Kamala Harris is running to be the next US President. In case anyone hasn’t heard, rumors are that Joe Biden health is iffy and he is the temporary filler to get over the line, and if so, the VP then becomes The P. It’s not just a fringe idea. In a Rasmussen poll, 59% of voters say “it’s likely.”
So, the pocket guide to Kamala Harris for skeptics is that according to Progressive Punch, she’s further left than Bernie Sanders which is quite the feat. Appropriately she has a $10 Trillion dollar plan to get better weather, and “aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2045” — which would be five years quicker than the famous Green New Deal.
How extreme is Kamala Harris? Pretty extreme says Kyle Smith, National Review
There are various measures for these things, but according to Progressive Punch (“Leading with the Left”), Kamala Harris is the fourth farthest-left of any senator with a score of 96.76 percent out of 100 on “crucial votes,” despite moderating very slightly in the period when she was running for president. Elizabeth Warren is fifth, Kirsten Gillibrand is sixth, and Bernie Sanders is tenth. Here is a portion of the chart.
Put another way, there are 100 Senators in the US Congress and apparently only 3 were more radical.
Kamala Harris was a state attorney general who abused her position to try to silence skeptics.
On Kamala Harris
Kevin D Williamson
Harris was a leader in the junta of Democratic state attorneys general that attempted to criminalize dissent in the matter of global warming, using her office’s investigatory powers to target and harass non-profit policy groups while she and her counterpart in New York attempted to shake down Exxon on phony fraud cases.
Until she was stopped by a federal court, Harris was laying subpoenas on organizations such as the Americans for Prosperity Foundation, a conservative-leaning group that is critical of Democratic global-warming proposals. She demanded private information that the organizations were not legally obliged to disclose, including financial information and donor lists, in order to be able to subject the supporters of right-leaning groups to legal and financial harassment. This was, as a federal judge confirmed, an obvious and unquestionable violation of the First Amendment. It was also a serious abuse of power.
Why does any of this matter in far distant Oz? In a world of Sino sabre-rattling the leader of the planet’s largest military force has a certain gravitational pull on policies overseas. Any nation that hopes to share the umbrella will feel reluctant to walk a wildly different path.
Eighty two days to go.
Contradictions abound in the Rasmussen poll. The VP may be President one day, but more than half of the voters don’t care who Biden picks. And more than half the country say they won’t vote for Trump, but aren’t interested in who they will vote for. Welcome to 2020 politics:
… only 45% of all voters say Biden’s choice of a running mate is important to their vote this fall, including 23% who say it’s Very Important. This compares to 76% who say generally speaking that a candidate’s vice presidential nominee is important to their vote, with 34% who feel it’s Very Important.
But then just over half of voters continue to say they’re likely to vote against President Trump this fall, and a sizable majority of those voters don’t seem to care who runs against him.
Greenpeace has a handy list of all the legislation she has introduced or co-sponsored in order to stop storms:
- The Green New Deal (2019)
- Climate Equity Act (2019, introduced with Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)
- COAST Anti-Drilling Act (2019)
- Zero-Emission Vehicles Act (2019)
- Living Shorelines Act (2018)
- The Environmental Justice for All Act (2017)
- Close Big Oil Tax Loopholes Act (2017)
- Stop Arctic Ocean Drilling Act (2017)
- A resolution opposing Trump’s efforts to withdraw the U.S. from the historic Paris Agreement (2017)
Crikey! She looks as if she’s even further to the Left than our Jacinda!
How’s her popularity going to fare if the virus breaks out in earnest again? 13 new cases in NZ today according to WA Today.
The US is already in deep economic trouble.
Interesting article in why electric vehicles will never be viable as we don’t have enough resources to make them and how environmentally unfriendly they actually are.
Today’s EVs are not viable. That does not mean they never will be.
Last year I spent a few days in Paris and was somewhat amazed by the large number of electric scooters. While we sat in vehicles making slow progress, the scooters zipped about without much limitation.
E-bikes and scooters are a rapidly growing technology for mobility in crowded cities. They make much more sense than behemoths like Teslas. There are some novel means of integrating modern electronic systems such as GPS and electronic payment into the e-vehicles:
There is already a large number of e-vehicles in China and it is a rapidly growing sector.
