If this isn’t a moment of reckoning for Project America — what is?
Ponder what kind of acid is slowly spreading through the facade of the major institutions of the US civilization.
Last week, The New York Times quietly admitted the Hunter Biden Laptop-from-Hell was real. The laptop was announced to the world three critical weeks before the US 2020 election. It should have been one of the hottest election scandals in history — bigger than Watergate. Instead, with one voice, and no questions asked, nearly every media outlet immediately knew it was a “Russian fake”.
Now a week later the polls are showing that most of the voters believe the President is implicated, that it’s a very important story, and half of America thinks Trump would have won if the media had told the full story of the Hunter Biden Laptop and the evidence on it.
Two-thirds of Americans say Hunter Biden laptop ‘important’ story: poll
— Emily Crane, New York Post
Of 1,000 US voters polled by Rasmussen Reports, 66% believe the laptop story is important and 48% percent say it is “very important,” according to the survey published Thursday.
The poll found 65% of voters believe it is “likely” President Biden was consulted about — and potentially even profited from — his son’s foreign deals. By contrast, 28% say it’s unlikely Biden was involved in Hunter’s business dealings at all.
Most shockingly, the Rasmussen survey revealed that almost half of Americans (48%) believe Trump would have won a second term if the media had fully reported on the laptop’s revelations rather than ignoring and attempting to suppress them.
The FBI had the lap top for at least ten months and said nothing while the Democrats picked the oldest, corruptest candidate they could find.
Everything is broken
Not only was the son of the Vice President selling US policy for family favours, but America’s supposed historic Masthead of Record had covered up for the crooks, deceived the public, and withheld the full story, and so had most of the other newspapers and chat shows, and worse, so had the FBI. National security was for sale, domestic security was a bomb crater, the media and the FBI were effectively rigging the election outcome for their own agendas, and currently half of the nation thinks the wrong guy is President.
These are the moments in history when soldiers wonder what they are risking their lives for. If there is no reckoning — the US, the whole West, risks a phase change from “high trust” to low trust — when everyone knows everyone else is on the take — a whole cohort of honest people flip in the middle — and bribes for business become the norm, not the exception.
It doesn’t have to be this way. But justice must be done.

The Laptop from Hell will end up exposing corruption — not just in the highest offices of government but the media and intelligence agencies too.
The White House can’t just wash away the stink of Hunter Biden’s laptop
Miranda Devine, The New York Post
…the dam is about to burst, as more Americans learn about the scandal and draw negative conclusions about Biden’s integrity.
An exclusive Rasmussen poll obtained by The Post shows a staggering 65% of voters believe it is “likely” that Joe Biden was involved in — and may have profited from — his son Hunter’s overseas business deals; 48% say it is “very likely.”
…as a grand jury in Delaware moves closer to potentially indicting Hunter, 52, over alleged tax evasion, money laundering and violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, pressure is mounting on the president finally to explain his role in the international influence-peddling scheme run by his son and his brother Jim Biden while he was vice president.
The laptop, along with evidence provided by Hunter’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski, and Treasury documents provided to a Senate inquiry, reveal millions of dollars flowing to the Biden family and associates from dubious foreign sources, including three flashpoint countries vital to US national security: Russia, Ukraine and China.
One of the few to report it accurately was The Post, which was promptly blocked from Twitter during the last two crucial election weeks. But hey, Jack Dorsey admitted it was “wrong” and reversed it — after most of the postal votes were sent in.
The last question, is the NY Times admitting this now because the court is about to indict Hunter, and they didn’t want to look silly, or are they paving the way for his replacement?
h/t Fuel Filter, Honk R Smith, Old Ozzie, PeterS, another Ian.
Let’s face reality. Nothing is going to be done about given the corruption is rampant and all the way to the top. It’s left to the people to decide what to do about it, such as at the mid-term elections and beyond. Trouble is things are moving very fast now.
This might be an actual “unprecedented tipping point” rather than the make believe ones we usually hear about.
The whole swirling mess of the Brandon Administration makes the Trump years look quite stable and productive now the hysterical Russia! goggles have had to be removed.
Interesting times.
The svamp know that neither Biden or Harris will win the next President election. So they must leave. The soner the better.
So Impeachment in the USA is on the table for Clinton’s intern humidor behaviour, and completely fictional chinese whisper with Trump, but Biden is innocent? I guess Biden’s legal advice would be “Unfit for trial” due to his manifest dementia. Is Biden as demented as he seems? Does he occasionally get jabbed with a very powerful Nootropic to simulate a mented state for 45 minutes or so. (remember the G-man jabbing Hillary when she had her bizarre movements/ severe dystonia?).
I remember Hillary having dystonia and collapsing several times, but not the injection.
Given the previous incidents it is remarkable how well Hillary looks now. Usually these illnesses progress.
Indeed. Very curious.
I recall there was a doubt about a Steven Hawking double. Maybe the Clinton is not the original Clinton. AOC seems to be a Puppet, and Biden appears be controlled. Who know how politics works in the USA or that matter in Canada.
Impeachment will be coming for Biden after a Red Tsunami hits Congress in November.
