A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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So why did he get a vaccine exemption in the first place and why is he now being deported?
Maybe because there is a Gen Election in a few months ?
I presume he was invited by Tennis Aus after convincing them he had genuine grounds for a medical exemption. The Vic govt was also involved in pushing for not allowing him in.
Why did he get a vaccine exemption?
It’s important to note that his exemption to attend the Aus Open was a Victorian State Govt exemption (Department of Health and Human Services) and that is only for that event.
Tennis Australia wanted him at the event.
Why is he now being deported?
Visa entry into Australia is controlled by the Australian Govt and the entry requirements are that you have been vaccinated or have a verified medical reason as to why you can not be vaccinated.
The Vic State Govt said they were not assisting Djoko with his Visa. Djoko either applied for the wrong Visa or wrongly assumed his AO exemption was a broad exemption for Australia.
The individual traveller is responsible for ensuring they have the correct paperwork to support their entry into Australia. Djoko doesn’t have the paperwork verifying that he can’t be vaccinated. Some media reports say he applied for an AO access exemption on the basis he has had covid in the last 6 months. That mefia claim is unverified.
That is a good question. The heat in Melbourne right now over Novaxx is easy to underestimate for an outsider. Seven pages of the local paper were dedicated to this topic.
Novaxx would have been stepping into a mine field that could very well be dangerous to his well-being. I expect any of his matches would attract predominantly a rabble willing to vent on him. It would be very ugly and not good for the sport.
Melbourne has been the most locked-down city in the entire world. Melbournians are now close to the most vaccinated people on earth; mostly willing but also many not particularly willing; some coerced; some isolated from community activities. So Navaxx would present as highly priveledged and that simply does not fare well with Australian society. It is an unpalatable double standard.
The Off Court action would have been interesting non the less.
Tim Blair’s view:
” Djokovic Decision Distresses the Delicate
Modern sports reporters are insufferable moralistic scolds, and as a general rule anything that upsets them should be supported.”
The Government now has about 225 million doses for 26 million population.
Their policy
1] The third dose increases immunity, so after the fourth dose, you’ll be protected.
2] Once 90% of the population has received the fifth dose, restrictions can be relaxed as the sixth dose stops the virus from spreading.
3] you can be confident that the seventh dose will solve our problems and you’ll have no reason to fear the eighth dose.
4] The clinical trials phase of the ninth dose confirms that antibodies remain stable after the tenth dose.
5] The eleventh dose will ensure that no new mutations develop, so there is no longer any reason to doubt the efficacy of the twelfth dose.
I still wonder what proportion of the population would go even beyond the 2nd dose.
I wonder how many would survive the fourth or fifth dose.
Ive sometimes joked about getting my bulldozer driver ticket, but think it may be needed……
“Byram Bridle, an associate professor of viral immunology at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada says the coronavirus spike protein present in a number of COVID-19 vaccines enter the bloodstream, which is why it causes a number of side effects such as blood clots. He said scientists “made a big mistake” that they “didn’t realize…until now” when developing vaccines to fight COVID-19 and end the pandemic.
“”We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein,” Bridle said during his appearance in the ON Point with Alex Pierson podcast, as reported by LifeSite News. “So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.”
“Bridle warned, however, that the coronavirus spike protein does not merely cause an immune system response, but also causes health problems. The vaccine researcher found that lab animals who were injected with a purified coronavirus spike protein developed cardiovascular problems and showed to cross the blood brain barrier, thereby damaging the brain.
Israel is up to 4th dose. In a few months they should get the early starters for the 5th dose. It appears that there is little risk associated with multiple jabs.
There is a guy in New Zealand who has been making good money taking the jab in other’s name. He has had as many as 10 jabs a day and is still going strong. An entrepreneur sees opportunity where others see risk! Authorities have labelled him selfish. The people who paid him to take their jab may use different terminology; between nut case and good mate.
Getting a jab is a bit like voting – no need for visual identity. I went to GP where they have details but believe all that is required is a Medicare card in Australia and you are right to go. So you collect your 8 to 10 medicare cards from paying strangers each day with any required declaration and head out to the vaccination points around your area. Just keep moving about enough; make certain each card is matched with each declaration; new change of clothes each day and you avoid meeting the same jabber. Most jabbers would soon forget the faces of most jabbees – clever.
I take it you are a fan of the movie “Never ending story”.
They didn’t mention that you will be dead or permanently disabled by the fifth dose of is that the plan.
Or not make it past the first jab…if true, this 3 yo apparently killed by a vax induced heart attack?
“Wed Jan 5, 2022 – 7:09 pm EST
“TUCUMÁN, Argentina (LifeSiteNews) – A three-year-old girl in Argentina died of a heart attack the day after receiving a COVID vaccine required for her to enter kindergarten, her mother said.
“Speaking with Telefe Tucumán, Miryam Suárez said the vaccine and government mandate killed her daughter, Ámbar, who had been healthy and “full of life.”
“5] The eleventh dose will ensure that no new mutations develop, so there is no longer any reason to doubt the efficacy of the twelfth dose.” Because mutations don’t develop in cadavers.
The state could run out of live people well before the eleventh dose …
He was deported for political reasons.
Australia and Vicdanistan in particular is the most locked down place on earth. Government knows best.
It is essential to deport all free thinkers who exercise their human right not to be forcibly vaccinated.
The Australian Government must demonstrate its absolute authority and ruthless compulsory vaccination regime no matter what the economic or social damage.
I find it remarkable and disturbing that so many people support his deportation for the “crime” of being a free and independent thinker and wanting to exercise sovereignty over his own body.
I’m with you David , it was a political move as well as punishment for not getting the jab.
Tennis Australia better lawyer up.
It has nothing to do with Tennis Australia or the Victorian State Government.
Visa breaches are a matter for the Commonwealth. Australia takes border security seriously. It appears Novaxx visa application did not provide for medical exemption.
Djokovic has had Covid, he is up to his eyeballs in natural immunity and refuses to be vaccinated.
Victoria has no role in issuing visas or admitting people through border control.
They have a compulsory vaccination regime just like the rest of Australia and requested the Fed’s cancel his visa on the basis he was an unvaxxed untermensch plus free thought and action is not permitted in Vicdanistan or anywhere else in Australia. Obviously the standard Leftist mantra of “my body, my choice” doesn’t apply.
That is untrue. No one in the victorian government requested any such thing. Are you having hot flushes?
something something leftist.
You realise you just provided evidence that refuted your assertion that the Victoria government requested the feds that he not have entry?
That is in no way related to not supporting a work visa application. Just admit that you have a comprehension problem.
Gee Aye, you are playing semantic games.
The Vicdanistani regime did not want him to come. The work visa issue was just the legal workaround to have his visa cancelled.
They are hardly going to request he be deported because of the “crime” of him being a free thinker and believing in bodily integrity, are they?
And, I note you didn’t forget your usual ad hominem.
Nor can it sign on to Xi’s OBOR.
He hasn’t been refused entry for political reasons. It is simply that he doesn’t meet the entry criteria.
The Austtalian Govt does not have a compulsory vaccination program. The Austtalian Govt has even stated it doesn’t support mandated vaccinations. Commonwealth employees are exempt from mandated vaccinations.
It’s the states that have a compulsory vaccination program.
If Djokovic had been allowed to express free and independent thought then others might demand the sane thing.
He had to be sacrificed.
Exempt one, exempt all.
Apparently 3 other players for the Australian Open have received approval based on the same criterion as used by Djokovic.
Exactly – Djokovic being given the exemption on perfectly valid medical grounds would have exposed the hypocrisy of our federal and state governments’ and health authorities’ rejection of the principle of natural immunity.
As with everything else with in this country’s dealing with CoViD, the lack of science being applied is both staggering and disgraceful.
The other 3 players have a medical reason as to why they can’t be vaccinated. Djokovic did not have that documentation.
There is another player who has been vaccinated with the Russian vaccine. That player has been refused entry because it’s not a revognised vaccine by the Aus Govt.
Djoko is not being treated differently and the criteria is being applied equally.
Natural immunity from recovery is a valid medical reason for exemption – if our health authorities were to use science in forming our regulations, rather than blindly following “The Science”
Natural immunity from recovery is not a reason for Aus border control vaccination requirement exemption.
The ONLY valid reason for border control requirement exemption is if the traveler has a medical condition that prevents them from being vaccinated. Having natural immunity is not a medical reason for not being able to be vaccinated under Aus guidelines if the person has recovered.
The correct way, as you note Serp.
Maybe in a world far far away, where a ‘vaccine” stopped infection, or transmission or the symptoms of an illness arising….or at least one of these things, maybe it would have some kind of purpose to recommend vaccinations, but in THIS world? Huh?
stop all testing. stop all isolating. Stop all further destruction of society. Stop harming all who need medical attention but who can’t get it due to testing and isolation and the harm being done by these abominations!
You feel crook, you take an aspirin and a few days (paid or unpaid) sick leave. That is all that’s needed
Australia has requirements for entry and Novaxx has not met them. He may yet do so but it will require a medical exemption or proof of vaccination. The medical exemption is not easy to get. In the circumstances I doubt any medical professional in Australia will do that. If he has medical exemption from elsewhere then he will need to make another visa application.
With every law and restriction etc, authorities have discretion ….generally at the top. See Palaszczuk and the NRL Grand Final exemptions for crossing internal borders.
Facts are that excluding ANYONE for not being double-vaxed no longer serves any GOOD purpose. Infection numbers (being discovered) are now 50,000+ per day, with probably hundreds of thousands undiscovered. One….or a thousand….unvaxed who may or may not be infected makes no significant difference.
Most interesting aspect of this shyte-show is that it exposes how little people like yourself know about the more ‘sophisticated” aspects of life. When, say, an event like the Olympics takes place…do you ‘believe’ the 50,000 sportspeople and support staff make individual applications, and then await the results for each one?
Seriously RickWill, your resentment at all this does you no credit.
BTW: With positives now running at about 35-40% of those being tested, it appears that around 10 million Aussies could be infected. Get back under your bed until the horror is over!
Djokovic is an Orthodox Christian and renowned anti-vaxxer, he doesn’t pass muster.
Letter from Federal Health dept to Tennis Australia on vaccination requirements
Thursday, 06 January 2022
H/T Michael Smith News
Interesting Recognised Vaccines by Thugs Goons Administration include
2 Doses at least 14 days apart
Bharat COVAXIN vaccine
The Bharat Biotech BBV152 COVAXIN vaccine against COVID-19: What you need to know
3 November 2021
Updated on 5 January 2022, pursuant to updated interim recommendations on heterologous use of vaccines.
On 3 November 2021, the Technical Advisory Group for Emergency Use Listing listed the Bharat Biotech BBV152 COVAXIN vaccine against COVID-19 for emergency use. The WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) has issued interim policy recommendations for the use of the Bharat Biotech BBV152 COVAXIN vaccine. This article provides a summary of those interim recommendations.
The background document is also available here.
Australian Border Force statement on Novak Djokovic
Thursday, 06 January 2022
From the Comments
– I live in the UK. I would say over the last year, 1 in 4 people ask me “what is wrong with Australia?”. That was after the many authoritarian videos/policies that went global during the pandemic. Australia is a seen as a joke. The Australian Open is a tourist video for the country. The damage this will do by a moron that used to work in tourism is a joke. Who cares if he is vaccinated or not? It his choice that is freedom and as a professional athlete would be more at risk to the vaccine than covid. There is a reason we have testing.
– We’ve all sat and watched this slow motion train crash for a couple of months.
For the moment forget that Djokovic is unvaccinated, how did this farce reach this point?
Why didn’t the Morrison government contact the Victorian government (and visa versa) to nut this out before Djokovic even got on a plane?
There doesn’t seem to be a single Federal or State leader of governments that can react before a crisis looms, it’s always after a very predictable crisis has happened.
Standard Soviet thnking – throw bodies at a problem to prove the political “supremacy” of the Soviet mindset.
The willingness to politically show might, regardless of the damage it causes, is USSR thinking – at its finest.
Kind of proves that the Agenda is paramount, and people are completely expendable.
So on that basis, why should people want to come near Australia, if Australia is as brutal as that?
Weve reverted back to being a brutal penal colony.
Warn people to stay away…it appears we have rogue “elephants” on the loose, and it may take a while to sort them out….
Yeah. No thinking person (this does not apply to anyone who’s had a genuine gene-jab….due to serious micro-clotting issues = vascular dementia) could possibly consider being vaxed / unvaxed to have any bearing on anything substantive.
There are 50,000+ SARS-CoV2 infections discovered each day in Victoria / NSW…95% of which ARE jabbed. One unjabbed….or 100,000 unjabbed overseas arrivals will not stop this mass infection in any way.
You can BET that more than half of Victoria is already “infected”….especially since the gene-jabs were / are 00% to create spike proteins which IS the infection FFS.
That is not the question here. There are rules for issuing Australian visas and Australians abhor entitled brats being given rights that others are denied.
Nobody should be denied any rights. Wake up.
MP has put it succinctly.
Your attitude is “When one person is denied their rights ALL must be denied THEIR rights”
In reality the only decent attitude is “when one person is denied their rights THAT person should be accorded their rights”
With this latter, you will quickly get to the nub. YOU, and Djokovic, and all others should be treated decently and with respect.
Interesting in the Letter
ATAGI advises that 2 doses of a Covid-19 Vaccine (Or one dose of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 Vaccine) according to a recommended schedule is required in order to be fully vaccinated.
As a Comment noted
We have a definition of what ‘Fully Vaccinated’ in the context of Australian regulations and processes.
Fair enough.
However in very formally spelling out what the definition is, poor Lisa has drawn attention by omission to the fact that ‘Fully Vaccinated’, by definition, is FOREVER.
Vaccinated status does not expire as defined.
So… if vaccination status does not expire, there is NO REASON to get boosters!
You are Fully Vaccinated.
Well done. ATAGI (not to be mistaken for a Japanese aircraft carrier btw) has formally defined what Fully Vaccinated is. Say no to Boosters cause you don’t need them to maintain Fully Vaccinated status.
Data from
“COVID-19 WEEKLY SURVEILLANCE IN NSW Epidemiological week 51, ending 25 December 2021”
“Appendix E, Page 28
“Total COVID-19 cases by vaccination status and week reported, NSW, 16 June to 25 December 2021
“Week Ending 25 Dec 2021
“Fully Vaccinated – 72.6%
“Partially Vaccinated – 0.9%
“No Effective Dose – 6.2% ( presumably <21 days since vax, or unvaxxed )
"Under INvestigation – 13.6%
"Not Eligible ( aged 0-11 years ) – 6.7%
Need to differentiate between State (sure you can have special conditions for this major event) and Federal (what are the conditions for a valid visa to enter the country)
DM just writes the stuff that pops into his head and disappears when it is corrected. He does hate leftists though.
I am yet to meet a leftist who gives a rat’s about being despised. You revel in it.
The greenie calling me a leftist!
If you support Coronatarianism and the blatant transfer of wealth from the working class to the already rich mega corporations
Then you are not a Leftist
You are a Neo-Liberal
Glad I could help
“I am yet to meet a leftist who gives a rat’s about being despised. You revel in it.”
I don’t think leftists revel in being leftists but in not being rightists or, God forbid, Conservatives
“I am yet to meet a leftist who gives a rat’s about being despised. You revel in it.”
I don’t think leftists revel in being leftists but in not being rightists.
We don’t hate those from the left ! We think you’re wrong but we don’t hate , we leave the hate for you guys and god knows no one knows hate like the left .
I would like to get a list of:
1) Advertising Sponsors of the Australian Open on Aussie TV
2) Advertising Sponsors on American TV
Also, the Australian Open should be replaced as a Slam event, by, say, the Brazilian or South African Open, as suggestions.
Great suggestion. And let’s replace The Ashes cricket with Bangladesh or Zimbabwe vs Oz every two years.
And don’t forget the Coober Pedy Grand Prix instead of the Monaco version.
And don’t forget dumping the US or British Open Golf for the Vanuatu Pro-Am either.
BTW: “The Brasil Open was a tennis tournament held annually in São Paulo, Brazil. It was part of the ATP Tour 250 series….ATP World Tour 250 tournaments, ATP International Series, and ATP World Series) are the lowest tier of annual men’s tennis tournaments on the main ATP Tour” and that’s only the men’s side of the equation. Back under your bed, cobber!
* NSW has had as many deaths from covid in the past month as the whole of 2020.
* As at 31/07/21 there were around 35,000 cumulative covid cases in NSW since the start of the pandemic. There has been that number of cases today – Jan 6th.
* The states/territories (Vic, NSW, ACT, Tas) with the highest cumulative death rates also have the highest vaccination rates.
…which makes the cancellation of Djokovic even more ridiculous! One unvaccinated person amongst 35000 cases a day! Completely meaningless from a medical point of view, only important for grandstanding parasites.
There would have been hundreds of people in the military-political-rich businessmen-generally famous people come and go into Australia without the ‘correct’ vaccination, but they did it quietly underhand without standing up to these terrorists in charge.
It would be difficult for someone with the public profile, and news focus , of Djokovic, to fly under the radar of vax scrutiny.
