energy retailers getting a rebate from the Govmt for each consumer they convert.
Or they are scam artists casing your house !!
Ask a few questions before you let them in
They changed them to LED 3 hawkers ago , I’m sure he was genuine had the same pamphlets etc as all the others .
Can’t see how they get away with changing the globes regular and charging it forward via the RET I suppose .
TOPIC: Slow website or server.
I noticed in the last two or three weeks that when I go to your website it takes sometime up to 30 seconds or more before the website loads. And when you go to the individual blogs it takes even longer. Sometime it doesn’t even load.
I don’t want to intrude but I’m only guessing you either have a very slow server or a strong fire wall.
Am I the only person who’s experiencing this? Sorry but maybe you might be noticing problems?
Yes. Definitely slower than before, but I thought it might be an ‘up-grade’ to my browser (Safari) as the site is listed as Not Secure. (It has listed as such been for some time, I assume because it doesn’t agree wth the Dogma).
Ok thanks for the feedback Graeme No. 3, I’m reassured now. I don’t mind waiting since the blog is really good. However this might pose a problem for newcomers who don’t have the patience to wait.
Slow here too . . . .
Very slow for me too
And sometimes will not load.
I wonder if the blog is being targeted
By malware on the server to discourage
All of us coming here.
I had the same thoughts too. But I think it has to do with the security issue that some browsers have. Firefox did an update a few weeks ago and since then I’ve notice the problem. It’s a pain in the ass on my iPad as well. That’s where it takes the longest. Sometime it doesn’t want to load. So I suppose it’s not just Firefox but Safari as well. Or maybe it’s the corona virus that seeped into the system? 😉
My iPad is really bad, sometimes not loading, as you say, using Chrome.
AGW gremlins?
Slow for me too.
Very slow for me for about 3 weeks. No other sites are slow.
Same here; other sites much quicker. I too had wondered whether Jo’s site is being deliberately slowed by certain interests.
Been better later this morning…
I was off-line for a week because of storm damage to modem, nbn, and ethernet card in my computer,
But everything is now coming in at top NBN fibre-to-house speed, except JoNova.
By now there should be no doubt that there is something different here. Maybe it’s an incredibly high rate of hits. Where else would you go for rational analysis?
And you wouldn’t believe how long it took to get that through.
I had this thought as well, Jo might be getting to many hits. However I thinking it’s most likely a security bug.
However that having been said it’s pure speculation at the moment!
I suspect JO has some IT Support that could find the problem? I could ask my IT to do a check on the reason, but I don’t want to bud in.
In then mean time wave a nice day!
***associate with CAGW and the $$$ will come:
9 Mar: ManchesterEveningNews: How a groundbreaking new £1.3 million park will help prevent flooding in one corner of Manchester
The new facility in West Gorton will help ***combat climate change by soaking up excess rainwater bosses say
by Chris Slater
A groundbreaking new park which will re-use rainwater and help reduce flooding is taking shape in east Manchester.
Dubbed ‘the park that drinks water’ or ‘sponge park’, the £1.3 milliion project represents “a whole new way of thinking” about rainwater and the risk of flooding bosses say.
The size of three football pithces, it is being built on land bounded bounded by Kniveton Road, Bennett Street and Clowes Street opposite the TV production hub Space Studios in West Gorton .
It is the “last part of the regeneration jigsaw” in the area which has seen more than £100m investment since 2010 say council chiefs.
As well as being an area of green space, with a play area for kids, the park is specifically designed to manage the flow of rainwater into the existing drainage system…
The £1.3 million for the EU funded project has come from the 11 million euros Grow Green project which began in 2017 and is designed for projects which come up with innovative solutions for dealing with climate change.
It’s a partnership between Manchester City Council, the Guinness Partnership Ltd, the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and the University of Manchester who will be carrying out key research at the facility…
Manchester City Council has declared a climate emergency and have the goal of becoming a carbon neutral city by 2038.
However they say this project is about “recognising that some degree of climate change is unavoidable and that it is something we need to adapt to manage its impacts.”…
10 Mar: CarbonPulse: UPDATE – RBS carbon traders found by UK court to have knowingly facilitated EU ETS tax fr**d
British bank RBS and its commodities trading division have been found liable for dishonestly assisting and knowingly facilitating tax fraud linked to the EU ETS after two emissions traders at the subsidiary ignored obvious risks, a UK High Court ruled Tuesday.
