Things worth knowing: All the claims that violent Trump fan insurgents killed a police officer are and always were, wrong.
A medical examiner has finally issued a report on the sad fate of Officer Brian Sicknick who was working at Capitol Hill on Jan 6th.
by Jack Phillips, Epoch Times.
U.S. Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick suffered two strokes and died of natural causes a day after the Jan. 6 Capitol breach, the D.C. Medical Examiner’s office confirmed on April 19, ending speculation that he was beaten to death by Trump supporters.
Francisco J. Diaz, chief medical examiner for Washington, told The Washington Post that Sicknick died Jan. 7 after suffering two strokes, and didn’t suffer from an allergic reaction after being sprayed with chemical irritants as he engaged with the crowd, Diaz said.
The examiner said he found no evidence of internal or external injuries, but he added that “all that transpired played a role in his condition.” Diaz didn’t elaborate, citing privacy laws.
Why did it take so long for this to be reported?
Will the ABC-CNN-MSNBC etc tell their audiences? Will they admit they were wrong? Will they repeat this news as many times as they have repeated that he was killed by Trump supporters? Will they mention he was a Trump supporter? Will they say also that his immediate family asked right from the beginning that his death not be used as a political football, and that his family always suspected his death was natural?
“Will the ABC-CNN-MSNBC etc tell their audiences? Will they admit they were wrong?”
Good one, Jo.
Google is a great tool and it has a news tab. And the answer is yes.
And the answer is you are full of the brown stuff.
GA, [You could snip] until they tell their audiences the truth.
[WM: C’mon, be nice…J]
Yes Ma’am. One of my many character flaws.
Only rational thinking people seek news, while the irrational left only believes what their Marxist masters in the MSM tells them and never even thinks to look for what they are not told.
The Google news tab isn’t the answer to the problem. The left leaning MSM breathlessly reports an egregious lie and when that lie is exposed, they never admit fault or apologize to whoever was harmed by that lie. All too often, they will even double down on the lie rather than admit error!
CO2 is not evil:
They are NOT the “mainstream media”.
They are the leftist media.
They bias or make up news to oppose about half of Americans.
That is far from deserving the name “mainstream”.
The New York Times started the fire extinguisher hoax.
Other leftist media sources repeated it.
No one ever checked the accuracy of the claim.
The slain officer’s family reported he had a stroke many weeks ago.
His brother said he was fine at night after the riot.
The leftist media ignored the family.
I printed their story in my politics blog on February 25, 2021, based on information from a British newspaper. Not found in any American leftists newspaper:
Why a medical examiner took so long to say the officer was NOT hit on the head with a fire extinguisher is a mystery, but I have to suspect political bias or political pressure.
Meanwhile, no punishment for the officer who killed Ashley, an unarmed white woman on January 6, 2021, when that officer was not is any danger. We don’t even know his name. That’s racism, in my opinion.
I followed the Chauvin trial and read the evidence presented by the defense. Chauvin followed police protocol and Floyd had three times a lethal dose of Fentanyl in his system plus other drugs. The evidence also showed the officer had applied the least amount of pressure to restrain a much larger man and still they found him guilty based on a video that showed him with his knee on Floyd’s neck. (No damage according to the autopsy). The baying lynch mob and Mad Maxine played a role in ensuring that Chauvin was found guilty or Minneapolis would burn. Now the murder of Ashli was plain for all to see and hopefully the family will pursue justice through the civil court just as the family of OJ Simpson’s wife did when he escaped a criminal court conviction. In the civil case he was found guilty and fined $8 million.
Surely the US is not so corrupt that the family of Ms Babbitt cannot know the name of the man whose arm was seen firing the shot that killed her. He must be black.
Mark Allinson you write
“Will the ABC-CNN-MSNBC etc tell their audiences? Will they admit they were wrong?”
The facts are that the ABC, CNN and others and others have published the findings that Brian Sicknick died of a stroke.
Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick had two strokes and died of natural causes after he tussled with a mob of former president Donald Trump’s supporters, the District of Columbia’s chief medical examiner has ruled.
US Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick suffered strokes and died of natural causes one day after responding to the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol, Washington DC’s chief medical examiner has determined.
Washington’s chief medical examiner has determined that U.S. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick died of natural causes the day after the riot on Jan. 6 after he suffered two strokes.
The autopsy revealed that Sicknick, 42, said the strokes at the base of the brain stem were caused by a blood clot, Chief Medical Examiner Francisco Diaz said.
Thing is Ian, the media knew on January 8th, Sicknick had died from a blood clot and stroke …
… and every day since, up until yesterday, they have repeatedly said he died of “injuries he sustained while trying to protect the Capitol from a mob of violent rioters supporting President Donald Trump“.
Now another thing that needs to be dealt with, are they going to release the 3 individuals that are still in custody (jail) for his ‘death’?
