A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Oh Good yet another variant to keep us locked down as the Vaccines don’t work
World Health Organization Monitoring COVID-19 ‘Mu’ Variant from Colombia
The World Health Organization (WHO) announced Tuesday that the global public health agency is monitoring a new COVID-19 variant referred to as “Mu”, first identified in Colombia at the beginning of this year.
France 24 reports:
Mu, known scientifically as B.1.621, has been classified as a “variant of interest”, the global health body said Tuesday in its weekly pandemic bulletin. The WHO said the variant has mutations that indicate a risk of resistance to vaccines and stressed that further studies were needed to better understand it. […] There is widespread concern over the emergence of new virus mutations as infection rates are ticking up globally again, with the highly transmissible Delta variant taking hold – especially among the unvaccinated – and in regions where anti-virus measures have been relaxed.
Oldie. if you haven’t already watched it…Professor Bhakdi IN APRIL, telling is exactly how he expected it to play out….….the whole 43 minutes worth it, but the question of extra boosters…and of variants comes in at around 40.30 minutes…
“the immune system has been primed to be super aggressive(by the vaxes)….so if ANY Coronavirus arrives in say, the lung, the immune system will mount an attack and over-react and kill that lung… this is ADE….re-vaccination will re-enforce the over-reaction….with every re-vaccination AGAINST A NEW MUTANT even worse…it’s a good idea to make your will before a third shot” and then a very reasonable call for the proponents and opponents of gene-therapy vaxes to get together to figure out what to do.
There is NO health bureaucrat anywhere who is not cheering these killer vaxes on, is there?
Feeding the link to youtube-dl.exe and playing back the mkv file it generated I could hear the questions he is being asked but his answers were entirely muted; then I verified the same is true on youtube. I guess one had to be there…
“variant of interest”
Is someone making these in Chingtown and moving them to all the armpits of the world.
seriously? geez
Works for moi.
Yes, saw that a couple of days ago. Effectiveness of the current vaccines are less effective according to WHO. By how much no one really knows as yet. Moore booster shots……. boost, baby, boost. Hysteria on steroids.
Activity incomaptible with healthy and mormal living, more like…..
Welcome to the N W O.
From my Christian faith perspective, I commented a few topics back about The Mark…my thinking is it is coming – this vaccine madness is just a dry run before hand to see how far they can push people, who will resist and who will fold.
Your complaince or lack of it will be noted.
From a Christian faith based perspective, its a hellscape thats unfolding around us, with no escape except through faith in Jesus.
The luciferian N W O literature openly talks about those who cant “handle” the new world order – maybe offered a “benevolent death” , as a “kindness”. Who talks like that?
From my Christian perspective , as “seen” through a spiritual “lens” via scripture, the fact they try and twist things and call sick, depraved behaviour “the new normal” tells you its demonic.
Is everyones house in order?
Indeed. I’ll be honest. I am so happy and comforted in having true living faith in Jesus (unlike so many fake Christians who have a dead faith). If it weren’t for that I think I would have committed suicide a long time ago, and I mean that seriously, and it has nothing to do with the current hysteria over the virus nor CAGW, although they would have almost certainly tipped me over the edge otherwise.
‘ … unlike so many fake Christians who have a dead faith …’
There is this mob in Afghanistan who think the Taliban have a dead faith. Sectarianism is commonplace in that part of the world.
Vaccine mandates are definitely conditioning the populous for such an occurrence.
Although “the populous” might be the aim.
this vaccine madness is just a dry run before hand to see how far they can push people, who will resist and who will fold.
The Whole of Australia has folded!
That is correct. In fact I can now see how the focus on the issues with the vaccines has now become just another diversion from the real agenda. See Gates & Our Dark Future
the vaccines has now become just another diversion from the real agenda.
There seems to be no let-up on conspiracy voodoo! Do George Soros and Klaus Schwab get a mention too? How is “The Great Reset” going? LOL
Clearly you haven’t visited their website. They are not bothering to hide it. I suppose that’s because they now realise there are so many dumf…. in this world it doesn’t need to be hidden. Not to worry, you can go back to sleep and pretend everything is going OK.
You would think someone as far left, egotistical, arrogant, and totalitarian-minded as Tilba is, would know the Soros/Schwab agenda by heart.
It would explain why he/she tries so hard to deny its existence.
That’s the very point … I have read it, and laughed out loud.
Capitalism with a warm fuzzy front – the brochures written by wokey-sounding graduates down in the Marketing section. It’s a mix of techno-cornucopia porn, consumer fetish, some global warming greenwashing, and sheer hubris about the level of control that the Davos crowd will have.
It does not address hardly ANY of the real issues and challenges facing the world – both advanced capitalist economies, and the great mass of “developing” nations.
Not all of us. My wife and myself have discussed that we are prepared to lose our jobs and family home if it comes down to it. This would never be a risk if enough of us hold fast but I don’t see that much courage and conviction out there at the moment. People are enamoured by lies and shiny things.
The Whole of Australia has folded!
What nonsense … every state government is doing the minimum they have to in order to control (or at least manage) the pandemic. No state premier is going to do more than they have to – all of them face the electorate in the next year or three.
Ever thought of telling the truth TT.
I can only assume from the basket of red thumbs that an awful lot of people have very little understanding of how state politics works, and what motivates the party in power.
The pandemic is a double-edged sword – premiers are generally doing well as a result of their leadership over the last 18 months, but it would not take much for a premier’s popularity to plummet.
They will end the lockdowns as soon as they can, and they will open their borders as soon as they feel comfortable about it. Not all will agree with each other, and timing will differ, but there will be a lot of pressure to have open borders for the summer. We’ll see.
That is the truth comrade 🙂
“this vaccine madness is just a dry run before hand to see how far they can push people, who will resist and who will fold.
The Whole of Australia has folded!”
You perhaps are unaware of the vaccination programs some of which commence at birth and continue dutoimn infancy and childhood. Many of these programs have been igong for decades. Yes there are the usual anti-vaxxers who will not allow their children to be vaccinated but most parents are strongly in favour. In many instances boosters are required so why are boosters regarded as so unusual in the Covid-19 vaccinations?
Why is there so much angst about the Covid-19 vaccinations ? Why are they regarded as being so very different from the vaccinations against polio and mumps and measles and diphtheria and tetanus and whooping cough and many of the other infections shown in the link below?
In the following link there is a report of a study investigating the effectiveness of booster vaccination of adults with measles-mumps-rubella in the COVID-19 infection rates. It would seem there maybe some cross-over in the immune response
There seems to be unnecessary hysteria about the Covid-19 vaccines that is not present in the use of other vaccines but why that is I have no idea. Shortness of trial? The polio vaccine was trialed for just one year before being approved.
Hysteria…yep…reading VAERs data will do that to you.
Research “mRNA”.
Research “non-sterilizing” vaccines.
Maybe people that look into these things don’t like being blindly directed by bureaucrats to be injected with such stuff.
research these selective things that give support my cooky belief.
Cause unselective research takes so much time. especially in areas deemed non kooky by me
Ian, previous vaccines were made from a piece of weakened virus and this remained at the site where you were injected. Because the virus was in a weak state the immune system was quickly able to kill it and in doing so ‘memorised’ the genetic fingerprint of the virus for any future encounter. This is what gives you immunity.
This vaccine does not contain any viral material, it contains mRNA which is the genetic information carried in a lipid( fat) medium. Basically this is the recipe, to make the spike protein This message is passed to the ribosomes inside your cells which actually make the spike protein. The vaccine does not stay in your arm it is quickly carried throughout your body and after 48 hours it is dispersed via the circulatory system and the lipid carrier settles in the ovaries; which is seriously disturbing and the bone marrow which is also seriously disturbing. The body is now doing 2 jobs, it is making millions of copies of the spike protein throughout your body and at the same time trying to build a defense force against them. These self manufactured spike proteins which have entered the circulatory system damages blood vessels , thus causing clotting. When the mRNA stops passing on information, the ribosomes stop making the spike protein. No virus has been harmed in this situation, so no immune response has been developed for the Covid virus. What hopefully happens is that if the body is confronted by the spike protein again it will trigger a response , but in doing so the body sometimes begins to attack the tissue the spike protein has adhered too which causes an extreme reaction.
We are told that the vaccine reduces severity if you catch covid. However it does not stop you from catching covid if you are vaccinated and does not stop you from passing it on. And it does not give you immunity.
There was nothing magically stopping the “previous vaccines” from moving outside the point of injection. The body carries them (and did) and the “weakened” state is meaningless. Viruses are not motile so movement is dependent on the body anyway. Weakened means they are not disease causing not that they are mobility challenged. Your whole argument falls apart at point one even if some of your biological details (mostly the bit about ribosomes) are correct beyond that point.
All of the following is either untrue, irrelevant or unproven. ALL OF IT.
and no I wont respond with a detailed reference filled disproof unless there is some effort on the part of the poster to provide evidence for their assertions.
There are many reality-based and science-based alternatives for atheists. And politics.
Looks like gee aye gave you a green thumb T+T.
Not me… I’ll give him a thumb to make it three to prove it. Oh dammit.
Tilba always gets my vote, except on climate change. He is one of the few rational people in this debating club.
If you have a double vax certificate, well too bad it’s out of date.
At last princess Pinnochio aka Megan markle, gets her come uppance as of com rules in favour of piers Morgan
At last, some good news!
What is she getting her come uppance for? How has she transgressed your life?
You have to understand the mind of the lunar right GI.
Piers Morgan gets let off by the UK broadcasting authority (very lucky he was too – but he has profile and clout), therefore the Duchess of Sussex is suddenly in the wrong. Weird – but that’s how they think – binary.
