A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Imagine if you will, a virus so deadly, the entire population has to be tested multiple times over to even realise when they have it.
Imagine you will a vaccine so safe effective that you have to force people to take it.
Imagine you will a vaccine so safe effective that you have to change the definition of vaccine from provides immunity to provides protection
Imagine you will a vaccine so safe effective that you have to change the definition of vaccine from provides immunity to provides protection then find that that it even does not provide protection
NSW Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant said that,
of the 27 people who had died, eight had received a booster, 16 had received two doses and three were not vaccinated. Of the four aged under 65 who died, none had received a booster and all had “significant underlying health conditions”, Dr Chant said.
Imagine you will a vaccine so safe effective that you have to change the definition of vaccine from provides immunity to provides protection then find that that it even does not provide protection
then find that
Japanese firm says ivermectin shows ‘antiviral effect’ against Covid-19
The controversial drug ivermectin shows an “antiviral effect” against Covid-19, a Japanese drug company said on Monday.
The controversial drug ivermectin showed an “antiviral effect” against Omicron and other coronavirus variants in joint non-clinical research, a Japanese drug company said on Monday.
Trading and pharmaceutical company Kowa Co Ltd, which has been working with Tokyo’s Kitasato University testing the drug as potential treatment for Covid-19, did not provide further details, Reuters reported.
Ivermectin has been popularised as a Covid-19 treatment by some doctors and the likes of podcast host Joe Rogan, even as health authorities and the drug’s manufacturer Merck warn against its use, citing lack of evidence that it works against the virus.
A clinical trial being run in the UK by Oxford University, announced in June 2021, is ongoing.
The Oxford researchers told Reuters on Monday that they did not want to comment until they have results to report.
Ivermectin first began to be touted as a therapeutic for Covid-19 in early 2020 after scientists in Melbourne found it could inhibit SARS-CoV-2 in the lab in high doses.
“It was enthusiastically adopted by some clinicians and healthcare systems before any significant human trials were conducted, and subsequent trials have been largely small and conflicted,” Associate Professor Justin Denholm, principal investigator on the Australasian Covid-19 Trial (ASCOT), wrote in August 2021.
“Now, a number of retrospective reviews and meta-analyses have been released, which mostly agree that studies to date have generally been of low quality and high risk of bias, but offering different conclusions about whether ivermectin improves outcomes.”
In September, Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) banned doctors from prescribing ivermectin off-label.
General practitioners are now only able to prescribe ivermectin for TGA-approved conditions, such as scabies and certain parasitic infections.
When will Thugs Goons Administration face Crminal Charges?
Imagine you will a vaccine so safe and effective that if you’re vaccinated you’re terrified of the un-vaccinated
“Japanese Clinical Trial Concludes Ivermectin Is “Safe and Effective” Treatment of Covid”
“Ivermectin has the same antiviral effect” on all mutant strains, including Alpha, Delta, and Omicron. Kowa added that ivermectin suppresses invasion of the virus and inhibits its replication.”
Not just a “firm” that reports it but a clinical trial.
Interesting to know the connection between this and the fact that Greg Hunt was previously Director of Strategy for Klaus Schwab.
To #
This is the beginning of the triumph of sanity. These are the data we needed.
Now tell us the vaccination status of all those diagnosed positive on any given day, including which vaccine received.
It would be on the computer. Just tell us.
Imagine, if you will, a vaccination that only works on you if everyone else in the world also takes it, and even then, it neither protects you from infection nor from spreading the disease you had been vaccinated against. And every 3 or 4 months, you need to do it again, and again, and again…..
For the life of me, I just cannot imagine that unless I am now living in the Twilight Zone……………………..
COVID Policies Are No Longer About Health, Only Punishment
COVID-19 may be a novel virus, but it is proving itself a virus nonetheless by doing what viruses are wont to do — surviving. And in order to survive, a virus can’t afford to keep killing its hosts. It adapts. It weakens in ferocity as it increases in transmissibility. Mankind’s curious nature has produced many a vaccine to help halt a viral event. Smallpox comes to mind. The COVID vaccine hasn’t produced that success yet, although as this particular vaccine technology advances, it will surely get there in the future. That being said, it has been a substantial blessing that this virus is now rapidly evolving into something that is on a trajectory to become no worse than the common cold or a seasonal flu. Plenty of people are still falling ill, but the pandemic has one foot solidly in the endemic camp. We should be grateful.
Unfortunately, even as places like the United Kingdom and Denmark are moving forward with lifting all restrictions, governments in the U.S. and Canada are doubling down on authoritarianism. The Omicron variant has moved a lot of people out of the “state of emergency” camp.– even many Branch COVIDians — and into the “Let’s just get on with it” camp. Even still, we continue to see absurd COVID punishments being handed out across North America.
And that’s what it really is at this point…punishment. For as much as the Grand Priests of Science™ in our governments keep invoking “the data,” they seem incapable of admitting that the data is pushing us all towards just getting the hell on with life. They made promises. They swore they would eradicate COVID. They would do what that Big Bad Orange Man could never do. They would save us all.
They failed, of course. Their plans were always doomed to fail, because you can’t hide from a virus and you can’t make hundreds of millions of people do the exact same thing at the exact same time for the exact same period. You couldn’t even get all those people to take a breath at the same time, let alone cease all movement and activity for two weeks fifteen days thirty days two years to slow the spread. It was never possible, but they convinced themselves and their fearful constituents that it was; perhaps for power alone, but perhaps in the hopes that if they could actually pull it off, they’d never lose another election again.
So when it didn’t work, they couldn’t blame themselves. You can’t run on failure. So they have to blame you…and me…and all of us who wouldn’t get with the plan from the beginning. And those of you who did get with the plan, did your thirty days, and then demanded your right to get on with your life. And those of you who sucked it up for two years and realize the futility in letting this madness go on indefinitely. Our governments have declared an ultimatum. If you are not with them, you are against them.
You’re guilty for not being a good little robot and the guilty must be punished.
Very disturbing report from a Dutch MP linking covid, climate change and mass immigration
One reason I stopped watching Andrew Bolt was his inability to reason the wafer that separates totalitarianism from liberal democracy ( so-called). His continual hosting of Sheridan- a person who takes his cue from Neo-Cons and hawks in the US establishment shows too much of a one track mind. A book I recommend is by Polish academic, Ryszard Legutko and titled ” Demon in democracy: totalitarian temptations in free societies “.
And on his return last night who did he have on but Sheridan.
The two of them went on and on about the Russians this and the Russians that.
Never a twinkling of the fact that it’s over. Putin won.
“Victoria Nuland, the neoconservative war monger appointed Undersecretary of State by the White House fool, announced Washington’s surrender when she called on China to use its influence with Russia to save Ukraine from invasion. She thus acknowledges what everyone had already concluded: the US and NATO lack the capability.
Washington’s surrender followed the request of the Ukrainian president that Washington stop the “Russian invasion” propaganda as there were no signs of an invasion being prepared and Washington’s rhetoric was too provocative. Germany refused flyover permission to the UK for arms deliveries to Ukraine. Two NATO members announced that they would not send troops if NATO got involved in Ukraine. Washington saw the writing on the wall.”
Greg Sheridan is good. So too Bolt.
Chris Kenny is a key player in keeping this nation on a viable track.
Kremlin offensive
Another very good report today about the rally from the UK mail online. Trudeau would rather attend a BLM rally than meet the truckers, the Mail reports.
It had 357 million visits in December 20212 so is very widely read.
A reasonably balanced report from the BBC today on the convoy! So getting good coverage on UK media
Tonyb. Not too bad, though always disappointing to see journalists equating “support for vaccination” with numbers gene-jabbed….regardless of the amount of bullying threatening, coercion etc etc required to FORCE them to be vaxed.
Facts are that , having lived the one week in NSW where mask mandates were totally eliminated (15-22nd Dec last year) and doing random counts in many locations, the fringe group which continued wearing them at all times was down to about 30-35% AFTER A WEEK.
I reckon if the forced gene-jab rules were removed (in Canada, and here), you’d have no more than the usual 3-5% of bed-wetting hypochondriacs bothering to get them at all. On the other hand, something like free beer and cocktails” at the local pub, the line-up would VOLUNTARILY stretch from Melbourne to the Moon!
Everyone knows they’ll die one day, but mandating it to happen within the next year? Who else but a sad sack loser would go for THAT?
Is Britain the first post hysteria ‘free’ nation?
My son in the UK and his family have all acquired covid. He and his partner are fully vaccinated. Toddlers unvaccinated. They have confirmed they have covid by tests; otherwise symptoms could be described as a cold. His partner was confirmed with a PCR test because she had very mild symptoms but successive RAT tests failed to give a positive.
The biggest issue for them has been working with both kids required to stay home. The older one is now clear and can return to school.
I know from hospital observations that days 5 to 8 after symptoms show is the most important time to be alert. If infection has spread to the lungs then oxygen levels drop. My son will go through that stage this week.
That’s bad news, I sincerely hope that your son and his family recover quickly.
From my understanding, and I am not medically qualified but have asked people who are, being fully vaccinated provides protection to lower the impact of the virus.
Dennis. The gene-jabs cause your cells to produce a part of the virus. They make their own pathogen….
Then when a sample of saliva / mucus is taken from a person who has been gene-jabbed it is supposed to be a surprise that a piece of spike protein is “discovered”? Huh?
This is exactly the same as some guy sprinkling tiny pieces of Gold around an area and then announcing “I took a sample of dirt to the assay office, and they found Gold!”
Scam is always spelled S C A M, or do you know another way?
I caught Covid at Christmas from one of my sons. It was relatively mild so when I was on the repair I had a BIG night round the fire pit with copious amounts of beer and bourbon, had a great night. Now I have pneumonia. Nobody’s fault but mine.
Catching omicron from a family member is almost unavoidable. The progression to pneumonia is a common outcome with Covid and you now need to be very alert. Monitoring oxygen level is a key once the infection spreads to the lungs. Most people do not know if their oxygen levels are low until they exert themselves.
The benefit of sleeping on stomach is now widely recognised as the best way to reduce the spread of infection through the lungs and keep more area of the lungs in working order.
“Catching omicron from a family member is almost unavoidable. ”
No, I haven’t seen that at all.
If people want to believe what “officials” say, that is their world, but from the three families I have seen catch Covid, I would say either a lot of it must be asymptomatic and show up -ve of a test, or it doesn’t spread in families as much as at a party.
With absolute zero belief in anything resembling an official figure or a randomly double-peer blind-reviewed trial I would rather believe what I see personally these days. Mate’s baby was tested +ve when crook & mate got it, wife and other son didn’t. Another mate & wife both caught it on holiday in Tassie, two sons didn’t. Friend’s son caught it, his sister & parents didn’t.
I’ve tried to get everyone I know to watch Dr Chetty explain the danger of the cytokine storm on the eighth day & what to do,-
and Dr Campbell’s interview of Prof Clancy, the Australian immunologist, explained how it moves from the throat to the lungs and the large immunological difference between them very well.
I have personal knowledge of 6 households where omicron has been infectious. In two cases it did not spread to all the household despite regular close contact – the mother in both cases avoided it. In another two, those infected first were separated into a caravan and supplied with grocery items as needed – both related to infection at a New Year’s Eve party. Circumstances with contract tracing meant they were warned before they returned home. The parents of the adult children avoided covid in those two households. All their adult children at the same party contracted covid.
Contract tracing is no longer being conducted so no early warning. Also omicron symptoms are usually mild and individuals can spread it before they are aware they have it.
So I will stick with MY observation – “almost inevitable”!
Yeah…and then there was Delta…the previously “highly infectious “variant” which was so much more virulent (ie deadly) than this current nothing-burger….
Delta-Positive Brisbane sheila goes to Townsville and Magnetic Island. Has 1000 contacts (says Qld Health) and NO TRANSMISSIONS AT ALL. A month later Cairns Taxi-Driver is Delta Positive and has several hundred contacts (says Qld Health): many very close contacts in taxi with aircon going and NO TRANSMISSIONS AT ALL. All BS, I’m PLEASED to say!
The mRNA gene-jabs are creating trillions of trillions of spike proteins, so why should it be a surprise that some of these are showing up about the place, being labelled “the virus”. THAT’S exactly what the injections ARE, FFS!
