A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Repeating prior post.
Alarmism is a language game:
The crafty language of climate alarmism
By David Wojick
The beginning:
“I am constantly entertained by the artful ways alarmists bend language to their will. This often happens as science stories percolate through the media. Each step is a bit of a stretch, maybe not an obvious lie. But the sequence of stretches takes us so very far from the truth that we wind up in alarmville.
We just had a beauty kicked off by the great green Washington Post. What makes this especially funny is they are reporting their very own research, so there is no question of misunderstanding it. Just stretching it bit by bit, here and there.
The study itself is simple enough. When really bad, damaging weather hits it is normal to declare a federal disaster. This which allows Federal agencies to take certain actions, including loans and tax relief. This is done at the county scale. So WashPo looked at all of the disaster declarations in the last three months and determined the cumulative fraction of the US population that lived in those counties.
Since some disasters, especially from hurricanes, cover more than one entire state, it is no surprise that this added up to about a third of the national population. So far so good. This is science of a crude sort, basically adding stuff up.
The stretching begins when they report their study. First we get the headline, which is all that most people will read. Here is the main headline:
“Nearly 1 in 3 Americans experienced a weather disaster this summer“
This assumes that somehow every person living in every county “experienced” the local disaster. The number of people that physically experienced these disasters is actually quite small.
In some cases, like flash floods, most of the county never knew it had happened until they heard the news. In the hurricane cases a lot of people were not there, while others simply watched it rain really hard. Losing electricity, while unpleasant, is hardly experiencing a disaster. Where I live it happens several times a year.
I am not minimizing the tragic horrors that those who actually experienced these disasters went through. Just pointing out that they are nothing like 1 in 3 Americans.
Then we get the sub-headline blaming climate change:
“Climate change has turbocharged severe storms, fires, hurricanes, coastal storms and floods — threatening millions“
“Turbocharged”? This is not science, just a meaningless metaphor. As such it is not quite a lie, just almost. There have been computer based attribution studies saying climate change might have had something to do with these disasters. But turbocharged sounds very impressive.
Mind you “threatening millions” seems a bit odd, given we are talking about over 100 million people supposedly experiencing this stuff. Perhaps whoever wrote this never read the article. It happens.
And wildfires are now weather. That is really stretching the word.”
A lot more in the article. Please share it.
Much like the term creeping into Australian media trying to add fire & brimstone to our weather events…. rain bombs springs to mind. What’s next??
As I say, it can be fun finding this stuff. There is a whole lexicon here — How to talk like an alarmist.
My bet is bad weather is now typically “extreme” or variations thereof. Plus there is more than language. My local NWS daily weather forecast now comes with a big banner telling me the worst weather due that day anywhere in the USA. This reinforces the “climate chaos” nonsense.
At a broader level though, it’s not alone. The “weather” has become a news topic in its own right – a few decades ago it was crammed into the last 30 seconds of a 30-minute news program. Now it’s Page 3. Other items have been lifted in prominence as well – such as share prices and commodity prices.
At least ten times a day I can be advised that West Texas Intermediate or Brent has risen to $US73.00, or whatever. And what astonishes me the most is that the release of a new model of an iPhone can be seen as a “news” story, with the obligatory images of people queuing outside an Apple Store from midnight.
But even though I am a thorough-going and unreconstructed Global Warming believer, I also cringe when every weather event (extreme or even just a bit dramatic) is sheeted home to climate change. I wish they wouldn’t do that without some pretty solid data or evidence behind the claim.
There are many things that do warrant the invoking of climate change as a cause (I think the extreme record temps in BC this summer would be one), but not every bit of exciting weather, flood, fire, or storm.
“There are many things that do warrant the invoking of climate change as a cause”
If you put your imagination to it !
All of these things are, of course, just “things that happen”
The three witches in Macbeth do a fair amount of similar invoking.
Yes, good article but you are still missing the bigger picture. It’s all over for now. They have won and moved on. Our leaders have committed themselves to the scam and there is nothing we can do about it apart from not electing them back into power, and that’s the real point. Either the public refute their claims and stop voting them, or keep voting them back in and stop complaining. We have the democratic right and power to put a stop to all this but sadly not enough voters seam to care, are clueless, don’t give a damn or in fact on the side of the scam. I suspect the last group, who are the hard core believers in the scam, are in the minority compared to the other types. So, how do we wake the rest up? We all have tried to spread the truth but it’s repeatedly being drowned out by the bigger voices of the MSM and big business. It sort of proves what I’ve been saying a long time; most people are too lazy to think for themselves to do their own research, and instead allow others to do the thinking for them. As a result they hear what our politicians and MSM say, and accept the BS. One way to turn things around is to change what the MSM are saying – fat chance! So, the only alternative left is to let it be and learn the hard way. The sooner the better.
I am not sure lazy is right – they have other priorities in their life, like work, family, and grabbing a little fun in the empty parts. In order to get past much of the legacy media reporting, they would have to spend a lot of time and effort. And they mostly do not have reason to make that effort, as they assume the legacy media account must be true. The only way they will find out otherwise, it to venture away from the legacy media, which takes us straight back into a loop back to priorities, etc. The question is how to break people out and that, I believe, is an issue of political leadership, and that is sadly (mostly) lacking.
In the US polls consistently show roughly half the people not accepting AGW. Anything like that in Oz? There was an international poll a while back that estimated the degree of skepticism in various countries. Wish I could find it. The funniest part was Greta’s Sweden ranked more skeptical than even the US, Great Satan to the greens.
Yes, I understand all that but it’s still no excuse for believing everything our leaders and MSM say. All for evil to win is for good people to do nothing.
Not sure that our politicians are up to it. On the one hand they have to deal with the profit seekers who can see incredible wealth in prematurely replacing energy supply assets and automotive assets…and these greedy grabbers are high enough up the ladder to have frequent, influential access to pollies. On the other hand pollies fear the impact of the Thunberg petals on voting behaviour. Probably a lot of other drivers of politicians’ climate pronouncements but bottom line is that basic relevant science as opposed to emotive interpretations of IPCC modelling doesn’t make it any where near the politicians’ info diet. A decade ago I tried to get our local MP to take a look at Dr John Nicol’s presentation on the physics of CO2 in our atmosphere. Didn’t follow the party line apparently so my elected rep was not interested . So much for “representative” democracy. I suspect we should try an “öpen” debate based on facts and free of political allegiances but given the financial bullying we are being promised by the EU and others we ,realistically, should pursue a nuclear path and re-establish a viable manufacturing industry. In the meantime buy your grandkids shares in Aussie coal. In 50 years when logical energy planning has been rediscovered coal’s real value will be rediscovered also.
My article is specifically about the language games. As for the big picture I disagree with your assessment. In fact I think we are winning as very little damage has been done. Targets a decade or three from now are just a way of doing nothing now. I will happily take all the rhetoric they can muster, because words too are not actions.
If I were a general battling a strong invading force I would consider holding them to small advances a victory. That is where we are now with climate alarmism. That they have won and moved on I see no sign of. In fact they are howling about making such slow progress. Greta is right about that and it is our victory to celebrate.
Thanks David,
I prefer to remain optimistic.
I’m optimistic longer term. I’m optimistic that after people have suffered enough they will turn the tide and force governments to stop the BS about climate change.
My optimism is based on the economic and physical impossibility of what the alarmists are calling for. My present day assessment is that they have achieved very little of what they are calling for, which they themselves point out. In politics a draw is a loss for those wanting radical change. We have a draw so we are winning.
The alarmist goal is zero carbon. Oz does about 75% fossil electric (50+ coal) and almost all fossil transport. Clearly the alarmists have not won. In fact they have achieved almost nothing.
I doubt those suffering blackouts think we have won, but I’m sure those selling windmills, & oporating them know they have won.
Won the battle perhaps but not yet won the war.
Only a few days ago we heard of a wind power project going belly up in England.
And the Tesla battery company in SA was fined by AEMO for not stabilising the SA grid supply.
The Poms seems to be well and truly over the AGW farce.
UK is starting to re-think their energy policy to allow more nuclear power stations to continue the pretence that reducing emissions is necessary. I can live with that. Trouble is Australians are too immature to accept nuclear. Perhaps that could change if we had a stronger leader.
I dont know Peter, has anyone actually asked lately? or is it an historical anti Nuke stance that is sustained by a vocal minority. There was zero flinch in the general populace re nuclear submarines.
That is what I said. They have won the battle but in the end they will lose. Meanwhile, we have to suffer a lot more so that people wake up. Until then they are winning.
as a fisherman l am seeing the extreme language games you are describing in the weather reports David but when the day is there it is very different to what was reported as for Greta, l have to say l was really impressed with her last speech, BLA BLA BLAAAAAAAA its good to see her growing up LOL
I would say they have surely won the propaganda campaign. Most of the western world has signed up to net zero by 2050. Think about it – all the worlds leaders feel compelled to play homage to that idea. Even to the extent of ignoring their voter support bases, as in Australia. That’s powerful.
Its not even true that very little damage has been done, when you look at the rising cost of energy in the west. What you dont see are the factories moving to China.
They might fail, because the laws of physics and economics are against them, but then again, maybe not. Maybe the real objective is to send us back to the stone age. The greenies would love that.
Compared to what they are calling for the damage has been very small. Yes it is a powerful political movement that has captured the left. My definition of victory is based on that.
On the present Director of Nationl Intelligence. “international order”: repeated by Avril Haines 20x in her 2018 video
Except play lip service. Let the ignorant be as nothing will help them.
Language, not the facts means so much more.
Yet the facts elude you !
PF did you not understand my article? The language is deliberately fact free (or even false). Just scary. Very crafty.
I actually did not include the worst, because it is grotesquely false. Hundreds of people being “cooked” to death (at 120 degrees, which is common in Arizona). Meat does not cook at that temperature.
The latest alarmist BBC story this morning is that 14% of coral reefs have been destroyed by climate change in Australia and East Asia in the past few years.
No information as to who has done this survey, and is any decline, if true, due to climate change or other causes such as cyclones?
I wonder if Peter Ridd could give some informed comment on this situation.
It all seems part of the run-up to COP26.
Don’t fret about it. JCU probably have a contact or two at the British Broadcasting Conspiracy
who’ll gladly latch onto any climate change propaganda which they can feed to the uninformed masses.
Having spent once again a month around Cairns ( Fitzroy ànd Yarrabah) and further south around Pelorus group I cannot find a problem- neither can anyone else except if they have an agenda. Honestly I wish people if they could have a look for themselves. Also remember that that corals are not multi- coloured.