Unlike you Tilba — where all government scientists are right and all non-government scientists are wrong. Yeah. Binary.
“That’s a very sweeping statement Jo. What is your definition of a government scientist and of a non-government scientist? Are scientists that carry out research in Universities government scientists? Was Peter Doherty a government scientist? Barry Marshall?
The link below seems to be at odds with your contention’
Environmental scientists in Australia say that they are under increasing pressure from their employers to downplay research findings or avoid communicating them at all. More than half of the respondents to an online survey thought that constraints on speaking publicly on issues such as threatened species, urban development, mining, logging and climate change had become worse in recent years.
The findings, published this month in Conservation Letters, reflect how politicized debates about environmental policy in Australia have become, says Saul Cunningham, an environmental scientist at the Australian National University in Canberra. “We need our publicly funded institutions to be more vocal in defending the importance of an independent voice based on research,” he say. Australian scientists aren’t the only ones who have reported interference in science or pressure — particularly from government employers — to downplay research findings. Scientists in the United States, Canada and Brazil have also reported such intrusions in the past decade.
Two hundred and twenty scientists in Australia responded to the survey, which was organized by the Ecological Society of Australia and ran from October 2018 until February 2019. Some of the respondents worked in government; others worked in universities or in industry, such as environmental consultancies or non-governmental organizations.
The results show that government and industry scientists experienced greater constraints from their employers than did university staff. Among government employees, about half were prohibited from speaking publicly about their research, compared with 38% employed in industry and 9% of university staff. Three-quarters of those surveyed also reported self-censoring their work (see ‘Scientists silenced’).
But the conservation movement is itself, along with its politician friends, teachers of our youngest, and many well funded institutions, the biggest censorship arrangement against true scientific debate when it comes to AGW. It is comical that one should now gripe when such censorship comes home to roost on matters close to ones own heart.
One is only reaping what one has sown (to maintain the biblical). Science has been cruelled by ‘the science is in’ intolerant mob. No debate allowed – because true believers got thrashed in every global warming debate I saw before the curtain was pulled down. Remember the CSIRO sacking all those years ago when one innocent decided to put a counter argument on AGW as a matter of scientific method – sacked for not being collegiate if I recall correctly. That was the start of the pseudoscience era and every activist and politician and business learned the new method of enforcement of their own opinions and maximisation of profits. You start something like this and you become responsible for all the curtailment of freedoms we lose by the day.
perhaps it is a reaction to the everlasting press releases by scientists about problems.
We have had a seemingly endless series of releases announcing the imminent Death of the Great Barrier Reef, starting about 1971.
Apart from damaging the tourist industry and providing Play Money for Mrs. Turnbull and friends what benefit have we got?
Maybe OFCOM noticed that the Duchess was well on the nose by the time they got down to writing their judgment.
Tilba +tilba
I don’t like Piers Morgan but this was an important blow in support of free speech. Meghan markle didn’t like being criticised and she and thousands of her woke followers piled in. You are posting on Jo’s blog so I assume you appreciate free speech.
Incidentally Markle has more clout than Piers. She got him fired by writing direct to the head of Itv. The main complaint against Markle is hat she demonstrably does not tell the truth and with her husband are hypocrites of the first order, see their actions and pronouncements on climate change, their wedding and accusations against all and sundry.
Just for being her looney self.
“What is she getting her come uppance for? How has she transgressed your life?”
By becoming a well known and successful actress. By marrying Prince Harry. Because she is successful and is well known this irritates some people who respond by denigration.
And she is the wrong colour.
Yes she is almost white, and white are those discriminated against today.
Plus she married a fellow deserving of cancellation for the loyalties expressed by his youthful dress up exploits.
I presume you are referring to the royal brat.
Seriously would like to know what you find wrong with her colour….that makes Megan such a loathsome boor. Is it something in the DNA?
Why would you bring colour into it?
I regard her the same as I regard all movie people.
Gee Aye. Meghan’s black? That’s it? That’s your out for her?
Ok, Morgan called her out for being amendacious PoS. then he was sacked by a mendacious TV Network. then the press council decided Morgan was telling the real truth, and you reckon she can’t help herself because she’s black?
Seriously: whether it’s lying actresses; lying politicians; lying CMOs and CHOs…you are ALWAYs right up at the front with THEM against truth. ALWAYS.
Sad? Nah, just funny to see a Z-Grade Troll in “action”.
Its all the their prancing around making a moronic spectacle of themselves.
They deserve to be mocked for the self-aggrandizing non-entities that they are.
Be fair, there wouldn’t be a person here not guilty of self-aggrandizing or nonentityhood; let’s concentrate on their malformed repellent personalities.
Victoria admits it closed its pLay grounds to stop parents meeting up
What next? Police escorting people into public toilets to avoid close contact? This is just pure insanity and mindless hysterical BS from our politicians. Expanding on the famous saying, I say to all our political leaders, give me liberty or give me death but don’t give me BS, I can’t stand for it much longer!
Social conditioning.
After reading the local bi-weekly newspaper. I’m re-naming it the County Gas Light. I see the lady that runs it from time to time at the gym. She refuses to talk to a denier and she has consistently refused to publish any rebuttal to her AGW gas lighting. She allows a far left gas bag go on and on for page after page about once a week, however.
Dave. In Oz we have exactly the same phenomenon. Yet…from ABS figures….
There were 20.1 million registered motor vehicles as at 31 January 2021.
The national fleet increased by 1.7% from 2020 to 2021.
Diesel vehicles increased to 26.4% of the national fleet, up from 20.9% in 2016.
I’m guessing figures for the US would be similar (increase-wise) = why worry about what these clueless morons write or say is a waste of time. No-one believes it.
Let them talk to their pet rocks, and cuddle up to their healing crystals. Fringe-lunatics are not a real problem, Dave.
I love my diesel car and all the CO2 it puts out, 2 fingers to the green brigade.
I love my diesel ute.
Pity you couldn’t superglue her printing press.
This is an unmitigated disgrace….So now pharmacists feel they have the right to override a doctors prescription.
Pharmacists from one large chain are always swapping my medications regardless of the box being ticked for no substitute, a Doctor I see was telling me even he had trouble getting a certain type of eye drop for himself and had to argue with them .
Just take back your prescription and walk.
Yeah but they’ll vaccinate you; so that’s alright then.
This story from SBS 2017. Rather puts things into perspective. I don’t recall masks, QR codes, lockdowns, curfews, lost jobs, closed shops, closed schools, planes grounded and we survived. ToM
Yes, we had far worse outbreaks before but without the hysterical BS we are witnessing every single day almost non-stop from all sorts of people, not just politicians. We still survived. This time we might not be so lucky going by the many known and unknown issues with the experiential vaccines. Lots of guinea pigs now walking around. I hope they don’t suffer any long term ill side effects, especially since one of my sons has taken the shot. It will be years before we know for sure.
Again “experiential”; what are you trying to mean?
Whats with the speĺlink nazi BS? Youse no ful wel wat thay meen
How’s that possible?
They don’t even know what they mean.
The 2017 flu season in Queensland generated an average 5 deaths per week yet no lock downs, no masks, no social distancing. For the whole time of the covid pandemic Qld has recorded 7 deaths with the last one occurring in April 2021 when an 80 year old returned from the Philippines.
His heart probably gave out after fun times there.
I am disturbed that the massive economic and social destruction being wrought upon Australia through COVID lock ups comes from just one individual in each state, such as in Vicdanistan it’s the CHO (Chief “Health” Officer).
There is no accountability, no oversight, no peer review, no disclosure of the scientific methodology used (if any). The decisions are non-appealable, cannot be debated or argued with the decision maker and the decrees are absolute and ruthlessly enforced by police who are no longer a police force “of the people” but act like brutish thugs, just like you would see in the the worst dictatorships.
The only good thing that can be said is that we still have a (barely) semi-functional legal system (albeit stacked with mostly Leftist activist judges, many of questionable competence) and, secondly, the police haven’t (yet) started killing people or “disappearing” them in the middle of the night.
” … the police haven’t (yet) started killing people or “disappearing” them in the middle of the night.”
No, not yet.
But if they do it will fine because it will be done in the interest of community health, which many will support.
The protection of the vulnerable must take precedence – no matter how many need to be “terminated” for putting them at risk.
Need the accommodation built first.
All states will have them built by Christmas, ho ho ho.
Want the real bad news? Gates & Our Dark Future
The Diagram Flu vs Covid for Australia is very revealing – have screenshot and will send to MPs
The N*zis had IBM punch cards to help round up the unwanted, now we update our files for them every time we log on the QR code to shop, order a meal, get fuel , go to your quack, whatever.
I seriously doubt the Nazis had IBM punch cards.
You seriously think the authorities couldng locate you pre QR
Emergency powers which still have months to run and then Spiteful Dan Of The Lost OBOR will have another go at making it permanent and creating his unsworn goon squad to disappear people incapable of bowing to his diktats. Brett Sutton would have been replaced long ago had he exhibited any humanity.
The broad consequences of having scientific outcomes determined by ‘ the science is in’ brigade of totalitarians , are coming home to roost. ‘Follow the science’ is now the greatest force to increase government and bureaucratic power, because the control the mouthpieces and can choose ‘the science is in’ outcome from wherever in science they choose to go.
Today, on Fox ,Laura Ingram I believe, there is a report coming out in J.A.M.A. that has found by a large scale test in Bangladesh that cloth masks are useless as protection against at bing COVID-19 and surgical grade masks – expensive, and presumably properly used – only cut the infection rate by 11%. As masks and double masking are a big argument currently in the USA, I wonder just how the totalitarians will handle this.
