And they wonder why people don’t believe them?
The Daily Mail in the UK put in FOI’s and got back virtually nothing but blackness:
Ian Birrell
This newspaper used Freedom of Information rules to obtain a cache of 32 emails about a secretive teleconference between British and American health officials held early in the pandemic.
But officials blacked out almost every word before releasing the crucial documents.
Before this discussion, several of the world’s most influential experts believed the new virus most likely came from a laboratory – but days later, the scientists began dismissing such scenarios as ‘implausible’ and branding them conspiracy theories.
At this point our rulers are mocking us. The people have no Freedom of Information, we only have “whatever the bureaucrats want to show us”.

The same people who tell us the vaccines are completely safe are hiding everything they said.
There should be immediate calls for dismissal until these emails are received. Presumably, the contents are so damning these people would be sacked, if not charged, so dismissal is the barest minimum:
The critical call is at the centre of concerns that the scientific establishment tried to stifle debate on the pandemic’s origins, as damning new evidence emerges of US ties to high-risk research on bat viruses in Wuhan, where the first cases emerged in late 2019.
The Mail on Sunday requested emails, minutes and notes on the call between Sir Patrick Vallance – Britain’s chief scientific adviser – and its organisers Sir Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust medical charity, and Anthony Fauci, the US infectious diseases expert and presidential adviser.
Sir Patrick Vallance was Mr Herd Immunity, the man who stopped the UK from closing borders when Chinese Bioweapons could have been kept out, and 133,000 deaths, long-Covid, and debilitating long lockdowns could have been easily avoided.
Fauci, of course, was the man who sent millions of dollars to the Wuhan lab where the virus came from, then allowed the virus to enter the US.
Apparently many experts thought it was a bioweapon until this call:
These emails must be so radioactive that the tiny few sentences they reveal still don’t look good. There are “natural” inserts in viruses, but if that was what they were discussing, why the “blackout” of all that context?
The lines left intact include a demand for the discussions, involving 13 participants around the world, to be conducted in ‘total confidence’, and an intriguing email line suggesting ‘we need to talk about the backbone too, not just the insert’.
The Daily Mail describes how many experts were talking about how it looked like an engineered virus until something changed in this conference call.
The teleconference was led by Farrar, an expert on infectious diseases, who admits that he saw the ‘huge coincidence’ of a novel coronavirus erupting in ‘a city with a superlab’ that was ‘home to an almost unrivalled collection of bat viruses’.
Many prominent scientists, including several participants on the call, feared the new virus looked engineered – among them California-based immunologist Kristian Andersen, who told Farrar beforehand he was alarmed by Covid’s unusual properties.
He said the binding mechanism ‘looked too good to be true, like a perfect key for entering human cells’ while its furin cleavage site – a feature not found on similar types of coronavirus that allows it to enter efficiently into human cells – might be expected ‘if someone had set out to adapt an animal coronavirus to humans by taking a specific suit of genetic material from elsewhere and inserting it.’
After the call suddenly everyone was dismissing the idea of a lab leak as a “conspiracy theory.”
When billions of dollars and so many lives were affected, how can “the cost” of providing these documents be “too high”?
A request for emails, notes or transcripts of Vallance’s conversations with Farrar on origins of Sars-CoV-2 (the strain of coronavirus that causes Covid-19), Wuhan Institute of Virology or Shi Zhengli, its infamous ‘Batwoman’ expert, was rejected on cost grounds.
h/t Matt Ridley
Nothing to see here, move long folks.
Literally, nothing to see!
I guess the peasants must not be told what is going on.
That’ll put us in our place!
FOI – it’s actually a Free Of Information.
Jim Jordon at senate estimates tried to get some answers about the call but struck out .
What are these words they are so terrified of the people knowing?
I think it’s quite plain my good chaps. It’s for us to know and you to find out. Back in your boxes proletarians.
Global Plandemic – 4000 coronavirus patents prior to the outbreak and vaccines ready to roll.
It used to be said you cannot cure the common cold, perhaps that was because they were unable to find a way to patent a cure (create a cash cow) from existing remedies
“The Canadian military deployed an Afghanistan-style propaganda campaign against its own citizens in April of 2020 with the goal of “shaping” and “exploiting” information, shortly after the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic began, according to a new report.