At 15:39 UTC, 4 Oct 21, the DNS records for Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, were deleted.
In essence, as far as the internet is concerned, they “don’t exist”.
Brian Krebs at Krebs On Security has more information.
More potentially bad news for Facebook:
1.5 Billion FB users private data “may” have been sold on hacker forum.
Oh, shares dropped 5% today.
to run again now
Seems to run again now
Seems up, now. 6 hrs ago, it wasn’t.
Krishna, if yo start typing a message without actually clicking the “reply” window first, everything you type before the first space is replaced with ““.
I’ll ry again:
Krishna, if you start typing a message without actually clicking the “reply” window first, everything you type before the first space is replaced with the bolding command.
Thx, I always wonder what happens.
I don’t have any Facebook/Instagram/Whatever accounts so I didn’t notice. 😀
I didn’t even notice any speedup in the Web etc.
So, through not having accounts, I didn’t notice any outage at all.
Can they do that again tomorrow? And the day after? Many times, like Forever?
Gladys is gone. Good riddance, no tears from me, and now her Number 2, John Barilaro, leader of the NSW Nationals is quitting too. I don’t care about the personal reasons or ICAC overreach, only the result, in that it might give NSW a circuit-breaker in the vaccine tyranny.
Now all I need is for Brad Hazzard to bite the dust and my week will be complete. Hazzard has been left as the last, loudest, most tyrannical mouth with his posterior dangling in the breeze, while those supporting him are falling silent one by one, and now we just might get our state and our freedoms back, especially if Dominic Perrottet gets the numbers to take over as premier.
Perrottet is opposed by the powerful Liberal Left in NSW, and until the dust settles from their sordid backroom deals no one can reliably guess who will be leader. We can only hope it is Perrottet.
Perrottet said in a 29/9/21 interview on 2GB:
“I want to see more unity and not a two-tiered society.
It’s not the government’s role to provide freedom. People born in this country are by default born free . . . when we get to the point where everyone has had the opportunity to be vaccinated, then we should open up for all.”
Sounds good to me as long as “open up” means fully, not selectively. He certainly doesn’t talk like an autocratic Gladys-clone and had to be a little circumspect at the time when this interview was done, a few days before Gladdy fell on her sword. He will need to rein in the despotic Hazzard.
Meanwhile NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller said that officers under his command will not force private businesses to comply with any measures that the government plans to impose on unvaccinated citizens.
Fuller’s remarks were later — naturally — contradicted by Hazzard, who remarked that “If the law says you have to be double vaccinated, then, of course, the police will enforce that, they have no choice but to enforce that.”
Hazzard stated that businesses would not face fines if they allowed the entry of an unvaccinated person. When pressed on why businesses would even bother to enforce the vaccine passport mandate if they don’t face any consequences for refusing to enforce it, Hazzard snapped at the media for “obsessing over the details”.
Lovely to see the Health Tyrant and the police in-fighting. The cracks in vaccine mandates are getting wider and the NSW vaccine passport looks like turning into a lame duck.
If NSW gets rid of the excesses of lockdowns and vaccine passports, it could have a knock-on effect in VIC and QLD. It would certainly put pressure on the other states, but first it has to happen here. Fingers crossed.
Have fingers & toes crossed. Thanks for the info Beowulf – it made my day. Have instinct that Perrotet understands the principles of liberty and democracy & will defend them. Hope I am right.
Perrottet is boss. Just announced. Now let’s see what he does.
The requirement for top job is to do as youre told.
I suspect new will be same as the old….it appears he said he wouldn’t guarantee freedoms, which sets off alarm bells….like Stairman Dan….really sorry, but…..
Yes, it’s all smoke and mirrors. He might be just another puppet. Look what happened to someone more powerful and different to the usual politicians; Trump. If he can be scuttled then so will anyone a fraction of Trump’s capabilities. Only the ones that follow the globalist agenda will be kept before their use by date expires. The rest are scuttled ASAP.
Who is initiating the scuttling?
Likely as not those faceless stakeholders in Vanguard would have influence not to mention your other common or garden oligarchs with faces visible.
“Obsessing over the details” from Hazard. Shows the sort of cloud cuckoo land they live in where they mouth the words and they think it happens by magic somehow, and cant answer even the most basic logical question about their plan. Just like Capt Wingnut in VIC with his “Ring of Steel” which was a total Keystone Cops fiasco from start to finish.
I think this is a very entertaining edit of all things Gladys.
Re: Gladys.
ICAC has already had a secret enquiry into Gladys. She answered all its questions. No adverse finding was made against her.
ICAC has now decided for whatever reason and at the behest of unknown forces, to ask the same questions in a public forum. Her answers will need to be consistent with those previously given.
If she were honest in her answers last time and gave all the nitty-gritty and potentially embarrassing detail of her personal life, she was protected from public embarrassment by ICAC doing it in secret.
This time it won’t be in secret. And, she’ll need to give the same, honest and probably very embarrassing, answers.
If she holds back some of the personally embarrassing detail she previously gave, they’ll have her.
If she doesn’t hold back, the lefty media will will wet themselves trawling through all the sadness of her affairs.
However, it might just work in her favour if she plays the right cards in the following order:
Card #1: resign from the Premiership amid community outrage at the action of ICAC doing it to her a second time.
Card #2: Play up the meme that she’s been a woman who has had unhappy experiences in matters “of the heart”, that she was seduced by a psychopathic, amoral, monster.
Card #3: Answer ICAC’s questions consistent with answers previously given – embarrassing as they may be.
Card #4: ICAC reaffirms its previous “nothing to answer for” secret finding.
Card #5: This card is the “outraged maiden” card. Slap it down hard. Be outraged.
Card #6: Nominate to run for the Federal seat of Warringah (currently held by the Turnbull proxy Ms Zali Steggall – the greeny).
Card #7: Win the seat, oust Steggall, help return the Morrison Government to Canberra and get a Ministry in return.
Card #8: Commence a crusade to gut the NSW ICAC in its current form.
I like your thinking SS but the bit that was a chink in her armour was the admission that the boyfriend started to tell her of a dodgy deal and she claims she said enough I don’t want to know about it . That moment in time I believe she had a difficult choice but she should have told either the speaker or whoever looks after these things of that conversation and dropped the boyfriend like a hot scone .
The other thing I worry about is the rumours of grants being given to the boyfriend at her request and how quick she was to stand down and quit as premier if there was nothing to see .
Gladys was without doubt the standout leader during COVID in my opinion .
As a voter in Federal Warringah, would welcome Gladys over Zali
“A Sad and Shameful Day for Australian Medicine”
Robert Clancy on Quadrant writes about the attack on Ivermectin by the Australian medical and political institutions.
Thanks Ted M sent to list of my MPs and Senators with highlights
September 10, 2021, was a black day, the day a group of faceless bureaucrats known as the “Advisory Committee for Medicines Scheduling”, through its effector arm, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), compromised medical practise and the health of their fellow Australians. The TGA used its regulatory muscle to prevent doctors at the COVID-19 pandemic’s coalface from prescribing ivermectin (IVM), the one therapy available that is safe, cheap and which reduces mortality in the order of 60 per cent. This poorly conceived action threatens the high standards of medical practise we have achieved in Australia, and the credibility of the administrative structure within which medicine operates.
The immediate consequence of the TGA Notice means patients contracting COVID-19 are left to hear, “Sorry, no treatment for COVID-19 is legally available. Just go to hospital when you get very sick.” In the longer term it means that bureaucrats can change the way medicine is practised for whatever reason without review by, or discussion with, the medical community. It is important for Australians to consider two issues that follow the TGA’s decision: first, it adds risk to those exposed to COVID-19, putting additional pressures on health-care facilities; second, it drives a wedge into the fault lines that have appeared in medical practise during the course of the COVID-19 saga.
Looking at the first issue, the decision by the TGA to prevent general practitioners from prescribing IVM to manage COVID-19, the Notice is flawed and misleading, although giving clues to its political motivation. The evidence that IVM is safe and effective in both preventing and treating early (pre-hospital) COVID-19 is overwhelming, as has been laid out in four Quadrant articles published through 2021. Despite this evidence, every artifice has been used to quash IVM’s use and to do so in unprecedented fashion. The causes for the suppression include political agendas, pressures from pharmaceutical companies, ideology and breakdown in medical communication. This latest blow by the TGA follows its previous form in shutting down use of hydroxychloroquine, another safe, effective and cheap COVID-19 therapy. Every experienced doctor prescribes drugs for “off-label” indications. It is anathema and dangerous that the doctor-patient relationship can now be over-ridden by government agendas.
The driving source of “evidence” that IVM has unproven therapeutic value is the Cochrane Review, which concluded from a single meta-analysis that the benefit in treating COVID-19 was “unproven”. This was out of line with a series of supportive meta-analyses by non-conflicted competent epidemiologists. Yet results from Cochrane have singularly been adopted without criticism or discussion, initially by the National COVID Clinical Evidence Taskforce (NCCET), then by diffusion via various professional and regulatory bodies while being fanned by an even less critical mainstream press. Thus IVM is seen by many, including some medical professionals, as the snake-oil of our age. What is not discussed is the validity of the Cochrane Review and the advisory messages from the NCCET. The influence of vested interest parties on Cochrane has been previously raised. The circumstances of generating the review by an unknown German group when experienced epidemiologists were available needs explanation. More immediately, critiques of the Cochrane analysis and the NCCET by unaligned British epidemiologists show defective methodology, cherry-picked data and exclusion of a raft of supportive data.
The information source used to formulate policy in Australia is both out of kilter with conclusions from over 60 controlled clinical trials and the positive experience recorded when IVM was used in national and regional programmes. Cochrane is an incomplete and unreliable basis for decision making on COVID-19 management in an Australian context. The views of international experts are trumped by unknown local bureaucrats.
Surprisingly, the reasons given by the TGA for their decision on IVM are not the usual mantra of “unproven”, based on Cochrane, although that is left hanging as a “given”. The reasons are even less defensible: “supply may become limited” (incorrect, but this nevertheless demonstrates there is a need for the drug); “concerns re toxicity due to dosage determined by social media” (this concern is easily remedied by controlling usage through front-line doctors), and, lastly, the real reason: “It may interfere with the vaccination programme”. What an extraordinary statement!