How will they handle it? The way the DM did: only report the 11% without specifying anything about the type of mask.
Study: Heart attacks are less common in greener neighborhoods
Aug. 30 (UPI) — Living in a neighborhood with trees and plenty of green space has a positive effect on heart health, according to a new study.
The research, which showed heart disease and stroke were less common in neighborhoods with higher levels of vegetation, was presented this month at the 2021 meeting of the European Society of Cardiology.
“Higher levels of greenness were associated with lower rates of heart conditions and stroke over time, both when an area maintained high greenness and when greenness increased,” lead study author Dr. William Aitken said in a press release.
“It was remarkable that these relationships appeared in just five years, a relatively short amount of time for a positive environmental impact,” said Aitken, a cardiology fellow at the University of Miami’s Miller School of Medicine.
I had my first heart attack when I was 70 feet down the river bank, fueling the pump to irrigate my few acres of lucerne & millet.
The second one when I was up on the roof, cleaning out all the previously green leaves from the gutters. They are from the 20 tree windbreak on the windy side of my home.
I wonder how green I have to get to stop heart attacks.
Ring up one of those windmill companies , get them to fill your farm with cowfans and sit back on the porch and watch the blades turn and the $$$ roll in.
Most likely reason is there are fewer fast food outlets in better suburbs.
Years ago Science published a paper saying that hospital patients got better faster if they had a window view of nature. There are two ways these effects could be very real. 1) Mood is higher in prettier surroundings, and 2) prettier surroundings are correlated with having more money, less stress, more active lifestyle and better diet.
On the radio this morning an official of the Surf Life Saving Clubs was complaining about a lack of PPE in preparation for the opening of the swimming season.
Apparently the surf, the winds, the blazing UV from sunshine, are no protection against the virus, and so masks and face-shields etc will need to be worn by all beach goers.
How many deaths will we see from people choking on their water-logged masks?
This, to me, marks the official end of Australia, where the once sun-bronzed Anzacs, now lily-white from a year or so locked inside (where the virus also feels at home), quiver in terror at the bio-risk they are taking while sitting on a sun-soaked beach while a 99.7% survivable sniffle is on the loose.
Such a cowardly, fear-crippled people, I believe, have forfeited the right to live in this land.
The obvious course of action is to ignore such demands but who will do that given we have already seen Australians are by and large a bunch of jelly back fools?
Salt laden breezes, salt water, uv by the kilo, where is a virus going to hide.
None of that matters – which PROVES all this stuff has NOTHING to do with health issues.
Have spent the last two afternoons at the beach since Jacinda’s Mob released us from prison (Level 4) into prison-lite (Level 3) along with hundreds of others enjoying the salt sea air and Vitamin D sunshine – joggers, cyclists, skateboarders, surfers, families, couples, etc. The only ‘masked ones’ were police driving by in un-marked cars (easy to spot with their blue face-nappies on) who wisely kept on driving. Oh I do love to be beside the seaside…
Shot-free and burqa-free Kiwis!
The psychological technique required to break people involves periodic relaxations of the rules, and then re-applying them even harsher.
It’s like bending a wire back and forth till a fracture line forms and it snaps.
Another year or so of off again on again lockdowns will have most people desperate to get the “freedom jab” so they can escape.
Only their “escape” will be into a never-ending series of boosters to maintain their passports.
Australians have far more resilience and creativity than you give them credit for, Mark.
And, in case you missed it, most people have already had your “freedom jab” and are getting on with their lives, as best they can.
Graphene in masks. Interesting….
Remionds me of the “Soma” drug, described in the novel “Brave New World”?
“Soothing symptoms of anxiety” with graphene oxide; it’s in millions of masks Aug 30
“by Jon Rappoport
“This is not a joke; it’s real
“by Jon Rappoport
“August 30, 2021
“On April 2, 2021, Health Canada issued an advisory, warning people not to “use face masks labelled to contain graphene or biomass graphene.”
“Andrew Maynard covers this issue in a article, “Manufacturers have been using nanotechnology-derived graphene in face masks—now there are safety concerns.”
“Those concerns? Masks could create lung problems.
“Maynard’s article traces the safety concerns to a Chinese mask manufacturer, Shandong, but points out that millions of graphene-containing masks are in use around the world, produced by a whole host of companies.
“”Recently, I saw a mask sold to a customer. It was sealed in a plain plastic bag. No manufacturer’s name, no list of materials in the mask, nothing but a bar code. Does the mask contain graphene? No way to know.
“The mainstream literature on graphene is ambiguous and far from reassuring: ‘yes, it’s probably toxic to the lungs; perhaps not seriously so; perhaps only temporarily; there are more questions than answers.’
Graphene makes a good filter so it’s not wonder it might be used in masks. A UK-based team of researchers has created a graphene-based sieve capable of removing salt from seawater. … The promising graphene oxide sieve could be highly efficient at filtering salts, and will now be tested against existing desalination membranes. As it turns out CSIRO is doing a lot of research in that field:
A head hunter recently offered me a job to be involved in a research lab focusing on Graphene. Needless to say I turned it down.
Peter, could any graphene slough off and pass downstream of any filters.
It does not easily crack or break apart but I can’t say it’s impossible to do so. The layers can be so strong they are considering to use them for bullet proof vests; stronger and better able to withstand the impact of a bullet than either steel or Kevlar. Using other filters downstream would be pointless as they graphene particles could be too small. If I had taken up the job offer to work in a lab doing research on graphene I might have been able to better answer your questions. I refused the job offer for personal reasons.
Greenhouse saturation research could kill the “climate emergency”
By David Wojick
The beginning:
The “climate emergency” appears to have died, far out on the scientific frontier. Word of this death has yet to reach the mainstream.
Professors William van Wijngaarden (Canada) and William Happer (USA) have published some extremely important research on the radiation saturation of the major greenhouse gases. Their first report is titled simply “Relative Potency of Greenhouse Molecules”. It makes use of a major breakthrough in radiation physics. Until recently the estimates of greenhouse potency were based on approximation bands of absorbed radiation wavelengths. Now the authors have done line by line spectral analysis, looking at over 300,000 individual wavelengths within these bands.
It turns out that saturation occurs much sooner than previously thought. In particular the primary greenhouse gases, CO2 and H2O, turn out to be “extremely saturated” at present atmospheric concentrations. These results strongly suggest that the dangerous multi-degree warming assumed by the climate emergency simply cannot occur. Is CO2 significantly impotent? This should now be a major research question.
The ending:
In short it looks like the IPCC climate modeling is simply obsolete. The models need to be redone to include all this saturation. And of course there is a lot more research to be done on greenhouse saturation itself. But in the meantime it looks like the so-called climate emergency is dead. It has been killed by a big breakthrough in radiation physics. The greenhouse effect does not work the way the scary computer models have all assumed, instead it is dominated by saturation.
This is how science is supposed to work: hypotheses die as science advances.
There is a lot more in the article.
Sorry but I have some news for you. They have won the battle, we lost. They are well into the next scam. I’m still expecting a third one to be rolled out complete the job.
This would not be bs if there was a “Greenhouse Effect”. There isn’t so it is irrelevant bs.
The energy in Earth’s climate system is regulated by two powerful thermostatic process. The upper limit in sea surface temperature is 32C peak and 30C annual average. The lower limit is -2C – surface forms a thin insulating layer at that temperature. THERMO-STATIC meaning constant temperature.
The dominant factor in ocean heat content is the evaporation rate. It has been slowing, on average, since 1600 with the consequence of gradual increase in heat retained at depth. Lower evaporation slows the circulation of deep cool, less saline water from the higher latitudes to the tropics.
Isn’t a greenhouse made of glass, never seen a greenhouse out in the open and not made of clear material.
Windmills dry out land. Expect they do similar over water.
Windfarms may create signifacant evaporative heat tranfer.
Also suggests a path for geoengineering
Can anyone tell me how these climate clowns measure sealevel to the nearest tenth of a millimeter as satellite measurement is + – 25mm, is it done at low tide, high tide, on the shoreline or out at sea, what moon phase is it done at , what about surface air pressure , is it summer, autumn, winter, spring.
Just curious.
Funny you should find that. About 15years ago, I believe it was NML, put out a booklet on the AGW science – as it was then .
That booklet had an article on the sensitivity of CO2 as a GHG. i believe the article was by a mathematician in Western Australia, but I no longer have the booklet having left it in the USA, hoping to convince an offspring to widen hisrzos.
The summary was that CO2 was a GHG whose actions may be dose limited ( in my terms). The proposal was that CO2 reached its maximum greenhouse effects at very low concentrations, barely above the atmospheric CO2 levels required as the essential concentrations needed to stimulate human respiration.
I have mentioned this previously. It resembles the dose- response curve of a statin, where the maximum effect of that statin is reached at a certain dose in the clinical spectrum, above which it has no statin effect but an increase in side effects. Indeed, most of the effect of that drug is from the usual minimal adult dose, with very little gain from the clinical use of double the dose. It’s on the curve of the dose response curve as it becomes virtually horizontal – in my terms.
Measured absorption curve of CO2 levels off at around 280ppm.
“barely above the atmospheric CO2 levels required as the essential concentrations needed to stimulate human respiration.”
It’s interesting that you mention that.
The human breath response is controlled by the levels of CO2 in the bloodstream.
Interestingly there’s a lower level below which the autonomic nervous system ceases to be stimulated.
This phenomenon is often apparent at the end of life when a person is worn out, has eaten little and ready to go.
A specific breathing pattern is adopted which removes CO2 from the bloodstream to a point below the level that the ANS can respond to. Then it’s the last breath.
Alkylosis. Too much oxygen.