Thing is BruceC I was responding to this comment and this comment only
“Will the ABC-CNN-MSNBC etc tell their audiences? Will they admit they were wrong?”
So we have been led to believe that these domestic terrorists who stormed the capital causing 5 deaths of which the only one we know that wasn’t a natural death was the unarmed woman Ashley Babbit shot by an anonymous guard. They used these deaths to not only impeach Donald Trump but create a siege mentality in Washington.The intimidation of Trump supporters over these incidents by the media and the Democrats is a complete disgrace.
I guarantee there will be no apologies from networks that deliberately and misleadingly embellished the events that took place. I still suspect that left wing activists that had infiltrated the protesters were actively encouraging and initiating the storming of the building. It certainly achieved their aim , there was never any meaningful discussion by the senate of the electoral fraud that probably took place.
Hear, hear. The whole approach of this issue by both the Democrats and the Media (but I repeat myself) is an absolute travesty. When you look at a map of the 2020 election results more than 90% of geographical US is coloured red, that is the voted Republican. Virtually only the coastal cities are blue for Democrat. I really feel sorry for those ordinary, decent Americans who live in the Republican electorates all over the US who have virtually now been forgotten.
And PP are being trampled over as thousands storm across the southern border as Biden imports poverty, undermining wage rates, and undoing all the progress made by the Trump administration re unemployment and wage rates.
Well done Joe!
[Try to stay on topic at the start of a thread.Thanks – XT]
Has there been an autopsy on Ashli Babbit and has it been made public. It is generally thought that she was shot in the neck but a recent article has her shot in the left shoulder. A video clip on Patrick Byrne’s site shows her, still alive, being removed on a stretcher to an ambulance. The video seems to show a wound in her left shoulder.
CPR administered to left breast, not pressure to a wound
Where are our CSI teams on this one. An anterior wound from a lateral shot causes this death? Must have been a nasty ricochet off a pen in her pocket from a top secret target seeking banana bullet.
Evidently the only person who shot anything in this insurrection and ended up in jail was the Infowars cameraman who filmed the strange shenanigans in the stairwell.
Isn’t the “Viking” still in jail?
In the video that I saw she was bleeding from the mouth and they laid her on her back.
The first move in first aid for much a situation is to turn the patient face down in the hope that allowing the blood to drain to the mouth instead of into the lungs might enable survival. Get gravity working for you instead of against you.
well, maybe the shock of been hit on the head under the circumstances of the gathering of folk was too much of a shock – and set off the stroke ( as a shock to the system) as we believe other people die like that too. Like the deaths after covid jabing ….. coincidences or bad reporting ?
The disgusting thing is that both families, (Sicknick & Babbit), have been put through the wringer by politics and the MSM.
I am not sure about Babbit.
Everyone seems to agree that Ashli Babbit was shot and killed in the Capitol Building, even Tucker Carlson.
Yet the video evidence by JaydenX seems to refute that. If I am right then the Babbit family are complicit in a conspiracy
She now works for the clandestine “BlackBrier” project, controlled by MI6.
She is also a good friend of Jason Bourne.
The fake news outlets of the MSM don’t care about being caught out, as we now know from project Veritas. They are all too happy to brag about their propaganda when it achieves the desired result, even if the bragging doesn’t lead to the desired result.
“All that transpired played a role in his condition.” Spraying a police officer with a chemical substance is an extremely unwise thing to do. The storming of the Capitol Building put people’s lives at risk which is why there were multiple deaths.
Funny that we didn’t hear from you when poor David Dorn in St Louis (and many many others) were killed by BLM looters and rioters. Little media interest at all in a militant ultra leftist organisation which advocates looting and destruction, and often it is mixed businesses who are targetted by BLM.
I spent a lot of time some years back in the neighbourhood in St Louis where David was killed by looters. The people who live and work there do not deserve to have their businesses and lives destroyed by madmen, and all we hear about from the Democrats is about evil Trump…
I’ll say this for you Simon, you are predictable.
Of the 5 deaths during Jan 6th (including Sicknick), the only person ‘killed’ was Ashli Babbitt. Two died of a heart attack and one from an amphetamine overdose.
“All that transpired played a role in his condition.”
Intersectionality, well stated, all is one grasshopper.
Burning, looting, blocking highways (slowing emergency vehicles) of course does not result in deaths especially when no one bothers to compile stats.
In my city, they have simply stopped prosecuting many crimes, so magically crime rates go down.
Charlottesville (including fabricated Rolling Stone story)
Duke Lacrosse
Hands up don’t shoot
Russia, Russia, Russia
“Good people on both sides”
Hockey stick
(I can’t even keep track of the list)
The Truth isn’t allowed to even own pants anymore.
