Something wonderful is happening. The Truckers are winning. The Ottawa Police are admitting they can’t solve this. All the dirty tricks that can be played haven’t worked. Sometime in the last week, former policemen, security experts, and military intel have joined the leadership team, and strategically, they are playing a faultless game. Trucks with wheels removed appear to be ideally placed to stop a police response. Overnight the media spin has flipped from calling the rally “disorganised rabble with violent extremists” to describing the protest as being run with “military precision”. Watching the transformation on the CBC it’s almost like they’ve realized they were backing the wrong horse. The videos far below from CBC reporters are very unexpected — they’re good.
The Truckers are resolutely happy, cheerful, dancing, and determined. They are patriotic and family oriented, and that’s blowing away the “Extremist Terrorist” playbook, making Trudeau and the media look like fools.
Now that the Ambassador Bridge is effectively closed, supply chain trouble is piling up very fast.
Ford Motor Co. was forced to idle its Windsor engine factory and operate an assembly plant at reduced capacity. The Emerson MB/Pembina ND has also been shut down until all mandates end. This may bring things to a head quickly.
Ezra Levant, from Rebel News says “I think I know how this trucker rebellion is going to end.
In short: “Trudeau played the “Nazi extremist card” — so he can’t back down. But he’s falling in the polls, losing MP’s, and the Truckers are not backing down. Worse the protests are spreading, threatening to spark off a US disaster for Joe Biden that would alienate the working class in a midterm election year, and exacerbate a supply chain crisis nightmare. So its Joe Biden that may announce that “the science has changed” and now we don’t need a vaccine mandate on the border. “Joe Biden saves The Workers!” If that happens, it won’t make any sense for Trudeau to keep a mandate on the other half of the same border, so he will follow. “He’ll say it was for Canada-U.S. relations, and that it wasn’t because of those racist, sexist, Nazi truckers.”
History books will be written about this protest — and other ones now gathering support in New Zealand, Australia and Europe.
Sixty or seventy other truckers have moved to the Ottawa Airport, and are slow rolling and honking as they circle the arrivals and departure lanes.
— ~OttawaGirl~ (@Smardie96) February 10, 2022
The Truckers are winning with peace, love and families
The Truckers are winning by staying resolutely absolutely polite and disciplined while they have a rollicking good time, with mischievous tricks to stay “ahead of the police”. By being family oriented, dedicatedly patriotic and steadfastly peaceful, they are showing Canada how fake the news is, and how out of touch Justin Trudeau is. They are gaining the support of more people as the news spreads and the protests grow.

This is a family protest.
When they were banned from honking, they obey the ruling, and rev their massive engines instead. The singing, cheering and whooping sound like a party or festival.
Based.#Ottawa #Ontario #HonkHonk #Canada #TruckerConvoy2022 #TruckersForFreedom2022 #FreedomConvoy2022 #TruckersConvoy2022
— Hello It’s Me (@dvargha) February 10, 2022
And there are more red jerry cans than ever, most carrying water or nothing at all, so that the police cannot possibly stop the fuel getting through. Ottawa police were even seen confiscating wood as well. They stole the wood from indigenous groups doing some sacred fire. Where are the Woke protests?

Everyone joined in the red jerry can decoy game, thwarting the police from confiscating the fuel the truckers need to stay warm. Twitter
At one point, the Canadian government used taxpayer money to book out every hotel room near the protest to make it impossible for the Truckers to get accommodation. @Shimjelly has videoed a hotel basement completely empty of cars in a supposedly booked out hotel. It’s just sheer malicious waste to use the Truckers taxes against them. But it didn’t work. The Truckers found other accommodation or slept in their trucks.
Remember: The Canadian government is buying hotel rooms with tax dollars so tax paying citizens can’t stay in the hotels to continue their protest against the government.#TruckersForFreedom2022 #TruckersConvoy
— Joe John Quinn (@joejohnquinn) February 10, 2022
Truckers now have military intelligence and former police and security on their side
And as the days tick over the protesters are becoming even more disciplined and organised. They appear to have help from former police and military workers who are advising them. The leadership team now includes the former RCMP officer who was on the PM’s security detail (Daniel Bulford quit last year due to the vaccine mandate). Bulford is urging the protesters to connect with the police. Many of the police will have sympathies, and it’s so much better to build on that than oppose them.
Another key adviser is Tom Quiggan — a military intelligence officer, who is a counter-terrorism expert. The Freedom Convoy have set up a supply site 6km away, they built the instant shack kitchen, they have even brought in three saunas to help keep protesters warm. About 400 trucks are holding firm near Parliament Hill, and about 100 of those have families with children sleeping in them. The optics of any forced removal will look appalling.
Chief Peter Sloly, Ottawa Police Service admits there is not much he can do:
“There is likely no policing solution to this”.
Tom Quiggan, former military intelligence:
“I would say the opposition at this point doesn’t actually have a strategy. They have a sort of weak goal, in that they want the streets cleared, but they have no real idea of how they want to get there.”
One policeman involved spoke out against the police doing politicians dirty work. He said something had happened which had changed him, being asked to remove Canadian protestors gas tanks. He knew this was wrong, and it conflicted with the whole reason he joined the force. His job was to protect the people, not take things from them.
Nick (Motichka? Apologies for the spelling) of the Calgary Police Force
Trudeau has lost the moral highground
He has tried to tar and smear the Truckers, call them racist, and it’s failed. There is no easy way out — he’s painted himself in a corner. It’s a game of double or nothing and it looks more ridiculous by the day. As long as the Truckers stay defiantly Canadian, and completely well behaved, they will win. Trudeau could have stopped this all so easily — all he has to do is take away the vaccine mandates — instead there are no paths to victory left for him that don’t involve a major back-down or tyrannical force. He loses either way.
The police have seized 3,700 litres of fuel and yet the fuel for Truckers keeps coming.
Trudeau can’t order the police, the tow trucks, or the military to take the trucks away. The police are apparently taking long service leave and holidays, and the tow truck drivers “all have Covid”.
The Truckers have the endorsement and advice of retired police and Canadian Forces.
The shunned CBC are now painting the protestors as “military”:
Despite a strategic strike by police to cut off supplies to truckers encamped in the city’s downtown core, protesters appear to still have the upper hand on police.
It’s a success that experts partly attribute to the deep knowledge of law enforcement and military tactics that exist in the convoy’s organizational structure.
The group Police on Guard, formed during the pandemic, has endorsed the truck convoy. On its website, it publicly identifies more than 150 mostly retired police officers who are against government-imposed public health measures, such as vaccine mandates. More than 50 former Canadian Forces soldiers are also named on its site.
The organization says it has “boots on the ground” in Ottawa and has linked to YouTube videos of its members participating in the protest.
The Truckers refuse to do any interviews with the hostile press (like the CBC). This is excellent — it denies the CBC the footage to use against them in heavily misleading edits. It denies the CBC any relevance at all.
Michael Kempa, an associate professor of criminology at the University of Ottawa, says the convoy’s policing and military expertise can be seen in the co-ordination of their activities in downtown Ottawa.
“They have this sort of military or police or at least survivalist training. Look at the sophistication of what they’re setting up in terms of an encampment in downtown Ottawa,” said Kempa, who studies policing across Canada.
“It looks like a military operation.”
In the core, abandoned cars and trucks with their tires removed are blocking streets. To Kempa, the placement of these vehicles is not random but rather strategic in that they may prevent police infiltration.
This CBC News segment below is fascinating — having been made irrelevant, I wonder if this like a wake up moment for one CBC reporter, who has listened for hours to protesters talking on “Zello” — an App on phones that works like a CB radio.