Honestly, I’m not a fan of the party in power using impeachment as a political cudgel, but after the Democrats impeached Trump twice, I can’t see any scenario where the Republicans restrain themselves. The precedent has been set. I predict impeachment, even multiple impeachments, will become de rigeur for every President from this point forward.
The little conspiracy theorist hiding in my head is telling me it’s likely by January 2023 that the US will be at war. Congress can’t impeach the POTUS and VPOTUS if the country is at war.
Why not?
We need an impeachment farce as much as we need President Harris 🙂
… speak of the Devil.
Republicans are already discussing impeachment after the midterms. Not for the Hunter-related corruption stuff, but for abdication of his duty to enforce border security. IMO, that charge has some legs, as there is ample evidence the Biden administration doing everything it can to make it harder for Border Patrol and ICE to do their jobs.
If Biden is “Unfit for trial” then he is “Unfit to be President”. That legal angle works both ways.
I remember the FBI using as evidence that something like 100 000 tweets that were retweeted 600 000 times (which were mostly pro Bernie Sanders) as evidence of Russian interference, despite the evidence suggesting extremely low readership.
Using the same standards, it has to be off with their heads.
This whole thing about a manufactured war in Ukraine to make Biden look real statesman like in the lead ups. Hunter, Joe dad and all the presidents corrupt men. What exactly is a conspiracy theory anyway?
The real problem is the corrupt media. The New York Times and the Washington Post are as trustworthy as the Völkischer Beobachter, the required reading for all Germans 1933 – 1945. When “official” sources lie to us, we don’t believe anything. “Fact checking” is even more corrupt.
Thanks Jo for this important update on this old story that should’ve been an explosive vote changer before the 2020 election.
I included all of the Biden family’s scandals and corruption at Don Aitkin’s blog before the last US election and I must admit I still can’t believe how this didn’t stop the Biden donkey winning in 2020.
Sure we know this was covered up by much of their corrupt MSM the FBI and online, but FOX news covered it widely and Miranda Devine was interviewed a number of times at FOX and she didn’t hold back with her allegations.
I think Trump or some other wealthy individuals or groups have to create another reliable online site that will pursue these corrupt con merchants until they are charged in the courts.
And the sooner the better.
I don’t recall any news of the laptop on the local media either. Makes you wonder what else they might be hiding. We know that the climate debate is over since the warmists say so and never does a “journalist” ask a question of anyone proclaiming climate doom. No one ever asks a climate “scientist” why their last fifteen predictions failed. Most media is moving on from Labor bullying but just wait if a Coalition member looks askance at a “woman”. The media just cannot be trusted at all.
It seems that Biden can sometimes tell the truth whether by accident or otherwise.
Remember when he said “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”?
A most unlikely truthful media and journalists might not have been enough to offset Biden’s 81 million IT manufactured votes.
he has “truth social”
Wonder for how long we’ll be living in the wake of swamp draining begun by Trump.
I am going out on a limb here, but:
NYT did not start correcting their false coverage of the laptop from hell…..until Russia invaded Ukraine…hummmmmm. Is that the point in having a demented death rattle for President(h/t to Jimmy Dore) and botching the Afganistan withdrawl so badly……perhaps intentionally… to project weakness. Look at the coordination and speed of propaganda coverage and the west acting like a synchronised swimming team. Since when have you seen all of the western nations do that….almost as if they saw it comming and shared a script ahead of time. Now that the objective (war with somebody) has been achieved, time for ole Joe to go. Problem is you have Horrible Harris and then ancient Pelosi to follow the constitional ascention protocal. Bit of a sticky wicket there. My guess is a Chinese invation of Taiwan would have been the same trigger to get rid of ole Joe.
Just my 2 cents!
The deep state mob run the US, full stop. I knew most of Jo’s story about September/October, 2020 from good conservative websites. However, like many Australians, the Americans don’t believe anything unless it on the ABC or other pathetic MSM. Sheep for the slaughter really.
” Americans don’t believe anything unless it (is) on . . . ”
Official results claim that 74,216,154 votes were recorded for Trump.
At least a few of these voters must not believe the pathetic MSM!
And some of us don’t watch, read, or otherwise pay attention to the MSM.
Note that the official USA population is around 330 million then exclude about 30 million+ as kids still leaves a big gap.
As if Biden’s puppeteers haven’t destroyed America enough, now they are making him warn of food shortages.
Tim Pool comments: https://youtu.be/8uBxPQE8N7Q
Daily Mail article: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10649439/Biden-warns-food-shortages-going-real-Ukraine-invasion.html
Perhaps the real reason Russia wants Ukraine is that they are aware the world is cooling and they want some warmer agricultural land to feed their people. Expect China to do similar and for the same reason.
Putin and others (such as Kirill, the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church) believe the Ukraine (note the subtle use of the word “the”) is part of “Mother Russia” or their wording is “Ruskii mir” (Russian world).
In the USA, there is an area often called the great plains – not Great Plain – meaning it is part of the USA, not a separate country.
Putin, Patriarch Kirill, and others believe part of their Ruskii mir (also Russkiy Mir) is corrupted by Western values and habits and needs to be reunited and cleansed of these transgressions.
