A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Washington Doesn’t Want Peace in Ukraine
If history is any guide, we will look back at this moment with regret once the passion of the hour has past
The United States is now overwhelmed with propaganda pushing for Americans to “stand with Ukraine” in its war with Russia. It is not enough to wish the people of Ukraine well. The media, Big Tech, and both political parties have made being a partisan of Ukraine some kind of moral duty. Those refusing to get swept up in anti-Russian hysteria can expect to be condemned as traitors and agents of Vladimir Putin.
Contrary to the claims of self-righteous talking heads and keyboard warriors, it isn’t “treason” to question how supporting a foreign nation at war with a nuclear state serves America’s interests. Without robust debate, sound policymaking on such a vital matter is impossible.
What is Washington hoping to accomplish in Ukraine? Whatever it is, the Biden Administration is prepared to do everything short of inciting World War III to make it happen.
Financial Times – Opinion Global Insight
The west is rash to assume the world is on its side over Ukraine
It runs the risk of mistaking a local consensus on Russian aggression for a global one
ARGUMENT An expert’s point of view on a current event.
Putin Has Popped the EU Defense Bubble
No, the European Union cannot make the continent secure.
By Bart M. J. Szewczyk, a nonresident senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund and an adjunct professor at Sciences Po.
One month into Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, European countries have stirred into action on defense. As large-scale war returns to the continent after a 77-year absence, governments are raising military spending, boosting readiness, and sending units to guard NATO’s eastern frontier. But all this action will lack a clear sense of direction and strategy as long as governments from Paris to Berlin remain stuck in their naive myths of the European Union as a military power.
Russia has been used by the Democrats for distraction politics for a very long time. And for the CIA, the cold war isn’t over and they are still seeking to destabilize Russia and Ukraine is the soft underbelly. Worse, for two hundred years, when they were not invading each other, Russia has been the target of European aggression. 1805, 1812, 1855, 1915, 1919, 1941. France, Britain and Germany and throw in Japan and China. And with the final collapse of the Ottoman empire in 1924 and the prizes handed out to France, Britain, Italy all that remained was to break up Russia.
So the US vs Russia proxy battlegrounds in my lifetime after WWII have been Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Chile, Afghanistan, Egypt, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Venezuela and Ukraine. Destabilize, breakup, own. It is part of a pattern of American economic aggression.
And the Bidens have been up to their necks in undermining and exploiting Ukraine and getting missiles under Russia after that failed with Turkey. Now the US under Biden pretend they are the defenders of democracy? No, the objective is the collapse of the Soviet Union which has been achieved and after that, the dismemberment of the world’s largest country, Russia.
There is the America of the passionate defenders of democracy. And then there is the military industrial business complex which seeks conquest and control. A sort of economic Imperialism. And there is no way the Russians will be let in from the cold. The fall of the Berlin wall and the breakup of the USSR was a triumph for blue jeans diplomacy and Ronald Reagan, but the cold war rattles on. And the Ukranians are seen as the useful idiots, victims in another power play. Most people want peace. Politicians and businessmen want war.
There is something you’ve missed.
In all those “proxy battlegrounds” there was a common party. The Marxist plan to rule the world, killing opponents where they could get away with it.
No doubt I’m naive. I have never experienced real hatred. I always believed that the oppression that we saw in the USSR depended absolutely on first hand memory of conditions that existed before the Russian Revolution. Only that memory could justify the oppression we saw after the revolution.
So I always expected that as the old guard faded from influence there would be dramatic changes in the USSR, with people acting to address how bad things were after the revolution.
And so it came to pass, greatly assisted by the Chernobyl disaster, where the West’s response in aid drove the last nail into the coffin of the Cold War.
But when the change came I was very disappointed to see the US working to as it were flick a switch to a free market economy in the former Soviet nations, because there were no people in those nations with any experience in running a free market. Rushing it would surely unleash everything that can be bad in a free market. Poland and Czeckoslovakia and other countries overrun during WWII could do it, but not Russia. They should have left it to the Russians to sort things out.
Thanks for some balance Ted1.
I follow US current affairs, I have since the 1980’s.
Nothing has changed. The US has been the aggressor on the world stage for several decades. Now that the US is fighting a proxy war with Russia it will be interesting to see who backs down first. If as it looks likely neither does, a world war between the West and Russia+China(+ perhaps India) becomes a reality. My guess is that the US backs down but will be sneaky in the way it does it. I can’t imagine the neocons are that stupid. Perhaps they are. Only time will tell.
‘The US has been the aggressor on the world stage for several decades.’
The days of US adventurism are over, its too expensive. Ukraine resistance has the invaders on the run.
Absurd to call this conflict a localised “proxy war”. The Russians are not using a “proxy” and the conflict very quickly developed economic warfare fronts along broad geopolitical lines.
The most likely outcome will be a stalemate which allows Russian forces to retain control of East Ukraine east of the Dneiper catchment. That appears to be Putin’s real objective.
Putin has not deployed the most effective elements of his military forces in the advance and appears to be signalling that fact to the NATO leadership.
The use of a non-nuclear hypersonic missile in an attack in south west Ukraine was part of the messaging. The strategic role of such missiles is as a first strike nuclear weapon targeting an adversary’s nuclear missile launch sites- so what besides messaging could be its purpose?
Putin has been cautiously escalating the conflict with a view to demonstrating a capacity to greatly expand the conflict if necessary, but also demonstrating selective restraint.
The NATO military capability greatly exceeds Russia’s but Putin’s strategy prevents NATO’s effective use of the capability. At the same time, Putin is aware that NATO must respond to the destabilising effect of a massive refugee incursion.
Once the Russians have consolidated their primary objectives, I expect that genuine negotiations will begin.
Great analysis. It’s interesting how partisan opinions have influenced the interpretation of the Russian movements. The diplomatic solution along the lines you have suggested has always seemed to me Putin’s ultimate aim. It would solve almost all of the Russian security issues & allow a Ukraine that has been sanitised of biolabs & foreign influence to survive.
Much debunked. Russia is in trouble, they have just lost their 7 th General and armoured vehicle losses must be 20% of total inventory. Some old, some their latest.
Someone posted this y’day:
The Russians have not deployed anything close to their total inventory. My understanding though is that tank losses in particular have been high (over 30% of tanks deployed are now unserviceable).
In your link (How Russia Will Die) Peter Zeihan takes the view that Putin intends to take the whole of Ukraine and will succeed, but at an untenable cost.
My view is that Putin is very calculating, that he understands Zeihan’s argument quite well, but that his real objective is more “affordable”.
Russia’s conventional forces may not have sufficient strength in depth nor be equipped to match its peer rivals (USA-NATO or China) in a direct war of attrition. But Ukraine without a NATO alliance is no such rival to Russia.
Yes, the Americans have have drawn attention to deficiencies in Russian combat performance in Ukraine – deficiencies also noted in the Russia-Georgia war in 2008.
Such deficiencies should be expected though, given the need for subterfuge in concentrating the forces prior to the invasion, involving participation by Belarus, and of deploying forces of at least two different Russian military districts, multiple branches and coordination with irregular Russian units in Ukraine.
In any case, Russian conventional military capabilities are at their highest since their armed forces were formed 30 years ago.
Professor John Mearsheimer is a political scientist at Chicago University. He has published extensively on international relationships. Here he is giving a video talk to Kings Politics to Kings College, Cambridge, on Ukraine and the American’s responsibility for Putin’s actions.
The first 30 are devoted to his speech followed by a Q&A. It is very informative.
China: ‘There Will Be No Peace’ as Long as ‘Brain-Dead’ NATO Exists
As usual the “no peace” announcement from the Chinese government can be translated into English as “surrender now and nobody gets hurt”.
I can’t recall any announcement from the Chinese government being any difference.
There is no doubt that Vlad the Destroyer is causing massive damage. There is also no doubt that he has a firm grasp of the West’s balls and is squeezing hard. We are going to have extremely hard times. The greens clearly need to be put in the back in the toddler seat. We’re going to need to rely heavily on local resources. That includes fossil fuels. That’s the reality if we are to survive. We are also going to have to rejig our defence. More multilayered. And it needs to have a significant citizen militia aspect (I know that will give the pollies the heebie geebies). Military security, food security, energy security, economic security, security of freedom.
Burying the Hunter Biden Laptop Story Was Journalistic Malpractice | Opinion
The White House can’t just wash away the stink of Hunter Biden’s laptop
By Miranda Devine
Ukraine Is the Ruling Class’s Latest Propaganda Ploy
Yet even as the Times acknowledged last week that the Hunter emails uncovered by the Post were indeed authentic, the same tech firms are banning videos and stories that contradict the US political establishment’s official Ukraine narrative for the same reason: American spies claim it’s Russian disinformation
Fast-forward a few months: If you say out loud that you think there is something strange about a campaign involving Democrats and Republicans, the media, Big Tech, corporate giants, and US intelligence services to promote one side in a foreign war that doesn’t obviously touch on the daily concerns of most Americans, you’re pro-Putin.
That accusation has haunted the American public sphere going on six years. For this is where the long campaign started, with Russiagate, the most destructive information operation ever waged against the nation
Why did they lie? Policymakers, spy chiefs, and military officials rightly deceive foreign powers to protect and advance the US national interest. But these men and women lied to the American people about the president they elected. Then they lied about everything. Public US institutions and private industries have spent the last six years mustering their formidable powers to break the US working and middle classes. Why? Because lying is part of the logic of war, and America’s oligarchy is at war with the American people
EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Bio Firm Partnered With Ukrainian Researchers ‘Isolating Deadly Pathogens’ Using Funds From Obama’s Defense Department.
The U.S. President’s son was instrumental in funding a firm conducting pathogen and anthrax research in Ukrainian biolabs.
Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners (RSTP) – a subsidiary of the Hunter Biden and Christopher Heinz-founded Rosemont Capital – counted both Biden and Heinz as managing directors. Heinz is the stepson of former U.S. Secretary of State and current Climate czar John Kerry.
Amongst the companies listed on archived versions of the RSTP’s portfolio is Metabiota – an ostensibly San Francisco-based company that purports to detect, track, and analyze emerging infectious diseases.
Financial reports reveal that RSTP led the company’s first round of funding in 2015, which amounted to $30 million. Former managing director and co-founder of RSTP Neil Callahan – a name that also appears many times on Hunter Biden’s hard drive – sits on Metabiota’s Board of Advisors alongside former Clinton official Rob Walker who discussed, in another unearthed Hunter Biden hard drive e-mail, reaching out to the Obama Department of Defense with regard to Metabiota.
A feature in the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine’s (STCU) 2016 Annual Report recounts a “Trilateral Meeting with Ukraine, Poland, and the United States Regional Collaboration on Biological Security, Safety, and Surveillance.”
The article describes in particular an October 2016 meeting involving U.S. military officials and their Ukrainian counterparts discussing “cooperation in surveillance and prevention of especially dangerous infectious diseases, including zoonotic diseases in Ukraine and neighboring countries.”
In attendance were representatives from the Biden-linked Metabiota, roughly one year after Hunter’s investment funds put cash into the company. Attendees also included:
US Department of Defense [Defense Threat Reduction Agency] (DTRA) (K. Garrett, G. Braunstein, W. Sosnowski, and J. Wintrol);
Black & Veatch and Metabiota corporations (D. Mustra, Dr. M. Guttieri, S. Anderson, T. Borth and others);
Curtis “BJ” Bjelajac, Executive Director, and Vlada Pashynska, Senior Specialist represented the STCU.
If Ketanji Brown Jackson Doesn’t Know What A ‘Woman’ Is, Why Does She Use The Word So Much
But for not knowing what a “woman” is, Jackson loves to use the word. Here are 14 times she invokes the fairer sex in just the first two days of her confirmation hearings, plus 34 times she’s used the word in her legal opinions as a judge (emphasis ours).
Democrats, Judge Jackson, and the ‘woman’ problem
by Byron York, Chief Political Correspondent
Meme of the Day #30
Summed up by Chip Bok Cartoon
Steve Kelley Carton – another quick summary
Judge Jackson – What do you see?
Ketanji Brown Jackson is a Trojan Horse
For crying out loud, it’s 2022 and, in the federal government women are still being promoted based on their looks rather than their qualifications for the job. And by POTUS no less! Well, Biden is just a derivative iteration of Harvey Weinstein.