Yep – “shedding” surely must be a possibility. A very “iffy” area – but so is the whole COVID thing, after all! The so-called “experts” are constantly contradicting themselves. Yet no one seems to notice!
Best wishes to your son Rick.
I thought the 8 day progression was not necessarily the same with Omicron since it is not a deep lung and cytokine storm type of disease?
Mantaray Yunupingu — most Covid variants are cluster spreaders. (I’m not so sure of Omicron). But 4 out of 5 people don’t necessarily infect many people. So odds are the Brisbane Sheila just wasn’t a superspreader.
Hi Rick. Very sorry to hear your family has Omicron. Close observation after day 5 & particularly day 8 is important, as that has been the time as you say, that the virus may move into the lungs. It is encouraging to hear, however, that Covid physicians have not generally seen Omicron move deep into the lungs as earlier variants did. It seems to be basically an upper respiratory illness. Even so, I was concerned for my husband to have use of his steroid inhalant plus anti-histamine & aspirin when his chest became “tight” around that timetable. He also proved negative with 3 RAT tests – but I put this down to the fact that he was also gargling with Betadine, which would have stymied the throat swab.
BTW During his short period of infection I began to note a “scratchy” throat. I didn’t take a test, but may very likely have had early stage Omicron. Again, I was gargling like mad with Betadine – so the damn thing possibly found it “a bit uphill”!!!
Interesting to hear your experience Vicki.
Omicron in the UK
‘Contact tracing data found that people infected with BA.2 were more likely to infect household contacts, with 13.4% (64 of 476) of BA.2 household contacts testing positive, compared with 10.3% (10 444 of 101 773) of BA.1 contacts (27 December 2021 to 11 January 2022.)’
” days 5 to 8 after symptoms “
I heard/read somewhere that this could be an allergic reaction to the remnants of the breakdown of the spike protein. (like peanuts, some people are allergic, most aren’t.)
Fight it with anti-histamines !
The treatment protocol in Australia now includes antibody medication that actually reduces the bodies response to the virus. The over response of the immune system is what reduces lung function.
Some of the approved medications listed here as well as some that do not require prescription:
Rick – there are few mentioned in the Harvard article that do not require prescription – at least in Australia. All the mono-clonals will be prescribed only through hospitalisations (& then not always!), & fluvoxamine is also by script. The rest are just pain killers etc. Anti-histamines not mentioned nor other harmless but useful supplements. No mention of OTC steroids or inhalants.
Should you get vaccinated ?
The chance of a male in good health, catching and dying of covid, according to
(presumably for delta) is dependent on your age:
20 1/1000000
40 1/166667
50 1/53000
60 1/15000
70 1/3800
80 1/1100
On the other hand, taking the OPEN VAERS database at face value, there are 10000 vaccine deaths for 250M Americans with at least one jab, giving a chance of death by vaccine of 1/25000.
All of which suggests the if you are in good health, and under the age of about 55, getting vaccinated is going to be a bad deal. If you believe there is under reporting in VAERS (say a factor of ten) then the probability of death by vaccine increases to 1/2500, and if you have access to early treatment (e.g. ivm, hcq) increasing your survival probability by ~ a factor of ten, then you should probably never get vaccinated, no matter what your age!
I look at it far simpler than that. I don’t see people dropping dead in the street as one would expect in a really serious pandemic. My conclusion has been that the pandemic is mild and doesn’t warrant taking the extra risks of using experimental vaccines. If people were dropping dead in the street like flies due to a virus then I would seriously consider taking an experiential vaccines. It’s amazing how simple observation of reality mixed with common sense works so well.
What is it with the experiential vaccines? You’ve clearly distinguished it from experimental vaccines mentioned in the preceding sentence; I just want to know.
Lets say that it is no occident that men in “good” health are 5 times more likely to drown than women in “good” health. My experience is that the vast majority of men consider themselves in “good” health.
The bulk of Australians are not in good health; 29% are obese:
67% of Australians are overweight/obese:
In 2017–18, an estimated 2 in 3 (67%) Australians aged 18 and over were overweight or obese (36% were overweight but not obese, and 31% were obese). That’s around 12.5 million adults.
Vaccinations enabled Australia to open up without hospitals being overrun. It has proven a highly successful public health response to covid.
I would say that very few Australians could do a marathon in under 4 hours – that is one measure of good health.
I disagree. I would say that about two thirds of the population anywhere in the world are capable of having a marathon personal best of under 4 hours, if they decided to try for it. Most people of course would never contemplate such a thing.
I cannot break four hours now, but used to.
RickWill. The answer to the obesity “pandemic” is to lock the lot of ’em away for their own good, and to protect the health system from all their illnesses. Only let ’em out to run 5 ks each way from home ten times per day…lazy irresponsible sods.
Everyone knows this makes sense…and also why I should be Chief Health Officer. I will save everyone, I tell’s ya!
They need to invent a pill to take people’s minds off food, so that they only eat when their stomach rumbles or they feel faint.
Government then needs to introduce a draconian tax on unhealthy food and drink..
l dont agree with your example of a guide to help the obese loose weight LOL
“The answer to the obesity “pandemic” is to lock the lot of ’em away for their own good, and to protect the health system from all their illnesses. Only let ’em out to run 5 ks each way from home ten times per day…lazy irresponsible sods.”
l think it would make no difference to the obese who are insulin resistant because of the food we are supposed to eat that is called healthy by our health representatives LOL
l have been calling a lot of doctors sick care doctors for quite some time now
the old calories in calories out dont work when your system is blocked
follow the money trail, it is more advantageous to have sick people than healthy for big pharma
‘I would say that very few Australians could do a marathon in under 4 hours – that is one measure of good health.’
That is a measure of fitness, not of good immunity.
so, as you pass 70 its about as dangerous as childbirth.
All of the people that I know who have got this virus thingy have been jabbed. I remain unjabbed. These people now want to know how I have done it. I just stated that I have no idea but if I did know then I would bottle it and make billions of dollars……………………..
Mr. Sheldrick: You and me both, all the folks catching it now have taken Fauci’s elixer. I refused and have not caught covid. Rather than admit “I have no idea”, we should have pretended to know and cashed in. Hey, it’s still working for Tony Fauci, and he has ideas that aren’t even wrong!!
A critical moment in our species history (Chris Martenson & Bret Weinstein)
Oh my , this is so on the money. A must watch for me
Socialist moroons:
The Charles Dickens classic, ‘Oliver Twist,’ has been hit with a “trigger warning” by a UK university over concerns that its themes of “child abuse,” “domestic violence” and “racial prejudice” could cause “anxiety” and “distress,”
A Masters-level course on ‘Victorian Literature, Art and Culture’ at the Royal Holloway, University of London, has issued the content warning for the 1838 novel,
Poor little diddums. It’s time the poor dears were encouraged to develop some backbone and look out of their little ‘safe’ bubbles.
Even more bizarrely, Orwell’s “Nineteen Eighty Four” has been hit with the very type of thing Orwell warned about:
UK university slaps trigger warning on George Orwell’s 1984
January 26, 2022 – 20:14PM
A British university has slapped a “trigger warning” on the most famous novel ever written about censorship and tyranny, says Spiked Online Chief Political Writer Brendan O’Neill.
It comes as staff at the University of Northampton placed a trigger warning on George Orwell’s book 1984 and other texts for “explicit material” that may be “offensive and upsetting” to students.
“It is just so deliciously ironic the fact that Orwellianism is now coming for Orwell himself,” Mr O’Neill said.
I guess they’ll confiscate all copies and issue them as mandated pre-reading for the next WEF gathering.
Dave B
Any material which does not align with the institution’s values and belief systems is ‘offensive and upsetting’ to students and faculty alike. Their little bubble needs to be pricked.
Dickens novels were a reflection on Victorian England (mainly the London area I suspect) when Victorian England was hell for 30,000,000 people and paradise for 30,000. Once again, [SNIP crass] trying to undo the reality of the times……………..
Javier is credible on climate change and Covid.
This is something Jo posted on the previous thread:
This statement is false. Most of the US military forces are overweight/obese. The BMI for entry into the US military is “overweight” and it tends to go down hill once recruited and supplied free food.
This is a study of eating habits for US military personnel:
64% qualifies as “most” by a good margin.
BMI is the single most common factor correlated to bad outcomes after covid.
I have been involved in remote mine sites in Australia. One in North Queensland recruited from local communities and the FIFO to a small township was serviced by a 6 seater aircraft. In the initial stages of the operation all 6 passenger seats could be filled but by the end of the first year, weight limits meant only 5 passengers. I expect the same occurs in the US military. Some people cannot resist good food.
you failed to mention whether this is significantly different from the general population.
It’s slightly better than the general population if the data in the following link is correct.
I do not view it as a failure because it is irrelevant to making the point that Jo’s understanding of the health status of the US military is wrong.
Anyone who looks at images of people in the USA know that overweight/obesity is a serious issue across the population. I expect 64% in the category in the military would be a tad lower than the overall population – but just a guess.
No…! I’ve seen American TV and movies, watched some sports, and they are all well-built and gorgeous! ..Unless its a funny role for fat bumbling clown of a guy and they have to find a special actor.
Of course it is relevant. To make a claim like yours there needs to be a comparison from which you either find the same outcome or different. Raw numbers, without such a comparison, are meaningless.
Not relevant to the general population. Read Jo’s statement “the people in it (the military study) are mostly young and healthy”. The actual data on the health status of US military shows that “most” are overweight.
I would not put any overweight individual in a “healthy” category. With most (64%) being overweight, I conclude that most are unhealthy. The opposite of what Jo assumed.
Any comparison to the general population is irrelevant.
smh… I really can’t be bothered with this
Couldn’t care less whether they are, or are not, healthier fitter etc. The claim is that cancers etc are up 300% over the recent averages, while no new causative factor other than the gene-jabs has even been suggested.
As someone else wrote here someplace…. woz it Agent Orange wot dun it? Too many Big Macs? Climate Change?
C’mon gene-jab-lovers: give an explanation your best shot (heh heh)!
Can anyone find just how many personnel were involved in study ? If the study only had a select few it’s not a true representation. And shock horror I agree with leaf , I’ve watched a lot of vids from the various wars and military actions and I’m struggling to find any obese . Ever seen an obese fighter pilot for instance and are the airforce included in the study ? Who is more likely to be obese a trucker or a fighter pilot ?
That’s damning concerning BMI of military personnel and only slightly better than the U.S. population in general. There is a trend to normalize obesity here too. It’s almost as if the government wants people to die at a younger age.
BMI is a very unreliable metric. Fit, well muscled young men may carry extra kilos of muscle, not fat and their BMI would be considered obese. Aussie rules football players are often 10-20 kilos over weight according to their BMI and they are all lean and strong athletes.
Be careful with BMI figures. My ideal BMI would have me at 75kgs, which is simply far too lean. Most Doctors I have spoken to about the ” ideal ” BMI have told me that it errs on the too light side for most people.
The BMI charts recommend a weight for me far below my skinniest times, when I was asked by someone if I had an eating problem?! I’m tall and with the supposed ideal weight I would be invisible!
Colour me cynical about BMI!
I have never seen a person in the “average” range of BMI that looks skinny. Although as the population gets fatter, skinny is probably relative. And I do not ask everyone I see what their BMI is although you only need to wander through any airport to observe the proportion of people with skin folds.
I consider long distance runners to be at the skinny end of the spectrum. They typically have BMI around 18kg/m^2. This list gives Ethiopian runners at 18kg/m^2:
It also shows the gradual reduction in BMI for marathon winners as the East Africans came to dominate – maybe in their genes or limited ability to overeat.
Some highly paid models have BMI around 16 – regarded as seriously underweight:×1024.jpg
Sumo wrestlers are reasonably fit but have very high BMI up around 36kg/m^2. They also have life expectancy under 60yo. So the excess fat contributes to poor health outcomes despite their reasonable fitness.
There are health benefits of maintaining a lifestyle that keeps BMI in the healthy range.
Rick Will,
As I said in the other thread, BMI is correlated to obesity, but since it can’t tell fat from muscle BMI can’t tell a fat person from a muscular person. Heaven forbid that the military recruit muscular soldiers!
