The global nuclear industry has put in fifteen applications to display exhibits at the up-and-coming UN Climate COP26 event in Glasgow. But all fifteen have been rejected in preference for exhibits from industries that appear to solve climate problems but have little effect on actual emissions.
Nuclear power poses an existential threat to the Climate Porn and Fear Industry, potentially causing mass job losses by providing thousands of years of reliable electricity as well as grid scale spinning inertia, FCAS, and reserve capacity too.
President Xi could not be contacted, but has in the past encouraged the rest of the world to keep trying to cut emissions in the most expensive way possible.

Imagine what the world would look like if the UNFCCC wanted to solve the climate crisis? (And if there was one?)
UK Govt under fire as nuclear industry claim they have been banned from COP26
The Sunday Telegraph
Up to 15 applications from nuclear-related bodies are understood to have been rejected by Mr Sharma’s COP26 Unit in the Cabinet Office.
They included an application involving the World Nuclear Association, which represents the global nuclear industry, to put on an exhibition featuring a life-size model of a nuclear reactor.
The trade body will still send delegates to attend events in the blue zone, after their applications were approved by the UN. But in an open letter to Mr Sharma, Sama Bilbao y León, director of the World Nuclear Association, said: “We are deeply concerned about the news that every application on nuclear energy for the Green Zone at the upcoming COP26 conference has been rejected.
Photo by Nicolas HIPPERT on Unsplash
In the absence of fossil fuels it is very difficult to see what could be used as reliable 24/7 energy except nuclear.
Clearly, weather dependent renewables and their so called green cousin bio mass are simply not up to the job in most developed economies. This is quite apart from any ethical considerations as regards Uighur forced labour to make solar panels, child slaves to dig the rare earth up in places like the Congo and a looming global shortage of these minerals, which means we will need a planet B, C and D in order to mine enough to serve the spiralling needs of the West
How the Chinese must be laughing at the West as we hurtle enthusiastically towards the edge of the cliffs, below which lie the rocks of social chaos.
forget discussion. You WILL comply with the carpetbaggers..
Have a look at Justin Trudeau telling Canadians that not going along with him and his dictates will see them locked down, and all human rights stripped forever……..
What else could have they learnt(sic)?
Natural Hydrogen ?
If that’s a quip, it’s a great one.
Sixty years ago we were set and moving towards a better world.
Australia was a great country with a solid society and work ethic.
Then, fifty years ago our politicians signalled that we had arrived and we could therefore relax.
The pie was divided up between the politicians and the new non working class who bathed in the luxury of benevolent government.
The remaining workers and taxpayers didn’t notice that they were wearing invisible chains at that time.
Free Education was presented to a gullible nation, and everyone ended up with a Degree: amazingly some of the Graduates could actually read and write.
We have now reached the apex of that civilisation and even Julie Bishop has had to leave the United Bloody Nations and come home: things are getting Sirius.
Australia is on its knees.
Perhaps if we sent a bigger delegation to COP26 we might be allowed to build Nuclear Electricity Power plants as test models and later, sneakily, build back better as a start to renewing Australia.
The masses are not taught history and politicians especially appear oblivious to the fact that things happeneded before they came along.
The result is a society that appears to believe that we have always lived prosperous, long, healthy lives even though this is a very new state , especially for the masses.
we now have wealth of all types that even our parents could not have dreamt of and were not even available to aristocracy
Consequently few people are aware that we are currently living at the apex of civilisation and without cheap plentiful 24/7 energy and spending our money wisely instead of on hare rained hugely expensive and woke schemes it will be very easy to slide quickly down the other side.
Quoting TonyB
“The masses are not taught history and politicians especially appear oblivious to the fact that things happened before they came along”.
The masses, including politicians, are not taught geology during their Secondary Schooling and as such are not in a position to question “AGW Ideology”. The IPCC’s Indoctrination has worked – for now. What happens from 2030 onwards when Earth enters a prolonged MSM/MIA? Another “Maunder Minimum” is more than likely, ie like that experienced in the mid 1600’s / mid 1700’s. The result will be an outcome at total odds with the IPCC’s “AGW Ideology”, ie prolonged Global Cooling, loss of cereal crops, loss of human lives on a scale not seen since the Maunder Minimum and more exacerbated because the world’s population is now ~ 8 billion, not ~ 500 million as it was back in the 1600’s / 1700’s. What awaits is indeed “Armageddon”, caused by GC not GW with humanity totally unprepared because the IPCC have convinced so many that its CAGW projections were a real threat. Any opposing views to its Ideology have been crushed – the scientific method wrt Earth’s future GT projections rejected outright, ie no debate on the matter.
The western world is definitely heading the same way as the fall of the Roman Empire and others that have gone through similar experiences .
Life has become too comfortable and we don’t dare say the Emperor wears no clothes .
Biggest mistake I ever made Voting for Whitlam – (swayed by the “It’s Time” Campaign) followed by voting for Fraser
At least I have followed the idiom
if you are under 25 and don’t vote socialist then you have no heart – if you are over thirty and still vote socialist you have no brains
Free Education was presented to a gullible nation, and everyone ended up with a Degree: amazingly some of the Graduates could actually read and write.
Commonwealth Scholarships worked
I was too young to vote for Whitlam. But I did receive “free” tertiary education back in the late 1980’s. Once I voted for Labor as a set of reward for that gesture – Paul Keating, because I thought Andrew Peacock was a bit soft and I was living in a safe Labor seat so my vote didn’t mean much anyway.
I’m a 70 something and I never voted for Whitlam, just listening to the pompous git made me ill, sadly I have to cop to voting for that other pompous git Fraser, what a mistake that was.
They did eventually find Malcoms trousers.
Possibly the Peabody Ducks found them in the Fountain?
Malcolm Fraser the 22nd Prime Minister of Australia’s notorious incident in Memphis, Tennessee, in October 1986 is a night that would never be forgotten. After give a speech to the Memphis Economic Club Fraser decided to go for a drink at the Peabody Hotel. But for Fraser this was only the beginning of the night. He wandered into the foyer of a Memphis hotel frequented by prostitutes and drug dealers at 7am wearing nothing but a towel. He claimed to have no memory of the nights activities or were his pants where.
Old Ozzie. Kim Beazley snr, a Whitlam Minister, was the Labor luminary who noted that the ALP had been hijacked by “the dregs of the middle class” who were using it as “a spittoon”.
This was totally achieved when Uni became free..and “universal”= low intelligence kids flooded in FOR FREE. However, the question back then was WHICH class of low intelligence kids flooded in, and the answer is as follows…
Prior to Whitlam, the wealthier could afford Uni fees, and MOST wealthier types wanted their kids at Uni = if they reached entry level they entered by paying.. Likewise the middle-class wanted their kids in Uni, BUT as they had to pay too but didn’t have so much money, there was a trade-off when the kids achieved bare-minimum scores: would the poorer performed middle-class get their parents to fork out the dough? The answer was often “no. go get a clerical or Public Service job”
At that time, working class kids (and middle class kids) could get Scholarships and bursaries if they performed WELL at high school. and some did. Nett-result = the few who were wealthy nearly all went to Uni. The smarter working class got to Uni, and most of the the middle-class low achievers did NOT, even though they and their parents had aspirations to do so.