Yes the logarithmic rapid decline in potency is well known. Most of the natural warming effect, about 6 degrees C, occurs below 100 ppm. Then this line by line analysis found it far more advanced than previously thought. But the models do not get the dangerous future warming from the direct CO2 increase. They get it from supposedly large water vapor and cloud positive feedbacks. This too is now out, as I explain in the article. Not that they will listen.
Look at the Eggert curves in my link above.
It is not logarithmic. It levels out at around 270ppm.
Gladys lets the truth out
Well put together
Brad Hazzard often sounds and looks like he could be a Wilhelm Keitel who was the Minister of War and chief of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces in Naz1 Germany.
It’s more applicable to Dan Andrews than Gladys. And wouldn’t need to be as heavily edited.
From Michael Smith News Superb 1 min 45 Sec Video – sums up NSW and Galdys/Liberal Party Perfectly
Dear Leader of Afgladystan
The the third repeat I’ve seen on this thread tonight.
I’m a bit tired of people who can’t accept that once humorous; twice is in case the lefty slow-learners don’t get it. The third time is just boring.
CORONAVIRUSAustralian Police Violate Lockdown Rules to Host LGBT Office Party
While rest of the population is ordered not to talk to each other.
While Australians were told they shouldn’t even talk to each other under COVID lockdown rules, police officials in Sydney held an office party to celebrate the LGBT community.
Yes, really.
Mount Druitt Police Area Command posted images to Facebook showing over a dozen employees gathered in close proximity to recognize Wear It Purple Day.
The pictures showed the room had been decorated with LGBT flags as the employees prepared to tuck in to a buffet.
“Mt Druitt is located in the City of Blacktown LGA – an area with one of the highest rates of Covid cases since Sydney’s second wave delta outbreak began in mid-June,” reports the Daily Mail.
Not a surprise at all. What more proof does one need to expose this is not about the virus? It’s about instigating a Naz1 like regime change.
Would the cops hassle you if your out n about dressed in drag? Perhaps a strategy for the next protest.
Ohhh Gawd, big fat l*zzo coppers.
“Students and professors, editorial assistants and editors in chief—all are aware of what kind of society they now inhabit. That’s why they censor themselves…”
“… why they steer clear of certain topics, why they avoid discussing anything too sensitive for fear of being mobbed or ostracized or fired without due process…. Many people have told me they want to change this atmosphere, but don’t know how. Some hope to ride it out, to wait for this moral panic to pass, or for an even younger generation to rebel against it…. Anonymous reports and Twitter mobs, not the reasoned judgments of peers, will shape the fate of individuals. Writers and journalists will fear publication. Universities will no longer be dedicated to the creation and dissemination of knowledge but to the promotion of student comfort and the avoidance of social-media attacks.
Worse, if we drive all of the difficult people, the demanding people, and the eccentric people away from the creative professions where they used to thrive, we will become a flatter, duller, less interesting society, a place where manuscripts sit in drawers for fear of arbitrary judgments. The arts, the humanities, and the media will become stiff, predictable, and mediocre…. There will be nothing to do but sit back and wait for the Hawthornes of the future to expose us.”
I Think I fit the Definition of an External Optimist
Hitting 3-4 times per day
Configure your Xbox console and BIG W Xbox Series X 1TB Console
and hoping I may be able to buy an X box Series X
I was disturbed to hear some functionary of the NSW Government say that in relation to COVID, people should not take their information from YouTube or anywhere else except the GOVERNMENT, because they are the only “reliable” source of COVID information.
I also heard Ardern, communist “leader” of NZ, say the same thing.
No doubt they will soon legislate that, although socialist media seems to be already making sure that only Government or UN/WHO approved information appears on their platforms.
Taken straight out of the guidelines of Naz1 Germany.
If we start seeing this soft of action here then my hopes will resurface that the tide might be turning and that we are not such a bunch of jelly backs after all. I’m probably mistaken but for now I will live in hope:
Trudeau was Afraid to Get off the Bus
To convince me though the tide is turning we will have to see the police ignoring the draconian instructions handed down by their bosses and masters to allow people to make up their own mind and and ignore the instructions coerced by our politicians. Tall order I know, which is why I have my doubts that will happen but it would be nice.
And what are you doing Peter, you accuse others of being what you appear to be.
I’m neither the police who can make a difference nor has an opportunity come up to meet a politician to voice my opinion in from of his or her face. I have written multiple times to my local MP but got nothing back. I will vote accordingly and unlike m0r0ns who continue to vote for the major parties expecting a different result, I will put them last. I don’t believe in protests as they might end up being violent, which I’m against, and they always end up achieving nothing anyway as the politicians will ignore them. The only time a protest would work is if say 20% of the population marched peacefully to all the parliaments and refuse to leave until our politicians change their stance.
United non compliance is another way. Sunday exercise in your local park, wear yellow, 10am until 12, meet your local community.
Its about letting others know, we stand with them, until they stand with us. It is growing.
Rallies have all been peaceful, from the peoples side. They are not protests, they are rallies.
You send letters which are ignored, you might front one and be ignored. To get to 20% starts with one, you are one more.
Best lay off putting others down until you grow a set.
I like what the French have done where they simply sat outside on the ground to have picnics rather than enter premises where vaccination passports are required. I could do that provided I wasn’t breaking any law. Now if everyone did it they would soon get the message and businesses will have to give up on the passports.
Who’s law, Your Gods laws, cause they have broken all of those.
Their laws, they will write laws to prevent you existing, going to obey those as well.
We are no longer under commonwealth law, we are under corporate law.
Sensible MP.
And, what would be your take on the response it you received one?
Evidence mounts that MMR and TDAP vaccines strengthen protection against severe COVID-19
Vaccines are designed to induce a strong and long-lasting immune response through the creation of memory T cells and B cells. The Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine, given during early childhood, and Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis (Tdap) vaccine, given every 10 years, are known to elicit a protective response against the diseases from which the vaccines get their names. But these vaccines may have an unexpected bonus: It’s possible that they also elicit cross-reactive memory T cells capable of responding to protein targets called antigens that are present in other microbes that cause diseases—including the viral antigens in SARS-CoV-2. The concept is that pre-existing memory T cells generated by prior MMR or Tdap vaccination and activated by SARS-CoV-2 infection give the immune system a head start in responding to SARS-CoV-2, thereby lowering the risk of severe COVID-19.
To investigate whether the MMR and Tdap vaccines provide additional protection against COVID-19, researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital conducted laboratory-based analyses using sensitive, new techniques to detect and characterize T cell responses to antigens.
eaming up with collaborators at Cleveland Clinic, they also leveraged a large, well-annotated cohort of COVID-19 patients and found that prior MMR or Tdap vaccination was associated with decreased disease severity.
Politicians – Cheaper by the Dozen
Do they get bought by the pound or the yard.
Watch Energy deploy from 1860 to 2019.
Coal and Oil are King and Queen.
Just in case anyone hasn’t seen it yet, this may bring a smile to your face.
Brilliant!!! Thank you This is a keeper.
Milo Yiannopoulos injects himself with ivermectin with predictable consequences:
And that is exactly why human-dose Ivermectin should be available.
Human-dose Ivermectin is known to be safe after millions of people taking it for many years.
Thanks for supporting that case, Simple-one.
Huge effect of Ivermectin in African countries
Brilliant isnt it! And because it was used as an antiparasitic,it would have been cheap and accessible not like our pharmacists in Aus. See comment #6, who are actively trying to prevent off-label use.
I’ve posted this before. However, for those who have not been concentrating; the pharmacy at a major Melbourne hospital will dispense IVM on receipt of a doctor’s prescription. Indeed, if you can’t present the prescription in person, the pharmacy will mail it to you.
Why doesn’t Simon give Dr Mark Hobart’s surgery a phone call? There are many others medicos who will also prescribe.
I seriously don’t understand the ignorance of Simon.
Is he in the pay of BigPharma? Or just ignorant?
and apparently also in India, along with all the other anti virials they use…a very telling graph.
If only the scientists and policy-makers would explain their understanding of this damning evidence.×900
It is always interesting to see what official releases omit. Things like doses above x cause harm.
Fine, officialdom can admit failure to investigate. But they are so used to avoiding what they really want to say which is exactly that they have failed to investigate.
Human-dose Ivermectin is known to be safe after millions of people taking it for many years.
Sure – it’s safe for parasitic diseases … but no credible evidence that it has any effectiveness as an anti-viral.
So what is a safe dose? And what evidence do you have that all placebos are ineffective?
Plenty of credible evidence if you choose to take your far-left anti-science blinkers off.
Keep that extreme tunnel vision going Tilda.. only one place to go. !
Keep getting those toxic jabs which we now know lose effectiveness very quickly.
Tell us when you reach number 5 or 6…… if you are still alive.
“it’s safe for parasitic diseases”
I can understand why you wouldn’t take it then !
TT just two posts above yours is this link to a graph of African countries, deaths per 100,000 population from Covid in those countries using Ivermectin compared to those who are not. If you don’t consider this credible evidence then I don’t know what is.
Tilba hasn’t seen the data on her ABC … so it doesn’t exist.
And he won’t. It’s all part of their ABC’s anti-science, lefty, reduce the world’s population push.
For Tilba^2’s trilby
“Published: 15 February 2017”
“Antiviral (e.g. HIV, dengue, encephalitis)
Recent research has confounded the belief, held for most of the past 40 years, that ivermectin was devoid of any antiviral characteristics. Ivermectin has been found to potently inhibit replication of the yellow fever virus, with EC50 values in the sub-nanomolar range. It also inhibits replication in several other flaviviruses, including dengue, Japanese encephalitis and tick-borne encephalitis, probably by targeting non-structural 3 helicase activity.97 Ivermectin inhibits dengue viruses and interrupts virus replication, bestowing protection against infection with all distinct virus serotypes, and has unexplored potential as a dengue antiviral.98”
I guess only needed the Peking Pox virus and some research money?