BMI is convenient for lazy people who want an easy way to accuse other people of being fat. Here’s the first article Duck Duck Go turned up on a “bmi vs. body fat” search, so it’s not just me saying it.
Yes – for sure the US military is full of muscled individuals who sit behind desks and are fed all they can eat. They are more like battery hens than sleek fighting machines.
The only people I know who have higher than ideal BMI and are in good physical shape do regular weight training without much aerobic training.
The midfielders in Australian football top league have an average height if 184cm and average weight of 84kg giving BMI of 24.7. This is at the top end of the ideal range due to the muscle they carry. Most of these 360 individuals are in top physical shape with a good training balance between strength and aerobic capacity.
The US military carries a lot of lard on bellies:
Oh dear. That’s numerology. The average BMI is not the BMI of the average. In any case, *average* isn’t what counts. The extremes are far more interesting.
Case in point, former NRL player, now American footballer Jordan Mailata. BMI over 40, body fat less than 20%. It’s a fun story too. Nice that his muscular frame will earn him at least $10m pa for the next four years.
Anyhow, in your enthusiasm to score a point on the BMI question (and you didn’t), you have lost sight of why you raised the US military in the first place. I believe you were intending to say they were unrepresentative of the broader population. Your current argument seems to say that the military is quite similar the broader population, at least in terms of BMI.
The bad news is that that is a weak argument anyway, since the figures compare the set of problems with their 5-year averages IN THE MILITARY. As it were, they are their own control group and the figures provide a reasonable case that the vaccines cause serious harm.
I was pointing out that Jo had it wrong when she wrote that the US military were mostly young and healthy. This is false. They are mostly overweight and unhealthy. They suffer the same covid co-morbidity as the rest of the US population.
The figures provide no such proof.
The issues with long covid have been lwell known.for two years now. Only 9M people in the USA got Covid before the vaccines were introduced. There were another 45M cases before omicron arrived. So the vast majority of infections occurred after the vaccines were being given and military were one of the more reluctant groups to get vaccinated while having high exposure. The vaccine deadline was only December last year. About 20% of the armed forces had acquired covid by the middle of 2021 before being vaccinated.
To come up with any useful data on vaccines adverse reactions alone would require removing all those who had caught the virus. That would dramatically reduce the adverse effects.
I know US armed forces have lower health than other forces and even other populations. However, if the vaccines were the culprit for all the ills identified then there would be the same incidence in other populations and there ISN’T. Australia has lower than average mortality in 2021. The distinction with the US armed forces is that a very high proportion experienced the severe strain, either original or delta before being vaccinated. They are no experiencing long-covid.
‘To come up with any useful data on vaccines adverse reactions alone would require removing all those who had caught the virus.’
Except that previously infected people are more likely to have a bad reaction to the covid injections.
So, military, lots of training and muscle.. high BMI.. not obese.
Rick according to this yes you can have some overweight but every member is screened for weight regularly and not only can you be discharged if too big you will find life very hard .
All airforce pilots have to be fit and heathy .
The simplistic perception of the obesity epidemic growing all over the world in terms of CALORIES IN/ CALORIES OUT is a form of victim blaming. Most of the obese are always trying to lose weight and bouncing up and down.
There are several hypothesies about why the modern diet predisposes to weight gain. One that needs investigation is that the shift from saturated fats to the unsaturated seed oils disrupt regulation of energy utilization in the mitochondria.
Others have focused on increases in carbohydrates (promoted by many governments) or increased consumption of fructose, snacking, inactivity……
I find it significant that the obese are frequently hungry all the time. This does speak to some sort of regulatory disorder.
The funniest seminar I was at was a graduate student presenting on brain mechanisms of body weight regulation. The discussion period devolved into an argument between two senior professors, one who could eat all he wanted and never gain, the other who had to diet all the time to keep below BMI 30. The attendees drifted out after some time, leaving the two combatants completely oblivious.
This a striking example of the fact that the view of the obesity usually expressed in this blog indicates that the bulk of those subscribing to JONOVA tend to be in the slim group, seeing all fat people as lacking willpower.
” seeing all fat people as lacking willpower.”
Not buying that.
More likely seeing those who are overweight as suffering from a health education deficit in the first place , and in the second place , not aware of the differing effects of carbohydrates and fats on satiety, and thirdly , having succumbed to the predations of the large corporations who have gained control of the food supply.
You paint with too broad a brush.
Let’s ask Keith shall we?
Specifically the roles of two different satiety mechanisms, one short-lived , and one enduring :-
It’s pretty bad when a woman is treated better by the Taliban than by her own government.
The woman in question is a NZ reporter who is partnered but unmarried and that makes her pregnancy illegal under Taliban ruled territory.
Her life is therefore in danger under the Taliban and she will not be permitted medical services.
Plus due to the lockdown she is not allowed back to the prison islands of NZ.
She could be killed by the Taliban for her “crime” of being unmarried and pregnant.
Another wonderful example of socialist compassion by the NZ PM.
She is fully aware of the MIQ disaster in NZ and knew the problems of getting a place beforehand. She has a partner in Belgium that she can marry and get care there. She has been working for Al Jazeera – and the Qataris are more pro Taliban than pro West. All this is of no consequence as the Taliban have turned a blind eye to her adultery and have allowed her to stay. I think she is just trying to jump the queue. It still does not excuse the Ardolf Government’s MIQ disaster.
I cannot figure out why she did not simply marry and stay in Belgium with the father of the child.
Both partners had medical advice that one of them (or two?) was unable to conceive.
Most recent data from NSW & Scotland :
Epidemiological week 1, ending 8 January 2022
“Published 20 January 2022”
“Appendix C: Additional tables and figures”
Page 26
“Total COVID-19 cases by vaccination status and week reported, NSW, 16 June 2021 to 8 January 2022”
“Vaccination Status”
“Fully vaccinated 159,127 (70%)
“Partially vaccinated 1,468 (1%)
“No effective dose 779 (<1%) – ( either 21days < since vaxxed, or unvaxxed – not specified )
"Under investigation 46,955 (21%)
"Not eligible (aged 0-11 years) 18,343 (8%)
"Total 226,672 (100%)
Scotland :
"Public Health Scotland
"COVID-19 & Winter
"Statistical Report
"As at 17January 2022
"Publication date: 19 January 2022
Page 38
“Table 14: Age-standardised case rate per 100,000 individuals by week and vaccination status, 18 December 2021 to 14
January 2022”
Week 08 January – 14 January 2022
“Age-standardised case rate per 100,000 with 95% confidence intervals
“Unvaccinated 412.77 (390.36 – 435.18)
” 1 Dose 543.98 (497.93 – 590.03)
” 2 Doses 865.79 (839.92 – 891.67)
” Booster or 3 doses 481.49 (472.73 – 490.26)
The data demonstrates that the vaccine mandates are very effective in keeping the unvaccinated out of harms way. Mobility of unvaccinated individuals has been so severely curbed that they can no longer participate at social events or venues. The vaccinated are permitted into venues with large crowds and much increased risk of being infected.
Rubbish. It is damn near impossible not to come into contact with Covid – particularly because of the incredibly high RO of Omicron. I live predominantly in a rural location, but still have to visit a well populated centre for supplies. The supply chain itself, without the itinerant workers, mine workers etc spreads this virus liberally. One of the most obvious sites for infection spread are the large petrol stations where trucks and semis are constantly visiting.
You are but one lonely example. Unless you were vaccinated, you did not get into the tennis. Same boat as Novax. But there were very large crowds in those relatively tight confines. Those people have much higher exposure to covid than using a fuel nozzle with disinfected hands. Also I believe all Australian interstate truck drivers are required to be jabbed.
Itenerant workers have been required to be vaccinated. For example SPC has mandated that requirement. I would be surprised to find any mine operator who has not mandated the requirement. All the large mining companies have that requirement. All the FIFO operators and their contractors have that requirement. Usually miners are at the leading edge of Australia’s health mandates. Most mines introduced mandatory drug testing in the 1990s.
I would not know if I have come into contact with covid – I am back up to bulletproof status.
“I am back up to bulletproof status.”
I have seen that sort hubris disintegrate in so many domains. Business, sport, health you name it.
Finally they’ve said it out loud.
This definition brought to you by the Anti-Defamation League, whose motto is “Fighting Hate for Good”.
So this is not racism — you only think it is because you’re white.
African athletes being “welcomed” at the Olympics with the N-word, over and over by Chinese non-racists.
As a young 25-year-old, white/Caucasion pakeha NZer travelling through China in 1986 on my way to Tibet, two friendships (on trains) stick with me today:
A young Nigerian doctor asked if he could sit with me – please do – after he’d been harassed by local Han Chinese in his carriage: they’d thrown banana skins at him and made monkey noises until he got up and walked away and eventually found me in another carriage;
On another train ride, a young American guy asked if he could sit with me after he, too, had been harassed by locals: his dad was Texan and his mother Japanese, and the locals had given him such a hard time he wandered through the train until he found me, a gweilo (big-nose hairy devil foreigner) to talk to.
Arriving in Lhasa (12,000 ft asl) and staying with a Tibetan family a friend had put me on to, I soon realised that ‘way-schism’ was a way of life for the CCP and its citizens. The house was raided, we foreigners were arrested (kind of funny when 5 ft-tall PLA soldiers try to harangue 6 ft-tall big noses) then released. I have the utmost respect, and sympathy, for Tibetans – kind-hearted, humorous, against-all-odds genuine humans – just don’t cross them, Buddhist pacifism only goes so far.
Which one to believe?
1) Dictator Daniel Andrews of Vicdanistan says “expert” medical advice is that a third, fourth or fifth (or more) “boosters” are mandatory.
2) Chief “Health” Officer Sutton, public “servant”, responsible for giving supposedly “expert” public health advice, says he never gave such advice to Andrews about boosters.
While we are on the topic of Peni _ spud ( aka dic tater Dan ) reported on local radio this morning by the current memeber of parliment ( Liberal )
that the Victorian Labor party has approved a LEAD SMELTER to be built on the site of the decommissioned Hazelwood power station. Mentioned that this proposed LEAD smelter will be within 2 kilometres of a school and has not been approved by the EPA. Also mentioned was the fact that this smelter is part of the Chinese Belt and roads deal that I thought had been squashed by the federal government.
So, a couple of questiions that someone may be able to answer.
1/ Where will the primary ore come from? to my knowledge no lead mines in Victoria.
2/ Where will the energy come from to power this smelter?
Still after the questioning of public health head, Dr Brett Sutton, and the revelation that increased crowds at the tennis was just a political decision without knowing WHO made it, I suppose a LEAD smelter could just appear without any govenment official actually having any knowledge of how it got approved.
Apparently it’s not a lead smelter but a car battery recycling plant.
Smelting refers to the extraction of metals from their ores. In a battery recycling plant the lead metal is simply melted, not smelted.
It will, of course, be owned by the Chicomms. I guess one way to let the Chicomms and Daniel Andrews circumvent the Federal ban on Belt and Road Initiative projects is simply to not call them that.
“1/ Where will the primary ore come from? to my knowledge no lead mines in Victoria.”
You got me, I had to look it up. None in Vic, one in Tassie, three in NSW, most on Qld, NT & WA.
So they will be trucking heavy ore for a long way instead of setting a refinery up inside a mine area somewhere & powering it all by wind & solar!
Seeing the trouble they went to removing it from fuel and how its has cost us ever since (offset by the massive increase in average IQ in the last 30years..) you would expect them to be loath to have the deadly poison anywhere inside the State!
It is a battery recycling plant. These facilities have been operated in inner city locations for decades but do not know if they are still in operation. Australianrecyclers have a good environmental record and are usually good neighbours with little external evidence of the process. The biggest environmental concern is the containment of the sulphuric acid. It needs special attention because it chews out concrete. Even if the funding is acid resistant it can satillfine its way into cracks and leak. Old recycling plants often had an underground halo of acidic soil. Any environmental management plan should include soil and groundwater monitoring.
It seems that there will be very high demand for lithium traction battery recycling. Lithium has become VERY expensive. It must now be highly lucrative to recycle.
Apparently Tesla Model 3 was the highest volume single model in Australia in 2021. That surprised me but I have seen plenty of them around. My middle son needs a second car and was thinking the writing is on the wall for ICE cars so decided to look at a Tesla – when he saw the price he laughed – tell ’em their dreamin!!
