A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The decision of the Fair Work Commission (Part 2)regarding mandated covid jabs is fantastic.
Very long but worth scanning.
Nuts and bolts start on page 32 according to this video from a NSW MP , I can’t remember who it was but someone here was fired for not getting the jab and maybe this ruling will give them a chance at justice .
The manufacturers can’t be held liable but because of that any company that mandates their use can be held liable on H&S grounds – have they considered that?
Employers who want mandatory vaccinations must therefore,in writing, inform the employees that dismissal from employment will follow on from refusal to be vaccinated.
However the employer will accept, in written contracts, full responsibility for any & all side effects & be responsible for treatment, health costs & legal costs in accordance with civil court findings.
That should put an end to the mandatory vaccine demand from public & private employers.
A person who isn’t vax’ed isn’t a threat to a person who is vax’ed! So what’s the problem? If you’re worried then just get the vax!
Kim asked:
Unvaccinated are 10 times more likely to end up in hospital than vaccinated. The more people in hospital, the greater the stress on the health care system.
Fundamentally it is a public duty to get vaccinated unless you have zero risk of getting the virus or you are likely to have serious adverse reactions. Keep in mind that if you react badly to vaccine then the virus would likely see you in ICU.
I now know of three family or acquaintances who have experienced reasonably serious consequences of getting the jab
40yo man suffered outbreaks of shingles after both Moderna jabs – required medication both times
85yo man was lethargic for a week after first jab of AZ
40yo woman, borderline obese, suffered blood clotting issues – required hospitalisation
Number of family and acquaintances that I would know their vaccination circumstances is between 50 and 100 people. So adverse reactions are not rare but it is something people do for the good of the public health care system and wider community.
The more people vaccinated, the faster the virus disappears. The often quoted vaccination disaster in Israel is rapidly heading to zero daily cases:
Australia is yet to pass through the Delta peak. NSW is the only State with exposure to the delta variant that has the infection rate under 1. Both ACT and Vic are still increasing daily cases and that is with low mobility. WA, SA, Qld, Tassie and NT have not even been exposed to delta yet. It it gets away in any of those States with their current level of vaccination, it will stress the hospitals.
Really Rick?
And in regards to your spock moment with “The needs of the many out the needs of the few” i say GFY.
How Ivermectin works
“Breakthrough: Ivermectin inhibits the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein from binding to ACE2 receptors in human tissue
“Ivermectin, a common anti-parasite drug, has shown great efficacy in the fight against covid-19. For the first time, medical researchers have documented how ivermectin docks to the SARS-CoV-2 spike receptor-binding domain that is attached to the ACE2 receptor. In this way, ivermectin effectively inhibits viral attachment and replication, assisting a precise antiviral response that can target the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein at its most advantageous cleavage site. The researchers showed how ivermectin interferes with the attachment of the spike protein to the human cell membrane.
“Ivermectin is a simple medicine derived from the bacterium Streptomyces avermitilis. It weakens and kills parasites by interfering with their nervous system and muscle function. Ivermectin targets the glutamate-gated chloride channels in the parasite’s nerve and muscle cells, bolstering inhibitory effects in the parasite’s own neurotransmission. As the chloride ions permeate, the parasite’s cells are hyper-polarized and then paralyzed, resulting in their demise.
“In this study, ivermectin docked in region of leucine 91 of the spike protein and at the histidine 378 of the ACE2 receptor. The binding energy and constancy of ivermectin was also measured and found to be sufficient at the ACE2 receptor, proving the anti-parasitic molecule a powerful force for blocking viral attachment of SARS-CoV-2.
“Widespread ivermectin use has caused a 97% drop in coronavirus cases in Delhi, India
“Around 97 percent of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in the Delhi metropolitan area in India have been effectively dealt with thanks to the widespread use of ivermectin.
“Earlier in the year, India dealt with a devastating post-vaccine wave of the coronavirus. This post-vaccine outbreak affected the country differently. In states that did not use ivermectin, cases soared. But the data shows that by the end of May, this second wave of COVID-19 was under control in parts of the country that treated patients with ivermectin. (Related: Indian state with 240 million people completely eradicated covid with ivermectin.)
“In Delhi, health authorities began treating patients with ivermectin on April 20. At the time, the metropolitan area of 30 million people was dealing with nearly 30,000 new cases daily.
“By the end of May, COVID-19 cases in the metro area were down to less than 1,000 new cases per day. This is a 97 percent reduction in new COVID-19 cases in just five weeks.
“The number of deaths per day also fell from nearly 300 in April to slightly above 100 by the end of May.
“Similarly, momentous drops in COVID-19 cases could also be seen in at least four other Indian states that used ivermectin for its COVID-19 patients.
“Of particular note is the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, where health authorities went from dealing with nearly 40,000 new COVID-19 cases per day in late April to just 2,000 new cases per day by the end of May. This is a 95 percent reduction in new cases.
“Meanwhile, in states that did not use ivermectin, the number of new COVID-19 cases they were dealing with kept on growing.
Most of the people who catch covid don’t get hospitalised vaxed or not . I will grant that the unvaxed are more likely to be hospitalised but most of the hospitalised group have other health issues too . This pandemic has become politicised and publisized beyond rationality. Truth has been hidden or outlawed by the media and medical officials and that has cost a lot of lives. Data has been tortured and twisted so much its hard to work out what the truth really is.The one thing that offers hope is that past pandemics have ended and are now just statistics.
This plandemic is not the same and cannot be compared to previous events
Jim, yes it is an awful thing to say, but it is true. Rick is on the wrong side of the line.
Much as I hate our reckless waste of precious hydrocarbons, I have been a solid AGW sceptic since 2006. I have learned that there are no “white lies” or “noble lies” if the integrity of the scientific method, our newest and most fragile tool of the mind, is at stake.
What shocked me in the AGW wars was finding out that many promoting the failed conjecture knew they were wrong, even as they vilified sceptics. They didn’t care that their mendacity would undermine the scientific method. They held their academic, political and scientific agendas higher. You say “awful”? I have other words.
And here we are again. Rick knows he is wrong. I know he is wrong. We both know. The truth may be awful, but that can never excuse denying it.
As to your “Vaccine vs. Therapeutic” question, the answer is simple: through an unfortunate lab accident, a novel Coronavirus was unleashed on the world. How do we save the maximum possible current and future humans from harm?
We knew from SARS-COV-1 which was more deadly, that all who survived aquired natural immunity that still protects them over 18 years later. (Even against COVID-19). Should we look to therapeutics that allow people to safely aquire natural immunity?
Or should we rush to use mRNA technology never tried before to vaccinate against a Coronavirus which has never been achieved before?
You may not understand it Jim, but due to the vaccine technology, it really was an either/or question. Those that took the jabs sacrificed their chance of ever achieving long lasting broad based natural immunity.
Not only this, but the shots came with other serious risks. They produced the spike protein known to cause so much damage in the second phase of an actual COVID-19 infection. Not only that, the mRNA migrated from site of injection to produce those spike proteins directly in the organs most at risk.
And further, as the non-replicating mRNA tech entered cells exactly like a dangerous self-replicating RNA virus, to work, it had to be defended against attack from the innate immune system. The price for that is now evident in UK excess mortality rates.
At this point anyone who does not cry “Hold! Enough!” is on the wrong side of the line. The truth may be awful, but never so awful as a lie, no matter how noble you may deem it in the cloying fog of politics.
that is abject lying to say vaccination will stop the spread. This is obviously now admitted on both sides of the argument that it does not stop the spread nor stop it from mutating to spread better amongst the vaccinated. The virus will not disappear unless you have protection that will cause r to be less than 1 in a certain % of the community which seems to be most likely from natural, not vaccine, sources.
This would be self-evident from the data from Gibralta (116% double vaxxed), Israel (70%+ double vaxxed) and Singapore (77%+ vaccinated, higher case and mortality rate than pre-vaccination). Now what is obvious and this also comes from the Israel data is that ‘protection’ becomes virtually paper thin after 6 months. So right now while everyone who is vaccinated is most likely less than 6 months they may actually have some protection in Australia against a virus they are unlikely to catch (especially if lockdowns actually worked) but if we open up in a few months times the protection may wane enough to give a much beter representation of vaxxed v unvaxxed numbers.
The context should also be given in how a trial for vaccines should go in that we need to look at ‘all cause’ morbidity and hospitalisation during this period in the two opposing groups. How does that fare? From the data from the 3 big pharma companies in their pathetic 2 month trials it didn’t fare well for them at all with a large increase in hospitalisations over the control groups.
This is far out of date it is just a ridiculous comment.
The last Covid death in Gibraltar was 26 Aug.
The daily cases in Israel have been heading toward zero since their new year holidays three weeks ago when daily cases hit 11,000. They are now down to 3,000.
Singapore has an issue with immigrant workers but daily death rate is still single digits.
Both Singapore and Israel reflect the issue of immigrant workers from high Covid zones bringing the virus into the community. But hospitalisation and deaths are far lower than they would be if the population was not protected by vaccination.
We don’t know if the vaccine in the Israel and Singapore cases would lead to lower deaths that is pure conjecture on your part. I pointed out that mortality went up from covid when we compare the pre vaccination period to the next spike post vaccination which went from 0.14% to 0.27% for Singapore, quite the rise. But your original post was more on vaccination stopping the spread not mortality so Gibralta’s last mortality (from a small population) is not relevant to the point that they had uncontrolled spread in the community despite ‘super herd immunity’, that is not r < 1 .
Also a large curve or spike eventually trending down without much of a increase in vaccination numbers is not proof the vaccinations works since these spikes naturally go down even without vaccination.
This is pure drivel. Gibralter has had daily cases in single digits for more than a month. They have considerable tourism and visitors will be bringing it in but local acquisition is insignificant.
Typically with 1% of the population in graves! Acquired immunity comes at a very high cost as both Peru and India confirm.
Dear Rick
From the article, your Singaporean migrant workers they are fully vaccinated:
“But authorities remain concerned about transmission among the city state’s migrant workers who live in cramped dormitories. Despite being fully vaccinated, they have been under strict regulations since the start of the pandemic last year.”
Ignoring for the moment that deaths lag infections by a couple of weeks or so, since September 1 there have been 78 deaths in Singapore, from a total of 42000 cases ( giving an IFR= 0.1%.
Compare that with the estimated IFR of covid ~ 0.27% (
The vaccine is obviously not stopping the spread of covid, and assuming that either only half the deaths have been recorded to due the lag, or all of the deaths have been recorded, the vaccines have reduced the death rate by a factor between 1.35 and 2.7, or something around a factor of two.
OK this is a rough estimate, but it clearly shows that universal vaccination with the current vaccines will not solve the COVID problem.
Not only that but for young people the side effects of the vaccine are worse than the disease.
“The more people vaccinated, the faster the virus disappears”.
This is so utterly wrong. The real world data shows that now Delta is the dominant strain, the vaccines do nothing to stop infection by or transmission of the virus.
The “hospitals will be swamped” is also a failed argument. They can only be swamped if the government continues to ban use-at-home paper antigen tests and early outpatient treatment with the proven therapeutics.
The vaccines are a disaster. The chances of permanent injury or death from the vaccines for males under 40 is five times higher than any risk from the virus.
And for males under 17, use of the vaccines is simply criminal. Look at the all causes death rate for under 17s in the UK. Compare September 2020 to September 2021. 63% increase in the males? A sudden outbreak of cardiac problems? Gee, I wonder what could be causing that?