I note that in my area of suburban Melbourne, all the posties are now using pedal/electric bikes. Have not had a chance to chat with the postie since the bikes were introduced here this year. I guess that can always pedal back to base if the battery goes flat.
[Slight edit.]AD
[Wandering off topic]
Americans love their guns, trucks and cars. Can’t see e-bikes taking off.
You sure about that? The last one would look tough enough for the Terminator himself, or The Rock:
I have an Inmotion escooter on order myself. 30kmph and 90km range. Handy for going around town, but not quite as sexy as the Ebikes above:
I have a 52 volt E-bike Scooter bought 3 years ago. Massive torque and as heavy as a regular motorcycle. Love it as the batteries are liquid and far superior than the dry batteries for storing outside in the winter.
Did break my shoulder trying to catch it falling on its side as it threw me right over onto my shoulder. Couldn’t be fixed as the break was almost horizontal along the bone.
Still am okay and no pain.
Here’s a link to a new Chinese-made $800 folding e-bike, the Fido D11, with a removable battery:
See also: “How an E-Bike Got Me off the Couch and Back in Love with Exercise” at https://medium.com/better-humans/how-an-e-bike-got-me-off-the-couch-and-back-in-love-with-exercise-bc76535bdb51
And “As e-biking grows, U.S. cities consider easing rules on where the machines may be used” at https://app.getpocket.com/read/2142882141
There are many reasons why the latest internal combustion engine technology and using liquid fossil fuels is superior to electric vehicles and hybrids.
* Price: at the cheapest level EV is double or more the price of an equivalent ICEV.
* Refuelling convenience.
* Range (real range, not estimated by manufacturer new battery pack theoretical range). On average deduct 30 per cent just for recharging factors – on board system will not allow discharge below 10 per cent and it is not recommended to exceed 80 per cent charge regularly, or rapid charging regularly. And then deduct variable energy usage like air conditioning and passenger/luggage load, hills, etc.
* It is more fuel efficient to burn petrol/diesel fuel in an ICEV and to recharge EV from grids mainly energised by coal, gas or diesel powered generators.
* When all operating costs are accounted for EV: electricity, planned road maintenance tax, recharging leads and home or office charge points, replacement battery pack, and the retail price difference between EV and ICEV, there is no significant running cost saving, the extra price would pay for a lot of servicing and liquid fuel.
* Exothermic reaction fire hazard potential, and like LPG fuelled vehicles in NSW a sticker on front and rear number plates is required including for an interstate visitor’s EV to alert authorities to potential fire hazard. This might be a low level risk but so is LPG in vehicles.
* High energy usage on highway and towing trailers, the greater the load of trailer plus passengers and luggage the shorter the EV range, typically on highway by at least 50 per cent of real suburban range when EV is the most energy efficient. In EV as compared to ICEV the range limitation for a country the area of Australia is a significant factor.
If the price was competitive/affordable then for mostly suburban driving EV could be worth considering, I like the lack of tailpipe emissions/pollution advantage.
Well generally, whenever a nation economically goes fown the tubes, a war is the usual “fix”…but in the US case its more likely an internal civil war.
Maybe thats good – the bulk of the population are conservative so the US could rout the lunatic left and nullify its corrosive influence on society for a couple of generations…its a silver lining of sorts.
The right can shoot and have a strong moral compass, the left are devious and get confused about bathrooms, so it wont end well for the loony left….
Bloomberg’s ‘$Billion stop Trump fund’ is all over this. Look at the Bloomberg news coverage!
Of course Bloomberg cash was also responsible for funding ‘planted’ AGs to bring anti-fossil fuel/climate lawsuits.
And they were seriously worried about the Russians perverting democracy!
co2isnotevil, how do you get a yellow background to your post? I thought that was restricted to Jo.
green thumbs not Jo.
Thanks Gee.
Red thumbs matter too.
Too bad they never want to hang around and support their position.
She is among the reasons I left California.
The MSM has fostered hate against Trump since he announced he was running for President. Far too many people have bought in to the hate because they don’t know any better. America is surely doomed if this unfounded hate enables the Marxists surrounding Biden to seize control.