A relative working for AZ in the UK has been offered a company car as part of the salary package- can have any make and model as long as it is a BEV. And the more expensive the bigger the salary sacrifice.
There are plenty such people around especially if you include the willingness of people to get their booster shots, to continue to be masked and to use the QRcode scan. I used to think that people in general were very sceptical of governments and the MSM over the past decade or so, and in fact mistrusted them. Either I was always wrong from the start or something has more recently changed to make so many people trust what the governments and MSM are telling them as much if more so than ever before. It’s actually a sad and serious indictment of the status of our society today. Perhaps in time things will change and people will return to their formal sceptical state (assuming they were) but they have to change very quickly to convince me things will turn for the better.
The thing that changed was a CCP Bioweapon. A real threat (to some, and at times to the hospital system) and the easiest quickest solution was “to believe”. So harried, taxed people believed the ABC, believed their Doctor, thought their doctor was free to speak. Australia hasn’t had a vaccine major problem, we generally mostly sorta had a medical system people had faith in. Doctors are one of the most trusted professions.
A sad awakening is coming. But I expect one third will always defend the system. It’s a religious thing, and they are not equipped to deal with the fear of feeling like the medical system is corrupt to the point where their lives are irrelevant. One third will recognise the threat. The other third have no idea at the moment but will be shocked.
Yes, roughly a third will unusually follow the mantra. It’s a cult thing, not a religious thing. A religion can be good. A cult is never good. The problem I see though is far more than a third are hypnotised into some mass formation psychosis. Some I’ve noticed are snapping out of it so it’s likely that the proportion is now trending down for the proportion of those who are asleep. However, it all depends if yet another “big event” comes along to fool the masses again and turn the trend back up again, as I suspect. Mark my words, this is far from over. The globalist elite are not going to give up that easily.
One you start believing that the medical system is corrupt, the scientific community is corrupt, the mainstream media is corrupt, the government is corrupt, and the corporates are all corrupt; then you end up disbelieving everything and everybody. You have to trust somebody at some stage because it is impossible to be an expert at everything; although there are people who believe that they are.
Trust real data, obtained from non-corrupt sources.
You should try it some time !
In today’s information-rich world, remaining ignorant is a choice.
Even given the Left’s domination of many of the information flows such as the Legacy and Social(ist) media, it is still possible to find the truth despite that, this blog being one example.
There are so-called experts,
and then there are polymaths:
learn the difference.
‘ … the mainstream media is corrupt …’
The MSM has not become corrupted, but the dissemination of information is seriously flawed.
Now how do you expect us to believe that?
Seen it on the ABC KK so it has to be true .
Again Jo, thank you for providing this free speech platform.
We can say and hear things that just can’t be said or heard on the legacy or social(ist) media platforms.
I wish I could say the same. All my posts are now automatically sent to moderation and some never are released in spit of the fact I try my best to follow the rules as much as possible.
Dominant posters who may supply 10% of entire threads have to be held to the highest standards as they may change the whole tone of the forum. You clearly breached the rules, I explained exactly how. I wrote to you on Jan 14th and you still haven’t replied. Did you supply your real email? I said:
“You treat the site like it is yours when I take all the expense, legal risk and do all the work. No more.”
I have published 12,105 comments of yours. It takes a lot of volunteer work by moderators to make this site possible. I see little gratitude or recognition. Sometimes you don’t even seem to read my personal replies.
Absolutely right, Jo.
You have every right to redact any material posted that offends against the decorum of the site.
My own word-choices sometimes do this, and I am always happy to have any offending bits snipped.
Yes Mark some of us push the boundaries occasionally and end up in the sin bin (deservedly) , I’m currently in Facebook jail but do the crime do the time .
January 14 you say
To PEterS. I got your email. I tried to reply. My email was just text and not that long, but it bounced.
Your message is larger than the destination computer is willing to
accept, so it was returned. The error message below indicates the
size of your message and the maximum size allowed by the receiving
E-mail system. You may be able to split your message into several
smaller pieces and have them delivered separately.
Your message was rejected by [SNIP] for the following reason:
1 Requested mail action aborted, mailbox not found
The following recipients did not receive this message:”…. etc
I will try again. But seriously. Do you rely on this email address for all your emails?
Here is an excellent presentation by Dr Scott Atlas* about how, due to lies about the virus and its treatment, propagated by America’s institutions, people have lost faith in them.
*Wiki: Atlas is “an American radiologist, political commentator, and health care policy advisor. He is the Robert Wesson Senior Fellow in health care policy at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, a conservative think tank.”
I have been suggesting that people read Dr. Atlas’s book “A pox upon our house” about what he observed as an advisor to Trump regarding COVID. Birx and Fauci worked tirelessly to undermine any and all sensible Trump initiatives regarding Covid, then had their media allies invert the truth to spread the word that it was Trump undermining the CDC and NIH, etc.
There is a bit of anger in the book to get past, but it is an important work about why people should not uncritically trust the medical bureaucracy.
* The book was “A Plague Upon our House”, not pox.
Thank you. Did you read it?
I was involved in a group, Australian Skeptics, which 15 or 20 so years ago were concerned that Australia’s voluntary vaccination rate with legitimate vaccines had fallen to dangerously low levels so we raised public awareness of the issue and then the vaccination rate returned to an appropriate level.
All that hard work will be wasted when people realise the present covid vaccines have been promoted to be as safe as the traditional properly tested vaccines and they are not. All vaccines will be grouped together and the masses will lose faith in all of them.
Tend to agree David. Greg Hunt has mentioned that that they are thinking about ” combining ” future flu shots with a covid shot. If that doesn’t increase hesitancy for having a Flu shot, I’ll be very surprised.
My latest:
“The irony here is that when Prime Minister Johnson was campaigning for Brexit (which is why he ultimately got elected) he promised to eliminate the VAT altogether. Now he is resisting the idea, even just for energy, because the VAT brings in a pot full of money.’
Ah… why would anyone be surprised! It will go the same way the myriad of Australian State taxes were going to go when GST was introduced… Not eliminated as promised, but upwards!
Pushing back some limits here… I just found an old SD card last used in 2004. It was used in my digital camera. It had not been used or plugged in to “refresh” the memory in 18 years but all data was still intact. It was originally thought that SD card memory would fade after about ten years.
Who suggested the 18 yr life expectancy ?
I have heard several “Tech” experts say that solid state memort ( SD, USB sticks, SS memory banks, etc), are the most durable and long lasting form of storage.
Much better than DVD, CD, Hard drives, etc.
Some say even less, five years.
I never figured out why folks were encouraged to scan their photos and put the data onto CDs and DVDs. Slides I can though – my slides from the 60s have mostly lost their colour.
Its up to you where you put your data. All the pics we care about were digitised (before that was the norm) as well as our copy we have copies in 2 other towns as we live in a bushfire area.
forgot to say , just basic external HDDs and refreshed every 6-12 months.
also includes all the data we want to protect
That’s not bad for a capacitor, even one with very low leakage!
Will still not beat paper as a long-term storage medium though.
Agreed, I always tell people, if you want to keep something, print it on paper.
Eventually electronic media will become corrupt or obsolete or files won’t be transferred to new computers. Plus you cannot “see” what’s on the disk.
Also many file formats and physical media become obsolete. Microsoft Word cannot even read original files of the first versions of the same program.
The “life” of media such as SD cards, USB, solid state drives, etc, is usually based on a finite number of data reads and writes.
So if you didn’t use the SD card that much and have kept it out of harms way, it’s not surprising the data is intact.
For the record (pun intended), I like to store important data on more than one type of media, geographically separated.
Vale Australia
I remember Australia,
Land of the once were free;
Now a land of failure
And shrinking liberty.
Safety ahead of freedom,
Fear ahead of trust,
The selfish state of me-dom
Says let the nation go bust,
So long as I’m protected
You can keep the borders closed –
Folks happily unaffected
As the nation decomposed.
Once we all stuck together,
And fought each foe as one,
Now apart in fear we blether
As Australia falls undone.
That’s wonderful, and tragic.
May I have permission to post that elsewhere with attribution to you?
Thanks, David.
Yes, by all means copy it and post it wherever you like – with or without attribution.
Whenever I post such things, I consider them cast to the winds, and thus beyond my control.
Beautiful verse, Mark.
shutting down a entire country over one individual testing positive to a virus that has a survivability of 99% ,imprisoning it’s citizens then using extortion to carpet bomb its population to inject an unsafe substance saying it will keep you safe and give back freedom, then illness explodes over the country.
Imagine if that happened.
It’s safe to imagine things.
I’m just glad it hasn’t happened yet.
Have just had the unnerving experience of looking at another photograph of Danandrews.
Goodness gracious me, how could anyone vote for that.
The previous point was, of course, sarchasm.
silly people
ah yes , the unwashed, not of Elysium
If it wasn’t for truckers you would be naked , hungry , cold and sober .
Friend of mine does a run to Canberra everyday for a major supermarket chain .
there are basically no truckers in the truckers convoy. I have friends and relatives who drive stuff around for a living.
More mal-information.
Plenty of truckers.. just lots of real Australians as well. !
Interview with one of the Canadian organizers. He is very impressive. They can stay in Ottawa indefinately.
I like trucking and I like to truck…………………………
Why are we taxpayers paying the damages bill for vaxxine injuries? Insanely wealthy vaxxine makers such as Pfizer have profited enormously from the pandenic. They should be forking out, not us.
..because it costs the people signing the contract with Pfizer absolutely nothing. They have NO incentive to look after you or your money, they are politicians, just parasites upon the rest of us.
You will be surprised at how many people think they have done a great job, doing all they can to get us the latest feel-good medicines that they could. They just HAD to be seen doing something, and giving away nearly a trillion dollars in your name was doing something. It cost them nothing and made them popular, a win-win for them.
Its so interesting that the Minister announced this around mid December 2021, but backdated the liability to February 2020.
The Government, in most if not all countries, exempted the vaccine manufacturers from liability.
The manufacturers have nothing to lose. And neither do politicians with the reckless misuse of your tax dollars to pay for vaccine injuries which should be paid for be vaccine maker.
Now everyone knows what
‘Safe and Effective’ means – $$$$$$
Signed: Ben Dover.
Or on the other hand any liabilities could be funded from the personal salaries and benefits of the politicians, public servants, consultants, doctors and associated droids who allowed the injections to proceed. That’d slow them down a bit!
Hey, I can dream of accountability for the untouchables.
Watch the UK I said..
The avian flu continues unabated and still spreading.
But now another mystery for the UK.
‘Mystery dog illness’ spreading ‘like wildfire’ across the UK as dogs suffer with vomiting and diarrhoea.
And ASF is still spreading like crazy across Asia like the avian flu.
My spidey senses are working overtime!
Covid-Infected HIV Patient Developed 21 Mutations, Study Shows
The study adds to evidence that Covid-19 may mutate rapidly when harbored by immuno-suppressed individuals, such as those not taking medication to treat HIV.
This is all dropping into place.
As I’ve said repeatedly, Covid is nothing compared to what follows.
Everyone connecting the dots yet?😊
“Japanese company press release – ‘efficacy and safety of Ivermectin confirmed in clinical trial’ ”
The Truth is slowly getting out there –
Some more on that now
Dutch MP Gideon Meijeren exposes coercion tactics to vaxx children without parental consent
Dutch MP, Gideon Meijeren, Exposes Unlawful, & Immoral Tactics To Vaccinate Children Without Parental Consent, “If You’re Sick, tell Parents It Was Something You Ate”
When the day of reckoning comes, it would be justifiable if all complicit doctors, nurses, admin & pollies are stripped of formal qualifications and never allowed to impact innocent lives again.
But by then it’ll be too late 😩
Today’s question – Did Western Australia follow the example of Canada – or was it the other way around?
It’s just one dysfunctional failed state copying another. It doesn’t matter much who did it first. It would be of interest to future historians however, if real history is ever studied in future and not manufactured to suit particular agendas.
For Western Australia to do anything surely must mean that our premier McClown had a plan. And at no time could you ever say that he has any plan to do anything.
McGowan had a plan to shut the borders. Conservatives greatest mistake was to ignore that.