He was his own enemy in being so vocal on vax in the weeks prior to this.
George Clooney and Julia Roberts just popped up in the Whitsunday’s. Snuck in without any media circus, what was their vaxx status?
That was when 14 days was still mandatory.
So “just popped up” means November when 14 days was mandatory?
Funny definition of just. Either that or they entered the country in the usual way by satisfying visa requirements.
I actually could not even care if they all died in a plane crash, it would just be a loss of a plane.
Both obedient, woke Hollywood types, so would obviously lined up for any recommended experimental treatment. (On a red carpet of course).
thanks for agreeing Gary.
Not a good PR move ?
Australia doesn’t even pretend to care about its international reputation any more. Just about all international conservative commentators see it as a “basket case”.
Just seen Covid cases active in Serbia versus Covid cases active in Oz , Novak had more chance of getting Covid in Oz rather than giving someone here Covid . That’s if the stats I seen are correct .
robert. Currently, discovered infections = about 35-40% of those tested. That’s looking like maybe 0 million aussies infected.
The game is over. Genie out of bottle etc…
True . But then …
His refusal to get vaxxed is not a medical issue, but a political one: an affront to AUTHORITY.
Plus it’s a human rights issue.
Can’t recall exactly when it was, but an ATP tournament about 6 months back was “struck” by the virus and multiple players “infected”. Was Novak one of them? = a good explanation for why TWO review panels found he was good to go….
Again: smarties like Morrison are out trashing Australia for what reason? Does ANYONE have a reason for thinking that ONE tennis player is a danger in a country with 50 THOUSAND infections per day already…almost all of them double + triple injected? Simply madness!
The panel that gave the exemption won’t say why they made the decision to grant the exemption but there’s a strong hint that he has had Covid (diagnosed) in the last 6 months .
And they can’t legally say why. It is a crime to reveal someone’s medical record without permission.
How soon everyone seems to forget – Djokovic was excoriated by the MSM back in June for organising a charity tour in the Balkans as well as partying at a nightclub and catching CoViD.
He is absolutely eligible for a medical exemption from vaccination except that our science denying health authorities refuse to recognise natural immunity from recovery and the exemption pulls the rug from the narrative that there is no alternative.
Absolutely right. Hopefully, this debacle will put the spotlight on natural immunity following infection. However, the authorities will resist this fiercely because of the implications.
Novaxx flaunted the visa requirements and is being treated the same as any other illegal entry. No special privilege for spoilt brats.
I think you mean ‘flouted’. To flaunt is to show off.
Stop flaunting it Annie 😉
Blew his flute at them…as any free person would. Good pick-up Annie!
“.,. refusal to get vaxed . .”
And good on him. Maybe a few more will begin to see the stupidity of it all.
30 thousand per day?
After two years of entire populations being locked up, businesses closed down to the point sod collapse, day 700 of “Two weeks to flatten the curve”? If tho Omicron thing hopped from South Africa to world domination in a matter of weeks, it simply means that either ell the “border safeguards are a joke or they late in on the game. Incompetence or malice; take your pick.There is NO reasonable alternate explanation. Also: Embrace the power of AND.
If the “booster” shots are essentially more of the stuff used in the initial two, it clearly indicates that the first two jabs were a joke, (lethal side-affects aside,)and the third—20th will be the same, billed of course, to the dwindling herd of taxpayers.
Get serious. This entire rock-show is a no-holds-barred power grab by totalitarian sociopaths.
Prove me wrong. Not just the usual pathetic “contradiction”, but verifiable data.
I may be a total nobody (and loving it), old, unemployed and tossed on the scrapheap buy the degenerates who would be out “betters”, but the actuaries, nurses, doctors, etc. in the family and of my acquaintance have said some interesting things. Pack light but wisely; no wheeled baggage allowed in the cattle trucks.
And this is just the warm-up for the return of the Klimate Kaper.
you demand verifiable data , yet provide none
its not up to others to prove you wrong, you need to make your case
Smell smoke, demand evidence of fire, when ‘verifiable data’ is sufficient, watch house burn.
Providing you make it out in time.
Appeal to the nobodies for help. (They sometimes arrive in vehicles with flashing lights and sirens. But not so much nowadays in the Blue cities here in the US, because Equity.)
Be sure to provide ‘verifiable data’ that you need it.
Is this a new variant or a new virus, possibly a hemmorhagic fever. It now appears to have spread to a number of cities. Spraying of roads and footpaths is being done in the city of Xian, possibly some of the others as well. Some reports, as yet unconfirmed (so maybe questionable) speak of bleeding from the eyes, nose and ears.
China will employ any number of theatrical events to encourage similar responses in the West.
And why wouldn’t they?
Remember all those scenes of people collapsing on the streets?
And scenes of open burial pits because of the enormous number of dead?
How many Covid cases have collapsed face-down dead on the street in the West – I don’t recall reports of any.
All total BS, but enough to convince many that a 99.9% illness was the return of the Black Death.
So get ready to hear from the CCP that the latest variant is causing people’s heads to explode without warning.
Here is one claim for faking of the early Covid reports that terrified the West:
Except that the reports are not from the CCP. In fact the CCP is denying it. That in itself makes it plausible.
Tens of millions in China are in lockdown in Central China due, the PRC claims, to an outbreak of haemorrhagic fever caused by hantavirus- which is transmitted by rats to humans, but does not transmit human-to-human.
However it’s the people who are in lockdown and not the rats.
Hantavirus is another RNA virus. Let’s hope this one is not another Wuhan Lab special tweaked to facilitate human-human transmission.
Now its just blatant…
So why the hysterical apparent hatred of those who refuse and understand what is what?
“Macron declares his Covid strategy is to ‘piss off’ the unvaccinated
“French president stokes divisions as parliament debates tighter requirements for mandatory health pass
“Emmanuel Macron has prompted a furore after saying that his government’s vaccination strategy is to “piss off” people who have not had coronavirus jabs by continuing to make daily life more and more difficult for them.
““I am not about pissing off the French people,” the president said in an interview with readers of Le Parisien on Tuesday. “But as for the non-vaccinated, I really want to piss them off. And we will continue to do this, to the end. This is the strategy.”
“Macron’s remarks came as the French parliament debated new legislation that, if passed, will mean only the fully vaccinated – and no longer those with a negative Covid test – will qualify for the country’s health pass from next month.
“The pass, introduced this summer, is required in France for access to indoor public places such as cafes, restaurants, cinemas, museums, concert venues and sports centres, as well as to board long-distance trains and planes.
Pissing people off, sometimes doesn’t turn out the way the antagonists expect.
The French should understand this better than most.
Who are these people?
I recall that Louis XVI of France pissed the people off – “watcha gunna do about it”, he asked in French.
He found out.
Or as the French would say: faire chier.
Hmm! an obnoxious creature Macron is.
As a person loses their mind, they become ever more “intemperate”. They poo on the pavement. they stop bathing and lose all “self-respect”. Mad people howl at the moon. etc etc…
Has macron had a genuine brain-destroying gene-jab? Sure looks like it with this guff.
“‘Flurona’: Israel records its first case of patient with COVID and flu at same time
“The two infections were found in an unvaccinated pregnant woman who had mild symptoms, Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva said.
“Some reports suggested this marked the first such dual case in the world, but reports of patients with both flu and COVID-19 surfaced in the US as early as spring 2020.
Dr Bean highlighting letters being sent out by US medical insurance companies, to Drs and pharmacists, saying their proscribing of IVM is being monitored, and if it continues their names will be sent to the insurance company’s medical fraud, waste and abuse department. The most positive thing I could say would be the ol’ ‘If you’re getting flak, you’re over the target.’ But that’s rather hollow. They are just constantly doubling down!
Did you mean “proscribing” or “prescribing”?
They are just constantly doubling down! It’s like paying poker against Goldman Sacks. They have the resources to out last anyone.
You could always strike out in a new career –
Become a “fartrepreneur.” honestly you can’t make this sh*t up!
Really, bring on the collapse! I’m not going to survive an apocalypse, but have been lucky enough to live through ordinary humanity’s golden age – the late fifties to the noughties we lived like kings. I guess it was too good to last? Younger generations are going to be picking up the pieces. I wonder what will be learned?
“the late fifties to the noughties we lived like kings.”
Like Kings is exactly right. For men that is. Women however did not live like queens but were, in the main, unpaid drudges with many restrictions on their lives.
The link below discusses the shabby way women were treated in “ordinary humanity’s golden age”
“Meanwhile, the campaigns of various women’s groups against the continuing inequalities of women, particularly in employment, continued through the democratic forms of protest which had been employed for decades with slow results. Such organisations as the Australian Federation of Women Voters and the Business and Professional Women’s Clubs persevered with the struggle for equal pay, the abolition of discrimination against women in employment (such as the ‘marriage bar’ against the permanent employment of married women in the public services), and their equal participation in many aspects of public life”
I didn’t realise so many right wing conservatives were also misogynists. However I’m not at all surprised as most conservatives appear to still live in the 1950s.
Just add that to the list of things Ian “didn’t realise” … there seems to be a lot of them.
And to that Harves you can include non of the above.
I’m a woman and I dont agree with you! I was allowed to choose a career, marry who I liked, work while a mother when I chose to.., motherhood was considered to be a valuable contribution. I had a brilliant life!
A load of c..p, Ian
Well said Brenda. 🙂
I certainly never saw any of this “shabby” treatment when I was younger.
Every job I have ever been in had equal pay for equal work, with extra benefits for “parenting” activities such as having children, etc etc
Men are gradually catching up in this regard.
You were fortunate then unlike the majority of women in the 1950s and 1960s. Even today there is still a gender pay gap.
“The gender pay gap is influenced by a number of factors, including:
discrimination and bias in hiring and pay decisions
women and men working in different industries and different jobs, with female-dominated industries and jobs attracting lower wages
women’s disproportionate share of unpaid caring and domestic work
lack of workplace flexibility to accommodate caring and other responsibilities, especially in senior roles
women’s greater time out of the workforce impacting career progression and opportunities.
Gender pay gaps are an internationally established measure of women’s position in economy.
Directly comparing international gender pay gaps is problematic due to differences in sources, definitions and methods used to calculate the gender pay gap in different countries.
However, it is clear that gender pay gaps in favour of men are a common feature of economies worldwide.
These data are from the Australian Government Workplace Gender Equality Agency as of May 2021
This is from the SMH
“WGEA director Mary Wooldridge encouraged all workers to question the pay gap in their workplaces to help bridge the divide on Equal Pay Day. This has been set for August 31, based on women needing to work an extra 61 days after the end of the financial year to keep up with men’s annual pay.”
Perhaps you also regard these as a load of c–p Brenda Spence.
Ian your post is one of the “woke” ignorant…
I went straight to a full time job when I finished high school. There was no shortage of jobs for women or men in the late 60’s-70’s…
I grew up on equal footing with men working in a laboratory position.
As regard working in areas of female domination…they did exist, and I have always stated….they were the worst of jobs, and still are. Women don’t support each other ..its “competition” and the “claws” are often out in work places. Give me a position anyday…working with men and having a male boss ….They just get on with the job.!!
I doubt you would find one employment contract in Australia that has a clause paying women less for doing the same work.
You are just blinded by prejudice and an inability to read what is plainly written.
I made no comment about employment contracts paying women less for the same work as men but presented the information given by the Australian government.
If you don’t like it write to the government it’s their presentation not mine.
Women get paid the same for the same work.
Glad you agree.
“Women get paid the same for the same work.
Glad you agree.”
You either lack the ability to comprehend what is written or deliberately distort. I made no mention anywhere of women not getting equal pay for the same work. So do try and keep up with what is written nt what you think is written
Gender pay gap… Ian, yet again you demonstrate your inability to do anything except believe newspaper articles. perhaps if you did some independent thinking, and some basic research, you’d change your mind on the matter.
I want to see someone who pretends to care about gender equality show me one case where women are paid less than men for the same job because they are women. it is not legal in Australia, and has not been for a very long time.
Men and women are exploited by unscrupulous employers in Australia, but that’s not a “gender pay gap” issue, that seems to mostly be as a result of hiring people who are in situations where they are very unwilling to argue, or are not aware of legislation protecting their rights, or both.
“Gender pay gap… Ian, yet again you demonstrate your inability to do anything except believe newspaper articles. perhaps if you did some independent thinking, and some basic research, you’d change your mind on the matter”
You obviously have a selective vision when reading comments, The bulk of my comment came from the Australian Government not newspapers.
Would you rather be a female worker here in Oz or in Iran Ian and why ?
Ian. There’s a tremendous video of David Leyonhjelm absolutely demolishing the ladies from the Workplace Gender Equality Agency…..on the non-existent pay gap….
First the sheilas did not have a clue about “pay per hour” gaps. Next they had no clue as to why so few (none?) businesses have been prosecuted over the “pay gap’. The ladies also had no idea about gender distribution in various industries. The ladies also had no idea about statistical anomalies.
Are YOU one of these clueless senior bureaucrat ladies Ian?
BTW: You can maybe tell us whether a bloke working 60 hours a week at $30 an hour = $1800 vs a sheila working 40 hours at $35 an hour = $1400 is “paid more” than the sheila, and whether it’s somehow “unjust”.
If some women choose to work in a beauty parlour or a cafe rather than a sewerage plant or on a garbage truck, of course, they are going to earn less per annum.
“Perhaps you also regard these as a load of c–p Brenda Spence.” Breda would be correct in doing so.
““Perhaps you also regard these as a load of c–p Brenda Spence.” Breda would be correct in doing so.
If she did regard them as c–p fair enough as what I was referring to was from the Australian Government.
Hear hear Brenda. I’ve been blessed with a good life despite being born during WW2. I feel sorry for so many young people today; we were often hard up but we were happy.
“to still live in the 1950s”
And most leftists seem to live in a fantasy, self-pitying, la-la-land.
The relentless negativity is breathtaking.
Some makes a flippant comment. So then he ignores all the progress made since ww2 to focus on one area to harp on, even in the face of lived experience.
No wonder leftists are always trapped in the wrongs of the past and making useless gestures to “fix” them. This is why , whatever the topic, whatever is done is never good enough. Imagine a life spent in perpetual hand wringing, it must be great.
Probably doesnt see the irony at all of then accusing others of living in the past.
No wonder leftists are always trapped in the wrongs of the past and making useless gestures to “fix” them
Repread the comment. The data are from the Australian government and dated August 27 2021. They ain’t the wrongs of the past but are the current situation.
I find that most people who refer to the 1950s as some sort of terrible era, were not even close to being alive during that time, but are excellent at repeating the same talking points, just like a parrot, but with far less charm..
Me, I wasn’t alive in the 1950s, so I don’t know what it was like, all I can go on is what both men, and women have said about it, and I know they weren’t perfect, but then, neither is the current decade.
“I find that most people who refer to the 1950s as some sort of terrible era, were not even close to being alive during that time,”
I was 19 at the end of the 1950s
Did it take 80 years for you to become surly, or did your deep insight into the inequality of the 50’s shape your entire life?
“I was 19 at the end of the 1950s”
And being a “progressive”.. that explains why so many chips !
Some people just fail to progress to conservative rational thought.
“Some people just fail to progress to conservative rational thought”
Are you for real clarence? Rational conservative thought is the perfect example of an oxymoron. I won’t dwell longer on the association of the second syllable with conservatives.
Living in the fifties was playing cowboys and Indians, cricket or footie in the street. At night in summer we would play spotlight and if it was stinking hot we would drag the mattresses out and sleep on the lawn. If we slept inside, my mother would prop the front door open to let the breeze in and let our dog come and go as he pleased. Meals were basic, but made from real food – there were no fat kids. We free ranged, walked to school and came home from friends houses when it got dark. We knew about the war and why some kids didn’t have a dad. We all knew someone who came home damaged mentally or physically. If life was tough we didn’t know it as everyone had the same standard of living. I think kids today have a far tougher and more anxious life than we had .
“appear to still live in the 1950s”
It should also be noted that most leftists would be far happier living in pre-industrial times, (when true gender inequity existed).
This is what basically every leftist agenda is aimed at, the destruction of human progress.
Ian, I would remind you that in the 1960s (at least the in the US), young women, particularly those of lesser means, faced many social challenges, usually not mortal.
The young men of lesser means only had to worry about surviving a year in Viet Nam.
“and their equal participation in many aspects of public life”
Well, THAT explains the change in the world.. The rise of women to power and the fall of civilisation to tyranny.
Isn’t that to be expected. If you have likelihood of exposure to the virus then people take precautionary action. Vaccinations ramped up in Victoria, ACT and NSW as cases started to escalate and the likelihood of containing the spread diminished. Most of Australia now has full mobility. WA is the exception with borders still closed.
Vaccinations have made a dramatic reduction in the fatality rate, down from 25% peak in 2020 to 0.5% during the peak of the delta and is still declining as the omicron variant takes hold – now at 0.03%.
25% of what?? 25% fatality, we’re into Black Death territory!
The peak of 25% occurred on 29 September 2020 when there were weekly average of 16 cases and and 4 daily deaths. Overall in the first wave in Victoria, there were 565 deaths in 19,000 cases giving average fatality rate 2.9%.