The fact that it’s off patent and Merck has received some US$260 million or so to modify its plant to produce one of the vaccines, might just have something to do with it.
Sydney man feels side effects of Invermectin.
‘A Sydney COVID-19 patient is recovering from a self-inflicted bout of diarrhoea and vomiting brought on by the unproven drug ivermectin, the latest round in a battle against self-medicating Australians.
‘Westmead Hospital toxicologist Associate Professor Naren Gunja said the patient arrived at the emergency department recently having overdosed on ivermectin and other “supposed COVID ‘cures'” ordered online.
‘It was the latest in a range of home doctor experiments gone wrong — with substances including hydroxychloroquine, disinfectants, bleach and alcohols — to require treatment at the western Sydney facility.’ (9 News)
Hand on heart.
I absolutely believe all of that.
Sounds terrible.
Then they’d best start telling people how they can access it responsibly.
Ever heard of needle exchanges for druggies?
That’s an example of government finally understanding that people will take their own decisions – stuff the consequences.
Whenever did banning something stop it.
IIRC things like that and worse happen from alcohol and tobacco but they’re still legal
Your comment is not correct. It is not helpful (we have been attacked by a WMD. Ivermectin is a useful tactical defence against covid which the WHO/fake media/Fake Research is trying to hide) to repeat stuff that is not true. There is evidence that Ivermectin binds to the covid virus which stops the covid virus from replicating.
A Canadian start-up company, MVMD, has an injectable form of Ivermectin. In vitro tests of the injectable Ivermectin, which were done in a completely independent, Canadian Government run level 4 lab, using live covid, has shown, starts to reduce covid viral count in 20 minutes and clears all virus within 48 hours.
The Canadian Level 4 test of Ivermectin Vs Covid has been repeated by other countries. I have attached another study that summarizes Ivermectin vs covid in vitro tests.
Ivermectin Soluble MVMD
MOUNTAIN VALLEY MD RECEIVES SUCCESSFUL RESULTS FROM BSL-4 COVID-19 CLEARANCE TRIAL ON THREE VARIANTS TESTED WITH IVECTOSOL™ TORONTO, ON – May 18, 2021 – Mountain Valley MD Holdings Inc. (the “Company” or “MVMD”) (CSE: MVMD) (FRA:20MP) is pleased to announce it has received its thirdparty Bio Safety Level 4 (“BSL-4”) lab study results from its recent COVID-19 viral clearance study conducted with its solubilized Ivermectin technology – Ivectosol™.
This study for example summarizes other tests that have been done that determined Ivermectin strongly bonds to the covid spike.
In 4 of the studies, ivermectin was identified as having the highest or among the highest of binding affinities to spike protein S1 binding domains of SARS-CoV-2 among hundreds of molecules collectively examined, with ivermectin not being the particular focus of study in 4 of these studies.27
This is the same mechanism by which viral antibodies, in particular, those generated by the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines contain the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
The last link did not work in my above comment did not work.
Clearly the really smart people are the only ones prescribing and buying veterinary products to treat their ailments. Why bother, Covid is harmless. It is all made up. No one dies OF Covid; rather WITH Covid. No fit person even dies with Covid.
Thanks Simon. There’s a fearsome dearth of detail in the story to substantiate your assertion of “predictable consequences”. According to the product sheet it’s for subcutaneous injection. I wonder if he went intravenous and used more than a single milllilitre.
according to NSW health and reported by 7NEWS this is becomming a common problem. More stupidly, they are taking resources in the health system away from those who are battling covid. So not only dumb, but selfish with it
A direct reflection of the states confusion and BS, people feel they have to go it alone.
They don’t have to go it alone.
Get in contact with the man who shan’t be named. No, not Mr Walker. The ghost who walks.
A least one hospital pharmacy in Melbourne will dispense it on receipt of a doctor’s prescription.
The health bods have the option of administering IVM correctly thus freeing up resources. Wouldn’t that be something.
With the censorship being what it is, Ivermectin is getting a free run, set up to fail, told you so. (read the comments, already started)
HCQ is being buried, if everyone is scared of their imaginations, that should be the go to.
If they made human-strength Ivermectin readily available, the problem of people using horse Ivermectin would not exist..
That is the utter stupidity !
Human-strength Ivermectin is a proven safe medicine for human use, probably billions of doses.
There is fact sheet how to use Ivermection. 0,2mg/ kg wight as pill.
All self medication is insane if not following the protocl.
⬆️ How do we tell those who believe in the “vaccine” that of the 29 options the immune system has to recognise SARSCoV2, 26 of them, therefore the vast majority, are not part of the spike protein, therefore not part of the gene therapy?
How do we tell them they think they can gain immunity by targeting 3 parts out of 29 of the immune system’s targets of choice, which is definitely a tiny fraction of what the immune system recognises of SARSCoV2, and therefore the gene therapy is never going to stop the virus even if the computer simulation of the spike in the mRNA code were to match the real spike protein, which is highly unlikely?
How do we tell them that the “best science” when it comes to safety is always the slowest, and that a fast issue of a new gene therapy is the worst possible “science”?
From Robin Monotti+Dr Mike Yeadon+Cory Morningstar Channel Telegram.
The data is showing that (a) those who are vaccinated are less likely to catch Covid-19, and (b) are far less likely to have severe symptoms or wind up in ICU. This is pretty clear. Data from the US Is reinforcing this, by showing that a very high percentage of those requiring hospitalisation, or are dying, are unvaccinated.
Whatever dataset you’re looking at conflicts with Israel
Great name, Grogery. Used to be one of my nicknames in a previous life. Cin cin! Cheers! Clunk! Hic!
The data is showing that the pro-choice people don’t care.
I figure the only possible reason for red thumbs on this is that you did not provide links.
From Indiana:
Did you read the two comments? It’s too close to call say I.
“(a) those who are vaccinated are less likely to catch Covid-19”
A manifest lie….as we have come to expect from TT.
The vaccine suppress the symptoms and help ward off the worst effects of Covid , but the “twojabs” can still carry just the same viral load as the “untainted”, and because of their arrogance ignorance in thinking they are “clean” will spread the virus much more rapidly.
And as we all now know, the effectiveness of the two-jab wears off quickly and has not much protection against virus variants.
Wonderful vaccine! Last week BC Canada ordered to mask up, vaccinated or not. Just watch the direction of sequential reports out of supervaccinated Israel – steady decrease in all indices of efficacy, and panic boosterism.
Capitalism with Chinese characteristics.
‘China’s eventual goal is to mine out Afghanistan’s rich mineral resources; the war-torn country is sitting on deposits worth $1 trillion or more, including what may be the world’s biggest deposit of lithium reserves.’ (The Indian Express)
The yanks should have put the taliban to work digging it up for them, what a waste of time and money, who runs these idiot invasions.
They are run by people who have never once had a shovel in their hands – in fact they have been cossetted in the US Military for a lifetime – the truly gargantuan make-work, social welfare scheme.
I remember being on a cruise, and a couple of older ex-military types were bitching and whingeing about all manner of stuff, especially the Democrats – creating the great welfare state.
I pointed out the retirement plans and totally free medical insurance plans they had.
Tourettes is it? I’m developing a picture: You can’t help yourself. Often wake up on your back bleeding from the most recent slap in the head. But you’re unstoppable, as here.
Thing I love about you Serp – never diving into the ugly lazy pit of ad homs and abuse … but are always willing to discuss the substantive issues.
Someone is paying you to run interference here.
Mr. T T Contrary.
Do they give you a bonus for red thumbs?
” but are always willing to discuss the substantive issues.”
That’s a perfect example of the pot calling the kettle black.
When have you ever engaged in anything like reasoned discussion; never.
All your work has the same journalistic format and focuses on being Contrary.
What skill is involved in that?
“They are run by people who have never once had a shovel in their hands.”
I hear you, it starts at the Lootenant level, the never busted a knuckle or broke a nail, panty waisted mommas boys arrive straight out of college and then proceed up the greasy pole, they end up at a high level and that’s why you get these never ending cockups.
R.V. Jones “Most Secret War” P 32 (said about 1929)
“He warned us that if another war broke out there would be a disastrous period for six months while those who had reached high positions on inadequate abilities in peacetime would have to be replaced”
Thursday’s ACT covid update brought to you by R.
The no trend continues in total numbers with 12 today maintaining the ~17/day average that is almost 3 weeks old. I’m looking forward to Analitik coming on tomorrow when 15 will be proclaimed as “cases are going up in Canberra!”. If you can’t cope with interpreting sampling data from dynamic real world scenarios, heaven help you if you want to understand climate.
19 17 22 16 11 8 19 16 30 9 14 21 26 13 12 13 23 12
8 (11 yesterday)cases were infectious while in the community. Excluding data from the first few days when all cases were active in the community, there is a trend upward in this number which is despite the total numbers remaining static. The trend is stronger if taken as a proportion of total (ie yesterday 11/23, today 8/12).
At the moment I am thinking that the community infectious people are actually having minimal contact with other people and their main secondary transmission is within households rather than with people they don’t know. If they are spreading at the rate of the delta strain (ie R>6) I’d be expecting total numbers to go up, and they are not (yet).
And the related number of test samples taken was ???
Here you go
* I didn’t include number of tests and one could argue for it to be included or not. You can reanalyse with correction for number of tests, be my guest, but be sure to have rationale for doing so. You’ll find a very messy data set.