You are promoting fact free drivel. The very clear evidence is that the vaccines are highly effective. With a few rare exceptions that keep bringing in immigrant workers from high Covid zones, every location that has got the vaccinated population over 80% has declining cases,
Covid cases globally are in rapid decline:
Daily cases now at 434k from a peak 5 weeks ago of 661k.
Have you noticed Israel’s sequence of peaks and troughs in daily infection rates? Do you imagine that this might be due to high vaccination rates that provide temporary relief followed by rapid rise, implying the need for boosters? Can you be sure that there shall not be another rise in the medium term, implying the need for a fourth shot – and so on ad nauseam (literally)?
Yes – All countries have shown the same waves as has the entire globe.
1. The first wave was beaten by serious reduction in mobility.
2. The second wave was the delta variant and reductions in mobility insufficient to beat it in most locations. Victoria beat it first time but not the second. Taiwan beat delta with just reduction in mobility.
3. The third wave has followed increased mobility ahead of vaccinations levels being sufficient to keep the infection rate under 1. The world is on the right side of the third wave with cases falling fast and the majority of people are vaccinated or have acquired immunity through infection.
Covid will be a memory by early 2022.
“Covid will be a memory by early 2022.”
Considering the “cases” are made up BS, and the real reason for the covid scare was to “get jabs into arms” ( surely the phrase worthy of a spot in a Covid Nuremberg hearing…..) then considering it does exist but wasnt really dangerous, yes they can just modulate the fairy story day by day…..look at Victoria…surely what appears to be the biggest and nastiest covid psyop of all and birth place of CCP style fascism.
Rick the best advice I’ve ever heard when you have dug yourself into a hole is to stop digging. Seriously, just stop digging.
Rick, you have crossed a line. A serious line.
You really need to consider the ethics of what you are doing. This isn’t a game. This isn’t politics. People are dying now because of the “vaccines” in greater numbers than would ever have occurred if the therapeutics had not been banned.
You are on the wrong side of the line Rick. This time it’s not championing environmentally and economically destructive AGW hoax policies. This time it’s lives of other human beings.
How many “souls afore the mast” are you comfortable with in your cause?
One thing that needs more investigation is that 50% vaccinated populations seem to be the trigger point for sustained continuous community transmission.
Not for one moment is this about a vi0rus , its not, its about using a medical “emergency” ( another lie ) to trash freedoms.
One victorian was despondent “every time you protest you get crushed”
Yes, its callthe spirit of n*zism, the same spirit that locks people in houses and britalizes pregnant women, also puts peope into camps or “wellness camps” and invented *****-B.
This is a battle literally between good and evil.
These monsters who are running this undeclared war agaisnt humanity arent looking to lose.
From my perspective though, we are seeing the slow establishment of the mark of the beast system infrastrcuture being built. People are basically being herded like cattle and almost at the point where they cant buy or sell ( or enter shops or fly ) unless they get the jab.
So why the hysteria about he jab? It doesnt work, so whats the true agenda?
And why are 20% of health workers in the US walking away rather than get the jab?
There has to be something in the jab.
The good news is that it means Jes us is coming back soon……all the signs are starting to show up….
This is an awful thing to say to someone. And what the hell do therapeutics have to do with vaccines? They are not mutually exclusive propositions.
Jim Veenbaas, Ask about Konrad’s father’s death. He has a right to an opinion.
Read the glowing praise for Merck”s new therapeutic, it is claimed that it may stop the pandemic in its tracks. Why is one therapeutic a world saver @ A$1,000 a course and another, cheap as chips, “horse medicine”?
“An awful thing to say”. Yes. Deserved.
Re- therapeutics / vaccines.
Australia’s regulator, the TGA, has prohibited ivermectin as its availability may persuade some to avoid vaccination.
Another appalling statement.
See how the bait-and-switch kicks in?
Earlier posters were very clearly talking about whether the vaccine reduces transmission of the virus … for more than a few months. You suddenly switch to “effective” but what do you mean by effective? The trial data only looked at symptomatic covid (i.e. the vaccines supress symptoms) which is not the same thing as transmission.
Answer the actual question about transmission. Show a country where high levels of vaccination have prevented yet another wave of cases coming through a few months later.
Now I’ve looked through some ONS data from the UK (ONS.GOV site) for total mortality, but the latest I can find is essentially 3 full weeks of September 2021.
The annoying thing about this is that they break the age groups down differently in 2019 and prior (they have one group of 15-44) whereas now we have 6 groups between 15-44 years of age so I ran with numbers totalled for 15-44.
first 3 weeks of September
2015 278, 287, 295
2016 283, 265, 264
2017 273, 277, 294
2018 323, 275, 292
2019 268, 297, 264
2021 341, 282, 346
Yes, there is a rise in mortality in this age range for September but not this will still contain covid mortality numbers. Another note is that there is also a statistically significant increase in suicides this year including September over the previous 5-year average (depending on gender etc about a 10-15% increase).
I would need to see a few months of data (and the sources) that show a consistent increase in this relationship of mortality.
Charts of total mortality on a week by week basis for most European countries. The UK is split into England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.
They use Z-scores which are adjusted for population size, long term average weekly mortality, and standard deviation, with the assumption that people would die randomly according to a known distribution, unless some external factor causes higher or lower than usual mortality.
Age groups are broken down in separate graphs but not on a country by country basis.
Rick Will, your numbers fail you again.
Explain to me how such a massive spike of cases in August -September is cured by a LESS than 5% increase in vaccinations. Roughly 66% up to 70%.
It is a good question and a little understanding of exponential growth and decay is all that is need.
If the infection rate is 1.01, the case numbers will rise exponentially.
If the infection rate is 0.99, the case numbers will decay exponentially.
Israel had two things working for it and two things working against it.
Vaccinations and acquired immunity were both increasing thereby reducing the infection rate.
Immigrant workers from Palestine were continually seeding new infections and the jewish new year holidays increased mobility. Both increased the infection rate.
Since the holidays three weeks ago, the Israeli infection rate has been solidly below one.
A SMALL change can make a HUGE difference when infection rate is close to 1.
Palestinians are not allowed into Israel unless they can prove vaccination status.
Charts are here.
There were three big waves in Israel and three big waves in Palestine and in every case the wave in Palestine was about one month AFTER the corresponding wave in Israel, suggesting that most of the infection was Israel to Palestine, but it might be coincidence.
Israel was earlier in their vaccination program, and also has achieved higher percentage uptake, but interestingly because of political shenanigans, the two groups of people are getting different types of vaccine. Israel is mostly American made mRNA while Palestine is getting large numbers of Russian made Sputnik.
So basically, to paraphrase you Rick, it’s our fundamental responsibility to stay out of hospital.
There is a strain on the health care system due to many life choices.
We have about 300k hospitalisations for child birth.
We have about 600k hospitalisations due to heart disease.
We have about 60k hospitalisations for heart attacks.
We have about 60k hospitalisations through sports injuries. 6k life threatening.
There’s 1 million hospitalisations in Aus from just those groups where life choices are a major factor.
There’s a further 10 mil hospitalisations I haven’t accounted for. No doubt a lot of those relate to life choices too. Alcohol consumption is prob a decent one.
If 20% of the population doesn’t get vaccinated and 4% of those need hospitalisation (4% is higher end of the rate) then there’s an additional 180k hospitalisations or 1.6% of hospitalisations.
Obviously it’s not as simple as a number illustration because hospital duration isn’t taken into account. Or timeframe concentration, if there is one. But it gives a clue that maybe you should be aiming your fundamental responsibilities in other areas.
Vic has set the national record for daily cases. How’s that curfew going? You know the Covid Cammander in Vic was an idiot when he claimed cases were low because of the curfew just 4 days into the curfew.
Dont forget to include the discount for Influenza allegedly vanishing, quite a few thousand beds available there.
And the people who caught COVID in a public hospital while there for some other reason.
Correct – You have little idea of the real load Covid adds to the hospital system.
Once Covid is in the community, everyone reaching a hospital has to be treated as a Covid case until proven otherwise. That makes handling arrivals much more demanding. Hospitals can now turn around tests in a few hours to reduce waiting times.
About 50% of the people entering will get released within 8 days but not much less. The rest are in for longer stays. About 25% will end up in ICU with stays of 3 weeks – either walking out or wheeled out. This is way different to most hospital procedures. My d-i-l spent 6 hours in hospital for birthing her second child. Many hospital visits are done in a day.
Clinicians working in Covid wards are covered entirely in PPE. They have to be scrupulous in how they change PPE for breaks. My son simply did not have breaks over 14 hour shifts because he lost valuable time changing out of protective gear.
Any ICU bed will have a 1:1 nurse ratio around the clock. So each bed will tie up three nurses. The Covid wards have beds at lower density than normal wards to reduce the likelihood of transferring infections.
Each Covid case loads the hospital system by an order of magnitude or even more compared with most hospitalisations. About 10% of unvaccinated people getting Covid end up in hospital. 40% of the hospitalisation in Victoria today were in the 20s and all unvaccinated.
The current percentages on vaccinations in Australia only cover 16yo and up. If 90% of those get vaccinated then there is about 15% under 16. That means 25% of the population in unvaccinated ; say 6M. If 10% (600k) end up in hospital over a two month period that is equivalent to annualised rate of 3.6M. Given that 50% of the Covid cases will be time more labour intensive than a typical hospitalisation the case load would be equivalent to an annual addition of 18M. THAT IS WHY IT IS A BIG PROBLEM when people do not get vaccinated.
Your fundamental error is considering the case load over a year. In places like India where delta went viral, the peak was just 2 months. And don’t kid yourself it was resolved by Ivermectin – that is fanciful thinking. Literally millions died and many have acquired immunity but it has not eased the desire to get vaccinated. India is jabbing as many as the rest of the world combined right now – more tham 1M a day.
In Uttar Pradesh, it was not Ivermectin alone but in conjunction with a set of rules amounting to lockdown (to the extent that is possible in state without a pretty considerable welfare system) and other items in the medicine kit, that is Zinc and Vitamin D.
“Millions died”—before various state governments ignored central government and WHO advice and took, at that point (and it remains) an extraordinary but systematic and defensible initiative. On the face of it this approach represents one of the great stories of public health—not least in the regard for all households in Uttar Pradesh in a population of some 240 million. The aspect gives one a sense of satisfaction is that Australian medical researchers made the fundamental link between the virus and Ivermectin. I mentioned once before the enormous number of citations of that work which remains, the TGA notwithstanding, without refute. That Americans, especially, have failed to recognise this is extraordinary.
And one should note that doctors who advocated Ivermectin also advocated in the same breath vaccination. Nonetheless, the one item, especially in terms of cost, was immediately available and urgently recommended.
Rick, you throw around large numbers like 50% and 25% but they mean nothing without talking in real terms, being real number of cases. It’s still low.
My total cases was assuming 100% of unvaccinated get covid. We know that’s not reality. You suggest a concentration of cases to two months. This pandemic has been going for 18 months and only 15% of the population has caught it.
You say a covid ICU bed ties up three nurses. A gross exaggeration of your previously stated 1:1 ratio. It ties up 1 nurse per shift. No tripling of resources.
You add 15% of the population to the risk group. Kids under 16. They are not likely the need hospitalisation, let alone develop a noteworthy illness.
You say hospitalisation is about 10%. In Aus the rate is 3-4%.
You try the fob off my above figures by saying most births are just a day. The average in Aus is 3 days public and 4 private. Although there is a keeness for public to make this 24 hours. Don’t forget to add on the labour duration. But you haven’t addressed the other long stay issues which are mostly to do with life choices.