The issue at the heart of it is just “freedom to choose”.
She does a very respectable job of describing what’s going on — I’m shocked. And perhaps she’s one of the good people left on the CBC, just as there are a few still at the ABC and BBC. Or maybe, having listened for hours a few at the national broadcaster realize they have to change their approach or they risk being left behind entirely by the winning side.
This new workers revolution are aware, perhaps thanks to the fallout from the Jan 6 protest in Washington, that the legacy media are the enemy, and that agents of government bureaucracies might be wandering among them, trying to incite bad behaviour. These protesters are so much more aware of the old traps, so much more politically sophisticated.
A desperate government and a despised media
In desperation there are thinly veiled hints that the government is concerned about the children in the Truckers Protest. About 100 trucks have children with them. This is overreach on a mass scale which will ignite a fire of indignant determination. Furious truckers started counter-interviewing some hapless CBC journalist who turned up — the truckers were demanding he tell them whether their children are in danger “Yes or No”!
The media have become so disparaged — all the large organisation are banned from interviews with Protest leaders, and even the man-in-the-street now knows the media are the problem. CTV gushed over the BLM and Antifa destroying statues, but now CTV Edmonton have peeled off their car branding stickers “for safety”. One journalist at the TorontoStar claims rather hysterically that the flag has been “critically injured”:
Canada’s flag has been weaponized and transformed into a hyperpartisan prop — here, and, it now seems, abroad. It’s not clear where we go from here.”
He then goes on to admit — without any irony — that he didn’t like the flag anyway:
I am not a flag-waver; never have been. I don’t own one, I don’t wear flag lapel pins. And like generations of Canadian backpackers, I only donned a Canadian flag patch while travelling many years ago in Europe to avoid being mistaken as an American.
Which says it all. The Canada-hating journalist class is completely flummoxed by the Canada-loving Truckers.
It’s a turning point
A few days ago CBC news was painting them as angry people, who were disorganized, and being used by other groups with an agenda. See the video at “Protests in Ottawa crossed line from ‘expression of ideas’ to ‘extortion,’ criminologist says“. This was an interview with the same criminologist who now says they are organized like a military operation. How times change in just a few days?
The Truckers are winning, and the partisans are adjusting their narrative.
These Canadian truckers — and everyone cheering them on, despite the rage of the establishment — are saving Canada. They’re already making us more free. They’ve done more damage to Trudeau than the last two Conservative Party leaders combined. They’re a political tsunami.
They’ve restored a sense of community in a country that Trudeau and Butts pitted against itself. They’ve restored a common purpose in a country where lockdown laws kept us isolated from each other. They’ve literally been a moveable street festival. They’re great Canadians.
Maybe saving the Western World. Wait and see.
This reminds me of Gilbert Shelton’s words, creator of The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers :-
“While you’re out there smashing the state, don’t forget to keep a smile on your lips and a song in your heart! “
The point is that the protestors were a pleasant smiling mob – part of the reason for their success.
[Comment edited for clarity. – Jo]
Or maybe .0002% of the modern world knows about a “fabulous freak show” or someone named Gilbert whatever?
Yes you must be supporting the truckers except everyone thinks you support freaks so then what?
Vacuous indeed.
The whole of the modern world is not reading this blog so I’d say the percentage increases quite dramatically. The furry freak brothers were well known in the late sixties – early seventies and a lot of fun.
Congratulations to truckers. From a fringe group, they have now been promoted to a hyperpartisan group, whatever it might mean. I wonder if Trudeau picks this nice word.
They are threatening to bring out the ultimate weapon – SOCCER MOMS!!!
Ontario premier now caved…
An elderly relative (who’s already triple gene-jabbed) said to me yesterday that she is sick of all this. When she asked me when i thought it would end, I replied “when you tell your doctor NO”.
I was kinda surprised that whe agreed. Enough has become enough.
I see that the media have now altered their tune and are reporting more sympathetically on the truckers protest. They have seen which way the wind is blowing and want to be seen as ‘on side’, but have the MSM really changed their core beliefs?
Be VERY wary. Once this affair is over they are likely to revert to type.
At last Real Power to the people! Where’s Trudoh? Take note Australia and especially Victoria/WA this is how it’s done! Only PHON and UA will save our bacon! Bring on the election and give the incumbents a shock. Let discrimination and all the other distractions find a new teet to suck on!
Based on the latest news reports about recent years and years past of fraudulent and corrupt activities by manipulative Labor State Governments add Queensland, in order VIC, QLD then WA.
What was divulged last night on Sky News Credlin last night by a resigned VIC Labor MP was very worrying, I was reminded of the Italian Mafia and other such organisations but he was talking about an elected government of representatives, and them effectively controlling government departments by appointing mates to senior positions. The full interview could not be shown, Peta Credlin explained, based on Sky legal advice regarding the content.
I see Trudeau and co have now backed down, whilst denying it’s anything to do with the Truckers’ demonstration of course.
A bit enigmatic Tim. What did you see, when and where please?
Freedom Convoy Triumphs as Canadian Mandates Fall
Thanks Tim,
But I read that as a response from the Provinces, not Trudeau.
Dave B
The very best news I have heard in two miserable years! I am sure moved by the courage, determination & outright intelligence of these Canadian truckers.
It is what we have all hoped for & it shows the love of freedom still exists in the West in spite of the cruelty and blatant autocratic behaviour from government.
Sorry for ridiculous typos.
Politicians here and elsewhere in the West are using all manner of dirty tricks to keep us deplorables in our place. You are right, we need a courageous Tricklest to disabuse them of that policy. Tricklests rule!
Trickiest Truckers EVAH!
Unlike NZ’s police force which went goon-squad feral today on the lawn of Wellington’s Chicken Ranch, formerly known as Parliament House, dragging a woman by her hair then kneeling on the back of her neck as she lay motionless facedown on the ground, while uniformed thugs picked-off individual citizen-taxpayers (‘protesters’ young and old) throwing them to the ground before cuffing them and dragging them away…
Jabcinda’s Day of Infamy: has articles, links, pics & videos.
England, Denmark, Sweden and Norway have all revoked all covid mandates. hopefully Canada will follow suit. Italy has doubled down with face masks required even whilst skiing. France is still demanding everyone use vaccine passports. Austria has enacted mandatory vaccination with heavy fines, imprisonment and secret police enforcing the rules.
Where does Austtalia stand in all this? This link was disturbing but hopefully is becoming increasingly rare after the wild over reaction by oz poIice in recent months
Blackface Trudeau is a clueless fra-d, but the problem is his minority govt can probably last to Oct 2025 when the next election must be called.
I only hope the Truckers win big time and they can politically damage this moron + his govt and this hangs over for the next three and a half years.
But what a pity this fool cannot be forced to go to the people well before the end of 2025.
Go the Truckers.
Perhaps Trudeau could be removed as leader of his own party, and thus from leadership of the coalition government, without an election?
The 2ic is as bad, if not worse.
But if a revolt against Turdeau’s handling of Covid deposed him, hopefully his replacement would have read the tea leaves?
Go truckers!
Hey, Justin(ear), try this! “There go my people. I am their leader. I must follow them!”
May I point out you missed an important part of the original quote:
“There go my people. I must find out where they are going so I can lead them.”
See also:
A serious “controlled burn”.
That was so well said. Thx Bruce for posting it.
Yes thanks Bruce, that’s a great speech. Too bad it won’t be aired on the MSM. Of course that would be too much to ask. I doubt it would even be allowed on the likes of Sky News or 2GB. They appear to have been bought over as well. They are more busy trying to support a war with Russia. Such tools the lot of them.