From the Comments
– Most alarming in all of this fiasco of bureaucratic incompetence is the sinister undertone of malevolence that keeps bubbling to the surface like the fumes from a witch’s cauldron. The veiled threats that the unvaccinated may be denied health care (Daniel Andrews, press conference). The distastefully triumphant news reports of the unvaccinated dying from Covid (various). The much-vaunted plans to ‘not extend’ freedoms to the unvaccinated (Prime Minister, press conference). The repeated statements from government that ‘this is not about human rights’ (Andrews, Morrison at press conferences). And now the certain knowledge that the government is perfectly willing to deny you the only proven life-saving treatment should you contract this disease – which might occur, incidentally, even if you have been vaccinated, as an abundance of recent data shows.
– When the likes of Professor Clancy advocate for ivermectin on behalf of their patients and when a Pathologist friend of mine is patiently awaiting for Professor Clancy’s recommendation of Novovax to become available– you know there is a problem.
These men are not your average savage , they are highly intelligent ( the top 1% of the 1%) ethical men of integrity whose remit was /is training in the diagnosis of problems (disease).
– I am very personally affected. My 10 year old granddaughter has Prader Willi syndrome. Her parents are terrified that Covid will kill her. Consequently today they have vaccinated her 12 year old sister so she cannot bring the virus home. As soon as they are able they will also vaccinate her 7 year old brother. Both parents are vaccinated. Being vaccinated will not prevent any of them becoming infected (as has been shown in the Israeli data) or infecting the 10 year old. I have sent them data showing this. They believe the government propaganda. Could IVM as a prophylaxis for the 10 year old have been the best solution? I hope these people are brought to account.
if you read in the TGA full safety study of 2013 done for treating scabies in Aboriginal communities
it turns out Ivermectin was NOT approved for scabies at the time except in 3 countries so it was administered on the basis of “experimental observations” some of which showed some benefit and some didn’t.
If it was OK then to use IVM off-label why on Earth is it NOT so? especially when safety studies proved you simply can’t overdose!
From the Comments
I had a look at the WHO’s adverse events database for IVM,, which shows 5000 adds since 1992 and 20 deaths for Ivermectin.
Whereas the counts for the covid-19 vaccine are truly something to behold (in a bad way) – over 2 million adverse events and over 10,000 deaths … and this is just for 2021
ivermectin contains the active ingredient(s): Ivermectin.
Result is presented for the active ingredient(s).
Total number of records retrieved: 5693.
Comirnaty contains the active ingredient(s): Covid-19 vaccine.
Result is presented for the active ingredient(s).
Total number of records retrieved: 2183912
AstraZeneca ChAdOx1-S 27 August 2021 On 18 August 2021, the TGA approved the name change of Australia’s COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca to Vaxzevria to bring it in alignment with its global identity.
Vaxzevria contains the active ingredient(s): Covid-19 vaccine.
Result is presented for the active ingredient(s).
Total number of records retrieved: 2183912
And Thugs Goons Administration say Ivermectin is dangerous? – They are Criminals
Not only are they criminals but as they act within the hive mind they are completely immune from accountability.
Pfizer Scientists: ‘Your [COVID] Antibodies Are Better Than The [Pfizer] Vaccination.’ #ExposePfizer
Project Veritas
I’m yet to hear an explanation that makes any sense as to why natural antibodies aren’t as good as a vaccine – when the vaccine simply triggers your antibody response anyway.
Am I looking this too simplistically?
Israel Is Preparing for Possible Fourth Covid Vaccine Dose
Observe Isreal and you’ll see our future.
I just looked up “covid-19 vaccine” in their database.
Blood and lymphatic system disorders (88123)
Cardiac disorders (107441)
Congenital, familial and genetic disorders (1188)
Ear and labyrinth disorders (72880)
Endocrine disorders (2967)
Eye disorders (80478)
Gastrointestinal disorders (452265)
General disorders and administration site conditions (1333876)
Hepatobiliary disorders (4356)
Immune system disorders (30771)
Infections and infestations (146156)
Injury, poisoning and procedural complications (106796)
Investigations (298364)
Metabolism and nutrition disorders (50000) Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders (643099)
Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) (3233)
Nervous system disorders (946519) Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions (4922)
Product issues (3653)
Psychiatric disorders (103711)
Renal and urinary disorders (17621)
Reproductive system and breast disorders (84169)
Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders (231914)
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders (301917)
Social circumstances (15353)
Surgical and medical procedures (19548)
Vascular disorders (118763)
Um…vaccinating the parents creates a high probability they will shed the virus at home…
palm to forehead…..
And we keep forgetting the prion sequences in the vaccine which scores of fact-checks are at pains to repudiate as being hazardous; as ever time will tell.
The latest metastudy for IVM
It might well be the latest but it has appeared on this blog for months.
If you want real cred with this blog and its host, read this one
Before the red thumbs come flooding in. Read the link.
haha. Do you think red thumbs on your comments are a habit? 🙂
Maybe the real test is whether Simon or Peter give it a green thumb.
yes. They are a habit.
I had to put in that rejoinder so that they actually read the article which, it can now be revealed, supports the meta study. Of course if I had not done that rejoinder or had put in an article which did not support it they would have down thumbed me (oo er). I got a red thumb before writing the rejoinder :\
So now, with this post, they get their place to vent.
Didn’t red thumb first post. It actually had some worthwhile content.
Red thumbing this comment, though.
[wee edit. – LVA]
Gee Aye I gave you a Thumb on the left – I am badly colour blind, I did not even know they are different colours – still don’t.
The study concluded:
“Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 pandemic globally.”
These conclusions stand in stark contrast to those of a later meta-analysis2 (referred to here as Roman) that looked at a subset of the trials. Roman concluded:
“In comparison to standard of care or placebo, ivermectin (IVM) did not reduce all-cause mortality, length of stay, or viral clearance in randomized controlled trials in COVID-19 patients with mostly mild disease. IVM did not have effect on adverse events or severe adverse events. IVM is not a viable option to treat COVID-19 patients.”
Irrespective of the errors in the data and the analysis performed by Roman that were already highlighted by Crawford,3 we believe that this conclusion is not based on the results of the statistical analysis of the data, which were very similar to those of Bryant; instead, it was based on a somewhat vague and possibly biased subjective assessment of the quality of the trials themselves and erroneously concluding “no effect” from what was merely weaker evidence of a positive effect.
In a recently completed analysis4 we have applied a Bayesian approach, to what we believe are the relevant trials data used by Bryant and Roman (we made a number minor necessary changes to the trials, including removing the Niaee study5). Applying diverse alternative analysis methods, which reach the same conclusions, should increase overall confidence in the result.
In our view, this Bayesian analysis, based on the statistical study data, provides sufficient confidence that ivermectin is an effective treatment for COVID-19 and this belief supports the conclusions of Bryant over those of Roman.
This is really good – a doctor does proper diagnostics to show what appears to be a clear autoimmune effect by the vaccines.
Interestingly, he says the work up amounted to the equivalent of the types of diagnostics for monitoring HIV.
T killer cells counts is all clearly laid out with before and after results.
Colour blindness in this case is a problem as the graphics are pretty indistinct.
And yes, I know what I posted.
Thanks. I’m certainly no expert in stats and modelling, but the results (as I understand them) were interesting.
“In comparison to standard of care or placebo, ivermectin (IVM) did not reduce all-cause mortality, length of stay, or viral clearance in randomized controlled trials in COVID-19 patients with mostly mild disease. IVM did not have effect on adverse events or severe adverse events. IVM is not a viable option to treat COVID-19 patients.”
Except in the real world is not just a viable option but a ground breaker.
Good work Gee Aye.
I will read that paper again.
I thought that you might be trying a Baysian analysis with your rocket maths comment recently but it turned out to be nothing.
This author actually knows some stats.
The Quadrant Article
Public Health
A Sad and Shameful Day for Australian Medicine
13th September 2021 Comments (32)
Robert Clancy
The author is Emeritus Professor of Pathology at the University of Newcastle Medical School. He is a member of the Australian Academy of Science’s COVID-19 Expert Database
Deserves a Thread Posting by itself, if you can get Quadrant and Dr Clancy’s permission, of the full article on the Thread
Big Tech had a big outage today. Possibly a hack of IP addresses on a global scale. This is a big news story and it will be interesting to see the autopsy report.
Perhaps it’s related to or in addition to the recent electromagnetic burst associated with a solar flare. I’m waiting for the big one when it will bring down much of our communications for a long time. At least the UK is taking such a threat more seriously: UK severe space weather preparedness strategy
An electromagnetic burst that only takes out Facebook owned subsidiaries would be a very impressive thing indeed. My guess is someone managed to take out Facebook’s DNS servers. It may have been an internal mistake.
Seems it was a self inflicted wound.
There I told you so.
“There It Is – Study Finds Predominance of Antibody-Resistant SARS-CoV-2 Variants in Vaccine Breakthrough Cases in San Francisco Bay Area”
Marek’s disease anybody?
Climate Heretic
That’s a very interesting study outcome. The last section on British cases, and vaccinated covid deaths could be explained, by most of the the most vulnerable having been vaccinated?
Hotmail seems to be down too.
The point the paper made, which vander Bossche also said, was that the virus has to work harder to mutate, but will mutate into something rather nasty.
If ADE basically makes the vaccinated peoples immune system only really able to in effect only recognize one virus variant, then the vaccinated peoples immune system wont recognize the new variant and its bad news from there.
Does this fit with other peoples’ understanding too?
This is an outcome unsurprising to those of us following the story here; the only conundrum is how long the results can be suppressed and what will be done with that pesky control group which continues to resist being vaccinated.
To add to your comment . There was a covid outbreak in an Israeli medical centre which spread rapidly amongst the hospital staff and patients despite a 96% vaccination rate. Patients wore the 95 rated surgical masks and staff wore full PPE.
Maybe money biased expert opinion, but the attacks on ivermectin were for being insufficiently effective as it was, possibly leading to a strain resistant to such drugs
and yet, the vaccines got the go ahead.
Excellent article CH. It would appear that the much maligned but genuine experts such as Drs. Robert Malone and Geert Vanden Bossch are proving to be reliable predictors of risk from these vaccines.
Covid Cases by Vaccination Status.
Victoria has not reported on the vaccination status of people in hospital with covid for the past 3 days.
That did happen once before. Sep 25-27.
We will have to wait and see if they give any further updates.
NSW no longer reports vaccination status of hospitalised patients.
They were reporting the vaccination status of all cases but that stopped on Sep 18 (in any case the numbers did not add up to 100%).