We’ve still had less covid hospitalisations than flu hospitalisations. So covid hadn’t actually added to hospital bed load …. Yet.
Yes, there are booking in complications with precautions for covid cases. But these exist for vaccinated people too. It’s a furphy that only unvaccinated add to the hospital load.
I’m vaccinated. But I 100% support choice and no two tier society.
People have a fundamental duty to themselves.
With regard to pandemic going for 18 months and only 15% of population having caught it. I was meaning in the USA, where it has been widespread. Wasn’t meaning here in Aus or world wide.
Rick Will is wrong. Documentation of 70% over 65 are fully vaxed.
There are nearly 50,000 deaths following the death-vax, which aren’t counted because they were defined as “not fully vaxed” because 14 days from the second shot had not elapsed.
These are murderers. They are evil people.
You can listen to clueless BS artists or do you own analysis. Clearly these brain challenged pair are incapable of basic maths.
NSW has declining Covid hospitalisations:
They have had 67,000 cases and 6990 have required hospitalisation.
NSW has given 10.7M jabs. I think if vaccinations resulted in more hospitalisations than Covid then there would be more than 1,070,000 hospitalisations due to the jab – we would probably know about that.
Rick, spin it how you will, but deaths due to the jabs in Australia outnumber actual deaths due to the virus for the delta outbreak many times.
The shots no longer stop infection or transmission of the virus. For anyone of normal health below the age of 65, the shots now pose a greater risk than the virus.
I am not an “anti-vaxer” Rick. I signed on to many petitions trying to get the Pamplona virus vaccine free for all children regardless of gender.
But this time it’s different.
We’ve known for 70 years not to mass use partially effective inoculations mid pandemic. We’ve known this will just accelerate immune escape.
We had existing off-patent medications far more effective than the untested “vaccines”. We knew that rotating triple drug therapy could work, even against a virus that targeted the immune system itself.
Yet you side with those that published papers based on fabricated data in The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine trying to stop the use of existing off-patent therapeutics.
You are on the wrong side of the line. Those refusing the shots and trying to prevent children under 17 being jabbed are on the right side of the line.
Forget your conceit that you are automatically smarter than an AGW sceptic, because you believe.
You couldn’t beat a hard sceptic like me on radiative physics, thermodynamics or fluid dynamics if you tried. You understand none of it.
Nor do you understand that the danger of the mRNA “vaccines” was not just that they were producing those damaging spike proteins, nor even that the mRNA was migrating from the injection site and producing those spike proteins directly in the cells of organs most at risk. Oh no Rick, it’s so much worse than that.
You didn’t stop and think. Just why didn’t the Toll Like Receptors of the innate immune system attack the mRNA “benign virus” as they should any other RNA virus?
Cancers coming out of remission? Old hep C flairing up? Herpes returning? Keep an eye on those excess seasonal mortality rates Rick.
This one is Thalidomide on stilts, and you seriously are on the wrong side of the line.
Where’s the data for this?
I’ve seen data about the many thousands of adverse events reported and claims of 400+ deaths, but the TGA said investigations of those indicate about 9 were deaths attributable to the vaccine. (blood clots)
Get it right strop. I believe one of those 9 was non-clot
Replying to Strop.
They claim deaths from TTS as vaccination deaths and then claim these are all the deaths. No, TTS is a rare complication causing death rather than the only cause.
The Darkhorse Podcast had a study on it that was completed on the first 250 deaths records in the VAERS system to do with Covid vaccines. Of the 250 just 11 were infected with Covid (or below 4%), all 250 died of conditions consistent with vaccine ‘injury’ i.e. the autopsy matches to VAERS form but the CDC recorded all 250 as deaths from covid. TTS was not a common issue with these deaths.
is completely made up.
They investigate all the other deaths to see if there is a link to vaccines whether clots are involved or not. Investigating deaths is not trivial and involves a number of specialists.
“… it is a public duty to get vaccinated unless you have zero risk of getting the virus or you are likely to have serious adverse reactions.” – RickWill
Q – So, how do you tell BEFORE they get the shot if they are “likely to have as serious adverse reaction?”
A – You can’t!
Solution – When they die, they’re exempt from getting the booster?
It’s your public duty to shut up if you don’t know what you’re writing about, and yet you blather on.
“Unvaccinated are 10 times more likely to end up in hospital than vaccinated.”
That’s not what they told us at the beginning. They are just guessing.
They’ve trawled back through the historical record eh. Of course it’s guessing, less than guessing it’s arrant propagandising for the vaccine profiteers.
” WA, SA, Qld, Tassie and NT have not even been exposed to delta yet. It it gets away in any of those States with their current level of vaccination, it will stress the hospitals.”
I can’t agree with a fair bit of what you wrote, but this part is spot on….
“Unvaccinated are 10 times more likely to end up in hospital than vaccinated.” Rick that’s the propaganda, it’s not what the data shows. In fact it’s almost 1 for 1. In the UK over the last two months 63.5% of deaths are in the vaccinated. In Israel there are more seriously ill vaccinated than unvaccinated. I have some tables that I wish I could post here. In the UK since Jan 1st, in the over 50 age group more vaccinated people have died than unvaccinated.
Have the patience to have a listen to Dr. Peter Mccullough here:
Hmm…2007 anime movie that cites covid 19-like scenario…mandatory vaxxes, fake vaccine…similar state of play
Art predicting life?
Preditive programming?
Stargate SG1. Aliens get humans to agree to:
‘A powerful anti-aging drug available to Earth citizens in an alternate future timeline, as well as a cure for a pandemic on the Aschen world of Volia several years before. In both cases, the vaccine intentionally causes an enormous amount of the population to become sterile in order to rapidly decrease the birthrate on a world within the Aschen Confederation. Almost a decade after the introduction of the drug about 91% of the population is unable to procreate.’
great link… one of the important take aways from this is that Australia has both internal requirements and been signatory too, for decades, conventions that protect people from experimentation and that this is classed as still experimental.
One of the better of many many points in this:
[126] Paragraph 58 of the Siracusa Principles under the heading of Non-Derogable Rights provides:
No state party shall, even in time of emergency threatening the life of the nation, derogate from the Covenant’s guarantees of the right to life; freedom from torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and from medical or scientific experimentation without free consent;
“[2021] FWCFB 6015
“Fair Work Act 2009
“s.604 – Appeal of decisions
“Jennifer Kimber
“Sapphire Coast Community Aged Care Ltd
“Appeal against decision [2021] FWC 1818 of Commissioner McKenna at Sydney on 29 April 2021 in matter number U2020/9867.
“[107] The Fair Work Ombudsman has publicly stated that employers will need to have a “compelling reason” before requiring vaccinations, and that “the overwhelming majority of employers should assume that they can’t require their employees to be vaccinated against coronavirus”. (emphasis added)
“[108] Safe Work Australia has publicly stated that “most employers will not need to make vaccinations mandatory to meet their [health and safety] obligations”. (emphasis added)
“[109] Despite this, many employers are declaring they will mandate COVID vaccines for their workers, and PHOs are being made by State Governments, in circumstances where there is no justification for doing so.
“Mandatory vaccination cannot be justified
“[110] COVID vaccinations, in accordance with the Australian Government’s policy, must be freely available and voluntary for all Australians.
“[111] Mandatory COVID vaccinations, however, cannot be justified in almost every workplace in Australia. While there are numerous reasons for this, this decision will focus on:
“a) the requirement for freely given and informed consent for medical procedures;
“b) denying an unvaccinated person the ability work on health and safety grounds, whether at the initiation of an employer or as part of a PHO; and
“c) the requirements to comply with disability discrimination laws.
“[112] There is of course a degree of overlap with the reasoning applicable to the inability to justify mandatory vaccination whether at the initiative of employers or as part of a PHO, however I have not repeated the reasons under each separate heading.
“[113] Before turning to a consideration of these reasons, it is important to set the context with some information that is publicly available and should be uncontroversial:
“a. Unlike many other vaccinations such as those used to stop the spread of tetanus, yellow fever and smallpox, COVID vaccinations are not designed to stop COVID. They are designed to reduce the symptoms of the virus, however a fully vaccinated person can contract and transmit COVID.
“b. The science is clear in that COVID is less serious for those who are young and otherwise healthy compared to those who are elderly and/or who have co-morbidities. In other words, the risk of COVID is far greater for those who are elderly or have co-morbidities. Around 87% of those who have died with COVID in Australia are over 80 years old and had other pre-existing illnesses listed on their death certificates.
“c. The World Health Organisation has stated that most people diagnosed with COVID will recover without the need for any medical treatment.
“d. The vaccines are only provisionally approved for use in Australia and are accordingly still part of a clinical trial 20.
“e. There are side effects to the COVID vaccines that are now known. That side effects exist is not a conspiracy theory.
“f. The long-term effects of the COVID vaccines are unknown, and this is recognised by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia.
“Consent is required for participation in clinical trials
“[114] Consent is required for all participation in a clinical trial. Consent is necessary because people have a fundamental right to bodily integrity, that being autonomy and self-determination over their own body without unconsented physical intrusion. Voluntary consent for any medical treatment has been a fundamental part of the laws of Australia and internationally for decades.
It is legally, ethically and morally wrong to coerce a person to participate in a clinical trial.
“[115] Coercion is not consent. Coercion is the practice of persuading someone to do something using force or threats. Some have suggested that there is no coercion in threatening a person with dismissal and withdrawing their ability to participate in society if that person does not have the COVID vaccine. However, nothing could be further from the truth.
“[116] All COVID vaccines in Australia are only provisionally approved, and as such remain part of a clinical trial 21. This is not part of a conspiracy theory. It is a fact easily verifiable from the website of the TGA, Australia’s regulatory authority responsible for assessing and registering/approving all COVID vaccines before they can be used in Australia.
“[117] The requirement for consent in this context is not new and should never be controversial. The Nuremburg Code (the Code), formulated in 1947 in response to Nazi doctors performing medical experiments on people during WWII, is one of the most important documents in the history of the ethics of medical research.
By reading that FWC document, it seems pretty clear, anyone sacked for not getting an experimental shot seems like they’d be right to sue.
Yes, but bear in mind the limited remedies for being unfairly dismissed. Reinstatement? Depends on whether the business or more precisely the HR department wants you gone for being too much trouble. Compensation? Limited to a few weeks wages for many people.
And the right to sue is subsumed by the Fair Work Act.
this will depend on the number of people the company does it too as well. Will larger companies be able to absorb payout to hundreds of employees taking them to the FWC for example?
A doctor discusses reports of jabbed patients developing cancer after jab and if it could be related.
This is not official, just a note of observation …
A friend’s wife was double jabbed, and has not felt well since, bad sleep, change in bathroom habits … had a colonoscopy, then a breast cancer scan.
Had a mastectomy last week, and doctor said in the three weeks since scan, the aggressive cancer has grown much bigger.
Doctor in Twitter video above talks about how it is possible the compromised immunity from the “vaccine” could have triggered the cancer fighting gene to lose its strength.
“Merck’s new COVID-19 pill, known as molnupiravir, headed for FDA review for emergency authorization, could potentially carry serious safety issues stemming from the method used to kill the virus, scientists warned, according to a report.
“The oral antiviral medication integrates into the genetic makeup of the virus, causing a large number of mutations to destroy the virus. However, some laboratory tests indicated the drug’s ability to cause mutations in genetic material of mammalian cells, theoretically causing cancer or birth defects, Barron’s reported.”
