A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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A pandemic of the vaccinated or Ivermectin ignored?
Related: A doctor has sued his hospital which has banned ivermectin, and other cheap, safe, off-label drugs. The court has agreed to try the lawsuit.
*** BREAKING ***The Circuit Court in Norfolk will hear Dr. Marik’s lawsuit on the right to administer lifesaving treatments to his critically ill COVID-19 patients—medicines which Sentara Health System has banned.#CriticalUpdate
Isn’t the principle of medicine “Cause no harm”?
What harm does ivermectin or HCQ do? Maybe they don’t help much. Banning them does a lot of harm. At least it has me depressed.
“Isn’t the principle of medicine “Cause no harm”?”
That was before the majority of the medical profession switched their oath from Hippocrates to Dr Josef Mengele.
Due to the increasing number of new infections, Portugal is reintroducing corona measures. The country has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world and had many measures scrapped. Some 87 percent of Portuguese are fully vaccinated.
According to the measures, which will take effect on 1 December and which Prime Minister Antonio Costa announced on Thursday, everyone who enters the country by plane must be able to present a negative corona test, including vaccinated travelers. Airlines that take people without a valid test certificate can be fined 20,000 euros per passenger and suspended from their flight license. For catering visits, a corona pass is mandatory, teleworking is recommended and in many places inside it is again mandatory to wear a mouth mask.
In order to curb any increase in infections after the holidays, Portuguese people are obliged to work from home in the first week of the new year. The school holidays are extended, cafes and discotheques close.
It might be a good idea to learn from Europes Winter.
The Netherlands:
‘This week the infection graph should have gone down, but it is not yet detected. With more than 23,000 new infections on Tuesday, an average of almost 40 ICU admissions per day and almost 250 new patients in the nursing wards, all signals are red.’
‘With the current figures, we are on our way to 1,000 beds with corona patients in the intensive care units or even more. That says virologist Steven van Gucht. “Hopefully we will soon see the impact of the latest measures. Everyone can do their bit to contain the fourth wave.” :
This should include the opportunity for doctors to discuss an early treatment plan with their patients instead of having to give the advise: “stay home and isolate”
Daily Mail:
Risk of Covid infection more than DOUBLES 90 days after second dose
I’m convinced that the vaccines ‘work’. But it is not possible to be sure that the vaccines are ‘100’% safe for now.
We can only know that in a couple of years… and now it seems that we need a booster shot.
It ‘works’, but what about the long term safety.
How can we be sure that it is safe to receive a booster from Pfizer after AstraZenica?
And what is going to happen after the third booster shot?
Sorry Don B, just to save people having to copy your link
An interesting (but longish) post on small nuclear reactors.
We have lots of SNRs in the US, running submarines and warships.
Oh for this in Australia
Fortunately, South Africa has an energy minister who appreciates the reality of providing a reliable supply of baseload electricity to the country. He has launched a program to build 2,500 megawatts of new nuclear power, to add to the existing nuclear power base. He has specifically stated his support for Small Modular Reactors to be included.
So the government attitude towards the development and deployment of Small Modular Reactors in South Africa is positive. In addition, about a dozen other African countries have declared their intention of following a nuclear power path in the future. Some have already set up national nuclear bodies to advance their plans.
design of nuclear submarine reactors
Be very careful what you believe and what you wish for.
The Koeberg nuclear p/station has been reduced to one of three turbines running due to lack of finance for maintenance. 90% of the country has around 7.5 hours of blackouts (referred to as ‘load shedding’ )per day. Try running a business with that power reliability .
They can’t run one complete station never mind prattling on about additional generators.
Smokescreen for credibility as the main party , ANC, has just had a drubbing iin local elections.
When the current mob inherited the power company , ESKOM , South Africa generated 70% of all power on the African continent. Today they can’t provide continuous power for their own country!!!
For god’s sake don’t wish any of the current mob’s “experts” on Australia.
Unfortunately, the US has a secretary of energy. She is a real blonde. Very blonde.
…Sorry, I don’t have that data in front of me! That blonde?
My understanding is that SMRs ( Thorium, Salt, etc) ..are still some years away to the developed world mainly due ti the Red Tape around the approval processes of anything with a “N” in its name.
Im sure China, Asia, Russia , etc will make much faster progress whilst the rest of us just debate the sensitivity of Green issues !
There is an interesting reason why things might go quicker in the US. The federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission that regulates nukes is funded by a tax on the power they generate. With old nukes being shut down their budget is shrinking, so they are hot for more.
Thank you. This is more important than direct attacks to alarmists’ talking points.
Surely this story isn’t true, which appears to be about forcible vaccination and compulsory quarantine
Heavily distorted to fit the narrative.
But yes , positive tested parties from the Aboriginal community have been relocated to an isolation camp in order to protect the rest of that community.
Remember, it is believed that the Aboriginal communities may be much more vunerable to Covid and its effects, than other genetic types.
But as you will notice , only 20 ADF (Military) personel were involved, mainly for transport logistics etc.
Police and Medical Authorities are the lead actors in these situations.
And sure it will be the subject of much debate as to why/ how this was done !
No, they transported close contacts to those infected as well. It isn’t limited to positive cases.
In those communities close contacts would include just about everybody.
NT health regs is all positive cases go to hospital, close contacts to the camps. Was the same in QLD with + cases. Got to keep the hospitalisations up.
Buses work everywhere else as in hotel quarantine. Why the Federal government army was involved needs to be answered, for a fence sitter Slomo seems to be heavily leaning to one side.
Logistical support in remote regions. It is really quite simple.
And the chief minister has gone off his nut at people like you… I mean people spreading baseless conspiracies (I left out the words he used to avoid moderation)
Gunner’s gone off his nut?
He has never had it on.
They seem able to muster up 20 police for the rallies in Darwin no drama.
Which baseless conspiracy is in my statement, busses work?
ha… moderate me will you!
Now you’re just being silly , as well as disregarding the moderation rules.
Yes , it is true. The Minister for the Northern Territory was almost rabid in his TV interview against anti-vaxxers, it was all their fault. People in two aboriginal settlements have tested positive for covid. These two groups are basically one large family. Aboriginal people have a lot of health issues mostly due to lifestyle choices . There has been a quarantine facility built in the Northern Territory, ostensibly for incoming tourists that need to be quarantined. And yes, he did ask the Army to take everyone who had tested positive to Howard Springs.
Is it disturbing ?……YES.
Yes Chris everything about aboriginal health is disturbing.
What were the alternatives? They sure can’t isolate when they live in overcrowded housing.
I agree Forrest, everything about aboriginal health is disturbing. It’s the Howard Springs facility that I find worrying. Who will they put out there next – the dreaded unvaccinated?
If you had told me two years ago that our police would attack citizens; push old ladies out of the way and pepper spray them like a cockroach; that people would be shot in the back with rubber bullets; that unmarked militia would be doing a Premiers will. That we would be on house arrest and masked up . The unvaxxed are now are being referred to as lesser human beings, I would never have thought this possible .
I am still shocked that we lost our democracy so quickly and so easily .
No doubt the rhetoric, government dictates and police actions are way out of line. And there has been precious little resistance from oppositions and civil rights groups.
But whether Australia has lost its democracy remains to be seen at forthcoming elections. I expect the elections to be as free and fair as they always are. However, my guess is that voters will be presented with the usual choice of six of one and a half dozen of the other.
There’s no mention in the article of forced vaccination. At least I didn’t see it.
But yes, covid positive people and close contacts are being moved from that community to the quarantine facility. Don’t know if actually being forced or army are just providing transport.
The Chief Health Officer does have the authority under the emergency legislation to relocate and isolate someone. An “authorised officer” could assist them with that, but typically army personnel are not authorised officers. The CHO would have to have made them authorised officers or they can’t do it. The legislation allows an authorised officer to forcibly remove someone from an area but doesn’t appear to allow an authorised officer to force someone into quarantine. Even if the CHO directs that person to quarantine.
See sections 52 & 53.
No one is being forced but I’m sure that MP knows otherwise.
Be a better troll. Somewhere else.
I genially feel sorry for him. Day after day, I read his comments with pure wonder. Being a negative personality myself, I can only try to imagine the world inside the mind of such a mega-negative person? I heard it said about someone years ago, “He has a severe case of opticalrectalitis. May come from too many years alone in a hot tub (Greely, CO.)
genuinely…sorry. When I comment here I feel like I’m writing for a peer reviewed journal.
That’s right, as our PM says, no one in Australia will be forced to get the jab, because that would be against the Constitution and against our humanitarian principles.
No, no one will be forced to take it.
But everything that makes makes your life liveable, such as socialising at clubs, going to movies or art galleries and being invited to friends houses, will be taken from you until you relent and get the shot.
But no, no one will be forced. That would be horrible.
No, but as always your the expert of everything. Sure, when they said get into the wagon there was a mad rush.
Do you think they were given an option?
yes. But I bet the community was putting the most pressure on them.
“Don’t worry mate, bring your disease into our overcrowded house tonight”
Being ‘unvaxxed’ does not mean being infected. Being ‘vaxxed’ does not equate with freedom from infection.
Why do so many equate ‘unvaxxed’ with ‘infected’?