NSW has half the rate of new cases than it had at the peak, on 4th September.
In the same period cases in Victoria have increased by about 8 times.
Some say that it is because NSW is further ahead with its vaccinations. Maybe, but they are not that much further ahead.
or are they are hiding something…..?
Any benefits of the jab DO NOT include slowing the spread of the virus because the jab is not a vaccine and therefore does not give immunity. It follows that stopping the spread of the virus has NO relation to “vaccine” status.
In the light of these verifiable facts it is morally futile and reprehensible to punish the un-jabbed by spitefully restricting their freedom of movement.
Its up to date now, but i notice the proportion of fully and partially vaxxed is starting to ramp up fast….very fast…watch this space.
Yes, thanks OS,
The main point is this. These people are all in hospital and hence are seriously ill. Has the vaccine helped them at all?
Has the vaccine helped them? Clearly not.
The interesting bit ( which was expected ) is the quickening pivot in the number of cases swapping between partially vaxxed and unvaxxed.
21 Sept
87% unvaxxed, 12% partial vaxxed and 1% fully vaxxed
5 October
66% unvaxxed, 28% partial vaxxed and 5% fully vaxxed
It seems that once you clear the 50% of population vaccinated point, it appears it creates a constant cycle of community sustained transmission – from the vaccinated population, is established. At that point, it appears we have a self sustaining accelerating/feed forward loop of “mystery cases”….
You see a 1/4 drop in unvaccinated cases, a 2.5x increase in partially vaccinated cases, and a 5x increase in fully vaccinated cases in hospital.
People are waking up, too.
The NSW COVID-19 weekly surveillance reports always get published a bit late, presumably it takes them a while to put the report together.
18 September is the latest detailed report available, although their front page numbers are more recent.
l do not believe the data shown,
to much BS so l think it all is especially after seeing government web sites swap and change to suit the narrative
if you watch the daily Dans you will see inconsistency’s in the same reports
its funny to see Dandemic get up and say there are no jabbed patient’s in hospital and then someone else will get up and say different
its like hearing Sutton get up and tell how he saw the virus jump from one person to another
He believes what his sister in law, Jane Halton tells him.
And another data point …
It is a concern. However it might be expected that body cells churning out spike protein following an mRNA vaccination would trigger some responses from the immune system in the short term.
What happens longer term is the real concern.
We are being told that the vaccine is wearing out after a few months, but maybe what is happening is, it is damaging our immune system?? That is a very different outcome! Crickets.
If that is the case it should start to reveal itself soon.
I have seen reports claiming an increase in cancers and linking it to loss of CD4 cell function.
I hope that turns out to be wrong. The vaccine has enough problems with the early morbidity and lack of effectiveness
thanks for posting that up Forest, very informative
l had heard from many expert sources that after every shot your natural immunity goes down further but l had not seen any real world results
even “if” after time your immunity does creep back by getting the booster’s you will always have a low immunity
and then there are the other diseases and cancers ect.. that your immunity is not going to be able to fight
it sort of makes you reliant on big pharma to stay healthy or should l say sick and unhealthy
every reason to go and get stuck right now LOL 😉
That video isn’t very convincing, except to convince me the Dr has an agenda. The bloodwork after 1st. jab is exactly what you would expect after a viral or rna infection. So is the elevated granulocyte count after the 2nd jab. The fact that he raises them as concerns says he’s a quack. I don’t know about the depressed immune cell count after the 2nd jab, that’s a claim I’ve heard elsewhere, and does seem concerning. You may have an increased vulnerability to covid for about a month, from the first jab until a week or so after the second.
“They All Lied. Throw Them All Out NOW”
The UN real agenda is to destroy western civilisation.
Climate change is just a diversion.
Its like a magician who applies misdirection.
The destruction of cheap reliable energy (Coal, Nuclear and gas) and construction of “renewables” is their path to achieve this destruction.
However reality always bites
See what is happening in England, Germany etc where there has been an over reliance on “green ” energy.
They are lucky to have alternative energy sources still available
possibly a wake up call.
Here in NSW we an energy minister who wants to close down all NSW coal fired power stations, that still deliver 60 – 80% of our power, by 2030 without any provision for baseload power. Not sure if he is part of the deep swamp, a political opportunist or just plain stupid.
Matt Keane, obviously in the wrong party.
Keane is now treasurer… Does that make him more,or less dangerous?
Dave B
Might I suggest he’s on the wrong planet.
Matt Kean is all 3.
Just shut all the coal fired ones down for two days, then we’ll evaluate where we are going,
I have been wondering whether the Liberal rush to net-zero is actually tied together with AUKUS? I think it is likely. Maybe I am wrong?
Thoughts welcomed.
China is a threat now , CAGW has never been a threat because just like Santa Claus it’s not real .
China is definitely a threat, particularly now it has occupied Bagram airbase in Afghanistan/
l thought that as well Mark, that to get the nuke subs there were some deals made
Apocalypse Global Warming despair … or a high quality – fossil fuelled life style?
We choose the high quality fossil fuelled life style to raise a child …
For this climate campaigning couple, despair is a luxury they can’t afford
Who remembers Anna Rose and Simon Sheikh?
Couples reconsider kids because of [global warming]
I’ll believe it is a climate crisis when people who claim there is a climate crisis start behaving like there is a climate crisis.
When I see nobs like Harry and his squeeze riding a bicycle built for two,then I’ll sit up and listen.
Another interesting development – the pandora papers. I would wager that all of the people involved are also involved in the climate change and pandemic scares . I would also wager that the name M Turnbull (and/or son) will be in there along with Biden Jnr.
Funny but I thought that was news a couple of years ago. Perhaps it is a scandal whose time has come.
Also thought these papers were discussed some time ago. So folks who can afford to, use knowledgeable financial people to reduce their taxes. What’s new with that?
Those were the Panama papers and they were 5 years back in April 2016.
Time flies, it only seems like 2 years to me too.
So …
Oct. 1 Strike!
How’d it go?
Scared Dan eh?
I just saw where Dan said something like …
“I will not be taking any lectures on freedom.”
So, sounds a bit like talking is no longer an option for you guys.
Is Xi Jinping’s grip on power slipping? He is making a lot of enemies internationally and among the rich and powerful domestically. He now wants to break up Jack Ma’s Ant Group.
Victoria’s stupid kneejerk reaction to the Delta strain outbreak
Cases: ~22,000
Hospitalizations: 498 ~ 2.2%
Deaths: 46 ~ 0.2% (97% > 60 years old, 93% > 70 years old)
Yeah but look at the positives coming out of Victoriastan.
Worlds longest lockdown!
Most deaths in the first wave (stuff up).
Most assaults on elderly ladies by any police force in the free world.
Most incompetent Premier etc ,etc .
But Influenza has disappeared so are we ahead or behind?
Influenza and pneumonia cases have reduced from 4,124 in 2019 to 2,287 in 2020, while COVID-19 cases have increased from zero in 2019 to 898 in 2020, according to ABS Causes of Death, Australia, 2020.
I think many influenza cases may have ended up being classified as COVID-19 in 2020?
In Alberta they recently changed the definition of a Covid-19 case. Now anyone who is at home with the sniffles of any kind is being classified and counted as a Covid-19 case. As a result they have so many cases their health system is overwhelmed.
And Canadians think it makes a lot of sense. Neat huh?
It hasn’t disappeared, it has just been misidentified as covid.
Four Covid tests, vaccination proof will be needed to fly with Qantas
Australians boarding Qantas flights to overseas destinations like the US and the UK will undergo a minimum of four Covid tests and be required to carry digital proof of vaccination.
Speaking in Boston where airline chiefs have gathered for the International Air Transport Association annual general meeting, Qantas boss Alan Joyce provided more details of how overseas travel will look when flights resume next month.
Mr Joyce said they were continuing to work with IATA on the technology for a digital travel pass, to make the experience as automated as possible.
Passengers would be required to undergo a Covid test before departure in Australia, and again before their return flight, as well as two more tests during the seven-days of home quarantine.
Mr Joyce stressed Qantas did not believe seven-days quarantine was sustainable, and hoped to see that reduced “quite rapidly” to 72-hours and then removed altogether.
He said until that occurred overseas tourists and business travellers would be unlikely to come to Australia.
“If the virus is circulating in Victoria and New South Wales when the borders open up and the lockdowns have ended, then there’s no more risk from a person coming in from the UK and the US,” said Mr Joyce.
“Certainly we need to move from seven-days to get tourists and business travellers to start travelling again.”
There would be checks by both Qantas and Australian Border Force to verify whether a person boarding a flight in London or Los Angeles was vaccinated, had tested negative to Covid, and had a home in which to quarantine.
Mr Joyce said an app was in development to ensure the home quarantine requirement was fulfilled, using geolocation and facial recognition technology.
“There is a level of trust with this and people who do this will have to follow the rules,” he said.
“There will still be border checks when people get in and there will be requirements on people to tell the truth because they are legal documents.”
Despite the heavy layer of new protocols, Mr Joyce said the response to the first overseas flights on sale in mid-November had been overwhelming, prompting Qantas to add more services within a few hours.
“The planned restart has been made possible by the amazing ramp up of the vaccination rollout,” said Mr Joyce.
“I want to thank the federal government, the Prime Minister, the deputy Prime Minister and the NSW Government and we look forward to other states getting on board.”
Mr Joyce was confident the NSW’s pathway to reopening would continue to be followed despite the departure of Gladys Berejiklian, who resigned suddenly last Friday.
“Our belief is that they will stick with that plan, that’s the view we still have,” he said.
Beyond international travel, Qantas had begun looking for replacements for its ageing domestic fleet, with Mr Joyce confirming the Boeing 737 Max and the Airbus A320neo had been short-listed along with the smaller Airbus A220 and Embraer’s E2 jet family.
A final decision on the preferred supplier was expected by the end of the year, with a firm order to be lodged by mid-2022.
“We’re calling this Project Winton, after the birthplace of Qantas in outback Queensland, because this is a foundational decision for the future of our domestic operations,” Mr Joyce said.
“All of the next-generation aircraft we’re considering have the potential to drive big improvements in trip cost and overall efficiency, and they’re great platforms for delivering a better premium service to our customers.
“Not only will these aircraft deliver a step change in reducing fuel burn and carbon emissions by up to around 15 per cent, we’re talking to each of the manufacturers about how we can accelerate the development and use of sustainable aviation fuels for our domestic flying.”