RNHC inhibits SARS-CoV-2 in vitro but is mutagenic in mammalian cells
Zhou, S.; Hill, C.; Sarkar, S.; Tse, V.; Sheahan, T.; Baric, R.; Heise, M.; Swanstrom, R..
Topics in Antiviral Medicine ; 29(1):135-136, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1250916
comparison of this and ivermectin.
and now,, from Zero hedge,,”Molnupiravir pill from Merck. Photo: Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.
The pill, originally developed using US government funds as a possible treatment for Venezuelan equine encephalitis, cut the risk of hospitalization and death in half in a randomized trial of 775 adults with mild/moderate Covid who were considered at high risk for disease due to comorbidities such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease. The trial was stopped early so the company could apply for and emergency use authorization (EUA). The drug did not benefit patients who were already hospitalized with severe disease.”Horse paste bad…. Horse encephalitis drug ,,Good???????
mRNA was originally used in oncology from what I was informed. The studies were abandoned after a couple of years due to issues worse than what they were targeting. The success of these ‘new’ mRNA vaccines has brought more interest back into the usage as a treatment for cancers but the original research in both its usage in cancer and vaccines prior to this experiment we are currently experiencing should always make us quite cautious.
At last, a significant industry player stating climate facts instead of misinformation. Of course ridiculed as holding views labeled as bizarre!
Australia’s richest woman Gina Rinehart has recorded a video for students at an exclusive school telling them they should do their own research into global warming as the number of polar bears is “increasing”.
During the 16 minute clip, she urged students to ask teachers questions while doing their own research into which came first, global warming, or an increase in carbon.
“It should help to point to four independent facts, which all come to the same conclusion, independently, including, what has been found in the geological record of ice, ocean floors, and separately chemistry principles,” Ms Rinehart said.
Twiggy Forrest should take heed.
Facts vs myth… Reality vs AGW…
Unfortunately, the myth is still holding sway with large parts of the population.
Yep, the lady is properly educated.
‘Australia’s richest person, mining magnate Gina Rinehart, has been revealed as a key funder of the rightwing thinktank the Institute of Public Affairs – a consistent promoter of climate science scepticism.’ (Guardian 2018)
She also tried to buy a controlling interest in Fairfax but discovered that their system of editorial independence is more robust than News Corp.
Fairfax.. editorial independence. !!!
Now that’s just hilarious.
So long as you kow-tow to the far-leftist memes, Fairfax is your go.
News Corp at least tries to remain somewhat balanced, present a small amount of conservative realist views.
Sorry if that small amount of conservative realism upsets those of the far-left that are so used to the far-left taxpayer funded ABC.
yep, weird alternate reality stuff there
There is no editorial independence. You don’t become an editor unless you are far left.
Telling the owners that they merely prop up the failing business with their wealth and can’t fix things is not independence. Its theiving.
Don’t worry Simon, the editorial department is remains securely in the hands of idiots.
‘In the video described as ‘shockingly wrong,’ Australia’s richest woman Gina Rinehart said humans do not cause global warming.’ (SMH)
Editorial independence for Fairfax simply means groupthink and politics wins over facts every time.
I saw it reported that none of the print journalists has had a contract renewed Nine being intent on publishing only on the weekend in future; maybe Morry Schwartz will extend the coverage of his Saturday Paper and hire some of them on the punishingly meagre rates appropriate to their skills.
Are you trying to imply it is wrong to fund conservative bodies, but you can fund as many left wing ones as you please? I don’t see a witch hunt of funders of left wing organizations? Please clarify…
In regards to carbon dioxide there is a ‘sensitivity’ issue and of course lots more for students to consider.
Well worth reading.
Basically the author points out that the “model” assumes that some of human emissions (generally said to be half) are what is causing the rise in the CO2 level. He then points out that means that natural processes are sequestering the rest of those human emissions.
Those natural processes were operating in the past, and since the end of the last Ice Age approx. 20,000 years ago, the sea level has risen by about 120 metres and the area of sea has increased (and it has warmed) so corals have multiplied and built big reefs** while sequestering CO2 at the natural rate, yet the CO2 level in the Holocene doesn’t show a decrease, so the Model (SHOCK< Horror) may be wrong.
** The Great Barrier Reef for example. It is known that there is another reef off-shore in deeper water, which would have been laid down during the cold times, when the sea level was lower.
Offshore to the east of Moreton Island, there are a couple of sunken reefs, one at 35 fathoms and the other at 42 fathoms, must have laid down during an ice age.
That’s great, and no doubt the “separate chemistry principles” would cover the quantitative aspects of the issue.
Human origin CO2 is such a small amount of total atmospheric CO2 that even if CO2 was relevant to atmospheric heating, our contribution would be basically a non event.
I am sure that the composition of the atmospheres components could vary substantially without an real thermal effect and focusing on percentage CO2 is fantasy land drivel.
Maybe removal of water would be significant because of it’s two critical points, 0°C and 100°C, but generally we can see the air as obeying the gas laws; i.e. no IPCCCCC type bombardment of the Earth with dangerous Photons emitted by CO2 from “up there”.
The primal thermodynamic activist is water, operating around its critical freezing point, and it solidly dominates all atmospheric CO2 effect and makes a joke of any human influence.
Thanks Gina.
A headline story in today’s West is that the school censored all but 6 minutes of the video. Claimed it didn’t coincide with the school’s views on Climate Change. A few years ago, this school was advertising on Billboards along Stirling highway, in a dig at a prominent girls’ school just down the road, with the slogan “We open our minds, not our laptops”. Looks like that’s all changed.
All utopian dreams come to an end. Always have, always will. Including “ZeroCovid”:
Lest We Remember: Ms Ardern, not ‘New Zealand’, was a student of Klaus Schwab’s WEF school of thought.
The D-strain claims its first NZ victim – or did it? A pastor from a Polynesian Christian church, in his 50s with “underlying health conditions” (note plural) died Wednesday after 40 days in ICU at Middlemore Hospital, Auckland. All the (bought and paid for) media outlets are reporting it as “died of” as opposed to died ‘with’.
Like a cat playing with a mouse: torture, release; torture, release… waiting for the final pounce.
Chairman Adhern was once el Presidente of the young communists international.
A votary at Helen Clark’s feet as I recall.
Methinks the elder Helengrad has ‘possessed’ the younger Jacindarella – truly spooky sometimes – shudder…
Dr. Jim Meehan on big pharma fraud–3 videos
Pfizer/Moderna vaxcine injury–gov. program to help people called “a black hole”
Saw this on a Tucker Carter video
Anthony Fauci, “The Patron Saint of Wuhan”!
Appropriate I think
Once China takes Taiwan – has bases in PNG
What methods will they use to turn the screws on us?
You mentioned that Fauci person. Last night will watching a re-run of The Mandalorian on Disney I noticed National Geographic / Disney have done a doco on Fauci. I, of course, will not be watching it, but it looks basically like a puff piece depicting the man as some sort of hero. Meanwhile the US just ticked over 700 000 people who have died with/from COVID. Which basically shows how ineffective he is, because he supposedly advised both Trump and now Biden administrations.
Fauci assures us “This is the way”
I advise you to look deeper at US deaths data before accepting that 700K figure. In particular, you should look at the numbers of deaths to all causes in the years before Covid and compare them to this year’s, after subtracting that 700K. You will find that, despite the population increasing, deaths to all non-Covid causes has inexplicably fallen – while at the same time, treatment of cancer, cardiac, pulmonary and other serious diseases has been postponed and/or degraded.
Strange, eh?
It appears that Fauci, Daszack, Bright, et al, may have been instrumental in creating Covid and avoiding traditional vaccine methods to initiate a large population mRNA experiment. Video is 4 mins. Well worth a look.
A Compilation Video – Following the Vaccine Science Can Be Troublesome When the Vaccine Scientists Have an Independent Agenda
Worth bringing from Wednesday Open Thread as it sums up the Stupidity/Incompetence of Governments, CHOs and Media in Australia
Rita Panahi: Daniel Andrews’ lies on Covid-19 scaring Victorians into submission
One of the most shameful episodes of the pandemic has been the ease and regularity with which authorities have lied to the public.
And, one of the most preposterous lies is one that continues to be trotted out by the Dan Andrews government; that Covid does not discriminate.
The truth is that though anyone can catch Covid-19 the virus does discriminate; it disproportionately impacts the very old, very ill and very fat.
This is a fact we’ve known since the start of the pandemic and it’s been reinforced by every data set produced since.
The median age of Covid deaths in Australia remain around 85, above the average life expectancy.
As law professor James Allan wrote recently: “Government propaganda – because there is no other way to describe it – has deliberately tried to scare people senseless and hence to distort their relative-risk assessments.”
Professor Allan was also scathing of the wildly wrong modelling and members of the media who have been complicit in adding to the hysteria and hyperbole.
“Then add in a dollop of ‘take the worst imaginable outcome modelling’. Throw in a media and press corps that is either stupid or longs for the reincarnation of Pravda. Stir. And you have Australia, readers,” he wrote.
But even in Covid-crazy Victoria the people are finally waking up to the harms inflicted in the name of Covid-safety with less than a third of Victorians believing the risk of Covid is worse than the economic impact of lockdowns, according to the latest Bastion Insights survey.
The notion that you can defeat the virus via lockdowns comes directly from the Chinese Communist Party which claimed it had effectively eliminated coronavirus by locking down Wuhan.
For reasons that will be examined for decades to come, much of the world (but thankfully not all) abandoned their advanced pandemic response plans to follow the CCP model despite the implausibility of their claims.
The full global impact of locking down the young and healthy, along with the old and infirm, may prove to be more devastating than the pandemic.
Remember when Disaster Dan said “we are locking down hard and early so we don’t end up like NSW”?
Today’s new cases, NSW 587, Vic 1,638. The lockdown State loses again.
Covid doesnt discriminate says Dan earnestly.
Yet very obviously it is dominantly a western / north western suburbs plague in Melbourne
and very obviously it is dominantly a western / south western suburbs plague in Sydney
and as we know it favours hosts that are weakened by other conditions, elderly and overweight.
but other than that Dan, as you say , doesnt discriminate
Annastacia Pluckaduck says covid will come looking for you, it will hunt you down.
Apparently Farcebook is threatening to close the accounts of anyone who dares post Project Veritas’ exposè of Pfizer executives secretly recorded saying they were running off scare money and FB is saying that the video could cause people “physical harm”.
Not even YouTube have censored the videos yet…
I just saw a video of the Tesla Plaid going around the Nurbergring. It hit a top speed of 267 kph, that’s 165 mph. With over 1000 horsepower and 1000lbft of torque, crossing the 200 mph barrier should be like falling off a log. Elon must be embarrassed.
yeah but you have to make it all the way around for a lap time
What is the lap time when a recharge is included.
The Plaid did complete a full lap,..infact 2 !
7:30:9 and 7:35.5 with the circuit posting the latter as an official new lap record for the class .
..And the 165 mph was the AVERAGE speed for the lap, not the max speed.
Also, other electric production cars have recorded faster lap times !
Sorry Chad but the record average speed for the Nerburgring is 115mph. The 165mph top speed for the Tesla was in plain view on the speedometer. Once again electric cars disappoint.
Ah !, yes sorry the 165 average was the km/h …
…a coincidence number with that max mph. !
But what “record average speed”… does the 115 mph refer to ?
That would be a 6:47 lap…..and there have been faster laps than that…..(.even by EVs .),
With the outright lap record of 5:19:55 (146+ mph)
Klem, if you are disapointed with EVs, it must be because of something other than their performance !