Having a bit of a play here Annie. I stress mathematics and statistics are not my strong points and lots of supposition, but for what its worth
1/ Population of Victoria 6.6 million
2/ Population of rural and regional Victoria 1.45 million
Assuming that rural and regional areas are vaccinated at a lower rate than city dwellers , we are faced with 1100 average daily infections THAT ARE PRIMARILY URBAN infections
Ergo, and only guessing, most of these daily infections must be in the highest populations of the vaccinated
Was that to me Annie? I never mentioned vacc
You said “bring your disease into our overcrowded house tonight””
That implies you and others think the pure bloods would be carrying the infection.
Either be more careful with how you say things, or stop denying you said them.
In fact, it is far more likely that the twojabs will attend parties, crowd etc, while they are in an infection stage, because the jabs mask the symptoms while still carrying a viral load.
Spot on Annie,
The Professor denies that he made any such assertion.
I suppose that he means that the populace may be making mistaken judgements. He can explain himself if he wants to.
Because that is the subliminal message that is being put out. Unvaxxed, you can’t go into the coffee shop, or the gym or Bunnings because YOU could give covid to the vaxxed. !!!!
Yes Annie. The central medical issue is whether a person is infected not whether they are injected.
Sadly there are powerful forces who want the issue to be reversed. So far they are dominating. They will lose but not before they have inflicted vast death and destruction.
Peter C … wha?
The context was taking away someone with the disease. My comment made no assertion about their vacc status. It was not an issue.
Please do better at reading.
I am pretty sure it started in the same overcrowded houses, same people mustered into the wagons.
So what were the options if they were as you seem to indicate given them.
Check your white privilege.
Come on, ga. Haven’t you been paying any attention whatsoever !!
You know that the twojabs can carry the same viral load as the pure bloods.
Its just that the twojabs don’t get the symptoms as badly, so would be more likely to be mixing with other when in an infection stage.
If a pure blood gets the Covid, at least they will probably get the sniffles, and would stay away from others.
The next pandemic will be the twojabs spreading the bug among the twojabs.
I hope too much doesn’t go wrong for you and your fellow twojabs, as the jab efficacy drops off and a third, fourth, fifth jab is needed.. !
Twojabs….pure bloods. Love the terminology Clarence I hope it catches on.
I will be staying in the land of JabberNullius for as long as possible.
“we found that recently fully vaccinated individuals have lower viral loads than infections in unvaccinated individuals. However, this effect starts to decline 2 months after vaccination and ultimately vanishes 6 months or longer after vaccination” from abstract of recent Nature article @
The booster shot restores lower viral load for an undisclosed amount of time.
There are many stories published and discoverable on the internet regarding ADF medical people being involved in vaccinating indigenous communities, travelling to those communities all around Australia, even in Western NSW. Most of those communities welcome the ADF personnel and the vaccination protection rate is now increasing into line with the general communities, NSW remains in from with close to 95% most now fully vaccinated and some awaiting second vaccination.
The sensationalist fake new media overseas have blatantly lied about this indigenous vaccination programme, as they did about ADF personnel assisting State Police handle hotel and home quarantine security and monitoring.
It would be hard to see people in these communities being able to exercise informed consent due to remote access etc
Remote access to what? How does it reduce their capacity to consent? Sounds patronizing much.
Remote from what?
COVID 19 Vaccine Mandate
That Council notes the CHO Direc�ve in rela�on to mandatory COVID-19 vaccina�ons and
notes the Council’s obliga�ons to enforce the mandate.
Moved: President Rex Edmunds
Seconded: Cr John Moreen
It is a sign of poor governance when a supposed neutral President moved any motion in a local government meeting
What country are you on?
Moved: President Rex Edmunds
Heck, even those living in the area local to the seat are government remain chronically uninformed and/or misinformed… seemingly by choice.
There is in this video by a Northern Territory indigenous woman.
NITV on SBS has this article denying forced vaccinations.
appears to be about forcible vaccination
Interesting, just received text message “due to new regulations by the NSW state government the cancer centre will require proof of a double dose of a COVID-19 Vaccination or a Negative COVID test within 72 Hrs before your appointment”
As the only one in a blended 3 generation family who has not had a COVID Test (even 4 year old has had 2 tests) as I have never felt ill, and as at hospital every 3 weeks Bloods, Temp 36.3 and Oxygen 99 last week, keep check on health, find it fascinating that this requirement has come up – Well Taxpayers keep paying for PCR Tests – who is making money out of these tests and the Vaccines don’t seem to be working as we are already into 3rd shot with 4th/5th/??? to come
Still waiting for Novavax, but TGA seem to be dragging their feet – What was in Feds Contract with Pfizer?
You are quite right about the injections. They do not work as advertised.
Doing my daily scan of their ABC’s virus page I see Dan the Man has once again repeated the twin falsehoods “they’re safe and they work”.
And once again there is no sign of anybody with an inquiring mind. Even when on their ABC is a story about a group of 12 fully vaccinated friends at a gathering where 11 later tested positive.
And another story about the low incidence of the virus in Africa where the injection rate is much lower than in the western world. Of course the inference drawn by their ABC experts is that Africa better hurry up with mass injections before it is too late.
Why are no “journalists” pressing on the approval of NovaVax? Why are no “journalists” pressing on approval of the forbidden medications.
As I say, there is no sign of an enquiring mind at their ABC at all.
Almost certainly Africa(certainly Equatorial Africa) is relatively COVID free because they take Ivermectin prophylactically on a regular basis for Dengue, River Blindness et al. Always conveniently ignored ( or unknown) by Media.
COVID-19: The Ivermectin African Enigma
And this is with an annual dose – imagine what the effects of more frequent prophylaxis would be.
If theyre safe, why is indemnity demanded by vaxx manufacturers and by the doctors administering them?
Yes, and if they are effective why are they not working.
The performance of journalist generally over the past 20 years or so …since journos starting being trained in university…..has been appalling. Such flagrant self-promotion and activism in one place is only matched by ACTU presidents.
Germany bans euthanasia for the unvaccinated
From the Comments
Being double-vaxxed AND euthanased seems a lot like overkill to me.
the new third shot.
Novavax being fast tracked in Europe
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has started evaluating the company’s application and has said that the process is being fast-tracked because Novavax had already supplied information on its vaccine technology as a part of a rolling review process.
A protein-based vaccine such as Nuvaxovid is one that has particles of protein that are like the spike protein found on the surface of the coronavirus and it contains a substance known as an ‘adjuvant’ that helps stimulate the immune system’s response to the vaccine.
“The assessment will proceed under an accelerated timeline, and an opinion on the marketing authorisation could be issued within weeks if the data submitted are sufficiently robust and complete to show the efficacy, safety and quality of the vaccine,” the EMA said.
Data that has already been provided to the European medicines regulatory body includes material from laboratory studies, information on the quality of the vaccine and the manner of production as well as details of the efficacy of the vaccine that are available from clinical studies in adults.
“If EMA concludes that the benefits of Nuvaxovid outweigh its risks in protecting against COVID‑19, it will recommend granting a conditional marketing authorisation,” the EMA statement said.
“The European Commission will then fast-track its decision-making process with a view to granting a conditional marketing authorisation valid in all EU and EEA Member States within days.”
And my question to the EMA is what have they been doing up until now. Surely they are not pretending they have only just received the “supplied information.
And of course the Australian authorities are out to lunch.
the Vaccines don’t seem to be working as we are already into 3rd shot with 4th/5th/??? to come
If the vaccines work, then why aren’t they working?
VAERS is the “Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.” From their website, one can compare adverse events from COVID vaccines from the past 11 months they have been available to adverse events from all vaccines for the past 30 years, 1990 and onward.
Note this is 11 months versus 30 years of side effects and in most categories, the cumulative cases are similar between the two groups, despite a 30-fold time difference of data recording. Of note, hospitalizations, deaths, permanent disabilities, and birth defects were greater for 11 months of COVID vaccines than they were for 30 years of all other types of vaccines – such as shingles, influenza, measles, mumps, hepatitis, and so on.
COVID19 vaccines (Dec’2020 – present) Number of Adverse Reactions 875,653 Number of Life-Threatening Events 20,643
Number of Deaths 18,461
All other vaccines (1990-present) Number of Adverse Reactions 849,110 Number of Life-Threatening Events 13,923
Number of Deaths 9,223
Risk of COVID-19 infection more than DOUBLES 90 days after the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, Israeli study finds
– A new study looked at more than 80,000 adults who were fully vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine
– The percentage of tests that came back positive increased from 1.3% prior to 90 days to of 2.4% 90 to 119 days later, to 10.3% 150 to 179 days later
– Risk of infection was 2.37-fold higher between 90 and 119 days after completing the vaccine series compared to the initial 90 days
– This increased to a 2.82-fold increased risk 180 days or more after receiving the second dose
– Researchers say the findings show booster shots are likely needed to sustain long-term protection from Covid
Definitely keep an eye on what’s coming out of Israel. They seem far more interested in the health of their population than most other governments around the world.
Australia has outperformed Israel by a huge margin.
Deaths 8% on population basis of Israel:
Australia now 72% fully vaccinated compared with Israel at 62%:
Current case rate with normal mobility in both countries is the same:
Australia provides one of the very best examples how to prevent loss of life during a pandemic while maintaining a healthy economy.