My favourite was the Trump tax papers revelation on a U.S. TV network that had a clock counting down the seconds until the breathless presenter would blow the lid off Trumps outrageous tax fraud – revelations that would end his presidency and see him in jail. It revealed that Trump had paid every cent required by law.
I know, what a joke.
Trump has a small army of accountants and tax lawyers that just hand him stacks of papers to sign.
And paid his tax at a higher rate than Obama or Bush!!!
The truth sets you free if you cherish freedom.
Truth does not free the slave as a slave seeks comfort not freedom.
I would not feel comfort if I knew that at least 75,000,000 people who voted for Trump and those who attended Trump Rallies despite the most horrendous violence visited upon those people by thugs were not a Fake News construct.
These people cherish freedom and like Trump are quietly going about their business.
I will pay my respects at ANZAC day and will remember the sacrifice a Free People made for their mates.
Now,now,now. Everyone dies of natural causes. Such as you do not have enough blood to pump, could be a hole caused by a knife, or a rip in an artery due to high blood pressure, or not running fast enough to avoid contact with a wild animal. It is all natural causes. And some people die after being in violent situations. Sometimes days after. So,I would question the doctor further, is this an attempt to deprive a widow of due benefits?
Good to see that forensic pathology is still an area of science where the truth takes precedence over satisfying the angry mob.
Is it? from what I’ve heard of the Chauvin trial “experts” gave clearly conflicting testimony depending on who called them.
I have confidence that all those media outlets who milked Sicknick’s death for every last morsel of outrage, in spite of his family’s wishes and growing evidence to the contrary, will now see the error of their ways and apologize to everyone they misled. Sure, they’re silent now, but that’s because they’re working hard to come up with just the right words expressing how terribly, terribly sorry they are.
I’m sure of it.
Just like burying a retraction on page six of a faulty front page headline, they will continue to reap the benefits of their Reichstag Fire.
Last June the Hennepin County coroner released the blood chemistry results from George Floyd, and I immediately posted it to another website I occasionally follow and suggested this explained not only the death, but also would form a major line of defense. I also speculated that a reasonable static force analysis would likely show Chavin’s weight was not place on Floyd where people presumed. No one in the main stream news spoke about any of this evidence.
I had no idea that alternative views of Floyd being restrained were available via body cams from the police themselves, and in the possession of the prosecution since last summer. My guess is the press have known about all of this since I did but they double and quadruple down on invented narratives.
And now things have gone so far that city councils in the Twin Cities area are making decisions entirely on what the BLM, Antifa and assorted rioters might do. These antisocial groups have a veto on the rule of law. They are removing tools for riot control from the police, and removed a city manager in Brooklyn Center merely for suggesting that Kim Potter deserves due process.
I understand why societal chaos serves the interests of Democrats, but I have trouble comprehending why the elite and the press wish to live in a ruined nation. Meanwhile part of our troubles stems from the 2018 election, where in a fit of tantrum about Trump we elected local officials across the nation from a group of the most soft-headed candidates imaginable. Most of these folks have made a total mess of things locally and many will lose re-election — but we certainly spited our face, didn’t we?
What are the “Twin Cities” KK.
To an Aussie they are Albury/Wodonga.
Sorry, Minneapolis and St. Paul. I’m going to go look up your two.
We constantly see the 9 minutes of video where restraint is to the head and neck but not really forceful.
Rarely we see the videos of the time before that including the, “I can’t breathe!” before he was removed from the car.
A windpipe cannot be blocked from the side.
You cannot say, “I can’t breathe” if your windpipe is blocked. The risk would be blocking the carotoid arteries but that would have cased unconsciousness very quickly The autopsy did not show these as causes of death. He was not murdered.
The jury made the best verdict as this innocent policeman going to jail stops fires, riots, violence and many innocent deaths that fools were going to implement. This makes him a martyr and that will not be appreciated.
The restraint was unnecessary and excessive as he was not goig to escape and could not even run away. It did not cause death.
Why does the couterfiet $20 get downplayed. Surely questioning about where the counterfiet note came from is important.
It wasn’t about $20 but where was it made. Was it a photocopy or printed by plates on special paper? Was it a lead to a million dollar fraud?
There is a second order of pain that may engender social change over time.
It wont’ make the news.
Companies have to have conventions, open offices, expand, move.
Same with aspirational people.
They look for opportunity. A positive vibe. Complementary assets.
How many such lists is Minneapolis still on? Portland, Ore.? Chicago? Atlanta? Even NYC?
Away from the headlines, one of the best ways to figure which cities & states are moving up and which are moving down is to go to
U-Haul and check the price on a one-way rental.
Once we finish sorting ourselves out politically into effective monocultures, what will life be like?
Some years ago now there was comment made about the relative costs of moving in and out of California.
Moving out was the much more expensive one.
How many of the rioters actually live in the cities they’re active in?
Excellent break-down of the MSM lies by Glenn Greenwald;