That outright Nuremberg record may belong to a Hybrid,… but the 2 nd fastest was set by a pure EV !
Debating Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and Colchicine
Colchicine had been a Godsend drug to millions of gout sufferers worldwide – until the FDA stepped in and restricted its use. Colchicine, derived from the flowering autumn crocus plant, has been used since 1500 BC to treat joint swelling with exceptional pain-relieving properties. Unfortunately, like many effective compounds, this medication was captured by regulators, and the public paid the price.
Before 2007, colchicine was widely, safely, and appropriately prescribed to some two million US patients each year at the cost of just 9 cents per pill. However, the FDA gained jurisdiction over all prescribed drugs in 1962 – ostensibly with the sole purpose of protecting the public. Some medications that were in widespread use before 1962, like colchicine, escaped this FDA approval. Therefore, in 2007, the FDA sought to remedy this problem by forcing a study to prove that colchicine truly worked and was safe to use. Never mind the real-world evidence accumulated by the practicing experts, the in-the-trenches physicians.
So, Takeda Pharmaceuticals undertook this task, and tested the known drug colchicine in 184 patients, and guess what the study revealed? It answered the question that had already been answered. As expected, colchicine proved effective in gout, and it was effective in Familial Mediterranean Fever. In 2009, the FDA officially placed its rubber stamp of approval on the oral colchicine product, now known by the shiny new name of Colcrys. Unfortunately, with the title came a price, and the cost of Colcrys was 5 dollars per pill – which was a 50 fold markup over the generic version.
Then why exactly is Oxford University touting their upcoming RCT when the world already has heard the answer from the meta-analysis performed by the best of the best, Dr. Tess Lawrie?
Perhaps it is because Oxford, who famously backs the Astra Zeneca vaccine, has a financial conflict of interest.
If Ivermectin were approved, the Emergency Use Authorization for the experimental Astra Zeneca Vaccine would likely be voided.
The Gates Foundation has taken a particular interest in “testing” Ivermectin. In addition to the Gates’ support of the Oxford Ivermectin Study, they are funding the TOGETHER Trial at none-other than McMaster University, the same one that botched the WHO Ivermectin review, and advised against the use of Ivermectin – all by using academic sleight of hand – by eliminating the favorable studies, and over-weighting the one neutral study. And by calling a precise result imprecise.
Dr. Lawrie had this to say in her meta-analysis about the way the McMaster magicians made Ivermectin disappear, about the way they downgraded precision of a precise number by two levels without explanation,
“The recently updated WHO therapeutics guidelines included seven trials and 1419 people in the analysis of mortality. Reporting a risk reduction of 81% (odds ratio 0.19, 95% CI 0.09–0.36), the effect estimate favoring Ivermectin was downgraded by two levels for imprecision, although the justification for this is unclear as the reported CI is precise (64%–91%).”
Let us acknowledge that Ivermectin reduces overall death by at least 62%, as Dr. Tess Lawrie has shown, and HCQ independently reduces it by 75%, as Dr. Risch has demonstrated. In that case, it is not surprising that the combination of the two drugs has reduced death by 99.98%, as the Fareed/Tyson series reveals.
Some might question these numbers, thinking that the Ivermectin data should produce greater efficacy because of the numerous impressive natural experiments in India, Mexico, and Zimbabwe, showing 90+ percent reductions in cases and deaths.
However, as Dr. Risch explains, we need to clarify precisely when these drugs are being used. We need to compare apples with apples. Dr. Risch confines his review to early outpatient treatment, while Dr. Lawrie looks at Ivermectin use across all phases, both inpatient and outpatient.
The reduction in death would be expected to be higher if the treatment review was confined to early in the outpatient phase rather than later in the hospital or the ICU. Ivermectin is proven to work well across all stages of the disease, including late in the cytokine storm, while HCQ works best early in the viral replication phase. In addition, many case reports have shown that a single dose of Ivermectin can liberate a patient from the ventilator, even in the latest, worst stages of the disease.
Extremely Comprehensive and Detailed Report as this Comment stated
This is the most well put together analysis I have read so far, and I’ve read a lot and been educating myself about Ivermectin and watching this unfold. I wondered about the Oxford Study, and why they had to put one together with all the data that was already available. This makes it very clear.
A Comment from A blog on MichaelSmithNews
Let’s not forget the actions of CHO’s.
Never forget Clive Palmer bought 32,900,900 doses of HCQ for Australians to treat COVID.
Naturally, the TGA (government) banned it’s use (because it works). If masks worked (they don’t) they would ban those too.
They also banned Ivermectin for treating COVID:
Do not write all this off as ‘Tough times, I’m glad that is all over’ come election time because elections are what the majors are already thinking of.
The times never, ever, needed to be tough. It was government that made it so. Gladys even said times will get tougher, particularly for the unvaccinated. Finally, a nugget of truth from her.
Nina Simone got it right………………
And even more Nina Simone about being FREE………………..
20 generated a correct answer from one rod.stuart by the time of posting.
Very good article, Serp. Some good numbers on the cost of RE subsidies and impacts. Illuminating.
Thanks for posting. 🙂
What a great line!
“Australia’s Obscene Green Subsidy Machine”.
BUT these are only one part of the crippling cost that government actions on climate change are imposing on the economy. In support of renewables, governments are massively reinforcing transmission lines and building pumped storage to allow the dispersed and irregular wind and solar to operate. At least $3 billion a year is being spent on this. Then there is the private sector money attracted to renewables developments as a result of the subsidies extended to them – that is some $9 billion a year.
In addition, we now have state governments’ purchasing arrangements for renewables. Even excluding these, we have an annual $19 billion a year in spending and subsidies which basically undermine the low-cost, reliable energy we had before the descent into madness. And the ramifications of that descent can also be quantified. One measure of this is the higher prices we are paying for wholesale electricity. In 2020/21 average wholesale electricity prices were around $60 per MWh. For a coal-oriented system with gas and hydro performing balancing functions, prices would be around $55 per year (On average, prior to 2012, before renewables started cutting into efficiency, prices were under $50 per MWh). Even at $5 per MWh, the cost to the economy is over $1 billion a year. Once prices rise to the level that renewables can operate profitably – about $90 per MWh – the annual cost becomes around $10 billion.
The costs of $19 billion a year we impose upon ourselves for on-power generation, once the higher wholesale costs of the renewables cut in, approach $30 billion a year. This – equivalent to almost one quarter of private investment
On top if this we have a greener political colouring with the elevation of renewable enthusiast Matt Kean to the key position of NSW Treasurer. Moreover, in addition to Angus Taylor’s forlorn faith in state-financed new tech to place a lid on emissions, he now has a new deputy, born-again climate worrier Tim Wilson, who says a zero-emissions future is filled with opportunity for rural and regional communities — presumably by being paid not to produce goods wanted in the commercial market.
India’s Ivermectin Blackout – Part V: The Secret Revealed
by Justus R. Hope, MD Sep 27, 2021 Updated Oct 4, 2021
“Although India’s Ivermectin victory over COVID may have been lost on bent-on-vaccinating-everyone Big Pharma and Big Regulators, the message seems to have gotten through to the man on the street. If Google Trends is any indicator, interest in Ivermectin is exploding, and for good reason. We are all being systematically deceived by influential organizations in the name of profits.”
Great article, Ozzie, thanks for bringing it to attention. 🙂
You need to get this message out in India. They are putting more jabs in arms than anywhere else on the globe:
Basically as fast as they can manufacture the vaccine.
I find it revealing how conspiracy theorists in the rest of the world believe in the Ivermectin miracle in India yet people living in India, where the miracle was supposed to have occurred, are going full steam on vaccinations!
Unlike some they probably see the answer as a combination of initiatives , rather than an ego driven battle to be “right”
Like Indians, most people in the developed world recognise that the vaccines are the best defence against serious illness. They are well proven and side effects a few orders of magnitude less than the consequence of the illness.
Sadly for India, they did not have the ability to distribute vaccines to prevent the dire consequences they experienced. Most Australians have the option and thankfully the vast majority are making the best choice to support the community effort.
India did distribute “vaccines”. That’s where the Delta variant came from!
How they defeated it? Ivermectin!
How is Uttar Pradesh doing now? 230 million citizens and a lower daily case number than lockdown Australia. Gee, even their case mortality rates are lower than ours, even though our medical scum are selectively using IVM for only the jabbed who end up in hospital.
Ivermectin works. If it didn’t, the TGA wouldn’t have banned it.
(Oh, and that IVM knockoff from Merek that the TGA will now rush to approve without 40 years of safe use? You really don’t want to see the cancer risk from that one …)
India. vaccinations. ivermectin
National data are worth looking at but it is more instructive to look at data State by State.
States with high use of ivermectin, these have a low number of cases regardless of the number of those vaccinated.
States with a high number of vaccinations and little use of ivemectin, these have a high number of cases.
Delta arose pre-vaccinations.
Thousands of medical professionals declare COVID policies “Crimes Against Humanity”
Sep 28, 2021 Updated Oct 4, 202
An international alliance of physicians and medical scientists met in Rome, Italy on September 12 – 14 for a three-day Global COVID Summit to speak “truth to power about COVID pandemic research and treatment.” The summit presented an opportunity for the medical professionals to compare studies and assess the efficacy of the various treatments for the Coronavirus that have been developed in hospitals, doctors’ offices and research labs throughout the world.
However, many of these medical professionals have experienced career threats, character assassination, censorship of research papers, clinical trials and patient observations, their professional history and accomplishments altered or omitted in academic and mainstream media because of them providing life-saving treatments for COVID patients.
Dr. Robert Malone, who discovered in-vitro and in-vivo RNA transfection and invented mRNA vaccines while he was at the Salk Institute in 1988, read the Declaration at the summit.
“The Physicians Declaration” states:
“We the physicians of the world, united and loyal to the Hippocratic Oath, recognizing the profession of medicine as we know it is at a crossroad, are compelled to declare the following;
From the Comments
ERMD Oct 1, 2021 1:23pm
I am an emergency room physician that deals with Covid patients every day. I have never seen a virus act in this manner before where some get barely ill and others have prolonged and protracted illness with it that can more often than you’d like end in death. I have seen no one try to explain that type of discrepancy in disease expression of a viral illness–but, obviously, it doesn’t affect everyone of us the same way. But, I know some about viral illnesses–especially respiratory viral illnesses and I see this being misconceptualized constantly in the media in a fashion I have never seen before. Let me see if I can list some:
1. This respiratory virus–like no other respiratory virus known to man–has ‘asymptomatic carriers’. If that were the case, where are they and what is being done about them? What we do know about the common cold virus (of which the coronavirus is one type) is that you are your most contagious (expelling out the most active viral particles) the day before you get ill. This isn’t ‘asymptomatic’, this is ‘presymptomatic’. Once you develop symptoms, the contacts you had the day before you got sick are the most significant ones.
2. People that take care of dying Covid patients have to wear hazmet suits to prevent from getting it. Looks impressive but it isn’t necessary. People that are dying of prolonged Covid related consequences are NOT expelling out active viral particles at this stage. You are NOT fighting the active virus in late stages, you ARE fighting the immune consequences of that illness–NOT the virus. That explains why the monoclonal antibodies do NOT work in late stage Covid. This is a pertinent point because there was NO need to isolate a patient dying of late stage Covid away from their loved ones. That is an egregious misconception that I think borders along the line of a draconian assault on the dignity of human relations. But, it does look impressive on television to those that want to scare you into submission.