Also bear in mind that it has now been officially admitted that at least half the people in hospital , ICU , etc were admitted for reasons other than Covid, but subsequently tested positive. That same distortion of data likely rolled through to the deceased numbers also.
The case fatality rate over a period is the ratio of the number of deaths to the total number of active cases over the period.
The number of active cases in Victoria for the week ending 29 September 2020 would be greater than 911 (907 on 24 Sep 2020 with high daily recovery rates through that week)
Accordingly, the case fatality rate for the week ending 29 September 2020 (assuming your average weekly death rate was correct at 4×7=28) was about 3% and not 25% as you suggest.
They use the case fatality rate to scaremonger. The definition of case for the purpose of the CFR in Australia is someone who has tested positive twice. Once with PCR testing and once with nucleic acid testing. That excludes all the infected people who tested positive the first time and eliminated the virus before the second test – roughly 80%. The media report positive test results as cases so most people believe that the reported CFR is actually the infection fatality rate. 1% CFR was reported for Delta while the IFR would’ve been roughly 0.2%.
That should be ‘1% CFR was reported for Alpha+Delta’.
‘The overall CFR for Australia for COVID-19 as of 31 October 2021 was 1.0%.’
Oops One green thumb is actually a thumb down
“Vaccinations have made a dramatic reduction in the fatality rate, down from 25% peak in 2020 to 0.5% during the peak of the delta and is still declining as the omicron variant takes hold – now at 0.03%.”
haha! What rubbish! It was Ivermectin, just as likely!
The disease would wipe out the most vulnerable first, so its gets harder and harder for Covid to kill people.
Those who have been infected get resistance, so it gets harder and harder to kill people.
We take precautions like social distancing to slow the spread, so it gets harder and harder to kill people.
New, weaker variants arise, so its harder and harder to kill people.
Hospitals give up using the medical systems they were using that killed people & try other things.
Vaccines.. quite likely completely irrelevant.
Clearly Australians are a robust bunch as covid has so far taken out just 0.008% of Australians compared with 0.25% in the USA.
It gets harder to kill people if they avoid it before they are vaccinated.
Russia will likely surpass the USA fatality rate before the virus dissipates:
That is termed wishful thinking.
Whoopi Goldberg ‘shocked’ by COVID diagnosis
Actually Whoopi’s reaction seems quite sensible. She realises that being triple vaccinated did not prevent her from becoming infected. She realises that vaccinated people can spread Covid.
Further more, reading on, she is not worried about the longer term impact on her health.
It is almost enough to get her deplatformed, but she knows how to play it.
Nurse at local old folks home, double-whacked AND boostered with VoodooVax, tested positive (for something) yesterday: I’m guessing she was as ‘shocked’ as Whoopsie Goldmountain was at her result. Meanwhile this holiday season:
2 deaths ‘with’ WuFlu
17 killed in road accidents
28 drowned in pools, rivers, the ocean
It would appear Kiwis are their own worst enemies: RIP.
Ah, but was she wearing a double or triple face mask?
Whoopi just hasn’t been vaxxed enough.
She’s only triple vaxxed.
She should come to Australia because the Australian Government has purchased enough doses for nearly ten per person age zero+.
My niece in Melburnistan – 30 y.o. new mum, woke as, double-shot – went down with a “horrendous 3-day flu” over Christmas, then yesterday posted she had received her third shot as she never wanted to be that sick again.
As the only pure blood left in the family, I’m even MORE determined (doubly? triply?) to stay that way: someone’s got to fight the good fight.
Whoopi and all the other shocked and surprised triple-vaxxed who now have Covid have a clear choice:
[1] Admit they were lied to (get “fully protected”) and respond accordingly.
[2]. Stay on the vaxx-train and get ready for booster no. 4.
To all the eager followers of the flawed ‘medical’ advice, illogical rules and assorted diktats by the political lightweights running this asylum – it is the same tyrants victimising those who choose to exercise their right to free and informed consent, who also control your destiny. Just remember that when next you denigrate all those ‘filthy anti-vaxxers’ you have heard about. We are advocating for the rights of all citizens, including you. Do not assume because of your willingness to comply that you will be fairly dealt with.
Speaking of “filthy anti-vaxxers”, watch this French Minister blame the unvaxxed for EVERYTHING.
origin of Sars 2; origin of vaccine kill-shot scheme
With the prime focus of the AGW movement seeming on Coal, and petrol, (EVs etc) little has been said about the consequences of disrupting the Oil industry which authorities, such as Biden, seem intent on doing.
His shutting down of the Keystone pipeline etc are the first steps on a path to eliminate Crude Oil from the energy mix…but the knock on effects of doing that without a “back up plan” or viable substitute are unimaginable.
Oil is essential for thousands of everyday products,..not just fuel and lubricants, but most plastics, basic chemicals, pharmacuticals, etc.
Without viable effective, economical, alternatives to these products there is a crisis in the making.
For one, the Armed Forces, would be rendered immobile, Air travel impossible, and ocean freight would grind to a halt together with the heavy trucking/distribution network !
Needless to say, without Ocean freight, world trade and economics are turned on their head.
Oil….we need it !
Ref for more details..
And the book+podcast ..
“Clean Energy Exploitation”
Not sure how you link Keystone to cutting off oil. The oil still moves just less efficiently and with more risk.
And agriculture, without broad scale wheat and grain production and distribution we dont have modern civilisation. Unless they intend that most of us die. I like Quickdick McDick on this topic – funny
Mike Reed
In a world of lies these days having been infected and surviving Covid 19 Novak DJ is regarded as the evil unvaxxed despite the imunnilogical fact that he is about
28 times more protected from any variant than the double vaxxed (who receive receive a gene therapy concocted around the original spike protein which no longer exists).This is because the virus has about 29 surface proteins(epitopes) and his immune system knows how to make all the antibodies to deal with all such epitopes and he has memory T and B cells which will automatically and rapidly mount a defence with what ever variant he comes in contact with.
Oh the disinformation onslaught we are peddled by compromised medicos, ignorant politicians and social media knows no bounds.
Cheers MR
If you say so
Steve Smith is hoping to reach his 100 on day 4.
Given the rain delays that’s possible .
Not now. But Usman is going even slower.
69 off 178 as a type
He has upped the tempo 99/200 gone from about 1/3 to 1/2 in the last 50 runs. Good for him – very stylish bat.
You do know this is a test match don’t you Gee Aye ? If you want big runs and fast watch pyjama cricket .
What is your job, watching TV and trolling. (trolling is not the right word, but its all I got)
Have to be on Tax payer coin.
At 7.20 in this video The Hill guys mention that a pharmaceutical company has just shut down a generic production lab. In the middle of a pandemic. A mill cases today. We don’t need this, we’ve got it covered. Maybe they have realised the virus might be a better vaccine than what we have? Probably not.
From November 2021:
It starts:
“You would assume that if the CDC was going to crush the civil and individual rights of those with natural immunity by having them expelled from school, fired from their jobs, separated from the military, and worse, the CDC would have proof of at least one instance of an unvaccinated, naturally immune individual transmitting the COVID-19 virus to another individual. If you thought this, you would be wrong.
My firm, on behalf of ICAN, asked the CDC for precisely this proof (see below). ICAN wanted to see proof of any instance in which someone who previously had COVID-19 became reinfected with and transmitted the virus to someone else. The CDC’s incredible response is that it does not have a single document reflecting that this has ever occurred. Not one. (See below.)
In contrast, there are endless documents reflecting cases of vaccinated individuals becoming infected with and transmitting the virus to others. Such as this study. And this study. And this study. And this study. It goes on and on…
But it gets worse. The CDC’s excuse for not having a shred of evidence of the naturally immune transmitting the virus is that “this information is not collected.” What?! No proof! But yet the CDC is actively crushing the rights of millions of naturally immune individuals in this country if they do not get the vaccine on the assumption they can transmit the virus. But despite clear proof the vaccinated spread the virus, the CDC lifts restrictions on the vaccinated?! That is dystopian.”
Hmmmm…. indeed!
Those vast solar deserts are regularly sprayed with herbicides to ensure no green shoot pops it head up. Natural deserts have more life and biodiversity than a man made solar one.
Environmentalism has lost its way
By David Wojick
The beginning:
Driven by climate madness, the environmental movement has become the greatest advocate of destructive industrial development in history.
As Kant said: “To will the end is to will the means”. In this case the means to the phantom end of climate control have led environmentalists to abandon all of their principles. Solar and wind require environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale. Electrification requires the use of toxic chemicals on a similar scale. The hazardous waste stream is enormous.
Solar is the worst because the destruction of forests and open land is complete. Perhaps something lives under these vast solar slabs but not much and certainly nothing like what they destroy and displace.
The closing:
I think just about every principle of environmentalism is violated by the proposed massive buildout of wind, solar and electrification. Why the environmentalists are not screaming and suing to stop this vast open land destroying, wildlife killing and chemically intensive action is beyond me. Clearly environmentalism has lost its way.
There is a lot more in between. Please share this article.
Oh the irony…
The latest vaxx promo. Using sheep (the 4 legged ones not the human ones although they probably should have 😈) to form a huge syringe.
No more posts from me until next open thread and it’ll be a doozy.
If the Covid show was a medical issue, there would be many legitimate grounds for exemptions.
But it is NOT a medical issue and thus, ultimately, there will be NO EXEMPTIONS ALLOWED.
For those who want statistics from the USA try
Alternatively the graphic at
will make the point.
A musing out loud, if you will….
I often wondered about the many zombie movies and whether these were a form of predictive programming of the population.
One thing I have noticed is people are now a lot more strident in their views, well thats how it seems to me.
My hypothesis is the vaccines rewire and/or create a form of brain injury, that targets the frontal lobe of the brain, impairing cognitive function and turning people into a more agrressive form of “zombie”, vax by vax.
We have been through a societal malformation event that may have started a form of “soft” neural re-programming, and the vaccines then leverage that and put in a “hard wired” programming.
A bit like Toxoplasma gondii influence on mice?
Thought welcome. I guess if you watch your loved ones go this route its beyond tragic…..
Does anyone know if India is still using Ivermectin to treat Covid?
If our government was concerned about the health of the citizens we would see ads like this one from El Salvador on our TVs:
I’m currently recovering from Covid. After my positive pcr I had a Government nurse ring me and asked how I was doing and whether I had any questions. I asked her how I should be treating myself (I already knew, it was a loaded question) and enquired about general health advise. She seemed confused so I mentioned that I couldn’t find any health advise for covid patients on the pages for positive covid diagnosis. She suggested that it was difficult to to provide health advise as the lockdown rules are constantly changing. I argued that lockdown rules are not actually health advise and that I wanted to know what I should be doing to treat the ailment. She was at a complete loss. This is the state of play in NSW
The total lack of general health advice is for me a clear “tell” – the authorities have no interest in our health.
Well done, Graeme. You have every right to ask that question. It has confounded me from the very beginning of this pandemic that those identified as infected could be sent home with ZERO medical advice, except go to hospital if you are sick (how sick????).
Good grief….not even advice on critical signs of deterioration….or taking something as simple as aspirin….let alone
I have a question for chemists, or anyone who understands chemistry better than I do. It has to do with photographic film, silver, aniline dyes and copper.
For many years I would occasionally ask the question, “Can we replace silver in film?”. I do know that aniline dyes can be used, but they aren’t very sensitive, and there isn’t a way to make them more sensitive than they already are.
So I thought, well, maybe something like copper could work. Or maybe something non-metallic. We can make synthetic oil, so can we make a synthetic silver substitute, and cheaply?
That ship has sailed. Take a look at amorphous silicon X-ray detectors. i.e digital radiography.
Platinum and palladium halides have been used to replace silver halide. Other alternative chemicals are certain light sensitive compounds of iron, ferrocyanate and bichromate.
But this is of mostly academic interest only as film photography is today only of artistic or scholarly interest.
Needless to say those alternatives are not nearly as effective as traditional silver halides.
Already happened I think,
Years ago ie pre 1990, xray film had quite a lot of silver in it. The used film could be processed to recover the silver.
So when the practice had accumulated a lot of films (and if it was deemed that they were no longer required) the films would be sent off and money was returned.
After 1990 the amount of silver was drastically reduced if not eliminated altogether and it was no longer worth the cost to reprocess.
Now the whole process is digital.
Ah I see you are still the bastion of free speech keep up the good for dictator morrison
To anyone in particular?
Another question, can anyone explain why covid infection rates are 10x higher at 90% vaccination than what they were when there was no vaccination?
1. The spread is uncontrolled whereas it was contained previously.
2. The vaccination is less effective against the new variant plus the time since the second dose is quite long now.
3. Omicron is more infectious than the pre vacc strains.
Re.1 We were told the vaccines would stop the spread, we were told they were the BEST way to stop the spread
Re.2 The time since 2nd dose is less than a year. Why do we have such low expectations?
Re.3 We were told very clearly and very often how effective the vaccines are against the variant strains.
It seems to me these vaccines are dud. The companies producing them and the Governments spruiking them seem to be wrong on every aspect.
So what? I don’t care what you were told and it is hardly relevant to answering your question. I didn’t say those things.
You asked and I provided. Those are the reasons.
That wasn’t a personal attack on you Gee Aye so chill eh.
The relevance of my rebuttals is this: if the powers telling us to take the vax are wrong in everything they have said why on earth would we believe anything else they say?
I think he is on holiday – drinking early.
That she is so offended by your observations shows that Gee Aye is heavily invested, emotionally and/or professionally, with the vaccination campaign. Don’t expect any logic in her responses.
Well that’s three possible explanations which can be safely discounted out of hand.
That’s your science speaking.
See above.
Actually Gee Aye’s reasons (explanations) seem quite reasonable and restrained.
GA; It is a long time since your second dose. Are you lining up for a booster?
so easy to explain the result AFTER the race jas been run and won. So here are numerous experts and pundits (Gates , Fauci, the CDC, Biden etc) telling us exactly the opposite to what you now tell us….
The alleged SARS-CoV2 virus is STOPPED, and CANNOT be transmitted by the gene-jabbed. That IS the science.
It’s kinda inexplicable why anyone (who is on the level) would continue promoting this nonsense about there being a vaccine, when there is no such thing.
Are you a Nigerian prince on weekends Gee Aye?
How does he know it’s safe? Where’s the uncensored clinical trial data?
Why aren’t people including medical doctors and scientists allowed to ask questions about the vax lest they be censored, defunded, unpersoned, sacked, deregistered from practising medicine etc.?
‘We know it’s safe’: Chief Paediatrician praises COVID vaccine for kids, Premier Perrottet thanks overstretched health workers
NSW’s Chief Paediatrician emphasised the safety of COVID-19 vaccinations for children on Wednesday as the state prepares to introduce them for kids aged five to 11 from next week.
Just tragic…and insane…..there is a special place in hell for these people.
No I wont say it….we’re thinking it, though….
“As of Aug. 7, there were 106 incidents of myocarditis/pericarditis in Ontarians under the age of 25. That’s slightly more than half of the total of all such incidents.
“Broken down further,
31 of these cases were in 12- to 17-year-olds
and 75 were in 18- to 24-year-olds.
The vast majority — 80% — were in males.
“The report explains that PHO issued a directive in June for public health units to increase their surveillance of this side effect following reports from the United States and Israel of similar concerns unfolding in those countries.
““The reporting rate of myocarditis/pericarditis was higher following the second dose of mRNA vaccine than after the first, particularly for those receiving the Moderna vaccine as the second dose of the series (regardless of the product for the first dose),” the report explains.
“A higher-than-usual number of cases of a type of heart inflammation has been reported following Covid-19 vaccination, especially among young men following their second dose of an mRNA vaccine, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday.
“Overall, 226 cases of myocarditis or pericarditis after vaccination in people younger than age 30 have been confirmed, Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, deputy director of the CDC’s Immunization Safety Office, said during a presentation to a Food and Drug Administration advisory group. Further investigation is needed, however, to confirm whether the vaccination was the cause of the heart problem.
“Normally, fewer than 100 cases would be expected for this age group.
“Teenagers and people in their early 20s accounted for more than half of the myocarditis cases reported to the CDC’s safety monitoring systems following Covid-19 vaccination, despite representing a fraction of people who have received the shots.
“”We clearly have an imbalance there,” Shimabukuro said.
What they are doing to our children is nothing short of evil. I can’t understand how any parent would allow their child to take an experiential vaccine when they have almost zero chance of suffering a serious illness from the virus.
These parents are insane. My daughter is not allowed to visit her friend because she is not jabbed – her mother must have alot of faith in the experimental serum she had her child injected with! This mother also got her child to tell my daughter there is a way you can get jabbed without your parents permission. Absolutely disgusting that these sick creeps think they have the right to interfere in your personal medical decisions.
Learn to write “experimental” instead of “experiential”; I’m tiring of pointing this out to you.
I will try to check every word, like the government I’ve placed too much trust in it.
I will try to check every word AFTER the spell checker has done it’s job; like the government I’ve placed too much trust in it.
Yes David. And not a single “journalist” has the wit to ask the elementary question “how do you know?”.
The second follow up question might be “what are the personal consequences for you if you are wrong?”