Along came Gough and made it very easy for low-quality middle-class to pour into the Unis because it was mainly them who WANTED to go, but who did not have the money / brains ciombination to justify it.
And here we are. Loads of morons with degrees, while the actual high-quality “thinkers” with degrees are few and far between (check out the CMOs and CHOs for daily examples of over-promoted highly-credentialed morons), stuck away someplace doing original things while being ignored or even pilloried by the credentialed imbeciles.
So that’s it. Please note that one of the first thing these half-wits with degrees did was to release all their fellow imbeciles from the olden-days mental hospitals since THEY 9the credentialed idiots0 so IDENTIFIED with them!
“Free Education was presented to a gullible nation, and everyone ended up with a Degree: amazingly some of the Graduates could actually read and write.”
What, precisely, do you mean by “Free Education”?
Free Primary Education? Free Secondary Education? Free Technical College Education? Free Tertiary Education? Your generalisation is not really very helpful.
But I suspect you are railing at Whitlam for bringing in free Tertiary Education in 1974. How upsetting it must have been have been for those such as yourself to see grubby working class proles being given the chance to become part of the professional classes. What on earth will happen next, you and your like must have thought?
Your derogatory, demeaning and condescending remark that ” some of the Graduates could actually read and write.”” is utterly contemptible.
Yes, graduates could not only read and write but they could also think for themselves and have their own ideas and the ability to cogently argue them. They didn’t cower in echo-chambers where the like minded stroke one another’s prejudices ( yes we even learnt when apostrophes should be used and and where they should be placed) and different ideas are rarely expressed.
Your comment smacks of the Australia where people “knew their place” and doffed their cap to those that were clearly their betters. Such temerity!!
Thank God that attitude has very nearly disappeared.
Whitlamic verbalism at its finest.
Totally misrepresenting everything I said and implied and especially my life situation which was anything but privileged.
And hitlam, with his finance minister, temporary and on loan from the middle East, Tirath Khemlani?, was that it.
Yes, a wonderful period for those who had nothing invested in the nation.
And please, please don’t mention the “privatisations” of locally run health funds and road transport support organizations.
Son of Whitlam never profited from any of that, honest.
I have mentioned to Jo, a very offensive comment you made previously, and while this one is more general in nature I still take offense at the serious misrepresentation made about myself and family situation.
Many faculties and students in the Whitlamic era and later did fantastic work but I think that you need to take a good long look in the mirror.
“Totally misrepresenting everything I said and implied and especially my life situation which was anything but privileged.”
“Everything I said” Rubbish. I quoted only your comments on free education and commented only, repeat only, on those comments and on nothing else.
“Many faculties and students in the Whitlamic era and later did fantastic work but I think that you need to take a good long look in the mirror.”
Your rapid volte face regarding faculties and students in the Whitlam (Whitlamic is incorrect) era who you demeaned and sneered at in your previous comment, does you no credit whatsoever.
As el+gordo so correctly remarked “thank god for Whitlam, many of the lower middle class gained a university education which would otherwise have been beyond their reach. It was a stunning achievement.”
Vanished again
I completely forgot to mention thatJo was a student during the final year or two of the free tertiary education you denigrate.
Amazingly she has managed not only to read and write but also to use those skills on starting and maintaining one of the blogs that has a very positiver global reputation.
He means at Tertiary level, thank god for Whitlam, many of the lower middle class gained a university education which would otherwise have been beyond their reach. It was a stunning achievement.
Today its ‘user pays’, which means everyone has the opportunity if they can afford the luxury. Realpolitik.
” It was a stunning achievement. ”
Yes, the results of that stunning educational bump is now evident in our formerly wonderful nation: Complete and Absolute Chaos.
“Yes, the results of that stunning educational bump is now evident in our formerly wonderful nation: Complete and Absolute Chaos.”
Of course you would say that as, despite your protestations to the contrary, it is plain you rue the day the poorer stratum of Australian society was able to take advantage of a university education.
I was the “poorer stratum” and got a job to pay my uni fees.
It’s tragic that people can “graduate” from an Australian university and not be able understand what’s going on, unless someone else tells them.
The system that has evolved is fair and equitable.
Your comment smacks of the Australia where people “knew their place” and doffed their cap to those that were clearly their betters. Such temerity!!
Garbage – as a Working Class Prole from a Single parent household whose Mother worked her backside off to bring up 2 kids when my Dad died when I was 14 months old
My mother sent us to Catholic Schools, and I sat for Bursaries in Primary 3rd class, 6th class and Intermediate Certificate and then qualified for Commonwealth Scholarship in Leaving Certificate.
great anecdote. It so disproves everything he wrote.
The efforts of your mother to provide you with a good education have nothing whatsoever to do with the type of person that believed people should “know their place” and “doff their cap to their betters” and that allowing them free tertiary education was “the end of civilisation as we know it ”
Clearly Kalm Keith subscribes to the “end of civilisation view ass he ” regards “the results of that stunning educational bump is now evident in our formerly wonderful nation: Complete and Absolute Chaos.”
Ozzie, I’m guessing you are of an age, that when you were small child there were very few pensions. There were widow’s pensions that would barely feed a cat and women earned less than men. Unmarried mothers received nothing, if you had lived in a ‘defacto’ relationship for 20 years and had six kids and your partner died you got nothing. The women who raised families under those conditions were super heroes and it seems most of their kids grew up appreciating the value of hard work and have earned every one of their successes.
All Whitlam and his education ideology achieved was an elevated number of tertiary & university students that weren’t fit for purpose and the beginning of the demise of apprenticeships and blue collar workers.
No we have a situation where we have a miserly number of apprentices, and a bunch of dummies exiting university none the wiser than when they entered.
last year in between lockdowns staying at an airb&b we had our eldest and a few of her uni mates over for a BBQ, the conversation was about politics in the US because of the election and Trumps loss ect..
plenty of TDS shared around, they all agreed that Kamela was a very good choice for VP,
l asked why? they told me because she is female and black LOL they could not understand why l laughed so hard
they also told me that they all voted Labour and greens, l remarked that will be till you start paying tax
l later told my wife l wanted a refund from her Melbourne uni, they are not taught how to think, they are taught what to think
In the UK there is no need to stop the nuclear industry promoting. It is now so expensive due to overblown safety concerns and so politically toxic that no business or government body will consider another project.
We have to rename, rebrand nuclear energy. Candidates are quantum energy, modular energy, thorium battery, … you name it.
Think of it. You have a quantum battery in the middle of the city. No noise of wind turbines. No birds killed. When quantum batteries go empty every few years, they will be sent to renewal facility out of the city. You can even clean the nuclear waste of the current nuclear power plants in this renewal.