“The news was broken by the Ottawa Citizen, a node of Canada’s Postmedia conglomerate, after receiving a copy of a December of 2020 internal investigation launched by former Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Jon Vance in responses to Access for Information requests.
It’s as if this is a deliberate huge stamp of contempt against the people.
You have no idea of the vast loathing of the Patrician elites for the horrid Oiks.
A key member of Dan Andrews Health Department once described the arrival of Captain Cook in Australia as the original pandemic.
And since we the people still venerate Cook and the culture he brought, we are mere viral agents to be “cured.”
And remember how keen the LNP in NSW were to destroy the Greyhound racing industry – it was really aimed at the sort of people involved.
It really is – as well as other things – a world wide conspiracy of the New Patricians against the Plebeians.
Annaliese van Diemen tweeted:
I suspect she was a diversity hire.
A Van Diemen, someone is pulling my leg.
I think the best thing to do is alert the ABC so that they can get to the bottom of this mess. Good old investigative journalism. Oh, wait..
Oh wait….. alright. Seems they have finally made such a mistake some heads will roll.
I just saw it in passing but they did a two part doco on the Juanita Nielsen murder with a star witness who knew EVERYTHING. Trouble is – he didn’t and people are asking if their ABC is a reliable news source anymore. Well fancy that!
The people who ask questions are not the target for the ABC.
Is there a reference to this story?
Some questions still to be answered: Who was the FOI served on? Who did the blacking out? Is there a way of appealing?
Government condemned for refusing to release details of key email
My link was not allowed.
Peter C I’ve posted a link at 1.1.1
to a US senate estimates where Jim Jordon explains a sequence of events and outcomes around the call , he also asked for a copy of what was said but received pages of blacked out paper .
This is beginning to look like the bond movie scenario – the only difference is that we probably have a bunch of super villains . The only problem for them is that too many people were in on it and information has leaked . The real villians are hiding but their minions are getting uncovered . Watch who runs when SHTF……
Look, that was just to keep things simple for you. All that blacked out stuff was sciency stuff. You wouldn’t understand it if you saw it, and it would just confuse you. Listen to the experts. They will tell you the right thing to do. Trust the authorities.
Looks like the warranty on one of Arfur Daleys’ one owner used cars, trust me son, a beaut little motor.
AAs for keeping it simple –
I am reminded that back a while there was a survey of the credentials of readers of Jo’s blog.
And my reaction was that, if necessary she could run a Manhattan Project!
It’s a matter of National Security and an imminent war with China. This is exactly how a war would start, bioweapons, denial. Like bombing Pearl Harbour and insisting it was someone else. With the support of the UN, which is now a Chinese lackey as well. We know this from both the WHO and IPCC, both institutions determined to undermine Western economies and profit China.
Prevent panic. Pretend we saw nothing and try to settle this down through back channels. Of course everyone knew it was a Chinese created virus. And they could rely on their friends in the West to help cover it up, as they did. Really, Wuhan?
The question was and remains, what to do. It certainly explains why the UK and US are backing nuclear submarines immediately in Australia.
What is also significant is that once released, the virus will mutate and blowback with more virulent and different variations. You would have to think the virus numbers and deaths in China from Delta are under reported.
Here’s my question: If a hot war erupts to our north, threatening our very survival, will the East coast lockdowns be ended immediately, freeing people to help defend the nation?
I really wouldn’t be surprised if the lockdowns and the Covidism continued.
At least then we would know who are leaders work for.
And pray tell M Allinson, how would the people “defend the nation”?
Since our guns were confiscated most of the “people” wouldn’t know a cartridge from a partridge – and the “Bang” would scare the bejesus out of the little woke wimps.
The armed forces are next to useless, uniformed as they are in their rainbow camouflage.
A general mobilization would take forever as the socialists and greens did all they could to sabotage the national effort to confront their comrades from the north.
In any case, even if we were successfully mobilized, there’s not enough rifles to go around. Broomsticks will be the order of the day. Sharpen them if you like – for a technological break-through – and call them spears.
And, bring your own uniform – rainbow shades would be de rigueur and perfectly acceptable to the ADF’s Defence People Group, especially at morning tea. A quick promotion is very likely for those who wear visible rainbow clothing or ally pins. Sort of like: bring your own medals.