Based on our research Australian Capital Territory population will reach 424,488 by the end of June of 2021
Daily Tests Conducted and Results
02 Sep 21 390,899
01 Sep 21 388,039
31 Aug 21 384,623
30 Aug 21 379,792
29 Aug 21 377,912
28 Aug 21 375,818
27 Aug 21 372,383
So nearly all ACT residents get tested daily – Typical Public Servants – No wonder nothing productive ever gets done in Australia – Definitely not in Canberra.
That’s cumulative
Recent numbers are 2-9000/day
Apologies for above the first site you put up was totally misleading
second site shows – 380,899-388,039 = 2,860 – Question why incorrect on the 1st Site?
02 Sep 21 12 2,860 0.42 %
01 Sep 21 23 3,416 0.67 %
31 Aug 21 13 4,831 0.27 %
30 Aug 21 12 1,880 0.64 %
29 Aug 21 13 2,094 0.62 %
28 Aug 21 26 3,435 0.76 %
27 Aug 21 21 7,242 0.29 %
26 Aug 21 14 4,913
It was not misleading. That implies intent by me or someone. Not that I expect someone who slurs in everything they write to apologies for anything.
I can’t speak for discrepancies but 2860 looks to be the same as 2860 to me.
I sincerely apologise.
I know it wasn’t you since you have some numeracy. I still don’t understand why 2860 does not equal 2860.
I’m also blacklisting responding to Chad. The thread bombing at 27.1 is just rude. I responded with data and information to clarify with no acknowledgement from Chad. OO filled the void with an extra rude efforts.
looks like I’m getting red thumbs simply for providing information. SMH
No, more likely red thumbs for simply being an ar5e.
… need some therapy if you need confirmation and support from replies.!
This is a “Blog” , not an open love letter, or a scientific version of Tinder. !
Oh, and being blacklisted by you is more a badge of honour for me , than a insult.
I hope you noticed my point though… ACT are getting a much higher % positive results vs Test numbers, than Vic and chasing hard on NSW.
ACT testing is targeted. People are turned away if they have no symptoms and no contact.
and if you think that this
means this
you are not just a troll but are an incompetent one.
And you mistranscribed, by accident rather than intent I assume. 390,899 not 380,899
Sorry this is better
Notice that high number of tests can give low positives and visa versa. This is because testing is non random. Two examples
The highest case numbers were on one of the lowest testing days. Reason was a community centre that had a bunch of close contacts plus their housholds testing positive.
Some of the highest testing days had very few cases. Reason was that whole schools plus their families required tests then follow ups in later days. Thousands of people in a short time resulting in a handful of cases with follow-ups all negative.
That John Campbell video David Maddison linked to yesterday mentioned that Germany will cease all testing from September 12. Maybe we can purchase their discarded test kits, at a suitable premium or discount depending on the market at that time.
maybe. Offer the ACT a deal and cash in. It wont get you much though as we don’t use many compared with most juristictions. Don’t be fooled by O.O’s fetid kneejerk comment.
Also, do you have a better source than some dude’s video?
Courier Mail headline today….. Politics of Fear…. can’t find much wrong with that, these laba pnuts have lost the plot.
Defiant Palaszczuk predicts ‘2240 deaths a month’ if borders open
Queensland Premier says thousands will die each month if borders open
Annastacia Palaszczuk has used social media to warn thousands of people will die if the country opens up as criticism mounts over defiance on vaccination targets and border openings.
“If NSW is the model of what lies in store for all of us, then serious discussions are needed,” Ms Palaszczuk tweeted.
“Doherty Institute modelling predicts, even with 70 per cent of the population vaccinated, 80 people will die each day six months after the outbreak.
“That’s 2,240 who will die each month.”
A steady stream of senior federal cabinet ministers tore into the Premier after she raised concerns on Wednesday about the need to vaccinate children, creating a new barrier to open borders.
That Palletjack woman is scared witless about our crumbling health system, it was on it’s knees well before covid appeared, ramping followed by full bypass was a reality before the election, yet the tramp got another 4 years, what idiots voted for this.
No wonder she won’t let one little kid back in.
Our great wall of lego has kept the Rona out. NSW people shall not pass, oh you can picnic on the wall and hug across the wall, but set one foot across the wall, the chook will gut ya.
Should rename it NEB, New East Berlin.
Courier Mail headline today….. Politics of Fear…. can’t find much wrong with that, these laba pnuts have lost the plot.
Labor states are doing rather well – NSW (Liberal) is the worst performer.
Most population, most foreigners.
Two states and the ACT in lockdown. One Liberal and two Labor by my count.
The general acceptance of lengthy lockdowns in Australia – the willingness to sacrifice freedom for a sense of safety – reveals the philosophy of safe-ism, the last whimper from a defeated people and a moribund culture.
Change my mind.
I understand what you’re saying, but the problem with an aerosol-driven pandemic (unlike say AIDS) – is that if you don’t have restrictions, then 100 cases become 1000 or 10,000. And while the percentage of serious cases requiring hospitalisation is not that high, the infectiousness of the Delta Variant is such that without restrictions, the number infected could become very large, leading to hospital overload, and a lot of misery and death.
I don’t think it’s got anything to do with a “defeated people” or a “moribund culture” at all – it is state governments trying to deal with a public health emergency where there are few good options. Should WA just say to hell with it – and let anyone from the eastern states go there?
Yes, can see your point T+T, but it is apparent that, around the world, England, Scandinavia and Florida, the purely medical decision making is being forced to balance up with other health concerns, economics and education costs. The decision is that there is no ‘right way’ evident currently, and there is no saying what difficulties states like WA are going to face, trapped in the lockdown process when other parts of the nation are opening up. It well may be that everything has to open up, to prove a point, and lockdowns only become acceptable when the hospitals are threatened. Eventually, this will be forced on everyone because with national economic destruction we would be in no position to argue anything about sustaining ourselves, defending ourselves, educating ourselves, nor be capable of running a large public health and hospital systems, regardless of whether State or Federal resourced.
So long as the more lethal mutations keep coming, affecting the usefulness of vaccines, and we keep forbidding scientific application of therapeutics while persisting with inanities, like masking, that are shown to be extremely limited in usefulness, we will be increasingly forcing our society into depression in both meanings of the word. Kids cannot be educated under this system; if they were my responsibility I would be more worried about both their futures and those of our nation than about a virus to be faced. It’s well and good for McGowan to brag about his mining ‘goldmine that keeps Australia functioning’. It’s all about what is happening to all other Australian citizens that live a life making to provide a personal income, a roof over the family’s head, and a little excess that makes life worth living. People are already determining for themselves that the current personal and social destruction of their livelihoods will not continue. It’s just not worth living for that life.
One is not against listening to new ideas that better life against the destruction of permanent repeating lockdowns and personal isolation, lack of the ability to visit family in the flesh, to welcome new life and bury old.
You make some fair points, but I certainly wouldn’t cite Florida as a good example – it’s a pandemic disaster centre under the lunatic governor who is driven by cheap populism, not public health advice.
WA is very isolated, and it affects the thinking and the politics over there, for sure. No-one wants the WA mining industry to suffer of course, but it’s just an accident the ore is in the ground there.
Seems to me we need three things: (1) high rates of vaccination, (2) build more Covid-19 treatment hospitals with trained staff, and (3) set up quarantine facilities.
Lockdowns can’t last forever – the social and economic costs are very high. It is going to be interesting to watch NSW and Victoria for the next month – to see how their relative numbers go.
And let’s hope the premiers don’t unravel – the national cabinet has been excellent in the main.
It has been noted overseas.
It has been noted overseas.
Have we not got past the cultural cringe, where we care what those overseas think of us? We’re big enough to go our own way.
If there is anyone suffering from “cultural cringe” it would be you and your comrades, [SNIP]
[Let’s not get into personalized insults. The thread degenerates. – Jo]
Lol. Tilba saying we should stand up for ourselves … while hiding under her bed from the big bad flu.
Could Novavax be a safer workaround than the current jab flak juices?
Maybe. It has a totally new adjuvant but at least it is a protein vax, not a DNA or RNA one. It contains the spike, but at least it’s a known quantity. I’m keen to hear if anyone has read up on their latest results.
I would like to get Novavax, as would many of the thinking community, and the Australian Government has placed an order for it but there have been multiple delays.
I am guessing the Government might not even allow it to be released because they and their advisors are close-minded, dictatorial, clueless, Nanny Statist control freaks and don’t want Australians to have any prophylaxis, treatment or vaccination options.
Presumably they don’t want to mention the possibility more choices next year because hesitant people might wait and that would delay a return to profits of Qantas.
Also every month Covid spreads through NSW while people in SA Tas WA and NT and often Qld live free is a reminder of how badly Scott and Gladys handled NSW.
Unlike nucleic acid vaccines, the spike protein in protein subunit vaccines like Novavax is already made and not reliant on the human cells to create it using RNA or DNA instructions from the vaccine. In other words, the vaccine contains purified pieces specially selected for their ability to stimulate immune cells. Because these fragments are better controlled and more stable the subunit vaccines are considered safer. It is also better suitable for people with compromised immune systems. The downside is they are more complex to manufacture, hence the delay in their introduction compared to nucleic acid vaccines.
The spike protein is toxic. Just the shedding from recently vaccinated people is producing symptoms in a lot of people. Makes me wonder if those in close contact with the recently vaccinated have spike protein antibodies.
To get a safe vaccine, it has to use epitopes that are not spike protein.
How could even the most committed American Leftist possibly think they did the right thing by “electing” Biden?
Elections have consequences … the far-right US Supreme Court has just refused to block the Texas anti-abortion legislation – the first of a long line of attacks on Rowe v Wade. The US didn’t just lose to the Taliban in Afghanistan – the Theocratic Right in America wants to use its sharia law to prevent all American women from having reproductive freedom and rights.
