The scandals of the Biden family are so big they have a gravitational field of their own– and whole institutions like The FBI have been captured in the orbit. The ABC had time to discuss an orchid rescue operation in Western Australia, but nothing on the growing questions of abuse of the roles, and now the cover up, near the top of our largest military ally two weeks before their election.
There are so many interesting commentators the ABC didn’t call.
Tom Fitton from JudicialWatch speaks about Joe Biden:
Who knew that Ukraine was just the side hustle for the Bidens…?
If I were the President I would take [the case] away from the FBI, and the Dept. of Justice.
They will not be able to derail an investigation no matter whether he gets elected.
Has Joe Biden disqualified himself from the Office…?
Fitton sttarts at 3:50
Companies linked to Hunter Biden received millions of dollars in federal loans…
Sidney Powell — Michael Flynn’s defense attorney says:
‘There’s more than enough evidence to have warranted an indictment of Joe Biden and Hunter biden, and I can’t tell you how livid I am that the FBI didn’t act on this immediately,
“T”he entire country should be outraged.
“Biden effectively pimped his own son.
The judicial swamp needs draining.
h/t Bill
Four more years is NOT enough to fix this!
The democrats need to be held out of office for a decade or more to flush the system.
They bleat about systemic racism…the level of systemic corruption is almost incomprehensible.
The DemocRATS and the Left overall in the United States and the world in general need to be kept out of power forever, everywhere. They represent incomprehensible evil and destruction, whether they be of the national or international socialist variety or part way on the road there. As Ayn Rand said:
Even if Trump wins this election, he will cease to be POTUS in 4 years time. Then what? Only time will tell. In any case, one man can’t drain the swamp; the swamp is too big. Even if he remained POTUS for 50 years I doubt he would succeed to drain the swamp.
President Trump needs to have a succession plan. I’m sure he has someone in mind. Perhaps Don Jr?
I vote for Mike Pompeo as the next Rep leader.
How about Hunter Biden? He’ll do what he’s told.
I’d vote for Jim Jordon.
Donald will win the election and four more years is all he needs to drain the swamp.
I hope you are right eg.
I wish you were right too but I hardly thing it will all be over by then. Besides, the swamp can come back even stronger for any number of reasons. Be realistic and stop dreaming. Open your eyes and see what’s happening. Slowly but surely more and more groups are giving into the leftist agendas. Even PM Morrison has by refusing to start exit proceedings from the Paris Agreement and has gone soft on renewables.
‘Open your eyes and see what’s happening.’
My wide awake hat is on and let me assure you that the USP has 2020 vision.
This isn’t an excuse but I think the way politics is set up, corruption is inevitable. Perfectly capable and decent politicians are harassed from office by a hypocritical media because they were heard laughing at a blond joke. Yet total sleaze-bags remain in office for years because they’re ‘married family men’ and attend church every Sunday. Such a system can’t be cleaned up by a standard politician which is why a disrupter like Trump can do good.
Can the MSM keep all of this in its box remains to be seen. One wonders how the US and its compromised institutions DoJ and the FBI can overcome. I can only imagine the simmering outrage that exists in large sections, particularly the mid-west. Serious times.
The level of joy and positive MAGA support at all the various rallies and parades that are going on in the US at the moment is beginning to tip awareness of the fakeness of the news organisations and the polls to the mainstream. You just can’t fake all of that and in the end the press are going to have to start explaining it.
The F*I are now part of the swamp and need to be purged of swamp creatures and communists.
I heard a true story of one dude high up in the F*I in charge of counter terrorism for a state, who was arested for either being a chinese spy.
Nope..McCarthy was 100% spot on…the infiltration has been extensive..the whole country needs an enema to drain the swamp.
Trump can make a start! How does that joke go? “Question: What do you call 50 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean wearing cement overshoes? Answer: A good start.”
Henry VI, Part 2, Act IV, Scene 2 – “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.”
Then you would have (almost) no politicians.
It was a long time ago, but my memory says that was Henry V at Agincourt.
The French had allowed the battle to be fought on a location very unfavourable for them. Traditionally in those wars wealthier prisoners were held for ransom by their captors. The French had a bigger army, and Henry realised that he had so many prisoners that there was a danger that if the prisoners woke up to this they could resume fighting and win the battle. Hence the order to kill the prisoners.
I must read it again sixty years on.
An alternative.
“You have a pistol with two rounds.
In front of you are Hitler, Stalin and a lawyer.
You have a chance to change history>
Who do you shoot?”
Seems the correct answer is
“The lawyer. Twice to be sure”
The extra searches re Biden corruption are in large part the MSM and Tech Tyrants failure to report on this – to, in fact, actively try and bury it. For many, this is the first they’ve heard of it, and they’re curious. What they are finding out is gob-smacking to them – after years of “Trump collusion” lies, the failure to even report on this, let alone investigate it, will cost Biden a lot of votes, but it will cost the MSM even more. What little trust people had in the MSM (45%! If he gets just 15-20% of the black vote, he’ll win.
Ignore the “who will you vote for” polls, they are crap because people are worried about being “cancelled” for having the “wrong” opinion, and will simply not answer or lie about it.
Look at two things:
1) how many think they are better off than four years ago – currently at 55% and Obama won re-election with just 45%
2) who people think will win (Trump at approx. 55%) – this has been the most accurate poll predictor of actual results for the last 3 decades.
So I think the biggest questions are:
Can the Dems “fake” enough mass mail-in votes to matter where it counts;
Will it devolve into a house selected president and if so, who will win the most states;
How big will the Trump-slide be.
Personally, I would not be surprised to see Trump with >300 college votes, but we’ll see.
Oops! used a couple of > and < raw.
” … in the MSM (45%! If he gets just 15-20% of the black vote, he’ll win.”
Should be”
“… in the MSM (< 40%!) will be decimate further.
Look at the likely black voter numbers too – prior to the last debate, this was around 20-25%, now it >45%! If he gets just 15-20% of the black vote, he’ll win”
Once Trump is te elected, anti trust action against all bug tech companies. And purge of all communists from head of companies. That will break the communist jackals power….
Not to worry, Tip. You really think PDJT hasn’t though deeply about this? I know he has. He would NEVER allow the American people (and, by proxy the entire Western world) to be held in the clutches of increasingly communist Demonrat party.
I’m positive that he’s looking at 2-4 people and slowly vetting them as we speak (well, type).
I’ll bet, or guess at two: Don Jr and Ric Grenell although Ric maybe the better candidate for DNI (Director of National intelligence) Then he’d be able to take an aircraft carrier with a large Marine detachment along with. How’s that for draining the swamp?
Anyway, I know it won’t be Pence. And you can take that one to the bank.
Can’t think of any others right now.
And here I was thinkin the CCP were the bad guys. You have to check this out. Its from a very reliable source of a well known hedge fund manager. Biden should step aside because if he is elected’, he will have to be impeached within a short time.
Perhaps that’s their game plan; once Biden is elected President they let him go only to be replaced by Kamala Harris. Sneaky.
I think their plan is to get Biden elected via voter fraud and then remove him under the 25th Amendment and replace him with their chosen one, Harris.
He will be removed under the 25th Amendment because of medical incapacity due to cognitive impairment and a consequent inability to do the job.
I’ve thought that all along, ever since KH was selected as VP candidate. Biden is the means to an end.
I Annie. The Puppet Masters came up with the strategy after Camilla failed to gain traction on her own. Camilla has a long political history of being very usable. After hearing her speak I’m not impressed with any significant intelligence though enough to make Joe look worse.
should be: I (agree) annie
And Kamala’s VP will be …drum roll….. Hillary Clinton
Can she tie her own shoelaces yet …
or is she still having lessons?
No…but she wants trains over the oceans instead of plains , and voting rights for all unicorns and the easter bunny…
“Trains and boats and ‘planes”
Do you remember that song?
Don’t think she’s old enough to qualift?
@ PeterPetrum
As Another Ian correctly points out, she is not old enough. Under the Constitution, the Pres. and Vice Pres. must be of 35 years of age, compared to 30 for senators and 25 for representatives.