No one here asks the same Q of GA. He makes bland statements calling others wrong but never with any supporting evidence.
I guess the sense of futility stops you asking.
True Hanrahan. But I don’t attempt discussions with house flies either.
Yes indeed why won’t they release the full details of the tests and trials of the vaccines, both on animals and humans. What have they got to hide? Is it a scam of major proportions or are we all being silly about all this? My bet is it’s a scam and they are getting away with murder.
From an email
“American but applies just as well to Australia
China claims that coronavirus came from an old stupid bat, but Nancy Pelosi denied having been involved.
“Payday” candy bar is changing its name because it’s offensive to those who don’t work.
If the current power grid can’t handle a night of 20 degrees temperatures without rolling blackouts, how are we going to plug 100 millions electric cars up at night?
Are there any countries that tax their citizens and send some of it to Americans?
Imagine, if you will, a world where every tweet and meme must be fact checked but not a ballot.
How to stop drunk drivers from killing sober drivers? Ban sober drivers from driving. That’s exactly how gun control works.
Can we still order black coffee? Are brownies being taken off the shelf? Is White Castle changing it’s name? I’m sure Cracker Barrel is screwed. Can we still play Chinese checkers? Is that season still called Indian summer? No more Italian sausages? How far do you want to go with this foolishness?
Hell of a job, Democrats! You’ve managed to bring back the 1918 pandemic, the 1929 depression, the 1968 race riots and the 1973 gas prices – all at the same time.”
Fully vaccinated young man dies of Covid as NSW records 34,994 new cases
NSW Health has revealed a fully vaccinated man in his 20s with no underlying conditions has died from Covid in hospital as Omicron continues to spread across the state.
The state recorded 34,994 and six deaths on Thursday, including the young ACT man who died at St Vincent’s Hospital in Darlinghurst.
“He had received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine and had no known underlying health conditions,” NSW Health said in a statement.
“NSW Health expresses its sincere condolences to their loved ones.”
Almost one in three people whose tests were processed in the latest reporting period tested positive to Covid-19.
The positivity rate, from the 111,231 PCR tests processed in the 24 hours to 8pm on Wednesday, was 31.46 per cent.
A further four men and one woman aged in their 60s, 80s and 90s also died from the virus overnight.
Two were from the Lake Macquarie area and three from Western Sydney.
There are now 1609 people in hospital with Covid, 131 of which are in intensive care and 38 on ventilators.
Hospitalisations have increased by 118 from 1491 patients on Wednesday and ICU presentations have increased by 12.
At the peak of the Delta variant outbreak on September 21, 1266 people were hospitalised, with 244 patients in intensive care and 118 people on ventilators.
Why does anyone bother reading a newspaper when all it does is copy and paste the official press release which comes out for free and earlier than the newspaper?
… etc …
Why does anyone bother reading a newspaper when all it does is copy and paste the official press release which comes out for free and earlier than the newspaper?
You pay for the Newspaper rearranging the wording presentation?????
If you don’t read the newspapers you are uninformed, If you do you are misinformed. Twain??
You desperately wanted the crossword?
Ozzie, this is a question for you as you are a mine of information. About 2 nights ago, the online edition of ‘The Australian’ had an article ( I only receive the headlines as I no longer have a subscription). To paraphrase the headline. ‘There is going to be an investigation into the deaths of 55 children in QLD to see if the protocols of treatment were not as good as they should be’.
The article was not published in the next day’s printed edition and it did not remain on line.
Have you seen, heard , researched anything regarding these 55 children.? I have a bad feeling about this.
kind regards Chris
Not looking to supplant the Big O but here is coverage it regards general ongoing failure of the ones tasked with doing the protection
The Australian – Calls for Qld government to make report into child deaths available
The Queensland government is facing calls to release a report into the deaths of 55 children in order to help reform child protection.
Of the deaths, which occurred last financial year, 10 were due to assault or neglect, six were by suicide and two drowned.
A further seven died by “unknown” causes and nine had “sudden unexplained deaths”.
The report by the Child Death Review Board was finalised in October last year but is yet to be made available in parliament, according to opposition child protection spokeswoman Amanda Camm.
According to Ms Camm, all of the 55 children who died were either known to child protection or in the care of child protection, putting them “under the government’s watch”.
She said systemic failings needed to be scrutinised and fixed, particularly in the case of suicides by young people in government care.
“When we see a figure like 55, what that tells me is that there is still a lot of work to do,” Ms Camm said.
The high-profile case of Queensland toddler Mason Jet Lee, who died in 2016 after being punched in the stomach by his stepfather, brought the failings of the state to protect children to light.
Imagine the hysteria if we tracked influenza like this
I would be interested in this man’s autopsy report- especially the histopathology.
Was this a vaccine enhanced infection?
Vaccine enhanced disease???
I had the same question.
The young man died, but why do they say he died of Covid?
.??…HOW do they get this data.?……was it actually for Wednesday ?
Most people taking tests have to wait 24-72 hours for a result !
And didnt 28 test centers in Sydney have to shut down so they could reduce the backlog of test samples to be processed .
So how do the authorities have these results within 12 hours. ?
Reward for isolation of covid19.
This is a big deal, worthy of a thread of its own.
There is always work for you Jo. 🙂
Not sure if this is part of the pattern
There is No Such Thing as Flurona, So Stop Trying to Make It Happen
The testing site, run by 911 COVID Testing, says they’ve seen about a 30% positivity rate among the people tested in the past few days, along with a few confirmed cases of the flu.
The site began using the dual tests when people who had tested negative for COVID came back because they were still experiencing symptoms.
“This one swab will give us traces of Influenza A, Influenza B, and SARS-CoV-2,” he said.
CBSLA’s Joy Benedict spoke to Dr. Otto Yang, an infectious disease expert for UCLA Health, on Wednesday who said he has seen several cases of people with both influenza and coronavirus in the hospital currently.
“If it’s a bad virus season and a lot of virus is circulating, it’s not unusual to be exposed to more than one because they all travel the same,” Dr. Yang said.
Testing positive for both influenza and coronavirus, a condition now being called flurona, was reported this weekend in Israel. That patient was reportedly an unvaccinated pregnant woman with mild symptoms. Other cases of flurona have apparently surfaced in Florida and Texas, and they all seem to be among minors — children and teenagers.
Flu and COVID-19 symptoms, particularly the Omicron variant, overlap in many ways – respiratory difficulties, weakness, sniffles, according to Farzam.
The detection of flurona should not be cause for alarm, he said, but another reminder to take precautions such as wearing a mask, washing hands, and staying home when feeling sick.
Dr. Yang also said that if a person is not severely ill, it’s probably best to not try and go get tested, and added that those who are vaccinated are likely to have symptoms that are manageable at home, regardless of which virus you might have.
“Right now, the emergency rooms are clogged up. There’s a shortage of tests, and so if you’re risk factors are low for severe disease, it’s better to just stay home and recuperate,” said Dr. Yang.
I would be shocked if there were no cases of multiple infection of two viruses simultaneously. That would suggest some radical new mechanism at work that virology has never seen.
I personally had H1N1 at the same time as RSV. It’s “ordinary”. I was crook.
1. Who would use an electron micrograph to identify a virus instead of a full genomic sequence? (Which has been done thousands of times).
EG Electron micrographs for Covid v influenza. Spot the little ball with a blurry edge?
2. Mullis was talking in 1996 about the AIDS debate and is continually taken out of context. HIV is a retrovirus that gets into our DNA. Covid is a very different virus.
3. PCR tests can be misused (like any scientific test). They can show people who had the virus weeks ago and are no threat any more. But that doesn’t prove they are 100% useless all the time in every situation, just that they are another scientific test that has limits. (Doesn’t every scientific test fit that category?)
4. See my reply to PeterS below for a discussion on why we know Influenza is NOT the Covid virus. Follow those nextstrain links. Mouseover all the dots that are lab reports. Imagine the mass fakery to invent an entire field of science for 30 years without being caught. We’re talking wildly big huge conspiracy. Doctors killed a lot of the early Covid patients because they treated SARS like ARDS, thinking it was like influenza. They got better at treating Covid patients when they learned more. Are a billion Oxy Sat readings in Covid fake too?
5. So one particular US lab didn’t have an isolated copy of the virus and used an RNA sequence instead. Do you know how hard it is to work with the highest level pathogens in hazmat suits in certified labs and how much easier and cheaper it is to use a published RNA sequence? The virus has been isolated and fully sequenced Thousands of times, so they discovered one lab took the cheaper option? It’s a big nothing.
6. Why didn’t the government respond to requests for “evidence” and have a polite conversation and treat the requesters with respect to “win” their $275k bet? Are we kidding? It would give a small hostile fringe group more attention, air time and a bigger audience. And see 7 below, and being civil and informative might negate all the benefits of feeding division, doubt and polarization.
7. Hold onto your hat. I will not be popular for asking who benefits from hyping up stuff like this? A/ Some conservative thinkers gain a following while saying stuff they *hope* is true because who wants to worry about a disease if you can imagine it away? They are saying what the crowd wants to hear. Feels good! Confirmation bias writ large. B/ The CCP and Democrats benefit too, they want conservatives to look stupid, and hopefully die of a disease (it’s a few less Republican voters) which may not mean much with Omicron, but did mean something with previous variants that are more likely to kill older voters. President Xi, AOC and Nancy and Fauci like it when conservatives say things that are silly because they can amplify that and mock them and it helps them drown out and ignore all the better informed skeptics who are asking better questions.
Those who hate conservatives want to feed polarization and division. They want to convince doctors and the vaccinated that the Anti-Vaxxers are wild conspiracy theorists who deny basic tenets of virology, genetics and tools used 100 million times before. That feeds the hate. Doctors and the vaccinated who read that kind of stuff are more likely to dehumanize “vaccine deniers” (which is appalling) but doctors are human too. It’s all grist for the mill. Don’t feed it.
Yes there sure is a lot of work that Jo needs to do to get over her reluctance to see the COVID-19 vaccination and PCR test is a fraud and a scam.
[Whatever you say Professor. There are plenty of sites that will tell what you want to *know*. Who needs evidence? If you were polite enough to read my blog posts on vaccination you’d know how silly this comment looks. – J ]
I’m not a professor but I do have a PhD in Physics. It might not be any good for vaccine research but I do use my research skills to good use with an objective mind.
Dr Sam Bailey, mentions the same thing.
Also in the second one has the quote from Mullis, for context.
They are 20 mins long each.
Trust the experts, just not these ones.
Some of her points are really good, like precise definitions and language and that should be fixed. But some of what she talks about has little practical relevance.
When I talk about an isolate of Covid, I’m talking about the exact 29,000 base sequence which has been isolated. We know it codes for a bunch of proteins (and we know exactly which ones they are). We know those proteins are present when the RNA is present. I don’t believe anyone finds these proteins without the RNA being present, though some subparts of the proteins are found in other viruses.
We also study and discuss the exact role of each viral protein and how it interacts with other proteins in the human body, and we have data on which drugs we expect will interfere with that relationship and the results in vitro and in vivo (sometimes) of that happening.
Whether or not it’s worth going further down the rabbit hole to find a pure sample of only whole intact virus in one jar, with all the RNA and all the proteins is a project that one government lab should have done, but even if they haven’t I’m not overly concerned. People who have the 29,000 base RNA sequence have the ability to infect other people with the same sequence, and those people in turn infect others, and contact tracers have tracked all that. Since RNA generally doesn’t last long on its own, I’d need some convincing that there was much risk of that RNA on its own infecting people without the protein shell that we see in electronmicrographs and find in lab tests, would be a problem, or could be misleading us.
Does pure chemical isolation of the whole package (rather than mixed solutions) and not just the full decoding and isolation of subparts change any material part of dealing with the virus or pandemic?
If people found the same long RNA sequences in blood of people from ten years ago, that’d matter. But the only ones that match are known to be SARS1.
Brings to mind the changing of the definition of vaccine, the definition is fixed.
I watched a video of a scientist from AstraZeneca, They downloaded the code for the virus from China and within 3 hours had the code for the vaccine. No culture required.
Got given billions for that 3 hours work.
Made in China.
The impact of 0micr0n since Dec 5,2021 (so, 1 month):
Ages —- cases —- survival rates
0 to 9 —-23102 —- 100%
10 to 19 — 38984 — 100%
20 to 29 — 90303 — 100%
30 to 39 — 51080 — 99.998%
40 to 49 — 31249 — 99.98%
50 to 59 — 26138 — 99.95%
60 to 69 — 15219 — 99.9%
70 to 79 — 7804 —- 99.1%
80 to 89 — 3324 —- 97.8%
90+ ——- 880 —– 92.9%
And the data for all age groups, all variants, all comorbidities, since the start of the CV in Australia:
Total cases: 349,510
Total deaths: 2,224
Deaths by Age:
0 to 9 years – 1 death, 0.0022% risk. 99.998% survive
10 to 19 years – 2 deaths, 0.004% risk. 99.997% survive
20 to 29 years – 9 deaths, 0.011% risk. 99.989% survive
30 to 39 years – 20 deaths, 0.033% risk. 99.97% survive
40 to 49 years – 47 deaths, 0.113% risk. 99.89% survive
50 to 59 years – 122 deaths, 0.4% risk. 99.6% survive
60 to 69 years – 232 deaths, 1.21% risk. 98.8% survive
70 to 79 years – 496 deaths, 4.76% risk. 95.2% survive
80 to 89 years – 778 deaths, 14.3% risk. 85.7% survive
90+ years – 513 deaths, 26.9% risk. 73.1% survive
All age groups = 0.64% risk, 99.36% survival.
And we have had another 262,596 cases since the 1st, and no new deaths in the under 30s.
It looks promising. Vaccines are very effective in reducing death and omicron appears to be less severe. Will need to see how omicron unfolds by the end of January.
With the earlier strains the case numbers lead deaths by around 20 days.
Hey Good News – matches my upcoming Op Survival Rate – 70 to 79 years – 496 deaths, 4.76% risk. 95.2% survive
No Visitors into Hospital today – pretty quiet in Pathology and OutPatients Ambulatory care.
As Unvaccinated, 1st RAT Test tomorrow at home before Cancer Clinic, as unable to get PCR Test
Good luck with it all Ozzie. Many good thoughts will be with you.
The fix is in. The National cabinet now says you don’t need to have a PCR test if you test positive or negative to a RAT test. The Qld CHO now says if you’re fit and healthy and have covid symptoms then stay home.
So the inevitable outcome is that only those who are more likely to have a worse reaction to the virus will become part of the formal statistics. All of a sudden Omicron will be scary again. And round and round it goes.
Tenth booster anyone?
Good luck OO and well done finding a RAT (I assume hospital supplied as they are rare in the wild)
Thanks GA – Son-in-Law has a spare one – as Cancer Clinic changed from PCR 72 hrs before, to RAT test at home of day of attendance, not sure what will happen for Round 32 in 3 weeks – Immunotherapy Schedule will be rearranged tomorrow as week behind – Cutting Open Head to remove Radiotherapy Rotting Bone will probably be in February – Meeting with Head Plastic next Tuesday and Final Review 30 Jan 22
Morrison said yesterday Mr Morrison also announced that patients will no longer need a test prior to entering a hospital.
“You will likely be given one when you are there, you don’t need to go line up in these queues because you are going to get hospital treatments,” he said.
Imagine getting cancer patients to line up for hours for a pcr test! (OK some are fit and healthy but some are far from it)
The RATs should have been standard months ago.
And GA there is niceness in the World
My wife just got back from her walk and had tried for RAT test at Seaforth Pharmacy – he said he did not have any, but LGA at Balgowlah Heights might have some – My wife walked up there and asked the IGA Cashiers and they said none – a lady standing in queue to check out said “I can give you one” – they walked down to her house and my wife waited while the lady went inside and brought out a RAT Test.
– The lady said, she and her husband had gone to Costco before Christmas and brought a number of boxes of RAT Tests – TestSealLabs
My wife only had a credit card and offered to come back with cash, but the lady declined and said best of luck to me for tomorrow.
At the same time my Son-in-law had walked through and left a RAT test in the kitchen, which we can now give back to him, as number of their friends have tested positive.
All the best Ozzie…Keep us in the loop..
Oops – Final Review 31 Jan 22
Good luck sunshine – this blog has benefitted regularly from your research and insight . If you keep a positive mental attitude I believe it helps. Best wishes from another cancer survivor.
RAT Test Negative – off to Hospital for Delayed Round 31 Cancer Immunotherapy Infusion this afternoon, stop by Hospital Level 5 Pathology Lab to collect results 24Dec21/6Jan22 Blood tests for own records
Scottish Daily Record
Australians are being detained in Covid internment camps for 14 days if they test positive or are suspected positive.
Should we follow their lead? 😳
How did we end up having a country run by this junta called National Cabinet? What’s its expiry date?
There is no expiry date and it may become permanent.
From Wikipedia:
What is Morrison on? Hasn’t he noticed every state dictator attending the National Cabinet then going away and doing whatever the hell they like?
70 The letter from Aus Gov to Tennis Aus Page one.!!!!ONE dose of the Johnson&Johnson vaccine confers enduring fully vaccinated status!!!!!! NO boosters required.