Under the domestic fleet renewal program, more than 100 new aircraft were due to enter the Qantas fleet by 2034.
Given the size of the order, Mr Joyce said decisions needed to be made soon with the first deliveries expected in 2023.
“We still have our own repair work to do, but we know travel demand will rebound quickly and right now we’re in a strong position to secure the best possible deal at very good prices,” he said.
He obviously doesn’t want much business.
And people would probably love being treated like livestock is, for quarantine…surprised they dont hold them down and brand them when they get off the plane, or stick them through a crush and hit them with some Ivermectin …
oh hang on….
Airline passengers face eight-hour wait under Covid travel rules
Adam Creighton
Washington Correspondent
Airline passengers will have to wait 8 hours in airports to be processed unless governments radically simplify Covid-19 travel rules, the world’s top club of airlines has warned, as it laid out an ambitious plan achieve “net zero emissions by 2050”.
The International Air Transport Association has slammed “wildly inconsistent” rules for vaccinations, testing, destination restrictions and passport status at a major conference in Boston, which attracted most of the world’s top airline chief executives, including Qantas’s Alan Joyce.
“Travel restrictions are a complex and confusing web of rules with very little consistency among them. And there is little evidence to support ongoing border restrictions and the economic havoc they create,” said Willie Walsh, IATA’s Director General, who feared baseless rules could remain in place too long without sunset clauses.
“We think it would be wrong because of a decision taken in 2020 that in 2030 we’re still wearing masks,” he said, suggesting the mandates be removed “as soon as it’s scientifically demonstrated that it’s not adding any value”.
US federal authorities have extended the requirement to wear masks on planes until January 2022. There is no end date for masks in Australia, as yet.
Was thinking about going to NZ next year, but this latest move by the red tail boss, and silence from NZ, is making me think again.
Interestingly, the last two disasters in NZ (the mass shooting in Chch and the current Covid (or mass injecting)) were both started by Australians …
What unvaccinated person would want to travel with a lot of vaccinated, too much chance of catching Covid19.
Excellent point TedM.
I see vaccination certificates as a licence to go out and infect as many as you can, with your own personal variant.
ACT vaccination vs cases – info from the last 15 minutes reported by the ABC
ACT passes 94 per cent of first dose vaccination for 12+ population
ACT reports 33 new locally acquired cases
Yep, that’s going just dandy!
I’ve not done a report in a while but the ACT has had an increase in cases. Was averaging around 17 for 8 weeks but is now firmly in the 30s and possibly rising.
You’ve waited a solid month to return here to comment, seemingly because for long periods your predictions had failed, and you comment turns out to be content free. The ACT has relaxed restrictions and, anecdotally at least, people are slackening their resolve to adhere to health directions. We have a plan mapped out to go back to normal activities that anticipates increased cases and no vaccine mandate of any sort.
If you have a comment to make, please go ahead.
Could also be the “figures” are just made up BS anyway, for a virus that isnt that dangerous ..
We aren’t talking ebola here….
But it allows the control freak globalist errand boys to feel important, lecturing the population over pointless platitudes about a non existent problem.
We’ve had enough….the gumint needs to cut the BS and open up…
So the figures are “made up” becasue it is not ebola. And some labs in Canberra are under the control of globalist freaks and someone is lecturing us about something.
Grow up OS, and please stay away from me.
Hanky, anyone….send one to you know who…..
Careful…best stay down wind from some people…..lest they get the pox…..
“We have a plan mapped out”
Who is this ‘we’.
Thank You Professor,
A few weeks ago you predicted that the virus would be quickly controlled in the ACT, because Canberrans all understand and comply with the health directions.
My comment at the time was “predictions are difficult, especially about the future”, which was probably a misquote from Neils Bohr.
As it turns out the ACT figures sort of track NSW, except that the downturn in NSW is not yet reflected in the ACT.
analytic made some acute observations including pertinent facts. I think you are thrashing about here.
Can you explain the ACT plan to get back to normal because we really need such a plan here in Victoria.
I recall having a chat with an equine vet one day who did a lot of the investigation of the debacle when EI spread through the australian horse world ( another relatively harmless bug BTW, but you’d think it was ebola…great excuse to bring even more useless red tape, BTW…suprirse…. ).
Interestingly, it seems the virus was spread on the wind. Some properties would be completely missed, until the wind changed direction.
As to the ACT tracking like NSW – perhaps canberrans are driving around with 3 masks on, lest the dreaded but harmless covid lugi blow in from across the border…..
Sorry, meant to hit the green.
Don’t make things up. Please withdraw that.
Please retreive your quote if you want to refute it.
your logic is astounding
September 18th to 30th 2021 Uttar Pradesh Covid 19 total deaths = 5 in population of about 230 million.
(On Safari typed in “daily covid 19 deaths Uttar Pradesh India”)
Mostly due to that “horse deworming agent” that Australians are not allowed to have.
New Zealand abandons zero Covid strategy, ie faces up to reality
I wonder if Australia, the most locked up country on the planet and with the most socially and economically destructive covid policies, will be able to face up to reality.
I don’t really think we have what it takes, to be honest.
From the Ministry of Truth (RNZ)
Monday 4 October
Total pre-Delta Deaths: 27
Active Hospital Cases: 25
Delta Deaths: 0
Whoah scary! Worst pandemic EVAH! Word is this latest variant is going to “hunt down” the recalcitrants… whatever. Manufactured Self-Annihilation.
Simon (below), our ‘health system’ has been overwhelmed (underfunded) for decades: like a lovely hot summer’s day, it didn’t just begin yesterday.
More vaccinated=more vaccine resistant mutants. Evolutionary biology .101.
Melbourne just set two new records, most locked down city in the world and the most daily covid cases in Australia, ever.
It’s a race now, vaccination rate versus rate of infection. Time will tell whether the virus overwhelms the NZ health system. The number of ICU beds per capita (4.6/100,000) is well short of Australia (9.4/100,000).
Vaccinations prove not very effective after 6 months.. another jab, just for fun
Also not a good protection against Delta variant, maybe even exacerbating the symptoms.
To keep those beds free, sooner or later they are going to have to start using Ivermectin !
We keep being told that the world’s most extreme lockups and the world’s most extreme removal of human rights to fight the virus (i.e. Australia) including police assaulting people in the name of fighting the virus plus Australia’s first political prisoner is to prevent hospitals being “overwhelmed” but where has this happened?
Even in one of the worst affected places, New York City the hospitals were never overwhelmed. President Trump even built an Army field hospital in Central Park plus supplied a military hospital ship and both eventually packed up and went home unused.
So where have hospitals been overwhelmed exactly? (To be specific, I mean in places that actually have a functional economy and society.)
Arguably Pauline Hansen was Australia’s first political prisoner but I’m sure there was one in the 1940’s I just have to find it , here is Bronwyn Bishops opinion on Hansen being locked up .
Ok, our third political prisoner.
Similarly Britain’s Nightingale Hospitals were shut down six months ago; and our premier in Victoria never intended to furnish an extra four thousand ICU beds in April last year -it’s anybody’s guess where the allocated money went.
From what I can tell, not having access to an ICU bed might be good luck.
Kinda like not being able to afford a ‘doctor’ in the 1700s to come to your home and drain some blood, a scientific ‘life saving treatment’ at the time.
Sorry, my faith in ‘science’ is bit low nowadays … but I still ‘believe’ in science when there is a consensus.
I’d heard from friends in the US, you dont want to go into a hospital, if you wind up on a ventilator, its the exit path…..whether you like it or not.
I was also told one man who I know of who has great integrity, one night a nurse turned up in his covid ward, and told him to get out of hospital *now*. He left. He had covid and was a sick as a dog, but the alternative sounded worse.
You only have to see how fast Victoristan has degenerated into a quasi na*i state, to see the true evil driving the whole charade.
But heres the thing – best confront what it is ( evil ) and fight against it.
They rely on a blitzkrieg approach to make people dazed and confused, They change the rules regularly to disorient people, they completely make figures up, they provide no transparency, and whole mess is a Kafka-esque globalist wet dream.
We are deproived from Ivermectin, harrassed for daring to refuse a clot shot, fired for being intelligent.
In the new nightmare state, they only want unthinking drones who do as they are told. Smart, indepndentt hinkers are risk to thier insane sociopathic “Masters of the Universe” scheme to vaccinate the world.
They are insane.
And evil.
Peopl want to know what evil looks like – this is it. The same spirit that herded people onto box cars is now running the show here.
Doubt it not.
“Those who hate me, love death”
( Prov 8:36 )
The horse you are riding is dead.
Simon said:
It’s a race now, vaccination rate versus rate of infection.
Yes Simon: a race between two drunken snails
Just like the media did its best to discourage Australia’s efforts to keep covid out, it does the same to NZ – but this time it was so eager to crow of Kiwi failure that it got the facts entirely wrong. NZ is still on track to crushing its delta outbreak!
All that’s happened is that NZ sees its high vaccination rate as offering additional possibilities, and is now able to cautiously ease its Auckland lockdown. Most NZers prefer the occasional lockdown that enables them to mainly live freely and normally. Western Australians chose similarly. But it seems the media, and others, don’t approve. Resentment of others’ success, or even efforts, perhaps?
How does Qantas reconcile their baacinated requirements with the US military recommendation to ground baaxinated pilots due to the risk of heart attacks?
I wouldn’t want to fly where a baaxinated pilot has a heart attack at 30,000 feet!
There was an article on (an Aussie site surprisingly) a few days back about Dictator Dan’s October 15 no jab no work lunacy but that article seems to be gone. Apparently Dan can be blocked by 3 party members, and they were listed with contact details. If anyone has that info please post it for the Victorians to share.
We may see ww3 in Victoria if this isn’t defeated. has a bunch of good articles worth reading too.
They don’t even feed commercial airline pilots the same meals in case one pilot gets food poisoning from a bad meal.
Similarly, they shouldn’t have two pilots on the same aircraft who are both at risk of heart attacks from recent compulsory injections of experimental genetic agents.
In the US the FAA prohibits pilots flying for at least 48 hours after injection.
What pilot duties or activities are specifically prohibited during the post-vaccination 48-hour observation period?
The Federal Air Surgeon determined that FAA medical certificate holders may not act as pilot in command, or in any other capacity as a required flightcrew member, for 48 hours after each dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. The Federal Air Surgeon made this determination after evaluation of available medical information about these COVID-19 vaccines and potential side effects. As a result of this determination and consistent with 14 CFR § 61.53(a), each person subject to part 67 who receives the vaccine must wait 48 hours after each dose before acting as pilot in command or as a required flightcrew member.