If Hillary becomes next inline to the presidency the president would need astute security. Perhaps even .
avoid food and drinks
Thanx for the link. Just d/l and will read when I have the time. Prob import to kindle.
The ABC needs to be defunded and given to the Greens , they already run it anyway .
The ABC are part of the same swamp and are part of the protection racket of all things far left. Crimes and misdemeanours must be swept under the carpet if they committed by those promoting far left extremism. As it turns out, the ABC did run a piece on the Biden emails, but it was all one sided, with the headline stating “but there’s good reason to be sceptical”.
None of the supporting evidence for the crime was mentioned, which included the head of the FBI stating this was not part of Russian collusion, the signed laptop receipt with Hunter Biden’s signature and a 3rd party, Bobulinski, who was in an email describing a big donation from China to the “big guy”, providing verifying evidence that the email was real. But, in the ABC, we either have the world’s dumbest journalists, who may be the first documented cases of people living with negative IQs, or the most ideologically corrupted in our journalistic history.
‘Their ABC’ will put all the investigative powers of their 4 Corners program right onto it!
I jest of course.
Their ABC is blinded by their hatred of Trump.
Journalism is dead and has been for a long while.
The public broadcaster has proved itself unable to be politically unbiased. If it was self funded I would have no issue with what it did. The Guardian newdpaper is a cess pool but it doesn’t cost me anything so I don’t care.
The best thing that could happen is that Donald Trump sues their ABC for their slander etc. We could then give him their ABC as payment in full.
Then I would get out the popcorn!
The ABC will burn down…all the lefties heads will spontaneously combust….
Big presumption there (IMO) – is vacuum combustible?
The ABC might be in full defensive mode over the case of Cardinal Pell yet. It looks like a scandal may be looming.
Slo Mo (Australian PM for overseas readers and a supposed conservative) is an enormous disappointment in nearly every way, including his unwillingness to do something about Their ABC. People got their hopes up when Morrison appointed Ita Buttrose as Chair but were immediately disappointed when one of her first pronouncements was that she could see no Leftist or other bias in the organisation.
I draw inspiration from Tony Hall’s appearance in W1A signalling his exit from the BBC that Ita Buttrose doing a piece in Micallef’s Mad As Hell presages her departure; wishful thinking eh.
Her second disappointing pronouncement was, ‘I don’t think that Andrew Bolt is a good fit for the ABC.’
Caught lying: The #BidenHarris2020 Fossil Fuel Frack Flip Flop
As the limmerick has it
“And now I am like two-faced Janus
The only God without an anus”
“Joe Biden brags about having “the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization in the history of American politics”
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) October 24, 2020 ”
There is a link here (Looks like U-Tube) that may show more
And the whole thread suggests that the proverbial fan just hit serious overload
…and the Hunter Biden sex tapes just dropped on Miles Guo’s anti-CCP
No, not linking to it.”
“I’ve decided not to post the actual video – it’s awful.”
CTH looks at the Biden vote brag
Data Shows Number One Online Story in America About Debate Is Biden Corruption
I forgot to add in my earlier post – We should start a petition to de-fund the ABC on the grounds that they don’t represent mainstream Australia. If we had a million signatures it would be difficult for those in Canberra to continue to look the other way.
Good idea Serge, but our “representatives” in Canberra simply don’t care. I don’t think they would even notice one million signatures. They know there are enough morons that will continue to vote for them, especially with Australia’s compulsory voting system where everyone can vote, even though they might be net wealth consumers rather than creators.
When people who are net wealth consumers get to continue voting themselves funds from the public coffers and politicians oblige, then the economic destruction of that society is inevitable.
You reminded me of this quote by Alexander Tyler in 1787:
You reminded me of this quote by Alexander Tyler in 1787:
Actually “Tytler”. The quote is disputed. See,vote%20themselves%20largess%20out%20of%20the%20public%20treasury.
De Tocqueville is better – see
“A republic, if you can keep it.”
Reportedly said by Ben Franklin.
story here
Relax everyone.
The Biden Crime Syndicate will be brought to “justice” in late January 2021, just after being sworn in as President and being forced to resign in disgrace in favour of a radical Communist. (Option B: sudden diagnosis of severe cognitive decline and an urgent – as in right NOW – need to spend more time with family).
After which, normal swamp operations can resume, unimpeded by Making America Great Again (a real inconvenience for side hustling) – these stacks of cash ain’t going to stockpile themselves you know.
And that’s how the West ended…
It doesn’t matter if Team Trump is playing 4D Chess when the opponent is fielding an AK-47.
Terry we have a dual system of justice in the US where Democrats get off easy. No one involved in illegal investigations of Trump, and trying to overturn the election went to prison. This would be different if the perps were Republicans. If this is not obvious to you, consider the Mueller Team of ALL Democrats investigating ONLY Republicans and even though they had no evidence of Trump Russian collusion before the 2018 elections, they kept quiet about that fact.
Today I posted the best new links about the Biden Crime Family on my politics blog, followed by about five of my own articles. Joe Biden is the most corrupt politician ever nominated for President in the history of the United States. I starting writing about the Biden family corruption in summer 2019.
My politics blog is at
My climate science blog, with over 65,000 page views is at:
This is the BEST climate science blog in the world, and has been excellent with COVID news too. I’ve been studying climate science as a hobby since 1997, and read a lot of blogs, websites and studies every week. Three cheers for Jo Nova and her work assembling all the information here — even the Australia articles are useful foe us “Amuricans”– they read like “canary in the coal mine” warnings for what will happen in the US next.
Note: I have designed nuclear powered fans and nuclear powered spotlights to improve the electricity output of wind mills and solar panels. Perhaps a Nobel Prize for me someday? My coal powered computers did not sell well, but no one is perfect.
There are a lot of very intelligent people on this site. And I greatly respect Jo’s opinions and writings.
But, sorry, I just have to ask … how can you possibly think that Trump is the solution to anything!!?
He is simply full of the same grievances and grudges as the many who struggle without his great fortune in life, and so is good at voicing those grievances and complaints we all have against government. But, he is ‘government’ now, and he’s trying to hang in there by division and racism. He also somehow musters up support by the religious right in the USA, and he plainly does not hold or follow their morals and beliefs in any way.
Even though we may like his more practical stance on climate, he sure as hell knows not a bloody thing about it, or about very much else. He is not draining any swamps, he is simply repopulating them with base and sniveling sycophants who he is expecting to follow his every whim. And he sure as hell does not put much thought into those whims, and does not bother to educate himself in any way.
He is the ultimate gaslighting liar, directly accusing others of things he clearly does himself, and he thinks because he is president, he is permitted to legitimately do these things.
His family are profiting hugely and constantly from his position, and yet he accuses the Bidens of ‘huge crimes’? And in spite of their only qualifications being that they are his offspring or partners thereof, he is tasking these particular family swamp-dwellers with international diplomacy and national policy execution.
He will result in the decline of the entire nation.
If Donald Trump is the answer, we’d better find a new question.
A long post yet I find nothing to agree with!
There are none so blind as those who will not see
Markx is doing us a favour. A polite fair question that will provoke a good response.
Imagine Markx, that Donald Trump had been using US foreign policy to send millions to Ivanka who funneled it back to him through purchases and gifts that didn’t show on a tax return? And that this was verified by former staff, colleagues and in writing because one of his drunk kids left a laptop at a repair shop, complete with emails and photos and forgot to pick it up?
Do you think the media would call that a Russian hoax unworthy of reporting?
The thing about Donald Trump that makes him so different to all the other politicians is that he didn’t get into politics to get rich.
He’s the only President who was so wealthy he couldn’t be bought.
Or to enrich his family.
Hi Jo,
Thanks, I do appreciate the discussion, as I’d like to understand what so many smart people are seeing that I can’t.
That ain’t necessarily so, just because he tells you it is so.
I don’t actually think that is likely the case.
Now, I don’t know for certain in Trump’s case, but, I have seen cases where supposed billionaires actually owe one helluva lot more than their assets.