3. We can vaccinate our way out of this once we reach ‘herd immunity.’ Viruses don’t know boundaries. And the respiratory viruses mutate frequently anyway. That’s why there is a different vaccine for the flu every year. So, unless you vaccinate the entire world simultaneously, vaccines will not work and they may be instrumental in promoting more virulent forms of the virus since, unless you have a simultaneous world vaccination program (and who’s paying for–and implementing–that?), there will always be a vector for the virus to mutate into another form to come back and bite any person previously vaccinated–just see what the flu virus does every year. Good for the companies that promote vaccinations–nothing for the control of the virus.
5. Only vaccinations will do to control this. Actually most of the implementations of the ‘anti-Covid’ drugs–starting with hydroxychloroquine to Remdisivir to most of the monoclonal antibodies (which ONLY work in early stages, anyway) have shown little to no benefit in affecting the process of the disease in those proned to serious consequences of this virus. I have been following Dr. Paul Marik’s process in treating this disease since the beginning (you can Google ‘Covid protocol and FLCCC alliance’ and see what he has to say now)–and he has gone through all the Covid treatments and eventually kicked out most of them for either not being effective or, with what effect you get, it is not worth the cost (especially if you are really trying to rid the world of this). But, despite the malarky that the mass media passes across as ‘objective news’–claiming to be able to ‘vaccinate our way out of this’–Dr. Marik (a physician that is actually taking care of Covid patients) did come across ivermectin and not only has he not thrown it out, he and his FLCCC alliance have doubled down on it. I and several other physicians I know have used it–even prophylactically with their nursing home patients as Dr. Marik describes–and they also are convinced that these people don’t get near as sick. The reason behind that is never offered in the mass media. Ivermectin has been known to obstruct RNA viral replication for almost a decade.
That’s enough for now. And what impresses me the most about the declaration above is that the doctor that formulated the very vaccine ‘the industry’ uses is on the side of calling this overreaching assault on the physician-patient relationship as a ‘crime against humanity’. It reminds me of Dr. Jonas Salk–who formulated the polio virus–who refused to patent his discovery because he ‘didn’t want to profit off of the suffering of others’. Not the case now. When Biden proposed suspending the patent laws on these vaccines in order to drive their costs down, stocks in these companies started dropping–and Biden never mentioned it again. Yep, no ‘Jonas Salks’ here–but maybe with someone showing the integrity of a Jonas Salk–such as Dr. Robert Malone, there is still hope for the restoration of medical integrity yet….but, sorry to say, I am not holding my breath……’the industry’ has different plans….
If the Govment was really wanting to be serious about curing the virus they would Nationalise the production of the vaccines and pay for the intellectual rights as compensation to big Pharma. Pharma loses the ongoing income stream of course so that won’t happen.
Interesting but flawed conclusions from observations.
He may be right about the inability for dying people to share the virus but those people are in a Covid exposed ward. Anyone entering thiat ward would need to be trained in PPE and probably not even expose their flesh to the dying person in the environment.
The whole world IS being simultaneously vaccinated. Daily cases are in rapid decline with zero cases by the end of the 2021 not unlikely. That reduces the rate of mutation and risk of more virulent, deadlier strain.
Why opt for something other than vaccines when the vaccines have proven so effective and serious side effects rare.
I’ll accept the conclusions of an emergency ward doctor treating Covid patients over yours every day of the week. How dare you (to quote St Greta) say his conclusions are flawed?
So you are trusting what doctors say? Wow that is unusual amongst this group.
You are relying on authority rather than using your own nouse to work out the obvious. The world is vaccinating simultaneously. There has never been a more dedicated effort to immunise the entire human race against a single virus.
Also anyone entering a Covid ward is being exposed to the virus. When my son was transferred to the Covid wards in Melbourne last year to help out due to staff shortages, he spent the first 4 hours of his first nightshift notifying staff that they should home quarantine because they had tested positive. He instigated the same PPE practices that they had been using at his hospital to avoid that recurring theme. There are numerous cases of Covid transfer in hospital settings. Right now the Cancer ward at RMH has staff and patients isolating. It would be incomprehensible for untrained people entering Covid wards! Anyone recommending such a thing is a fool.
Worth looking at the Covid-19 vaccine ADR data on vigiaccess too.
2,000 in 2020 and 2.2 MILLION in 2021.
Anyone want to explain that figure?
With respect I thought the covid virus was identified as a vascular disease with respiratory complications as a serious side effect, is this incorrect.
Ivermectin – Truth and Totalitarianism
by Justus R. Hope, MD Oct 4, 2021 Updated Oct 5, 2021
While shutting down any competition from repurposed drugs like HCQ or Ivermectin, they deftly rolled out the vaccines first, making sure not to confuse the consumer with antiviral pills that would only be allowed AFTER the majority of the population had been vaccinated.
The one glitch is that Merck’s Molnupiravir only surfaced AFTER a prominent scandal involving Merck lying three times.
Just as Peter would disown Christ three times before the cry of the rooster, Merck would turn their back on their creation with three lies about Ivermectin before they would accept the payoff from the United States government.
On February 4, 2021, Merck, the corporation behind the monumental Mectizan Program, which rescued the world from River Blindness, told three untruths about Ivermectin.
However, lying was required, and the payoff came on Wednesday, June 9, 2021, when Merck got a fat reward. They announced the US government had agreed to pay $1.2 billion for 1.7 million doses of their new antiviral, Molnupiravir, BEFORE clinical testing showed either effectiveness or safety. Our hard-earned tax dollars were irresponsibly handed over to Merck by an agency charged with a fiduciary duty to protect our health.
But the craftiest strategy of all was Merck’s: Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.
Regardless of its source, it has proven remarkably effective as a propaganda tactic throughout modern history, and Merck was betting on this to sell the public on Molnupirivar. However, the move backfired. In the case of Ivermectin, they falsely argued that it was ineffective and unsafe while their own drug suffered from both.
While Ivermectin’s safety data with over 40 years of treatment in over 3.7 billion doses is truly robust, Molnupiravir’s safety numbers are barely rudimentary. In short, Molnupiravir’s safety data is concerning because of its lack.
From the Comments
Another home run. This would be a great article to share with someone who hasn’t heard this kind of news before – very comprehensive!
From Zero Hedge,,,”,Molnupiravir pill from Merck. Photo: Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.
The pill, originally developed using US government funds as a possible treatment for Venezuelan equine encephalitis, cut the risk of hospitalization and death in half in a randomized trial of 775 adults with mild/moderate Covid who were considered at high risk for disease due to comorbidities such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease. The trial was stopped early so the company could apply for and emergency use authorization (EUA). The drug did not benefit patients who were already hospitalized with severe disease.” So, ivermectin, horse paste, bad. Molnupiravir,equine encephalitis drug,,, Good. !!!!!!!!
Great find .
The Ivermectin Deworming Hoax – Part II: Eric Clapton’s Human Rights Warning
By Justus R. Hope, MD Sep 13, 2021 Updated Sep 16, 2021
On September 10, 2021, journalist Siddhant Pandey reported that 75% of India’s nearly 35,000 new COVID cases arose from the tiny resort state of Kerala. Kerala, one of the world’s top travel destinations, is also one of the world’s worst COVID disasters.
Kerala’s failed pandemic policy has been going from bad to worse. For example, on July 29 Kerala represented half of India’s new cases, while on August 27, they had risen to two-thirds, and now they account for three-fourths.
President Kennedy famously said, “An error does not become a mistake until you refuse to correct it.”
Kerala has been a slow-motion train wreck. But, as we watch in horror as the locomotive jumps the track and carries the rest of the boxcars with it, we notice the other Indian states enjoy complete safety as their pandemic has ended. They chose a different strategy, one that did not lead them off a cliff.
What strategy, you may ask?
Reuters reported this on May 13, 2021.
Like Kerala, the United Kingdom is “all-in” on vaccines and “all-out” against Ivermectin. Notice the remarkable similarity of the United Kingdom COVID graph when compared with Kerala’s.
There is a double rise in the graph of the Delta Surge. The United Kingdom, a country of 68 million, had 36,734 new cases on September 10. That works out to about one case per two thousand population. They could be Kerala’s twin in more ways than one. Similar cases per thousand, and similar policy against Ivermectin, only the United Kingdom has more vaccinations with over 60% of their population fully vaccinated.
It makes one wonder why both the UK and Kerala are failing so miserably despite high vaccination rates.
Unfortunately I cannot find the video I viewed on the topic but Ivermectin prescriptions went up almost 2400% in the US during the corona virus period, during this period 11 serious or worse condition poisonings occurred due to ivermectin dose but none of them were due to the prescribed patients, all of them were from vet grade ivermectin pastes.
Conversely hand sanitiser essentially doubled in use the past year or so and resulted in hundreds of hospitalisations due to poisoning and 4 deaths.
How to beat the woke: Never apologize, rally friends and punch back harder
Yesterday in The Australian Janet Albrechtsen wrote a piece on Dominic Perrottet revolving around his Catholicism and the criticisms from the “Left”
She wrote “Even before Dominic Perrottet was elected on Tuesday, his religion featured in ABC headlines so everyone understood a “conservative Catholic and father-of-six … will be NSW’s next premier”. Oh my, a family man with six kids? Would five kids warrant this headline? What about four?
The ABC’s 7pm news turned to Jane Caro to tell us Perrottet’s Catholicism is a problem for women. I’m a woman and not a Catholic, and Perrottet is not a problem for me.
“Maybe what upsets the anti-Catholic brigade more than Perrottet’s Catholic faith is that he believes in the family, small government, the dignity of work and lower taxes, traditional values of personal responsibility and freedom.”
In response there were many commenters agreeing with Albrechtsen proclaiming their Christianity, their Conservatism and their staunch hostility to the “Left”
But on closer inspection it is apparent that the Chrstian Conservative Right while “talking the talk” on Christianity definitely does not “walk the walk”. Let’s have another look at Perrottet’s beliefs as stated by Albrechtsen. “believes in the family, small government, the dignity of work and lower taxes, traditional values of personal responsibility and freedom.”.
Is believing in the family confined to the Conservative Right? No, it certainly is not.
Are traditiona values of responsibility and freedom? There is no evidence that suggests Left leaning Australians do not share these views,
But all that aside it is largely the Labor governments that have followed the beliefs of Christianity as given in the Bible. Jesus said “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.”. And there are many instances in the Bible about assisting the poor and needy.
Labor introduced unemployment benefits.sickness benefits and widow’s pension. Conservatives under Howard tied the payment to inflation (unlike the pension which is tied to wages). This effectively froze the payment permanently.
Medibank was introduced by Labor in 1975. Scrapped by the Conservatives in 1981. Re-introduced as Medicare by Labor in 1984. In 1987 Howard promised to scrap it if re-elected. He lost the election. Howard introduces the Medicare levy in 1997. Abbott in 2014 proposed a two tier health system.
Child maintenance was introduced by Labor. Free education was introduced by Labor. Day care allowance was introduced by Labor The NDIS was introduced by Labor.
As for freedom Labor signed Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in 1983. Labor introduced the Federal Sex Discrimination Act in 1984 which It makes gender-based discrimination and sexual harassment illegal and establishes the country’s first sex discrimination commissioner, Pamela O’Neill. Since its introduction, the act has proven to be a cornerstone in the fight for equal opportunity for women, especially in the workplace.