Yet more live streams:
It’s really simple: No more mandates, no more restrictions, and definitely no vaxi-passports ever.
Oddly enough, it makes me think the “official numbers” for those getting the experimental injections might be a tad bit inflated. Justine’s certainly scared of something, and I don’t think it’s the completely peaceful protest by the truckers with bouncy castles. Maybe his WEF masters removing his bankroll among other things?
He has his own masters, sure, but Trudeau is himself a fully paid-up member of the New World Order movement, which recognised the opportunity that Covid represented and hijacked it almost immediately. They have been trying to do this using climate change for years, but Covid came along and presented an alternative route.
Trudeau and his NWO partners are angry because their plans to take all the power away from citizens were going so well and then these pesky truckers showed up. His over-the-top responses show just how close we are to losing our freedom.
It’s now or never, folks.
Agreed. Hold the line…..
This is an amazing video about the Canadian protest, very much well worth a watch 🙂
It’s even simpler, Remove all emergency powers, now.
One message.
MP: IMO that goes too far. What would we do if we have an outbreak of a transmissible disease? I mean a real one, not a Dr. Fauci rehearsal.
Over the last 10 days four Canadian provinces have reduced restrictions, the Conservative leader has been dumped, the MSM is in disarray, and a Liberal member has openly criticized Trudeau indicating dischord within the party ranks.
At times Justin appears be about to cry.
I’d say the trucker convoy is shaking things up a bit, wouldn’t you?
2 Libs now
Notice how pro-freedom protestors are peaceful and don’t harm people or property, unlike nearly any demonstration of the Left?
And unlike Leftist demonstrations where they operate without restriction or harassment by the government or police, pro-freedom protestors are subject to constant harassment and even violence by the police, and the paramilitary police are also deployed.
Yes David that is very true,
it gives me a headache thinking about why some people cannot see the forest for the trees
While I agree that most protestors are conservatives, I am sure that there would also be a number of ‘lefties’ in the protestors as well.
This should not be an all-in ‘left or right’ thing.
This is what the media refuses to acknowledge. The protestors come from all walks of life and all political persuasions.
The CBC is Canadas version of ‘our ABC’. The media arm of anything to the left of centre. The vilification of the protestors by CBC will hopefully help to make more people aware of the bias associated with these media organisations.
I agree with your first sentence, but your second is wrong. Thousands of people were harassed and arrested at BLM protests as well. Politicians and the press may have treated them with kid gloves, but the cops were as heavy handed as they always are. It just got brushed under the rug by the media because they didn’t want anything to interfere with their ‘mostly peaceful’ narrative.
When did you see police taking a knee for the truckers – or anybody on “our” side of the social spectrum? They suck up to LGBTQI+, BLM and so on, but never for us. Your comment is perhaps true superficially but wrong in overall thrust.
Steve4192, do you have video or any other evidence of your claim?
I watched a lot of BLM related news. There was never anything like what you claim. if there had been the MSM would have paraded it endlessly. Never happened.
BS is my word of the day
Plenty of people on the Left are with the Truckers
(especially the non woke pre Neo Liberal types)
Just saying
As I understand it the Canadian military might not be on side.
Been starved of funds for years – our old Hornets are their new planes, their WW2 vintage Browning HiPower pistols are “unreliable” due to age and lack of spares.
Being woked
Personnel being drummed out for no “vaccine”
as examples
The Canuks are buying our A model hornets to help extend the life of their C models.
We did the same to extend the life of our F111s [Who knew the Yanks called Aardvarks?] but the Pig was still best in class when we could no longer support them. Early Hornets are a dime a dozen.
Y’know, Canadians really look down on police for doing this sort of thing:
Convoy Organizers:
This may cost the Left its’ claimed representation of the ‘working class’.
105 years and the party’s over.
Poor babies.
They’ll need hugs.
This reflects a major change in society. A hundred or more years ago, most people were agricultural laborers or factory workers with long hard physical jobs. Now is the age of cities utterly dependent on truckers and farmers and fishermen, but those people now form the smallest part of society and in a democratic system have no say at all. Automation has emptied the factories and robots and containers have cleared the docks. The city people who depend on the hard work and long hours of the new underclass of workers and truckers ignore them as rednecks, uninformed, of no consequence. Which in a representative sense is now quite true.
The ‘Labor’ parties of the world, even the Marxists have to look elsewhere for votes so they back the teachers, the universities, the nurses, the shop assistants and the vast armies of deskbound clerks and public servants. So we are seeing open confrontation between builders Laborers and their Unions. And little support for Labor in the Country. There is vastly more support for the virtue signalling nicompoops and communists of the Green parties. And what doctor’s wife or nurse is not a Green? And women’s hard won rights are being destroyed by men identifying as women because equality has now become identicality.
Even Marxism has transformed from being the workers’ party controlling the means of production to being the new Labor party of black people, transexuals, women, LGBITQWTF, anyone they can claim is ‘oppressed’. And the internet has put real journalists out of work. The farm and factory and building workers are being ignored. And Black Lives do not Matter. BLM is a parasitic movement which selectively damages inner city black communities. George Flloyd was a very nasty violent criminal. And there is now a 700kg bronze statue to the man while real heroes are attacked and history is rewritten.
It is a monumental change and one which threatens both democracy and Marxism. The growth of cities. Like Ottawa.
Democracy may give power by numbers to the cities and cities like Melbourne have 83% of the population of the entire state, but it’s a very risky path for the ultra privileged and cosseted city dwellers who rarely even leave their homes or neighbourhoods to ignore the people who feed them.
Governments need to listen to all the people unless they think the army and police should attack their own citizens to enforce the rights of city dwellers. That’s not a real democracy, it’s a totalitarian state.
I live in a large Blue urban city, one of the most elite in the world. The elite are actually a small minority.
I think maybe their perch is tenuous, and dependent on the facade of progressive concern for the less privileged. The lockdowns and mandates have destroyed that facade.
Their neurotic medical phobias did them in.
Oddly, the elites here in the US have a better chance of ending the First before the Second Amendment.
I guess I’m saying from what I see, the urban elite are surrounded within and without.
And too myopic to see it.
If they could manage to chill they’d be fine.
But they’re all mostly Justins, Dans, and Whoopis.
There has always been an elite, often castle or cathedral bound. Masters of the Universe.
My point is that the rapid growth of cities have really disenfranchised the people outside cities and many of the working class who make cities possible. And ultimately many inside the cities too.
So it’s not just a protest by truckies and friends about mask mandates and vaccination, but by people who feel the government is by the few for themselves. And that they can ignore everyone else.
98% of Washington DC voted for Hillary Clinton! What does that tell you? I doubt you could get a job in DC or in a university today if you were known to vote Republican.
The black communities in the US are just realising that you can vote for the people who say nice things and take a knee and dress in black or African scarves and make endless promises but when they get power, you are actually far worse off. That not surprising once you realise the Democrat party was created after the Civil war to preserve slavery.
One solution for example would be to deny the vote to public servants. Otherwise they always vote for more of other people’s money and they keep growing without limit, as in Washington. Which is socialism. How many Clean Energy departments are there or Climate Change groups? This was like the explosion of the super rich monasteries, even though the inhabitants were poor. And the reaction was the dissolution of the monasteries, the Reformation and ultimately the French and Russian Revolutions.
“One solution for example would be to deny the vote to public servants. ”
Excellent idea!! No vote for anyone on the public tit! ..or a vote for everyone, but an extra vote for a business owner.
