Late last week a large prospective “study” showed that ivermectin was useless so it got headline reporting at the Wall Street Journal, unlike the other 80 controlled studies the newspaper ignored. This study is not even a peer reviewed paper, nor is it even news — The TOGETHER Trial announced results way back in August last year, but haven’t officially published the paper yet.
It’s a case of PR now, details later.
Thanks to the FLCCC we know some of the reasons the trial was never likely to succeed. And given that several groups involved in the trial were also big clients of Pfizer, it was a very convenient failure. Bear in mind, “fail” is relative — despite all the handicaps below, the Relative Risk of dying of Covid with low dose ivermectin was still 0.82 (0.44-1.52). Meaning they found a 20% lower mortality rate, but it wasn’t statistically significant when done with a low, late dose in the wrong way, with the wrong type of trial, with the wrong type of participants.
How to design a study to fail:

Click to enlarge.
- Give the control group a head start. It helps to begin collecting data on the control group weeks earlier when there is a less deadly variant around. That way more of the control group “do well” which makes the test group less likely to outdo them.
- Give people ivermectin on an empty stomach so it is not absorbed well. It works against worms, but lowers the effective antiviral dose to about one fifth of the current clinical treatment protocol.
- Limit the trial to three days, just in case all the other handicaps weren’t enough.
- Start the treatment late — maybe as late as 8 days after symptoms start. It’s not clear exactly how late the treatments ended up being on average. We just have to wait for the paper, eh?
- Use a randomized control trial in a community that already knows how useful ivermectin is. That way the really sick people will rule themselves out of the trial, because they won’t want the useless placebo. By comparing groups that are already low risk, ivermectin is less likely to shine. RCT trials work best in communities where the drug is not normally known or used.
- Ivermectin was so widely known in Minas Gerais, Brazil that some of the control group may have been using ivermectin before they started the trial. No one asked. Nevermind if they were the lucky ones who actually got the right dose at the right time, we can call them “controls”.
- Use vague primary outcomes like “events” that are subject to bias and exaggeration.
- Rule out sick people (if they haven’t already ruled themselves out first) by only including patients with an “expected stay of less than 5 days. “
- Tweak the protocol in the middle of the experiment: “we hypothesize that younger patients will benefit more than older patients.” Perhaps the results weren’t going well enough?
The illustrious Wall Street Journal swallowed the junk study whole and didn’t interview any of the experts who could have explained why the trial was a waste of time. (Unless the purpose was not to discover if Ivermectin was useful but to get rich selling more expensive and risky drugs, in which case the TOGETHER trial was just what Pfizer needed.)
Ivermectin Didn’t Reduce Covid-19 Hospitalizations in Largest Trial to Date
Patients who got the antiparasitic drug didn’t fare better than those who received a placebo
Sarah Toy, Wall Street Journal
“There was no indication that ivermectin is clinically useful,” said Edward Mills, one of the study’s lead researchers and a professor of health sciences at Canada’s McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.
It’s all in how you phrase things:
“This is the first large, prospective study that should really help put to rest ivermectin and not give any credibility to the use of it for Covid-19,” said Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine…
It’s not the first trial of Ivermectin, not the largest trial, it’s the first large trial that should put people off ivermectin.
Even liars leave clues:
But *most* studies showing positive effects had significant limitations such as small sample sizes or poorly defined outcomes, according to the NIH.
“Most” indeed, meaning 51% or more. Not all studies had significant limitations but we don’t need to mention the ones that were bigger and better, right? Like the trial in Itajaí, Brazil with 159,000 people that showed a bizarrely low infrequent dose of Ivermectin could halve hospitalization rates and reduce deaths by 70% if it was used preventatively.
Would you like a conflict of interest with that?
The TOGETHER Trial is supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation [INV-019641]. Gates is a well known investor in medical treatments and vaccines. Imagine how much money they might not make if a cheap safe alternative was found. The lead investigator Edward Mills, got funding from FastGrants, which includes money from facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg among others. Zuckerberg has invested $100 million in “Coronavirus cures”. And on other days, some of the groups associated with the trial, with names like MMS Holdings and Cytel Inc, earn their money by doing work that helps Pfizer get drugs approved.
Comments under The Wall Street Journal are hotly polarized between people who quote other studies and dosages of ivermectin, and people who make smug remarks about “the Horse Pill loving, anti-science, Joe Rogan listening clientele often found in these comments”.