The CCCCCCCCP put over 20 warplanes over Taiwan on the weekend, just games I suppose.
They call it Grey Warfare today. It used to be called “brinksmanship”.
Maybe testing Taiwan’s targeting radar. Probably trying to goad Taiwan into attacking the aircraft giving CCP an excuse to invade.
And how many people knew about the military world games in Wuhan in October 2019? It had to be Wuhan, of course. What a massive coincidence. Again.
A great way to release the virus and blame the American military, which was ultimately tried. Possibly the only problem with the plan was that fit young athletes would be the fastest to recover and would isolate to protect others.
And that does challenge the accidental escape idea. Except that the athletes also said the city was a ghost town.
When we’re got we’ll never know.
We should be up on our ramparts cocking a snook and bellowing out “not even close” and giving them the brown eye for good measure in the warrior fashion that has been practised down the ages.
Morrison’s reciting the fourteen point ultimatum in his guest appearance at G7 was a fine manouevre in cutting through the CCP controlled information flow which the member nations are prey to the Chinese being thorough at white anting enemy public services; there’ll be more than submarines.
Reality check….the same replaced with same…..
“The man expected to be NSW’s next premier, Dominic Perrottet, has refused to rule out making changes to the roadmap to freedom set out by his predecessor Gladys Berejiklian.
The agenda appears to be to NEVER go back to normality.
[Please. Let’s do more analytical discussion. – J]
[Snip repeat]
They might as well burn them if they are still using that trick to black out the information. Pure evil. All our governments have turned against the public and only those who are still asleep, gullible fools, or clueless think otherwise and instead consider them their friends, unless of course the people in question are evil themselves.
If this is true, wow….
“A policy that has been in place prior to the alleged emergence of Covid-19 clearly states that midazolam can be used for sedation, however dosage should be reduced to 0.5mg in the elderly or unwell due to possible side effects which include cardiorespiratory depression, and extreme caution should be used in administering midazolam to patients suffering respiratory disease.
“However a policy created for treating patients allegedly suffering anxiety due to Covid-19, which we’re told is a respiratory disease, clearly states to treat said patient with a starting dose of 2.5mg of Midazolam, or 1.25mg if the patient is “particularly frail”, but to bump this up to 5 – 10mg if the patient is “extremely distressed”. Even the starting dose for the particularly frail is 0.25mg higher than the maximum recommended to administer to the elderly or unwell in sedation guidelines.
In the interview with the English undertaker, he stressed that many patients in nursing homes were overdosed with midazolam. Also DNR signs were placed on some patients beds without any family or patient authorisation. He also said many natural deaths were then attributed to covid .
One concern is that this is a silent reboot of the infamous T4 program…..
If you look at the WHO recommendation, its way too high.
Coincidence? Or does it just appear that the N*zi mind set of those who fund and support the UN and its organs is now becoming obvious…..
Could be true. There is an interview with a funeral director who descibes exactly the same thing.
Interesting watching.
Why sir, if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about.
The reality of course is they have much to hide and much to lie about to keep hiding all of it. Eventually though the lid will be blown clean off and then they won’t be able to hide themselves from the angry public.
‘ … rejected on cost grounds.’
Sharri Markson could do something with the financial clout of Sky.
Speaking of Cost
Thugs Goons Administration ban Ivermectin in Australia when India shows the way
Dr John Campbell – Goa, home medical kit with ivermectin, zinc and vitamin D – $2.65 per person
Chief Minister Dr. Pramod Sawant in the presence of Minister for Health Shri……
Pulse Oximeter
Digital Thermometer
Paracetamol tablets (15)
Vitamin C tablets (30)
Multivitamin tablets with Zinc (30)
Vitamin D3 tablets (2 packs)
Ivermectin 12mg tablets (10)
Doxycycline 100mg tablets (10)
Three-ply face masks (5)
N-95 Masks (2)
Sanitizer (100ml)
Alcohol based Wipes (1 box with 20 plies)
Gloves (2 pairs)
Population 204 million……
No fresh Covid cases in UP’s 59 districts
Last 24 hours, 191,446 samples tested
33 samples tested positive
Test Positivity Rate, lower than 0.01
Active caseload
Currently 187
April, 310,783
Factors to explain success
Targeted testing of specific groups
Early detection
Contact tracing
Free and timely provision of medicine kits and treatment to the rural populace
$2.65 per person
Where can I buy these kits?