A few day ago I read on social media about a new product at Aldi that everyone was raving about, plant based chicken nuggets. It made me think that energy produced from coal could be rebranded as plant based energy. I believe that coal was plant material a few million years ago.
Coal is essentially just compressed biomass.
Coal is fossilized dead trees.
It’s truly a “fossil fuel”
A little side story….
Sometimes I’m in a supermarket, a lot of those “plant-based meats” and chicken etc (=imitation meat and chicken) are greatly reduced, so when I see someone looking at them I ask ‘What’s that mean? Aren’t lamb and beef plant-based too?”
Sometimes they get narky. Sometimes they smile. Well aren’t they?
have you tried them?
a vego at a BBQ gave me a try but it wasn’t good, cardboard would be better
January 1st, 2050 is the date of “rapture” or something.
Meaning the Climate Cult will recognise their goals will not be met and chaos will follow. They have no plan B.
It’s going to be a cold trail, the Grand Solar Minimum has to be survived.
First the cold. Then it might start warming a bit, again. Might.
It all depends on the sun.
Since wind and solar don’t work, the only way Germany can exit coal is to switch to gas… and become entirely dependent on Putin.
What could go wrong?
Coal exit debate haunts German parties ahead of election
“With the German elections less than a month away, the country’s agreed 2038 coal exit looks increasingly untenable.”
h/t: Steve Milloy @Junkscience
a quick read and 2 things I note:
The politicians pass a “feel good” law and the courts then use it to extend the trouble.
The Greens cannot see any problem with getting rid of coal (& nuclear).
Proof that AGW causes brain damage.
I’m guessing the nuclear exhibits would have included Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, Sellafield and Fukushima as examples in favour of nuclear power.
Mind you, blocking China is equally stupid
Oh poor peter…. mind is stuck way back in the last century (1986, 1979, 1956)
(Except Fukushima, which was just bad design for near a seaboard with know tsunami issues)
Quite a few operational nuclear power stations are from the 1960s, 70s…
I wonder how many current wind turbines and solar industrial plants will still be operating in 50-60 years time. 😉
…. Or will they all be relegated to toxic landfill, a couple of times over.
I know its odd citing an ABC article… but
What has happened to the mini nuclear reactors? I read last year that the American version that can be carried on a low loader would have the paperwork finished by September .
Further evidence that the Left, as always, are terrified of alternative opinions hence their censorship and cancel culture.
How weird it must be to be a Leftist, in a permanent state of terror that you might be confronted with an idea you might disagree with (or be too stupid to understand) at any time of the day or night, an idea that your comrades haven’t yet managed to censor to suit your delicate sensibilities.
Fear not only of ideas, but fear of life. That’s why they are so risk averse.
Banning the only true non-carbon power source with 27/7 consistency must surely mean the climate religion is on the run!
As if anyone cares, the local Glaswegian City Council will ban polluters from public toilets for the duration of the dopey climate change conference.
What more proof does one need to expose the climate change alarmists as nothing more than terrorists to the West? It’s not about reducing emissions to zero, which is an impossibility anyway. If it were then the nuclear option would be front and centre right now to avoid a hypothetical man-made catastrophic global warming event. Cost would be totally irrelevant if such an event were real. Given it’s all a scam and a lie, it all has to be about something else. It can only be about power and control by politicians who have lost all common sense and logic, and so end up running roughshod over the very people who elected them.
Shame on our political leaders for not only kowtowing to these terrorists but also actually believing in and following their actions to promote such terrorism. If a small change were to be made to our treason laws to include such acts of terrorism, our leaders would easily end up in prison, which of course means such a change will never be made. A pox to all our leaders.
Also, voters would not support such politicians unless they are either completely ignorant of the situation or want to destroy the West by the very means that are currently in play. Either is no excuse, so a pox on all those who continue to vote for them from now on. You deserve the government you get so stop complaining – you voted them in and will continue to vote them in. If you don’t like what they are doing to this nation then stop voting for them. It’s that simple. Of course too many Australians are so simple minded they can’t understand that under our democratic system we have the power and the right to effect that change and stop the culprits from continuing such acts of terrorism, and in fact is the only peaceful solution out of the mess we are now allowing to pile up right here and now. Enjoy life here in Australia while it lasts. If you want it changed then fill in the ballot paper accordingly, or else you might as well stick that ballot paper in your mouth and shove it.
‘You deserve the government you get so stop complaining – you voted them in and will continue to vote them in.’
Democracy produces a sameness, but I’m confident that out of this milieu a charismatic character will emerge to set things right. Nuclear power has passed its used by date because of the enormous expense, so coal remains our best option until fusion becomes reality.
The “enormous expense” for fission power reactors is largely due to overly onerous safety requirements that are imposed at every stage of construction, validation/testing and operation.
France and South Korea deployed their fission reactor fleets on time and affordably in the 70’s and 80′, respectively. Like the Apollo mission, this probably couldn’t happen today.
As to reliability AEMO is forecasting that with renewables, and instantly dispatchable batteries, the only real threat is the breakdown rate of the coal fleet.
The AEMO can “forecast” whatever they like, just like glo-bull warming catastrophists. It doesn’t make it true.
I hope Tony hasn’t had breakfast yet because he’ll have you for breakfast over that comment.
as long as he critiques the AEMO report. Unlike you and the rest of the ‘experts’ who only want to attack me, which means that you have no counter to what I posted, but of course this blog supports your ad hom stance, so do your best
You haven’t posted anything of any worth, and it was totally destroyed.
Even someone as dull-witted and gullibly ignorant as you, must have figured out by now that they are working with magic mushrooms !
See – this is all you have – when will you be leaving primary school?
You poor petal
Have you even bothered reading any of the utter destruction of the AEMO “wishful fantasies” given below.. or are you just mindlessly mouthing off as usual !
Back to kindy and try basic comprehension yet again.. and don’t fail utterly next time.
Wind is already broken down most of the time. And solar “breaks” for nearly 18 hours a day during winter
SA regularly need 70% gas or more, even up to 99% gas
At the moment NSW is 94% Coal,
Qld is 91% coal and gas
Batteries.. LOL.. just a mind-numbed dream that do not create any electricity what-so-ever.
I don’t think PF has the slightest clue what he is talking about..
and has no ability for rational though.
Batteries.. LOL.. just a mind-numbed dream that do not create any electricity what-so-ever.
Just think of how fast your mobile battery declines and the number of useless obsolete battery powered devices you have lyung around your house.
You do know that Wind and solar have basically zero reliability, don’t you.
You cannot “rely” on them to produce, because they are weather-dependent.
Article says “and new dispatchable generation, particularly battery storage”
Batteries are not “generation”… so Giles is obviously totally clueless what the is talking about..
… as we have seen many times before.. “totally clueless”, is PF’s chosen point for information.
On the contrary. Solar is incredibly reliable. You can absolutely guarantee that it is not available. There is no way you get solar for half the day.