In the event that an FAA medical certificate holder experiences side effects after the 48-hour period has elapsed, the medical certificate holder may not act as pilot in command, or in any other capacity as a required flightcrew member as described at 14 CFR § 61.53(a) for the duration of the symptoms.
Maybe after the failure of oversight which led to the Boeing 737 MAX fiasco they’ve decided on some extra diligence (for a while).
Unvaxxed pilots and Navy Seals are considered “un-deployable” and thus will be dishonourably discharged. Proof of natural immunity not accepted as an exemption. The dishonourable bit is Biden’s baby. He is a nasty piece of work.
Can see a lot of pardons and reversals when the next Commander in Chief arrives. Fancy alienating a good chunk of your Special Forces, just insane.
Please grow up and type like an adult.
You provide zero evidence that US military pilots are grounded if they are vaccinated for Covid-19. None whatsoever.
Having been good when it began maybe 6 years back, XYZ became a toxic swamp of anti-semitic sewage 2 years or so back – both posts and published comments. Maybe it’s improved recently, I haven’t bothered to check.
XYZ are ok, Ive been watching them for years. David has more recently fallen into national socialism as his cure, which I find disappointing, but he writes well. Adam Piggot is a good guest writer.
Pfizer scientists say natural immunity is superior to the jab. On video.
China faces an inscrutable problem: Coal versus “face”.
I expect “face” will win. . . .
India’s PM Modi is a good friend of Trump, is rabid anti-China and has stepped up and bought all the excess Aussie coal [at a discount] so even if China does reverse their ban, that does not guarantee deliveries. What does surprise me is that Aus was shipping coal without payment in full before the ship sets sail. had they been paid they would have no interest in the shipment, it could stay unloaded forever. I didn’t think that ever happens in trade.
The pipeline should keep running , who actually finally buys it is a separate issue
Whichever coal company that’s doing that is plumb crazy, no one ships product then waits and hopes it gets paid.
I thought that was what the FOB price was: Once loaded, you pay for it and it’s yours. I have been waiting for someone to say why the unloaded cargoes are of interest to Australia but journalists don’t ask these questions.
I read that the coal to china is owned by the recieving organisation (private or state) , fully paid when loaded.
It was simply banned from being unloaded,..or even docked.
Also , it was reported that the Indians bought the blockaded coal direct from the chinese at a good discount.
That’s what I thought too. Why was the fact they were not unloaded noteworthy here?
‘Face’ is big in chink land.
Test case in Victoriastan about the jab mandate .
Good old Our ABC including a link to a story it ran debunking concerns about vaccine safety in order to emphasize to its readers that this person is at least part nutter although with typical ABC inadequacy the report misses the low hanging fruit by declining to cite the old saw that the self-represented has a fool for a client.
New Yorkers protest marching to the Australian consulate
its good too see others have their eyes open and support against dictatorship
and for those in Vic who think they are mandated to get the Jab
I wonder what Australian tourism adverts will look like in future? empty streets? baton charges and rubber bullets? Daniel Andrews smirking over a desolate landscape?
If one of my fiesty self made millionaire relatives had her way, about 3 clicks down….allow for drift…..
I see Mike Foley in the SMH today with an article partly headed ‘Andrew Forrest Slams Fossil Fuel Funding’. The story relates how Forester’s company Forestescue Metals (and others) have failed to successfully produce Blue Hydrogen using Carbon Capture, from coal and gas without CO2 emmissions. Forrest advocates Green Hydrogen made by splitting Water I believe . .
It’s all a little confusing to myself, can anyone comment and shed some light on he subject.
Mike Foley is clearly disengenous with his headlines . .
Neither Blue or Green hydrogen are economical to produce.
Both are benefiting from Federal development funds in the hope of a zero carbon process.
Twiggy is backing the Green route, and obviously wants all the money diverted to his pockets
Thanks Chad for a short and precise summary . .
Dr. Nathan Thompson: My Jaw DROPPED when I Tested Someone’s Immune System After the 2nd Jab
Granulocyte level spikes and Lymphocyte and natural killer cells are suppressed
Granulocytes are produced in response to tissue damage
Lymphocytes are involved in anti-body production for the immune response to infection
Natural killer cells kill infected cells, bacteria and cancer cells
Summary: body has experienced damage and adaptive immune response has been trashed – person is massively more vulnerable to infection and liable to auto immune effects until recovery
I expect the usual suspects will attack by authority since he is “just” a chiropractor. But bloodwork is bloodwork and if a test shows the immune system is way out of normal, investigation should follow.
I read on a thread of RN whistle-blowers that cancers in remission flare up again after the jab. This seems consistent.
well well well look at this you as a business owner you have now been left holding the bag! and you will be liable All nice and neat on the Gov letter head
(see below) .
All other states will follow suit so the government aren’t liable.
Print this attachment off and give to your boss so they know what is coming.
BROUGHT (if this is pasted you insert “[sic]” after the malapropism)
I’m confused.
According to the link below, the bill was introduced on 17 February 2021??
I don’t read posts where someone is shouting at me with ALL CAPS. Dial it down, comrade.
I think it still has the status of a private members Bill and hasn’t been passed into law.
Sadly, I doubt it will pass into law.
Introduced by Revd the Hon F J Nile, MLC
Explanatory note
This explanatory note relates to this Bill as introduced into Parliament.
Overview of Bill
The object of this Bill is to amend the Public Health Act 2010 to provide for the payment of
compensation to workers who suffer injury, loss or damage as a result of a requirement to be
Outline of provisions
Clause 1 sets out the name (also called the short title) of the proposed Act.
Clause 2 provides for the commencement of the proposed Act on the date of assent to the
proposed Act.
Clause 3 amends the Public Health Act 2010 to give effect to the Overview above
China Placed Massive Order For PCR Tests Months Before First Official COVID Case
Almost as if they knew something no one else did…
I’ve seen this in a few places but it is missing critical detail.
One doesn’t just order a test. Once must first create a test. Who created this test that was ordered and how did they create it. There is a large hole in the detail. One could order PCR components in order to create and carry out tests but these materials are used in a vast array of circumstances.
The Chinese must have isolated and sequenced the virus, designed specific primers and instigated labs to carry out a lot of tests on a lot of individuals, all without detection.
For some reason.
I just noticed that they make no comparisons with other countries.
“Once must first create a test.”
So they were creating the test before the release of the virus.
Seems a sensible thing to do. ! 😉
BROUGHT (if this is pasted you insert “[sic]” after the malapropism)
Really interesting and durable pattern regarding Covid
Sounds like something our astrologist community should be investigating.
Seen it happen enough times all over the world. Might not be more remarksble thsn exponentisl growth and decline.
First day 1 penny. 2nd day 2 pennies. 3rd day 4 pennies, etc …. after a few months you are rich
Got to be an explanation for this.
Not sure how much it stretches beyond the nature of exponential growth and decline. The time scale is relatively insensitive to the total percentage of population infected because of the exponentisl growth quality. I.E. doubling every handful of days. After a few months it saturates as much as it might
They should run the data through some of their climate “models”.
The models are programmed to give whatever answer is desired.
Original Antigenic Sin –
The immune system will preferentially produce antibodies to the variant it is first exposed to for a given viral infection (it does what it has been taught any only looks to further adapt when the response fails).
Since all the vaccines are based off the original Wuhan variant of SARS-CoV-2, vaccination ensures a sub-optimal immune response, especially since the spike protein is the most mutable portion of the virus and the vaccinated immune system will not “learn” about the other antigens presented in an actual infection. At some point, a variant will mutate enough that the “priming” by the vaccines becomes more of a distraction (or even an aid via ADE) for response to an infection
Thanks Analitik. Anything that helps me understand OAS or ‘antibody dependent enhancement’ can only be a good thing. Great paper!!
I highly recommend Daisy Cousen’s latest videos which is wide ranging on Australia’s pathetic covid management and includes Florida Governor DeSantis’ comments about Australia and an interview the PM did on an American TV show where he again baselessly repeats the 30,000 lives supposedly saved from covid deaths by Australia’s totalitarian policies.
The Victorian premier may have to nobble IBAC to judge by the odd defensive parry he offered today in respect of the secrecy afforded names of persons under investigation.
Why Do So Many Still Buy Into The Narrative?
Dan Astin-Gregory (The Pandemic Podcast) interviews Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University, who describes it as a mass psychological response to the unrelenting, single-focus campaign of fear to which we have all been subjected
The good take from the video is that the narrative always implodes but our immediate problem is how long it will take.
Well, as the baaccine narrative is getting eviscerated, I guess they need to look at alternatives.
In the time before science and medicine became politicised and the Left started silencing and censoring people with alternative ideas that didn’t fit their narrative, scientists and doctors would have explored any and all sorts of different ideas in the quest to stop a pandemic.
Now they just sit back and wait for whatever Big Pharma offers next.
And Big Pharma has learned that they don’t even have to test their product anymore. Just ask the useful idiots of the Left who occupy parliament, the bureaucracy and the “universities” for an “emergency use authorisation” and then ask for exemption for all legal liability and you can push whatever poison you please and charge whatever you want.
Real scientists and doctors of yesteryear would be horrified.
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg and his electorate office staff are in isolation after a member of his staff tested positive to COVID-19.
No mention of the vaccination status of the infected staffer (but I’m certain it would be blared from the rooftops if he/she was unvaccinated).
Latest from Project Veritas with undercover exposé from Pfizer officials re covid vaxx.
In Afdanistan today there were 1763 new Covid positive PCR test results.
Does anyone think that maybe the world’s most extreme lockup doesn’t work?
We will never know because it is prohibited to even ask or debate the question.
grow up
Fun fact Gee Aye I went to school with Afdanistan Dan in High School Wangaratta Victoriastan, in school and in later life it seems he was never the one to blame for anything and got away with it , so personally I prefer Teflondan from Victoriastan.
Biggest mystery about the man is trying to find someone who actually voted for him .
My apologies Robert.
For some reason I thought that you had gone to Kogarah in Sydney with PF.
How dare you ! Nah KK just the Dictator not the tree hugger .
Kabul in Afghanistan has similar curfew hours to Afdanistan.
20 AUG 2021 | 02:01 PM UTC
Just replace Taliban with Dictator Dan’s Vicstapo and you have pretty much the same story, complete with police violence against peaceful citizens.