Where is decent research going to come from?
The FLCCC calls for better trials:
Trials of generic medicines that are funded and influenced by profit-driven pharmaceutical companies will always fail. We need to create an independent, well-funded government body dedicated to conducting well-designed trials and transparent research studies of repurposed generic treatments – not only for COVID-19, but for all diseases that may have safe and affordable remedies. The use of independent research is our only hope of understanding how these medicines can best be used to help patients.
Sadly, as we well know, there is no such thing as an Independent government funded research body. They are all dependent on Big Government funding. They might start out fine but they all end up captured.
More than anything we just need free speech. If doctors could say what they thought, Health Ministers, Prime Ministers, Presidents and Science Advisors could be shamed into the oblivion they so rightly deserved for the unnecessary deaths, suffering and pain they have caused.
Let the people choose their doctors, and let the doctors choose the medicines, and a real free market on a level playing field will solve the rest.
UPDATED: The wonder drug that disappeared
My repeat Go-To summary of Ivermectin
If you only email friends one link — make it this story. It’s the biggest medical scandal since 1850— Why is a cheap safe drug being actively surpressed– because it threatens the Emergency Use Authorisations for all experimental vaccines, an industry worth around $100 billion. The Australian TGA admitted it banned the safe drug because people might not get vaxxed. Pfizer and other companies would be crazy, nutso, bonkers, and doing their shareholders a disservice if they did not lobby, cajole, scare, smear and call in all their favours to make sure there would never be a cheap safe alternative.
In desperation, some Americans are going to court to get rulings to order doctors to use Ivermectin on their loved ones. One family hired a helicopter to take their mother away from intensive care in a hospital that refused to give Ivermectin and saved her.
Ivermectin is so safe doctors fed it to primary school children to treat lice in Canberra. It has been used to virtually eliminate Covid in Japan, Uttar Pradesh, and in Indonesia where it cut Covid by 98% at the same time cases in Australia grew 500% with Lock-n-Vax. There are also success stories from Peru, Brazil, and Mexico.
For peer reviewed studies read: The BIG Ivermectin Review: It may prevent 86% of Covid cases. In vitro, Ivermectin reduces viral loads 5000 fold in 48 hours. There are no less than 73 studies involving 56,000 people that show improvements in over 80% when used prophylactically, 67% when used early and even as many as 40% with late-started treatment. There are 20 known mechanisms of action: IVM binds to ACE2, the spike, and TMPSSR2, it is a zinc ionophore, it binds to a protease the virus needs, prevents key viral proteins getting into the cell nucleus which would normally allow the virus to shut down interferon signalling to warn neighboring cells. It’s anti-inflammatory, it blocks the NF-κB pathway, which will reduce Akt/mTOR signalling, which inhibits PAK1 which reduces STAT3 and IL-6. STAT3 induces C-reactive protein (or CRP). It’s impossible for Covid to mutate around all these mechanisms at once. No leaky vaccine should be given without an anti-viral because it risks the mutation of a nastier virus that escapes our immunity. Read the horror of Marek’s disease in chickens. 50 years of leaky vaccines created a disease worse than Ebola. It’s 100% fatal in ten days for unvaccinated chickens.
The FDA and others will say there is little evidence of success so far, but that’s a scandal in itself. Why are there no large trials? And why are other drugs like Remdesivir approved with only one trial and iffy results? Ivermectin is so safe some 3.7 billion doses have already been used around the world. The inventors won a Nobel Prize for its discovery in 2015. By July last year there were already signs Ivermectin could save as many as 50%. Why were large trials not started then? The UK trial was designed to fail from the start.
Why are all the vaccine contracts secret? Say hello Serf to your new Head of State, Mr Pfizer?
Image of Ivermectin tablets from TDT
The power to lock in profits will always be used.
The FLCCC’s response to the Wall Street Jounal’s article:
No government funded research is going to be independent. Look at all those independent scientists working in independent universities funded by the taxpayer who all find that mankind is causing climate change. If Chinese scientists can do their research in our universities on our dime and repatriate their findings to the CCP how much easier for a Pfizer researcher to operate as an independent. Better if the government stopped all research funding. If an university comes up with a viable invention then they cash in. What they do need are research salesmen who can turn a good idea into profit. Remember the Chinese student at UNSW who invented an improved solar panel? The university let him take his research and idea back to China where he made billions selling the panels to us and others.