The often touted success in Sweden is nothing short of pathetic:
Sweden’s mobility is still lower Australia and that has been the situation for the duration of the pandemic. In January, Sweden’s mobility was 50% below normal levels. Australia has never been lower than 30%.
Sweden’s death toll on population basis is 20-fold that of Australia’s.
Rick no offence intended but are there two of you posting using the same screen name?
Some days you make sense. Other days you write stuff like this.
I think this tweet, by a health worker, is interesting and rings true. It is long, so I’ve condensed it, but he begins:
“Don’t know who will see this, but as I’ve got plenty of time on my hands I thought I might as well counterbalance all the misinformation out there.
I’m indigenous, currently covid positive and am currently staying at the Howard Springs quarantine facility. The camp is not used to drag away black mob. In fact this camp has been used for months and has had hundreds of non indigenous people come through it in the exact same process for months.”
“The camp facilities are pretty good. The food is amazing (but I’ve lost taste now). WiFi is free. Everyone has access to their phones and are in constant contact with family on the outside. I’m sure my family is sick of me calling all the time.”
Further on, he explains that “Isolating at home is not feasible when 20-30 people live in one home.” And “The Raaf always helps out in crisis times, including floods and cyclones.”
He denounces the BS stories about force being used, and ends:
“Indigenous people on the ground have continually tried to raise awareness of things affecting our people, including long term systemic racism. To try to use us as props now is disgusting.”
in general my understanding is the indigenous have had a good relationship with the military for a long time. It is state or territory people, such as police, they don’t like.
Served with an aboriginal bloke in the army years ago. He was so stoked to be able to serve.
Link for the tweet please.
Try this link, they seem concerned.
That’s not the tweet.
Its not, now how did that happen?
Further to my earlier comment, the twitter name is Luke Ellis. In the same tweet he explains:
“I was a part of the health team that did vaccination drives at Rockhole and Binjari in the past. I’ve walked to every house in Rockhole fighting camp dogs along the way to talk to people about the vaccine. In the past people have been hesitant about getting the vaccine.
People have been hesitant because of misinformation. But in all my time doing vaccines in the community, not a single person was ‘forced’ to have it. We respected people’s wishes to decline even though we knew that this could potentially bring disaster.
What we have found though is that the people who declined in the past often want the vaccine once they discover covid is in their community. We have had an increase in vax rates amongst all people in the community during past lockdowns.
Once covid becomes ‘real’ and tangible it changes people’s perception of the vaccine.”
“People on the ground [health workers] are working themselves to standstill, in 40 degree heat in PPE that multiplies that heat. I’ve worked in that PPE in that heat for an hour and you collect about a litre of sweat in it. These people are working multiple hour shifts…”
Lets have a look at that claim,
I came up on Thursday night. When I was transported I was taken to the airport in an ambulance and taken up in a small plane. It was obvious to me at the time that this process wouldn’t work as case numbers increased, that help would be needed.
Medevac’d straight to Howard Springs, I stoped reading the propaganda after that. You would think after 20 months of propaganda, they would be able to think it through better.
I did find this little gem further down.
From the corrupt PM on the injustice to the corrupt former NSW state dictator.
Chicago Judge orders Illinois Hospital to allow attending physician to administer IVM to ICU covid patient at family request.
5 days after initial treatment, patient was removed from ventilator. 3 days later, Patient left Hospital.
Good news.
In days of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
And yet the calls continue for RCT and the “fact-checkers” will refer to this as a sample of one.
How many samples of one are required to be significant?
Lots. you’ve spammed this unthreaded with multiple unfounded bunkum.
And I thought the mods tolerance of me was remarkable.
“unfounded bunkum. “
None of which has been countered…. except by other unfounded bunkum and spam.
IVM has been highly effective in many areas of the world.
It is totally safe at human dose levels.
The only reason not to use it is because it would devoid the reason for handing huge amounts of money to big pharma to pay for short-lived, dangerous, experimental Clayton’s-vaccines
The word “significant” means different things to different people …people who beat the infection feel their life is significant and could care less about statistical “significance”. Which is most important ?
This is from BoM in late August, the models are useless and clearly indicates why BoM was reluctant to call La Nina until the last moment.
‘The northern Australian rainfall onset is affected significantly by the phase of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO). ENSO is currently neutral. Most climate model outlooks indicate the central tropical Pacific is likely to cool over the coming months but remain ENSO-neutral. Only one of seven models surveyed by the Bureau indicate this cooling will be sustained enough and cool enough to meet La Niña thresholds in spring or early summer, with two remaining models indicating a brief cooling just to La Niña thresholds. The cooling of the tropical Pacific is likely contributing to the earlier onset likelihood.’
So Fed numbers don’t add up
Local radio report that all adults should not consider themselves fully vacinated until they have had their 3rd “booster” this is required because after your second vacination protection only lasts for a few months. No comment of course on how long a “booster” shot will last. Will this also only provide a “few months” protection thereby meaning that the entire population will have to have 4 shots per year? i.e. One every few (3) months
It’s the old story about when your only tool is a hammer everything looks like a nail.
The booster shots will last until there is either a real vaccine available, or a real treatment available.
“The booster shots will last until there is”… no Govt cash and people have to pay their own way…
Yes, that’s another possible ending.
I read recently that with Astra Zeneca the UK experience is that fully vaccinated people continue to have protection and do not yet need a booster who were first vaccinated from December 2020 onwards. The monitoring and evaluation is continuing.
However I noted that our PM received a booster recently, but I think he had Pfizer?
Doesn’t it follow that seasonal influenza vaccine requires a booster every year so COVID-19 vaccine will need one?
A point that I don’t understand is why Pfizer seems to be the only choice of booster. If AZ provides longer cover why not go with the same option?
Also I don’t think the comparison to the flu shot is completely valid. It’s my understanding that flu shots are adjusted annually to take into account variations / mutations to the “flu virus”. This gives you protection against the most like variety for the next flu season i.e. 12 months, whereas 2 or 3 corona shot appears to give some protection for a very limited time. ( 3months?) So you could need up to 3 shots to make it through just one “season”
Pfizer employee ‘stole vaccine secrets’
Pfizer has accused a departing employee of making off with a massive trove of confidential documents, including trade secrets related to its Covid-19 vaccine and other drugs, and then attempting an elaborate cover-up.
The Big Pharma firm launched a suit against the staffer, identified as Chun Xiao Li, earlier this week, alleging that she “uploaded over 12,000 files – including scores of confidential Pfizer documents – from her Pfizer-issued laptop to a personal Google Drive account” in late October, and then transferred those files to her own private device.
“Due to the sheer number of documents Ms. Li misappropriated, Pfizer has yet to understand the full scope of trade-secret and confidential information in her possession,” the company said, adding that while Li now possesses “thousands of documents potentially related to numerous Pfizer vaccines,” the lawsuit is focused on its Covid-19 immunization and monoclonal antibody therapies.
A potential whistle blower.
1. Pfizer have been hiding the data showing how effective and safe this jab really is. Stand by for all that to be leaked soon.
2. Same as 1. but the opposite.
3. Or, the trove could be the original file documents containing unwelcome information which is now ‘lost’.
Dennis I don’t think anything “follows” at the moment. The powers that be are FUBAR.
the Swedish data begs to differ on that.
Astra 4 months = 0% protection
Pfizer 7 months = 0% protection
Moderna 6 months = 59% protection
Astra 8 months = -19% protection
This is protection from contracting it not hospitalisation or death
“Doesn’t it follow that seasonal influenza vaccine requires a booster every year so COVID-19 vaccine will need one?”
No, the flu vaccines are modified each year to try to account for the probable strain(s) of flu that may occur, coming from the NH winter.
The Covid jab “N” (as N tends to infinity), is because the jab efficacy wears off.
These are very different reasons.
Yes and No. The flu jab wears off too. While a real flu infection provokes a lifelong response, the flu vax doesn’t.
I don’t think there is any vaccine yet that gives people better protection than the real disease. That may come one day, but at the moment our immune systems can tell the difference between something that makes us sick and something that is a pale imitation of it. We would hope that our immune systems don’t waste resources leaping to generate the full response to things which are essentially (supposedly) harmless.
It’s the eternal struggle of vaccination — how to trick our immune systems into caring about something that isn’t a threat.
One day we will understand our immune systems well enough to produce vaccines that work better than a disease for immunity, but we are not there yet.
The main point is that the extra jabs are not for different strains of the Covid bug.
They are because of drop of efficacy of the first two jabs, not for protection against new strains.
That is different from the flu vaccine that is altered each year for new strains.
Yes. True. Everything is still the original WuFlu spike of Jan 2020.
Well said Jo …. Pretty much summed it up in that sentence ….”It’s the eternal struggle of vaccination — how to trick our immune systems into caring about something that isn’t a threat.”
Vaccine: a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.
This commonly used definition of a vaccine means that it’s not about how to trick our immune systems into caring about something that isn’t a threat. It’s about how to trick our immune system into caring about something that is a threat without inducing the disease. Huge difference.
COVID: A New State Religion?
By Tim O’Brien
In just the third quarter of 2021, Pfizer reported its sales rose to $24.1 billion, up 134 percent from a year ago, thanks in large part to its COVID vaccine. The company said it anticipates sales of COVID vaccine to top $36 billion in 2021 and $29 billion in 2022.
