Some claim that we don’t know how ivermectin works, but oh boy we do
Not only do we know how ivermectin protects us, we know many pathways in detail. Ivermectin is useful at every stage of the disease. In the early stages, it reduces the odds of people getting infected, stops the virus multiplying, which reduces the viral load and the spread of the virus to your friends and strangers on the bus. It helps our cells warn neighboring cells to get ready for a viral attack. It stops the virus getting through the outside wall of our cells, and also stops parts of the virus getting into the headquarters of our cells, the nucleus, where our DNA is.
Ivermectin is also a zinc ionophone which helps zinc cross into cells so zinc can do the good things zinc does…
As the virus tried to assemble itself inside our cells one of the processing tasks involves chopping long proteins into shorter parts. There are many enzymes involved but ivermectin binds to one key one called a Chymotrypsin-like-protease. Ivermectin also conveniently binds to two of the virus proteins as well (called Mpro and PLpro). Basically, ivermectin is the glue no assembly line wants.
In the late stages, ivermectin is an anti-inflammatory drug that reduces the cytokine storm in something like six different ways.
Ivermectin is not just “gum in the works” it’s a kind of Swiss-knife-Velcro-tool — the most sticky, most useful, lock-and-key anti-viral.
With so many mechanisms of action, it’s difficult for the virus to outsmart ivermectin and mutate around multiple blocks at once. We needed a three-drug-antiviral-cocktail to beat AIDS, but in terms of resistant mutants arising, Ivermectin is an anti-viral cocktail all by itself. (Obviously used as part of a full medical program.)
Two researchers in Italy, Asiya Kamber Zaidi and Puya Dehgani-Mobaraki, published a paper detailing the 20 different levels of action. It’s quite the marvel, and it came out in May. (Don’t our Chief Health Officers read these papers?)
Ivermectin is the new penicillin
Penecillin changed the world. Imagine if they had banned it?
Click to enlarge:

Zaidi, Mechanisms of Action, Ivermectin, SARS-2, Covid-19 (See below for the caption with all the acronyms listed in detail.)
As the researchers say, “The probability that an ineffective treatment generated results as positive for the 55 studies to date is estimated to be 1 in 23 trillion (p = 0.000000000000043)”.
Three ways to stop that virus getting in:
Ivermectin binds to the spike (at leucine 91), but it also binds to our ACE2 receptors as well (at histidine 378). It clogs up the lock-and-key from both ends, and when compared to Remdesivir and hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin bound more strongly to the spike than any of them.
“The free binding energy of the spike protein (open) was higher in Ivermectin (−398.536 kJ/mol) than remdesivir (−232.973 kJ/mol).” (Ewaes 2021)
In this case “higher” means more negative. The higher it is, the more strongly something binds. Negative binding energies mean that binding is spontaneous, and doesn’t need an external energy source.

From Lehrer et al
Ivermectin also binds to TMPRSS2 — it’s not a celebrity molecule like ACE2 — perhaps because someone didn’t think through the PR campaign and call it “Empress2” or something pronounceable — but it is just as important apparently as ACE2. It seems SARS-2 can’t get into cells which have ACE2 on the surface but don’t also have the TMPRSS2 enzyme there as well (Parmar 2021). Think of TMPRSS2 as a pair of secateurs wandering around the cell surface that need to prune the Covid spike before it can use ACE2 to get into a cell. TMPRSS2 is the not so catchy name for Transmembrane serine protease 2.
Ivermectin also had the highest binding affinity for TMPRSS2. By binding so well to all three — the spike, the ACE2 receptor and the TMPRSS2 secateurs that prune or prime the spike, ivermectin makes it much harder for the virus to get inside a cell.
Protecting the cell nucleus
Once inside a cell, the virus gains access to most resources and tools it needs to produce “baby viruses”, but there’s much more strategy to this war than just a hijacking. Some viral proteins will be sent like trojan gifts to get inside the cell nucleus — which is effectively the command centre. To get through the locked “gates” into the nucleus, these proteins must get tagged by two labels called importin-α and importin-β — they mark “the cargo” as something headed for the nucleus. But ivermectin also binds to importin-α, competing with it for spots, and again foiling the virus, clogging up the system and making it hard for SARS2 to send these proteins through the gates.
This is especially important because the nucleus will send out warning signals to other cells — and the viral proteins aim to stop that alarm system being triggered.
Ivermectin helps cells sound the alarm
One of the first cytokines or messengers that a cell-under-siege sends out is called interferon (these names have a kind of Star Trek feeling, don’t they?). Interferon works like an air raid siren. When it reaches other cells, it triggers an array of downstream effects. Cells ramp up their wartime defenses, like for example, making particular enzymes and immune markers they’ll need. But they also slow down the factories and machinery within them that make proteins. These are the same factories the virus wants to hijack and run at high speed to produce its own weapons and baby viruses. In effect, cells are sabotaging their own infrastructure temporarily, to buy time. Some white blood cells called natural killer cells, also respond to interferon. It’s a big deal.
This is such an important advantage for the virus there are at least three SARS proteins that antagonize or work against the interferon signaling system. If the virus can keep infected cells from releasing interferon, it can multiply unhindered for longer. This is all occurring during the early asymptomatic phase. Indeed, the interferon cascade will cause many of the symptoms that tell us we’re coming down with something — like the fever, the aches, and the “flu-like malaise”. Viruses that can slow this process can stop us feeling sick and keep us on our feet — unwittingly shedding baby viruses to infect the guys in the office or the kids at school.
The delay in interferon production not only helps the virus multiply and spread, but also increases the proinflammatory cytokines that cause so much trouble later.
Ivermectin is a multipronged anti-inflammatory

TLR4, Toll like receptor 4, by David Goodsell
The Covid virus isn’t the only virus that attacks our interferon signally system, though it is a real hallmark of SARS-2, and ultimately the virus wreaks havoc with cytokines on many levels. Luckily ivermectin also works on several parts of the immune network and mostly the effect appears to be to slow down the key amplifiers that tend to run off the rails in bad Covid infection. Sorry, immunology is acroynm-hell, so bear with me, you’ll get some idea of just how many pathways are affected. For starters, ivermectin slows down the Toll- like-Receptor-4 (TLR4)– these are ancient guards that have been around for a long time. They watch out for signs of spare parts of both bacteria and viruses and even just chemicals that are bad, and have a “pivotal role as an amplifier”. We need our TLR4, we just don’t want it to get “stuck on”.
Strap yourself in, there is so much more. Ivermectin also blocks the NF-κB pathway (Nuclear Factor-κB). It suppresses the Akt/mTOR signalling, which inhibits PAK1 which reduces STAT3 and IL-6. STAT3 induces C-reactive protein (or CRP), so less STAT3 means less CRP. These are big names in the world of immunology. Your doctor measures your CRP as a sign of inflammation. People interested in living longer talk about the mTOR system — it’s a is a kind of master controller for the whole cell cycle. Meanwhile IL-6, or interleukin 6 is another messenger that goes “inflammatory” in diseases like diabetes, depression, Alzheimers, and atherosclerosis. Obviously, it’s better to face Covid without having “raised inflammatory markers” at the start.
Stopping at least one kind of coagulation
Because ivermectin binds to the virus spike at the right point it stops the virus sticking to the CD147 receptors of red blood cells. Each virus has about 100 spikes, so we can imagine how a swarm of viruses would work like a kind of malevolent velcro to agglomerate red blood cells into blobs that can’t pass through blood vessels. There are lot of other ways blood can clot, but ivermectin smooths this form.
The safety tests have already been done
If ivermectin was a new drug discovery, and we read this paper, we might be spooked that ivermectin is so intimately and intricately involved with our core biochemistry. Wise researchers might warn that it may have significant unpredictable side effects and we should research it carefully — but most of those tests have already been done. Thanks to 30 years of mass human use with 3.8 billion doses we are aware there are only a few situations where ivermectin is dangerous, and doctors know all about that. People can still do damage through overdosing. Doses always matter. Ivermectin can bind to our GABA receptors if it can get across the blood brain barrier. In normal healthy people the blood-brain-barrier is intact and and the drug is actively excluded. Doctors should be free to prescribe this “off label”.
No leaky vaccine should be used without an antiviral back up.
Currently, infected people are generating nastier variants because the vaccines are leaky — vaccines reduce the severity (at least for some months) but they don’t stop people shedding and transmitting the virus. We risk generating more deadly forms of Covid — just as we have unwittingly generated more deadly forms of Marek’s disease in domestic chickens by giving them leaky vaccines for the last 50 years.
All of this could stop, and all of this was known months ago.
*Immunology is alphabet soup. If I have vastly oversimplified, I trust commenters will correct me.
UPDATE: Thanks to Red Edwards –– this article has “been retracted”, but is still downloadable here.
The editors objections:
The Editor-in-Chief has retracted this article. Following publication, concerns were raised regarding the methodology and the conclusions of this review article. Postpublication review confirmed that while the review article appropriately describes the mechanism of action of ivermectin, the cited sources do not appear to show that there is clear clinical evidence of the effect of ivermectin for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2. The Editor-in-Chief therefore no longer has confidence in the reliability of this review article. None of the authors agree to this retraction. The online version of this article contains the full text of the retracted article as Supplementary Information.
50 Studies are never enough. The article cites: real-time meta analysis of 52 studies listed at 2021 [on 2 May 2021]. Available from:
There are 65 studies there now.
A schematic of the key cellular and biomolecular interactions between Ivermectin, host cell, and SARS-CoV-2 in COVID-19 pathogenesis and prevention of complications.
Ivermectin; IVM (red block) inhibits and disrupts binding of the SARS-CoV-2 S protein at the ACE-2 receptors (green). The green dotted lines depict activation pathways and the red dotted lines depict the inhibition pathways. The TLR-4 receptors are directly activated by SARS-CoV-2 and also by LPS mediated activation (seen during ICU settings) causing activation of NF-Kb pathway and MAP3 Kinases leading to increased intranuclear gene expression for proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines (responsible for cytokine storm) and NO release (responsible for blood vessel dilatation, fluid leak, low blood pressure, ARDS and sepsis). The NF-Kb and STAT-3 pathway activation is central to the pathogenesis and sequelae of COVID-19. STAT-3 physically binds to PAK-1 and increases IL-6 transcription. The annexin A2 at the cell surface converts plasminogen; PLG to plasmin under the presence of t-PA. Plasmin triggers activation and nuclear translocation of STAT-3. An upregulation of STAT-3 stimulates hyaluronan synthase-2 in the lung cells causing hyaluronan deposition leading to diffuse alveolar damage and hypoxia. STAT-3 also directly activates TGF-beta initiating pulmonary fibrosis; a typical characteristic of SARS-COV-2 lung pathology. The damaged type 2 cells express PAI-1 and an already hypoxic state also causes an upregulation of PAI (through Hypoxic inducible factor-1) along with direct stimulation by STAT-3. Simultaneous STAT-3 and PAI-1 activation inhibits t-PA and urokinase-type plasminogen activator leading to thrombi formation. Also, the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein binds to the CD147 on red blood cells and causes clumping. IVM in turn, binds to SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein and hence prevents clumping. T cell lymphopenia in COVID-19 can also be attributed to the direct activation of PD-L1 receptors on endothelial cells by STAT-3. IVM directly inhibits the NF-kb pathway, STAT-3, and indirectly inhibits PAK-1 by increasing its ubiquitin-mediated degradation. The natural antiviral response of a cell is through interferon regulatory genes and viral RNA mediated activation of TLR-3 and TLR7/8- Myd88 activation of transcription of interferon-regulator (IRF) family. For a virus to establish an infection, this antiviral response needs to be inhibited by blocking interferon production. The proteins such as importin and KPNA mediate nuclear transport of viral protein and subsequent IFN signaling. The SARS-CoV-2 proteins (ORF-3a, NSP-1, and ORF-6) directly block IFN signaling causing the surrounding cells to become unsuspecting victims of the infection. IVM inhibits both importin a-b (green) as well as the KPNA-1 receptors (brown) causing natural antiviral IFN release. IVM also inhibits viral RdrP, responsible for viral replication. IVM Ivermectin, ACE-2 angiotensin-converting-enzyme 2, LPS Lipopolysaccharide, TLR Toll-like receptor, t-PA tissue-like plasminogen activator, PLG Plasminogen, IMPab Importin alpha-beta, Rdrp RNA dependant RNA polymerase, KPNA-1 Karyopherin Subunit Alpha 1, NF-kB nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells, Map3Kinases Mitogen-activated Kinases, PAK-1 P21 Activated Kinase 1, STAT-3 Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3, PAI-1 Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, HIF-1 Hypoxia-Inducible Factor
Lehrer S, Rheinstein PH. Ivermectin Docks to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Receptor-binding Domain Attached to ACE2. Vivo. 2020;34:3023–6. doi: 10.21873/invivo.12134. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
Parmar (2021) TMPRSS2: An Equally Important Protease as ACE2 in the Pathogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 Infection,Mayo Clin Proc. 2021 Nov; 96(11): 2748–2752. doi: 10.1016/j.mayocp.2021.07.005
Well, the Editor-in-Chief has retracted the article.