Around twenty years ago, he twice participated in filibustering (Black, female) Judge Janice Rogers Brown’s nomination to the U.S. Court of Appeals. She finally was approved in 2005. Then, Biden advised President Bush that if he dared to nominate Brown to the Supreme Court, he would filibuster her again and prevail. At the same time, Democrats also filibustered a Hispanic male judge, two other female judges, and a male judge of Lebanese descent, among others. How very diverse, inclusive, and equitatious of them.
However, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson does have several attributes in common with the President. For one, she’s got a lousy memory.
She did independently recall “staring at the image on the cover [of Derrick Bell’s book Faces At The Bottom Of The Well] when I was growing up.” She must have been a very late bloomer. That book was first published when she was a senior at Harvard.
Judge Jackson is no scholar. She’s a graduate of Harvard and Harvard Law, yet couldn’t recall the core arguments in the pivotal Dred Scott case. How does she expect to converse intelligently with thoroughly prepared lawyers regarding precedent and relevance in cases that will appear before her in the Supreme Court?
She was unable to respond intelligently regarding the near-total recidivism rates of p@dophiles and s@xual offenders. She’s overseen so many of these cases, yet is unfamiliar with the literature?
In common with the Vice President, she seems to have no familiarity, or, at least, no opinion on or understanding she was willing to state, with the visceral legal topics of our times. What is a woman? When does life begin? Her flip answers cause this author to wonder how shallow is her thinking?
Judge Jackson has been overturned enough times now to confirm that both her judgment and constitutional expertise are lacking.
Ketanji Brown Jackson should not be confirmed to the Supreme Court
As an American of African descent and a great-grandson of slaves, I am certainly not opposed to the appointment of a black woman to sit on the Supreme Court of the United States. However, I am categorically against confirming Ketanji Brown Jackson to that post. One day, a woman of her background will sit on the highest court, but Jackson should not be the person to break that glass ceiling. Here is why.
She is an adherent of the far left. Some Republican senators are willing to overlook this. They are treating her confirmation as a fait accompli. They would rather not go on record against the “first black woman” nominated to the Court. This is the kind of political expediency that has brought our country to the precipice.
Jackson as a devotee and admirer of Derrick Bell undoubtedly sees herself as a social reformer. Bell is the “Godfather” of Critical Race Theory. CRT says the law is based upon white supremacy. Society is unjust and racist at its core, so goes the theory, and therefore, the law is as well. It is not deserving of respect and deference, and ultimately, it must be overthrown.
Putting someone of this perspective on the Court is injecting poison into the heart of the American legal system. She could be on the Supreme Court for thirty years, doing immense damage to our country.
Finally, there is this. Judge Jackson refuses to offer an opinion on packing the Court or to even define what a woman is, claiming, “I am not a biologist.” Failing to answer these questions proves that she bows to her far-left Arabella funders and Democrat masters and therefore lacks the essential quality of judicial independence.
At some point, the competence and character of a candidate for the bench must be the only considerations for confirmation. If that were the case here, Judge Jackson would not be confirmed.
Maher: COVID Is Fading But The Idiocy Is Not, We’ve Induced “Mass Hysteria” With “The Science”
But the insanity of it – when people are scared, when you induce this mass hysteria, which is what we did, and you scare people, fear, boy, it’s not just political, medical is even worse because medically, you know, there is nothing more basic than I want to live. And if people think this is going to kill them and of course it has killed some people but again that is also a very unsophisticated way to look at it. COVID kills. Well, first of all, they didn’t make any distinction often between died WITH COVID or died FROM COVID. For a long time, I think for a whole year, you could die from something, even if you had COVID a year before, and they list it as a COVID death.
The FDA is trying to get EUA for infants and toddlers for the clot-shot. It is beyond sick.
[ Perhaps you intended the direct article link? – LVA ]
Kansas Senate passes bill boosting access to ivermectin and weakening school vaccine rules
The bill would legalize the prescription of off-label COVID medications like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and mandate child care facilities and K-12 public schools to accept — without inquiry or scrutiny — the religious objection of parents or guardians to vaccination of their children.
Tennessee bill would let people get ivermectin over-the-counter
Meanwhile, California is trying to pass legislation to strengthen vaccine requirements and get police to enforce “health edicts”.
China Closer to Dominating Southeast Asia
While the world is preoccupied with Ukraine, China continues to make aggressive moves in the South China Sea, almost the entirety of which China claims to be part of its territory. At least three islands there have become “fully militarized” according to U.S. Indo-Pacific commander Admiral John C. Aquilino, who told Associated Press on March 21, that on the three islands — Mischief Reef, Subi Reef and Fiery Cross — China has deployed anti-ship and anti-aircraft missile systems, laser and jamming equipment, and fighter jets:
“It is a very significant military buildup,” said Peter Jennings, executive director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute in a podcast interview with ABC Radio National.
Those islands are sitting ducks for US missiles………Target practice actually………………..
Nimitz Class carriers can move surprisingly quickly so ONLY actively guided ballistic missiles have a chance of hitting one.
Islands, OTOH, are very sluggish and easy to hit.
Comforting to those on Guam, Okinawa, Reunion, Hawaii.
Probably doesnt matter where you are in this era you can be zapped from anywhere.
And China is now preparing based on an agreement to have a base on the Solomons Islands.
Morrison overtaken by the lapping tide of events
Belittling climate change in the Pacific might come back and bite you when China is countering our new nuclear submarines with its own island bases.
On morning television, the now Defence Minister dismissed suggestions that the revelation about Solomon Islands negotiating a security deal with China – which might eventually lead to a Chinese naval base being established in the small nation – meant the government had “dropped the ball” on the Pacific.
Disdain for climate change has powerful effects on Pacific attitudes to Australia – a pattern of relationships driven by domestic politics.
“We have a fantastic relationship with the Solomon Islands, and we’re there at the request of the government of the Solomon Islands at the moment,” Dutton said. “We have 50 people on the ground and they’re going to stay there in the run-up to 2023. There’s a lot more we can do for them.”
“As part of the Pacific family, it is obvious we want to work together and we want to resolve any issues within that family, within our region. And we would be concerned clearly about any military base being established and we would express that to the Solomon Islands’ government.”
Well, yes, such a fantastic relationship that Canberra found out that Honiara had signed a policing agreement with Beijing – and was now working on a much more comprehensive arrangement that included military aspects – only a couple of weeks ago.
Let’s just put what is happening in the Pacific into a bit of perspective. One of the strategic reasons given for why we want to now move to nuclear submarines, and spend billions of dollars doing it, is that they can be stationed a lot further “forward” in the South China Sea than is currently the case. That is, they can stay near China for long stretches of time as a vital part of our forward defences.
This is a really great strategy – as long as the Chinese navy hasn’t already got a lot closer to Australia by establishing naval bases in, among other places, Solomon Islands (just over 3000 kilometres away) or even potentially on Papua New Guinea’s Daru Island (about 200 kilometres away in the Torres Strait), as noted in this column in December 2020.
It’s nice to be able to get a word in edgeways every now and then. “Edgeways”……………………
Looks like our over reliance on imports for a lot of essential things (in particular fuel) is about to be tested.
The Unthinkable is About To Happen (Deleting Soon)
I would like a $100 for every time I have been made aware of future shock as described or in some other form, real estate sales people are often the source trying to panic and attract cashed up investors and hoping they do not realise that amounts up to $250,000 in banks are government guaranteed, but be cautious, it’s per bank group not each bank.
So if your major banker has subsidiaries under different brand names or business names you are only covered once or for a combined total amount.
It’s like the predictions of real estate market downturn, and very possible in not high demand areas, but in Australian capital cities and sought after towns that appeal to tourists and the beautiful people who believe that they are prices will remain high and appreciation will continue. There might be a short term delay because the immigration intake is well down since the pandemic but regardless the driving factor remains supply and demand, the latter well ahead.
Next area to watch is international finances, think what was called in Australia the Global Financial Crisis, countries continue to print money and as we should all realise when the cash in circulation is doubled the face value of the notes is cut in half. Many nations have substantial debt and unlike Australia they do not have large reserves of minerals and energy under the ground and offshore. People argue that Australia should have a gold bars reserve holding but Australia is one of the world’s leading producers of gold and silver from mining ventures.
The GLOBAL INTERNET COLLAPSE | What The Media ISN’T Telling You!!
World-wide splinternet is slowly become a reality. That will have an impact on Amazon, ebay and the like.
Are gun rights only for women’s rights? I suppose that depends on how one defines what a woman is.
Censored by Rumble : Gun rights are women’s rights.
As I have stated many times I don’t take sides as no one is innocent. However, it’s becoming harder and harder to keep turning a blind eye to one or the other side. Eventually the truth will come out.
American Who Lived 8 Years in Ukraine Speaks Out on Russia War
0:00 – Intro of Patrick Lancaster and Ukraine Russia War
0:42 – Intro of the Donbas Region of Ukraine
4:20 – How is Safety of Eastern Ukraine?
5:22 – Life in Crimea and Donbas Regions of Ukraine
7:20 – Do People in Donbas Region Want to be Part of Russia?
9:30 – Who is attacking the Eastern Region of Ukraine?
12:30 – Who is Fighting for Russia and who is fighting for Ukraine?
15:40 – Does Putin Want All of Ukraine?
17:30 – What is Future of Ukraine Government?
19:00 – What is the Future of Ukraine?
19:45 – How Does this War End?
22:40 – Closing and Thank you to Sponsor WeBull
Green Energy is dependent on rare earths.
‘Ukraine is not one of the world’s largest producers of rare minerals but holds large untapped concentrations of rare minerals in the subsoil. The site Mining World points out that the only problem is that Ukraine is not doing anything to extract them and that the country needs investments from outside to reach its potential.’ (Ukraine NU)
In the wash up, its all about where these rare minerals are situated along the Ukrainian Shield.
It so obvious. Brilliant objection to the appointment of racist woman judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, Biden’s choice for the Supreme Court.
Nominated obviously because she is a black woman, Judge Jackson cannot define what is a woman because it is a social construct. Worse, as a black woman in the latest fashion, the US is a white male supremacist patriachy of which the US constitution is a classic example of white oppression.
In this new world where everyone is equal and there are no genders, no races, it is all about gender and race and the US Constitution which holds that all men are created equal is the problem. How can she possibly be appointed to undermine the very document she is supposed to defend?
So a black female constitutional lawyer Keisha Tony Russell has this to say “Every lawyer and judge promises to defend and protect the U.S. Constitution, but she cannot uphold this oath if she believes that the Constitution and the principles of America’s foundation are racist and inherently flawed. Neither can a judge remain impartial and administer justice independently if she holds a philosophy that correcting racism requires affording privileged classes less justice than oppressed classes,”
Well said. And Biden’s posturing on race and gender is exposed as fraud. The Democrats want to neuter the Supreme Court and run an absolute dictatorship without judicial oversight because America is racist. It’s Post Modernism brought to its logical conclusion, anarchy.
So she needs a biologist to tell her if she’s a woman or not.
Doesn’t sound smart enough for the SCOTUS … must be from the hardcore Left.
The Fake news outlets are getting caught in a web of lies. This is going to give us an opportunity to change and fix our systems. The fake news outlets have been working together to push agendas by issuing propaganda stories and working hide to inconvenient facts (Hiding for example, Ivermectin effectiveness at stopping covid, stopping other viruses, and stopping cancer), rather than providing critical thoughtful ‘news’ to the population.
The Canadian fake news outlet, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation which is partially funded by the government has got caught in lie.
CBC stated that the EU parliament recently gave Trudeau a standing ovation for his speech about the Ukraine war.
The CBC hide the fact, that roughly 90% of the EU parliament, walked out in protest of Trudeau’s fascist shutdown/attack of the Trucker protest against RNA first release covid mandates, before Trudeau read his phoney speech.
CBC Lies about Standing Ovation in EU Parliament For Trudeau – MEPs Walked Out
The governments worldwide are hiding the fact, that newly daily covid cases in each country are not being counted, to hide the fact that Omicron is roughly as dangerous as the flu.