As for the “Workplace Conservatives hate the trade unions which they regard as totally against the best interest of business. But they care nothing about the way business defrauds its employees by underpayments amounting to millions of dollars. Coles, Woolworths, the CBA , the ABC, 7-11, Hungry Jacks, Bunnings and many more. Unions have been instrumental in getting these businesses to repay underpayments to stop unfair dismissals plus ensuring health and safety requirements that employees are not subject to unfair dismissal
There is so much more that shows many Christian Conservatives do not follow their mealy mouthed claims of being Christians by acting as Christ demanded
All good points, which is why they traditionally got my vote, but when Labor snuggled up to the Greens for political leverage the Party became corrupted.
I woman called Ian?
Australian labor are not quite as bat sheet crazy as US dems, but they are working on it. The US dems agree with infanticide and are actively anti Christian and Jewish faiths while finding no objection to people who have beheadings and amputations as official punishments.
I have no imaginary friend but prefer to live in a Christian faith based society, or maybe that is “Christian based law”.
I hope you understand Annie.
Labor of the 80s into the 90s in Australia wasn’t that bad in the scheme of things, Keating’s boat policy was very based.
Gough’s education policy was purely free education for upper middle-class leftists of the time, very few of the poor could still afford to go to uni so it ended up on the poor workers paying taxes to the rich could send their kids to uni to get a ‘free’ education.
Why dont you use the “b-quote” feature to correctly indicate borrowed text ?
Then readers would not attribute those comments to you personally .
Bumped from Wednesday Unthreaded
“WHO reports 2.2M adverse reactions for Covid vaccines, v 1.1K for Ivermectim”
What if I told you that no matter how much information you share with people about corrupt governments and our freedoms disappearing, that 97% of people just won’t care until it’s too late and only then wonder how we allowed this to happen.
As Ayn Rand said:
Anytime during my adult life when there is a “problem” worthy of public debate or discussion, usually somewhere along the discussion path some halfwit will say “…. the government should do something about that”. Or words to that effect. To the point now where it is almost assumed by the general public that the government will do something about virtually everything. I can almost guarantee that when government provides a solutions to a perceived problem it will (i) be unduly complicated. (ii)more expensive (iii) not in fact solved (iv) made worse. We, the public have actually brought this undue government interference upon ourselves. Perhaps unwittingly , but also there’s definitely been some design in it by people and organisations with influence. What’s to be done? Don’t know – maybe vote for political parties who believe in government rather than Government.
“Project Veritas Whistleblower Highlights Pfizer Executives Wanting to Hide Use of Human Fetal Tissue in Vaccination Program
October 6, 2021 | Sundance | 62 Comments”
This is quite interesting. Any legal experts here?
The short version is that if there is a conflict of laws the commonwealth law will prevail.
The question then is whether the Australian constitution grants the power to make laws to the commonwealth on that subject (or the states have ceded that power eg the corporations act).
At first glance I don’t think this argument has any merit. The first clue is that the constitutional amendment in question granted the commonwealth the right to provide social security measures. The amendment was necessary to authorize the commonwealth government to draw funds to pay social security from consolidated revenue.
As Covid-19 deaths of 2021 surpass those of 2020, media that once blamed Trump for every single one now strangely silent
The death toll attributed to Covid-19 is now officially higher in 2021 than it was in 2020, according to a Johns Hopkins University tracker. The quiet admission has attracted little media coverage – and no president-blaming.
According to the Baltimore-based university that has tracked the impact of the pandemic from the beginning, the number of deaths attributed to the virus since January 1 now stands at more than 353,000, compared to 352,000 at the end of 2020.
Wednesday’s revelation has prompted some observers to point out that the corporate media outlets blamed Trump personally for every death, while not applying the same standard to Biden.
Others recalled that the media described daily deaths under Trump as “another 9/11” and even demanded his resignation for presiding over more American deaths than the Vietnam War.
The first vaccine against the coronavirus was approved for emergency use in the US right after the November 2020 election, and two more soon afterward. Two thirds of all Americans have received at least one dose of the vaccine since. Yet the number of cases and deaths seems to have continued apace.
Senator Kennedy asking democrats about climate change and the green new deal $2 trillion dollar splurge on reducing globull warming , the answers given are telling .
Important new material to use to request an exemption from death-shot and or booster(s), and other material.
Watch soon before it gets taken down.
Oops – that’s to request from your doctor.
Obviously covid presents as a serious illness in a certain number of people, usually those with comorbidities such as obesity or apparently those deficient in Vitamin D and/or zinc.
However, I would like to relate the experience of a US friend in Baltimore, US. She hot covid, her husband got it and her 8 year old got it.
She and her family had been taking vit D, C, zinc and quercetin. Her child had a runny nose and sore throat but otherwise remained active, her husband was a little unwell but kept working from home, and my friend spend time in bed but was still otherwise active throughout the house. Sickness for each member was about a week. Upon diagnosis they started taking Ivermectin and also my friend received a home IV infusion of monoclonal antibodies (Regeneron I think) but said she was already starting to feel better before that. Her husband did not receive an IV but four injections. The child received no antibodies.
So, for her and her family, she rated it about the same as a cold or flu.
G’day D M,
My #30 below was meant as a reply, and question, to you.
Sorry for the misplacement.
Dave B
G’day D M,
My comment at #30 below was an attempt to reply to you. Somehow I miss-fired. Sorry.
Dave B
Many folks have made the claim that the virus responsible for Covid-19 has not yet been isolated and thus proven to exist.
Such claims are usually shot down quickly with various quotes and links to scientific journals, etc.
But this article is very puzzling:
“The Spanish Ministry of Health does not have SARS-CoV-2 cultures for experiments and does not have a list of laboratories that have isolation cultures for experiments …”
Why not?
If they pay for them they can be mailed out
Public Health Amendment (Vaccination Compensation) Bill 2021
NSW bill that makes your employer liable for any cost in dealing with vaccine adverse reactions until your death even if you don’t work for them anymore.
The relevant body (ie the employer) is liable to pay compensation to the worker for any injury, loss or damage suffered by the worker as a result of the vaccine.
The relevant body continues to be liable to pay compensation to the worker until the worker’s death, even if the worker ceases to be employed or otherwise engaged by the relevant body.
Well…how will businesses react to being made scapegoats?
Did you read the link? Right near the beginning it says:
It’s hardly scapegoating to tell Qantas that if they are going to force their employees to get vaccinated, they will be the ones to compensate for any ill effects.
G’day D M,
Good news. Thanks.
“…had been taking vit D…”
Any idea as to how much vitamin D? Most people who’ve said that to me have only been on one or two capsules (2000 IU) per day – quite insufficient in my view – and have been amazed when I’ve told them I’m taking 10,000 IU per day.
Dave B
I was on a handful a day for over twelve months, probably eight to twelve capsules, but have recently cut back to three; have I gone too far?
And before you ask, no I haven’t had any assays performed on what General Jack D Ripper would no doubt regard as part of my precious bodily fluids.
G’day Serp,
My guess the answer is yes. But it depends on what time you get to spend in useful sunlight, and how uncovered you are at that time.
I’ve must graphed my results from the last 12 months on my 10,000 IU per day. It’s a rather sparse graph, but I can detect a flattening of the curve as it passes through 70 ng/ml, and I doubt I’ll reach 80 (my current target) at the current intake. However, for me Spring has sprung and I may get some benefit from my outside activities over the summer, in spite of of my full covering? So I’ll continue with the 10,000, which is a safe amount according to several sources.
Dave B
Exclusive— Victor Davis Hanson: ‘Open Borders,’ ‘Globalism,’ ‘Tribalism’ Are Reminiscent of Rome’s Collapse
Borders, language, and culture are essential for national continuity, Hanson stated in an interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.
He remarked, “Every nation that has survived has had borders that were defensible and clear, and the idea was that they have their own space to inculcate their language or traditions or customs, then enhance their constitution. Without that, it’s just short of a migratory, 5th century A.D. Rome where people come across the Danube River and destroy the nation-state.”
Growth of “identity politics” predicated on ethnicity and race, Hanson warned, would contribute to American collapse if unchecked.
He stated, “Identity politics is another natural human pathology where we identify by our superficial appearance, and when we start to do that we regress to something like the former Yugoslavia or Rwanda. And that trajectory will be in our future unless we stop it and realize that we’re a very rare multiracial democracy that’s given up — each of us — our primary identities as race or [ethnicity] and have absorbed, instead, the idea of Americanism.”
American values of civic nationalism transcend ethnic and racial lines, Hanson held.
Glenn Beck: (USA) Far left WANTS civil war. So is it time for a NATIONAL DIVORCE?
Covid Australia updates: Three more blood clots linked to AstraZeneca vaccine
Three more blood clots cases after the AstraZeneca jab have been recorded in Australia – including a man and woman aged under 60.
The number of blood clots linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine has risen again in Australia to 151.
It comes after a confirmed case in an 82-year-old woman from NSW and two probable cases in a 41-year-old man from NSW and a 52-year-old woman from Queensland.
This takes the total Australian reports assessed as thrombosis thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) or blood clots combined with low platelets following AstraZeneca to 84 confirmed, 67 probable cases from nearly 12 million vaccine doses.
The Therapeutic Goods Administration released the figures in its Covid-19 Vaccine Weekly Safety Report on Thursday afternoon.
“We continue to closely monitor cases of TTS as Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca) is now being used more frequently in people aged under 60 years. To date, we have not observed a significant change in the rate of TTS in people aged 50-59 years,” the TGA said.
I had AZ 3 weeks ago. Had a nasty flu like reaction. Was out of action for a couple of days. Also had a few strange symptoms for a week+.
i took a day off. Please monitor your symptoms as problems can occur up to about 3 weeks.
…maybe there is a connection…i found it worth looking into…
Dr Norman Swan talks about the mice used in a mouse model also.
The rest of the transcript can be found on the link above.
So there is an awareness of the problem that has been for some time.
This has turned up on this morning’s BBC news, condemning ivermectin trials.
It’s getting to the stage where it is difficult to know who to believe.
Does big pharma have any input into it?
How independent are the people criticising the trials?
The Wuhan lab leak theory was dismissed out of hand in the Lancet until more evidence surfaced of the dismissers’ involvement in the research lab.
As opposed to a meta analysis, this is a deep dive into the data behind various studies. Some of them are crappy to be kind.
the standard they are holding the pro-ivermectin studies too are many times higher than the vaccine studies, in duration of findings, in negative outcomes (adverse reactions etc), methodology and poisoning the data methods that all 3 major pharma companies did (i.e. vaccinating the control group).
Now while it is great to hold science to such a standard it is a poor reflection if it is only held on one side of the argument or data is left out. The large number in increased ivermectin adverse reactions for example, were easily attributed to vet worming pastes etc yet they talk as though it is human grade stuff.
“Enlightened Saint Fauci?”
From a previous encounter
Life in Australia will never be the same as it was in BC times (Before Covid).
Now we have established that Australians are accepting of extreme totalitarian measures from government, any crisis, real or imagined will attract the same.
Plus emergency powers Government gave themselves will never be revoked.
And any respiratory infection such as traditional influenza which can kill hundreds of Australians every year, e.g. over 800 in 2017 and 2019, will be regarded as unacceptable and justifying of further lockdowns.
There will be never ending lockdowns.
Eventually the economy and social fabric will fully collapse and we’ll become like Venezuela, which, in any case, we are well on the way to.
Your crystal ball is faulty, there won’t be any more lockdowns and everything should return to normal in a couple of months. Emergency powers relaxed and fears of totalitarianism will vanish with the summer sun.
Saved that in case you need reminding as things progress
The 17,000 flu linked deaths no one is talking about
During winter in the bad flu year of 2019, the hospital system was stretched, but not overloaded.