Try your mob connections if you have them.
Can anyone name any western democracy which allows unredacted FOI requests, or does not charge an arm or a leg for what is basically sending an email?
Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch gets enough to be a pain in the bum. If they don’t get it they sue.
No one says they get everything they ask for or that it is easy. It takes work.
also anyone tracking the ‘Pandora Papers’. not a good look for the rich and powerful
It was never a good look for the rich and powerful. It just took a turn for the worse for them. How much I’m not sure yet.
Not just the rich and powerful.
Surely we remember the wonderful transparency displayed by Phil Jones at the Climate Research Unit?
To remind:
At 09:41 AM 2/2/2005, Phil Jones wrote:
I presume congratulations are in order – so congrats etc !
Just sent loads of station data to Scott. Make sure he documents everything better
this time ! And don’t leave stuff lying around on ftp sites – you never know who is
them. The two MMs have been after the CRU station data for years. If they ever hear
is a Freedom of Information Act now in the UK, I think I’ll delete the file rather than
to anyone. Does your similar act in the US force you to respond to enquiries within
20 days? – our does ! The UK works on precedents, so the first request will test it.
We also
have a data protection act, which I will hide behind. Tom Wigley has sent me a worried
email when he heard about it – thought people could ask him for his model code. He
has retired officially from UEA so he can hide behind that. IPR should be relevant
Now, there’s what you’d call a “bad look” wouldn’t you Peter+Pitzroy?
Those who seek to hide their malfeasance use every tool available to them including doubtful academics.
Brett Sutton aspires to these heights of scholarship innit?
Thank you for bringing that up Peter, but I fear that there will be a coverup.
Leftists love government secrecy because they don’t fundamentally believe in democracy.
But government can only be made accountable in a free society if such documents are released, unredacted unless it involves personal information about particular individuals or genuine matters of national security.
David are you saying all western democracies are leftist? for another point can you explain why Australia can not have a federal integral commission, it is right wing, and as been for a decade.
Depends on the degree of leftist. In any case, certainly no Western democracy is any longer right wing nor true conservative. So one could say they are either leftist or some fake version of conservative in effect leaning towards leftists.
Its more complex than left and right.
Thanks. It’s a long read eh.
Which explains why social media platforms like YT censor so much. They recently censored RT News in Germany for daring to speak some of the truth about the COVID-19 scam. Now Russia is threatening to ban YT from their country. I say do it. It’s time to shut down YT. There are better more open platforms. Wish out own government took a similar step towards “our” ABC but of course they are in effect in cahoots with the leftist agenda so it will never happen.
If YouTube’s block of RT’s German channels is about ‘misinformation’, when will MSNBC & CNN be banned for Russiagate conspiracies?
Its not just sending an email. God knows how many people need to sign off on it.
And have you ever seen such redacting to cover ones proverbial rather than secrets n the national interest?
CYA is synonymous with “national interest”.
Peter if a US senator can’t get an unredacted copy of what was said by a bureaucrat in a phone call then no one can.
We are being Conned by Thugs Goons Administration and CHO’s in Australia
There It Is – Study Finds Predominance of Antibody-Resistant SARS-CoV-2 Variants in Vaccine Breakthrough Cases in San Francisco Bay Area
The California study finds that vaccinated individuals are more susceptible to COVID variant infections than unvaccinated. Geer Vanden Bossche has been warning that vaccine antibodies would suppress natural antibody responses. The vaccine antibodies take control of the immune system and defend only against a targeted virus.
Among vaccinated individuals, a COVID variant virus is not recognized by the specialized antibodies provided by the vaccine, and the natural antibodies have been programmed to stand down.
(MedRxiv) Associations between vaccine breakthrough cases and infection by SARS coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) variants have remained largely unexplored. Here we analyzed SARS-CoV-2 whole-genome sequences and viral loads from 1,373 persons with COVID-19 from the San Francisco Bay Area from February 1 to June 30, 2021, of which 125 (9.1%) were vaccine breakthrough infections. Fully vaccinated were more likely than unvaccinated persons to be infected by variants carrying mutations associated with decreased antibody neutralization.