You can only shake your head. Biden should end the filibuster and expand the Court, and take those decisions to the next election – and he’d win. What else can he do?
Of course he’d win — it’s be different if the election was fair of course.
Call me old-fashioned, but I think he’d actually win on the merits! 🙂
Biden couldn’t win a chook raffle on his merits.
He is more than a total waste of space, he is a negative space.
Seriously !
You really are off with the fairies if you still have any sort of support for the dementia puppet.
TT, does the term “post live birth abortion” mean anything to you?
Ralph Northam on Abortion Bill: Infant Could Be Delivered and Then ‘Physicians and the Mother’ Could Decide If It Lives.
Please tell me how that issn’t murder 1st degree.
It’s called Inf@nticide.
T+T. I don’t do thumbs down because, in a democracy, one has a right to ideas to be defended. Ergo, argument must be made to refute. I would suggest that Biden has and is so messing up America, it’s beliefs, it’s history, it’s economy, it’s immigration policy and patent manipulation of migration to hopefully increase his power (assuming those that currently flee totalitarianism and the rest of it, vote for him) that after 3 more years of it, he will be lucky to stay where he is and not face a first national uprising against those that took power last election. Poverty, loss of identity and impotence to decide how they will be ruled will never go down well with US citizens, of any colour, any sex and left or right!
Think tribes. Think how many of President Trump’s initiatives have been destroyed or reversed. Think of the great leaps forward by the deep state. Think of how anybody who speaks truth is now the enemy of the state.
I can imagine committed American leftists would be delighted. And remember how Orwell’s 1984 ends with Winston Smith realizing how he loved Big Brother.
Word of the day:
Always good to have something new – Thanks David – I live & Learn
Ma`te`o`tech´ny (mā`tė`ô`tĕk´nŷ)
n. 1. Any unprofitable science.
Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
I believe it is inevitable that Australia will degenerate to become like Venezuela unless some drastic action is taken.
But we have no worthy leader like Trump and not even a system that encourages competent leadership. No one in power even understands the true nature of the problems we face. (Or if they do understand it is part of their deliberate plan to destroy Australia just as Obama tried to do to America and Biden is doing today.)
Never have I as an Australian felt so insecure and pessimistic for the future.
Drastic action by whom? Drastic action by governments is invariably disastrous. Drastic action by individuals risks rapid personal ruin.
I think it is worthwhile for individuals to figure out what they can influence, what they can’t and then how they can live better lives.
Likely it’ll balkanize. A person living outside the state in which he was born may be able to exert a right for return; one thing’s for sure nobody’ll be happy to stay in Victoria.
I have, for many years, been saying I am glad I have no grandchildren. I envy my peers when in their company but not in the quiet of night. The climate porn freaks think I don’t give a chit about the youngsters. They are wrong. Boomers are aware of the sacrifices made by their fathers and dead uncles and are patriotic. It is their grandkids who dongivachit about their country, who have no backbone.
Its my way or the highway.
‘Washington’s climate envoy meets today with vice-premier Han Zheng and top diplomat Yang Jiechi.
‘Ahead of talks, Foreign Minister Wang Yi makes it clear cooperation on global warming depends on meeting Beijing halfway. (SCMP)
That’d be called Global Luke-warming.
Global Warming with Chinese characteristics.
For those that can access this!
Pfizer Is Now Developing A Twice-Per-Day COVID Pill That Must Be Taken Alongside Vaccines?
But I thought the vaccines were the be all end all?
What a joke this is becoming – all about BIG PHARMA & profits!
When has it ever been about anything else.
Thats right, its for our health.
Like this?
A new pill to complement injections? Code name ectinmiver?
Quarantine has historically been used to segregate those who are sick. Tyranny is when the entire population is restricted from movement without permission, as was the case under the Stasi. Propaganda is when the media becomes the tool of those in power to promote tyranny under the pretense of quarantine for your health benefit.
The ONLY way to defeat COVID 100% is to quarantine those using it to promote tyranny. Then you will see COVID be magically transformed into the annual flu where you have the right to accept or deny the vaccine to Bill Gates’ dismay. Of course, poking a hole in the quarantined raft is discretionary.
Meanwhile, COVID has virtually cured the seasonal flu. Cases of the flu have dropped 95% to the lowest in 130 years thanks to COVID! If we now isolate and quarantine all politicians for life, that will surely then cure COVID for good!
– credit Martin Armstrong
Thought for the day:
Did you know that archaeologists are predominantly women due to their natural skills at digging up the past?
You left out from an earlier post of his explaining it’s not about the virus. It’s a diversion and the real agenda is very sinister according to him.
Absolute Cure For Covid – Amazing New Discovery
They stopped the animal tests because they were dying so they skipped any more trials and went straight to giving the vaccines to humans anyway!
Some old news for something different. Old, old! I’m enjoying reading through the 1400 pages of extreme weather events from 1AD to 1900. I’m into the 11th century, so I’m deep in the medieval warm times. There was a noticeable jump in droughts in Europe and Britain late 900s early 1000, but they really copped a lot of brutal winters in the second half of the 10th century. Year after year in some decades. All Europe’s rivers freezing for months. There definitely wasn’t too much dancing around maypoles. They would have had to be doing some serious breeding, to keep the population up! Not how I’d pictured the MWP.
Wasn’t it around 1000 AD when Leif Erikson chuffed off to Greenland and Newfoundland, because it was warmer, and the sea ice dissipated? The colonists in Greenland hung out until 1410, when the LIA finally got them. Greenland was then cut off for more than three centuries.
The case brought against NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard and CHO Kerry Chant in the NSW Supreme Court will have its first hearing tomorrow 3/9/21. This may be the first government in Oz to get its wings clipped.
The case argues the public health orders requiring ‘a broad class of workers’ be vaccinated is illegal and unconstitutional, as are the extra powers granted to police to enforce public health orders.
‘It is our view that vaccine compulsion strips citizens of their basic human rights, including their right to work, their right to bodily integrity and their right to informed consent to medical treatment without coercion.’
The suit will seek a declaration that the NSW public health orders are invalid and a ban on any further orders made by Mr Hazzard and Dr Chant.
Lead Counsel, Mr Nikolic:
It would appear that the NSW government is already in breach of its own Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 which prohibits discrimination based on infectious diseases.
From the Anti-Discrimination NSW website:
“. . . defines infectious diseases discrimination as, being “treated unfairly” because (1) you have an infectious disease; (2) people think you have an infectious disease; (3) you used to have an infectious disease; (4) you may acquire an infectious disease in the future; or (5) you are the friend, relative or colleague of a person with an infectious disease.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison, also this week chimed in that businesses can discriminate against unvaccinated people by denying them services on the assumption that they pose a “greater health risk” to the community.
“The simple fact is, if you’re not vaccinated you present a greater health risk to yourself, to your family, to your community, and others about you,” Morrison said.
What more could we expect from Morrison? What a waste of space and oxygen.
Neil Oliver: ‘The West is firmly in the grip, not of a virus, but of delusional madness’
Nice to see someone like Furious concentrate on what this website was originally created for…AGW!!!! As for COVID…borrringgg!!
If we come up with a scoop, then we’ll get a run and mentioned in despatches.
SAM brings good news at last, this deserves a critique.
The new hiatus in world temperature is continuing unabated.
Isn’t it meant to be dropping?
Strong La Nina forming.
I know you are basically ignorant about all thing “climate”…
… but you don’t seriously expect the ocean heat sink to lose energy quickly do you.
AGW and CO2 warming is a complete nothing-burger..
…even someone as clueless as you must have realised that by now.
‘Isn’t it meant to be dropping?’
Temps are bounced around by ENSO, so let us concentrate on this new plateau and trend. Its a step down on the escalator.
the plateau is not down though. Your prediction is down not flat.
Its like watching paint dry on a wet day, but a lot slower. Climate change is 30 years so we have to look for trends, anywhere and everywhere.
From here its all downhill as the oceanic oscillations fall into sync. They say that the PDO takes its lead from ENSO, so five years of La Nina like conditions should bring temps down to the Spencer line. Thanks for taking an interest.
Leaf do you think this quote is sound?
“If we don’t reduce emissions soon, the greenhouse gases will overwhelm any impact from ozone recovery by the end of the 21st Century,” Professor Arblaster said. (ABC)
There has been a lot of energy added to the oceans over the Grand Solar Maximum of the latter half of last century. Combined with the drop in tropical cloud covered, helped drive the series of El Nino warmth releases.
It will take a while for the current low solar output to take full effect, but we are already heading into a series of La Nina events.
And guess what.. none of this is caused by humans or human CO2.
It’s ‘hard to exaggerate’ how ‘dangerously bad’ US President Joe Biden is
Every time i see those squinty eyes I wonder if he is a banjo player.
Israel is now the world’s Covid hotspot: Cases soar despite country’s trail-blazing vaccine roll-out – sparking fears other highly-vaccinated countries will be hit by another wave due to jabs’ waning immunity
Israel recorded 1,892 cases per million people on Wednesday — nearly 0.2% of entire population in single day
Despite being one of the most vaccinated nations in world, country is in midst of an unprecedented new wave
Fears Britain could now follow suit has led to growing calls for a mass booster vaccine rollout this winter
May be Australia could do the same?
‘Drug runners on Covid-19: what’s the big deal? Delta is at large in Dubbo, a stealth and vicious chaser to the illicit drugs sold by virus-carrying dealers.’ (Oz)
Australia’s Next Authoritarian Move Is So Insane That It Would Make Orwell Blush
At what point does an ostensibly free country cease to be a liberal democracy? Wherever you choose to draw that line, we can all rest assured that Australia has not just passed it, but done a double back-flip over it while shooting double birds in the air.