Wind is very reliable if not as predictable. You can guarantee that there are times with no wind at all, days at a time.
Plus you can guarantee that you have no control of the amount of electricity when it does arrive as neither is commandable. So you get only what is there, when it is there, if it is there.
Combine these guarantees and you can absolutely guarantee that for long periods there is no electricity and that you certainly cannot control how much.
So the world will do what it used to do. Chop down trees and burn them in fireplaces. Black is the new Green.
And behind all this is China, commissioning a new coal power station every week. After all, if you don’t want it, why should they waste it. And with all this power they will build new windmills and solar panels.
To keep your society going, to the massive wind and solar subsidies you will be forced to add massive coal and nuclear subsidies. And soon you will not be able to afford to make anything and have to buy it from China.
Ok, I’ll accept that its total unreliability.. is reliable.. Is that ok ? 🙂
Absolutely predictably useless for much of the time.
“You can guarantee that there are times with no wind at all, days at a time.”
It’s not just no wind that’s a problem. Some time ago the ABC ran a program about a wind “farm’ in Tasmania where a farmer leased some land to a business to install about 31 wind turbines. The project manager said the wind turbines produce electricity any time the wind speed is greater than 18 kph.
I have read on this site that wind turbines shut down when wind speed is greater than 50 kph, something to do with stopping damage to bearings
So any time the wind is at 18 kph or lower, or above 50 kph, the generators don’t produce electricity.
What is needed then is a place where the wind blows constantly at between 18 kph and 50 kph but surely in most places that would be climate change.
Based on Maptram’s post, an idea for the viros, concerning installing 31 wind turbines in proximity.
They are probably identical, but how about making them different?
Design one set to operate at very low wind speed but shut off earlier. The other set would be the opposite, they would come on only at a highish wind speed but designed to operate at very high wind speeds.
That way you get power over a very wide range of wind speeds.
I wonder what the actual cost would be to have enough solar and wind farms along with batteries to store enough power to last say a week assuming we got rid of all our fossil fuel power generation systems and relied only on renewables. It would have to run into the trillions, right?
With current technology, it’s not possible, regardless of cost.
Why not? Surely if we covered enough of our land with a high concentration of solar and wind farms, and built lots of grid scale battery farms, we could at least in theory achieve it. I know it would not be practicable as it would take a long time but that’s not the point. I was wondering what the cost would be in rough terms using current technology.
Former ‘Climate Commissioner’, chemist Dr. Will Steffen said that Victoria receives enough solar energy to power the state twice over in the year. Wow! Sounds fantastic! And he is right.
However even at 100% efficiency it would mean covering half the state in solar panels. And where would we the animals and plants live? And at far less than 100%, say 10%, how does it work, with or without storage?
Solar is utterly inadequate.
And we already have thousands of windmills, so we need 10x as many and where do we put them? Who pays for them? How long do they last and what happens when the wind stops for days at a time and at night?
It’s insane. It did not make sense 30 years ago and still does not make sense. Mr Musk’s $100million battery in SA lasts for seconds, minutes at most.
By the way, coal is free. Old plant matter. Perfectly natural.
Here’s what I have been thinking about to SOLVE all the power issues of SOLAR and all the “emissions problems” of COAL …
On the border of SA/WA along the Coastline there, there is a desert that is 100m above sea level and that just steeply drops 100m into the sea. Use google earth and you will see what I mean. And along that stretch is a highway and rail line. So there is the drop, a road, a railline, and then 1000km of desert.
If someone were to dig a 100m deep hole, say starting 500 meters from that drop off, and that hole was 20km long by 20km wide, then put outlets from that hole underground at the bottom of the hole, and put 50 generators that were 1GW each, that would give stable power.
Then, surrounding that whole area, there is a 100m wide stretch of solar panels (so 60km long by 100m wide of solar panels), and link them directly to DC water pumps that pumped water from the sea into the hole, THEN we would have a gigantic solar battery that used conventional hydro power to deliver stable 24/7 power.
And its a desert — which means maximum solar power — and it is flat.
And that DC solar power goes directly to DC water pumps — so no losses.
And 50 generators @ 1GW would mean we could power the whole of Australia, 24/7, with no hiccups, 100% reliable, independent od weather.
And that’s it.
The point I had in mind though is how the cost would compare if we did it with the nuclear option, which would end up being a far better solution anyway. Surely, it would be chalk and cheese. The additional point is even in the long run, the nuclear option is the only viable option if one were serious about reducing emissions to zero. So, the real and final point is that it’s not all about reducing emissions in the first place. It’s all about authoritarian control and the destruction of the West as we know it.
Yes, we had a perfectly good system. Adequate, reliable, free, eternal. And free coal for hundreds of years.
And power stations do not get ‘old’. You can maintain them forever, unlike windmills and solar. I am so tired of the fact that the news people put ‘ageing’ before coal power.
Now what do we have? Unreliable, inadequate, fragile, limited with very short life expectancy. And thew world’s highest prices for electricity? Why?
We do not need nuclear. Simple as that.
As you say we don’t need nuclear for power generation as we have ample supplies of good quality low cost coal but that’s not the point of my argument. The point is our governments, state and federal, either come clean and choose the nuclear option to reduce our emissions at any cost to save the world from some threat to the climate, or we keep using coal and in fact expand on its use given we know the climate change threat is a hoax and a scam. At the moment they are using a totally different approach that is not only a waste of time and money, it’s self destructive to our economy proving it’s more than just a scam, it’s a strategy to destroy the West as we know it driven by the likes of Al Gore, George Soros and Klaus Schwab.
I heard a brief reference to that on the ABC news the other day. They claimed that new renewables, batteries and gas would cover the retirement of existing coal-fired generators.
Well they would say that. They run on a perpetual money machine themselves. There is nothing they cannot afford, the Eloi of Australian society. Who needs manufacturing, mining and farming. Certainly not their ABC.
Well, there was somewhat of a lack of a breakdown of the proportions of each.
Correction. They would say that. It’s impossible. The fascinating sport is watching the AEMO explain that coal now needs subsidies too.
It’s now down to a “battle of the subsidies”.
Which subsidy will be wound-down first?
By any analysis, the renewable subsidies will eventually be found to be unsustainable.
There are many in government who know this.
The coal fired-power station subsidies are there to ensure, when the battle is over, the nation still has an operational electricity generation system in place.
It’s likely to be a long battle. However, the outcome is inevitable.
Buy good quality, low priced coal stocks while the prices are down. Your self-managed superannuation fund will thank you for the rest of your life. And, so will your children.
Someone should challenge the ABC to run their business totally on renewables. Tell them to put “the taxpayers money they get, where their mouth is”
Their claim is true, but only because gas alone can do it. The additional wind, solar and batteries are superfluous and expensive. But the gas has to be very cheap, which often is not the case.