Very well put
thank you Jo
Truth has certainly been the first casualty – again.
“Truth has certainly been the first casualty – again.”
It seems very strange that this article from the WSJ is so different from previous WSJ articles that have stated ivermectin is both safe and effective and have questioned why it is not being used.
Why would the WSJ take a completely opposing position in this article? Perhaps, just perhaps, the WSJ believes this article is accurate.
The Wall Street Journal is not a single person. Newspapers with some sense of balance often run articles presenting divergent points of view. Perhaps the editors felt obliged to print an article giving another point of view on Ivermectin, regardless of whether it stood up to close critical scrutiny. Or perhaps, just perhaps, it came under serious pressure to run an Ivermectin putdown.
Fair point. The WSJ would be excused if they had published other articles which presented positive virwd about Ivermectin either on the same day or within a short time before or afterward.
Given the insulting tone of the article I suspect that was not the case.
The WSJ published articles supporting the use of ivermectin in June 2021.
Did they?
Bogus science at work.
For the usual purpose.
As I keep saying we are in a war between two empires of lies. Only time will tell which one will win the race to the top and establish their own NWO.
We are so poorly served by our employees in the government namely the politicians and bureaucrats. They have the nerve to tell us how to live our lives when we are their bosses and paymasters. They succeed because we let them. Once every three or four years they come to us begging for another chance to ruin our lives and foolishly we give it to them. What is the alternative? Not to vote for any of them? The trouble is that many of those who do vote do not think and do not know how badly they are being treated nor how badly they have been lied to. Just think how many people would vote for more wind farms if they were given ALL the facts. I imagine a great many whose relatives have died for lack of treatment for Covid would be really angry if they knew that the government knew there was a treatment but banned its use. My doctor nearly craps herself when I mention Ivermectin or HCQ she is so fearful of de-registration. As Jo says if we were allowed free speech as we once were none of this would have happened. We have to make the politicians fear us. That can only be achieved by joining a party and campaigning from within. Patriots are reshaping the Republican Party in the US and making it stronger, so strong the Democrats are realising they are about to be slaughtered in November. South Australia showed that a woke Liberal Party is a loser. Will Morrison learn in time? Doubtful because spineless Albanese is not a viable alternative.
My doctor nearly craps herself when I mention Ivermectin or HCQ she is so fearful of de-registration.
Exactly the same as my Female GP, who is otherwise Excellent
In hospital when asked re not vaccinated, reply have been on anti-virals for over 2 years, US CDC changed definition of Vaccine on 1st September 2021 from offers Immunity to offers Protection – given the number of people in hospital with Covid after 3 doses of Pfizer, the efficacy of Covid Vaccines is zero – I also mention Vitamin D deficiency in UK Studies of BAME population and
similar findings in US
My GP has stocked up on IVM for himself. I didnt ask for any – didnt want to put him in an awkward position knowing the insanity going on at ahpra. Plus I have zero fear of covid (considering my age and health) and that was vindicated when it went through my household….mildest cold any of us had ever had.
I have resisted the ineffective and dangerous faux vaxx, despite pressure from work and was preparing to get sacked but just got handed a lifeline…can keep working from home like a filthy leper for bit longer – so I dont infect the triple vaxxed at work of course! Never mind the 10s of thousands of daily cases amongst the ‘fully vaccinated’ that no one talks about. We have people at work who get a sniffle, test negative, test again and again, then get a PCR to finally get a positive result, then moan about having to go into isolation – these are otherwise highly intelligent people – Absolutely baffling.
Upside down clown world.
The dead hand of Kevin07 gave us AHPRA a harbinger of the totalitarian Labor ideals by which we will be shackled all too soon.
Here is how to beat the lib/nats and leibor/greens at their own game.
Just for the fun of it. The Queen got covid last month, having been vaxed and boosted. What was the treatment she got? Indeed, Invermectin.
Quod licet Jovi non licet bovi. It still is the case.
Speaking of rigged studies:
“Are you now or have you ever been…”.
See, I’d vote for that!
Boriquagato’s comments on the ‘rigged study’ reminds me of the Israeli-based COVID-19 Vaccination study, published last year in Lancet, I think.
Someone posted the link about six months ago.
As I recall, they only looked at Adverse Events after a ‘mystical 7 day window’ following Injection. Because as everyone knows, dropping dead in the first week post-injection, or suffering a heart attack, or stroke, shouldn’t be held against the VACCINE! … /sarc.