That’s at least broaching the idea of providing context to a petrified public. We should benchmark how many respiratory disease deaths society usually suffers to gauge how many we might regrettably face during a pandemic, without draconian and prolonged lockdowns.
Yet even that 600 flu death figure is a severe understatement and a soft-pedalling of deaths in normal times.
In 2019, a bad flu season, flu and pneumonia were the underlying cause of 4124 deaths.
Flu and pneumonia are both respiratory diseases. They are so similar that death certificate data analysed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics groups the two respiratory disease deaths together.
While the vast majority of these deaths were people aged in their 80s and 90s, an annual average of five infants aged under one, 13 children aged one to 14, and 48 people aged 25-44 died of flu and pneumonia, according to an analysis of data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
Virtually every person who dies with COVID-19 in Australia is counted as a COVID-19 death in daily press conferences by state premiers. They often don’t disclose whether the person had other serious comorbidities that caused or contributed to their death.The premiers prefer to add to their COVID-19 tally board.
NSW has recently begun announcing that many of the daily deaths from COVID-19 involved other significant underlying health conditions. That is not to dismiss the sad passing of these people, but it is relevant context.
About 73 per cent of Australians who died with COVID-19 last year had at least one pre-existing comorbidity, particularly dementia, chronic cardiac conditions, diabetes and hypertension. Many of these people had more than two comorbidities.
Pre-vaccination, the average age of death from COVID-19 in Australia was 85 years.
In Sweden, doctors in the county of Östergötland analysed all their COVID-19 deaths. COVID-19 was the chief underlying cause of death in just 15 per cent of cases. In 70 per cent of cases, COVID-19 was an associated cause of death. In the remaining 15 per cent of the deaths, it was irrelevant.
As vaccinations rates rise towards the 70 per cent and 80 per cent targets, COVID -19 will hopefully become a subset of annual flu and pneumonia deaths.
apologies if anyone else has posted this up about “proof that vaccines are not mandatory”
Are you assuming everyone here are social media junkies? I can’t read.
But If I run with this “proof that vaccines are not mandatory” I am amazed that major employers’ solicitors think they can pull this off. They normally panic if it takes more than 30 secs to put out the Wet Floor signs after a spill in Aisle 7.
Does QANTAS employ two groups of lawyers, one on the third floor to intimidate irate passengers and another on the 15th floor to intimidate politicians?
l am not assuming anything Hanrahan LOL
what l posted up is a link to a report that has information about the NSW court case against Brad Hazard by Mike Palmer from the know your rights group
some of what is reported as answers from questions under oath in court
.Hazards side states workers are not being Forced to get the covid vaccine
.Hazards side admits they probably have the power to force vaccination if some terrible disease like Ebola was threatening society
some answers Christine Mcarthy gave in the court under oath
.it is true that double vaccinated people are 13 times more likely to catch and spread the virus
.the vaccines are dangerous to pregnant women or those planning to fall pregnant
.the vaccines have never been studied for effectiveness and safety
what l have written above is only a small portion of what is in the report from the know your rights group and is not an opinion, it is answers made under oath by our so called experts
l dont understand your problem Hanrahan? why cant you read if you can write? are you assuming?
Has anyone else noticed all the recent ads for seeing a doctor if you get shingles? I’ve never, ever seen public notices about this being a health concern before and now there are prime time television ads about it.
Coincidentally, shingles is caused by the dormant chickenpox virus flaring up when your immune system is depressed and has been associated with getting CoViD vaccinated….
So the establishment has a new pejorative to replace “quack” for their members who don’t toe the corporate line – vet!
Not watching much “prime time television” I can answer No. Yes, I have heard of shingles but only several times in the last 50 years. The last time was in JUne when there was a poster on the waiting room wall (it had been there before) advocating free Shingles vaccinations for those over 70. I had taken this offer up 2-3 years ago and if you can read this I suffered no adverse effects.
It’s called a public awareness campaign. It is a treatment that can prevent a horrible debilitating disease (anyone for blindness?) and they want people to know about it.
There must be some sort of evil or conspiracy in there somewhere. Maybe someone is woke or something.
Analitik is correct. I had not heard of shingles for over 50 years, and now the so-called “health experts” are saying that this is a major problem. Give me a break!!! If this is true, then anyone who has had chickenpox/smallpox/mumps/measles are in big trouble (LOL).
So, some guy named Chris didn’t know about shingles so health professionals are making it up. Someone named Gee Aye had grandparents, aunts, friends parents getting shingles in the 1970s.
Parsimonious explanation; Chris just doesn’t know much.
Hey, hey Gee Aye, you have a positive thumb count.
And with that family history I hope you will get the shingles vaccination.
I have a lot of relatives
Australia’s Nuclear Submarine Move Changes Strategic Layout of Indo-Pacific Region
These meandering Covid road maps lead to a dead end
Nyunggai Warren Mundine
There’s a saying: if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Some of us were shocked when Australian governments copied communist China imposing Covid-19 lockdowns. Some thought this was a too single-minded focus on health over the economy, jobs, education, social interaction, family relationships and civil rights.
People tolerated it for various reasons. I’m past the point of tolerating it any more. After 20 months, all I see are desperate, tired people with frayed emotions, hanging on because they think it’s nearly over. So it was incredibly disappointing during the past few months to see state governments renege on allowing citizens a full, normal life.
The so-called national plan signed off by all states and territories dangled rewards for 80 per cent of adults fully vaccinated. The rewards were illusory. Queensland and Western Australia threw the national plan out the window. And NSW and Victoria made their own, more restrictive, road maps.
Under NSW’s original road map, substantial restrictions remained even after NSW reached 80 per cent, including limitations on household visitors and other gatherings; masks indoors; businesses subject to density restrictions; stadiums restricted to 5000 people; schools not fully open until November 1; funerals, weddings and churches subject to density restrictions. If one thing epitomises the cruelty of lockdowns, it’s grieving via streaming.
These restrictions would not lift until December 1, with some density restrictions continuing indefinitely.
On Thursday, new NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet announced an earlier easing of some of these restrictions, including increased caps on visitors and other gatherings, scrapping masks in offices, partial opening of nightclubs and schools fully open by October 25. But restrictions will still continue until December 1.
Victoria remains under an iron fist. It will reach 80 per cent later and, after it does, will maintain even more restrictions than NSW’s original plan. Restrictions will continue until 80 per cent of people aged over 12 are vaccinated, likely Christmas Day. Then households can have 30 visitors.
Businesses in both states must deploy staff as bouncers to keep out unvaccinated customers (in NSW until December 1, in Victoria indefinitely). Health bureaucrats may think this will increase vaccine rates. But spare a thought for small businesses, which already have borne most of the pain and cost of lockdown, now also deputised as Covid police.
We’ve no idea when Australians will be allowed to travel freely within our country.
It’s only a matter of time before Covid gets into the non-Covid affected states, prompting cycles of endless lockdowns and false promises. Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has threatened to keep borders shut until the federal government gives her state more money. This is the Premier who banned dancing and mingling at school formals while permitting 40,000 people, leaping and shouting, at the football.
Australians are like kids on a long car ride repeatedly asking when they’ll get there, with Mum fibbing it will be soon to tide them over until the next stop. I’m tired of being treated like a child; tired of rule by highly paid bureaucrats and their complex, contradictory and sometimes absurd edicts.
How many of them have run a business or created a job? They seem to have no idea how hard it is to operate with constraints on income while trying to pay wages, rent and the rest.
Health bureaucrats clearly don’t care about jobs or businesses or the economy, or reuniting families, or mourners being able to properly grieve, or children’s education, or civil liberties. They don’t even care about health.
They only care about one disease: Covid-19. Scroll through the NSW or Victorian health department’s social media accounts and see how many posts are about anything else. What are they doing about other public health priorities? What are they doing about the health problems created by their own lockdowns, such as the deterioration of youth mental health and the significant decline in cancer screenings?
Thursday’s announcement of earlier easing of restrictions in NSW was welcome. But it’s not enough. Why must NSW wait another five to six weeks after reaching 80 per cent for the return of freedoms and businesses operating near capacity? Why must density restrictions continue?
How will small businesses cope with staff forced into isolation if a Covid case walks through the door?
Mandatory isolation triggered by Britain’s contact-tracing app, dubbed the “pingdemic”, wreaked such havoc the UK largely abandoned isolation rules.
And who will rein in the lockdown-addicted bureaucrats so we don’t have to go through this again?
If Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews’ “go hard, go early” lockdown proved anything, it’s that lockdowns don’t work. Victoria’s latest outbreak soared higher and faster than NSW starting from the same point. Yet NSW’s chief health officer has refused to rule out lockdowns after reaching 80 per cent. Why is it up to her?
Lockdown is the hammer. Covid is the nail. And health bureaucrats see nothing else.
I think Perrottet understands this. Let’s hope he has the courage to lead the state out of this wilderness, not follow the bureaucrats deeper into the mire.
From the Comments
1 hour ago
Thank you Warren. In Western Australia the Aboriginal councils that jointly control access to the remote Canning Stock Route have inexplicably closed it to all travellers citing Covid as the reason. Travelling down the Canning would be one of the most isolating experiences one could possibly do. Keeping covid out of the communities is not an excuse as those community members are still travelling across the continent for cultural reasons. Whilst I don’t question the right of Aboriginal people to close their lands to visitors, I question the reasoning. Would be grateful if someone could shed some light on this.
Why Xi Jinping is called Winnie the Pooh on Twitter? It’s a long story
The June 15 confrontation between Indian and Chinese soldiers has once again prompted the Indian Twitterati to troll Jinping likening him to the popular cartoon character-Winnie the Pooh
Amid heightened tensions along the India-China border, netizens have been trending the hashtag Winne the Pooh on Twitter of late, likening the famous cartoon character to Chinese President Xi Jinping.
But why Winnie the Pooh? Turns out, the Chinese government abhors the cartoon character. To put it in context, it began in 2013 when Xi Jinping made an official visit to the United States (US). There he was snapped with then US President Barack Obama.
One of the pictures of the two walking together went viral with several bloggers pointing out that Xi Jinping looked similar to the popular cartoon character in the photograph.
The picture reminded many of a scene from Winnie The Pooh cartoon series featuring Winne himself and the Tigger. It goes without saying that Tigger was Obama and Winnie was Jinping.
Here is the photo from the Twitter archives:
If that was not enough, the following year, a photo of the Chinese president and Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was poked fun at for the same resemblance.
The final nail in the coffin was a viral photo from 2015, comprising a collage of Jinping during a parade and Winnie the Pooh leering out of a kids’ toy car. The photo was widely circulated on social media, also becoming the most censored picture of the year.
The Chinese government did not take this well, saying it undermined the authority of the presidential office as well as the president himself. Jinping also did not like being compared to the cartoon character. Following this, anything related to Winnie the Pooh– movies, TV series, or toys was banned in China.
“Search in any search engine “ table 2e. characteristics of antiviral agents”. Look at the second drug the NIH has approved for the treatment of COVID-19.”
“Selfish Cowards: 2020 vs. 2021”×600.jpg
“It seems I’m (not really!) a “buck-toothed transsexual quaker on stilts”…
The Babylon Bee has put out an invaluable chart, allowing one to identify one’s disability, gender, race/creed, and a bonus attribute as well. They call it an “Oppression Identifier”. The combinations are hysterical! Click the image for a larger view.”
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Private hospitals treated a total of just eight Covid patients a day during the pandemic despite a multi-billion pound deal with the government to help stop the NHS being overwhelmed, a report reveals.