Really good video by psychologist explaining why the covid narrative creates in effect mass hypnosis.
Dr Mattias Desmet, Professor of Cliical Psychology
Solution : Talk to people rationally about the danger of the totalitarianism, which breaks the current hypnosis as it diverts thier anxiety onto something else.
Video is very good and informative.
All’s well, thanks ToM
leftist global warming believer in action:
Pelosi Bought $25 Million, 11,000 sq ft Beachside Mansion…in DeSantis’ State of Florida!
‘talk is cheap’, and ‘practice what you preach’. missing in action.
Hope she enjoys the ten years before tipping point.
If any politician deserved to have her wealth audited it would be her.
Not the Bee!
“Hi-tech Muzzle: Woke Bot for Classrooms Sounds Offensive Alarm When Detecting Offensive Speech”
And you really are being watched
“A massive police operation proves, yet again, that NO electronic communication is secure”
“Wide-area surveillance comes to your city and town”
I would have thought the criminals would want a guarantee of security or else they would remove body parts from the people selling the phones. The moment Lefty gets raided & arrested Big Harry pays a visit to the CEO of Sky..
The World Health Organization is urging the public to practice Covid mitigation tactics – including masking and distancing – regardless of vaccination status
no such warnings after you get vaccinated against:
Measles is a highly contagious infectious disease caused
Chickenpox is a highly infectious viral infection
Mumps is a highly contagious disease,
I cannot believe this!
Astrazenica had 23,848 subjects in their trial. One person died in the placebo group and none in the vaccinated group, therefore they claimed 100% protection.
Pfizer had 18,198 people in the vaxxed group and 8 got sick or 0.04%. In the placebo group of 18,325, 162 developed symptoms or 0.88%.
From this ratio they calculated that it was 95% effective against the infection.
This is called relative risk reduction. In reality the absolute risk reduction was
AZ 0.01%, and Pfizer 0.084%.
What a difference those numbers make!
It is claimed that the RRR numbers sound way better so that’s why they use them.
What a crock!
Maryanne Demasi, PhD, was a presenter on Catalyst ungil the program was axed by the ABC. She has some interesting stats here
Sorry, that link wont open. A pity because it is excellent
This one does.
It opened ok for me.
Oh good! 😁
It’s called relative efficacy vs absolute efficacy.
A prime example of misleading statistics.
main thing that matters is more died and were hospitalised in the pfizer intervention than the saline placebo group. You don’t test drugs only for if they stop spread or mortality of that disease or a bullet to the back of the head is 100% effective so please line up.
See my comment 29.3 for more proof of this from UK statistics. It seems likely that in the short term, the vaccines cause as many deaths as they “save”. In the long term, things look far, far worse.
I’m sick of hearing the term “fully vaccinated” in relation to COVID. Vaccinated against what exactly? You can still get it and give it. At best, supposedly you will get slightly less sick if you get infected, assuming those figures are honest. And if you’re lucky you won’t suffer a short or long term vaccine injury.
Still a lot better than dying, supposedly.
The Federal Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr Nick Coatsworth spoke on Sky News – Credlin this week about vaccinations and part of his comment included that there should no longer be restrictions on people, vaccinated people are protected and should not worry about coming in contact with unvaccinated people and/or carriers of COVID-19. He pointed out that vaccination does not make people immune from the virus and they can be carriers. However vaccinated people are protected from the worst resulting possibilities the virus can inflict.
He confirmed (without being asked) what the Minister for Health Greg Hunt told journalists when answering a question about Ivermectin, Hunt said doctors are free to prescribe Ivermectin in hospitals and it is administered intravenously. Nick Coatsworth said that people with the virus who need to be hospitalised will be given anti-viral treatments and most will recover.
Slowly, slowly the truth will escape. It always does but not before those who want to suppress the truth have done their damage.
And I’m sick of hearing terms such as “anti-vaxxer”, “vaccine hesitant”, etc.
These terms are being used to blindly describe anybody who does not want the covid injection(s), without any idea of a person’s stance on traditional vaccines prior to covid19.
For example, I had all the usual vaccines growing up and had a whooping cough one recently as my daughter had a baby – I understood her concern.
I have never had a flu vaccine and I will not be having any of the current covid injections on offer in Australia. Having said all that, I am not an anti-vaxxer, just an anti-covid-vaxxer at this point in time.
Yes, it is just a state sanctioned smear tactic.
Although it does sound like a medical reference, “fully vaccinated” is a political term and really just means “fully compliant with government policy.”
And one can only maintain the “fully vaccinated” status so long as one continues to accept the “boosters”.
You might have had both shots and half a dozens “boosters”, but if you happen to miss “booster” number 7, you will find yourself in the camp of “anti-vaxxer” very quickly.
Good point Mark. “Fully vaccinated” is a political term, not a medical one.
The wettest November in 150 years for south east Australia, essentially unprecedented.
Tim Flannery – hold your rotting head in utter shame.
Tim the fool accepted the incompetent predictions coming from the BoM and CSIRO models and guided government policy. This nonsense is being amplified many times. Huge resources being wasted on all manner of nonsense.
The really bad part is that it diverts resources from real problems and real solutions. Australia should be using those resources on drought and flood proofing the continent.
I recently heard a very interesting discussion on the car radio while travelling about harvesting wet season rainfall in Northern Australia and the Coalition’s plan for an extension of the Ord River Irrigation Area around Kununurra WA by building new dams to open new irrigation farming land across NT and NQ.
One of the comments was that before that enormous expense was considered regardless of the benefits to the nation the amount of excess water discharged from the Old River Dam every day should be piped south into southern states instead of discharging out to sea.
I am a nay-sayer on all versions of Bradfield until someone shows me how any version can work.
L. Argyle is only 90 M ASL [let google-earth be your friend].
It cannot be gravity fed anywhere so it must have a number of pump stations.
To be useful it must handle large amounts of water so the pumps must be big. When Townsville is dry and we need water from the Burdekin Falls Dam the cost of pumping is a burden on the council. To get Water from L. Argyle to the Murray system is > 2,000 km, from the Houghton to Townsville a mere 30 km with much less water needed.
The Murray is a BIG system so anything less than three 1 m pipes you might as well piss in it [I am totally unqualified to say that so any corrections welcome]
Because it must be pumped the system cannot be open canal [even if there were no evaporative losses] which is expensive.
Frankly, there is no HV grid power on the route, without power “Ya dreamin'”.
Run your de-sal plants, they are already built and would need less power.
The Ord River scheme, and the Bradfield (revised Hells Gate) system proposals,.. are two separate proposals in different parts of the country.
This yarn has been around for more than a decade, gravity fed.
An interesting thought. Then try the “journalistic thinking” at the end –
“further to this comment:
A commenter to today’s Dr. Campbell video says:
Could Ivermectin be changing the genetics of COVID through blocking NSP 14 protein? In Utter Pradesh and Japan the decline in covid cases happened about 10-14 days after ivermectin seemed to be introduced in a massive scale. In your video about Japan, you mentioned that the nsp14 mutated and could be the cause of the great decline in Japan. Could Ivermectin have precipitated that mutation and decline? Apparently Ivermectin binds well to nsp14. See Front. Microbiology 25 January 2021 by AF Eweas et al, Molecular Docking Reveals Ivermectin and Remdesivir as Potential Repurposed Drugs Against SARS-CoV-2.
Interesting idea. I have not seen that paper.
And if anybody wants to hear what a journalist thinks (Bueller?)
He saw that the African countries who used IVM were doing better and concluded …
… maybe IVM only works if you have worms!”
it wasn’t introduced in japan.
There is no mechanism for ivermectin to cause a declining mutation 9whatver that is), it is about as close to suggesting magic as there is in genetics.
The other unexplained thing is what happened to the non-mutated highly infectious viruses. They didn’t just disappear and they had plenty of non ivermectin taking humans to infect (basically all of them in japan).
Our resident “fact-checker”
And just as dependable as all the others in propagating the narrative.
Japan allowed doctors to use Ivermectin to treat patients so they did. The “mysterious” decline of CoVid is in Japan is the direct consequence of this.
A “Day in the Life of a Fact Checker”.
It is not approved for use in Japan and it rarely is.
Do you have a giovernment source for a change and evidence that there was massive uptake in the period when millions of doses of vaccine were still being administered.
i’ll wait
It is discussed by Dr John Campbell.
thanks david – to repeat
if not fthoo the thread. thanks
Reply from The Department of Health
The National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce brings together the peak health professional bodies across Australia whose members are providing clinical care to people with COVID-19.
The Taskforce undertakes continuous evidence surveillance to identify and rapidly synthesise emerging research to provide national, evidence-based guidelines for the clinical care of people with COVID-19.The Taskforce’s current advice on ivermectin is “Not recommended; Do not use ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 outside of randomised trials with appropriate ethical approval.” The certainty of evidence to support the use of ivermectin in relation to all-cause mortality, invasive mechanical ventilation, ICU admission, adverse events (including serious adverse events) and clinical improvement is low, due to risk of bias and imprecision in the clinical trials.