Since it was a large, 2-cohort study (more than a million people) it could have produced a meaningful result on Vaxx Safety.
Instead, it only reported on Effectiveness against COVID-19.
The footnotes revealed the study’s funding — multiple connections to Pfizer …
With funding for this trial and a $400M donation to fund the Democrats to “fortify the election” of Biden, Mark Zuckerberg continues to fund failure, to secure his income.
Gates, Zuckerberg, and Co from Big Tech need to be exposed for their deeds.
Hopefully Google is monitoring my Emails!
So hypocritical of the Politicians and media to condemn Ivermectin and other useful antivirals when they never even knew the horrific trials and failures of vaccines. If Ivermectin had been used the little Hitlers all over the world wouldn’t be able to blackmail people into getting vaxxed to keep a job or make a living. Plus they still have mandates here in Queensland fully knowing there are dire side effects of the incredibly dangerous Pfizer vaccines.
Hydrogen peroxide, the stuff sitting under your kitchen sink, may be a life-saver
At this point, I was stymied. Do I believe the traditional medical establishment, or do I trust random people, including random doctors, giving their opinion on the internet? Once upon a time, trusting the medical establishment would have been a no-brainer. Now, though, given that the establishment hasn’t covered itself with glory and has aggressively rejected any early treatment for COVID…let’s say my trust is diminished. Still, those warnings are scary.
However, with hydrogen peroxide now stuck in my brain like a burr, I was fascinated to learn that a recent medical study identifies aerosolized hydrogen peroxide (presumably the food-grade kind) as a new weapon in the war against one of the most pernicious infectious diseases in care facilities such as skilled nursing facilities or old age homes:
Why do I hear echoes of stories about hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in the above report? Could it be that’s because it involves a commonly available, affordable substance that seems to have amazing properties but that is completely frowned upon by the establishment, especially when it comes to treating COVID before a hospital stay is necessary?
Given the warnings against inhaling hydrogen peroxide, I’m not about to start sucking it in on a daily basis. However, I am going to keep an eagle eye out for medical journal studies announcing that hydrogen peroxide does indeed have anti-viral properties. I’m willing to bet that the odds are good that precisely such an article will appear in the next year.
We could say “poor fella, my country”;
and acknowledge that our country is riddled with millions of greedy, grasping, misinforming, self-enriching, info-verbalising, ABCCC pseudo intellectuals and government accredited blood suckers:
we could do that, but that’s what we’ve been doing for the last many years.
Our real object is the overthrow of this Evil Excressence and the renewal of a functioning Democracy.
What do we Do! Let’s Do It.
and acknowledge that our country is riddled with millions of greedy, grasping, misinforming, self-enriching, info-verbalising, ABCCC pseudo intellectuals and government accredited blood suckers”
An accurate and succinct assessment of the Conservatives and of the Morrison government
Simplistic to an extreme level.
And very, very sorry.
I forgot to mention some staff? at our rejigged universities that are now so all inclusive.
But its not the conservatives of the Morrison government that are the problem.. –
Its the pseudo-conservative or “LINOs” that are the problem.
Any problem with even the leftist Morrison government, pales into insignificance compared to Labor and the Greens.
Ian.How could you get this so wrong?????ScoMo and the libs are definitely NOT conservative.
Rene Schwob: “democracy is actually in practice nothing but a conspiracy of small, entrenched groups cleverly ” manipulating votes,”
selection of government rulers by means of popular elections makes it nearly impossible that a good or harmless person could ever rise to the top. Prime ministers and presidents are selected for their proven efficiency as morally uninhibited demagogues. Thus, democracy virtually assures that only bad and dangerous men will ever rise to the top of government.
H.L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy
It was long ago observed that the plain people, under democracy, never vote for anything, but always against something. The fact explains in large measure, the tendency of democratic states to pass over statesmen of genuine imagination and sound ability in favour of colorless mediocrities. The former are shining marks, and so it is easy for demagogues to bring them down; the latter are preferred because it is impossible to fear them.
Yes, I agree, but how do we get past all that to a functioning Democracy.
The U.S. has a very obvious and highly functional swamp.
True, by comparison, Australia only has half a swamp, but that putrid puddle robs us badly.
How can a democracy send hundreds of millions AUD $ to the United Bloody Nations and internally to the Great Big Barrier Reef Foundation when the beneficiaries are Clintonian and anything but the coral.