There is now no logical reason to force people to be vaccinated with the first release RNA vaccines. The drug industry and our regulatory agencies need to be fixed. The US system is gamed/controlled by industry and by left wing ‘politics’
The governments in every country have been hiding the fact that the first release RNA vaccines (which force the body to produce first release covid spikes) are causing dangerous side effects and have killed some people. Omicron has 32 mutations on the deadly covid spike and is hence not causing dangerous side effects and killing people. This explains why the world death rate for covid is now the lowest since the start of the pandemic.
‘Fridays for the Future’ strikes resume around the world.
Of course, since these are not endorsed by marginalised old white men of privilege, they will be dismissed, citing the usual inane reasoning.
Friday for Futures are all for destroying their own future, all for a child’s fantasy !
Not one of them has a slightest clue that are basically just “useful” tools of those wanting to bring down western civilisation.
About time they gave up on “woke” and stopped supporting the world’s enemies.
“About time they gave up on “woke” and stopped supporting the world’s enemies.”
Supporting the world’s enemies??
Are you claiming Fridays for Future is supporting some extra-terrestrial entities that are enemies of the world??
No, I mean the leftist totalitarians that want to control everything and are using hapless, nil-educated kiddies to further their agenda.
If the wants of “Fridays for no future ” are actually implemented, it would mean the collapse of western civilisation.
The supporters of “Greta the Great” are so gullible and brain-washed that they don’t have a chance of ever figuring that fact out for themselves.
The aliens are living in your head !
“The aliens are living in your head !”
Well only since you put them there with your, incorrect, claim re “the world” rather than what you really meant, namely “the leftist totalitarians that want to control everything” . Perhaps you should join in and help them as you appear to have the appropriate background.
Denial of the leftist agenda, only makes you look like you are from another planet. !
Oblivious to what is happening in this world.
Bow to Greta.. you know you want to.!
Checking again
And yes, Ian. That leftism that you worship, most certainly is the enema of the world. !
Checking and checking again refer to the fact that many of my comments disappear very soon after they are posted. To get them back a second email sent to the comment to which I originally replied usually restores the comment that has disappeared. Perhaps this may assist others who have the “disappearing comment syndrome” This comment was posted at 7.48pm
I don’t think anyone gives two hoots about your disappearing comments.
Quite the reverse. I’m pleased to hear that at least some agitprop fails to surface.
You could have shortened that as “‘Fridays for the Future’ strikes resume around the world using the usual inane reasoning.
Children should be educated on climate change every Friday. Here is a story we could discuss, the heatwaves at both poles.
I read the link el-G but I prefer this one
quibbling over minor points like how far from the actual pole the record was just makes the event even more remarkable – by the way, remember that the north pole is not on land, and does not have a permanent weather station – something that your link seems not to understand
“and does not have a permanent weather station”
Thanks for confirming the North Pole “heat” was not measured, but imagined in a model.. !
South pole temps on the “hot day” show no such warm day.
If these hot days are actually real, then its a freak WEATHER event, or maybe an volcano having a burp.
Absolutely no evidence anywhere of any human causation.. except by fabrication.
“and does not have a permanent weather station”
Thanks for confirming the North Pole “heat” was not measured, but imagined in a model.. !”
Unfortunately I think you’ll find you have misinterpreted “and does not have a permanent weather station”.
“Since the North Pole sits on drifting ice, it’s difficult and expensive for scientists and explorers to study. There isn’t land or a place for permanent facilities, making it difficult to set up equipment.
The most consistent research of the North Pole has come from manned drifting research stations. Russia sends out a drifting station almost every year, all named “NP” (for North Pole).
Drifting stations monitor the ice pack, temperature, sea depth, currents, weather conditions, and marine biology of the North Pole.
As their name implies, drifting stations move with the drifting ice pack in the Arctic Ocean. They usually last two or three years before before the warmer climate of the Greenland Sea breaks up the ice floe.”
Ice pack.. hence frozen, and they are concerned about a very short, warm temperature that was not measured.
Yawn !
I can’t get behind the paywall on your link, try something else.
On the face of it, a day of anomalous warmth is weather and climate is 30 years, so realistically we should be looking for trends.
Apologies el+gordo I didn’t realise it was paywalled.
However I did copy and paste from the National Geographic the relevant rebuttal to b.nice’s incorrect claim that the North Pole
“does not have a permanent weather station”
Thanks for confirming the North Pole “heat” was not measured, but imagined in a model.. !’
The material below is a slightly expanded version of the article from National Geographic that I posted previously. And in case of error I have reposted the link
Drifting Research Stations”
Since the North Pole sits on drifting ice, it’s difficult and expensive for scientists and explorers to study. There isn’t land or a place for permanent facilities, making it difficult to set up equipment.
The most consistent research of the North Pole has come from manned drifting research stations. Russia sends out a drifting station almost every year, all named “NP” (for North Pole). Drifting stations monitor the ice pack, temperature, sea depth, currents, weather conditions, and marine biology of the North Pole.
As their name implies, drifting stations move with the drifting ice pack in the Arctic Ocean. They usually last two or three years before before the warmer climate of the Greenland Sea breaks up the ice floe.
North Pole drifting stations are responsible for many discoveries about the ecosystem at the North Pole. In 1948, for example, bathymetry studies revealed the massive Lomonosov Ridge. The Lomonosov Ridge is an underwater mountain chain stretching across the North Pole, from the Siberian region of Russia all the way to Ellesmere Island, Canada.
Drifting stations have recorded the development of cyclones in the Arctic, as well Arctic shrinkage. Arctic shrinkage is climate change in the Arctic, including warming temperatures, the melting of the Greenland ice sheet (resulting in more freshwater in the marine environment), and a loss of sea ice.”
Greenland ice sheet is only a bit down from the extreme highs of the LIA.
There is far more Greenland ice now than there has been for most of the last 8,000-10,000 years.
Same with Arctic sea ice. For most of the last 10,000 years there has been a lot less than now. Only the LIA and the spike around 1979 had more sea ice than there currently is. Starting point for so-called “Arctic sea ice extent is always taken as around 1979, because of the extreme high levels at that point, ignoring satellite data from earlier that shows the early 1970s as not too dissimilar from current levels.
But then, the mid 1970s was the time of the “New Ice Age” scaremongering. 😉
I think the link is functioning now.
Not your link, Mr Fitzroy’s New Scientist.
I accept the proposition that for a brief moment East Antarctica received warm moist air, but it was not caused by AGW.
Lots of warm “pools” in the East Antarctic. Lots of volcanoes underneath too. !
Big moving magma sac apparently.
The magma is under Marie Byrd Land.,_Marie_Byrd_Land.svg
I’m fairly certain that the warmth was atmospheric, warm, moist air from Australia.
Going to the archive it appears that a very long low pressure trough may have caused the anomaly.
Apologies that didn’t work, anyway just put in the offending March dates and you’ll see it.
The low pressure trough was a fire hose.
‘The March heatwave, with temperatures reaching 40C (70F) above normal in parts of East Antarctica, was tied to the atmospheric river phenomenon, said Peter Neff, a glaciologist at the University of Minnesota.
‘This process creates columns hundreds of kilometres long that carry water vapour from the tropics, creating an effect Neff described as “a fire hose of moisture”. (Aljazeera)
Moisture holds energy that is released as it condenses.. Nothing to do with CO2.
Lots of “warm” ponds down there in the Antarctic, too.. Nothing to do with CO2.
Antarctica’s George VI Ice Shelf has been melting in the Austral summer, creating huge pools of fresh water.
There are those underwater warm pools which spring up and melt the sea ice. Roundabout or perhaps more concentrated, it may have something to do with volcanism.
The Conger Ice Shelf, which has been melting for years, finally collapsed the other day after the heatwave.
anything for a long weekend, it was never going to be Wednesday
‘As the world stands on the brink of a possible nuclear war, a few kids protesting about climate change just doesn’t seem important.’ Eric Worrall (wuwt)
This needs to be read!
Excellent – Given the Money thrown at Big Pharma and down the Drain by Australian Goverments
But that is not all by far.
As a consequence of the lockdowns up to now, we have a severe global economic crisis to manage.
Worldwide production hangs in complete disarray. Global logistics is on the floor, supply chains are broken, harvests are being lost, food supply bottlenecks, and on top of this a scarcity for a large part of the economy of essential semi-conductors. But also, in this we are seeing the problems are not being addressed and solved, but multiplied and magnified, via the application of further measures, and the constant threats of new restrictions.
The most recent example, in China, a port freight terminal, the 3rd largest in the world, has been closed down due to a single positive test from a worker there. Or, take New Zealand, where in all seriousness during the last week, 5 million people were put in lockdown for 3 days, because a single 58-year-old had a positive test.
A further crisis is affecting the small to medium business sector, which by a long way provides the most jobs worldwide and additionally, supplies the largest share of tax revenues. The Mittelstand (small to medium industry sector), is being driven from week-to-week further to the wall, through the incessant uncertainty and new regulations, and has never before been stuck in such a deep crisis as today.
But that is not all.
Bookmarked for future reference and downloaded and saved
And it is not just the 1300 members, of this closely networked elite leader group who pull the strings worldwide. Since 2012, there is also a further ten thousand under 30-year-olds, so-called “Global Shapers” who have joined the club and who have also been brought together by the WEF and in its sense, exert influence on the course of world events. And we know how these events should look. To see this, I recommend looking into the work of WEF founder, Klaus Schwab.
For those who still cannot believe that everything we have experienced follows a plan, they should check the publishing date of Schwab’s work, “The Great Reset”. This book appeared on 20th June 2020, not even 4 months after the worldwide lockdown and already gives exact instructions on how one should use Covid-19 in order to put it darkly creatively destroy the world and build up a new world in the image of the man he (Schwab) has drawn up, which is reminiscent of the darkest times of national socialism.
Abraham Lincoln once said “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all of the time.”
What we need to understand is the following:
As terrible as everything is that the digital-financial complex and it’s helpers have served up in the past 18 months, and still continue to serve up, it has put itself in a situation which it cannot get out of and in which, out of despair it must cross ever more “red lines.”
This means for all of us, that in this exceptional situation we should quite simply, keep the peace, consistently expose all the lies, and show people bit by bit, why, and by whom, they are being deceived.
When we do that, and in doing so reflect on the strength of our arguments, then, we can not only solve the current problem, but possibly, achieve something much bigger, namely, use one of the deepest crises of humanity to turn around the direction of human history, and so, open the door to a new (and better) era.
You Vill Conquer Ze Planet
That is a hell of a read. I’m not as hopeful. I wonder if the white anting is beyond saving, and the only way out, is a descent all the way into chaos? Western civilisation is under attack from both sides – the greedy elites, and the power crazy left. The elites think they can distract the left’s power grab, with cultural distractions, allowing them to slink off with all their bags of loot. They’re definitely not considering any future generations. Probably they can fortify a mountain top somewhere, way above the layers of hell they leave behind, where they can gloat and lick their mountains of gold. That ain’t much of a foundation for anything. Meanwhile the power crazy figure they have the organisational brilliance to create an ordered system, out of the rubble. Maybe in a few days we should especially celebrate April Fool’s Day given our present situation? It would probably actually need to be the 2020’s,the Fool’s Decade!
This could be the big wakeup message to a lot who are asleep.
Brilliant article- highly recommended.
We can fight back!
This needs to be read as well. In fact a lot of important real news need to be read as things are moving faster and faster, with the sinister globalist plan progressing more and more to smother the Western world and turn it into some Orwellian society.
The Vaxx Kills More than Covid
Not wasting any time
“India-Russia Rupee-Ruble Financial Trade Arrangement Could Be Ready in a Week
March 25, 2022 | Sundance | 66 Comments”
“Joe Biden Just Implied the 82nd Airborne Is Going Into Ukraine – “You are going to see when you are there”
March 25, 2022 | Sundance | 527 Comments
Joe Biden just told U.S. troops in Poland they are going into Ukraine.”
Biden Just Stuck His Foot Straight in His Mouth in a Way That Could Set off WWIII
Joe Biden arrived in Poland on Friday to meet with the Polish president. While there, he also met with the U.S. military members who are stationed there as part of the NATO defense of Poland. He met with some of the 82nd Airborne. Some of what he said during the visit was very concerning and is likely to excite all kinds of comments. Biden frequently says embarrassing things and it’s bad. But this time, what he said is even worse and could blow back on us big time.