Lots of ways to do it, but we need bias in favour of self-reliance and capitalism to offset the effects of 50years of Socialists voting themselves into our pockets.
Their mercenary sycophants in the press are not going to be able to hide what they’ve done.
Trudeau mistakenly thought that the majority of people had converted to his brand of socialist wokism and that he could bully the remaining freedom-seeking non-conformers for political purpose. In setting out to make these people the common enemy, he made himself the common enemy. It’s great when karma bites 🙂
What is encouraging here is to see how the media has finally been outed as the bad guy. Let’s hope that this sentiment gets legs and spreads wide and far, including down here in Oz. Our own ABC is just as bad and possibly worse and it’s high time these organisations are held to account and dismantled. I must confess that I didn’t expect to see this level of public resistance in a place like Canada, which has always been a step to the left of other western democracies, due to the socialist French influence. In the USA and down here we have a much stronger conservative base that will be hard to silence, even in the now semi-communist states of Vic and WA.
We all need to fly the national flag to show our support for freedom and absolute rejection of Marxist “woke” authoritarianism. The media are the real enemy here as they the ones promoting this crap and aiding the march of the left with their continuous propaganda. To save the west we need to fix the media.
The new Conservative leader tells the truckers to disband.
Tone deaf and stupid.
This would be a huge opportunity for the Conservatives but no, they must align with the WEF against the Canadian people. Here in Australia we saw in Sydney when Gladys put on her evil South Western Sydney restrictions that the Labour party was incapable of trying to assist those being unfairly targetted and dealt with, and sided with the mandates.
As George Christensen said some time back. The solution here is NOT political. Politicians have been paid off and are nearly all in the pockets of the WEF – they have abandoned their constituents and instead lined up with the WEF and Big Pharma. We need to completely clean house and remove all of them, and start again with those whose first priority is prosperity and freedom, not their own greed.
We must completely eliminate the idea of a political class , which can not , by definition , be of the people and for the people.
Career politicians are history ; ask Danton , or Robespierre.
The political class is not the whole problem, they are just the useful idiots which are controlled by the faculty that runs not just the class (room) but the whole school viz lobby/interest/money groups which includes the unions. The divide between the bottom and top end of town was once the mid-point between the two groups. The unions, through superannuation and other deals, have helped move that boundary back toward the worker and they, the unions, now reside in the top end of town also. Pushing the boundary back to the mid-point, which the truckers have set in motion, will only reclaim the land that was once ours anyway. The problem that needs to be realised and acted upon is that this reclaimed land will be littered with mines and booby traps and if these aren’t cleared out our “victory” is that we have only moved ourselves into the centre of the minefield – the most successful murders are those considered suicide. Just ask the Emps and Clints of this world.
“The political class is not the whole problem,”
“Lotteries, not elections! Randomly pick your parliament,”
The second quote ( from KP) is the answer to the first quote (from Earl).
The political class is the group of “useful idiots” who will always be available to be exploited, temporarily of course, by the so-called elites who have basically stolen everything , including our democracies .
Now , drunk with power, and absolutely corrupted , they have overstepped the mark.
While the idea of a randomly selected group of representatives of the people as government has some issues , those issues are nothing in comparison to the alternative, which is ultimately , tyranny . As we can see clearly.
A maximum number of terms as a member of the government , say one , and no privileges upon retirement ; in other words a period of public service , and then a return to the ranks.
We could do much worse .
We already have.
What is sickening is that the useful idiots in the bureaucracy and throughout our whole society have to realise the consequences of their abandoning of their own personal responsibility and ceding so much basic decision making to others, and how evil our govts and those behind them are.
An example; I belong to a community Orchestra and some idiot who controls the building we practice in has now decided, presumably slavishly following the narrative set by our corrupt Premier, that no unvaxxed are allowed in the building. This is, as those here know, completely unsupported by any of the latest data and is just an attack on a minority, fair and square. But the idiot who does this no doubt thinks they are doing the right thing, and has no idea the impact on those at the sharp end of this. (and sometimes they do realise but are happy to attack as its “the right thing”….)
The gargantuan task will be to get these useful idiots who reside everywhere to realise their error and to return to a Christian values based ethos. This will be decades in the making, but we need to start somewhere! And now.
POB – “The gargantuan task will be to get these useful idiots who reside everywhere to realise their error and to return to a Christian values based ethos.”
Exactly right. We have slipped into an extreme left and extreme right warfare mentality with very little acknowledgement of what is inbetween until someone in there speaks up and they get labeled whichever “extreme” tag is most likely to silence them. At the moment extreme right classification is supposed to be the most damaging.
Imho when we get the global situation back into middle ground ie the truth is all out and can not be seen as anything other than TRUTH, there has to be a Nuremberg type wrap up and those clearly shown to be the instigators have to be made accountable and take their punishment. Forget future hood behavior bonds and promises of we realise our “mistake”. There also needs to be a reckoning where those “useful idiots” who were just “doing their job” are helped to see and understand the effect of their behavior. A bit like after the WWII ceasefire in Germany when those Germans living in the area of the concentration camps were marched through them to see first hand what their silence had upheld. Cheers
POB, as a courtesy just letting you know I did respond – in the positive – but I seem to have violated a real estate code and my allotment remains vacant. Cheers.
Lotteries, not elections! Randomly pick your parliament, don’t vote for liars.
We have deliberately been sold the ideal of a perfect Democracy with expert Politicians and centralized ‘efficient’ systems reporting to a team of benevolent experts.
Competition has been stifled by standardization.
Remember the campaign to index Politicians compensation for service to Public Sector wages.
The Canadians are pursuing the same outcome as the French did in the Revolution. Freedom from the insidious taxes, tithes, tolls and the control of the regulatory associations and bodies.
Hanson, Newman, Kelly Rennick etc have to sacrifice their privileges, unite with common purpose and capture the Reset. As someone has said, lead a Greater Reset.
– Remove the ‘Free’ wait in a queue health system of Hayden.
– Remove the Gun Control , deeming powers, and welfare dependency of Howard.
– Stop the surrender of power to the WEF lead by Hunt, Turnbull, Brandis, Rudd, Gillard and all the other grifters who have worked against the productive classes.
– Release employers and employees from the grips of the Fairwork lawyers banquet.
– Release Families from the interference of the social engineers.
– Stop paying Politicians and the deep state loses control over the Law making body.
There is plenty of wealth to rebuild Australia in the hands of those who care. The Future fund was stolen off the people to secure the unfunded super liability not deducted from their federal pays at the time. Billions have been stashed in hollow logs under the guise of education, environment and disease eradication.
Hanson, Newman, Kelly, Rennick etc have to sacrifice their privileges and unite with common purpose.
The funds are there. Who will bury the hatchet and overcome their egos?
Their sacrifice will be remembered and rewarded.
Thjey may even have a bridge named after them.
Matthew Guy, leader of the opposition party here in Victoria, admonishes one of his MP’s when he criticised the overt police action vs the Melbourne Freedom Protests. Stands back and watches police fire rubber bullets at peaceful protestors and then says nothing. Not a peep.
It’s a Clayton’s opposition. Puzzling. It’s not as if the Andrews government is not transparently criminal and now to be examine again by the Ombudsman, but the fact that the leader of the Opposition fully supports the Andrews government needs explanation.
Likely a focus group driven policy setting but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was simple envy and admiration of Andrews by the opposition leader.
And I wonder with this news today, “Chinese spies sought to bankroll the campaigns of hand-picked NSW Labor candidates in the upcoming federal election in a plot foiled by ASIO.”
Who is surprised?