It’s not quite the same story, because the Taliban arose out of adversity and the need to defend their tribe against outside invaders: the British, and then the Russians, and then the Americans.
They were a rural, backward, low-tech society, with a feudal structure … subject to repeated brutal occupations from the most powerful empires in the world. That sort of thing can get a man talking to God a few times more often than the advisable healthy limit. I hope that somehow they stabilize and modernize, and it might take several generations to leave that history behind them.
Tater Dan has no excuses.
Very perceptive. Thanks Tel.
Tel’s comment is very broad brush. I think he overlooks a lot of issues about the North West Frontier (as it was known) and the Great Game.
I admit to not having studied Afghanistan in any great detail but found his outline interesting an perhaps a good prompt to further exploration.
Ten or so years ago I bought and read a book describing the situation at that time. Amid its several hundred pages a key few towards the end of the volume discussed how the CIA augmented the national opium industry by installing processing plants to convert it to heroin which could then be driven directly to Riga rather than flying bales of raw opium to out of the way destinations for refining.
Maybe the Chinese killed that trade with their fentanyl and the CIA found other sources of black finance, it’s not an enduring source of interest to me but what an elephant in the room –nobody talks about opium, some books don’t mention it at all.
Kalm Keith
would recommend
The Great Game: The Struggle for Empire in Central Asia
by Peter Hopkirk
For nearly a century the two most powerful nations on earth – Victorian Britain and Tsarist Russia – fought a secret war in the lonely passes and deserts of Central Asia. Those engaged in this shadowy struggle called it ‘The Great Game’, a phrase immortalized in Kipling’s Kim. When play first
began the two rival empires lay nearly 2,000 miles apart. By the end, some Russian outposts were within 20 miles of India.
This book tells the story of the Great Game through the exploits of the young officers, both British and Russian, who risked their lives playing it. Disguised as holy men or native horsetraders, they mapped secret passes, gathered intelligence, and sought the allegiance of powerful khans. Some never
Wakhjir Pass the lowest point on the border with China is five thousand metres above sea level.
The website fully describes the history of the China link and has excellent maps and photos.
On the Opera browser disable both block ads and block trackers before opening and when the page completes loading re-enable the settings.
The question is a non sequitur. If there were no lockdowns for the past x weeks, we might have ten times that number of cases. I live in Melbourne, and no-one likes the lockdowns, but we do have the maturity to understand that we go through this painful period until there is 70-80% fully vaxxed, and we open up pretty much fully.
The hospitals and medical staff have to be protected from being overwhelmed, and this holding pattern until there is a big-majority vaccination cover is precisely the right strategy.
Once we’re 80% vaccinated, then the number of cases should drop – or at least not be so high that medical services are swamped.
Just to correct that – Daniel Andrews is very popular, and I expect (a) he is pretty-much admired for his overall handling of the pandemic crisis, and (b) will easily win re-election when the time comes. I’ll certainly vote for him (well, second preference after the pixies).
And the violence was not nice, and on occasions over-kill – but it was not against “peaceful citizens” – it was against a rabble-rousing mob of malcontents and stirrers, who were out looking for a fight. And not the sharpest knives in the drawer, if you know what I mean.
Definitely going to need a 3rd shot
And why stop at three? How about 4, 5, 6 ,7, 8,… etc..
the lethality of covid declines considerably with each vacccination.
A/the lethality of covid declines considerably with each vacccination.
B/ Each vaxx destroys your natural immunity so eventually ANY non corona virus kills you.
Do you know what I love?
I love the fact that Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp can crash for x hours, and it has absolutely no impact on my life … not one bit.
It’s truly great being an old-fashioned hippie!
Nor me but I am aware such an interruption to service could be mission critical for some and who knows how the ramifications shall ultimately affect any of us; as I see it, one suffers all suffer.
Dr. Fauci declares Americans should ‘give up’ individual freedom ‘for the greater good of society’
Dr. Anthony Fauci declared last week that people hesitant to receive the COVID-19 vaccine should “give up” their individual freedoms “for the greater good of society.”
After delivering a lecture via livestream at McGill University, which is located in Montreal, Fauci fielded several questions. One question asked Fauci how to approach “the value of individual freedom within the context of this global pandemic.”
First, Fauci took the opportunity to bash Fox News and other right-leaning media outlets. Then, he bashed individual freedom, framing vaccination as one’s responsibility toward others.
I can’t understand why Fauci is not in Gaol!
Hasn’t real raw news had him hanged at Gitmo yet?
In earlier times this concept of having an obligation to get vaccinated was something I believed in.
My peak vaccination periods were in the 1950s, 60s and later, as I traveled, a few location specific injections.
In earlier years it was accepted that there was a very small risk of adverse reactions but it was also seen that to not take the vaccine was not doing your part.
That concept is now incorrectly applied to the CV19 vaxxes.
They’re Not Vaccines as we knew them and adverse reactions are possibly more of a risk than the disease itself.
I don’t feel any moral obligation to take the CV19 vaxx and am very concerned that it does more harm than good.
This potentially means that government officers and elected representatives may be in line for legal action regarding CV19 vaccine misadventure.
Remember that CDC has watered down the definition of a “vaccine” twice since 2015 and seems to be contemplating a third
It’s become clear to me that this is a deliberate global attack upon healthy people.
After eighteen months of continual and lengthening periods of house arrest and being prevented from taking a walk without strapping on an apparatus to restrict airflow to and from the lungs it would be surprising if my health had not deteriorated somewhat.
The assault by vaccine is a regimen complementary to the physical lockdown and it too shall be repeated with increasing frequency; I note that the booster shot has the full measure of the two preceding shots which were divided to lessen the shock to a healthy immune system.
The pandemic of the unvaccinated will show its teeth as the vaccinated begin falling off the twig over the coming years in order to anticipate which I’ve suspended the reading of Solzhenitsyn and moved on to re-reading Canetti’s Crowds And Power nearly fifty years older and wiser and knowing that the psychopathology of the impending horror is found therein.
A large skein of geese passed over Edinburgh yesterday afternoon flying south ahead of an approaching cold front coming down from the north.
They chose the overland route across the Borders to avoid the stronger southerly head winds offshore in the North Sea to the east as the depression approached.
The following rain coming from the north started soon after they were gone on their way to the safe haven of the Solway Firth for the night.
Sounds like Canadians heading toward Florida for the winter. 😉
Thanks Phillip,
I am very happy to hear that the Geese likely avoided the bad weather and reached a safe haven for the night.
I am assuming that the geese have a better understanding of weather and climate than the weather bureau
That was my take too.
I was particularly intrigued to find that they were flying south on an overland route that avoided the stronger headwinds offshore.
Were they Canada Geese? They used to arrive each year at a lake near my parents’ place and bred like billy-o, made a lot of noise and mess…but they looked nice!
No these were not Canada Geese, they had come south from the Arctic.
Here in the UK Canada Geese are an introduced semi-domesticated species that do not migrate, they are common on lakes in London’s parks.
What a Crap of a Country Australia has become.
Police hunt for unvaccinated staff
Queensland Police are searching records for staff who have not received a Covid-19 vaccination, after they became mandatory from Tuesday.
Those who have not had the jab could face disciplinary action.
The Queensland Police Service said the “significant majority of QPS members” have adhered to the vaccine mandate, but work was underway to identify those who had not.
“The QPS is working through internal records as a priority to identify which members have not been vaccinated and do not have an approved exemption,” the QPS told the ABC.
“From today, QPS members who refuse to follow the Commissioner’s Direction and do not have an exemption will be suspended from duty with pay with a seven-day Notice to Show Cause process commenced.”
Back in the day, police work involved catching criminals.
So all our law and order, soldiers and medical people will go toes up in about 2 years.
That should be fun. Not. Lock and load I guess at that point.
It will be interesting, all the whiny Lefties will be either very sick ( coz they couldnt take the vax quick enough ),
so the unvaxxed ( smart ) ones will wind up providing law and order.
Thats a delicious irony…..
I think I remember how to drill a Lee Enfield 303. Could I be of help?
Only if you still have access to a Lee Enfield 303 rifle and some bullets.
Nah! Howard took ’em.
Ive often wondered how they get the bore so accurate…..
303 was apparently a very good sniper rile.
I once saw a demo for a rail gun on pootube…it punched a hole through a six inch thick block of steel and went a further 7 km down range. Thats serious amount of kinetic energy.
While I never drilled it I did much better on the range with the SLR than the 303. I was 7 stone sopping wet at the time.
If you are vaccinated, supposedly you have nothing to fear from the un-vaccinated.
So why must the un-vaccinated become scape-goats? What is going on Mr Gates- Mr Andrews?
In New York, and the USA in general, even under the Biden Administration, they have a Constitutional Right to peacefully protest. Unlike Australia.
So it was nice that a bunch of New Yorkers staged a demonstration in favour of freedom in Australia, because Australians are not free to do so.
I still want the US, warts ‘n all on my side.
Maybe an extra comma in there?
I assume they will allow that past moderation,
In it I highlight Eric Bogle’s The Band Played Waltzing Matilda.
His other Song Of Remembrance that tears me up is variously named The Floors Of The Forrest or Willy McBride. The Irish seem to love his work. This is from the Fureys
I have just found this brilliant version of The Band Plated Waltzing Matilda by a Scot fronting The Irish tenors:
Bluddeyell. What’s wrong with THAT??
Good God! In the YT suggestions after those links was an English subtitled version of La Marseillaise. Rather different to our “flooding rains and sunburnt plains”.
Pity they can’t defend themselves with the vigour they sing about themselves.
[Auto filter and no idea why but released, still holding your other one about Eric Bogle but it needs a approval from someone further up the tree although it’s almost a duplicate.]AD
Nothing more to add but:
Ya kiddin me.
Mysterious outbreak of Salmonella hits 29 US states .
Is a mask worn for a few days like a petrie dish?
“Is a mask worn for a few days like a petrie dish?”
Is a Victorian high rise quarantine building a covid incubator?
Yes in both cases.
The good thing about Petrie dishes is you can see what’s happening.
Used to be that mayo was the first suspect in such cases
Goodness gracious – thermal coal spot price now US$267.00/tonne! Even mentioned on someones ABC news tonight, with a comment that maybe it was a bit premature to shut down fossil fuels. I only hope that sense prevails and a headlong rush into power poverty is averted in Oz.
An ordered transition is necessary when a viable grid-scale power storage alternative does not exist yet…….
So everyone has heard the rumors about John Barilaro right ?