Ukraine has been happy to sell food to other countries. The top exports of Ukraine (2020) are Corn ($4.77B), Seed Oils ($3.75B), Iron Ore ($3.36B), Wheat ($3.11B), and Semi-Finished Iron ($2.55B), exporting mostly to Russia ($4.69B).
President Trump probably would have still won the election fraudulently altered against him by shear weight of numbers if Americans had been allowed to know about the laptop. A huge number of Democrat voters would have changed their vote had they known about the laptop and other scandals.
*sheer not shear, an unnoticed spelling check alteration.
Whatever, Joe would have polled ninety million votes had needs been.
Mr. Serp: Indeed, the laptop story would have tipped so many votes to Trump that PA, MI, GA, WI and others woulda had to keep counting for several more days. From what I’ve seen, dems in cities would have done whatever it took to get Joe and Kamala in. Dems knew the press would not report it no matter what. I watched it in slow motion.
Now the Hunter story is ready to break open?! Based on what we’ve seen, IMO Hunter (having paid the IRS) will be quietly pled to some misdemeanor tax beef; and the “investigation” will drop all other matters in a way that’ll make it impossible for later admins to charge anything. Pres will announce the “exoneration”, and Jen Psaki will gaslight those folks who “tried to exploit the fake news Hunter laptop story” or the like. Anybody think the DOJ and FBI would deliver that kind of hit to Pres Brandon?
Yeah.. sold us down the river…
Yes. Also, what do you think Hunter Biden selling his “masterpieces” for up to US$500,000 a piece is all about? An untrained, inexperienced and untalented “artist”. Even art experts agree that it’s unprecedented for unknown artists to sell their first art for that amount of money.
It’s the same how Bill Clinton got paid US$300,000 for a one hour talk when his wife was Secretary of State.
Disguised bribes is what it is.
I always thought it strange. Maybe its just another way to launder illegal money and to ensure that the big guy gets his 10%.
Before Biden left office in 2016, his combined income with his wife, Jill Biden, sat under $400,000 at $396,456. Between 2017 to 2019, Jill and Joe amassed over $16 million in wealth.
His salary as a senator was $140,000 pa.
Further down the rabbit hole…
There WILL be a reckoning
And, from Judicial Watch…
A new study released by Judicial Watch this week has uncovered potential widespread election fraud in Texas. According to the report, 33 counties across Texas have voter registration rates that exceed 100%, meaning there are more registered voters than eligible citizens.
This is a clear sign of election fraud, and it must be addressed immediately. The integrity of our election process is at stake, and we cannot allow this kind of fraud to go unchecked.
Perhaps Minority leader of the house, Kevin McCarthy isn’t altogether useless…
It is hard to believe that there will be any real consequences; as the same alliance of corrupt interests that buried the scandal before the 2020 election will now shift to undermining any attempt at accountability. Which doesn’t mean that it won’t be used to justify jettisoning Biden, but once whatever comes next is in place the focus will return to shutting it all down. The tentacles from something like this probably run very deep and my guess is that there are two many significant people who would be exposed if it all came out. You only have t look at what the Clintons have gotten away with to see how it works. This will be no different.
One more…
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Wednesday threw out Wisconsin state legislative maps that were preferred by the state’s Democratic governor and selected by Wisconsin’s top court, a win for Republicans that also makes it unclear what the boundaries will be for the fall election.
EXCLUSIVE: Leaked Emails From Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer Reveal Voter Fraud Concerns Before 2020 Election
Arizona is my adopted State
The media is hiding that the FBI spied on the future President on orders from contender Hillary Clinton. It’s vastly more serious than Watergate because they used the FISA act, FBI staff including the head of the FBI, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and the Fake Steele Dossier directly funded by Clinton to violate the Fourth Amendment right to privacy and State surveillance of a private citizen accused of no crime. And lied on oath that they had corroborated the fake Steele dossier.
“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated”
And hid both Clintons involvement with Jeffrey Epstein. And most of the Clinton’s private lives. Democrat leaders and their lives are not to be touched, but Republicans are attacked with the full force of the State, legal or not. And the media is in full agreement.
It is very relevant today not only as major crimes and a blatant violation of Donald Trump’s Consitutional rights which has gone unreported and unpunished, but also because the only brake on the CIA and the FBI is the US Constitution. The Constitution is ultimately interpreted by the US Supreme Court, an institution which Biden’s White House is actively seeking to undermine. The current Biden ultra progressive nominee will express no opinion on proposed court stacking while she is clearly pretending to be a conservative judge, against all the facts.
It’s vastly more serious than Watergate because they used the FISA act, FBI staff including the head of the FBI, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and the Fake Steele Dossier directly funded by Clinton to violate the Fourth Amendment right to privacy and State surveillance of a private citizen accused of no crime. And lied on oath that they had corroborated the fake Steele dossier.
More serious than Watergate! I guess we can expect a book on it then, can’t we? Waiting … waiting … still waiting …
Remember Nixon saying the Bohemian Grove ritual was the gayest thing he’d ever seen?
Remember the Trilaterals and CFRs ditching Carter once they realized he actually meant what he said and wasn’t reading from the script?
Just a reminder …
wasn’t just the FBI.
(“Hid” … generous … as in “Mom, maybe the cookies are gone, and there are cookie crumbs on my shirt, but you are a conspiracy theorist”, kind of hiding.)