The answer is to make politicians accountable on a higher level even than the average citizen.
If they are punished when they do wrong then things will improve but we have excluded punishment from the world.
“If they are punished when they do wrong then things will improve but we have excluded punishment from the world.”
A statement that is both naive and wrong.
Who decides if politicians “do wrong”? Judges? Other politicians? The MSM? Voters? Social Media? The Queen?
Who decides the punishment? As above.
“but we have excluded punishment from the world” Tell that to Craig Thomson and Pauline Hanson and Sam Dastyari and Christian Porter and Gladys Berejiklian and Pegter Slipper to name but a few
Eddie Obeid doesn’t make your list; what am I missing?
Sorry Serp I was just mentioning those I could recall from memory. I’m sure I missed many although in fairness I did say “to name but a few
If enough people follow these directions,we could easily see a very different government in the future.
Try it next time you go to vote.You just might like it.
Conspiracy to suppress dewormer. you can find multiple references (like this one) that show the inefficiency of the drug.
The big problem is that Ivermectin, if it does work, works as a prophylactic, which would mean you have to take it before potential infections. But how do you calculate that risk?
Or you could skip the Ivermectin entirely, as well as the experimental jab, and endure the inconvenience of the sniffles for a few days.
IMHO you are right there Klem
“endure the inconvenience of the sniffles for a few days.”
my household finally won the lottery or should l say my wife and daughter are getting over the dreaded covid
and my wife says she will not be getting any more jabs
they both have had what they describe as a head cold with a bit of a sore throat and chills for a day
my wife has comorbidities and is jabbed but was no different in symptoms and level of being ill to my daughter
my wife tested with RAT tests for three negatives over three days but having a bad feeling she had a PCR that was positive, apparently she did not fit the criteria for a RAT test
my son and l are covid free
l do not fear getting a head cold
“did not fit the criteria for a RAT test”
that was supposed to be “did not fit the criteria for a PCR test”
she got the PCR test after telling the people in charge that our daughter has MS
the PCR test is what the medical establishment use if they need a false positive to enable them to describe you as ‘asymptomatic’. The fact that the other tests were negative and you don’t feel exceedingly lethargic or have major breathing problems, means that you probably DON’T have the virus or a variation. The beauty of the PCR test is that you can create negatives or positives depending on the need for headlines, by simply adjusting the CT threshold to amplify the signal. Officially the WHO set 40-45 for ‘unvaccinated’ and 16-20 for ‘vaccinated’, the latter to aid and abet their claims that the vaccine was ‘preventing’ the spread. If you have been vaccinated you DO cary a viral load which PCR can detect if you amplify it enough. Incidentally you can ‘achieve’ the same thing with numerous soft drinks incl Coca Cola, flu virus and almost certainly the ‘common cold’ (aka Coronavirus 226E, first discovered 1956). Its like turning up the volume on your radio to max in order to hear a distant radio-station – complete with amplifier ‘noise’.
Sigh. PCR tests have been used for 35 years in medicine, law, forensics, anthropology, botany etc, literally millions of useful tests have been done, in thousands of labs in nearly every nation on Earth. Like any test they can be abused, but unless we have specific evidence of abuse in specific instances the generic anti-PCR stuff is a rabbit hole to nowhere, a fog to distract us.
Asymptomatic infections are real, they are confirmed by plaque assays and contact tracing, in vivo and in vitro. About half of influenza cases are asymptomatic. Asymptomatic people can infect others, and sometimes viruses can damage people asymptomatically. All this is known and has been cross-checked independently by a web of different tests, and different scientists, up the kazoo.
Think about it — if the cheats amplify cases of Covid, that only makes the virus look less deadly than it is. Why would they do that?
Forgive my bluntness, I don’t mean to be harsh, but we have to get focused. I have worked in a medical research lab in genetics. The battles we need to fight are on free speech for doctors and for the cheap safe drugs that Big Pharma don’t want us to use.
Some of the most corrupt players in the world probably are happy when good people mistakenly think the latest bioweapon doesn’t exist and isn’t easily detected.
Quite correct Klem- Omicron and the next variant are all so mild that you don’t even need IVM or HCQ. Maybe for the really serious cases only, where the vaccines are clearly not giving 100% protection. Personal experience – some Anticols, a couple of Panadols and I did some throat gargling. But I had taken preventative Zinc. COVID for me was over in about 2 days. I’ve had a little gloopy throat for a couple of weeks , but even that is now receding. I seriously don’t think the 2 AZ’s I had in 2021 really did anything when I read reports of unvaxxed having only mild symptoms as well. That’s now the kicker. The need for these products was early 2020 when everyone was running around like headless chooks. Now – meh!