” Postpublication review confirmed that while the review article appropriately describes the mechanism of action of ivermectin, the cited sources do not appear to show that there is clear clinical evidence of the effect of ivermectin for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2.”
However. . .
“None of the authors agreed to the retraction.”
Reads like somebody decided this was TMI (too Much Information) and should be muzzled. Who did the leaning on the Editor-In-Chief is left to the reader’s digression. . . .
[Thanks. Noted and post updated. Curious that it is undated? – Jo ]
Once again, you would have thought a study in Australia would be undertaken but understanding the array of certain interests set against it – it comes as no surprise. If only this country can get on the front foot and stop being reactive for a change.
For some time I have suspected that the ‘Hunt’ was hiding something.
Thanks Another Ian. A worrying article, but not a surprise, and the reason I’ve always referred to him as Greg Rhyming Slang. ToM
I hope his other information is sounder than his Timorese history.
Sukarno was long gone and dead in 1975. And the East Timorese who died mostly died in the years after 1975 as Fretelin maintained a “resistance” which appeared to me to be based in Darwin. Which I thought was not permitted under Australian law.
The Americans gave Indonesia the go ahead, because Fretelin were communists, who had already murdered the alternative political leaders. Had Fretelin been allowed to govern, the USSR would have had a military base there in no time.
Gough didn’t object because he already had more on his plate than he could handle.
Not quite dead but long out of power.
Say Sukarno, mean Suharto, no so hard oh?
Just being courteous, Jo; from one old Microbiologist to another.
The phrasing of the retraction sounds like the editor didn’t really want to retract it, but was required to. One doesn’t normally say the data/work is good, but, but the cited sources weren’t acceptable. Usually the work itself is described as inadequate in some manner, in a retraction, and usually the authors themselves request the retraction.
Make of it what you will. . .
Indeed Red. Which is why I posted the retraction note in full. It speaks volumes.
From Brian L: (At comment #18)
So this is very strange. I don’t share his optimism, but it being retracted for no good reason only makes me want to share the paper further and wider. Though it is a heavy read, even for someone familiar with immunology.
Not Downloadable at this link – UPDATE: Thanks to Red Edwards –– this article has “been retracted”, but is still downloadable here. – Just gives 1 page saying Retracted Article
But is Downloadable Lower Down
Electronic supplementary material
Former article version
here with “Retracted Article” diagonally over the 13 Pages
Researchgate didn’t get the retraction memo, apparently. A pdf of the paper is available without the RETRACTION defacing it.
Just looked at the download site for the retracted article…
597K accesses….
Streisand Effect in motion.
The metrics are at
This article is rating very high access rates.
Notice the vague wording in the retraction (emphasis mine):
“the cited sources do not appear to show that there is clear clinical evidence of the effect of ivermectin for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2. ”
That says it all.
The banning of Ivermectin should be named the crime of the century and those responsible should be held to account. But I am no hopeful of any action being taken. Too much big Phama money circulating.
More and more I think Riccardo Bossi is right in his desired response.
It would compete with the stealing of the US election last November for the title “Crime of the Century”. Both crimes were against humanity and both have had disastrous results and both were perpetrated by the same organisation; namely the CCP through it’s many front organisations like the Democrats and the WHO. Once that would be a conspiracy theory but now we know they are facts. When and if people wake up to the fact that governments lie they might also awake to the GW/CC scam that has been perpetrated on us and which has cost us billions. Maybe the truth will come out one day but there are so many wanting to keep it hidden it is frightening. It will take the return of Trump because no one else has the courage.
🙂 🙂
It is my understanding that Nations only received supplies of the fake ‘vaccine’ if they signed a secret agreement not to allow any alternative treatments to be used. That makes the Federal Therapeutic Goods Administration’s claims against the use of Ivermectin a plain and simple corrupt act. It is time that some ‘heads’ rolled.
Inexpensive access to molnupiravir may also have been conditioned similarly. If/when this comes out it’ll be an earthquake that’ll rattle the foundations of conven tonal medicine and its acolytes.
If the contracts with the pharmaceutical companies do actually prohibit use / searching for alternative treatments is this not a anti-trust violation under Australia law?
Who is going to ask the ACCC to examine the contracts? Which they should be able to do without violating commercial in confidence.
Why isn’t anybody questioning the definition of “vaccinated”! Officially a person is not counted as vaccinated until 14 days after the second jab. This means that all the numbers of so-called unvaccinated, that are admitted to hospital, die etc., may be of people in the process of reacting to the jabs. They will count as unvaccinated for the whole period between the two jabs and also for 14 days after the second job. It’s general vaccine knowledge that people are vulnerable for infection right after they have taken a jab, and that all the people who are counted as unvaccinated may be from this very vulnerable population. Herve Seligman has found that people may be up to 20 times more prone to death between the two jabs.
If the definition of vaccinated is also applied to the cases in VAERS , all the most virulent vaccine damage may not be counted, because they happen before 14 days have passed after the second jab.
It certainly has occurred to me and I have talked about it with family.
Very good points . If this is how it works then the VAERS numbers are a fraction of reality . Thumbs up doesn’t work for this one so I comment instead .
It’s time for a revolt against the coming “booster” round of vaccines which have failed.
How can it be “coming” but already “failed”? Logically inconsistent!
A bit like a P76 Mk11.
With or without the 44 gallon drum?
The boosters for the vaccines that have failed.
Not failed boosters. Simple.
Israel’s planning for the 4th round is proof that the boosters have already failed.
Whether you get the booster or Ivermectin treatment is irrelevent really, the objective is the passport. The passport allows you to ask for permission to shop or go to dinner or to a game as the case may be. If you”ve been good, the government will grant permission.
I’m guessing it will gradually evolve into a carbon passport.
Whatever its called, it’s still social credit.
Hey Jo this is exactly why big Pharma has tied the hands of governments
around the world with their insidious contracts.For starters the demand indemnity
from any legal action that injured citizen of the signed countries might want
to undertake in other words they overide a nations sovereignty.From countries
that big Pharma (like Pfizer) considers too poor (and might not be able to make full Brazil) their contracts include their right to take over certain ports
and of the countries assets like buildings etc etc.So this is a perfect example of
follow the money but it is also an example of demonstrable power and control.Now
into the picture comes little cheap Ivermectin (a direct “potential “ spanner “ in the works
for big Pharma who would have aware of this all along) .Therfore voila little cheap effective
Ivermectin gets banned in many “signed up” countries.Well Duh who would ever have
thought this would have ever ended up being the case.
Oh and just as an aside any GP who is caught writing scripts for little cheap Ivermectin
can be persecuted and possibly lose their license-thanks to our all knowing and caring TGA
Cheers Mike Reed
Poor old Ivermectin- Merck helped to develop the drug and invested so much in the various trials. Merck wanted to use it for highly profitable individual patient treatment, constantly seeking a bumper return on its investment. But its partners TDR and OCP wanted to use the drug at community-level. Merck caved and let it be used by government groups at no cost.
Merck now has an opportunity to cash in with a new rooster- but needs to relegate out-of-patent IVM to feather duster status.
Such great things were being said about it only a decade ago:-
I wonder how large is the contingent of “double vaxed anti-vaxers” like me? We are desperate for the freedom to get on with our lives that is promised if we have two jabs, but actually realise that we need something more reassuring for our on-going health.
I haven’t been able to see family in Perth for two years. I’ve got a small arsenal of quercetin, ivermectin, zinc and vitamin D.
I live in the UK and had my booster jab today.
We are relatively free here at present and have no restrictions on movements or need to show a covid passport to go anywhere in the country.
However things are tightening up considerably on the continent with France and Italy both having big restrictions in place unless you show your health papers.
Seems as if Austria is about to follow them and if anyone is unvaccinated they will basically be confined to their homes for all but essential reasons
Governments have placed a lot of store in the vaccine but can’t admit it has it’s shortcomings and doesn’t confer complete immunity.
There is a big need for version two of the vaccine.
In the meantime it is better than nothing and likely prevents serious illness
UK hospitalisations have dropped 5-fold since the delta peak at the beginning of the year. That is without much restriction on mobility now as well. From a public health perspective, the vaccines are a success.
The death rate for unvaccinated is 6 times higher than vaccinated in the middle age groups from 30 through to 60. Less beneficial at only 2.5 times reduction in death rate for vaccinated than unvaccinated for plus 70yo. So at an individual, the risk posed by vaccines affords considerably lower risk of actually dying. Not perfect and far better than nothing.
UK is not yet free and clear but doing OK given the very high population density.
Not too sure where you are getting your data from but the recent UK Covid-19 surveillance report week 44 highlights Death within 60 days of positive COVID-19 test for age group 60 to 80+ is 469 for un-jabbed versus second ‘jab’ deaths of 2,825. Taking populations of jabbed vs unjabbed into account this equates to 2.12 times more deaths for jabbed versus un-jabbed.
References please to both FB and Rick Will.
Fast Bowler appears to have erred in aggregating the numbers for different age groups with different vaccination rates and different expected mortality rates.
See Table 6 of the “UK COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report – Week 45” for the infection, emergency hospitalisation, and death rates. Vaccination still clearly reduces the risk of hospitalisation or death at all age groups, even though the total number of deaths among the older vaccinated groups is about 8 times greater than for the corresponding unvaccinated groups.
Even though 95% of the 70+ age group is fully vaccinated, the vaccine isn’t sufficiently effective for those age groups.
I have observed that people misunderstand the efficacy of vaccines. They are much better than nothing (dependent on your age and health) The trouble is, as I recounted here after our first jab in the UK back in February, the mostly pensioners also receiving the jab could be heard saying’ That’s great I can go and visit my grandchildren this afternoon and give them a hug.”
This was within minutes of the jab as they didn’t seem to understand it took 2 weeks for the effect to be fully realised and even then they still needed to be cautious. They still don’t always realise that they can catch covid or pass it on even if vaccinated
I think the same with masks, those wearing masks often get much closer than they should believing they are immune even though masks are not very effective especially when worn so badly, as most are.
Masks used outside of controlled conditions have negative net protection as PPE.
Mandatory mask wearing was introduced as an adjunct to social distancing. Our health authorities know well that 90% of the population at all ages have good natural immunity to SARS-CoV-2 for casual exposure.
Researchers have determined the threshold concentrations of the virus on airway surfaces and within tissues that are sufficient to induce sustainable infection (the results are published) and they have also estimated the typical range of virus concentration in exhaled air from infected persons.
Put the data together, throw in masks to modify dispersion parameters, and they could specify a notional safe distance to produce a specified risk reduction for the transmission of the virus from an idealised infected person.
Freedom or priviledges? Here is a short 90 second video that will give you a paradigm shift.
Its not a freedom, if govt can take it away from you…..
We are born free, we shall die free.
We have God given freedoms that no govt can infringe upon.
But they DO, incessantly.
The solution is obvious. The “costs” will be substantial. Your individual call.EVERYBODYs INDIVIDUAL CALL.
Something about “watering a tree”.
Taiwan halts 2nd-dose BioNTech vaccinations for ages 12-17 amid concerns of myocarditis
CECC says approval of COVID vaccines for children under 12 will not be considered until 2nd dose issue settled
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) head Chen Shih-chung (陳時中) said on Wednesday (Nov. 10) that a panel of experts has decided to suspend administering second doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech (BNT) COVID vaccine to children 12-17 years old amid concerns it may increase the risk of myocarditis.
Cases of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the outer lining of the heart) have been reported after BNT vaccination of children between 12 and 17 years of age. According to U.S. statistics, the risk of youths experiencing myocarditis after receiving the second BNT dose is 10 times higher than after the first dose, CNA reported.
Professional Mountain Bike Racer Describes Life-Altering Vaccine Injuries After Second Pfizer COVID Shot
Kyle Warner, a 29-year-old professional mountain bike racer, developed pericarditis, POTS and reactive arthritis following his second dose of Pfizer’s COVID shot.
Story at-a-glance:
. Kyle Warner, a 29-year-old professional mountain bike racer, developed pericarditis, POTS and reactive arthritis following his second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot.
. About two weeks after the shot, Warner experienced extremely elevated heart rates; an ER doctor refused to believe it was an adverse reaction to the jab and instead blamed it on a “psychotic episode.”
. After visiting another hospital due to more heart trouble, Warner was referred to a cardiologist who diagnosed him with pericarditis, an inflammation of the outer lining of the heart.
. For four months now, Warner has been so ill that he hasn’t been able to work or ride a bike — even mental exertion can cause him to relapse physically.
. At the Real, Not Rare rally held in Washington, D.C., Warner spoke before politicians to make a difference in the support level for vaccine-injured people — which is nonexistent in the U.S. — and voice opposition to vaccine mandates. “I believe where there is risk, there needs to be choice,” he said
An avoidable tragedy becomes almost? a deliberate act of abuse when proper measures have been ignored, fast forwarded and Rubber Stamped by “friendly” Official Officials of Government.