The C, and some of the other alphabets, deserve dishonorable mention.
They provided emotional support.
Soft couping is draining, emotional support is really important.
BTW, I hear Alice Springs is nice.
Yes, 600 miles of desert in any direction. In summer, the average maximum temperature is in the mid 40 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit). Population 25,000. Perfect to get away from it all. And one place on earth which will survive nuclear armageddon.
Recently subject to flooding, which is amazing as the almost permanently dry river beds filled suddenly. And while dead flat, at an altitude of 545 metres (1600 feet) you are safe from rapid sea rise.
Except it is only 27km from the Australia and US operated Joint Defence Facility Pine Gap (JDFPG), a likely nuclear target.
It is cold at night in the winter. We were camping there years ago and woke up to heavy frost all over the tent (we had been advised to take warm bedding!). Layers and layers of clothes gradually shed as the day warmed up to about 27C.
You wonder how the air will retain heat and heat the oceans when it cannot retain heat for a day. The very basis of man made Global Warming is that the air retains heat. What controls the world are the oceans which do retain all the impinging heat, stay the same temperature and do not radiate all their heat away. And are stuffed full of CO2 so that they control the world’s CO2.
The other “thing” about Alice Springs is the whole place is really close to the night sky. The most spectacular star show anywhere. Pollution free atmosphere makes nights camping out well worth rugging up just to gaze upwards in absolute amazement. Down side though is there is the occasional mouse plague. Little buggers eat everything. Water bags back in the day ( 60 odd years ago) hung on bits of wire still got eaten though.
Never had the mouse invasion around Alice but it sure can get cold at night in our winter .
Floods in Alice Springs. Water in the river is going to ruin the annual Henley-on-Todd Regatta.
“or are they paving the way for his replacement”
That’s a good question !!!!
Putting a dementia patient in charge, and with a “ready to go” removal button when you’re looking to do the switch to the intended replacement. That’s what I’ve been thinking since the laptop story broke, was covered up, and Biden was “elected”. But Kamala ???. She can only giggle on cue and seems devoid of any intelligence, perhaps even worse than Biden with dementia. I can’t see Kamala taking over as POTUS for any length of time, so perhaps there is another plan that remains hidden. Maybe Biden steps down and a new VP is nominated and then Kamala steps down to hand control to the new VP. If this is the plan, then the dumping of Biden and selection of the new VP will happen quite soon, because a new VP selection is done by a vote from both houses and to wait beyond November would risk the Democrats losing their majority control.
I stated not long after the stolen election that perhaps the Dems didn’t actually WANT to win the WH. After all, they were encouraging Burn Loot Murder and antifa to destroy entire swathes of cities and were champing at the bit for Trump to ‘invade’ the States with Federal troops for a reason.
I wondered if the plan was to force his hand during his second term so they (the Dems) could arrest him for treason and take over govt.
But somebody saw the massive swing in Trump’s favour and reacted to make it very obvious the election was being stolen and then the Dems were stuck with the 2 most incompetent people they could possibly have had.
Back then I said maybe what they wanted was as you say – remove Biden on 25A grounds (competency) and Harris nominates Clinton as VP and Clinton promptly 25A’s Harris to become PotUS.
The problem they have is they never realised HOW incompetent Harris actually is and now they’re running an Agnew on her, making it impossible for her to ebcome PotUS so they somehow have to limp along with Biden until they can get someone else in place to step in.
Those that pushed for Kamala knew her well and they must have known she was a complete dud. The only reasoning for he choice must have been to secure more of the black and coloured vote. The only other conclusion is that the people behind these decisions wanted to take the entire system down, knowing that having these people in charge would facilitate a total collapse and the great reset.
Top of the list of drop in replacements for a black female is probably Michelle Obama. Competancy isn’t a necessary criteria. They select by skin tone and crutch characteristics. Except for the head honcho – that role needs to be an empty headed inconsequential puppet for manipulation by the string pullers.
It is a telling sign of the depth of corruption that almost nobody on either wing of the uniparty has much at all to say about the state of corruption in the US government. I speculate that those silent are fearful that government agencies will rightly or wrongly come for them next.
And as a small part of the corruption of world affairs, readers of this blog are still looking for a renaissance of actual science. In my estimation the corruption begins with government funding for politically useful “research”.
Short of especially egregious agitprop from the usual suspects that will just about do me for today.
President Eisenhower warned against it in 1961.
President Trump is onto it;
The concern about President Trump’s lawsuit is that most judges are now Deep State.
The US is not quite there yet, but if there are further fraudulent elections at the mid-terms and then in 2024, I think there will be a trigger for patriotic Americans to invoke the reason they were guaranteed exercise of their Second Amendment rights by the founding fathers.
Quite so David. Now read the highlighted section from the perspective of somebody who uses Orwell’s 1984 as a how to guide.
Let’s imagine the US gets to the stage where the people wish to alter or abolish government and to institute a replacement.
There is absolutely no guarantee that the bad guys aren’t planning on doing exactly that. The catch is that the bad guys are evil enough to create a replacement government in their own image. Police states are always popular with those who are doing the enforcing.
It is at times like this that the true conservative mind works very hard to identify which bits are broken and which are not because if it ain’t broke then don’t fix it.