TWEET: Mike Szabo, Carbon Pulse
RBS & its Sempra commods division have been found liable for dishonestly assisting & knowingly facilitating tax fr**d using the #EUETS after 2 of its carbon traders ignored obvious risks, a UK High Court ruled Tuesday LINK CARBON PULSE
10 Mar 2020
4 Mar: GHG Management Institute: North American Carbon World Conference (San Francisco) (cancelled)
Please note: this event has been cancelled due to COVID-19.
10 Mar: CarbonPulse: Shanghai postpones ETS compliance deadline over coronavirus crisis
Deadlines for companies regulated by Shanghai’s pilot emissions trading scheme to report 2019 emissions and ensure they are in compliance have been postponed due to the coronavirus situation, the municipal government said Tuesday.
reminiscent of the hilarious ABC/RMIT FactCheck of Craig Kelly:
9 Mar: Scientific American: E&E News: What Could Warming Mean for Pathogens like Coronavirus?
Scientists expect to see changes in the timing, location and severity of disease outbreaks as global temperatures rise
By Chelsea Harvey
President Trump assured the American public that the onset of warmer weather could halt the spread of the coronavirus. But experts caution there’s no evidence to support that idea.
His assertion raises new questions about the role temperatures have on infectious diseases as Earth gets warmer. The impacts of climate change on the coronavirus are unknown, but research related to other illnesses suggest that the risk of pandemics is growing as rising temperatures ignite animal migrations and other changes…
It’s true that in temperate parts of the world, like the United States, Europe and much of Asia, flu season tends to spike in the winter and drop off in the spring. And some other types of coronaviruses, which have been around longer and been better studied than COVID-19, have also exhibited seasonal patterns.
But COVID-19, being a novel disease, still holds more questions than answers. Scientists aren’t sure what kinds of patterns to expect as it spreads or how it might be affected by weather and climate…
Even if it does turn out to have some seasonal components in the future, that effect will likely be small this year, experts say…
But in general, links between climate and infectious disease are a growing subject of interest among scientists…
And some experts believe climate change, along with other environmental disturbances, could help facilitate the rise of more brand-new diseases, like COVID-19…
But there are more questions than answers…
People make the same case: How do we know what climate change is going to look like in 50 or 100 years when we don’t know what next week’s snowfall is going to be?”
The key thing to remember in both cases, (Rachel Baker, an expert on climate and infectious diseases at the Princeton Environmental Institute) said, is that short-term fluctuations may be hard to predict — but observing long-term patterns over many years can give scientists great confidence in their predictions about what the future might hold. Keeping up these efforts in both climate science and infectious disease research is critical…
As you say, hilarious, but also saddening that such **** passes as science these days.
9 Mar: MIT Technology Review: Why the coronavirus outbreak is terrible news for climate change
It’ll sap funding and political will—but actually, it should.
by James Temple
It appears increasingly likely that the global coronavirus outbreak will cut greenhouse-gas emissions this year, as deepening public health concerns ground planes and squeeze international trade.
But it would be a mistake to assume that the rapidly spreading virus, which has already killed thousands and forced millions into quarantine, will meaningfully reduce the dangers of climate change.
As with the rare instances when worldwide carbon pollution dipped in the past, driven by earlier economic shocks, diseases, and wars, emissions are likely to rise again as soon as the economy bounces back. In the meantime, if the virus leads to a full-blown global pandemic and economic crash, it could easily drain money and political will from climate efforts…
10 Mar: Time: How Coronavirus Could Set Back the Fight Against Climate Change
By Justin Worland
This year was supposed to be a big one in the international fight against climate change. But the fast spreading new coronavirus disease, COVID-19, is posing a triple-threat to action that could derail the Paris Agreement effort to combat global warming, worried experts say.
The disease is a challenge for climate change action on multiple fronts…
Rescheduling meetings has proven hazardous. The Convention on Biological Diversity, which is trying to broker a landmark deal to protect nature by October, moved a meeting from Kunming, China to Rome, to escape the coronavirus. But as the meeting progressed delegates were slowly recalled as news spread of a coronavirus outbreak in Italy. “We left around the middle of the week,” says Lina Barrera, vice president of international policy at Conservation International. “Some people didn’t come at all.”