However, unlike us, they only have to keep the whole show afloat long enough to convince a new bank, or often conglomerate thereof, to lend them a whole shitload of cash for some new venture, and away they go again. With a whole array of lawyers and accountants at their disposal, the very co-operative banks primarily interested in the huge fees and personal bonuses they score for setting up such deals then obligingly turn a blind eye to where the money actually ends up.
Keep rolling the dice on property or businesses like that and I’m sure anyone could make money eventually.
But, wide spread financial crises can put them under sometimes.
And that’s when they start looking for finance deals.
And they can get into precarious positions:
Trump and the Deutsche Bank loans:
For starters you continually use left, far-left links in your comments:
The Guardian
Financial Times
Business Insider
LA Times
GQ (whatever that is)
Every single one of them are ‘red flags’ and anti-Trump to the MAX!
Speaking of Politico, here is a long article they wrote about the Biden family back in August 2019 before they went full TDS. So grab a coffee and a bicky or donut and have a read. It will open your eyes – especially when you remember it’s from Politico (they have always been left-leaning);
When you’re finished with that, this story and Senate report quietly come out over the weekend about the Transition of Power to the Trump Administration; : there is a link to the full (285 pages) U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs/U.S. Senate Committee on Finance report under The majority staff report in the article.
Enjoy your homework.
So why isn’t he taking a salary for his term as president?
@markx – if you really, really want to see what your not seeing (via a very bias Trump bashing media) I recommend two sites for the real heavy stuff, The Conservative Treehouse (aka; The Last Refuge) as linked in Jo’s article or the Meaning of History.
These are my two main go-to sites before anywhere else. Both sites cut through the BS and use only declassified government documents (usually) to prepare and write their stories. Not only that, both authors know what they’re talking about.
‘Sundance’ is either ex-Govt., ex-FBI or ex-CIA as he knows to much about the ‘insides’ of the Govt. departments. He also recently returned from a ‘field trip’ to DC and has spoken personally to many of the investigators involved.
‘Mark Waurk’ from the Meaning in History is an ex-FBI Field Officer who also knows the ins-and-outs of how the FBI-CIA-DoJ works.
Like I said, both sites are very heavy reading and very detailed usually using government documents as their sources.
Both sites will open your eyes to what the U.S. ‘fake’ media are NOT TELLING YOU!
The other thing is that he brings a transactional rather than a theological view to foreign policy.
IF the ingredients for a deal are in place try to make it. The received wisdom of what is and isn’t possible has proven to be woefully
About those photos … Rudy Giuliani did warn the other day that China had copies of those. Facebook and twitter are currently in melt-down banning and deleting all links of what was released today.
Photos of a document? Now there’s evidence I can trust.
Who’s talking about documents Gee Aye?
I agree with Jo. Markx’s comments have been both on topic and polite in nature. The fact that I disagree with his opinions doesn’t change that fact. I welcome comments from people like Markx–I wish this blog had more of them.
I think you read and view a wider range of information sources, if that is you view.
These are from the same site but they are a good summary of what he has done :
From a European perspective :
I would also recommend looking at The Conservative Treehouse (which Jo linked above) for serious indepth analysis of what is going on in the US.
Thank you for the interesting links.
However, to be fair, I think you will agree that is less of European perspective (as it is titled) and more of a ‘conservative Jewish’ perspective.
I think we may all agree that every single press outlet has its own biases, and reports from that perspective, right?
Picked a good day to link something to the Gateway Pundint … oh my.
‘Even though we may like his more practical stance on climate, he sure as hell knows not a bloody thing about it, or about very much else.’
That isn’t true, Donald is aware that global cooling is imminent, he has been tutored by a master.
‘ … he is ‘government’ now, and he’s trying to hang in there by division and racism.’
Strongly disagree, the POTUS is a charismatic leader on a mission to reinvigorate America and he is doing fine. Division and racism are natural, he didn’t create it.
I do not believe global cooling is imminent. I do not believe the globe is warming. There is currently a cool pool in the North Atlantic that might cause some cooling in Europe.
Earth has a highly precise thermostat to control energy balance. Sea Ice forms at 271.3K. Once formed it insulates the water surface and dramatically slows heat loss. At the upper extreme, monsoon and tropical cyclones kick in around 300K and prevent temperature rise above 305K by reflecting massive amount of insolation. It is an exquisite control system that maintains the equatorial ocean surface temperature within a very narrow range:
Any indication of global cooling or warming indicates a failure of the measurement system. No doubt there are small solar influenza but very difficult to detect. There are some very significant orbital changes that test the limits of the energy transfer system from southern to northern hemisphere that might result in glaciation in the northern hemisphere or even the Southern Hemisphere but at different times. Then there are the movement of land masses over the eons that alter the ocean energy transfer but they do not happen in 100 or even 1000 years
I can say with great certainty that any climate model predicting warming is WRONG. Likewise anyone predicting cooling is WRONG unless that have reliable ability to forecast large volcanos.
Its only two decades of cooling as the AMO and IPO go negative, more La Nina and frigid European winters, not a mini ice age. As you know these large ocean oscillations determine weather and climate.
We also know that Australia was generally cooler and wetter throughout the LIA and dry during the MWP
Cooling is underway. The only convincing simple air temperature analysis is that of Professor Weiss and his team and that really well maps the temperature fluctuations of the last 2500 years, predicts a peak around 2010 and a rapid decline after 2020. All this from only two cycles, one solar, the Weiss cycle of 250 years and the other an induced cycle in the world’s oceans as the PDO of 11 years. He did this by blind Fourier analysis, so it is credible and matched two very well known dominant cycles. Everything fits.
It is so unlike just mapping the last 120 years and claiming CO2 causes warming. Especially when simple science says warming releases CO2 from the vast reservoir in the oceans. If the oceans released just 2% of their dissolved CO2, aerial CO2 doubles.
The proposition that a vague correlation between CO2 and air temperature over 100 years and broken in the last 20 is any sort of proof is just science rubbish. I would agree with a correlation of water temperature which is still climbing and CO2, but CO2 is not causing warming of the world’s oceans.
So it is going to get colder fast. Just look at the graph at 12:19. It’s a remarkable, simple and therefore convincing analysis. CO2 induced warming is just fantasy, the BLM of its day, a socialist construct. Next comes a demand for cash.
seriously? Can you back that up?
You can believe what you like, it won’t change what is happening:
‘ … anyone predicting cooling is WRONG.’
We are at the end of the Holocene Interglacial, but before we slide into the abyss there will be plenty of warning. At the end of the Eemian there was a 200 year aridity pulse, so we should have enough time to do some geo-engineering and minimise the impact.
Trump is not the nicest person. He is not the smartest person. But he is a person dedicated to capitalism and democracy, and a man who actually believes that his country has done more good than bad. He actually likes America and Americans. These characteristics are rather lacking in the Democrats of today.
Don’t the Dems ever wonder why about half the country is prepared to vote for a guy who can be nasty, childish and offensive, rather than vote for them? Could just have something to do with the Dems never having a good word to say about their own country. “We’re racist, we’re nasty, we’re killing the earth, we’re the worst of the worst.” Or maybe they should consider that people simply hate hypocrisy more than they hate Trump. The Dems are so worried that the Russians might influence an election but somehow allowing undocumented non-citizens to vote is perfectly fine.
I suspect no matter who wins, the ensuing months will not be a nice time in the USA.
Although Trump has some character flaws, he ,makes not attempts to hide them. At times he is mean and crass, but most of us are like that from time to time. We find him refreshing as we are getting someone who is real no
and we know who we are getting! This is very refreshing compared with most politicians!
But, to some, concerning, not refreshing.
If there were even a hint of true scandal about Trump it would have been front page news for weeks on end.
Trumps genius is as a business negotiator. His flip flopping on topics is the mark of someone who tosses ambit claims, is unpredictable, hard to read, exaggerates situations in order to screw a better deal out.
He is a master of figuring out what motivates other players.