This comment was posted by PeterS at #2 on the Insurance Chief thread
It was off topic there, Medical junk, and not worthy of a high position on an important thread. Please educate yourself people. This sort of stuff is embarrassing scientifically.
PeterS — please don’t go off topic at #2, please read my replies. I have shown how this is junk 100 times in comments, often in replies to you, and it’s frustrating to keep saying the same thing.
I’m not sure as yet this is all true and so will keep an open mind on it until it’s proven false, not with innuendos and gibberish from the likes of our politicians, health officials as I don’t trust them one iota any more, but with solid evidence one way or the other.
No, There Is No New Virus. the Flu Was Renamed “Covid-19.”
Jo, read post #30 this thread.
I don’t know what to make of it, above my pay grade.
PeterS, that article is 100% junk. It has kindergarten medical reasoning (all respiratory disease is influenza? seriously?). Does virology exist, or is it an imaginary field? The author has obviously never read one medical paper. These kind of articles make skeptics look silly.
Nextstrain is based on opensource Gisaid data that has 3302 full entire Covid viral sequences with the mutation rates on each of those 29,000 points. It lists the lab, the name, the country for every sample. Mouseover those dots, as I suggest long long ago, and you apparently haven’t done.
See this
They also have 1323 copies of just one H3N2 strain of influenza.
Think for two minutes about how hard it would be to fake all that. For these to be publicly created from nothing would require a conspiracy involving hundreds of independent path labs around the world and tens of thousands of people. There would have to be a master plan so the branched structure doesn’t collapse into spaghetti chaos. And strangely, not one single path lab has been left out of the conspiracy? Not one whistleblower lab? No emails exposed yet of the massive collusion required to “match” and fraudulently fabricate all that imaginary data?
If what he said was true, about 1,000,000 scientific papers and 30 years of work, entire fields of science are just extinguished. Bing! For the engineers out there, you would be scathing if a biologist told you spectroscopy “was fake”, and all those mineral samples were invented — “it’s all the same rock”. Did you notice how they only started finding Lithium after the price went up!?
PCR tests have been used for 35 years in forensics, medical tests (which you may even have used yourself) and scientific studies, paleo-anthropology, fossils, and court cases and we need to believe they are fictitious and hundreds of thousands of scientific papers and lab test results were entirely invented? This is Barking Mad, and I have said so in comments here maybe 100 times. Please educate yourselves people, look at the links I provide so you don’t fall for the silly stuff.
There is so much real crime and scandals going on the fake ones divert us from real ones. Protest against something that matters.
It was all off topic too. At #2. Please find better sources. Please don’t hijack threads.
I thought you were talking about the climate change scam and had to re-read. Same reasoning.
I’m not talking about opinions in medicine, I’m talking about open source databases of fully sequenced viruses of many types, backed up, independently cross tested, and confirmed with contact tracing data, medical case reports, medical papers of symptomology, spread, evolution, mutation rates, treatments and also tested in courts by two opposing sides, one of which wants to find every flaw they can in PCR and other genetic analysis (which is as it should be, well tested).
Just as in climate change, skeptics are the ones talking about open data on temperatures, ice cores, paleo data.
Its the same people in the same lab coats.
The climate science clan claim their data is beyond question.
I just look at who gains from the published data and as with CC who funded the studies, its always the same clowns just a different circus.
I put up the CDC study on the virus isolate, they could not culture it on human cell lines only monkey.
I put up the Doherty Institutes claim they cultured it on human cells and passing the culture to the University of Queensland.
Both virtually at the same time, one can and one can’t, no email, can’t seem to keep the intellectuals off twitter.
Here is a video of dots changing colour, can’t see the virus though as a Uni set up to study virus does not have this capability?
You can tell its real because it looks so fake, our CGI is way better than that. Elon Musk.
We all have bias, The study you linked to the other day was funded by the Zukerburg, it comes down to who do you trust.
No. I don’t need to trust anyone.
It comes down to consistent patterns. Which hypothesis looks more likely given the known features? Which hypothesis requires enormous leaps?
On climate — Could we convince a few hundred b-grade nobodies in a new small immature science to support glorious models that fail against reality and all the open source data? Sure. But medical science has different limits. It’s massive, cross tested, attracts both the smart and the dumb. Is it realistic that we could completely invent a virus that did not exist, mischaracterize it as a whole different virus with different and fake tracking behaviour, fake RNA, fake cluster spreading, fake Oxy sats, fake symptoms, and fool or buy off thousands of path labs, doctors, patients, nurses and fabricate mass data-bases? Convince me. Seems unlikely.
That doesn’t mean there aren’t some crooks at work, narcissistic marxists using the virus, adversaries playing with bioweapons, control freaks, and overdone hyperbole. But the SARS2 virus is not influenza. Most of the PCR tests mean something, even if they don’t always mean what the activists are saying. The virus is not as deadly as made out, but it has killed more people than the flu (after 1921.). The treatments that are suppressed appear to make differences that are recorded on many levels of evidence. The vaccines appear to protect against hospitalization, but with a much higher risk profile than they are honest about, and with potential risks in the future that are hidden.
The trick is to pick out which parts of the Covid narrative that are hyperbole from whatever underlying truths we can figure out at this point that explains most of the data.
We have to remain sceptics – its better that we have unanswered questions than unquestioned answers . You rightly point to evidence based science but its hard to separate truth from fiction when corruption is so widespread by vested interests. When large amounts of money are involved it seems ethics and honesty go out the window . Please keep up the good work .
But you do Trust the producers of the studies. The corporation own the labs, fund the studies, get the results they pay for.
I have also been looking into CRISPR, yes we can build a virus, gain of function is proof enough and that is far behind where we are now. They can do way more than build a virus, like to think of it as brilliant but it comes out evil.
I think GA would be capable of constructing the code for a fictional bug, given the right tools.
YT has some good vids on CRISPR, dumbed down enough for I.
They changed the genetic code of a fruit fly to pass on a trait, so the trait carriers could be identified they modified the genes for the fly’s eye colour so the carriers eyes would be red for easy identification.
Normally the genes spread 50/50 but they inserted a “gene driver” which ensured those genes went 100%, all the off spring had red eyes.
The Doherty Institute had a decent donation from the A2 milk company, so I looked. Its always the same people.
China National Agriculture Development Group is the parent company of China State Farm Holdings Shanghai, Co., Ltd, a logistics and distribution company based in Shanghai, which is The a2 Milk’s key partner.
Must Read: a2 Milk Company shares get a boost after the deal with Matura Valley Milk
Who is the major shareholder of the a2Milk?
As of 30 January 2021, the Vanguard Group, Inc, is ATM’s largest shareholder with 6.9% shareholding, followed by BlackRock, Inc., with 6.3% and UBS Asset Management with 5.3% shareholding in the Company.
Maybe it comes down to Why. Why would I trust. All things can be used for good or bad, Gates, Fauci, pfizer do not have our best interests at heart.
No. I don’t trust the producers or the manufacturers, or the staff, the doctors.
Maybe read what I wrote before you reply? I said I look at the data and ask, how could that be faked. What would it take to create … say a totally fake virus.
And no one has even tried to answer that. So I will.
Do you figure a situation where every single pathologist in the world is on the take and has been since the beginning of the PCR test? If not, when did PCR tests stop being useful, and when were the fake pathology reports started? 1992? 1998? 2003? 2010? 2019? How could they feed that in without alerting any pathologists? How did they trick the lawyers and judges? Why didn’t forensics notice? How come there aren’t “weird” results from paleo-anthropology, or were they also called in and paid off? And when PCR tests are cross checked by contact tracers, are they also all on the take and did they fabricate relationships, exposures, then invent the 3,300 x 29,0000 base pair sequences in the open database — and somehow they did it in a way that it “fits” with all the previous sequences. Are all the doctors on the take, and most of the nurses, or do we send fake patients to the real doctors and real patients to fake doctors? Who keeps that database? When cheating doctors get a patient who has influenza, how do they know when to classify it as “Covid”, and when those people are enrolled in clinical trials by independent researchers at different institutions, the patients either fake the right symptoms, or they don’t, but if they don’t the doctors must lie. Or is that only the researchers who are faking it? But are all the researchers faking it? Or only some of them. Who runs the academic fake database? How do they make sure all the fake patients who see real doctors are only put in trials run by fake researchers? And what about low oxygen readings in ambulances and hospitals and even at homes? Perhaps the people making the O2 meters have found a way to program them to read abnormally low — but only on the fingers of people with “influenza-fake-Covid”. Is that due to the microchips implanted in the patients? Do we have microchips in all people now, or just some percentage of the population? If so, who manages that database, and who keeps those stats and ratios similar across continents? It would take a central command unit. But microchips would be a way to control the oxygen meters that I can buy off ebay for $30. Do I have a microchip? I don’t feel like I do?
It’s getting difficult to keep this up… I know Vanguard and BlackRock own the world, and they can keep most journalists from asking hard questions, through gatekeeper editors and a “culture” of mockery and fear, but I have real trouble believing that 10 million people are on the take in a systematised, organised, very connected way, producing near flawless mass data, and even if ten million were, I can’t imagine running a scam THAT BIG without people screwing it up, cheating, or whistleblowing.
I’m the one writing a blog about cheating and HUGE money at stake and vested interests remember.
But some Scams require supernatural levels of cheating if they are to survive when they are being cross-checked by thousands of people in a web of 4 dimensional layers in real time and collected by different entities simultaneously. Some things can be hyped, but Covid=Influenza is not.
Jo, I never stated that COVID-19 is a flu. All I was trying to show is that they could have used gain-of-function research to create COVID-19 out of a flu or perhaps more likely some other virus. Once you can get over that, we can focus on trying to unravel what they are really doing and why. Make no mistake about it, this is not some conspiracy theory. This is real. We are heading for a super major financial crisis the likes we’ve never seen before, and somehow it’s tied to the current madness to vaccinate every man, woman and child.
No. That’s not what you said.
You really need to read my site. You’re 18 months behind (at least).
Who said anything about a microchip? I have not looked into Gene drivers, is this a microchip?
The genomic sequence of the virus is eight base pairs, they created a synthetic spike protein and spliced in part of the HIV protein in the case of the UQ vaccine. If they can build part they can build all
If you trust the data you have to trust those whom gather the data, interpret the data, present the data
The data your defending is so similar to the CC data and we know in this debate virtually every government, Uni, lab, weather department, journal, scientist and media is pushing the scam, The climate gate emails showed the extent of the corruption to the point they changed the peer review process and got researchers banned and removed. Why is this any different. We are talking millions of people here as well. Control, I watch people driving in the country by themselves with a mask on, all it took to bring on this hysteria was a media campaign, non stop over two years and no critical thought.
If you own the company you control the company, if you own the world you control the world, if you own the data you control the data.
As for the O2meter, unless you were running around attaching it to people you got your info from media. The only data I believe is my own and I have zero people who died, zero people who got sick, of those who tested positive 100% had no symptoms. Small sample size but factual.
I know of no patients in any trials, I know of no patients in any hospital, I only know of what the media tells me. Pfizer and all other drug companies have paid out billions of dollars in fines for falsifying studies, they regard it as part of doing business.
I worked for the multinationals, directives come from the corporate directors and breaching their corporate law gets you unemployed, mandates are a corporate law also, not a civil law.
I work in the most masked industry on the planet after scuba diving, I have read many studies on masks and all rely on a positive seal, below is QLD’s mandate for masks if you have a beard. Absolute crap and proof it is not about a virus. Path of least resistance rules in this instance and a mask relies on all inhaled air passing through the filter medium, not some, all. Most N95 masks have a one way valve so exhaled air escapes without going through the filter, it is only to protect the wearer and hence the title, personal protective equipment, its a last resort method of control. Its PPE, it is not for and does not protect others
How do I wear a mask correctly if I have a big beard?
Ensure the mask covers your nose and mouth, regardless of any facial hair. For non-medical face masks, you do not have to achieve a seal with the mask against the skin of your face. (My add in, for medical masks, you cannot achieve a seal, this goes for all these masks)
In my industry we have confined space entry requirements, we monitor conditions in the confined space continuously for many gases, if O2 drops to below 19.5% we evacuate the confined space. Behind those masks the O2 is around 17.5% in the inhaled breath, those in the hospitals have masks on, put an oximeter on them and you can guarantee low blood oxygen. Feed the fear.
I went to town yesterday and sat on the bench just to observe the mask compliance, not one single person had anywhere near effective fit, just a mass show of compliance.
You do not have to control 10’s of millions, you just have to control those that control the millions, control the message and you control the audience.
No. I don’t trust the producers or the manufacturers, or the staff, the doctors. No, but you trust the data they produce!
Well said MP, especially on the last point
I think there is a word or phrase for that sort of odd behaviour.
Guys, we have to stop meeting like this, mostly because there’s no point.
MP “microchip” = sarcasm that some conspiracy needs wacko levels of control to even be possible. Sorry but I thought that was obvious.
I don’t “trust” anyone or any data (for the 100th time), I know you want to believe that I do to keep your own theory rolling, so there’s nothing I can say to change your mind. Sobeit. Read my comments, maybe?. I expect them to cheat. Unlike you though, I understand which parts are easier to cheat on. There are cross-checks and feedbacks in medical science which make some kinds of cheating supernaturally hard. Some data is easier to fake. Fake data stands out because of anomalies and patterns that I’m looking for but you don’t seem to realize exist?
Learn a bit of medical science, or maybe just read my replies…
I’m just hoping good people will learn enough to protest the deadly corruption that matters, not be distracted by wild claims that crony cheating corporations like Pfizer are using to make all skeptics look stupid.
I actually looked into Gene drivers after writing that, Cas9
The sarcasm was not obvious, looking into CRISPR, nothing would surprise me.
Everything can be faked/forged, people can be bought and blackmailed. We watched the two worst people in the US government get placed into the two highest offices, this took a massive amount of corruption.
PCR is not the gold standard claimed and it is based on the CT, The Aus governments own limit is 45 cycles which is in the “every player wins a prize range”, the detection point is not told, its just a positive its like tuning a car, rich or lean. You can get any result you want by moving the CT point. Labs will follow whatever they are instructed to follow, to the letter.
As for learn medical literature, nah. I looked into the formation of the medical and pharmaceutical industries instead. If the foundations are shaky everything built on them is dodgy, again same names pop up.
I have read on this site Kochs postulate being claimed as a 19th century out dated Quackery from 1890, a scientific method, while the same expert of everything put the fraudulent/plagiarised Pasteur’s germ theory from 1861 as the gold standard.
I have had a life time of medical flip flopping, meat/dairy on and on. 85% of all published medical studies cannot be replicated
As you know, media and social influencers have been paid to push the narrative. If its all above board why no debate, the removal of proven medical alternatives and the silencing of opposing opinion, same as climate change. Climate change and COVID 19 are created trillion dollar industries based on fear.
You push the fear big time, yet you take no responsibility for the destruction of business, families, lives and society.
The world bank is funding all these despot countries to push the fear, promote the narrative. The numbers are corrupted, we get what they pay for.
India covid numbers where beyond their governments capabilities, the compiling of data was handed to the media, of course only the honest media.
Remember the question I asked in 2020, I do. Why would I trust you.
I have been looking into the Human Genome Project. The HGP did not use PCR, (the gold standard) though aspects of the process are similar.
Sanger sequencing, also known as the “chain termination method,” was developed by the English biochemist Frederick Sanger and his colleagues in 1977. This method is designed for determining the sequence of nucleotide bases in a piece of DNA (commonly less than 1,000 bp in length). Sanger sequencing with 99.99% base accuracy is considered the “gold standard” for validating DNA sequences, including those already sequenced through next-generation sequencing (NGS). Sanger sequencing was used in the Human Genome Project to determine the sequences of relatively small fragments of human DNA (900 bp or less). These fragments were used to assemble larger DNA fragments and, eventually, entire chromosomes.
Then there is NGS, apparently a golder standard than Sanger, though it does use PCR
NGS has several advantages over Sanger sequencing. NGS can provide the massive parallel and high-throughput data from multiple samples per run at significantly reduced cost in comparison to Sanger (Goodwin et al., 2016). Moreover, NGS provides more accurate and reliable sequencing data than Sanger DNA sequencing.
When everything is a gold standard.
List these in order, they can’t all be gold.
High-end thunderstorms developing from Innisfail to Melbourne. Large storms yesterday didn’t end, re-newed about noon. These are much larger and taller, far colder at the tops. Large hails will occur all afternoon.
The biggest supercell is over Griffith/Cobar NSW, for at least 100 km radius. These cells are slow moving, SSE, toward Albury. Many more have formed up to about Burke, moving toward Griffith. There will be serious flooding in central and south NSW by the weekend. The forecast is for the same or worse for the next 2 days, gradually moving over NSW coast and ranges. Numerous smaller storms in Victoria today, but just as strong as yesterday. Very high level cells NW of Canberra, heading towards.
La Nina doing its thing.
The dams will never fill again because there will be insufficient rainfall.
Tom Foolery
New Zealand could get a pasting from that pattern.
TC forming off Cape York.
Back to back La Nina should see the MDB awash.