The border plan worked and was incredibly popular here in WA. McGowan was reelected with wildly historically big numbers. If only the Lib-Nats had taken the side of Western Australian voters on the simple issue of state sovereign borders instead of adopting the position of The PM-for-Sydney, and the wishes of Qantas — they wouldn’t have been utterly crushed.
So McGowan was doing well (representing the people’s wishes). However, our hospitals have both a funding issue and also the issue of dealing with vaccine side effects which no one is officially allowed to mention. And so now he’s terrified of looking bad if hospitals fail, so he’s over-reacting, panicked, being a petty dictator and has brought in draconian absurd rules.
The borders issue is so obvious and was so democratically popular that sadly the Libs-Nats didn’t even hold any power in the upper house, and Clive Palmers name is also utter mud here mostly because he sued the state and threatened to infect us across the border. Not surprisingly people here know he doesn’t give a toss about WA. He burned that bridge.
One Nation has some popularity here but aren’t a big force here either.
The key mistake of ignoring the voters and state rights, gave McGowan far too much power. he has no brakes on his actions at all, and he’s even changed the entire upper house voting system to suit Labor. Conservatives will pay for years.
Since Western Australians have virtually no experience of Covid, and the media has been full of scare stories people have little idea of how to assess the risk of what’s coming. The govt has not calmed fears at all, people figure if jabs are mandatory, “it must be bad”.
WA is partly following both QLD and Victoria. McGowans closest ally was Anna Palaszczuk whom he has personally known for years, but his super fear of hospital failure means he’s more a Dan Andrews on rules for the horrid unvaxxed. I just hope it is short. We are still one of the last places on Earth to remain Covid free. (A situation that only ended for sure in the last couple of weeks).
Yeah but nah but yeah but nah but …
It’s one thing to seal a border in the middle of nowhere like the WA/SA border and another to seal the NSW/QLD border between Coolangatta and Tweed heads where people cross daily in the course of their business. One needs something akin the Berlin wall. The other doesn’t even need a fence.
And of course Australia being an island nation had the chance to seal its border too but governments being governments they wanted all the hairy chested hero stuff but didn’t really want to seal the international border at all.
Now WA has been caught in the same half pregnant position that Qld was caught in. They wanted to be able to beat their hairy chests and have closed borders but they didn’t really want closed borders. They wanted freight to cross the borders. They wanted public servants to cross the borders. They wanted commercial aircraft and crews to cross the borders.
And in the process they erected a protection system which leaked like a sieve when the dominant virus changed to Omicron. A bit like constructing a rabbit proof fence to keep the kangaroos out.
So whoopee that WA and Qld missed Delta. Boo sucks that unless antivirals are unleased they are going to cop Omicron. And because the only tool in the toolbox is the injection hammer they are about to unleash hell.
Politics. Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.
The whole point of lockdowns was to reduce pressure on hospitals, it was understood that everyone would get CV19.
When WA does open up they will get the MacGowan version of the virus.
All the best WA.
“so whoopee that WA and Qld missed Delta”
Your concern and care for WA lives is noted. :- ) So far we’ve had one death in the community in the entire pandemic. Or maybe it was zero.
Delta was ten times worse than Omicron. We missed the deaths, the lockdowns, the closed schools and mostly the horrid rules (til now). The economy is booming. Unemployment is 3.5%, and West Australians got to party for two years. We’re sorry you couldn’t party with us.
The conservatives who think that WA-avoiding-lockdowns is “nothing” are part of the reason Morrison may well lose the national election just from loses in WA alone.
Eastern States conservatives who think WA should suffer the same bad management they did clearly don’t care about what WA voters want. And they wonder why The West keeps talking about seceding?
Can’t you just pretend to care for politeness sake?
As for borders, nearly every government let in every new variant because they were too stupid to proactively increase border restrictions before the new more spreadable variant leaked in. WA is no different but the whole cost benefit has shifted dramatically. It would be far more expensive to keep out Omicron, for far less benefit (if any).
I find it bizarre that I end up defending McGowans early actions when he’s being a tyrant now, and there is plenty to criticise him for.
We now have an appalling Digital Health ID pass, and the UNvaxxed are banned from many places — we really would love some outrage and help from other states, but please can people focus on the Crap That IS, and not the crap-that-never-was?
“nearly every government let in every new variant because . . . .” ???
Hmmmm. Now lemme see .. . . . why would that be . . ?
What is the argument that those who (maybe) succumbed to Delta , would not have succumbed to Omicron?
A disease that is ten times as severe will kill more people. In the end, where Omicron kills one, Delta may kill 10 which means an extra 9 people who might have survived to live another two, ten or twenty years. They get to meet grandchildren they might not have, and go to weddings they might have missed.
There are also the injured survivors who’s lives may not quite be the same after a serious stint in ICU compared to just acute care in hospital.
For two years you have pushed your fear porn on the population, non stop and in lockstep with the WHO, CHO’s almost like you were being paid by the COVID response corporation.
Two years of the worst pandemic in the history of the planet and only recently you know someone who knows someone, lets call that someone “granny” and as we know grannies live forever. I know of nobody world wide who has even caught the runny nose virus, in two years of a pandemic!
I am in QLD, 33% (1 in 3) of the population supposedly got the Kong flu and I know of nobody.
The prime tosser Morrison declared on Jan the 4th (I think it was) 50% of the numbers presented to the public are BS, they told us this, they admitted they were lying and continuing to lie. This should of been shouted from the roof tops, but nothing is said on any MSM or this blog.
A Pandemic that has less people dying than any other year and zero flu. A pandemic so lethal it is listed as 38, trips and falls are the real pandemic.
You created the monster McGowan, you pushed the studies funded by the elite, get the results you pay for, and the corrupt government statistics, you voted for him. You are reaping what you’ve sown.
The comment above, hypotheticals, might, may, possibly, could. Two years of hypotheticals, you pride yourself on science based analysis, what were the comorbidities of all the grannies who died in end of life care, you know, the detail. Why stop at those sob events, what about the great grand children, the last boat cruise, the funeral of Lizzy, Charles inauguration as King, don’t hold back on the hypotheticals, they are unlimited!
As you know, your man passed a bill in 2016 authorising forced medical procedures including vaccination on any and all the population of WA, and yet you still voted for him. Forced to the extent of restraint and removal of underwear, by any authorised officer or his delegate! You voted for this.
Don’t concentrate on the past, its the past actions of the fear porn industry that have got us here, have no doubt.
You know the military are conducting “terrorist training” exercises down the east coast and WA, in the cities, suburbs and streets, its scheduled for 10 months. Yep a 10 month exercise in terror across half of Australia, unprecedented, in a country that has never had a terrorist attack. Don’t be alarmed if you hear explosions or gun fire in your street, its training!
Coincidence the centres for national resilience are all available at the same time I guess.
MP… was there a point to this rant? It is really hard to follow.
I did pick up on your use of “fear porn” which is exactly the words I’d use to describe all of your theories about “forced medical procedures”, red roads, “terrorist training” etc. You show yourself to be a shallow, overly sensitive, j.erk
They never happened
The wiki list of truth, did you even read it?
The Hilton, The Hilton case has been highly controversial due to allegations that Australian security forces, such as the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), may have been responsible. This led to the New South Wales parliament unanimously calling for the Commonwealth to hold an inquiry in 1991 and 1995.[2][3] The federal government refused to hold an inquiry.
The Chockie shop, A felon up on a murder charge, claims he was ISIS yet he displayed a flag that was not ISIS. Suicide by cop. He killed one, the rescuers killed two and injured 2.
Broke into a house at night and stabbed two elderly people, terrorist, I call it a normal night in most cities in Australia. Except his last name wasn’t Smith.
Your list is as solid as you!
KK, you talk rubbish. It was NEVER understood that “everyone” would get the rona. Our Premiers were unanimous that they could achieve zero covid. Our wonnerful pollies knew how to protect us. I know, they told me.
Australia wide, has an extra ICU been built in the last two years? I’s not as if there wasn’t the odd hundred bill sloshing around in “emergency funds”.
Sorry, I heard that on the radio, ABCCC of course.
Unfortunately there was some static where I was driving and the first bit of the 52 weeks to smoothe the curve came out as just the last bit: two weeks to flatten the curve.
The odd hundred Bill had to be redirected to jobbykeeper type support responses so that’s no available any more.
As Scomo says, the economy is going great guns.
He did a wildly historically bad opposition leader, so there is that. But in that window of time he was probably always going to get back in.
The reference was to the harsh measures imposed on the unvaccinated by both the Western Australian government and the Canadian government
Mark McGowan has close ties with China …. I’m sure he is following their lead.
WA exported $96 billion worth of goods to China in 2019. As far as I can tell, McGowan panders to China purely for that reason. Our economy is very dependent on China.
The Iron Ore trade comes mostly from WA and is Australia’s single largest export right? It’s also the only market China hasn’t tried to ban.
We are fools if we do not diversify that income and export base.
Our coal miners are learning that, but RIO is bringing a new mine on line, No 1 son is wiring it up now.
For the period of his contract he cannot get back East even though FIFO normally fly you back each rotation.
I really wish they were goods, in the sense of adding value, but we seem OK to be a quarry. Not healthy long term but there you go.
Don’t fret. We are reliable miners close to the markets and Aussies are hard workers.
One day another Joh Bejelke Petersen may bubble to the surface, but that is NOT Palmer. He CLOSED Yabulu Nickel.
It was inevitable.
A Hitler/Trudeau parody ! 😅😅
Der Untergang (Downfall) parodies are always great – I saw Der Untergang in Berlin late 2004
Oh dear, that looks – and sounds – like Jacinda more and more each day… plus she’s hiding in her bunker like Justine La Coward.
John you could just insert name of politician here almost .
Oh, that’s a good one. No swear words either!
She doesn’t want to see Canada be like China
True indeed and the same for every country.
Everyone under 30: who’s Neil Young?
Everyone between 31 & 60: I didn’t think Neil Young was still alive.
Everyone over 61: what’s Spotify?
Not quite. I am well over 60 ( when was that? too long ago) but know about Spotify and have the app. I’d never heard of Neil Young. Who?
Annie, perhaps you’d be more familiar with,
Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young ?
I am nearer 70, i know and respect NYs Music, seen him live, and have playlists on Spotify with him included. As well as CDs and DVDs ( Old Grey Whistle test . ‘74 ?)
One of the top guitar players and songwriters. He has an incredible catalogue of music, and anyone not aware of it is missing out bigtime !
CSNY. ?…..How about Buffalo Springfield ?
Unfortunately no body is perfect and NY has his flaws in politics and Green leanings !
Kalm Keith. Have always loved Bing, and was most impressed when Russell Crowe played Nash in that Arithmetick Flick, but was previously unaware they ever got together with Young and that other bloke.
Was it something like Carols By Candlelight, maybe?
BTW: Read this about Young….”During the launch of the Apollo 16 mission, Charles Duke (pictured above on the right) had a heartbeat of 144. It’s an absolutely natural response to the sensation of 7.5 million pounds of thrust lifting 95 tons into orbit. Young was commander of the mission. His heart rate was 70. When asked about this he simply replied in an even voice:
“Yeah, well mine was too old to go any faster.”
Should cut him a little slack on this, shouldn’t we?
Do you know what planet you’re on?
could be a day to day proposition
Crosby yes, but who are the others? I was never much of a pop fan.
N Young is a Country muso at heart, that was his origins in the ‘60s.
S Stills, was similar, and they got together in Buffalo Springfield (“For what its Worth” ?) ..before forming CSNY with G Nash and D Crosby. ( “Teach your Children Well”)
Honestly Annie, if you have not heard these bands, just search them on Spotify or Ytube, to add another musical dimension to your listening .
For what its Worth..
Teach your children ..
David Crosby – The Byrds
Stephen Stills – Buffalo Springfield
Graham Nash – The Hollies
Neil Young – Buffalo Springfield
All from the Sixties, so, most probably, not many people under 70 would remember their origins.
The Byrds
Has Neil Youngs mate in it.
It is possible to know stuff without having lived through it
People under 30 play old music at their parties, seen it multiple times
I’m well past 60 and use Spotify
I think your stereotypes are broken
Its like people saying old people dont know how to use computers. I wonder where they imagine they came from? just fell from the sky in the 1990s?