Australia is on track to surpass Qatar as the world’s largest liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter,
Price isn’t a problem
Tell that to the users:
Yes, you are all shooting the messengers…PF, ABC, etc,….when it was the AEMO who made the statement that Renewables + Batteries + Gas would be able to maintain supply when the next traunch of coal plants (Liddell etc) are decommissioned.
But. They were not as confident with respect to the longer term.
So, better to target your comments at the AEMO who are obviously puppets with someone pulling the strings ?.
Australia has a problem with natural gas reserves? Should be able to keep this gig going for at least 50?+ years
No targeting required
Any excess GHG emission is purely on a temporary peaking emergency basis
Emergency orders can extend for decades
PF I am not sure which group you belong to. Either the totally ignorant or those who are on the side of the climate change alarmists who don’t really give a damn about our need to have a stable and reliable grid system and instead want to act like terrorists to smash the West by getting rid of fossil fuel based power generation systems while at the same time rejecting the only viable alternative, namely nuclear.
People are being too critical of you.
In saying;
“the only real threat is the breakdown rate of the coal fleet”,
you are obviously aware of the basic importance of coal fired power plants in the system.
What more can people ask of you.
I agree, we need to make sure that the coal fired generators remain fully functional and set for the long term because the renewables mess will eventually collapse.
That’s the way I initially interpreted PF’s message, and perhaps you are right. It’s now up to PF to clarify the situation.
The AEMO had already clarified it. Gas generators will provide temporary emergency backup for the base renewable energy fleet. The unreliable coal assets are to be retired early.
Suggest you build more gas pipelines. You might need them soon. No biggie
PF is relying on the AEMO graph showing that capacity lost by closure of coal-fired generators would be covered by increased capacity from renewables esp. wind.
The first fallacy is that wind capacity is the same as coal-fired capacity. Wind turbines only average 30% of capacity over a year, so to replace 100 units of coal-fired generation would take 330 units of wind turbine capacity. (and extra turbines could reduce output).
The second fallacy is what I call the BIG POND idea of electricity; i.e. there is a big pond of electricity somewhere and it doesn’t matter how or when you add some, you will always have it available from that plug in the wall. Most regular readers here will know what that is worth, but PF is in company with the vast majority of our politicians and public servants.
Require every renewable generator to also build their own batteries so that they become reliable suppliers.
Pure garbage from that lefty renew crowd , if what they are saying was true why is the AEMO saying they need to subsidise Coal plants to keep them going !
AEMO is getting rid of the unreliable coal plants ahead of shedule. It is replacing them with temporary peaking, emergency use only, nothingburger gas plants and BATTERIES
The problem is the renewables will soon be producing too much power with all those roof top installs and such. Better get an EV quick and help soak up all that excess free power!
Say bye bye to all those feed in credits 🙂
Fitz is stuck in the lefty echo chamber.
Fitz appears to have no idea about engineering. The covert thing about relaughables is that it’s a form of power system sabotage. Unreliables create a break up if the reliable grid because they create so much instability. To deal with this, a grid gets broken up into smaller and smaller chunks so it can cope.
Everything the Left touches, breaks stuff we need. The Left itself is a flock of seagulls…turn up, tear everything apart, poop on it and fly off, leaving an unsanitary mess behind to be cleaned up.
The real solution is limit the lefty dream to no more than 5% of grid capacity forever.
I’m curious, at what point does the responsibility for maintaining the grid stability pass to the new kid on the block.
Coal plants are ageing because our dumb politicians haven’t allowed any to be built for decades, and because they have had their bread and butter income reduced to allow weather dependent generators to have their go , maintenance has been reduced on a stranded asset, so reliability isn’t what it was.
There are multiple mistakes that have lead to the present mess.
Primarily it stems back to greed of the States who sold off the grid and generation assets to private enterprise, and then began to side with the Green movement ( to protect votes) allowing and passing legislation handicap the development of coal and gas .
With the reduction of many of the big coal plants, resulting in a marginal capacity situation, maintenance and breakdowns become more difficult to manage without affecting supply.
A manageable maintenance program that can ensure continuous supply , relies on multiple facilities with predictable surplus capacity.
The introduction of unpredictable generators, scuppers any planned maintenance system.
Mind Numbingly, World Class, Unbelievably, Ignorant of Science, Engineering, Economics, Probability, Reliability and Liability.
If ever there was a South Pointing Star, an Anti Factual Amulet, a Negation of all things logical, that might be your comment.
PF. @ #10.
Apologies for any confusion.
“a Negation of all things logical”
Ignorance and mal-logic in one wasted little mind.
‘ … the only real threat is the breakdown rate of the coal fleet.’
Gas will become the backbone of the system, unless the climate changes dramatically in the meantime.
Which is why our State politicians are against even exploration for gas?
From above; replacing 100 units of coal-fired capacity requires 330 units of wind turbine capacity. Some of the time those turbines will generate little, so need gas back-up or there will be blackouts.
For smaller time period those turbines will generate too much, which will have to be stored or “thrown away” by shutting down the turbines, or there will be blackouts. s
The Greens and the gullible fantasise about batteries, not realising (or ignoring) periods of 3 days with low output from wind & solar. A 9 day “wind drought” occurred recently for the UK. That’s a MINIMUM of 8,100 Hornsdale batteries @$160 million.
Open Cycle gas plants are expensive to run, and in on/off mode very much more so, so the cost of electricity goes up. They also generate much more CO2 emissions than Closed Cycle plants, but they are rendered uneconomic even faster than coal-fired, which is why several plants were shut down, and even re-located to other countries.
‘Open Cycle gas plants are expensive to run, and in on/off mode very much more so, so the cost of electricity goes up.’
Which is probably why the open market didn’t want a bar of it, so the government will underwrite gas power plants.
AGAIN here’s co2 emissions for all countries since 1970.
Note OECD emissions are no higher now than 1970 and YET NON OECD emissions have soared over the last 25 years.
How can the clueless IPCC, MSM, all govts, so called scientists and assorted con merchants ignore the DATA/EVIDENCE?
The graph at the link isn’t difficult to understand, yet it seems to be beyond the understanding of any of the above groups. DUH?
It’s pretty obvious our only course of action is to continue with fossil fuel power generation for a very long time unless one really is desperate to send us crashing down. Viable alternatives will no doubt come along in time, both in terms of cost and effectiveness. The point being is why are our politicians acting in a way contrary to all that obvious stance? The reason is simple. They have been conned into or actually are part of the Great Reset, which is mostly about climate change and the so called COVID-19 crisis. It’s all there on their web site at
This powerful tool will help corporates make the switch to 100% renewables
In their words social, economic and environmental benefits await…
What utter BS!
‘ … which is mostly about climate change …’
Correction, its all about climate change. Imagine if the global warming meme had never been invented, we wouldn’t be having this debate on energy.
I say mostly because it’s also about other issues. It’s all there in their information brochure. Their words:
So, it’s not just about climate change. It’s also about technological and social challenges and issues. It’s all about what they say is the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
So it seems, learn something new every day.