Yeah gets blocked by a High in the Tas ridging QLD’s coast, then goes towards NT, then back toward Mt Isa area, may head down the channel country.
The main driver is La Nina, which BoM suggests (incorrectly) will weaken by early Autumn, while a positive SAM is also a major player along with a negative PDO.
There is a quasi 60 year cycle and I wonder if these natural variables were operating in sync between 1954-57.
Second comment from PeterS removed from the top of the insurance thread.
As I have replied in comments many times. Asymptomatic spread occurs in many viral diseases and has been known and acknowledged and studied for decades. About 40% of influenza cases are also asymptomatic. I have posted links to those studies before in comments, but evidently PeterS doesn’t read my replies.
For this wild conspiracy to be true, all the worlds contact tracers, and practically every path lab would have to be “in on the scam”. All the times that contact tracers tested someone and all their contacts and found the disease did spread and the only source of infection was the asymptomatic link.
And full genomic sequencing of all 29,000 bases in all the contacts also identifies the source of infection and the exact mutations in that branch.
You know, we can’t see electrons, do they really exist? Maybe it’s a scam?
People need to differentiate between (truly) asymptomatic (never at any point symptomatic) and presymptomatic.
“About 40% of influenza cases are also asymptomatic.”
We know this how?
Certainly the mass screening for viral infections on this scale is a first?
Brandon says he’s cranking out 500 million at this very moment.
In my locale, during the peak hysteria, there were regular Public Service Announcements from the the Johns Hopkins School Of Public Health stating that 80% of people infected with this thing “will never know they have it”.
The exact words as I recall.
Heard it a least 50 times in my car.
80% asymptomatic sounds less pandemicy than 40% to me.
Actually half as pandemicy.
A review in 2016 on asymptomatic spread in Influenza suggests the number varies widely from 4% to 85%! It depends on definition and style of investigation. Some include presymptomatic or mild symptoms. Adults tend to be more asymptomatic, with children and older people less likely.
Jo, are you picking on me again? I never said those statements. Those were from another source that I referenced to provide some insight as to what others are thinking. As always there might some element of truth in them. As for seeing electrons, stop using straw-man arguments. I thought you were better than that.
I am not necessarily questioning that the COVID-19 virus is real and novel. Perhaps it is, perhaps it’s just a variant of a flu virus as a result of the gain of function research that was conducted in a lab. No one knows for sure. Perhaps even Fauci doesn’t know but I suspect he does.
The PCR test has been proven to give too many false positives.
So, if you want to trust in and believe everything that Fauci says then go ahead. I certainly don’t.
PeterS, I know they weren’t your words, but you posted the comment at #2. High up and off topic. Please post things like that on an unthreaded. I put a lot of work into the posts. Is it unreasonable that I ask you to read them, and post on topic?
You’ve posted similar questions or content for months. I’ve replied yet again, — mostly for onlookers — since none of my past replies seem to be read by you (or the posts too eh?).
I repeat, it is not a “variant” of the flu. It’s not Influenza, it’s not the same family, order, class or even the same phylum of viridae. If you had read my reply you might be asking me about nextstrain, the evidence for my claims. But as usual we don’t get that far.
Perhaps you can see why I’m frustrated? It’s not that you don’t understand, it’s that you don’t appear to want to.
If you are not interested in learning genetics, viruses or covid, you don’t have to comment on them.
In all states and territories, excluding Western Australia, a two pack limit is being applied to mince, chicken breasts, chicken thighs, and sausages.
Well, I get REAL meat from a REAL butcher anyway so I don’t care!
That’s what the foreigner director of the Australian Supply Chain Management Research Unit at Monash University said. Yeah, I know. We don’t need to read the signals from the elites. The signs are clear.
If you want to buy real estate now you’d better make it a farm!!!
Real meat from a real butcher comes through a real Abattoir as well.
They buy most cuts by the carton, only two rumps per animal. If the slow down is at the slaughter level it will effect all outlets.
From the comments.
Democracy in action. People forget that Marx said that creating ‘democracies’ was the first step towards achieving communism. From democracy to socialism to communism. That was always the plan. Australians like to think of themselves as ‘free’, but they aren’t and never were. The men and women of Australia never thought to assure their God-given Natural Rights were recognized and continue to accept the man-made privileges doled out by government officials. The Human Rights Act is a rubbish piece of paper because their are no rights in it. All it does is tell you what you can have if your overlords are benevolent. What comes from man is mutable, what comes from God is eternal.
That’s the beauty of America’s Bill of Rights. It says what the overlords are forbidden to do. The American government is forbidden to remove your right to say whatever it is you want to say. Their Supreme Court ruled that ‘hate speech’ cannot/does not/ and will never exist as a thing in the USA. The government is forbidden to take away a person’s right to self-defense, therefore, Americans will always have their weapons. Of course, like what always happens, men and women become lazy or indoctrinated by propaganda and willingly surrender other natural rights, like the right of free movement (Americans allowed lockdowns even though they are unconstitutional there), which our High Court ruled no Australian has. That decision should have been repulsed by every Australian.
Australia not only needs a Bill of Rights but we need to withdraw the government from the cabal organizations like the UN and WEF and forbid it from ever joining any organization like that ever again. There must be no such thing as ‘stakeholders’, which is a UN construct that denies an individual their right in government decision making. One on one treaties only and the treaties must be published for all to read with a majority commenting on them before being accepted. If we knew what was in the BigPharma agreements I doubt they ever would have been signed.
I like the old fashioned method of Full sides of Lamb and Beef being carried on shoulder from big refrigerated van with Guy in leather cap and shoulder cover, with the sides slung over his shoulder, into the Cremorne Butcher with sawdust on the floor in the 50s/60s
Balgowlah Heights Butcher used to have sides of beef in Coolroom where you could ask for thickness cut, but in the last year since renovating the Butcher shop, I think they have moved to buying most cuts by the carton.
Though they do offer
Spit For Hire
Cooking on a spit for a special gathering is certainly a memorable occasion. Nothing beats the smell, sound or flavour that comes from spit roasted meats. At Millin’s, we are only too happy to help in making this as easy as possible, with our large, industrial quality charcoal spit for hire.
• Whole suckling pigs range from 14-25 kg and feed approx 20-60 serves.
• Whole lambs range from 16-24kg and feed approx 30-60 serves.
That fella with the side over his shoulder, nowadays picked it up from an abattoir. All meat sold must be DPI checked. I do remember the old butcher shop, fly screen and chopping block
I have my own killed on farm, no Checks required, but we check the offal and glands.
Pig on a spit parties, usually started drinking when the pig went on, the final product was dependant on the volume consumed during the cooking process.
COVID-19 shots are not vaccines
Why can’t doctors and the public health crowd just say that?
What is a vaccine, anyhow, and at what point is the public health community gaslighting us?
Collins Dictionary of Biology defines a vaccine as “a preparation … that is used to stimulate an immune response.” Until about two months ago, Merriam-Webster defined a vaccine as “a preparation ,,, that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease.”
Last May, no doubt anticipating the emerging clarity that what they were selling were not vaccines, the CDC changed its definition of what a vaccine is to emphasize the stimulation of immune response rather than immunity.
A “vaccine” is commonly understood to be a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease. Vaccines prevent one from becoming infected with a disease and prevent the transmission of the disease to others.
I mention all of this only because the recent surge in omicron infections suggests that almost every individual who has received one of the “vaccines” and/or boosters for COVID-19 has the potential of both becoming infected with COVID-19 and, presumably, becoming transmission vectors for the virus.
A significant portion of those now testing positive for the virus has been “vaccinated”; a sizeable fraction has been boosted as well. Moreover, additional millions have contracted omicron in an intensity below what warrants testing.
So, whatever shots we took earlier in the year were not vaccines, at least not as that term is understood by native English speakers everywhere.
Consequently, all of the judging and anger that the “vaccinated” directed at their fellow unvaccinated over the last year was largely pointless and misguided. The simple truth is that we have all been unvaccinated, whether we got the shots or not.
Most non-Western countries do get the traditional vaccine types that are either whole of virus or protein subunit as well as what we get – viral vector or nucleic based. The West is almost devoid of the traditional vaccines. It would be nice for a detailed study to be conducted to examine the different effects on the populations. Trouble is getting trustworthy detailed data is virtually impossible.
Jo has blocked me from posting. Thanks Jo for demonstrating you don’t support free speech.
So this got here how?
Looks only certain ones get through. Selective free speech.
And the one at 40.1?
No. I havent’ blocked PeterS. Proof that he leaps to conclusions.
Blocked an moderated to me mean the same thing here. If I wasn’t blocked/moderated in the first place we wouldn’t be having this useless debate. Can you please block people from having their say then for whatever reason let their posts appear later? I didn’t use any nasty words. Are you for free speech or just selective free speech after it has been vetted?
Jo is a huge supporter of:
A) Free speech
B) Truth
That’s what makes her so brilliant.
She might believe that but in reality I find this blog one of the most heavily moderated sites I’ve encountered. No matter, most of my posts do still manage to get through.
I was just in Aldi in Sandingham in Vicdanistan and it was almost totally devoid of meat. I asked the manager why and she said there was an outbreak of covid at tue abbatoir and production was down.
I also then noticed the toilet paper which is the “canary in the coal mine” and that was almost all gone as well.
Yesterday I also noticed many empty shelves in Ananaconda (outdoor sports and camping store).
Also there were many empty shelves in Kmart as well.
My Anaconda ain’t got none. Haha.
The opposite of the KISS Principle
Check out the CDC flow chart at the end of
Dr Suneel Dhand is an internal medicine physician in the US and a tennis fan and comments on the Djokovic case.
Obviously this video slightly precedes the latest news of Djokovic’s likely deportation.
Again, Australia looks foolish.
Katie Hopkins also discusses the Djokovic case.
Here is a check on my personal predictive ability.
The following is a direct copy from a post on Jo’s blog on December 14th, now 3 weeks ago.
Seems to check out ok with data since then.
Cheers to all Geoff S
Geoff Sherrington
December 14, 2021 at 9:48 am
The omicron variant of Covid 19 will rapidly displace the main delta variant.
This replacement will happen in a few days after omicron gets a start. It might have started (here, Melbourne) already.
The doubling time for omicron spread in a community is about 2 days.
Omicron likely started in South Africa, where there are now enough cases to generalise.
But, South Africa is not the same as Australia. In South Africa, immunity is largely from a history of virus diseases. In Australia, immunity is largely from vaccinations.
On present data (14 Dec) omicron infects people irrespective of their vaccination history.
On present data, omicron is rather less serious an illness than delta is/was.
The big question is, how much less severe? If half as serious, Australia has a bleak future. If a tenth as severe, our hospitals will be tested. If trivial in most cases by far, there can be a positive benefit because of herd immunity. We shall know in a few weeks from now.
It follows that emphasis on vaccinations is now not required, because omicron will infect essentially all Australians, irrespective of vaccination history.
Vaccines might give some added protection from severe illness from omicron, but this is not yet certain. Time between vaccination and illness might need to be a month or two before the vaccine loses efficacy. This applies to double vaxed, boosted people.
As to whether children should be, need to be or must be vaccinated, the question is being asked too early. In a couple of weeks, that should become clearer.
It is plausible that the best approach for omicron will be to allow people to be infected to acquire national herd immunity faster, consistent with hospitals being able to cope with the smaller number of serious cases.
Fully consistent with my comment from a couple of weeks before
November 29, 2021 at 6:15 am
More on the ground comments about Omicron being “Extremely Mild”. The Doctor who first discovered strain says that there
are numerous mutations which “Destabilize” the virus.
The current media focus and government actions continue to show total lack of attention to clinical experience, just as they have done with early treatment programs. The signs of the corruption of these institutions is increasingly obvious.
Omicron? Bring it on!
Unfortunately, he then goes on to reenter the mainstream narrative by hoping that the mutations also allows Delta to remain dominant since he thinks the vaccines control that.
Fortunately, in a BBC interview, Angelique Coetzee, chair of the South African Medical Association, brought proper context of the Omicron variant back by discussing all current clinical findings being non life threatening
Yes indeed, and it’s spreading like wildfire.
So you believe in it now, how things change in the length of a post.
I shall alert El+gordo he has competition.
According to a PRC research paper published in December, Omicron has a common progenitor with the strains which was first identified in December 2019 and could have diverged no later than mid-2020 (and given the known mutation rates among the variants, more likely two years earlier).
The paper suggests it passed from humans to a mouse population at that early stage, retaining its capacity to readily infect humans but without doing so until recent months.
“In a startling reversal, women who have had the COVID vaccine are being shunned in the dating scene by potential partners due to issues with possible birth defects and infertility.”
“Vaccine-free sperm – the new bitcoin”
Maybe slightly old news, but:
“…The EU is planning to label energy from nuclear power and natural gas as “green” sources for investment despite internal disagreement over whether they truly qualify as sustainable options…”
I think they should remain true to their Green Left ideology.
They should preclude scary nuclear and all that “radioactive stuff”.
They should preclude natural gas because it involves pipelines and production of CO2.
Let them make do with windmills and solar panels. And if they don’t work, they can just freeze in the dark. Who cares?
Nah.. The EU should deem coal to be Green, Safe and Emission free.
Deeming isn’t strong enough; it needs to be mandated.
5 Reasons Your Child Should Not Take the Pfizer (or Any mRNA) Shot
Common sense really bit most of us know there’s not much of that around these days.
Where do we draw the line?
1: 2 week to “flatten the curve”
2: Periodic lock downs
3: 1 jab to get back to normal
4: 2 jabs to get back to normal
5: 2 jabs and boosters to get back to normal
6: Treating the unjabbed as second class citizens
7. Forcing adults to be injected or else lose their jobs
8: Forcing adults to be injected or else get fined
9: Forcing children to be injected without getting permission from the parents
10: Forcing everyone to be injected or else be sent to detention camps
11: Indefinitely detaining the unjabbed in camps
Indeed where do we draw the line?
12.Censoring, de-platforming, defaming with provable lies, attempting to take medical licenses (Robert Morgan), and who knows what else, of highly regarded medical and scientific professionals that disagree with the government/tech/Pharma/media narrative.
Not mention the attacks on the horse/human relationship.
Given that there are still significant numbers of independent thinking conscientious objectors to covid vaccination with presently available vaccines, a present example being Novak Đoković, soon to be deported from Australia, I think there should be no more international events of any kind in Australia.
There is no point having an international event, whether it be sporting, artistic, scholarly, religious or whatever, if you preclude some of the best people coming from overseas.
It’s better that such events be held in free countries where both unvaxxed and vaxxed are welcome.
Let Australia become the isolated, scared, inward-looking backwater it so desperately wants to be.
And let Australia stand proud as the country with the most fanatical commitment to both the anthropogenic global warming fraud and covid mismanagement.
16m ago
‘Good chance’ Djokovic will play: leading lawyer
A leading Melbourne lawyer says there is a chance Novak Djokovic could be allowed to play the Australian Open while his lawyers attempt to fight his deportation.
Justin Quill said the tennis star was likely to be back on centre court because his case in the Federal Circuit Court will likely require more time than a few days.
“My guess … is that there is a pretty good chance he will be playing at the Australian Open,” Mr Quill said.
“I suspect what’s going to happen is … I suspect not so much because he is going to win his case, but that he is going to be found that there needs to be more time,” he said.
“(It’s likely) he will be allowed to stay in the country, compete in the Australian Open, and then the lawyers will argue about this in the weeks and months to follow.”
Djokovic’s case, in which his lawyers will attempt to overturn the cancellation of his visa, was adjourned to Monday.
Tough love for Djokovic on vaccination entry rules
The Australian Editorial
Bureaucratic ineptitude by Victorian officials has resulted in an unnecessary international controversy and has humiliated the world’s No. 1 tennis player who erroneously was led to believe he was free to participate in the Australian Open. Instead, Novak Djokovic has been denied entry to Australia, his visa terminated and he is detained pending a legal challenge.
Despite Djokovic’s high-profile anti-vaccination stance, his treatment is not personal. But it has been taken as a national slight by the Serbian government and inflamed the passions of Djokovic supporters around the world. The whole situation is highly regrettable and on the evidence presented to date is the result of errors in the process being administered by officials from the Victorian government and Tennis Australia in Melbourne. Djokovic may well have satisfied a panel of doctors that he met the requirements necessary to play at the Australian Open. But on his arrival, Australian Border Force officers determined he could not demonstrate that he met the national rules for entry to Australia, the ultimate jurisdiction.
According to statements made by federal Health Minister Greg Hunt on Thursday, this was not the result of oversight or misunderstanding on the part of Victorian officials. Mr Hunt wrote to Tennis Australia chief executive Craig Tiley on November 29 detailing policy advice from the ABF on quarantine-free entry into Australia. Mr Hunt said an individual must be fully vaccinated under the definition set by the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation to gain quarantine-free entry into Australia. Mr Hunt told Mr Tiley that an individual who had contracted Covid-19 in the past six months and who had not received two vaccine doses would not be considered fully vaccinated. If Djokovic was given the impression he was free to play in the Australian Open without meeting these requirements he is entitled to feel deeply embarrassed and aggrieved. Launching a Federal Court appeal late on Thursday, lawyers for Djokovic said one ground of the legal challenge was unfairness or unreasonableness. Federal Circuit Court judge Anthony Kelly adjourned the matter until 10am on Monday.