In the ’70s I did a course on Casio calculators. At the end I could explain what each gate in each small scale IC did. Technology moved on so quickly that by the time I flew home no one cared. I am now totally dependent on my boys for tech help on the puter.
And have no interest in spotify. I danced my arse off to rock ‘n roll in the 50s, 60’s but REAL life took over. Today music is on the car radio and the community FM radio at breakfast.
Agree Yarpos. That’s twice in one year.
‘I can buy groceries at Aldi, but must be vaccinated to take a bottle of wine through the same register….science!’
The sign being criticized on social media reads, “In accordance with the Western Australia Government as of Monday, 31st January 2022 you will be required to provide proof of vaccination to purchase alcohol from this store.”
How about “I identify as a vaxxed person”
That should work and if you object, you’re a racist. 😅
I am not sure if the WA government is really that stupid, or they are slightly less stupid and are doing this to punish the unvaxxed untermenschen.
Similarly the “progressive” socialist state of Vicdanistan which believes in superior rights for women and also supposed “minorities” has a misogynistic policy which punishes unvaxxed women in particular by prohibiting visits to beauty salons and hair dressers (very important services for women, less so for men).
Flamin’ hell. Ya need a vaccination before risking Aldi’s wine?
Actually, some of it is pretty good for the price…
We don’t have an Aldi’s so I’m stuck with Dan Murphy’s. Fortunately what you say is true.
John, I’m surprised Aldi has any grog left. On Sunday I witnessed trolley load after trolley load pass through an Aldi checkout all heavily ladened with bottles of all descriptions. Many drinkers have stocks to last them months.
For many Australians its a staple.
While others are busy with loo paper I’m emptying the fridge of my favourite liquid amber .
seems like they forgot the dispensation they gave Aldi to have alcohol in a supermarket
If the WA gubmint wanted to encourage a black market, that’s a pretty good way to go about it.
Just say that you are a robot/android helping out with these supply chain issues and don’t need to be jabbed. Anyone got an oil can I can use?……………………..
Why aren’t micronutrient deficiencies such as Vitamin D or zinc ever measured in covid patients, especially those who have genuinely died due to the virus rather than with it?
Is it because it might blow apart the compulsory vaccine narrative, that the vaccine is the only way to supposedly prevent covid?
By all means, people can get vaccinated if they so desire, but no medical procedure should ever be compulsory.
It is well known that Vit D, zinc and a rarer Vit A deficiency make people more susceptible to covid and have a worse outcome if they get it. Making sure everyone’s micronutrient levels were satisfactory would likely be at least as effective as the vaccines on offer and certainly far safer.
And then of course there are the cheap, safe antivirals such as HCQ and IVM.
When in the course of medical history, except for the covid crisis, has there been so few options for treatment permitted? It used to be that “everything was tried”. With covid, there is only one permitted form of supposed prophylaxis, the vaccine. The anti-viral HCQ which can be used according to established protocols, can be used for prophylaxis or EARLY treatment was banned in Australia even before vaccines were on the market. Also, IVM, also banned in Australia.
It’s tragic that no mainstream media, the medical profession, academia or politicians are asking these questions. To ask the questions risks getting unpersonned, defunded or sacked (fired).
How many people have any idea what role vitamin D plays and their level There were very early studies of covid deaths that showed the correlation between low Vitamin D and bad outcomes.
The broad population in Australia and most places are not that smart. I stood in a queue in a chemist today and observed a woman pull down her face mask to wipe her nose with the sleeve of her shirt. There was no thought involved, it was automatic. Point is, public messages need to be simple and even then, only a proportion will understand what was intended.
Most people in Australia cannot balance their food intake to their physical output. About 2/3rds of the population are overweight or obese. What proportion of people are capable of getting vitamin D level measured and then taking action to correct deficiency even if their life depended on it. Assessing vitamin D levels is no longer an automatic part of regular pathology. It was determined that most Australians are deficient so should be taking supplements. How many people know that?
I am still expecting covid to be done by the end of March this year – just two months to go. That relies on cases falling almost as fast as they rose. Vaccine mandates will be condemned to history. The vaccines have done their job particularly well in Australia with hospital burden being well managed.
You were doing well until your last sentence!
In three years we will find out the meaning of “safe and effective” if the earlier forecast was accurate.
Vitamin D supplements really do reduce risk of autoimmune disease
It has long been suspected that vitamin D could help reduce the risk of developing an autoimmune disease, and now we have evidence this is the case – at least for people over 50
Read more:
Imagine the improvement if they had been given 5,000 iu/d.
the use a bigger hammer school of medicine?
No, it’s the use of the “appropriate dose” school of medicine.
The outbreak of Type2diabetes, a health burden on many Australians, could be stemmed considerably by good levels of VitaminD and the Endocrinologists know it too. But what do we hear about ? We hear about things NOT TO DO not things TO DO. Same with alcohol …stop drinking, not practice being kind. Cut back this, cut back that. It’s harder in our culture to stop doing something than to start doing something. Health education is very poor.
Preventative medicine is poorly done in Australia. Health maintenance has a lot going for it.
This is a really critical point David. First there is the fact that 100’s of thousands of lives have been lost by the banning of alternatives to vaccines. But then also is the fact that the whole mandatory vaccine mantra would fall in hole if it were admitted that viable alternatives existed. It is the Achilles heal of mandatory vaccination and one that I think hasnt been pushed hard enough by those opposed to mandates. Although most of the damage has now been done, it is still extremely important that the efficacy of ivm, hcq, vit D etc are recognized so that the lesson is learned for the future.
Mayor issues decree to shoot German vaccine critics
No it’s not The Babylon Bee.
You all know Germany – it’s that country without history books, libraries and any recollection of the past 😅
The large town of Ostfildern in the district of Esslingen near Stuttgart in Germany issued a “general decree” on January 26, 2022, according to which peaceful walkers can now also be shot if they take part in protests against the leftwing government’s Corona measures.
I’ve heard a rumour that Justin Trudeau is hiding away in black face?
The ‘Internet apocalypse’ that nobody cares about
A historic event of unprecedented magnitude that will keep the specialists busy for many months to come: This information has not exited the mainstream media nor the public at large.
“Log4j” is not known to anyone outside of developer circles. And many who use this piece of computer code are not even aware of its vulnerability. For PCs, smartphones, game consoles and internet-enabled objects in general, it is one of the most used programs in the world with up to a billion downloads per year. Because of its severity, the Log4j vulnerability has been given its own name. It’s called “Log4Shell”.
Giants like NASA, Twitter, Oracle and Apple are known to use programs in which the Log4j vulnerability is present. For example, iCloud, Apple’s online storage service, could have been hacked via this vulnerability. In theory, the small helicopter that NASA sent to Mars is also vulnerable, as some of the programs used to communicate with it from Earth are based on Log4j. Small and medium-sized businesses, government agencies and even individuals with private servers at home are also affected, and it will take some time before the extent of the gap is known.
Security experts such as Jen Easterly, the head of the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), were calling the vulnerability things like “one of the most serious I’ve seen in my entire career, if not the most serious.”
I’m more concerned about a solar or geomagnetic super storm as it would produce far a greater disruption to our lives. If the Carrington Event happened again today it would have a significantly delirious impact on our way of life. An extreme event would kill off nearly all life on earth.
It can happen anytime.
‘Predicting solar storms is difficult. It is currently believed that they are more likely during an active phase of the sun, or solar maximum, during the so-called sunspot cycle. However, the new study published in Nature Communications shows that this may not always be the case for very large storms.
“We have studied drill cores from Greenland and Antarctica, and discovered traces of a massive solar storm that hit Earth during one of the sun’s passive phases about 9,200 years ago,” says Raimund Muscheler, geology researcher at Lund University.’
I doubt nobody cares, more realistically only a small subset of humanity understand what the issue is and an even smaller subset are able to offer a solution.
Appears Joe Rogan repsonding to Spotify ?
Stunner!!! New Video of Election Drop Boxes
Isolated island in Pacific Ocean experiences first COVID-19 cases of the pandemic after arrival of fully vaccinated, triple-tested missionaries who were in quarantine
Praise the Lawd… oh wait –
Missionaries from the Church of the Latter Day Saints of Julius Caesar return home to Kiribas from Fiji…
Fully whacked too. Sweet baby Emmanuel. Catch-22.
Farage wants a referendum on net zero emissions
Breaking Points have a top show today – Trucker convoy and Joe Rogan. I go aaaggh! at Krystal’s stance on climate, sometimes on covid, but these guys are a quick fix of way more depth, than I can find anywhere else off the blogosphere.
from Glenn Greenwald on Substack:
Jan 30
“The Pressure Campaign on Spotify to Remove Joe Rogan Reveals the Religion of Liberals: Censorship
All factions, at certain points, succumb to the impulse to censor. But for the Democratic Party’s liberal adherents, silencing their adversaries has become their primary project.”
The one bright spot in all this — and it is a significant one — is that liberals have become such extremists in their quest to silence all adversaries that they are generating their own backlash, based in disgust for their tyrannical fanaticism. In response to the Post attack, Substack issued a gloriously defiant statement re-affirming its commitment to guaranteeing free discourse. They also repudiated the hubristic belief that they are competent to act as arbiters of Truth and Falsity, Good and Bad. “Society has a trust problem. More censorship will only make it worse,” read the headline on the post from Substack’s founders. The body of their post reads like a free speech manifesto:
That’s why, as we face growing pressure to censor content published on Substack that to some seems dubious or objectionable, our answer remains the same: we make decisions based on principles not PR, we will defend free expression, and we will stick to our hands-off approach to content moderation. While we have content guidelines that allow us to protect the platform at the extremes, we will always view censorship as a last resort, because we believe open discourse is better for writers and better for society.
comments from readers:
” I’m grateful to you, Glenn. I would never recognize my own party now. I was a faithful Democrat in 2016 and I can’t believe what has become of it. I can’t believe we’re living through this. What in the hell could they possibly be thinking? They’re going to pressure Spotify to “cancel” Joe Rogan? They’re completely insane.”
“I hope that Spotify realizes that their client base is not just those with left leaning ideology. The War of Cancel Culture is real and truly terrifying. Greenwald is so right. If Rogan is forced off by the bully elitist then I hope the people who stand for freedom and can agree to disagree will leave Spotify in droves”
“Neil Young removing himself from Spotify is the most publicity he has received in 60 years.”
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified; every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process continues day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except the endless present in which the party is always right.”
Australia’s death rate is supposed to be lower than previous years? Not many people have died from covid19, influenza is non existent, so how have the big killers been somewhat nullified? Cancer, heart conditions, diabetes. We constantly are told normal medical interventions have been interrupted, so are we saying the normal medical interventions were causing more people to die? Next year’s death rate will be interesting?
Cancers, other operation delayed until emergencies , vaccine effects coming home to roost. The next few years will be worth watching.
Scientists Finally Discovered the Truth About Antikythera Mechanism
How did the ancient Greeks predict the month, day, and hour of an eclipse, even accounting for leap years? Could a device have told them the 462-year cycle of Venus and 442-year cycle of Saturn? And if so, who made it?
I watched this the other day and it’s fascinating stuff.
It’s a fascinating mechanism and some of its secrets have only just been discovered due to high resolution X ray imaging. E.g. some of the writing has been revealed.
There is an Australian YouTuber who has reconstructed parts of the mechanism and has made tools such as the Ancient Greeks had to make it.
I am at a loss to understand why some people think it’s so funny.
The Ancients building it, then modern people understanding and reconstructing it is a monumental achievement.
We all know why “some people” think it’s funny 😊
Well I’m stunned. The local TV news ran a story this evening about the Red Handed book exposure of Joe Biden receiving 31 million from Communist China.
Containment is not an option. Steve Kirsch
The story of Kiribati is the poster-child for why popular containment policies like lockdowns, social distancing, masks, vaccines, and testing are futile.
Kiribati is still above water? must have been all the climate aid.
A friend in Fiji – a Fijian, musician, family man, kind of Bob Marley-esque Rastafarian – airs regular rants on farcebook against Dr Fong (Fiji’s Minister of [un]Health) and his pro-jab policy: people are going down with all sorts of unheard-of maladies since the so-called ‘safe and effective’ whacks commenced last year.