Has any leader in the world done more for peace than DJT? Which US presidents didn’t start wars? Which got N and S Korea to talk? Which managed deals with arab and african nations and Israel, breaking the Palestinian gridlock?
I totally agree. It is easy to slander anyone. And as every trained Marxist knows, mud sticks.
The ABC/Guardian/Fairfax told us incessantly that Cardinal George Pell was ‘arrogant’ and then when you saw him on trial stony faced in a kangaroo court. He was convicted without any evidence at all. Then even the police prosecutor had to admit that the crime of which he was convicted was utterly impossible. So the case was unanimously thrown out unanimously at the High Court but the question still stands. How and why was he convicted in the first place? Slander was universal from the ABC, the police and his accuser did not even have to appear in court.
Initially I also believed all the terrible things said about Trump. I repeated them as fact. Then I did my own research. He is a very remarkable man, extraordinary. And America is so lucky he decided to dedicate the rest of his life to clean up the swamp at his own great personal and financial expense. Few would have done what he has done or made the sacrifices he has made. Contrary to everything in the press, you have a man of great determination and principle. He really loves America and wants to make it Great again.
Everyone knows Trump and his whole family have suffered a great deal personally. The abuse has been nonstop and personal and appalling. A severed head of the US President covered in blood was a ‘joke’? His son was interrogated by the FBI/CIA for 30 hard hours and his close adviser General Flynn jailed without cause with a forced confession when the FBI knew he was innocent but they set out to trap him and lock him up. That’s Stalin’s KGB. And the fake FISA statements on oath are actionable today, FBI spying on Trump funded by the Clintons and the Democratic Party. Even the head of the FBI wore a ‘wire’ into the White House to trap Trump. We all know this. When will the courts take action on this and the many crimes of the ‘Russiagate’ scandal? 40 people were jailed over Watergate, a picnic by comparison.
The Bidens and the Clintons and Obamas of Camelot have walked away without a scratch on them when they should all be locked up. All these opportunistic professional lawyers wanted was money and power and the pay is lousy, so deals are done behind the scenes. Trump donates his entire salary.
So if you judge people by what they do, Trump is a true champion and we all know he has been fighting alone, even against many Republicans who are part of the same swamp. We in Australia need him to win. For our own safety if nothing else. China under Xi is becoming threat to world peace and Democracy in the way Russia never was after Stalin. The world is on a knife edge.
Apparently the word totalitarianism is derived from Mussolini’s “totalitario” which defined Fascism. What we have now is an unholy alliance between big business and Socialists, a sort of capitalist communism. And it threatens our state of Victoria and many countries in Europe and now Trump is facing off against a totalitarian Democrat party in which geriatric Joe Biden is just a sock puppet who has lost the plot. And everyone knows it.
” And as every trained Marxist knows, mud sticks.”
There is that picture of big, square shouldered Atlas holding up the cares of the world.
I’ve reckoned for years that you need shoulders like an arrowroot biscuit so they slide off.
And Trump seems to have added a teflon coating
And a banner from a poster at Unofficial Allis that I have posted before
Trump Is Not A Lib or Conserv, He’s a “Pragmatist.” (someone who is practical and focused on reaching a goal. Has a straightforward, matter-of-fact approach and doesn’t let emotion distract him or her “
For four years no one has brought up the elephant in the room. The left has, as a fundamental part of their catechism, called out the president as racist.
Yet for many years he ran a very large business in the hospitality and leisure space; hotels, restaurant, clubs. Perhaps no business employs more minorities.
His record of equitable employment and promotion from within across tens of thousands of employees was such that it has never been raised by folks who would impeach him over a phone call whose criminality was a mystery to most of us, and whose sensitivity to “racial injustice” is at the core of their being.
At their core is prevarication at a scale unseen heretofore in public life, and I fear we shall all suffer greatly should they take power again.
This one must be dealt with:
Korea. We know China was finding North Korea more and more difficult to deal with, and China initiating some trade sanctions would have played a major role. The North Koreans had no other freinds or trading partners.
And changed South Korean policies played a major part:
And Isreal/Palestine? A peace summit to which the Palestinians were not even invited? An outcome which simply gave Israel everything they’d ever wanted? (Whether they’d mentioned it aloud or not). A complete travesy of morality and justice at every level.
Kudos to Trump for not starting any more wars. Although I seriously expected he would have attacked Iran by now, it is always a boost for fading presidents to start a war a few months out from the upcoming election. I’m guessing COVID-19 put paid to those plans. (Sorry, I’m perhaps being too cynical here!
Mark Mark.
Yes, I know it’s an old one, but I couldn’t resist.
Compared to whom?
Joe Biden? Vladimir Putin? Kim Jong Un? Hillary Clinton?
Trump may not be as ‘nice’ as our Scott Morrison, but he is a damned sight more effective than ScoMo and all other national leaders.
markx, you are stating the bleeding obvious, unfortunately too many have become blinded by their tinfoil hats. Add America’s ongoing hysteria about communism have resulted in Trump to play them like a fiddle.
Well you know who to blame for all the Russia malarkey … and it ain’t Pres. Trump
Funny word.
Methinks solutions are something chased by cats when they notice something fluttering behind them.
I personally have never caught one.
Stopped chasing them a good while ago.
I’ll be voting for the one most likely to slow down the paving of the road to you know where.
markx wrote, “But, sorry, I just have to ask … how can you possibly think that Trump is the solution to anything!!?”
Not that the two are anywhere nearly the same; but I’ll reframe your question: “How could Winston Churchill think becoming an ally of Joseph Stalin was the answer to anything?” The answer to that question is: When facing a mortal enemy, you take allies where you can find them. Unlike Churchill’s partnership with the US which got England both a war ally and a committed friend, Churchill’s partnership with Stalin got him a war ally and a future enemy. But Churchill had the sense to know that it was just possible that if England didn’t ally itself with the Soviet Union, England might not be around to find the “solution to anything.” I don’t now nor have I ever personally liked Donald Trump; but because I believe he is fighting socialism (and by extension the democrat party because it is championing socialism), which in my mind IS THE mortal enemy of the United States, Donald Trump is one of America’s great Presidents. So to answer your question: He’s the only solution I see to that has the guts and the knowhow to slow down and possibly stop our slide into socialism.
And as an aside, even if he fails and the US becomes a socialistic state, he’s a hero in my book because he kept Hillary Clinton from being President.
Reed Coray.
Well I guess that does sum it up.
I do agree that he may well have done the world a favour by keeping Hillary out.
But, by the same token, I’d support Biden rather than support the guy I see setting up his own tightly controlled, personally financially lucrative, family run fiefdom, based on a climate of divisiveness fueled by random goading and twittering from the man himself.
And the US version of ‘socialism’ is about mid right-wing for the rest of the world. It has nothing to do with the classical definition of socialism, but is only the largley lacking but necessary social support nets and glue required to hold a society together. (Being proportionately the greatest jailer in the world ain’t working). And, contrary to popular scaremongering, those social programs do not cost the nation one cent. Every single dollar provided to in social support gets spent on necessities, feedign straight back into local businesses, and goes straight back into the economy, taxed at every step, and works its way up until it lodges in Jeff Bezos’ pocket, or Eric or Donald Trump’s pocket, and thence it heads offshore to hidden account somewhere.
In fact, completely unconstrained capitalism is the enemy of us all. The ‘unconstrained capitalists’ tend ot miss the fact that capitalism is shaped by a myriad of laws and regulations, starting with those relating to property, including those relating to transactions and currency, and those relating to disputes, and labour laws. It works ONLY in the manner we decided to shape it.
Some 200 companies control about 80% of the world’s finances, and those are progressively taking each other over. And although they whine about over regulation, they in fact thrive on it, being replete with clerks, regulators and lawyers as they are. In truth, they only really hate one set of regulations: those relating to antitrust and cartel issues.
At this rate we’ll all end up working for the one company, and buying all our requirements from it too.