As an island nation, Australia must take issues of biosecurity and national borders seriously. The umpire’s call is tough love.
From the Comments
Andrew – 1 hour ago
To all those bleating “kick him out” do you realize there’s no sunset clause on this covidiocy? We were promised restrictions over at 80% vaccination. Didn’t happen and hasn’t happened now that we’re at 90%!
Do you want to live in a country that forces everyone to vaccinate against a disease that is largely only a threat the very old and sick? How many boosters will be enough? How many tests will be enough? Already $10 billion and counting wasted on negative tests.
Supply lines crippled and emergency services stretched to breaking point NOT because of the virus but our idiotic response. I hope he wins his court case and they find that mandatory vaccination is illegal and the restrictions placed on the unvaccinated are unlawful.
Yes I’m double vaccinated but hate this madness.
David – 2 hours ago
This article fails to address three issues. Why was Djokovic given a visa in the first place? Who gave instructions to ABR to investigate his visa? It is asserted that other players were allowed to enter the country on a visa based on a medical exemption, if so, why did the PM allow a different standard to be applied.
It is respectfully suggested that the PM should not have got personally involved in this matter. The fact remains that the player travelled to Australia on a valid visa which was then cancelled upon arrival.
Australia Forces Tennis Champion Novak Djokovic into Dingy Refugee Facility
Reports indicate that Australian Open organizers granted an exemption, but Australia’s Border Force revoked his visa when he arrived at Tullamarine Airport in Melbourne on Wednesday.
After a 12-hour standoff with the authorities, Djokovic was shuffled off to the infamous Park Hotel, an unpleasant Melbourne establishment the government uses to temporarily house detainees – and a major breeding ground for the Wuhan coronavirus.
Djokovic is currently impounded at the Park Hotel in Melbourne’s Carlton district, a facility often used by the Australian government to hold detainees flown in from Australia’s island refugee camps when they required medical care. According to refugee advocates, at least 32 detainees are still being held at the Park Hotel.
Both guests and staff describe the Park as a hotbed of coronavirus transmission. Detainees complained of finding mold and maggots in their food, two fires broke out on the upper floors within the past two weeks, and Djokovic claims he found “bugs” in his room. In a final indignity, the UK Daily Mail dryly noted the Park does not have a tennis court.
Morrison said as much on Thursday: “When you get people making public statements of what they say they have. and what they are going to do. and what their claims are. they draw significant attention to themselves. Anyone who does that – whether they are a celebrity, a politician, a tennis player, a journalist, whoever does that – they can expect to be asked questions more than others.”
This candor might not have done Morrison and his government any favors, as it makes them look disorganized and prone to hairpin decision terms based on social media criticism. It certainly did not do the Australian government any favors with Serbians, who are beside themselves with outrage at Djokovic’s treatment. Rallies were held for Djokovic in Belgrade on Thursday.
I know of a woman who was staunchly against the present covid vaxxes but in order to keep her job under Australia’s compulsory vaccination regime, got vaxxed in her first trimester of pregnancy.
I hope the baby is OK but who in their right mind would take one of the most poorly tested vaccines ever, at a time when the fetus is most vulnerable to adverse environmental influences?
I hope her baby will be OK. A friends vaccinated daughter-in-law had a still born deformed baby delivered in the third trimester. Horrific. Yet, although I did not inquire, my friend made no mention of the implication of the vaccine – just bad luck, she said, “it happens”.
There are comments here about Djokovic being a “brat” because he resists vaccination. Well, Djokovic was excoriated by the MSM back in June for organising a charity tour in the Balkans as well as partying at a nightclub and catching CoViD.
He is absolutely eligible for a medical exemption from vaccination except that our science denying health authorities refuse to recognise natural immunity from recovery and the exemption pulls the rug from the narrative that there is no alternative.
Natural immunity is far more comprehensive than that purported for the vaccines – with over a dozen antigens recognised by the immune system from an infection rather than the single, long extinct spike protein generated by the gene therapy vaccines, the recovered are not only far more resistant to subsequent infection than those vaccinated but they are also far, far less likely to spread infection even on the minute chance that they do get reinfected. Meanwhile, “breakthrough” cases are commonplace amongst the vaccinated and they seem strangely prone to reinfection as well as spreading infection.
Djokovic poses far less of a “threat” to Australians and other players than someone boosted a month ago.
Absolutely right!
All the dissenting immunologists have been saying this for the past year -to no avail. Poor Geert VanDen Bossche gets very frustrated.
G’day A,
I have mixed feelings on this, both strong, and quite opposite.
I agree with your comment and support his decision about the vaxxination as I’m convinced it is ineffective as a vaccine, and dangerous.
But I support our immigration laws in general and that they apply to all, so he should be abiding by them.
It’s not clear to me whether he tried to manipulate our laws, stuffed up his visa selection or was wrongly advised. That’s for the court to decide, and I’ll watch with great interest.
That our governments are wrong with their reliance on the vaxxines, and bans on cures and prophylaxes means those laws need to be changed, but that seems unlikely without a major shakeup of our parliaments. And press. And health bureaucracies.
Dave B
Pretty sure I heard an amazing admission today that Perth actually had its wettest year for about 26 years. Usually, every year is “The driest on record”, so I guess they just couldn’t keep a straight face this time with that claim. And of course, only a few weeks ago our government was proposing further water restrictions based on falling water table levels.
What a tangled web we weave.
No – I was wrong. BUT, check this out:
Just remember this when they announce (as they do each year) that last year was the hottest on record.
21st warmest in 43 years, according to UAH
Notice that there are two very distinct sections, separated by the 1998 El Nino
The 2016/17 El Nino also stands out, but cooling since then.
Perth is making up for a cool 2021. So far this January has exceeded the average temperature (31) every single day. It’s getting so we now consider 38 degrees not unduly hot.
Yes but “weather is not climate”. A few days at 38 or more for Perth in January has been normal for as long as this 61 year old drunk can remember.
Dr Malone in his censored interview with Joe Rogan used the term “mass formation psychosis”. This lead to a peak in Google searches for the term which lead Google into crisis action to censor and massage the results.
The following important 15 min video discusses Google6action and the term itself.
Wow, I didn’t know Google took that action. I have just watched a zoom discussion between Malone, McCullough,& an expert on the mass formation syndrome (Desmet?). It really captured exactly the current situation. Clearly that is the reason for Google commanders to swing into control mode.
So Analitik believes in the “One Law for the haves, another law for the have nots”. I’ll bet if Djokovic was rated No. 100 in world tennis, hw wouldn’t get a look-in. Put this Serbian piece of garbage on the next plane out of Australia, and GOOD RIDDANCE.
Thank you CHRIS for highlighting Analytik’s very relevant comment.
Nope. That’s the rule the authorities are applying- case by case exemption based on arbitrary assessment.
I’m saying ALL people who have naturally recovered should be viewed as not posing a threat for spreading Covid
Hi Chris
Don’t forget to go and get boosted
“Put this Serbian piece of garbage (the best tennis player in the world) on the next plane out of (Sports-mad) Australia, and GOOD RIDDANCE.”
making the Australian Open completely null and void as anyone who wins it and says “I won the Australian Open” will get answered “You’re still a second-rater, Djokovic wasn’t playing…”
At least it puts the Australian Govt’s attitude towards those who have been infected in the spotlight. They count jabs, not whether or not you have already caught the disease. Politics, not medecine.
This presentation could be, in the present context, the most important thing you will ever see.
Take time to quietly watch it through and take in the implications and the depth and co-ordination of evil it reveals. Then spread it as far as you can.
Just watched it. What conclusions do we draw? Raises a few questions.
The drug companies are colluding?
Someone is controlling the release overall?
Obviously it is an experimental process but who is permitting the systematic release of different companies products?
How is this allowable?
Seriously smells!
True what he says.. “if you were lucky not to have a reaction, then quit while you are ahead!”
We’ve heard about the bad batches before; watching it through I saw no evidence of evil, merely vagaries of quality control to be expected when preparing billions of doses of elixir.
Hi Jo & others
I’m posting this link to history late in the thread and hope you don’t mind.
I’ve been reading {‘cause of cold, snow, long-nights} a book (3 volumes) that’s been tucked away for about 40 years.
You can see it on Amazon
The Structures of Everyday Life: Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century Volume 1
by Fernand Braudel
A section beginning on page 70 is “The eighteenth century: watershed of biological regimes’, with “famine” covered on pages 71-78, and “epidemics”
on pages 78 through 92. Sad, sad, …
Springing from there, I found . . .
“In the Epidemic of 1427, the manner of greeting was ” As-tu eu Ladendo? ” Have you had Ladendo?”
I’ve got another 1,500 pages to go, but might not have a long enough winter to finish.
Was it published late enough to identify the Little Ice Age?
Dave B
Yes. He concentrates on the 15th to the 18th Centuries
French in 1979
English in 1981
Some may be able to access a web copy.
Thanks John,
I don’t get your sort of reading time though – no snow here, at least normally.
Dave B
Nadal kicked Djokovic – who has done nothing morally wrong – when he wasw down. Let Nadal know he is not the popular favourite?
In my US State, there are often aired media ads from our State Health Department saying ‘vaccinate your child’.
“Clinical trials have shown the he new Covid vaccines have proven safe and effective for children.”
Failing to mention those clinical are performed by the manufacturer, and the data of those trials are proprietary,
Misleading at best, and in the opinion of many false.
False is sometimes called by the less polite … a lie.
I am very polite.
I know it’s just a coincidence, but the two things may be connected.
The PCR “testing” sites have been shut down “because of the huge backlog of laboratory processing.
Now use RATs.
It’s just a coincidence, I know, but the Validation for the PCR “test” expired in the USA on the 31st December 2021. Ref U.S. CDC.
It’s just a coincidence that the Validation was not renewed for 2022.
What did the CDC know six months ago that they aren’t telling us?
What has been government priority over the last six months, our health or profits from medical testing procedures.
And the profits weren’t for the taxpayers, they were for the Elites in the distribution system.
Did Gates and Soros buy the testing company for the new tests regime?
Looks like we are rapidly entering a virtual lockdown thanks to the Omicron scare tactics. The difference this time though could be that it will be far worse if they slap on a real lockdown to boot. Utter lunacy.
It’s ‘like a lockdown’: omicron chaos crippling business
Now a fully vaccinated tennis player mysteriously forfeits a match due to suddenly being unable to breathe. Expect more of this as the summer of tennis continues.
Some numbers from Canada
“It Doesn’t Matter if the Vaccines Don’t Stop Infection or Transmission”
“Alberta: 83% new cases are fully vaccinated.”
“Bad Science, Bad Faith”
Virginia traffic jam provides reminder of limitations of electric cars
It must have been awful, but it could have been worse. And, as Charles Lane explains, it would have been much worse if there had been many more electric vehicles (EVs) in the traffic jam.
Lane writes:
Sometime after 3 a.m. Tuesday. . .a long-haul trucker from Canada heard a knock at the door of his cab. It was one of the hundreds of other motorists stuck in subfreezing temperatures with no food or water.
The supplicant was “driving a Tesla,” recounted the trucker, who told the story on Twitter under the handle My World Through A Windshield, “and he’s worried about running out of power in the cold. [It’s] 19°F or -7°C. He’s a nice guy who was worried about his kids. I gave him some water, a spare blanket and [a] thermal/mylar blanket.”
To be sure, cold also affects the performance of gas-powered vehicles and many were left stranded in Virginia after they ran out of fuel or their batteries died. But, says Lane:
All else being equal, though, cars and trucks with internal combustion engines (ICE) would have the advantage in coping with a sudden challenge such as the I-95 fiasco. It is much easier to rehabilitate a disabled ICE vehicle. Rescuers can deliver gallons of gas in convenient jugs; gas stations are still far more numerous than EV charging stations; and ICE car batteries can be jump-started in minutes.
Absent some breakthrough in mobile charging technology, out-of-juice EVs in out-of-the-way places will need a tow. If Monday’s nightmare had been an all-electric affair, they might have littered the highway for miles.
January 6: A Legacy Of Troubling Questions
An almost demonic cacophony emanated from under the tunnel arch.
“I didn’t even touch you,” a woman cried. “I need help! I need help,” a man shouted.
“Stand up, dammit!” intoned a police officer in riot gear. “Get out!” boomed another.
Then a blood-curdling scream, followed by the ear-splitting sound of an emergency siren.
After repeatedly striking White in the head, the officer in white holstered his baton. Then he made a fist with his bare left hand and punched White in the face.
“Oh, no-no-no! Please! Please don’t beat her!” someone shouted, to no effect.
After three full-force knuckle shots to White’s head, the officer in white paused. Then he went in for two more blows. He grabbed the hair at the back of her head and pulled it hard.
White looked dazed and confused. She wore a blank stare. Another officer reached in with his baton in an apparent attempt to prevent more blows. The officer in white grabbed his colleague’s arm and shoved it back at him.
The almost unbelievable violence meted out on the unarmed, 5-foot-4-inch White provides a stark contrast to the often-preached narrative that Jan. 6 was strictly an insurrection carried out by mobs of Trump supporters wanting to overthrow the government.
White was a victim of brutality. Her lawyer is preparing a civil suit. Hers is one of the hidden stories of Jan. 6, exposed only after a federal judge ordered that three hours of surveillance video held by the U.S. Department of Justice be released to White’s attorney.
Who Incited the Capitol Breach and Violence?
Independent media and online sleuths sounded alarms about the presence of unindicted individuals among those who first breached the Capitol at about 12:50 p.m. These men played a central role in the breach, encouraged protesters to go to the Capitol, and directed people into the building. Yet they haven’t been arrested, indicted, or identified by the FBI as among the wanted. Who were they?
A man—now known to be Ray Epps of Queen Creek, Arizona—was captured on video on Jan. 5, 2021, attempting to recruit Trump supporters to assault the Capitol the next day.
“Tomorrow, we need to go into the Capitol,” Epps says, as seen in a video clip. “Into the Capitol!”
A man near him says, “What?” and others are heard shouting, “No!” Then the crowd breaks into a chant: “Fed! Fed! Fed! Fed!”—accusing Epps of being a federal agent.
A few days after the Jan. 6 violence, the FBI placed a photo of Epps on a “Seeking Information” poster, asking for the public’s help in identifying those who breached the Capitol. He could be seen in Photograph No. 16. That photo has since been scrubbed from the FBI website.
On the current list of 1,559 photographs of people the FBI wants to identify, there is no longer a No. 16. The list skips from Photograph No. 15 to Photograph No. 17. Epps hasn’t been arrested or charged.
John Guandolo, a former FBI agent and counter-terrorism expert who was on the Capitol grounds on Jan. 6, said he saw FBI agents dressed as protesters.
What Is the Significance of Unindicted Actors?
Attorneys who represent Jan. 6 defendants say if Epps or other participants were FBI informants or agents, then it blows a hole in the idea that Trump supporters were solely responsible for violence at the Capitol. Participation by government actors could legally invalidate conspiracy charges, they say.
Are Jan. 6 Detainees Political Prisoners?
Third-world banana republics are notorious for terrible prison conditions and brutal treatment of the accused and convicted alike. Some lawyers, family members, and defendants believe the District of Columbia operates a jail that would be at home in any of those countries. The jail is sometimes called “DC-GITMO,” after the U.S.-run terrorist detention camp in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.
The poor accommodations at the D.C. jail have long been the subject of discussion in the nation’s capital. The Washington Post said conditions there were “deplorable,” an ironic descriptor, considering who the jail’s primary occupants are these days. The issue got national attention in 2021 because of repeated allegations of brutal, abusive treatment of men accused of Jan. 6 crimes.
January 6, 2022
There Was No Insurrection But There Was A Coup
The moment the coup began to reveal itself Americans knew something was amiss. Many went to bed on November 3rd believing that Trump was leading in enough states to secure an electoral victory, including in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, and Wisconsin. Strangely, however, while America slept, densely populated Democrat counties like Fulton (Atlanta) in Georgia and Allegheny (Pittsburgh) in Pennsylvania “stopped counting“ votes only to “restart” later when Biden suddenly got enough votes to swing the state blue. Similarly, Philadelphia stopped “reporting” at 1 AM and later announced Biden had won the state.
The morning of the 4th, as cries of fraud came from red areas across the country, the side that cried “election fraud” for four years suddenly fell silent. Apparently, 2020 had become the “most legitimate election in American history“.
Joseph Stalin said, “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.” That’s exactly how we went from being a constitutional republic to a banana republic, but rather than the United Fruit Company or the CIA running the coup, it was Mark Zuckerberg, Democrats, the FBI, and the media.
Immediately after Biden was sworn into office Molly Ball of TIME Magazine wrote a glowing paean to the coup:
Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers, and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears. They executed national public-awareness campaigns that helped Americans understand how the vote count would unfold over days or weeks, preventing Trump’s conspiracy theories and false claims of victory from getting more traction.