Evidence to support viral clearance, time to clinical recovery and duration of hospital stay is also very limited. This is a result of study sample sizes being small and in select populations, a lack of peer-reviewed data, and insufficient evidence to support claims, including studies that have drawn incorrect conclusions, or have incorrectly extrapolated information based on laboratory studies. This means that the standard of evidence for the use of ivermectin as a therapeutic for COVID-19 is insufficient.
Research evidence comparing ivermectin to standard care, as published by the Taskforce, has shown some effectiveness against COVID-19 disease. However, problems with the clinical data mean there remains significant uncertainty over whether ivermectin is more effective and safer than standard care in treating patients with COVID-19. For there to be certainty in the evidence from clinical trial data, trials need to be conducted with large numbers of participants across different demographics, with varying comorbidities. The trials should be randomised, and papers should be peer reviewed before final publication. This ensures that the treatment will work for the intended audience and will lead to better outcomes than standard care.
Ivermectin has common side effects and associated harms, including diarrhoea, nausea and dizziness. For any therapeutic to be considered for use in clinical practice, the benefits must out way the negative side effects in the intended audience. The recommendations and their rationale are available at:
The Taskforce continues to monitor evidence and consider the effectiveness of therapeutics for both the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 infection, including for ivermectin. If ivermectin was found to be a safe and effective treatment for COVID-19, the relevant guidelines will be updated accordingly.
It is important for Australians to have access to credible and timely information about COVID-19 vaccines. It is a large and complex project, and the information you are seeking may change over time—that is why we strongly encourage you to stay up-to-date on all news and announcements, by regularly checking the Department of Health’s website at:
Gosh. All those words. My translation is “Not Invented Here. Research will be suppressed at all costs”.
And I had to smile to myself. At first reading I saw “Department of Truth” instead of “Department of Health”.
Thank you for writing on this matter.
Yours sincerely
Australian Government Department of Health
Undecipherable Signature – Take your Pick
What a diagram. Quite the PHD (piled high and deep)!
Big is the enemy of good.
Here is a clip regarding the “vaccine” from South African Physician Dr. Shankara Chetty who talks about “The Bigger Plan”, Bitchute 11 mins. ToM
Thanks mods – understood.
In days of yore, we used to read the Sunday newspapers to gain perspective on the news from the preceding week, as this was the only day we were at leisure to do so. So it was with alacrity that I opened the Sunday Herald-Sun in Melbourne last week to read about what was probably the largest public demonstration in the history of this city. Starting on the cover, the full page picture was of a cricket player guilty of ‘sexting’ being comforted by his forgiving wife. ‘Who gives a rat’s toss bag’, thought I. As I leafed through the pages, there on page three was a lovely picture of a litter of puppies, cute, I admit but not really the ‘news’ I hoped for. Then I came across, wait for it, a FIVE page ‘special’ on aforementioned cricket player. Suffice to say, I had to eventually turn to page 57 before finding any mention of the demonstration and that was a small picture captioned on the comments page, only published because it accompanied a comment by a reader. I realise so-called journalists have been captured and thoroughly brainwashed, not to mention bought, for many years now, but this is such a blatant, p-ss poor example of their ‘craft’, that I don’t really see how they are worthy of the name anymore.
Next Sunday, I might just be able to find something else to fill in my time, I’m very sure my wife has a list.
I haven’t read a newspaper in years. I can’t remember whether I jettisoned them before or after “breakfast television” and TV news generally.
Gary… buy the Saturday paper instead and read it on Sunday. No puppies in there.
But a good amount of puppy poop.
I took your lead. You said you read the week on Sunday. Ok, a paper published from Saturday, which is literally published as a week review misses one day in the last 7 but it actually fills the criteria minus 1/7.
I loved papers in europe many years ago like the guardian weekly and the economist which did an excellent job of this
Actually, according to Gerard Henderson, the Saturday Paper goes to press on Thursday evenings.
I believe Saturday to Saturday is still 7 days no?
Government job, so every day is a Saturday.
Surely they can’t ‘report’ Saturday’s events when that day’s paper has already been issued in the morning?
Boeing knew doomed 737-MAX plane was ‘pig with lipstick’ but still let it fly
Another data point supporting the idea that big is the enemy of good.
The workhorse of the Boeing fleet, the 737 debuted in January 1967 with mini-skirted stewardesses from Pacific Southwest Airlines standing on the wings. But it was never popular. “It’s like a sh–ty pickup,” Gordon Bethune, a former Boeing executive who also ran Continental Airlines, told Robison.
By the time a fourth redesign of the 737 was given the go-ahead in 2011, largely in a bid to counter the growing threat of Airbus’s A320neo model, the plane was christened the 737-MAX but still failed to impress. “It’s a pig with lipstick,” one former Boeing pilot told Robison. “Such a kludge of an airplane,” remarked the company’s ex-engineer Rick Ludtke. “Designed by clowns, who in turn are supervised by monkeys,” said one employee who had grown tired of the endless mistakes.
As Robison writes, “Just like the original 737, the design was quick and dirty.”
The 787 is still mired in quality control issues, the latest is in the epoxy wings.
It is a spectacle, a rare sight and it has not been seen since 2012 — Copeton Dam near Inverell in northern New South Wales reached capacity overnight and it is the talk of the town.
Key points:
Copeton Dam is full for the first time since 2012
The dam is now spilling, with flows increasing to 10,000 megaliters per day
Irrigators are nervously watching the releases, with their potential for more flooding
The dam is said to be almost three times the size of Sydney Harbour and is spilling for the first time in almost a decade.
Peter Caddey, Inverell shire’s manager of tourism and marketing said it was a magnificent sight.
“It really is a sight to behold,” he said.
“She’s cracked the 100 per cent mark now and it’s only about the fourth time since she was built [it was completed in 1976] that she’s actually gone over it.
It’s been Flannerying again I see.
Got through spell-check. Publish.
Was meant to be a reply to OldOzzie’s 14.2
Maybe another reason to worry about the covid19 vaccines.
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) significantly increased in patients after receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.
Here is the abstract of the study that the article is based on
Beaches & Dogs
Anyone seen/done any analysis on the proposed replacement energy system (windfarms, solar panels, and battery) replacement for the Wallerawang Power Station which was demolished yesterday?
Last thing i remember was that it would be the sight for a large “Big Battery” facility as part og the many times spruked NSW “Renewable Energy Hub”
A power station in Lithgow, New South Wales, was partially demolished on November 24 to make way for a renewable energy hub, according to local news reports. The power station had been idle since 2014, and was acquired by Greenspot in late 2020. A battery storage system has been proposed for the site, according to Greenspot’s website. This video posted to Facebook by Chris Jonkers shows the moment demolition crews brought down the chimney stacks at the Wallerawang power station. A boiler house was also demolished, local media reported. Credit: Chris Jonkers via Storyful
The far greater generating capacity Liddell Power Station in the NSW Hunter Valley is scheduled for closure in 2023, there are 4 generator units each of 500 MW capacity.
But don’t worry about it there will be renewables solutions to replace it – so THEY say.
I think Liddell has had one unit offline for ages and the other three are not at full output either.
Australians to get a 6% decrease in power bills in 2024, can’t see it happening in NSW though.
It’s been offline since 2014 so there is no effect from its demolition.
Liddell’s 3/4 shutdown is what will break the AEMC grid over the succeeding summers (Hazelwood’s shutdown took the grid to the edge – Liddell’s will push it over).
Bring it on.
You have your genny all fueled up and tested? I have.
You might know Analitik, if your genny may sit for a year between uses which fuel is more stable, diesel or petrol and are LPG gennys available?
Petrol/Diesel you can add an anti fungal to either, you just drain it out or run a preservative to protect from corrosion. Diesel is noisy and mine gets a vibration up, so in a shed away from the house.
Petrol is very quite and good price, need to know your power draw to size it, hot water is out, but mine runs the shed 2 freezers and compressor. House everything, 2 freezers, fridge, computers, TV and struggles boiling the jug on top of that, but does it.
Mine is hard wired to a switching breaker, (mains to genset) this is a must. Think mine is 10 or 12 amps so you have to look at start up currents, but most things are inverter or capacitor nowa days.
I just run my genny every couple of months and switch over to load her up, Ergon usually look after the black outs around that time frame.
We use ‘premium’ petrol in all small motors. No more starting problems. It is the ethanol in gas that buggers up motors that are left with fuel in them.
I would check that, premium is not recommended for small engines. Premium is a higher octane rating, ethanol is used to increase the octane rating along with additives. Lead used to be added to increase the octane rating I think, the valve slap prevention was a bonus.
The octane rating is basically the compression/ignition point, so the pressure is higher before ignition, hydrocarbons will combust in oxygen on pressure without ignition from any source (think diesel) so timing then matters. In a high oxygen atmosphere carbon steel will burn like paper but needs an ignition source or pressure and that pressure can be a foot step.
Petrol does not contain ethanol unless blended, E10. Ethanol does hold water as its hydroscopic all fuel will draw in moisture from the atmosphere in the tank through expanding and then contracting through the vent, so sitting in a tank does not turn the fuel over which Leeds to a build up of water.
I think from memory this combustion point is the reason small engines are not recommended to run premium, as they cannot advance the timing, so ignition occurs prior to reaching optimal pressure, you should check this for the engines sake as well as the purse. The operations manual will set you straight.