You have to pay attention to myocarditis after infection, we saw that in our soccer club with 19 infected players, one had it.
But all were vaxed, most also boosterd
Or you take it prophylactic, or at the first onset of symptoms, with a higher dose, nothing more somple than that.
How do you calculate the risk? Perhaps immediately after you have watched the nightly ‘news’ and witnessed footage of people in China dropping dead in the street, with a breathless voiceover warning of impending doom. If you believe that, take Ivermectin. If you don’t, take your chances.
or believe in the science behind the vaccines and take those
If you believed the science behind the mRNA vaccines you would stay away from them with a 10 foot pole
The actual science shows the vaxxines are both ineffective, and have the propensity for very harmful adverse reactions.
Please keep up to date, and take your 4th, 5th, nth “jab”, like a good little underling.
Peter, not only does Ivermectin work, and have 20 mechanisms of action, as I have posted (do you read the blog?) it works best as a preventative (83%) but still works better than most vaccines in early treatment (63%) and still helps many when left until late treatment (42%).
They had to add in a lot of spurious handicaps to reduce 40% to 20% in this latest trash research.
I’m not sure if you or others made this comment on the Ivermectin study slammed by the WSJ.
“Late last week a large prospective “study” showed that ivermectin was useless so it got headline reporting at the Wall Street Journal, unlike the other 80 controlled studies the newspaper ignored.”
That is incorrect The WSJ has published several articles supporting Ivermectin, references to which I have already referred but for convenience have re-listed below
It is also stated “Would you like a conflict of interest with that?”
The TOGETHER Trial is supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation [INV-019641]. Gates is a well known investor in medical treatments and vaccines.
but later it is stated “Thanks to the FLCCC we know some of the reasons the trial was never likely to succeed. FLCCC
Why is it not mentioned that that is a conflict of interest as the FLCCC has been actively promoting the use of ivermectin for many months?
As I wrote previously perhaps the findings are correct a possibility that seems to have escaped your notice,
What conflict of interest? The FLCCC don’t sell ivermectin or profit from its use. Many of them have lost their jobs because they use it.
When people get poorer by advocating something…
Ivermectin has been banned in Australia by the Therepeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in early 2020 and any doctor prescribing it ‘for use against Covid-19’ – risks deregistration from the Medical Board – effectively having his ‘license to practice’ revoked. This is probably in breach of the Australian Restrictive Trade Practices Act and numerous other laws but you need to find a lawyer prepared to take on either State or federal Governments – to succeed.
The fact you stoop to the “de-wormer” slur, underlines your incredible ignorance on the matter.
“Dewormer” is a conspiracy theory to discredit a helpfull drug
American Spectator – SPECIAL REPORT
Joe Biden’s War
The fate of the world is in the hands of a man who is literally and demonstrably a weak-willed and mentally disabled dimwit.
So here we are in a shooting war with Russia. We are supplying the weapons, and the Ukrainians are doing the fighting and dying. But make no mistake. In addition to arming the Ukrainians, by our sanctions, we have declared economic war on Russia and, reportedly, are also using our satellites to target Russian troops for death and destruction. We are in this war just as surely as if Americans were on the ground pulling the triggers.
And, as this goes on, the question becomes how will it play out? Will Russia retaliate with cyberattacks to disrupt our domestic power grid, pipelines, transportation, financial institutions or other infrastructure? Will it unleash chemical or biological agents? Will it use tactical nukes to speed up the rubbling of Ukraine’s cities? How will we respond if Russia pursues any of these options? And how close are we to that one misstep that could cause events to spiral out of control into nuclear conflagration?
How did we get here?
The answer is simple. The titular head of the Biden regime is weak, corrupt, and mentally incompetent. None of this is or has been a secret. All of it has been on embarrassing display before the entire world and was disastrously demonstrated by Joe Biden’s witless and chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan as well as his astoundingly moronic prewar assurance to Vladmir Putin that the United States would not militarily oppose an invasion of Ukraine.