The oscillation frequency between Government positions and Big Pharma sinecures is a fact of life.
Short Kutz Rulz.
So on November 10 we were told about fake science papers, and now we get this?
For example – following the link to the journal of antibiotics leads to a statement that the paper has been retracted, and gives the reasons why.
And you can’t spot the difference between gibberish and this?
One day perhaps you’ll read the posts before you comment Peter.
I’ve added the retraction to the post. It’s very telling. Despite them being so keen to find a real reason to cancel this paper they found nothing wrong with the mechanisms described there.
Ivermectin acts in all these ways, but no one is sure it has an effect in real life apart from the 65 papers that support it.
Yep, the retraction reason seems to be a “non-reason”.
A idea-illogical whim..
…. or an instruction from someone who pays him.
Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis to Inform Clinical Guidelines
Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.
Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 65 studies
Covid Analysis, Nov 9, 2021, Version 144
And Note
COVID-19 early treatment: real-time analysis of 1,139 studies
Sotrovimab was approved by the Australian Thugs Goons Administration for first line Covid Hospital Treatment based on 1 Study
Outcomes in COVID-19 sotrovimab studies
All Studies 1 – Improvement 67% – Patients 583
Morning Jo,
There are a few other people who know it’s effective, like in Uttar Pradesh, Zimbabwe, Japan… Maybe a few hundred ……..thousands? Just not any Australian health “experts”, or Premiers.
And I suspect that even the few who have “overdosed” on horse medicine haven’t been worried by the virus.
Many thanks Jo.
Dave B
How an I trust anything you post about ivermectin?
You set up doubt on November the 10th, and the this – are you saying retracted papers about ivermectin should=d be believed? Or are you saying that only since you don’t like should not be believed?
The retraction reason is not sufficient.
This is a politically based or forced retraction, not based on actual content.
So yes, the paper should most definitely be taken at fact value.
Again. Its not a matter of mindless “belief”…. this is not AGW.
There is more than significant proof of both the mechanisms and the efficacy of Ivermectin.
Admirable response clarence.t but PF is only here to provoke and misinform.
You are casting pearls before swine.
Andy’s response is pure hopeful rhetoric. He just made that up.
Stop digging that hole for yourself GI. Seriously, just stop digging.
I know… so long as you say the right thing you are ok here.
Interesting that you were unable to counter a single word I said.
Peter has proven time and time again that his AGW “belief” is based on zero actual science.
You know this was a politically based retraction, no matter what you say up-front.
Be a better troll. Somewhere else.
Preferably in the land of the Jabba.
Keep digging! There’s plenty of depth between you and the Earth’s core. Mind you, you may encounter some warming the deeper you go!
Peter F.
An old friend who is a hospital doctor says Ivermectin is a great drug because it has so many uses and can be confidently administered at 10X by mistake without adverse reactions (Nurses often misread the dreadful hand-writing of doctors). He’s resigned this year for a number of reasons, one being the interference in his work by Hospital Admin. He’s not going to tolerate some plonker with no science education telling him (who has a degree and 40 years experience) how to do his job.
Just yesterday Jo you made the statement that the gibberish papers were evidence that peer review was broken not to be trusted. However, you know how to “look” at a paper to know it is trustworthy but I don’t.
In conclusion
is inconsistent to a position you held within the last 24 hours.
Nothing is inconsistent here. I remember some twenty years ago a historian of my acquaintance remarking that peer-review was meaningless. There was no time then and I have regretted ever since that I did not make it, for asking an explanation. One is obliged to bring intelligence and experience to bear on what one reads and the credibility the reader attaches to the work in question. There is now a major problem of credibility (usually described as the replicability crisis or some such) in the sciences. This, in many ways, only follows logically from the death of the humanities. The questions of credibility did not, as far as I can recall, exist, say, thirty or more years ago.
I never felt any obligation to have doubts about my own academic teachers of significance and supervisors (I did raise a question about what proved to be an omission from the immense manuscript of a work since described as definitive—a somewhat difficult silence followed for a moment or two). Since then falsification and casuistic reasoning have plagued much history (especially as it relates to religion and the Great War).
There are exceptions but the life of the mind today is particularly disturbing. It is a matter of making judgements, item by item, testing everything, knowing the genealogies.
The American historian Victor Davis Hanson yesterday argued that “History Will Grind Out the Truth”. I suspect not, for some of the elements of historical writing known since the days of Thucydides are in what appears to be permanent recession.
One might argue whether Jo’s posts are up to the (usual) mark—I think they are—but inconsistent? No.
you then provided long winded doggeral that did not provide evidence for the above statement.
She was stating that she can eyeball a paper and proclaim it legit. Yesterday she said all papers are suspect and used the gibberish as evidence for her claim.
Today she supports a peer reviewed paper that is actually withdrawn by the publisher.
You know it was withdrawn for political reasons.
The content is solid.
Stop trying to pretend otherwise.
That’s quite funny Gee Aye. Given how little respect I have for editors of journals, why would I care less whether the paper was retracted or not? You are being inconsistent.
I read the whole paper twice and judged it on its content. When I hit publish last night I didn’t know it was retracted and when I read the reasons why it was, it didn’t change my opinion.
Evidently you haven’t read the paper, and you haven’t even read my post?
Try Reading GA – Only 13 Pages –
I agree with you Jo but would add that, while journal editing today is patently and almost purely political, we are grossly deficient in our grasp of why. This is precisely the seizure and ruin of science that Nazis and Communists and every other socialist system has always forced upon scientific and moral integrity. Nothing here, just move along folks.
I keep urging the insight of Friedrich A. Hayek, a Nobel Prize-winning economist and lifelong socialist. See particularly “The End of Truth” in chapter 11 of his “Road to Serfdom.” In our innocence we are strolling toward the same wreckage.
Indeed Tom. I shall dig out the book. So true…
Jo you are way too kind to trolls. PF will be beside himself to have drawn a response from you.
“some” of us went through this discussion years ago; sadly with the same result. They don’t discuss or debate, just interject and clogg the blogg.
There have been a couple of those comments which were red thumbed by sixty people from the blog.
That shows a significant level of concern; there may have even been a 70 plus.
The single greatest improvement which could be made to the forum software is that addition of a blocking function.
Let’s have a doubling or shouting function before installing even more blocking than exists already.
It was only Yahoo news but it says a surge in covid cases is predicted in Europe. This is in spite of the “vaccines.” I wonder how many studies there are that say that the vaccines stop covid.
Not counting the studies from those who have their snouts in the trough of course.
Regardless of Yahoo, such a rise may be underway. France, Italy and Austria have rising numbers of daily new cases. In the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland and Germany the rise is quite steep. The UK has meandered around 35,000 since early July. It is very depressing. Compare with, say, India (except for Kerala state) and South Africa and elsewhere, even the US. Notwithstanding a probable variety of factors, the crucial one is, it seems clear, access to Ivermectin.
The rate of growth of cases is inversely related to the level of vaccination. Germany is seeing the highest rate and only has 69% of the population vaccinated. The least vaccinated regions have the fastest growth in infections:
Spain is the most vaccinated large EU country with 81% of population vaccinated. Spains’s daily cases are averaging 2,700 and daily deaths 22.
Australia will be one of the most vaccinated countries; already ahead of most of Europe. UAE provides a hint at where Australia will be by the end of the year:
Daily cases down to two digits. The only difference is that they are vaccinating down to 3yo using the Sinpharm vaccine so have 98.8% of the population vaccinated.
The Eastern Europeans and Russians are travelling the worst because they have very low rates of vaccinations and, of course, they have never heard of Ivor Mectin.
Explain Sweden in the context of your scare-mongering for vaccination
I commend your optimism and some of the pro-covid-vaccine stats you find, however…
It’s not a vaccine.
They’re such show offs our despots with their real time redefinition of key elements in the pharmacopeia; who knows what new terminology will be in place next week after the Victorian premier usurps the power to declare a pandemic emergency whenever the fancy takes him.
Covid live: Germany reports record 50,000 new cases; Dutch experts recommend lockdown amid record cases
Robert Koch Institute records 50,196 new cases of coronavirus in Germany; Netherlands would have western Europe’s first lockdown since the summer
. German chancellor-in-waiting pushes new measures to fight rising cases
. Morgues fill up in Romania and Bulgaria amid low Covid vaccine uptake
. Ten US states sue over vaccine mandate for healthcare workers
. Israel to hold world’s first drill to test readiness for new Covid variant
The people in Denmark have been protesting for over a week because the government proposed bringing in legislation that would allow people to be held down, tested and/or vaccinated. After a week of protests, the government has now withdrawn the legislation.
I can see certain premiers’ thinking this is a great idea.
Thanks Jo, your info on covid since Jan 2020 has been informative, consistent and honest. Not many people can lay claim to all three. Thanks again.
Do we have anyone on here with expertise in registering trade names?
What if we rename it ivermectivir? It could be then put through the approval process specifically for use as an anti-viral? I would contribute to a crowd funded effort to do this!
A tablet with a mix of IVM , VitD, and an antibiotic would do the trick !
Proven safe, and proven effective…
So would be banned.
Cost to the sponsor for the TGA assess a drug is A$326000.00. That is the figure quoted as the crowdfund target to have the “Amazing” aust drug approved.
Its odd, isn’t it.
There is far far more evidence for the mechanisms and efficacy of Ivermectim that there is for warming by atmospheric CO2.. (as PF has shown us many time, there is none for the latter, whatsoever)
Yet the world wastes billions of dollars on useless renewables and anti-CO2 crusades, but can’t allow a powerful, effective medicine to be used.
All because there is no profit in it for anyone..
… and it would disrupt the multi-billionaire faux-vaxxine income.
Up vote from me.
Once upon a time, science was about questions and evidence, not consensus and conformity.
Editors at Science heed special “expert adpfizers.”
To seek the truth – always follow the money trail
The patent on Ivermectin has expired so Big Pharma can make little money on Ivermectin to pay bribes to politicians and Chief Medical Officers.
team believes it has found a key piece that can help combat the current pandemic and future virus outbreaks
Sars2 daily cases
Wasn’t Chapel Hill involved with GoF research for what is now known as SARS-CoV-2?
The free will delusion is taking a battering but won’t be entirely stamped out notwithstanding the exertions of our betters.
Many, many thanks, once again Jo! Most of us here know that there is sufficient evidence to prove the efficacy of Iver against COVID-19. But this study pretty much confirms our suspicion that there are sinister and rapacious forces at work across the globe to manipulate the “science” for their own benefit.
It just hardens my resolve to resist these forces as best as I can. Thank you again.
Even Bill Gates is now saying the “vaccines” are not really fit for purpose.
Bill wants to reduce the population, perhaps when he says they aren’t fit for purpose, he means they haven’t killed off enough people?
why does anyone give credence to a multibillionaire software engineer when it comes to medicine? I dont ask my GP to debug my code.
And, why does anyone refer to an imbecile business school drop-out as a “software engineer”? In spite of years of Propaganda to the contrary, he is neither a doctor nor an engineer of any sort.
He is not a doctor, but I would like to see you write an assembly language cross compiler to enable the BASIC language to run on a range of completely different cpus. That is what he and Paul Allen did. Having a piece of paper from a university means nothing as we well know with many of the woke graduates currently destroying western civilisation.
Having said that Bill Gates has hit the Peter principle a long time ago and should be ignored. Having billions of dollars still doesn’t give you the right to tell others how to live their lives.
the mechanisms of action of ivermectin against sars-cov-2 an evidence-based clinical review article
A complete version
Sorry, link correction
Interesting that is a later version – 40 pages single column vs 13 pages double column
The mechanisms of action of Ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2: An evidence-based clinical review article
15 June 2021
Asiya Kamber Zaidi &
Puya Dehgani-Mobaraki
The Journal of Antibiotics (2021)Cite this article
The mechanisms of action of Ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2: An evidence-based clinical review article
Asiya Kamber Zaidi 1,2
Puya Dehgani-Mobaraki3
Received: 11 May 2021 / Revised: 17 May 2021 / Accepted: 20 May 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to the Japan Antibiotics Research Association 2021
Ivermectin is the miracle drug that the medical industry is hiding. Sure cancer could be beaten… If research was funded to solve the problems rather than to sell us ‘drugs’.
The guys making the rules and controlling the healthcare gate/knowledge gate/teaching/universities/medical journals/media are 100% about the money. Year by year it has gotten worse.
Ivermectin plus anti-PD1 cures 40 to 60 percent of breast cancers (this is the type of breast cancer that kills most women and that there is no treatment for), in the animals that have been genetically altered to mimic human breast cancer.
“In these studies, 40-60 percent of animals treated with the ivermectin plus anti-PD1 antibody combination completely eradicated their tumors.”