The difference between capitalism and socialism isn’t moral–not in the sense of imperfect or corrupted leadership. Both forms of government can and have had corrupt leaders. The difference is results. It’s human nature to want to better your lot and the lot of your family. People can accomplish this goal by producing in excess of what they need to survive. So in my opinion there exists a human trait (better your lot) that can and will be met by individuals producing more than their existence requires. If enough individuals produce more than they individually need, the result will be a society that has more than the society as a whole needs. Because I also believe it is human nature to want to help those who can’t help themselves or those who encounter tragedy not of their doing, some of the excess will find its way to society’s unfortunates–maybe not as much as you’d like, but some. Charities are an example of this behavior.
However, if as part of a plan to ensure everyone in society has enough to exist, you create a society that by action of law (not personal choice) confiscates that which a person produces over and above what he needs to exist, the producers of the world have little if any incentive to produce more than they can keep. Why should they? They don’t personally benefit; and they resent working to support a large part of the population who won’t work to support themselves. I believe most people would rather spend time engaged in their favorite hobby over spending time working; and I believe this is especially true if they see their extra effort going to support the neighbor next door who sits on his butt. Since there will always be a segment of society that for legitimate reasons can’t produce the minimum needed to survive, the result of such a government mandated confiscation policy will be a descent into poverty for all. You may say, well we won’t confiscate everything you produce above what you need; we’ll only confiscate a little bit. That sounds good. But my knowledge of history (and I admit I an not a historian) is that such a policy always evolves into the government’s taking more and more–until eventually it takes everything, which inevitably leads to armed revolt.
Two centuries ago a Scotsman named Tytler made the following observation: “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury.” [ see,_Lord_Woodhouselee ]. I agree with Tytler’s conclusion. But that doesn’t mean I won’t fight to delay the inevitable as long as possible. I’ve had a very good life. All my basic needs have been met; and I’ve enjoyed the extra benefits my parents gave me and I later earned for myself. I want my children and grandchildren to experience what I have experienced. In my opinion, the democrat party is hell bent on hastening Tytler’s observation. They are forever demanding more and more from the rich. Hasn’t Jo Biden explicitly said in this Presidential race that he won’t tax the common man, but he will tax the rich? In my 76 years of life, I don’t recall the democrats ever saying “The rich have paid their fair share (much less more than their fair share) of taxes. It’s time we let the rich alone and taxed the poor and/or the middle class.” If they ever did say that, it must have been during one of my increasingly frequent two-minute naps. We haven’t reached the point where the government takes everything above what is needed to exist, but those who advocate a 90% tax bracket for anyone are almost there. When and if they achieve their goal, the result will be a society without an excess, and therefore a society incapable of taking care of its unfortunates.
I believe capitalism provides a framework under which society’s unfortunates benefit; socialism establishes a framework in which the only beneficiaries are the government leaders. So if your goal is to take care of society’s unfortunates, you should be a capitalist, not a socialist. In this battle (I’d like to call it my “quest” to take care of everyone, but that would be a virtue-signaling lie), Trump is an effective ally fighting for what I think works; and therefore he may not be the whole answer, but he’s sure a bigger cog in the solution than Jo Biden or any prominent member of the democrat party.
Reed Coray.
Yes, that is the standard view of capitalism. And thus far it has served us mightily, and anyone sensible would understand that it is the only functional system we have (thus far) to motivate humans and produce innovation and wealth.
But without checks and balances, it is inevitable that all wealth will accumulate into fewer and fewer hands. In these days of instant communication and instantly available finance, innovative competitors are quickly gobbled up and digested by the big guys.
Both Bezos and Gates have generated vast wealth by great insight and great innovation. However, leaving aside the fact they both operate systems which are more like a constant and repetitive tax on a vast clientele, it is also notable that the systems of great wealth accumulation they developed only function because the rest of society has grown around them. As much as they have shaped society, they have also benefited due to the other developments and economic growth of that society.
That fact alone is a good reason to consider a wealth tax on these and similar businesses.
Another reason is that stated above: once these companies get big enough, they simply digest competition wholesale, and the whole capitalist premise of open competition is washed away.
You seem to be stuck on the idea that we can only have a full classically defined socialist state, or alternatively, a capitalist state (presumably you envisage one as it now operates, or do you prefer the extreme of no regulations and dog eat eat dog survival of the fittest, or at least, the biggest and best financed?)
In truth, the answer must lie somewhere in between. Much of the USA is however unfortunately sadly blighted in its thinking that any social programs are all cost and no benefit.
I agree with you 100% when you wrote: “…anyone sensible would understand that it [capitalism] is the only functional system we have (thus far) to motivate humans and produce innovation and wealth.”
I also agree that capitalism, and for that matter any form of government, needs checks and balances; but then some already exist. For example, don’t we currently have some anti-trust laws? Whether they’re sufficient and/or need changing is a legitimate issue. I haven’t given the matter much thought; but at this time, I’m in favor of applying existing anti-trust laws to (or possibly writing new anti-trust laws for) “social media” and companies like Microsoft and Amazon. I’m against any unaccountable system of economics or government; so the questions facing us at election time are (a) where are we on the “checks-and-balances” scale (i.e., are we near the “overcontrol end” or the “insufficient control end), and (b) which political party/candidates, if any, are moving us in the right direction? ”
I’m against “taxing the rich” solely because they are rich. IMO, taxes should be collected only to finance legitimate government activities such as a military, a court system, a monetary system, etc. The never-to-be-answered generic question is: What constitutes a legitimate government function? I don’t have an answer to that question, much less “the” answer; but describe to me a function, and I’ll have an opinion as to whether that function should be primarily funded by tax dollars or by private individuals/companies. Take, for example, the function of “wealth distribution.” I’m not convinced it’s even a worthwhile function; but I’m dead against its being a government function. I have no problem with and even applaud individuals/companies who voluntarily decide to redistribute their wealth–they earned it and they should have the say as to how it is spent. But I do have a problem (not moral, but practical) with your (not you personally, but others in general) forcing me by action of law to give up some of my assets solely to achieve the goal of a “more equal” (some would say, “more fair”) distribution of wealth. [As an aside, I deplore the word “fair” being used to describe wealth distribution. Who defines “fair?” I believe the common-man definition of “fair” is: “If it benefits me it’s fair, if it benefits others but not me, it’s unfair.] Because voluntary redistribution of wealth is under the control of the producers, it has an inherent self-limiting control feature. Because government-mandated redistribution of wealth is under control of the government (which in a democracy means the people and thus in large part means the “takers” not the “givers”), there is no self-limiting control feature. For this reason I view voluntary redistribution of wealth as a “good thing” and government-mandated redistribution of wealth as an abomination.
So I agree with you that “…the answer must lie somewhere in between;” and you may be right when you say: “Much of the USA is however unfortunately sadly blighted in its thinking that any social programs are all cost and no benefit.” Bottom line, I believe that we pretty much agree in principle and that our differences arise in application. Our life experiences will obviously affect our responses on an application-by-application basis. My life experiences tell me Donald Trump (not the republican party in general because over the last 50 years it has repeatedly disappointed me by “talking a good game” but doing almost nothing) is on the correct side of the checks-and-balances scale; and even admitting he’s far from perfect, he’s so much better than Jo Biden and the leadership of the democrat party that I will enthusiastically vote for President Trump and against every democrat running for office.
Reed Coray.
US style of capitalism:
A very informative youtube video, started 2 minutes in to save a bit of time.
This clearly shows a failing system:
Interesting, and well-done, YouTube presentation. You say it shows a “failing system.” My response is: Define failing. Money is a means of characterizing wealth using a common measure; so in what follows money ($) is a measure of actual wealth (real goods and services) not an arbitrary monetary system. Which would you rather have, (b) a system where everyone shares equally in $1,000, or (b) a system with the “true distribution” (true being defined in the YouTube presentation) of $1,000,000,000. Now I admit I picked those numbers out of a hat to support my way of thinking; and you could pick different numbers to support your position. Even with that, I do think the question of absolute versus relative wealth is legitimate. I’d rather live in a system where I’m better off on an absolute basis than on a relative basis–i.e., I’d rather live in the US than say Bangladesh. You can ask: Why not have both? My answer is “that would be great, but I’ve never seen it happen on any large scale.” It’s true that misery loves company, so yes I am jealous of those who have many times the assets I have; but reducing or even removing that jealousy won’t feed me or better my lot. All it will do is make me less miserable. I opt for extra assets over reduced jealousy.