The underlying problem is that social media combined with MSM bias results in reasons to hate traveling faster and further than the revelation that those reasons are wrong.
When I lived in CA, she was known as “Horizontal Harris” or “Heels Up Harris”. She obtained her political positions by “dating” Willie Brown, once Speaker of the CA Legislature and later Mayor of San Francisco. Both of them were as crooked as a barrel of snakes. She was known to be vicious, vindictive, hateful and a shrew. He was slick as a weasel, and an excellent con man.
Escaped in 1997 and would never go back. The Liberals ruined the state. Used to be a nice place. Not any longer.
You demean poor weasels! Why! WLM man…….
Just to be clear:
“W” = Weasel
Has anyone yet told Biden that she’s been picked as his VP?
Also, I agree that if the unthinkable happens and Biden gets elected he’ll be immediately removed under the 25th Amendment due to his dementia and replaced with the intended candidate, Harris.
As for her racial “pedigree”, since Leftists are so obsessed with that, her mother is Tamil Indian and her father Donald J. Harris is Jamaican born but also appears to be an Asian Indian, not of African origin or perhaps he is biracial.
Naturally none of that matters to conservatives but it does to Leftists who market her as an “African American” whether that is true or not, but it appears not to be the case.
Her father was an economics professor and his economics are “post Keynesian”.
Harris is said to work in the tradition of Post-Keynesian Economics.[15][16] He has acknowledged the works of Joan Robinson, Maurice Dobb, Piero Sraffa, Michal Kalecki, Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes, Joseph Schumpeter, and William Arthur Lewis as varied influences upon his work.[17][18][19][20]
Biden will be retired quietly a quickly. He will learn the full meaning and purpose of the hard left very sharply.
Harris’ father also wrote an article in recent years how the family descend from a slave owner –an Irishman who owned a sugar plantation in Jamaica. So how do the Democrat radicals reconcile that?
I heard on Sky News that her ancestors were slave owners.
I heard on Sky News that her ancestors were slave owners.
She cleaned the California Constitution of a racist amendment:
Marriage is a legal union between a man and a woman.
LGBT groups sued and demanded a removal of this unconstitutional article. California Attorney General Kamala Harris, who was sworn to defend the California Constitution, did not move a finger. Very neat job. She is above the law.
This is the case:
The Republic candidate for Florida, Laura Loomer, who has already been banned from most social media and payment processors has now been banned from the ISP, Xfinity Comcast, she uses for campaign text messages and emails.
That is extreme election interference from a company that is meant to be a carrier, not a publisher. And if Trump doesn’t win Florida, he might not win the election.
She talks here: https://youtu.be/EC08-bRZmE4
LL was rightly banned for hate speech, how can you condone that?.
‘Hate speech’ as defined by whom? What is it with socialists and their totalitarian instincts? It’s like they are following national socialist Hitler’s playbook. Explains the widespread hatred of jews in leftist circles…
I assume you will be happy to have your views banned as ‘hate speech’ when the political coin flips to the other side? Is that the game you really want to play?
You would have to wonder why she is able to post a Youtube video!
Might be interesting to try the link in a few days.
Loomer is not yet nominated as the republican candidate for the 21st in Florida. August 18 is the day that is decided.
She is not banned from comcast either. Look it up.
Not banned, just blocked from sending messages and access to her site re-directed.
You are a poor excuse, GA. !~!
Gee Aye,
She is effectively banned. She cannot use the ISP for its intended purpose so what’s the difference?
“Well, first of all, I don’t even call it climate change, it’s a climate crisis,” Democratic California Sen. Kamala Harris said the debate.
“It represents and existential threat to us as a species,” Harris said.
“And the fact that we have a president of the United States who has embraced science fiction over science fact will be to our collective peril.”
Wait. What?
Kamala Harris says she smoked weed and listened to Snoop and Tupac years before they released albums –
Either the California senator’s promo CD game defies space-time, or she got her dates mixed up.
I’ll smoke some of what she’s smoking.
I’m still shopping around for some good seeds…
Any suggestions?