Yet Commander ‘n’ Coup, Frank Bainimarama, recently flew to (Brisbane?) Australia for health reasons???
Globe and Mail: ‘Activists and academics’ say calling the Ottawa protest ‘peaceful’ undermines the ‘non-violent danger’ it posed
It’s official: going by the metrics of property damage, injuries, and arrests, the Freedom Convoy that made its way to Ottawa, Ontario last weekend was “mostly peaceful.” The Globe and Mail says many activists and academics are concerned by that description, saying it undermines the fear and the non-violent danger it brought to the city.
Oh, activists and academics? We must hear more!
Police haven’t reported any physical violence at the ongoing Ottawa rally against vaccine mandates and other government-imposed COVID-19 restrictions, but critics warn that conflating the absence of bloodshed with “peaceful” protest downplays the dangers of the weekend demonstrations.
The Canadian truckers’ protest has turned into a huge event that has gripped not just the political class, but millions of people across that country. As usual, the politicians who claim most vociferously to represent the people–like Justin Trudeau–are horrified when the people actually speak up.
I suppose it was inevitable that leftist politicians would denounce the truckers’ protest as racist, although what race has to do with the issues the truckers (and now millions of supporters) are protesting, I can’t explain.
This is what Trudeau had to say:
Over the past few days, Canadians were shocked and, frankly, disgusted by the behavior displayed by some people protesting in our nation’s capital. I want to be very clear: we are not intimidated by those who hurl insults and abuse at small business workers and steal food from the homeless. We won’t give in to those who fly racist flags. We won’t cave to those who engage in vandalism or dishonor the memory of our veterans.
This is sheer nonsense, a catalog of lying left-wing talking points. One guy showed up with a Confederate flag and was told to go away. No one vandalized statues, contrary to liberals’ claims. Some protesters decorated the statue of Terry Fox, a Canadian athlete and cancer research activist, and then removed the decorations:
No one “dishonor[ed] the memory of our veterans.” A couple of truckers parked their vehicles at a war memorial, and moved them when they were told to do so. Photo at the link.
Liberals have also asserted that the truckers are “white supremacists”–these days, who isn’t?–apparently because of this video clip, in which a group of protesters mocks the idea that they are somehow–God knows why–white supremacists:
What didn’t happen, of course, is that not a single building was burned down, unlike the George Floyd protests and Antifa riots generally. No police officer or civilian was assaulted. Thousands of Canadian flags were waved, and not one was burned.
I’m shocked… trudeau shocked!
“not a single building was burned down.”
Must-see video: A woman from a communist country explains liberty to a Canadian reporter
This gets us to the three-minute-long video I mentioned. A reporter in Ottawa talks to a woman named Gina, who explains that she came to Canada 25 years ago. By her accent, it’s apparent that she grew up in Eastern Europe, and by her age, it’s clear that she grew up when Eastern Europe was under Soviet control. She understands totalitarianism firsthand.
Gina gently chides the reporter, telling him to report honestly about the thousands of people who gathered to greet the convoy as it entered Ottawa. She then points out that these are people who want life without a mask and points out that the reporter is without a mask.
The reporter smugly informs Gina that he’s showing his face because he’s outdoors. Were he indoors, he believes in “following the law.” Gina reminds him that the law is based on false science and accuses him of knowing that the official narrative is a lie.
What was most interesting to me was Gina’s effort to school the reporter about liberty.
Trudeau trolls truckers
Having already established his cowardice by fleeing Ottawa before the arrival of the truck convoy, Justin Trudeau now proves the wisdom of the ancient observation that bullies are often cowards. Rather than address the demand that vaccination mandates for truckers who cross the U.S. border back into Canada be suspended, Trudeau is flipping the bird and escalating, as Hank Berrien reports in the Daily Wire:
On Sunday morning, the day after the massive Freedom Convoy arrived in Ottawa, Canada, to protest vaccine mandates that would force unvaccinated Canadian truckers crossing into the United States to quarantine once they’ve returned home, the CBC reported that the Transport Minister for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government stated that there was “working being done” to implement interprovincial vaccine mandates for truckers.
But it also hints at something else that is relevant to the situation: class antagonism. Specifically, it’s the contempt felt by educated elites — the people now known as laptop class for their ability to function even in a lockdown — for the classes below them in the social order. These are the people who work with their hands, who did not make the acquisition of educational credentials the focus of their first decades of life, and the people who do not share the woke values and prejudices indoctrinated into those who hold higher education diplomas granted in the last few decades.
If those proles who spend their work lives driving trucks are going to challenge Trudeau, he’ll show them who’s got power and who doesn’t.
Canadian Prime Minister Accuses Protesting Truck Drivers of Stealing Food from Homeless People While Flying Racist Flags
January 31, 2022 | Sundance | 672 Comments
In a remarkable effort to Alinksy the voices of those who oppose the Canadian government COVID restrictions and mandates, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau claims the truck drivers in Ottawa are stealing food from the homeless while flying racist flags.
This entire tweet thread statement by the Canadian Prime Minister is just bizarre in the extreme.
Perhaps, due to the ideological nature of the echo chamber around him, this may be the first time Trudeau has witnessed a gathering of people who do not agree with his worldview. Obviously, he doesn’t know how to handle what is in front of him.
Something is very unstable, creepy to a level of visible discomfort, in the way Prime Minister Trudeau is attempting to message to his national audience.
Put another way, this guy is losing his s**t, in public. This level of public breakdown should be the number one story on the world stage.
Have a read here
“It’s Probably Nothing, You Fringe Haters With Unacceptable Opinions”
“But, an interesting Twitter thread questions if the shelter has any ties to the Trudeau Foundation?”
Read on about fringes and benefits
As Chiefio points out the truckers organised have “Marie-Antoinette Trudeau” by the short and curlies. And, by that media interview, they may well know it.
Link for that
And bumped
From Noel Barber’s “War of the Running Dogs” on the Malaysian Emergency
“The answer in not in pouring more troops into the jungle, but in the hearts and minds of the people”.
General Templer, Malaya, 1952″
And it doesn’t look like he’s got a snowflakes chance of that (IMO of course)
Covid-19 Deaths are rising sharply in Australia and official data shows the Fully Vaccinated account for 4 in every 5 of them
Australia is currently experiencing a sharp rise in Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths, but according to official New South Wales Government data, it isn’t the unvaccinated population who are to blame.
Instead Australia is very much experiencing a pandemic of the vaccinated, with 9 in every 10 cases, and hospitaliations, and 8 in every 10 deaths between 26th Nov 21 and 8th Jan 22 recorded as being among the triple/double vaccinated population.
Shakes head…silly humans believing politicians and rubbish celebrities…
At # Kerry Chant is cited with some useful numbers on deaths.
One does wonder about “vaccine enhanced disease” in a number of countries. Omicron was a nothing in largely unvaxed South Africa. Is it more serious in the vaxed?
Medicine: The Latest Log on the Left’s Bonfire of Meritocracy
“Nurse, is the surgeon who will be operating on me considered good at his job?”
“He is the most progressive doctor I’ve ever known.”
“But does he save lives?”
“The government has given him many prestigious awards.”
“I’m going to die, aren’t I?”
“It depends. What’s your party affiliation?”
How far away are we from overhearing conversations like this in hospitals across America? What once would have called to mind some scene taking place behind the Soviet Union’s Iron Curtain now sounds eerily descriptive of America’s future. The professional practice of medicine in the United States has always been held in great esteem because it was seen as a calling that required hard work, discipline, objectivity, and dedication to truth. After two years of watching doctors all around the country mindlessly follow Commissar Fauci down his rabbit hole of politicized science, though, a lot of Americans will never see medicine the same way.
Even worse, they will never entirely trust physicians again. Any profession that would seek to deny common therapeutic treatments for suffering patients, betray its bioethical obligation to fully advise patients on potential harms from experimental “vaccines” before demanding their consent, or refuse to respect the personal wishes and needs of patients has surely surrendered any pretense of a loyalty oath to, “First, do no harm.” Any profession that encourages censorship of dissenting expert opinion has surely sacrificed any reputation for objectivity, integrity, or dedication to truth.
I repeat:
“Any profession that encourages censorship of dissenting expert opinion has surely sacrificed any reputation for objectivity, integrity, or dedication to truth.”
Where a push to become world’s first 100% organic farming nation has led to catastrophe
The green agenda often backfires when governments embrace it either as a means of placating militant environmentalists or as a half-assed attempt to take a shortcut to some sort of utopian future where evil petrochemicals are no longer being used.
But the latter path also carries disaster in its wake, as Sri Lanka has discovered. Al Jazeera reports:
President Gotabaya Rajapaksa had imposed a total ban on agrochemicals in May [2021], saying he wanted to make Sri Lankan farming 100 percent organic.
That announcement was putting lipstick on a pig — a financial crisis.
Agricultural chemicals such as fertiliser were among the imports banned last year as authorities tried to save dwindling foreign currency reserves.
But it turns out that organic farming is not something that one can flip a switch to accomplish. It takes a lot of preparation and work to make it succeed, including knowledge and skill, which ordinary farmers, directed from above, may not have and may not be interested in acquiring.
So, as was predictable:
The government will pay 40,000 million rupees ($200m) to farmers whose harvests were affected by the chemical fertiliser ban, agriculture minister Mahindananda Aluthgamage said on Tuesday.
Students at Colorado State University who have been traumatized by free speech events held on campus now have 17 different counseling resources to help them cope.
The future of America, ladies and gentlemen…
“If you (or someone you know) are affected by a free speech event on campus, here are some resources,” reads a sign posted to Instagram by Turning Point USA Rockies.
The sad, pathetic, crybaby next generation, afraid of everything.
“I have a different opinion!”…and the whole class needs counselling.
No fate but what we make…and you’ve sure made it.
I’m sure they’ll be solving the world’s problems. NOT!
Way back in BC there were three major groupings there –
The cowboy fraternity
The hippy fraternity
The rest
A sign appeared in the “Men’s” in the main library which said
“Hippies are living proof that cowboys screw sheep”.
Hippies are living proof that cowboys screw sheep”.
Were they from NZ
Joe Biden, enemy of America
From the moment Joe Biden stepped into the Oval Office as president, it became clear that he had stolen the job in order to destroy America from within. He stopped the construction of the Keystone Pipeline on day one, costing thousands of good-paying jobs. He stopped the construction of the southern border wall, costing more jobs and leaving millions of dollars worth of equipment rotting in the desert.
Biden would not even let Texas use the construction materials themselves; any wall would impede the Biden plan to import over two million migrants from around the world, to be given funds and to spread them throughout the nation into unsuspecting cities.
The Democrats voted unanimously that these illegal invaders would not be required to be vaccinated or even tested for COVID. That should tell us everything we need to know about how seriously the left really takes this phony pandemic. The leftists know that it is phony because it’s worked for their advantage from the outset. They had to do something to derail President Trump.
So, with a stroke of Biden’s pen, the energy independence Trump had achieved was gone. Biden removed Trump’s sanctions on the Nord Stream pipeline, making Germany now dependent on Russia for gas and making Russia infinitely wealthier! What a colossally stupid thing to have done. Natural gas prices for Americans have doubled. Fuel gas prices have gone up by at least forty percent. Biden and his DOJ are canceling other pipelines and oil leases on federal land and offshore. This is allegedly in the name of the environment, but that is a lie. It is to bring the middle and working classes to their knees. This administration wants runaway inflation, the better to punish the deplorables, to make them more compliant.
Biden’s gross manipulation of COVID fear porn is beyond egregious.
Biden is so out of it that he seems to think he’s playing at war games rather than with actual people and nations. China, Russia, and Iran must be having grand laughs at our expense.
Thanks to this wholly incompetent and illegitimate president and his equally incompetent inner circle and Cabinet, America is a sitting duck, vulnerable to all manner of attack from enemies whom Biden has emboldened and who are licking their chops, at this moment, at the prospect of bringing America low.
‘Red-Handed’: 23 Former U.S. Senators and Congressmen Who Lobby for Chinese Military or Chinese Intelligence-Linked Companies
Peter Schweizer’s investigative exposé, “Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win,” reveals how 23 former U.S. senators and congressman have lobbied for Chinese military or intelligence-linked companies after leaving office.