“markx wrote, “But, sorry, I just have to ask … how can you possibly think that Trump is the solution to anything!!?” ”
Given developments I have one question –
“And Biden is the answer”????
How about:
Lowest unemployment of Blacks and Hispanics ever
Historic peace deals in the Middle East with, so far, three Arab nations signed up, more soon to come on board
The return to the USA of manufacturing industries that Obama said could never happen
Thanks to fracking, the US is no longer beholden to the Middle East for energy.
One thing I will give Trump credit for, is that he is a master salesman. Primarily in selling his own story and accomplishments, and he’s capable of completely straight facedly ignoring any facts when selling a story. His years as a real estate wheeler dealer, followed by reality show stardom, have refined his style of selling the story and ignoring the facts.
His ‘accomplishments’, as listed, are mainly those he touts himself, without providing data.
Economics efforts?
And manufacturing returning? As much as I think it is a worthy aim, I don’t believe he has gone anywhere near creating the structures required.
Trump’s Mideast deals tout ‘peace’ where there was never war. A fear of Iran, and some promises of weapons deals, there there you go.
Allowing fracking. Well, I’ll give him top marks for that. Energy independence and low cost energy are primary needs when your rivals are trying to outcompete you on every front.
Further, his China trade war is in my opinion a necessity. It has been, and is still a very uneven playing field. I’m not sure he got the upper hand in the wrestle; see the US monthly foreign trade balance chart in the BI reference above, but he did show they don’t hold all the cards and will negotiate.
He loses me with the lies, hyperbole, self promotion, revenge politics, and a complete disregard for democracy, especially in undermining the postal service and polling place availability. Not to mention the blatant supreme court stacking with McConnel’s ruthless hypocritical and immoral assistance.
What lies? Give us an example.
The lists are numerous and almost endless. He simply has no regard for facts, saying whatever he thinks he needs to say at the time. And his supporters don’t fact check him at all.
Here is one such list:
I’ve looked at thestar link quoted by markx.
It does not pass at defining ‘lies’. It does list errors such as dates and costs which do not change the line of argument. These are ‘off the cuff’ replies to questions not in prepared documents. Another frequent thestar failure is in providing misleading extensive quotes, but these quotes stop short leaving out the essence of the statement.
I define lie as this kind of statement:
“I did not have sex with that woman”
“I did not take part in the business dealings of my son”.
“I will (or, I will not) close down the use fossil fuels” depending on the audience.
They are not lies?
With out even resorting to the list:
1. “‘the server’ is in Ukraine, and Hillary’s emails are hidden in Ukraine”.. Wild, illogical conspiracy theories gleaned from stirring right wing joker sites.
2. “Biden got the Ukrainian prosecutor fired to protect his son”… no, that was Obama policy even before Biden went there.
3. “There is an army of migrants marching onto the border, send in the army” (just before the election, then quietly bring em back straight after).
4. “Mexico will pay for the wall!” Then raids military budgets for a bit of token gesture construction.
5. “The wall is being built at breakneck speed”… when it hadn’t even started.
6. “China is paying us a fortune in tariffs!” Nope, those are paid by the buyer. The only action of tariffs is to price an imported good out of the market, and while I think there is a legitimate case for that in regard to China even if it is against the basic capitalist doctrines, they ain’t paying those millions. And Trump knows that.
7. “the United States is in the midst of an economic boom the likes of which the world has never seen before.” He knows that is not even close to true.
8. “The company tax rate cut from 35% to 21% won’t benefit me at all”. While I think that cut was sensible if you want your companies to be competitive in a capitalist/free trade world, it is quite clear that it would be worth billions to Trump’s companies.
Haven’t been able to check all the other claims atm, but this one has been verified by the ‘Laptop from Hell‘.
Everything Joe Biden and the Obama administration previously denied was taking place with their Ukraine engagement is now documented as having taken place. The eventual outcome was Vice-President Joe Biden threatening to withhold $1 billion in U.S. financial aid to Ukraine if the Ukrainian government did not fire the prosecutor and drop their investigation of Burisma. Ukraine fired the prosecutor and dropped the investigation.
There’s even a video of Biden bragging about it!
There are various versions of this story. Here is another one for you:
GD: these are good ones.
Trump said of the U.S. auto industry in his June 18 rally in Orlando: “Many, many plants are now under construction in Michigan and Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida. They hadn’t built one in decades and now they’re all over the place.” It’s not true that the auto industry hasn’t built a new plant “in decades.” As for the “many, many plants … now under construction,” Bernard Swiecki, director of the Automotive Communities Partnership at the Center for Automotive Research, told us he knew of only two new assembly plants under construction or newly announced — a Toyota/Mazda joint venture plant in Alabama (announced in January 2018) and a Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) plant in Michigan (announced in February).
But….Automaker investments North America 2009 to 2018. Chart:
Things have changed since that Sept, 2019 article … it’s called the ‘Laptop from Hell’
Biden has lied to the American public saying that he had no dealings with his son in his business dealings or meet with any of them …. Here’s an email from the ‘Laptop from Hell’
You can forget everything prior to the ‘Laptop from Hell’, it’s all lies and a whole new ball game.
I gave you two websites where you can find this information because the lame stream media are doing their hardest to keep it all covered up, I suggest you use them.
Any way, I’m done here as you can lead a horse to water – but you can’t make it drink. In leaving, I leave you this article which also includes an email from the ‘Laptop from Hell’:
Trump’s opponents endlessly repeat that he is “racist” but when challenged with any examples are unable to give any.
The Left always say the opposite of what is true.
All evidence clearly demonstrates Trump is anything but a racist.
Anyone who accuses Trump of being racist has automatically invalidates their argument.
Trump has done more for minorities than previous administrations and especially the DemocRATS have done in decades.
David Maddison
Oh, I dunno, Dave, they do seem to try:
His economy has not been as dramatically successful as he would make out, and nor have successes been primarily his doing:
9 charts here:
but the failures of socialism or extreme regulation are clearly the “fault” of the imposers…..
I takes thousands of small business people to struggle to run thousands of small restaurants to make a few bucks each, it takes one stupid
authoritarian rule from one person to shut the whole thing down for long enough to kill the vast majority of them and lay wast to all their invested capital.
If the government replaces their restaurant income with support payments, what have we done, and where will the support payments come from?
We can blame a destroyer, and not fully dredit an enabler, but we should clearly understand the mechanism.
Richard Ilfeld
I agree with you on these points.
Yes, excess regulation does favour the big companies hugely. They have the structures and staff to deal with it, and the ‘mom and pop’ operator does not. So the little guy starts off at a large competitive disadvantage.
The ‘thousands of small restaurants’ is an interesting observation: it basically describes the social support system of many South East Asian countries. Little makeshift restaurants on footpaths, roads and public lands all making enough to pay for the owners’ meals for the next few days. And they work because the authorities deliberately turn a blind eye to it all, knowing it is needed. Even Singapore had regulations restricting corporations from ownership of certain classes of food court stalls, meaning they remained family operations with casual labour, fulfilling two needs: making cheap meals readily available, and providing employment and income rather than social services.
The other thing to note is the supply of very cheap electricity to illegal and semi-legal housing in those countries. A necessity, paid for by higher power bills for big users.
However, almost everything being legislated in developed countries in recent decades has been about ‘freeing the markets’ … which hugely favours big business. The inevitable result is an unemployed and underemployed pauper class. And the ‘lucky’ ones might get to work under slave labour conditions and rates for a ruthless Amazon type emplower.
There needs to be either a support system or a targeted approach to favour small and medium business. Or, more likely, a combination of these, and I’d add, some very severe and enforced antitrust laws to keep a lid on the big guys.
And a support system of access to medical care is essential, and again, does not cost the community: that money goes around. Except for that which goes to big pharma, which is a whole extra can of worms.