ABC did their best effort to discredit the laptop story back in 2020.
Wonder if they will soon publish an apology? A retraction? Anything?
Nice pick up Tel.
The American press always tries to scamper back over to “neutral” right before campaigning starts for the next federal election. We vote again in November, and so they’re going to do a few months of “fair” before getting back on Team Democrat.
>”The New York Times quietly admitted the Hunter Biden Laptop-from-Hell was real”
NYT unpainting themselves from the corner they painted themselves into.
Gets worse:
Epic! Candace Owens Calls Out New York Times — Uses their Own Words Against Them in Brutal Takedown
Now NYT has to untangle this tangled web they’ve weaved.
Newsweek saw fit to publish the following opinion piece but I think that due to a 2013 change of ownership to IBT Media they are now more of a facts-oriented, less Leftist publication.
Burying the Hunter Biden Laptop Story Was Journalistic Malpractice | Opinion
Re Hunter Biden’s Ukraine e-mails (as per NYP page).
Did a deep dive this morning. The MSM would have everyone believe that Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky’s story is akin to a comedian’s obscurity to people’s President fairytale – not so:
It All Comes Together: Hunter, Burisma, Kolomoisky, Zelensky and the “Children Burned Alive in Donetsk”
How One Ukrainian Billionaire Funded Hunter Biden, President Volodymyr Zelensky, And The Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion
Oligarchs Weaponized Cyprus Branch of Ukraine’s Largest Bank to Send $5.5 Billion Abroad
OCCRP – Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project
To put this in perspective, according to OCCRP, Kolomoisky is accused of embezzling $5.5 billion through a PrivatBank subsidiary in Cyprus, “an amount roughly equal to 5 percent of the country’s gross domestic product” and “33 percent of the population’s deposits” and “40 percent of our country’s monetary base”.
Helpfully aided by the IMF – and British Virgin Islands (BVI), St. Kitts and Nevis, Pointex Sale in the UK, Luxembourg’s East-West United Bank, Bank Winter in Austria, East-West United in Luxembourg, PrivatBank Latvia, and Swiss banks UBS, Union Bancaire Privee, and Credit Suisse.
Meanwhile, in Bidenflation-ridden USA, life is good for Hunter Biden and wife Melissa Cohen (well, Melissa at least given the impending indictment of Hunter maybe).
That’s if you can escape to Brazil with Govt security:
Hunter Biden’s Wife Vacations at Ipanema Beach in Brazil with Six Secret Service Agents in Tow
“The Hypocrisy of Biden Speaking About Democracy vs Autocracy in Poland is Choking When Contrast Against Western Govt Behavior During COVID
March 25, 2022 | Sundance | 149 Comments”
Yeah, Nah – not going to happen
If you wish hard enough, the alternative facts will appear.
The reason is that until you have some left leaning news demanding the same as the far right news, this is a minor, inconsequential story
Yes, leftist MS can ignore all sorts of treasonous and corrupt activity of their masters.
As you say.. honesty and integrity are highly unlikely from the standard leftist.
As you keep showing us all, its not, and never will be, something they are capable of.
The UK Mail is running with the story.
Canada – more lies
EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Bio Firm Partnered With Ukrainian Researchers ‘Isolating Deadly Pathogens’ Using Funds From Obama’s Defense Department.
The U.S. President’s son was instrumental in funding a firm conducting pathogen and anthrax research in Ukrainian biolabs.
Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners (RSTP) – a subsidiary of the Hunter Biden and Christopher Heinz-founded Rosemont Capital – counted both Biden and Heinz as managing directors. Heinz is the stepson of former U.S. Secretary of State and current Climate czar John Kerry.
Amongst the companies listed on archived versions of the RSTP’s portfolio is Metabiota – an ostensibly San Francisco-based company that purports to detect, track, and analyze emerging infectious diseases.
Financial reports reveal that RSTP led the company’s first round of funding in 2015, which amounted to $30 million. Former managing director and co-founder of RSTP Neil Callahan – a name that also appears many times on Hunter Biden’s hard drive – sits on Metabiota’s Board of Advisors alongside former Clinton official Rob Walker who discussed, in another unearthed Hunter Biden hard drive e-mail, reaching out to the Obama Department of Defense with regard to Metabiota.
A feature in the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine’s (STCU) 2016 Annual Report recounts a “Trilateral Meeting with Ukraine, Poland, and the United States Regional Collaboration on Biological Security, Safety, and Surveillance.”
The article describes in particular an October 2016 meeting involving U.S. military officials and their Ukrainian counterparts discussing “cooperation in surveillance and prevention of especially dangerous infectious diseases, including zoonotic diseases in Ukraine and neighboring countries.”
In attendance were representatives from the Biden-linked Metabiota, roughly one year after Hunter’s investment funds put cash into the company. Attendees also included:
US Department of Defense [Defense Threat Reduction Agency] (DTRA) (K. Garrett, G. Braunstein, W. Sosnowski, and J. Wintrol);
Black & Veatch and Metabiota corporations (D. Mustra, Dr. M. Guttieri, S. Anderson, T. Borth and others);
Curtis “BJ” Bjelajac, Executive Director, and Vlada Pashynska, Senior Specialist represented the STCU.