“Our findings on this novel therapeutic combination published recently in npj Breast Cancer journal (2021; This is the first time a research team has demonstrated that checkpoint inhibitors can be used to successfully treat breast cancer—when combined with ivermectin, an inexpensive, existing safe drug.
…..They were able to fight off the cancer again after it was reintroduced. It’s the two drugs working together that is the magic. Either drug alone has almost zero effect, but together they have a powerful synergistic effect.”
Could we just rename COVID-19 “Breast Cancer”, and solve the problem? After all, these days, Black can be renamed White!
Dear Jo, I wrote to Zaidi and said I was sorry for his retraction. He wrote straight back.
“It will be back up soon. Same journal.
The editor is in trouble.
Truth never fails.”
Thank you! Good to know.
Jo Note above 16.1 re under exclusive licence to under exclusive licence to the Japan Antibiotics Research Association 2021
The mechanisms of action of Ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2: An evidence-based clinical review article
Asiya Kamber Zaidi 1,2
Puya Dehgani-Mobaraki3
Received: 11 May 2021 / Revised: 17 May 2021 / Accepted: 20 May 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to the Japan Antibiotics Research Association 2021
Was this Data used by the Japanese to approve Ivermectin?
[Duplicate post]AD
The design of remdesivir was never intended to bind to the spike protein, the purpose is to interrupt virus replication inside the cells. A lot of hospitals appear to be knowledge challenged on remdesivir, because interrupting virus replication is most useful EARLY in the disease … but doctors are sending people home to sit and wait until they get sick, then only giving remdesivir late in the process.
You might be forgiven for thinking the hospitals had an incentive to get as many customers as possible and just use up the stocks of drugs. I mean, that’s kind of what it looks like from a distance.
By the way, it’s worth closely comparing the safety profiles of ivermectin vs remdesivir and sure enough remdesivir is much, much more risky … lots of people getting hit with kidney damage thanks to remdesivir.
Basically that particular binding is not helping any drug including Remdesivir since they have no positive clinical outcomes.
You could consider all of Indonesia to be a clinical trial (or a miraculous fluke) but given as how ivermectin operates in 20 different ways and all that … difficult to say exactly which binding might be responsible.
You ever hear someone say, “Just let the data speak for itself!” … this time finally the data has spoken, and reasonably clearly regardless of your theoretical framework. One disclaimer though, very few doctors in any country are using neat ivermectin, but they recommend a mix based on various protocols, typically including Zinc and some kind of antibiotic, and a steroid. I can’t read their language and I’m not sure exactly which combination the Indonesians have been using … but I do know ivermectin was a factor. Would be happy to know more if anyone out there can translate.
Whatever they are doing, so far (fingers crossed) it’s working and they are almost at zero new cases (lower than Australia anyhow) which is amazing for a poor country that is rather crowded. Their “two shot” vaccination rate is approx 30%, and that’s significantly lower than most of Europe (even the wealthy nations), where both cases and deaths per capita are far worse than Indonesia. Yes age might be a factor … the median age is only 30 years old, while European nations are typically older, for example median age of France is about 40. That seems insufficient to explain a huge different in death rates, and Indonesia had only one big wave while Europe has been hit over and over.
Nothing is lost on the Internet. Kissinger from 2009.×300.jpeg
Now that Israel has confirmed that the majority of people who have died were vaccinated, can we follow what other countries have done, such as India, and move on to using Ivermectin? If we don’t, it proves our political leaders have been bought and paid by Big Pharma in what has to be the biggest scam in history, even eclipsing the CAGW scam. The COVID-19 vaccination scam to coerce everyone in the West to be vaccinated is now the top of the list.
Oh for a functioning news media. Or even a competent journalist. Just one will do.
We have one here in Australia – Shari Markson!
The over-seeing editors might be the problem.
Do you have a link to Israel data PeterS?
That’s the best part, that Ivermectin has multiple pathways of disrupting SARS-CoV-2.
Everywhere the virus turns, it must be cursing out IVM as some kind of super sleuth, foiling its every move… (The next best part is the low cost).
Question: If Ivermectin can bind to ACE2 receptors, that would make it an ACE2 inhibitor, right?
Would that affect people taking ACE inhibitors (NB. ACE not ACE2) for their treatment after a heart attack (not me BTW, but I know someone who needs the stuff): would they need to take care?
The ACE and ACE2 partnership, has a role in regulating Blood Pressure.
Just wondering if their dosage would change but I guess their Doctor would decide that…
It’s a good and important question to consider !
I think there is a different action involved, in that I *think* the answer might be ‘No’.
Pretty sure I checked that out a while back (for personal reason) and was relieved to find that it shouldn’t be a problem.
But, don’t quote me.
Do your own searching.
Although I can understand how governments all over the world have fallen for the Big Pharma scam, what still makes me sad is how much of the public have put so much trust in their governments on on the vaccination push that they didn’t really bother to question anything and instead accepted everything they have said on the issue. It sort of proves what I’ve suspected for some time now. People are becoming dumber not smarter. It’s due to a number of reasons, not the least of which is lack of desire to think for themselves and do their own research any more and instead let others do the thinking for them. That’s a perfect environment for an evil takeover of our nations resulting in totalitarian governments that the likes of H.tler would love to have had in the first place to keep their empires fully alive much longer than otherwise.
Peter,it may not just be people being dumb and accepting, emphasis mine.
What is a vaccine? Dr Mike Yeadon:
The rotten liars at the US CDC unilaterally changed the definition of a
Seriously, a vaccine had held a particular meaning for decades at least.
It’s explicitly the case here that the covid19 “vaccines” didn’t meet the definition of the word.
That left then open to accusations that these agents aren’t vaccines at all.
In order to fend off legitimate objections, THEY CHANGED THE DEFINITION OF VACCINE.
For all my life, it’s meant the administration of a preparation of killed or weakened infectious disease organism, bringing about immunity to that organism. The effect of that immunity is to prevent development of clinical illness if infected again by that organism. It doesn’t always prevent infection but such infections remain sub-clinical. Vaccines also prevent transmission, because the body of the person with immunity after vaccination will not allow the infectious organism to replicate to any great extent. Finally, the vaccinated person is generally protected against relatives of the organism in question because our immune systems have memorised dozens of structural features of the organism, common to related infections.
Now they’ve changed it such that a vaccine now merely “stimulates the bodies immune response against a disease”.
Sorry. That’s so vague that, on this definition, a vitamin D capsule is a vaccine.
In the end though, the argument isn’t about whether the gene-based preparations are vaccines or not.
Here’s the key point. If they’re vaccines, people automatically ascribe to them characteristics that are typical of all prior vaccines, especially that they’re widely regarded as safe and that the immunity provides tremendous protection against clinical illness.
No wonder they fight so desperately to cling to the V word.
Of course they’re not vaccines. They don’t provide good protection against clinical illness. The original clinical trials results were merely what’s called an “interim analysis” (around 1/3rd of the way through the trial, a normal part of a clinical trial, but what’s NOT normal is to lie, to deceive & pretend those data are “the results”) & the thing measured was NOT severe illness, hospital and death but minor symptoms such ax a runny nose.
In addition to what Brenda has mentioned here, don’t you just love the way that politicians treat (literally) everyone like they are dumb idi0t$.
In days gone by, we all lined up at schools to receive our ….. ‘immunisations’. There were so many of them across the years that I have lost count.
We didn’t think anything about them at all, just all lined up to get them.
You know, after you had it, you were ….. immune, so to speak.
It’s like politicians nowadays have a team of people who advise them on what to call things like this.
And they ‘distilled’ it right down to ….. the ‘jab’.
Please oh please Comrade Madam Premier (says the advisor) just don’t call it immunisation. You know, people might actually begin to think that they are immune from this
Coronavirussorry COVID-19.I mean, what good is a ‘jab’ if you still catch the virus, and can still end up in the ICU, and can still actually die from it. (sort of puts the whole wording into perspective, eh!) And hey, were we not told that this
China Virusumm, sorry COVID-19 was ….. actively seeking out those who haven’t had ….. the ‘jab’. (charter boat, what charter boat?)Tony.
It’s not such a big step from the Jab to the Jabberwock and Jabberwocky.
The sound isn’t much good but to see the Hippy Trippys live is an experience.
Some dark light relief.
It’s an inoculation.
Can an innocuous jab be an inoculation.
A great piece, and especially liked his additional benefits;
“Finally, the vaccinated person is generally protected against relatives of the organism in question because our immune systems have memorised,,”
CDC Admits Crushing Rights of Naturally Immune Without Proof They Transmit the Virus
After formal demand, the CDC concedes it does not have proof of a single instance of a naturally immune individual spreading the virus.
You would assume that if the CDC was going to crush the civil and individual rights of those with natural immunity by having them expelled from school, fired from their jobs, separated from the military, and worse, the CDC would have proof of at least one instance of an unvaccinated, naturally immune individual transmitting the COVID-19 virus to another individual. If you thought this, you would be wrong.
My firm, on behalf of ICAN, asked the CDC for precisely this proof (see below). ICAN wanted to see proof of any instance in which someone who previously had COVID-19 became reinfected with and transmitted the virus to someone else. The CDC’s incredible response is that it does not have a single document reflecting that this has ever occurred. Not one. (See below.)
In contrast, there are endless documents reflecting cases of vaccinated individuals becoming infected with and transmitting the virus to others. Such as this study. And this study. And this study. And this study. It goes on and on…
But it gets worse. The CDC’s excuse for not having a shred of evidence of the naturally immune transmitting the virus is that “this information is not collected.” What?! No proof!
But yet the CDC is actively crushing the rights of millions of naturally immune individuals in this country if they do not get the vaccine on the assumption they can transmit the virus. But despite clear proof the vaccinated spread the virus, the CDC lifts restrictions on the vaccinated?! That is dystopian.
The CDC Gives the Entire Game Away on COVID-19 Natural Immunity
While the Kyle Rittenhouse trial has sucked up all the oxygen in the current news cycle, another bit of news is flying under the radar. That involves the contentious topic of natural immunity from COVID-19, which is essentially treated as non-existent by the federal government and its policies.
In a remarkable admission, the CDC wrote in a letter that it does not have a single case on record of someone naturally immune to COVID-19 spreading the virus.
Regardless, the point here is not to argue over the finer points of spreading COVID-19. Rather, the lack of data here is the problem. The CDC, which is part of a federal government that has continually downplayed and dismissed natural immunity on a policy level, has now admitted they aren’t even keeping the data necessary to judge its effectiveness. Why would they do that?
At this point, it all seems rather purposeful to me. If they did gather the data necessary to track the efficacy of natural immunity, they might end up with an answer they obviously don’t want. Specifically, that there is no scientific need to force vaccinations on those who have already had and recovered from COVID-19. That would blow up the entire “vaccine passport” narrative as well, and we can’t have that, can we?
Frankly, it feels like a dereliction of duty for the CDC to continue making proclamations about universal vaccination mandates and how the virus spreads without having even tracked the necessary data to judge the effectiveness of natural immunity.
Here’s a little something on how not all vaccines are the same.
And, of course that ought to be especially true of “vaccines” that aren’t vaccines.
Lots of good thought there but it actually proves my point. Most people are too dumb to understand all that and so go ahead and believe what governments tell them to do. That’s my point.
What a great post!
Brenda, you’re a gem. I never refer to any of the mRNA jabs as vaccines without placing inverted commas around the word.
They’re not vaccines in any real sense, of course, for all the reasons you listed so well.
Aside from expressing my admiration for your excellent post, I’d like to add that we all need to be circumspect about the numerical data we’re given by ‘the authorities’ and promulgated uncritically by their media.
For a start, it’s difficult for ordinary folk to get access to reliable data regarding actual cases of COVID-19, which, unlike the old definition of a medical case, are these days largely just erroneous positive results of the PCR test – an inappropriate test to begin with because it was never designed to tell you whether you’re sick, and invalidated in any case by being run at ludicrously high amplification cycles.
Some people turn to the published statistics of America’s ‘Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System’ (VAERS) to find the most recent number of adverse events attributable to the COVID ‘vaccines’ in the U.S. (875,653 so far this calendar year) and the attributable deaths (currently running at 18,461 so far this year).
[See this site for full details: ]
But again, accurate figures are hard to get.
Due to various reasons, including pressure by ‘the authorities’ NOT to report adverse events to VAERS, it’s generally thought that events are under-reported by anywhere from 10x to 100x
Thus, we’re left with a figure for U.S. ‘vaccine’-related deaths anywhere from at least 185,000 to possibly as high as 1.85 million
So even a well-recognised system like VAERS is prone to inaccuracies.
Interestingly, you’ll notice the false-positive-prone PCR-mediated ‘cases’ exaggerate the magnitude of the problem, while the under-reporting of ‘vaccine’-related adverse events works to understate the magnitude of the ‘vaccine’ problem.
Nevertheless a likely minimum of 185,000 ‘vaccine’ deaths in the U.S. alone is not a number to be taken lightly – despite the mainstream media’s silence about it.