Rasmussen latest polling shows Trump approval @ 46% with black voters
I’m no Trump fan, but your diatribe is clueless.
True that Trump is like an auto plant manager who has a very important position but sounds blue collar guy when he talks. So what? True that Trump has learned nothing about climate science. Biden knows even less. True thatTrump is a blabbermouth who spends way too much time bragging about himself, usually exaggerating the accomplishments of his administration. But then he is a blabbermouth who favors free markets and secure borders, and reject the crazy Green New Ordeal.
Compared with the Biden Crime Family, Trump is a boy scout, taking no salary, and ending all real estate deals in other nations — which were the PRIMARY income sources for his company and his two sons. Not to mention turning off half the population about going to, or staying at, any property with the Trump name on it. No candidate has given up more money to become president.
I have not voted for any Republican since Ronald Reagan in 1980. I favor Libertarians. But this year I voted for President Trump, rather than the Libertarian candidate. I hope Trump wins Michigan again. And no corrupt politician named Biden deserves to be nominated, much less win … and he won’t win — the polls are meaningless when Trump is one of the names.
The enthusiasm at Trump’s rallies is the best evidence Trump will win. But look out for voting fraud, especially in Pennsylvania.
I can’t even find a Democrat to bet $20 on Biden — while I bet $20 on Trump — even though almost everyone I know is a Democrat !
Trump has to do this because the media won’t give him any credit at all. Trump was smart enough to not let the media control completely the narrative. That is one reason why they hate him.
Well said Dave.
I still read Trump’s tweets before looking at any other media each day. It is enjoyable to hear what he is thinking directly – and yes, he uses bombastic and exaggerated language – but that is how he has always spoken. That is his authentic voice (if you’ve read The Art of the Deal, you can see the exact same style there) – how many politicians or world leaders are convincingly authentic? Not many. Plus, that sense of humour! Love the way he makes his opponent’s heads explode quite deliberately, whilst winking to those who ‘get him’.
Did you see Andrew Klavan’s satirical tweet about Donald’s immune status, post covid?
“And not just any antibodies. The best antibodies. Enormous antibodies that will crush covid. That’s not just me saying this, many respected people are saying it. They’ve never seen such antibodies probably ever. They’re very beautiful.” LOL, because you can imagine him saying something like that.
And I’m an old lady, supposedly the kind of person who should hate men like Trump. But I don’t – it takes all sorts and he seems to be exactly what is required for that job at the moment.
You are right that Trump has to MENTION his accomplishments because 95% of the U/S. media wont. But the way he brags about himself, and exaggerates the accomplishments of his administration turns me off. I have written two eight page articles on Trump’s accomplishments for my former newsletter, ECONOMIC LOGIC, finding so many things that happened during his first 3.5 years that I never read about in the media. My goal was two four page articles but that was not enough. I gave Trump a grade of “B” for his first two years and a “C” for his next 1.5 years. He didn’t cause the pandemic, but here in the US a president gets blamed for all bad news, and takes credit for all good news. I can’t imagine any US president doing better than a “C” this year.
Trump should be bragging about the crime bill and other things he has done to help black Americans. He should not be bragging about the stock market, where almost all shares are owned by the top 85 percent by income. The stock valuation bubble has caused the rich-poor wealth gap to widen like never before, and there’s no need to remind them of that.
Trump should not be bragging about the “best US economy ever” before the pandemic hit … because Real GDP growth was just a few tenths of a percentage point above the Obama years, after the recession Obama inherited ended in mid-2009 … Economic growth a little faster than Obama is nothing to brag about. … and right now 23 million Americans are collecting state or federal unemployment compensation — it’s hard for them to imagine why anyone would be bragging about the economy.
Richard Greene
I’m not happy about any politician or his family opportunistically profiting from office. But it happens:
No one knows a “clear conflict of interest” when they see it better than the president’s children.
Well, it was consistent with our history when he was “the senator from MBNA”.
That opportunism is the local mayor’s kid getting the ambulance contract writ large, and will disturb a lot of American while
not disqualifying an office holder. Selling out to Ukraine or China and diddling with foreign policy as a result is a whole different
kettle of fish; or late voting surge to record numbers may be showing tha this is the kind of thing that gets those folks who thing pols are tweedle dee and tweedle dum
off the couch.
I’m not sure that the Trump children’s childen’s businesses weren’t established without political influence, before he was president.
I also think they are legitimate businesses; the kind with customers, and products, and tax returns.
But We are asking are we not, if the childs business is a rusult of the father’s courruption. I can define that for Joe — he fired a prosecutor looking into his son.
And markx. Thank you for being civil. A virtue I can commend you for even as we disagree.
Richard Illfield sez:
“And markx. Thank you for being civil. A virtue I can commend you for even as we disagree”
Illfield, being civil on the internet is a violation of internet Rule 2b, which requires total strangers to argue bitterly about subjects they know nothing about, until one of them mentions Naz-is or Hit-ler, violating internet Rule 3d, .
which causes a bell to ring, waking up the Moderator, sitting on his usual “office” bar stool, slumped over with his head on the bar, snoring, who then wakes up, asks the bartender where he is, and starts deleting sentences and scolding the “fighters”. This was all planned when Al Gore invented the internet — he predicted on line fighting would practically eliminate actual fighting in the streets, even before Arctic ice completely melted and flooded the streets. and bars. Don’t criticize Al, because he allowed me to buy a piece of the action of his soon to be established Manhattan Gondola Service, that will take Wall Street tycoons to work when the city streets are all flooded from climate change.
Consider the achievements of Trump’s son-in-law- agreements between UAE, Bahrain, and now Sudan with Israel. Compare with the achievements of Biden in 47 years (what?), of Hunter Biden, (negative), and the ‘achievements’ that got Obama a Nobel peace prize.
Hunter did business overseas that got him big money (50% to dad) and nothing for the US.
Trump’s daughter and son-in-law are paid- how much? How much is the salary of a US President? and how much of that does Trump take? ($1 per year).
What was the value of the deals the Trump children are in? Normal business with a touch of patronage, compare, $1billion given to Hunter by the CCP for the investment fund he owns/manages, $1million from the CCP per introduction. Pure bribery to get Chinese influence over US policy, and very important, the blackmail material not just on the vids ‘staring’ Hunter.
The markx accusations do not stand up.
Scott Adam’s Periscope #1164 (today) is on this very topic.
I’m Joe Biden and I forgot this message.
I just wanted to thank you for starting an interesting discussion and also to thank you and everyone who responded for keeping the discussion civil.
and me too. And it stayed civil.
Thanks all, for the civil discussion.
It is interesting that we are watching and listening to the same man, and reaching opposite conclusions.
But I think Richard Greene has the last laugh:
Very civil.
Ya know, the only reason the ABC gets away with what it does is that it is now so big it can do what it likes, say what it likes and report what it likes. They can take their articles from anywhere and everywhere. Their
reportersjournalistswhatevercharlatans don’t even need to be on the ground where the news ….. is actually happening. They juststealreword the article with some of their own wording and add their own byline to it.EVERY single one of those other news agencies is basically a private enterprise, and the only way they can continue to operate is to have all their news behind a paywall where to access it you have to pay.
The ABC however is free to air. The taxpayer pays that paywall. If the ABC was hidden behind a paywall, do you really think they would be (anywhere even remotely close to) viable. Do you think their journalists would be paid according to what the paywall collects. Do you think their (high) six figure front persons and Foreign Correspondents would be earning as much if they had to compete on a level playing field with journalists in the real World.
The ABC is a bloated boil that needs to be lanced.
The ABC is protected by the ABC Act of Parliament and the ABC Charter sets out the rules including being a bipartisan broadcaster.
The Federal Government is the shareholder on behalf of the people and appoints Directors to the ABC Board which selects and appoints the Managing Director.
No government can control the ABC completely and unless a government has the numbers in both upper and lower houses it is impossible to repeal the ABC Act.