No stems, no seeds that you don’t need,
Acapulco Gold is badass weed …
New Riders of the Purple Sage – Panama Red
It’s amazing, so many first generation ‘black’ Americans in congress and they all think America is a rotten place. Their parents didn’t. And as a child of slave owners with a successful migrant British Jamaican economist father and migrant Indian cancer researcher mother, she is hardly under privileged or the downtrodden daughter of victims of American racism and slavery. The hyprocrisy is writ large, but it hardly bothers someone who as Crown Prosecutor smoked marijuana but put 2,000 others in jail for doing so. And AOC’s Green New Deal would devastate America, eliminating fossil fuels within 9 years.
You can only think the Democrats are so convinced of success that they can rewrite the constitution, introduce a totally socialist state, eliminate freedom of speech, legalize and government fund abortion up to full term, ban firearms, no migration limits, free health care for all migrants, get rid of petrol cars, coal power stations and nuclear power stations and fire the military (‘defund the Pentagon’), leaving America powerless in every sense and the rest of the world utterly helpless. And the big question is why?
At least they cannot be accused of having an evil secret agenda.
Not forgetting euthanasia – a convenient ‘rule-of-law’ way to commit genocide.
There is a long list of insane policies pushed by Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and other extreme communists who pose as ‘socialists’, like the original National Socialitists, the Nazis.
These are all people you would not trust in your house let alone Congress. And the Free Education, Free health, free energy, no carbon dioxide mob and total equality where black people are preferenced over all other colours is beyond dangerous. It is the end of the basic founding principles of the American state and constitution which brought so many people from so many countries into a single effective country. And so many first generation migrants who made it to congress think it is all a mess and needs to change to a communist state.
As Donald Trump said, they should go back to where they and their parents came from and fix those countries first. That include Barack Obama and East Africa. The anti racists are racists. The anti Fascists are fascists. The everything free mob means socialism where everyone is equally poor.
I read on Facebook that Harris has warned that when they win they will come after every single person who voted for Trump .
I’m seeing more and more groups coming out in support of Trump in this election and if they all vote on the day it will be a landslide for Trump .
I am concerned that Twitter will delete his account at a critical time before the election. They are already censoring it and restricting his reach. Without Twitter he’ll have no voice at all.
The plot thickens. Guess who is now in charge of deciding who can/can’t speak on Twitter? Nick Pacilio, Kamala Harris’s former press secretary, who is now Head of Communications at Twitter . . . and then this happens today.
“Twitter said it is exploring how to expand its “civic integrity policies” to address mischaracterizations of mail-in voting and other procedures, including registration.
U.S. President Donald Trump has repeatedly claimed without evidence that voting by mail, which is expected to increase dramatically this fall due to coronavirus outbreak, is susceptible to large-scale fr**d.”
The wildest claim is that Twitter has integrity, civic or otherwise.
beowulf, this is major regarding who gets to decide what may be said and herd. George Soros will be pleased…
Funding to manipulate Federal Elections, those leaked Soros funding documents show that Soros poured hundreds of millions of dollars into often secret efforts to change election laws, to fuel litigation to attack election integrity measures, such as citizenship verification and voter ID, to push public narratives about voter fraud as a myth, and attempts to manipulate media coverage of election issues in mainstream media outlets like The New York Times.
The funding documents name groups that received more than $500,000 each year, including the Centre for Community Change, the Advancement Project Centre and the Brennan Centre. Two of these organisations, the Advancement Project and Brennan Centre, regularly oppose election integrity measures in court and influence media by pushing voter fraud denial narratives.
Soros’ money also targets voter mobilization of minority groups that can be counted on to vote for the Democrats, the political party Soros supports. The documents also show funding for the League of Women voters and their current program to stop efforts by Kansas, Georgia and Alabama to verify that only citizens are registering to vote.
Let’s suppose that they do! Won’t there be Trump supporters who might notice?
I read on facebook that Aliens built the pyramids and that potatoes are bred to contain mind altering drugs.
From my checking of the claim seems to be about 50/50 if it’s true or not .
there you go, well done with moving beyond the, “I heard somewhere”, method of evidence presentation… you are learning, though slowly.
just a warning to others the site that Robert put up there is not CNBC and may direct you to malware
Site checked ok for me , no warnings .
Waiting to get the Hodgetwins take on Kamala Harris but being VP for any party is usually not a good career move unless you want to get into CAGW evangelism.