[…] These findings suggest that vaccine breakthrough cases are preferentially caused by circulating antibody-resistant SARS-CoV-2 variants, and that symptomatic breakthrough infections may potentially transmit COVID-19 as efficiently as unvaccinated infections. (read more)
Be careful around vaccinated people, because they can carry a more resistant form of COVID-19. Additionally, the highly specialized antibodies in the vaccine create a need for a booster for each antibody resistant variant. Israel is already on booster #2.
How about sitting in a busy Medical Centre waiting room where ALL the patients have been double-vaxxed, which is what I have to do tomorrow re a BCC removal.
That should give the old immune system a good workout.
Good luck MA.
Sitting ducks come to mind…..
By shot no. 4, ADE has trashed thier immune systems and the next bio engin eered bug will take a lot of people out.
This is a crime against humanity, and there is no escape for those who have done this from the coming Godly justice that will be carried out, but not by our hand.
Those who have done this evil will know true fear when the look God in the eye….
“This is a crime against humanity, and there is no escape for those who have done this from the coming Godly justice, that will be carried out here on Earth, by the hand of those who believe in Him”
No problem. All double vaxxed people should be barred from entering any public place without a mask and thorough disinfection.
They must pass a weekly test to prove they aren’t infectious and hence a danger to the public.
Failing that, they have to undergo 14 days isolation without choice.
Israel protests erupt after Covid-19 rules tightened for third jab
Nearly two million Israelis previously considered fully vaccinated against Covid-19 are to be barred from schools, workplaces and social venues unless they have a third booster dose or can prove they are not infected after a significant tightening of “green pass” rules.
Protests were staged across the country against the new rules as they come in to effect on Sunday, while the health ministry’s website for people applying for a new digital green pass crashed under the demand.
Due to the technical problems, existing green passes that were due to expire on Sunday could still be valid in the coming days, the health ministry said.
But ministry deputy director-general Asher Salmon said about 1.7 million Israelis would soon no longer have a valid green pass, mostly because they had not had their booster within six months of their second dose.
“We believe everyone should be getting a third shot,” he said. “We are basically telling people that if they have not already done so, they are not fully vaccinated.”
Up to 80,000 Israeli school teachers, half of the total, are among those who could lose their proof of vaccination status because they have only had two jabs. Unions said it was “unreasonable” and could prevent staff from working or getting paid.
The new restrictions come after doctors concluded that some of the protection against Covid-19 provided by two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine could wear off after only six months.
Israel began administering booster doses to the over-60s and high-risk groups in July and by the end of August was recommending a third dose for everyone aged over 12, five months or more after their second dose.
About 3.5 million people, roughly a third of Israel’s population, have already received a third booster shot, compared with 5.65 million who have had two doses. Some could still be eligible for a temporary green pass if they were vaccinated or have recovered from the virus recently.
But, while essential shops and pharmacies remain open to all, entering a bar, museum, gym or most other indoor spaces will now require proof of a negative test for those who haven’t had the booster dose. Cafes, cultural and sports events, hotels and places of worship that hold more than 50 people are also covered by the rules and are supposed to check and scan digital passes before entry. Police have been asked to enforce the system strictly in high-risk areas.
“If you are eligible for a booster but haven’t had one, you will now need to pay for an antigen test at a pharmacy or petrol station,” Dr Salmon said, adding that children would not have to pay.
There have been record numbers of daily cases since late June, but the number of seriously ill patients in hospital has remained relatively low, which officials attribute to the country’s high vaccination rates and booster shots.
Opponents of the new rules have accused the government of compelling people to have a booster or not giving them enough time to do so. Public scepticism around the need for a third jab was one reason why some had not yet taken up the offer, Dr Salmon added.
Last week a Facebook post by the health ministry noted that only nine cases of heart inflammation were detected among 1.5 million people who had a third jab, but generated more than 25,000 comments, which were mostly negative.