‘The First Industrial Revolution used water and steam power to mechanize production. The Second used electric power to create mass production. The Third used electronics and information technology to automate production. Now a Fourth Industrial Revolution is building on the Third, the digital revolution that has been occurring since the middle of the last century. It is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres.’
AGAIN here’s Mark Mill’s 5 min video exposing the TOXIC S&W disasters. Yet we still have MSM donkeys spreading lies about this lunacy and govts actually believe and endorse their silly fantasies.
They’ll continue to WASTE endless trillions $ and of course ZERO change to weather or temp by 2050 or 2100.
The AEMO grid keeps the light on because of past investments in 7,750 MW of hydro and 5,000 MW of open cycle gas turbines that can quickly ramp up to meet peak demand, respond and to the intermittent output of wind and solar.
Some examples:
Vic 4am today: coal 3,700 MW, wind 158 MW, hydro 58 MW, imports 121 MW
Vic 6.30pm last Sunday: coal 3,170 MW, hydro 1,372 MW, open cycle gas 1,152 MW, imports 316 MW, wind 249 MW, battery 17 MW, solar 4 MW.
Same story in the “ruinable” state of SA at 6.30pm last Sunday:
Gas 1,533 MW, wind 127 MW, solar 20 MW, battery 34 MW, imports 162 MW.
Now can anyone explain how much investment would be required in batteries and additional solar/wind generators to replace the coal and gas generators.
Robber see my link to Mark Mill’s honest video and his reference to Tesla batteries production of 500 hundred years and still very SHORT supply for the USA GRID.
Batteries are not installed with any intention of providing a supply in the event of generation failure,… they have one purpose in practice, and that is to prevent grid failure from voltage and frequence variations..IE the provide the FCAS support the big thermal rotating generators used to . However, the motivation for the private operators to leap at installing the batteries is purely financial, as those FCAS support is very lucrative and they can also “harvest” the market pricing system by continuously charging with low cost surplus power (midday etc) and discharging ( selling back to the grid during peak pricing periods…
No other system in the grid is able to do that other than the few pumped hydro facilities, ( but it is very much more difficult for them)
Batteries are the grid equivalent to “Pokie” machines…..constantly skimming $$$s from the grid.!
And that’s for one day. Meanwhile you have to find a means of charging the batteries for tomorrow’s supply.
AGAIN here’s NOAA’s decadal growth rate for co2 levels since 1960.
There has been a strong decadal increase since 1990 and all due to China, India and other non OECD countries’ co2 emissions.
Apparently this is beyond the con merchant’s comprehension but true nonetheless.
Annual coal consumption:
China 4,319,921,826,000 MMcf 50.5% of global total
India 11.3%
USA 8.5%
Germany 3%
Japan 2.5%
Sth Africa 2.4%
Sth Korea 1.8%
Poland 1.7%
Australia 1.5%
Life imitates art.
In Animal Farm, the pigs had the other animals labouring away to build a windmill on the farm with the promise of extra comforts for the animals. Eventually it was finished, but only the pigs benefited.
The same syndrome can be seen across most the “green”/PC/Woke/Race Hustling industries. The assorted grievance industries must be maintained, actual solutions discouraged and ignored and the flow of OPM maintained. There is no money to be made in fixing these problems (real or imagined) however if they can be maintained its grants, subsidies, tilted playing fields and plum work free assignments a plenty.
One thing I find annoying about the nuclear power groups is that they have firmly adopted Climate Change.
It should be noted that the projections of the cost of future nuclear power reactors depends very heavily on Green Subsidies, because it is too expensive otherwise.
Well now the Climate botherers have told them to get lost. That should be a good thing. Nuclear power should not need to rely of Climate alarmism to succeed.
Peter C we know Nuclear power does work and is BASE-LOAD and very reliable.
But we also know S&W are TOXIC, UNRELIABLE, SHORT LIVED disasters and should never be used under any circumstances.
Yes, they have been plugging the idea that nuclear power has ‘zero emissions’. I was stunned.
First coal. Then gas. Then farming. Animals must go. Of course they do not want nuclear. All using zero pollution windmills and solar panels from China.
The petrol, diesel, coal, gas, nuclear, steel, smelting, mining, farming industries have been playing the same game, running with the wolves. It doesn’t work.
“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”
It seems to me that where climate change, weather dependent power and covid is concerned, CCChina plays a major part, are they going to be the chosen future One World Govt.
That’s the plan. Control all the committees on the UN. IPCC, WHO in particular. Take over the system from within. Too bad their Wuhan Flu has come back mutated and is now devastating major cities. President Xi did not expect that when he sent it overseas and pretend Doctor Adhonom didn’t either. They should both be tried for crimes against humanity.
Did the calacilation today ..
1 hour bicycle couriering = 330 calories burned = quarter pound beef burger food = 4 lbs carbon emission
Maybe it’s better to use eBikes
Put another way …
Bike couriers are only ecofriendly depnding upon what they eat
I hope they don’t eat beans.
I hope they don’t eat beans.
You can say that again 😉
O/T don’t touch this post!
This is not a good development to peace and stability in the world.
Energy expert Alex Epstein further explains the disastrous TOXIC S&W idiocy.
Yes the SUN and WIND are free, but the process to DELIVER these very intermittent, dilute energy sources is the real problem.
Another 4 min video that provides plenty of data evidence.
Perhaps if you watch it often enough, you could learn something…..
nah, not going to happen.!
It is written at a nice basic level, aimed at anti-brain-washing low-intellect AGW apostles.
Gee Aye, Alex Epstein isn’t Mark Mills. DUH?
Thanks Neville; the argument is still as unimpeachable as it was six years ago when Epstein recorded it and has all been done with no mention of that anathematized atmospheric trace gas.
Well said Jo The crazy greens think we will just go away and die Nuclear is the only answer Keep up the good work
Craig Kelly’s fabulous speech on the violation and abuse of human rights through medical coercion and medical apartheid here in our own country, which has fallen on deaf ears, can also applies to the climate change issue. Our political leaders have divorced themselves from serving the people and have embarked on the road to tyrannical rule under the guise of the Great Reset all in the name of reducing our emissions to zero by exuding the only means possible to do so, namely the nuclear option.
Wind and solar are the future. Everyone knows it. Soon there will be too much energy
Fossil fuels are deadly and uneeded. Hydro is evil. Nuclear is unspeakable …
Gas generators are mere peaking temporary emergency stop gaps. Sweet nuthins’
Nothing to see here. Move along
Please do, move along. We don’t really need crackpots like you.
Not even satire … It’s the new normal
Sorry but that in my mind did not come across as satire. You do realise that the climate change alarmists agree completely with those statements you used?
Of course. The focus is on expandining the renewable base
No account is given of GHG emission from NG production transit and combustion.