And isn’t it just as effective to buy off the opposition? There are rivers of Chinese money around to buy Labor candidates or Democrats in the US, so why not Liberal leaders or Mitch McConnell with his Chinese wife? If the Capitalist West is so money oriented and who isn’t, why not buy both sides?
news update on jabs, mandates
The truckers and their supporters are restoring my faith in people, like in Australia the Canadians are not extremists, like us they are around the centre of the political spectrum, leaning slightly left or right of centre. In other words broadly conservative and who reject the extreme right and extreme left views.
PM Trudeau is far left (factions include Communist/Marxist/Stalinists/Trotskyites and others, Fabian socialists another (note Fabian Society of the UK and new world order agenda and Australian Fabian Society of Australian Labor Party membership), and probably Fabians in Canada? Whatever, with what the US Secretary of State now in Canberra has told Greg Sheridan of The Australia, that China and Russia (Communists) are plotting together to rule the world the last thing we conservatives need are like minded fellow traveller politicians here or in Canada, anywhere.
” that China and Russia (Communists) are plotting together to rule the world ”
Only a liar would say that ; only a fool would believe it.
Only a bigger fool would try it, as we have seen.
As I suspected the Fabian Society is also in Canada, here is link to the Fabian Society and objectives …
While I fully agree with the comments about The Fabian Society, there is also commentary on our Australian banking system and others that I cannot support, Advance Australia in my opinion go over the top at times.
Like most government banks the Reserve Bank of Australia (took over government business when the Commonwealth Bank of Australia was privatised by a Labor Federal Government) is registered on foreign stock exchanges for the purpose of dealing in government bonds and protecting currency (A$)value on foreign exchange markets.
Another example is National Broadband Network, a Federal Government owned private company, like Australia Post.
2 farmers arrested and Ottawa Metro Towing company is towing for Trudeau!
Can we have a moment of silence, please, for Ottawa Metro Towing.
Maybe… Tuesday-
The list used by bylaw services to tow illegally parked cars has two providers: Ottawa Metro Towing and Recovery and Gervais Motors. The Ottawa police-specific standing offer list has Ottawa Metro Towing and Recovery and Metro Towing and Recovery.
Dave Parent, fleet manager at Ottawa Metro Towing and Recovery, said: “We will not be towing any lawful protestors from the downtown core as long as they remain peaceful.”
Someone identifying himself as an operations manager who picked up the phone at Gervais on Tuesday morning said, “We don’t have any comments at this time.”
On Monday night, city manager Steve Kanellakos said staff had contacted companies on the standing offers list to provide heavy tow truck work and all had refused.
My favorite line so far …
“these protests are a threat to our democracy.”
Behold, the Left has jumped the Megalodon.
The disciples of the left had their go at protests, didn’t they. Aimless anarchy, massive destruction, and a residue of bile that the impacted cities have yet to recover from. A bunch of youth were used: they got their riot cred and BLM got millions for the elite to steal.
See the difference when competent people are moved to action?
A government that chose not to stop urban burning and looting; nor arrest and prosecute the perps, will not survive using force to end this no matter what the spin — it is beginning to remind of the Polish Solidarity movement.
I agree. IMHO it is important to understand that BLM believed that they had cause to protest, as do the Canadian truckers. They protested in different ways, but with both of them disrupting other people’s lives. What has been so shocking is the stunningly different ways in which government and media reacted.
The main stream media in Australia are not covering the Freedom Convoy in Canada. Especially the ABC who are violating their ‘charter’ (sic).
Unless we have thousands and thousands of ‘peaceful demonstrators’ here in Australia and New Zealand it’s going to be along time before restrictions are removed from both countries.
Climate Heretic
Sad but true. At least a few are making the effort to find out what’s really happening….
Couple Goes to Freedom Convoy To See for Themselves, Discover Mainstream Media Narrative is Complete Garbage
When the madness started in 2020 I kept telling people that if we all tell the government to go and get effed then the government must go and get effed. Everyone kept saying “No, we have to do what we’re told”.
Try looking up Mass Formation Psychosis and you will quickly get an idea of what has actually happened over the last 2 years. It sound a really jingoistic term, but it explains a lot. For every Turtle who thought the government should go jump, there’s at least 1 equivalent person who wants the govt to keep them safe, liked lockdowns and generally have no idea of microbiology or how their immune system works.
It was quite distressing to hear brainwashed folks mouthing the mantra ” we’re doing the right thing”.
Even more distressing that they still are.
I’m up with Desmet and Mass Formation. He’s spot on.
By the way Jo, they are now walking around schools in masks testing CO2 levels (as a proxy for ventilation) and saying that high CO2 levels diminish mental function. The demonisation of CO2 continues. I reckon this will be another ongoing scare. It’s happening all around the world.
Interesting point Turtle. Though it might help us in some way if people understand that 4000ppm is a problem and 410ppm is the “outside”.
What kind of values are they looking for?
The story is that your mental faculties drop 15% at 1000ppm.
They use tiny meters. I’d love to know how accurate these are.
I’d also like to find out the effect of masks at raising CO2.
In Scotland, Sturgeon suggested that the bottom be chopped off classroom doors. She is obviously unaware of hinges.
Mr Turtle, research on the CO2 levels acceptable in nuclear subs. Be aware that there is a LOT of power available on board to keep the working environment wher the crew can work at peak efficiency.
I can only conclude CO2 are incidental.
Nothing I have said above justifies, in my mind, abusing the children.
The MSM really have a lot to answer for regarding these anti mandate protests. They’re nothing new by the way, have been happening for at least a year in a significant number of countries worldwide. They are either not covered by MSM or attributed to being anti-vaxxers. That horrible insulting term that is equivalent to being tagged a “climate denier”. At preset there is a swathe of countries and now US states all rescinding COVID restrictions left, right and centre. Either announcing end dates or in fact bringing those end dates forward. Yet, if you watched, listened or read any MSM (only) you would not have been informed of this. Yesterday the NZ protest was again labelled “anti-vaxxers”. The Canberra protest was labelled that from Day 1. All the Melbourne Freedom protests copped the same inaccurate labelling- where’s the fact-checkers? When the MSM do make an attempt to cover the present Canadian protest its generally about 2 days out of date and terribly biased. There’s definitely no mention of jumping castles!!!
The protests had nix to do with ending restrictions. They are ending because it is sensible to do so, and are being done following the same processes that started restrictions in the first place.
Remember how many people on here went all “ooh scary, this is the beginning of the end, we will never have our freedom back”. As always happens, alarmist predictions come to nowt.
“ending because it is sensible to do so,”
Give Jacinda a call for us would you mate ; maybe she’ll listen to you?
“They are ending because it is sensible to do so”
Which explains why so many politicians, mostly leftist, but also some pseudo-right, are not removing restriction, and are actually trying to harshly enforce them.
Its not about Covid… many people are now waking up to that fact.
But then GA does not say WHAT elsenthe protests were about.
A conspiracy must be underfoot right GA?
No one on the Left was suggesting an end. Go ahead give me some headlines.
Mr. Aye: Did you notice that the “sensible thing to do” is not being done elsewhere?
Remember when Albo called our earlier truckers protest from a decade or more ago as “the Convoy of No Consequence?” Ready to restate that, Albo?
The Canadian Truckers and their huge Canadian support have not just sparked a political change in Canada, they have told the people of the world that it really is the PEOPLE who hold the power.
Look around the world at other people following the trucker’s lead. They are now challenging their leftist so-called ‘leaders’ and their mandates which ruin lives, economies and even societies.
The Leftists quote Marx; “Workers of the World UNITE!”
But when the workers of the world do unite the leftist leaders soil their underwear in large quantities. They have no rational response. They are all now defunct.