First, let’s deal with what I would term the “normal” bad embarrassing stuff from Biden.
When he was talking about his Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, he referred to him as “Secretary of State.”
But here’s the bad thing he said that could blow back on us big time and he needs to explain what the heck he is talking about here. He appeared to tell the members of the 82nd Airborne what they could expect when they arrived in Ukraine. What?
“You’re going to see when you’re there — some of you have been there — you’re going to see women, young people standing in the middle, in the front of a damn tank saying ‘I’m not leaving,’” Biden declared.
So they’re going to Ukraine and some have already been there? Or where else is he talking where they would be sent with people standing in front of tanks? Big problem. Biden has previously said he would not be sending any troops to Ukraine because it could set off World War III.
The White House tried to clean it up, claiming he had been clear that we were not sending troops.
Then why did he say what he said? Biden is anything but clear. He’s just a mess. And what is he talking about with the “Some of you have already been there” comment? Did Joe reveal something he shouldn’t have? Or is he just being a mess yet again? He had loose lips yesterday when he leaked he would be visiting Ukrainian refugees at the border and someplace else. That endangers his safety
Now you know Russia is going to interpret his comments as us having troops in Ukraine and that’s not a good thing if you’re trying not to kick off World War III. So once again, Joe has stuck his foot in it big time but in an extremely dangerous way.
Biden Loses It, Snaps at a Reporter in Brussels, May Have Just Leaked Critical Information
But then, he did a press conference where he had a list of folks to call on, as he often does. But even with the obvious scripting, he still couldn’t hold it together on the world stage–and made an embarrassing mess of things yet again.
Biden claimed that he never said that sanctions would deter Vladimir Putin, despite the fact that that’s exactly what his team has said for weeks about the threat of sanctions.
Roll the tape on the Biden team’s prior statements.
Biden commented about his call with the Chinese president Xi Jinping. Biden had been incredibly naive, when previously sharing information with them that the U.S. had on Russia, while urging them to intercede to stop any invasion. China then finked out to Russia what information the U.S. had. It was an incredibly dumb move by Biden.
He says he spoke to China about that, but then said he “expected” them to help Russia. So then, why did you tip them off
Biden said he thought Russia should be removed from the G-20, and that the U.S. was going to have 100,000 Ukrainian refugees come to the U.S., and would work to ease the suffering of those who made it across the border to Poland.
“I plan on attempting to see those folks,” Biden said about 12:40 on the video below. “As well as I hope I’m going to be able to see…oh, I guess I’m not supposed to say where I’m going, am I? I hope I get to see…a lot of people”
No, Joe, you’re not supposed to say that. Can I facepalm now? Did he just reveal what he was about to do? Are they really so desperate to paint him as a winner, that his administration would put him in a dangerous situation? And why is he talking about such things in advance? I just can’t with this guy anymore; he could be endangering himself.
Brain Fog of War?
Biden Tells U.S. Troops What They’ll See in Ukraine ‘When You’re There’
…But Still Promises *Not* to Send Americans to Fight in Ukraine
Huh? ‘And Some of You Have Been There’
Troops Look Stunned as Joe Biden Talks Gibberish and Stuffs Pizza Down His Face
From the Comments
When President Trump would mingle with the troops the admiration, respect and, dare I say, “love” was palpable. They look at Sleepy Joe like, “This senile ignoramus has my very life in his hands and he doesn’t know what day it is.”
Grandpappy what did you do in Putin’s War?
“he could be endangering himself.”
Too late, the State is sending him to Ukraine to get rid of him and blame Russia..
“Alright folks, this is a logistical thread on pallets, cranes, ISO containers…”
Where are the material handling cranes on Russian trucks?
Rocket launchers can pick up palletized rocket pods with their launcher (See US Army HIMARS example below) off the ground.
Not so much from a tall tactical truck bed.There is something else missing on this & every other Russian truck.
The biggest peculiarity is there are no cranes in Ukraine, and I mean that literally.
I’ve yet to see a single KAMAZ, URAL or ZIL cargo truck with a built in material handling crane. The US Army has 10%-15% of its 5-ton trucks fitted with cranes to help move ammunition or other heavy objects.
The M1084 5-ton std & M1086 5-ton long wheelbase FMTV trucks have cranes to speed the unloading of MLRS rocket pods and artillery ammunition pallets for shells & propellent at ammunition supply points.
Which brings up the missing Russian all terrain fork lifts.
I wrote a long tweet thread in Nov 2021 on the poisonous WW2 interservice politics in the Pacific over the logistical supply chain there involving forklifts.
I notice the Ruskis talk tanks and soldiers, but not efficiency, as we are seeing in Ukraine, they are losing it.
That was very clever! Especially about the American Navy making sure the Army didn’t have what it needed! No cement, no concrete, no forkhoists, no ammunition in time..
So the Russians moved all their old crap to Ukraine and used that, although it still seems their military logistics are decades out of usefulness.
I’ve never heard of armoured divisions without recovery vehicles.
Maybe we are badly informed but it seems things are left where they stop, or the crew simply got out.
Bit startled by this article where James delingpol asserts there is no such thing as aids but it was invented to sell pharma products
“The Real Anthony Fauci” points to that too. There are experts that claim HIV is some random genetic variation, that has spread from some population, over millennia. When scientists were looking for a cause of AIDS, some of the victims were seen to have had those genes. Some of. Those experts have since rescinded that diagnosis, but who cares, attacking HIV is a great market for toxic drugs. Aids may come from a toxic lifestyle, where a never ending cycle of drugs, sexual diseases, antibiotic courses, stuffed participant’s immune systems, leaving them vulnerable to ravaging cancers? So why is the war on HIV continuing? You may well ask.
Wow… pharma products that took 20 years to develop. That was some forward thinking. Don’t be an idgit.
“took 20 years to develop” and therefore presumed good.
That is a statement of the Marxist Theory of Value.
If Disney Wants to Shed Itself of Woke Pressure, They Need to Do What Red Bull Did
The Disney corporation used to be associated with magic. It was the company you relied on to entertain and teach your child. When it released a movie, it was a worldwide event. People saved up for months to be able to afford to take their children to one of their parks.
Now, people have begun to associate the massive corporations with woke politics and child grooming. Their movies feel less carefully crafted, excellently written masterpieces and more like off-the-line cookie-cutter creations that are being done better elsewhere.
It’s a sad state of affairs but Disney brought it on itself with its embrace of leftist politics that have poisoned it over the course of years. It’s gotten so bad that when it comes to even the most important of societal values, Disney refuses to act against the radicals that have infested its halls. Its own employees fear the monsters that they work alongside who threaten their livelihoods if they step out of line.
It’s fair to say that Disney is suffering from a major problem here, but the cure isn’t out of reach. All it has to do is grow a pair.
Instead of caving and giving these woke terrorists what they wanted, Red Bull did the opposite of what they were likely expecting. They brought out the guillotines and began lopping off the heads of everyone responsible…figuratively speaking.
Kozak and Taylor, along with Red Bull’s head of global culture marketing, Florian Klaass, had their employment terminated and they were promptly kicked to the curb. Then, Red Bull destroyed its own cultural marketing programs to make it clear that there would be no racially tinged work happening at the company anymore.
To drive the point home even further, Red Bull issued a statement that said no discrimination of any kind was going to happen at their company, even in the form of diversity hiring.
“We reject racism in every form, we always have, and we always will,” said Red Bull’s board. “Red Bull has always put people and their dreams and accomplishments at its core and values the contribution of each and every person – no matter who they are. We want everyone who feels this way to be welcome in Red Bull.”
Red Bull made it clear who was in charge, and it wasn’t the woke terrorists within the company. They’re gone now, and the company hasn’t had to deal with much in terms of political turmoil within the company. Watching people you thought untouchable get led to the chopping block will go a long way in making it clear how things are within a company.
If Disney wants to get itself back on track and repair its reputation, it’ll find the leaders of these walkouts and the people issuing these threats of turning the company into a pariah, and the corporation will very loudly terminate their careers and kick them out onto the street. It will then turn to the rest of its employees to make it clear that their politics don’t belong in the House of the Mouse and if they have a problem with that they can find the door and never return through it.
“In Britain, the triple vaccinated may be “just weeks away from developing AIDS”
That has to be one of the most horrifying headlines I’ve ever read – but it comes from a source that’s been shown to be right, AFAIK, every time it’s made a claim about an aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic. I have no idea whether this claim is correct; but the source offers a lot of supporting evidence.”
More at
Meanwhile in Australia
ATAGI to recommend fourth COVID-19 vaccine dose for Australians over 65 ahead of winter
For those eligible, it will be the fourth COVID vaccine dose they will have received since the vaccine rollout began.
In some cases it will be potentially the fifth COVID vaccine dose Australians with severe underlying medical conditions will have received.
Australia changed its definition of “fully vaccinated” against COVID to require three doses of a vaccine in February.
However, health authorities are eager to move away from “numbered” doses and make this “winter” jab more akin to receiving a seasonal flu vaccine.
They will also stress the importance of receiving a flu vaccine this year, as concerns mount that the country could be in for a bad season.
Cases of influenza have been very low since the start of the pandemic due to lockdowns and border closures.
This is a reply I did for #20, but it applies here too. There were experts saying AIDS, was nothing to do with HIV, but came from compromised immune systems. We’re about to see?
““The Real Anthony Fauci” points to that too. There are experts that claim HIV is some random genetic variation, that has spread from some population, over millennia. When scientists were looking for a cause of AIDS, some of the victims were seen to have had those genes. Some of. Those experts have since rescinded that diagnosis, but who cares, attacking HIV is a great market for toxic drugs. Aids may come from a toxic lifestyle, where a never ending cycle of drugs, sexual diseases, antibiotic courses, stuffed participant’s immune systems, leaving them vulnerable to ravaging cancers? So why is the war on HIV continuing? You may well ask.”
Putin Says West Cancelled JK Rowling and They’re Trying to Cancel Russia Too
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has said that Russia is a victim of “cancel culture” like Harry Potter author JK Rowling.
“They cancelled Joanne Rowling recently — the children’s author, her books are published all over the world — just because she didn’t satisfy the demands of ‘gender freedoms’,” Putin said on Friday, referencing the British writer’s ongoing clash with fellow leftists who regard her as “TERF” (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist) for insisting there are important differences between biological females and male-to-female transwomen.
The Russian leader insisted that the West was similarly “engaging in cancel culture” against Russia and Russian culture, referencing the cancellations of orchestral performances involving Russian composers and attempts to remove Russian writers and books from some academic courses in recent months, comparing this to the behaviour of the National Socialists in Germany around the time of the Second World War.
The Hypocrisy of Biden Speaking About Democracy vs Autocracy in Poland is Choking When Contrast Against Western Govt Behavior During COVID
There comes a time when a person has no more tongue to bite. Joe Biden speaking to U.S. troops in Poland about “democracies at an inflection” point in history, is jaw-dropping when you consider the behavior of every western government leader over the past two years.
Once again, Joe Biden, the same authoritarian who mandated that every American worker undergo a medical procedure in order to qualify as a person who might earn a living, sits atop his high-horse and pretends that western government leaders have some inherent claim to the protection of democracy.
Given their collective behavior over the past two years, the hypocrisy of this continued talking point is beyond outlandish.
I know Emmanuel Macron, Boris Johnson, Jacinda Ardern, Scott Morrison, Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden himself, would like to think that we do not remember the past two years of complete unilateral dictatorship they enjoyed while hiding behind the shield of “emergency authorizations,” but this is one website that will continue to document -for the historical record- the brutal reality of these pontificating liars.
It wasn’t the FSB firing bullets into the crowds in Melbourne, Australia, because the people refused to wear masks. It wasn’t Moscow who created “bubbles” in New Zealand demanding a person apply for a permit before visiting their elderly parents; or arresting people for going to McDonalds and trying to navigate through police checkpoints and roadblocks.
It wasn’t the armed Chinese military who set up involuntary detainment facilities in Australia and then called them quarantine camps, where if you crossed the arbitrary yellow line painted on the porch you would be arrested and thrown into solitary confinement. It was “democratic” premier’s and national democratic leaders of the Scott Morrison administration.