No account is given of renewable creation or removal
I will spell it out for you. Gas generators have become the minor peaking temporary unseen nothingburger stopgap for unlimited inexpensive boundless, cheaper than water, beautiful green , carbon free, effortless peaceful boundless, eco friendly, money saving, fully renewble energy
Everybody knows it
Is that satire too?
Reality, unfortunately
Never forget that it took about 200,000+ years for the first 1 billion population of HUMANs to exist on our planet.
Yet after the use of fossil fuels it took just 210 years for another 6.8 ( 7.8 bn today) billion humans to appear.
The first one billion human’s life expectancy was under 40 in 1810 and the latest 7.8 billion humans have a global life exp of 73 in 2021.
THINK about it.
Anyone STILL believe in the Biden donkey’s EXISTENTIAL THREAT?
If he’s as hardheaded as he must be after the length of his political career Biden doesn’t believe it either and his saying it is calculated to further enrich his family.
As to his senility that’s integral to his program as his foil against scrutiny, all an act put on by a chap who’s perfected the art of palming responsibility off onto underlings; it wouldn’t surprise me if during the course of his second term he hs the effrontery to cook up a scheme for lifetime rule in the fashion of Mister Xi.
Coal is the beating heart of this country. If electricity stops or is not adequate, people die. Hospitals, traffic, elevators. And businesses are crippled, most notably aluminum smelting. They rely on electricity when they need it.
To say to run the place on solar, which is only available for less than half a day or wind, which is often zero, is beyond mad and dangerous.
A solar powered pacemaker? Or wind powered? You cannot do it. Is that so hard to understand?
For some even here, yes it is hard to understand. There is probably no hope for them as they are completely devoid of common sense and logic in the real world. Now, that’s truly hard to understand but it is true.
But in thier mind, they plan to run down the grid to support a population thats much much smaller.
You need to understand thier belief system to understand them . At the core of all this they appear to genuinely believe the earth is a living mythical “goddess” called Gaia, and they need to thin the human herd to protect her.
Windmills worked a hundred years ago for farmers to pump water up from a well, bore, dam or creek for their stock because there was a large tank to ‘even’ out the supply when the wind dropped, electricity is different, it has to be 100% right, 100% of the time.
Yes, windmills work only when you have a task which is not time critical, like pumping water. Unfortunately there are not a lot of those. And often lives depend on having the power you need, when you need it.
This is power on demand and in our modern world most people take it for granted.
With windmills and solar, it is not possible.
During the recent Tokyo Olympics TV coverage we had to endure that Coles supermarket ad. The one where they claim they’ll be “Carbon Net Zero” by 2030 or whatever. Doesn’t matter that their supermarkets are all plugged into the grid getting electricity from good old coal and gas. In the ad they feature both wind turbines and solar panels. The solar panels are in the half dark ( so useless) and the wind turbine blades are not spinning. So basically a very good ad for RE – both totally useless.
Yes Ross, I cringe every time I see that ad, the only low co2 thing Coles have going for them is some of their tomatoes are supplied from a farm that is using sunlight to grow them in a glasshouse in the desert in SA using seawater, no connection to the grid.
Because minerals are the province of the states, not the Federal government, Canberra had a problem with mining and electricity. Gillard tried to tax miners, but she could not. And electricity was outside their reach. Even the Snowy was shared between Victoria and New South Wales. It was frustrating.
Behind all this is the desire for centralization of power in Canberra, an utterly fake city filled solely with public servants for whom clothes, food, drink, power, cash are supplied by the hard work other people and delivered by trucks. And the highest wages in Australia.
As they Green capital of Australia, they have conspired to shut down the adequate reliable cheap coal power of the States and centralize electrical power in their own hands. And so they have destroyed state based reliable coal power. A National Grid? We never needed one. They did. So we have their Clean Energy businesses and the AEMO. All in the name of saving the planet.
Where previous generations left behind a wonderful cheap eternal State based system with zero pollution, what we have now is a disaster, barely adequate and frighteningly fragile in summer or winter.
So now we are being told we have to pay more to subsidize what is left of the old system they have nearly destroyed, a reliable system which still supplies 90% of our needs. The money goes to Canberra too and we live on their largesse. The new Medici.
And as even PF points out, they are worried that they have so crippled the coal and gas power, we are being warned before summer that the entire system is at breaking point. What a surprise!
So we have to send more money, now to also subsidize the coal and gas supplies.
Soon on top of the world’s most expensive electricity, ALL electricity suppliers will be receiving cash gifts, our cash, subsidies to keep them going. So what has been achieved? Power in Canberra. And the world’s highest carbon taxes.
There is no Government money. There are no subsidies. It is all packed into our electricity bills and now even AGL is posting multi billion dollar losses.
When will we start rebuilding what we have destroyed. Cheap, reliable, eternal, dependable electrical power based on FREE coal?
Its a Zimbabwe-like outcome….
Perhaps our current system of Federation has past it’s use by date. The way the states are in a state of a tug of war over the different interpretations of how to deal with COVID-19 case numbers, vaccination rates, lockdowns, etc. is more evidence of that.
You are seeing the mercantilism of centralized government.
Facts are “siloed” into controllable, isolated, vertically stacked, politically controlled, segments of reality.
So long as power is allowed to accrue into centralized control, there will be no end to it.
The usurpation of liberties of the states is happening right before your eyes.
Take care to hold what powers the States might retain, for those are the difference between liberty and slavery.
Get with the excitement! Tell your climate representatives today to get on board with COP27 in Fargo, ND!
On condition they ride a horse or walk there.
Don’t tell the UN Climate Conference that the sun is driven by nuclear power. They’ll want to ban that too.
Nuclear power looks like the Ivermectin of the energy debate. Why not let them exhibit at the conference and allow criticism and counter argument? Group think I guess.
Good comment and so true, apart from the cost point of view, but the alleged crisis is supposedly so serious the cost under any other circumstances, such as a world war situation, would make cost arguments totally irrelevant. So, either we have a real crisis and so the nuclear option must be used immediately or as we all know it’s a lie and so reducing emissions must be disbanded immediately.
We are certainly get the reputation of being the closest to a police state in the Western world. This link is from a YT channel in the UK. If only they knew how it’s as bad with the climate change issue here. What is wrong with Australians? They appear to love to live in a virtual police state and let our politicians to think for us completely and we just lap it up as though it’s Christmas every day.
Here the Bolter raps up all of their BS and fra-d in 1 minute.
Our chief scientist Dr Finkel tells us the truth at the Senate (under oath) hearing that we could remove all of our Aussie co2 emissions today and the result would be ZIP.
Go the Bolter. YET the religious extremists and fanatics still believe.
So, now we know. The Climate Game is just another ponzi-like scheme to separate people and their money for the benefit of the big end of town.
UN conference bans Nuclear Power in case it solves global warming.
Well of course, then they would all be out of a job.
Cold, Afghan debacle, rise of China and decline of USA and we are worrying about bullsh-t
Are our politicians totally stupid or are there more sinister motives
The UN is a total joke.