There is little gain from premium except for the people who make it, as the cost benefit is very marginal. Oil companies and auto manufactures are in bed together.
Race cars run up to 85% ethanol for HP gains, but their engines are striped and rebuilt after every race and they are designed for higher pressures, your brigs and Stratton is not.
Octane rating is a long story and, yes, the lead additive was for octane.
Au contraire, “wasted” octane is no problem whatsoever. If an engine doesn’t knock on 85 RON it still won’t on 92 ROn. True, you can’t advance ignition to get that little extra power that would be available, such is life. If you are off-grid and have to refill your genny every couple of weeks, by all means use reg. unleaded.
I destroyed a Still brush cutter, an oldie but goodie, by putting some acetone in the petrol because I noticed gum in the fuel tank. The acetone dissolved the gums which didn’t burn so it ran about 30 secs before seizing solid. Because it doesn’t freeze here both petrol and diesel are low quality so a few pennies for the better fuel, if it is to sit around between uses, can save an engine. I only half fill my car so petrol doesn’t sit in the tank for months.
As an aside, any European teams bringing diesels to Bathurst enduro races bring their own fuel. They don’t trust ours.
The mechanic arrives 🙂
I have a Gerni, B/S has a sticker on the tank, regular unleaded only, seen it on others. This may be for seal/gasket/fuel compatibility?
No point in putting the octane in if you can’t get the octane out. Is Ethanol used to boost octane in Aus or just an additive, is that not the same base with a dash of vodka?
Ethanol is hydroscopic, do the metho trick I guess.
A few AA’s and a rotary thinga -majig.
New Covid strain …
Ooooh errr !…scary , scary. …where should we hide,..who will save us ?
Agree Chad. Dennis, what is your point?
Possibly quite scary for the vaccinated since they have antibodies for the original (unmutated) variant of the spike protein. The large number of differences between the antigens increases the likelihood of (vaccine) immune escape.
Luckily, aside from South Africa, vaccination rates are very low in Sub-Saharan Africa. This should limit the spread of this variant if it has no transmissibility or surviability advantage.
Whoops, posted a day too early about both South Africa and transmissibility – Covid: New heavily mutated variant B.1.1.529 in South Africa raises concern
Just give me my Ivermectin!
New Botswana variant with 32 ‘horrific’ mutations is the most evolved Covid strain EVER and could be ‘worse than Delta’ — as expert says it may have emerged in an HIV patient
– Only 10 cases of the strain — dubbed B.1.1.529 — have been spotted to date
– Variant has 32 mutations, many of which suggest it is more vaccine resistant
– Scientists warn the variant could be worse ‘than nearly anything else about’
There are “Only ten cases” which “could” be worse than delta. Gimme a break.
There are over 10 bloody million cases where antivirals could have saved lives.
Only one of these statements is statistically significant.
Same as #23. See that for more discussion
“Viral Goalposts Shifting – Scientists, Facing Scrutiny About Vaccinations Not Stopping Virus, Announce Discovery of New Vaccine Resistant Strain of Virus
November 24, 2021 | Sundance | 144 Comments”
Neither the ‘vaccinated’ nor the ‘unvaccinated’ will ever be fully vaccinated against Covid.
which goes back to the original question no one can come close to answering at this stage. Do the risks of having the jab outweigh the risks of not having it? Given it’s too early to know the long term side effects and weaknesses of the COVID-19 vaccines, such a question is not possible to answer today. This reason alone ought to mean that the coercion to be vaccinated could be wrong and only time will tell if it turns out to be a crime against humanity. So many questions yet so few answers. In general it takes many years for vaccines to be considered better or worse than the disease itself. In the past there have been cases where a vaccine turned out to be worse than the disease and so had to be removed from the market but it took years to know. We only only about two years into the current cycle. The next few years will tell us the true story. In the meantime as has been already reported there are new variants of the virus that makes the situation even more complex that it already is. Them there is the obvious risk of completely different virus and hence other pandemics to come. The solution that our so called health experts can only come up with is more vaccines, more jabs, which means more questions. I think I will eventually become an anti-vaxxer after all! That’s fine by me as I always consider being contrarian to popular thinking and government decree as the correct stance to take for a number of valid reasons.
Mater’s Musings #42: Stop the mendacity…it’s in black and white
I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve had a gutful of people telling me the current covid vaccines in Australia have gone through all the trials (albeit expedited) that other, more traditional vaccines have. It just isn’t true, and Health Department ads in major newspapers saying so, doesn’t automatically change that.
NCIRS: Phases of Clinical Trials
But the very next paragraph reveals the unavoidable truth:
However, as there are limited safety data, full registration of the vaccine will only be given after extended safety monitoring, which will take several years (refer to Figure 2).
What does the Australian Government’s National Health and Medical Research Council say about trial participation?
Ref: National Health and Medical Research Council
Despite the coerced consent given at the vaccination hubs (a fig leaf of legal coverage), you can hardly call being put out of work, and socially ostracised, a the basis for ‘completely voluntary’. As for “no adverse effects” on their “relationship with their doctor”, what a shame it doesn’t include ’employer’. Many of us might still have a job.
For a change I’ll mention energy, specifically free energy.
It’s really laughable that we’re (the human race that is) jumping onto low efficiency energy sources like solar, especially into a grand solar minimum with extreme weather events. Even MC panels are around 22% efficient.
Now there’s this thing called the US patent national security law that covers energy producing inventions.
Heaven forbid anyone actually coming up with something that would destroy the US’s cash cow called oil.
You wonder why past inventions never seem to go anywhere?
The Pogue carburettor, Yul Brown’s HHO electrolysis etc. Apparently solar panels hit 50% efficiency decades ago but fell foul of the US patent law mentioned.
What about Nikola Tesla’s inventions?
Tapping the “ether” or dark energyfor energy.
That appears to be a resonant frequency EMF harnesser of some sort but of course the secrets died with him or ended up in the CIA vaults.
In modern times and of particular interest is Professor Nakamatsu in Japan, the inventor of the floppy disk and the holder of around 8,000 patents making him one of the most prolific inventors ever.
He developed a “cosmic particle harnesser” the size of a house door and powers his house and others in the complex 24/7/365.
Imagine that hitting the market.
No…lets dream about solar, short life wind power with non biodegradable blades currently being buried in landfill worlwide, lithium batteries mined by kids in open cut mines again with limited life and disposability issues although some reclamation is possible.
Think where the human race could be if everything wasn’t driven by money and greed. No doubt a few missing trillion $ routed to black projects in the US has some very interesting scientific advances but the masses will probably never know.
Correlation between Pfizer vaccine and prion disease observed by French doctor Luc Montagnier
Translated from his interview on SUD Radio:
Prion disease causes degeneration of brain tissue and leads to conditions such as Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (Mad Cow Disease), Kuru, Alzhiemer’s and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease,sc
Here is the paper that I put up a few months ago where the researchers modelled the prion action of spike proteins inducing herparin binding and folding in brain tissue.
Jo said it was speculative at that time. Possibly not (although Dr Montagnier thinks that aluminium in the Pfizer vaccine is the likely cause).
Indigenous community leaders are now upset about the internet based and other false and misleading claims that Indigenous Australians are being held down for vaccination and forced into quarantine camps in the NT …
Well, this doesn’t look good for the vaxxer crowd.
UK vaxxed dying at 200% greater rate than unvaxxed in same aged groups. I’m gonna stay at home and try some whiskey.
I’m gonna stay at home and try some whiskey.
Best you drop the ‘E’ if you are into delicious Speyside malts – the Scots will have your guts for garters.
And not good for kids ….up to a 44% increase in deaths in young people over the previous 5 yr average.
Statistician Mathew Crawford suggests that Alex Berenson hasn’t allowed for age and infirmity biases and is basing his conclusion on the illusion of Simpson’s Paradon –
What he has found, though, is that there is no indication of the vaccines saving ANY lives in the UK, at all. The weekly rate of excess deaths amongst the vaccinated vs unvaccinated does not differ at all. There is a tiny cumulative rate difference but it is statistically at the level of noise.
The chart is highly selective. It has truncated the first few weeks of the year. The unvaccinated 10-59 were dropping at a rate of 4/100k per week during January. The vaccinated were under 1/100k per week for January. The gradual shift is related to the age preference for getting vaccinated. It is a fact of death that the older a person is, the greater their chance of dying. Around 75% of current Covid cases in the UK are under 18yo. Not many of those are vaccinated and not many of them die from Covid. If you look at table 5, it has ythe death rate in much smaller age bands. The deaths of people between 50 and 59 is more than twice the deaths in the age band 10 to 49. The way the chart tails off simple means that adults are more likely to die than kids, whether vaccinated or not.
On a population basis, England lost 100/100k per week during February. The overall death rate dropped to 28/100k/wk by the end of June and has stayed there while mobility has been increased.
You can verify what I have stated by going to the source file given in the link:
During the period of Covid UK has lost 217/100k just to Covid. 160/100k were in a four month period from Nov 2020 to end of March 2021. The vaccinations has saved hundreds of thousands of lives.
If sufficient adults get vaccinated then there is no need to vaccinate children to achieve herd immunity. It would be nice to spare the kids the risks associated with vaccination. I have done my duty.