Environmental Alarmism Has Hardly Changed Since the ’60s
Population then, climate change now—the scare tactics are the same and the predictions equally outlandish.
The White House has tried to fill top positions at the Federal Reserve Board with people who want the Fed to restrict capital flowing to fossil fuels, as if Chairman Jerome Powell and company don’t have their hands full fighting four-decade-high inflation rates. The Securities and Exchange Commission, meanwhile, wants to force companies to report detailed data on their carbon emissions, which Republican Sen. Pat Toomey correctly describes as “a thinly veiled effort to have unelected financial regulators set climate and energy policy for America.”
To understand the Biden administration’s stubbornness, it helps to appreciate how long environmental alarmism has been capturing the imagination of our intellectual elites. Before global warming, overpopulation was the existential threat du jour. The modern green movement dates to the 1960s and apocalyptic predictions have long been the coin of this realm. In 1967, brothers William and Paul Paddock wrote “Famine 1975!” In 1968, Paul Ehrlich’s “The Population Bomb” declared that “the battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970s, the world will undergo famines—hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death despite any crash programs embarked upon now.”
In 1969, President Nixon called for a task force to examine the effects of population growth. And 50 years ago this month, the Rockefeller Commission on Population Growth and the American Future released its findings. The document predicted a seemingly endless string of catastrophes that a more populous America would have to confront. More droughts, famines and pollution were in store. Energy shortages, mineral depletion and deforestation were inevitable. Higher poverty rates and fewer job opportunities were unavoidable.
Five decades on, these predictions have not aged well. The U.S. population now numbers more than 330 million, up from around 200 million in 1970. Yet Americans breathe cleaner air and drink cleaner water than they did 50 years ago. Poverty rates are lower, obesity is a bigger problem than hunger, and the current unemployment rate if anything reflects a labor shortage.
Today’s green activists tend to focus on climate change rather than population growth, but they employ the same scare tactics and their predictions are just as outlandish
But ideological environmentalism isn’t about following the data and the science. It’s about frightening others into accepting your way of thinking. It’s about curtailing the freedom of other people to make decisions for themselves and live their lives as they see fit. In the end, the White House and its green allies aren’t really trying to win over public sentiment through facts and reason. For them, public sentiment and the legislative process are obstacles to overcome by whatever means necessary.
The fundie betting on the end of cow milk
An Israeli company has used precision fermentation to develop a single cell microbe that can replace cow milk. It has the potential to cause a devastating disruption to the world’s dairy industry.
A lot, therefore, is riding on the success or otherwise of Remilk, which completed a $US120 million series B fund raising in January that valued the company at $US457 million.
Remilk looks and tastes like milk and can be used to make cheese and yoghurt. It has the added advantage of slashing production costs in half, dramatically reducing carbon emissions and using a twentieth of the water needed to make cow milk.
The Remilk investment is smack bang in the middle of one of the fundie’s four investment themes – synthetic biology. Paradigm Shift’s other three themes are affordable and clean energy; climate action; and artificial intelligence and machine learning
Those familiar with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines will know how synthetic biology was so effective in responding to the pandemic and forcing a change of mindset among global pharmaceutical companies.
Those with diabetes will know that synthetic biology is nothing new. Precision fermentation, which is the technique used by Remilk, was first used to make human insulin more than 40 years ago.
That breakthrough wiped out the previous product manufacturing techniques.
A similar prospect faces the global dairy industry at the same time as ESG pressures are building for the world’s large-scale milk producers to do something about their impact upon the environment.
Most disruptive cycles caused by technological change – the internet’s impact on newspapers, book retailing and shopping – were driven by financial logic.
It was cheaper and more effective to advertise online than in print or to sell books via Amazon rather than through bricks and mortar shops.
In the case of the disruption heading toward the dairy industry caused by precision fermentation products such as Remilk, the cycle of disruption has an added twist that is arguably more powerful than financial logic
It is presented as being good for society as a whole because it is removing the “destructive” practices associated with producing cow’s milk.
For example, Remilk says almost half of the world’s habitable land is used for animal agriculture, and is responsible for 91 per cent of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest.
It says cows in the United States produce up to 17 times more waste than the entire American human population. It takes up to 2,000 gallons of water to produce one gallon of dairy milk.
Also, the Remilk promoters play the animal cruelty card in the knowledge that the majority of dairy milk production is not done in the animal-friendly ways used in Australia and New Zealand where cows roam in paddocks eating grass.
Yeah riiight…. How’s the Israeli fake meat industry going?? I see McD’s dropped it.
Woolies — the Fresh Food People — is still investing in an Ozzie company that does fake milk, plus 2 companies that make fake meat.
Rear Window Why we’ll remember Penny Wong
Joe Aston Columnist
It’s been one hell of a fortnight for Penny Wong.
Labor’s Senate leader was forced to reiterate her apology to the late Kimberley Kitching for telling her in 2019 that “if you had children, you might understand why there is a climate emergency” (or words to that effect).
Wong paid tribute, describing the first female US Secretary of State as “a true trailblazer, a champion of freedom and justice. She was an inspiration to so many, including me.”
How poetic, for it was Albright’s most famous observation that “there is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women”.
But irrespective of whether you accept entirely the “mean girls” rendition of Kitching’s relegation by Labor’s federal parliamentary leadership, Wong’s 2019 comment is unambiguously shameful.
“If you had children, you might understand,” should stick to Wong as stubbornly as Bill Heffernan is remembered for saying “anyone who chooses to remain deliberately barren … they’ve got no idea what life’s about” or Alexander Downer is remembered for “the things that batter”.
Sadly, her cutting line is more memorable than anything Wong has said or done – with the possible exception of defending Labor’s policy against marriage equality in 2010 – in the 20 years since she entered the Australian Senate, radiating superciliousness and bringing not so much as a subatomic particle of self-deprecation. Hers is the most deeply misplaced sense of intellectual superiority in federal politics since, well, probably Angus Taylor.
Wong does have one major thing going for her, of course: she’s not Kristina Keneally.
As weak as the two Labor make leaders are now appearing to be the focus must be on the three “mean girls” and what they are planning, two former Labor Premiers and one former Labor Minister for Finance, and then consider the several past years of Labor emphasis on women and quotas and even attacks on the Coalition that are gender based, and earlier the campaign based on alleged misogyny against PM Abbott.
Looks like a takeover plan to me, knock out the Coalition and then the Labor leaders?
Consider 2007-2013 PM Rudd led into government and was replaced by Gillard before the 2010 Federal Election, and it was during the Gillard led Union Labor Government that the UK Labour spin doctor crafted misogynist character assassination began.
And then please consider the social engineering most of us worry about including emphasis on gender “issues” identified by the far left side of politics.
Penny Wong (on your side) statement on China/Solomon Islands
Labor’s On Your Side.
On Australia’s side.
On China’s side.
On everyone’s side.
China’s ambassador to Australia meets Penny Wong to discuss bilateral relations
Xiao Qian, Beijing’s new ambassador in Canberra, visited parliament house last week to meet with Labor’s shadow minister for foreign affairs and discuss his country’s basic positions on the China-Australia relations.
According to a statement by the Chinese Embassy, a meeting between Wong and Xiao on Wednesday included an exchange of views on relevant international issues.
Ambassador Xiao also underscored the ‘tangible benefits’ of the close cooperation China and Australia had maintained in various fields ever since the establishment of diplomatic ties 50 years ago.
“China’s policy towards Australia remains unchanged,” a statement from the embassy read.
“It is hoped that the two sides will work together to review the past and look into the future, adhere to the principle of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, and make joint efforts to push forward China-Australia relations along the right track.”
The statement said senator Wong welcomed Xiao in assuming his post in Australia. She also outlined the Labor Party’s views on relevant diplomatic issues regarding the China-Australia relationship.
“Shadow minister Wong hoped that the two sides would enhance engagement and dialogue,” the embassy said.
Very good, our future “belt and road” minister..🙄
Johannes Leak – The Sovereign Nation
Did you just hear something in our backyard?
Vic, NSW, and Queensland to fund hydrogen refuelling stations build
Australia’s three most populated states will jointly fund the development of a string of hydrogen refuelling stations along the country’s most used highways, as the three state governments look to accelerate the electrification of the transport sector.
Australia has pledged to reach net zero emissions by 2050. But while many sectors are rapidly decarbonising – emissions from the country’s transport sector are proving challenging to abate.
Electric vehicle sales are climbing, albeit much slower than in other countries, but the technology is not seen as suitable for the country’s heavy-duty transport sector. As a result, trucks are seen by many as relying on hydrogen-powered vehicles to transition away from polluting fuels such as diesel.
The development of hydrogen as a fuel source though has been curtailed by high costs and a lack of infrastructure, which has stunted market confidence to spend millions of dollars in ordering hydrogen trucks.
Seeking to provide confidence to the market, Victoria and NSW said they will fund the construction of four hydrogen refuelling stations between Melbourne and Sydney.
NSW and Queensland are still to determined how many stations to build between the two states, with Australia’s trucking sector expected to be consulted before a decision is made.
“Low emissions electricity and hydrogen fuelled heavy transport will sit at the heart of the renewable energy eco-system,” said Queensland’s minister for energy, renewables and hydrogen Mick de Brenni. “Transport is the fastest growing sector for emissions, and ironically it could also be the key to reducing them.”
The stations are expected to be built along the Hume Highway, the Pacific Highway and the Newell Highway by 2026.
Toyota Japan was the first vehicle manufacturer to release a hydrogen fuel cell car and I understand Toyota has been working hard on fuel cell technology for heavy transport vehicles.
Even the EV industry is admitting that their technology is expensive, best suited to short drives around cities and suburbs and has for consumers annoying recharging location and time issues.
Therefore Hybrid Technology is better suited for long distance driving but maybe not for heavy transport on roads? And therefore maybe the future will be hydrogen fuel cell?
One small problem with the hydrogen fueled heavy truck routes…..
There are NO heavy trucks powered by hydrogen commercially available.!
The nearest one was the Nikola, but that has reverted to battery power…if it ever makes it past prototype promises… there are many technical issues to be resolved before H2Trucks become practical.
That will of course be compounded by the rediculous high cost of both the H2
Trucks, and the hydrogen to fuel them.
Ref Trains for interstate/intercity freight…..yes, it can work economically and effectively, but…..
…… have to realise the scale of freight being moved by trucks every day, and the limited capacity of the rail freight system currently.
At a guess, i would say rail freight would have to be increased 10x to cope.
Melbourne-Sydney-Brisbane? I don’t suppose the powers that be have thought of roll-on-roll-off to put trucks onto trains. Or any other alternatives to the hydrogen fantasy.
The company I managed delivered goods via heavy road transport all over Australia and we were convinced to try Sydney to Perth rail freight, with loading at the factory warehouse, by truck to the railway depot is a container, then waiting for the container to reach Perth to be picked up and tranported to the warehouse took much longer than door to door by road.
I add to that the end of rail freight around 1980 when deals were struck via NSW Wran Labor State Government and other Labor State Governments at the time with major road transport firms to effectively hand over most freight routes to them, and resulting in many country railway lines being abandoned. When the NSW Labor Premier, the late Neville Wran QC, left politics a commercial cleaning business in which he was the major shareholder became contractors to TNT Ltd (the late Sir Peter Ables was Chairman) subsidiaries including nation wide Ansett Airline Terminals.
Yes, transhipment is a problem with container freight.
It might be worth trying roll-on-roll-off of fully laden trucks to eliminate that transhipment. The idea has been tried in India but I don’t know the outcomes. My first guess would be that the rail corridor in Australia would not be high enough under the bridges.
More to the point I fear that hydrogen is the single idea which takes root in government and crowds out all alternative ideas.
Hydrogen is a complete waste of money, I’m sure Tony from Oz can tell us why, but as usual its just an expensive, inefficient way to store excess energy, and we don’t have any excess energy!
People are talking about how Russia will go broke because of its war with Ukraine, but it will be right beside us as we go broke with these mad schemes!
The Swiss are big on the roll on roll off approach. Being in the centre of Europe and having excellent roads the potential to become a truck traffic sewer was very high.
The AFR View
The spending reflex that has to be unlearned
The pandemic should have made us mend our short-term ways on the economy. Instead it is the habit of piling on quick spending fixes that has stuck.