I can add another – other people do not agree with PeterS’s perspective on all issues.
Stated more bluntly, unless people agree with PeterS, they are “dumb”.
Specifically, on the topic of vaccines, there is ample evidence they are highly effective. The most vaccinated country UAE, at 98.8% vaccinated, has daily Covid cases in 2 digits, down from a peak of 3,700, and average daily death rate less than 1. All countries with less than 80% of the population carrying antibodies have not achieved an infection rate under 1 with pre-Covid mobility. Australia is currently 76% fully vaccinated but will get over 80% once the tardy states catch up.
Claims about the effectiveness of Ivermectin in India, Mexico, Peru, Indonesia and others are all unsubstantiated. There is no actual data on the doses distributed. All we know for sure is that these countries suffered enormous death tolls – their hospital systems were completely overwhelmed and there is no meaningful means of knowing the actual Covid death toll. The end result is that a large proportion of the population have now acquired natural antibodies but that has not dampened their desire to GET VACCINATED. India now has 55% of the population vaccinated.
Russia is still setting record daily deaths – now at 1167. That has spurred more people to get vaccinated but they have only nudged past 40%; well behind Peru, Mexico, India and even Indonesia.
If you are unvaccinated and under 70yo you are 6 times more likely to die of Covid than a vaccinated individual. That is a reduction in the risk any thinking person would find compelling.
If you are going to make claims about Ivermectin in the places with enormous Covid death toll please start with the evidence on the number of people dosed up and when that occurred. Otherwise you are talking through the seat of your pants.
You are an inspiration: in a world where there is so much doubt and uncertainty it’s good to see someone who has so much Trust in the honesty and integrity of our International, National and Local governments.
Thank you.
KK, would I be correct in assuming Peter is a GMO (genetically modified organism)?
Sorry, I’ve just looked; that was supposed to be a response to “Rick”.
The whole COVID mess has to be a deliberate attempt to generate profits or worse.
Surely any safe drug is worth using ?
Conspiracy theorists have been mocked for suggesting that a genetic engineering vaccine – mRNA – can cause harm because most “authorities” cite its safety.
But how about repeated “assaults” on your DNA by six monthly boosters Ad Infinitum ? We have no clear evidence about most of this.
And how about this from The USE Vaers website.
I downloaded all the available data and graphed EVERY report for Every vaccine for 1990 -2021.
For 2020/2021 I used ONLY adverse COVID reports.
It looks like this
Rosco, that hockey stick ‘up-tick’ will have Micky Mann green with envy – it may even cause heart palpitations in his lily-livered ticker. So be it.
As in all dictatorships the government takes total control of the medical profession and instructs them what they can and can’t do and does not let them exercise their professional judgement.
Why would Australia be any different to any other dictatorship?
Even among dictatorships, Australia is unique. It appears to be the only country that specifically bans IVM for treatment of covid.
In free countries, even in Nanny States where government does interfere extensively in the medical profession, IVM achieves no worse status than “not recommended” by national health authorities. It can still be used to treat covid if the doctor and patient are agreeable.
Dr Mark Hobart, whose surgery was raided recently, was one who prescribed ivermectin as in the Borody protocol, in fact he did so for many of us across Australia. So he was a marked man.
Strangely, both of his gofundme pages have vanished! I hope this is not due to blocking by the organization, that would be the final straw. Our donation has been refunded so I suspect that is the case.
Was he illegally using his position to hand out false documents for money?
More likely he was exercising his professional judgement that what is effectively compulsory vaccination with a possibly dangerous and poorly tested agent is 1) a violation of the Nuremberg Code and 2) not in the best interests of his patients.
He would be ethically bound to exempt them under such circumstances.
“More likely”. ie the courts will decide.
Yeah, well just about everything is illegal in a dictatorship. And the National Socialists made sure that everything they did was legal according to the laws they themselves passed as well.
Being found guilty of something in a dictatorshipb that is not morally wrong means nothing.
Unethical deceptive behaviour of a medical profession is a new dictatorship law?
You finally realised what this dictatorial vaccine roll-out is…
Unethical and deceptive…
Well done, ga
Gee, do you know that for a fact or are you just supporting Government and Big Pharma policy?
I wasn’t aware that he had been tried yet.
Or are you privy to a foregone conclusion for what might be just a “show trial” as they have in dictatorships?
Good explanation.
He would be ethically bound,,
Many people would not understand the words “professional judgement”.
If it goes against leftist totalitarian memes…
… “professional judgement” is not acceptable in today’s society.
Or possibly caring about his patients like traditional doctors do.
Is it really possible that the powers that be will be able to suppress what appears to be the truth about Ivermectin. If ivermectin truly is the wonder drug it appears to be then certain health bureaucrats and officials must face criminal action and massive class actions. There are too many vested interests so the truth may never come out.
No. The truth is out. It’s just not being advertised or widely published.
That it’s getting out in spite of the attempts of various players to suppress it must be a huge annoyance to the senior criminals.
Keep up the good work Jo.
Dave B
The truth is there for everyone to see. The vaccines are highly effective and the way out the other side of Covid.
UAE has shown the way with 98.8% of the population vaccinated. Daily deaths under 1 and daily cases in just two digits:
Why bother using less effective drugs.
Anyone claiming Ivermectin to be a wonder drug in a particular population has to demonstrate that people used the drug. The proportion of people in the population who used the drug and the timing. Then the umber of people across all age groups who survived and who died. All that data is available for the vaccines across hundreds of jurisdictions. And it proves the vaccines to be highly effective.
Even if IVM didn’t work, it is still one of the most harmless drugs there is. There is no harm in using it. Plenty of other prescription drugs are also utterly useless and even harmful and there is no restrictions on their use. (Including Big Pharma drugs specifically approved for covid.)
One of the roles of Ivermectin is to remove parasites. Unfortunately it is ineffective at removing political parasites plus the parasites that infest political hosts.
I say only Aspirin…
Got talking to a bloke at the produce store the other day. He was buying “horse wormer”, & I jokingly asked him if that was for his horse or for him. I got a lot more than I’d asked for.
He went right off, calling those who have banned Ivemectin murderers. Reckoned he had a way to make sure that horse wormer was safe, but assured me that if it damaged one of his, or one of them was seriously damaged by covid, he would be going after those who had cased the banning, forcing him to use horse wormer.
Not wanting to get involved in such a discussion, I beat a hasty retreat. I couldn’t help wondering how many are getting enough upset by this to be thinking the same way.
Would such thoughts be considered local terrorism, it certainly is a bit frightening.
WRONG – The proof of its effectiveness is not clear. There is no actual data on the dosage and outcomes across the populations where it is claimed to have worked miracles. All the countries where it has supposed to be the wonder drug had enormous death tolls. If people were dosed with it then it was ineffective.
The harm in using it is a belief it is effective and taking risks with Covid contact that would be avoided if the individual felt unprotected.
Some discussions really send some people off the deep end.
Rick, your argument comes down to that it should be banned because it has been banned.
Convincing to you perhaps but next time take a breath before you hit the submit button.
Rick, have you looked at Zimbabwe? Dr Jackie Stone , who works at the pointy end of covid uses Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquin, zinc and
nebulised silver, as it carries 10 times its atomic weight in oxygen. Current figures from the Worldometer. Total deaths 4694; Deaths per million = 310.
Mr. Will: One harm in using a vax that doesn’t stop the spread is the “belief it is effective and taking risks with Covid contact that would be avoided if the individual felt unprotected.” I cannot fathom why you don’t see your advocacy in this light. Using a vax with a short efficacy window assures that this will never go away.
A great piece of work, Jo.
What I can’t see is any reference to the reports of the success of Ivermectin in Uttar Predesh (India) and Indonesia; two large populations. Surely as good a demonstration as any of the effectiveness of Ivermectin.
Ivermectin has 20 functional modes by which it protects us.
By contrast, the Death by Human origin CO2 induced global warming “science” has a total of Zero, Nil, Zip, NO mechanisms of action.
So we have Rulers in the UNIPCCC who endorse a non functional concept a squash a functional human benefit because it will disable the flow of cash to Big Pharma?
Welcome to 2021, our nightmare.
I slightly disagree Kalm Keith. Atmospheric carbon (sic) does kill people.
The Left’s attempt to remove it results in energy poverty plus numerous deaths due to cold. In Africa the lack of cheap and reliable coal electricity (which the Leftists at the UN will not aporove for development) means that people inhale cooking fumes from wood fires in small enclosed huts leading to deadly respiratory diseases.
There is no carbon in the atmosphere, what you find there is CO2, that, under certain condiditions in certain high concentration may kill.
Water kills too.
Hence I wrote “sic”.
But less because of CO2 but mostly due to particulates in high concentrations nad NOx.
Correct. But there would be no such particulates if they were allowed to have cheap and reliable electricity.
I thought my comments about CO2 were clear, i.e. the problems arise from pointless and futile attempts to remove it.
The main descriptor I intended to use was ;
death by CO2 induced Incineration.
If you are Australian and do get a serious case of covid demand monoclonal antibody treatment such as sotrovimab. Of course, you mightn’t get so sick if the government approved cheap IVM.
It is a single dose treatment that can be done at a clinic or hospital. In the US you can even get it done at home.
That does actually work and is recommended by Big Pharma and hence the Australian Government but costs many thousands of dollars per dose. (Paid for by the taxpayer.)
The government makes doctors jump through all sorts of hoops to get it and the doctor has to know how to “work the system”. The exception is if the patient is over 60 or has certain comorbidities whereby it’s much easier to get approval.
Of course, government’s preferred option is for people to die, hence their resistance to freely permitting effective treatments.
If lots of people die it’s easier to scare people and keep them in a constant state of fear, hence they are easier to control.
You are kidding yourself if you think any politician or senior public serpent actually “cares” for the lives or welfare of people.
ACT- 95% of 12+ vaccinated. Hospital cases=zero. Indoor mask wearing and social gatherings allowed with few restrictions.
Uttar Pradesh – 5.8% vaccinated, 11 new cases, 199 still infected, don’t know how many hospitalised, but few restrictions. I guess as it only has 230 million peeps, we shouldn’t take to much notice of it, when major places like Canberra are such a beacon to science. Actually UP might be lower on live cases? It would be close? No, Canberra wins – 159 to 199! Thank god for safe and effective vaccines.
And there free!
Not near 6 months yet, is it.
Which arm will you get your 3rd, 4th and 5th “jabs” in ?
Just wait – people will start dropping like flies from heart failure or strokes in the coming months. ACT hospitals will be on bypass.
I wonder if AZ will be an option for the booster. I have survived two AZ doses without much effect other than being aware my system responded. Not sure if I want to test any other vaccine for a booster!
German Media Reports ‘Puzzling’ Surge in Heart Disease Among Soccer Players
That’s debatable.
Sample of 1?
Mr Ed is smarter than all our politicians and senior public serpents put together!
Spoken like Lemuel Gulliver who spent his later years in the stables with beings which reminded him of the houyhnhnms he’d encountered en voyage.
What we are hearing is $100 billion talking. I did notice in the last few days, on John Campbell’s blog, when IVM was mentioned, there were a number of comments stating flat out, that there were no studies showing IVM had any positive effects. I think the campaign is being ramped up, seeing as the ‘horse medicine’ meme, wasn’t totally successful. Really there is so much money to grease the wheels, plus the need to double down. Otherwise the authorities are going to be saddled with millions of deaths.
Where’s OldOzzie?
Where’s Sophocles and LatusDextro?
Where’s Hippocrates?
Another Ian posted this on the unthreaded.
This is a better thread for it, a bit of a spill on Greggo.
“In January 2017 Greg Hunt was made Minister for Health. He justified his transfer to health by saying that his mother and his wife were nurses. But he would be more useful to the globalists in tending to the coming pandemic than keeping global warming alive.
In July 2020 Greg Hunt flick-passed $970,000 to a company called Merunova to study back pain, meaning that the founders of that company were spared a life of work for a while.
But one of these, a Dr Kyle Sheldrick, had to sing for his supper as a co-author of an article entitled “The lesson of ivermectin: meta-analyses based on summary data alone are inherently unreliable”.
A back-pain man is motivated enough to take time out to opine on ivermectin, an antiviral? Well, motivated by money provided by taxpayers. Mr Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz was recycled to be a co-author of this paper with Dr Sheldrick.
The saying is “Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence and three times is enemy action”. But this is too much coincidence – it is enemy action. Both Bill Gates and Greg Hunt give grants to medical researchers who then are co-authors of the same paper attacking ivermectin? That is coordination. The chances of these people knowing each other prior to the appearance of the paper are impossibly small.
Old ozzie was on the unthreaded yesterday, running a day late, bit behind in his research.
But Tilba Tilba and WXCycles have been MIA for a while.
Tilba Tilba.
My have come back in a new body.
I am usually good at spotting ring ins, could not miss his rants no matter the head.
Adverse reaction?