I’ve written previously about some of the wildly authoritarian scenes emanating from Down Under, including police abuse and the government keeping people essentially locked in their homes for all but one hour a day (measures vary among Australia’s six states).
But if you challenge tyranny to one-up itself, it usually delivers. That’s the case in South Australia, as they prepare a new COVID “mitigation” app that is so insane, it would make Orwell blush.
Read this from The Atlantic and understand that the following is not satire.
Intrastate travel within Australia is also severely restricted. And the government of South Australia, one of the country’s six states, developed and is now testing an app as Orwellian as any in the free world to enforce its quarantine rules. People in South Australia will be forced to download an app that combines facial recognition and geolocation. The state will text them at random times, and thereafter they will have 15 minutes to take a picture of their face in the location where they are supposed to be. Should they fail, the local police department will be sent to follow up in person. “We don’t tell them how often or when, on a random basis they have to reply within 15 minutes,” Premier Steven Marshall explained. “I think every South Australian should feel pretty proud that we are the national pilot for the home-based quarantine app.”
This is the kind of thing that a fiction writer would love to have come up with. The South Australian government will force you to put an app on your phone. Then the state will text you with a challenge to prove you are where you are “supposed” to be. After that, a person has only minutes to respond with a picture that proves their whereabouts, coupled with facial recognition technology. Finally, if you don’t respond, they’ll send the police to come verbally, and possibly physically, accost you.
What’s even more nuts about this is that the officials involved are actually proud of their work. Take this quote from Victorian leader Daniel Andrews.
In responding to a question about whether he had gone too far with respect to imposing a curfew (avoiding the question of why a curfew was needed when no other state had one), Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews replied: ‘it is not about human rights. It is about human life.’
Politicians have begun to actually feel superior and virtuous in their pursuit to crush individual rights and bring about a dystopian hellscape. That’s a scary place to be, for a nation that used to be a symbol of freedom in the Southern hemisphere.
Please, will smartphones and data contracts be supplied to those without?
ABBA Voyage: The Journey Is About To Begin
3 Sept 2021
So what is ABBA Voyage? It is a revolutionary concert that blends the physical and the digital worlds – the concert that ABBA have always wanted to give their fans.
For the benefit of the few outrageously stupid clowns who claim Hurricane Ida had category 2 winds here’s a video of the area from the coastal town of Cocodrie, to the larger town of Houma. Cocodrie is close to open water and caught the western eye-wall of Ida. Houma is further inland of coastal swamps and also caught the western eye-wall of Ida, as it first came on to more solid land, for the first time.
Sustained wind US Saffir-Simpson hurricane scaling of effects:
– Category 2 hurricanes have winds strong enough to break power poles creating blackouts. They may cause minor to moderate damage to some residential roofs, shop awnings, may break windows and door locks or light fixtures.
– Category 3 hurricanes are major storms and can have a storm surge generally 9-12 ft above normal sea levels. Some structural damage to small residences, and utility buildings, with minor amount of curtainwall failures.
– Category 4 hurricanes cause total roof failures to numerous buildings. Buildings may also experience catastrophic structural damages. Water shortage and power outage typically last weeks to months. The area will likely be uninhabitable. Typically 100% of buildings have some damage with 10% of buildings exhibiting a total structural failure and destruction.
– Category 5 hurricanes produce catastrophic damage and near total destruction. No power or water and uninhabitable for months. Typically there’s damage to 100% of buildings, with 90% of the buildings exhibiting a total structural failure.
Just to be clear for the really ignorant, category 2 storms never break up whole new houses or pick them up and dump them completely on top of a 4-lane highway (unless there are embedded tornadoes). Category 3 storms don’t do that either to modern homes. But Category 4 cyclonic storms do break houses in half, and do pick them up and drop them in another location to their foundations. What is seen in video after video coming out of the area are obvious Cat-4 wind damage effects all through central southern Louisiana in the path of the eye-wall.
It’s also visually clear from the storm surge debris seen in trees in this video that the surge was very high even in the Western eye-wall of Ida, near Houma, which wind was blowing the water off-shore, not on-shore. It’s obviously a higher surge than cat-3’s produce. And cat-2 windfields never produce storm surges like this ~20 km inland from open waters. The visual surge level is about 10 times higher than cat-2 storms produce.
The downplaying of this storm by some absolute idiots on this site has been a disgrace, they have sought to misrepresent the situation so that no one pays attention to the on-going plight of the people there. This was a genuine natural disaster which has affected millions of people. Last time I looked the flooding from ex Ida had also killed 22 people in the US’s north east state. Ida is currently estimated to be about the 6th most damaging Hurricane in all of modern US history.
People here calling this mere fear-pron are an absolute disgrace – its sickening to see. And in case these idiots are to dense to figure it out, the whole purpose of broadcasting the storm path early and often is to warm people to get to safe locations, and thus many fewer people are killed and injured or suffer losses to their families, and that is exactly what occurred here, and it was extremely effective. Almost no one was killed in extremely dangerous conditions. So that has been a massive success with such a dangerous storm.
On other matters, I also want to add here there was a time not so long ago when I thought the worst of the true misanthropes and warped dangerous ideologues were on the loony left of politics. But this and other recent commentaries and topics has made clear to me that the nastiest and most dangerous people around and the most dishonest and deceitful ignorant commentary instead comes from the rabid demented right-wing of the political spectrum.
People pretending to be “Conservative”, but they’re nothing of the kind, they’re destructive and hate-filled anti-social radicals and nothing more. I have zero time for such people and even less respect for their hate-mongering ways and lying misrepresentations of events, and their attempts to enforce a group-think stupidity filter over everyone, and every discussion.
I’m also disgusted with the attack from them on normal constructive civil conversations on this site and others much like it. This is a devious bunch of people, far more dangerous than the loonies on the left because anyone can see what dangerous fools they are. They are more dangerous because everyone’s giving the far-right fake-conservatives a free-pass right now to keep doing that as too many people here and elsewhere are cowered and don’t have the personal spine to stand up to it and dissent. They’re too busy fitting-in, too afraid to confront the warped lies and group-think jerks pushing it along. They might end up in a confrontation and get flamed for disagreeing.
To me a Conservative is not a political“Conservative”. Political conservatives are no such thing, they are usually (not always) opportunistic cultural usurpers of normal social conservative values, being harnessed in the pursuit of raw political power, to control the laws of the land, to sectional and partisan advantages of a few. Paying off the mortgages of the corrupt in politics and media.
A real conservative IMO is someone who wants the best for all people and wants the system we live in, to work the best it possibly can, in known tested and proven non-experimental stable ways, where people come first over all other priorities, without exceptions. And this includes the minor incidental on-going damage to a self-healing and self cleaning global environment.
Anything else claiming to be a Conservative view is fake, just more ideological poison being poured into our modern world and current conversations that we definitely don’t need, and certainly will not help.
The fact that the vile climate-change agenda is rank corrupt politics and lies and actually has nothing to do with global climate change, is not an excuse to have such hatred, lies and ideological poison to be poured into this site’s commentary, nor into any other that is associated with it. That sly ideological infiltration into a science discussion needs to be firmly rejected, and put back in its dismal place.
Just a tip.. Most folk on a blog only read the posts with something they want to learn about or are otherwise interested in.
Attention spans are short, so once a post drifts off relevant subject of interest….the reader moves on. Hence , long posts more than a paragph or two , are often ignored., especially if the content is a personal gripe, a rant, or political gushing.
Then they should go read some bubble gum from NBC.
I see you’ve met Hanrahan.
And thanks for the honesty and the point about what constitutes a conservative. Conservatives are not sociopaths and they listen to reason, which is why I’ve worked with and for them for periods of time.
Pity you can’t read. I said that New Orleans was not hit by destructive winds, that it hit sparsely populated swamp. Even sparsely populated swamp will have villages.
WOW That’s two posts held up with no obvious naughty words in them.
Houma. Not New Orleans. 76 klm.
Cocodrie. Not New Orleans. 98 klm
Rant porn
It seems a lot here believe NO was blown away.
Strange, I thought they claim to be evidence based.
Just trying to get rid of the plus signs.
they are weird. I got them once and never since. Maybe I got natural immunity?
ACT covid outbreak news today brought to you by the red thumb.
18 new cases and 15 infectious in the community.
Today there is not much to add to yesterday’s report . Static total number trend (bang on average today) and upward trend of people infectious in community before testing.
FWIW, the chief minister claims that there are more people than before delaying getting a test even when they have symptoms.
Maybe the Chief Minister should conduct a Randomized Controlled Trial of Ivermectin.
And put their money where their mouth is.
Federally funded, of course.
“What do you do when China steals your entire company out from under you?”
ARM chips
Seems to be a popular business model following the lead of Huawei’s destruction of Nortel.
“Something missing”
“Just a short note of something rather insignificant in the grand scheme of things….
We are told by the powers that be – that approximately 6,000 to 7,000 American citizens were rescued by daring efforts of the U.S. State Department and U.S. military in evacuations from Kabul airport. Okay, fair enough… that’s a good outcome. Happy to hear it; we can debate the other 116,000 at a later time.
However, it seems a little odd now that there’s no videos of the survivors of the Afghan crisis arriving at airports. No crowds or families greeting the extracted American residents; no human interest stories and local broadcasted news coverage of relieved Americans, husbands, wives, daughters or sons arriving back in their hometown…. nothing.
Six to seven thousand Americans saved from the clutches of the Taliban, and not a single story of those Americans arriving home to the waiting arms of their loving family.”
More at