The Australian Financial Review has argued before that calls to fiddle with the federal government’s 44¢ per litre excise duty show what is wrong with Australian politics. The same applies to the $250 cash handout that Treasurer Josh Frydenberg’s budget is tipped to give to low- and middle-income families on Tuesday night.
Many Australians are struggling to financially cope with a rising cost of living. But that is paradoxically partly because of the $290 billion in borrowed money that the government injected in economic support get voters across the economic chasm of the pandemic, the greatest government spending splurge outside of world war.
This already seems an election designed by the two parties to be about as little as possible. The chief contest is not between policy offerings, but a competition to narrow the differences and become a smaller target for attack.
Both sides seek the low road to power that risks entrenching low ambition government. This is likely to be preceded by a budget that is about more giveaways rather than a robust framework that would rein in the excess spending and to put down markers to repay the debt incurred to fight off the pandemic.
Right now, there are few political constraints. The Coalition seeks re-election on a promise of no austerity. Labor has announced large spending plans.
Shadow treasurer Jim Chalmers carefully differentiates Labor’s “quality” spending, which is likely code for whatever Labor thinks is a good idea and a licence to outspend the Coalition in the election if necessary.
During the long ordeal with COVID-19, there was much talk of mending our ways, and of taking a longer-term view of the nation’s finances. Yet Australia seems to have learned the wrong lesson from the pandemic. Those events have encouraged the instinct to respond to the here and now, and fix everything with a quick handout.
That comment is similar to a lawyers opinion on constitutional laws, experts in that field obviously not included in that criticism from me.
An economist’s opinion often ignores the reality of in this example voter perceptions, and too many who do not realise that governments have no money, only revenue mainly from taxes or borrowed via government bond issues. And that politicians will always choose a popular vote winner over sound economic advice.
Consider November 2007 when Rudd Labor was voted into Federal Government, at that time there was zero Federal debt, a $22 billion budget surplus, a $60 billion Future Fund investment and a couple of smaller funds, and in short an impressive financial and economic position handed over by the Howard Coalition Government that had retired the Labor debt and deficit they inherited in 1996.
By June 2008 Rudd Labor had spent the $22 billion and were borrowing (bond issues) to spend more, the excuse was the “GFC” ignoring that Australia was unlikely to have had worse than a very mild recession if nothing was done apart from maintaining good management and governance. But at the 2007 election Labor won with too many seats on a slim majority and likely to be lost at the 2010 Federal Election, so the “economic stimulus” spending was calculated to win votes. And at the 2010 election Labor bragged that they saved Australia from a recession, and after almost losing that election they continued to borrow and spend preparing for the 2013 election for the same reasons as they had after 2007.
Unfortunately we or many of us encourage our governments to spend money even if it must be borrowed. Of course there are some good reasons for debt like nation or state building infrastructure project funding, defence in times of needing to strengthen the ADF, economic stimulus when genuinely necessary as during 2020 pandemic and State Government emergency powers based lockdowns and other restrictions impacting especially small to medium businesses. But far too often our monies (taxpayer’s monies) are squandered for party political reasons and purposes.
“Of course there are some good reasons for debt”
Nope- none of those are good reasons for debt. Just look at what it brings, the ‘buying’ of elections, the distortions & inefficiencies on a free market, the stripping of the wealth from our children. If people don’t donate to your army, you’re fighting on the wrong side!
A removal of Govt-caused inefficiencies to SMBs would be better, the burning of thousands of pages of regulations & the firing of thousands of bureaucrats would make it easy for businesses to form, to trade, to hire & fire and to dissolve. Rip the power over the economy out of the hands of the State and let people trade as they wish. Certainly no subsidies or “free-trade” agreements, let the free market solve it.
GST is one tax that is often ignored in the calculations. It’s a tax that everyone pays including low income earners and they pay proportionally a higher percentage of their income in tax courtesy of GST. There is a sweet spot in the middle before the higher brackets are hit. High inflation means high GST.
GST replaced WST (Wholesale Sales Tax) ranging from 17.5% to 27.5% replaced with 10% GST and resulting in savings for consumers, however 10% GST on services was a new tax revenue stream.
All of the GST is distributed between States and Territories in accordance with an agreed and at times amended formula. GST is collected on behalf of States and Territories by the ATO and shown on Federal accounts as revenue but also as a payment, and therefore zero Federal benefit.
At the time of introduction welfare recipients were granted a once-off compensation increase calculated to be in line with the inflationary factor of the GST, and as it was part of major economic reforms immediately and scheduled for annual future adjustment income tax brackets were lowered, and Rudd Union Labor honoured that commitment through until 2009 after forming government in 2007.
Example: Middle tax bracket lowered from 34% up to $38,000 down to 30% up to $75,000
The scandalous missing link was the agreed to be abolished State Government taxes in return for GST revenue, and an example is Stamp Duty not abolished and GST 10% added to it. Payroll tax was retained and other taxes. If the States had done what they committed to abolishing a quite different calculation of GST impact would have resulted.
Qantas ad. “I Still call Australia Home”
Crap advertisement, but thank you Peter, you are missed. 😞
With due consideration for the present defence situation with China threats to trade and worse the not widely published story about the first Australia (Boeing-RAAF joint venture) fighter aircraft for decades is good news;
This pilotless jet fighter can carry weapons or intelligence gathering technology, it can fly alongside piloted RAAF aircraft or be ground controlled to fly missions alone or in numbers, the tactical applications are many.
Kindy Education Today
An interesting development in the windmill wars.
Good on them, the amounts are chicken feed to the operators but night time curtailment will sting.
The Speed of Sound on Mars Is Strangely Different, Scientists Reveal
Scientists have confirmed the speed of sound on Mars, using equipment on the Perseverance rover to study the red planet’s atmosphere, which is very different to Earth’s.
What they discovered could have some strange consequences for communication between future Martians.
The findings suggest that trying to talk in Mars’ atmosphere might produce a weird effect, since higher-pitched sound seems to travel faster than bass notes. Not that we’d try, since Mars’ atmosphere is unbreathable, but it’s certainly fun to think about!
From a science perspective, the findings, announced at the 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference by planetary scientist Baptiste Chide of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, reveal high temperature fluctuations at the surface of Mars that warrant further investigation.
The speed of sound is not a universal constant. It can change, depending on the density and temperature of the medium through which it travels; the denser the medium, the faster it goes.
That’s why sound travels about 343 meters (1,125 feet) per second in our atmosphere at 20 degrees Celsius, but also at 1,480 meters per second in water, and at 5,100 meters per second in steel.
Mars’ atmosphere is a lot more tenuous than Earth’s, around 0.020 kg/m3, compared to about 1.2 kg/m3 for Earth. That alone means that sound would propagate differently on the red planet.
No flight, no bite—’Mosquito grounding’ bed net nearly halves malaria infection in Tanzanian children
A novel class of bed net that kills mosquitoes resistant to traditional insecticides by making them unable to move or fly, significantly reduces malaria infection in children, according to new research published in The Lancet.
Unlike other insecticides which kill the mosquito via the nervous system, the effects of the new bed net mean the mosquito dies from starvation or being unable to fend for itself.
The two-year community randomized trial involved more than 39,000 households and followed over 4,500 children aged 6 months to 14 years in Tanzania. It found that a long-lasting insecticidal net treated with two insecticides, chlorfenapyr and pyrethroid (chlorfenapyr LLIN), reduced the prevalence of malaria by 43% and 37% in the first and second year respectively, compared to the standard pyrethroid only long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN).
Chlorfenapyr LLIN also reduced clinical episodes of malaria by 44% over the two years and the number of malaria-infected mosquitoes captured by 85%.
The study was conducted by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), National Institute for Medical Research, Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College in Tanzania, and the University of Ottawa, Canada.
Long-lasting insecticidal nets are the cornerstones of malaria control in sub-Saharan Africa. However, in the past few years the decline in malaria has stalled and even reversed in some countries. In 2020, there were 627,000deaths from malaria, mainly in Africa and occurring mostly in children.
Mosquitoes starve to death! Cue for “Cruelty to Mosquitoes” protests.
MY DOC HAD ME TAKE LOW-DOSE ASPIRIN WHEN I HAD COVID, AND FOR A COUPLE OF WEEKS AFTER: Aspirin linked to lower risk for death in patients hospitalized with COVID-19. Also HCQ, doxycycline, zinc, and quercetin.
Aspirin linked to lower risk for death in patients hospitalized with COVID-19
Something as simple as aspirin may help lower the risk of death in hospital patients who are fighting a tough case of COVID-19, a new study found.
George Washington University researchers analyzed data on more than 112,000 patients hospitalized with moderate COVID-19 at 64 health systems in the United States from Jan. 1, 2020, through Sept. 10, 2021.
Compared to patients who weren’t given aspirin, those who received aspirin within the first day of hospitalization had a 1.6% lower risk of death, and also had a lower risk of blood clots.
Elderly patients and those with other health conditions appeared to especially benefit from early aspirin therapy, according to the study, published Thursday in the journal JAMA Network Open.
Aspirin has quite a bit going for it once you start digging. Ive been taking low dose Aspirin for about 30 years.
Many baffled by Taliban reneging pledge on girls’ education
The move may have been designed to appease the Taliban’s hard-line base but it came at the expense of further alienating the international community.
Fireball Consumes Oil Facility as Houthis Launch Terror Campaign ‘Deep’ in Saudi Arabia
A fiery explosion lit up the skyline over the Saudi Arabian city of Jeddah on Friday morning, clearly visible from the F1 racing track where the Saudi Arabia Grand Prix is set to take place Sunday.
Ukrainian Ministry of Defense was caught sharing fake video game footage they claimed was the Ukrainian Army “skillfully eliminating” four Russian Ka-52 helicopters.
In the Kherson region this morning calculations of air defense of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine skillfully eliminated four K-52 helicopters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,” the Ukrainian MoD tweeted early Thursday. “We are proud of Ukrainian soldiers”
Propaganda reigns. This is getting tedious.
Note to Ukraine: please read my previous post about this NOT being a video game 😈
Old: who’s on first?
New: who’ll launch first?
That’s the #1 question and if I had to choose I’d say the USA.
There’s some concerning info on nuclear launch “options” that I may post shortly.
Doesn’t inspire confidence 😷
Tiktok trend shows men fantasising about the ways to murder women
As I mentioned before, we’re seeing the deep dark side of people emerge during the plandemic, the Ukraine situation and the accelerating societal collapse in the west.
The outward manifestation of inner self-loathing directed at others due to their inability to recognise and address their own faults.
Neocons, totalitarian politicians like Macron & Trudeau and the gender confused.
But reality always wins. Fundamentally flawed & wrong beliefs wither and die under a strong sun.
I should have been a shrink 😅
Hat tip to OldOzzie: I followed his link which led on to this link:
U.S.-Ukraine Charter on Strategic Partnership
The following is the text of the U.S.-Ukraine Charter on Strategic Partnership signed by U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba in Washington, D.C. on November 10, 2021.
• “the United States supports Ukraine’s right to decide its own future foreign policy
course free from outside interference, including with respect to Ukraine’s aspirations to join NATO.”
• “The United States and Ukraine endorse the 2021 Strategic Defense Framework as the foundation of enhanced Ukraine-U.S. defense and security cooperation and intend to work to advance … deepening cooperation in areas such as Black Sea security … and countering Russia’s aggression.”
• “The United States and Ukraine are key partners in the broader Black Sea region and will seek to deepen cooperation with Black Sea Allies and partners to ensure freedom of navigation and effectively counter external threats and challenges in all domains.”
(BTW, does the U.S. have any more business being in the Black Sea, than Russia or China do, being in the Gulf of Mexico “to counter threats and aggression”? )
• “The United States supports Ukraine’s efforts to maximize its status as a NATO Enhanced Opportunities Partner …”
• “Ukraine intends to … and modernize its defense acquisition processes* to advance its Euro-Atlantic aspirations.”
( *sounds like code for “buy more military hardware from the U.S.”; and plans to join NATO and the EU were in the pipeline.)
So it’s obvious the U.S. and Ukraine were playing footsie under the table, hoping to consummate the relationship with full NATO membership.