There’s 1900 comments under that Daily Mail article. Main points:
2nd top up-voted comment (1616 votes):
Crickets of course – which tells you all you need to know about the US legacy media.
>”There’s 1900 comments under that Daily Mail article”
Apologies. OldOzzie link was to The National Pulse article. I was referring to the following:
Daily Mail says “EXCLUSIVE” on 26 March 2022.
EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden DID help secure millions in funding for US contractor in Ukraine specializing in deadly pathogen research…
PUBLISHED: 26 March 2022
TGP were on to this 16 days earlier with “BREAKING EXCLUSIVE”:
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Firm Rosemont Seneca Invested in Firm Tied to Ukrainian Biolabs
By Joe Hoft
Published March 10 2022
Apparently TGP with 2.5 million daily readers doesn’t rate at Daily Mail with 2 million daily readers – but at least they got the story out.
The National Pulse “EXCLUSIVE” by Natalie Winters and Raheem Kassam was March 24 2022, trailing TGP by 14 days but ahead of the DM by 2.
Sure seems to be a lot of “EXCLUSIVE” articles on this story.
Thank you Richard!
The problem of Kamala could be solved using the current problem of Supreme Court nominee Jackson. Jackson has fumbled badly. Have her withdraw. Nominate Kamala for the Supreme Court on condition she resign first. Have Biden nominate a replacement VP. This keeps Nan Pelosi out of the White House in any eventuality — she’s even more unpopular and polarizing than Joe. Now impeach Joe Biden to remove him.
Democrats get to look statesman-like by removing a corrupt politician. Now the question is who to put in place as VP? I’d say they might all hold their collective nose and make it Hillary Clinton. Problem of terrible polling for next election solved!
Solves the VP problem unless the powers that be nominate Hillary or similar. Creates a Supreme Court problem by putting cackles on that august body FOR LIFE.
Appointing Hillary would be signing his own death sentence.
Maybe do it all in one hit if you pardon the expression.
On the same day Harris is approved for the supreme court, Biden’s people announce that with simultaneous effect Hillary is appointed as VP, Biden resigns, Hillary becomes P and its new VP is AOC.
If I can think up scenarios for a bloodless coup the people running the cabal in the US are more than capable.
Once it became clear the Democrats could not nominate Bernie, the problem was to nominate a VP who was unelectable, so Joe could not be deposed. Done. Now, they don’t know what to do.
I don’t know it will be pretty hard to come across as anti-corruption and wrap themselves in a morality flag by empowering the Clinton Crime Family. I think they are stuck with Kamala. I mean removing a black, Democrat Machine party gal, just because she is stoopid and incompetent goes against all their virtue signaling since the 1960s.
both biden and harris could be impeached(southern border invasion).After the mid terms install Trump as speaker.I got a miss me yet T shirt
The US now is like Venezuela. Anything goes. Biden son’s porno movies are set up by Russia, midnight vote tipping millions only for Bindi – nothing doing, abandoning 500mln worth of military hardware for terrorist is ok, withdrawing from Afghanistan in one day with people falling off the plains is ok too.
But Trump colluding with Russia was not ok. Who cares that it was a fake. Swamp is bigger than before . What chance anyone like Trump has to win in the new Venezuela?
Better shut up and cry to stop war in the Ukraine because this is bad for climate change. Never mind death, misery.
U own nothing and u will be happy about it.
The Deep State, the Never Trumpers, and the media always knew it was real. They had to cover it up because it would have made the upcoming Steal too hard of a sell. It didn’t cost Trump the election because he really won the election. The Lap top threatened to derail the Steal, though.
They are mendacious SOBs all. They lie about everything from climate change, to economics, to energy policy, to renewables, to EVs, to covid vaccines, to Ivermectin and other proven anti-virials, to international relations, and much, much, much, more. Don’t believe them.
There hasn’t been real journalists produced for a long time.
In Australia, I remember the scandal of 1979 or 1980 reported in the National Times at the time where journalism students had got into a highly sought after journalism course at University of Technology, Sydney and were run out of the course when the controlling academics told them the “journalism” course was heavily based on Marxism-Leninism and if they didn’t accept that they should leave.
Dozens of “preservation notices” sent to Biden officials preparing for sweeping investigations
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy told Breitbart that the preservation documents were being forwarded in anticipation of eventual subpoenas as Republicans have promised to investigate a number of Biden administration officials after the midterms.
In addition, McCarthy said House Republicans would be utilizing every committee to investigate alleged malfeasance across a number of government agencies as opposed to running everything through the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.
A decision tree – “are you a woman?”
I wonder how many copies of that a certain nominee gets sent?
What is a woman?
Besides being more in touch with reality than the New York Times and at least 50 of the upper echelon of the Intelligence (harr) establishment, I realized this week, after watching historic US Senate hearings, that I am also way ahead in understanding of both Science and Biology. (Almost ran out of commas.)
I have had an overwhelming interest in the identification and cataloguing of human female attributes since I can remember. It started in a coat closet in kindergarten, as I recall.
I can’t say that this intellectual journey has not be occasionally painful and expensive.
But I am willing to make myself available to the Academy and contribute to solving this great question of of our time.