True but don’t ignore the likelihood of an irrational response, and a much more sinister one than already shown by the despot leaders. As has been said a number of times of late, we live in very dangerous times so be hopeful but also be prepared.
Would a false flag op be rational or irrational? I guess that would depend on the result.
Hard to see what other options Trudeau has.
Yes, that would depend on the result and the intent but typically it’s not for the optimal benefit of anyone but instead to cause havoc or harm. If one uses the standard use of “rational behaviour” as a reference to a decision-making process that is based on making choices that result in the optimal level of benefit or utility for an individual or a people, rather than take actions that harm them, and in the case of a false flag, disguise the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on another party, then in the current circumstances a false flag would have to be considered irrational.
I like your sentiment PeterS but it has no base in reality. Few power brokers give a flying fig about the optimal level of benefit or utility for an individual or a people.
Hanrahan, a false flag would be designed to make the Truckers look violent and the aim would be for Trudeau to regain the moral high ground because the Canadian public would have no sympathy with people who were willing to be violent or who wanted to “overthrow” the government.
Trudeau has no other options, the truckers are model citizens.
Mr. H: Consider False Flags come in a variety. For instance, a person with a can of fuel trying to enter the area would be stopped by cops and fuel can seized. But what if you tell the cop that the fuel is to set shops and police precincts on fire?! I think they have to let you go if you are protesting like that. Then you take the fuel to the truckers!!!
I am delighted to hear that the truckers are still there and effectively fighting back.
Behold the convoys of trucks,
In long rows, lined up like ducks,
As their trumpet horns blast,
That the protests will last,
Leaves Trudeau in a bit of a crux.
Saluting your determined stance in avoiding the f word that would have fitted also.
That is how he became Son of Castro….
…and in breaking news the Ontario government has frozen all funds from Givesendgo…
…and CNN “analyst” Juliette Kayemm suggests “Slash the tires, empty gas tanks, arrest the drivers, and move the trucks” 😅😅😅
Double face palm for that one.
Look…Trudeau is Schwab’s poster child and this won’t be allowed to end easily.
EU – 2 years in prison for copying the Canadian convoy.
This is a fight to the end. Winning a battle is not the same as winning a war.
Things hotting up next week.
Trudeau is also an extreme narcissist known for temper tantrums, remember him elbowing the woman in parliament in 2016 while shoving his way through? or when in 2017 he was asked 18 times by the opposition about meeting the Ethics Commissioner only to give a political answer every time, yes this is one very dangerous man-child and I hope he completely loses his S%$# and shows the world who he really is, once that mask drops away for a few of these psychopaths people may finally get the idea all’s not what it seems.
Here is the elbow incident:
Idiots – thats just upped the stakes.
Oh well, they could have ended it nicely, but no…..
So you now clearly see what these people truly are, underneath – they arent even hiding it any more.
Ohhhhh CANADA!
Great video…
Very moving!
(Wasnt meant to be a pun);)
I tyre of your puns
That’s Punny .
Ontario Court Freezes Access to GiveSendGo Crowdfunding for Freedom Convoy Truckers
February 10, 2022 | Sundance | 106 Comments”
If you looked at that CTH post earlier there is an update now
GiveSendGo says that Canada has no jurisdiction on what it does. Sounds like another blimp deflated.
We are hoping things are indeed turning towards our favour but let’s be realistic. It’s far from over and what happens next will be crucial as the following video explains.
Convoy Reaches Critical Moment in Canada
Also, I’ve been wondering for a couple weeks now if in fact the NWO most of us are fearing is already in place, possibly before the pandemic started. Let’s see how the governments respond to the freedom movements around certain nations. It will be very telling about whether the NWO is already in place or not. If it is then they will show their face in all its ugliness. If not, then there is hope we will defeat the despot governments, and at least delay the NWO from coming about.
Love the symbol of the red fuel can. During the 2020 lockdowns in Victoria, there was a movement to give Dan ( or is it Daniel?) Andrews the” boot”. People put boots on their front fence. letterboxes etc to show support. Perhaps everyone should do the same with those red fuel containers.
Also yellow ones for diesel 🙂
Colors, colors, and more colors
No matter how big and how long this protest lasts, if it winds down before Trudeau folds or is replaced, he will have won. I believe the same applies to any protests, by conservatives, in any country.
When I look at Australia for an alternative to the Morrison LNP government, I can’t see Labor being any different. The two major parties are different sides to the same coin, probably the same in federal politics in Canada.
We need a new coin a the current one is fake, but of course that’s easier said than done.
Really! Have you forgotten Rudd/Gillard/Rudd so quickly?
Trudeau is on the wrong side of history/science. Omicron was changed our future. Omicron has made the dangerous first release covid vaccines obsolete. Logically the Government should immediately stop vaccinating because there is no need and the vaccines are dangerous.
There is now a Canadian lawsuit about RNA vaccine safety to not be vaccinated under a the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The first release RNA vaccine dangers are going away. A scandal about forced vaccination with a dangerous vaccine would be a great issue for the 2022 election and 2024 elections.
Canadians are living with Omicron, are removing indoor mask requirements, and vaccine passports in most provinces. Canadians will soon have herd immunity to the endemic Omicron and Omicron’s decedents.
Omicron has made it not possible for future mandate biological attacks using the covid package. Omicron is so contagious it is not possible biologically to construct a more contagious version of covid to replace it.
The assumed evil strategy of first release covid was that it would continue to evolve in a designed deadly manner. As first release covid has not optimized for transmission subsequent manmade covid version could be released with special new deadly features. Omicron has made that not possible because it is not possible to further optimize the covid package for transmission.
My heart is bursting with pride for the Canadian truckers, their families, their advisers and all manner of helpers. Their command of intelligence manoeuvring has just got better, better than PinkSocks’ Schwab method of name-calling. I wonder if Pinky’s record at the Schwab school of treachery has taken a dive, after all… he did become a “world leader(?)”.
May this be a trigger for “cancellations” of ALL of the Schwab “world leaders”.
PS It would be without doubt that the Australian Truck Convoy organizers’ phones would be running hot talking to the Canadian Truckers.
Justin Trudeau’s Ceauşescu Moment
Denouncing truckers for “unacceptable views,” Canada’s Prime Minister skipped town rather than face evidence of his own unpopularity. Is neoliberalism finally cracking?
There may be no real-world comparison between a blood-soaked monster like Ceaușescu and a bumbling b@ll-scratcher like Joe Biden, or an honorarium-gobbling technocrat like Hillary Clinton, or a Handsome Dan investment banker like Emmanuel Macron, or an effete pseudo-intellectual like Justin Trudeau. Still, the ongoing inability of these leaders to see the math of populist uprisings absolutely recalls that infamous scene in Bucharest. From Brexit to the election of Donald Trump to, now, the descent of thousands of Canadian truckers upon the capital city of Ottawa to confront Trudeau, a consistent theme has been the refusal to admit — not even to us, but to themselves — the numerical truth of what they’re dealing with.
Trudeau is becoming the ultimate example.
When an angry convoy descended upon the capital, Trudeau dismissed them in a soliloquy that can only be described as inspired political arson:
The small fringe minority of people who are on their way to Ottawa, who are holding unacceptable views that they are expressing, do not represent the views of Canadians…who know that following the science and stepping up to protect each other is the best way to ensure our rights, our freedoms, our values as a country.
A near-exact repeat of the “basket of deplorables” episode, Trudeau’s imperious description of “unacceptable” views instantly became a rallying cry, with people across the country lining the streets to cheer truckers while self-identifying as the “small fringe minority.” Everyone from high school kids to farmers and teachers and random marchers carrying jerrycans of fuel joined in as Trudeau’s own words were used to massively accelerate his troubles.