Doesn’t sound like they were taking seriously Russia’s military build-up along the border… or they didn’t care to tamp down tensions.
Babylon Bee:
Adam confused by new creature put in garden by God as he isn’t a biologist.
Kindergartener granted PhD in biology after correctly distinguishing boy from girl.
Confuse the masses. Tell them up us down, left is right, men are women and if you object to these notions then you’re a white supremacist racist and will be ostracised. Having gained your silence they can trot out any agenda like Covid and war and you’ll be silent too out of fear.
At least that’s what they hope.
Vaccinations required as a child
I do have a full list somewhere…
What’s wrong with that picture?
I guess after the mRNA vaxxes do their work it’ll be moot.
China’s Pursuit Of Food Security Comes As Crop Conditions Set To Be “Worst In History”
Tang Renjian, China’s agriculture minister, who warned that last year’s record-breaking floods had sparked “big difficulties” with food production.
“China faces big difficulties in food production because of the unusual floods last autumn.
“Many faming experts and technicians told us that crop conditions this year could be the worst in history,” he said.
I’ve been watching China and their weather woes for years and their floods are like our recent ones with the difference being theirs took out their crops; repeatedly.
They know their history and cycles and so bought up and stockpiled. Smart move.
While in the west Joe average thinks CO2 and AGW are the problems.
I think food protectionism is going to ramp up markedly, Ukraine sanctions aside.
There won’t be temporary disruptions and shortages; the availability will be ZERO.
How long before the average Aussie turn that scalped flatweed patch known as a lawn into a productive food garden?
Not long!
I have the best lawns in the area but if I have to, I will…
many Aussies dont have access to a lawn of any significance
if you are stupid enough the have a scalped flatweed lawn then you certainly wont be able to grow anything edible (eg. my back neighbours)
reminds me, I should look into razor wire
A healthy lawn means healthy soil and that means healthy crops.
The flatweed squad has no idea…yet…
Scientists Warn Of Mysterious, Deadly ‘Microplastics’ Being Found In 80% Of People — First Time They Have EVER Seen This
“The big question is what is happening in our body?” Vethaak said. “Are the particles retained in the body? Are they transported to certain organs, such as getting past the blood-brain barrier?” And are these levels sufficiently high to trigger disease? We urgently need to fund further research so we can find out.”
Be grateful to the modern world again.
Selective Service System
While there is currently no draft, registration with the Selective Service System is the most publicly visible program during peacetime that ensures operational readiness in a fair and equitable manner. If authorized by the President and Congress, our Agency would rapidly provide personnel to the Department of Defense while at the same time providing an Alternative Service Program for conscientious objectors.
Federal Law requires nearly all-male US citizens and male immigrants, 18 through 25, register with Selective Service.
Not the draft but…
“Male” – I’m confused as I’m not a biologist…but not as confused as some 😆😆
Marine Heatwave impacts NZ south island.,-48.47,2120/loc=170.835,-49.223
Big earthquake due on the West Coast? Maybe a new undersea volcano.
Yeah, colliding fault lines.
Is it the cause of the marine heatwave?
At least the ladies are getting good weather in Christchurch for the cricket World Cup.
What has caused the jump in Qld wholesale electricity prices per AEMO in this financial year?
Last 9 months $119/MWhr, prior FYs $62, $53.
NSW $74, $65, $72.
Vic $43, $46, $74.
I have noticed Qld has cut back on generation. Last year we very regularly exported a GW south. Lately, not so much, if at all.
It couldn’t be Callide 3, we all know coal is the most expensive power.
50% for the Big Guy?
Thats interesting. I usually look at AEMO just with an interest in interstate flows. It had struck me that NSW imports were down but I hadnt noticed the price escalation in QLD. Its seem VIC is exporting more these days as well, just now they are exporting heavily to SA and NSW and a bit to TAS, while NSW >< QLD is minimal.
Is overall demand climbing in QLD?
Globalist Agency Calls For ‘Energy Lockdowns’
The globalist International Energy Agency (IEA) is calling for energy lockdowns as the price of gas and oil skyrockets.
Months after the destructive and deadly COVID lockdowns the IEA is calling for new lockdowns on the general public such as banning cars on Sunday and only allowing certain license registered vehicles on the road on certain days.
Hands up who saw this coming.
Peter Zeihan: How Russia Will Die
Best wrap up I have seen, thanks.
Just filled the Rex at my local BP.
95 grade is now $2.45/litre, up from $2.25 2 weeks ago.
In 2 weeks time?
Yesterday it was $1.97 at a couple of Indie stations in outer east Melb (Seville and Wandin for the locals
I filled up at a regional station at $2.15 for 98, it was $2.04 for 91. I’m sure that will change. It would have been so much better to have spent $75k on an EV and wait for an hour but I guess I can only look on in envy.
The Yemenis have just blown up a quarter of the oil stored at Saudi Aramco in Jedda, so the prices won’t get better. The Saudis say they take no responsibility for failed contracts.
Explosions reported at one of the Syrian oil fields the Americans have stolen too, but that place is too difficult to figure out who is fighting and who is an enemy.
“The Worst Politico-Military Scenario Is To Be Threatened By Russia, And Promised Protection By America!”
“As the veteran Lebanese journalist and Asharq Al Awsat columnist Eyad Abu Chakra tweeted on Monday: ‘The worst politico-military scenario is to be threatened by Russia, and promised protection by America!’ I could not agree more: It was a brilliant and concise summary of the state of the world today.
“What I can add, however, is that if the author Toby Young ever chose to write a sequel to his 2001 memoir ‘How to Lose Friends & Alienate People,’ he would find a rich vein of content in US President Joe Biden’s foreign policy.
“Just look at the headlines from the past few weeks alone — starting with Israel, the closest of US allies in the Middle East. Expressing shock at how far the ill-advised US negotiators in Vienna seem prepared to go in bowing to Iran’s demands, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid said they ‘refuse to believe’ that the US would remove the designation of the Isl@mic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization.
“How rare it is to have Israel’s two most senior ministers fighting for Arab concerns (as well as their own) by reminding Team Biden that the IRGC’s malign tentacles extend throughout the Middle East, and that they bear responsibility for attacks on American civilians and American forces in the region.
“Of course, no sane person wants to see a nuclear Iran, and the world should do all it can to obtain a tougher, tighter deal. However, declassifying the IRGC simply to obtain a new agreement would be the equivalent of trying to put out a fire by spraying it with aviation fuel.
“At the heart of the Biden administration’s zeal for the deal in Vienna is a personal vendetta against his predecessor, Donald Trump. That vendetta, along with internal political squabbling, also led to the delisting of the Tehran-backed Houthi militia as a terrorist group in early 2021 — reversing the Trump administration’s laudable action before he left office.
“In response, the Houthis, who overthrew Yemen’s internationally recognized government in 2014, have ramped up their deliberate targeting of civilian facilities in Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Instead of reconsidering its position, the Biden administration doubled down on its apparent strategy of alienating friends.”
“The US has not even taken the minimum, zero-cost decision to re-list the Houthis as a terrorist group, despite their blatant attacks at the weekend on Aramco facilities in Saudi Arabia at a time when global energy supplies are already being disrupted and accompanying price increases are troubling the world. Saudi Arabia was therefore absolutely right to say, as it did on Monday, that it could not be held responsible for any oil supply issues resulting from these Houthi attacks.
“Indeed, from Toronto to Tokyo, truck drivers, airlines, cargo ships, hospitals and almost every other industry and individual affected by Biden’s ill-advised foreign policy should remember that the economic pinch they feel is on him.
The F1 circus could smell it. Wondered whose car had ignited.
Be Foo–Warned the Clot Shot may be Kitching up to some.
Some days are diamonds, some days are stones. What does a stoney diamond look like?
Some may remember that my bride has dementia. That means that at any time there are at least half a dozen things that just aren’t at hand. The problem is that Mrs H has now taken a liking to my wallet. Last week it slipped out of my jeans pocket. A couple of days later I found it in her “toy box”, a bin I put colourful, shiny things in so she knows where they are to spread them around the house again. I had already looked, of course but it was tucked away out of sight.
Last friday I tossed the jeans into the wash so carefully put belt, wallet, car fob, comb, change way up on the top w’drobe shelf. Went to go shopping next day and just the belt and fob ware there. Days later still no wallet.
Checking out a shelf that only ever has empty suitcases I moved the cases and found three money bags. Yes, money bags. One has bagged 20c coin so I assume it is $200 worth. The second has bagged $1 coin but I doubt it is the full $1,000 dollar that is a standard bag. The third just HAD to be $2 coin surely? Nah, 50c coins that I assume to be a standard bag of $200.
I know the wallet will reappear but next week I’ll have to start replacing all the cards. Life’s a beach.
BTW I was in the “coin in the slot” industry so there is no mystery about the coin. it wasn’t a tenant’s.
BTW I was in the “coin in the slot” industry so there is no mystery about the coin. it wasn’t a tenant’s.
Best I qualify, it was MY OWN business and it is beyond the statute of limitations for ATO.
Arrrgh! The terrible things we have to look forward to… I can see why optimism is the domain of the young.
Good luck with it H, you must be a patient man.
I have always been pragmatic. You learn to cope.
I’m only half joking when I say she is the reason I’m alive today. Fair’s fair.
Is anyone aware of a B2 Spirit flying around Brisbane lately? There is a facebook vid of it but only the one TV channel has spoken of it.
Awesome looking aircraft. And at first glance it doesn’t look like it would fly!
I assume if wouldn’t if the ‘puter failed. The F117 Night Hawk is so unstable it is impossible to fly manually. When the skunk works were trying to design it it was called the Hopeless Diamond.
But even with our old Mirages the pilots were told never to try a dead-stick landing. They didn’t have enough lift and needed thrust and a high angle of attack to accomplish a “controlled crash”. I saw a lot land and never saw a go round.
Thanks b.nice.
If you are a doubter that Russia [hard not to type USSR now] have lost a sheetload of hardware here is a site put together by amateurs with far too much time on their hands.
With this time they have examined all photographic evidence, and there is always a camera somewhere, deleting duplicates.
This is the first line of the report:
Russia – 1881, of which: destroyed: 932, damaged: 35, abandoned: 229, captured: 685
Only confirmed results are listed.
Does anyone else think the number of “captured” is far too high for a professional army?
What is the difference between “abandoned” ..and. “captured” ?
And, yes, those numbers both look high !
Why Aren’t The FDA And CDC Informing The Public About Documented Adverse Events After mRNA Injections?
Properly evaluating any kind of drug safety — let alone that of presidentially mandated vaccines— involves carefully examining all of the available data. While Americans still haven’t been given full access to the full Pfizer “Comirnaty” license application, we do have access to the Food and Drug Administration’s medical officer review.
This comparatively spartan 107-page FDA review document purportedly contained everything the FDA believed was important to release to the public from the original Pfizer application of 329,000 pages. The FDA review conspicuously notes “clinically important serious adverse reactions [included] anaphylaxis and myocarditis/pericarditis”— that is, severe allergic reactions and inflammation of the heart and or the sac containing the heart, respectively.
Likewise, Moderna’s “Spikevax” vaccine was given its Emergency Use Authorization in late 2020, and was fully approved by the FDA on January 31, 2022. Following approximately a month of time to redact its review from “trade secrets,” the FDA released an even leaner 30-page review. Like the Pfizer vaccine, there were clear indications of myocarditis and pericarditis in the initial study, demonstrating the potential for risk going forward.
Specifically, the review states: “post-authorization safety surveillance has identified serious risks of myocarditis and pericarditis, particularly within 7 days following the second dose of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine. The observed risk is higher in males under 40 years of age than among females and older males. The observed risk is highest in males 18 through 24 years of age… An increased risk for thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) has been identified following administration of adenovirus-vectored COVID-19 vaccines.”
Bottom line: The FDA, Centers for Disease Control, Pfizer, and Moderna knew about myocarditis and pericarditis risks from the mRNA vaccines since day one, yet made no formal warnings to Americans in the form of recommending labeling changes or any other warnings, such as letters to warn physicians, pharmacists, or the American public.
– Drug Safety 101
– Not Fully Disclosing Safety Risks Violates Standards
– Agency Missions Are Being Ignored
Just sayin’:
The world is lucky that Putin’s Russia is not Stalin’s Soviet Union. Otherwise…WW3 and 4.