Harris is an odd choice because of her past criticism of Biden which will provide plenty of cannon fodder for the media and the Trump campaign.
So is it going to be a smart decision or is it going to be the straw that broke the camels back for the Democrats only time will tell but I’ve seen enough to predict Trump will win it’s just a matter of by how much .
Don’t click on anything within it!
It is a fake site pretending to have some sort of connection to CNBC.
I notice that you are not the lone paranoid here in the chamber.
“lone Paranoid” ??
Are you bored again, leaf?
Actually Gee Aye while we are casting aspersions didn’t you have a shrine to the power of cubism ?
Thanks for the warning.
It opens fine for me. You are right, it’s not the true CNBC News site which is at https://www.cnbc.com/
That’s worth knowing.
Please stay polite though. The threads just don’t need the heat of inflammatory language like “lone paranoid in the chamber”.
Now you’ve got me wondering if you put it on Facebook.
Kamala Harris was chosen by Leftists specifically because of her race and gender.
Wouldn’t it be great if we lived in a world where people were not be judged by the color of their skin (or gender) but by the content of their character.
Regarding the “content of her character”, That was the subject of a televised debate:
Harris sentenced people to Life in Prison for possession of 28 g. of marijuana.
For 200 or so years you had to be a white male to have any hope of being president or VP. There was no chance for anyone else of merit.
The reason- votes. Same reason here.
Except neither Biden or this marxist shrew have the slightest merit. !
David, I think we will find that Harris was chosen by Wall Street more than the leftists, given their reaction to the appointment.
Just 2.5 months to the vote which which will determine the course of the western world for the next 4 years! I am anxiously trying to read the tea leaves. If 45% of voters think that the VP position is important, they might be the Democrat voters. How many of them might abstain because of anxieties about Kamala Harris as POTUS.
How about the slightly more than 50% who say they will vote against Trump. Can that figure be believed?
Facebook is censoring links to the following site.
Extreme election interference if they claim to be a platform and not a publisher.
Not her official site, of course.
They’ve been careful to cite only the most woke media, as New York Times, LA Times, Jacobin and Huffington Post so yeah it can’t be allowed oxygen on Facebook.
There’s an opening for a canny entrepreneur to develop a forget.org memory hole facility at which politicians may be entirely absolved of their guilty pasts.
The Andrews government is having their own go at it by retrospectively relieving the Health Minister of her criminal liabilities.
I don’t see middle America voting for chaos so we will see. Many DT voters will be laying low even more so than last time I reckon, and Trump’s vote among African Americans has risen a lot since 2016. Biden will get smashed in the debates. He’s coming across as decidedly geriatric but the media are covering for him. Voters won’t.
They may see Kamala as fake. They had a black President with Biden and how much better off is the black community?
She is rich, privileged and Indian Jamaican. She has nothing in common with the 13% of Americans who are black.
“If there is a Biden administration,” said Sandalow, (a researcher at Columbia University who specializes in China’s energy policy) referring to the Democratic candidate for the U.S. presidency, “this will be a very important dynamic to watch.
The U.S. federal government’s climate policy will change by 180 degrees.”
Coal spree suggests China might loosen CO2 goals
How many of the debate moderators will not be clones of the previous lot?? The whole debate process stinks! Ah, but the vast majority of American lefties KNOW they are, without doubt, impartial, so that’s what matters!
Here is another view
she is a darling of Wall Street, just look at how the stock market is behaving
Well worth viewing thank you Peter , interesting how many black commentators are against this virtue signalling pick .
Yeah, they also ripped into the Democratic National Convention in another segment. it is well worth a watch every now and then, it is daily, and has some weekend segments. Interestingly the cohost Saargar was approached by the Trump Administration to host a 4th debate.
Who answers polls anymore? Last US election they were virtually useless. If you were a DT /Republican supporter and you were polled, good chance you would give phoney answers anyway. Election day in the US could be quite messy. I think the BLM/ Antifa lot will try as hard as possible to disrupt polling. Maybe even bully voters. There will disruption somehow and if Trump wins again the Dems will complain it wasn’t a fair election. This happens on House of Cards (US version)- Frank Underwood ( Kevin Spacey) goes to election vs a war hero Republican and loses but manages to orchestrate a mobile phone outage in Washington. The Dems argue the outage influenced the election and called it a non result. Life imitating art? It’s happened before. Remember the” Simpsons” predicted Trump to be President.