The Australian Government and its rent seekers snd associated control freaks are cruelly marketing covid as an incurable and deadly disease and instilling all sorts of unjustified fear into the masses.
Apart from those with well known comorbidities and the elderly who should all be protected, it is not particularly bad for the rest of the people and not particularly worse than the flu which kills hundreds of Australians in a typical year and 4000 in a bad year or 16000 during the Spanish flu.
Living in constant, engineered fear does not make for a healthy society.
For the assorted totalitarians and globalists of the world, i.e. the Left, it is the gift that keeps on giving.
Slightly O/T
“CDC Admits They Have NO Records of Any Person With Recovered Immunity Ever Transmitting The COVID-19 Virus
November 11, 2021 | Sundance | 58 Comments”
Nice. Thx!
Also slightly O/T…
Dr. Shankara Chetty’s guarded but very informative responses to an interview on U-Tub…
Dr. Chetty off U-Tub, totally unplugged! (Scroll down here)
(XPosted from NTZ)
This claim from the article is false: “…vaccines reduce the severity (at least for some months) but they don’t stop people shedding and transmitting the virus.” In fact, vaccination greatly reduces the risk of infection, which, in turn, greatly reduces the risk of shedding and transmitting the virus.
It is therapeutic treatments, including ivermectin, which (unlike vaccination) cannot substantially reduce transmission of the disease. That’s because most disease transmission from an infected person occurs before the person is diagnosed with the illness, for the obvious reason that once people learn that they have the disease most of them take precautions to avoid infecting others. But therapeutics are only used after a person is diagnosed. So, no matter how effective they are, they cannot possibly have much impact on the spread of the disease.
There are pharmacological reasons for hoping that ivermectin could be helpful to Covid-19 patients, but it does not seem to be of great value, in practice. The evidence, thus far, is ambiguous.
There have been quite a few studies of ivermectin, by itself, and in combinations with other therapeutics.
Unfortunately, many of those studies have been of low quality (e.g., small study population, not blinded, not randomized, etc.). One of them, which was released via preprint (without peer-review) in Nov. 2020 and reported a large benefit, and got a lot of attention, was apparently fraudulent.
Some of the studies have been completed, and some are ongoing. Here’s a meta-analysis of the former:
Ivermectin can be used for prophylaxis as well so can stop transmission by preventing the person being infected in the first place.
Dave, the claim you quote is true. Your statement to refute it agree with what I said. The vaccines dont stop people shedding …
We can quibble about how much, but that entirely depends on which week post vacc you want to discuss, and which vaccine.
Yes and in addition, if ivermectin were in widespread use, transmission is not important when the cure is cheap safe and speedy.
This medication should not require a doctor’s visit, it should be available over-the-counter as the medical implications of use are trivial.
In addition it is worth noting that since the vaccines suppress symptoms, an infected vaccinated person will shed (unknowingly) for more hours than an infected non-vaccinated person.
“Here’s a meta-analysis of the former:”
Sadly, meta-analysis, by definition has even more flaws than those you mentioned above.
The “data” presented on behalf of the CV19 analyses used by government health officers is atrocious from a statistical viewpoint but when you combine it in meta analysis you aren’t cleaning it up.
The many countries offering “data” have so many base factors that don’t match up and so it is statistically disingenuous to compare them.
Meta analysis might sound good but it’s a poor man’s analysis, the cheap and dodgy way of getting results.
Sorry Dave — wrong and wrong.
Recent data on infections across all age groups from U.K. Health Security Agency:
The figures continue to worsen for the vaccinated, with unadjusted vaccine effectiveness against infection:
• Minus 31% for people in their 30s,
• Minus 132% for people in their 40s,
• Minus 113% for those in their 50s,
• Minus 114% for those in their 60s,
• Minus 104% for those in their 70s.
• Minus 30% for those over 80 (up from minus-34% last week.)
• Vaccine effectiveness remains positive for those under 30, though for 18-29 year-olds it slipped again to just 21%.
• For those under 18 it is still highly positive, though down slightly to 81% from 90% the previous week. (They are the most recently vaccinated cohort.)
A negative figure indicates a greater susceptibility to infection than the unvaccinated.
Hide the Vaccine Failure: UKHSA Caves to Pressure and Removes Chart Showing Higher Infection Rates in the Vaccinated – as Effectiveness Hits New Low of Minus-132%
The new Vaccine Surveillance report, has been purged of the offending chart showing infection rates higher in the double-vaccinated than the unvaccinated for all over-30s and more than double the rates for those aged 40-79.
Then we have the rates of relative infectiousness between vaccinated and unvaccinated:
No Significant Difference in Viral Load Between Vaccinated and Unvaccinated, Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Groups When Infected with SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant
“We found no significant difference in cycle threshold values between vaccinated and unvaccinated, asymptomatic and symptomatic groups infected with SARS-CoV-2 Delta.”
In other words infected vaccinated are as infectious as infected unvaccinated. Both carry the same viral load, it’s just that the vaccinated are now MORE likely to be infected a few months after vaccination than if they had remained unvaccinated.
It is worth considering what ‘unadjusted vaccine effectiveness’ means. I’ve had a few people send me this, and until Beowulf kindly provided this link, I had no idea what it meant.
From the data we can calculate that for the 40 to 49 year age group, vaccinates had a 132% higher positive case rate than did non vaccinates. That is, vaccinates were 132% more likely to test positive compared to non vaccinates.
(calculation: (VAX-NONVAX)/VAX).
However, note that the data goes on to show that for the 40 to 49 year age group, there is 75% LESS chance of presenting for emergency care, 75% LESS chance of dying within 28 days of a positive test, and 81% less chance of dying within 60 days of a positive COVID test.
From the linked document, table 5. page 19 shows data which can be calculated into those percentages.
Taking the highest percentage there: minus 132% effectiveness for people in the 40 to 49 year age group.
Calculated from a positive sample rate of 1,936.2 positives per 100,000 double vaccinated people (VAX), vs a positive sample rate of only 834.9 cases per 100,000 for non vaccinated persons (NONVAX).
And … it is probably better to consider NONVAX as the control group, and, for the 40 to 49 year age group, say that VAX had a 132% higher positive rate than did NONVAX. That is, vaccinates were 132% more likely to test positive compared to non vaccinates. (calculation: (VAX-NONVAX)/VAX).
Certainly concerning! It is certainly not a fantastic vaccine.
Possibilities: are more NONVAX already positive and recovered? (I’m not sure I’d want to get vaccinated if I was exposed and recovered).
Are vaccinated people feeling more confident and getting greater exposure? Quite likely.
Are more ‘at risk’ individuals most likely to be vaccinated? Quite likely, the greater the threat, the better the vaccine looks.
However, note that the data in TABLE 5 also goes on to show us for the 40 to 49 year age group, there is 75% LESS chance of presenting for emergency care, 75% LESS chance of dying within 28 days of a positive test, and 81% less chance of dying within 60 days of a positive COVID test.
To put that in perspective for the 40 to 49 year age group, 6 out of 1 million vaccinates died, and 32 out of 1 million non-vaccinates died within 60 days of a positive COVID test.
The markedly lower chances of emergency care need and lower mortality risk for vaccinates holds for all age groups (although no under 18 deaths were recorded in either case, and the advantage for the vaccine declines for age groups over 70: 67% less chance of dying for those in their 70s, and only a 57% less chance of dying for those over 80).
But most would like those odds and get vaccinated.
Of further interest from the table: the data shows very low average case mortality rates of 0.021%, much lower than originally quoted case mortality rates. (That is 21.1 deaths per 100,000 cases, considering both vaccinates and non vaccinates).
: 0.2 deaths per 100,000 cases for the 18-29 year group, increasing steadily up to 92 deaths per 100,000 for the >80 year group.
Do you trust the U.K. government “data”.
Do all new “immigrants” ha ha, get a health and vaccination check when they come ashore.
Does Britain still have a functioning government?
This is 2021 and you have to ask, what can you believe is real.
“There are pharmacological reasons for hoping that ivermectin could be helpful to Covid-19 patients, but it does not seem to be of great value, in practice. The evidence, thus far, is ambiguous.”
You clearly have not done due diligence on the subject.
On the contrary, is is clear that Dave has. The problem is that many peoples’ definition of ‘due diligence’ is surfing the internet reading dodgy misinformation websites generated by unknown persons with an obscure agenda.
You mean places like SKS ?
Generated by a failed comic drawer, failed scientist, and wannabe psycho-ologist.
Why is highly vaccinated Singapore doing far worse this year than last year?
Why did Israel have wave after wave?
What about Chile, they are ramping up into a new wave despite and exceptionally high vaccination rate.
The UK NHS has reports showing almost 100% of spike-protein antibodies in their adult population (random sample from blood donors, but I’m sure you are already familiar with the reports) and yet they still have plenty of that same adult population getting sick with COVID. Wouldn’t that contradict the “greatly reduced sick of infection” ?
Your “facts” are disputed by data from many different countries … indeed, it’s fair to ask whether there has been any country where vaccination has made them better off in 2021 than they were in 2020, as per the statistics? Show me the results, skip the assertions.
Meanwhile, the faux-vax are being dumped by countries around the world.
Dr John Campbell debunked the BBC’s debunk on Ivermectin.
Just been advised that Vaxine has opened registration application for Phase 4 Clinical Trial of Covax-19 vaccine.
This trial is open to candidates who have not been vaccinated.
Australian non mRNA
Gofundme has been a great success to bring this Australian product to Australia !!!!
Is this jab the lessor of two evils ?
I did actually donate but find that I am reluctant to enrol as I’d rather wait and see.
Had it not been through Phase 3 & (possibly?) Phase 4 trials in Iran?
Thank you Jo for not giving up 🙂
I am pro vaccination.
I am vaccinated(although I had my doubts for the first time in my life).I do oppose vaccinating children for Covid.
I definitely support the use of Ivermectin
With the borders opening it is obvious that it is now kind of urgent that this ban of Ivermectin is lifted.
Doctors should be able to prescribe Ivermectin and discuss this with their patients—> early treatment
It is a shame that Merck didn’t conduct a very large honest study with Ivermectin. But, of course, they were working at a vaccine at the time and they had this drug in the pipeline that has the same kind of outcome, but will be much more profitable.
‘On October 1, 2021, Merck announced that it will be pursuing Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other regulatory agencies worldwide due to promising results from clinical trials. The Phase 3 trial’s interim analysis showed that Molnupiravir reduced hospitalizations and death by about 50% compared to a placebo. The analysis looked at 775 adults with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 who were at risk of severe disease due to underlying health conditions, and were from North America, Latin America, Europe, and Africa. Of the participants, 7.3% of patients who received Molnupiravir were hospitalized through day 29 of the study, whereas 14.1% of patients who received a placebo were hospitalized or died.
Evidence of the Molnupiravir’s safety and effectiveness was strong enough for the independent board of medical experts monitoring the study to recommend that the clinical trials be stopped early, before enrolling and studying all of the 1,550 intended participants, enabling the drug to proceed with regulatory approval processes.
In contrast, there is currently no evidence that Ivermectin is effective against COVID-19, including a large study showing no benefit compared to a placebo and another flawed study being withdrawn from a pre-print platform. Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic drug that is used to treat infections caused by roundworms, threadworms, and other parasites. The U.S. FDA has warned against self-administering Ivermectin for COVID-19, particularly from veterinary sources intended for animal use rather than human use, as this decreases the supply of the drug for necessary uses and can pose safety risks if given incorrectly.’
‘Researchers in other places worldwide began looking into the drug at around the same time. But when they started to see positive results, no one wanted to publish them, Schwartz, a scientist, said.’ (August 2021)
“There is a lot of opposition,” he said. “We tried to publish it, and it was kicked away by three journals. No one even wanted to hear about it. !!!!????
You have to ask how come when the world is suffering.” :
In June, the U.S. government entered into an agreement with Merck to buy $1.2 billion worth of molnupiravir or 1.7 million
Molnupiravir treatment courses. The U.S. also has an option to buy an additional 3.5 million courses if needed.
EU may consider deal on Merck’s COVID pill after approval procedure begins
Countries in Asia are placing orders for a new drug to treat coronavirus.
good to know:
“I think that molnupiravar has shown much less potential for mutagenicity than was first feared, but at the same time, I would not want to give it to someone who could get pregnant, out of an abundance of caution.”
(I had to look up what mutagenicity means: it refers to the induction of permanent transmissible changes in the amount or structure of the genetic material of cells or organisms)
-Record Cases in Netherlands (9:39 a.m. NY)
The Dutch national health service reported 16,364 new coronavirus infections on Thursday, the highest daily number since the start of the pandemic.
The Outbreak Management Team, which advises the cabinet, is recommending a two-week period of “lockdown-like measures” in a bid to prevent infections from rising further, according to Dutch news network NOS.
– Israel (3:34 p.m. HK)
Israel started a national drill in the format of a ‘war game’ to test the nation’s readiness for the outbreak of a new, lethal Covid-19 variant.