“We are in a fight against anti-vaxxer notions on social media,” Dr Salmon said. “Part of their argument is telling you how unnecessary and terrible a third shot is, but we already have the evidence to show that a booster is safe, and effective in terms of boosting your immunity.”
Infections have reduced to about 4000 a day compared with 8000 a day earlier this summer. There are also concerns that with schools reopening this week after the J@wish holiday season, illness will shoot up. “We will be watching this carefully,” he said.
Oh, the irony!
Does this mean we get UNvaccinated passports”? And the vaccinated have to stay home?
This is an outcome unsurprising to those of us following the story here; the only conundrum is how long the results can be suppressed and what will be done with that pesky control group which continues to resist being vaccinated.
The UK Freedom of Information system has clearly laid out maximum permitted costs. And many other excuses for denying information which don’t always appear to be legitimate:
When can we refuse a request on the grounds of cost?
The Act recognises that freedom of information requests are not the only demand on the resources of a public authority. They should not be allowed to cause a drain on your time, energy and finances to the extent that they negatively affect your normal public functions.
Currently, the cost limit for complying with a request or a linked series of requests from the same person or group is set at £600 for central government, Parliament and the armed forces and £450 for all other public authorities. You can refuse a request if you estimate that the cost of compliance would exceed this limit. This provision is found at section 12 of the Act.
You can refuse a request if deciding whether you hold the information would mean you exceed the cost limit, for example, because it would require an extensive search in a number of locations. Otherwise, you should say whether you hold the information, even if you cannot provide the information itself under the cost ceiling.
When calculating the costs of complying, you can aggregate (total) the costs of all related requests you receive within 60 working days from the same person or from people who seem to be working together.
Part of the skill in framing FoI requests is to limit them to what you may reasonably expect to get away with, and to use apparently unrelated people to make a series of requests that should fall within the limits. Just don’t make it too obvious! Doesn’t mean you will get the information you want, or that it won’t be totally redacted, but it gives you more chances…
600 pounds??
Get a legal opinion, there blows the budget.
The cretins are going to spam our phones to make us vax and then later if we don’t get vaxed, we will be charged for it.
The only way to get to real information from governments or big business is via leaks, such as this:
Pandora papers: biggest ever leak of offshore data exposes financial secrets of rich and powerful
Rejected on cost grounds…..are they joking!
No! They thought you’d be impressed
PM Morrison has been accused of being “addicted to secrecy” as the country’s parliament debated a controversial proposed law that would exempt the workings of its National Cabinet from public scrutiny. Really? So much for us being “in it together”. Lies and more lies from our own PM. Disgustingly evil.
‘Delusional’ Australian government SLATED for proposal to shield top PM-led body from public information disclosures
“All In On It Together”
“Federal Reserve Vice Chair Richard Clarida traded between $1 million and $5 million out of a bond fund into stock funds one day before Chair Jerome Powell issued a statement flagging possible policy action as the pandemic worsened, his 2020 financial disclosures show…”
(Bumped from previous thread)
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
There are translations (if necessary) on the internet.
Trust? Warren Buffett trusts Bill Gates since Warren stated Bill knows a lot about vaccines. LOL.
I’ve spoken with Bill Gates about the coronavirus outbreak
I think the redactions prove that the virus was created in the Wuhan lab with US funding otherwise what have they got to hide?
In other news here in the UK it looks like an anti-viral tablet could soon be available for home use to be taken at the first sign of Covid symptoms. Of course readers here will know that there is already a tablet that does that in the form of Nobel Prize winning wonder drug Ivermectin and at a cost of 560 times LESS than the new one.
When your department has a surplus of black ink, everything looks like a state secret. 😄
A black ink hammer?
How naive can people be?
For over two decades “The System” worldwide has propagated the scientifically incorrect concept of human origin CO2 being a danger to the world.
This is despite the real science contradicting that claim.
Whether through the use of basic physics in conjunction with atmospheric science and thermodynamics or the application of simple quantitative analysis, there is No way that the IPCCCCC claim of dangerous Global Warming can be true.
So they’ve proven that they are deceiving thieves with no concern for the truth.
Why is it a surprise that the same mob won’t respond to an FOI request?