The cancellation of meetings may sound dull, but it has the potential to totally derail climate talks at a delicate time…
Climate advocates are only just coming to grips with the roadblocks to a big climate breakthrough…READ ON
9 Mar: EurActiv: Inside the EU’s shadow climate fight
by Wilf Lytton
The EU’s new industrial strategy, due out on 10 March, is an opportunity to shake up more than a decade of lethargic progress in cutting greenhouse gas emissions from Europe’s heavy industries, writes Wilf Lytton.
Wilf Lytton is special adviser at Sandbag, a think tank. Lytton specialises on industrial decarbonisation technologies with a focus on carbon capture and storage and utilisation (CCS) for industrial sectors…
The measures being announced are part of major pieces of climate legislation that Commission President Ursula von der Leyen pledged to deliver in her first 100 days in office which have quickly come to an end…
Emissions from the EU’s industrial sectors have hardly reduced during the last five years and now account for close to one-seventh of the bloc’s total greenhouse gas emissions – an unsustainable trend that threatens to make achieving net zero by the middle of the century an impossibility…
The EU ETS, which was intended to help industry decarbonise, has become in some cases an excuse to pollute. The ETS benchmarks for industrial products exemplify the absurd contradictions that have been allowed to persist…Currently, they set industry on 60 to 400-year trajectories to zero…READ ON
9 Mar: EurActiv: Eleven million jobs at risk from EU Green Deal, trade unions warn
By Frédéric Simon
The European Green Deal risks deepening economic and social divisions between east and western EU countries, trade unions say, warning the 27-member bloc risks imploding before it reaches its 2050 climate neutrality goal.
“We are talking about almost 11 million jobs directly affected in extractive industries, energy intensive industries and in the automotive industry,” said Luc Triangle, secretary general of IndustriAll, a federation of trade unions…
According to Triangle, the green transformation “will be much easier in Nordic or western European countries” than in poorer EU member states like Poland, Bulgaria and Romania, where employment in some regions can be entirely dependent on a single, heavily-polluting industry.
“This could have a major impact on internal migration inside the European Union,” Triangle pointed out, saying “close to 22 million people” have already left Eastern Europe to find work in richer western and Nordic countries over the last 20 years…
Politicians in Eastern EU member states have stepped up warnings that the green transition risks deepening divisions inside the EU…
Such economic and social discrepancies “are likely to generate huge tensions inside the EU, which could lead to some countries considering the possibility of leaving the Union altogether,” (Traian Băsescu, a former Romanian President) told EURACTIV in a recent interview…
Triangle echoed those warnings, saying the Green Deal risked putting the entire EU project in jeopardy if it ignores the social aspect of the transition…
According to trade unions, there is a genuine risk that the Green Deal ends up putting entire industrial sectors on their knees, and discredit EU climate policies in the eyes of the general public…READ ALL
9 Mar: DesmogUK: Comment: A Just Transition in Scotland Doesn’t Mean Riots on the Streets
By Mike Small
The Scottish government established a Just Transition Commission in 2018, recognising the country’s unique need for a participatory plan to rapidly cut its emissions. That commission has just published its interim report. How was it received?
‘Scottish climate action could cause riots’, screeched The Times (LINK).
Like The Times, many other outlets seized on one line from the commission’s 40-page report and reacted wildly, whilst ignoring the bulk of vital advice and information it contained.
Jim Skea, an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change scientist who leads the Just Transition Commission, committed the apparent sin of pointing out what by now is surely obvious: efforts to tackle climate change were “unlikely to be sustainable if it is not delivered in a way that is fair,” he said.
The commission continued: “If action taken to reduce emissions is unfair, or is perceived by the public as being unfair, then it risks the kind of backlash seen in France with the gilets jaunes protests.”
And thus the headlines were born…READ ON
Jo, I think it is possible your site is being slowed.
In a cursory look, (accessing from Florida, USA), I see 4-8 times more proxy jumps
than for some other blogs I follow. Perhaps someone with sophisticated tools available could take a look?
Listen to people from both sides
Don't try to shut anyone down
From the left or the right
Always stay humble
And be a scientific sceptic
– Naomi Seibt
No wonder they call her ‘far right’
just, “right”, would be a better description….. as in CORRECT !