Good question and the answer sad to say is it’s both otherwise it wouldn’t be possible to get this far let alone to continue to its ultimate goal. Our politicians depending on who they are are either stupid or have sinister motives, or both.
By way of example, we in NSW are now told we should not only be vaccinated but we should be tested even if we don’t have symptoms if you make contact with anyone. We are also told we should stay at home except for essential reasons. In other words we are one step away from being an actual police state. Are you all happy now or do you like some more? 🙂
Global Warming Narrative Takes Another Hit
I & I Editorial Board
August 31, 2021
We have been constantly told for what seems like as long as we can remember that Antarctica is shrinking because man’s carbon dioxide emissions are overheating our planet. While fearmongering has made its way around the world countless times, the truth is still pulling on its boots.
So what is the truth? It’s quite straightforward: Antarctic sea ice has been growing.
According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, the continent’s annual maximum sea ice has grown for three straight years. The annual mean is increasing, and the annual minimum has also expanded for three consecutive years. The long-term trend lines for the annual maximum and mean, starting in 1979, are noticeably moving upward, while the trend line for the annual minimum is ascending, as well, though much more modestly.
Doesn’t fit the doomsday narrative, does it?
Please don’t think this is an isolated and therefore meaningless example. There are many other facts that show the global warming fears are overblown.
For instance, two years ago, we showed that predictions claiming that the Great Lakes were drying up due to man-made global warming were, if we might use a term favored by the current occupant of the White House, malarkey.
Moving up to today, we’re reading that “many parts of Europe have not had much of a real summer, having seen much cool and wet weather this year,” and that there’s August snow in Austria, which is not just “one-day freak weather event” but the beginning of a snowy period and a usually cool cycle.
We’ve also recently learned:
I’m guessing the nuclear exhibits would have included Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, Sellafield and Fukushima as examples in favour of nuclear power.
Mind you, blocking China is equally stupid
So is blocking coal.
Oh poor petal…. mind is stuck way back in the last century (1986, 1979, 1956)
(Except Fukushima, which was just bad design for near a seaboard with know tsunami issues)
Quite a few operational nuclear power stations are from the 1960s, 70s…
I wonder how many current wind turbines and solar industrial plants will still be operating in 50-60 years time. 😉
…. Or will they all be relegated to toxic landfill, a couple of times over.
Even more studies support earlier data that Indian and Pacific island groups are growing in size or are stable.
Of course the young Charles Darwin solved this puzzle about 180 years ago on his voyage of discovery.
Con Merchants and their PONZI schemes can be very difficult to investigate and would be solved more quickly if everyone used commonsense and proper data and evidence.
Harry Markopolos knew that Bernie Madoff’s PONZI scheme was just BS and fra-d at a very early investigation.
But he had to work for another 9 years to convince the US SEC etc that Madoff should be fully investigated.
This was the largest PONZI scheme fra-d in history but is a mere flea bite compared to the Climate Change fiasco. Most sensible people today understand that the so called mitigation of their so called EXISTENTIAL threat is just more BS and fra-d, but it still lingers on.
And endless TRILLIONs of $ are wasted on this lunacy and probably for many more decades into the future.
The refusal to consider nuclear as a solution for climate change tells you everything you need to know about the climate change movement. It’s not that climate change is an existential threat and the world is heating dangerously because if it was that urgent the only practical solution is nuclear. There is a long history of nuclear safety such that if you truly believed the world would end sometime soon , the small risk of accidents is minuscule compared to the world becoming unliveable. Nuclear is a no brainer on a cost benefit analysis.
Exactly. If the climate emergency “code red” were real then we all would be building nothing but nuclear power stations from this day forward. Cost shouldn’t come into the picture. What’s the cost if the climate emergency were real? It would be in the hundreds of trillions. Obviously, the emergency is fake. What is so sad is our politicians on both sides have fallen for the scam and/or are part of the scam, and the voters in general keep supporting them. Stupid is as stupid does.
In the spirit of nothing will stop CO2 driven man made Global Warming Climate Change, it has been announced that there been yet another tragic death from Climate Change Hurricane Ida. A man has been killed by an alligator in Louisiana flood waters. I blame nuclear power.
And it seems 94% of Offshore Oil and Gas infrastructure has suffered (some) damage from Hurricane Ida. Climate Justice.
The nuclear option is clearly the only feasible alternative to fossil fuels, assuming you want to reduce CO2. Everyone KNOWS this already. So heatedly debating it – yet again! – is as pointless as the outdated Left versus Right political battle. It’s all designed to keep us arguing about nothing while the real damage is being done behind our backs.
So CO2 is obviously nothing to do with the U.N.’s war on our once plentiful cheap energy supply. If it were, we’d have been developing and introducing nuclear power sources for the last 20-30 years.
The point of the global warming deception is the abolition of individual freedom by stealth and the bloodless introduction of totalitarian centralised control on a global scale. There is no other explanation. Think about it!
And the COVID-19 issue is exactly the same … except it’s quicker and more effective.
Jo stated a couple of things above, which I believe bear thinking about in this regard:
“Nuclear power poses an existential threat to the Climate Porn and Fear Industry … Imagine what the world would look like if the UNFCCC wanted to solve the climate crisis? (And if there was one?)”
Let me just alter a word or two:
Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Vitamins C & D, zinc, and Azithromycin pose an existential threat to the Pandemic Porn and Fear Industry.
Imagine what the world would look like if the WHO wanted to solve the COVID crisis. (And if there was one.)
See what I mean?
You can deduce from Jo’s statements that there’s no point arguing about the actual science of climate, and what, if anything, to do about it, because all you’ll get is ‘sound and fury, signifying nothing’. Those in authority just aren’t listening, and they never were. The laws governing our energy use are already part and parcel of every decision in every legal jurisdiction on the planet. The debate is effectively over … and the better team lost.
But the logic flows through uninterrupted into my modification.
It’s equally clear that the U.N. and their cohorts aren’t listening to anything which would solve the COVID problem. Their motives with COVID are exactly the same as their motives with the climate deception. Fear leading to absolute control.
Wake up and smell the BS.
We’re being had!
Agree that the U.N.’s war on CC trades in fear and emotion. Psyops for motivating people. Very ordinary stuff.
Having stampeded the developed world into a hysteria of fear, the proponests of AGW have big problems
1. China India and the developing world are not playing along. They want to industrialize and win the the benefits that a modern society brings with it
2. Co2 levels will continue to rise even as the developed world reaches net zero. This is only partly because of “1.” or that most of thr emission increases have yet to occur.
… it is because “net zero” is more akin to “net zero” of less thsn half of the full local considerations
On the positive side the world population is catastrophically crashing. Aging societies will make things interesting. Look to Japan for a taste of the future
Be kind to immigrants
Don’t worry so much about AGW
Nuclear power will still give them central control.
You don’t think they will allow you to operate a reactor do you? I think they could spin it out into another three, maybe four government departments. The power itself might be cheap, but the cost of the compliance checking will be stunning.