Only a suprise in some places IMO
Fits IMO
Highly appropriate analogy.
means that people paying attention will be able to connect the dots if not redfacted
I suggest the dots will show that the west’s defence agencies knew before and while this was happening and did nothing about this
which raises the question why they didn’t act
the alternatives are CCP agents within or compromised agents with or within western governments and/or incompetence
the Fauci emails suggest a combination
and possibly a large part was get Trump, so as to unshackle the CCP
Freedom of Information (FOI) Legislation and the Independent Corruption Commissions are the means of usurping Democracy not protecting it. A citizen should be able to enter their local representative body and view the records kept or ask their Representative to access the information. There should not be a need for an FOI
FOI is like a beach it is designed to absorb your energy and the Corruption Commissions is a weapon for the un-elected Swamp to punish those who do not toe the line.
This seems to have escaped
Not mistakes, lies.
The Government has been analyzing CMS data. Not a shock; they have every person over 65’s medical records, in real time, as everyone over 65, statistically speaking, is on Medicare and the government pays for it. They therefore have the records.
The US Government has been analyzing this data through Project Salus.
They know that:
71% of the Covid-19 cases occurred in these fully-vaccinated people and roughly 80% of the population >65 is vaccinated. In other words they know the vaccines do not stop you from getting Covid.
Both of the mRNA vaccines lose effectiveness between 4-6 months post-injection; the failure rate doubles between 5-6 months as opposed to 3-4 months.
Age is NOT why the vaccines lose effectiveness. It is simply that they stop working.
While Moderna vaccines work slightly better than the Pfizer ones, the key word here is slightly. Both degrade materially and the difference in the 5-6 month timeframe is not statistically significant. Yes, it appears to be slightly better but not statistically so. In other words the damn things do not work to provide durable protection — period.
The nuclear lie: As of August 7th 60% of hospitalizations were among fully-vaccinated individuals. You have heard repeatedly that this is now a “disease of the unvaccinated.” That is a damned, knowing lie and they knew it all the way back to the first of August.
In the 5-6 month timeframe the hospitalization protection also is wildly ineffective; the rate per 100,000 approximately doubles between the 3-4 month and 5-6 month time periods.
Prior infection is highly protective but post six months vaccination has become much less-so. Note that “prior infection” now goes back 18 months to the first wave. Do we still need to have a conversation about “natural immunity”? No: THE US GOVERNMENT KNOWS DAMNED WELL AND HAS PROVED THAT INFECTION PROTECTS BETTER THAN THEIR FRAUDULENT JABS.
This is now all in the data folks, and the US Government knows it.”
More at
Before we get too excited about the prospect of this being an ‘artifical’ virus, remember that there have been two ‘natural’ coronavirus outbreaks in the past 20 years and evidence of severe coronavirus epidemics in homo sapiens past.
More “experts reiterated”
“Blow Up Coal, Vilify Oil, Ban Fracking, – Energy Shortage and Economic Collapse.”
“I have a simple question:
There’s a huge number of “tests” for Covid that have been withdrawn from use by the FDA, so does that mean all the testing done with them was garbage, or does it mean the new test kits makers paid more vig? ”
More at
Instead of making up false dichotomies, Chiefio could just consult with the fda’s own information. They are changing to a new type of kit for reasons of cost benefit improvements, and the old kits will stop being used.
How mundane.
Repeated from above
“I have a simple question:
There’s a huge number of “tests” for Covid that have been withdrawn from use by the FDA, so does that mean all the testing done with them was garbage, or does it mean the new test kits makers paid more vig?”
neither of those. The question is simple and ignorant, possibly willfully so.
I followed the link above and it does not have any mention of cost benefit improvements. For that matter I’m not sure why FDA would be evaluating costs in any situation … the people buying the test kit can figure out for themselves how much it costs, they don’t need the FDA for that.
Can you quote the bit where it discusses cost benefits?
I intensely dislike the blackening out of documents that are released under FOI – other than names to protect personal privacy, in those cases where the name is not materially relevant.
When I worked as a good little federal bureaucrat, we were advised on Day 1 to never commit anything to writing that you did not want to appear at Senate Estimates. It was advice that served me well.
Personally I think everything written by someone on the government payroll is public property, except in the most extreme cases of personal privacy or commercial-in-confidence, where either individuals or the taxpayer would be exposed to serious loss.