He is a Trans …?
He is an Alien.. ?
He is an illusion ?
Well no, but in politics there’s always rumour.
The last time an Australian state premier and deputy resigned together was Bracks and Thwaites in Victoria but they were of the same party, not coalition partners, and the scuttlebutt that did the rounds in the legal precinct remains unpublished so far as I know.
Political scuttlebutt, hasn’t been mentioned as yet –
Must be dicktheria?
No? Well, all I will say is, alleged shenanigans outside the marital chamber of the inter generational kind. It seems a sordid world exists behind the public doors of the Nationals. Reputable sources.
My Covid final advice on the eve of the release of the virus upon the citizens. If you’re not vaccinated, lay low, avoid society as much as possible. Soon it will pass, things will change. Good luck.
Thank you Phillip. I am sticking to the biblical advice to be ” …as cautious as serpents and as innocent as doves…”
“on the eve of the release of the virus upon the citizens” …care to elaborate on that please?
Virus No. 2 on its way?
The renewable rorters have sold battery buses to Victoria as though the example of the recent fire in the Tesla packs at Moorabool is of no significance and that certifying such vehicles as safe for transporting citizens is a box ticking exercise with no reference to the likelihood of any passengers escaping when one goes up.
When the inevitable disaster arises on whom will the crime be pinned for having embarked on this frolic without failsafe capacity?
Question for Vlad the Impaler: I was told last night that Americans pronounce Wyoming why-owe-me; is this true? I had my phone say it and it voiced the terminal “ing” but I thought it best to go to the source, ask a resident.
Greetings to you, Serp:
To answer your question (which is a good one, by the way) I am NOT a native Wyomingite, coming from Salt Lake City, Utah; I moved here in 1976, and have never looked back.
As a long-time resident of Wyoming, I can state with a high degree of certainty that as far as I can tell, all of us who live here or call it home, pronounce it “Why – OH – ming”, with the ‘-ing’ sound coming through as clear as day. I cannot think of a time I’ve heard any alternative pronunciation, but I would appreciate anyone correcting me.
I can tell you that almost everyone, native or import, pronounces ‘Salt Lake City’, or, just ‘Salt Lake’ for short, as “Saw-lake”. Going to school with a young friend, now sadly deceased, at the University of Utah in ‘Saw-lake’, he was a native of Atlanta, Georgia, and corrected me (politely) as to the correct way to say “Atlanta”, which I learned is, “LAN – tuh”. He snickered at me the first time I asked him something about ‘Lanta.
I’m not the greatest expert on regional US dialects, but will be happy to answer any inquiries, to the extent of my ability to do so.
Hope that helps, and with Best Regards to you and yours,
When we moved to Gloucestershire, I discovered that locals did not pronounce Cirencester as ‘Cister’, as folklore had it, they call it ‘Ciren’.
In Worcestershire, what non-locals pronounced as ‘Evesham’ (two syllables), locals commonly say ‘Evesham’ (three syllables), or even ‘Ayezum’!
For our American friends; Reading in The Royal County of Berkshire is pronounced ‘Redding in TRC of Barksheer’! (I ought to know, I lived there for years!).
Derby is pronounced ‘Darby’.
Melbourne is pronounced properly, not like ‘Mairlbun’ DownUnder.
Places like Birmingham and Sandringham do not have the emphasis on the ‘ham’ part!
Torpenhow in Cumbria is pronounced ‘Treppenah’! Don’t ask why, I have absolutely no idea! 🙂
While we are at it, Worcestershire is pronounced ‘Woostersheer’ and Gloucestershire is pronounced ‘Glostersheer’.
Gosh, Annie!!!! You JUST had to inspire me, didn’t you?!?!?!?!?!
OK, I think we’ve established that the residents of Wyoming pronounce the ‘-ing’ suffix, and I believe at least all of the adjacent State residents do as well.
Should you ever find yourselves in our Very Deep Red State, and are traveling from the eastern portions towards Yellowstone National Park, you will pass through a small hamlet, nestled comfortably between some smallish mountains, called Dubois.
Nope, it is NOT pronounced ‘Due-BWAH’ as it’s French origins would suggest. No, here in Deep Red RedNeck Wyoming, this marvelous community is firmly pronounced “DOO-boys”.
Farther south, in the Wind River Basin, runs a little stream called Popo Agie. Nope, wrong again; it is not “Poe-POE zha”. It is very RedNeck phonetically “Poe Poe AG-ghee”.
Brain-buster for all y’all Down Under: Volcanic/volcaniclastic mountains of Western Wyoming are the Absarokas. Go ahead and pronounce it (no cheating, and asking the ‘demon device’ to do it for you, Serp!!!!!).
Note that speaking to ONE individual, you address him/her/it as ‘y’all’. When addressing a group, it is ‘ all y’all ‘.
Good luck,
The conversation arose after I discovered that Wyoming gave women the vote in 1869; thanks for the detailed response which reminded me that Lunka is what its people call Sri Lanka.
Tuesday night at the movies:
Tell me you have never enjoyed a B western. Try these from the ’30s. They are fun with the big hats and and pre-electronic sound of horses galloping. John Wayne is credited but if you can’t recognise his voice you will miss him.
In the first Tim McCoy gets his big white horse that goes with his big white hat:
and this
And if Im not pulled out of moder@tion, like in a b grade western I may ride into the sunset myself.
Justice delayed is justice denied.
Six hours later who cares?
Half the Nobel Prize in physics goes to pioneers of climate modeling!
Of course if you buy AGW, which the Nobel committee does, developing the GCM was a huge achievement as they dominate climate science, which wants to dominate the world. AGW is models all the way down.
“Oh, You Flashed A VexPass?”
On “private rights”
“What Is The REAL Long-Term Impairment?”
“Antibodies Persist For More Than A Year After COVID-19 Infection, Study Finds”
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! We’re buying the Merck anti viral! 50% chance of stopping you dying from Covid19! To be given an EUA, as it had to be rushed through testing, so it could be first on the market. A steal at $700 a pop.
We’re buying it on the basis of a drug company press release.
It’s already in production, and they will have $14 billion worth out by Christmas.
Any comments from the IVM sceptics?
Buying it on the basis of a press release and rushed testing? Count me out for the time being.
“The US economy is in imminent danger of seizing up solid”
“I don’t believe we’re going to make it to Christmas without things getting much, much worse.”
More supply line
“There’s a reason they’re being paid that much…
Bearing in mind what I said about our increasingly tangled, overwhelmed logistics chain earlier this morning . . . I’m sure you’ve heard of the Texas transportation company that’s paying its commercial drivers up to $14,000 per week. ”
More at
The most highly vaccinated state in the USA, Vermont with 89% of the 18+ population at least partially vaccinated, 88% of 12+ & ~100% of seniors, is now experiencing their greatest spike in CoViD cases
“Virus Keeps a Rolling”
“Breakthrough infections at an Israeli hospital back in July.”
Puritanical left puts Perrottet in pillory
Janet Albrechtsen
Even before Dominic Perrottet was elected on Tuesday, his religion featured in ABC headlines so everyone understood a “conservative Catholic and father-of-six … will be NSW’s next premier”. Oh my, a family man with six kids? Would five kids warrant this headline? What about four?
The ABC’s 7pm news turned to Jane Caro to tell us Perrottet’s Catholicism is a problem for women. I’m a woman and not a Catholic, and Perrottet is not a problem for me. That is sloppy journalism.
When Malcolm Turnbull became prime minister, ABC headlines didn’t focus on his Catholicism, presumably because staff members were thrilled their secular Messiah had replaced Tony Abbott. It was the same when Joe Biden, another Catholic, became US President.
After Abbott became prime minister in September 2013, the ABC’s The World Today asked: “So how will Mr Abbott’s Catholicism influence his term as prime minister?” Unlike Turnbull’s Catholicism, Abbott’s faith featured in endless ABC musings about keeping religion out of politics.
Anti-Catholicism was in full swing when The Sydney Morning Herald ran a piece on Monday by Stephanie Dowrick, a self-described social activist and minister, warning readers “within a day, it is possible that NSW, the most progressive state in the federation”, might have a premier with “views that represent the most extreme end of a rigidly male-dominated institutional church”.
Dowrick’s views are shared by many on the left who likely would never stoop to attack a political leader for being a M@slim, Sikh or Buddhist. Instead, they seem happy to reboot the anti-Catholic sectarian bigotry that disfigured Sydney until post-war immigration and multiculturalism made it completely unacceptable. We saw hints of this in the Cardinal George Pell witch-hunt and it is reaching full flower in some sections of the progressive media.
Attacks on Perrottet for muddling church and state are spurious, without evidence. Maybe what upsets the anti-Catholic brigade more than Perrottet’s Catholic faith is that he believes in the family, small government, the dignity of work and lower taxes, traditional values of personal responsibility and freedom. Like his predecessor Gladys Berejiklian, he is not from the numbskull school of kneejerk lockdowns.
Importantly, these values are social and political in nature, common to people of every stripe of religion and people with no religious faith, too. As Premier, Perrottet has a chance to put those values into practice. If that upsets the anti-Catholic brigade, it augurs well for the mainstream people of NSW who don’t buy into bigotry or omnipresent government control over their lives.
From the Comments
44 minutes ago
Daniel Andrews is also a Catholic, sending his children to Mazenod College. Why is Dictator Dan’s Catholicism not a problem for the left???
Because there are Secular Christians and there are Full-On Christians. I wasn’t even aware that Malcolm Turnbull was a Catholic, because he didn’t wear it on his sleeve, or stroll around virtue-signalling with his devoutness. Same with Keating and others, and old-school Prots like Whitlam, Fraser, and Howard. And Andrews isn’t an obvious Mick.
On the other hand, some were not like that – Abbott, Rudd, Morrison (from the evangelical. wing), and now the Papist Perrottet – all make a feature of their religion.
Anyway “Devout Catholic Father of Six” is a crisp and colourful way to describe him – especially as he comes from the Right of the Libs, which is unusual. Nothing to do with ABC bias – Albrechtsen is being ingenuous and egregious, again.
And have you seen Our Dom? He’s so old-fashioned. He looks like my French or Maths teacher from about 1966, and also a skinny young Bob Brown.
“NZ Government Abandons COVID-ZERO Effort, Will Permit Citizens to Visit Family Again – Must Be Outside, Stay Apart, Wear Masks and Only One Household Per Day
October 5, 2021 | Sundance | 143 Comments”