Revisit that when this invasion has stalled for another couple of months.
WWIII? Really? As I recall, Stalin didn’t start World War II or World War III. Maybe he didn’t want to?
And what has this to do with Putin’s Russia, exactly? Russian nuclear doctrine allows nuclear weapons to be used if the existence of the Russian Federation is at stake. Are you saying that’s what Putin is facing?
Long term maybe – or perceived.
Putin knew he was facing Russia’s destruction by America, so acted to delay it. I doubt anyone knows what the world will look like afterwards, say in 5years, but he has stopped America from putting missiles on Russia’s borders and formenting their usual regime change within Russia for a while.
Its likely America was expecting a grinding insurgency in Ukraine as Russia tries to occupy it, and Russia was expecting a war to destroy Ukraine’s military & a neutral Govt afterwards, but no doubt both will be surprised. The Yanks tried to overthrow the Govts in Belarus & Khazakstan, but when they failed it left them only Ukraine to work with.
The next will no doubt be a NATO false flag, America would love a low-yield nuke to go off in the arms transfer base in Poland so they could blame Russia for expanding the war into NATO lands. If not, maybe destroying Kiev or Kharkiv would do. They could easily do it and blame Russia, all news is just propaganda now.
Even if Russia ‘wins’, the Yanks won’t stop trying to break them until they themselves have collapsed enough financially to be incapable of it. This might be the final surprise, a strong Russia trading within the BRICS and the ‘non-American puppets’ of the world, those cut off from the US$, and a weakened West struggling to maintain a 1940s standard of living in a sustainable and renewable way.
Either way, we are ‘being prepared’ to see a nuclear war as acceptable, the report released in America showing a small nuclear war would be OK, the talk of Chernobyl being fine these days, and the constant push the Putin will use nuclear missiles.
DAVOS will be happy.
Stop blaming the Yanks, Russia’s pending death is inevitable.
Low birth rates, no immigration [who wants to GO there?], generations of purges, an under qualified over indulged workforce, corruption all point to big trouble.
Of course USA and Russia play the endless Spy V Spy game but each chooses their own path.
Britain will be enjoying a last great burn this Earth Hour before energy bills rocket by 54% next week, thanks to all this Green Climate craziness.
EU Steps Back From Impractical Russia Oil Embargo: Kemp
EU leaders have stepped back from imposing an immediate embargo on Russian crude and petroleum product imports as the impracticality of the policy has become clear. Imposing an immediate embargo on Russia’s fossil fuels “from one day to the next would mean plunging our country and the whole of Europe into a recession,” Chancellor Olaf Scholz told German lawmakers this week.
Russia’s exports of crude and petroleum products to Europe are the second largest bilateral flow of oil between any two trading partners in the world, behind the United States and Canada, according to data from BP.
Russia supplied 29% of Europe’s crude imports and 51% of the continent’s petroleum product imports in 2019, the last year before the pandemic (“Statistical review of world energy”, BP, 2020).
With little spare capacity, EU policymakers have concluded the price risks from embargoing Russian petroleum exports are too high, and have backed away from the idea for now.
Stop the FDA!
Noise complain against wind farms upheld 🙂
Its a big win and there is also resistance in Germany.
Wonderful news for cystic fibrosis sufferers (and their families) in Australia. Special thanks to the government and all who signed petitions and have worked tirelessly to bring this about.
Unbeknown To Most, A Financial Revolution Is Coming That Threatens To Change Everything (And Not For The Better)
On the face of it a fearsome future beckons when all these digital schemes prove unviable.
Yes, so much to go wrong with a centralised digital currency.
On top of that, there will be novel means of exchange invented by various people, the criminal gangs, the people who currently work for cash, and the politicians who inexplicably get astounding rich after a few years on a mediocre Parliamentary salary.
Million of private brains can defeat a few Govt experts!
Did you know that the earth mapping satellites use radar to give us those wonderful images? When their radar runs across some military radars you get an interference band. After a couple of passes the satellites gives you a little interference X on every anti-aircraft radar that has turned on as a satellite went overhead.
Some interested civilian discovered that..
Next year will be chaotic and not just financially but I sense it will refocus us on what’s important, and that’s not transgenderism.
What if nations discover that energy independence and adequacy is the most important thing after all?
Uh oh…that happened fast!
Don’t say you weren’t warned.
Our capital flow models have confirmed that there has been an unprecedented cash outflow from China following Biden’s sanctions. Not only are we witnessing a withdrawal of Western capital from China realizing that the US has no interest in peace and China will be next, but we are also looking at collapsing confidence in globalization continuing from here on out. Our model has ALWAYS picked up the shifts in capital flows that precede war. This time we are witnessing outflows not just from China, but also from ALL emerging markets on a scale that is simply unprecedented. The timing of outflows is clearly linked to Biden’s unprecedented sanctions against the Russian people – not just Russia itself as a political state. This has NEVER taken place in history before with the single exception of the US sanctions imposed on Japan and the freezing of all their assets in the United States which preceded Pearl Harbor.
It pains me to have to even write this today. But clearly, those who understand where this is going is to World War III and make no mistake about it – this is INTENTIONAL!
What is not in the headlines is that the US, UK, and Australia all signed a landmark defense treaty last year, nicknamed Aukus, to strengthen Western allies’ presence in the Indo-Pacific. China saw this as the first step in creating NATO in the Pacific which will eventually target China.
This is the complete collapse of the global economy and I strongly recommend that you exit any emerging market investments.
To be informed you have to turn the TV on and your mind off.
Didn’t Mark Twain say: If you don’t read the papers you are uninformed. If you do you are misinformed.
Oh well..keep on keeping on…
No more budgy smugglers
Children’s hospital offers gender clinic to teach boys how to “tuck” their genitals
Considered to be one of the top ranked children’s hospitals in Oregon, the Doernbecher Children’s Hospital, which is located in Portland, has caused a wave of backlash after they promoted their “Gender Clinic”. What exactly is a gender clinic? According to the hospital, it offers advice to boys about “safe tucking” their genitals for a more flat and flattering look. They also present referrals to a “sex-positive shop in Portland”.
Push the damn button already…
I’m sick of this fake gender transgender-God cult.
They’re all about to have REAL things to worry about.
The viral delusion Part 1 – The tragic pseudoscience of Sars-Cov-2
Part 1 of the 6 part documentary:
Ah, now here’s the REAL laugh of the weekend.. All we’ve heard is Russia shouldn’t have invaded Ukraine, Ukraine is a sovereign State being invaded by a bigger bully, blah blah blah..
Now WE must invade the Solomons to do exactly the same- A regime change, a realignent of international relationships, a ‘making sure we are safe & screw them’.
David Llewellyn-Smith, founding publisher of MacroBusiness and former owner of leading Asia Pacific foreign affairs journal The Diplomat, says this is “Australia’s Cuban missile crisis” and chillingly warns a Chinese naval base in the Solomons would be “the effective end of our sovereignty and democracy”….
“There is no way that Australia can allow this deal to proceed. If it must, the nation should invade and capture Guadalcanal such that we engineer regime change in Honiara.
“Any time that Beijing disagrees with Canberra, it will open the hatches on its Solomon-based cruise missiles and ask us to reconsider,” Llewellyn-Smith wrote. “Gunboat diplomacy will be our new reality. He said the Solomons base “has to be a red line China is not allowed to cross”
Absolutely no shame these hypocrites!
I had my suspicions the whole pandemic issues is a scam and now things are coming out to make it more than just a possibility. I’m not as yet convinced so we need more evidence but it’s not looking good for our so called health officials and governments on all sides. If true then it exposes yet another suspicion I had for a long time. The governments of the world are either all in it together (including Russia, China and the US) and they are just playing games with us or there is indeed a hidden globlist group (or two and are at war with each other) using said governments as puppets to play games with us.
Biggest Lie in World History: The Data Base is Flawed. There Never Was A Pandemic. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid
I repeat — why would anyone fake the tests, the doctors, and the dead bodies when it’s so much easier to create a new coronavirus?
What bodies, the only bodies I’ve seen are on TV, nobody I know anywhere in the world is dead, let alone caught it. My neighbours are not rotting in their houses.
What makes doctors any less prone to corruption, black mail. Losing your source of income for failing to kowtow to the Government line, as you your self have written about. The government is full of corrupt “doctors”, you think it stops at the doors of parliaments.
Why would anyone fake studies on the GBR, CO2’s influence on the climate, sea levels.
Morrison himself stated 50% of hospitalisations, ICU, deaths were from other causes, they just so happened to test positive while in hospital.
The NSW health came out with, if you where admitted to hospital within 28 days after recovering from a positive test, even if you where admitted with a broken arm, that’s a COVID admission.
Why would they stack the numbers in that way?
As for the test, why would they? Look where we are, that’s why.
Why the massive censorship for AGW, Rona and now the Ukraine war, why hide things if there is nothing to hide
2019 you where sick if you had symptoms. 2020 you where sick unless you have a negative test.
How do you take a fragment of an RNA sequence and multiply that into a full sequence. If I photo copy the word fraud, three billion times, I don’t end up with Blacks Law Dictionary.
Why would they, we have lost our rights and exchanged them for privileges, which the governments will revoke at any time for any reason.
The emergency powers have been extended to OCT in QLD, due to a pandemic that nobody has died from. A disease so deadly it is ranked 38th, trips and falls is at 18th in cause of deaths. The reported deaths are from end of life care, all cause down for the last two years, in a pandemic. The reason could be because our astute medical mafia decided you need to sit in the pub, stand in the park, walk below the high tide mark on the beach.
Not buying what your selling.
And you had no reply to my point. Creating a real virus is so much easier than faking 100 million tests, 5 million bodies, ice-rinks and freezer trucks full of dead people, overrun morgues (in 2020), 10,000 doctors and nurses who said they were watching a phenomenon in hospitals they had never seen before. But what would they know?
Study and follow the best independent whistleblower doctors, immunologists and virologists (eg Malone, Marik, Kory, McCullough, Seneff). They know it’s corrupt, they know there’s a crime, but they know the virus was real.
If I were a corrupt dictator wanting to introduce Digital ID or cripple economies I’d only need one laboratory…
If you want to save our freedoms, start by learning the topic (plaque assays, autopsy reports, viral loads, excess deaths on a high resolution weekly basis). Yes, the government was hypocritical, contradictory, exaggerating, hiding key data, and yes, Omicron appears to be “like” the flu (let’s hope the dangerous parts of the virus are all altered).
But quoting a few real inconsistencies, or using analogies from different topics like CAGW, doesn’t alter the bigger truth that we are in a bioweapon war.
The results for the SA State election (lower house) are in, and make bad news for the Liberals.
Basically the SA Liberals are going to be out of office for many years (unless Labor stuffs up).
They managed to lose only 40% of their seats – 7 to Labor and 4 to Independents or from 27 to 16.
Labor went from 20 to 27, a comfortable majority (out of 47 total seats) but they also didn’t hand out all “the spoils of office” by including one independent in the Cabinet and another as Speaker, so it is Liberals 16 vs 28 (Speaker impartial) and 2 Independents unlikely to join them anyway.
On top of this is that a number of Liberal seats are knife edge. Winning Independents averaged a gain of 23.5% (range 3.5 to 40.1), and (ironically) there were a number of seats where the independent came third so their preferences pushed the Liberal home. Had it gone the other way the Liberals could well have lost another 4 or 5 seats. Some Liberals who held their seats will be able to reflect on losing 13.8, 22.7 and 13.6% of last term total but still getting home.
But it isn’t all bad news for the Liberals, some survived with losses as low as 3.1, 2.6, 3.1, 1.5, and 0.9% and ONE candidate even got a 0.5% gain (but still lost to Labor because preferences didn’t run his way).
And to top it all Nick Xenophon has re-entered politics.
A debacle.
Old news but more detail about big battery fire .
Here’s yet another major crisis that’s about to hit the world. Given all the other issues running hot now, one wonders if we as a human species have collectively decided to find as many means as possible to commit suicide en mass.
Why farming & food supplies could be in MAJOR danger
Not something to ignore. It’s going to hit the world extremely hard one day if our governments keep going down the same path.
Tucker: We may not have enough food soon