Joe Biden was installed in the Oval Office by a process that had all the features of the color revolutions that our deep state has so successfully fomented around the world. On election night, the vote count was mysteriously halted. There followed an avalanche of mail-in ballots of unknown provenance. The corporate media promptly declared Biden the winner, and denounced anyone who dared to publicly question this outcome. Those who persisted in challenging the result were smeared, banned from social media, and canceled. Many have been sued in court or had their livelihoods threatened or destroyed.
And with that, it was mission accomplished. America’s color revolution had succeeded in installing a drooling fool in the Oval Office.
We must face facts. Donald Trump, the only President in this century who did not get us into a war and whose policies produced a thriving economy, American energy independence, and stable foreign relations, has been replaced by a literal idiot who has wrecked our economy, opened our borders, and undermined our national security. And now, in his most remarkable achievement to date, he has gotten us into a shooting war between two countries where in each he and his family have surreptitiously reaped untold wealth.
All of which gives rise to certain unavoidable questions. What are the Biden family’s benefactors in Ukraine and Russia getting for their money? Whose interests is the Biden regime serving? What covert influences may be in play and what effect, if any, are they having on our involvement in and conduct of the war?
The fate of the world is in the hands of a man who is literally and demonstrably a weak-willed and mentally disabled dimwit with highly questionable financial interests on both sides of the war in Ukraine as well as in Communist China which is on the verge of coming to Russia’s assistance.
What could possibly go wrong?
Putin’s Fault
Apologies wrong thread
I&I/TIPP Poll: Are You Better Off Today Than A Year Ago? By 4-To-1, Americans Say ‘No’
Inflation, COVID shutdowns, and supply-chain shortages have made Americans increasingly gloomy about the economy.
Seems to me that the largest Trial to date by far was with the use of Ivermectin in India. And it worked.
“We have all seen this?”
Interesting video.
There is no treatment, vaccine or otherwise, that is readily available, fully effective and has activity versus all variants when used alone. So, always, every tool possibly practical to employ should have been used versus COVID and especially the earlier more deadly variants. Censoring possible safe effective treatments like IVM/HCQ that could be used in a multi-facet program in pandemic situations was obstructive. It lead to increased mortality, morbidity and collateral public health damage. Not including vitamins there are up to 30 possible treatments that could be used vs COVID. All relatively cheap and available. There are now about 20 countries that have approved IVM for use against COVID and some US states allowing doctors to prescribe and pharmacists to supply this product.
People were denied life saving drugs so Big Pharma could make money, and politicians could save face. Utterly disgusting, but not surprising.
I completely agree… it is a weird study with a peculiar method of reporting results. Also it is quite opaque – I can’t work out what they actually did.
To which study are you referring?
I got covid as did my wife and son. We all used Ivermectin and had only v mild reactions. I did have issues after covid but it worked for us.
Ivermectin actually provides some benefit, whereas the vaxxes only promote infection and transmission, and cause all manner of adverse reactions. But money talks and all our politicians and bureaucrats are in bed with Big Pharma, so are not likely to be interested in a treatment which works well and costs virtually nothing vs one which provides a river of gold to them in the form of kickbacks etc, even though it does not work….
My cousin and her husband, 69 and 71 respectively, both caught Covid (Omicron they think) and both used Ivermectin which they had sourced from India plus Vitamin D and Zinc. Both had a few days of feeling unwell, my cousin with bad stomach cramps (not diarrhoea ) and lingering fatigue. They recovered without the jab or the second jab or the booster and are very happy to have done so.
Sophia8 hr agoLiked by Jeff Childers
“…there are no studies as no one has ever been foolish enough to try it before!” So true. If only the commercial media bothered to do some real journalism, they’d have plenty of stories from speech therapists talking about the dumpster fire they’re seeing in patients now.
Writer Daniel Horowitz recently posted a message on Twitter that his speech therapist sister sent to him. It’s horrifying what she is seeing in little kids. The quote from his sister is:
“The speech issues I see with three and four year olds that have been masked I’ve never seen before in 22 years. So much low muscle tone, drooling, unusual articulation errors on early developing sounds…This kid’s whole mouth area was chapped from the drool accumulated around the mask. She can’t achieve lip closure for the B M and P sounds because her lips are so chapped. Even if the kids were not masked, all of the adults are masked, and the children can’t see the oral motor movements made by the adults. They don’t know that to produce a B sound the lips have to come together. One child today didn’t realize that you have to put your tongue behind your teeth to produce a T sound. This is a typically developing child in all other areas. These types of articulation errors are usually seen with children who have neurological impairments or syndromes with associated speech and language impairments. I’ve never had so many referrals in my life for young healthy children with such severe articulation impairments.” (Link:
It’s horrifying what they’ve done to children.