The drill will test national management of new strains yet to be discovered in Israel and will take place over three sessions.
While Israel remains among the most protected nations worldwide because of its vaccine rollout, the government is preparing for all scenarios, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said in a statement.
CATHERINE: “The Dutch national health service reported 16,364 new coronavirus infections on Thursday .. “
How do they know?
Are they still using the RT-PCR test in Holland?
Are any of the ‘new coronavirus infections’ actually symptomatic or just manifestations of inappropriate tests?
So is it possible the Dutch health service can manufacture ‘case numbers’ at will, wherever it wishes, in order to justify further lockdowns?
How would we know?
How closely aligned is the Dutch government with the Blackrock-Vanguard-StateStreet commercial edifice, which happens to own ALL of the pharmaceutical companies producing PCR tests and COVID ‘vaccines’, and also happens to own ALL the media companies keeping us “informed”?
So many questions!
Any answers?
Interesting interactions.
What happened to Catherine’s comment; it’s listed but won’t come up?
2 comments here now.
Further to the
retractioncensorship of this paper … I was previously made aware of the many anti-viral mechanisms of Ivermectin from two video presentations on the science at a summit by Americas Frontline Doctors held back in July last year. When I went to the site to view the videos again this morning (for comparison), I found that I could view any video on the site except the two I refer to. An “access denied” message came up whenever I clicked on those two videos, correctly identifying my IP, and stating the reason for denial was that I was a security threat to the site. Strangely I was only a security threat when trying to view those specific videos as I had no issue playing videos all around them on the same page.I am not sure if it is an external attack censoring these videos which explain similar mechanisms to the paper or whether it is something more innocent – but I certainly find it suspicious and I have reported the issue to the site.
If anyone else wants to try: the videos are ones titled SUMMIT SESSIONS on this page
That’s interesting John. Perhaps there are copies of those video’s on Bitchute, Rumble of Odessy? Can anyone find them?
If they are that dangerous, we need to share them…..
scroll down
I didn’t get acces:
‘Access Denied – Sucuri Website Firewall
If you are the site owner (or you manage this site), please whitelist your IP or if you think this block is an error please open a support ticket and make sure to include the block details (displayed in the box below), so we can assist you in troubleshooting the issue.
(The only thing I understand about this is ‘acces denied’)
Australian Taxpayers Alliance has a very good point
Friday, 12 November 2021
Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance said:
In any other context, these same people would readily call a spade a spade.
From MichaelSmithNews, a bit of Humour for the Day
Pauline Hanson’s new cartoon series – Episode One
PAULINE HANSON’S PLEASE EXPLAIN – Episode 1 – School’s In Session – 1 Min 43 Secs
With 7.4 Billion COVID Shots In Arms, Bill Gates Admits The Quiet Part Out Loud
The world’s most influential “public health” advocate has come to seemingly doubt the technology behind mRNA injections, following their deployment into more than 7.34 billion arms worldwide.
A little-noticed interview from last week with a U.K. think tank saw Microsoft founder Bill Gates make some incredible statements about his most prized “solution” to the pandemic.
“We didn’t have vaccines that block transmission,” said Gates, contradicting previous interviews in which he claimed the shots significantly block transmission.
“We got vaccines that help you with your health, but they only slightly reduce the transmission,” he added.
Gates is correct about the fact that the shots aren’t blocking transmission. With record COVID numbers coming out of Europe, it’s become obvious that the mRNA shots are doing little, if nothing at all, to stop transmission. Moreover, the impact these shots have in preventing a positive COVID test appear to expire after 6-9 months.
Gates wasn’t done.
He added a pretty shocking statement to top it off:
“We need a new way of doing the vaccines.”
Just like that, Gates appears to be wiping his hands clean of his involvement in the worldwide mRNA experiment.
The main problem is, vaxxed wrongly gelieve to be protected bith ways, getting and spreading and and behave as in pre corona times. And, f.e. in Germany, you have now to pay for certifyed testing, so no one will be tested, result is known.
An error that will be changed after having recognised it as such.
No, I think he has begun prepping the sheep for another round of a new vaccine/treatment. This one will be more ‘efficient’ to do what exactly ??????
Its why all the new early anti-virals need to be approved for use ASAP. Because, then it will shine a light on IVM. Lots of doctors know about IVM ( and cocktail)- they’re just too afraid or unable to promote it because they will be struck off. The TGA will bring up lack of true RCT’s etc for IVM but we all know why RCT’s haven’t been done. Product off patent, no money to made from it. I sometimes provide comments to “The Australian”. Some journalist wrote an article on one of the new “vir” anti virals. Singing its praise etc. The article then got deluged with people wanting to comment on IVM. Comments were there, then 10 mins later had been moderated /disappeared. A lot of people know about IVM. Wait until the masses learn that a cheap, effective, safe treatment for COVID was always available. The arguments about the merits of AZ vs Pfizer will seem meaningless. The other crying shame is that IVM could have been used for decades to treat annual flu.
I can personally verify Ross’ comment re The Australian. I believe mine was the first comment to the story I think he is referring to. My comment was favourable to un-named anti-viral drugs, “Accepted”, got 42 likes, and was then “Deleted”. As Ross says, all comments which actually mentioned Ivermectin were also “Deleted”. Couldn’t believe it. So much for free speech.
This is not good; all the norms of civilization as we used to treasure it, are gone
Similar happened to me at The Australian recently. Comment accepted, lots of likes, then deleted.
Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in its restrictive policy on Ivermectin (IVM) is doing the opposite of what God’s Holy Spirit inspired word says in the book of Proverbs, chapter 3 verse 27 (ESV) which says:
“Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due when it is in your power to do it”.
Withholding good is a form of wickedness. Proverbs 18:3 (ESV) has the consequences:
“When wickedness comes, contempt comes also, and with dishonor comes disgrace”. The TGA’s punitive actions in withholding the benefits of IVM to Australians is wicked, contemptious and has brought them into disgrace and dishonour.
We know ivermectin is safe, cheap and if we believe the hysteria about it not working, what is the harm in letting anyone who might want it, use it.
I have been trying to convince some anti-ivermectin friends that it is the best treatment for Covid-19 and having used statistical analysis as a surveyor wondered why I haven’t seen comparisons of infection rates in countries using ivermectin and those using vaccines only. I found that the 3 large countries with some of the lowest infections on 7 November 2021 were Indonesia, South Africa and Bangladesh.
Using Worldometer figures, Indonesia with a population of 277 million and 28% double vax, had 444 new cases. Similarly South Africa, population 60 million, 21% double vax, 205 new cases and Bangladesh, population 166 million, 18% double vax and 178 new cases. Compare those figures with well vaccinated countries like USA, UK and Germany – USA, population 333 million, 57% double vax, 54,519 new cases, UK, population 68 million, 67% double vax, 30,080 new cases and Germany, population 84 million, 66% double vax, 20,701 new cases.
With those comparisons I thought that this would convince my friends that countries with large numbers of poor people, often living in overcrowded conditions and with low vaccination rates were controlling covid-19 infections extremely well with ivermectin. But no, they sent me the Canberra Times article from 16 September 2021 with all the usual clap-trap used by hack journalists to show why it shouldn’t be used. “There are none so blind as those who will not see.”
Been there, tried that, failed as well.
In my case it was a social media group of almost 100% white collar workers with medical doctors amongst them. They universally ignored the links of studies and articles that I sent to support my statements and those that bothered to respond seriously used, as rebuttal, the same mainstream arguments that I showed were flawed.
Only the increasing breakthrough cases as the vaccine anti-body levels wane + the increasing heart conditions and attacks of high profile sportspeople in the coming months has any hope of making the masses look beyond the narrative.
Although it is difficult to know to what extent ivm has been used, I wouldnt be sure to call South Africa an ivermectin story. Indeed the deaths per million is amongst the highest in Africa. While ivm is legal here (so is marijuana) it isnt recommended by the health authorities and there is an active propaganda campaign against “the horse dewormer”. Doctors can prescribe it, but many rather follow government recommendations. There is a thriving blackmarket, and it is difficult to assess the size of that, but the prices would put it out of reach of many.
Uptake of vaccines by black communities has been very slow due to a lack of trust. The government cannot mandate vaccines, and getting employers to do it is being opposed in the courts, and will not be of much use in a country with 44% unemployment. If large scale protests were provoked, the police couldnt stop them so easily as they did in Melbourne, as there really is a danger that cops would be killed.
The last (delta) wave was defeated after tightened lockdowns, but a survey before this wave, back in ~ April/May, revealed nearly 70% of people in Cape Town townships already had antibodies to covid. By now the townships must be approaching natural herd immunity. (A friend of mine posits that people who can survive living in a township have already been naturally selected to be immune to anything anyway). It is for this reason that I think covid is largely finished in South Africa. The country is now on “lockdown level 1”, which means wear masks, low densities at e.g. work places and schools, but not much more.
I fear that citations of numbers from Indonesia and other densely populated countries could be of limited value. They might have just stopped counting.
The biggest red flag that I see is the banning of legacy drugs which some reputable and competent people have recommended..
It is absolutely bizarre that the primary contribution of health authorities has been to prevent treatment.
Nobody gets tested in Indonesia if they can avoid it.
Early on there were policies of sending positive cases to quarantine hospitals, and in most areas, you do not do well in a normal hospital unless you have a family support group to care for you. Nobody wants to be isolated in a quarantine hospital.
But, from my personal contacts,reported deaths of friends and contacts are noticeably very raised recently: none officially diagnosed as COVID, and usually they are speaking of older relatives, but there have been quite a number in their 40s and 50s. The elderly deaths are just regarded as ‘old age’.
“There are none so blind as those who will not see.”
Exactly so, as with AGW/MMCC. They simply will not see because it doesn’t suit them to do so.
Forgot to use the reply box for Selwyn H. Accidently used the new comment box at the bottom of the thread.
Truth is 30% of the people dont want “to see” because there is a payoff. 40% are able to be coerced and 30% will resist.
These figures come from an interesting discussion called “mass formation” with Dr Mattias Desmet, a psychologist and Professor at the University of Ghent. And a follow up article by Dr Scott Solomons
It seems that about 30% of the population need something like the pandemic on which to pin their anxiety and they will not be moved.
I often wondered what made a certain percentage to so easily comply while others of us dont. I have my own little rebellion going on by refusing to sign into places I visit. In the last three months, it has been mentioned once.
If there are 30% who will resist, I wonder if their vax figures are correct and how they hope to get to 90%.
Mattias mentions that the 30% that accept the narrative are hypnoticed. This is a spiritual phenomen. It affects many who are well educated. Hypnosis is the same as casting a spell by the dark side. Forty percent know the narrative is untrue. The other 30% reject the narrative outright.
There is more to the demonising of IVM than simple bloody-mindedness or face saving.
Governments around the world seem to have sold their soul to
the DevilPharma to get early supplies. International courts can’t enforce their findings, as exemplified by China’s claim to the South China Sea, so Australia should ignore them and do what’s best for us.100
This scam concerning off patent goods reminds one of a similar scam recently, when a certain refrigerant went off patent and it’s parent decided to demonize it to sell the patented product instead.
Tell us, Ronin, why is he Hole in the Ozone Layer at the South Pole when 90% of the humans supposedly causing it reside in the Northern Hemisphere?
From Zerohedge today:
“Conspiracy tbeorists” – like internationally renowned Nobel prize winning REAL experts no doubt..
Seems the AMA need taking down a peg or two.
I just watched this from Another Delcon, on the open thread. The meme has been floating around, but this guy summaries a huge amount of stuff very clearly. It’s eye opening. Go for it!
Brilliant video!
There’s a new medical diagnosis. You can be diagnosed as suffering from “climate change”.
A Canadian woman has become the first patient in the world to be diagnosed as suffering from ‘climate change’, after she developed breathing difficulties following an historic heatwave.
Working at the emergency department of the hospital in British Columbia, Dr Kyle Merritt said his diagnosis of the woman, in her 70s, was his attempt at processing what he was seeing.
Hundreds of people died as temperatures soared to nearly 50C in June, a Canadian record. The province’s coroner ruled that 570 of those sudden fatalities were ‘heat-related’. Around the world, WHO estimates that climatic changes cause more than 150,000 deaths a year.
But despite the overwhelming statistics, this is thought to be the first time climate change has been given as a cause of suffering by a medical professional.
Also see:
This “news” is a week old and posted on a couple of blogs about a week ago.
There have been 157 comments on the WUWT site.
Search up:
diagnosed with climate_change” b. c.
So the Nordic countries, then France and now Germany has banned Moderna’s SpikeVax for under 30’s.
What is the response of our TGA? Repeal the existing authorization for 12+ kids? No! Let’s allow Moderna to test it with even younger kids!