It’s not unreasonable to truncate the first weeks of the year. There was a big spike of deaths in that period (presumably the normal winter cull, plus COVID on top) and the vast majority hadn’t had the chance to get vaccinated.
Have you studied Table 2?
Instead of breaking down the age groups, Table 2 gives you the all-cause ASMR (age-standardized mortality rate) for each week. I like to think of it in terms of the odds: which group would you prefer to be in, at that point in time.
I’m not interested in arbitrary points in time like “21 days”, I just want to know if people who had one of more doses of mRNA, are doing better than those who didn’t – the Nojabs.
So I merged the three jabbed groups** into one group, and plotted them against the Nojabs:
The interesting part is between weeks 16 and 24, Nojabs start having better survival odds than the others. After week 24 the lines converge again: they’re almost identical til week 29.
And then for the last ten weeks, the odds are a little bit in favor of the vaccinated, but starting to converge at the end.
So between weeks 16 and 24, (hypothetically) you’d feel safer as a member of the Nojabs.
Happy to be corrected if my reasoning is wrong, I’m here to learn too.
**I merged the three Vaccinated groups with this formula:
( (pop2*asmr2) + (pop3*asmr3) + (pop4*asmr4) ) divided by ( pop2 + pop3 + pop4 ) = overall ASMR.
I had to zero out some fields that had colons in them, allowing a slight bias to the Vaccine, I don’t think it matters.
Zoe Phin might be useful here: she’d know how to dump the data into a csv file, and write a Bash script.
“… a little bit in favor of the vaccinated” should be simply “in favor of the vaccinated”.
The maximum divergence of the lines is less (11 points compared to 16, in weeks 16-24) but the time apart is longer.
Mathew Crawford has a LOT of analysis on his substack that shows how they have poorly defined the statistics quoted by people like Rick Will which misleads them into thinking the vaccines are a miracle that is going to save the human population.
Look at the articles in the Efficacy section (lots of other good, if rather heavy, statistical analysis on the site)
Also, this is a great video interview with him by Steve Kirsch, laying out all sorts of statistical anomalies with the vaccines trials and recordings.
Thanks I’ll have a look.
Get your shot at your local
Eurasia weather forecast.
‘The Europe 15-day forecast indicates above normal heating demand on a daily basis through the next 12-13 days.
‘Farther downstream in Russia, the pattern is mild as below normal heating demand is projected. The minimal HDD values for Russia indicate the lead source region for arctic air (Siberia) is mild to start metrological winter.
‘A period of above normal heating demand in Asia is ending and for Nov. 25-30 the national demand shifts to below normal. Very cold air is somewhat limited to Alaska and vicinity in the 15-day forecast.’ (Climate Impact Company)
The general consensus is that the next few weeks will be cold in Europe, but will it snow in London on Xmas day?
‘In the short-term Europe is looking colder. The predicted ridging/high pressure will contribute to deepening troughing/low pressure in Europe accompanied by cold temperatures. Also predicted cold temperatures in the polar stratosphere are also favorable for colder weather in Europe in early December. Still even for Europe a predicted return of low pressure to Greenland seems to favor milder weather eventually even for Europe.’ (Judah Cohen AER)
First it was reported that heart attacks and other vascular issues have mysteriously spiked this year (especially amongst the young, females and athletes).
Now there are reports of stillborn babies being far, far more frequent this year than previously.
And from the comments
Several doctors warned this might happen. And were promptly cancelled !
Dr John Campbell spoke of “spontaneous @bortions” as being different to “miscarriages” and now we have “still births”. A case of BS baffles brains?
I think it was Zelenko said miscarriages were up from 10% to 80% but AFAIK the poison was never trialled in pregnant women. How can it be approved?
“US Food & Drug approval for ‘Our Great And Powerful Friends'”
Kung Flu:
The Japanese experience:
The natives are restless!
A contingent of AFP and ADF out of Lavarack are heading to the Solomons at the request of the Gov. to help quell riots.
Seems they are not best pleased by their govts cosying up to the slopes.
Weather War Erupts
Sounds like the Met is ruled by climate politics.
Africa is only 6% covid vaccinated but covid infection is extremely low.
Plus most covid vaccines are not suitable for Africa because of their refrigeration requirements. I guess the inaccessibility of vaccines suits those Elites with a depopulation agenda, although the lack of vaccination is not having the desired effect.
Japan and ivermectin.
Strange that TFI went to Japan for an example of IVM success when they have a great story of their own.
Nov. 25 th.
In spite of it being my parents’ wedding anniversary I missed it until I heard someone in the neighbourhood letting go a number of strings of crackers: It is Guy Fawkes night. It waa fun once before the Nanny State decided we might burn ourselves with the bon fires and crackers. I’m not sure my neighbour was legal. I hope he gets away with it though.
It was one of the highlights of the year when I was a kid.
Next morning, the paper always had some kid who was blinded or burnt from fireworks.
The dopes of this world cruelled it for us all.
Nov. 25 th. – It is Guy Fawkes night???
Remember, Remember, the 5th of November
Oh dear. Blame that silly B letting off crackers, he led me astray.
If that’s the biggest mistake I make, I can live with that. 🙂
Not a problem in today’s life – Cheers (Raising a Glass of Fine Red)
The version I knew:
“Please to remember the 5th of November,
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.”
The International Olympic Committee now officially allows men to play women’s sport.
It’s the end of meaningful women’s participation in sport.
Down, but not out: hydroxychloroquine could still have a role against COVID-19
I don’t see any mention of either zinc or vitamin D.
Dave B
Booster jab: PM’s urgent jab warning to every Aussie as Europe braces for Covid winter wave
Scott Morrison is urging Australians to get the booster jab in a letter to every home as Covid wreaks havoc across Europe.
Meanwhile Article next to the above on same page
Pfizer Covid vaccine linked to 26 new cases of heart inflammation in Australia
There have been more reports in Australia of a side effect of the Pfizer vaccine common in teenage boys.
The number of cases of heart inflammation linked to the Pfizer Covid vaccine in Australia has risen to 341 from about 23.9 million doses.
There were 26 new cases of the rare side effect known as myocarditis reported in the week ending November 21.
There was also one new blood clots case linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine following a first dose. It involved a 67-year-old woman from Victoria.
The new case increased the total Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) or blood clots cases to 164 out of 13.4 million doses. Of these 148 (81 confirmed, 62 probable) related to a first dose and 21 to a second dose (six confirmed, 15 probable).
Eight people have died as a result of blood clots – six of these were women.
There have also been a total of 150 reports of suspected Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) occurring after vaccination with AstraZeneca, a rare but sometimes serious immune disorder affecting the nerves.
And a total of 90 reports of suspected immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) following vaccination with AstraZeneca, a rare immune reaction that can occur after a viral infection or vaccination when platelets, which help blood to clot, are mistakenly destroyed.
The figures were released in the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s Covid-19 vaccine weekly safety report on Thursday afternoon.
Myocarditis is reported in one to two in every 100,000 people who receive Pfizer, although it is more common in young men and teenage boys after the second dose (five to 11 cases per 100,000 doses).
Coronavirus Death Toll Under Joe Biden Expected to Surpass Deaths Under Trump — in Less Time
The U.S. death toll from the Chinese coronavirus under President Joe Biden’s administration will soon surpass the death toll recorded during former President Donald Trump’s administration, and in less time — despite vaccines being available under Biden and not under Trump.
Approximately 378,955 people in the United States have died from the Wuhan virus in Joe Biden’s first ten months in office, according to statistics provided by Johns Hopkins University.
The nationwide coronavirus death toll — which was at 396,442 when Biden first took office — is now at 775,397.
On January 21, 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed the first coronavirus case in the United States, in the state of Washington, after an individual had returned to the U.S. from Wuhan, China.
President Biden — who campaigned heavily on combating the coronavirus — took office nearly one year to the date of the first recorded coronavirus case, but now the U.S. death toll from the Wuhan virus is expected to more than double within Biden’s first ten months in office.
During the final presidential debate between Trump and Biden on October 22, 2020, Biden insisted that “anyone who’s responsible for that many deaths” — which at the time was at around 220,000 — “should not remain as President of the United States of America,” notes TIME.
While Biden claims that an individual should not remain president if hundreds of thousands of coronavirus-related deaths have occurred during their administration, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki nonetheless confirmed on Monday that Biden plans to run for reelection in 2024.
What’s happening in Europe is totally unrelated to OZ, their diminished vit D levels caused by the onset of winter is to blame.
NSW is coming out in time for Xmas.
‘Masks, QR codes and vaccination certificates will no longer be required in retail and restaurants from mid-December, while school closures will be a thing of the past next week.’ (SMH)
We hope.
That scenario will only play out as long as Perrottet doesn’t get rolled yet again by his Photios cabinet. Green Kean and Jack-Boot Hazzard would love to lock us down until we’re back in the stone age.
Our worst nightmare.
‘Australia’s $3 trillion superannuation industry says it is ready to ‘unleash a wall of capital’ to invest in green projects to support the move to a net zero carbon economy by 2050.’ (Oz)
Interesting. At least those Tesla owners who suffered from “ Server Error 500 “ lockouts can get their cars towed.
And there go the savings of millions of people who wanted an independent retirement.
But look; it’s all about the placement commissions and fund management fees.