Unprecedented precipitation in Broome, but no mention of climate change.
‘Broome Airport has recorded 326mm of rain since 9am Monday morning, with 48-hour totals reaching a 120-year high of 563mm. In just two days, Broome airport received more rain than during the whole of 2021.’ (Weatherzone)
Socialists Condemn Workers Of The World For Uniting World
January 31st, 2022 –
Why the Left HATES Rep. Lauren Boebert; CAUTION: Common Sense Ahead! | Huckabee
Being typically thorough, the Germans have tested 250 brands of RAT test against samples from variously ill people. The samples were divided up into those who showed positive with a PCR under 25 cycles, those positive with PCR from 26 to 30, an those over 30, a nice way of doing it. Then the RAT tests could be tried at each level of sensitivity.
Turns out some tests are complete rubbish, not worth the paper they’re written on, and others can be quite accurate.
Guangdong Longsee Biomedical scored 100% on total sensitivity, full marks on each of the three, as did Lifecosm Biotech.
Absology scored zero correct over all three concentrations, as did Beijing Savant, Essa Commerce & Hanzhou Fanttest Biotech.
All the rest were in between, obviously struggling to get the samples needing over 30 cycles correct.
Done at the Paul Ehrlich Institute-
Ice balls form on Lake Michigan.
There is no mystery, it’s understood how they form, it’s just interesting.
Glen Arbor is a wonderful little village in a most picturesque part of Michigan. I’ve never seen that phenomenon before but there are other, much larger ice formations that occur from time to time on Lake Michigan, as well.
This photo is not that far from Glen Arbor. I’ve seen more spectacular ice cave pictures but can’t find them now. Thanks for sharing.
It appears UK’s bluff failed to convince NHS nurses to get the jab under threats of losing their jobs. If true it will be a great victory for the nurses.
Puppies out for the NHS100K – you took on the government and won. STRONGER TOGETHER
I wonder if it will be aired on Channel 10.
A couple of weeks ago it was mentioned that the maximum temperature Onslow WA was 50.7°C on 13 Jan 2022, and equaled the highest maximum on record at Oodnadatta on 2 Jan 1960. We now know that the average temperature for Onslow for Jan 2022 was 36°C, 3°C less that the January 2021 average.
In January 2022 Onslow had 4 days of maximum temperatures over 40°C, while January 2021 had 14 days over 40°C, so which is the hotter January, 2022 with the recording equalling highest temperature but lower average, or 2021 with the 3°C higher average?
Epic speech by Qantas pilot Graham Hood at Parliament House Freedom Protest
Respect to Ex Qantas Pilot Captain Graham Hood who is on the right side of history! We need blokes like this in Federal Parliament!
Another lovely one from Freewestmedia.. A list of what the Americans left the Taliban! The South Africans were complaining there is more there than their armed forces own, and its probably the same for Aussie!! Billions and billions of dollars worth, you can see how the USA just ruins the world and wastes such resources making sure everyone does what they tell them.
A few beauties-
42,000 utes!!
22,000 Humvees
8000 trucks
1000 armoured personnel carriers of different sorts
64,000 machine guns
360,000 assault rifles
125,000 pistols
175 artillery pieces.
33 heavy-lift Mi-17 helicopters. Thankyou CIA !
33 Blackhawks
43 McDonnell Douglas MD530 “Little Bird”
Even four C-130 Hercules!! …and other light aircraft.
The Yanks are just a blight on the world! The UN should make them go back in there and clean up after themselves. Maybe the Taliban won’t use the helicopters & aircraft, but
those assault rifles and machine guns will cause death & misery for people all over the world.
I think you will find that list is a total of what the USA committed to the area over the total time engauged there….20 years..
Presented without comment.
International Common Law Court of Australia Requires Police to Arrest all Politicians Charged Jan 31
More at:
Nice issue with the AWS temperature readings yesterday 31/1 on Mount Hotham (Falls Creek) Would love to know what the issue was with the thermometer. Reading at around 2.20 pm was 62.3°C, with a feels like 90.8°C and a dew point of 47.6°C. Ouch! It’s now turned off and no more readings from that last figure.
Labor is pushing a BS “green hydrogen” power plant for Kurri Kurri in the Hunter Valley. Kurri is ¾ hour’s drive south of Liddell in the heart of the old coal mining centre of the Hunter and the site of a former aluminium smelter. For some time it has been proposed as the site of a conventional gas power plant to partly replace Liddell.
. . . and there goes a pig flying backwards.
Shadow International Development Minister Pat Conroy has rejected claims by Energy Minister Angus Taylor that Labor’s plans for the Kurri Kurri power plant will drive up electricity prices.
Labor intends for the power plant for be 100 per cent green hydrogen by 2030.
“So this will not impact on electricity prices for consumers.”
Was smoozing around a few news outlets and noticed a story about the potential early closure of Loy Yang because the “RE” roll out is going so swimmingly well in VIC.
In the comments one person had laid out a very detailed Anton-esque summary of the real sources of electrical energy and why closure of Loy Yang was grid suicide. Some of the responses showed just how little people understand the issues and how numbers tend the scare them. Some of the stunning retorts were (in an whiney voice) “so you know more than all the government and scientists then?” and “so I see you have solved all the worlds problems then?” They really had nothing to say but still said it. Hail Dan!!
I’ve been watching the AEMO dash board a bit lately and as Tony has often said without baseload power we are up the creek without a paddle . This mornings effort was around 83% for fossil fuel with wind and hydro 9% and 8% . Sooner they try this socialist experiment and close Loy Yang the better , sheeple will then work out they’ve been dudded when power outages become widespread and frequent .
But they’ll close it with dynamite.
BoM January forecast massive fail.
… and while we are there, January mean temps continue to slide in Germany.
January in Germany? Have you heard of the Benjamini–Hochberg procedure?
It’s been said here before but for those that haven’t noticed, observe how these days, according to Government officials, no one dies “of covid”. Listen carefully next time they pronounce the daily death toll. They say the people died “WITH covid”, not “of” it.
So the presumption us they died due to some other cause.
That would be better than to admit the vaccines don’t work and that people died “OF covid”..
Please give a thought, and a prayer, for the revolutionaries in Canada: by Donna Laframboise, Canadian blogger, about the mechanic assisting the miles-long truck convoy protesting across Canada against mandates.
Thanks for that link Alex. Well worth reading it.
More Neil Young
Ahh !, yes how ironic…and appropriate
“The Needle and the Damage done “
Great song though !
Move On From Trump? Zip, Zero, Nada, No
President Trump answered the call of too many Republican voters (not to mention independents and Democrats). Assaults inflicted on the man and his supporters started before day one of his term and never let up, and the wounds are way too fresh. There’s a committed sense of the need for retribution in the air; a better word might be the Democrats’ favorite, “justice.” This retributive motivation underlies the more positive America First reasons for why Trump remains the preferred candidate and will remain so through 2024.
Some may wish it all away, hoping for some oddball return to “normalcy” — normalcy defined as an intrinsically American government, which disagrees, often vehemently, but is nonetheless recognizable as the governing body of a constitutional republic. But normalcy is off the table, as the Democrats have shown since achieving power in Washington. And no moderate, squish, across-the-aisle standard-bearer is capable of bringing it back.
Moving on from Trump while he remains fit as a fiddle and continues to draw rock-star crowds to his rallies is also off the table, as long as there is a chance he will run.
Too much would be left on the table by the millions who voted for 45 over two elections. Too much good-faith civic engagement, which was rebuked at every turn by the media, the leftist governing class, and even by some turncoat, war-mongering Republicans. Too much anger, that the United States will spend lives and treasure to defend any border but our own. Too much nationalistic pride left behind, like the billions in weaponry and the Bagram Air Force Base, lost in Joe Biden’s ignominious departure from Afghanistan. Too much hope that things might change for the better, and that America would again be first in the hearts and minds of our governing elite.
To walk away from Trump now without a fight would be to acquiesce to an extremely onerous hierarchy of powers. Moving on would signal surrender to a horrible reality, the reality that populism and a demonstrable national mandate don’t matter anymore, and that all meaningful policy and lawmaking decisions will forthwith be made by unelected Deep State globalists who will mercilessly crush opposition.
POTUS 47 will not be as trusting as 45. I doubt he realised that the permanent public service could be such an implacable enemy of the WH.
As an aside Peter Schweizer says there are 23 Former U.S. Senators and Congressmen who Lobby for Chinese Military or Chinese Intelligence-Linked Companies, most are GOP. Surely Trump II will shut the doors on them.
The BOM are a failure…plus, of course, they are habitual liars (think ACORN1, ACORN2).
BOM = Bunch of Muppets………………
George Soros on China, Xi Jinping, and the Threat from Within: Delivered at the Hoover Institution
What open society? He has just shown that both East and West are just opposite sides of the same coin, and people like him are engaged in stealing that coin.
Australian Media turn on Scott Morrison.
and about time too.
With the “fact checking ” rules of the time he must be doing something right then?
Sack them all! No more Liberal, Labor or Greens!
Long COVID Discussion with Dr. Bruce Patterson
Dr. Bruce Patterson’s team alleges it has discovered that the S1 pieces of the spike proteins persist in the monocytes resulting in immune dysregulation and long-haul syndrome.
“Japanese company press release – ‘efficacy and safety of Ivermectin confirmed in clinical trial’
Tuesday, 01 February 2022
UPDATE – here’s a Reuters news report on this announcement.”
You understand that there is a link between Reuters and Pfizer?
“Johns Hopkins Study Shows Government Cure for COVID was Worse Than Disease, Lockdown Benefit Provided No Mitigation of Death from Virus
February 1, 2022 | sundance | 14 Comments”
“Here we are at the end of January — summertime in Australia — and we’re seeing heat stress developing to a point of potential widespread coral stress on the Great Barrier Reef,” Dr Heron said.
“We’re at a point of social anxiety among the coral reef community, wondering what the next month may hold.” (ABC)
He is wrong, surely it requires El Nino to trigger bleaching?
Waters around the top end look cool.,-17.57,530/loc=168.413,-24.873
Stockholm Syndrome is an amazing force.
One minute I can be rational and the next I’m Stockholmed.
aww diddums
Thanks Gee Aye,
I’ve been feeling a bit brittle recently and I was hoping I hadn’t been Stockholmed.
It’s hard to tell when you’re in it, but we have two examples already on the blog, I’ll try not to be the third.
While we’re here you might know, is there any truth to the rumour that a similar syndrome exists here in Australia.
It’s referred to as Canberra Syndrome and has even been seen outside the central capital area.
Of course
And there evidence of SS in Victoria where most seem to feel so protected by and connected to the president the they can’t let him go.
Does this mean that cartoonists should take to depicting the president as an umbrella?
Around 8,200 years before present it got seriously cold for a few hundred years.
The US and the EU have just woke up and discovered if Russia cuts off the Russian natural gas supply to the EU… It is physically impossible for the other natural gas suppliers to make up the difference.
Countries run on energy. The problem it appears is the EU have thoughtlessly destroyed their coal fired plants and have absolutely killed fracking for natural gas in the EU.
And it appears the EU, UK, and the US have not worked out a scenario in which Russia invades Ukraine and then cuts supply of natural gas to the EU in response to sanctions.
The above is the explanation as to why Russia appears to be getting ready to invade Ukraine.
If Russia cuts off supply of natural gas to the EU…. There will be immediate forced rationing of natural gas for the UK and the EU.
The forced rationing of electricity and natural gas would result in large scale shutting down of factories in the EU. As there is no plan as to how to force ration electricity in the EU … There will be weekly brownouts as the countries fight for natural gas.
People and governments are clueless as to what life is with weekly brownouts.
The natural gas shortage and electricity shortage will effect every country that does not have local natural gas production.
Question from idiots in US WH.
Answer from Qatar Oil minister
“The volume of gas needed by the EU cannot be replaced by anyone unilaterally, without disturbing supplies to other regions around the world,” the minister, Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, said in a statement.
Hi Joanne,
I have the app on my phone. They recently updated [apparently] and now contains a coloured representation of the temperatures around the world. By chance I looked at Berlin which showed the city as warmer than all the surrounding area.
Is this a graphic way of showing the UHI effect which could be easily understood by less the technically orientated? Just a thought.