What the Truckers Want: I’ve spoken to 100 of the protestors gathered in the Canadian capital. What’s happening is far bigger than the vaccine mandates.
I live in downtown Ottawa, within view of Parliament Hill, and have spent the past 10 days or so bundled up and walking around the protests. I have spoken to close to 100 protesters, truckers and other folks, and not one of them sounded like an insurrectionist, white supremacist, racist or misogynist.
They sound like Ivan, 46, who emigrated, with his wife, Tatiana, from Ukraine to build a new life in New Brunswick, in eastern Canada. “We came to Canada to be free—not slaves,” he said. “We lived under communism, and, in Canada, we’re now fighting for our freedom.” (Like so many truckers, Ivan refused to share his last name.)
B.J. Dichter, a spokesman for the Freedom Convoy, is vaccinated, and he estimates that many—maybe most—of the truckers at the protest are, too. “I’m Jewish. I have family in mass graves in Europe. And apparently I’m a white supremacist,” he told me on Wednesday. . . . So it’s about something else. Or many things: a sense that things will never go back to normal, a sense that they are being ganged up on by the government, the media, Big Tech, Big Pharma. . . .
The convoy is spearheaded by truckers, but its message of opposition to life under government control has brought onto the icy streets countless, once-voiceless people declaring that they are done being ignored. That the elites—the people who have Zoomed their way through the pandemic—had better start paying attention to the fentanyl overdoses, the suicides, the crime, the despair. Or else.
Kamal Pannu, 33, is a Sikh immigrant and trucker from Montreal. He doesn’t believe in vaccinations; he believes in natural immunity. He had joined the convoy because the Covid restrictions in the surrounding province of Quebec had become too much to bear. He said that he and his wife used to do their grocery shopping at Costco, until the government decreed that the unvaxxed would be barred from big-box stores. Since then, their monthly grocery bill had jumped by $200. “Before,” he said, “we didn’t look at the price of what we were buying. Now, we sometimes put items back because we don’t have that much money.”
A lot of the truckers who had driven in from Vancouver and Winnipeg and Quebec City expressed this same uncertainty. It was getting really expensive to get by: rent, utilities, groceries, everything. Almost everyone who was poor or even middle-class was mired in debt. They told me that they expected this sort of wealth gap in America, but not in Canada.
The divide that already existed between the haves and have-nots largely mapped onto the new chasm between those who supported the mandates and those who did not. And that was creating this huge, weird fracturing everywhere.
Understand, I will type more slowly next time and choose a subject that you find interesting.
And thank you in advance from the Fabians and others for censoring information about them.
uh oh
There must be another site they can go to. It’s not like Canberra doesn’t have plenty of space…
Actually there isn’t.
Try hotcopper. You will have friends there.
Mr. Aye: uh oh indeed. And when the removal of “trespassers” works in Ottawa, the folks in Canberra can find out how they did it. Please come back and let us know when you find out what “uh oh” means after the “camper” crowd overwhelms the cops. Why didn’t Mr. Trudeau just send in the military? Because somebody in the room must have said “what if the soldiers join the truckers”, and Mr. Trudeau said “uh oh”.
I’m back. Most of them left without drama. The remainder are going to be swamped by Canberra Show people.
WIll you be back too?
Maybe you were held up?
Can I leave now. I have other things to do?
One final check.
btw the final toll of arrests was 4 and there was little of anything that was violent.
Oscars 2022: Only ‘Hired Help’ will Be Required to Show Proof of Covid Vax – Vax Requirement Waived For Hollywood Celebrities
Proof of Covid-19 vaccination will not be required to attend the Oscars at Dolby Theater in Los Angeles this year.
Rather, the Academy will require a negative PCR test or a negative antigen test on the day of the awards show.
Only the ‘hired help’ will be required to be vaccinated, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Via The Hollywood Reporter (emphasis ours):
Ed Turning Point at Top
<emThese Canadian truckers — and everyone cheering them on, despite the rage of the establishment — are saving Canada. They’re already making us more free. They’ve done more damage to Trudeau than the last two Conservative Party leaders combined. They’re a political tsunami.
Only the ‘hired help’ will be required to be vaccinated, according to The Hollywood Reporter. speaks to how the elite see the workers – stikes me as part of why Truckers are protesting and not off topic
From a Canadian who says rumour is that the military will go under cover of darkness, arrest the truckers, cancel their licenses, etc. I did feel the truck drivers were driving into a trap. PM Trudeau walked out of Parliamentary debate, he can’t tolerate others’ views.
I would give zero credence to that rumour.
The same sort of thing was about at the protest in NZ yesterday – “the police have got pepper spray and tasers “.
The police withdrew.
Likewise the rumours of a “surge” in police two nights ago which didn’t happen.
The rumours themselves may be a bluff to make the Truckers nervous. It makes a huge difference that there are lawyers and ex-intelligence guys informing the Truckers so they know their rights and what can and cannot happen.
Even though Wellington is now under a ‘heavy rain warning’ – thanks to Cyclone Dovi drifting south from New Caledonia – parliament ‘security’ have activated lawn sprinklers hoping to flush out the electorate, aka protesters, who are camping for the night.
Ubiquitous orange road-cones have since been placed over the sprinklers – finally there’s a use for them! – so it may be a soggy night. At least it’s not 20-below like Ottawa.
[was caught in spam filter]ED
Put it this way ; if Soyboy gets blood on his hands from some such action , what you will witness will be both swift and terrible.
See #13 on this
Governments have No lasting or justified power once the People decide to ignore their hubris. History proves this.
It is past time for the Government to Serve the People, instead of using and abusing the People.
The present elitist hubris and nonsense has got to stop abusing the Citizenry. Else things will become quite disorderly. History prove this, as well.
Look how far western society has deteriorated. 30 years ago Tiananmen square occurred in Beijing. Now we see it in Ottawa.
Just to be clear, I mean that a Tiananmen Square type stand off now must occur in a democracy because the democracy has been captured by tyrannical leadership.
Whew , you had me worried there .
Visions of the Mounties lining up for a snort of meth before doing battle . . .
The Mounties peformed well here The Lumberjack Song
Meanwhile in Australia brought to you by WEF and their great Pal – Pauline Hanson’s Please Explain Greg ‘Yorick’ Hunt
No jab, no holiday: Unvaccinated Australians will be locked in the country and BANNED from leaving for another two months as a controversial law is extended
– Biosecurity laws banning travel for the unvaccinated have been extended
– They were due to expire on February 17 but will be in place until April 17
– Greg Hunt announced the extension after meeting with medical experts
– The laws also ban cruising and make masks on international flights mandatory
Unvaccinated Australians need an exemption to leave the country. Travel for work, healthcare or a compassionate reason is allowed but holidays are not.
Australia’s top doctors recommended the extension due to the Omicron wave which has affected the east, even though the peak has passed.
It comes after the Federal Government on Thursday updated its vaccine policy on the advice of the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI).
If anyone aged 16 and over doesn’t get a booster shot within six months of their second dose, they will be classed as ‘overdue’.
The new rule means anyone with an essential role – such as teachers, health and aged care workers, airport and quarantine staff, as well as food distribution and transport workers – could need to get a third shot or face the sack.
The rules are likely to differ from state to state.
The government has changed its policy despite the sustained drop in the number of Covid cases across the country.
These policies are wrong and pathetic..
Overseas reports on the boosters are stating that the “immunity boost” lasts for approx 28days !!!????