G’day A I,
It was over 60 years ago that I had to learn a bit of biology, was introduced to the term “chromosome”, and discovered the X and Y ones which were supposed to determine our sex. And it was only much more recently that I realised that those same chromosomes were replicated in every cell of our bodies, not just our gonads.
No wonder we’re different.
Dave B
I see that Sundance fron the Conservative Treehouse has the same reaction I had to hearing about Putin vs “The Free World”:
There comes a time when a person has no more tongue to bite. Joe Biden speaking to U.S. troops in Poland about “democracies at an inflection” point in history, is jaw-dropping when you consider the behavior of every western government leader over the past two years.
Once again, Joe Biden, the same authoritarian who mandated that every American worker undergo a medical procedure in order to qualify as a person who might earn a living, sits atop his high-horse and pretends that western government leaders have some inherent claim to the protection of democracy.
Given their collective behavior over the past two years, the hypocrisy of this continued talking point is beyond outlandish.”
O/T but not far
“Here’s Who REALLY Won the War in Afghanistan”
As great as President Trump was, the Deep State and the embedment of the Left in all institutions, including the GOP itself, was even deeper than he had imagined.
I am beginning to wonder, even if he served his lawful second term, whether he could have routed out all the evil doers.
It would require multiple terms of successor presidents who were all equally committed as he was to get rid of the Deep State.
As great as President Trump was, the Deep State and the embedment of the Left in all institutions, including the GOP itself, was even deeper than he had imagined.
I am beginning to wonder, even if he served his lawful second term, whether he could have routed out all the evil doers.
It would require multiple terms of successor presidents who were all equally committed as he was to get rid of the Deep State.
This is a limiting actor for all conservative governments. The public service was captured by the Left years ago, in all western ‘democracies’ and it ensured that truly conservative leaders/governments can’t actually govern. The latest example her in Oz was Tony Abbott. His conservative agenda was stalled, watered down and blocked at every opportunity. This, combined with a nuclear-level attack from the MSM, along with non-cooperation or outright opposition from leftist world leaders, pretty much rendered him powerless.
Of course, Trump faced exactly the same problem. The only reason Morrison has survived this long is that he isn’t in fact a conservative but another leftist swamp creature playing the part of the token right wing PM. Nope.
Even if Trump has a second term, that would be his last and thereafter it would revert back to the self-destructive ways of the left or the neocons. It’s debatable as to who is the lesser evil. A comment I hear more often than before is that in the fight between good versus evil, we need to pick the side of lesser evil. See the contradiction? If we have to choose the side of lesser evil, it’s still evil and do it’s no a fight between good versus evil but one version evil versus another. That’s exactly the problem we are faced in choosing which major party to vote into majority power. By choosing the side of lesser evil we still have evil in power and so we end up losing.
Aloha! Isn’t it obvious yet? Hunter wants to get indicted and even spend a couple days in jail so his Dad can pardon him. Pile as many criminal offenses up as possible now so there is nothing left. Same goes for hillary and the rest. Get yourself indicted now so joe or kamala, if joe dies, can pardon you. The NYT is just following orders since all of them are members of davos.
Now the Biden family will have to contend with China as well as Russia. If Biden had any sense (unlikely) he would stop trying to start a war with both Russia and China.
China Backs Russia – they are All-In
“A perfectly good civilization is going to waste…” and this is a prime example of this waste. Hate to see my country going down the tubes, but I think this is irreversible. Empires always crash from within. The Cycle of History; the Roman Empire being a prime example. Not for linear thinkers. We have a few more years.
4 Big Takeaways From The New York Times’s Attempt To Control The Hunter Biden Narrative
A closer look at The New York Times’ reporting on Hunter Biden shows Biden’s team may be laying the groundwork ahead of an even bigger story.
There is much more to be gleaned from the Times’s article, though, including these four takeaways.
1. If the Laptop Is Legit, So Are the Scandals the Laptop Exposed
2. The Times’s Record of ‘Getting Ahead of the Story’ Suggests More Developments Are Coming
3. Prosecutors are Investigating Some Serious Stuff
4. Downplay the Charges, Build the Narrative, and Beta-Test the Defenses
As noted above, the Times’ preemptive countering of several hypothetical criminal charges indicates the leftist paper’s coverage of the Hunter Biden case seeks not to inform the public but to form a gentle narrative on which the president’s son can land when the expected indictment drops. Here it is not merely the many defenses the Times lays out, but the entirety of the article that also downplays the potential charges and paints the most sympathetic scenario possible for Hunter Biden.
Consider, for instance, the Times’s framing of Hunter Biden and his apparent pay-to-play scheme. “Hunter Biden is a Yale-educated lawyer,” the article notes early on, claiming that the “broader investigation” stems “from work he did around the world” that “intersected with his father’s public service.”
The Times also succeeded in presenting the Hunter Biden-Burisma scandal as one really about Trump, writing: “Hunter Biden’s work for Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian energy company, became a flashpoint in his father’s race in 2020 against President Donald J. Trump and helped set off the events that led to Mr. Trump’s first impeachment.”
Apparently, the Times will need another year or two before it can also acknowledge Donald Trump’s concern about Biden family corruption in Ukrainian was legitimate and that Trump’s impeachment was pure politics.