Absolutely frightening. If these conditions occurred under different circumstances, the parents would be investigated by child services.
Now, not so much, because Covid.
Is the ACE 2 receptor the point of access for said Corona virus?
Variants of Covid have as many as 13 entry points. Delta and earlier variants used ACE2 predominantly.
Omicron has apparently shifted more to TMPRSS2.
Many years in medicine and some experience with medical research suggests this practice is widespread and longstanding. Ancel Keys work on demonising dietary fat whilst promoting carbohydrates has enabled statin prescription for hyperlipidaemia to become a trillion dollar industry. For decades, any researchers aiming to challenge the zeitgeist were sidelined and pilloried.
More recently, the medicalisation of personality traits (“shyness”morphs into social anxiety disorder for example) has led to an explosion in prescription of of antidepressants- often more expensive, newer drugs, where frequently, lifestyle modifications are more effective.
A large proportion of medical practitioners, possibly the majority, are likely unaware that this occurs. I suspect the mainstream media are likewise unaware, though commercial and political pressures are also major factors in what is reported. How then is the general public able to make an informed decision regarding Covid treatment?
Hi Jo
“How to design a study to fail to create bad PR on Ivermectin: Plus a lesson in white lies from the Wall Street Journal”
That can be taken as “failing to create bad PR on IVM
A suggested rejigging of that title –
“How to design a study to fail – to create bad PR on Ivermectin: Plus a lesson in white lies from the Wall Street Journal
Thanks Joe,
Can i suggest a punctuation mark in the title so it does not read “How to create a sudy to fail to create bad PR…….
I had to read it several times
Thanks. Yes, too much in one line. Good point.
This needs to get to Breitbart and soon!
“Study: ‘No Indication’ Ivermectin Is ‘Clinically Useful’ Against Coronavirus
Excess deaths raise questions about COVID-19 vaccines
Correlation or coincidence?
By Editorial Board – The Washington Times – Sunday, March 20, 2022
Americans are hearing they need another dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. The news is as unwelcome as an annoying jingle that keeps repeating unbidden in the brain. It is also puzzling since the pandemic and its attendant panic are subsiding. Before submitting for another jab — and another and another — the nation’s medical establishment should come clean on what it knows about troubling spikes in death that have followed recurring waves of frightened citizens crowding pharmacies for their turn to get vaccinated.
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla told CBS’ “Face the Nation” a week ago the three-dose vaccine his company has manufactured “is good enough — actually quite good for hospitalizations and deaths.” Protection against variants like omicron is short-lived, though, and “it is necessary, a fourth [dose] for right now,” he said.
There are certain effects associated with the Pfizer shot and the similarly formulated Moderna injection that raise questions — sometimes described darkly as “vaccine hesitancy” — among reasonable individuals.
One anomaly that fairly shouts for attention arises from a graphic published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showing dramatic surges in the excess death rate among Americans of the 25-44 age group during the pandemic.
Concerned citizens with analytical skills have observed a fluctuating pattern to these coronavirus deaths and have searched for clues to explain it. Former BlackRock portfolio manager Edward Dowd noticed a 36% death rate rise between November 2020 and February 2021 when the vaccines debuted, a much sharper spike between August and December 2021 when government-ordered vaccine mandates mushroomed and, most recently, a 42% hike during the first two months of 2022 when Americans were urged to get the third-dose boosters.
“The millennial generation experienced 61k excess death in the second half of 2021,” wrote Mr. Dowd in a March 10 tweet clearly crafted to roil vaccine orthodoxy. “That is a Vietnam War event. Death by government mandates … we call this democide.”
Correlation is not necessarily causation, but a seemingly recurrent interrelationship between inoculation and death within a relatively robust age cohort suggests that Mr. Dowd is eying a statistical nugget that requires a full accounting.
More detail in Robert F Kennedy Jr’s book “The Real Anthony Fauci.”
[…] How to design a study to fail, and create bad PR for Ivermectin: Plus a lesson in white lies from th… […]
[…] parts of the world where patients are also fighting parasitic infections. Not to be denied, Jo Nova took a look at how the study was set up and came to the conclusion that it was intentionally…. Note that the paper has not yet been published. Among other things, she found the […]