These needles are useless, and fail to have anything to do with Covid and the health of the population…
Just how long can this Government stretch this out ?..Meanwhile the policies in a number of Countries are being thrown out the window….
Australia……The Experiment !????
Whilst we are throwing science out the window……
I am Trans and identify as a 15 year old
Any rebuke to my new gender identity at the border is hate speech
For a fantastic analysis of the calculation of the IFR (infection fatality rate) as opposed to the CFR (case fatality rate) of Covid
Cases, the following post by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick is fantastic. It exposes the dreadful flaws in the calculations used to destroy so many lives. Many of you will probably follow his emails during his treatment of many many Covid patients.
Thanks Vicki,
A fascinating read. I don’t know how to use it yet, but it will certainly influence my thinking.
(Haven’t read the comments yet either.)
Dave B
If the terrain is as important as the data appears to indicate, then any weakening of the immune system by leaky vax’s is counter productive.
Speaking of terrain, you sound like a Chris Martenson listener.
Coming out of chronic fatigue I have been using antioxidants, flavonoids etc for over 20 years.
I would be seriously hissed if this hiss-fartin bug killed me.
FDA Rushes to Grant EUAs to Two More COVID Drugs With No Long-Term Safety or Efficacy Data, While Ignoring a Mountain of Evidence Supporting HCQ, Ivermectin
Let’s start with politics. Under Biden, the FDA has made it very clear for over two years that they do not approve of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for treatment of COVID-19, saying there is “insufficient data.” They went so far as to discredit one of these inexpensive treatments on their websites and on social media, implying it’s only for animal deworming (“You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it,” they said).
The difference is in narratives. Dangerous off-label usage of drugs is fine to further transgender ideology, but for COVID, it would contradict the narrative that the only way out of the pandemic is through forced, mass vaccination and repeated, titanically ineffective booster shots.
What if it turns out cheap generic drugs could have been enough for millions of healthy young people forced to mask and vaccinate for the last two years? That would cause Biden a huge political problem, so it’s better if the FDA—an agency with $3.6 billion in discretionary spending and over 18,000 employees—would not publicly confirm the mounting evidence that these generics help with COVID.
Because the FDA won’t share the latest efficacy information on ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine treatments, I will put them here.
It is no longer surprising that these data haven’t been publicized by the FDA, because under Biden and HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, the FDA no longer functions as an independent, science-based public health organization. Like so many other federal health agencies, the FDA executives and staff have chosen to follow the bidding of the White House instead of following objective scientific evidence.
Besides politics, a big explanation for the lack of scientific curiosity could be money. There are billions of dollars being made on COVID vaccines and endless boosters. By contrast, there is little profit to be had from inexpensive, off-patent, easily available generic drugs. This means two things. First, the pharmaceutical companies have a strong financial motive to attempt to discredit the low-cost competition, and second, because the FDA and NIH aren’t funding widespread research on these generic drugs, it is much harder for studies to be done on an emergency basis because, again, there is no money at the end of it.
Like I said…they’ll fight tooth & nail to stop us winning..
U.S. offers Trudeau government help to end border blockade
U.S. officials have offered to help the Trudeau government end an anti-vaccine mandate protest blockade that is sending ripple effects through the American economy and causing increasing concern in Washington.
I’d say we’re about 35-40% of the way through “the agenda” so 4 years plus to go. Yay…not.
Even Martin Armstrong just confirmed it:
I am laying out the game plan, for if we understand what Schwab’s army will be doing, it is up to us to resist and defeat this agenda. The mainstream media is under control and they will do everything to support Schwab against the people. Some are just following orders on a me-too basis, which other organizations like the London Financial Times are up to its neck in Communist philosophies. We must know our enemy, how he thinks, and his objectives.
There is a light at the end of this tunnel and it is on the front of an oncoming train.
Yes. I call it “stage 2”.
But what would I know 😉
P.S. make sure you all buy your HIV & AIDS test kits that are ever so conveniently now available at chemists 😆
Just have a look as to how “Decree by Biden” has speeded the west coast container unloading rate downwards. And doesn’t sound like the US trucking industry is exactly on side either.
You think he might be putting his “sparkle socks” on his arse or his elbow?
For years now we have seen, in person or via media, the military style control of all antfa/blm/green lunatic “protests and it hs been reported that antifa have had members trained in camps in the US and in Europe by professionals.
It is so good to see that we are finally waking up to the fact that it IS a war, and so fa, a peaceful one(vaccine trash and police brutality aside).
Let’s wait & hope while we see what the tyrants do as they have a lot to lose, and not just money and power but their freedoms and even their lives.
“SECRET RECORDING: Ontario Premier Doug Ford will announce tomorrow he’s ‘pulling these passports'”
And a message for wider than Canada (IMO)
Cities in British Columbia faced another age of conveyance convoys and rallies in harmony with protesters occupying downtown Ottawa in rival to COVID-19 mandates on Saturday.
Vancouver police officers said Saturday afternoon that hundreds of vehicles from a Bring Mainland convoy had entered the downtown insides causing significant congestion.
Lessen Mainland demonstrators gathered in Langley before driving to downtown Vancouver in spite of a make a comeback at Robson and Burrard streets. The Vancouver Islet convoy left side Campbell River ahead of time Saturday, with plans to acting a recovery at the Victoria legislature.
Theres not a mortal physically here interested in any issues other than our freedom. Nobody wants to argue, not anyone wants to feud with, zero wants to defile anything, Langley convoy participant Cliff Caron told News Canada formerly hitting the road.
Trudeau: the best way to ensure freedom is to mandate the vaccine.
Yes he said that.
And he may end up being right. Just that the freedom might be from him.
“I’m Spark-Dangerous.”
“No. I’m Spark-Dangerous.”
“No, I am Spark-Dangerous.”
“We’re alllll Spark-Dangeroussss.”
I sent this article to a journalist mate and he reckons it’s the best thing he’s read on the Canadian trucker protests. Well done Jo!
OT but not really, good look at ‘They’. Probably same ‘theys’ going after Joe Rogan and truckers.
‘Theys’ … seems a good name for an alien race heck bent on the destruction of humanity.
What my mother used to refer to as “The Great Anonymous They”
I wish I was a Chanuck
With a big flatbedded Rig,
I’d go awa to Ottawa
Stop being a guinea pig;
For the New World Order
By being jabbed and marked and masked,
I would enlist for freedom
You should do the same if asked.
Sadly I cannot join you
But in spirit I’ll be there
To help you end the mandates
Which free People find unfair;
You are acting for humanity
Against the Furhers of the world,
I salute the Freedom Convoy
As the Maple Leaf’s unfurled.
Patrick Healy
Luc Montagnier, co-discoverer of HIV, dies aged 89
A fighter against COV-19 vaxxes left us 🙁
Trudeau is doubling down. The premier of the Canadian province of Alberta proposed to Ottawa and Washington… That the vaccine mandate exemption for Truckers (US/Canadian Border) crossing be extended. Simple solution.
Trudeau said no. New Canadian legislation forcing vaccine mandates for all truckers crossing provincial borders will be announced this Friday.
This mandate will be challenged in court.
“Trudeau has lost the moral high ground”
How can he lose something he never had?
‘restored a common purpose’: this being a feature of mass formation. When the 30% dissenters are joined by the uncertain 40% anything can happen. Anything. And in this instance that anything will be very very good.
As soon as it becomes widely understood that the media is our enemy, it is game over for the usurpers of democracy.
[…] three weeks of massive disruption across the country, the truckers continue to insist they will not stop their protests until all mandates and restrictions are lifted: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has […]