Has anyone heard of the 80/20 rule..
In any given situation, 10% of a population defend a principal with great zeal, 10% of the population oppose that ideal vociferously, while 80% of the population really don’t care, or simply just want to get on with their lives.
The 10 percenters are the weepers, wailers, whingers and whiners, the bleaters, blanket clutchers, bed wetters and hand wringers, the gnashers of teeth, the guilt ridden, the perpetually offended, eternally aggrieved, the humourless and ever waiting victim.
Unfortunately, the 10 percenters know the their philosophy will not stand up to the scrutiny of reason, logic or debate, so they defend their premise with harassment, bullying, censorship and violence. (The lefties…?)
They make so much noise, that the 80 percenters think that it is they, who are in the minority, and so are reluctantl to speak, or voice an opinion, lest they be targeted. This becomes apparent when unloseable elections are lost, and the 80 percenters can express themseves with anonymity.
I am an 80 percenter, just wanting to get through the day happy and peacefully, but, unfortunately the alarmists, at times drive me into a 10% group, and I find it difficult to deal with, and I yell at the tv and have, on occasion, smashed radios.( only one)
Where to…..?
End of rant..
“or simply just want to get on with their lives.”
I wonder how many Americans realise that is people like Biden and Harris are elected, they will NOT BE ABLE to get on with their lives.
The draconian left will not allow it.
The draconian left might wind up on its rear end…most americans are armed and can shoot. I suspect the leftist lunacy will be short lived, and be resolved via a repeated calming recoil sensation in the right shoulder of conservatives.
I dont think the left have truly worked out how sincerely ticked off and itching for the excuse of payback that conservatives are harbouring. Generally most conservatives wont react unless forced into a corner and having to physically defend thier families, but if they are it will be like a daisy cutter hitting the left….short sharp and with no mercy. For years conservatives have had to put up with the demented, spittle-sprayed and wild eyed rantings of the left. Once you come after families, the gloves come off and the left will find out very quickly they are weak.
The intolerance of the left extends well beyond climate change and the idea of this woman gaining control is indeed very scary. A GND would cause the markets to crash, the USD to crash, the banking system to crash and the economy to completely collapse. But worse still, it would cause the free world to collapse. These people are aware of what will happen, but know that a destitute population is one unable to reject their socialist incursion and totalitarian abmbitions. The nature of current left wing politics shows that the only lives that matter are those that can be used for political purpose and the real privilege is reserved for members of their own “elite” ruling class. The general masses are simply expendable fodder that get fed BS indoctrination, with forced compliance delivered to silence those that dissent. The extreme poverty that is always associated with Marxist regimes is a necessary measure for the elites to maintain their privileged status by having total control. One is now left to ponder how a once prosperous west ended up on the edge of this political cliff ?
In contemplating the bigger picture of how this unfolded, looking back January 1st 2020, the world was witnessing a resurgent US economy , Trump on a continued rise with 4 more years seemingly locked-in, and with a strong rise in conservative politics being driven by a fearless Trump. The timing of the pandemic could not be more ideal for the left and for those that don’t believe in coincidences it raises more questions than just a Chinese conspiracy.
A wee bit alarmist I think
Only slightly alarmist I’d say Gee. Everything else he referenced was accurate.
The way the Chinese Communists overtook China, was to destabilise the country. Make everything as chaotic as possible, then call for revolution and revolutionary change. The Dem party are doing exactly the same in Dem controlled cities.
This is getting dangerous.
Another YouTube vid explaining why Harris was not the best choice I especially like the debate shown right at the end .
Warning there are swear words in some of the twitter comments shown although the host of the show doesn’t swear .
you should check my link at comment #16 Robert, it completely rips into Harris, from both the left and the right.
Thanks yes it does and shows the people they are hoping to win over are not buying into into the diversity pick .
Even the left in America are ripping into this pick. I think Trump is right, this will help him more than the Dems
Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Democrats, and globalist world leaders will promote the ‘Great Reset’.