Until the Delaware U.S. attorney announces charges, if any, against Hunter Biden, it is impossible to know the criminal jeopardy the president’s son may face. But, given that when the Times reports on stories harmful to Democratic interests it proves prescient, odds are good that some serious charges are in the works.
Nothing will happen WRT Hunter. However, if it was Donald Trump’s son that left his laptop at a repair store……..
Beau Biden Foundation rakes in millions, spends fraction on kid programs
The Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children raked in $3.9 million in 2020, but spent only a fraction of that on its purported mission to help kids, The Post has learned.
The Delaware-based charity, which was started in honor of President Biden’s late son, got an infusion of $1.8 million from the Biden Foundation before that group shut down in 2020, according to the charities’ latest tax filings. The Biden Foundation was started by Joe Biden and his wife, Jill Biden, to champion “progress and prosperity for American families.”
The Beau Biden charity also took in $225,000 from entities tied to a top political donor and bundler to President Biden.
Despite the $2 million-plus windfall, the organization put only $544,961 in 2020 toward its stated purpose of protecting children from abuse, according to tax filings.
The charity spent a total of $932,865 that year, with a large chunk of it going to the six-figure salaries of Biden cronies who held executive jobs at the non-profit.
Patricia Dailey Lewis, who served as Delaware deputy attorney general under late AG Beau Biden, runs the non-profit and was paid $150,660 in 2020, including a $3,500 bonus.
Joshua Alcorn, a longtime Democratic operative and consultant on both Beau Biden’s and Joe Biden’s political campaigns, served as COO and was paid $131,437. He has since stepped down.
the Media Campaign to Protect Joe Biden Passes the Point of Absurdity
A development in the infamous laptop story further proves the “Russian Disinformation” tale was itself disinformation, shaming a herd of craven media stenographers
Matt Taibbi
Burying the lede just a bit, the New York Times on March 16th published a long, spirited piece about the federal tax investigation of Hunter Biden. This is the 24th paragraph:
In confirming that federal prosecutors are treating as “authenticated” the Biden emails, the Times story applies the final dollop of clown makeup to Wolf Blitzer, Lesley Stahl, Christiane Amanpour, Brian Stelter, and countless other hapless media stooges, many starring in Matt Orfalea’s damning montage above (the Hunter half-laugh is classic, by the way). All cooperated with intelligence officials to dismiss a damaging story about Biden’s abandoned laptop and his dealings with the corrupt Ukrainian energy company Burisma as “Russian disinformation.” They tossed in terms thought up for them by spooks as if they were their own thoughts, using words like “obviously” and “classic” and “textbook” to describe “the playbook of Russian disinformation,” in what itself was and still is a wildly successful disinformation campaign, one begun well before the much-derided (and initially censored) New York Post exposé on the topic from October of 2020.
Not to be petty, but — well, yes, let’s be petty, just a little, and point out that many of the people who were the most pompous about this story turned out to be the most wrong, including the conga line of Intercept editors and staffers who essentially knocked Glenn Greenwald all the way to Substack over the issue. There are more important things going on in the world, but for sheer bootlicking conformist excess and depraved journalist-on-journalist venom the “Russian disinformation” fiasco has no equal, and probably needs recording for posterity before it’s memory-holed via some creepy homage to Severance, or a next-gen algorithmic witch-hunt, or whatever other federally contracted monstrosities are being readied for deployment somewhere far up the anus of Silicon Valley. For comic relief, start with the Intercept:
It’s hard to decipher what are the real intentions of Biden et al. The laptop(s) might shine a light on the matter. In the meantime. they are coming after the Russians like a demented psychopath attacking an angry bear, and in the process are causing a massive shift in the world scene that can only lead ot a world war between the West and Russia and China, an possibly India (India knows of the anti ivermectin conspiracy). As Martin Armstrong stated below “All we can do is write to every political leader and DEMAND accountability for the Biden Administration is out to BUILD BACK BETTER, but that requires total destruction first.” What that means for us here in Australia is that both major parties have lost all credibility and can’t be trusted even one iota, but it’s all too late and so we too have to suffer total destruction. However, there is one last chance for us as we have a federal election very soon so if enough people are awake we could make a significant change to the political scene by making sure the balance of power in both houses of parliament are held by respectable minor parties who are on our side and not the side of the one or the other cabal of evil. It is unclear that will work but given the current crisis we are in, anything is worth a try. My dream is that Australia becomes the new Switzerland and doesn’t take sides but I know that’s unlikely to happen.
Capital Flows Confirm War is Coming!
The same people in media and Big Tech generally who lied about this just before the 2020 election are the same ones who have lied about the electoral fraud that was widespread during that election. They continue to run interference on that topic, and the January 6 committee is the fake news specialists who will try once again to run a bodgy election process for whatever reason they can come up with. Such as labelling all Republicans except their tame ones as “insurrectionists” or declaring a state of emergency in order to rewrite the voting laws again.
Everything is broken
There’s a Bob Dylan song to go with that:
Not everything. The rich elite have it all to themselves and it’s about to get better for them and worse for us…
Biden Out to Destroy the US Financial Markets
After they have wrecked our economies, they will make even more money by collecting the profits made by shorting the markets.