Tony. I think you left out one vital factor when it comes to controlling the behemoth that is the ABC; it relies entirely on taxpayer funds as does every other left wing instrument such as academia and the public service. We can’t change the ABC but we can cut it’s funding, to zero if necessary. It could be kept but as a subscription service so that the left can pay for what is effectively it’s own propaganda machine. The problem with that is that an incoming Labor/Green government would simply reinstitute taxpayer funding. More effective is to close it down entirely and sell off all the assets.
Ita Buttrose should be replaced by someone like me who really does not care to be invited to the “in parties” and who does not have a Twitter or Facebook account. I would move the ABC headquarters to Dubbo or Tamworth with an outstation in Mildura. The property sales alone would keep the show on the road for years. I would also close down all the TV channels bar one and I would keep the country local stations going. The high flying on air types would be eagerly snapped up by the commercials I’m sure but Paul Barry may have to make his own coffee.
Huh! Four of the best on air News readers around here on Commercial TV in Brisbane over the last 35 years all started out with the ABC.
Now all we have is Matt Wordsworth and Jess van Vonderen, (and she’s unashamedly Annastacia Palaszczuk’s personal publicists)
Allan Lichtman is sticking with his earlier forecast that Trump is toast:
If he is right, it would not matter who the Dems put up he/she will beat Trump.
If Lichtman is wrong on this call, it will be the first time since Reagan got the job that he has not made the right call.
Biden’s top adviser has tested positive for Covid. Wonder how Joe will fare. He may not get the resources Trump was offered and was thankful for receiving.
You sure about that? Cannot find any reference to that, however Mike Pence’s Chief of Staff has contracted COVID and is in quarantine and assisting in the contact tracing process.
>Allan Lichtman is sticking with his earlier forecast that Trump is toast:
There is the contrarian view that Trump isn’t toast explained in plain English here:
The funny part is the TDS girl participant trying so hard not to flinch every time she hears indicators pointing to a Trump win.
Same tea leaves, different reader
Their ABC is crucial in the implementation of anti-Western, anti-conservative, anti-Trump and pro-Chinese Communist Party propaganda as well, domestically, in the promotion of the Green/Labor agenda.
The swamp draining action that will start in the states will be with the social networking companies. As platforms they should not be in the business of censorship or limiting free speech. Companies like Twitter, Google, Facebook will see regulatory changes that will either make sure they act as platforms and allow free speech or they will be classified as media and will be subject to liable for any stories they publish.
In Australia the Liberal government will always be at a political disadvantage if it refuses to do anything about the ABCs clear biases ( especially political). As a taxpayer I absolutely object to having my taxes applied to the marketing arm of Labor or the Greens when the ABC s charter requires it to be even handed. If the Libs don’t do something about this when they are in power they can’t complain when Labor gets with the help of the ABC. It just reflects the insipid nature of the Morrison government to undertake actions that would be supported by its core base.
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation did not forget anything. They deliberately denied to the Australian population, who pay their costs, important information. This is a scandal in itself.
We are missing the big picture ‘story’.
The US National Public Broadcasting corp got it right. The Biden corruption evidence is not a ‘story’, it is fact. The story is the big picture.
We are talking as if this is just a whole bunch of stupid left-wing ideas that have got carried away. You know the ‘Left’ suddenly lose their collective brains and attack our countries for no reason. The gradual loss of information content news and the replacement with Left wing smiley young people reading, talking, and ‘thinking’ from scripts that push the party narrative. You know a story. There is no news based on facts.
We are all assuming that all of these left-wing groups, in every democratic country have suddenly morphed into smiley Zombie democratic country destroyers.
“Taxpayer-funded NPR announced Thursday on Twitter that it is not covering the Hunter Biden laptop scandal because it’s not really a story, which prompted widespread backlash online.”
What are the objectives of the US ‘Democrat’ Party? What are the Left’s hot buttons in every country?
Open borders, ‘Free’ trade with China, Racial chaos, Fights about the past, Fights about statues, Fights to stop all development regardless of US citizen needs, Anti-American, Anti-sports, Fights to make energy expensive, Fights to stop climate change, spending more than we have year after year, constant attacks on the President,……
….. China wins and the US loses and the US citizens lose. China has a $14 trillion dollar economy and they are using/have used their money, their state institutions, our buyable universities, our buyable NGOs, our buyable political parties, our buyable news organizations, our buyable politicians, and to execute a game plan that is rigged in China’s favor. China wins and we end up with chaos.
This game has taken a decade or more to prepare for. What will save us is there are people in China who are going to help us and a few heroes in the US.
PeterS, if you saw the GOP convention you would have seen at least 6 speakers who would make good candidates in 2024 to continue what Trump started. Trump has changed the GOP for ever and the Bush/Romney factions could now hold their meetings in a phone booth, if they could find one these days
Durham and Barr have both been very quiet, both on the Russian Collusion hoaxers and now on the laptop affair from hell. Why is that?
A Trump win would suddenly release Trump from the chains of seeking another election. The legal bureaucracy would be his to clean out as they all serve at the President’s pleasure. Uncontrolled Rioting due to State government inertia would be met quickly with declarations of emergencies and the required forces to suppress them would come quickly. The Chicago (Obama Town) slayings of primarily black-on-black might similarly be redressed, and it would seem with the blessings of the black people themselves. The broke Democratic States would not be funded beyond the vitals until reason and responsibility was restored.
Trump could force open the Climate debate in terms of the science, the cost, the effect on only the citizens in the Democracies. Logic could be restored as people are confronted with the b/s of the terror campaigns, and the effective loss of freedoms and marxist control over them. Schools could be forced open to actually educate – not politicise the youngest. So much more to achieve by the only man with the clarity of thought to see through the rubbish and bring light and life back to the peoples of the planet.
Anything would be better than seeing the free nations of the planet being economically destroyed and given over without a fight to the control of the CCP, the whim of the treasonous billionaires and the internal and external marxist and anarchists of the planet. That is the fight we are already in. Having had 50years of no major catastrophes and major wars, we are reluctant to recognise that we are really being threatened and can’t believe we have to get out of our comfort zone where we just roll over to join the latest fad, give up freedoms as the cost of sleeping it off. It will still be there and worse when we finally recognise the nightmare.
To be quite honest DOC, I don’t think Barr had any idea how big and deep his investigation(s) were going to be when he took office. It has turned out to be a Pandora’s Box.
Yesterday the ABC radio news led with a ‘news’ item about how Trump had failed to handle the Corona virus outbreak in the US. That was it on the election.
All they did was report the Democratic Party talking point for the day. Last night SBS was getting the opinions of US expats, who are voting now in the Presidential election back home in the US. One asked in words to the effect ‘What am I going home to’? The ABC, is influencing voters in the election to vote for Biden.
They may see this as a ‘Noble Cause’, however it means I cannot find anything on Trump and Republican policy. The Democrat narrative is writ large on the ABC.
This makes the ABC irrelevant to balanced, competent, independent news coverage.
If I want the Democrat talking points I only have to go to the net.
The ABC news division needs a shake up.
Don’t leave us to find out what is really happening, like the last Presidential and last Australian Federal elections, when the results come in.
Ditto for the reporting on George Pell.
Just a quick point that some of us US expats have put our votes in for President Trump.
Is all this designed to easily impeach Biden if he wins, so Kamala Harris becomes the President?
Interesting observations here:
“Markx is doing us a favour. A polite fair question that will provoke a good response.”
A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.
Play the Guiliani video
Several orchid stories. Maybe this one:
It is very pretty, and we need good news too!
Just could not resist.
“From the Rightside “chat” read out this morning:
The new Christening of “BLM” –
Biden’s Laptop Matters! ”
Not the ABC but
“ Scroll to the bottom for video. ”
While I agree with all the above comments, the bottom line is….THE US ELECTION IS NOT COMPULSORY VOTING. Historically, voter turnout is only between 60-65%. The polls taken are more or less useless. This election, like most others in the past, will depend on how many voters in the battleground (swing) states will get off their posteriors and actually VOTE. It boils down to whether Trump or Biden can get these voters to vote for them. Whoever is more successful will be President.