“Lab Leak Denier Daszak Gave A ‘We’ve Done Nothing Wrong’ Interview And An Insect Literally Escaped a Cage In the Middle of It.”
Wettest spring in a century, its a global cooling signal.
We had 2 1/100 year floods in 1980’s even though we live on the side of a hill – now included in Northern Beaches Flood Zone for in front of our front brick fence, which deflected and sent thigh high water down our drive to flood properties below cliff at rear boundary
How far above average was the rainfall for the period August -October?
In NZ the feature of the spring was the was cold , with less evaporation.
Soil moistures are still on the dry side.
all rainfall measurements in the ACT and surrounds have already broken the November record with rain forecast for many of the remaining days this month,
But the topic was Spring, which is why I said August-October. Anyone got the numbers?
“Wettest spring in a century, its a global cooling signal.”
November is usually considered spring here (and August winter) and I reported November because it has been in local media (no, I have not verified it).
I have not looked into Sept-Oct but both were wet so with November being a record it must be a high ranking wet spring (sept-nov version)
” (and August winter)”
Someone needs to tell the sheep to stop lambing at Oimelg /Imbolc (the first week of August) : obviously the silly sheep don’t know that it’s not Spring , at least in (urban?) Australia.
If we defined start of spring as peak wattle blossom, then we’d be with you.
Standard 4 seasons only apply in Australia for a relatively geographically small but highly populated part of Australia. Everywhere else -tropics, arid areas etc use the terms out of habit.
Spring here is when the koel [storm bird] starts calling. It’s a cuckoo which winters in PNG and when it returns needs to trigger the young with incessant calls to leave their foster parents and join their peers.
Early summer is supposed to be mango blossom time but I have yet to see even one in flower. I thought it was just local but apparently not, NQ will have a bad mango harvest. Same with lychees, they will be poor quality and expensive so don’t plan on either for your Christmas table. I doubt Darwin can meet demand.
Canberra is having its coolest November in 30 years.
All I can find is that August rainfall was below average to average :-
The Beatles ‘Get Back’ in Peter Jackson’s New Three-Part Documentary
Long and Excellent Summary of Part 1 – will watch Part 1 today on Disney+ on LG OLED W7 Signature Wall TV on this grey miserable day in Sydney
No 9 grandson (4 year old) watching Top Wing on Curved LG OLED TV behind me.
South Korea is doing well from your household
Great TVs – Curved LG OLED TV also has curved LG SoundBar
Having successfully done business in Korea and Japan over many years impressed with both countries products – current cars 2 Japan and 2 Korean – next new car (probably 2023 when Chip Supply Fixed) will be again Korean or Japanese
cars and major appliances – mine are all Korean or Japanese apart from a German dishwasher.
“this grey miserable day in Sydney”
Surely ozzie farmers are delighted to have a wet November?
Hard to imagine a better start to Summer for farmers , unless it’s too cold.
I would assume it is where they are at in harvesting
Bad weather set to wipe billions off value of Australian crops
Quality of winter harvests being downgraded due to ‘untimely rain’ and rising flood waters
NSW Farmers call on the government to declare recent floods a natural disaster.
And its’ still raining. Large parts of the Central West and North West Slopes/Plains of NSW in the heart of the cropping zone are under water, with wider flooding still on the way. When it does stop raining it will take weeks for the water to drain away.
The grain harvest in eastern Oz starts in about November in southern QLD and works its way southwards down the grain belt week by week as the grain ripens in a sequential wave until it finishes down south in VIC around December. The grain cockies are in the midst of what should be harvest right now in the northern parts. They will not be cheering the timing of this rain.
A bumper crop is going under water or being severely downgraded to feed grain status or worse, by weather damage. Wheat ready to harvest that gets too wet will sprout in the head before it can be harvested. It could be many weeks before a lot of farmers can get headers and trucks back onto boggy paddocks to commence harvesting.
The rain is a blessing for some and a curse for others.
Hard news.
UK School Asks Pupils to Wear ‘Yellow Badge’ to Show They Are Mask-Exempt
Allison Pearson from The Telegraph had circulated last week excerpts of an email from the headmaster of Farringtons School in Chiselhurst, Kent, advising parents that children who are exempt from wearing a mask in school should wear a “yellow badge” to identify themselves. The email prompted the journalist to ask “does the school have teachers who know their history?” as well as dozens of responses to the tweet with members of the public seeing the comparison to the forcing of J@wish people wearing stars in N@zi-occupied Europe so they could be identified and singled out for discrimination.
A list of awkward questions via Small Dead Animals –
“For Ms. Jong-Fast and other members of the Leftist Covid Cult, here are ten questions to ask them around the dinner table:
Can fully vaccinated people contract Covid?
Can fully vaccinated people give others Covid?
Statistically, are children more at harm if they contract Covid or if they get the Covid mRNA jab?
Why has Japan turned away from vaccinations in favor of giving its citizens Ivermectin?
Since Japan made this decision, what has been the result?
Tell me what you know about the yellow star program in the 1930’s.
Would you have been in favor of treating homosexuals differently during the AIDS crisis in the 1980’s?
Are you in favor of “othering” those who have chosen not to get the Covid mRNA jab?
If you are fully vaccinated, then could you explain to me why you are worried about being around unvaccinated people?
If the Covid booster program continues for some time to come, are you prepared to continue to get a jab every 3 to 6 months?” And from comments
Can you give me 5 years of post vaccination safety data to allow for informed consent based on short, medium and long term adverse effects of these novel mRNA and viral vector vaccines?
Tell me why the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn’t protect the protected!
“Mater’s Musings #42: Stop the mendacity…it’s in black and white
I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve had a gutful of people telling me the current covid vaccines in Australia have gone through all the trials (albeit expediated) that other, more traditional vaccines have. It just isn’t true, and Health Department ads in major newspapers saying so, doesn’t automatically change that.”
The list of questions from SDA that was moderated out of being #50 will slot nicely in here
AFAIK Ian pregnant or “likely to become” women were excluded from the trials. If so how can they be injected?
And I repeat: Do not inject children in my name. I’ll take my chances.
Another researcher, in the UK this time, sees rising numbers of heart issues after mRNA vaccinations
Maybe the covid pandemic has been a big step toward getting rid of doctors? They are not allowed to treat, so that takes us quite a ways toward computerised medicine. There has been talk for years about computerised consultations, and how excellent they are, and here we have an occasion where doctors are told to go away. It’s one of those things, where 5 yrs down the track, things could be very different? Good luck guys. Maybe you should have treated people?
Obviously the doctors will be needed to do the coding?
Hopefully a more enlightened public will use Dr. Google before and after their visit.
I do.
Mrs H had dowager’s hump, a sure sign of osteoporosis. I raised the issue, not her GP. A bone density test showed just that and her otherwise excellent GP recommended a treatment that reduced reabsorption of old bone calcium. This is stooopid! Bone is a living organ, how is OLD bone better than chalk? A search showed a “side effect” as osteonecrosis. Excuse me? Nothing Vit D couldn’t fix. A test years later showed her to be in a pre* condition ie no problem.
It’s your body, take control. Firstly stop addressing them as “Doctor”, use their first name or at least “Mr.”. Otherwise they know they have power over you.
Remember that “Mr” was the mark of one who had higher qualifications than a mere “Dr” so that might be an unwarranted promotion
Covid Nu variant is spreading
And now it’s Omicron since the WHO have declared it a “variant of concern”
A Jetstar pilot is charged with murder of a Victorian couple. I know little of the case so will limit myself to the accused.
Reporters say “Jet Star pilot” so going to pprune the first post in the thread is:
I see and hear in the Media a JetStar Pilot has been arrested for an alleged crime.
Why do journalists use ” sensationalism ” headings such as this?
These so called journalists just have to embellish the story to grab attention so it seems.
One would be sure that if he was a taxi driver that would not have been noteworthy enough!!
Anything to make a story better even if it is irrelevant.
Very poor reporting IMOP
A few pilots point out that theirs is a highly regarded profession so the distinction is fair. But then comes the bombshells:
This guy should have been behind bars about 22 years ago. And I understand that the Victorian Police are likely going to reopen the investigation of the murder of his wife. And yes, regarding the initial post, anything that violates the public trust that we enjoy is instant news.
I knew the pilot many years ago, he is an agro person and a loner. Mind you it all depends in which context you know the person.
I always believed the coroner erred in his decision on the death of the said pilot’s first wife. But the coroner can only base his decision on the information placed before him.
I’ve also heard QANTAS dismissed him. Jet Star must be asked what psych tests their pilots undergo.
And for pilots who are upset think German Wings.
SA still skating on thin ice re power generation. For a couple of days now they have been using the minimum of gas. ATM they’re only generating 80MW from gas. This is not enough to maintain freq. stability should the feeder drop out. Loss of control: sheetsville.
But they have experience so maybe it won’t take as long next time to get the lights back on.
They may not be generating much but there are Torrens Point gas boiler generators online as (costly) spinning reserve. This was enacted by the previous SA government to provide network stability while they publicly stated how capable, reliable and predictable renewable generation was.
Another professional soccer player collapses mid-match. I guess they don’t make them like they used to…
Nu is the new name designated for variant
As per #23. See that for more discussion
Sorry, this was meant to be a reply to Raving’s comment #54