Queensland AMA president, Chris Perry wants to make thing miserable for the unvaccinated (for CoVid) for the rest of their lives in a Channel 9 morning TV interview
The funny thing is this story is no longer available on the Channel 9 site although you can see a reference to it under the “Australia breaking news today, live coronavirus updates …” heading if you search for “Queensland Chris Perry” on the site
After a choir concert in Freigericht (Main-Kinzig), Germany, where only fully vaccinated and those who could prove previous infection could attend, at least 35 people have tested positive for CoVid.,corona-hessen-ticker-358.html#a419653f-592b-46dd-b3b2-d0567f707e57
Sounds like the Melbourne Cup cluster where only the vaxxed were allowed to attend. Of course, they are now trying to blame the spread on an after-party….
Europe looks to lockdowns as fatal fourth wave breaks
Yet this November is not like the others. Yesterday the Robert Koch Institute, Germany’s infectious diseases agency, registered a record 50,196 new Covid-19 cases in the previous 24 hours. Until this month there had never been more than 33,000 in a single day.
A fourth wave is rolling across a vast area of northern, central and eastern Europe, stretching from the Adriatic and the Black Sea to the Arctic Circle. Norway, Finland, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia have all reported their highest daily infection rates to date this week. While Britain’s infection rate is falling, it is still four times higher than France, averaging about 170 deaths per day compared to less than 40.
Bulgaria recorded 334 deaths on Tuesday, the largest number yet, prompting the government to declare an emergency and beg fellow European Union states for oxygen and beds.
Bavaria in Germany has announced a “state of catastrophe”, with its intensive care system nearing collapse. Austria is threatening to impose a full lockdown on the unvaccinated by the end of the week. “This is a real emergency,” Professor Christian Drosten, 49, one of Germany’s most eminent virologists, said on his weekly podcast. “We’re worse off than we were a year ago.”
There is evidence from German hospitals that vaccinated people have gone from making up scarcely one in ten of the patients on their coronavirus wards to nearly half. This is partly because the clinically vulnerable who were first in line for the jab are seeing their immunity wane, raising the tally of “breakthrough” infections.
Dr Scot A Youngblood MD Speaking To The San Diego County Board of Supervisors Meeting 2nd November
He uses the results from Pfizer’s own trial to show that their vaccine has no effect on overall mortality with the Alpha variant and is almost certain to be a net harm with the Delta variant.
A very quick presentation with a lot of information packed into it
Another vaccination fail – Denmark sees Covid cases surge 2 months after mass vaccination was thought to allow the disease to be controlled.
The ever shifting narrative of “The Science” now has Christian Drosten (the German equivalent of Dr Fauxi) stating that it is NOT a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” as they struggle to get uptake of the booster shots.
Why? Germany’s daily Covid case count is going exponential this month and the proportion of unvaccinated to vaccinated in the cases vs the general population doesn’t stack up.
Even Bill Gates now says that we need new vaccines since the existing ones don’t stop the spread of CoVid and only reduces the effects.
Bill G@tes cannot be mentioned
The Leftist “fact checkers” attacked Dr John Campbell when he said Pfizer’s new antiviral medication was similar to Ivermectin in its mechanism of action as a protease inhibitor. He was correct, the “fact checkers” were wrong, as they often are. They are just paid propagandists of the Left and Big Pharma.
Here is John Campbell’s video where he responds to the false claims of the “fact” checkers.
Can you trust vaccine fact checkers?
Big Tech, including Facebook, however, is actively manipulating the spread of information by censoring and silencing whatever it deems to be “misinformation” is funded, in part, by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which holds nearly $2 billion in Johnson & Johnson stock’s SciCheck COVID-19/Vaccination Project, which targets vaccine “misinformation,” was made possible by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which was founded by the late Robert Wood Johnson II — Johnson & Johnson’s president from 1932 to 1963
Its CEO, Richard Besser, is a former (2009) director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Essentially, vaccine companies are controlling the flow of social media information about vaccines via “fact checkers”
See link for rest.
“Can you trust vaccine fact checkers?”
In a word… NO.
Slightly OT but has anyone heard how Novavax is progressing ? I am more inclined to trust a proper vaccine made from the virus than a dangerous experimental mRNA injection. I will not call Pfizer and Moderna
Vaccines as they are clearly not. There is also as noted in a previous post another non mRNA vaccine looking for people for a clinical trial
I’m sweating on it being available for my second shot.
Are you in OZ?
Yes, I’m holding out for a non-gene therapy vaccine and even though I think the now extinct Wuhan spike protein is a terrible choice as the single antigen for a vaccine, at least the dose gives a known number of them unlike the gene therapy ones where individual expression means different amounts of spike proteins per individual.
I still intend to try and hold out until our state comes to its senses but that is probably is a forlorn hope given that we have voted Dan Andrews into office twice.
I think it was Packer when asked by a jurno “How much money do you need” and his answer was “Just a little bit more”.
If one were to ask how much evidence do we need to indicate efficacy of IVM, the answer would be the same.
Did Newton apply for a grant to the Uni to conduct a double blind, randomised control study to decide whether the apple falling on his head was a random event or part of a repeatable pattern?
It would be demanded today.
Isaac Newton or Bert Newton?
Dear Jo & Red Edwards,
A question from a dumb old bloke, if I may?
Have either of you read & commented upon the SAGE paper by Giovanni Apolone, et al “Unexpected detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the prepandemic period in Italy”?
Is this a valid study with valid results – and, if so, should something similar be undertaken in Australia?
A similar “pre-pandemic” question could be “Did the U of Barcelona detect COVID virus in frozen sewerage from early 2020?
I read of this ages ago and filed it away in the “Yet to be confirmed” basket where it sits to this day. “How many cycles” was my first question which will never be answered.
Enough cycles and you can convict a ham sandwich.
The Apolone study was carried out on blood samples previously gathered & stored as part of a Cancer study.
I *think* they started their search from samples collected from 1 September 2019 onward, finding the first antbody result from a 3 September sample – well before the “official” first case of C-19 in their area.
I hope this is reasonably accurate – it’s late and I’m old.
No. I read lots of papers but I missed that one. Could you provide a link?
Red, I just now “Duckduckgo’d” ‘Apolone +prepandemic’ – 3rd hit, from memory – but there are apparently no shprtage to choose from.
You know, how Gogle works ? 😀
KG – giggles!
I have not found even one doctor to come out in public and recommend that.
India has been pushing the three-way cocktail of the “Ziverdo” kits, and more recently other things including Vitamin D, etc.
The most radical and visible non-establishment doctors in the USA would be “America’s Frontline Doctors” led by Peter McCullough and I’ve sat through quite a few of his videos and he always recommends a mix. There’s also lots of Dr Drew videos online and he has interviewed a bunch of other doctors, and they don’t recommend neat Ivermectin without other bits and pieces to support it.
That’s not to say ivermectin is a bad idea, far from it … but it’s really important not to oversell any particular miracle cure. Doing that would be as stupid as the way the mRNA was oversold, and for the record I do think that mRNA has helped keep some people out of hospital, but they gave us the “vaccines make free” schtick and told us it would stop the pandemic. The right approach is to take every gain that has a low cost, and a few of the gains that have a slightly higher cost and look for ways to get a multiplicative effect.
Tel, I was discussing Ivermectin in terms of stopping resistance developing not as an entire treatment program. But I’ve added a few words to the post to make that clear.
It’s a major advantage though — especially in light of vaccine-resistance. IVM could prevent that too…
Tel wrote: “they don’t recommend neat Ivermectin without other bits and pieces to support it.”
Reminds me of this question:
Ice, stones, or neat? The best ways to drink bourbon
To help that rebuttal (/s)
“Ivermectin #2 on US NIH list of Covid-19 treatments”
[…] How many mechanisms do you need? Ivermectin protects us from Covid in 20 ways by […]
[…] How many mechanisms do you need? Ivermectin protects us from Covid in 20 ways by […]
COVID 19 = Panic = Any old drug will do (I just wonder how authorities in the era of the Spanish Flu coped with it; answer, no better than the authorities of today).
“We needed a three-drug-antiviral-cocktail to beat AIDS.”
No we didn’t. The three-drug antiviral cocktail *caused* AIDS. Yes, Fauci was neck-deep in that one too.
(You tell me this point is off topic, but then you need to stop bringing it up yourself…)
[That’s a drive-by one-liner, not making any attempt to justify it. And if it needs a long dissertation then it will be off topic. As it is, it’s just baseless speculation. – Jo]
You can imagine how much research will be required to back that up, it took me years, and it is similar to the Covid debacle, which people have already spent more than a year studying, including writing many dissertations. But the short version is: all AIDS patients outside of Africa had one of three conditions: overuse of recreational pharmaceuticals (gay men), overuse of supposedly therapeutic pharmaceuticals (the toxic drug cocktails), or hemophilia (with blood transfusions and attendant immune-suppressing drugs). No one else had, or has, AIDS. It is not an infectious disease. The Padian study showed no transmission of “HIV positive” status from one partner to the other, in 1000 heterosexual couples, and indeed the relationship between “AIDS” and “HIV antibody positive” is about the same as the relationship between “COVID” and “PCR test positive”, for the same reason. (No one ever isolated the original virus in either case, and then they just made up fictional tests based on artificial DNA samples)
And AIDS in Africa is something entirely different. (The test they use to find “HIV” has a higher hit rate in black men, regardless of their health, and you can speculate all kinds of sinister motives for that if you want to, which many people go ahead and do)
If you’re going to complain about my “drive-by” assertion and “baseless speculation”, then please back up your “we needed a three-drug cocktail” with an appropriate amount of evidence, preferably not from the drug companies and the rest of the pharmaceutical industry that is profiting from this – otherwise that is also nothing more than a drive-by assertion and baseless speculation. As a hint, with what is becoming increasingly obvious to everyone about Fauci, whatever he said about it is pretty much guaranteed to be the opposite of the truth.
Took you years to make up something so ridiculous and you proclaim it despite no evidence.
Legal question – indirectly about the Pfizer contract
Can the government enter into a contract (with anyone) which if two corporations agreed to sign would be a violation of anti-trust law?
[Tying arrangements] deny competitors free access to the market for the tied product, not because the party imposing the tying requirements has a better product or a lower price but because of his power or leverage in another market. At the same time buyers are forced to forego their free choice between competing products.
Would the ACCC have access to the contract – even with commercial in confidence being appplied?
Queen’s counsel to the ACCC?
It’s long past time to stop thinking of this as “a virus” and to start looking for the increasingly obvious agenda involved.
A drug that works but is banned?
Vaccines that cause as much harm (clots, heart attacks) as they purport to fix?
Vaccines that result in Israeli (and other) hospitals with some 85% of Covid infected having had 2x doses?
Vaccines that are now mandatory even with evidence of them not working well, or at all?
I’m not saying I know what these agenda are… nut they sure as hell exist!
The paper is also here:
Retracted? What a load. My favorite study:
—- Old people dying
Data that further illuminates the potential protective role of ivermectin against COVID-19 come from a study of nursing home residents in France which reported that in a facility that suffered a scabies outbreak where all 69 residents and 52 staff were treated with ivermectin,41 they found that during the period surrounding this event, 7 of the 69 residents fell ill with COVID-19 (10.1%). In this group with an average age of 90 years, only one resident required oxygen support and no resident died. In a matched control group of residents from surrounding facilities, they found 22.6% of residents fell ill and 4.9% died.
Our Cleaner is Sudanese, she got out just before COVID, with her kids and her bullet wound. The rest of her Family remain in Sudan.
I asked her about COVID there.
She shrugged and said “it’s not really a problem. With all the diseases there, we have lots of drugs. Everyone took Hydroxychloroquine in the factory where my Family works. One old lady got a bit sick, but she got better quickly.”
I had a look at the Sudanese COVID numbers. It’s just not bad at all. WUWT?
Asked a GP today, if I do get exposed and test positive, will I be able to get Ivermectin ?
He said “probably not, because the studies have not found it to be effective”.
I queried “depending which studies you read ?”. He said “the good ones”.
I noted that if someone is going to die at home, they have nothing to lose by trying IVM.
So NZ is in trouble as we gradually open up, our daily counts continue to climb over 200 (sounds small, but biggest city is only 1.7M, daily count was 10, then 50, then 100, now 200 – it will only get worse), and people testing positive and isolating at home are unable to get reliable advice and help and some are dying.
I suspect doctors here are strictly not ‘permitted’ to allow use of IVM, even if they believed it to be a worthless but harmless placebo ? Who imposed that decision over all doctors in the nation ? Under threat of …. ?
A news presenter tried to ask if one of the fatalities had an oximeter provided (that was not answered either), but no questions at all whether Ivermectin is allowed to be provided just in case it helps prevent a death.
I am double vax’d, but I had nasty side-effects at the two week mark both times. Second time very severe. (and these have not made it onto the adverse side-effect registers)
I don’t know if I can risk a booster now.
My highest hopes would be the Australian developed vaccine approved in (Iran ? can we trust that ? Do we have the results of their trials ?)
And somehow obtaining IVM from somewhere / finding a doctor willing to obtain it ?