The model was simple. Red counties in half a dozen states gave their counts while blue counties stopped counting or reporting. Once the red totals were in Democrats knew exactly how many votes they needed to “produce” and those numbers magically started coming in. Georgia’s Fulton County gave Biden a 250,000 margin of victory, enough to win the state by 12,000 votes out of 5 million cast. Pennsylvania’s Allegheny gave Biden a 150,000 vote margin, enough to take Pennsylvania by 80,000 votes out of 6.8 million.
When the dust settled, Biden was declared the 46th President with “81 million votes” to Trump’s 74 million. But Presidential elections come down to the Electoral College. Joe Biden won there because of three states and 103,000 votes: Pennsylvania, 20 Electors, by 80,000 votes; Georgia, 16 by 12,000; and Arizona, 11 by 11,000 votes.
The cabal behind the coup didn’t have to affect 150 million votes. All they had to do was affect (or create) 100,000 well-placed votes, which is exactly what they did. Zuckerberg-funded Democrats in a few states merely had to wait until the red areas reported their totals and then magically produce more votes from their stopped or paused machines. And that’s how it’s done, a real-life enactment of Stalin’s adage, and it’s just another day at the office for Democrats.
Mark Anthony could only eulogize Caesar after the Ides of March, but Donald Trump is still very much with us.
Reminder: Not one person involved in Jan. 6 riot has been charged with ‘insurrection’
For all the Democrats’ talk of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot being an “insurrection,” it’s important to remember that not one person involved in the riot has been charged with that crime.
My colleague Jerry Dunleavy writes:
One year after the Capitol riot, no one has been charged with sedition or insurrection, despite initial Justice Department claims that such charges were likely and former President Donald Trump being impeached for allegedly inciting an insurrection.
Surely, if the rioters’ actions were as seditious and Trump’s foolishness was as dangerous as Democrats have claimed, we’d be seeing criminal charges that reflect the seriousness of those alleged crimes. But that hasn’t happened.
According to the Justice Department, more than 225 defendants had been charged with assaulting, resisting, or impeding law enforcement officers; at least 275 defendants have been charged with obstructing a congressional proceeding; and about 40 defendants have been charged with some sort of conspiracy charge.
But, again, no one has been charged with sedition or insurrection.
Perhaps that’s why the vast majority of voters on both the Left and the Right don’t agree with Democrats’ characterization of the Capitol riot as an insurrection. A CBS News poll released this week found that 70% of the people who voted for President Joe Biden and 84% of the people who voted for Trump considered the Capitol riot to be a “protest that went too far” — which is exactly what it was.
Something called the Chicago Project on Security and Threats at the University of Chicago yesterday published a fascinating report on the “American Face of Insurrection” that looks closely at the demographics of the more than 700 individuals who were arrested for the dire events at the capitol a year ago. While the report is couched in the conventional media language of how the January 6 “insurrection” was “an act of domestic political violence unprecedented in US history since the US civil war,” the findings of the report run sharply contrary to the media and Democratic Party cliches.
If you look past the boilerplate verbiage, there are some real stunners. Let’s start with some of the summary language:
The Capitol Hill insurrectionists are far closer to the mainstream – the US electorate – than right wing violent offenders on every socio-economic variable aside from race, gender, and retired. Although the insurrectionists – who are all pro-Trump activists –mirror the characteristics of Trump voters in many cases, they are not simply a cross-section of Trump voters.
In other words, a lot of the people storming the capitol on January 6 cannot be described as mere right-wing extremists.
What does this mean in detail?
The author of the study, Robert Pape, writes in Foreign Policy today: “The insurrectionist movement is mainstream, not simply confined to the political fringe.”
No wonder the left is paranoid about January 6. If the people who objected to the messy election of 2020 are “mainstream,” the continuing Democrat-Media-Academic Complex drive to demonize them is going to push a lot more mainstream Americans to the right.
Can’t wait for the midterms.
Federal authorities won’t say why armed Capitol rioters disappeared from FBI’s most wanted list
Federal authorities won’t explain why three men who participated in the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021, have mysteriously disappeared from the FBI’s Capitol Violence Most Wanted list.
One unidentified man wore an earpiece during the riot and was filmed carrying what appeared to be a concealed handgun on his left hip. The man was pictured on the FBI’s most wanted list for over five months until he was removed without explanation on the same day the New York Times reported an FBI informant was at the Capitol on Jan. 6.
A second unidentified man was filmed beating police officers with a baton during the riot. The FBI said the man was wanted for assaulting a federal law enforcement officer, but the agency removed the man from its most wanted list without explanation in late February, just weeks after his debut.
The third man, Ray Epps of Arizona, was filmed in the hours leading up to the riot urging Trump supporters to enter the Capitol to stop the certification of President Joe Biden’s election victory.
Epps has not been arrested or charged for his actions. His unexplained removal from the FBI’s most wanted list on July 1 has fueled speculation from a member of the House Judiciary Committee that Epps may have agitated people to storm the Capitol at the behest of the FBI.
Video footage shows Epps, a former president of the Arizona Oath Keepers militia group, urging a crowd of Trump supporters on the evening of Jan. 5, 2021, to “go into the Capitol” the next day, provoking allegations from the crowd that he was working for the federal authorities.
Only 13 suspects have been removed from the FBI’s Capitol Violence Most Wanted list, launched two days after the riot to solicit help from the public in identifying rioters. Hundreds of individuals on the list have been identified, but they remain on the list with a notice they have been arrested.
Online sleuths identified removed suspects 311 and 312 as photojournalists. Two removed suspects were minors. Removed suspect 236 identified herself as a 17-year-old girl to a reporter during the riot, and online sleuths identified removed suspect 310 as a minor. Removed suspect 257 was identified as Andrew Taake of Texas, who was arrested and charged by federal authorities in July. Removed suspects 36, 37, 197, and 198 remain on the list under different numbers.
Removed suspect 171 was identified as Evan Neumann of California, who is currently listed on another FBI most wanted list. Neumann allegedly assaulted police officers with a metal barricade during the riot. He fled the country in February and is currently believed to be in Belarus, according to the FBI notice. Neumann was indicted on Dec. 10 on 14 counts.
It is not clear why the FBI removed Epps and the two other unidentified men, dubbed #GingerGun and #HarleyJacketBatonMan by online sleuths, from its most wanted list.
The FBI declined to comment, and the Department of Justice did not return multiple requests for comment.
J6 Hysteria Is How Media And Other Democrats Are Avoiding Accountability For Their Rigging Of The 2020 Election
JANUARY 06, 2022
he 2020 presidential election was unlike any in American history.
Hundreds of laws and processes were changed in the months leading up to the election, sometimes legally and sometimes not, creating chaos, confusion, and uncertainty. Tech oligarch Mark Zuckerberg, one of the world’s wealthiest and most powerful men, spent $419 million — nearly as much as the federal government itself — to interfere in the government’s management of the election in key states.
Powerful tech oligarchs and corrupt propaganda press conspired to keep indisputably important news stories, such as allegations of corruption regarding the Biden family business, hidden from voters in the weeks prior to voting. Information operations were routinely manufactured about President Trump in the closing months of the campaign, including the false claim that Russians paid bounties for dead American soldiers and Trump didn’t care, and that Trump had called dead American soldiers losers. Both were disputed by dozens of on-the-record sources.
Effective conservative voices were censored by the social media arms of the Democrat Party. And all this was done after the establishment spent years running an unprecedented “Resistance” that falsely claimed Trump was a traitor who had colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election.
It’s not surprising that polls show most Republicans are deeply concerned about the integrity of such an election. If anything, it’s surprising that all of them aren’t screaming from the rooftops about it. But it is interesting and telling how little the media and other Democrats are willing to talk about efforts to rig the election.
With the exception of a single Time Magazine article admitting there was a “conspiracy” by a “a well-funded cabal of powerful people” who worked to “change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information,” to create a “revolution in how people vote,” corporate media have largely kept silent about or downplayed how the establishment secured its victory for their man Joe Biden.
Time’s article didn’t come out until February 4, 2021, but in the months prior to its publication, Republicans grew increasingly concerned that the rigging it described had, in fact, happened.
The Need for a Culture of Achievement
What does Ayn Rand have to offer to our era? The Russian-born American author rose to prominence as a novelist and philosopher in the middle of the 20th century, and attracted a large audience on the American Right with her sharp critique of communism. The comprehensive alternative she presented in her philosophy and her fiction championed individualism against collectivism—the fundamental ideological conflict of her era. That is why, despite her atheism, she enjoyed significant influence on the American Right and is still considered indispensable, even by many who had profound disagreements with her.
The issues of today are not quite the same, nor are the ideological alignments. Yet people are still seeking out Ayn Rand’s ideas and trying to understand her influence, if sometimes with less than edifying results.
Ayn Rand’s influence was closely tied to her engagement with the big events of her era. She presented her ideas, to an extent unusual for a philosopher, embedded in commentary on the political and cultural news of the day. She offered new thoughts on epistemology and concept-formation in an article on the Republican National Convention of 1964. Her ideas on the relationship between reason and emotion were presented in a speech on the contrast between the two big cultural events of 1969: Woodstock and the Moon landing.
But because she was operating on a deeper philosophical level, her message transcends the particular context in which she wrote. In her introduction to the 25th anniversary edition of The Fountainhead, she quoted Victor Hugo: “If a writer wrote merely for his time, I would have to break my pen and throw it away.”
Her philosophy is particularly relevant to our current iteration of the culture war. I say the current iteration, because the roots of our culture war stretch back longer than we may think.
Rand uses Toohey to show how the psychology of conformity was given voice, justification, and encouragement by the collectivist philosophy of the era. Toohey helps her capture the funhouse-mirror quality of this ideological conformity, its essential emptiness and barrenness. In a moment of confession, here is how he describes the ideal world of the collectivist:
That sounds like an ordinary Tuesday in the hive-mind of Twitter. Toohey even grasps what is known today as “audience capture”: “I’ll have no purpose save to keep you contented. To lie, to flatter you, to praise you, to inflate your vanity.” In his collectivist future, the leader is the biggest follower of all.
The best outcome of the culture war is that culture wins: Instead of trying to cancel other people’s projects, we should respond with exciting creations of our own, highlighting what our philosophy and worldview have to offer. As an answer to contemporary grievance-mongering and self-pity, Ayn Rand’s vision of a culture of achievement is worth taking seriously.
French President Emmanuel Macron Says Someone Who Refuses COVID Vaccine Is ‘Not a Citizen’
French President Emmanuel Macron has insisted that French people who continue to refuse to get COVID-19 vaccines are not acting like citizens.
Macron made the remark during in interview published by the Le Parisien newspaper on Tuesday. The French president said he hoped to “hassle” those who were “irresponsible” enough to refuse vaccines into getting their jabs. A bill that would effectively strip the unvaccinated of the right to participate in most aspects of public life is currently being debated in the French parliament.
“We have to tell them: from 15 January, you will no longer be able to go to the restaurant,” Macron said during the interview, according to a translation from The Guardian. “You will no longer be able to go for a coffee, you will no longer be able to go to the theatre. You will no longer be able to go to the cinema.”
“When my freedoms threaten those of others, I become someone irresponsible,” he added. “Someone irresponsible is not a citizen.”
He argued that while he would not send the unvaccinated “to jail” or force them to get vaccines, “pissing them off even more” could be an effective strategy for convincing the hesitant.
“I am not about pissing off the French people,” said Macron. “But as for the non-vaccinated, I really want to piss them off. And we will continue to do this, to the end. This is the strategy.”
“In a democracy, the worst enemies are lies and stupidity,” he continued. “We are putting pressure on the unvaccinated by limiting, as much as possible, their access to activities in social life.”
Yeah, that’ll end well… push all the unvaxxed into a group where they can share stories and support each other, while being cut off from social interplay with the very people who might convince them to get vaxxed.
The typical actions of a tyrant. He never even solved the problem of the farmers coming to town in their tractors and manure trucks, or their yellow vest protests.
I wonder how many of those farmers, fishermen, truckies, etc, etc who have rioted and burned their way across France are going to be ‘un-personed’? I’m not sure that even violent criminals and terrorists lose their rights in this way.
As I have feared, the worst is yet to come, despite all the signs looking positive on the Covid front, and the vaccines looking worse, not better.
That control group MUST be eliminated.
There is hope for our 10 month old female neurotic beagle
Virus-sniffing dogs are being deployed in the fight against COVID-19
COVID-sniffing dogs are being used across the country to detect the deadly virus.
BioScent Inc.
These pups are giving COVID a ruff time.
COVID-sniffing canines have become an unexpected weapon in the battle against the deadly virus — and have already been deployed from Florida to New York to Massachusetts.
The specially trained canines are now scouring schools in Massachusetts to detect the virus, a precaution before students return to class.
“They love to work,” Bristol County Sheriff’s spokesman Jonathan Darling told CBS News. “And then when they’re not working, they just want to give you kisses and we love it.”
How I like to travel by Blossom Beagle
Does using vaccinated beagles to smell SARS-CoV-2 on schoolchildren pass the sniff test?
Very intense storm cells mid-afternoon from Bourke to Orange.
31 shows lightning –,-33.834,151.216,5,m:cVLacl
The cells forming SSE of Bourke are just beginning now.
Storms developed earlier are reaching 65 dBz now … very heavy rain and hail does that.
How to know if brainwashing has been a success: queueing for hours to get a PCR test to see if you are sick.
I hope we are all keeping an eye on Kazakhstan as the Yanks try another colour revolution to distract Putin from Ukraine.
Protests started over the price of LPG going from the heavily-subsidised 12c/L to 24c/L, then even though the President said he would reduce it again suddenly the protests became amazingly well-organised and military and took over Govt buildings and the airport. Police and security personnel getting shot, a couple beheaded, and the Govt resigns.
Having been asked for help, Putin is sending in troops, hopefully for a display of strength rather than a disaster like Chechnya was.
It has CIA fingerprint all over it, just like the Hong Kong protests of 20years ago.
Meanwhile, while no-one is watching in Ukraine…
It could equally be subversion by Putin, manufacturing an excuse to send in Russian troops to “help”.
Maybe.. although I don’t think he has as much to gain as the Yanks. They are trying everything they can to drag all the old USSR states into their own sphere of influence. Russia won’t let go of Kazakhstan, it has the Roscosmos launch facilities at Baikonur for all Russian spaceflight.
Perhaps its a push to control the last of the oil, the Americans having taken over Iraq & Syria already. Xi will be happy, it takes the spotlight off China if America and Russia fight.
The Threat of Iran’s Drone Swarms
Images of a new Iranian drone launcher have appeared online and in Iranian media over the past several days. The drones, dubbed Shahed-136, were combined with missiles in a drill that Iran says took place last week.
Iran has called these types of drones a “suicide drone,” or kamikaze drone. This means they fly into a target and self-destruct.
These types of drones have been mentioned before but have not been shown in such close-up detail.
In January, Tom O’Connor wrote in Newsweek: “Imagery seen by Newsweek and confirmed by an expert who follows Iranian activities in the region indicate the presence of Iranian Shahed-136 loitering munitions, also called ‘suicide drones,’ deployed to the northern Yemeni province of Al-Jawf, an area of the country controlled by the Ansar Allah, or Houthi, Zaidi Shiite M@slim rebel movement.”
This was the first time this type of drone was mentioned in overseas deployment. Prior to this, Iran had built kamikaze drones, but this specific type had not been seen in public military drills.
Based on Tehran’s state-run and semi-official media, we now know the Shahed-136 exists and is not only a kamikaze drone but that Iran has created a new way to launch the drones in a kind of multiple-launch, or drone-swarming, format.
Drone swarms are a new technology whereby multiple drones are used to strike at targets. This can overwhelm air defenses and/or wreak havoc. In the past, drones such as the US Predator were not usually used alongside other drones.
Reading their stuff will rot your brain, that’s why they write it. I remember similar tech was developed and being discussed in open media in 1984. i.e. loitering US cruise missiles, with ‘smart’ sub-munitions, that individually top-attack swarms of soviet main battle tanks, and will wipeout whole mechanized divisions. That tech didn’t work too well back then, but it sure does now.
Aaron Siri’s FOI request for the Pfizer CoVid vaccine license FDA application data has suddenly taken a turn for the better – a district judge, Mark T. Pittman, has ruled that Pfizer has to present the information at 55,00 pages/month rather than 500, taking the period down to 8 months from 75 years.
From the ruling
Full text of the ruling
Not all of the US judiciary are cowardly, it seems. I hope he has a good security detail.
A key point quoted in the ruling from a precedent set in a case by Open Society Justice Initiative vs CIA
No work. No exercise. No escape for the unvax’d in Australia. Evil of historical proportions
The last point in the title is an exaggeration, but they are working on it.
“January 6th is Ashli Babbit Day now.”
Though a protest in the next comment
Check these graphs based on official government figures from Scotland, which is true reverse the claim that we have a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”.
Notice that #LetItRip has been trending on twitter
(The Djokovic stuff is boring)
Re tennis
I think “Mudcrab” has done an exceptional job here
I think he is talking through his hat.
I agree Ian; it’s a good rant!
It’s a bit muddy, but the story is right on the job.
Hi Jo,
Is this clear of any rebuttals?