“For decades, progressives have attempted to use climate change to justify liberal policy changes. But their latest attempt – a new proposal called the “Great Reset” – is the most ambitious and radical plan the world has seen in more than a generation”.
“The Hill” is an American political website in Washington. This is a great website for keeping up to date with American and world politics.
A further quote from “The Hill’ on the same subject:
“For those of us who support free markets, the Great Reset is nothing short of terrifying”.
The political manipulation of the CV-19 ‘plandemic’ could be seen as the rate determining step for implementing the ‘Great Reset’ in 2021.
Check out the Hill’s Rising segments on you tube they are very good
Kamala Harris’s nomination for VP brings up two questions. (1) Will she be able to find “Hiden Biden”? (2) Does she even want to?
America vs China:
America – enfeebled military + emasculated police + widespread social unrest + ruinously expensive energy + useless legal system + media controlled by champagne socialists + oil & gas revenue zero + businesses crippled by green tape + citizens disarmed + anti-American public service
China – massively increased military + state-controlled police force + state-controlled legal system + state-controlled media + cheap coal-fired energy + control of UN, WHO, etc + military alliance with Russia + centralised economy + state-controlled banking system
It’s not really hard to see who’s going to come out on top, is it?
Maybe not…the right will put down the left pretty quickly and get things back on track rapidly. Dont underestimate how tough the americans are.
China (CCP) have more problems than you might think they have.
China is disciplined and the US is not, so if there is going to be a world policeman then it should be Beijing. The Bosnian slaughter and African genocide would not happen in the new world order.
Strong centralised government in China goes back thousands of years and they can handle the job of world leader. Once the dust settles on the pandemic and HK is off the front page, the picture should become clearer.
The benevolent dictatorship will only use these new craft for humanitarian purposes.
When murderous Che took over Cuba, the marxists used to execute each other for not being “marxist enough”. Its a kind of madness that seems to infest the Left. IMHO the left is the political party of demonic entities, so it doesnt surprise me at all.
It reminds me of the gondii parasite that turns mice suicidal in front of cats….
Here’s a video of Harris going for the young vote , not sure if it’s going to work though .
“Joe Biden health is iffy ”
Bloke’s clearly got dementia (aside from his horrible compulsion to paw young girls). Stops mid sentence and that’s it. Speak’s rubbish. Apparently, he used to have a catch phrase – “Hi, I’m (whatever the name of his wife is)’s husband”. Last time round, “Hi. I’m Jo Biden’s husband”. Whoever is VP if Biden gets elected will be in within weeks. And maybe that’s the plan…
Yes. Stupid plan. First win the election.
Some now forgotten source suggested that Harris is Silicon Valley’s candidate. Google and Facebook and China will run the show. I’m not up to deciding how far fetched that suggestion be.
I don’t think the evidence of this article justifies the headline.
“She demanded private information that the organizations were not legally obliged to disclose”
is not the same as “criminalizing climate dissent”.
An interesting aside:
I believe that the only person that is excluded from becoming a member of the Congress or Senate, on the grounds of birth or previous citizenship, is the President of the United States of America. What then happens when the elected Vice President (who is not excluded) becomes the President (by default) and is not therefore, eligible to hold that office?
The fiasco is demonstrated in our recent enquiries in the eligibility of members of Parliament to hold a place in parliamentary office, because of of birth and previous Citizenship.
Barack Hussain Obama, was definitely not eligible to become the President of the United States of America, under their Constitutional Law. Their country turned a blind eye to this fact.
True, Obama was not a natural born citizen (and he was never naturalized either), but rather than “turning a blind eye,” the powers that be just lied about it and excluded the naysayers from mainstream avenues of public discourse, attempting to stigmatize them as “birthers.” Every time wrong doing is pointed out, someone cries, “Conspiracy theorist, conspiracy theorist!” as those that should be sufficient grounds for terminating discourse about the matter.
Kamala pronounced Comm Ala will be the first rich Indian race VP if she succeeds. Biden is a fool.
There are very few women in the US Senate, yet women make up a whopping 50% of the 6 most left-leaning Senators. Yet Trump thinks passing the 19th amendment which allowed women to vote in federal elections (and thus run for office as well) was a good idea! What is that man smoking?
[Invisible /sarc tag here somewhere…. – Jo]